1959-02-05, [P ]
THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO, FEB. 5. 1959—13 Buying a Car? ... BUY IN CHARDON! Farinacci Buick If you plan to buy a car , . demand the finest BUICK — OLDSMOBILE Rout 6 - Just East of Chardon AV 5-2137 an automobile from a . CHARDON i 1957 DeSOTO Convertible, solid white Auto Dealer 1956 CHEVROLET 4-dr sedan where you can be fully 1956 BUICK assured of Satisfaction . Super, 2-dr hardtop (Justomer Satisfaction — 1957 OLDSMOBILE . builds community confidence which is more important to 88 station wagon. * Sales Satisfaction Chardon area’s automobile dealers than volume sales. Depen dable deals with service less than minutes away, are the key stones to contented customers. 1954 BUICK You get all these at prices identical with those you see 4-dr., sedan. * Service Satisfaction advertised at “Sharpie’s Sales and Service” in a downtown lo cation. Prices posted on windows of our new cars prove we - - and you - - pay no more in Chardon. * Customer Satisfaction Follow your friends to your neighborhood dealer, where you get sales, service, AND SATISFACTION. Spear Motor Sales DeSoto — Studebaker Lark International Trudes Rt. 6 - Just East of Chardon AV 6-4170 I T'jI /. rt". I 1957 CHEVROLET 4-dr, hardtop, radio, heater, power glide, very nice con dition. 1953 STUDEBAKER V-8, hardtop, radio, heater, automatic drive. 1958 STUDEBAKER SCOTSMAN ■ ... .. 2-dr, station wagon IS 1957 FORD An interior view of the large service department at Farinacci Buick-Oldsmobile on Route 6, just east of Chardon. By employing skilled 2-dr, V-8, radio, heater, 18,000 miles craftsmen using the latest up-to-date repair methods plus the use of authorized parts Farinacci Buick insures you of trouble - free automobile performance.
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