■>, -.K' I - ■ '• ■ ■■ ■ - ' :.v,v S m ;*V -,T- '■* . ■■-I'* /:■ ^ r ■ I ’ SM: ■V>-- ' 'ei * .'a . • , Average Ddily Net Preaa Run . The Wrather FACE TWENTY-FOUB '■ ■' rauESDAY, O^BER'*27, ■' .rer.Rw'-Week Eaded F oraeirt e f V . B. Weather Rare— OeL 22, 1965 Fair, cdol tqnlgtrt. ham m te rn t 40, near- 35 to rural areas. Tomor­ Attention ha^'heen called to the . Membera of Mlaa Bemiea Jiiul ahd Mra. 11,893 row fair,'windy, warm' Showen fact that alrla elatlalna to be Girl of the Church .Bolduc of tha Wtldon Baauty Stu­ ...Memher e« tha A iM t : likely tomorrow night. High abeot P . About ibw n Scouta have been aelHiw articlea meet a t 7:30 U dio will taka an active p%rt In Vof RoMaa ef OfcatottMi I they have made from dMc.lto-door Holmea Fimafal Home, tOO ^Main "Kolege of Beauty Knowledge/- At M aneh«d^r— A City o f i^Ulago 0utrm Hartford Cfuqttar SPEBSQSA, in the South’ Main St, aecilon of St., tO'pay'reapecta to Wlliianrt H. the 'Hotel Btatlef, Hartford, Sun­ ■ : '■ ■ . ■ 'I Barberahqp Singera, will atage Ita town. During, the time pf the Girl Da via day and Monday, Oct. 30 and 31. 10th annual concert of barberabop Scout drive no Girl Scoiita are en^ X TOL. LXXV. NO. 14 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCRI OM)n 4 FRIDAY, OCTOsik<28. 1955 (CtaaaUlee A«vaettotog aa Page U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS numbera on. Saturday, Nov, 19. at gaged In auch. money-niaking ac* laa Ma>y-i:. Felice, M Nor- - ...... h------^ • ^ 7 V Burtinell .Memorial. The benefici­ tivltiea for their troope, according maiNlt. and Richard T. Louria of ^M4(M«ntoranaRRMraW ary will be the Hartfortk Aaaocia- to the Girl Scout q^Rve- ^iryvllle. wtll be united In mar­ ^ V ------tion for the Help of -Retarded riage S atb e ^ y at 10 a.m. in 8t> Ghlidren. • • The Rev. John R. figabtH, pu- Jamea ■Churchl with reception at DON'T tor of the Community foptiet 1 p.m. at tha>dtaUan American SfUl pleaty of wear left to OPEN THURSDAYS and m aa Marilyn T. Bowera, 19, Chirfeh. attended the aeventh an­ Club. • elkiee when brought here for FRIDAYS TILL 8:30 P.M, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Evelyn nual United ,Natlona and Foreign expbrt repairing. Bowera, I t Main St., la compietlna 'ollcy Seminary in New York City ActivlUea wiR he canceled at . ' WORK DONE WHILB her Air PorOe^bulc military tralnyry«»terday and today, f Sponaored the Nazarene Youtlk^nter the BDMET PRIOED MATERNITY DRESSES ina .courte a t lAckland Air Popee TOO WAIT by tl;e Gouncll on Chriatlan Social remainder of the week-becauee of X Baae, Sari Antonio, Tex, Progreea of the American Baptiat the death a t. William R, Davla, conventioh, the 2-day semliMr en­ which occurred yeeterday. A'iorm- SAM YULYES The, Mlaalonary :piret»^f the abled deiegktea to tour the U.N., 'er atudent at the Naurene^Coilege SHO| ^ P A I R I N G Imanuel Lutheran \C hurch Will visit a memberof the Ruaalan dele­ and a member of''the local. Nav, OF BETTER RIND . S^&vN OUTLET wet tomorrow nlghtm 8 o'clock gation to the U.Nxand hear apeak- xarenc Church,, he waa greatly in- 505 E. MIDDLE tPKE. AT THE GREEN \ fo\ practical work, ^ which ttrne .J8’ Mhple 'St-,-i-Acroaa From era from both the V.N. aderctariat tereated In th« youth building from « a t l ^ l Parfctog Lot UtAfalth offerina boxea will be col' and the Britiah' Miaelon to ' the the firat and aaaiated' in Ita con- OPEN DAILY d a : M. to 9 P. M. ecuri lectad, U.N. . . atruction. ■' . . 2 srael i.

/ \” In/M ideast / / V t By J O I # ^ . HIGHTO;«?ER ./ Jerusalem, Oct. 28 (fP)—An ^raeli ~ military informant / Geneva, OcL 28 ’<4*) ^ - and ^ the’• Wratmf- powgrs' V. '^■aid 10 Egyptian soldiers clashied in the BiY^our forei; inisters meeting ' y with \ \ X were slain and 20 captured Hval /ind appapnitl^irreconclk^Ie plgns for uropean - Cnenv white Itflottrar, la rf • firm h t ^ , early today by an Israeli force security. '>-4. , , only. 33c each ' i^t th« ,top of th« value which stormed and captured The United States, - and Ji'Yance- got in Uet thla week. <> an Egyptian frontier post. senting_to Soviet Foreigiv Minister VNH- Moloto’^ \ fiecker'B wonderful orunchy criap Paacal Israel said'the raid was, in re­ point “Treaty of Assurance on the Reunifiratioii of Celery . . ..1|:. double bgnch at 2Sc la a V United Nation^ taliation for an earlier Egyp- It would become fully effective only if Ela^and West food buy, too. Tomatoea, dvl^ a pKf. will many were united and the new Germany beeb ^ a be featured a t 19c a box. ^ . .^ H e ia y Ctobdt Lodg^Jr., (leftl talka with Oen.'Carlo#.P./Romi- tiSn assault on an Israeli po­ ulo, Otttlrman of tha^hllipplne Delegation to the UN. befojre the lice post. / ’ of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO)> Come to Plneliunt for the very fineat Idaho. ^If Sem ani Meat Dept. atari rtlh e Oaaeral Awembly meeting in New York. The neealM, Egyptian apokeiman In Cairo Molotov responded with a 15-point proposal for lisEu: Bakinf Potatoea, wonderfully n ^ h Beekei^a w hl^ waa devolM to balloting for the contested vacant seat on the said four Egyptians and four la-- security treaty, delaying German unij^tion indefP ‘ Native Spinach, better quality Green Beane Security ComiW, ended In another stalemate fon the Phittppines raeliawere killed to today's attack, Under the Soviet program the»-'' ..... i < and tfatlve Broccoli. White and Yellow Tur* and YugMlavia, leading qonteadara In the voting. (NBA Tele- which took place at Kuntlla, about North Atlantic AUia-nce 14’ould be'l . \ nipa are now in. alonf with Paraiilps, - phot«). X three miiea inside Egyptian-held deatroyed. Communist . C h I n,a I A .|iT T va rota and Sweet Potatoea. , W juxL 0Slpt. Urritory. The apokesman aaid the y B i g Four at G e n e v a Conferenc^^ ^ '^ould became an “observer/ In Eli- A X (9, laraell force waa driven oft. Egypt rope end all American troops - You will find Plnehurat Veaetablea “freaher riled a strong protaat with the te S tM acound the conferehcb table in the Palac^f Nations at Geneva, ^lU erian4 for th^ppen- wtoi)d aventually hava to be wltb- U.N. Htoqd.Anntotl0d. -lng-)9fr th e Big Four confereneea are:-The^U;6 . arlaa draww •’from the territories of SMm Hope for Spanish Cut From Chwee B ^f Fans Teushm Eufdpiton oountHiM.” E JRvilson; Secretary, of State John F o t^ Dulles; Livingaton Merchant; ^ u g la i MacArthur It; arid m m . . * . V „ t / TJ.N.Bars As this latest' clash fanned tries Bohlen; the"Xrench delegatlop-aed by Foreign Mlmstor Antoine."^ Plnay; the Britiah delega- Weat Rejects ^Red Proposal iONELESS ..■■’••’X ' ' .niounUng: tenalon_lDL the .-Middle (lon,riedHty Foreign Secretary HaroM Macmillan; the ITueaiMitolegatrari, led by Foreign Minister By-the Urns-Molotov actod tbe- Tame H-Bomb East, U.S. Secretary of State John VVeatem minister had already ra- Foiter Dullee and British Foreii Vuachealav M.-M^toV, and/Dc^ty Foreign Minister-Andrei Otwn^o. INglA- Radio-Telephoto)./! Rice je'eted his proposal: They beeed New York; Oct. 28 (P> — Tha Secretary Harold Macmillan cqi Iheir atatement, In advance of its MINUTE RICE ferred for an hour in Geneva/on presentation, on Rliaalan proposals chances are eltm that the H-Bomb HALE'S PREMIER y I.'^ronto c h u c n : Palestine problems. laraell aonreea Rail Union^ts Which had bMU/made at the Gene- reaction -can be tamed or con­ in Geneva aaid the Unlted/States va -mmmit conference In July. trolled soon to giye world X United Nations; N-Y„ Oct. 28 r and a coupla of axtra lege or breaate , , . Soviet fequent laRt week. { World War U D^ked viol were exchanged for 25 minutes and French, Forngn Minister Plnay or buy the you prefer. tome Bgypuaha fled. Finally the neers. X . -, > niiniitera ... realgiied frbm hla axpectod basic dtseovery turns up." 2 Lbs. ' H epry Cabot LfOdR:e Jri, chief J *trUe-tom Cypnik today. Aiuaddltbmai 2 per cent la to be proposed Molotov all over again a tad otoar oclaiitlaU Ifw®®*!!? remMning Egyptiene eurrendel-ed cabinet, Faure unexpectedly got plan . for unifying Garmany EGGS U.S; Delegate, was quick to op- A crowd of several hundred addlM' “as an adjustment of dif­ help from Socialists.' and Com-' Margaret Platt find ways to control If you are ready for lam hie week, you .aeva 4c lb., 28c to 30c ,, pose Kuzneteov’s move.. He aald it Cypriote of Greek , orlgto formed and the Israeli raiders returned to through free elecUona under Big * Doz. BEE F their own base at 3 a.m. Seven of ferential Inequities between loco- muniats to win;. 477 to 140. on his or thermonuclear is- a lag, under leet w c'a low price. Tha flneat lamb lege would be better to wait a few after a service conduc^ In Nico­ .motive engineers and employes in Four aupeiVlalon. Vlrtualiy the peaceUma power.' available a t 59c lb. sia’s biggest church W Arehjbiahop the 20 captured Egyptians werq policies for Morocco. On Oct. 18, Lpndon, Oct. 28 (85-^The wide eamaplan was praaented 20 monthd ^-Weeks untU ail the Information 7 \ other classes of railroad service.’* -some Oaullists came .to his rescue ,Iy read ^ndon Dally Mirror to­ reaetlon, Uknt atoms a t was available. It would be Impru­ Makaribs-—leader of the Union- wqwded. ' ago/at the' Berlin Big Four cim- The Egyptian camp--on /the The announcetoent isaid. and he wop a 308-254 conddence day bitterly charged the influen­ fercnce, , add presumably litMum If your budget needa a helping hand, aerve our freshly ground nor 27 dent to take up the question now, with-dreece' moiynent In thla Abojut 48,000 engineers are af­ 'use or merge to produce tre- SHANKS Sinai Penlnrula-^was held bjr two Vole on a program for Algeria. / tial London Ttniei with an ”111- Action Clause / ' lamb patUes 296 lb. or fteeh^'Rlnehuret 39c hamburg or ' V. "X. he ijild. British 'colony. T b t mob tried to fected )>y the agreement, which Ji energy. But terrific heat smash througl/barbed wire bar­ platoons equipped with hcaty aux- Opposed b y . SecilaUete / .disgtilaed attempt, to force Prin­ ' 55c gioimd chuck a t ona or twidsmeala. "Dlaarmament Is, one of the retroactive toU ct. 1, this yeap. cess Margaret Into 'glftngf.up the The action clause of toe treaty tg needed to start and ooqtlnua toa cou>t0s,m yp0s - quMtiona cloaeat to, -Preaident ricades held ^ police and British A portion.of. the increases grant­ Today, he waa solidly opposed by proposed' today says "an attack In eaction. The heat and preeaura od For Spreading, Flavoring, :troops. -Three British Commandos « sued on Page fifteen) SoclalisttXuid got'' practically no man ghe loves by a bullying ulti- EuropeEurope byt any party- gTooklng Kaenhower’a heart,’* Lodge aaid, ed is in lieu of a heiiUi and,.w.elfare help from toe Gaullists, hut by matuni.” ' ' Fowl from. Miller of Coventry, Turkeys mmi Robert, tender- "We sincerely want disarmament. were hurt fund. a member of NATQ (epecirici (Coattoned on Page Twalfo)] cure oomed beef made by ua or the meH cutter’s favorite llae Tear Gas ,y ^ pulling the Centrist parties tightly In one of the most savage at­ meaning unltad Germany), V E A I, W e' w ant a full dlaciisaion of it “If the- Brotherhood ®f Locomo­ together.' the Premier managed to tacks ever made by one' Britiah R:iB o v e n r o a s t which la aelling thi^w qek at B9c lb. KRAFT VELVEETA at thla aaaembly. But thla ia 'not The leering crowd hurled atones tive E^ineers moves for a carrier- veraa, would i^angSr the ■X. < (3rd thru 7th rlba^^ffer you plenty of chob RIHER'S DOUBLE;r6'UR SUPPLY NOW! UeSe. Xp^ported survive his toughest test. newspaper upon another, the tab­ and aecurity which la toe object •* * the time for It.” at th/ soldiers. The troops used financed health and -drelfare plan Today’s vote was on the govern; loid said tha 'Times’ editorial lec­ Kuanetaov made his demand af­ tear, gas to disperse It. No civilian on individual railroads.” the an­ of this treaty, and that toe 2 1 l a i i D f metit's general policies. The rea- ture to.-the, Princess on. Wednea-. parties- would then take appropri­ TGMATO JUICE ProceK Ch^ ter Colombia’s Francisco Urrutia ca^aities were reported. nouncement said, ‘/the agreement, olullon .adopted .merely, "takes day bOre "nn-. delation, to the /an Famagusta, a crowd of aev-. Studra^ Israel provldes thatr-np to"tw ir cents am ate action to meet that; common Bulletitts proposed that the'commlttee move ■ '"w \ note" of/statements by Faure slid Wishes of -the vast todjority of danger.” ' ' , Jug 2 Lb. B< on to a study of dangers of atomic /ral thousand,people gathered af- hour will be credited to the rail­ Finance Minister Pierre PSimlin oh people," tadiation. Thia aubject would com^ * ter the local service and a bomb roads ■ for payment of such bene­ Molotov Had announced lie would from tho AP Wirra Meat RATH'S Plek fo^x^ms Snanclal and e'eonom-ic policies Million.f.lrciitotlen introduce to the Big Four confer­ plete committee action on atomic exploded. Police -harged the crowd fits.” _ • / X ■ ■ ■ ■; which/have guided the government - 'nie Mirror, which claims a subjects after its 53-0' vote last (jWlth batons and,, troops fired tear The" settleimnt-also provides for ence at today’! aesalon Russia’s Group 2 Can. 33c and toe results obtained. Rejected dally circulation of more than 4d eMineers If it Is requMt European Security. Soviet |>ollcy Woshlagtoa, Oct. 29 (Py—ReR. Caller (iVNY)/said today to# agency. ■ / ' In timaasol, where th# service States has promised toNconsider s eft on all tne natloh’a rallr^d rallrq s. (Centtoued on Pnge Five) (Gontlnned on Page Three) ffOt, Vegetable ■Yhe Soviet' bloc -oted /wUh the was canceled on orders of .the list of arms wanted by the Jewish Interstate Commerce-ce xCommii- (Coatinaed on Page Twelve) . FBI Is looking toto' Peter A. Weatem majoritv fijr a/resolution bishop, three British commandos state to balance Egypt's^awelling non statistics show th,hai over-the- Strobel’s relattoas wtRi hto GroupxXL. Can. 27c that- calls' for a prMmlnary 12- were hurt after a mob formed and araenal. -, ' road '/engineers ayeraged ' annual vate buelMsa firm ’ In ^ Rrusrakle Container nation atudy of agency constitu- began stoning' them. More'teargaa "The word came out as U.S. Sec­ eamtogs in 1954 ofYJ;52S andVard a gl4300-».year govs JACK FROST or draft, to be followed- by a and baton 'chargea' dispersed the retary of State John Foster Dulles ehgjneers .36.255. . job aa. public bulldl|i^ M m AT alouer. Oiler did not give $ m j am id conference to w-rlU the final crowd. . / and Britiah Foreign Secretary egotlatloni between the rail- aiiM ouR 's DOMINO n v Duucious statute. Britain has rejected demands Harold Macmillan conferred for an- Is -and 'the Order of Railway Priest’s Life Called Parallel details, but asked S trM at Q . - Asks Quick Report that It surrender the island colony hour on the problems created by lonductors and a group of non­ House Judiciary aubconuaittea 7 CORNEaBEEF / T h e Sovlet^.Union has proposed to Greece. - the Soviet bloc’s thrusts Jnto the operating railroad unions still' are bearing whether he koew; hto NABISCOnODKMIN CIUOPHANI /a debate on a Soviet package en- Pr^esatfflto, and mass - meetings Middle East. - , / In progress. i. Oise had been referAd to tha titled "Further Relaxation of Ten- j were banned by Gov. Sir John The Western statesmen are xe- The settlement with the engi­ To Fdinland’s ‘Going My iWay’ FBI by the Justice Deportiiieat RASH 9 Lb. B\ ywttgH^fsHfhvor. slons.” Kuznetzov aaid the com-: Harding but main streeU were ported planning to demand' sefia' neers was effected without the In­ o n ^ t . 4. Almost d a I receive ahipmenta of fresh crunchy red McIntosh mittee should deal -with -this as’ decorated with Greek Saga, which rately of Russia’s 'V. M. Molptov tervention „ o.f. government medi­ NOW! M h^khrthhstal'it that Red arms-peddiing in- the ators or boards. ' By JOSEPH A. OtVENS / RETAU TRAmS UP 31% an d red land, apples from Pero'a local orchards. Buy a 5 lb. I !.b. Tir SANDWI&H CHEESE Lb. 49c Kern three on itVorogram but ailso hew also over private houses. Hartford, Oct. 28 fSpeclal)—The hag for eat them or bake them. For cookin'g apples,' urged that thee df^nnament com- Ia .Athens, 39 persons, including reetless area, be ended. WashlkatoB, Oct. 38 IfftsfJtos ' Preparing Equipment U st eccleelaetlcal Bing Crosby la home­ tollers didl $170 bUUon wOrOi a t ~ siiggest.old fashioned hard Greenings,, 5 |b. 2 SKIT PIE CRUSTS H m -T ffW sick for the HlghUndd, has ”a bit SS" BOILED HAM !4 Lb. 59 c (OeuttoUed eu Paga Twelve) ^(Continued on Page Twelve) The Israeli informants said their bualnese lost year, aa lac ream SunsMine government Is preparing a list of of a sore ■throat,” and ia qulU tired of close to 31 per-emt over tlia Last chU for trick treat . . . buy Ptnehumt Halloween candles ifromi defensive military equipment after three weeks of ”one-night- .volume In 1948, 'iDenaus Director today/, We are Thursday and Friday night until g:S0 KRISPY OLIVE LOAF Lb. 59c which they say Is needed to offset NewsTidbits «ra.”-btjt Father Sydney. Mac Ewan Robert W. Rurgeea reported to* P. 7 . the heavy weapons flowing into will atride to the data at toe Bush- ^ay, Burgess gave a brief pre* Egypt from Czechoslovakia. 'Thejr from AP ¥V!reg mil Memorial tonijght ,and aihg with bewltchltig sweetneas. s-lew ef reeulte of the 1954 ceo* Juice orangea and''prctty fair quality seedless pink grape- Texas’ Top Democrats made it clear Dulje;’ undertakihg sue of buatorss, at the notteoat gra now In'.'. ^ PREMIER. PEELED 1 Lb. Pkg. The- Rev. MkcEwan, a. 46-year- Fresh Oysters to' consider the Israeli list was not oonferenen of business piper edi­ HAND.PACKED a promise to supply the Items. Former ' President! Herbert old Scottiah-Iriah priest, la In th# tors here.. The toot previoaa;i ■■ ■■/■ HOSMEL . Dulles saw Israeli premier Hoover -says "the excessive bur­ United State# for hla aecondT con­ Bid to Corral State Vote cert tour; Last year he sold oiit busineM rrileuB was to 1948k i ' i . V -.x/Xfi,,.X; /X.:. JUDY'S REST Moshe shareU In Paris and is to dens- on President pisenhower meet him here again tdp\orriiw. should be of great comvnt' to every audltoriuio at which He ap­ peared and during (he first three KILLED IN PRANK CHOPPED BEEF TOMATOES WE ARE WELL SUPl^MEp ' Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 28 Rayburn was guesS of honor last The informants said in Paris, Amertean people,", especially to ' Bloomington, Ind., Oct.- 38 (P) JIST ARRIVED.... Dhlles ‘ emphasized the United view of Rresident ElhenhoWer'a weeks of his curreht 6-week junk­ 12 0z. Tin ‘lyxas’ three top Democrats,-night at s dinner where an en- et, the script hasn’t changed. ; — A volunteer, firemen was 2 Cans , c HALLOWEEN X WITH FRESH nS»1 squared off today in . another | thusUistic crowd pai'd IS each for States has no Intention of rushing heart attack . . . Americao f Red killed and nine othera were to- large new' supplies of arms into Cross estimates its totol aid to Deepite the fact. that some of iMore of the much talked of Sy.ivanik new pearl pink soft ^ ^ • Q w io r t For round of the 3-year-old hit and, barbecue, beans and two hours of the world’s fpriamoat critica com- Jured today when a 809-foot run scuffle for control of the fast-paced politics. Israel in such a way as' to'touch victims of August anci October Covered bridge collapeed to a light bulbs. ,They come in 75, ,100, 150 watt size and -3 CREST CANDY off'an Bast-Weat amis race. floods on East Coast will exceed Eare )ila ainging’to that of the im­ Texas Democratic vote. Shivers name , was never ' men- mortal John McCormack, Father' fire believed set ty HaUoweea w ay . Another, shipment of Dromedary new ready mix ' Recent moves to patch up hurt Uoned, although H waa apparent! _ t ^ - 815 million after all payments are pranksters. The, wdodea br idge^ Pound cake, t MIX cotopleted. ^ MacEwan-wsntaXno-part of--Bwh Fresh Fruit onJ Vegetables— feelings between the feuding fa<-, ihfiil a number orr«lnrSrk’s were | ipoattaned on Page ^ree) talk. “It’s not that I don’t have Mpanning^Whito River ecwt' at tions of the party apparently died aimed In his direction. — ; '— ' Six hundred Roman Catholic Uemport to Monroe .CjpWBty. ' I ■ ' ■ ■■ ■■ . '■ ! • 1 -■ 2 For women plan to visit every book­ great admiration for John, il’a NIW SWLET- ■ , with the last roSe of summer. "I here without any handles that I’m not wortKy of the honor, apparently Waa set fjim about From Crosse and Blacka ell, Dundee Marmalade in stoine Yells Shake Rafters politics.” Rayburn told the store and u,riewRstand in Centra midnight. , \ .ODcks, Ginger Marmalade in crocks, New Mince Meat, H E CRUST W ashiiigtpii D en ies Ontaria in a campaign to ferret You can be successful and not'lie Last night the rafters of an crowd. "I’m a Democrat and that’s another John McCormack. In every Har)d^Sauce, Major Gray's Chutnev, CARNATION STICKS 27e POTATOES 2 Lbs. T,9c eihihit hnluiinp- tTie'ixDoaitSon *!•, Whether you spell it with a big i ¥ j ^ , D * 11 out •"•lucent indecent literature literature ...... Strike Strike OPPOSE!$ FLOOD AID TAX herl «hU-e«d the '“I'* D.” ' BeilSOll OuSter B k L of »onie 500 long dUtance tele- American city I have yisited.'the ; ; . . . . GRANDMOTHER'S ghost of John rises.” ] Hartford, Oct. 38 (P) — A k. EVAPORATED FIRM HEADS ^ S ;ry e > U o7 2 ’^^W ‘let the applause die down' -phone------operators-- and - maintenance,------PURE While most artists have a full Hartford merchant today opaoed Also E-Z Pop Pop Corn 89c ini aluminum pari. Trend, the approved a show of power put on ■ y°5*, »Poke j workers in Massachusetts and a movement against . may ts- latest thing for dish washing. You save on the introduc­ a.’/u.,.;/- aT:-.u.ra..::^R straight into a television-camera;. .'.Washington, Oct. 28 <;»b. The Rhode Isla.nd Is threatened for to- 12 months to devote to their Ca­ Lb. 1 0 c "Abd I'm noj a. Democrat is : lAhite House, chsllengirtg a pub­ reers, Father MacEwan appears crmuie in toxea to Saaiioe tha tory pkg. of Trend at the price of 2 cans for 59c. You MILK CABBAGE qitd Senate Majority Leader Lyn­ I, night by union official. state’s flood recovery program. MARMALADE m onths-of thf two years then som e lished report that, some cabinet President Eisenhower says in a publicly only a few weeks of the save on, Old Dutch special pkg. of 3 for 2’7c. ' ] PASCAL ' don Johnson. thing elB|e me six -months when members tried to oust Secretary of year.. He tolthe pastor of a small Instead of. levying.any addlUoo- Frozen Food Specials . *’If Eisenhower doesn't run It prepared message read to National 3 Cans. 31 Oz. Jar . I Voting Cornell up,” Agriculture Benson,.Bays' “the en- Industrial Conference board- gov­ Catholic' Church in Lochgilpead, al or new toxee. Jack I, Part­ doesn't make any difference wbd Delegate SMiild Bark Nominee — Gre administration” -Is- working Argyll, Scotland. .This la his life's ner proposes that prevtoully osK. Cello Pkg. 29c the Republicans run for president. ernment 'wiuita .no monopoly in SNOW CROP / Rayburn said he believed It yas with Benson on the farpi problem. developing peace.tol potentials of work, not singing. toorlted funds for iastttutioaal We are-going to defeat them any­ every persoti's right to attend or A White House statement yes­ •atomic energy.. .Scientists ; at He uses his beautiful Voice only building and other purchasea ka how," laid Rayburn in what he not attend a. party convention but terday termed "not only untrue but to benefit Kis diocese. His Income used fortoe disaster work. Fonlliook or ibby Limas 10 oi. called his only political talk in Franklin Instttiite in Philadelphia 2 Lb.. 25c hr felt that delerates should be completely unfounded” the report report they, ha-ue. worked but 8rsl from this source has rebuilt Scot­ FLORIDA Texas this yeari “ morally bound to support nom- published...... hyby FFpriii a r ' Journal " maga- step necessary to end air poliillon tish churches and helped the poor, UAVA PERILS JXVA AREA SNOW CROP Earlier yesterday. cLc, Allan inees of that convention.' sine, one of the largeat publics-1 and smog. .riocSety, Darllni^ Jakarta, Indoaeoia, Oct. 38 itti t Shivers, titular hfad of the state "I feel that we should send a tions in Its fiel Maurice Hindus says future a t The lyrical padre did not become —Tito voiraao Meropt coattoned • Leaf or Ghoppstf SplRaeh 12 or. ORANGES Do& 49c poriy who has drawn the glares of Democratic delegation to the next Arid Benson-Ihimself;* due for a Europe ant) rest of world depends a prleat until after having estab­ today to belch out hoBdreds ed 4 Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Rayburn and Johnson since ■ he national ponvention,, one. w h l^ will' Denvjer conference with President Upon continued health of American lished himaelf as a darting of p>n- tons of lava. The voleoaia la feV’x. SHOW CROP DELICIOUS hwmig the party machinery for Ei­ support the nominees.” ! . Eisenhower tomorrow, told nwws- economy. Rome’s II Measaggero don society back In the ’30a. In erupting every five'to aovea mta- . senhower In 1952. announced a new Earlier Rayhum spid It! waa too .men: "There has been no split in 8 ^ 8 new: Western proposal to- be 1938 he turned hie'back, on the utea with rtvera a t lava roekag campaign ito strengthen his atand- early for him . to make uf toa mtod OraRRs iuiss e or. \ the cabinet on the farm situation." presented to Russia In Geneva muaiO world and entered a ,sem- toward central Java viUogea at *99’ He paid he would triivcl about a presidential candt^te. for Farm Journal .said a move to dis­ ”^ a farther than any offer yet iiiary: , ' He called the .woriji of a record speed of 3W/iMt''per throughout the' nation urging the party. ■ lodge Benaoh, was started ito Atty. rnadf' to .^gtve . Soviet ■ Union glitter, travel - and adulation "a •eoond. Foieete. were m t aMoae SWANSON t I I -Dqmoerata to nominate “a'm an In a brief talk'Johnson, predicted Gen. ^rownell..Postmaster General giwranteea of peace If Germany ia dreadful life.” mod a wMe Oreh whera Riera a n Who is nodarate Infills vieiya and allowed to reunite Under free elec­ Bereld Pbola. tandreda of vUtocaa woa do* . ' MaMCHssrm Cohn- lApiilsorl Rm 8 ao4 npraoant any. gxtrenM.” .(OoattoiMd «« Page fCMittaued on Page Ninetieew) ' tions and remato In NATO, FATHER SYDNEY MscEWAN fOosH . Page Fiva) dared a danger m em . *29c .'t 4 ■/ T a ■ . ;.v? ♦ K -w f ■ 7 ■/ r-' i- V: T / ■, N- V .-7 • ii",'J \' ■" ' , ■ -■ ■' ’. ’y- . ■ ' ' :j;V, ' . ” , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY; OCTOBER 28, T955 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. ^XJNW.. FBI DA>"; OCTOBER 28, 1968; PAGE T R R E I f a c e t w o Woikian LoBes Suil ceived by the dependants tA .State G ^li^ Name; Mosa .e Israeli tnfonuanta said Seek Stale’s Vole ON far failed to complete the 2*shot news of government actl\^ei. MANC-HESTER Cd-FEATURE 8:00, V marriage of the 25-year-oId Mar- ’i Gal. program provided by the founda- In Gqod Cdnclitioii tion committee of the National said ahe had attempted to impoee nu«i'hnd the 40-year-old Peter when the Tltt la submtttMI to . the SALE To Study Censbrahlp /»«*••• ' Eklitorial Aisn. euch "arbitrary, harsh and . In­ United States the stress te likely (OontlRHed from P ag^O ae) uon. Following the inforr^ discus: TViWnsehd. a hero of the Battle of DespltS. cllnioa in August and Hugh Boyd, publisher of the tolerable terme," that he abaur to b« on. defensive equlpm^t in­ D e t r ^ Dct. 28 (Pi — Veronica Sion, the gubcomraittee ■jvUl spend doned the idea,, Britain but a divorced commoner, CaiUv this numth, offlcials say New Brunswick, N. J., home newe BCLTC>N NOTOi would put the royal family in an truding antiaircraft weapons, victor^n 1966 for the Democrats MS children Atilt have not .com L s k ^ ^ a g e and Screen actress four^ days quesUonlw spokesmen and a member of -the NEA Free­ Bredefeidt was represented by A.’r c '7 - f 6 '/'/A imtitank guns, onti'submarioe, and iSPised Rayburn as "the man , store Hours: Mon.' thru. Sat. 8-11—Sun. 7 A. M .-ll P. M. who collapsed ySslerdsy In a De,- for Varloiui agencies and ; proWng Atty. Arnold M. Sweig of Plaln- \tmpoasible position. The paper said equipment. .: • dom’ of Information Committee m;h a marriage iVtmld /orce inks morp of th^ next' gen- trolt hotel lobb.v;' Remained in into cqmplslnls of ."censorship" li) William L. Beale Jr., chief of ville and/ -Mrs. . Sadosky was Sh*re(t also expecta'to see Mac­ thsn of the n « l election." Henry Ford Hospital, today. Latest one form., ol.. i^nther. .The,gjaja> represented by Atty. Jay E. Rubi- largarel'a own refirembiit from Bureau of the At- CUTS, THE 1IL0RY, THE HEART AHO HUMAH tTORV ‘ l)Hc life as did the\love wf the millan and French Foreign Minis­ NSayburn raid In return that he a.liable reports desenbM her already has received answers from Myiated Press. , now.’' / ter Antolpo Plnay in the next day MEMORIAL CORNER STORE were in the first four gradesN’ cohmtlon as ''good.” ,n estim ate 60 agencies to ques- of Windsor for had'\’nevhrr known, "a .Democrat / Givenivt Shots Lyle C. Wilson, Vice-priMldent OF THE MEN WHO WENT... dr two/'!. ' Itody^ whd^M done a greater job ThOre has been no ,ann6uncem>nt tonnairesj)d6aIlng AvUh Informa- field XSlmpaon nearly a (core 352 MAIN ST. CALL Ml 9-0B31 . yni announcing next week's clinic. and-Washington bureau manager yearaWo.. .• - ■ He is itiH awoiUng definite word than s^o(pr sric my friend, the Health Pepartment said that hoVcver. regarding a positive tlon^polieies. of the United PreM Aasoclations. V(fhethelr-.'Molotov will meet him. Lyndon ' dia^osis' of what caused the col­ A robcomntUtee spokesman said The editorial received wide/4 first 'Chots wUl be given. This James Reston,. the Washington teotion because of the The Israeli: d^lomatic mission In m a ^ a departure from the policy lapse. A preliminary diagnosis of the pajielists are expected to cHe correspondent, for the New York Moscow applied 10 days ago for a heart attack was not confirmed allegedSinetances of unnecessary opiriiona of the H m es are' known X that governed the first makeup Times. N to carry among high circlea. . the tneetlng. 'The Soylet statesman clinic this month. In setting up by cardiogrti{m teats. supresslortSpf news or efforts to Joseph-'Alsop Jr., 'Washington then sent word that he "probably" revent free^’^e e is to newe. The Archbishop of Canterbuiy, that one,'oillclals said first shots Henry Ford>rd Ht»ptta1H4, . referred all. columnist HOW thru SAT. ; would see Sharett- in Genet's. No queries reg'srdingSs diagnosla and He said compt^ta have, been rankingxprelate of the Church of would not be given. Theodore F. Koop, d ir^ to r of Moa. Uiru ITri. oosdl from S pun,. England; .is on the paper'a board more has yet been hekriL However.. to be entitled for a W condition of tne.^ 35-yeafrOld received fronf ne^Wj^n, including Wisshlngton News and puBilc af WOOpLAND GARDENS actfesa to A. J. Pocock. aUge man­ one w riter who clafftigd he w m Sat. and Son. cOnt.*from 2 p.m. of trustees. FlylBg^to Israel HUnday first shot Wednesday, a child must fairs for the Columbia Broddeast- S harett has arrsnifed to fly back ' have been eligible for the program ager for ''Uie Little Hut,''rAplay in threatened evllh loss of privi­ ing System. Margaret, at her own requiMt, When it began in the spring. which Miss Lake has been afipfar- leges at the PenUgon fOrl went to aeo Uio Archbishop and to Jerusalem 8und*y. Aides said / , FORAGL< SPRING PLANT YOUR HOLLAND lULBS NOWI William H. Davto Jr. Wade H. Nichols. sditopAnd pub­ had a dramatic fi2-minute Inter- ' if he has not seen Molotov by that / QUiSr children for whom the Ing at Detrdlt'a Shubert Theater, 'to" divulge a source of Inforpr ^ lisher of Redbook MagaiEine r BIG 3 UNIT SHOWI ’vlew with hlin yesterday In hie time he .may return. -It is his In­ \ ALLX II M I )P SIZE — GUARANTEED TO ILOOM xaake-t’.p i^nic is being established ^oedek waa unsivailable. H it hotel fund campaign'committee for the Scheduled to participate in Ih' sCTark MoIlenhoffi/.Washlngton are those who received first Shots, said he had left word he waa not panel discussion are; \ .. .Lambeth Palace!/ ’ tention to draw the .Kussian's at-/ construction of the building which corespondent for the Des Molns As head of thd/.c h ii r c h. .the tenClon to .th e risks of one-sided -in the ipring-#nd need a second to be disturbed, , ■ n. / was erected during the summer of James 8. Pope, executive e^or Register and Tribune arid the Min Tulipi Sc M. \ HARDY .''to complete the free program, and The actress, who made', (ft/! ' Archbishop is perMpa ,,^e most/ arms peddling and to the conflict 1904, He vyas an active member o f ' the Loulevllle, Ky., Courier- n^epolls'Sfar arid Tribune, dstermined opponnt of the Prin­ between the Soviets' campaign for HyoctiiHi* a t eoldrs. MUMS tbdM whi^pnrticlpated in the maas "Peekaboo" hair-do a fad in .thi and youth leader in hie church and Journal apd Times and former ClNRMiiSeONE For nmilaat Fail Colon field tria^af the vaccine in 1954 1940'a, coilapaed a t 2:30 a.m. yea- cess' macfying a dlVorced man. disarmament in Europe and-thefr 3 for 59e ‘ his faith vras a great inspiration chairman ,bf %^e freedom of Infor Stoutly■ • >hdld ' tenet ' ' oof'.the f\f church ■ ' Is program of rearming the Arabs in AU Large and are/Suglblajor a booster shot. terday. to the youth of this community. mation committee of the American Dtaffodilt t4e oo. say children who Maria Corbett, ah understudy, agsiriit remarriage .of divorced the Mtdeaat. 5 or More 80c Spreading Oraduatlng from Manchester Society of Newspaper Fklitors CELEBRATtYQUR,^^ TECHNICOLOR mrionu whose former mates are 85 c the flve-to^e age group tobk Mlsa Lake's leading role in High ficbool in June 1948, he en­ Sharett also has soiight hew Gropo Hyocbiflis 5c fo. reas epokeemari 'for the AnomonOf Snowdrops / • J hrogram. necticut and studied engineering. H A L L 0 W E ^ 7 IM[ • I '1,'i Western powers guarantees Asalea Mmlh) ...... 82.88, Nurses Assist Although. Chicago housewives of the Washington Post ahd "nmes Arckb.ehop said '"it woe A private F ' f l i stronger than those embodied in Freshly (Qut $ 1.2$ filafi/Hemlocln, d i i ^ ^ LAler he entered the Eastern •Hersld and chairman of the .ASNE meeting and I can't may what was Some 8.150 youngsters, show a marked preference for light Nasarene College where he con­ flUDIE MURPHY '■ ' * ' A I - the Anterican-Britlah-Krench dec- OxoNiKScillos 5c oo/ FItfwenag Shnibo, Am' the program in spring, colored yolks In their eggs, those freedom of information comrhUtee. V discussed." - Isratiou of I960 pledging to re­ Pr.OHnuL-«ll colon B ALSO CAM V • tinued to study ’for the ministry Harold L. Cross, ASNE freMeM ..MARSHALLTHOMPSON- OtARLES DRAKE GREGG RAIMER-MCK KEl'v X Failed ‘Sinlater Move* ■ Fink DoffodRs LA KO B^O TSM Fertiliser, BjwwMeaL these, 1.240 eomplebid the pro-' In surrounding towns are apt to until Jim uary 1955. MRTY spect the existing frohtiers of the gram; in the August\cllnie and 1,- prefer dark yolks. of Infomatloit counsel and autpor " fct>-KlT-:-¥6M bitAlt#! ^3Kt Ka —b il l y GhAflAM’A ITid Mirror said the T i m e s Mideart. Crocus 5c oo. of the book, "The People's Right ••BETRAVBD WOMEN” ••FORTRESS OF FREEDOM" edito’-ial woe the "flret' sinister '’rr/"'"*’''-*-' •' Mac.mlllan reportedly told him CHI^STMAS K^C^afie ilal! IW it IM b ...... 84.U, to Know." move in a plan to force- upon the Britain will 'hot go beyond that Modonno Liliot 3Sc oo. OrteatM. Poppln, Reg.\fi8e—I Bale. ■ / Floods Cut Value •/ princios a cruel choice." *rhe mir­ dcctariition iVhich la considered -\ ror ss(d this wyg "to give up Pete, atron< enoitgh. -J ’ Of Tollroad Xaml Townseric^ foreVer*’-or •file bantshed HeTpffi'g chudren/hn#. to rtt^^ Dulles was said to have _ told, from ;he royal circle,"___^ than themselves is the belief- of hint the United States stands pat "She must presumably ’ ape: spend the weekend priyhji^y with on the , statement of Mldeostem these three children, member*-of r *Ail three are nine'ygara lif age. Hartford, Oct., 28 (g>),-Pr<>perty RRBTAURANT ' the rest of her- life, like the luci the .master of Eiphinstone sit The student* of thKManchester policy Which he act forth'in Wsah- JOHK J. ZAPAOI TopmtWMther Aheai p r i n t « leSR WlndsoTi,' without roots, Drumkitbo, Meigle, PeH'hshiic. 'The the Social Service Club in the listed J ot condemnation by the 14 DEPOT SQUARE snd Bolton public ei^entary ington recently. He said in it the 168 WOj^piLAND STREET Open Daily Till \ PHONE MI 3-8474 iwiwM «n Dsms dirmt 'without purpose' ‘ 'and' without Queen will ■ travel t(i - Scotland to- fourth grade at the yerolonck. schools and SL James’ Parochial United States i* willing to under­ Stale Highway Department Is hope," continued the Mirror. write the security of Midesstem Dry Clunse Now! School. have filled more thabvSOO ------7------— ------/ . . . :: /r Jl worth about 87 million dollars less DANCING V "Thu’s speak the self-ordoined Amejicari'Junior Red Cross states once the Jews arid Arabs . ■■ , L - HACK'' night. ' y ^ a n it was before the floods, «H(h andl* Marpky TO THE MUSIC OF^. bishops of Printing House Square, boxes prepared by Manchester boxes during these past two week*^ begin negotiating a peace oettle- P l» « headquarters of the 'Times, in’ their X. ^^tate Sen. Stephen i. Sweeney y Tea.v !>' children, for - Shipment oversess- These boxes will be sent aa tokens (R-'Naugatwk) said the figure BlU LEONE'S 7 PLUS 2nd BIG HIT! co*>’ star chamber far from the SCUOI^AKLY GRIUUEK These are only three Of the )T)*m- of the'(riendship and goodwill of waa ahsestlmato by a Highway D ^ Caaltaaosk (ron>^S:U ORC'HESTRA , busy stream of mijdern thought, bers of this club, members of the the A(miertc*n achool; .children to partmeiUNipfflclal. Karls ohe>>-' Str William Hsley, the starchy Chapel lull, fl. C. (NEA)- E(| fourth grade taught by Mr*. Paul their . counterparts oversea*. Dur­ But. he 8aW yesterday he would editor of-*the Tl’rrtes, has donned Sutton, Nor\h Carolina right half­ Adams at the. J/erpIanck- School, ing the past 10 years boxes have FlooHxAid Sought .\ a t aak lb's spenhl session of the leg- his black cap and passed his sav­ back. i« a Morehead Scholar —one who. have given freely of their been sent to children of West Qer- Islstufe next mbnlh to pass a |iw age sentence."- of the most highly prized offered tlmci working many hours after mariy, Korea, (Ireece, Turkey and For Worker permitting Ihe^. nent to ownera The Mirror said a poll of its at the Unlversf^. sch^I. ' other countries where, because of y.^ of such, ravaged property of/lhe readers showed 96 per cent-' of From left to right they are; war or disaster, children hs’Ve need m IROAD s t r e e t , MANCHESTER value before the floodsN / those voting believed the Prin­ PLENTY o r BOOH N/iney Hayward, daughter of Mr. of fi-ien(Is across the sea. Hartford) Oct. 28 (>Pi g6n- THESE THINGS This would -neari the State/wouJd Our complete stock of cess should be allowed to marry and Mrif. Dana Hayward of 171 St. 'G ift box contents In'olude such necticut State. Kmpto.ves Ak*^, an / on FISHERS new pay about 17 million more tW r"the flIR CONDI TIONf n Townsend, but the Times w'as "try- Lafayette. Ind. (NEA)—Pur­ John St.; Duncan Bockua. son of items as pencilv^mall pads, tooth­ independent union, said to TRI’TH OB CONSK- / t d ’KN’CKS -^ngham Palace today but there / ! SAMUIAY SERVICE y|SMts.p»u> *. Y O ir .MA.MA WO.S no ndication it discussed the ght that some of our. 1 T O N ia w r /(Ji> dbAma romance. * IN lY jjjtrp o f lY 5 . AT REGULAR PRICES s4e UFK or riley Cinemascope and Color! / I S> I'BOriSBOAIIS /Presumably Margaret's decision —• Wllfc All .Mr L ova" oit whether to marry Townsend eceived all the courtesies due Spoclow Pgrltliif ^ "MeCONNELL lAVE Harding (It) nOCX*3n-:NTAEY thea/ wfill be communicated td this body STORY" TKI "Uarden Far Abnn- of senior advisers. But It seemed our sincere apologies^ AT dance** ■ \ evident no word was received from ALAN LADD (SS) PBAM A .-/ V ■ '■ V THEJTREETSOFTHEWEEKARE: Friday - Saturday/''Srhiday JU N E AU.Y.SON (IK-Aft) OPR .HI8R RIU)OKfl the 25-y^rTbld princess. f:BD 4^-Ml THK RK# 8TORV The weM^Informed l(^bby corres- "FOOTSTEPS IN Dancing ( RrlB) DOLLAR A SECOND ponSenl of-the Press Assn, said: ADAMS and PORTER Clark Oable-^dM Russell T ^ O R M A N ’T am CRI’SADKR ,'5 P®* D*e •hove streeta In Manchester, you are MiUtled THE FOG" - (U ) H A LF H O I’R FILM "The Privy Council meeting at The response to our 56tl^nniversary ’^ * *•% GASH dlacount on all dry cleaning (minimum 81.00) "THE TALL MEN" . 8TE7VART GRANGER Every FrI. and Sot. NiqliT In CEDAR ROOM. 44S h a r t f 6;r 6 r d . (U) f LED THREE LIVES Buckingham Palace Was a routine B:S0 (n -sa ) STAR STAGE . one and no exceptional significance ...because it,would make you a Srhealey prevent* us from ^ving it to you free. Wouldfi^ . thia weisk! Jnat call MI 0-7111. We will pick up and deliver. In CtncmsScope JEAN SIMMfjNS , ( R) THE VISE beeni tremendous. We been, at lii —------■ - -’ MODERN and OLD FASHION DANCIN# TEL. Ml t-^597. UB) VARIETY THEATER should be attached t M irK E Y M kll’RF, C L ^ B Prime Minister Kden wili\ spend- stca'd of your preaent.brand. Oniy the law try a hal^pint, or a drink at yoijpftvorile bar! (l»l I.ATK MATIn S k , ' UK-U) PLAYHorSE OF behind* schedulc^ And' we have I Sea Food - - Itallaii Dishes — Steai» — Cliapfi, | a») MATINKK TBKATKB. (In .HTAIDU-Jamcii Dann tU rc/ the weekend at Chequers, his 'tmun- ■■ ■■■' ■ // / CHiLOREN FREE ( -pro^rrt*) — ‘‘Wlnler Cnrnl- *'NolWng To 1)4* Tutu try residepce. Fnir* r \ out of some items, If you 'haye^ Read .Herald Advi. I NL’a/tni)lnnililjfi),''t ri.iygiuuiig Arp.i («> I^'nCLE KD'S ,clvb The. Duke of Edinburgh, flying IM> BAB M WKSTBKlir his own four-engine plane, left (or i TKB—"Kit Csruaa" Tkap. * Scotland. • - ; i ienced, we Are really 'tcrribly/sorry, and want , , (U) OVT WKHT (la prefraM) W. He ENGLAND BUCK’S CORNER RESTAURANT ^ (U) ™.M THKAT^ J i He and Queen Elizabeth II will 8;M (It-WV HOWnV nOODY /Xyou to kj»dw that we are dok^ everything in our THE MAItG.HE^TER WATES NEW LONDON TURNFIKE. GLASTONBURY (13) BIN TIN TIN LUMBER CO. *'** 111) Am^NTl’BE THEATER pdwer/io correct these ^rtcomings. / fkvseiit . (IS) MAGIC VAI'CT Acroaa from Oreea Hchool ' OATERINa TO OATHERINGS OF ALL KINDS I3S> NEWS AT flIX_ (11) TNfVCLE ED'S FTN CriCB Open AH Day Saturday. ffOVl' The Manchester Community Players i i i t COWBOY CORRAI. (lAl TWILIGHT THEATER • ;1» (Ml 8POBTN OIOE8T 1I:M (IS-lt) CAVALCADE OF g90BTk THE BEST (M) HOPALONO CASSinV —Laid P .m *i. dakai^ llicre are still ^ndreds of exceptional ^sayings oppor? ■ :li (St) THE EARLY. 8HOW O o n .a lv r. Is IS ll*kt- “A SLICHT CASE OF MDBDER’ , —“Babia Hoad * v .IS llt in HEARING! • :M ( *) RPOBTSCOPE __ ( S) PEOPLE'S CHOICE tunities at Keith's, and by now we believe that when you (|») NEWS AND WEATHER (531 WRKSTMNO WORBOLTa VERFLANCK SCHOOL AUDITORIUM • :4d ( SI WEATHER FORECAST <1(L55I THE LINEVP'^” .... " (1!) SPORTS DIfiEST ' 15:35 ( 51 GREAT GILDERSLEEVE come in you can expect our usual efficient service. Drop TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT —"Prarlice W hat Vas .A Preark" Adults |1.10 (Tax Incl.)—Students 55c (Tax tncl.) (1*55) PERSON TO PERSON CURTAIN-^T 8:80 P. M.’ r Nichols T I P F —Edwkrd R. Msrraw in at any time, you know we will be glad to see you., (53) FILM THEATER Manchester ■ / 15:55 (11.35) SPOUTS REVIEW "to help you choose ihc^ items best suited for your home Po Ao OretUeal F l^ lrr. In Arlinn 11:55 (l*lS.35rNF.WS ( *1 I LEO THREE UVE8 ..an d to extend to you*the convenience of our liberal SUBURBANITES (11) FINAL EDITION <55> WiaaTCAF EDITION ifir’rmriAtT: SHOW terms. ' . ‘ ^ ^ BOYS HEY NEW ami RECAPS ~-"Yaakrc Fakir" , (35) WEATHEE - ond KIDDIES Store and t^lant 295 Broad St. d ') SPORTS-BOC.NDCP FORMERLY PRINCESS RALLROOlij (S3) PREVIJF.K V ' End Ceiling Cracks 11:16 (15-11) WEATHEE GIRLS TEL. Ml 9-4224 .(35) CONNECTICI’T b epo bt / VILLAGE ST . ROCKVILLE 11:15 (1!) PICK A STAB Both Convenient Keith Stores Closed Saturday Evenings^ \ Wint a modern,; .sound-proof ceiling to cover up an TOMORROW (15) RIG SHOW l:U ( *) THF. NEWS TODAT (35) T.V. TH5;ATEE ^Id unaigh^y one? Choose Nu-Wood Ceiling Tile which ■ # (IS) FOOTBALL FOBF.CAST 11:15 (5) BADGE NO. 715— Keith's, Manchester, Open Thursday^ Nights Uritit 94 builds, deedrates, insulates all-in-one,. It gCKS.* up easily, SPECIAL (77) TONIGHT , ( I t) NEW S —Sirva Allra ■ L U E C R O t S ^thoiit miws or fuss—patented joints cover all nails. PsAsOeilNOO EVERY MONDAY (U) THIS IS THE LIFE 11:55 (15) TONIGHT Ketth’sf East Hartford, Open From 10 KM. llnul 9 Pjlf. T:W ( S) FOLITICAL PBOOBAM 11:55 ( 5) NIGHTCAP THEATER h e a r i n g a i d s .We suggest Nu-Wood board for new waljsl Like Nu- (IS) NEWS , Saturday Matinee 7 : 4 5 P .M . (IS) CLI’BHOl’SE 1:55 ( 5) NEWS . TUNSKTOa-rOWBtt... sad M)*l**tl ^ood CeiHng Tile, it'needs no paint or decorating. It , (I SHOWING ONLY) . (Ill WEATHER a M'.’SIC Free Irankporlatiofi by Silver Lane-Bus from (iS> WHAT-S VOI’B TBOCBLE? CM TMT "A" lATTRT... lie ‘8" bettsryf :jirovidefi jgopd usulatton against spund as well as heat ^^rangfiJBallj Manchester at 6:45 P. M. __— . (S3) FRANK LEAHY End cold. 7(1* (IS) SPORTS BrLLETIN AS tow AS SUM r n YIA8 iMfotlse 5*5t! . BOARD GLASS (It) Ml’SICAL WEATHERHAN — AUTO GLASS — A •( Tkt DaKltofirg Stop in today. Well show you how the tiles g HIUHLIOHT8 7:1* (U> CONNECTICIT EEFORT 31 BIgmII St.—MI 0^7322 < Keith Furnitnre PUBLIC INVITED ' 7;ZS (M) W E iT R R B V A N E ^ ^ e INDIVIDUALLY FIHED ■ - ^ h .u s — ■- Polka and Modem Dancing 8:30 to .12:30 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. -CARTOONS SATURDAY, OCT. 29 Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED CASYIUDGET TERMS 6 MAX SZETELA9 MUSICAL BELLS ATLANTIC HEATING OILS COME. IN OR PHONE TODAY MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD ^ e x t r a New Folifk Americoo Donee B«md Sensation > RIVATE CONSULTATIONS y TRUE.LIFE ADVENTURE' | v ; . FREE ADMISSION L. T. WOOD CO. i p e r s o n a l ^ f S t NORfH iMkfN STREET cm ^iunr28c. a d u u t b -soo Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 TEL. MI 9-5258 L -.HEARING SERVICE iC H lN ltif OlJflUttS CO., N. V,C-AttNDtO V^HISKEY, 86 tAOQF, *i)li 6dii'aiN NiuTiAi srmis. * ' U OAK iKT. — M l firCMl X- ■, ' • .X < [■ / (? -M-

■ /- X ■ X ',-':.'-- '■■■■ -■X'XX y • .-,>* .jy - y " I/ - i ' ' ‘ x' (•

^-■•' . V. U A N C piST^ EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTgB, CONN, FRIDi OCTOBER 28, W55 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FR-lPAY, OCTOBER 28, 195S . yj PAGE p a c b ro x T R with A box lunchadn, "Wtt Skatlng Planned tip- movlea?" a newsman pressed. W om en of Council fee served by Mrs. Mari ’•Well," said Hagerty.", "there A ircraft B uildi Conduct Sunday Seirviceg at Q |< [^ Trotter, Mr*. Lois ^ m as and Priest’s Life Called Parallel Peiping Squeezes jReasants Eunice Culver of South Mel . T o m o r r o w N i g h t were a lot of Iridlans and bad: men Plant Addition. Plan Observance Gains Thitd that Wt the dust," . ^ . Clearance , Church. Reporter: "Tan men.toVotvedT" The proipam. will begin at 1 eer Ike oii Hagerty: "I don’t know,. We To T6p^an^^(M ng ]Ify Way^ To Raise Industry \a^itfll The thll-d in the weekly series / 2S% OH oa fill Diniflii RooiR FornHorS Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Di­ ■The 'Manchester Coimcll of o’clock. MIm Lee will frive a .36 have got quite' a few Weatern minute talk on the bsckgroiihd, of th# roller skaUng program con­ ■ V vision of United Alrcri^t.-Corp. Church Women will hold their an­ ' i Recovery Read movies saved up for him.’’- (Continued'from Psifa One) number ofStooiulgnora. Thera are S o m o ono*'W called addition to It* North Haven branch pccta of Korea. Mrs. Maude Klop- Denver, Oct. 38 fX')— - President : Hagerty: res, he does." 'X.- The aamik procaaa tvaa repeated Church on Friday afternoon, Nov. penburg will act' as. pianist and ning at the Cotorounity Y Recrea- ^ , ^Contliaed from Page One) years later in Glasgo\V, Scotland. when\mlcroph(^a' have failed '-fo CHAMBE8S FURNITURE JMLES tfrlTing for liitern^lontl powor., . ... 19M a* ''the w ork flood* in plant that wlU be used for the Elsenhower found much about Reporter: Western novels and Father MacEwan wa.«i not foigot- work, ^ t . prefers HSlng a mike be- 4, ..with' Miss Myung. VVon Lee of Mrs. Ann Winzler will be eoloist. lion Center, The program wll> which to cheer todaw as he ap­ movies?” „ Low bvorhood — You Sovo. cqueetinK It*.'.j>eaaant» 1**™**‘| ioo year*” a w ^ the Y^nirlM and manufacture of jet ehglpe parts. A pursery will .be provided for pre­ tlona oiq^cessing no -confidence Elecred Pregideiit ten by a country which had accept­ Oguse hkbelieves audiences like to than ever to raise capital for in- Huai River .valley* In ih \ heart of Kdrea as the principal speaker. begin promptly at .7 o’clock^ahd proached the end of hi# fifth week Hagerty: "Th*t’*,righy‘^" , ^ 3-5187 Construction of the addition will school children y; ' the goveniment. The reporters drOppsd it about ed, him aa an adopted aon. He had hear a full vol 501 Middle ToniDHifl^Tol. du»triall*i»Uon,/expert* here be-1 china * Kr»>n- On this special day, Protestant continue until 9 o’clock uh^er the of hospitalisation frorom a heart slsrt in November, Wllilsm P. The planning committee for this there. toured Auatralla many times and DiscuaSli his hornbland, he , Opon DoUy 10:00*5:00—4von|i 7:30-8:30 lieve, . I Modification* were *«*ih Vltai for W a/ viewing during the ers into the conversation, he said, orogres* • j Congre**, climaxed by Mao'* direo. double the area of the North Ha­ this enjoyable and Inspiring pro­ own skates^d a Ree membaship-^ j;une, hut Faure insim Important ong h < ^ of convalescene. kept his calendar fr*e of official Seven years ago When he was and to support the United^Nations gram. r'epresentlng ihe Archblahop' of 'The teenager* wto outgrow Faiatae Always Threat ’ -tlve. revived the program. ven plant, follows an increasing card majr skate free of charge. \ dcelaiona must be./aken in the ^ Pbysitwl AcHvity caflera until the arrival tomorrow Johhny Ray and the*e\people,’" AnalysU who *tudy theaeL One authority, here .pointed out: (letnand for the. compsny's J-,5. in its work. ■niefe iS no additional charge for And e v ^ day brings new ymrd of Secretary of Agriculture Ben- Otosgow at the Melbourne Dio­ The women are aaU^ to bring Ural* alx months of 1950 which re­ Though he la reported, to be a WBY PAY MORE? volumlnou*______report* and' askaakjthat report* of good crop* from: jet turbine engine, PAW said to­ LE.ADER8 RETURN tho^e'^who rent skate*. bu.t they /■ of increasing . physical activity cesan Centenary he was persuaded good used clothing tor children, ^nsoh IsToming in on the heels violinist he stated, "I’m a\preach- anoriimity. - intensity of rtany province*—a aubject blared i day. Orlglnslly, only pl»ton-ehgine tnu»t *1*0 have a Rec memberahip / ; quire contiYiuity of the- parliament which doctor# say he la taking in to *l$g- Though rustV and o\it er. not Helfltz.” Soo wfiy ARitotf BoMRMMroaiitoinsiiiranet in 1954 almost daily by Peiping Radio—I part* were produced In North H men and boys. T ht mticles will be to back the solutions reached. atride “ a slow' stride now of a of a White House statement deny.* of practice he warmed the audi­ development is underivay. Famine shipped to Pakis^n,' India, Oki­ Hleleah. Fla. (NEA)—The lead .Card. ' r / Then with a twinkle added\"I'm Hion idw ethor oi$mpcnliy botod on diroct wrifton __no novelty in China—and minor may have given Red. leaders ' the i ven. Now. niore than 50 p ing owner, trainer, jockey apd \ Member*hlp.card* Sre on sale a f . ‘ Many government opponents aay few steps at a time — biit hearten­ ing as "not only untrue biit c(?m- ence with hi* repertoire \>f cert- no Bishop Sheen in the pulpit courage! to drive ahead now. | of that plant's area ia dev nawa, Korea, aa^ell as in Europe, they caitoot support new elections ing steps ihstal'e being Increased pletely unfounded'’ a..publlal^ re­ turies-oM Celtic songs. Tni#' Aii*- p r o m i m i ^ , sporadic tlprtalng* are among the where .lothingJ k badly needed. horse *' Hialeah Park last i^ te r aU three recreanon center* Monday either." YOUXL FIND'A>l»tate, the company /ounded , possible conseWences. they >ay. Cbniequen'ces could, be serious. | jet-part pi odtrctlon. All. of through Saturday evening, and it until the methoid of casting ballots number pa time goe# by. port that some members of the tralian Broadcasting Comnmsinn He is one man of the clothywhp COMPARE China has recently signed trade factory space will be ufSa for jet Col- Davis D. Coy, divisional oSldef for the Southern New England- The WorldyCbmibunity Day of­ will ba back for the-1956 ipeettog. -has been changed. Faum aay* A 6:45 a.m. (MST) medical bul­ cabinet had tried to oust Jrfie Sec- petftloned his superlora to allow by Seara, offers'rates usually lower than those of ntost companies However, nothing remotely com­ State*. and Mrs. Coy will be special speakers this Sunday at the local fering will he used for food for ■They, are, in order, Hi^y,-House the ^ * t Side Recreation Center doe* not claim another ta.ljtot aids —» really better autei Insurarire vjdue! At the earn# time, you parable to the chaos of the Rus- pact* with Egypt and Ceylon, both j production,. from F in. the morning until /:/lO th at'h e is yi'illlng to let the depu­ letin said, "the President had a ■ retary .' \ ’ ' / ■. ‘ Father .MacEwan to tour that him in leading people to" heaven. calling for expMrtIng rice, although The-expansion m<5gram, which Salvation Army Citadel. They, will participate at both the 10:45 a.n^ hungry ami needy ever>-where. Farm*. Harry Trot#ek,, Teied...... Atkin- ties decide^ 'on a change in thl* elec- good night’s sleep of 7 Vi hours- The denial was fssued at Wash­ can count 6n Allstat* tor finest protection, friendly agent aervie* X E sn coUectivixstlon tqpvemeiit in The pr5igrBm will begin at 1 p.m. son and Nashau. at night, XX country. "Singing and the priesthood are and, f*»t, fair claim smiement# throughout the United States the iWOs. la^tlcip ated . \ China 1* probably short of meeting will include an .sMitlonal 100,000 Holiness service and the evening service at 7:30. The publlc-ls invited . tlon law./but he has dqubta that "He awoke feeling refreshed ington. but Hagerty made a point ,Hls engagement broke all exla quite unrelated. A good old parish Kevcrthefeaa, the Chinese farm­ it* own ^tem al needs. square feet ofA,ralce apace, is ex­ to attend these aervice*,.. , *ny agreement can be wached oir and in a gootkinood,” the doctOra of calling attentloiYto it at a news ing box office records, IrYcIudlni priest may do a much better job and Canada. /' \ * • y er is cmight to the middle of whst Thl* 1* part of the big aqueese-- pected to be/far enough along by a new system. / reported. 'The President’s condl- conference here. those set by John McCormack and Contact yoUr loc^A R state W nnUiM Co. dealer. / drain the countryside of all'wealth Uon conUnues to'gfOgresa satis­ ''^han I and not be. knowrt.” is pempa Communiam'a greatest the spring^to permit occupancy by Mendes Against Piwnler ■' ■ Farm Journal Magazine had said Nellie Melba. In Melbckirne he Father MacEwan saw "Going F R A N K L A N ^ A C K A M 9 - 5 6 5 0 / pofSible and sell It abroad to gain th* flrat^ the new employes Who Former Premier Pietro Meiujes- factorily without .cotopllcatlona.” Atty. Gen. Browneii, Postmaster oublecroas. purchasing Ppwer for buying the There was cheering new*, too, gave-seven concerts In a hall which My Way," and though he may well As on# expert put it: will bw^equired by the expansion. Big-Hearted Cashier Issued Fnince was , one ot those Voting Geh. Summei field Snd presidenllai seats 3,000 and each time people be the real life counterpart of Blng^ You'r# la Good Hand* Vllh “The peasant, lured by prom- machinery Oiina needs to Indus­ In Russia's approval of a western aide Harold E- Stassen lauiiched trialize. • ■------t Faure today even thotfgh zponaored resolution providing f ^ w-ete turned away. drosby's Father O'Malley, has no laes of land, often gave at least are' members of the Radical •the ouster mbve after Elsenhower Last year he came to American desire to picture himself as such. tacit 'support to ■ the Communist Another facet is the stats'* pro­ ON THE ^ T. Trotter a series of steps for creation of air heesme 111. Summerfield is'to con- gram .of fixing the price of grain deaths Last Night $535,000 in Bqgus Check SocieiiBt party. Mendes-France international atom* - for - p e a c e sho»‘es and found the audience to It is quite evident that hla heart revolution. He got land, but now trprcea to the assembly have' been fey .wiUt the President her«^^Mon- Is fn hiS-t'wee little" parish pt 400 n4BURANCI CONtOANV he U probably, going to lose It. He and forcing fsnflers 'to bank th ''V. Earl T. .^ tte r, 336 Porter /Bt. agency, , / . . be just as receptive. He explained raceipt* In government; bank The defense presented cal working hard to find some means has been- elected to the presidency And from the Big Four foreign ■dsy.''' ' ■/-.'/ his reason for singing native songs where he’alng* weekday Maaa at / may become a'fflere wage earner.^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESA Owi^nsboro, • Oct. 25 R K W A Y i qf reUrdtog elections until any Individual ownerabip is against another - source of capitgK for experts who ssld X-ray* df Rar- of the KiWanls Club of Hartford ministers conference at Geneva and said, "Anyone to be successful 8:30 a.m. and Shnday at 10 a.m-. Washington^Clark Griffith, 55. federal epurt/jury was unable to agreement .ca'Yi be reached oh a new His songs In Uktin-during Mas* long range .Communist doctrine, foreign purchase*. on* of bassbsH's leading , figures, rett’s brain indicated a ^rinkage for 1956/ He IS a member of'fhr came word that Russia had joined must specialize. There are thou­ Finally the cotlectlvl*l/drive it­ agree yesterday on the reapon- that could have aff^cted'nla thtoi qlection law. ' \ adminiSlxaUve staff of the In-' Nam ed Cliairinaii sands of great voices, but only a are his most intportant number*. state ownership a Communist goal. one of the organisers of the Ameri­ Ureat Britain ahd France In S(4>- OP MANCHEtn^R The new, totensa collectlvlxatlon self is putting, tremafid^s pres can League and asabolated. with aiullity of a amall-town 'bank ing. Tpreign MiniateX Antoine 7*inay qtitute of Living In Hartford. 4s a rovlng a measage expressing hope few make much’ money.” ■i FLETDNER GUSS GO. drive sterna to part from a dirw- sure on the peasan^t I* destroys the Washington' Senatcirs for .44 cashier who ‘admltt^ly — "Ih- Rebuttal witnessed of the proa- ^ OPEN SAILY and SUNDAY BiOO r6dW PJN. k flew'back from'the Geneva con­ 32nd degree Mason and nctiye in I President's early recovery.' i o m Ready Smile, ;snarp 'Wit / ROB CAN BOOT ’EM tive by Chairman Mao Tae-tung ing his traditional way of' life. dulRcd oiir customers" t ^ h e tunc acution Insisted/ the -rays / ference of Jthe ^ig Fqur foreign the affairs of the South Methodist , i,Tl»er« iwas a note of sadneea. V Father MacEwan has silvery Many have rioted, infreqiienlly years, sSrytog as president since last July SI. Ha laid down the 1919. Bbrii jn Vernon County, Mo. of 9.''>35,000 in worthless cheek*. showed nothlng/of slgnlflcance, miniaterq tb ggat his baRoL Faute Church.______, \ how^Far, to word of the death of hair and Is only a few lnchea more Philadelphia if) - Seqlor Bob lU WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE theoretic baata foi what China to the poiiU, oFviolence. They have After seven hours of delibeja- and lh*t/6*rret^h other examlna- and Ptoay ihounted the rostrum, the President’s cloee friend, 85- Mrs. Beatrice y ttle. 1$6 Spenegr than five feet tall. He has a ready Leh^ood of Reading, Pa.' haa no Died Thursdsy,. CORNER d u r a k t Isy. has-called "* profound movement been condoned as “cspitallit” Uons, the juror* were dismissed I tlon* seemed be a 'man of-.high together to drop their vote's. Into sembly where It probably wlll ba ycarXold a a r k Oriffllh, president St., is general chairman of thb- smile and exercise* hi* Sharp wit kick. After Penn's first four games .ahd "rlghtfst’! element*. New York—Frederick W. Nlch- of the Washlngtoh Senators Base­ itod. lucid observations on many he led the in ptmtlng of Soclallat tranaformaUon." . ol, 63, former, vice president snd snd a new trial was set for Ber- InteJJlgencr the big gold and green urn. passed Amerlcan Legion Auxiliary’s an­ NEW L.\RGER QUARTERS \ Since then, particularly In Uve T h e r^ h a s been no Indication nard Ware Barrett, a *elf-atyled e trial/had beeit delayed while Pinay aald'yeaterilaXto Genevto: This move should make thf 16 ball Club. nual Department Parley tomorrow occe*lpna. "One thing 1 have with a 35.8 yard average for 17 how soon the present co-op* may general m an ag ^ of Ih* Interna­ arrett imdervvent a aerie* of But the new* that had every­ noticedto thl* country is the large -boots. PLENTY pF FRONT AND REAR PARKING past six weeks,-Peiping Radio haa tional. Businesn Machine Corp. "klnd-hearfed man’ accused -of,r /I ••I cannot validly represent gjVance peasant party members, represent­ at the Hotel Rond. Hartford, when talked enthualaatlcally of new be.^v*rted Into collective'farms, letting more than 2,000 bad chccki/ treatment* I and observation. He while there la danger of a cri^." ing ri|ra1 constituencies where the body exmed around the l»wry Air units from aH oyer Connecticut farm cooperatives established, snd t that is the announced Com­ Horn In Ottawa, Canada, Died had w n declared of unsound Force Bwe pres* room was the AUTO GLASS INSTAUED Thursday.' accumulate. .. The Faure victory today, theta- bulk of France’s fruit 1* grown will be represented. guardedly of "rlghteat elements ' munist goal. Some "showcase'' col­ The second tri*I, on the edfarge mind /by a county court jdry. fore, means the weatern powers frel inore kindly toward Uto Faure word that/fhe President had seen The Parley will open at 10 a.m. lectives sre known t^ exist in Guayaquil, Ecuadior—Juan dc ly closing itgumenls, the gov- government, These, depiuiea ap- hi* flr»t movie yesterday. with four separate meetings: A opposing them. /[ Manchuria and perhaps In 'Inner Dioa Martinez Mera, 60, president that he made''false entrlekdo Con- .Will face Molotov in the Big Four ^ GLASS FURNITURE TOPS » Oct. IT ^pm t reporte^the ce«l the giant overdraft at the er^ent acknowledged yesterday conference with the team that parehtly had been dn .the fewe as The President stepped frorti his school for unit presidents.,* school Mongolia. / of Ecuador In 1932-33 and a proml- Ijr had been unable to prove a mo- bed to a whqdlchair In which he for secretaries and . trras'urer.v, a 5ALE5LAD)E5' OPPORTUNITY number of producer cp -^ had Whether colleeUve* will In­ bank of Whitesvlllc, Jgy., was set- atarted, and. without aubatltutM to conttauing Faure in office. J/ilRRORS (Rrtploeo and bioor) reached 650.0M, lnvolvto|r 16.900,- ncot' member of the Liberal party. for Jan 30. Ax-hargieof misapply­ Ive,. and B arrett Instated he did The government' propablypfotoh would w’as moved into, the auditorium. workshop for rehabilitation work­ crease China's gram output Is also Died Thursday. not profit fsom his klhilne**. for the t|me being. * There he stoppto ^ » n the ­ ers and a workshop for Child Wel- 000 peasant hotiaehoUn- A year ing th.a funds Is ,set for trial oi Also' present a t today’# aesalon deny ther*- wait any Kflrt,jt of deal Burton’s^ a s full tim^MlIing poisiUonR avaJliiblc for ftCTURE M M ING^ an unanswered question: Only time New Rochelle, N .'Y , Blaine 8. U.8. Atty( J. Leonard Walker involving...... the flha^^ e coicommittee. chair Into hi* favorite easy chair; ago It^-waa 100,000 l,8Q0,0O0 will tell. ------/ ------the same date. / was Maurice Thorez, secretary ,fa,r« worker*,. —...... )K>uWOldsi ' / > Smith, 71r retired president of Uni­ 'T he’S-day tyial Was t.ak>.n uj^or slatetl, however, tkat it war "rea­ general of the 37:cnch Conununist •The peasant c'.ipUtle* promisefl, The movie, 'preaS/ Secretary At the aftemooiv session, the 'aleH, neiT ap^^^ womeh. Silai'y ait4 bontfg, ^.-Oommunist CMaa'a fbrm versal Atlas Csment Co., and a the most part with tfaa testimony sonable to expect and to infer that ho&Ing. B ut gbSslp as* James C. Hagerty satit fiated two varibur programs or the auxiliari,.* WINDOW and PLATE GLASS nm xviSQ lUKOC h e u;i^ic pic d he (Barrett) Vvaa going to get party. It was hU first appearance hours. It was. he added, “a long derfuL atore discount. Pleagant wprkiiiir condlflons. x^guncs have Vulad 'since Oie former'director of U.R. Steel Corp. of ph.viiyisns and paychtotrlsts AMERICAN a i^ JAPANESE VARIETIES in the assembly chamber in about bly’lobbies emphasized that the will be outlined by the Departmertt JALOUSlESi InataUnUon la ({nick, iSiMy and.EooaomieaL • tlonalUU arert driven fr( Born In Alta, low-a. Died ^ursday, who examined Barrett, Md the something if he hit on his oil." five years, since he suffered a committee's actioh was "an. rle movie—and It was a good ohe.” chairiTUtn. . | Hew York (B—Doug Ford., who L. E. Owens, an oil operator, 1* "Just a plain movie?” asked a The local .unit 'u-ill be represent­ CONTRACIORSi WE HAVE tS STOCK mainland )A UM9. haa Samed more than 933,000 In Lexington, Va.—Dr. Glover case boiled down to the question: ^ Tht r«d*b«rritd heUy lo p9|^iilar«l^ChrisMiat ond Hit hordy boxwood Itof paralytic stroke. i ment that could .he helpful to tl^ / / / APPLY IN PI2RSON PLEASE Ibutlon of land Dunn Hancock. 77, retlrid dean of "W*s Barrett menially off- awaiting trial on a charge that he Warns Assembly government." Faure certainly reporter. He drew from Hagerty ed by its president. Mr*. E^verett golf price money this year, says In wrote, 1,185 checks which left him that it was In technicolor and that S. Mosely; Mr*. Joieph F. 'Wallett. J ^ D I C I n I CAMNETS and SHOW it b60RS inunadiataiy, apparoisrantil^ hia book "Start Oolt Iroung," that th* School of commerce ahd Ad- bgiance and therefore /not respon- He »yf^ idod for londscof^ uso. The government bill calls for could use the I I votes. reac a peak In the "landlord mlnlitratloq at Washington and iible for hla businesyjudgment?" with an overdraft of 9168,701. ending the preaefnt- assembly Jan. the Pj-oaldent "enjoyed It thor­ secretary; Mrs, Harry Sweet, re- Open Saturdajrsi-Opeii Iliuraday Bvealags « got his chance because of hla More than a third of America's oughly.’'' But Hagerty wouldn’t habtlitetion chairman, .gnd Mrs.- / i ga" of 19S1 and 1953. Borne lar's driving range near Van t«e University. Born in Los Ang^ / Hordy ConnocHenf qritwH iplootf, fho rMbln of ovor 8 yoore* txporimontf. 2. Faure haa promised h* will let BURTON'S, tnc. ESITMATES OLAOLT GIVEN up to four million wai;p killed. les. Died Thursday. . - i_ 50 million autos are more than 10 aay what It .was. Harold Belcher. Child Welfare Jandt Park. Ford lays- "When ]Z; the assembly make its own de­ "Wsa it one of thoim shoot-’em* chairman. // Floods Strain Food- Supply he ihoved to an Indoor range I went Rome—Bernardo de Muro. 74, Soo thorn to opproffoto thorn. No shock trcmipldnting. All plants sold with cision ,on the changes It wants to years old. j ■ By 1963 "mutual aid tbanu' over'Vhenevar I had the chance. operatic tenor, a long-time resident roots boUtd In oor^. . make in the election law. But. he were at Work and the "co-op It w as\herc that I found out what of the United States. BorWin Tem- MESITE DRIVEWAYS warned, if no agreenieht haa been \ -»> i.»pewis.sy .» .v y ^ a » .- movement was known to be under­ a pfe'aauxe golf la -even on a..^blg plo Pauaania, Sardinia. Died , ■ ' \ reached by the time the debate is " 7 ^ way but .floods brought great city d rlv i^ range-. " Thursday. EXKRIIY INSTAUeO scheduled to end. he may ask for \ .*/’ ing — Hachto/ Spread — Form* Set — Power Rolled another vote of confidence on the I V Alto: Parking Lot* — Tennis Court* ... Wnlka —x ONLY question of, bringing the present assembly to its close. Mis' TevM Arranged If Desired J 10%/FOR CASH TRAMSACTIO.NS The present complicated method X ' of election calls for party lists of ^N THE AIX INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BT candidates in each department O N THE (courity). Electors cast their bal­ DEMAIO BROTHERS PARKWAY lots for lists, not for Individuals. '/■ MTABUSHEO 1930 L AN D Parties may make‘alliances in the PARKWAY ' CALL NOW — ANY-nME departments . and ,.. anyalliance / MANOHESTER MT-8-7691 — HARTFORD CHapel 7 t86I7 MANCHESTER, CONN. PHONE MItcholl 9.2508 which gets more than half the votes is given all of the seats, ThtX DIRECTIONS: From Manchester Center, follow Main Street to North End, turn left on North system was. worked out In 1951 to ' lain St.'after Railroad Crooslhg and continue oa straight past Buckland School to Plantland. cut down the strength of Comitul- OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY AAL-GdHIPAI. / o *a e^W ,.A da^W A o.ew-..^e e^ * v ,o o^*-_e nists and candidates of Gfn. .Charles de Gaulle. ' , Faure. who asKcd for the ^on- WEEKEND SPECIA “ fldenc# vote y ^ e r d a y when III apr .peared he was facir\g defeat/in a I d o u b l e debate oq- his general glides, spoke calmly for about three min­ utes. ;■ , / . Me asked the assembly, to make ALFRED DAFFQD oR raai STAMP up its trund on the ba^is of his general policies, not just on his RIOUURLY $].7S DOZEN ^ NOW \ GIVEN WITH CASH SALES ALL DAY B E A t J P R E ' S proposal for new electUrns in De cember or hlS North African moves. IS SATURDAY, OCT. Calling for the confidence vote OjXy NOTIIMG gave-Faure 24-hours to talk mat­ 1:'*; ter* over with some, of the depu- ties, who apparently were ghing to MASKED at this Vote against him. The Right to Distill ■ What may have been a key de­ FOR HALLOWEEN velopment came when the as sembly's finance committee, held its reguLan meefing' and took up a SALE! troublesome- subject-/the right of Frenchmen to distill their own al­ DARWIN TUUPS (^Bt* f Be Dobbr) ...... 12-75e 25.$1.47^50.$2.79 cohol. / Tliere Is-only a small tax on D O U B U m W p a r r o t TUUM (W «rt $1.35 D m m ) l2.90e 25-$1.7S 50.$3-45 privately distilled liquors." A-bout ’51 GNRY^^MDSOD DLX. 54 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 3,800,000 Frenchmen —or 1 In 12—/ HYACINTHS (W ^ $1.75 Do m r ) ...... , 12.$1.20 2S.$2.30 S0-$4.50 4-Do«r Radio end heater, power fllte ahIfL take advantages of this provision/ 4-Door. Radte,. heater, automatic shlffC Oh yes, the color is a beautiful winter green. -They don't really .set up-basement Black. N.A.D.A. price $8«0. C A Q ^ CROCUS CW«rt 75c D o i 4 r ) ,. ... / .., 12.50e 2$.98e 50.$1.89 XA.D.A. price 91^945. ----- stills. They ju*t turn over their, Beaupre’s price J Beaupre's price $ 1 7 9 5 fruits to roving di.stillers who do the work for them. ORAK HYACINTHS ...... iS - S S e 5 0 .$ 1 .0 0 Tlie privilege wa.s granted drigi- .1952 P0NT1AO 2-DOOR. MydramaUc shift. Radio and heater. Dark blue. N.A.D.A.c nsll.v so that a man who grew his ••*•••* 2S*^9o S0*$1 e29 price $955. .jBcauprr'siiiHoe own fruit reuld put a little aside to produce his own alcohol. SNO^VDRO^S Xp ■•••••••••••'•• 2S*5Sc S0*S1*00 When Pierre Mendes-France was 1951 CHRY^ER 1 9 5 1 F O R D 1 9 5 1 B U ICK premier, he look a .sharp look at CHIONODOXA ...... • • • ••• •• • • • •••••• ;.. 25-40C 50- 79c the high consumption of lalcohol Hardtop Convertible. Radio, 4-Door New. Yorker. Radio,- and decided to do something about Coirvertlble. .Radio and heat­ heater,^ automatic shift. 2- heater, automatic shift. 5ta- er, Fordonuitic shift. 2-tone roon. Verj-,'very clean. \ it. He declared that only real^.farm- BROWN SUEDE tonc ''g'reen...Beautiful ers could disnil'their own brandy LILIES blue, NA.D.A price 57iKI- N A .p.A price 6995. N.A.D.A. p ri^ g e e’Vsjft s. PUMP ' Bcaupre’e and apple Jack. That would halve $ 5 9 5 Beanpre’l Beaupre's elimatedj about a million private IMPROVED REGALE ~ ORANGE TRIUMPH HENRY I price price price $ 7 9 5 distiller'’-- thoae who do opt grow RUBRUM 49e •ttch, o M 6 f Mch—4-S1J9. any fruit but buy if on the market 1940 DODtiE Club Coupe. Blue. Radio, heater, to provide supplies for the fam­ 1941 DOIMiE 4/-Door. Radio hShter. ily decanter. $ 2 9 automatic shift. N.A.D.A. price The' deputies hale to Vote $410. Beauprets price $ 2 9 5 HEDGING FRUIT TREES I950'IIUDSON 4-Door. 2'-iohe blue.'Radio and against, the. prtvstc c-Hizen's plca- '. sure*—particularly where alcohol, heater. N.A.D.A, price $555. C I Q I k 1947 OLDS 4-Door. Black, model "78” Radio, Tourtiholce'ot 39 aU-new P^rmouth models* Includlny an all-new line of Suburban station wagons In 9 low pnee-mngea* CALIFORNIA PRIVET—$1 25 to 13.49 APPI.B. I-KAR and PKACH -TRKE.S Beaupre’s price ^ 1^ J heater, hydramatlc . a potent politicat subject, is the N.A.D.A price $120. Beaupre's price question. Pressure built up for a AMUR PRIVET-^25 foe $1.49 and up $li9.'» Each—Any .3 Only $.").;)0 1930 2-Door .Sedan. C O O A $ 9 9 bill dela.ving application pf M-endes- ^ R E E P T B ARBERR Y—23 toPdS4;9S DWARF '.APPf.K and DWARF PEAR .N.AJ1..A. pgjice $450. Beaupre's p r i c e # * " V v.../, 1947, MERCURY ConverOblr.- Radio, heater. , France's-decree for a year. ’Tfis" ■ -hole question carae'up~t(r $2.9.'j Each—2 fW $5.50 1950 DODGE i-Door' Meadowhrook. Radio, Gray. NA.DA. price $1$5, RED BARBERRY—25 for $7.45 Beaupre's price.- ' ' $ 4 9 . the. finance commit tee yesterday .' beater, automatic shift. NA.D.A. C O C C and the government withdrew it.'- price $500. Beaupre's price - 1955 PLY5101:TII Convcriible. Light green. , opposition to the delay. 1950 CHRYSLER 4-Door Windsor. N.A.D.A. Radin’and heater, signal light* 1 The commiite^t voted to let the 'I i N.A.D.A. price $1215. . I- ' SHADE TREES FLOWERING TREES price $550. $ 2 8 0 delaying blU, go back’to the as- BLACK SUEDE Beaupre's price , Beaupre's pricf - '- $ 6 9 5 -.4 SUGAR MAPLES_From $2.2.5 Paul’s Scarlet Hawthorne—$2.95 PUMP - 9.1 seconds ^ago this ’56- Plym outh w as standing still ! NORWAY MAPLES—$9.95 FLOWERING CRABAPPLES—9Rc up t CUJSED OR _ CALL AT. BEAUPRE'S OR CALL Ml 3-113 LET US TEST SILVER MAPLES—$4.45 . SMOKE TREE—$1.95 ” OPpN T op Your W atch Froo . WEIRS CUTLEAF MAPI.E—$5.9.5 - Japane.se Flowering Cherry-^$2.95 Wgnt powfif' you can-use Then meet PljTnouth’s mag­ Take your pick of power ratings: 200 hp is available geumH-muTTOM IE SURE TO CHECK N.A.P.A. PRICE IEFORE YOU «UY! In 30 Seconds with PowerPak in all 4 lines—Belvedere, Savoy, Plaza, Criaiaon KinR Maple—$6.95 and $19^:95 TREE HYDRANGEAS—$t-.50 nificent new Hy-Fire V-8engine! With a finger-ti|) tourh on a button you select o n o u r and Suburban. Of choose 187 hp in Belvedere an‘d MORAINE LdCUST—$6.95 ] MOUNTAIiN a s h —$:|.95 Teamed with Plymouth’s fully automate PowerFlite your driving range. A* eaaV 'as flicking.* t LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW PRICES! . and 90-90 Turbo-Torque, this brilliant new efigine givps -Suburban lines. Or 180 hp in-Savoy arid. Plaza line.s,_ ■ light switih! fTlien Plyniouth's fully auto» iM a s P e r (If you prefer the super-economy of Plymouth’s new WILD BIRD FOOD Md BIRD PEEDEIiS A .hhpntlfic printed record, made you tremendous b,yr.sting acceleration at “takq-ofT,” malic PowetFlile-—the .ivorbr* amoothest. ■ LOW, LOWv LOW DOWN PAYMEHT! electronically will (ell you the PowerFlow 6-al.so available in.all 4 lines-you get 125 niost adyanceil traiY8ii:i:^«io(i — ULm OY-er. .WILDBIRD FOOD MIXTURE 1 A 16 Lba. IL25' 25 Lbs. $2!is .Look at that car go! You get whip-quick response in true cpndltioh and rate -'of year all driving ranges. And^ou get a safety power reserve IJ^, or 131 hp with PpwerPak.i . ' /It s the ultimate in driving case and anothff SUNFLOWER IjEED 3 Lba. 65c ^ Lbd. $1.01 ‘ 10 Lbs. $2.00 S;;: r l o w ; LOW, LOW BANK RATES! watch. I- / EXPERT w a t c h r e p a ir s that makes you master of every highway situation. Ck>me in and test-pibt this new jeUage Plymouth today 1 : Plymouth in the lowiprice 3. BISHOP-WOOtiLAND and C and D FEEDERS . $1.25 and up PR051VT * . - . ■' ' f ; ' ' > . EC0N05ncAL s e r v ic e ' I O N T H E 'V. ■ 4. * PLANTLAND ' P A R K W A Y BEAUPRE A 358 EAST CENTER ST. ] lncobpobatedPOBATED : $m NCHES1^R.1BI^. MANCHISTIR. CONNi ' - - 'i 1 .4 , MItciMtt 9-2S08, ...... ISSONf I IM B . A ll-new Aero,dynam id DOUEOnONSt Fran Mawiheater Ciater. ’qUow Mala Street te >iortli End, tura ‘left oa' North ^ OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9^A TU R D A n TILL 5 PJlC r / r ' ■ j,rY f / Mala Steaet after Rallread Croaalng and coali|^ue oa ctrMght past p« Bucklaad School to PlaiitlaBd. W E O I V 5 G r F e N S T A l i P S 785 MAIN ST. ' prive it at,yqur Plym outh dealer’a-tb e car that'a going places w ith the Youpg ,iii..Heartt T ry' d ’ • I -■ ,-i aiANCHESTBR E V E ^ Q toR A U >. M A N C ^T E R . GONN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2S. 1965 PAGE 8EVEK BTAyCBSSTEIV l ^ A lj P . M ^CHESTEB/ CONW^ OCTOBER but in these edeeo, ha said, tha I End of An Era Near Hvera "poured the mud back lh| nOght aMka aonia ktnfl of bar­ tormtf tiwmlti, -too, Extended Forecast Newsman Aaks Poor Plaiiiimg within, three days." , IRattclieator gain with Rtiatta, In orders to tn- wlU coma. , The New , England Region of the To what tltpiM t In tha German Congress called for mpae than ISTj ,du<^ Russia to join us in dletatlng Boston, Oct: 28 'Tiw .tam i to million In federal aid for f l o i Softttng IfKidil peace to the Near Kast.. But thft nation, t^ l« ^ a t German' faaUng, p e ra tu rt'ln New {England, during Moustache Club Born of control and,beach eroaioh contral. woumT mean that, • any time Rus­ ara 'w a^ a l^ alln g '^ th auch * wllN the next flvt days, Saturday in State Floods The resolution pasted c i^ 7001 sia wantad aoma peaceful'kind of t'l^nesM .to. forglW and forget through Wednesday, will average Fight Continue deatha and 31 bullion damage Iril .etimes we^nce went to.euch pains the last 16 ybsra from hurricanqa | ooi\ceasion somewhere, abe woul^ _ near normal. Mild weather Satur- Hartford, Oct. 28 liPi—An Army and flooda. merely threaten to have somabpif^ to prosecute? Are we not^ appeas- .day and\{urnlng ' cooler Sunday, Meriden, Oct. 28 i»—A newspapqr engineer says the two floods Con­ Sen: Bush (R-Oonn) said con­ i»b«rt _ ■ ing t h a t vary element Wn German •tart a war. which she. Migaln, Quite mild again Monday and then tor says the right- to know la necticut auTfered . this year were servation "is a highly desirable I might cMisSnt.te call off for the thought we have every reason to cobleb again Tueaday and Wednet- right of the people than of made worse by'poor local planning. part of a flood protection pro­ Brig. Gen. Robert..!. Fleming Jr., gram,' but'that experience tn thk T E a HoiTdwT i^tv en « t* S right price. fear most^tha element which is day. ■ ipera. lie* at lUnctiMttr. Ccoa.. m already m^urlng the idea ^ that HerbiKt Britcker, editor of thO chief of the New England Division last two flooda 'haa shown "we PPlata. Mall Mattar. We ought to jbabaye m If war -Sbme normals for tha"p#rto^ are of Engineer# at Boston' told-the would be foolhardy to rely on con- there was ho particular German HartforwCpunant, called lor a con­ itself were w n ^ , as it there were Boston fJO. Providence 48,. N ^ ^ tinued lights^ newspapers for Uio New l^gland region 'of the Na­ aervatton alone for our protec­ a law ggdinst It we expect the guilt in the war, and that evary- tucket 49, New Haven 48, Cohobrd, right to knoWw He told Ihp'ae mi- tional Rivers and .Harbors Con­ tion." „ taar ...... ,.i...'v ....v ,* •* x B thlhg had that happened was the N. H.. 43, Burlington 43, Portland gress yesterday -Uni! 44. Baatport 44, O rtenvllle annual meeting^qf the Connqctlcut t ICoBths «**«a***********^*** ^^5 result of ths mistake of the wesl- arcuit of the AssbclatejtPfess laat That in several cases, stregntis ■HDyi aaaa«a*a****«»*«,**«*^** ^E; cir^unstancee. And if we want to Caribou 36. • ■ were' made dangerous by' con­ Young PeHorm^r eim powers In not accepting Hit-, B ig h t; prevent new war -In the''Near At Boston, the noraml maximum ClSaiiea With struction that local authorities Egst we 'should concentrate our ler si a benefactor and ally? llf tem peraturr during this period le could have prevented. ‘Hungry bit Seen By 58 and the normal minimum tem­ ‘'Perhaps y/o shall ^ iu Minsir^l Show! policy effort# on th t hualnam of It were clearly mercy to an In­ Tasty arrot* cesaful in that fight if we He gave the following examples. ZeiusiTaly perature la 42. ' . tCaUoB o f getting It understbod that. If it dividual who had already aufferej AS part of my cSmpalgn to get tha> the right to know At Putnam, a bridge was built without-enough space for.the river "LltUe" Patty Uttle of 180 Fern | started^ the United Nations would enough punishment, the rele P\ibllc Schools to te a ^ Droodling clashes with other rif^w. • St.; a pupil of Helyn R. FlanagSn could be approved. But It seepis to I recently attempted tA'Sbow this honeaUy toll the pulwc so. to flow thfough In the' August hava tha .role of stopping it—and one to the Principal of the Grade the right.to know 'will be safe." flood. and Lucipe Butll of West Hartford, a J S S H S ^ ^ be politics more than Jualirtwbich A Th o u g h t fo r To4iU]{^| will tap dance and twirl In the f atraln are also ~ the resource# for auccaeding in ichool In ihy neighborhodd. but Brucker said hwlboiight that the A t Nor\\'slk, a parking lot Manchester EHks first minstrel I that role. Instead of concentrating is Involved, and bad politics. e took one lodk at It, gave me fight never wiXild be won ' but blocked a culvert from carrying run Samoa oUaat rt R. urged that If'be carried oh vigor­ show, to be held Nov., S' and - 8 in on this, we are running, with the sharp rap on the knucklee •wiUi A Pull Time Job off water, causing exten.sive flood­ the auditorium of the Waddell | ^iHiMWiaaa RaprsaaatauvM; his ruler, handed me a note to takl ously. To ^ n ao r or- suppreas hewa ing in October. , ’ ’ beat intentions in the world, into It Is never easy to A* a Chri.«- School.' JdmlTbBuaiaws BpedSTIfaja!.:. home to my Mother and ahovet an. In fact, It ta S' full time Job. ia immbyal, he said, and it ia These two places were among York. ChlcftCOL Detroit AM Boctoik equally.'immoral to play the news Patty has performed for the Mc­ every last idurnative. Rut l£.|i.ew Op^ien orum me out the door. I waS plent Ahd someone has -pointed out that the hardest hit. Cook Memorial Hospital, Newing­ ClRCOl-aTtUW ______.war starts, onlsr■ {natrumen- sore but I noticed a grou^Of or- down in accordance with In addition, sald„ Fleming, the if wA.waht t« really live the Ghrla- someone think# to be a high- ton Home for Crippled Children, Ihlity of the United Natioita could youngsters going Into a . Klpaer- tian irf^we. rnuat resolve now: / New England landscape is dotted Rocky . Hill Veterans Hospital, The \ Repdft On "2lp” garten Clasi so I rolled rip my d. with amall dams built by local au­ bly halt It. That ahpuld also Dally=--P^ay and read the Bible. Brucker added that Judges, goV- Fenn Manufacturing Co. Christ-1 To the Editor, ‘ • trousers and- JoJned them/figuring W ^kly—-Attend church. Join In thorities. Engineer studies, he said, mas party, firemen's show at the ^ . a mesp that United Nations action Havlrg{^ Just raturhed from an on "boring from ,wlthln." How­ ' worship with others, set -aside arnment admlniatratora and politl- showed many caused wide flooding ir B;*enlBS i----- Herald. — obaervatloh stay at' the Manches­ clans do not recognise that the Bushnell Memorial and haa ap­ and ^ticy has tha beat chanca of ever, while I was hldttig In the part Of ybpr income for th< in Adgust because they had inade- peared on radio land talavlaton. as. play adverUaut cloaias aeorai ter Memorial Hospital in, which I .sandbox a certain lUUe 6-year-oId church, engage in some worth right to know belongs to the people. imillways. prevanting it. for/aevaral waeki occupl^ a de­ Wise Guy Snitched oh me. When I , "It is the foundation of tree - ‘‘Ih>^Oetober," h* added, "when well as. participating in the Man­ while Chrlstlan/work outside of govetrnment in a complex world," chester* hometown movie. A stu­ lightful room directly across the told him I'd "get /him outside'' In your usual work\ We tri'e^^p open them we couldn't Wrldor frbm that of our great the vacant lot op^aite the achool he said. dent of MaJ. Forraat Harvey, she Monthly—Take communion, check even locate the operatprs." has won many medala for her j educator aiid ctUsen, Fred A. Velr- he chickened duts. by saying 1« /UP on yourself, endeavor to kve At an alCarnoon session, Frank He said he has been "fighting pianck, to whom I shall hereafter wasn't allow ^ to cross the atrSet. J. Starsel, ^eral manager of off demands ttiqt eng^neer« dig silt baton twirling. BsaUlad daadEe: 10:80_a. aacb By oomproh^iaes. which do God and to walk as He would g^pSyeadea sseept iatJiTday — refer to Sa "Zip," a , plokname Lucky for him! '______have you do. / , \ the AssoclatedX^eaa, told the of rivers. \ CARSTAIRS OISTiIMNC C0„ IALTLMORE. MO.. LOUISVILLE. KY. Uniteil. States Or^lt. the which he Itkea, I thought your All Year—Do all the good you.fcan, newspapers' representatives that ' Money Downn.thp ^the DrlD rain, ^ILENOEO WHISKEY. 88 PROOr. GRAIN NEUTRAL tP iR llt end Security dspunittee/df the readers might^lM IntereotM. In a duced. His plan is •* eo.und that the AP's Job "la Co report the r'^Indiscriminate digging of rivqra .rttday/Oftpber » to all the people'yoii can, in'fII ...... 1.1— United Nations (^era^aaem bly few firsthand ‘rtpofti from one thetrusteeS arb already working the, waya you can. news; not to. make, the newa.' without a definitei plan," he aatdr Who haa known "Zip'- for ao long on it add will probably haVe a posi­ , ■ Dr. Fred R) Edgar "You can't be a participut and "la thrtwlng money down a rat has attained a- B3 \bs 0 vote in I hats to think of tha'years that tive statement to present in a few a reporter at the same, time and hole." \ . AR Itewurc** 8«ee Ont Sponsored by. the M; He said q couple of rivers were IER6ENCY favor of a reaolutl^\movlng the have paaaed. weSlcs. Council of Churches. expect the public to believe HeraM Aioto gIRVi SO^nWh^^OFIRI ; In the Nehr East crisis, as it is establishment ofImrnstlonal "Zip" has been a t the local hoe- /Another very interesting subject he said. Albert Spieinran pencils moustache on Casmir Clechowskl while Hk^rjK MIller k>okg on. dug out "to calm the people'down." lURNER •ivlth "Zip” la his long years of The repreaentatlves of the A" Raping up, attention is being paid storas-for-peacjKW^eclal) This Is union. \ an d . - .)Srhosa Xaurvlylng mambarilemberw W tantial xouraa of action' eacept This onc/^way v^e includ^ the failed him and he can no longer interview with "Zip” for he recalls JourneT, whose publisher, Wayne eSNEItAL the story of a small wager made At Sunday's ' gathering, the meet SnnuallyV CALL^ Jtha on# the arorid will probably vote ofjuissia and, those or her read ha ia as mentally alert at al­ dates ahd important strides in Smith, delivered the address of Free Masonry as If they happened a quarter of'a century ago which meinhers also voted to meet at A MouaUcher summed up lus WILLIAMS ^ v a to daptnd upon. If tbe ailua Cemimimst aatelUten.^ Thus, oh^e most 9« years young as ha yvss <0 welcome.' least twice a year. Since World group thlaxwayj ‘'We're Just juxi a• TV SERVICE year# ago. only yeaterday. . Speakers were Ihttoduced by led to 2S\veara of good fellow­ > / : Hkm doaa get worse. . - ag i^ the. thing origii^y c<^ For those who don’t know, and War II, the ctiib had been dor­ biincn of gobd fellows, who/hava OIL SERVICI And dasBidaSpita the fact lital he la William J. Foote, managlbg editor ship. welded togethe^/S friendalUP that Days Og AR A CaU i Israel,conUdering Ita . dwn, sidered XmpiMblp hae happened,' certainly the younger generatlbn mant, "ntil someone noticed that Nights aas99 Flus Parts ermanantl^^bedrridden; as well of Hartford Courant who is the It all atarted/back in 1930 when this .vear was the quarter-centiiry haa continued over the yrtr#.*’ x j :aafety, tbhHM- it must find aoma- has hs^wned beesttsa Pres­ 'f* and many.newcSmera do not. "Zlp” Connecticut Circuit chairman.,. Ml 8-5184 ^MI-9-4548 witnmuirltHmU vision, the-philosophy he taught school first, when lie was 17 Roc.Kii^lle m aiixnam e «f Carl marn. MapM Grove Mefnbert, Tab ione from whom ft cart huy m o^ ident IQrtnhm ^^ ori^^^ developed over a period of years Plana were then Immediately aat All the members w erealio meW- has never for a moment deserted years bid. X^teri he operated a big Miller, iald a bet o n ^ e t*ble that X ..... ‘fROW OUR $arms, to, m atA poeal had ■uch a'\^ptnpeUlng good farm, gettlns up at 5 in the morn­ into operation for the celebration. bers of .Maple Grove^Club, a,GeK .blm -\-___■/.-• .. ' ■ Author Addresses said -ne woultH>uy niiiills for , a Christy Atfrlcano was piii lit man-Ataerl(Wh ClutC'but ald o k sT ^;tion o f arB»sif»onH3aedioslo^ in it'th a t' n ulxidy hbs the power Of course, 1* visited "Zip" dally ing arid wbrklhg until after dark doxen or hla buddies if na^waa the at night. And then, at 28, he went charge of serving the steak dinner. the roll call wlU.show a variety of * American pplli^t fofeaesw tbe to rejik^ it. \, and aohutimeS he would eay. "Oh Homemakers at Y first of the group to 8havfr,pff his He- also showed movies of a recent, nationaltlea -epreaented. . Bun. corpt in a moment I want to to Yale where he majored In edu­ moustache. They all took him up «resen( situation, tried ta check In thlb.seml-final rasuH Thurs­ cation. Hei of courae. directed the hunting trip into Canada. The officers elected hack tai IBST WEEKEND S n C IA IS dt and atablilM It m anj^eeks ago day. tha ^mtad States had to •ak you aomethlnf." .For those who on his wager. Thus the Mousta^e Sunday's gathering was typical were re-elected''^at Sunday's meet­ don't kndnt 1-acqulrtd the nick- educational programs In South Miss Dean Marshall of Granby, Club v/aa born. ■ . * \ of the 'celebrations group ^ I P T I O N S ?hy pffering to ^ y e ^ own big prove itasU vriJUng.to.eami>rOmlM Manchester, elementary .and high the held ing. President of the club la Al­ • HAUOWEEN PUMPKIN PliS bame ^'lEfen\ when, I had b baker noted author of children’s books, -Well, ever since Eldwln Bertsebif^ 'n past-years, tha members said. bert Spielman, Charles MunHiy la tpower ■ guarantee yi£o the inde- the face of apmewhat'' aroiiapd routs While still tn high achool. school, from their Infancy and af­ will be the guest speaker at. the one of the mustachioed comradea ter school consoUdatlon waa voted ^ nqueta In the old days used to the secretary, and Francis Me- • DAT&NUT MEAD vpuidence and tetmorial integri^ opinion on the part .of other mem^ W hat, "Zip” wants to know is YWCA Homemakers'' Holiday sec­ inadvctently'shaved his upper Up beNield at the Homestead Inn. in. Guane la- treasurer. and when as all of his other ond meeting of the season Wed­ ;«f the Near ipastern nationa In here of^ the United Rations.,AWe hard ''•e acqut^ the nick-name. one d.iy not long afterwards and Somen and at The ..Castle on Among the 13 original membera • lANANA CREAM PIS tasks had Men duly consumated, nesday morning, Nov.,2, from 9;80 lost the bet, the moustache haa Som ertN ^. . . \^eonfUct had tw agree {o broaden the proc- SS' told me he hadpnee asked both still living art Ednin Millyr of Elmore Wetklas \ and Herbert he retired. \ to-Jl; o'clock at the Community Y. disaupeared from the faces of club In the\aummertlme, the mem­ Windsor Lbcka, Joseph Kaminski, RbTATO • CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE \ ^ e B ig^ur fbrelgn ministers, pecUye memberehip'.of Rie gov­ HouSe. two of his first high school Blit, let nbv one-think for a mo- Milts Marshall is familiar with membe's while it is still honored bers use tb; congregate at Joseph Frqpz ScHubNCaaimir CiechowxU, NICKS erning body of the atoihe-for- StudeiHs, and; they could not tell ,m*nt that at'almost 96 and'with her subject pot only as an author, In the organization's title. Kaminski's \ottage on Crystal •PINEAPPLE CREAM PIE at^^peife^ are certain to concern all his physical eandlcaps he has Leoiifard Friednch, Reuben Blon« xOpeolal Brorjr peace agency. We had to agree to him the, origin of ,the\nick-name but. through her experience as a Prii»/tor Best drop . , Lake or at PWnk Rlzy's field on stein and Valenripa Schre.lUr, all rrl/toy theimselm with thejiroblem, with lost Interest In any degree In his , member of the Library Book Com­ Tossed In wlU the original bar­ Hartford Rd., qutltrgs. And a compromiee In which the exact he Ilkea. \ _ of Rockville. * P‘63. IvtifdeibillUee of eoluUon I am • v/opderlng If some of our two most loved subjects.' educa­ mittee of Granby, where she aided gain was a prize to be awarded to every time a 'Monatacher' got The other membeiW^are Leonard ; l^ y might get Ruseta to relationehlp of the proposed bfliar cttlsem recall how the nick­ tion end Free Masons. Nor has hts In the seiection of books for Chil­ the man who grew the most im- married, the group gave a dinner Perrett of Mancheater/Frank RIzy not to sell any more arms In' agency io ^the United Nations IC- name origlnatS<{ ? \ mentality or memory dimmed In dren's Book VVeek. She will bring preo.!lve crop. Eventually, after a in. his honor and presented him Sr„ Fred Miller, HaiW Miller, O K N TUESDAY Hira SUNDAY 7 A.M. fa t PJA seff win be determined after Kidentally,daniall; your readers might the slightest degree. He la still copies of her own books as well as few nionths of pitinstaking culti­ with a gift. - Frtd Har'tensteln,' Albert^Spiel- :e N e a r th i^ Op they might get the forceful," self-opinionated, bu t books she suggests for particular vation,- C aslnlr (Cudgiei Cle- They also remembered their study by the SecreUry-General. be Interestedited to 'know that Siimee man„ Francis McGuane, Charles Russia to Join bt.the same kmd .of being In .the MsncKestcrncX« Hospital always amenable to suggestions, age groups, in her InformaL talk, Chowski walked off with the hon­ members -who passed awayXEven Murphy and Christy Affrican\ all >lg power guanibtoe\of ^Rating We had to agree-to'iiUerpretatlons "Zip"'has-^auggeated that the hoi the same Fred A. Verplanck, whose she will discuss bpok selection for ors. over the dormant years a wrtath of RockvlUe. EWE !borden’ which ths tJnifed iBtates which give the M-natlon confer­ pital, palpably In neM of more name and accompliahments are in­ children, the basic Importance of Miller and Bertsche, along Mrtth was sent In memory to any mem­ The members who are daceasi 299 EAST CORNELL SIS ence to be called for flnjal approval yoom, endeavbced to obtain a sub- delibly carved in an immortal reading for fum and the impor­ (our other original Moustachers, ber who died. era Gustave Greene, Edwin {offered Wat aummer>'' ' itvonument to one who' always have since passed away. Today the A few members over and above '";4aLBABSPOI^ RD.—NEAR BleKEE OTREET ' r plans for the agency the right 'feldy for the new addition from an tance, of early acqiuuhtance with Bertacbe, both formerly of Man­ * All of this a^tempted'^Jiroaclv organiution which does make pliaced service above self. stories. club has' 16 members. Of these the original 13 were voted In. but chester; Henry Markert; Frank 'lO O B m a.M n U S . Prop. Mrf BalOr to the pToManTof th fe a te M new t» deliberata changes in those available hospital expansion h'lp \ Willard B. Rogers Anyone Interested Is invit-ed to seven art part of the original i3- at no time did membership exeed and Adolf Baer, a father eon com­ pW e ph a r m a c y •war in the Bast East ha^iii-cer- plans as originally drawn by us. It la "Z ip's" Idea th- .t if the fi­ attend the program. There will be T*j1s past Sunday the group held- 25. This year the group .voted to bination; Cart Miller; Tony Bohan; . All these changes are In > the nancial help for the nbw addition . Accidents cause the deaths of baby sitters at the building to care its 2Sth anniversary, celebration at allow no further memt^rt. but to and - Richard Starkey Sr. All of A84 CENTER ST. Tn.M*.ni4 Hip- {game, with its iitUe power, pawns, tent in tne> thing called /peace. . One-of-a-Kind Bargains T'gdes dh, there is in existence ah Normally, wdih ua, peace 14 mere­ vorsory/ Regularly $237.90 tar<3 piocos inchid- - official custodian of peace, nob ly the gbsenet^f war^ and' that ia Ing tha blft43 inch drissar, S-4irawar chdst, ond • Subject to Prior Sale opiy in the Near E ast.^t every­ one reason warVyhi^ out so often bad with ex'bew feet. O j ^ pieces ovbilabla. where. It is the United Nations, oyer auch a negative opponent - ■■ \ . - ' ‘ \ Reg. $1H).00 De.sk or Dre.ssing Table., Drexel hioroover, this aame United Na­ The President’a propoaal attempts knotty pin^knecholc style With 20 x 44-inch top; tions has an actual record of hav- a striking raversal of this normal brass' butterfly drawer pulls .89.50 Ing created w hat peace does now condliioii, and. tha t ia w h y it has plus hundreds of gone ao far^ against all normal exist in the rtgton. of having pror Y m , you con sovo $80.00 whon-you iMiy thli boouH* Reg. $29.95 Ladderback Chair; mahogany finishes duced truce' in /.the war between Odds, and m ay. deaarva ,«e wtand, ful do luxo Kotvinofor Eloetric Kongo of LoRomido's one day, as the . first great key One - of - a - Kind Bargains „ with genuine rush seat ...... 19.95 lisrael and the' Arab atatea while 'j _ _ ',^ 1 . United States naval ships, flying blow'gtruck againilt the cold war. • ,A full 40 inches. ‘ the. United Nations flag, stood .•.Ruilt-in lamp. Reg. $29.95 Tables;. choice of cocKtail, step, com­ Reg. $85.00 Arm C^air; Modern blond finished mode and lamp styles in mahogany with gold-tooled guard over Us efforts. In short, : Mercy Or PolitUs? • Automatic oven timer. .when the world felt It had to have I ' •■‘e • ••^'speedy chromalax “7 heat” surface units. chair with per.simrpon ^nd gold-thread nubby cover. leather top.#, each'...... ;...... ,, • 19.95 peace in Palestine, the United N#. The business of wooing our for­ • Large Scotch Kettle oven big onough to-accnmmndatc Half price. 42.S0 ’ tipna was turned to, and the Unit­ mer i enemies by forgiving them a .‘1,1 lb. turkey. ^ . Reg, $29J5 Side Cbair; Drexel knotty pine fiddle ed Nations got peace. And a Unit­ their war crimes continues, this • Plo|U4' of storage space .for pots and pans plus many Reg. $79.50; Studio Couch; gray damask,, kick- back .style; brown and golfi print cover 24.50 ed Nationa ^ruce commission still Unie .with the release of the Nari other fine features. , " g , pleated base; button-trimmed cushion.# 69.50 Stands symbolic, guard there, general) in command at the scenes Reg. $115.00 Console Table; toi^kiainahogany with guard over the peace. . . .of th e .. Malniedy massacre, in ■-■i" ’■ . .ONLY ■ Reg. $135.00 Lounge Chair: Modern design with caned t>edestal base; bra-ss ferules and ' < ______; '• ______^ ^------rJ------^ ^ ------1------’ If {fighting should start again, which 142 American.soldiers were -bleiid7leg*n -piHk**Ptb-goW Rubby-textured covoEi-but— cWterx- ,.69,9S the Umted Nations again wDOld'' shot down in cold'Tlood. ton back.-Half price 67.50 be the one hope of ending it. And Thia was. perhaps as naked and Reg. $?09.00 Bedroom; 2 pc. ^lodei-n walnut with MovriVvjij g e t ho9p>1ai real Vm strength of that hope would wanton an atrocity as Amarican Reg. $84.95 Cedar Chest: Colonial cherry model double dresser base and mirror, bookcase bed with * depend upon whether the United troops have.ever encountered. Our eight drawers; brass hard'ware , i .. - . . . . . 169.00 Nations had tha reaolve and the fbldiers were grouped and un- with ogee f^ f, full length drawer, Krasa " . i ■ handles...... 69.95 actual physical force at its dis- rrmed.' T^Tiey -had, surrendered. Reg. |129.00/CIub Chair; green . / qj\eK - Bnd iliarilc. t^ovi •f«i' ‘s l u a poaal to move in, If.need to Then the Raxl mechine gun# were V. 3 YEARS TO PAY crectaia physical separation of file turned oh ithem. . ; Reg. $439.00 Breakfront Cabinet; banded and in­ damaslc. ^a***#*79a50 leoihbatants. And only the Unlt^ The geiJeral now’released had laid mahogany Chippendale cabinet with gold-tooled Katloni. in coUectii’e action, would been found guilty and santeneed leather desk section; crown glass china top 298.00 .CONNECTICUT BLUE CROSI have a chance of ending such a to life fmpriionment. He Is now Plan ter He$0ltel Cere war. If any single big« power, o>r released. The commanding officer Reg. $99>60‘ Twin Reds; (4) Pennsylvania House jgiPu^ of big powers, tried to nmve' below him was Mntanced to death, solid Collector’s cherry tipindel beds: each 79.95 tn and end it od their own, th« re­ that sentence later being com­ v ; : . sult m lj^ t .well' be the, «xten;||lon muted to ‘Tif#. imprisonment. The' I APPLIANCE COi ’ Reg. $249.50 Simmons Hide-A-Bed. Modern T- af the nrsr. tatter ia‘atiU' in prison. But he has cushioh style w’ith gold-aiid-black novelty-weave ^ e r e ia a s l r ^ ' aUjggMJ'on, every ?iAaaon to hope that, aa we 15\pAK ST., WATKINS BUILDING—CALL MI !)-6868 1'cover.’ Opens ,to bed with separate InPersprlng \Cl HC^ ' 5tdahers, jUwt -wf. conUnui the process of wpotng oiir I mattress ...... a a'-a a • a 9 • • • • a • 219.00 4.- 1 -

i ■ t'* \ 1 . f : ■•t. ■ f' ■ ' -V'' 1 ■' . • \' ■■■, ‘ t ■■ - ■■ ■ '■ .'-A: ''Z'\ , MANCUKSTEB giVENlNG UERALli. MANCHEttTEtt. CUNN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1965. Pa g e n i n e ;'*r cim sT B a e v e n in o h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r . conw« F r id a y , Oc t o b e r 28. la ss the town’s wflfaro but did not The Academy's buUdingi pear Boettcher. FouAddUon in Denver, tA C E EIGHT Bolton press for action'mi his suggestion Aib Academy . ' Colorado Sprihgi dro expected to said In a statement that he "would regarding future proposals. be ready by 191 questiop thd. validity of a Judg­ 4^H Chib Besalea “ Curricolimi' Hit An Academy spokealnan said Lt. ment majM'at this p^nt In the Air Hegistered Nurses Tlilmble-pathera, 4-H girls club,- -Den. Hubert R.'Harinon, Academy AcademlPs development," # . MIRRORS YOU'LL SAY IT LOOKS LIKE TWICE THE PRICE $ 4X )0 Outlays to Be Bid^n; will hold its hrst meeting Saturday superintendent, had no jeomment to Air Force Plan S t^ ShoWI ftt 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. My­ As Inadequate make on FePton'a article. The ron Lee' on Hebron Rd, All mem­ spokesman 'said, howeVer, that More Detailed Rieport Voted bers are urged to bO present -and Gen. Harmon has no Intention of Denver, Oet. 28 ,(d’)—An English roalgnlng,. fee Fenton predicted in AUTO GLASS euver Plans. for the prS'^hollday fsih- to bring their record books. Mias, professor, at 'Yal* ’ University iop show sponssred by thexMan- Pamela Radding, president of the his articl^- Bolton, Oct. 28 (Special)-»-Two Ths ordinance - requiring bom- Charles A. Fenton, says the cur­ Boaght chester Reristered Nursfs Asm., X' A chib, hail hnnounced Important riculum at the new' Air Force Dr. Robert 1. Stearns, formir and Sold to be held on ’Cuesday, Nov. 15. a^| new ordinancea were passed by the petittvs bids wasIS orgipPlly pub- matters will be considered at the president of University of O61o- VRIIITURE TOPS Ounp Polk, L*h Oet. 38 (PJ,—;. mittefi with thet liniltation that Academy is about comparable to 8 p.m. In Luther Hajl of the Eman­ Town Meeting last' night at the meeUng. ' that of "an excellent high achooL" rado, who headed a hOaCd nagnd te 'Parts aad ' tlw Amy...«nd Air Force ifgln ' ’n Roll Revue uel I^utheran Church, are pro-.I . Community Hall • wlilch was at- they, te obtained on all aapein•ntUr Haevrst. Dance study proposals for courai ' tended by about JK) people. The'An­ ta or Fenton aald In an article in Har­ Benrtee te«tin» oonw of their newly devel­ greasing. tucea for capital im^rovamsnta The PTA, svlir hold Ita harvest per’s Magasins that; the course of Air Academy, as well a^ h o se^ t ’Three of Manchester’s leading nual Town R e^ rt will carry P urchasM of equipment over 8100. the': Army ' and Navy AcadeiBtes, J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. oped t n ^ e e here lionday in ex-, dance at the Rainbow Club tohight study ta a "further inflation' of the OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. te 8 P.M. _ .ores. Cttret Casuals, Marl • Mads f list of alk town expenses by cheira f amended to "over $400’’ and from 9 p.’in. until 1 a.m. said: . / Deallag Ju E^agUsh Makes. «tclM Shieehrueh, the Urgent Joint number, mbluding the name of the the worda "capital improvementa already watered stock of West INCLUDING SATURDAY and Terl’s Bridal Shop, will display Orange hireling Point literal arts.’’ "Prof. Fenton Is Imlng his criti­ , xneihettver eince World War U. some of their latest f a s h 1 o n a I payee and the reason for paytnent. or puithaaea. of equipment" de­ cism on ths premtM that/ths Air MANCHE$TER leted. 'ITiWv. action changed the ’The .grange will meet at the No comment was forthcoming 131 M$$EU$T. Ml.9.7322 Before the 8-wcek maneuver enda especially for the holidays, both I I^iture town expenditures over Commuplty Hall at 8 p.m. today. immediately from Acadeipy offi­ Academy currtcyuim will closely C Y C LR $ H O P le. top braei of the enned forcea for wpi.ieti and children, 'The main I 34Cio will be put 'iip for competitive ordinance to-cover all expend! follow those pfrW tit Point and blddlng.,sdvertl8ed,.and the results tures and it was adopted as Tap List Dectaratlona X ciate. Classes' at f the country’s IM WEST MIDDLE TPKE. B L l 4 J g have « better idea of the effec- theme of the ahow ahould prove to Public meetings -to hear declsrm- newest aerylce .-School opened last Annapolis. Hn conclusions are z MI 9-2098—HOURS: ttvweee of their (uided tniuUcs. be very entertaining, for It wlll| publisher amendtd. tion, of tax lista are being held to­ valid but hi^premlae It not." nnunc The two ordinances were among Called TSooIng llatters July in temporary g arters at Weekdays f.S-?-8at»i<^ 9-fi nrtTdet planes, atomic weapons depict the wardrobe of a girl from I Stearns,/ who now heads the aeven proposeq for consideration day, tomorrow and Monday Dom Denver's Lowry Air Force Base. and sjwtrohlc devices. ^ the time she it Just a toddler | The next/ihiae propoksfi or­ until 7 p.m. at. the Community Ifca M Otl w M idarfal A w ir time almoaphere has pre­ through the day ahe becomes a| by tha meeting as a reeu*^ of ;a dinances J*« r*- termed zoning or Hall by .the Board of Assessors. )rtdo,. petition of 32 voters of the town. itannlnffmatteni by Town Counael Hours will te 2 until 8 p.m. on vailed 1ft thg western section of • James Hgasett, elected moderator the state W several weeks - Mrs. tlllve Recave, well' known j In his^nemorandum which ^asday, the last day for filing. . - banponadfar Highv«^l71, which runs north in dramatlca has been ‘ .secured | of the meeting, grantad the re(mMt they proJaDily should te taken -Xhuice Chaperones . for the commentary, and Heniy of First Selectman Charles A. Rob- fare of by ;;nese agencies through Mrs. Burton J. ’Tuttle and Mrs. and south a»Wg the western edge , bins to speak as the meeting of l/)Ul8lafta!^nd other stretches Hilliard,vwill play the .organ their rei_, Thomas Johnson will. SMlst Girl f i U R M I L throughout the prpgfam.'. Hlal g *" . « fint one would have pro- and Boy Scout leaders In chaperon of highways lirJhe southwest have Robbins said In explanatkm of accepting a road which heen Jammed withtwlh convoys brirtg-. playing will add to the enjoyrasrit | AND HAR ing the Halloween dance of Troop C a n i S o of the evenlhg. . . I hit remarks'that the F l« r Select­ require Cravel over another 1(W at the Commuhity Hall tomor­ inK ln'e«tipment\or the ^aht test. man Is the town sg«K and acts roads for access. ’There was ABToeaer^n Charge Refreshments will .he served fol-| Nationally famous SEALY row night.. Quests are reminded lowing the program. | for the tovsfn, that th* people have leh discussion on this Item, The that Scout pins should be worn on The men who nian ^ e head­ Proceeds. from the sho)v will go| a right to expect^advice and Infor­ lew was akprsssed, and upheld their coiitumes for identification. quarters for the toward the nutses^ acholarshlpl mation from him qn town husine.^ by the discussion, that proponents ' rived and are all set to fund; ’Tickets may be obtained at I MATfl^SS and that heFnould’ advise of of the ordinance had on.e specific Advertisement—; Otto O. Weylend of the Ait^ Force one of the above-mentioned.stores, | OR tot SPRING action no>^m the best intersa: road' in mind. Members . of . the McKinney Lumber on , Route is in c h s ^ of the •***^^Va ooo the Hospital Gift Shop, or from ■ the.towC He also said It wa* hot TOwn Planning Commission, Zon­ 44A, Bolton'Noteh. Is open all day Top-T-o*Toe,Slieer The troMW, some 1 1 0 ,^ mernoer of the asaociatiori. * In thOrovlnce of the First/Select- ing Board and. others held It was Saturdays. Abundant parking. ■soldiers a n d M.OOO.airmen, are ev ...■ ;...... , Inftuence the tw n ,’ that unfair and unwise to enact a law netted to sUrt , _he post requires he should repre- with such wide potential effect to MxDchester Evening Herald ^ m p Polk, a sprawUngArmy m Physi<;iait Rob}>e(l X 'sen t no party or group> hut the cover'one apectfle cake. This vote Bolton 'coiTMpondent, Mrs. S,-T-R-E-T-C-H stallation deactivated In the sum \Alan\ FreOd, "Kock *Ii( Roll.' $ n Q - ^ whole town. He asKea that hit re­ was also settled by » show of Joseph ]DTtftlla, telephone, MlebeU ./ Cl, hifqMl^ WngS hU "Rock 'N Roll ;' '"EACit, mark! not be construed aa an -at­ hands and the ordinance was de­ 8-5548. Stockings >°*¥s^bru^ Is expected to Kev^ to' ths stage of the Slate By Two Guniiieni tempt to Influence the town hut feated. 29-10., VOIMM ■ in the feacUvatii^ of Camp Polk Theater* Hartford, Saturday' and / . - Your Choice Of ; simply aa hta duty. Second in the group was the on % permanent basis. i , Watertown, Oct. 28 m — A , Pqmionhra Clvie-Mlnded ' proposed ordinance pronibiting is­ EjundayX Oct. 29-30. Headlining Full or Twin Sires The meeting he said had been suing a feulldlng permit for any Attend Gonvention ■ 'V' CiiftF poifc; Watertown doctor says he was ■ !■ vvlll be UlUah Briggs (at left), yvho robbed Wednesday at gunpoint by' called asX result oi the petition pt iafid abutting a street which has -anUlian men trained gained farrte with her recordlilg of two men whO'forced bla ear off a| a grouft^i* citizens who were sin­ not been accepted by the town. Of Scout’ Leaders These beoutifuH^ sheer Worid War n . It was dea^vat^ "I Want YiHi Tp Be My Baby." lonely, road. cere qiw clyic-mlnded. But, he felt, The purpose of the ordinance was jjivM yolf th«M 9 brand in 1 « « and W^P^fd ‘n ,IU p t^ Oo-beadlining \ will be:. 8em "The Dr, Michael M. Devenis' t o I d I was hot g'ineral realization questioned from' the floor and al­ stretch nylbns will give " her. 1990 to meet, the Korean Man” Taylor and his gnat 18-man police a car followed him fromhii of-how important the mettlng was. though there were several persona Mrs. Gladys Mayer, presifispt of naw ravolwtiiM iaiy loaturM band, featuring such top hits as Wate’rbiiry office and the 3701 a said wjiat we do affCcts every present who had signed the peti­ the Manchester Girl Scout Oou^''•' emergency, j . . . "Harlem Noctufw."" "Aa . Time Individual and future individuals, tion requesting the ordinances, ths you teg glamour you Re?ently.Jt hw >>;« * holdup took place about a mite | and Mrs. Edith Petersen, first ' '\a n il. m iM m m n training g ri^ d for Natlonri Ooes By.’,’ ."Pdn't ’Poke Your Love from his home; tha.t the town should watch out query went unanswered, ’Ih* nr- From Me.’’ and others. Also fea­ that making ordinances dobs not dinance was defeated with 'no. af' president, will leave by •NSAMO W Ain fASHIONRM never thought possible Guardsman from loulslana and After ths 'holdup, he. said, one | morrow' morning from tured wtli be 50 top "Rock 'N man di ova hftii home and the oth­ become a habit since It cpuld easily firmative votes expressed. * ^ATOmD OmON TWIN CONiaOl P« neighbeetsg etdti**-. _ Boll" stars, and 'entertainers, in' get top-heavy with overlapping Final Item for consideration was Field for Sin Franciaca No wrinkling — no ' The Army i»Una to use a 7-mU- er drove behind. - When they ar-| an ordinance requiring that no where they will attend/the 83rd * HMSACnON TWIN PAM l MCg Sci* aeetlon during S a^ - cltiding Na{)py Brown, the Cadll rived, they stopped outside and I and duplicating ordinances. lacs, lil-Doradoa ths MOonglows RoDbins said that since State planting of trees or thrubtery national convention py the Girl s SAIHKNMO NnON .RAtnC h. Use permits on moat of W ordered him to write a check for | should be made less than 15 feet Scouts of ths U.SA./l>elng- held sogging; eve; — and, land v ^ te a have been acquired. and Moonlighters, the Ha^tonea 31,000. . legialaUon In . general covered ^ e TMHI C0NT904 TWIN the Solitaires. AL.. Sw a , \"Mr 1-imunlclpa, govem ^nt, "If we can, from the traveled portion of the there from Nov. I throOgh '4. ’They dUmsSvWUlUm T. Buctqa of They-told him it would "be bad’! j highway. ’The meeting expressed wlll.return by plape on Saturday, * eoNTOw rasMiomD i w n t n d 8 * 0 1 seomrstoy strqtghT T .v« C h a ^ has refused -to sign Castle Hock" himself, arid huftier for nis family If he told poHcs or [ avoid paasing*'ordinances, it will Alley—flsetse^ -OH* .others.. be in -the teat interest of the the opinion it was loosely worded Nov, ,5. , ___ : ...... " • iNBmsyinw w a b t i ■Aover-liCMO rsfuaed' to write- the cheek. and It was defeated-wtth little dlS' . Miss Jean Csipben; executive di otwoys. ucksf has called Performances will be cdnttnuoi He refused. toMvn. ’ He^dvlsed that If ordi tary ’Wilber -boUi days, with late stage showiz 'Xnances Were passed as requested cusslon. . rector of- ths/ Manchester Girl •- IM8A1 MOAINW fT d Y l. the'Rirtdn Uiat^iSTfejr Repeating the threat, ^ftd ad­ Before the meeting adjourned, Scouts, left tdr San Franclsco.,by ‘ tened Burton nightly at 10 p.m. . ding they would; g it the -; 31.0001 they -Would become effjecUve ‘ 15 y - • Only The Wats .has, OU day^ later with the exception of T. J. Crockett asked what was re­ plane yesterday. She will not diuy ...asdatasdby leedliia with expropriation UtwapL from him later, they left. . ’The .the one establishing speed limits. quired to bring an ordinance be­ attend tte national convention $1.35 and Ths air war 'WlU be nmght oyer the oldest of Tactical Air Cora doctor want Inside to his wife and I fore ft town meeting. When advised, startfng n « t ’Tuesday but will also fsdilsd's*a sili and d*> r- adult daughter, who wera unawi^!*! This .would become •qffectlve only Shape 2*U, $1.65 Pr. n 7-StfttA ftrc.Es. ''v mand'B numbered air farces, after the State Traffic Control the signatures of 20 people were attend' the national convention of il^l^isw s* — 8agete«Bh eSbrt of ’The 82nd Airborne command of what been going on out^ the I^Uonkl Association of Girl • T.M.IM. Commission had given Its ap­ sufficient, he suggested an ordl Ira AUHlra tkb^ n tin en tal Army Oomme^ ed< Dy'MaJ. Gen, ’Thomas J. H. Mda. proval. He alao aald that most of nance increasing the required num­ Scout Executive! Which begins to­ fro and the ’TscUcal Air OommanU ipn' ' A telephone call about 11 gm. I the proposed ordinances made no ber of signatures and making morrow. Is H sssiwyl rez sR Deputy maneuver director for th* leath ntarch. repeated the threat, and it was‘,not | /ntese three people, who not only provision for penalties and estab' mandatory that the petitioners, ap­ • fu rs lyaM -~ ;. \ ' Army la Lt. Gen. Johh-H. CblUer, \ a new method of gathering hat until yeiterday afternoop that the] llshed no authority and that If they pear personally to explain the piir give a great deal of their time commanding general pf the IT,F 'tjefiakl information will'be tested doctor went to police. , were passed, they should poses of proposed ordinances'. Mod- locally, have sufficient interest In Sl8es8f-S«.\ Fourth Army, and the deputy d^agN^e pxercissa amended to cover these two points. erator Hassett said that though it Girl Scouting to pay their own maneuver director for the (air The Arm? calls the new unit for was not In order to consider au^eh transportation to CTallfornia in fotce) U MaJ- Gen. D, W. HWtdhln- gathering .mformation "Skycav.' 'Speed Limit* te order to attend a national conVen R ANGf In coiisidering establishment of an ordlnapcs at last night's meet- son of ’liacUcai A ir ft_*mcjpys Atiny airborne televla-' Ing, a committee could be appoint­ ■ tlon to talk with- people from all ton, phoWgfftp^, radio and radar speed limits, the meeting was ad­ parts- of the country, to find out headquarters. vised of a memorandum from ed teppreseht recommendations at F-IM Feature Plane equipment. rUEL oil a later date.-Oockett said he c,op how things are done in other coun­ TbOj, Array says Skycav is "de- ToW-n Counsel Raymond A. John­ The air war will feature such son who questioned the validity of ..■flered the ordinances proposed at cils and tO’diacoYer new techniques, signed-to jwroVIde Arni^command­ GASOLINE the meeUng were yery^armful to for getting things done. >--/ planes as ths F-lOO Jet day fighter, ers quickly With accuratalnforma- the proposal. Quoting State S which baa aet’ an official world's tlon about an enemy/’ X ' ute, Johnson pointed out a ^ o r - s p ^ record of 822 miles an hour. HeUcoptert. fixed wing airc|-aft. SOLID MAPLE Ity nad been vested IB the^Sc'ccI' Manufactured by North Ameri­ Jeeps and tanks wUI parry ^ e AND men iit this regard. can tha firm which produced the BANTLY Oil 'The discussion of nieeding In X uiiU’s bearch and coramunlctUona ( .iMi' v\), i\r. F-86 Bahrejet, the top speed of equipment into action. HARDWOOD town oecame qulta-4engthy and A:' F-lfiO has not been revealed. The KI ■1 M M \ I l.'l 1 I comprehensive, laie upshot seemed 6fyen WHh Ca$h Sales Air Force says R baa a celling of , ' - ^ to -te a general''conviction that the TEL MItclicll 9-459S Bring thq sun flooded Whrroth of rich golden maple into your ■ , .7'; . > , over S0,00d feat and a range of over home. This a u l^ tic Colonial bedroom group consists of four ■town would Soon face the need of 1,000 miles. . X providing police patrol. Most com- GREE lEL ROCKVilLE S-2177 beautifully prc^rtloned pieces—spacious dresser,' charming /■ .V-, All bay Saturday, Oct. 29 The F-lOO, armed with four panel bed aild roomy chest- Fine detailed cabinet work, mentaF^ra the floor were against 20MM machine guns, can be ured ftmooth-sll^g, dost resistant drawers; Finish is stain, al. -esta'nllshlng limits without pro- as both arday ft|;hter and a flght- eohol and/neaf resistant. Get this stunning buy 'while it lasts. v,ldlng for enforcement and the ar-bomber. Open stptk. Buy by the roomful or by the. piece. Crystal clear^ ■'f’no’ vote prevailed. The F-84F, capahlerof-earrytagf WINDOVNIHAIIES 'ThS'e viras no discussion oh the g. 4,000 pound load of bombs and ndri«r/^A0. ^ ordinance which would prohibit ^jmekets, also will see a c U ^ w Use pf the Town Garage for stor­ K eep arm! BSinra.,AS the Thunderstreajtot-' age of repair of privately owned THI NIW has a celBBg~«f .over AO.lXlu feet. , i n t e r s t a t e equipment. The First Selectman Its range WS,( A Q U A SHADE told the-roeeting no ordinance was '$ LINED and B O T A N Y 5 0 0 , The B-5HJ, T( Cbhi' a Oaem Us Yew'' I UI1||11J needed since -objections to any Continentt mand’a new bomber, tHSiwd'Ua Nsw NiHI 2 2 mm f B Made tp Order usage of the Garage could be re­ NilH ED iO'both day and / aleo will * HetgaOfvUplIvsnv m m »l9 with Yanr Roltera ferred to the Selectmen. This or- jUght ho: L missions. ’The NMtl dipancs was defeated on a voice ^7B>rarMce a lot and oheerver URMITURE vote. . In the ------mile — an ----- hour s AaNWeik Te Kill L i JOHNSON ^ leXyh er lONSt HE t-'- ,pen§«fevi OSfweE T There was division of opinion on j Mm . It can carry a 5.000 poundf the question of listing each check bomb load. ' WELDON DRUG CO. MiHf do. M -tl in the Annual Town Report, Town The-4th Armored from Ft C99 MainSt..TeLAlI-9-4501 AdS your own ■ personal tench to your home furnish Jpgs . . ' .Counsel- said in a memorandum glo es TOP fashion in colo^..TOP ffiihion in U b ^ known as t h e ‘.Hi'eak- 901 AIAIN STREET get out paint and brush, stPln or wqx-, . . and make ybPr.horas that this was covered by the V r o t^ ’’ tUvlBion durlug" World vibrant with your own personality applied right Into/these beau­ General Statiitea The meeting and wool with \jeather will partlcipste as an s'g- tiful pieces, it ’s so easy—so distinctive—so unlqi^y yonr own questioned that the Annual Town and model...that’iwhfit you*re'always atire gresabr fore* during the 6-t^'cek —and, oh, so ecenomical. . ^ ' / . Report as now being prepared palms. (Lined gloyi\ have xnaheUver. MaJ. Oen.. William N. - complied with the etalutoryv^e- wool or fur). / ' . it’s the . i Gillmors^^nunanda the dlvlston. M-4 ’Two room3’' shelves.and a hand}’ drawer ...... J5 7 .9 5 *1 quirement for "itemization." The of geUing in TOPcoata by ‘BOTANY* *500! Aggramr L'nita Designated voice vote left Moderator Hassett The 4 th A dored and.plher unit* A Rem inder M-S SniaU chest or night stand with S drawers ..... S 1 2 . 0 0 ■ In doubt and he called for a show No. 1 Style; designated asXaggrOrsot wRl uS* M-g 'Three drawer chest, 15"-X 27” x *7’’-. ■ $ i 4 a x r of hands. ’The ordinance wpS Truer than ever this season, as evidenced by makeup, a forelCT language; faka passed 32-2L Hitin names and a apeml uniform. M-7 Four drawer chest, 15” x 27” x S.V •.••••••••$19.00 The aggressofs aUo wUI wear New Suits the fashion collection shown here ridged helmets and ^salute with ”m -8 Five drawer chest, 19!’ x 27” x 42’’^;...... • $ 2 2 . 0 0 Pali and Up the c.enched instead of open K for Fall. band. .SI-11 Nine drawer double dresser, iS” ^ 46" x 85” .. $ 3 5 . 0 0 - % topcoats in the fabrje... the color... and the No live amunition will ^ used PAINT In the mock war. The , battlefield M-20 Big knechoir desk,'18" x 42”. x 80" ...... •••$32.00 M-8 mcidel you prefer^-come in and see them sounls will be provided by anil M-28 Bookcase headboard bed, tn In size $ 1 9 . 0 0 SPECIAL lery simulators, fire -crackers, ekmce of the ^corded sound effects 'and Manl - .M-28 Gov. Wlnthrop desk, 8 drawers, dropleaf section $ 3 0 . 5 0 . ammutition. WHI today! See what a diflerence it makeann Other unita, taking part Include M-29 Vanity table, 85” x 17'/j" x 80” $8,95 $ 2 . 2 5 G .I. more men ■ the 8rd ;Infantry “ Marine" Divi­ M- M-SO Vanity laWc bench, 15" x 8«" x 8.5’’ • ■ 1 by your appearance—how much it adds to sion, 82nd Airborne biviaion. and • $3.95 Interior and EAtc^or Colora . than the Ninth Air Force. The Ninth la .M-S9 Night standi radio comp. 2 drawers . $ 1 2 . 0 0 Brillitmtly .. . . . /■ - , . . • any other the smart unpreasion you make'when yixu GARDEN SALES S t E B interpreted by 812 Oakland SL—Ml 9r940« wear a TOPcoat by ‘BOTANY* *500:

M-28 51-5 KUPPENHEIMER Uilored by EIXROFF. .. only 31st S & J t M -r- >• ..... ^ Suddenly, you're a $59.95 Q ne,e^ changed ipan... and J k i L it's done so^ubtly! Kuppeyheimer’s mLE sMomuBm Pitinn Hn P H H nolluariQC Wtumnonuuuitiium i rnmmWHM ‘version o f

FOR BEHER CALLFOR OUR FREE COURTESY QAR Ml 9-1844— RUDGET TERMS— OPEN TILL 9 P.M., SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M.— FREE PARKING RANGE & FUEL OIL and QUICKER SERVICE f GOTO (EXCEPTING MOTO^^ VEHICLES) Such lists shall be fiifd hot later than' October 31st each year, or if the 31st shall be a Siindciy or MARIO'S lofol holiday then on thf next business day fellaw* SHOE REPAIR SHOR ' . ' i OrthsMdte Specialist Faille to Mu such lists nMons TEN fER CENT Pom e^ With additional taxpayon list. Brown lliodUKMi .Sn N. M AIN -Blt HENRY A| i[4UTAlEt ^JfaiM HWdh School SL ' > N. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALCf, MAKCHE8TKB. CONN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1955 f a g e e c e v b i IIANCHESm EVgNlNG HERALD. MAN C H l^ R . CONN- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955 ' 0 ' 7 to 8.-:/) p.m. aiondays fa tho Rob- and to thla day ramiflna practically ZovenUy " ■•4,', artepn School, Newly elected qfft- Halloween Dances . - V '■ -tAM VUUSIUenil S-10% Covered untnsurAbla "with raapect tp flood FOOD cere follow; Lillian Loyxlrii, pteal- kville-Veitton DAC Presideiit Best Binders^ ers Inguraiice Plan dent; Virkfata Bay, traaaurer; loaa,” ElIU said.; Plajuned Tonight xjoyce Engler,. aed’ratary; Jaahna QUICK CURE On Flood Loss He added that inauranea SALE i i^v LaVIgne, reporter. for euch.. coverage la "prphibJUyi J . H A U ^ V To Include 366 Women's ClubTBMtfag Tolland County Farm Unit ~ / 7 By Insurance Even If the coat of flood Insur-' Two Halloween d to aa wUI bt w. troas T The North Coventry Womeq'a ance were reasonable." ' he said, dqlabrgtad tonight by junior hith­ Bakei Baoas. Madt Leaf. I SATUSDAV Club will meet TUfsdily at.8 p.R\. y d K SHOES ‘‘axparience haa indicated that only Covanti^ bet.' 38 • (Special) \ in t o Church Community' House Schedules Annual Meeting Chicago, OcL 38 Ort—An Inaur those whose properties a rt ex­ e r atudeiiu. The daucas win be Solsfas, BallsIiaB M il ^ m * aa About 888 of t o 483 PVPU* o f 'to Hamemaga Deaaerta. | O C T . 2 t i t A .M . Robertson School have enrolled in with Mrs. RuaacII Karkar, Mn. BlgRt sow In t o B"** t* 4nvo 4ho ance axacpUva said today that In- posed to the possibility of flpod heiayt to West Bide Raereation By LEONARD ZEIOENBUO Eknii V. Mamet, Mrs. John Plaatsr, srboto fuiidly*t ahOM ropoUoS tor ■ damage would buyvit. Thera la no Cental, under the direction fat the achopl insurance plan, accord- and Mrs. George Jacqttemln aa hos- wtefar. RacJtvUlt, O ct « (8ptlon of Christmas Eye. During aurgnea covered only 8 to 10 per Jeannette and Mel Cushing, and at ^ T all* H« m Your SohiTdflyNlfhrSttppGr In tWa are*, tobacro/maana Ing tq Principal Royal O. Fisher. December, jLhe stores will be open bent of the MUInated fl.S billion way by which t o total riek may tassca. There will be a display. of Th« «ium«l tnwUnr IM deduced by sp’-eadlng tt over the Comfauntty-6T tinder t o dt- SPONSOKED BY ____ oomsthing more than a smoka. The membership drive waa con­ NBOLITB top Hfto OS' w n o W i all day each Wednesday. fa loeaM. ih the August floods in TecUon of Beverly and Nell Law­ jawatry aat-up with proceeds from woodoa o pto faeelo—01 ■» oxHo Und County r»rm Bureau be Beys* Staters Speak a large number of properties’.” SOROFTDnST CLUB OF MANCHESTER To t o w n who g jw and proc- cluded tha first of the week but m sals to go Into tha club's coiri- to nonheaat. rence. memberships will contlnua to be ehnrgo to r NooHlo. held Wadnaaday evenlnir Iri the Steve Berman and John Del- Bills advocated government •aa it. It meona M businass. To munlty acllvitiaa fund. Alexander Ellis Jr., partner in flood control ap the "mott feasible Tm dances will be fOr both received. It is essential to have a 'Voitian drang:t Hall, with a dlnhar Ponte, who attended the American seventh and eighth graders, and towns it can mfafa jobs and. taxaa. refusal or an aeceptanca for every HospItaUaed Bhoao mndo loogor . -i . or wMar. Laglon- Boys' state held at the to insurance firm of Fairfield * And logical method of meeting win begin promptly at 7;80 ,'p.m., Lawrence C. Latimer underwent BITEDE 8 m n » reSalalMd to loOlc Bafnc tcrved at d:tS. ■ U niversity of Connecticut last flood problems.” And to thouBuda of high pupil f a /to school system, Fisher surgery Wadnaaday at Hartford The ntemborahip committee WlU Ellis of Boston, mads the eatimate and contlnua threught 8:80. Music youngatan^ a v e x y sufantar, it aaid.,.,/ Uke.aiew, mimmer, both seniors at the Rock' In a prepared addrats to the Amer­ He quoted',the U.8. Corps of for these afiaira wiU be 'provided :t week tha parent’-teichiir HorDlfal. preaent Ita^report at 8 p.m. and » villa. High School, spoke at the Engineers as estimaUng that more ' meansy^ndfajgfaKlSray earrtad Recovering nt Home Export ahoo repairing wUlo yoo &iitotha\iniMtitvF t** ican Management Aaan.'a fail in­ by Art McKay and hla band at the Shop SATURDAY confarencaa on pupils' progfess for wait. taestlng of the local Lodge of surance conference. than million of annua] dam­ Community T and Lou- Gagneo workfag i n / ^ i o W c o fields, 'itye first marking period will begin. Donna TfialSen haa faturnad fa t:M, wltlra proirram of entartalh- Elks laet evening. age is prevented by flood control her home on Pond Rd. after und»- mant a^eiulad for 8:80. Elite reported that moat of the and his orchaatra at the West Side. r Fw UfaiTa tha heart of Tob , Seven new pupils were enrolled AH work gnonatood. The ifeys gave a day by day re­ insurance ciaimt resulting from projects built before i860. There Will he a alight admiaalon Timely Values and SAVE With this week with a number being going surgery at Hartford Hoepl-' Durinc the huaipesa meeting port of; the week's activity, ex­ VUlay,' flngar of land pofatfag tai. thera will be election of dlractora. the flood- will involve peraonjJ' Ellis aaid also that' high flood charge to help defray the cost of -north along the OonnecUcut River transferred to other achbola. plaining hoW the workings of tou-n property. risk areas should . ta property the bands. froin Portland Oonn., through PUplIa In all classroom a are SAM YUYLES and nine dale|r*tea to the annual and cltj^apd state gOvernmenU xoned to ace they era not' occupied Advertisement— atato maatlnf, and alao th* chair­ "Fixed property, l.e. buildings, Western Maaaachuaetta to t o working on the fire prevention McKinney Lumber at Bolton Skae Repnlring of t o Bettor Rfad are taught bjvactual participation, machinery and equipment; la the by property subject 'to high loss The Amarlean Hockey League. •outhenunoet border tdWna 'of Ver­ posters apd essay a contests for For Civet 46 Yonra SHOE man of atandlny commltteea will The speakers urged the BHks to moat suscepUble to water damage rates. la In Its 30th aeaaofi. DOUBii; awr awanila given by the South Coven Notch delivers In CJovantry. Open 15 Maple St.—dart n Step Prom mont and New Hampshire. preM'nt'thalr reporta. continue their Interest In Boys’ Fife Department. The school all day Saturdaya. BCafa StTMt OpPfaUe F ito No- Walter Taylor will preaent a re­ State, by remaining a sponsor for In alxe, Tobacco Valley ia only REPAIR Mrs. WUUam O; Omwferd o sliver of land.-Yet, here fa p) ca stated a great many home ''Monal Parktag Lot. port on-the County Hwne. The one of the toys sent by the local survey sheets have been completed Mancheater . Evening HafnM OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY Tolland County Hom^Committee Mrs. William O Crawford of 33 duced the beat and moat Coventry cerreapondent, 'hira. CL post f)t the American Mglon. broadleaf binder shadei and returned to thefachool. of the Farm Buraa^ haa sent a , Today's Events . Academy St. has been elected L. U ttK telephone PI 3-8881. aUUmant to the CpOnty ^ i^ la - wrapper produced for qimmy cl- Recently a nuiuMr of fifth gnd Kiowa Obuncll. Degree of Poca. president of the Hartford Chaptsr < gars anywhere. Here, Itfaema, are sixth grade boys were gueata at alonara. tl«ned by/Mra.^Ilockwell hontas. will meet tonight at\7:30 GARDIN SUPRMtS Holcohib. Waltei/Taylor. WllUain at Red Men’s Hall. Reports of dele­ Daughters of the . Amartcaa T^iven VfitK^Cdsk Sales ^uat the right cUmatfa conditions, the Yale-C61gate game in New R. Nlamann. Uiclu# RoblnaOn and Colohiats, to serve for a period of jkst the right cotoMltion of soil, Haven with/^tranaportatlon pro- gates to the state'convention will to'irt-oduco-thesa’-lwo types of to- -vlded by Pifaelpal Fisher and WU '-■r Blmon U pton/ polnUnjr out the be heard, followed by a toy and three years. NURSERY STOCK liam Marah^all of tha faculty. tarviooa of Xtn county agricultural plastics demonstration, to which All"0 ay Safiirday b * ', . . . To be ellgibla to membership in et Hdbit from Indians Fourth Dlatrlct Meeting aroupa as being imj^rtant to non- frlands are invited. In addition to this, organisation, one must be The Jfourth Dlatrlct American farming people aa well aa farm members. lineal descendant of a man / Bro^Bw was grown in the Vrt- liSgioii^ mMtlng Nov. 6 will ba at era A meeting, of the Veterans of woman who rendered civil >or mili­ ley l^fora the first Europ«to 3 pm . in the^llllm antlc Legion eommittee polnU out that Foreign Wars Auxiliary will be tary aerYfce Iri any of the , OPEN DAILY lamed. colonists who a ^ la d per‘cant of the 4-H held \his evening at 8 o'clock a t area ^ t the tobaec^hablt colonies prior to July 4, 1776. Mrs. tiSO a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mra. Mildred d \Judatx of the ClEARANGE I are not on commercial the VFW home on Elm 81. Crawford can boast of several from the In d fa ^ Whom t l ^ found American Legion AmciUary will 88 per cant of the women The Senior Class of the High such ancestors.. SUNDAY TILL SfOO smoking the dried, crus|>ed ledvea b« In charge of the uftit-sponsored hbmemaklng programs are School will hold Us annual puctlon The object ‘Of thla soclaty' It of the plant fa slay pj setback parties during November farm women, and while ap­ tonight at 7:30 at the Sykes Audi­ patriotic, historical and educa­ Tobacco waa imt7much mofa Friday nlghU In the LeglW Homs. torium, the proceeds to gd toward IJ'S WAMi proximately 85 per cent of .the tional. / than a weed then, (Hit as tha popu­ Attending the dcpartmentjiarlcy time of the agricultural extension the annual Washington trip. larity of smoking Spread, ao did tomorrow at tha Hotel Bond, INTERIOR agent’s tlipe ip given to farmers. Haloween Parties Save ?5% By Buying 5 or More of Oiii Variety the deinand for a baiter product. ford will be Mrs. Eugene Rycl aJl raquesta from non-farmara are The third and fourth grades, of H ST Still W riting Tobacco grew lnto> big business. president; Mrs. (narence S. 0< also answend. the Baptist Sunday School will Slid its cultivation becama a «cK In uwlng that the County Home hold a Halloween,, party at the wnitchne , QL S to u is i aacretary of Columbia; Mrs. Ralpl ' m m * r artce. \ . M. Burns, rahabilitatlon chairman property be used as an agricultur- church this evening. Pungent Letters And in the Valley, generation af­ PAINTS .The nursery and kindernften, Mrs. Harold Carpenter, delegate al.1 center, the imsottance Importance of the j . — ter generation' has. grown tdbaceo for child welfare chairman. soil conaervaUon la atreaaed, » y - also first and Second grade^^f the WHITESPRUOE . . . HEMLOCK . or processed it.'- Right now,\. In Church School will hold a similar Rochester, N, Y., Oct. 38 \ PTA Board Seoaloo Ing that such a step would 1» a curing sheds up and down the Tho Robertson School PTA unit definite advantage to all of Tol­ party tomorrow aftenvbon at the Harry S. Truman atlllJa writing ley, tobacco is being prepared church school rooms.. SPRIfiDlHO YEIW-^" T* UPRIBHT YEW8 _ _ ^ T* Executive Board will mast Monday land county, aa ntiore serylcea pungent notes that ratie hacklei. shipment to warehouses at 8 p.m. at the. school. ^2.49 Gal. would be available. New Ar; al It appears. 'The large leaves are.pliable now, A . daughter has een born ONLY 3JM0 LEFT AT THIS PRICE Scout Mooting >- It suggested that the^agrloi^ a t auA aa“ aln*t you funny." made so by the dampness permeat­ Girl Bcout Troop 71 will not naguiorliiO^ Mr. and Mrs. X j OIF ing the aheda after the recent lor. Fall and W ihtor intortof extension service, which works > East St. That“waw the”fe»ponB€ NfChblaa heavy rains, and are safe to han­ Tobacco leases,Nfi'eah and green from the fields, are being praparea for banging in cunng aheda where meet liqriday afternodn. BaglA- Patients . C. Bvana, chairman of t o Monroe PRIVET HEDGiNir m y Blowy tU rirfaw irand brittle. Thla tobacco-waa grown in Tobacco Valley., .whlclx. atretcbfa ning Nov,\7 meetfaga will be ^rom poinN i^4o^8.4 Flot,. S*mi*Glofi and vwith 4-H, agriculture and home County Liberal party, rscaived to HODODENDRON dle. Processors of the broadleaf Vonomlca; the Farm Bureau, New patfenta - at City Hospital REDj~ WHITE PURPLE 24-86 m . TALL (CALIF.) binder are stripping the leaves off from Rorb*nd, Conni, to New Hampshire and Vermont, arid will be used eventually In making cigar G iots^ oiieantinusd celorji. Look at wKlCttaroBSOW the extei^on work; today ude..Mca, Oella Frey,. 14 a IfUer he, wrote lasLwwK.tp tbr .;the lif-inch-thick stalks and bfadariT^- ...... Bast Cafol DeLong, Broad former President. - with plenty of warmth, ♦Ko lo rm o r p rica« x o l Ik*** Q u d l'iy M e - . th e'i^ l conaervaUon sendee, w bl^ .9 5 $ 0 . 5 0 packing . them in paper bales. suppttto technical asslctanca In the Mrs. Robert Jameiaon / Evans asked Truman finan­ All quilted linings, Leaves of the snadegrown wrap r they can manufacUire not # o t ;c St.; Mrs. Stanley Qlll, 146 cial aid in the party’s local cam­ e Valfay have had tfieir {^b- merely dumped into th* machlhe Kinnoy Paints, iodk^tths taUprieait uae cFland and water reaourcee; 50 for $2.99 knitted wristlets inside pek have been picked off t o sbalka Arounl) the turn of the'ceiv- and chiwed up together belbr* only a qualityquality binder ipltpbocco but a SondlS0UB.Mi Projoetoifa- and the agricultural ■tablllsatldn St.; and Richard Creen paign for the election next month fas. in the field. quality wrapper tobacco aa wall. aottrt ar olloot, lao S5 aun. Look vyhat you taval^fkan hurry r ig h t' ' Ragdto $1.40 Butcher Rd. and reminded him the. the Liberal sleeves. Many have the growers of wrapper to-' qmertring as a single rolled sheet. and conaervaticn eervlee, which li Turn Color, Dry bacco faced rtrious com^tltlon \At the present time^ there la no Dobkin thinks these develop- alMo projoefata. in for tho "buy” oy^ B S . N o v o r bawdUng pSymenta for coneerva; Parly tfrh ew York State support- gro-cuffs for the grow­ menta are possible. '‘I'ya seen toe All Talcottvllie and Vemen .ed Truman in 1648. T he tobacco was brought to from Sumatra, fa fact, ao popular panic on among tha tobaccomen. WELDON DRUG CO. a parking probiam. Uon pracUcee, and ad: G R A S S S K D ing boy. Prices start at curing sheds from the fields I^e in did Sumatra tobacco become that Only-two cigar manufacturers are machines, and they are big and price eupport programs as nene llenM are-now being hanfaed The lettar cams back to Evans. seem inefficient.” he said recently. Ml Mate St—TM. Mt-MMl through the Mancheater givenlag FEAT MOSS X $14.95. Many famous August. The leaves were/green it threatened to tjooni toe Cori- using the iriachine and they are fa ths county. He showed tt to reporters last ANDROMDA $3.95 makes like “Lake­ .then, -with moisture troinAhe sfal necUcut product \ .... proceedihg , cSutlbUSly, watched "But If they can ihsproy* the ma­ X. Th# meeting of the County Com' filerald. Rockville Bureati, loented night. Scrawled acroaa the bottom FERTILIZERS still clinging to them, hut after atx closely byTjhe rest of the cigar- chines so that they can use the miaeioners to make a denekm ’bn at 1 Market 8t„ .telephone Rock- waa thla note; land," "Carter,” “Rug­ . Biit hero, the goverttirieqt came beaO- leayea,” he added, "this busi­ vUIe TR 8-8188. \ to eight weeks in th.f/sheds under to the aid of the VoKey growers manufacturirig Industry. P h O M I f f . the diapoeal of the dfamty Koma "That was the year you worked UME ULACS )pf|nch Hybs $2.49 by." Come in and se­ carefully controlled- temperatures, In toe manufacture of artificial ness would cease to exist. The wMfSi was originally aCbedulad for the ’------7 ------of Wrapper tobacco. Exhauative machines would make tobacco pro­ and voted for. Henry Wallace and SFREADERS lect yours now! leaves alowlw turri'ed color, testing was carried oi» 'whlto, in binder, only the least desirable ^eeday, haa been poaUkmad. The the state .weiit, for T.omaa E. from..V.,. greeni^...w.. to,-brown,.vx'...u.vn, and dried leavea are now being used and they cessing obsolete and alter the econ; Call UB about imy paintii, hsitlwara, tools, aurvey. apd apprafaal or t o hotna lIRD FEEDERS 1900, turned up the faHt that TOWNE OLEAHEM Dewey- -ain’t you-funny." out, becoming-brittle. Sumatra tobrieco planted fa Con­ are -used only in thririroduction of ,omy of the Valley.” mason supplies . . . and IbrnbeT, of course. and property wilr not be swady'dt Evans toM rapoTfan. ha was ■IRO F O O D RowERiNG Shrubs 89p' But no^'' brown and safely, the lea'st expensive cigars. that daU,\rea)dttag in the . Mancheaier^ necticut "under ahade” produced Mitchell 9'4626 from MOnehesto^ and sendings reply thfa raid fa part; HOUSE FLANTS moist, th^obacco ia being shipped; a leaf identical with that imported '' The machines - themsrives ' are .poflement. TF* meeting will \be "Thanks for your unkind ra- to ware^uses for grading, sorting' bulky and relaji'Vely c i ^ e , ^ t con­ Special Coventry. From Willimantic, Rockville and rescheduled' (complete etudy D0te Book marks—apqleaa^e. 1 woricad C L A Y F O T S and ‘■pweatlng” — that is. h'ested from Sumatra. ceivably, they can be made-more Storrs,. ssk operator for ENTERPRISE of>all the property has' HOLLAND BULBS Aa a result, thousands tipon GENERAL your election / . . after you had AFRICAN VIOLETS und^ temperatures of up to 120 efficient. It *11 depends on the 9955 ... there’s no charge. 7 ’ led. gone to bed election night. • .” ALL MATERIAL ON SAU degrees for six -weeks to purlfy.it. thouaanda of acres of. cotton cigar sriioker. Lototon Tonight Tomomiw S d t hoy for midchtiiq cloth-covered fields bloaaomed out TV SERVICE OpmmunitV Pfaycra praaent "A It was ..tha Amarlean Labor CARRIES OUR FULL GUARAimR Then, the careful tending continu­ If hts response to the cigat made- ___ Iko, prosidant of party thaX backed Wallaea in New ing, thg-janves ‘wUlJM Ifard unde> in the Connecticut Valley. The vrith the artificial. binder la «n- RadatualmerXAAixniary. Veterans BUgnt Ckfa of MUrder,” Varplao|k M-tlficial shade, it waa fouhd, Days t * ME A Call of Foreign Wars, Jmnotmeet that Bebool, 8 ^ p.m. York state in 1848. controlled conditiona for as long cfairaging, the manufacturer un­ NlghU fa4Es9«F Plus F*rU aa a year before It la offered for produced the same conditions as doubtedly will try-to Improve the TEL. MI 8-5184 place for Department Waddfal ^ A mfaatrel show, sale to cigar manufacturers. those'found in Sumatra—an'even machine.^, perhaps' to the -point quarterly meeting of to Ladles Waddall Kchool. temperature, humidity and protec­ OPEN *iLL Y SATURDAYS / Tomorrow In the nteantime. In April, farm­ Auxiliary, originally scheduled for ers will (m. getting their fields tion from t o direct raya of the Wost Ifaven on Bunday,' has been Wag Darice, Manchaater Lodge read'y for the next "setting," sun. This same protection is not changed, and the aeaalon vyin now ot^ka. Elks ^ma. x tobaccomen call planting, wl needed for broadleaf binder tobac- bo held at tho Anderson Shea Post /Halloween 'Dance, AmerlcW cornea iri June. And in the summer, 'co, which ia grown in. the open. fa Manchaatar. The meeting will Legion Home, 8 p>m. to 1 a.m. ^ SHIRTS hordes - of youngsters will again Automation llireateiu Lumbar atari at Ifa> p.m. Hallowaen DancX Country piub, \ flock to the fields to help iri the But now, another threat looms OVERCOATS laveatigattag yaadaHim for members and guaata. / cultivation of the plant, and in its for the tobacco procesaora,.if not SiSM AKYST. f j u F F lV ^ C GkaaaiGiitGN H GTCN The local poUca favaatlghto WednenfaMr. Nsv. Flannel lin ^ jeaqs and Holiday Baxaar, Centay Church. picking. the growers. It is automation. Ma­ k e nK Ml S-80S4 Tknrsday nU vandalism in Grove Hill C toaury shirt to match, Sizes 4 to Display at Soviuga Bank chines have , been produced whlcl) yesterday, aa the result of a rep<^t Homemakera’ Holiday program, INC. Lauadarotto Bervtoo ^2. $3,.95 the jeans. In recognition of the Importance can take tolMcco right from ‘ the by F. .Leroy Elliott, cemetery OomiAunIty Y, 8:30 afai. field, grind if up and turn it into agent t o t eight tombatonea haiT FrWfay. N ^ , 4 $ 2 .^ I for the shirt. of tobacco to the Connecticut BCRNRVREn Valley, the Mancheater paving roiled sheets for cigar binders. bMn knocked off-thrtr base during Cbmblned iXthoUc Mothafa -Clr- This method eliminates entire- AND MUSIC t o previous ntghL claa open houBA' tome, Bank has on display a hunnidifled Patrolman Biuddre A. Pierre I p.m. diaplay Case filled with a complete ‘iy toe long and coatly procasa of tn-S-56S0. checked the damage, fahile Truant 4 awl 8 ~ ' line of Alles and Fisher cigars, curing and aging tobacco in shads Officer, Philip Bliifa questioned Center plana praaent "Tha made in Boston of Connecticut and warahouaes. It also eliminates 768 MAIN ST. four boya. 11 to 14 yeara of age, King of Es" Bowers School. binder and wrapper tobacco. the need for sorting and grading, who had hoffaportra for school EUfa' Jnstrel show, Waddall Cigars get all the attention be- permitting the use of all leaves, -during to day. The danlage was School. ' rauae the cigar is what practically damaged or not, since they are all fa to northeast section of the Nov- 10, 11 and 13 all of Connecticut tobacco goes THE BIG MOVE cemetery. The faiUce reported one „hta of Columbus minatret \ Into—the binder being the strong, atone was set nine Inches In the show, Verplanck School. elastic leaf' containing the filler, grouhd, with one of the others’be ' Tuesday,.Nov. IS PAJAMAS and The -wrapper —the thin, open- fag five feet high and a foot thick. . Fashion show, sponsored ' by grained leaf encasing the binder. T M ^ None of the atonea were 'damaged Mancheater Reglatefed Nurses' 'T he display, which also includes •o badly that they ca iw t be placed Aaan.,'LAithar Hall, Flannel dr broadcloth pa­ back on their foundations. Wednesday, Nov. 18 photographs ahowlng scenes in the , Mercliaats Plaaa Annual banquet of combined jamas. Sizes 4 to 20i Prices fields arid tobacco warehouses, was The Merchants Division of t o Catholic Mothers Circles, British- are $2.95. $3.50, $3.95. mad* available r by Adler and Dob- NO WONDER ! Chamber of Cofaunerce voted yes­ Amertcan Club, 6:30 p.m. kin, one of a number of Manches­ terday aftemobn In favor 'of Nov. 16, 17, 18 and IB ter's tobacco growing and process­ iCama, so* tfwM -gorgaatts now lew-sill^Hiatl* N to rtw- Try- N odog ajHtoaiiy Cfarlatmaa lighting -with the under- Ahtlques 8ho\v, sponsored by. n e i ing firms. standing the lights be turned on South Methodist W8CS StatV Leon Dobkl'n, a aturdtly built, i2S,fiors*pewar lA ^jiry to Hi* epan rood. This ^US/ gray-hatred ‘man who' tmdkes Dec. 1 and be used through the Armory, 1 ' 10 p.m. A Lon Associitioii • 1007 Mil St SOOlldMt month. Kenneth 'Hovland. chair­ Nov., 18 and 18 rigars with evident relish, Moreury's danling n ^ Ft^T-on* eater < styHng is man will appoint a committee to Rotary Club Minstrel show, wen connected with tobacco since m*v* to tha big. big M. < ’ decide on the type of lighting and Buc^ey School. ABOUT THE ADVANTAG^ he was a farm boy in Ellington. another to collect funda,to, pay for Saturday, Nov. 18 He joined Abner Adler in 1934. t o lights. ' Salvation Army Band Sth annual, / and the two went into the tobacco Convenience Makes Your The members voted to have the band festival, Verplanck School. OF WORKING AT UMHpnwi raciiiy upfNNiMnitf^ growing and processing biuiness in stores stay open both Thursday TROUSERS Ellington. and Friday nights during the pre Dandelions are . found moat for SkflM P9i Sm^SUM | Moved Here in 1641 ; . A ' Chrlatmaa season, starting Dec. 1. abundantly on the warmest areas HAMILTON STANDARD i In 1941, needing more space, d iilw 1 2 ^ : 7 -A m d tOTemaln' open every night of the grotind and burled heating -V X * “ ‘ they moved into-Manch?8trr,- set­ during the week immediately pre- pipelines often can be traced by ii AH TyiMS ^ ji# s r 7 Hockmeyer corduroy oV tw'eedu- eedfag Chrlatmaa, with the excep- their concentration. roy trousers. Sizes 4 to 16 and* al.so ting up operations in the former • ^ ''v • r ' ' ^ home of the Rogers Corp.. at 218 i ‘ / Thors faro 493 HomHten Stondortl omplo/*** Monchoator |0 O'ood wofoa wMi nlgfit shift promloma. husky -sizes, $ 5 .5 0 to $ 6 .9 5 . Hartford Rd., wheye there was Your toed Eovings ond Locm previdot ovory 7 New splash patterns , in corduroy some 14,000 (quare feet'irvallable sovingE booofit end eonvoBione*. • Orowp iMortinci qnd rotiromont prOorqm -y • with adjustable waist bands, ' for the storage of tobacco,' Arid now, after 14 years, the, offices of .V" Likely ss not, one or more of yotir neighbors is now. o pohd VsttoHona oinI ksiidhqr* ‘J Adler and Dobkln have the not un­ expected aromS of the inside of a a member of the big Hamilton Standard family^'Just V o OoosI working comBHont in ono of Now ^ box of 50-ccnt cigars. $m'o any amount Oyer the'ypsri, the tobacco men ask him — he will be happy to tell you atmut a|I the~- ■ - tnghrod's most Weslorn iflfiints .' 7 $ov* toy Yimn .. .7 . ... . 7T advanuges he jenioys in his job <— a job .which is . O TrsHUfiortotlon MrrcMMdl 4Hid froo P*>>k*' ' , \ ,.... , .1 : . - * ■ . ing fa tho factory, d d i f no troAe ] GLOVES OR Keep iri shape! more than "just work." corrent dlvl^nd SA I^ Y • ENOlNBiat^ AMD FUTURE - STYLED Hamilton Sandard Division of United Aircraft • Attroictivo, !.npto»toto ca fotorlo aosving MITTENS per onnanis Next Tims oxcoilont foiifa fa ^nsadoroBo jprioos Corp. is now engaged in the largest expansion p'ro- • .’i : \ " S TRY THRIFTY CLEANERS o Imydoyooa Crodit Union id tho piofa for - 'J Large selection of boys’ gloveg-dr mit- Your scRfings era insured up to $10,000 SEE . . . XHE SPECTACU1.AR gram in its history. In addition to our famous \ ens. Leather, wool, Vs fur H n^, Prices, . , 'S -I*"' More find more people are disfaiyer- ■ 'M vinft nnd law iiits totf iRijMl ^ -by op Aganey of th* U.$. Gdvarnmont BUT. . . . . propellers, we are daily making niew equipment for rom S I.00 on knits and leatiheirs start .s u p p o r t ing how easy and convenient it is to o iatomivo ratrooMonol fnoliMoa oA<^ f ^ at $2.25 up. . . . 1 9 S« MERCHRY dry clegn the Thrifty way. Plenty of today’s tiltra-modern jet aircraft." ’ tho plefa; swfaortkMNi DRITE. Business Hours: Mondidy, Tuesday, Friday— ^ psrkiiig fordowntown shoppers. • s a ' l s a g . 1 • OfaWippod,‘oxnotfly Come In and See Oiir Full Line 9 A.M.toSP.M. . . • V -V. like this o f Wgrm Weather Clothing For Boys! Wednosday and Saturday-— i Join yifur 493 nolghbors at HarulHon Standard f • ' cioam iockor rooms < awd ahdwor focMltldo - V laak land faal ^ —:— ,“9 A.M. t«-N««n ------7 o growing company — In a growing industry J t-. skarp w ith a h t « Thursdays—9 A . M. until 8 P . M.

Como In for a friondly in- 16011*>111 ^7 •' V torviow fa our omploymont a'ATYOUt-bfioooin •Open your opeount ot $ovhigs and Loan. X B votlievs oflUo fa tfio plont. Opkn Moniky throufli Friday, W E . G I V E AMC OR)pEN STAMPS "p in e LENOX B o.m. to 4 p.m., Sotyrdoy HAMILTON STANDARD DIVISION 301.315 CENTER STREET 1 , V TEL Ml 3 -S135 3 o.m. to 12 noon. PHARMACY UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, WINDSOR LOCKS, CONNECTICUT - i- 299 East Center Si. -U i a T h e HieihHid— 'Pays | > bL MlkijeU 9.0A9S T. *___-i-A' . • . ■. ...JW A"' T ; 'A - ■ r .- ' ■' - . ' ■ - i : . : 11 rt-* t ; 'J, . . . j-i: .. - *: x : X-' • ' ' 1 ■ • ’^ . •^Ar- 1 • .T': Nv V' • ■ . ’.’■tr’ ■ .■'"■•H % ■ ^ ■ •' .' *. '■ ...... ■■ ^ ■- • '.'.•■■ ■ ' . . . . ■' ■ ■' ’ ■ . ■ ' / .■ • ■ ' - ’ 1« A ' ; .■■ ■I-' . ' ' . V - ■■■ ' ■' ■ '■■■. ■ :. . ■ .• f . ‘ ■■'v. .1 I HANCBESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN» FRIDAY. OCTOBER'^; 1965 .1 , ' j - PAGi: THIRTEEN PACE TWELVE 7 yr t ' s* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,' OONN„ FRIDAY, ti 28, 1965

Russia. Their broad-aim U to stall the Soviet move to, extend its in­ Council was held in Andover Vapping Backers o f Ordinance lyjprUS Issue Columbia Aeadny evening. Local Brpsvnlf ColBiiiilia Dtilgitr Has \rm ii fluence in that tenaa area. u.: Bars ' laracl's Premier Moshe Sharatt rcpreeenUtlvea attmdliig were an Unii Mrs. Ralph Wolmer/ Mrs. Theo­ GOP Unit to Meet A SPEOIM. MWOUNOEMENT Fme conferred hefe last nifht with To File Petition on Spurs Riots on ^ h^ ders Fin|9h dore Sanden, Mrs. Ted'Jones, Mr*. Pinay on the sale of arms to Leo Cohen, Mrs., Qebrge Oreenwny Egypt by.. Communist CaeChoslo- •Me . Halloween Plans and Mrs. Johiv. Card. Girl Scout Tuesday Evening ■MNOHESTER TAXI Mil CITY OAB GO. vakla. He planned tfx meet with Backers of a . proposed raffles Island,' Athens representatlvd* wer* Mia* Jean rani the other Big Four minisleni «* '*nd hasaara ordinance wll) file Natsch, MTa. Griorge Smith .and Wappirif, Oct. 28 (Special)-^ lt«CNiM flif incrtcMd busInMi Imd dhinNiiMli w« rapidly as p^ ble, protesting to (Caatinaed froni 8) the Soviet* and India, both of CoiuffdUa. O ct 2 8 ;. (Special) --- petlUaus for ja referendum on the < o «itti — g" fr*4i» ti*g* Om ) Whom had rival propoai(jl* on the Mrs. finest Payne. There will be a' meeting of the Ra- United SUtea" "raait becoma par- Molotov on the srms sale and so­ News Tidbits The R e v ,;H « liy 'Wyman o f the School Ptetons# now hovo 2 fuH fimo mon on botwnon 1:00 A.M. ■ (OeeUseed t n m T f t ' liciting' new western aid to offset question N ov. ,9‘, it was Ifwrhed to­ miaeion make a ^ l c k report Ubie, unanimity appeared «rtau>. congregaUonal .Church, and Dr. publlimn Town Committee Turis- ties to the treaty" if they accept 13 poltccmfm' were injured today The only hint the Arab#/4(rere Children of the local Elementary ond 4:00 A.M. im « 24-heiir schodiil* f*** day, wltV 'tha aim pf-tbupiing the in riot* over Cyprus. committee aoxthat dlsarma: Ralph . WotahriF.. distributed Its purpoM and obllgatlona. Both Egypt’* gains '..OuUgd'.from AP Wires ' not in accord came during the flqal School will have . individual pic­ day at 8 p.m. in the court room of b u o p p o*^ WMrtcrn these Western officials ,Aald the tale question in th* special elecitott in can be takpa up aa Item tw a UNICXF’ collection 1x>xes to Uie your eonvonlonco. A cob is now ovoNdWt a t |ukt East iind W est Germany could be­ ' Sevml hundred student* -«nd luasion* when Mohammed Fad- tures-token by"*'photo service th* Town Hail. . ' ' ' probMms and the w *«en» plan of Communist i^^kpons to Arab young men thouting anlt-BriUeh BritalnA". Sir Pierso.i Dixon student* of the Horace W, Bpiter Bad nb immediate nrospect of ac< long 'pending the formation of a which votart will cast ballots on a Al-J*mali o f Iraq *aid there Tuesday. TSere will be no charge Halloween Party a pkonol roach «it dny fbno of day or n l^ L united, peace-loving German dem­ Nations may aenre tWo purposes •' American scholar completes 10,- slogans marched through the main quldDy-"PPOf’(8d the Colombian School thi* w eek,. / to either the school or the parfnta proppad^ sewer bond issue. The prMneJ. He aaid. “We are now in to he a growing “ariatoc- Cub Pack 62 will meet tonight ocratic state." of Soviet strategy. The shipments 000-mlle ■ swing through Soviet street*. . Oil Halloween the children Will for the taking of the pictures. A date for this referendum has been Police charged With club* but th* utAtomic-mood." racy'v In th* UJI. Some thought make collections previous to thd at r b ’clock at the Wapplng Oom- 'WouU have aef Ita eseentiai Slfna- 5. Members of the treaty would could lead to fresh and dangerous tentatively set for Nov. 29, Union during which he arranged thi* lyerred to the fact that no mpmUinl charge- will be made for munlto House for, a Halloween refraiif from aggression and the trouble In the region the wes^rn •tudente drove them back jwlth Dixon, who helped beat the Riu- partita to be {(iven for. them in [iidturse accepted by the parents, loriea, oldtUln aatd, the tJnitcd Today there appeared to b# no for extensive exchange of Ameri­ •ian move for quick dlaarmament M iddleT^t country haS been in­ •Yeomana Hall by the Columbia party. At the close of th* party threat Or use of- foyce and aetUe powers have been trying Jrtrd'^o can and Russian ^publication* aton** and iron bare and rsttoepdf loriredec; ‘ » 4 Statea ^ t a l n , P^nce. Kuaiia, obstacle to this on Nov. order after etrongtrong reinfi ciDmmlaslon debate laat week, aaid cluded ln\the 12-nBtlon conference, RecreaUoa Cotlncil. 'Children will arisards will be presented- p o lfd ^ im d Ciwdbadovakta and their disputes neacefiilly. sublllxe, and might leaff to a sit-. 29, prpvided the town administra-- Firefighters in Louisiana plan to called'to lay^the groundwork for ri . '/JDind Drive Jktion where Rusalk win demand were rushed to th’ and eco­ B. Membera of the treaty would w a s - e n r " overcome------the op-" "Andover, Oct. 28 • (Special) ■ When the resolution goes toXtoe clety. ,. \ aubcommittee and the commiaaion, dents at th* Horace supply friend* and neighbors with kroadcaat the program Nov. 12. nomic assistance from an assrer- consult and decide "as . aocip aa position 'ropoged tie-in that The Andover.^ Board of Education General Assembly for ^nal cb possiUe'' on collective defense Negotiator* for We*tlnghoUa« was absent from the debate here,- SchooL Games will also bags o f bulbe, and various busi­ at. Catherine's CYO Club of Broad Residents who rake leave* from some ' actors otherwise haa been invited to meet with the flrmation, lt>wUl be a commltti "3. Limitation of Force* and hieEBUTEt, Electric Chirp, and UnltelkWec- It is boycotting the a*seni)>ly recommendation Carrying no apqn- and there will he refreshment* fdg ness firms in the area will cooper- Dtook has been Invited arid vtel- B. The U.N, ' Security Council their prt perties onto t^e street and had. trlcal ^wkers slate first b*r«ta' Regional^ard of EducaUon. Die- cause at an aosembly deciaiojr to -*te by serving aa bulb distribution torri^^may attend if accompanied A rm am enu'’ CJommunisU and No Prohlbltton 'la Charter soring names. Wester- forces would be balanced would be advised of sny actions bum them are giving Town En­ Ing ■eaiilon since Indepentlcnt uitlqn trict By/Nov. A, at 8 p.m., In the debate French administration in ' Main Provision* . "'rrom 8 to 9:30 p.m., pupils in ibints. Lions Clubs In other cities by a CYO member. taken or contemplated in defense gineer James H. Sheeliey cause for The ' legal questloh. that had calleil hatlonal atrik* mMnlght, Algeria. ' grades fi. 7 and 8 wllL have their >av^, had excellent results with and Umited in a sons set up along been raised when the\le-in wa* Hebton Elnnentarv School.' Alao The resolution, which grew out \ \mlfied Germany’s eastern boun­ or the maintenance of peace in concern. Ttiesday.,A 41-ye*f-old grarid- Victor Andres Belaunde, Peru, of three weeks debate and nurtier- party in the upper h(all,.They will similrir bulb sales, and President MaacKeater Evening Herald EuroM, first .suggested has a lr^ y been eiftit will thA Board* of and Fernand van Lang^ove, Bel­ also have a grand m *r^ awafd- daries and reaching dero into Oef- In a' move to atop the practice 'mother give* b l ^ to her 16th E la tion from Hefardnand MarN oU* behind scenes huddles, carries Bumhabt. expressed his'confidence Wapplng cerreapoiMtent, Mr*. An­ 7. ’The mambers would not "par- disposed of In statements by botlr gium, supposed ■ the/ Colombian of prizes, skit, grime*, refresh- many, Poland and OeechosloYakl*. today, Sheekey called on the towns­ child in St. Mapy^of Nazareth Hos joroUigh. They will dlecuS* the poa- these main provisions: in the B u eb^ of this lund-raijring nie. CoUine, 'telephone MI 8-(M18. icipatai' in any coalition or aUi. people to cooperate and noted a the town counsel and the town’s propoaal to give the radiation aenta and *a an added finale campaign. TrtU* wodld •contribute to Euro- bond counsel. Town Coahstl pltaHn Chiga^.'/ klblUt/x of placing the Andover 1. A second international atomic tn recurlty anil help relieve the Snee" and not make any egrsa- state statute and a town law which haxard question prtb^y. Both are *nerg;y conference shonld be held of terror." Charles In . Crockett has said there Elementary School under'-, the membera of the Disarmament rden of armamenU.” ' roents "contrary to the punxwe* sra violated by persons who follow supervlelon .of the euperintendailt within three year*. committee in charge of Mie Advertisement—'. . K of tha treaty on collective secur­ is' no prohibition in either the Comnissiori. k , “4. Inspection and Control.’ t^ procedure. ■ he regional dletrlct In futuH 2. It adds Russia, India, Brazil nianmng; l*.'headed by Dr. Ralph McKinney lAiimter at Bolton Bast-West in)ipecUon teams would ity in Europe.” Sheexey said burning the leaves town charter or the State statute Marian Naarikowskf, Poland, ar- and Czechoslovakia . with other E WolSer. chairman of the Coun­ Notch delivers In C^embia. Open 8. The member states-would pro­ under 'which the .T afnee and A“Experts Hi bued for the 8ovi«t point of view. check ths sise and disposition of in the street criiCk* curbs, it three toWna plan to aend countries In'vlted to negotiate pri­ cil. WUwr Flgtcher. rind assist­ all day Saturdays. AT LOW PRICES mote '"economic and cultural co­ bazaars referendum would be held. Hri'.fald there was no' certainty forces psrtnitted in the sscurity creates' a fire haxard and an odor Junior and .aenior high school stu­ vately on a pro|X)sed statute for ants, JohnNHirn. Mrs. Saui>Blufn, aons and “warn against any prep­ operation" among, themselvea and nuisance, und leaves debris behind Today,' General' Manager Rich­ Whett Uie foreign minlstera would an atomic agency, Mrs, Walt«\Wheaton. Mrs. Wol- Manchester Evening ll( ard ^artin...Miiid Atty. Warr^en Slim Hope dent* to the regionaI\*chool at it* aration for surprise attack." with other nations. which clogs storm sewer* get OriMind to the disarmament s; Cali* on U.N. Secretary Gener­ jner, Mrs. Joatoh Jaswlnskl. Louis lumbln correspondent, Mrs. ArHiar Drac Slorat^ Carley of the Boston firm of Ropes, anticipated opening in 1957. “ 5. Special Warning Sirstem B. Proviaipn would ha m 'consultativa committeaa'' to town's bond counsel, toti him at Tame HBomb borough «re ail under aUt* super­ warning system in the German and thcrefora endangers children vision at the elementary levpl at India was ^ting to propose agency.' should have to the U.N. the Elementary S^ool were hosU carry out the purpo*es of the playing in Vesidantlal areas. a meeting In Boston r^ently that r theVKojean situation In a paragraph by paragraph asctor (tf the sons and ths western treaty, and for apaclal conferences' he had no ob je ctio n to the tie-in. the present time. Many memlw* at a Halloween dan^ln the acUv- Herald Phot*. - powers would set up a simuar K The engineer said the* last year (Continued tw^m Pgge One) of the local board and the RegiOT- which includes r e p o ^ on the con- vote before balloting on the resolu­ Uy room at the schpolyWednesday of all tha treaty powers as re' a t this time a truck;drlver waa Martin himself aaid today he has . troverslal Neutral Nations Com- tion as a whole, the committee NHRR Net Profit Benjamin Lincoln radar system in the Communist quired. al Board feel that a closer coordi­ evening. Guesfi wereVudcnt* ^11 "no objection^’" either. an A-bomb (Whichworks by apUt- ^ • s io n and the fate of about 40 turned down three Soviet - amend­ a * - sector. There is no agreement, even 10. - Oommuniet China would he nation of the elementary, and re­ the sixth and seventh /grades and Rd. to ih'ake a delivery at a-irtore, .Maurice Gkudet, who has been tlng atonvrV'la used as a trigger, Kbrean War prisoners ' whO-- re- ments. . : By Jo s e p h a ; o w b n b small oiiter margin to allow ths tends there ie little money la th* in U.8. circles, .yet on the sise of invited "to designate rapresenta- the spokesman for the fraternal gional school programa would be also atudents of the Hebrqn Ele- In ’55,88 Million Aa he approached a plki of leaves, Mssible If the ■ three elemenUry fueeH.^to be repatriated and are It defeated 33-14 with 12 absten­ ’ Columblix (Special)—Convinced worker ti> handle It; suggeats the venture, i the sons or the dlidancs of the tivea to the organa set up in ac­ and social groups working for a . The problem la how to control tions. a Soviet proposal to invite mentary Bchool. radar “fence* ” from its canter line a child impped out of it r^ht In tfchoola and the Junlor-Senlor high now iV India’s cere. that eyerypid* should spend at colotx eacn section of the wpod Ha lufgeets that.all lawn piece# cordance with the treaty^n the front W the vehicle. Th* driver raffles and bazaars ordinance, to­ and cc^tlnue the thermonuclear all states to the conference onr the Three youngster* were awarded New Haven, Oct. 28 (PV—Net but the dlstahc# might be 100 to school were under one super­ India's V. K. Krishna Meitoh, prizes for their costumes by a piece shofildxb* pointed when fin- be made from cypreu, pine, or capacity of pbservera." • > slammM- on hla brakes' to avoid day said the backers are anxious reactlriri. however, ^rew his support to tl^ atomic statute. Russia contends earnings of 88.393.152 for the fltrit least a email portion of their iahrid and includos many m inor UO miles, western mlUtary men 11, Ohligationa member to have the two questions voted intendent. -e l of Ju^im consisting o f Rlchai plywood and that copper or brasa hitting the youngster. "A thermonuclear fuel mixture Training Program Colombian proposal because, he East Germany a%d Red China spare Ume creating things, Ben­ betisvs. state* un^. existing trestle* on at'the same. time. . Gale, George Smith, and tore* quarters of 1966, more than detail lines upt./fot""! ipas* eyeleta be. used when needed. Mr. Sheekey made it^ ear he would . does either not react at- all, or There Vrere 34 women present at said, the atomic agency discussions should have a say in the agency,.... ^ Mr* jamin Lincoln hriis 'developed.: a prodiKsd pottm^ - Ne Treaty OsnacU would not IM impaired, “provide George Peters.’ Winners were trim rind a half Umes os much os Lincoln sriy* he often woiriders If be much happier If resident* raked .\ 9^er 1,200 Nlgnstures (J^s so by keeping Itself at a. tem- a special dtatrict training session o f the laat two weeks led directly rt s rejected 32-15 with 10 ab­ hobby which net* hlmNyery little Because they \*r* d f iHv n on his cuitomere take exception to " ’•6. OonihlUUon." nw member the principlswijutd purposes o f such .Toyed Hall of Hebron, Ronny foT'Oie some period lost year, were the leave* o ff the *tre*t Into-'their . /H e said workers circulating the. •perature far beyond all reachisa. of held at the Andover Elementary into the radiation question. He. stentions Russia's ■ recommenda-' in- monetsury -returns, bilt “Itefipa paper-he -eayk thb-w orker who hie BUggeatlon eU »-w hlek-la- «n> nations would consult on means of tahis.ara in conformity with p ^ ^ r t ie a A««l tfumed ^ e u i Uierer /^titiOns for the ordinance have al-. Uoh, to'tovlte jin. states to a con­ Greeife.s^d C||mle BUtler flf Co- carryihg oUt the frirnty bu.1 W a controlling action,’’ Dr. Thirrlng School’ on Wednesday nlghL The said India was notxaady to debate report^ today, by the New York, an old fellow .busy," 's, might want to dunlerite .tho piece iJosed..wiUi all ocoeriu but.doubtz t^o*e of the present treaty.' ready collected about 1,200 signa­ ference of'V.N. members and spe­ lumbta. : ) ' ' arestem sponsors do not eoai” told an atoma-ln-lndustry confer­ training program, cpnducted by the Korean questions yet. New Haven A Itartford RsUlrOad. The\82-year-old (fentlewan has little trouble /making « tem­ he will.curtail Its uce. ^ 12. Obllgatioqa of existing tures. This' is about 100 more than cialized agencies for exchange, of Chaperoni».,,for'dhe dance be President Patrick B. McGinnU plate creation of a traaty coi ence of the National Induatrlal Miss Elizabeth Mallon, executive Arabs Abstain. makes the some boM t to all. Visi­ plate from the original. treaties (such as NATO) would would be^needed to get the ques­ technical infofipatlon; sides the eighth grride tericher, announced that the damages suf­ Tbe.huaky voiced blue eyed man ar other permanent ma^bfbery Hod Carrier Hurl Conference Board. director, and Mr*.. William Smart, The thumping endorsement of tors, “I draw them by hand. My He ha* rilwajrs been able to not be canceled for two or threte tion on the voting mschinei' pro­ It beat down - 40-11 with eight John LaCroix, webs'. PWncipSl and fered by tha railroad in the floods natterna aren’t printed, they are haa Yo'und the buying public hasn’t auch ae NATO has. ^ See Future Fuel Need* Solved field director, waa devoted primari President Ei^nhower’* plan for an 'mprk with Wood and after working daveloped any new Ideas in naarly years. NATO membera and those vided all the signatures can be It is claimed said Dr. Thirrlng, abstentions Russian attempts to , Mrs- George Patros, Mr., and Mrs. of Aug. 19 ahd OcL 15 will not be hand drawn." ■ — y- "7. Individual and^tJOllecUve certified by the town clerk being ly to an explanation of the new Intematiorial agency to promote a#\* ('aipeV designer in U>* Bay half a century. FIXED DOWN of the Communist bloc Warsaw Oii^chool Pr^ jec have the proposed agency estab­ Herbert Engle'rl. Mr. bqd Mrs Included'lrt th«. 1955 figures. The Salf-Defanae." 'nta idght of such that power production from ther­ council system structure. peaceful Uses of atomic energy was For him, its the second time State, decided to combine talents eligible to vote. ' lished within the “framework of FclU Winters, Mrs. Fred Br*baht, Interstate Commfree Commission, dafense, lnmtmborshtp- o f Alliance would agree for the in­ monuclear reactions would give all Mr*. Lawrence Converse Jr., of only marred by the Arab members .around in pleasing the whimsical aito went into the manufacturing It was a provision of the raffles the Umted Nations.” Western ob­ Mrs. Mercedes Prior and Mr. ^ d he said, has autlrtnlzed the road the wtKtim povtm In 'NA' terim period to "refrain, from the nations- Inexhaustible arid inde Bolton, waa elected chairman of who abstained. It was reported public. Now that U»e era of do-it- bultoesax use of armed force" and aetUe dis Ernest TWeschl,, of N*'* and baaaars statute Jthat dictated servers saw this as an attempt to to charge auch coots (other than 1953 1954 WILlYS which Ruaalay#jbta to destroy— Britain, a hod carrier on the Kee­ pendent supplies of fUel. tha neighborhood including Bol­ they stayed aloof because Israel Mr*. George Peters. yourSelf is. at hand, he supplies the Though^m receives letter* from putea 'peacefully. Nov. 9 aa the dateibn whictv the place the agency under the control I RefreshmenU consisting tftoae^ .chargeable ■ to\,'capital ac­ patterns for. the men who would 4-Door Sedan. Overdrive. One ^ 7 0 1 % SUtton ’WaCMf' Low mileage. A f^ d be rebognUeoN Included in ney Street School project, was sd' petition* are to he filed. Gaudet But this assumes that the only ton. Coventry, Andover and Tol- was a co-sponsor the resolution. all over the tountry asking lor epe- 18. ’ The else o f armed forCM of fuel needed would be hydrogen, in­ The Arab rebuff came without rof the Security Council In which sweet cider and doughnuts were count*! to profit and loss. spend an evening in a cellar work­ owner. Outetaadlng value at only ^ / 7 9 A aearee medeli $995 this eectia([ la a provision bn with mitted to Mahehester Memorial had plapned to .deliver the pett- land; , ■ . j The toad h“ estimated it* Au­ cial patterns, kg aeldom obligek Xt drawatof .forces, under which Rus­ tome couhtriM—such a* the Unit­ cluding double-weight hydrogen or No chairman haa been elected Warning after the western powers Russia hdld* veto power." served by the eighth grade girls, shop in preference to watching isn't that he do«sn(t want to, but Hospital this morning with a com tions to' town '’clerk Samuel J. The W est did accept in advance gust flood'dtotoK* 810 million ed States—on the tetritoriea of Eu­ deuterium, and triple-weight hy­ yet fromthe other neighborhood had threaded their way through Tax List Dates television. A handful pfv'decadea experience has shtown him Jhat it sia Would have to yield to any pound leg fracture he received Turkington JTy,' today, but 'decided one Soviet’ proMsal. They included dollars. No estimate of the October 1952 OLDSMOBILE reqiaest by uni Bed Gcrmaity to pull ropean state wopld he frbsen, when a aectlon of tne staging oh drogen 'or tritium. Dr, Thirrlng which is made up of Columbia, ticklish negotiations with India ■' The Board of Assessors will be ago, when the tourist woiildn'jt re­ is quite hard to read^ letter from 1953 PLYMOUTH to wait when^ine learned that a a paragraph ^oposing that the ■, flood loss has beeh-rreported aa yet. Super. “88" Club Sedan. Oergeoua 2-tene patoL iU forcas out of East Germany, pending agreei^nts on dlssrma- which he was working gsve way, said. Colchester.' Hebron and Lebanon. and Russia in hop** •of winning In Yeomoiis HaU to accept tax turn home empty handed, 'Mr.‘'Lin- erendum oh,'the question has to be. agency consider the desirability of The road’s net p'rafit for Sep­ a person hundred* .of^mUea away Radio, beater, Sual range hydra- ^ A A E 2-Door SedoBi Jet Slack (lalsh. though NATO forces would be atS' ment, dropping him ^I'feet to the ground Ibgether the eight towns comprise unanimous support-for their pro­ forma tomorrow from 1 to 5 and coln was meeting the demands of and envision.the desired;design. He held withm 21 days of the filing But the rub, he said, is that the arranging for art international tember, today's report agld. was ■satlc. An excellent buy only ^ 7 7 9 BxcepUoaally clean. Eqalpped. $895 tioned in the country since Ger­ 14. After "two or Viree years below. District 8, for which election* will posal. , > 6 to 8 pjn.: Monday, from 6 to 8 the day and m.jtufactu«1ng small further feels that hla aarii^tment of a petition. H-bpmb. already tested successful­ periodical devoted to peaceful uses $752,609, a gain of 30.8 pm^^^cent o Bsttfirifs many would be a NA’TO member. with the North Atlantic Alliance, •>■ Tedeschl was wheeling a wheel A nqk\ 9 filing would permit a ly, is assumed also to use lithium be hcltl at a later date. Wiiea word Went out that the p.m., and Tuesday, Lester Hutch­ lawn ornaments. of 30 patterns which incluot* ani­ West had reached agreement with of atomic energj-. \ .... '... over the 8577,279 net in Septom- , oHtaring “g. Obligation to React against the Western European Union, and barrow full of mortar across a I referendum an.y time between then a* well a* hydrogen in ItS reaction. Refreshments of coffee and cake ins .will -accept forms at his home. He calls himself “a toy man for mals, small and" large, as weR aa 1952 PIpYMOUTH the Warsaw Alilanco would be dis­ ber, 1954. past 60 years or so," but his \ J A id < ^ rd s Aggression." This is tha action by 4 plank which broke, dumping and ^Ov. 30. The sewer bond quea-, In that case, there would npf be were served foUqwlng the training For the first time statement* The earnings for the first three (mitdren. -is more than enough t o 4-Door, ‘nUa oar whs purchased new from us. 1951 PACKARD clause, pledging the members to mantled. him. the Wheelbarrow and bricks tlon'^xlll be noted on Nov, 29, pro- such unlimited supplies of fuclr for program and elections. No special program haa been an- Moriarty Bros. There were no In- will not haye to be notarized this quarters are equal to 816.35 per lucta were seldom meant to •uffice the general need. Haa beeiy'caref^ly •crvlccd for thathat better A^Deor Sedan. take appropriate action to meet 15. The treaty would last for and blocks from the staging. vl«d the Board of Directors ap­ lithium I* by na. mearfs so abun Meeting Date Cboriged - rtounced. Jurtes, police said. , year if the property owner signs share of preferred stock and $5.31 amuktk children. He operated a Mr, Unco)n indloatee he receive* Nat Pharaiaoy need car. Radie, heator, kydramatle. smrilt-Tb^ry' In Norton,. Mass., aggression as ‘defined in the 50 year*. ; Patrolman Prime Amadeo, who proves the nocesaary approprla' dant as hydrogeri,- and some na The meeting date of Brownip .Sprenkles Heme The S-year-old eon of Mr. rind and prepares His oWn statement. per share of common stock. as much enjoyment from the let' \ 664 OENTRR STREET $795 Tkoreaghly rspoiMRUened. $695 treaty. M Id m t IRicsUons investigated, said it could not hellion for construction of a virtu- tions lack lithium. . Troop 8 has been changed from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprenkle, Mrs. Stephen Grotta, 16 Morse Rd., If, however, the statement is pre­ employin^Xtetween five and 15 ter* people send after obtaining TBL.Ml-00814 worker*,' ahd turned, out the "g. Entry into Force by Stages'." Also fitting the pattern of diplo­ determined whefher Tedeschl’* le, ally nrv sewage disposal plant Whether a controlled yiermonu Friday to Thursday after school in of Bunker Hill Rd., returned yes­ was "shaken u p " , but otherwise pared 'by someone else, a notariza-. the pattern*. th*h he doe* in mak The stages srajiot spelled out, but matic conteetv was a behind the was broken frOm, striking Uie The Board wdll vote on that clear reaction using only ,hydrogen all-purpose room of the Ele­ terday. from a two week vacation uninjured after the family car squirrels, dogs, windmills, fish, ing them. He atreaac* the fact that scenes struggl^here over the bal'i tion is necessary. and wheel barrowst which decoated PiaoMaAxfhamiacy 51 CHEVROLET Xaome sactlcM of the treaty, such grround or being struck hy falKng question following a' public hear­ can be worked out is s question mentary School. Membership ■ in In the south. They spent a week at driven by his mother was Involved Tax Teturns for real and per­ each pattern takes him only min' , . Door Fleetllne DeDo Laze,Luxe. PkUy equipped, 1951 PL'YMOUTH ance of power imd continuation of ing Nov... 22. The appropriation to in an accident yesterday afternoon many New England m\vns. 296 CENTER St . as renunciation of usd of fmce objects. he said. the 'iVoop ia open to all third Wrlghtsvllle Beach in North Caro­ sonal property are to be returned Grange Nole8 utes to Complete, but also con- TEL, Ml 6-68M autonsatlo tranemiMlon, Ope" Clab Conpe. Radio, beBtor. weeteni tnflueneV in the Middle Tedeschi was brought to t)»e hos- be oropbsed will be based op con­ grade girls., Mrs. Robert Azinger is on Main St. Could come into effect ah soon as From the standpoint of physl lina and while there, had .rin op­ by Nov. 1. Returns made alter When he put. his JlgSayi aside owner. References on reqdeet. $795 Veey cleaa. Only $595 German unification was agreed East. ' jltal by the W. P. Qulsh ambu- struction bid* that wHl be received the leader.' portunity. to see the damage done Roi.ice sai^ Mrs, ^Grotta was for the last time .abppt ei^ h t Having obtained V partial truce ance. Th* accident occurred at Nov. 8. Present estimate* place clat, "the realization of controlled that date will be charged 10 per upon ' the Four, n e action thermonuclear reactions seems to New Officer* by the recent liurricanes along the driving south on Main St., near the The regular meeting held Oct like tnan^^en hia'ato, clause would not bacome affectlva in the cmd War in Europe, Russia 8;3b a.m.,.'according to Amadeo.. the coct at 8884,000.' intersecUoh o f Main and Park Sts. cent Interest; # „ , lie In a .Jar more distant future Mr*. Andre'iS' Verprauskas, pub Carolina shores and the recon­ Th* fifth annual District Confer- 25, at the Wapplng Community the \ bnkee craftmrtan feared the FoymoRH fdhr-m aik fa suit your baigef. ivory until later, when unified .Germany may ccmalder itself ftM to press The hod earner. >*ho began work Favor One Referendum llcity chairman, hM announced the when-her car wa* .struck from the than the hydrogen bomb did in struction work that was being enca df the schools under the Juris­ Hall by the Wapplng Grange wa* lonely unoccupied hours of retire­ X ’T had Joined NATO. ^ expaiu^nist .policies ih k new di­ at 7:30, had crosset^the plank 'a The. fact that each referendum, following new officers for Girl rear by a truck driven by Joseph preceded by the annual Harvest ment. It WM-toen that he decided 1945." carried on. diction of George E. Graff, auperi roody to^^. 30 DAY WWlTTiN GliAiANTfE. The weatem. document was in rection. Weslerin diplomats said number of times tra morning be­ the to\^Ti hold coat* 82,400 was Scoiit Troop 7, wlU.ch Includes They also visited'In Florida with E. Martin, 23, of Bridgejmrt. Mrs. Barbara Potterton. chair­ to furnito-'patterns for men desir­ PR.SPO0IC m rsAtm rPi they expect the Soviets to. offer to enough to convince at least seven Intendent, -waa held in the A shw d / troduced by kCacmlUtan, chairman fore the ial^hap. • three troops. Mrs. Robert McBride their son, PetSr, who is a student Police estimated ,|150 damage to Elementary School yesferday. 'rae man lit Chrirge of the aupper, and ous ofXmaking their dwn yr a r d iww talks wM AMOsoMem, o f tod.i.y's aesalon. Moltov had JOln/with the West In organising mem'ier* of the Board of Directors is committee chairman and Mr*. In the School of Business Admln- the rear end of tiie Grotto car. her. committee, put on. a beautiful pieces i>dt unable to design the tOw collective security alliance The wide ra/ge of this year's of the wisdom of coupling the two Patrolman William McDowell in- seven tgwna represented were An­ wmorntm blockad a wastem move to intro­ Andrew Gasper is committee reg­ i.stration at the University of dover, Ashford, Bolton. Columbia, selecUon of food for the Orange finished article Which would bind all the states o f fashions leave' lots of scope for questi(>ns in one referendum. vesUgrited the aeCident, Joitmai inotlwrs! duce . It last night so he could About Town istrar. Miami. Somers, Tolland and Union, members. The Ubles were dec«^ Using Old Standbys baUCsce it With Russia's propoaal the .Middle East to act against ag aelf-analy*l.r/ For example: A Some - r .like Mayor Harold A. Scout officers of Troop 7 ary rated with flowere and all set This mnnth, this famous Mrs. Frankliiw. R. Close. 610 W. - Duel to the fact' lhat Superln- . The man, who claims he created today; The western plan was made neaalon.'. • V ItralghI Mirt implies —serve, TurkiPfton, PhlUp Harriso* and Mary Walsh, treasurer, and Anna Manchester Evening Herald An­ with dishes of . fine food^r Ih e dignity; wear one when you feel Pascal Poe — had varying degrees Middle Tpke., announce* a baked tendertt Graff is on a trip to th* some ct the first miniature Cape child-care authority tells public tmmedlatety after it waa T Ihere was no confirmation of Verprauskas, scribe. / dover rorrMpondent, Mrs. Paul west coast. Miss Viola Larsen, Grangers enjoyed frled-potatoe*. Cod wlndmUIa, has found that ROY that w aj/ If vou feel casual, don't of reajrvatlono, however? They goods sale by Die Latlie* o f the A's- how to. keep the Ant child, C0H8€\ JNC^tPOtATID areaastad. such a move from Soviet delega­ Officers of the individual (Toops Pfonstlehl, telephone PI S-6S56. . elementary supervisor, acted aa potatoe. salad, tuna salad, mixed though the public msF want to do tion aourcem but the western Big kill the mood lyith a pencil-slim felt some voters might cohfuse the sumption Church, to follow' the from becoming upeet when^ " Molotev*a Frapaisli are as follows: Chattering’ Chip his rc^esentatlve. . > vegetable salad, ^ k ^ beans, hot it thmuaclves, his modets o f 40 three now -have no intention of en. encasement; choose a fuller ciit questiens on1225 discussion of tha Middle East with ings. fear was not great .cnou^ to war­ the church hall tomorrow affer- TEL. HI L AH European states and ant patrol leader; Stolon, Karen in Reverse Keynote speaker lor the hiomlnS joyed the^aupper. he gave birth to in the World W a f . . A . ■ ______1 rant the expenditure /Ot another ndon between 'the hours of 2 and fret comfortable in his fam- Leon, patrol leader) arid Nancy Mc- ,t clty^waa the first to program was Dr. Ellas Marsh; As thi* WM *1*0 degree night I era by aelllng package* of . 30 82,40

iU n CHESTER e v e n i n g H E R A ^ . MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955 /' i u n (!;h e s t e ^ e v e n i n g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n .; Fr id a y . Oc t o b e r 2S; }9S5 PA6EFlFTEE!f r P^GE .FOURTEEN,, Y ^ n ,,te r ^ 'What? With all Character on the street car; ‘‘1 BUGS BUNNY don't have anything to worry ' Hal Boytt ■ .1^1, their clothes on! . Antwjir .to PrtvieiM Puttlt Greet New Members of NsUonal Hi*Y FcflG^ship Israel Raid HUWWV AlgO OWELO^ alfout.. My wife takes care of. mv NomM You Know mmmrnm HMPtnMvi m am i Skywatch Schedule IT! IW A N T ip S U A Sense and Nonsense It's Just as well to^ forget yourJ money, and Juy my mother-in-law I to Lose Hero PWiDOF ItF O n ~ ' •V frouhlea because there are always tends to my business. A IM need to sHRSi^moinf more* coming. -do is work," Adds Strain AOSOSK 7~ S Toward the Midnight—'3 Am. »" ...... Vblnateers Needed O M n ft THIS H ’ t h a t man in the njptC' bed. ‘They y ^ a shNterod side F'K.; sponge liMiliB and had to cut 2 a.m,—.4 a.m, ...... Vohnimere Needed Lait month I had tha double* I rormer gOovemmcnt" .Vehuitecra Nkoded open k _ g tm ." President, 4 a jn.-f- 8 a.m., Jitters. My heart begiin to skip a t^R NIVAL BY DICK t u r n e r repreeanU* 8 a.m.— 8 am. ..V...... Emmett Roberta, Paul IkcoL,— beat. Said I, "Like all us slaving TSrtin the patietient on the other CodUdgc In m e a s t srfoe added, "Why, they had to open tivea 8. a.m.—10 k.m. . >...... Daniel Firestone, E l^ e -Vweb' critters, I'rti slowly dying on my, 4 One dr the New Tdrk ■ ~ T*l*. '^I*.**** eae'eeeeee*ae«« me again to fiiid one of their In* 4— , ■‘« rectitude painful to bahOtd ha : (Oanttmied frooi Pago One) . lO a.m.—^Noon ..i .Marilyn Hubbard, HayikbiidLagtr feet. I'll let a doctor Jook me ovef. "Uttle gtataa A ^ y will lose a h ^ next Nbon-^ 2 p.m...... Alice Schubert, ,ni see him now •— e'ier It'*' too atrumenta." Munchausen resisted attempte to lionise " Denntk Heffrim Women** l ‘‘BDitraldlslc’' .week but keep a legend. even implied he was a dam 3 p.m.—4 p.m, ,...... > •. Andrew- (?*vazxa Before I'm pushing up the Just then the eurgeon who had lEvc's 90USS lltary'waaptmt. While Israeli troope vperated on the man stuck kig a Tighter The hero ia MaJ. Gen. William hver to let himself get caughL In the operation wars not support­ 4 p.m.-L». 8 p.m. ,...... (3ayton Adaniec, Bob Hunt , and knocking at the Pearly It MaK btTtrhge • AH 'to no avail. He has proved 8 p.m.— • p.m. ,...... Linda Racknagal, Okrol Chase It- was a full examination. head in the door and yelled, .‘.'Has ISBAlon -A T Repulsive F, Dean, one. Of the bravest and ed xpy any heavy armamant, the anybody seen roy hat?" 35 war god SI Steep slope himself'4 hero on many battle- laraeu tource went on. 8 p.m.—10 p.m...... Kenneth Churilla He poked me ^iere and pinched me u S S S 40 Chillers best-loved - oncers In American there. He, Inuttered quite an ex* The man fainted. 31 Concise fronts, and whetlM he nked ,the Froih an army bass in tha Ne'geb 10 p.m.—Midnight ...... Raymond Longchampa, R obert clamatit>n!v and .said. "M y good 37 Worth 41 Hoerder military history. . Idea or noL he,will live aq.a'top daaert, the Itraell troops first (^houn “S=s-*’ ' Wanting 42 Prayer endlag The legend this holder; of the hero in his tiatioD> .annals. Xt'Ts moved In the dlreetlon of the SkywiUch Poet located on top of SfancheeUr Poliea BtaHoa. M n * plakee beware! You .have ,The lawyer was getting nowhere I I Skin diseases neurosis of tm liver; your colon's in his questioning of the calm little . 35 Individuals 43 Wash grst Medhl of Honor wof in Korea difficult f^'any-honest man with a -border byKrehicle but continued the unteere mkv register at Civil Dtfenaa Haadquartara, I I Adds flavor ,, leaves. I^ehind him Is the epic atory humor to ragard himself tied Into a k n ^ Y o u r circulation womim in the wTtneaa-box and his to Notions liPisordtr SI Simpla 44 Followere last stretch to Kuntila on' f!90t. Building. Maiicheater on Monday. Wednesday, Friday'from*' 1 31 Tarter. 44 Spanish Jat of the valor he showed on the as a^hSBo. but heroes are as necea- After Egyptian outposts were- makes me shivbr. Your entire irritation was getting out of hand. 31 UeUl 17 Cold teeson \ system's gone to JkH. The cause of Lawyer (bitingly)—You claim I I Cavity S3 Father of 47 Pica bdlUefleld and his fortitude during to the human race aa food and ■ilenctd tha laraalls panetratad to have had no education, but'yet T Rachel and 41 Girl's name more than three years as a'prlson^ ater. - . Into tha building?', combing tham wounded and two taken prisontr by exlsU between Israel and the A n b this is you are 'Isky! I have, a M ftaci^tion “ feeling that you shlraSpo grab a you haYW answered my questions 34 Speed contest SO ButteriUet trot war. One thing about General Dean la room Iw room. Th* shooting Went the Egyptians at Baerotayim. SUtaa, and the khnoat d ^ bord­ smartly'enough. 31 Horse's gait At SO, Oen. Dean, "a oneHIme certain: H e' never: liked being a on till on# Egyptian ahoutad Biypt charged ysMarday that er claahea have seriously shaken spade and dig like crakyS^e only tTJoe laraall fiircea in tha El Auja de- thing you need is worK,’\ l Tose Witness (meekly and unruffled) jpf street car conductor am desk, aoldier, and nobody la likely ‘‘I>oh‘t shoot—we ■ surrender,'* the tha armlatlca atraamant algned in —-Tots don't have to be educated . DiMaggio’s man. la winding up a brffllant 33 to give him a iwtvel chair a s. a course aatd. milttarlsad tone era regular troopa 1040. In silence and departed.T_^dn't i and not police.units. have the nerve to apeak. TkeNji*? to answer a lot of silly questions, brother - year military carwH-;^ will retire golng-away prasent. The Israelis said four of their Saudi Arabia and Egypt yastar- \ \ would have been broken-heVti > Waken Mqnday as deputlpiomm^ of men were wounded. The’ Egyptians said withdrawal day algned a military aafenaapaet - I'm working *0 hours a weekV: A little girl attending ■'Church I goddeea thf Sixth Armjrafter-a flnal troop An Israeli Foreign Ministry of armed forces from the area had Mtt'lng up a unified ariny com- /■, Karl Plaster. the first time waa amaxed to review In hj* honor at N)* hletorlc spokesman said the "purpoaa of bean rapaatedly requaatad by U.N. mand, a Joint supreme defenaa aA, an the prople auddenly bow ■f presidio,^San FTancI tha laraall countaracUon last night trace obaarvarara but larell forces council and a nilUtary eoiuwfl. A man coisilng out of ether in Ihelh^eada. Astounded, she esked , MWdmjt No rrtian has better earAM re- Lopdl Stocks was to emphaalaa what should had remained ‘‘dlagulsad aa poUca Egypt signed a similar bilateral /- STBmploya,^ tlrwfienL htat thousands of TOfer- have been clear to Egypt—that units.’* defenee agreement last weak with the Ward after an operation ex­ her mother what they were do- K claimed, "Thank God! That's i 3 I A h ^ whid *fis will hate to^ see him go. >to tketr attacle.on larae^ would be XsraelT military 'apoksamtn Syria. [ M btherw Hush, Jhey're going 4 0 A n ^ uns has been truly ‘‘the soldier's sol> m«Nby- .ounteratlack.'* countered with a charga that A Syrian-Labanesa bUatoral 'to say thelKpray#^. 41 Damage dier,” exempHfyl»»g It lx>th deed .Cobum E M» HaStdded; Egyptian forces had antarad tha military agraamant also la betag -. ' 43 Wonderland and manner the beat that la taught 1 ► MNaim a . "If they laava ua alone, we will El Auja-Niiana aona near tha flinal dlscuaaed in Damascus. girl at Waal. Point, .a school Gen. Dean leave them-glone. If U^ey want us border and antrenchad. thamaelvaa. Tha Egyptian War Ministry an­ BY J.'R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE With OR HOOPLE 4S Metal money nei-er attended himaelf. Md Akkad to leava them-alpna, let them leave They said the position taken waa nounced last month at all ahlpe OUT^UR WAY 4IPhbrlca Although some of hla men re­ eirat N at ______ue alone. The Israeli action last In addition (b one. near the entaring tha Oiilf of Sqaba wcaiM ijSi I ..I- llX vU vered him' almost as lf*>he were a -of M aaC^tar ...... 3S U -r hrralk Photo. night was dteectM against an El flabha poUoq poet held by the be required to have apeeial pal- 614IFT YOUR; S3 Alwnyc 49th star In the flhg. the general Barttortt tit i Dkhny'Ranh. tight, pfeeldant;^/the MHS Junior Hl-Y club, and. Bnrtlkn military po^Lwhltth car- EaypUana for aome time. missien from Egyptian authorltlae. TOMOUE fifACK^J 53 Heraldic band shri^nk froiM being publicly labeled Bank and Tnlsg^Co. 31li- >44 BkjTy Schaller^M hla right proAldent of the MHS stnior Hi-Y*club, riad out attacks agidmt.^ Israkll larael also charged yaatarday It aald no Ia ra «l ships or ships /THATHOLi^ oowM cowe« Trie c o r t a im iM M60TRAL,S Conn. Bank and are congratulatedKhy Carl KHiicher, left association aocratary of tha tarrltory. By contrast with that a flyrUm military unit had an- canrtng war matsriiu to Xsrkol TMt 6HOVJT6 54 Scottish a hermI " Hi-y Inducts POdmVELV X - JAKe/-^YOL> waterfall Jmt Dog-Facad Soldier Truat Co.7S- 84 Itartfoid (Jounty YMCA. shd Miaa Margarat Clark, on Kliacher'k left whoaa aoidiara ars still In tered the demtlltniuad tone near would bs allowsd to pdas thmogh •ftO'SHAPEO.^ cM 6R <-h- i CAhiT e v e n nr Manchester Trust aasistant principal knd ralddnco director of the Newington Junior territory, the' larirkU forces bM Dan in northeaatarn OalUaa and tha channel which glvas Israel a XCaNTTURKIA ggOOSHT iM A SSCa^ •'X'm Just a dog-faced soldier,'' Wit) A PALL ellTM iAV , DCOC MABiCeO/ Fire laaw laaei School, «t CountpsHl-T induction ceremonies at the Marichestar returned to Isreal. , ' athad with an Inraall potlca ■outhern water appreash from the BHAFTOJA LATHE / SiMast ’ he alwaya Insisted. tilass of 160 RedSea. lDFITAMC6a OV4M LOCK"/ OeCX!/ l ik e A FIRE '' 57 Greek letter Aetna Fire ...... 4f.H School last night. . A number of nerw members were welcomet! ‘‘We want nothing ftem Egypt. They said tha body of ona V‘^l5^T X COULI3 /o-:^ He was, tod. 1 His men llkc^ Hartford Fire ...... '.ISO Lot tham koap out of laraal and wo aolftter waa taken kack larael denounced the Modtade OHAPEPHOLE/ «A L E AMD T.M.Sl» us SM DOWN him for that. But he was some­ e national Hi-Y Felkiwabip by the Induction team in tha eenfih- Fli&eeR ViiiAT sm.'m« ww* I National FIra ...... 00 Ftfty-flve of 160 hew membere picture. Including, left to right: Bruce Uncoln, Suifield; ■hall kaept out of Egypt” acroea 'tbf kordar by the Syrian and said It wUl keep IkraaB. oea CROOK S 0 6 P < S i^ ! 1 Heed appertl thing more alpo. He was a gen­ Phoenix...... 77 83 An offlclkl Israeli atatamant said force. lanes opsn “ by whaCsvsr msUtod 1,‘M MO croo k: I must eay, Homer Heiting, It’s about time you eral Of the old type, a commander Inducted Into the National Hl-Y , Simsbury; Jaclyn Jensen, Newington: Jim Pratt, Csitton; (IM-) Ufa sad ladkaaBlto taa. Oss. Glamboakl. SuSield. ' The event we? the annual Induction one policeman was kUlad, thraa A state («Nwar technleally atill It wUl sea SL" A nn. General ...... 560 590 were from MHS Hl-Y clubs. Two I^RISCIU •s POP Weighing The Fulure BY AL V^MEER ...That style of leadership presum­ Hartford Steam Boll. . 84 92 hundred\iuid .seventy-ftve Hi-Y Mass., worldvelar,•ld\^v ‘author, lec­ Tait. Ona of these Jm-/eled be-dasa- Arr------ably Went out of style after the Travelers ...... 83 •9 Club m em ^ri -Yrom Hartford turer and youth leader,I was Intro­ lers\adds Juat-the, right touch to AND WHEN WE MOVE IN, Civil War, but It never went out Pabile ITTWItlaa County atUuuM the annual Hl-Y duced following the Induction oer- a piidn sweater In- flame or blaek. I'LL C AfePY YOU OVER of style with Dean^ Where his Conn. Light Power .. 17 TO induction and flance. emoniee by Lewl^ Knox, county THE THRESHOLO.-JUST; troops needed him moat, there he Conit. Pow er...... 404 4>V BUch of those^ducted was al­ secretary.' \ .■ If ]roil*ra short.‘ take' It aavav on —l LIKE A BRIDE! ------'' WRS» -s Hartford Elec. LL . ,'V S« S4 ready a member.of^me commuT - In^H Don’t In the second .World War ha Hartford Gas.Co. . . . . 3 4 . 80 nity Hi-y club elevated to mem­ Harris pralaad thd Hl-T clubs, overwhelm Nyouraalf; won’t y won the Dlstingutahed Service Bo. New iChr land . - ■ bership In the Na'tlonal^l-Y Fel­ saying- "TU« world nsedsTou,- 'q|H‘-bver6SHm d ^ r s .'" ■ Cross, the uatlon’n.seco.nd h ig h ^ Tel. 30 4L lowship during ceremoniba by ah pecially you Hi-T people who aw award- for valor, tor leading his Maanfactortag Oomaaaiea' Induction (cam consistth^^HT-T Wflllng to examine what itfariiKall- The ne jtorabjengthr can for meri'drt WotrtttrtTOh-a-contta ArmTrHardware-.-»T-,.-31- . . .33- County Council*, membara:/! .- abouLaniLlajrtand.lotJ!hft::wi)ga. JL...warnlkg to-jam,ihorJliwalaied, that are true to- the idealii of this Moral: Be sure It'Afor YOU, hot /• artillery barreg* to knock out an Arrow,..Hart, Heg.'-' . i. 60 58 The team Included Council enemy battery. As so. Spring 30>i 334 cers Bruce. Lincoln, . SuSleld. pies' great-organiution to- which yiMi Juat for fashion., X / It was the eanie brAKd of cour­ Bristol BraSs,.,...... 184 204 identr Howard Taubner, Thomp- long. / ' ———. • ■ age that gained-hlm th* Medal of Collins____ISO BonvUle, vice pfeeldent; Irene emernDer, ybu, and only you A recent fashion kRtlcla da- Honor In Korea. He became Em-riart .. ...,. .1^'; . 274 304 Glemboski, Suffleld. "secretary; win determine the kind of a group clarep that everyone can wear separated frorjl. his men while Fafnlr Bearing ...... 48 Jaclyn -Jensen, Newington, treas­ your emb la to be—and the high eve^ color. True anDugh—IF helping them .fight a Red tank Landere-Fiwry Clk. .. 24; ‘ .38 ■ urer; Jim Pratt, Canfon, reader; It's a right shad# of that color Ideals foK which y m strive will for you. Don't be afraid tb truat with hand grenades and baxookas N. B. Machine Co...... 36 30 and 'Miss Margaret Clark, as- help o lh ^ ary following you tlsfant principal and guidance di­ your tnatinct; pick the tones and during a deiperate holding action. N. Elastern Steel . . . . . 8 7 to find a'betuc Un.** needed. **l*d rathtr rid* In As commander of the 24 th Divi­ North Add Jiidd...... 334 *84 rector of the Newington Junior ■hadeji that "give :you a.lift” and Like Thai, Huh? BY V. T./HAMLIN Russell Mfg...... 8 '10 High School, advisor. Music for diutHng wnieh ended It's a good bet It'S good for you. ' ALLEY OOP BY RAY GOTTO sion Gen. Dean had been given the evening. mjeM rarmshed by the — an OK U»«d Co^r COTTON WOODS the All'but-lmposalble mission - ,td Stanley W ork s...... 87 60 .Lawis Fox, president of the OUCT.VOUl ,.THi5 e u r e cor whm: Terry Steam ...... 125 Hartford County YMCA. and a Suffleld Hl^trtes wM refresh­ The asymmetHAstylea are chief­ tm rA io CHAHCE blunt the force of the entire North ments werAparaed oKtha Man­ .\cerB A C K WE NEED TO STAY Korean advance until , America Toriingtpn 22 24 member Of the Hartford Board of ly for dramatic TtrsonaiiUes. If ] N THE IN BUSINESS..,^ L’A Envelope coni., .. 88 08 Ed.ucatlon, welcomed the delegates chester Ht^YClubs. you’rt not that type, be wary A 2~P0mT L£AD could rush reinforcements from J o R o o v e , LETS VOU NOTGO / P U L L tb • Japan and home porta and form a U.G. Envefope pfd. .; 80 74 to the- ceremonies and said the whan you buy or you may be chary S A H L y/M , Veeder-Root ...... « 58 81 ideals of Hi-Y (the high achool to wear. 0U6ERING (3UR TH’ G AM Ef • real battleline. That mission was chances OF GETTINE DMVIHO nO h! 7W£/A accomplished. The abewe quotauons are not to branch of the YMCA and YW CA) ONE-YAAD U N £ n THE be construed as actual markets. give somethlhg real to believe In Try. equeesingc a- lemon Into b, . L A A H 'S a H 'i Hid for More Than Month 'ousehold Bints ' Dean hid for n.ore than a month and live for — on a date,-in thj 'Water for . a footbath, ' •! ** - locker room, and oh tlte field. acta as a bleach and will behind enemy lines—most of the He added, '’Don't forget, a^l-Y". Pins -which duplicate err-'- ->rKS$ dlghlly yellow stains time Without food—until a Koresin member Is always t r u e ^ o QOd famous houses end- ar .a leel, ‘hia bath will klso civlhatr betrayed him to the Public Records through hie own faith being shown li f . I relax ;t after a tiling day enemy. Paul Harris Jr.j T ? Littleton, c o s ta e Jewelry coliectlons ' I shopping. \ The enemy kept word of Jils cap­ Warrantee Deada ture secret. Most of ,ills men Niel.H. EUie to The Skint James', thought him dead. ButTm'^ampIe Cbrporatlon, property abutting the ifat ths c h illis buy OK of his courage lived on. St. James’ Cemetery. ir**::; iiiii'Uiiiiiiiiili’t'’.-,!! Soldiers rarely care much one Joseph Windsor to Glenn C pciMest cleuHip fdcttd The car "way or another for a general offi­ CornisHi and-Marianne S. Oomieh, L Tpg alwayi repteienU top valuis cer. He W ordinarily remote from property oh Durant St. BOOTS Port . In A Sfor'm V EDGAR MARTIN them. I caihe to Korea as a report­ ' Quitclaim Deed 't . thorou^ly .faupected and recon- er ehortly after Dean disappeared Victor W. Adamson to BUZSAWVE BY ROY CRANK and I was amaxed at the depth of Adamson, property on' S) The OK mcasi ”wanrssled Is writing” feeling his men hi^d for him. Some Building Permlta » l - X fCUIVS, PR.SYWONOS.WU'P // IU N K 'aSA even .broke into tears When they To Romeo.Paquette, tgrTltera- SUH CMitlOtWO EW .«RUn ; COUlOSTMOl 'wiaiARWnRT, - spoke Of htm'. ‘fhey felt as If some lions to a dwelling at U4 W. Mid­ / ID TOUCH THS iHmulilfHt 4AV50 ' ■ X iAYTHl ONLY how they had let him down. dle Tpke., 875. •niy liy on AuHiBrisMi ChwvrBlBt Om Iw FvMtlt iNu.niMCTi.oh m During his long ordfsl as a pris­ To Leon C?leszyiisal, for a 1- ii:-:l IN TNI tlM INt oner kept in solitary confinement stpry, 8-room dKellmg at Tanntr, Of TNI PILOTS.^ Dean'a reddlsji hair turned gray. St.. .$12,000^/ / ^ \ He counted Dies and wdrkM T o Joeepli A. yirelll, for altera­ mathematical protalema in hla head tions t o T dwelUng at 448 Parker to keep from going crAzy, Once, 8t: *M*.# fearing he Would idee, his mlhd or 11 V break under tatturf and reveal the .Cheese fingers fun to a secret of America's plen for the dey saiar m ew Cut bi into finger CARTER ILET C0„ INC. fense of Jm>ah, he even plotted sut- shapes. Brash mixture of -side. . e U U ------i — ------3Tab»««Mns cooled/ melted / 311 MAI M AN CHISm Since ,, hla seleaae, . Dpen has butter /and one atbn egg. Roll ■J ./ shown a tamarkable sypr^thy and the mgera In? grated American understanding Of the^roblems of che^e lu i^ brown lightly' under American war ppHoners. With jhy^roneiJF \ JEFF COBB ,!IY PETER HOFFMAN In-*-- Very Much impressed! BY LANK LI LOOK A1 ^ ANY LAST WORDS T jUST ONE THWSTI WQWT MICKEY FINN F AFUK lO M I ffSkoS* USED OAR INS ,oh,no! allhE' IrMITEDTODO i :::;:x WEU.it SWE1I8S ) veahI itwasreauv .WAS GET BACK MAKirOO M\\\ TNE PElimT m \ K M m . MICHML! OHiSLAUNDRV! 19IT C H IVR O U T 19M c H m NEVER 4-beer De Laxe. Okeeiv 3-Deer./ Wadiknb Cleaa aa a Dutch C f i A K ONCLE m il U Em SEEN A^F UUS )iii3i Friecd to Rt year puree. AR . ^WITTING R£RFE(?r SNOTS! HI Idtidiea. 2;^*”'*-SS75 1951 CHiVROUT 3-Dear. Tenr yeimgstern woa*t IfUCHIVtOUT HIW MAVIS 19S3 CH^ROLET faU eat of tola aafaI car. Easy 4-Deer De Luxe. Taa. Radio and t* drive Witt ' (LOoee Stattei Wagoa. As beater aid all Im- ( t l l A C powergUde. $ 0 4 5 SJHM mile beauty aad a Bel Air ji!fn jHijf m pevtaal aceessorlee. O ■ ■ Tr 3 / to boot Owaed by our keek- iiiiO keeper. Call Hnrlowe direct for 1 1953 CHEVROUT 1951 fORD ; this ene. Left)' Gets Idean BY LESLIE TURNER BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER Club Coupe. Gets away at a CAPTAIN EASY FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS station Wagon. Mx passna^ r- touch ef s o a r tee.- III'K!CJJ with folding Ready to go, 1941 FORU V-t nCBOP^iM ...... , OiUTUP Static free radio Ml,BAZOOx jf ) ( NOW^ue sees in*;! anytime, HAPPINSOF \AN' PUT MY PK&eoN cant kecp and heater. $795 Fordeor. About the cMeueet *8S Hea-SKi LAMPS OfFA . ifFSEAWUYiW Me .' ' 1 anywhere. $1395 that PlGfeKlN GOON 1 you ever eaw. GO! r o CRAS I - JBXC9IIEVIVt — ------a M lor--_ im e e r r m ' Pf&TftACT HER./ . 1951 MERCURY teenager. BACKUTH* 1952 CHEVROLET . 4-Door. Get beklod the wheel of ATB^V OKCWCTf Fl6ilr, 2-Door ' De l^xe- BIw. Bndle and heater, Handles COTE ■ad hcateT^uliiFa“ i ^

locotioniotwhich morsthon 2OO,OQ0.lndiv'idual- I Soy Members con deposit their quortprly Fkt oa. CMS premiumi. • WCPLINT I-osl Page? BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP M-ARTHA.WAYNE At The Station BY WILSON SCRUGGS W e'll Mnd you o -lbt of the CMS-poyment boBfa-on raquetf. M«fr A6M.EV, WHO COE$ TXXISTEN ROCERG. Sur WWG AVOU KALEP 8ECAUGE HE IMW8WTOBIWS.M0WST/ fweUiAMVlON, MJNZIO NAME AG TONV IVE e O t TO FNP IT.'' I KNEW 50dETH»sl& NO ONE ELG6 'm s IS XTRICK TO TURN '> dS. A »r r N H 6 r.^.1 AAOLlS MUCOGCER? GIMPLV must.' MAVSB At oogG, the gomethpj* that PUSH and Ate AGAINST <> MMZIQ #AV5—WHV, H0AiE,WHEN X ORENJEO MASCEG'iOU 50 ANXIOUG TD ■nCR.'vrtnj-ITWONT-- THtfSS ONLY ONE nsGE THE LETTER...1 MUGT, HBWy THERE WMG AH' Ru n . i 'll ph one ^ >' CTTHK. OONY TEU. ME iVELO O rn/ 7GBE8TBB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN* FRIDA^ OCTOBER 28. 1955 PAGE StirrEEH Fighting Irish G^red%) Rpck’l ■ t Ml Nebo Scene QuartBt of IndiBHfi W ho H ope tp. Scalp ..W indham Tom ofirow pose EARL W. tOST Yale pud Dartmouth Resume Series, Lidu P^rez Set Hairiers Edge Tigers fiporta Billteir Of GCIL Game op k k e p k u n n in o ^starting field Ukm I** UGouus Host to As Vinton Sets Recprd . Taro phyalclahs, one prominent the 11 year* th«t the raca has In Ms,.field and other an upland been held annuaUy Knee '45. Saturday at 2 av^ coming flJember of. the prortaslon Actually, both Dr. Whjte and New Haven, Oct. 28 (ff5—Yale fense hea a running; attack and Storrs. Oct, 28 — Connecticut Csplsln Bobby Vinton .con-^top 10 flntshsrs, the Red who has gEdned a*UonEJ/proml- Kujala are neighbors in Harvard, By PAT BOLDUC and Dartmouth—those old Ivy concomitant balance, wilt have on 11-pound advantage Whiie JV aquad poated an' easy in .Its starting lineup against New tinued his brilllent running yee- New Tbrk, 38(*>) —-The HBIIC6 BB B lonK dlsiBAGB. i^Anner, Ma*a. Improved Windham High Trill be rivals, who liiav* produced some of *111*.. Yale scouts .who watched New York. Oct. Sjr (ff) ~ The terdey afternoon while leading 19-88 win over its' Middletown Two years ago when Kujala shootin^or iU thir. straight vic­ Dartmouth beat Harvard lost Hampshire when thdse two Yan­ Fighting IrlBlti'OfV N otre Dame, will pccupy the spotlight itt tW» th* wl*rde|t and most exciting kee Conference foes meet at Storrs "neer” Lulu Perei. ■wonger at 135 the High cross country .Uam to a counterparts. Paul Dtttman of the - today. tha... 28-mlle -VeUey Forge Mara­ tory agabist Trialess Mancherter week, were particularly lavish m surprisingly close 26-29 triumph .Tigers trailed WhltehoUse across g e a ^ to "Win e n e ^ Robk,” fig­ thon in PhlUdelphla, Doc Bobblne Saturday aherhoon at 2 o'clock chapers In the football record book on Saturday. Kickoff time is 2 pounds, boxes Jpniwy Oonsalves By PERKY MOBS ure to make .or b n i^ Navy** <. Paul Dudley White, one of their praise of Bob Rex. a Johnny- p.m, tontgM at'Xadipen Square Garden over Middletown.. The sturdy Vln- the finish line. Bob Andrew, Dick laldent Dwight Elsenhower's received a letUr from Dr. Whit* at Sft. Nefe. which' made it noted for hlii work aa a heart spe­ for the 1955 Ivy chomptonahlp. At backfield will be Lou Rovero and Although Connecticut has' ths knocked him out In 1954 when'the 1951. . " was 13:57. . ' as the Knute K. ROckn* MemoMal cialist Dr. White jiracUcea to excellent condition. trouAce Bristol 33-7 and rivakNor- jack Nlcolette,' second down and on* yard to go Final dual , meet of the fall is Game by the Iriah—is the. N o .^ Liter. Robbins talked with Ku- the moment,, the Hanover hotde weight, breakdown of Um five was to get a shot at cham- on the Packers' 16. , The reason fOr the closeness of Boston. wich 19-12. ' has' a disappointing 1-4 overall Be^le Big Man iO)/8andy fiaddler. Next It was yesterday’s dual meet was that scheduled .Monday against Ni* un­ game of the day w hat Srith Mary­ Dr. Charles Robbins, «a Man- Jel* «r.d wked how he Im^ Although . WtftdKam'a defai__. game statiatlort which/weh has The pass wae completed in Don mark, Out in Ivy play they are 1-1 Despite the improved running played this season) h n th* Wild­ ler hlmselp In an over-the- 'Uio Indiana ran without tha aerv- defeated East HprtfOrd Hornet* land and Oklahoma, the nation’s Chester man who later won fame now world famous Dr,. Whit*., . has improved tremehdoOaly. rince game. Beagle's pitching is still the . ^ t bout at Boston. And finally Hutiwn’* territory. at Charter Oak. The Indiana wlU two top clubs, engaged In a couple Amos said that on* day he vrae the start bf the reason and Its oL. and ou^4nk all the other meih- cats way out in frplilt. ■ My thinking wiwas that Hutson Icea ofiBill MacArdle, sqUad'a No. tunned after moderate suc­ bers. of' t h i family, except Pruice- biggest asset DortmouXi ' has. In rushing, Uie,,Yifitors have 904 .t wia Cartnelo Costa who out­ 2 man, Milt Doremua and Dick . have to be at full strength if they of breathers. out running and he saw a fellow fehsive attack has finally benn Beagle is, at the moment, the na­ pointed him in 10 rounds last may ytouldId not be expecting the same hope to prolong their wlnfUng chopping wood by the aide of the to Jell, biggest reasons for th*. ton and Yale. yards to the JKMklea 714, b ut in play to be repeated, so I called the Sherman, But Tommy LaForge and , No. 1 In thia week's y fipetieea Ivy Mark ■ tion's leading passer With.59 com­ :>assing ConiActicut ia ahead in m another dimination contest.' Scott Clendanlei came through In streak. Associated Press .poll, rolls against road. 'Hi. old fellow. W hat areyou Whippets Ipst two successes were' pletions, nearly 700 yards gained Waltkic rattentiy / aameppss doing?' Dr. WWte asked. T'ra quarterback .A1 (Tasey end half­ Tpla has a spoUeaa 3-0 'IvY tbtal y a r ^ e , 848 to 231. This < I-foundI -found Hutson thinking right fine atyle finishing third and South Carolina. Oklahoma. No. Htrald Ptioloi. and six TD toises. gives liy v Hampshire an edge in While 23-year-old Lulu has b m fourth',' respectively, as the win­ 2, goea against Kansas Statbbina aald, has aerials in the Bristol rout. Setardny— dominating Dartmouth. The, Red / T h e odds favor Urt 25-year-old hind Hptson. Conference halfback at Southern with the Middies and is favored Tslevlsloe Defeus^i Dieiug Stressed paaoes and Dartmouth atjifined tha cut'e defense has given up l,14fi It might have H^esulted In a nniShers were: S. Null (Midd). 6. Methodist University In. 1954, died long been a follower of tfaok aiid Dependable Backs Raiders trailed 20«0 at the end of Ella with a 32-0 Oonsalves at 8 to 5 ^ the strength by a touchdown in this one., Navy, hea often corresponded with the ^sleu also bomts three other NBC—2;M pjn. yards. of a non-title decdMob and a draw touchdown and Ultimate victory Turbo. (Midd). Tv .Halteh (Mldd). In Brooke Army 'Medical Hospital on the threshold of Ka first unbeat­ MRIIAI.D LKAOl'K three periods. 'B«it tn a final Yale shoulcf be IrafTroved phys­ Big offensive guns tor New 8. Wes Sargent (Man).,2^ Golnlk early today of a ckull fracture Middletown ph3Uicien concerning dependable backs in the veteran lew k ■•lirr* 04 (0,1 UT (Connecticut’s offenoivt punch is- Rebel football. placing nine runners among the the wheel of his car. ican League champions. no plans to retire and catch eun- excellent'receivers on the offense. MntiieL. ^2:45 pm. Ohio s#*r—the rettm (for better or for In footbaU.” _ / Co)#n SO Citroent reports,, from Hanover A) Ward and Denny McGill la AUg^.h*'weighed 296. Fumier-passer, and the meihory Upsyt winners over the Indians $3 W43 built around its sophomore half­ flih. State V*. Nerthweetorh. wone) of the smf^. platoon. Michigan State’s ^ ffy Dpugh- Dalton .... M 3*7 are the H^g GreeiL J* a better fullback Gen* Coker. backs, Lenny King end G*r y DoOI- of , the coaching immortal SHOTS HERE AND THEBK (13-12). last fail, the visitdrs will ABC, 8:18 “()ne-wey football'' was moat erty also indieat*^ he favors e Slmpaon .. $3 ;s« Heck i a $9 343 squad than U~we* at ui* early part .rtmoiith and Yale first met Ing, and ao^om or* fulktack, Paul ho aimed for the heart as well as Ball control U so important in start a team averaging 176 pounds Cellforata v*. M inneseta.. cited today by a grotto of coaches return to the two-way system: bemk in 1884. Gver the long haul tf)e.head in readying his Irish for of th* season\wheh tt-i^ t C^gai Whltlby,. King is averaging 4.4 football. For instance, last Satur­ . up front and 133 in the backifeld. NBC, 8:18 em . MMdgee polled bj^stae Associated Press af­ ^|;Now you have to sacrifice offen­ 'total* 4S5 534 471 1474 and Holy Croii. At that Mm8 ' Yale ba» won 23 games. Dart­ yards (418 In 94 carrlss); DooUag biggem es. day when Colgate upset Yale .7-0, Palau'a etarters likely will com­ State vs. WiseeMle. ter statlstlqa showed ecOring and sive ability hji/get th* defensive entire offense wRa Bill Beagle, mouth has 11 and four have been 3.4 (118 In 34 earrtta), and WML 'MicmgM and Iowa are on the the Red Rtdders had the ball fpr prise ii...... • ' Arbor, Mich. The Wolverines, John Milkowskl (180),. tackles;' put/Uie smpItaBls -on for the ElU. Y-ale and coach Harry-- igej.^ 4* / season ebb since 1943. to once CershU'^ i BfEXICANS bOMlNATE wiro fell_frbm rqvor with s 14rl3 Jacunaki celebrated hU SOthblrth-^ Arnold Hinckley (180') and Jack haan!t_pl*y*d._ susji a minor offen.'«. / la t l e y <( Dunne (175), guards; Tom RoberU' decision over Mlmterota last week day yesterday. . '^1* freahmah ABCMkn^Woa— 2 pm. (Pro Bine* 1941. . / ■Red fiimae; of TTCLA saw the ToU ls ...... 4 37$ 397 n$0 Harrisburg, Pa.,’5ct. 28 0^—iTba and wound up third tlKthe national dropp^- their first game in three (160), centers; Cpsey, quarlef- change “ Dui probably to tha fact / R oatera FeetaeH)./—Clevetaeii Beewp* .. Only, two., of the ^ t^ b e s rPoUed D_ ePtim - JJHI pn '«« m t trr 4 MtRk>*»-5aasar-le* by -grlg^Gett;- pen, ere out to get ahotlter leg oh years'last Saturday when Brown . bsckr Worth, fullback' and half­ admitted knowing of no reason for thitethe of the' V fbrmeticn Humberto Miudlas, contiauas to back*'Duoll a n d '-a. oboon. . - V*. CMfegi) CerfiliutiA- is d^lti - Lyirn'BTaldorf" of Aledman no 96 m the Big 'Dsn tlUe m d Rdi*'Bowl scored a 7-0 succese. . . Th* 810,- M vt^ Radio, 7' p.m. (Pro Uie'^'change in eniphasiV'from of­ Anderaon S9 M 374 doililnRtB"° tat^rpattoiial competl- bid as^ell as regain the cess at .Mancheat^ High and the 000 New Engltmd Handicap wilK suffered Few Injuries fense to defense. Bud Wilkiiuon of Califo) thought defensei filial- H arm ln *•*•*•***«** 4U $« Aw103 301 Uon In th* Pennsylvania Nattenal- Uniyeralty of Cpnnectlcul, U now Last Saturday’s bruising 18-6 Foofiiall) '— Detroit vs. Sen ly are t a hing up with polnt-pro- spot highlight hoTse racing a t Suffolk fYaaciseb. Oklahoma, the most succesafbl of Total* ...... ii44 Horaa Show. Marllsa took hla aeo- Michiga^Hs favored by a touch­ >racticing at the Middletown State DoWna Saturday.'. The 30-day fall Io.s:r in Middletown has had ita ef­ ths active mentoi3, doesn't s^an y during neW'^formations (Ahdl in ond event, the fourth for tbggtati- down and maybe a little more.'So " ^pltal. / meeting. at Rockingham Park fects on the Red and White squad. reason at j all. Michigoa’a creased stre^bn tht mphllity of PERPI’NK LKAUl'K «*ns, lest night In a rid»«^ / Rugged tackle Dick Farrell ouf*- defensive linenieii." ' F abers* .(!> Washington, Oct^^28 OD - i ciarko pitcher in the history of the giune, ia Michigan State, No, 5' In the na­ latter has been a constant •tarts Monday. . National Horsa Obaterboon hasn't "the lesiat ii RIvoe* ^ S3 against four othsr horseman who tion off its decision over Notre U tter'w riter for - the past decade, Show tvill have an eight-day run, ^ fered a slight concu88ion^and lt,iS Said Oiuck TaYlpr of Stanford; OrUtlth, one of ths frssUst flf-. Arfi)^ others w*N J m Crohtii, had also completed lOvJump not known libw much- Action he —but I^on’t :thlnk. It’s a trend. *9- Dame, in ita Big 10 game a t Wis­ alwayis p a ^ n g along Information Nov. 1-8, a t Madison Square Gar­ Rockvillci Booters Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech ■There'S nothing much' (we have) Barnctl $9 ures in' the hUtofy of boasbell, now gsnsralunenager of Ui* Bos­ course faultl*leasly. ' will see against Windham, Ifsany. to score with," so he’s spending Cuahine ...... n , A-i-, consin. But like most Dig 10 games, on road iwb*8 and marathons in den. . The return of Ken MacAfee, however,' saw It coming. So did R o w rito ...... lOS died lost night at th« St* of 85. ton Red Sox, and Bucky Harris, the best )>et Is hot 10. the East. HU (xtroeepondwee Js al­ spectacular past-catching end, will End Norm Hohenthal recelvecK^ more (ime on deferse. \ BIDI^aBni TIMB mild kniee injury and DlckRuddell. Win Final Contest Blanton Oolllcr of Kentucky. til* Dstrolt Hger managsr. Bo^ Hurrying through the rest of ways welcomedX^arlie'a latest- boUter the New York Gianta for "When they banned the two- .(JbUier saw-the decUne'nf pa.'is-.«Touia . ..- ...... I ™ ’ e m 4751439 Summing up the career of the a sturdy defensive tackle, sprained ing stemming from the Niplit-T WSrh Masir man he called "Unk,” Calvin .Grif­ Ciionin and H arris won pennants the nation’s top 10, UCLA (No. 6), piece Of InformatiMK,concerns Dr. their National Pro Leagu* meet­ platoon I, said we’d rej^h a point J.lcoba ...... 91 116 Bevdriy MUls, <3altf., O ct 28 m beaten only, by Maryland, doesn't WhlU. his ankle„ but both boys are » - which^la not as conthici^ to HcIvnatroU ...... 90- 97 fith observed today:-" for Washington as boy managsrs ing Sunday with the Washington pected to be ready for Saturday’s Coech John (Jamaveri's Rock­ where defense would overshadow —England'sngli Donald M. Campbell Is figure to have much trouble In a The noted Boston spe^iglUt U a Redskins at the Polo Gromids. . . ville-High soccer squad ended . Its offenss," said Dodd. "A boy plays passing ^ the spin (or convhn- KttamJk ...... 95 106 "The old m an lived an eXoiUnr Griff, ef course, waa a member confident hs can break hhlie own Pacific Coast Conference game friend of Amos Kujala, th* old Th* fifth anniversary of the N a­ final .CCIL encounter.- Halfback tional) T.'N^fty James of CJornell Snblahl ...... 93 1»« life and he lovsd every mtnuts of of Basebair* Hail of Fame. water speed mark of 202.82 m.pJi. Irv August failed to dress for the season w tth a 1-0 win 'ove* Wood- more now. on his defensive ability Mr<7ann ...... *••*«•**•**• m 10* With’ California; West Virginia man on the annuel Five Mile tional Catholic Youth IVeek will row .Wilson of MlddletoTvn yester­ than his offenaive ability.’’ cited the hrat-T, too, as a move it. .. He had a wonderful life and but he says ha won’t try again un­ (No. 7) la favorM by two TDs and key Day Road Race in Mancheat' open Sunday, Oct. 30, and cloae Middletown -contest and la still day 'Ofternobn at Henry Park in toward possenjon ball. T(>^U ...... ‘ 454 M s 491 (47* peaceful death. No man could TOP PIN aOOKES/ til hiB je t sp**oaL Bluebird, and then some at Marquette; Auburn limping on a bad leg injured in the Said OoUler: "My thought was Sk for more." , on Thanksgiving. Anyone who has “ e following Sunday,* Nov. 8. sea.son's opener against Bristol. the Windy <3lty. Wayne Kupfer- that the change would make for Faurot’^aagrre* the waters of Lak* Mead in Neva­ (No. 8), heading for its first ever witnessed one of the Turkey schmldt’B goal provided the inar- Faurot, who fot^red the split- laSiicrael 'il(8r-AppRre«t A1 Bujeelua with aX48 single da are both in tip top shirp*. Southeaatern Conference crowh . And D‘ck Wright, r^nUy re­ lower scorei. Defense is mqre BaM ysa-,...... lA**- DO Day events here since 1945 have S atu ^y ’s ;footbaU predictions gin of victory. natural to teach than offense and T,. dl*agreed: "F^mations have KIrinArltinidt . 57 m s \ Calvin, one of seven youngatsrs and^a 389 triple and/Bud Hai^a carries the aame weight against covered from a spDUned ankle, nothing to do with R. Iimiwki U 93 tised by Griffith and hU wTfs, Is seen Kujida. in action. Kujala U of areirgamea. Yale 27, Dartmouth wa limping noticeably after The Rockville hooters wound up coaches may be making decision^ with 188 m i MO/tieotm paced HOCKEY AT A Tulane. and Southern California 65 years old and has flnUhed all .4 with a six won,' four lost and three - Im the East, Colgate's Hal La Aetto ...... w...... >2-i2L oV heir-spparent to th* Weah- the Merchants Ltagua bowlers last (No. 10) is 'a t Minnesota. ‘14; Trinity, 14. Ck>aat Guard IS; Wednesday's jisi;ged scrimmage. and substitutions In terms of r. Iininakl nine of the races he lias atarted. Connecticut >3. New Hampthira 7; tied reebnt one Don Beerworth whether a boy esn play defense.'.' har, Yale's Jordan Ollvar,' Har­ . tgion Senetora, the club of whlA night at th* Y. Mniey Jacoby aet Tueadays Kefsilt Southern Cal, determined to But Coaches^Walker Briggs and vard's Lloyd Jordan onds'Oohiiln- Totals ^ ^ 419 J87* Both Kujala and Robbins, e two- Swarthmore 20>WulSyan 14; New ,-^ Tony AUbrlo arc hoplnif that both paced the scorera with nine goals. the \e>der Griffith had been pres­ the pace with the Village Charmers NaMeaal Laagna snag the PCC crown from UCLA, Included in the club's record is. a Agree on One-Piatooa bia’B p'ut the finger on ident since 1919. is favored by two touchdowns. But time winner of the Manchester Haven Teachers >1, Bloomaburg, Augusl^ond Wright will be ready In the Big Seven, Missouri's Don' Mor)*y .,,, wtth hlgh ona^eme total of 115. Chicago' 4, Montreal L race and holder of 11 National Pa.. Teachera 19;'%andeia 32, rcorelecs tie with rival Manches­ the one-platoon. Said ' J^da'n: K*mp«i FaW men have had aa aignlfl- / \ Minneapolis weathSr may set up forlhe Whippets. Faurot, KansM* Chuck Mather arid nibl* ..... ■ ■ v Championahipa, -will be in the Bridgeport 7. /U s in g the same sy.stem I deed a ter I.sst week at Mt. Nsbo. "Squads lacking depth havX. to cant a role tn the development of V an upset. CoIoradD'a Dallas Ward agreed in protect themselvd* with- baU c Corml»r the nRUonal aport Griffith helped T. That game and the West Vir- ^•eek ago against the Tigers. 1 Rockville (1) WUten (0) M*y<*r*_ Leibenguth .. .. Brigmsn the one-platoon explanation. So trol.” , „ „ orgeida* the American League at ginla-Marquette clash are two of have discovered that Windham will, did Jack CJurtlce. of Utah in the ^ o ta la ..,.. 455 43^ 431 U33 the top Interssctional ‘meetings of be a 13-point favorite in tomor­ Little, dean of the Eastern the turn of the century and gave MindermOn Skyline. coaches, saw it as a good thing-r It added stature by luring the the we^end. Another sends Miami row’s, tilt. I picked Middletown to Groui ...... “Single.- platooning la making Chaatlltr (*) Pair Unbeaten Elevens RB "The touchdown was becoming a Motxr.r ,,, 9J\346 PresldenL of th* United Stataa to Or ALL Weathet eFla.)/a victim of Its own hand . / triumph by 22.6 points but the Dowgiewicz . .r... Lents football a defensive game.'' said little cheap, like the modern day fl)brinni .. 73 (MS throw-out' th* first pitch oa far by way . of a rugged scheduled Tigers won hy„ Faurot.“ Coaches now have to pick lAiparchIno ...... « S3 M ^ (Georgia Tech. Notre Dame. TCU) point system favors twe^wiiippet*, home run.” ^ i r h ...... 79 mo 95 37S beck as 1912. ;.Praldley'^i?,. Gfasso boys who can play defense and Ned McDonald of 'Virginia, Jack C randalt' ...... HO S7 U 3M They c^ed Griff "The Old pops up at ihUsbui-gh. Pitt last In Semi-Pro Attraction Llook for the Indians to- spring an most often the good tacklers ore week nailed previously unbeaten u ^ .- Aftpr all, the ISw of aver- - RH Freeman of William A Mary, John because of hi* owl bid, la Manchester Mer<;hanU. The viai- fint'tim e since tpeir organization BeerworthT.. .., Blitmen Sold Ward: ."Players ore adjust­ ^ North Carolina State's Earl* Totala .... 448 1377 of Wg monsy.' favored by a touchdown. (brs have rolled over Bridgeport |n'”53 that the MerchanU have Op- ' i r ' ing to the one-platoon, and the big Edwards sep* it at a trend away A . ilfeione trien^pf Connie In the Southwest. Texas A A M. 19-7, Waterbury 32-0 and^Wethcra^ poaed a Middletown eleven and Hanover, N,.H., Oct.^SS (>P) ShaiH>erer ...... Borwn improvement is on defense.' Moat from paosing, ' ., MKRCHANTS Ul'R Mack, now 92 and onetime owner- the swphorooire surprise, goes field Prison 12-7 and have a roster Judging from pazt aeries between of the better players were offen­ •Said of Illinois;. HswarS’a 14) m'anwfer of tbe/FwladelpWa Ath­ . Here'S a selection of Jeck- comprising former . jc)>o5lboy Dartmouth’s football leanK wW Davis ...... 94 against Arkansas. the two communities een going against us. Cowirs ...... i . 131 106 fith and ^ k stood aa.the last Colgate, fresh fiwn whacking Have% tomorrow except at Guard 'VJfebb___...... Johnson ...... — 97 Wool quilted linings ■ • . AU Princeton and Yale, against Warriors' PlMef-Coach . Joe Mythical state champions th* where .sophomore Joe Palermo .is Goals scored by: W, Kupfer- ried Dodd, and also helped explain But it's logical to assume the -de- Morton ,...... SO — big fig-um Unking the sp<^ with Army's CadeU, who may have Alessii former spafback at Wesley- peat two years. Coach Gay Sal- schiTtid. the lack of passing. ".You can't fen.'o Is catching up.” Ita early days befora th* W'™ ^ nylon,with all nylon Jlnlngs kn University, will sUrt a line vuccl'a talented array hopes to out of action. . Totala ...... 602 13 the cefitury. ^ that ato 100% machine waMi- found themaelvea ageln. Claiming Palerrno, the Lowell, -Mass., boy Wsrtarty’s if) a share of the spotlight U the con­ averaging .192 pounds and a back- repeat for the third consecutive hs.4 plsjfed more time then any wni-ii* a'ar-aaaa'vaffi',. 95 ■ 98 240 Suffered Rolapae able. Both in long and short Mayor oiwei test between unbeaten Holy Croes fleld apray averaging 174. The season and must get past th* un- . other Indian lineman, is believed Hi ; 'rCfth entsired-^ Geoi Jacket styles.' Compare th m ~ and Syracuse. The Crusaders ■U r^s in the forward wall win beettn Warriors. Also, the locaJa Quov .... liiverBtty Hospital a wsoR agd PU Y SAFE WITH A DELUXE by doctors to have suffered s to Lim it of His Ability Mrlntr.ah loe prices. TUBEIESS OR YUBE-TYfE might turn out to be a "breather” cUnprise Carlo Aurigemma (180) have nol lost to a Connecticut slight concussion in the Harvard Briircl** . ,„,,-„ff*rlng from neuritis. Later n* Raldl .... 78 suftared stomach hemorrhages for Syracuse after running into^ in d Jerry Behm (194), ends;. Jim rival In 11 meetings over the past game and W'as left home. Army and Maryland the past twO Fbotit (200) and Jack Murray three campaigns. The- Merchants Damaachl •• end nuig congestion. After a week ALL-WiATHEU^TTERY Stu 'Klapper moves back from W a t h a b U w e ^ r. ■ . „ . /' (210),. tackles; Vin Munno (200) cannot. afford to lose Sunday if right guard to left to-fill Paler­ In Setiihg^ East P fjtc e for High Squad Totals .... 400 444 504 14(5 of api^ently stMdy improvement, Bucluiell at H arve^ and Mike . Parnuccio (180), he suffe)^ a'relkpae and died at WHITE Y>R BLACK they hope to claim the New. Eng­ mo’s spot. Stin Klapper, who Nylons .., $ 12.95 up Other games: ' ' guards and Don Stubbings (180), land title tor the second tlnie in DaH*s (3> 8;40.,p.ro.\EST) last night center. Alessi (ISO), ( ^ c k mis.aed last week's action because GkIIam ...... Hf.. .-.y. J St Colorado, Kansas,*^ Nebraska, are ex-letter winners at Middle- themselves? WhoSiro they? What PI<^AUt ...... 120 but raised seven youngsters. sJi Nh most cars. Trod* new bofor* your at 6:15 at the West Side Oval. Sal- Sargent are other valuable per­ Br»n<*vrntr» ...... no • 464 cl«att— 1,856 loMfs-like edges dig into snow— gpingi Ifi Iowa State at Drake,NOhk> U at town High while Aiunno, Stubbings are some of their achpmpliahmenU formers with the Indians. Sher- P.‘ DuhAldo ...... 96 children of Mr*. Griffith's rela­ Indiana, Detrqit at Olpclnnatl, and Mlcale won fame at Woodrow vucci haa installed a few new plays • tive*.The key figures In the new old bottwy leaves you stranded. for Sunday’s clash and Die Mer­ SHOOT and jvhat doe* the future forecast 7. mon, whom Phinney terms os oh K.Tpflford r04 103 JA N T Z E N a n d B R E N T W O O D j . ' better-on icel . • - r — — r-:.v.v^ jSoatoh College a t Xavier. ' Wilson. Murray, who aasisU Alesfi “ up and down” runner has the po­ rra1>Eri .A.. 103 m : organization will be Calvin and chanU’ versatile offenaive attack Sponsored by Moncheeter Top ' rhsii on this year’s squad his-* sister, Mrs.^Thiilm* Griffith South—Alabama at GeprgU, with the coaching relna, is>a for­ is Captain Bob 'Vinton, 'The Flying tentialities to become the squad's TbuU ...... 523 545 511 1544 $2.00 DOWN ... $1.25 A W ^ t • Triple-grooved tread guords against side-slippingt ' Wake-Forest at Clemaon, Rice At mer Boston University gridder. will include plays from T-forma- ^. Revolver Club . Haynes, wife of Joe Haynes, the Uon, apl|t-T, single wing, box i^orz Indian is undefeated, in eight dual regular No, 4 man. As of now, he Kentucky, Mississippi at Loulriana ,There’s no secrep that the rivaliy. By HARRY WRIGHT meets this fall and recently is staging s nip'and. .tuck battle t'sMmuallr rm > ttl Washington pitching c.oach, • Indented shoulder design for less slip— «nore gripl State (night), Tennessee at North b^'cen Middletown and Manches­ mation and the. belly-seriea. Anal Notre Dame end lUInoia . were Burn-lt...... 115 114 40 900 Oriffvrno one called him Grlf- they have the necessary horses to' SUNDAY. OCT. 30 finished first In the Connecticut w ith MacArdfei for ihe’No, 2 spot. Johnson (06, 1*9 s w e a t e r s • Smoother, quieter ride on dry roads— longer weoil (Carolina. North Texas SU te at ter semi-pro teams .has'been ex- lied, 14-14. in 1942 with four-end- W *it . . . . HB 94 — » 9 fifii—had been masterminding the make all offense* click as wsa evi­ 8 to 18 P.M. , Invitational Meet at Storrs.' He Chirtantly Phinney'* seventh man, YOUR OLD TIRES MAY MAKE Mississippi SUte. Virginia at 1 ^ trimely keen^ since football wa* e-hslf minutes remaining. tied for the honor in '.54 with the Sargent ho* great values to the Harris ...... 134 112 1*0 '340 club up to his last day*. Every dMl Jentaan epd < Brentwood • Up to storting traction , derbllt, VMl at WlUiam A Mary, reorganized after IWorid. War n. dent in last Sunday's surprising . (Arson ,, ...... 102 - - H 4 220 engineered by (^Ivin or Manager Notre Dame had possession on departed Pete Close. Vinton came team. ">His tireless efforts pushes Boston ...... t . , . —. 101 .93 J94 sweaters In ortons and wash­ North Carolina StaU at Furman It datea back to when Uie local 40-7 triumph oyer the New London < Mcmchtst«r Armory Coult ...... Chuck Dfessen.had to have Griff a Us own 40-yard line with Jourth honre fifth in the New England.* opposing rOnners further behind ...... — *7 — sc. able wools. Sleeveless, pull­ YOUR DOWN PAYMENT — 3 9 % more stopping tractioni Georg* Washington at Virginia American Legion cftib engaged the PequoU. ' lost year and was the first local his front-running teammates," final approval, and the "Old Pox” Members end Guests Invited down- arid seven yards to go, ToUMs ...... ;n 5 4 504 ~S2* 15.48 had been looking forward eagerly overs and coat styles In plain Tw*- ' „ ,u :whep' (, as quartarback, decided harrier to break the tape. Coach Phinney explained. "His value 1$ Wkilo (ils»M 1) Soutliweet-r-Texae at Southern Paur.Phlnney doean’t believe Vin­ immeasurable to our success.'” B.ilhi. Jr., 130 to the 1956 season. color* and fancy patterns. Methodist. TCU at Baylor. Tulsa to outsmart the coaching staff., Whllr 100 —, . One of the finest tributes ever Rochc^lerTToppres I felt that if we kicked w* coSld ton tio. be quite os good os (Tiose. Sophomores Scott Clendanlei Ro)i*n -...... at 'Oikahoma A A M, Wichita at “Bob' wbrks to the limit of his and. Barry Dougherty should have Plrlcov ..., given him came from Harry 8. Pay as tlftla as jh^^ a weak For o'PAfR! Sport Schedule do better than tie, so I sug­ Truman, the nation's 33rd presi- Houston tnlght)JiVe»t Texas SUte gested the . gamble - to George ability" Phinney explain*, "where­ great futures at Manchester High. t’hapmsn .. ! V at Texas Tech (night). Bostou Five 89-75 as Close appeared to have extra •'There is no lim it-to Clendaniel’a BoHn. 8r. , denV Tnimen xalied Griff "Wssh to. Murphy. Captain Murphy, a brava (aRochflls . . _ 109 91 300 ington’s Great Citizen. . . A shin­ Far Weit-^-Oregon State at Frisky. Oct. 28 soul, said he would be willing it I ability which he never had to cell possibilities-and already 1 feel cer­ Washington. San Jose SUte at Totals ~5U ‘ i\1> '" w 1534 ing example of what thla country MORE PEOPIE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KjND High Harrier* v*.. Middletown— Hartford, Oct. 28 (P)—Thk I m it i/ took the blame. upon. But I expect Bobby to break tain that he will run for us in the Stanford, Washington SUte at Rochester Royals played smooth many of Pet*'* record* before he New Englands if we qualify,” can produce.'!’ O llege of Pacific (night), Colo Middletown. ’ ' Frank Leahy was ill at the. Baseball -Commissioner Ford basketball and coasted, to an 89-75 Mayo Clinic in Rochestar, Minn. graduates in June.” Phinney slat«|d. “On .the other steady and continues to improve rado AAM at Montana, Idaho at Saturday, _Oct. 2# hand," the. local coach-cajtiarkcd, with each meet. He should be Frick, on a good-will tour of NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE, Inc. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE victory over t)ie Boston Celtics in With Ed McKeever, who was ..Junior Bill MacArdle, .Is - the Japan, sold that Griff ;:Wlll be Oregon, Fresho SUte at Utah High football v*. Windham, a National Basketball ASsn. ex­ team's No. 2 runner this season. A "Dougherty is small but has the great as a senior," Pinpay con­ 2*S BROAD ST. — Ml M 224.M I 3.4047 SUte, Brigham Young at Wyo running the team, on the olde- long remembered for the contribu WARM 713 MAIN ST.— TEL Ml 9.5390 Nebo. hibition game last night. linee looking os If . he belonged very popular student and ex­ heart of a i|on and the courage and cluded. ■ . - r - , ming, Denver at New Mexico. characteristics symbolic of previ­ Another possibility to the New tiona he has made to baseball.” . I Sunday, Oct. 80 J Boston never threatened to in a ballet kicking his foot up tremely • active in many School Born la Log CaWa Merchants vs. Middlstown, 2:30 overtake the Royals after the la.- at the sky, a gentle hint that be programs. MacArdle surprises, his ous Manchester harriers. Barry al­ England squad is sophbm.ore Tom ter had opened iq> .with a 7-5 lead ways gives out with a good race Hyat n. an- afternoon student who Born in a log cabin in Vernon LEHMAN'S ATLANTIC STATION HOLLYWOOb SERVICE CENTER Dpiiato Nominatec —Nebo. wished me to punt. I called a coach in the manner which he finds County, Mo., on Nov. 20, 1869, SHIRTS t Monday, Oct. fit at the'start. ; . short hook pass from Angelo Ber- time to coiApete with, the Red and and he fights real hard in our ia unabie to compete In. the dual 706 MAIN ST.. MANQHKTER— TEL Ml 9-5762 3 4 2 E A S T C E N T E R ST____P H O N E M l 9 .8 1 0 7 l.andicap races over the new hilly meets. Along with twp other boys, Griff became ^Interested in base . i High Harriers vf. East Hart­ Player-Cioach Bob Wanaer and telll to Murphy, our right end,i.-il^lte thlnclad*. "I don't .know ball at the age of 13, later pitch New bright and colorful For Golfiiig Aware Jack McMahon got 16 points who caught the ball and wo** how he finds time to- run,” , the ■course.” ' ‘ ' Hys the top acorifi fow th* tick1 ed“lmmenr wht thrives on hard SosvHHe'e determination a 1 o it e In the years to come include Bob national golf award. High soccer vs.'Tonnifret—Away. work'. A atSady. performerpcrformei and gained him a spot on the pine-man Andrew, Bill Clulow.. Bobby latsr pitched tsr the Chicago Joe Donato; Norwich Golf Club TtlPLE CHANNEL I in five plays Just os th* clock White Sox and the genatort. C o t t o n ■ Cross 0}.unlry-St*te Meet— ' TIED FOR SECOND j ticked to Zero and won, 21-14. very quiet. Tommy useauses Hi*His spare team which captured the New Kwosh. Jim McKlnnie. Don Costel­ EHLER^S ATLANTIC STATION KEN'S GARAGE professional,, has been selected as Middletown. x': C#W TWvjr time before the start of practice England title in '54,'' -Phinney lo. Danny' Banivage. Gerry Cole­ He quit pitching M l907 but was P la n n a U $2.65 up the "Home Club pro who has done Coach Leahy called immediate- field msmager until 1920. 128 EAST CENTER ST.' ANDOVER — Pilgrim Saturday,'iNov. 5 flow York, Oct. 28 (iP)—Th* ly after the game and requeated sesaiona to catdh up on his studies- stated. "And.” the quiet-spoken man. OoRny Monchuck, ■ Paul tha most for golf.’* ? “New Look” Chicago Black "It's not unusual to -find Tommy m entir continue.d "Gordon 'Pome­ Bchimmel, Tom Boaeler. Ronnie Few people rementber Just how • a a * $7-50 up High footbaU v*: West Haven, 3 mv.presence on the telephone. good Griff was as a pitcher, but W o o l* ( • He U OonnecUcut’s nominee for —Nebo, • Hawks, usually at the bottom of ‘••Harry, don’4 you wlih me to with a book in his hantM a minute roy, who is now- with the J'V’s. is Oeas, Dick McComb, Da'ii Slivin- the Bob Harlow Award, named for the standings, in the National MANCHESTER before a workout,” P|iinney re­ battling .Sdkvil’e and Junior Diclc^ sky. Bill Button. Ken Hudson, Tom he won. 230 games against 139 Synday, Nov. 8 ever leave the Mayo GlinlS ?” he IqSses during his 18-year career aa JIM'S >'S SERVICE STATION the former publisher bf Golf Hockey L«a^e. have blasted their asked. lates; Whitel.o'ise for the, final two posi­ McKenna and Bobby Watson. World, - T MerchanU v a Weymouth, 2— way into a tie for second pUce. 'hie . Wlh only Vintan. LaForge, a major leaguer; 4 S 1 W E ST * WST CENTER.ST.rHONE 34417 ' 1 Weymouth, Mass. AWNING CO. ' I should have punted, of course, Out for the squad, for the first tion* on th(s year's New England “ The award will be made in De? re-bullt Hawks rnoved jnto a dead­ even though my error turned out time. Junior Milt Doremua should squad ahpuld M*»cl>ester wind up Sherman and Sargent scheduled to Among, the players who Worked cemiMi*, at the'PGA National meetr Setnrday. Nov. 12 lock with the New York Rangers grad'iate in JunS High cross for Griff are sqme of the greatfst 105 W . CENTER ST. to be'the winning'play. be tcsigh ncRt season as- a senior. first, r.econd or third In the State GLENNEY’S i S ing at AUantlp aty. High foqtbaU va Norwich. 2 ^ by giving e 4-1 tTOuncing to th* "Milt waa first spotted with the Meet Nov, 4 at Wesleyan Univer­ country fitture appears tq rest in names in baseball. First on Griffs RED'S SERVICE STATION Donato, now 61v-*tart*d in go|f NMWich. leading IContryel Canadlena track team," the'coach explained. sity in MJddletown. Whltehouse, ^capaoie hand* —"or shoi^d 1 Lay -lilt was Walter Johnson, whom 789| MAIN STREET 1 . . TELMI^3091 GHff always consldaiM th* beat 134 EAST CENTER Sr. .-T IL Ml 9.8175 more than 50 years ago Aa a. caddy Ckoaa Cquntiy-Ncw England Maat At. Chieago aM New York I "He waa with ths trRck squad a who also nms w^th th* Jayvees, is'le p ? —fito m . ^ fonUeal by oem point. ; Thla call baa haunted me'staee ^ Ardaley, N. t , ^-rsvery tiiiia I '.think of . how '"V- 1-: w r tm g i could have . . ■ ... 1- ^ _ ••f. V*'''* v/ .7 ' ■X. ‘ ^

/ ' BIANGHESTlER EVENING HERALD, MANGftESraR* CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955; T ' ;PAGE NINETEEN . A — , ...... :...... — ' - - ...... ' ■■ ■ '/

MANGHESTER'IEVENING h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, 'CONNh FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28| 1955 Musical inents1 53 Wanted To Rent .68 Rouses Fnr'Bale^ 72 Hbostii Tor Sals' 72 WfBt0d--)teal EsUtd 77. p a g e EilGHTEEN A j - i Washiu^tou Denies ■ V#- MUSIC Corn- MANCHESTER . — Reduced tp prop in Delinquency Cctses Household Goods -. 81 TWO ADULTS need lour hast* PBRKIR8 8 tRBBY>-Moderit five By FAGALY >n4 SHOI BelF Wsnted— - V Artld^'For Sale 45 plate Un6r Rental unfumiahed rooms.'Place for me With 10’ X 90' encliieed. $13,900 la thle one-*tory,‘ threq bed­ LISTINGS W AI^D , AutOBobllco for Solo 4 | T U ^ OUGHTA BE A LAW! > .Vn. . " J -s. " '. '. T applied Repre- Referencee, ML 9-7683. room home on a quiat, raeidcnttal Benson Ouster Bid Male or Female S7 XMAS TRBM , (whofiis^e). Select- BHELVADOR'refrigerator. In good Colored tUe bath, circulat- M ntbB Ped-. hot water oU.heat. Deelrable street,' but vei^ convenient to W e have available over 300 Reported by Juvenile,Court ed. balsam and spruce -ttat sella 'condition 11. cu. ft., 850. Ml. COUPLE WITH five / ter and BttO ^ Metter'i 10 location, fenced lot, fruit' trees, shopping and bus, $10,800, F.H.A. quallflsd proapact# for Real Estate (Oonttneed troen Page Ooe) rpectlv on sight. Wreaths, boUgliSK^ «tc- 3-8S00. May be seen af 37 Gerard baby desire 4 or 5'goon X Classified - CLYDE CHEVROLET- rriispf ffMPLi; fwirr- E A VERS Wa n t e d /^’Studlo, ITlMSktm^ etc. Meny extras. Reasonable. mortgage availaUe. V.-A. poaetbiU- Mtwsen our branch and miOn of- JUfT pCf tXACTtV. u)*M I S-SIBI seeretery, said the White '’House These children, toe r^)ort shidy MON. THRU FRl. tory down, full b»th up, laundry dental was made on behalf ^ the fbr<8054, which wa* released yes­ FABRICS CO. or carrot. Complete UnbsM fur- Wanttd^To Buy LOTBfOS WANTED - Single, terday.- , \ had personality problems 'wlto 10:30 A.M . 1952 CHEVROLET 2-Door nityra for the entire hopisN.^ ACRE .stqck farm, about room, garage and tool ehed. Beau­ A REIAL NICE home. Six rooms, three men nam ed. in the Fi which toe court had been iskedyto ONE FOLDAROLLA twin atroUer. partly furalehed and recreation two-family, tbree-tamlly, buai* Journal article.-4He added Jt said that juvenile delinquency SATURDAY 9 A. M. fiark gra.v, heater, ppwerglijJ C H A M B I ^ ' ' 10 mllM out. FivA. room home tiful grounds on 100 X 300 foot lot. help. ' Andover, Conn, Call TR. 5^3544. with improvements, ^13,000. Alad Many extra*, only $14,900. Phone room. Two-car gareige. AD. $-8880. taese property. Bave ma^ cask 'Tha. entire administration ceeee dropped 7/lOthi^of one per lour new Urea, $395. V FURNITURE SALES WANTEilXr- USED storm wind buyers. Mortgages arranged. cent, while chlld-neglecb cases de­ The reporLgJsonbted that ro m oooFEKATiuN tenx )DEN STORM Windows: ,tWo 917 East Middle Turnpike and storn* d o o r./y i. 3-6500, ■maU p ^ t r y farm (^ 1 3 0 0 Ifty- Barbara Woods Agency. MI. working with th# Secretary of' ing was the crime commitiod .by BENTON ST. AREA, two-family Pleaae ceu Q o^e U praaladlo, Agriculture toward the' objMttve clined six per cent. The report said BB AFFBEdATCD 82", four S3" x 83” , $10. Hours 10-5 p.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ere. Six rbpm home, three fire­ 9-7702. . 5 and S flat in A-1 condition inside moat of the children referred to places. Severe! remoteK aeree/ Realtor, ML 0-8S7t. lis Homy of assu^g the nation's farmtrS there were 4,898 delinquent/boys 1951 Chevrolet 2-Doo: Situation Wanted—. Florence 10" parlor hqkter, $15. and out. T w o new O.E. fumacee, the court: ' Some l,ms of ■unshine''Liiahini^ Henry Stree^New de luxe five McCann Agency. MI. 3-7700. or busineee with the Manchester three judges t»f the Juvenile Court. accounted for 16/j>er cent of thb- home.''Vicinity Bolton. MI. 9-8lBl. Aieoclatea, Realtoiw - Earl Rohan. concerr. over the price squeese" .1950 Plymout; -Door DRiV)M0 6 CN0 a Jewelry 48 on IH acres. car garage,. sm ranch rbady for occupancy, - '‘ Thornes D, Gill, Fred D. Faulk­ ^aaes, damage tp property, 18 per ROOM SDC ROOM Cape Cbd. OiUy UtUe MI. 8-7*88, PhUllp HalUn. MI. affecting farmers. But jie added Oiiginiil bl, finlah. heater. CUSTOMER LIVING ROOM sofa.. Good condi­ /or two persons. ideaK home (or ner and Stanley P. Mead — for int; being ungovernable and run­ Loot and Found LEONWr D W YtMIT, Jewalsr, tw Inquire at' Tailor Shop, S kltchkn with buUt-in rahga cash needed. Robert O, Johnston 0-9991, Charles Lathrop, MI. that "there wax not a word pt iVall tires, $595. COMING uP'.' Situptions Wanted— tion.-Ml. 9-7862 after 6 p.m. . P r i(W , $12,400. Chief JusUce Ernest Inglia of away, O'per cent each; and pairs, adjuata w a te to expertly. Bissell St MI. 3-738S or MI. !t; Selling j(or-118,700. ■gent. MI. 3-8858. 9-0884. criticism of the farm program and A. yOUND—Female brown and white Male 39 R e ^ r , ML there hkSn't been any since." ' the Connecticut Supreme Court of nnlk^ul entry and taking a car mongrel dog. CaU Dog Warden. Reasonable pricu. Opm .. dally. -FIVE .ROOMS of furniture, as U,' 3-50'47. / , ______9-1641 Errore. ThuriKlay evenings. 139'<'Sprues HEAR TlSt HEAR YE! Good buy Farm Journal, a Philadelphia without ^rmiaslon, 7 per cent 1950 ^ c k Special 2-Door w o u l d Whole or separate pieces. No ds-^ Four bedroom Colonial within ______LIKE'to dean homes, of­ Street Ml. 9-4187. LARGE^HfelATEU} rdbm, near can- Lots For Sale 7 * ere by the gross. Cell us U eeUing, publication, aald Vice (president (Rallenge VaUdIty each. Dynaflow. A real .buy, $595. fices, clubs, restaurant*; etc.' For x livery. Personal reaaona cauas me e a s t e r n Connecticut -r- ''^cep- Sr ter. M y 6-2894. ^ Uonal buy* dairy, poultir w m e two blocker Bowers S^ool House buying, or. trading. The Ellewortn Nixon did noY take sides In the In their report, the three Judges The rtpprt notes that too “ in­ details call M^3-7067 after 8 p.m. to sell. 67 Wadsworth St. MI. GLASTONBURY —One acre, its* dividual a ^ ccfilectivo ways to FOUND—Mala dog. Brown. Call 9-0097. , with .or without stock, 3 t^SOO la three year* old. Garage, fire­ Mitten^ Agency, Realtors, Ml. reported dispute ever Benson and challenge theVaJidity of two <5n- 1950 Packard 4-Dooh tesuep/curiKi Fuel and Feed 49-A frontage, 292' deep. BeauUfuI loca- 8-89M. hia policies. Other cabinet mem­ cepu they say^gured last year whicb chiuln'n *nd adults in de- Warden. ML 3^4540.______$ « MAN, 28. ^K^LLENT ^ ‘aracter, IGE acres. Welle*«. Agency, Coven) place, finlshed/basement, levetoty Upn, ML 3.5808, ______^Red. Fully equipped. Gbpd trans­ BENDDC DUOMA-nc washer and ATTRACTIVE roon^,^tita. PI. 2-6871 .. bers, apart from thoaa it named, ivideepread concern and linquecy, crinM or war can im­ AtRAa/V ,v.y. s desires part^ time employment, SEASONED Hardwood. Firewood or double. In quiet/ cle i^ on first floor, awbtog*, storm win­ WANTED—Three bedroom home ymre aald to have supported Ben- often general alarm” that wai felt plement their Aggressions,” baa in­ portation, $495.' $«ll MtCiUM MIWI9AMR hours betwe^ 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. dryer combination, one year old, HIGH ELEVATION, acre lota. delivered in - atove, furnace and ''home. Central location.' Parking- a under $18,600; Alao two bedroom concerning delinquency,' a creased toe ifrgency of prevention, FOUND—Black, while and brown Preferably chgutfering classifica­ fully guaranteed. Call MI. 9-1437 dows and BciAene^d many other Trees, water piped to each lot. dog. Call Dog Warden. MT. 3-4^ . fireplace lengtha, $18 cord, $9.50 after -7 p.m. (acuities, 14 Wadsworth St. Phone . Houaes'. For Sals . 72 home Mtwsen M.400 end $18,900/ tiM magazine Is edited by Theee concept*, the judge *aV( but the report adds, t h ^ new 1950 Ford Station Wagon tion./MI. 9-3083. MI. 3-4921, ■ y--' bxtraa. Twelve minutes out) Terms. Carl Have several clients with $8.(100 ■ I-____:______—u. for 1,4 cord. PI. 2-843$, eveninga ton W, Hutchins. MI. >5189, Wheeler McMlUen' whose son, t h ^ ‘^venlle delinquent methods have nbu altered map’s l/JSS-M otoniycte Jacket at " the Wood needs repairs, $395. 3 : after,5:30. ’ EASY SPINDRY washing machine. to $7,000 cash. Carlton W. Aut^- inherent nature. ^ - Movilw— Trucking Help Wanted— Female 35 jnsyOr IMMllQIATJl OCCUPANCY Robert, Is an aaeletant to Benson. of toe mid-1950s is eomethlng com­ WMt Side Rec,.Wedneaday eve­ ^^u aln w Servicea Offered 13 Reaaonabl^v MI. 9-9664. T. J. CROCKED too. Realtor. , MI. The younger McMUIen eat In when pletely different frbnv hircouitter- The report eleo questions too ae Oog^—Birds^Pets 41 SEASONED hardwood for atovk, plete' light houaekiseping faculties ning Please retUm to Rec or S to ra g e 20 PROFITABLE XMAS selling sea­ Six'Loo^^Cape Cod includ­ Benson talked te newsmen about part of a generaUon agOj *nd toat. curacy of a prediction, based e d 1947 Willys Wagon LktVNS and leavea raked end rub- (uinace or fireplace, delivered FLORENCE GAS range, apart­ and baUi. m . jF477*. Real Estate BrokeCx M PalrQeld St. son will Soon lie here. Prepare now MANCHESTER Pet Center, beau­ ing all i^ lia h ^ , wall to wall Sobarban For Saif 7S the article. - - based oh the birthrate tof the statistics, tost there will be / ^ ♦199. lah*-removed. Tree's removed and AUSTIN A. CllAMBERS* CO., anywhere. Alio well i^ted man­ ment aize. In gdod condition. MI. Office MI 3-5416 ORBlai MANOR-Threa ^ room (or the large profita ulling beauti­ tiful baby parakeets, guaranteed SINGLE li^ M . private home. Benson Said the Cabinet dlscue- 1940s, there will be ”a' staggering trSmendous increase in Juvenilp ^ LOST—Olrl'illrl's eyeglaadea, vicinity chainvsaw work. Land cleared ahd local and tong dlatqnca moving, ure. Call MI. 3-7083. Leonard 9-9236. , x^ rugs and furnish^^riecre'atipn. Resideuce MI 0-7751. COVENTRY—Routa No. 81, four ranch heeded for a epeqUl client. ful Avon'coametica. MI. ^381*: stn^ng canariu, hamsters\tropi- Kitchen privileges, pa)rking avaU- ■lon, of f s m issues was "very full incmase” in juvenile dmnquency Unquency when the scceii t i Branfortiford St. a n d ^ ra t Nation- brush . 'burned. Walls, lawns and packing, atorage. C w Ml, $-5187. GIgllo, Bolton. room \ room ranch, Ibt IQO'’ x 180, oU Quick sale if rtaaonuiy priced. Finder patios built. Arthur Gay. ML caJ (lah, pe'! foods and suroHoB' able. Near bug and shopping: Ref­ and frank.” He said the matter in the next five ^ a re . < birth rate of the 1940s ia al Store,r, East Centerx^t. Hartford CH. 7-1428. . SALldlLAblES opportunity./ Bur­ -i, heat, full basement, four years Ask for Mr, l^ a n /u Maddock CLYDE CHEVROLET- 9-6275. 995 Main St. Ml. 9-4373. Open 9 SEASONED HARDWOOD cut to \. erenced. MI. 9-5424. * was mit on the agenda at |;ils sug Both Of theee concept*, the re­ into terma of a bumper of pleaae call MI. 3-5176. ton's haa full time aelling posit- CHapel 7-1939\ $8,600 TWO BEDROOM ranch Juat old, fully insulated. A real buy at’ S ^ V oe, ReallSra/llartford. JA BUICK MANCHESTER Package Delivery. a.mr to 8 p.m. daily. Thursdays 9 order, $18 a cord. Louia Paggioli. Machinery and Top! geattbn. port eaye, are rooted In fear and adrteacenta in the next fiVo yiers. ions available (or alert, neat ap­ -BEAUTIFULLY furnished spacloii* redecorated, plastered, oil neat, 810,400, A. R. Wilkie * Co. MI. LOST—Lady'a gold wriat watt^h, on RbUTE 63 ROCKVILLE MELODY RADIO-T.V., phono's Light trucking and package daliv- a.m. to 9 p,m. S. and H. Greeh. MI. 3-8183. COZY COTTAGE. 8V4 rooms,e •CM full ceUar, centrally located. Carl­ The Secretary said thera was mleundersUndlng, "A a in anelefit Thla prediction, the rMxirt aUtoiL a. Guaranteed service. pearing W6 men. Salary and bonus. Stamps: NEW F e r g u s o n tracto/ $1^ . room with complete light house­ 9-4389. " ' ia baaod or too aMomptlon tkat Main St. between MyrO# ^ d TRmbnt 6-8494 TRemont 5-S395 (ht calls. ery. Refrigerators, washers and floor. Choice location. Reduced, ton W. Hutchins,. Realtor. MI. 'complete support” for the ad­ time* when man. Intimidated by ftrk Sts. Reward. JA. 8-0534, or .9-3360. atove moving apeclalty. Folding Wonderful store discount. Pleuant Bargains, new 3-^ kup nar- keeping facilities available, - WUl ministration. farm, program, which hie fear of the unknown, permitted “vthe (actora p^lptoating tha to*, COCKER SPANIEL puppies, AKC for quick sale. Owner. MI, 9-5448. b4132, ML 9-1894. BQLTON—Cuetom deeigned three MI. S-84S1. . chain (or rent. Ml. 9-0783. working conditions. Apply'in per­ rows, plows. Used s^esders. rent sin^e or double. Children Ac­ includes flexible price eupporti for hie imagination to creato. creatures crtjtao of the peat .flve years wlU\ ASHES AND rubbish removed, also son please. Burton's, Inc. - registered with papers, $20. Call sGsrden— Farm—Dairy bedroom ranch. 'Youiij|etoei*i Coventiy/ 1946 CHEVROLET station wagon. tons baled hay, Hereford feeder cepted (limited). Central) Reason­ WEST SIDE—Duplex 64 consisUng On F p w NER, six room Cape Cod, baaio crops a baeie part of the awesome beyond ail reality,” the (Hpertta with undiminlahed force attica, cellars and yardq.cleaned. Rockville TR; 5-4837 after * or \ Prodneta .50 able. Mrs. Dorsey. 14 AFch Dl / kitchen, outatandiiig bathroom, Runs good, $135 or beat offer. Ml. calves. Dublin Tractor Co. North oL four bedrooms, living room, three >cers old, with full shed and Colored fUturee, car port,^amealta OOP program. report saye„ “so today, delinquency for too Mxt five years to com#.!' [08T —Golden Retriever dog, Prompt, reliable courteous aerv. WOMa n f o r general house clean weekends. Windham Rd., V^llimantic. HA. Ftoivtog Lm Correct F4047. ______PaihtinK— Papering; 21 Ing, three days a Week in small p e p p e r s , e g o plant, butternut hiuge kitchen, new hot water oil front dOrmers, bath, lavatory, drive large shaded lOL Price Comn^ittee Giv) "N o ona euggeeted we turn back too often hidden in a cave of mia- male; If fcundl, lAone MI, S-2841. ice, te'aaonable rates. MI. 9-2145. 3-3317. NICELY FURNISHED roorng, dou­ heat system, copper plumbing Tha nqport.^clered that this home. Phone MI. 8-5883. | ENGUSH SETTER, three months aquaah, \$1 buahel. Bring con ble bed, large clothes closet, laundry, plastered watle, alum­ duceo, Warren B.’ Howland, Itedl- from tha flexible system,” Ben underatandlng and epeculatton haa 1953 CHEVROLET, four door PAINTING AND paper hanging. throughout. Only $14,500. . Reu inum screens/storm windowe and been embelllehed with certain projection Of the years ahead Is- l o s t — Two Blue Tick Coon OOMPLETb" REPAlfUs by Stuari old, very reasonable. Call Ml. tatnera. 33$ Hillatown Rd, CHOREMASTER chain aaw^ 1955 other conveniences. For' genUe tor. Ml. 8-8800. son aald, "but we dlaeuzeed what sedan. The beat Bel Air model Repair or new work. Flnt clau Estate Center, Inc. MI. 8-5151, doors, hot w at^oil heat, shingled Top 4-H Awards already prpvtog "conaiderably lass hounds Vicinity Andover or Cov­ R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ WANTED—Young woman for gen­ 3-7050. model, neytr used, $160. Chore- men. 316 Spruce St. / A wa oou.d do to etrengthen and en­ frightening aspecU quit# foreign equipped with radio, ' heater, work at reasonable rates; Ray­ evening JA. '8-8524. exterior. Shade'-trees, amesite ROCKVII-DE — Four, rooms and to Ita nature.” toap/conrect In Connecticut,^’ be* entry. 6 all MI. 9-8864. matic W Mhlng machinu, electric eral laundry work. Apply New master r^ary tiller, three months large it." pw erglide and many .other quah mond Flaks. Tel. MI. 9-9237. / System Laundry, 44 Harrikon St. APPLES, 50c and up a basket driveway. Alao Six'-.room split bath. Enclosed heated sun porch, 'TliaVs the story,” B e neon \ Maaaa dunged _ oLtho decrease in delinquen- rangu, vacuum cleaners,' motora, old, 21^wlde, tills 4" to 5" deep, $10,900 RANCH 38 x 35. Nearly Coventry, Oct. 98 ,(8pecl8l>— LOST— Maroon and cream chain ity extras. A'one owner car driven Livestock— Vehicles 42 L. M. BotU, 360 Bush Hill Rd. ROOM FOR gentleman. Centrally level, eight room coloniql with ga­ 94' living room, cement basement, added. '‘There was not a word of Tha judges say that the ..^deltn- reoqMad ta the State Uat year. small' appliances, welding, 180 WALLPAPER removed. ‘ Average 3 horsepower BAS motor, $105. new,' fireplace, tile bath, oil hot- y lie 4-'H Town Gtaaunittee drive tricycle with tnltlala. T. O. less than 27,000 miles and carries Main StraaL kU,. 9-6678. ____ . ... PART TIME, evenings only. Must located. MI. 84692. rage; and three bedroom ranch oil steam heat, large lot, excellent criticism of tha farm program sind quent haa not changed over th* The other offenses'tociudad sex, -oorwritteh' guttantee. For a triily room7--$8.—More- rooms ;• -cheaper ■know-typing.' jcsmpress. 5 So. WE BUY beef cattle, and calves. McINTOSH , APPLES $1 a bushel! Thresher; 113S Tolland water heat, Rusco storm windows,, AWhrdtQ. Scholarehiliil to outetand' 6 per cent; and toiury to pMnii, --fn*ir-e«18tnwr'Romt—-Can - -Mr - rate.' Modern ateam removal. Ml. with garage. Priced from-^840C^ grounds,- AU oity- oonveaienoee, 4hWo-hasn't baan sinqe. ” irsart, Wtoat-haa changed, tlM^ deptndable car be certalft to see Main St. Pay higheat price. Manchester at Joseph Novelll Farm, Mountain j te, Buckland, MI. 9-3253. WELL HEATED room with shower cellar. Over two acres good land, 'Yo $25,(WO. Thelma Je^jSLl-Bs- |t0,S00, aeorg«_J, Coleman Brok- iiUf 4«H Club ntombere. ’T1>a de- contend, la toe means throiish i p e r 'c ^ l^ 7 8-83*2, , LOAM 9-W58.. • ______■ -shade trees:' Suburban. -^rtton W; this-one.- Drive -H and you41-huy^ Packing-Co.-Ml. 0-1500. Rd., Glaatonbury. - and TJrtvate entnuice. ■Wen man­ cott. Agent. Ml. 9-7e$i. er. •TR. 5-4045, or^TO. S-iim ; ) elsion io r awards ia baaedon to' W BIcirw-l^rwR^ it. Bob Oliver has quaUty cart at "QU ALirTTOP SOIL nered gentleman. Inquire Ibl Hutchins. MI. 9-5133, MI. t-4894. Into trouble. The number )$f hegtoeta n . room next to bath. Breakfast and way, garage, screened ^ glassed bath, birch kitchen cabinets, full dinetteMwo encloeed porches. At­ State Grid Fans PROMPT DELIVERY Co. MI. 9-7547. also use automobile polisher, lube $60. Good condiUOn. Call ai^ time generation ago) and toe ttiariji Despite the decline to this Savings Departmsnt of The Man- 9-3343 after 8. parking. One or two ' gentlemen. porch, covered patio, recreaUon basement, attached gange, amea- tached gat^ e. oil heat. Tel. WII- Uon in projocta and gantral club iegory; howevtr, some ccfieera -.Chester Trust that Sayings Pass man, tire man, coal and oil truck Articles For Sale 45 except between 8 and 8 Da ara users o f the current :'Seene{- toe Mf 9-2401 - ' FOR INTERIOR painting- and driver. Call or stop in, see Mr, ite drive, $21,900. Warren E. How­ limantic A ^ , 8-914$ or AC 8-S801 Hartford, Oct. 38 (B—There waa supposed filfference in/the motives w u tomoated in toat the court felt Book No. 839 has been lost and 1953 CADILLAC convertible, beau­ 9-5614. Notice chester's' finest residential sec. land, Realtor. Ml. 3-8600. tiful maroon finish, new white decorating rail Wm. Dickson and Teg or Mr. Quey', Morisrty Bros., BOLTON—Building atone, veneer, tions. For appointment call. Carl­ not todudtd to thoaa eUgibla for some .promiaing newe today for promoting tha r a ^ g of the obliged to take a higher pdroent* application (or the issuance of a Son. MI. 9-0920 any time. Com­ BOLTON LAK E^va room vQn- age of the negletsted children frete wall tires and tubes. Complete Inc., 301 Center St, Manchester. fireplace, wall stone, flagstone. Zoning Board of Appeals ton W. Hutchins, Realtor. MI. ROCKLEDGE SECTION. Unusual ad^arahipa. OonneeUeut foMball (an*. peddler’s fruit carv of ybeteryesr new book has been mads. plete insurance coverage. Apartments— Flats— terized cottage, neqr public beach their homes. Cadillac equipment including ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. MI. 8-81?5. Also slate (lagging. Bolton ^Notch PLAY PEN, high chair. Good con­ ExcepUona-- Variances lenements 63 9-5132, MI. 9-4694. 3 bedroom ranch, family aize in Rosedale sectloKv Immediate jCUfford Anderaon waa a w ^ e d R ato, which haa drenched the and the theft of *n aittomobUe in power steering, tinted glass and Call MI. 3-7844 any time. Quarry. Ml. 9-0617, Prompt de- dition, $8 each. ML 3-8453. GRANTED State'almoat every Saturday since 1954 la held lip/for ytaiving with Borne 759 children warn taken PAINTING-- AND paperhanging. CARPENTERS and helpers want­ kitchen. Excellent birch cabinets. occupancy. Price $8,MO. Liberal tha .acholarahip for the idiori ^om their homes in 10M u com*. AuienneMRants elkctroiiic eye. Driven leu than Ellsworth A Lassow, 3ft2 Oakland ANpOVER CENTER—Three room Ceramic tile bath, tub, separate mortgage can be xrranm. Ed­ the opeoUng of the pigskin aeaeon, alarm. By thus measuring the most RANGE BURNEIRS cleaned and Quality work, reasonable prices ed. Apply 172 Highland St. after NO MONEY DOWN ! ! SMALL FAMILY SPECIALS courae at tha Unlvaraity of Oon may hold dff tomorrow tmtll after pared wito 694 in LOSS, when toe 35,000 miles. One 'ocal owner. See and prompt aervlce. Free sstl- -'!t. apartment partially furnished. shower stall. Basement (ti>eplece, ward J. Holl, Realtor, TooG jlitain pallid problem* of World War 1 repaired. Licensed. Experienced. 6 p.m. ' y. ROYAL xAND SmithCorona pbrt- S ^ t Your MANCHESTER—Off East Center noctlcut for ono week next aum the game. days with toe mbat explosive of number of neglected-eliUd obsm this beauty todcly at Center Motor matea. Fully Insured.' Call Bert Matthew Moriarty, 321/325, 829 Phone PI. 2-6048 between 5 and 7 St. for $13,500. Custom built five ’garage, $19,900. Warren-E. How­ St. MI. 8-5118. ' . AUCTION! Sales, 461 Maln®k Slattery. Ml. 9-7793. ablt and Mandard typewritera. mar. Firat alternate wks Haaal Authority for this prediction la the Korean- era, evidence' is al­ Arts greater. Plante. MI. 9-6965. NON-FACTORY work with a fu­ Mon^ly Pa.vments Center St. p.m. ■ . room home excellently constructed. land, Realtor. Ml. 3-8600. e-w— w—waaa*-f the foreaeeable future and concede ing Sm^llee, Garden - Furniture, EVERYTHING $288 William H. Stuck, Chairman . Rd., Talcottville, in return for pandable Cape, built in 1940. Fire­ lot, convenient locaUon, MS,700. used. If you are searching (er Tl>e camp age has o e ^ lowered to. plained. 1903 BUICK special Riviera, two Ml. 3-4832. place, steam heat, copper plumb­ that It .may again Increase. toe Buckland Parent TMOher DUhqa, etc, , . ANTIQUES RetlhlslMd. Re.epali ilrlng MAN Charles S. Towle, Secretary room and board. MI. 9-0142. Warren E, Howland Realtor. M . property in Bolton, thte is the of< 18 years. Dr. Malone eald he beltevee this door. Dynaflow, 'radio, heater. 2ND Mo r t g a g e money at lowest ing, basement garage, large lot. 3-8800. However, they point to eaveral AsBt, succeeding Mrs. Ksrman done on any furniture'fui TTeman, payments: $32.25 (or each $1,000. BEDROOM FURNITURE,/desk, 3 ROOMS FURNITURE (ice to contact. We know of prao Record book winners were given development will end Jhe' current WE CAN ACCOMMODATE XOOO But trade, lowut down pay­ Wanted—Experienced oil burner' radio record .combination/ tables, Present owner has outgrown prop­ tically every piece ot property cold snap,.which' dipped the ther­ measures that might be taken to (Jardner, who 'aervad as proident 189 South Main St. Phone MI, Connecticut Mortgage Exchange, LARGE three bedroom ranch and aa follows: Livestock, Suzanne PEOPLE-rOOO CARS ment, monthly or weekly pay­ 8-5643. man.(or immediate steady enrf- etc. MI. 9-3319 after 5 n. $10.16 MONTHLY Business Locations erty. Represents a maximum value that la on the market. Srop in or Mamet, Clifford Anderson, Pamela mometer to'87 tn Hartford this curb delinquency—proper plan* during tha 1064*66 B*a«»n aad liss ments. D ou g lu iMotora. S3S Math. p Lewis St.. Hartford CH. 6.8897. ployment. Pleasant working condi­ in the small home field. Other list- garage. Built in oven and grill, hing, new schools and addltlotuU SALES START AT 7 P. M. BRAND NEW' Towii of Bolton For Rent 64 call T. J, Crockett's office at 944 Qlenney; clothing) Penny Barth, morning. Ooldeet spot to tha north­ moved to RockvlUe. The group pre* DOORS OPENED, keya fitted, tions for clean appearing qualified DRESNER AND bed/reasonable. WESTINGHOTJSB REFRIG., LIV­ tnga available. . mahogany trim, hot water heat Main St., Manchester (MI. 8JI416) east waa concord, R.Hr, with a teachera, , additional recreaUon TWO 1951 Plymouths. Both in Jean Storrs, Nancy Karkari food, ■anted a lamp to 2irs. Oardnsr to POST AUCTION ROOMS copied, vacuum cleaners. Irona, man. Apply In person. Two coil gas water/neater. amall ING ROOM, BEDROOM, DIN- AIR-CONDitlONED OFFICES— plaster walls. Ms had Pa build Or at his home in Bolton Centar reading of 98. f area and support of lAgialeturiM beautiful condition^ One a two- j Business Opportunities 32 Audit Report 1007c Main St. location. Pafk- ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor this house. Price $19,500. Man­ Cathie Labrie, Norman Orehotaky, appreciation of her arvicae. >gur,s, 'etc., repaired. Sheara, .white enamel ainjr: MI. 9-0482. ETrTE. RUGS, LAMPS, TABLES Phone MI. 9-4543. (Ml. 9-7761). Connecticut'a Largest Auction door, one a four-door. Fully BANTLY OIL CO., INC., ing. Apply Marlow’s, 867 MSin chester Assol^iates, Realtors. Call Paul W. Kenyon; garden, Suzanne Mra Kenneth Prior was alaetad kmves, mowers, etc., put into con­ BARBER SHOP, (or sale. Dus to EVERYTHING $360 Notice is hereby given that the Mamet, John Edward Fardal, Elsie J,. Firm equipped. Douglas .Motora, 333 dition (or coming ' needa. .Braith- AUTDIVOX h e ^ n g aid and bat­ St. Phil HalUn. MI. 9-9221, Evenings ROCKVILLE, Davis Ave.—Seven vice prwldsnt,; Mra, Ralph Laris, illness. 23 Oak St.,- Manchester, 381 MAIN ST., MANCHEISTER Audit Report oh the Town of Bol­ 330 SPRING St.—Custom built Andersen,' Pamela S 1 m m o n a; Route No. 5 Berlin Turnpike Main. waite, S3 Pearl atreet. teries. Excellent condition,/ $35. three bedroom home. TWo-car ga­ Larry Adams, ML 9-3434. room, all stucco home to one of secretary; M ra /GUlIord Cartoon, Please call after 4 p.m. JA. 8-0596. • MI. 9-5738. / ^ . ton for the year ended September HEATED STORE (or rent at 32 woodworking, Richard Barth. W RN1P-M 6 WOTH— t6 t« Newington, Conn. X 3 ROOMS FURNITURE 15. 1955 has been filed In the office rage, amesite drive. Bath and -Rockville’s most desirable loca­ treuurer. '' UONDER'S T.V. Sendee, available Oak St. Will paint to suit tenant. tions. In Immaculate condition this All Sainto Day Tha following mambeni ware Opp. Connecticut Light and ONE OF Manchester’a moat popu­ $14-74 MONTHLY ' of the Town Clerk for public in- lavatory, fireplace, sun porch, lot WDRO— 1808 D aily Radio W tlO rrtM t Trailers for Sale frA any time. Antenna conversuma. HEATING AND oil burner 'me- FOOD FI^E ZE R .,17 cu. ft. United For Inforfnatlon call Ml. 9-1690, OPEN FOR INSPECTION home conslets of living room, full All Saints Day will be observed Power Co. Building lar grills doing a good-food and upright/ used one - season only. ' BRAND NEW'^ fSpsetion.. 100 X W'. For appointment to In- named fielegatas to tha FTA Own- Philco factory supervised servlre. .rhanlc.«all MI. 9-4389, A. R. Wilkie clh Mrs. WaUaoa Gaigar, Mra 1955 : ALUMINUM 16’ trailer, sU Tel. Ml. 9-1488. '' ■ Co. PI. 2-7209 or PI. 2-6949 and ask Like pew. $300. MI- 9-1465. SATURDAY AND SUI^AY . excellent Kitchen with garbage Massjss in St. Mary’s Church at 7 about 'e of its actual value. If WKSTINGHOUSE REFRIG. BED \ ' . • Tolvn Clerk LARGE OFFICE. For professional and Co. Philip Hopper and Mra P U iw aaiB nqulmwd, Slaapa five. Like new, you are looking for a money mak- for Fred. \ disposal, lavatoiry first floor. Sec­ a.m. and 7:30 p.m. At St. Joseph’s HOME SERVICE. Walls and win HOIXy w o OD Studio couch, $15. ROOM, UVING ROOM,"' DIN or-any. type of business. Hartford 2 to 6 p.m. The (oUowtog program achem home, two.-car steam heat, garage, amesite AHl Souls Dny will be observed OerlMto, budget ahd toufnoe; Mra aftar'6. Auto DrlVInff School buildings readied for occupancy. Write Box A, Herald. EVERYTHING $494 water heat, recreation room, very drive. Beautiful grounds with fruit without noUco, MI. $-6902. price. Bars and >estaurants are St...East Hartford. tarage) large lot. Centrally located. Wednesday with Meases in 'St. Kennth Prior, memlwnMito: M ra' PASSENGERS WANTED, working our specialties. If you are Iqleri TYPIST—Evenings, 10 p.m.-SiSO.-i. So Young And Pretty clean. Near bus, Bowers School. ;mmediate occupancy possible. trees .and garden plot. Large tool Het-y'e Church at 7:30 a.m'. and'8 Site- Marrillipolton. piMicity and his* MANCHESTER Driving Academy. ested in a business of your own,, BLOND MODERN comer tier; PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY Carlton W. Hutchins. MI.. 9-5132, house, fully plastered with out­ WUAY—Husle Utrebezl JU 8:90-4:90. Manchester - Hartford Manckeaur'a oldest, moat recom­ m. Five days. No weekends, ^ n e - $1L5()0. . p.m... and St. Joseph's Church at tocian. ) /* StiUa Offica Building, etc. MI. Household Services call J, . Moriconi, Agent. MI. fits, good-salary.'^^pply P . ^ G. table, $13, Duchess p( Windsor SETUP. SERVICE. GUARANTEE MI. 9-4694. standing cold storage vault. Lot 7 a.m.. : Busto Room m qtom and hoapltaUtyt mended, your safety) our busi­ Attention! approximately $3' x 181'. All city 9-9188. 3-7800. Motor Freight, Perrett /Place sofa, gray matelasse covering $75. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR To inspect at other hours call ’ AMoctatloa Donatloa* WTlC—Hspplntt* y ; Mr*. R o t ^ D. Thrash^ Klndar* ness; Ucense guaranteed. SUnd- - Offered 13-A MI. 9-3898. FREE STORAGE UNTIL , conveniences. Very convenient to , WDBC—iSfcord Shop ard or automatic. Mr. Mlclette Manchester. MI. 9-5271 Ara You Sookioag A CLIFFORD K^NSEN & CO. 'The Ladies Assn, has . donated i WOXa—Waxworks garteni/M ra Beaton C M . first Ahlomdbncs tor Side' FLAT FINISH Holland window NEEDED” . - Lovely Lace school* and bus. An' excellent Mrs. Walter L. Oometx, your, pencaai inatiactoc^ Dial PV Help Wanted—^Female 25 WANTED— Cutter- gytnder with GRAVEL AND loam. Campbell's Phone Me Immediately ML 81303 - ML 3-4265 . MI. 9-0799 home realistically priced at $10 to the Bangor, Maine, Theo­ WHAX—Musk: Harchant 8-7349 any time ahadca, made to measure. All Drive-In, Main .St., or corner Dob. DosiroMo i.«,r^^^ coiqw, radio, heater, signal WOMEN MOST careful drivers. low ' price. Keya made while you .After 7 P. M. CH. 6-4690 and traveling expensea for a WTIU—Stella Ualias e Man I fourth; Mra William NavUto. fifth, lights, whitewalls, new top. $375. wait. Marlow'a. / ply in person. New Model Laun­ to 5:30 p.m. Monday , through F'ri- ranch (three bedrooms), deep lot, Rockville. TR. 6-4046', TR. 6-4710, WDRC—Record 8)u>p jRCr-g. R. Uufnfw Never too old to learn. Femalt u>- ONE COLEMAN floor furnace, Look this one over. I..arge room training course- she will take for WGTH—Waxwork* X) and Mrs. Raymond Miller, aixth. i f i . 9-6787. Btructor. Standard automatic. dry, 73 Summit St. day. A.B A. Tool and Die Co.. .new; Will heat four rooms. Cost See It .Day; Or Night cellar, ideal for Children. Only ^ W G TIf-ay It Wllh-Muale / WEAVING of burna, imkh hotea 1395 Tolland Turnpike, - If you have no means of trqnspor- with side and rear entrance, $8,700, Including stove and refrig­ yoiith choir leaders to be given in Dual insured car. M and M Driv­ EDIPHONE 0<*ERATORS ______$139. will/ take $85. Campbell’S rompirtely renovated,, parking Andover - Bolton - Coventry Hartford. ^ *‘tvIiAY—B«tly Kimball ‘^ A Y —Poue Parly MANY OLDER cara, go^ trans­ and torn Clothing, hoalery runa, mtion. I'll send my auto for you. erator. Call Goodchlld Realty WCCC—Record Raviie Bvenin* Qpq* Kuala ing School. Ml. 9-6541. social service agency fn BROWN AND SHARPEJ automatic; Drive-In. Main St., Vernoh. o n (acilitlee. lOOt) East Center St: portation. Cara that can;t be ijeen handbags reiMUred upper - re­ No obligation. „ Company, Realtor. ML 3-7925, or ORIGINAL COLONIAL — Seven The women, will serve a public WKNB--4fs-Contnictinff 14 NEED MONEY to bolster the bud­ ONE b a b y crib, in good condition. dry, Excellent location, only WUTH—Waxwork! LARSON’S DRIVINO School, home, hot water oil heat, full cel­ Gr.vde 6 o f the North District ping; Donald Franklin, Etost Hart* - \ ■ get? Four hours a day will bring MI. 3-1388. I $12,900. ■ will have a Halloiyeen pqrty Mon­ •:ae- ■tS. Manchester'a only trained - and PALMER/AND CARNEY, mason CARPENTER to install ■ louvers lar, city water, three o r Rsrage. WHAY—Record Rodeo WIIAY-Polka Party ford; Mra Margaret Minor, 94,. 1950 BUICK contracibrs. Free estimates. No a good Income. Write Box J8 , and frame attic. Cape Cod. house. j 35 M.M. GERMAN EXACTA ca m -1 Bam and other oat buildinga. 7 'ROOM o l d e r home, com­ day at 1:30 p.fa. in the classroom. WCCC-rRecord Review WTIC—National Radio Pan Qub High St.*, Dqborah Weidlg, RFD L certified Instrui-tor. For your safe- Herald. pletely. modernized, outbuildings, Four Door Sedan ty We are tralntd to teach proper- job too big or too small, Ml. Phone MI. 9-7375. era,^ speed to 1.000 seconds. Self i Twenty high acenlc acres com ­ There will be. a grand parSde and WKNB—Baeebkll MatinSe . WDRC-21at Preglncl Rockville: C. Vincent - Sheehah. brook, 4 acres, $15,800. prizes for, the best (tostumes. WTIC—Guy lx>mbardo WGTH-L.l*lenf. i ty. Ml. 9-8078. . - 8-4798 or RoekvlUa TR. 6-4744. SALESLADIES wanted, .full time I timer. 3.5 Carl Zeiss Teaaar lens, manding a beautiful view of Hart­ WDRC—Nawa • East Hartford; Mtos Mary Moriar- WANI^ED —Two boys afternoons ford. Approximately’40()’ frontage. 5 ROOMS, bath, double lot, va­ games and light ■ refreshments, ty, 131-. Park St.; Barbara New tires, excellent condition .or part time tor-Christmas selling. I with leather, case. Quick sale $100. cant. $4,900, $1000 down. WGTil—Bob and Ray MORTLUCK’S DRIVINQ School. STONE. BRICK work and'concrete for .slocking up groceries. Man­ Home may lie purchased with less Coatu.’n*; jHdxes will be Mr*. Leon Pan Club and. Stindra Stefsinsky, Goldiea- Apply, in person. Tot’s ’N Teens, Ml. 9-4203. Over too others, as low aa.$7sq 1:15- WDRr_2l.i Precinct , Loat confidence quickly restored .work. Call bn. 9-5451 days., Ml. chester Public Market. land, if desired. Price $22,000. Call | C. Heckler of the Board of BMuca- WHAY—Record Rodeo ! ter; Christine Johnson, 908 Hil­ . , ML 9^6338 • 1-5043. Valentino Belluccl. 956 Main St. down. V.A, and F.H.A. mortgages WCCC—Record Review WGTH*-Ll*len , / by a akllled, courteous Inatructor: WOODEN STORM window* and Agency, JA) 8-0354. tlon, Mrs. Eugene Rychllng. secre­ WKNB—Baeeball Uatinea t!* * - ' liard St.; Ervin Piccarello>' M Licahae mcluded. insured, ;dual scrfcena: 28"x5l ”, 27Ti’ ’x50 15-16", Llkw to MiR? WiHing to work .hard for $7,500 .available, tary to Dr. Worcester Ws.rreh, WHiOf-NIzhl Watch LOOKING FOR A GOOD WTIC—lOSO RadioI iLanail-an« WTIC—National Radio Pan Club 'Wells St. BEFORE YOU BUY a uaad car . continued standard and hydrama- Help Wanted—• 30 ”x35 I ts" 24 X59" 29 15-16’ ’x and. Mrs. James T. Laidlaw.'Spec­ WDRC—R»ror« 860 MASON — Fleldatone a specialty. yooriy? W/oiit to bocomo dsseciotod with a woN WGTH—Bob and WDRC-Jark Careon ADMITTED TODAY: Mra Baa German Motor Salta, Btilck Uo cars. Ml. 9-7398. POSITION? 51", 29 15-16 ”.\5l'’ , 29’!»"X MANCHESTER WELLES AGENCY j ial guesU will be Dr.' VVarren and WGTH—World of 8perU Sidaa and Servlot, 385 Main Ernest Toth. Ml. 94207. Male or Female 37 Main St., Coventry. PI. 2-6872 Site— . . Emily Northrop, Slmabury; 50 15-iq’/ 4 q /X 5 r ’., 28 ”X47 , 1-16". •stoblisliod lecd ceiieom? If you c o r oiiswtr Francis A. Perrottl. priAcipal. 1WHAY—Suburban Serenadt Ernest Tebeachi, New Britain; atraeL ML 9-4S7L Opan avenings. 28’’x47'’. Front d'oor 3l’ »"x 8 p ^ ", ATTRACTIVE BRICK TRIM ‘WCCC—Record Review '■ ^_ _ A Y—NightY - 1 Watch Garagep-^rvice—Storage IQ EXPERIENCED? j STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Ooen TOLLAND—One-haif mile off Wil- To Attend W’edding . WKNB—Baeeball MaUne* wnc—Nallooal Pan Club Mrs. Rebecca Ghmt, 108 Summit Roofing—Siding 16 Competitive Examination Notice: aide door 29’ *” x80%". MI. 9-72$8.i yoc to thoso guostloiis, roply to Box V, Monchois- WDRC-Blnc Croeby St. ■ . , - - 28U CHEVROLETT Style Una de ' -1 ; bur Croaa Highway, new two bed­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ' Lieb- WTIC—lUdU Radio Lane WGTH—Lleten i Aaeistant Highway . Engineer Custorf) built five room ranch, WDw!—Record Shop Ktae aadan. Radio, baater. Jet WAREHOUSE - space. 12' x 80.' We N icd: / tor Hordd. Ghfo full rtsumo. This is o gonuii^ room ranch. Large Hying room man Jr, and family-will attend the" •ise- BIRTHS YESTEWJAY; A black ftniafa. In cxceUent condi' FOR THE BEST in Bonded built ISoils.i. Closing date Nov. 25, 1955. high elevation,(fully inaulated, fire­ WG’TH—Bob and Ray WHAY—NIta WSIcb daughtSi:,. to Mr. and Mra. Joseph Main St., Center, ccilsr. Separate: TRANSCRIPTION TYPIST with fireplace, plastered walla, wedding of her sl*ter. Miss j'gll- *s4' tion. 1949 Oldamobile " 88" sedan, Up roofa, ehingle roofe. gutters, No. 2473X. (Reannounred - with ^portuRity. , ^ ' I place, ceramid tile bath, formica V YIQ —NaUonal Radio Ik n Club entrance anq i‘ear loading area. | INVOICE CONTROL CLERK hot water oil heat) cement base­ ette M‘, Caberrieau'to Louis Css- WHAY—Suburban Serenade WDRO—Amoa n’ Andy Lentocha, 16 ■Vlliage” St., Rock­ radio, beater. In very good condi­ Reasonable. Ml. 8-8112.1 ) conductors and roof repairs call residence waived) . $S160-$7080. counters, full 'cellar. Hot water ment with garage, amesite driye. slstre in Astoria, L. I., N.Y., to- WCCC—R ecord ' Review WGTH—Lleten ville; a daughter to Mr. and Mra. Coughlin. MI. >-7707. U no answer engineering a i d e SEPTIC TANKS ALL REPUEvS HEU) IN STRICTEST pONFIDENCE. baseboard heSt, $17,950. Middle WKNB—Today In Sport* tion. bouglaa Motor*. 833 Main Su Physical Therapist. Closing , date Excellent comer lot 143’ x 200*. roorrov/. Their two /sons; Andre WTIU—KAU Kadl'i Can* 9:44- Harold Loughrey, IS Ctolumbuz St. caU Ml. 9-4431. Nov. 25. 1955. No. 3497. $S120-$4560. Heights sectioti, next t o ' Bowers WHAY—Nlta Watch Attractive' salary, ekcellent con­ Dry Welle—bewer Lines Immediate - occupancy. $14,200. and Ro,fer will be usher* during W im c—Record Shop WTtC—National Radio pSa Club BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter ViO BUICK-super, four door, two Motorcycles— Bicyeljra 11 Connecticut residence' waived (or SchboJ. Turn north on Earl off George J. (Doirman Broker. Rock­ WGTH—Wlemer- RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and ditions many employe benefit'*, Installed the ceremony. Helen Jordan and *:■■- WDRC—Anioa 'n Andy ! to_Mr. and'Mrs. Richard SulUvan. . tboe. 8475, 1949 Chevrolet, two above two examinations. Highway SEW ER and LINES Eaat Middle Tpke.. left to Hillside, ville TR. 5-4045. Tk. 5-4710. WGTlTH—Lleten BICYCLE. REPAIRINU all typea, built up roofs/gu tter, ami con­ five day week, 8-4 •.'50. ’ Carol WUtmann will alao attend WHAY—News U iw - RFD 3, Coventry; a son to Mr. and dooTi 1190. Both for 8590. 18 Jo^dt all Engineer-in-training, grade U, ROTORY CLEANED to 56 Buckingham St. Owner- the aervicea. 1 , WCCC—Good Kvenlns Coed Huele English a specialty. Now^oj^n 8 ductor work, roof, chimney re­ 1. Builder, Ralph E. Cowell. MI. WHAT—Nlsbt Watch Mrs, John Chappells) Coventry. Closing date Nov. 17, 1955. No. AMESITE DRIVES Volunteer Workera WKNB—Today In Sporla wnc—Cavalcade of Speirts DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: a.m. to 9 - p.m. Manebester pairs. Ray Hagenow, MI 9-2214. 9-6013. , W'anted— Real Estate 77 WTIC—New* . WDRC—Rm anc* -Meoc* A pply 2496, $2940-$3900. One year’s resi­ WEATHER .SEALED *- 8353 WDRC—New* ) Mrs.- Eleanor Wighthtan and' CHinfitbLIfF—liM sedan. 39,0(|0 Cycle Shop, 166 West Middle Turn­ Ray Jackson, Ml 3-S325. ; Employment Office Volunteer workera aaafating WGTH-E. P”. Morsan origiaal miles. Excellent hondi- dence t^uired Immediately prior CELLARS WGTH—New* ' U :I 4 - . daughter, 115 Walker S t ; Ray­ pike. Ml. 9-X98. Now Open. Daily 8.5 • to filinjg applications for. above ARB YOU CON8IDERINO ) with preparing and aerving the hot tiOB, I4S0. Direct from owner. Ml. ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. WATERPROOFED Give your wardrobe a lift .with $9600—Si x -r o o m h (^m e , oii hot * : 1 S - . , WHAY—N lfbt Watch,., , mond Ather, .161 Cooper HIU 8L; , Saturday 8-12 ■ examination. Apply Office of the SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? lunchea at Tbe North Diatrlct WHAY—Sporu Spotlishl WTlC^avalcade of Sports Alteratlona and additions. Ceil­ this pM tty blouse and skirt coni-- water heat, garage, 2-3 acre, We will eppraise your property School next week wlT! include Mra. WCCC—Good Evtnms Good Uuelo WDRC—Romance Ifooda Mrs. Cfiotilda Balchunu, 68 Stark­ ing*. Workmanahlp guaranteed. tqte Personnel Director, Room i TEL Ml 9^143 WKNB—Serenade Business Services Offered 13 binaUon that goes' together easily A lovely laee set-that Is fasci­ near bus. Carlton. W. Hutchins. tree and wtthqut any obligation. \Yilllam BeUkwicz, Mra. John A. WGTH—Nlzht Mueic weather St.'; Donna Lee Brown, 8 3S 1947, two-door sedan. A. A. Dion Inc., 399 Autumn 405, State Office BuUdlnig, .Hart­ end quickly, for beginner or ex­ WTtC—Btrlcily 8 porta . iSise-- itO W N It COI(NTRY nating to crochet! Use these hand­ MI 9-5132, Ml 9-4694. . / ^ We aieo buy property for cash. Hillman, M m . R, J. Robertaon. WDRC—J Zalman “ W H A Y-N li* Watch Rogers Pl.‘, June Cloutier, . 399 Original paint, like new through­ 4LL TYPES OF TV SERVICE Street. Ml. 8-4880. THE WHITNEY CHAIN ford or any Connecticut State Em­ pert. * I Parker St.; Dale Bjrcbolskl. 20 r • i ployment Service: Office. Glendbn some covers to. adorn the table­ Selling or bujmg eontact Mrs. Russell D. Potter and Mrs. WGTH-Si>ort Ufhl . WTIC—McOea and Molllt' out. Fully oqulpped. 407 Summit I- ' '• \ ' DRAINAGE CO. Pattern IkNo. 8(323 1* in si?es 9. MANCHESTER — Foilr bedroom Richard Storra. S:3el- t WDRC-Ueoda for Romanes Oakwood, St,; Gw>*U Thomaa , .) S t , Would you like to w^rk. near home and forget the bus ANNF> CABOT, THE MANCHES­ fam ily homes. Call The EllswOrih WANTED T o BUY in Manchester, ^ G T H -M e e tlth e Arttet f Call J. A A. Electric. MI. 9-9875 ing roefa of au kinda. Alao neW PLUfifiED SEWERS YORK ' 86. N. Y. ' TER EVENING HERALD, 1150 Mitten Agency; Realtor. 'MI. football coach. Rip Ek)gle»hu yet 104BVOIU) club coupe. Call TR. b cf^ c 8 a.,m. and-after 4 p:m. ofa.. Gutter work. Chimneys ride? ■ East Hartford or Hartforcl. Single I'wUAY—JSncorl Theater . The British call railroad tracks With your pattern order include AVE. AMERICAS, n e w 'YOBK 8-6930 or Mr. Higgins, MI. i3-$609. home, two or'three family. Man­ to finish under' the .500 'nW k. WHAY—Night Symphony Seanfd, rapaited, 36^ years' ex- ' Local manufacturing concern' haa a good job for you an addiUonal 25 cen'U lo r your I .^C C C —Good Bvenln* Good Muale niltala, a freight car a goods. MANCHESTER . T. V. Serylce, rree esUmatea. CaU aAGHINE CLEANED chester P.0,, Box 728, Manches­ )' WKNB—Kvienliis Serenad* WTIC—Sport *hnal . penenc*. on c«^t-aiialysia. *AppIy copy of out fascinating new- fall Now avalfablS-^he,1955 NeedlS-' 63(( L1TDALL ST, —pider six room DONY FOOL ARO^’ND ,l WTtC—AnawerlMan WMC—Cal Kon»y .waggon, an auto hood a bonhet. a WANT TO BUY A CARiand bad radio and T.V. apectalista since Howley. Manchaater Ml. S-0381. ter, Oonn. WrtTH—Bob and RajI Septic Taalu, DrylVeUa, Sewer A winter '66 pattern ,b'ook, work (printed 'in attractive house. Attached garage, 3>,-ii acres ; WDRO-Tenn; fcnu* muffler a lilencer. a better an ac* jroBr osadK t n ^ down? Don’t 1984. Charter members of Telaa. WGTH—ruiton’|Lawla Jr, U:S*L ^ op, lea "Ancat" OouglM. Ml. 9-8680 or $0. 8-4607, CHIMNEYS > cleaned; recapped, Llnee Inetalled — Cellar Water­ Thi* latest edition of Basic Fash­ colors. It cpntislna 56 pages of lo.v^- of land,,oil hot water Leal Rusco IF lUSADY to buy eeii, exchange sen Joee.'^CeUf. (NEA)-^Mel WHAY—Symphony In lha Ntgbt eumutotor, a pancakf turner aq Soong, San' Jqm ' State halfback, w n c —BtarllKht Serenad'' ■gg-sooop, a can openar a ttov SIS M iln. Not a linanca company pointed and repaired. Call MlL proofing Done. ion contains e, wealth of sew- ly designs -—Iplua 3 gift patterns, cqmbilhation windows, . amealts real estate, mortgages arranged. WDRC—Cal Kolby FORMrniRB Rspalg Servlet: 9-2468. SPENCER RIUIBER PR0DUC1D GQ. ~ simple, up-torthc-'minute etylee, (Urectiobs prlnt'sd In . book. Only drive.’Priced ”at only $14,700. A. R, Consult Howard X Haattoga, holds a second degrba b ^ k belt TfileTlfllini P rogn iu S r,-an egg beater an egg* CHAPEL 81 ' — MANCHESTER WGTH—Dane# Mutld O onpuu rtpalrliig,' iwaniahinf, MekiNNEY IRQS. ■pedel features, color and atyl*. 85cacopyil' , Wilkie and Ckimpany. MI. 8-4388, Agancy. i O , 9-U07. rank to judo. - O b Pfigfi Two and a mUl Mambe^ o{ the Manchester Jfle> present- ' ■ •' ' ■- « .. ; r y ' I ■ Sofurdoyg Och 29. gistatad Muraes Assn., are asked STAMPS 11,893 toalfht, eoNio rabr toward mom- to make thWr tlcliet returns for Among the divorces granted in ing. Sunday cloudy aitd cool wlrii tha fashion Show to Mra PrtartUa Superior Court, HsrtMrd, this McnilMr of the Audit rain. Broam. 88 Cooper HIH St. W ore V . Boreau of Ctrculatioa Hot. 1. U this U not possible, t W week was one to Louise C. from M ancheUer^A City o f Village Charm •re asked to turn them in to Iwr Felix R. Barrs, both of thU town, at tha meeting oh that date; on the grounds of Intolerable cruelty. (O nasU led^ivort^g e« Paga U ) —i.' ... .— ■ ■' VOL..LXXV, NO. 25^ (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY^ OCTOBER 89, 1955 PRICE FIVE CENTS Salim r . imth«-s’ Weekend” at Wilbre- >tholics to Hold it' jiaA.. Academy, as fuest of litaien, Scott Mitchell, who is n ■/. Clocks Move /acadaaay timior* Mitchell plays Special Services ^ u ^ ly footWl, sings in the GlM Club laiid Chspel Choir, is on the The Rev, John F, HartnOn. rCctor B-A-C-KOne year, book etaft and a member of of St. James' Churthi announces By Electric our m tha Dranutic Club. the following events for tomorrow Hour, Tanight “\lbe DbrcSs Society of Emanuel and Sunday, slsp for Tuesday and. FirmfUnion Liitheren Church, at its monthly New York, Oct. 2» PP>—Forty n a a ^ Wednesday, Xor. 2. at 8 Wednesday, Nov.’ 1 and 2, ^ Saturday. Oct. 29, confessions million persona in nine east p-StlTlJUther Hall, will entertain coast states and.aic»u* Midwest the ‘X i ^ of Lebanon.” tha yo«ng will/ be beard from 3:30 to 5:30 Pittsburgh, Oct. 29 (iPI ■ Westinghouse Electric Corp. municipalities galn„6ne hour of yrommi’s organisation of the Bris­ and from 7:30 to 9 p m., in Eng- /! alpsp tomorrdw as daylight sav­ tol LUtherta Church. Mrs. Paul Hsn. Frenchi Italian, Lithusntan, and the federation of West­ ing time gives way (o standard Andeiaon. ftxRldge St., will 'show inghouse Independent Bala- time. her recent BCtmuda, pictures. A Polish arid ^ s ia n languages. ' X > - fOclai hour mvrttliUAW. refreshments»A#a>AaKmAnta will ' ri^ Unions today signed a The clocks move back in Con­ Sunday, Oci^ 30, The Feast of necticut, Massachusetts,Maine, follow the program. Mrs. Herbert Christ the Klfig. The Forty five-year “ packftge” contract, Bengston u chairpian, of the New Harripshire.yVermont, New Hours DevoUon. honoring the Holy retroactive to 0|ct. 15. Jciaey, New York. Rhodq Island hostess committee. . Eucharist, will o | »n at 11 a.m. y . The pact provides annual Wage i and Delaware. Also returning to East, West with'a Solemn HiglyMass and Pro­ increases totaling 16 per cent and standard time are some cities in Manchester Soroptimista will cession of the Blessed Sacrament a score of fringe benefits. The open their food sale tomOirow' at Illinois, Ohio an(l Pennsylvania, Sunday Masaes are atSp. 7, 8, 8, 10 salaried . union represents shout including nilladetphia and »,A m . in Hale's store with the 14,000 "white collar” employe;. and means committee,' in fmd li. . \ Chicago. Push Plans wajm and Tuesday, The Feast \ of All It ia the first of four unions, to Three etatei, ...the District of chwge. While patrons may buy SatnU.' Maasei will b^said at sign a contract with Westing- whatavar thev wish, a feature of Columbia and 800 cities across 6:30. 8:30, S:30. 0:30 a.m.Xand at house, the nation which had heen on rths sals wUl be the opporunity^to Two other unioria—the CIO In' At Geneva ■aiainble a Saturday night sup­ 7:30 p.m. • '77'4 closing of the For- daylight saving time, moved ':y Hours Bevotlon will foUoV Im temational Union of Electrical their clocks back on thh laat per with choice of baked beans, Woricers arid the United Electrical meat Msf. aalads. raspberry- llstely after the 9:80 Ms Sunday of September. Geneva, Oct. 29 (/p>—The Ifedneaday. Nov. 2. All S^j* J. Workers (independent) , are ' on orange and ether. relishes, home- strike kgalnst the firm. The — II ■ i.iii ...... kii.i'iiii Big Four foreign minhitera baked cake aquares and brownies. Day. xMassea wlll.be said at 5:8^ met today for the third .time a, «:20,-X 7:30 and 8 a.m. The other — the AFL International Brotherhood of Electrical Work­ to try to bring nesrer to­ The marriage of Miss Barbara J o'utocb Miaa will be a Solemn M ers—rejected a company wiage gether their apparently Ir­ McCann. 21 Doepwodd. l>r„ and of Requiem. contract but has taken no strike Pvt. Paul R. Gagmm, 148 S. Main action. reconcilable views on hoar to a t, win take place tpnwrroW The settlement between the reunite Germany and. i^iirva gnomlng at 10 o'clock in the Euro^an Team salaried union and Weatirighoave Movements European pqace. ChUKh of the Assumption. \ iWtugnI'i* PreatdenbGravelro Lopes fright>,■ Provides Quick Pay Hike charges today of new troop stein has been added to the mem- powers prsM tad each other y«S-> yrho are in this country to make 'Girls’ coal^4Rted, loose or boxy ''backs of The agreement provides im- terday rtvai programs for golutlpa dashing cashtnbre and wools. A good selection mediato-Mlary ihcrease./Rmployei Violations of (he t»pse 'in ' rrileiisl^ study of industrial s T b c is ib n Auja demilitarized border er'IMlKhiie.'e proUenu. Dtjdoin^a' iMicfinrfiWVsnllon. ------of .8tyle8__imdXSolqrs,._^fe*turlng X i Z : earning above 871.20 a weak or Chapter, ’ Mrs. Meyer Tober is the hem” for longer wearing, 'qaoa.OO- a- month~wfll TwrtVB' tnr zone,— which -UvNy trtice - of­ tluMtwa pUawykrem cbalmMn for the Manchester Disr TTia participants, who have al­ as far apart as they ever ready received special Intensive ^ - '■ X,, ■ ■ ' •' cricasesr ranging up to $4.80 a w-eek ficials strove to neutralize a been.- trtet, . or K0.80 a month. orlentatW And pre-training in the - ' T ' - S l Sizes 7 tp^ 14 month ago. Today, the forelpi nUitlsteni will V - - fundaiuuitals of SMldent control, Seen In iqdltion, all salaried employee An.Israeli Army spokesman - Mlaa Julia Omo. physical educa. also witL^ceive a three per cent tee what they can do to find at are Xvisltlng 20 production X. also charged the Bgyptiuis opened least some common ground be- - tkm tsaehdr at Manchester High saryfee operations during their London, Oct. 29 ,i per cent near the NIrim settlement east of "Mra Pumpkin Head” introduces her husband, Ssho seems too loaded down wUhx.cider: to aay ir arguments now ita, the; group is meeting with Convoy .JacKels their romance. The Princess, pale and^seribua, slipped quietM'' the Gasa strip. "Hello”' They are part of a Halloween display on the lawn of the Elmer White home in .Peveland, Club In Newington. ^ out of London laat night after ar iffecti've In each oKthe next two be dipeetiBa>not go much at chang­ .Officials of the United States | Juit the thing to keep you warm hi cold and stoi-my The 5-year increases will '. Israeli officials ■ here said two Ohlo. \ Each year since 1968 the Whites havS, delighted youngsters and adulta with the coldrful dis­ ing each oUier’s minds, but toward Labor Department arid safety en- 90-mInute talk with her aiater, a ^ companies of Egyptian troops, Tite PVimdahip Circle of weather. Poplin jackets\with detachable hood. Insulated Queen Elizabeth II, at Bucking-! A r S C n t l l l c l U e i a V S 16 per cent or a'total mini­ play. ^A spotlight turns in* lawn into a Cbriatmaa-like scene at night. Mrs. White, who got. the rallylM^^pMlo-support, particular- ' glneere. , . , i quilted lining of acetate Myon shd cotton batting. Hand arid X mum '«( $7.40 a week, orv$40.70 a totaling about 300 men, penetrated idea "out of my own Jittla'head," says the trick-or-treat crowd likes the display so they skip her housety in^M m aiiy. Salvation Army is plannii^ to At the' Rogerw Oprp. plant in *1898 *22)98 ham,haiw Psltcs. ^ V , • ^ .a a * IsraeU territory along the El have a harvest supper .kF the Rogers, the group will be wel­ washable. Sizes small, medium/large. Colors: Turquoise ^ S^cialjpollce detschn{e.nbs month. when out for devlllMi pranks. . \ • West llaiM Strategy / Citadel on Thuraday, Ji< ryp i, serv­ The ns't^ontract also proyidea, AuJa-NiZana border, about 46 mllcf comed by Saul SHverstein, presi­ and geranium. x "V^\ < \ turned all traffic lights to red to Big Union Walkout south of Gaza, yesterday. The Is­ throe weetem ifiinlatars eo n -/ ing times to be f^ W x ^ noon tq- GIRLS’ DEFT.—SECOND FLOOR hold up trailing reporters si Msr- effecU'. J, .an increasecresae^nf MaomiUaa's villa' 1:80 p.m. and from VtO/7 p.m. The dent, and .tour the factory. It will [ the present group life tn;;vranc'iln;;vranM raelis said they set up an outpost later meet with Milton Yeoman, i ‘gsret’s suId sped out of. the palsce Buenos Aires, Argentina, -Jn the zone in retaliation for the map atrategy. Iwt i menu will consist of/cbickeri on coverage from epproxiinainately '' $5.-" Maroeea Asks lomats nane^telieve personnel director, and hear, a | and headed south; ' y Oict. 29 (P i — Argentina's pro- 'alleged Egyptian incursion. , biscuit, pea^^ craitberry sauce, Townsend left London about the 700 to $7,500. A ^ e n tt. MckneSs Ike TiF'See B em b are so g r e a V '^ y doubt '4(tiiit Jello •ira tea or coffee. presentation Of safety methods by : viisional government has head­ and^ hospitalisation H^nefits /.Charge Promises Broken X various members of ths corpora­ same . time. The -lO.year^ld di­ ed off—at least for the present Israeli Foreign Ministry is- negotiations can 'ba under(akan in \ '’-"/• tion. A dlBcusstori period will fol­ vorced war herb also managed to are increased. Sp!f^ y.fteturn ths nhnt tiitmn. Mn^^Tbssph J/Childe,.26 Green aqub 'Mmke bff^ptitinfnr iwwsmen and —a threktened strike by .the lA- 2 vfiwun fffT|n^^rPi *ri* two low. \ V- ' ■ ~ ■ You*ve Been Waiting . bor uriions that formed a main Egj^UaSvcompiriBi reinforced Bach lido now ti nteSHtf ts ;laft from Aradley Field via Rogers Is one pf two plants in ,x . v is a e d into the cqotitryllde. argue that Its own n u h f Mu Air Lines last night for ■niere was no official announce­ part of fallen Dictator'Juan D. (Coninued on Page Beves two other^Aorptlan units that al­ (HBen%oussel ___she 'wlU visit her CopnecticutXthat the group will Perori’s strength. The new ready had m up strongpointa in rope and Oermanyiafmrda thk hMt visit, I The other is the American j ment of the whereabouts of either hoge for assuring peace. jhter-in-lsw, Mr. and W ool Sla(^s For These! of the principals in the widely fol­ government suspended ail offi­ the zone. 'Iliejraaid the moves were Hardware Co. ip New Britain. Tricot Print ersey Dresses • ' \ ade ‘in dlsrej^d of the armis­ Rabat, French Mcocco, OcL |9 ilnd the pr Ida fight — Mrs. Ji »h Childs JT., of Long In plaids and plain colors. Sizes lowed and hotly debated romance. cials of the unions and ordered Denver, Oct. 29 (/P)— Presi-Awake of the existence o f ' ch netther side Bssch .(CliildU Jr., it connected the election of new officials tice agreement ahd or promises (iP)—.Prfcsaure for » .quick tsturn LIMITED QUANTITY But by late evening heavy police Republic f und Rantaent Pl«AriViftwariLisen newer, m pa8«ea bsaH «n- an- ky th# WhlU c a «o9a»—that ^ t xmembara soma tried of ofltciaHv admits appwsr to be with American.AvlsUon -.patrols surroundqd Uckfleld Houfe, within 120 days. madeby Egypt’ to )^ a d ia n MaJ. of pro-NriUonMlst exiled firmer hie fellow jeeb In the research Gen. E. L. M. Bums, Itlilef of the other important recovery i v f i m Kba. afrieulId 'W w 'iBordsr to \. LESS t h a n portant antiUommunist. works | the 1966 prealdential and congrae- was said to have left there soon the workers "to continue Before . the group of French declared last night: relax woiM tensions, p et ths FASHIONED nave been, omitted. "J am going to see it through siohal compaigna. HANDBAGS pound H a l f p r i c e gfterwsrd in the direction of Uck­ peacefully In your jobs with David Freeman, the Fund’t sec-1 Egypt Arms^ tenlsU gave up their opposition Only; yesterday, the regional fleld. the assurance' your interests/ retary-treasurer, said yesterday 1 to ^ p 'c x ^ lta n , an Important just as long as the President board of directors of the newly or­ (Oealinie^ea Puge Buckirigham Palace announced will be protect^,^’ , the} group is making a ' study ' Berber/^leftlOnglaq did an about wants me to rehtaUi In his cabi­ In faille or plastic calf. Man.v with zipper compart­ that Margaret would pass up the net.” ganised National Fanners O - 66" to 70" wida, I % ydi. to I % ydi. long. Where the revision would be in U.S.^ Auproves face. X. .ganiaatlqn asked (hat a price floor ments. In wide assortment of styles. annual royal film show in London He is Thhm) el Glaoul, powerful . So the scheduled Eisenhower- NYLONS cess “is believed to brive reached the [form of a supplement or a new be established at 90 per cent of \ Monday nl|^t—the first one she e^tion of the 474-page, volume pasha of Mafr^ech who had -op­ Benson confeience' at Fitzsimons has mifsed in "nlrie. years. The an- a decision on her fuUhre" and , Tokyo, Ort. 29 o cMjr rsported - early Saturday A. M. for best selection of ciolors and sisters” left Buckingham Palace” two royal sl.Vters and left inv- $87,000. see Japan, than Csechoslovakla News Tidbits x.^^ Defended in Past Parity Is an economic formula power (ailures at Mtit a.m. la-<* Saturday Only sizes. y ' after what may prove to be art mediately fo r'a weekend at the Freeman said one of the authors sell • arms to Egypt,” said the ^>In the, . past Eisenhower has for giving formers a fair price for day. Bridgeport and St, Via-' Closeout! . • W'’s-' historic meeting." of the bibliography, Dr. Clinton spokesman for the Federation of Coiled from AP Wires .wsrlnly defended Bensofi, who rcat*s HospItaU beOi begaa oalag The newspaper said the Prin- (Continued on Pkge Thirteen) i Roasiter, profe'Ssqr of government Economic Organizations,. (FEO), comes^o Denyer today in thi (Continued on Page Tblrteea) cmergeacy geaeratora - whea For ctib blankets, throws, bathrobes, coats and at Cornell Univefalty, agreed that composed of all major Japanese lerrupted: No ezplaaaUoa Betoife REGULAR $1.98 NYLON STRETCH smaller size regular blankets ,or put two together^. / ] manufacturers. , Wcat German Foreign Minister * ■ > "certain revisions” Svere needed. avallahlei from .Usited lllnmlaat-- for a larger blanket. j Freeman said that Rossttec "col­ Dead Copy’ of I'.S. Anns Hetnrich Von Bretano plan* to go lag Co. laborated originally with pr. /'But we must clear first with to OeBA\'ja to confer with Big Three Hand Crocheted W ife Clear in Killing, Arthur . E. Sutherland of. the Washington." he added, "because Weatern Foreign mtfiisters. . , , FOG SNARIA STATE ROADS Nile green, hunter green, red, baby blue, pink, yel­ School of Law, our.,, whole ami* industry is Government, agency says, investi­ Knotvland to Backylke Hartford, Oct 29 —A 6mm low and aqua. Also, novelty patterns. ip the preparation of- the hibli gesced.to - -U.S. - military apeciflca gating Senators should Have-half lag sauggM over the CiWaeriH- ography," , tlons and supported by /American the material they *want- to make'^ cut valley this momlag, vtrtoally The most bitter criticism of \he r f- X ’ *-'*• Now Faces Sanity Test proctiremenL Evetsythlng we make public from Morgenthan Diaries by At N6t G^rseas bliiidiBg rootoriets and alowlag CO. r,’ ■ -T ^ project came from’’ Prof. PhHip hqw ia.h,,desd copy of U.8. weap­ Tuesday night. tralRe to a crawL The Travelaca Taft. Labor economist of Brown ons and we must have permission Frank Kilroy and Wayne Roblq- Weather 8ervk« gold the tog ex- By KARL.R. BAI'M.AN ' University and an 'authority bn to export them. There is no Inten­ son of the Philadelphia Football Washington, Oct. 29''(P)—Ben. »-a plsn would likely to Lonemh tM d^'all along the valley of tha* .pair Simulated Leather Covered . Washingtjon. Oct, 29 ijPi —Kath­ conimunism in labor union*. tion now of producing.new. models. El^Ut file suit ftfr 8250,000 each Knowland (R-Callf) ajkparcntly ln\ peoples in the-satellite countries Cdnaactlcut RH-er and lata Ver- erine Ann Haynes, petite killer of You descire a' vote' of tharilfa !, The Fe o ^pokesmsn said Japan against'publishers of Ltfe'Msgc- tends to support the Ensenhower Ho "prolonged slavery behind th* ihoirt. Tt. lertiier the leg “ abool^ her huslfmna’s 19-year-old mis­ la seeking, new . arms .markets in zlne. ... . State.youths in 10-17 age administretion on domestic issueir; Cbmmunlst Iron Curtain,” - ' aa bad aa they get.” TQILETRiES Etc. tress. faces'I one ffrial ' barrier to (Continued an Page Thirteen) Boutheasl Asia tnd elsewhere to group who have passed high school while continuing t—Aa Under the verdict, returned primaries Would be in Minnesota -----,— to Impropriety by maintaining prt* i ing a security guarantee, in ex­ any guarantee of Russian security ezplosion early today destroyod $1.00 Noxzema Cream Special...... 6 9 c more than 27 hours sf^er the Jury and California It added that five United Nations. N.Y., Oct. 29 vate business connection while. change for the unification of Ger­ in Europe. ' 625,000 worth of prtattag fsasasa each gotthe case, Mrs. Hayries'waa im- or more othei}'primaries will be i (;p,._Twice rebuffed in attempt* to -ferving as public buildings /com-1 many. Knbwland'a Implied criticism of and equlpmeai boloaglacr to MD -^m ported Rayon Challie . Buff ariti. T a b le ts -...... j . . . . , u/ SL3c-79.Cr $.1.23- ■ -medietely-cbmmittod-to-St.- Eliza*, -selected on -a-ireglonal basis.- out^ stage a-U,N-.-srmrdebate"whtie-the - misskmeri-; American - - Upiver* ...... Soemia OOP Baeo- ...... a proposal thal,,^vloual}rJiad th&L_ainl.JU(c> beths Hos{)ital. Her release from of the total of '19 such contests to - Big Fqur discuss the question at slty's trustee decides today W.heth- { Knowland, mentioned ss^ possi­ support of Secretary of State} newspaper. A flat bad pteeei^* 7Sc Bayeri Aspirin Tablets ...... 6 2 c this government mental institution- be held- - • ! Geneva,' Russia Is expected to try *r to drop Prof* Herbert Tnich* ble candidate for ths GQP prert- Dulles Was in sharp contrast with a typeaetUag a*achlsio ware de­ could. Come at s court hearing "Further plsn* may be given/again next w-eek when she takes from School's law faculty. deatial - nomiiisti'on in 19^ if Ei­ his praise of Benson. ' stroyed, several- other ptocee M One A Day Multi Vitamin Tablets.. . . $1.96 scheduled for Monday. i , , KATH.ARINE H.4VN'r,.S when Mr. iStevenson makes known i over chairmanship of the Disarma-1 Detectives discard one pid blue senhower doesn't run, seemed to Democrats Attacking Benson equipment badly damaged, pias­ SCARFS Mrs., Haynes shot and killed formally his candldac.v. in .CJhlcago | mentOiramlsaion. ' j' car as clue and rwnb over another hr aiming to qualify' aa a staunch The Agriculture Secretary has ter was knocked : dowra sad papers seat flying by tho heavy Large Listerine . . .,.7.,...... 7 9 c Nancy Pen ton in the gkrl’t n

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