Radio from Lon­ Lb

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Radio from Lon­ Lb •>. PAGE ETGHTEE!! JfflancbfBtpr" lEitpnina ffipralb A b o u t T o w n • ■ The executive board and mem­ bers of the Ladles of St. Jamea will meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the Burke Funeral Home, 87 E. Center VOL. LXXIX, NO. 125 S t, to pay final respect* to Frank G. Balkner, whope wife Is a mem­ ^ o o d /V e ^ ber of the organization. t i r e s A winterset ball will be spon­ Rights Fight Pushed Meg to W ed sored by the Guild of Our Lady of St. Bartholomew's parish Satur­ FREE PARKING day from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the a chicken in every pot Court Aide, Manchester Country Club. Music -IN REAR'DF STORE ff'. will be provided by Paul Lander- Buv 1 or a dozen fresh chicken leg's' at this Dixie Senators man’s orchestra. The dance Is open . And every cjfiicken should be fresh, plump, lender . low price. It’s o.k. to freeze these freshly cut Q ueen Says to the general public. a bird to make your mouth water. That’s the kind you find legs. Covenant Men will meet at the at Pinehurst no maiter when you order a chicken. Fresh- SELECTED LARGE , London, Feb. 26 (4>)—Prin-j Covenant Congregational Church from-the-farm flavftr and no-knife tenderness. cess Margaret,- the Queen’s! 3 DAY SELL-A-BRATION tdmorrow at 6:30 p.m. Police Chief 29-year-old sister, is engaged James Reardon will discuss "Po­ 61 in Rio Mid-Air lice Activities in Manchester."- Chicken Legs WnBhincrlnti Fph 2B f^Pl-s-l'Would b« "a member of the South- 'to>iparry Anthony Armstrong- . m I l !•-"em team;’" hptfHnpbattling the CivilOvil RiehURighU Jones, a photographer for the! TODAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY The Senate today backed the St. Bridget’s Rosary 8pciety ,will Buy your farm Tender clean no pin Bill. * I roval court. (OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:00) sponsor a dinner and dance Satur­ idea of round-the-clock ses Senate leaders have announced betrothal was announced to- day from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the fresh poultry at feathers. sions beginning Monday —- they plan round-the-clock night at Clarence House the Prin- 23 Survive next week In an effort to force a London home. - KofC Home Tony O'Bright’s orch­ Pinehurst old fash­ Fryers asked by leaders in an effort 3 Survive, estra. will provide music for danc­ ioned up to date to break a Southern filibuster vote on civil rights measures. Queen Elizabeth II and her hus- LEAP AT THESE $AVING$! ing. ^ Broilers Robertson’s announcement PHnee Philip, were said by Service Meat De­ Small Roasters against civil rights legislation.- brought a comrnendation from Sen. | ^ spokesman at Buckingham Pal- Disaster ou partment . at A vote of 67-10 defeated a Richard B. Russell (D-Ga). captain , "delighted because this is 25 B odies The Ladles of the Assumption Extra Large of the Southerner*. .such a happy match. " G-E REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER will sponsor a pre-Lenten card your service. Chas. Chicken Breasts motion that the Senate quit party tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the McCarthy, m e a t Chicken Livers work Monday at 5 p.m. In in­ (hln?a%irr‘Rua/elS"* ^ 'H.e announcement c o m « ^ Italian Graf t Assumption Church hall. Refresh­ manager, Tony direct fashion, this was sup­ Agreeing with that. Robertson ! over lour * R e c o v e re d ments will be served. B u y s e, Harry Chicken Wings port for the' leadership’s-an said the Ci vil righU proposals a re : , SHaljnon, Ireland, Feb. 26 ■ * *. lb. 20c Features- , The Board of Directors of Man­ Bently as.siste4 by Bounced plans to keep the Sen- I ” es^“‘'r'ha*ve consUtutional j 1 coll'isron'S a^U S (;P)^hattered wreckage lay chester Grirl Scoiits, Inc., will meet Dick Baxter, (Al­ Chi'cken Necks ate in continuous session. Ignvernment the Poit Office D e-'a divorced'man — broke up that, -The CoUlSlon of a U.&. ^Navy artioking across a rain-washed at the Girl Scout office Tuesday fred Wiegel is ex­ lb. 5c ^ ‘ipartment will not be of great value | romance. TownSend last December i.plane and 8 Brazilian airliner Irish cemetery and field today I at 7:45 p.m. , ' Washington, Feb. 26 (;P)— I to us.’’ He added that the same Is: married snother gu1>^.^ jn which 61 persons died left after an Italian airliner with * pected to return.,, Gizzards and Hearts true of the ’"reasury. j The princess and ^Ym^trong- I g tragic aftermath todav to Separate soon). Ib. 25c Southerners today adopt^ a 52 persons aboard crashed and A patrol workshop (or Girl new tactic^—delqying hearings 'Tbere are other southern Demo- ; jones—he is 29 too—first met-tyvo i F.isenhower’s tri- Scout leaders will be held Monday crats who manage some of the an- | y*arg ago In London at a Party. , . tr,Hnv tn Rfnvil exploded,'" scattering ' bodies from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Wood­ on an appropriation bill—in niial. appropriations- bills. Similar: "They have met continuously i ' 'Sit today to Brazil, “like 'a scene from Hell.” Freezer ruff hall at Center Congregational Snow White the bitter Senate battle over tactics by'all of them, plus s pro- 1 since that tim e'at-various places launches criss-crossed 'Twenty-six of those aboard th» . lb. 49c t, lb. 291- longed fight over civil rights, j g„d they have been together at Guanabara Bay o ft Rio, seeking 1 Church. .MUSHROOMS civil rights legislation. missing Ijo^ieS of those who died Alitalia Airliner were killed in GIANT HEB8HEY BARS ....... .............each 89o Sen. A. Willla Robertson (D-lfa) could upset plans by Senate lead- | Balmoral and at Sandringham,” the crash, and three others died ers to get the money bills and other . in the collision in'an overcast yes-: The Ladies of Assumption will FRO-JOY ICE CREAM ............. Now '; gal. 79c announced he waa calling off hear­ terday. Only 25 bodies w^re recov- : after being brought to hospitals. SEALTEST FRENCH ICE -CREAM ---- qt. 79c ings he had scheduled to open must legislation out of the Way i (Continued on Page Eight) Of the 23 survivors, many lay nekr sponsor's military w'hist tomorrow before the political conventions, in ---- ------------- ered yestei'day.^— : * Swing-Out at 8 p.m. at the Church of the As­ Tuesday on the bill supplying an­ Thirty-five of the dead, and' the ; death, horribly burned and broken. sumption hall. Tickets may be ob­ nual operaUng funds for the Treas­ July The airline said 12 Americans ury and Post Office Departments. Russell rejected a plea from (Snly three; eui vivors, were U.S.'; tained from Mrs. Agnes LeDuc, I Navy men. Among the dead were | were among the 40 passengers, but Mrs. Jam es' O’Toole, Mrs. Joseph I-TIESHLY MADE I have no higher duty than to i leader* of both parties that t.he it did not know yet which if afiy Shelves / fight to protect the constitutional I.Southemers'-permlUan early vole I 19 leading . memljers of the U.S. j I Lee or at the door. BACON WRAPPED Customers have been asking Charlie for a 1 Navy’s world-famed ‘'band, "the j had survived. rights of ths clUtens of Vlrglnis,’’ on the first section of the admln- creqjn of tbp crop." qoming from ; 'fhe 4-engine DC7 crashed im­ A dessert-card party; open to the LAMB PAHIES ‘5 / i\l)I^C RIB ROAST SPECIAL'* so here it is. .. Robertson told the Senate with | istration’s proposed c:vil right* Buenos Aires to play for a dinner mediately after taking off from public, will be held tomorrow at 8 emoUon; I program. Roundup I Eisenhower gave la't night for , Shannon’s International Airport p.m. in Wodruff hall at Center CHOICE GRADE TENDER PINEHURST So instead of conducting hearings i Russell said the Southern foe* 1 Brazilian President Jusoelino Ku- for the Atlantic hop. 'U had set out * Automatic Congregational Church as a bene­ Lb. 3 5 ^ 3 Lbs. $1.00 by the appropriation* subcommit- [ ---- — from Naples, landed at Rome to fit for the church steeple fund. The tee he head*. Robertson said. He (ConHmied on Page Eleven) B ridgeport, peb> 26 (/P) _ A survivors and seven of the pick up more passengers, and stop­ party will be sponsored by the ped in Shannon to refuel. PINEHURST REGULAR It) Stamford restaurant worker dead were members of U S. Navy • Defrosting Mothers’ Club of the church. Tick­ RIB ROAST BEEF ! was scheduled to be released antisubmarine team which had ; The airliner crashed through the ets may be obtained at the door. HAMBURG from the county jail today been sent to advise the Argentine : This is a general view of the wreckage of an Italian airliner today in an Irish cemetery following wall of the cemetery, near the air­ Those attending are asked to bring Navy after a mystery submarine i port, and plowed through a line of their own. playing cards. 4rii, 5th and 6th ribs. ; where he has been held since a.crash shortly after takeoff last night from Shannon Airport. (AP Photqfax via radio from Lon­ Lb. 50c— 5 Lbs. $2.00 U.S. Losing Contact was reported in a gulf on the Ar- 1 don .j tomhstories and across a sheep BUY ON GOODYEAR'S j last December, the apparent gentine coast.
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