COUNCIL 25 February 2008 MINUTES Held at Council Chamber
COUNCIL 25 February 2008 MINUTES Held at Council Chamber, Elizabeth House, Stratford-upon-Avon Meeting commenced: 2.00 pm meeting ended: 4.06 pm Present: The Chairman of the Council (Councillor Stuart Beese) in the Chair COUNCILLORS V Seaman J Fradgley E Payne S Thirlwell S Adams A Gardner D Pemberton L Topham A Akeister R Hobbs M Perry M Weddell J Appleton V Hobbs G Roache R White P Barnes K James N Rock C Williams P Barton S Juned T Russel D Wise P Beaman Sir W Lawrence Bt C Saint S Wixey Rev N Beamer S Main J Short H Wright L Bowring L Marshall I Seccombe R Wright M Brain C Mills P Seccombe D Close P Moorse B Slaughter T Dixon L Organ R Stevens 872. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beckett, Gray, Harrison, Jackson and Patrick. 873. Disclosure of Interests - Council Personal Interests were recorded by the following Councillors relating to any item on the Agenda arising from virtue of the members serving on the organisations indicated:- 1. As a Warwickshire County Councillor Councillors Appleton, Barnes, R Hobbs, Main, Perry, Saint, I Seccombe and Stevens 2. As a Director of South Warwickshire Housing Association Councillors Russel and R Wright 3. As a Director of South Warwickshire Tourism Limited Councillors Barton, Bates and Perry 4. As a member of Stratford Local Strategic Partnership Councillor Topham 5. As a member of Stratford Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Councillors Weddell and Williams 6. As a member of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Sub- Regional Forum Councillors James and Topham 7.
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