■>, -.K' I - ■ '• ■ ■■ ■ - ' :.v,v S m ;*V -,T- '■* . ■■-I'* /:■ ^ r ■ I ’ SM: ■V>-- ' 'ei * .'a . • , Average Ddily Net Preaa Run . The Wrather FACE TWENTY-FOUB '■ ■' rauESDAY, O^BER'*27, ■' .rer.Rw'-Week Eaded F oraeirt e f V . B. Weather Rare— OeL 22, 1965 Fair, cdol tqnlgtrt. ham m te rn t 40, near- 35 to rural areas. Tomor­ Attention ha^'heen called to the . Membera of Mlaa Bemiea Jiiul ahd Mra. 11,893 row fair,'windy, warm' Showen fact that alrla elatlalna to be Girl of the Church .Bolduc of tha Wtldon Baauty Stu­ ...Memher e« tha A iM t : likely tomorrow night. High abeot P . About ibw n Scouta have been aelHiw articlea meet a t 7:30 U dio will taka an active p%rt In Vof RoMaa ef OfcatottMi I they have made from dMc.lto-door Holmea Fimafal Home, tOO ^Main "Kolege of Beauty Knowledge/- At M aneh«d^r— A City o f i^Ulago 0utrm Hartford Cfuqttar SPEBSQSA, in the South’ Main St, aecilon of St., tO'pay'reapecta to Wlliianrt H. the 'Hotel Btatlef, Hartford, Sun­ ■ : '■ ■ . ■ 'I Barberahqp Singera, will atage Ita town. During, the time pf the Girl Da via day and Monday, Oct. 30 and 31. 10th annual concert of barberabop Scout drive no Girl Scoiita are en^ X TOL. LXXV. NO. 14 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCRI OM)n 4 FRIDAY, OCTOsik<28. 1955 (CtaaaUlee A«vaettotog aa Page U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS numbera on. Saturday, Nov, 19. at gaged In auch. money-niaking ac* laa Ma>y-i:. Felice, M Nor- - ...............h------------------------- ------- - ^ • ^ 7 V Burtinell .Memorial. The benefici­ tivltiea for their troope, according maiNlt. and Richard T. Louria of ^M4(M«ntoranaRRMraW ary will be the Hartfortk Aaaocia- to the Girl Scout q^Rve- ^iryvllle. wtll be united In mar­ ^ V - ---- - tion for the Help of -Retarded riage S atb e ^ y at 10 a.m. in 8t> Ghlidren. • • The Rev. John R. figabtH, pu- Jamea ■Churchl with reception at D O N 'T tor of the Community foptiet 1 p.m. at tha>dtaUan American SfUl pleaty of wear left to OPEN THURSDAYS and m aa Marilyn T. Bowera, 19, Chirfeh. attended the aeventh an­ Club. • elkiee when brought here for FRIDAYS TILL 8:30 P.M, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Evelyn nual United ,Natlona and Foreign expbrt repairing. Bowera, I t Main St., la compietlna 'ollcy Seminary in New York City ActivlUea wiR he canceled at . ' WORK DONE WHILB her Air PorOe^bulc military tralnyry«»terday and today, f Sponaored the Nazarene Youtlk^nter the BDMET PRIOED MATERNITY DRESSES ina .courte a t lAckland Air Popee TOO WAIT by tl;e Gouncll on Chriatlan Social remainder of the week-becauee of X Baae, Sari Antonio, Tex, Progreea of the American Baptiat the death a t. William R, Davla, conventioh, the 2-day semliMr en­ which occurred yeeterday. A'iorm- SAM YULYES The, Mlaalonary :piret»^f the abled deiegktea to tour the U.N., 'er atudent at the Naurene^Coilege SHO| ^ P A I R I N G Imanuel Lutheran \C hurch Will visit a memberof the Ruaalan dele­ and a member of''the local. Nav, OF BETTER RIND . S^&vN OUTLET wet tomorrow nlghtm 8 o'clock gation to the U.Nxand hear apeak- xarenc Church,, he waa greatly in- 505 E. MIDDLE tPKE. AT THE GREEN \ fo\ practical work, ^ which ttrne .J8’ Mhple 'St-,-i-Acroaa From era from both the V.N. aderctariat tereated In th« youth building from « a t l ^ l Parfctog Lot UtAfalth offerina boxea will be col' and the Britiah' Miaelon to ' the the firat and aaaiated' in Ita con- OPEN DAILY d a : M. to 9 P. M. ecuri lectad, U.N. atruction. ■' . 2 srael i. / \” In/M ideast / / V t By J O I # ^ . HIGHTO;«?ER ./ Jerusalem, Oct. 28 (fP)—An ^raeli ~ military informant / Geneva, OcL 28 ’<4*) ^ - and^ the’• Wratmf- powgrs' V. '^■aid 10 Egyptian soldiers clashied in the BiY^our forei; inisters meeting ' y with \ \ X were slain and 20 captured Hval /ind appapnitl^irreconclk^Ie plgns for uropean - Cnenv white Itflottrar, la rf • firm h t ^ , early today by an Israeli force security. '>-4. , , only. 33c each ' i^t th« ,top of th« value which stormed and captured The United States, - and Ji'Yance- got in Uet thla week. <> an Egyptian frontier post. senting_to Soviet Foreigiv Minister VNH- Moloto’^ \ fiecker'B wonderful orunchy criap Paacal Israel said'the raid was, in re­ point “Treaty of Assurance on the Reunifiratioii of Celery . ..1|:. double bgnch at 2Sc la a V United Nation^ taliation for an earlier Egyp- It would become fully effective only if Ela^and West food buy, too. Tomatoea, dvl^ a pKf. will many were united and the new Germany beeb ^ a be featured a t 19c a box. ^ . .^ H e ia y Ctobdt Lodg^Jr., (leftl talka with Oen.'Carlo#.P./Romi- tiSn assault on an Israeli po­ ulo, Otttlrman of tha^hllipplne Delegation to the UN. befojre the lice post. / ’ of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO)> Come to Plneliunt for the very fineat Idaho. ^If Sem ani Meat Dept. atari rtlh e Oaaeral Awembly meeting in New York. The neealM, Egyptian apokeiman In Cairo Molotov responded with a 15-point proposal for lisEu: Bakinf Potatoea, wonderfully n ^ h Beekei^a w hl^ waa devolM to balloting for the contested vacant seat on the said four Egyptians and four la-- security treaty, delaying German unij^tion indefP ‘ Native Spinach, better quality Green Beane Security ComiW, ended In another stalemate fon the Phittppines raeliawere killed to today's attack, Under the Soviet program the»-'' ..... i < and tfatlve Broccoli. White and Yellow Tur* and YugMlavia, leading qonteadara In the voting. (NBA Tele- which took place at Kuntlla, about North Atlantic AUia-nce 14’ould be'l . \ nipa are now in. alonf with Paraiilps, Car- phot«). X three miiea inside Egyptian-held deatroyed. Communist . C h I n,a I A .|iT T va rota and Sweet Potatoea. , W juxL 0Slpt. Urritory. The apokesman aaid the y B i g Four at G e n e v a Conferenc^^ ^ '^ould became an “observer/ In Eli- A X (9, laraell force waa driven oft. Egypt rope end all American troops - You will find Plnehurat Veaetablea “freaher riled a strong protaat with the te S tM acound the conferehcb table in the Palac^f Nations at Geneva, ^lU erian4 for th^ppen- wtoi)d aventually hava to be wltb- U.N. Htoqd.Anntotl0d. -lng-)9fr th e Big Four confereneea are:-The^U;6 . <lele|^ ten (left fo-rightH"Hqwn<to Phlegar ;-Cl>arlaa draww •’from the territories of SMm Hope for Spanish Cut From Chwee B ^f Fans Teushm Eufdpiton oountHiM.” E JRvilson; Secretary, of State John F o t^ Dulles; Livingaton Merchant; ^ u g la i MacArthur It; arid m m . * . V „ t / TJ.N.Bars As this latest' clash fanned tries Bohlen; the"Xrench delegatlop-aed by Foreign Mlmstor Antoine."^ Plnay; the Britiah delega- Weat Rejects ^Red Proposal iONELESS ..■■’••’X ' ' .niounUng: tenalon_lDL the .-Middle (lon,riedHty Foreign Secretary HaroM Macmillan; the ITueaiMitolegatrari, led by Foreign Minister By-the Urns-Molotov actod tbe- Tame H-Bomb East, U.S. Secretary of State John VVeatem minister had already ra- Foiter Dullee and British Foreii Vuachealav M.-M^toV, and/Dc^ty Foreign Minister-Andrei Otwn^o. INglA- Radio-Telephoto)./! Rice je'eted his proposal: They beeed New York; Oct. 28 (P> — Tha Secretary Harold Macmillan cqi Iheir atatement, In advance of its MINUTE RICE ferred for an hour in Geneva/on presentation, on Rliaalan proposals chances are eltm that the H-Bomb HALE'S PREMIER y I.'^ronto c h u c n : Palestine problems. laraell aonreea Rail Union^ts Which had bMU/made at the Gene- reaction -can be tamed or con­ in Geneva aaid the Unlted/States va -mmmit conference In July. trolled soon to giye world X United Nations; N-Y„ Oct. 28 </P)—The U.N. Assembly has'pmmiaed to consider/S hat of Faiire CSin/^ Third tod "France, the United Kingdom Our meat rbUiafer, Charlaa McCarthy, aa^a that Miaalaaippl L org.'V h. Pkg.. Folitica! Cpmmittee today brushes aside without a vPte So­ arms wanted by laraell / a counter abundant peacetime- power, two COFFEE BONITA FISH Wage Ii^cTease and t)ie' Dnited Statek of America,’’ atomic experts said today. Bacon, ats^la new low price of BSc Ibi ahould appear at Freeh Greund . Imported Solid Pack ROASTS viet Ruagia’s demand for a quiejk diaamuunent debate here. Kgypt'a growing arsenal, bought they told Molotov, "are not pce- A . many Manbh^er Sunday breakfasta thla week, thneliurat from Oommunlat Czaehoalovakta. to entef into a -eyatem ,of The probability of tmmedlata Lb. 7 Or. Oak It avoided a direct test by voting 49-5 (^viet Bloc) to take succeaa 1s not very great, said Dr,. 'x atrlctly frean^lpcal' farm egga, medium' alae will be fea­ up next In Ita work program atepa, The larkeii info^ant gave this otCohfidenee European seourlty which, as In the Hunfi Tomato Sauce 3‘" ‘ 27c T For Enfidiieers Henry D. Smyth of Prlncetoa tiato tured a t 82c d » RATH'S to atudy atomic radiation hazard!.. ^ account of todayVraid: Soviet..propoeela nut forward at 2 Cans In retaliation for an Egyptian 'Geneva (In July) does not end the veraity, a former commiaaione^/ef The debate oh thla will begin Mon^ | R . V I J j* attack Tuesday on Ah Israeli police Chicago, Oct. 28 (E—Reprisenta-X e - the Atomic Energy Commiei^oo. / Porte la very reaaonable and when you biiy It at .Plnehurat, Issu e ris, Oct.
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