25 February 2008


Held at Council Chamber, Elizabeth House, Stratford-upon-Avon Meeting commenced: 2.00 pm meeting ended: 4.06 pm

Present: The Chairman of the Council (Councillor Stuart Beese) in the Chair


V Seaman J Fradgley E Payne S Thirlwell S Adams A Gardner D Pemberton L Topham A Akeister R Hobbs M Perry M Weddell J Appleton V Hobbs G Roache R White P Barnes K James N Rock C Williams P Barton S Juned T Russel D Wise P Beaman Sir W Lawrence Bt C Saint S Wixey Rev N Beamer S Main J Short H Wright L Bowring L Marshall I Seccombe R Wright M Brain C Mills P Seccombe D Close P Moorse B Slaughter T Dixon L Organ R Stevens

872. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beckett, Gray, Harrison, Jackson and Patrick.

873. Disclosure of Interests - Council

Personal Interests were recorded by the following Councillors relating to any item on the Agenda arising from virtue of the members serving on the organisations indicated:-

1. As a County Councillor

Councillors Appleton, Barnes, R Hobbs, Main, Perry, Saint, I Seccombe and Stevens

2. As a Director of South Warwickshire Housing Association

Councillors Russel and R Wright

3. As a Director of South Warwickshire Tourism Limited

Councillors Barton, Bates and Perry

4. As a member of Stratford Local Strategic Partnership

Councillor Topham

5. As a member of Stratford Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership

Councillors Weddell and Williams

6. As a member of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Sub- Regional Forum

Councillors James and Topham

7. As a Director of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Partnership Limited.

Councillor Topham, together with Councillor Saint as a Warwickshire County Council appointee.

Councillor Minute Nature of Interest Type of Reference Interest R Hobbs 878 A Member of Warwickshire Police Authority Personal Juned 878 A Member of Warwickshire Efficiency Agency Personal Rock 878 He had a client who provided energy savings Personal advice to the Council Rock 878 His wife was employed by Warwickshire Personal Police Authority Saint 878 He had received a letter from ‘Live & Local’ Personal and he was also a Board Member of the Arts Personal Council West Midlands Saint 876 Any reference to the proposals for an Eco Personal Town in the District as he was the Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Planning I Seccombe 878 A Member of Warwickshire Police Authority Personal All 877 As District Councillors Personal Councillors in attendance

874. Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 10 December 2007 were confirmed and signed.

875. Announcements

Under this heading, the Chairman reported on the following:

1. Chairman’s Charity Ball was to be held on Saturday 8 March 2008 and tickets were still available.

2. This would be the last meeting of the Council for the Head of Resources (David Buckland) before he left the Council’s service and on behalf of the Council, the Chairman extended his thanks for the work undertaken by him on behalf of the Council. During the meeting tributes to David were also made by Councillors Topham, Bowring and Organ.

3. The Chief Executive reported receipt of a letter from Warwickshire Police Authority thanking the Council for the hospitality given at the Annual Conference held at Elizabeth House.

876. Public Participation (Questions by the Public)

Under this heading, the Chairman reported receipt of a petition signed by 1,000 people opposed to the siting of an Eco Town at Long Marston. He added that the petition would be displayed in the Members Lounge for inspection by Councillors.

In accordance with the Council Procedure Rules the following questions were asked by the person indicated:

(1) The following question was asked by Roger Harrison, Chairman of Quinton Parish Council:

‘As Chairman of the Parish Council of Quinton, I have grave concerns for the Community of Quinton at the current proposal before the Secretary of State, Hazel Blears MP, for an Eco Town at Middle Quinton. The nature of all the Villages surrounding the site belonging to St. Modwen’s and The Bird Group, are rural. The network of small communities which are based largely around agriculture, and small businesses, are fed by a network of minor roads, with the exception of the B4632 which is already overpopulated with traffic to the point of concern for safety.

The introduction of a New Town of 6,000+ houses will change for the good the rurality of the area to an Urban and commuter belt. The community that I represent will inevitably find the routes through the villages being used by service and private vehicles too and from the New Town and the facilities currently enjoyed by our villages will be inadequate to support either extra pressure, or the challenge of greater and newer facilities within the Middle Quinton town.

In other words, Chairman, our rural communities feel threatened for their very existence.

I ask you, as Chairman of Stratford District Council, if it is the intention of the Council to set up a Working Party to consider the wide ranging issues likely to impact upon the area, if this site is chosen by the Secretary of State as one of the preferred options, and, if this Working Party would also include representatives of the Parishes within the locality, in order that these communities may have the opportunity to feed local issues into the strategic process?

The Planning Services Portfolio-holder, Councillor Stephen Thirlwell replied as follows:

I thank the Chairman of Quinton Parish Council for his question regarding the Middle Quinton Eco-Town Proposal and I fully understand the concerns that he expresses regarding the impact that the proposal would

have upon the existing local communities in the area. The announcement of short listed sites by government is now expected in mid March, and the Council's Executive have considered what action the Council would need to take if this proposal is short listed. To this end the Executive at its meeting on 11 February resolved:

'That, subject to Long Marston being short-listed as a potential Eco-town site, a Joint Working Group be established with Wychavon and Cotswold Districts and , Warwickshire and Gloucestershire County Councils, to consider the infrastructure impacts and requirements associated with the Eco-town proposal.'

I am sure that as part of its remit this Working Group will seek to invite and secure effective input from representatives of the local communities affected by the proposal, not only in this district, but in neighbouring ones as well. The detail of how this will be done will be a matter for the Working Group to resolve, but I am sure it will welcome input from Parish Councils such as Quinton.

(2) The following question was asked by Malcolm Crump, Chairman of Welford on Avon Parish Council:

‘We have registered our objection against the proposed Eco-town development at Middle Quinton, with the Secretary State and our local MP. We are supportive of the comments already made by Councillor Roger Harrison, chairman of Quinton Parish Council, and have further concerns as follows:

The West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Draft Phase Two Revision was published in December 2007. In this document, the Regional Assembly recommend that development in Stratford-on-Avon District be planned and controlled to ensure that growth in the area be limited to local needs.

Whilst it is not yet clear whether the district council will be fully consulted on this matter and therefore the extent to which it will be able to influence events is not known, can the Council non the less provide assurance that it will use its best endeavours to ensure that a new town at Long Marston be limited to meeting local needs?’

The Planning Services Portfolio-holder, Councillor Stephen Thirlwell replied as follows:

I thank the Chairman of Welford-on-Avon Parish Council for his question regarding the Middle Quinton Eco-Town Proposal and would refer him to the response already given to the Chairman of Quinton Parish Council in this respect.

It is currently our understanding that should the Eco-town progress, then any dwellings brought forward would not count towards our Regional Spatial Strategy(RSS) housing target. The implication of this is that the needs that would be met by any eco-town would go beyond those which could be classed as the local needs envisaged by the RSS. This is one of the concerns that we have already raised with the Department of Communities and Local Government in a joint letter sent on behalf of

Stratford and Wychavon District Councils and Worcestershire and Warwickshire County Councils.

Should the eco-town proceed I think it unlikely that development could be restricted to that which would solely meet local needs. I am sure however that the Council would use its best endeavours to ensure that any development made a significant contribution to meeting local needs, particularly those for affordable housing.

877. Members' Allowances

Consideration was given to the recommendations contained within the Independent Remuneration Panel’s (IRP) report into the allowances to be paid to Councillors from 2008.

Under this matter, it was proposed by Councillor Moorse and seconded by Councillor H Wright that

Council notes the high overall level of allowances received from the public purse by some Councillors who serve on multiple public bodies; and

Council further notes that service on these bodies is entirely voluntary. It considers that claims that in total exceed the median wage for Warwickshire are excessive and therefore urges restraint on members when claiming allowances.

On being put to the vote, the motion was declared lost, 9 Councillors voting in favour and a greater number against.

The recommendations of the IRP were then put to the vote and carried by 30 votes to 8, and it was


(1) That the following level of allowances be paid:

Existing 2008-09 (2007-08) Recommendation

Basic Allowance: 4,455 4,500

Special Responsibility Allowances:

Leader 9,501 10,125

Executive Portfolio-holder 4,782 5,062

Overview & Scrutiny Chairmen 3,315 3,375

Area Planning Committee 1,671 2,250 Chairmen

Other Committee Chairmen 1,086 1,125

Leader Majority Opposition 2,280 2,250

Leader Minority Opposition 1,086 1,125

Co-optees/ Independent 273 375

(NOTE: a full table of the recommendations, including the multipliers applied, was contained in Appendix 1 to the report presented to the Council)

(2) That Councillors’ travel and subsistence allowances for 2008-09 be paid in accordance with the Council’s Local Agreed Scheme for Officers; and,

(3) That, in order to monitor the implementation of the scheme and assess the impact of changes, the Panel undertake an Annual Review after 12 months of operation.

878. Council's Budget 2008/09

(1) Member Statements

Under this heading and on the invitation of the Chairman of the Council statements were made by the Leader of the Council (Councillor Topham) and Councillor Bowring (on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group).

(2) Recommendations from the Executive

Minute 840 – 2008/09 Capital and Revenue Budgets

On the presentation of the recommendation contained in Minute 840 (2007/08), it was proposed by Councillor Bowring and seconded by Councillor H Wright that recommendation (1) be amended to read as follows:

(1) That the Medium Term Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix A to the papers presented to the Executive, amended to include £15,000 in 2008-9 for an Energy Efficiency consultancy study on Elizabeth House funded by a balancing reduction in E- Government expenditure, be approved.

On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared lost, 10 Councillors voting in favour and a greater number against. Councillor Rock wished it recorded that he abstained from voting on this amendment.

Recommendation (1) was then put to the vote and declared carried.

It was the proposed by Councillor Bowring and seconded by Councillor H Wright that recommendation (2) of Minute 840 be amended to read as follows:

(2) That the Medium Term Revenue Budget, as detailed in Appendix D to the papers presented to the Executive to be approved subject to the following adjustments:

• further savings of £22,000 on resources for ‘The Review’, and • a reduction of £20,000 on the contingency for the new Refuse and Cleansing contract,

these savings to be used for additional expenditure on

• additional resources on flood prevention action delivery in 2008-9, £12,000; • reinstatement of support for Live & Local, £3,120; • reinstatement of contribution to the Rural Hub, £3,000; and, • the balance to be used to reinstate expenditure on Grants for the Disabled.

On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared lost, 11 Councillors voting in favour and 33 against.

Recommendation (2) was then put to the vote and declared carried, 33 Councillors voting in favour and 11 against.

Recommendation (3) was then put to the vote a declared carried, 33 Councillors voting in favour and 0 against.


(1) That the Medium Term Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix A to the papers presented to the Executive, be approved;

(2) That the Medium Term Revenue Budget, as detailed in Appendix D to the papers presented to the Executive, be approved; and,

(3) That, subject to the acceptance of (1) and (2) above, in order to provide a balanced budget in 2008/09, the level of Council Tax for the District Council be set at £123.12 at Band D.

Minute 841 – Treasury Management Strategy Statement

On the presentation of the recommendations contained in Minute 841 (2008/09), it was


That Council (a) ratifies the 2008/09 Treasury Management Strategy Statement, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the paper submitted to the Executive and confirms: a. The Overall Borrowing Limit at £5m; b. The short-term Borrowing Limit at £5m; c. The maximum proportion of interest on borrowings subject to variable rates 100%; and, (b) approves the Annual Investment Strategy for 2008/09 as outlined in Appendices 3 & 4 of the paper.

(3) Formal Recommendations

Having considered the foregoing, the Leader of the Council presented the formal recommendations concerning the level of Council Tax for 2008/09 and associated matters.


That the formal resolutions concerning the level of Council Tax for the Stratford-on-Avon District and associated matters for 2008/09, attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes, be approved and adopted.

879. Matters for determination referred to Council by the Executive and Standing Committees

(1) Audit – 12 December 2007

Minute 684 - Calendar of meetings


(1) That the amended calendar of meetings for 2008/09 as attached as Appendix A to the Audit Committee Minutes, be approved; and,

(2) That the calendar of meetings for 2009/10, attached as Appendix B to the Audit Committee Minutes, be approved on the basis of these provisional dates to assist the Council with its forward planning.

(2) Executive - 14 January 2008

Minute 758 - Stratford-on-Avon District Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order


1) That the Penalty Charge level be set at Band 2 with effect from 31 March 2008, subject to consultation with Warwickshire County Council to ensure a consistent approach;

2) That the budget for Off-Street Parking be adjusted to reflect the impact of the Traffic Management Act 2004; and

3) That the proposed Off Street Parking Places Order 2008, as presented, be adopted.

880. Questions

(1) Councillor Bowring asked

Would the Portfolio-holder please confirm that since 2000:

 Inflation (CPI - Consumer Price Index)) has increased by 14%

 Government grants to the District Council have increased by 23%

The District's Council Tax has increased by 106%.

Councillor Lynda Organ, Portfolio-holder for Resources responded as follows:

I can confirm that it is true that the Consumer Prices Index has increased by 14% since 2000. However, this index does not relate to the costs incurred by a district council. The retail prices index has increased by 26% over the same period.

I can confirm that the 2007/08 Government Grant has only increased by 23% over the grant received in 1999/2000, but that this figure also includes a 12% reduction in grant that was received in 2004/05. The grant for Central Government also now covers new services such as liquor licensing, the local development framework, increased monitoring officer responsibilities, increased costs of concessionary travel and smoking cessation. In addition to this the settlement for 2008/09 to 2010/11 from central government is 1% then reducing to 0.5%.

Council Tax at Stratford is the lowest in the county and within the lowest quartile nationally. I confirm the increased level of Council Tax, however, it is not matched by net budget increase, which has increased by only 53% over the same period. The Council has used this additional resource to finance valued services such as the community transport scheme, expanding the recycling facilities and the provision of new leisure facilities most notably in Shipston and .

(2) Councillor Peter Moorse asked:

Would the appropriate Portfolio-holder please tell me whether an order has been placed for wheelie bins in connection with the new waste collection contract, or has the order been held back awaiting capital budget approval? If the latter, is the Council still able to purchase wheelie bins at the price assumed in the original costings?

Councillor Les Topham, Leader of the Council responded as follows:

No order has been placed at this time. The Executive is considering the issue of bin purchase on 10 March 2008 in the light of recent increases in unit costs.

In response to a supplemental question about the increase cost of wheelie bins, Councillor Topham indicated that he was hopeful that the Warwickshire County Council would subsidise the costs.

(3) Councillor Peter Moorse asked:

Would the Leader please confirm whether it is still his intention to demolish the existing Leisure Centre in Stratford and relocate it to a new site, to provide a development space for World Class Stratford? If so, could he please provide an update on progress of the search for a new location and, since the new capital budget makes no provision for such a development, could he please tell me how it is intended to pay for such a site and, if reliant on outside funding, what progress has been made in identifying such funds?

Councillor Les Topham, Leader of the Council responded as follows:

Councillor Moorse is correct insofar as a preferred option of demolishing by the Council the existing site and relocating it to provide a development space was agreed last year. However, good project management requires that all the variables involved are firmed-up before the final decisions on this project are taken.

A great deal of more detailed work is, therefore, being carried out in order to ensure the final project meets the requirements of residents, this Council and World Class Stratford.

As part of this work, the Council has agreed to fund work to develop the full Business Case, which will include consideration of the detailed costs and implications of different facility and management models.

We will also be consulting the market on the potential to secure capital funding for the project and identifying other potential external funding sources.

It would be premature to include replacement of the current centre in the Council’s capital programme until the full detailed costs are known, and the extent of guaranteed external funding is also known.

In response to a supplemental question, Councillor Topham indicated that there would be no PFI bid made for the relocation of the Leisure Centre.

(4) Councillor Peter Moorse asked:

The minutes of the Council Meeting of 10th December, Page 8, item 4 contain an indication from the Leader that from January 2008 members appointed to 19 outside bodies would be expected to comply with the requirement to report back to Council through the medium of an information sheet. Would the Leader please tell me, as of 15th February, how many members had complied with this requirement and when the information sheets will be published?

Councillor Les Topham, Leader of the Council responded as follows:

All Councillors were reminded of the requirement to submit reports and all reports have now been received, collated and sent out to Members within an Information Sheet on 21 February 2008.

(5) Councillor Hazel Wright asked:

Would the Leader please explain how personal details relating to Council staff were lost?

What reassurance can he give the public that confidential data held by the Council in relation to Council Tax and other matters is secure? Are the necessary controls in place and are planned staff levels adequate to ensure that those controls are operated properly?

In response to a supplemental question Councillor Topham stated that the implications for staff was a matter to be addressed by the Chief Executive

Councillor Les Topham, Leader of the Council responded as follows:

It was brought to the attention of the Chief Executive that personal details of staff as of April 2005 had been allegedly recently disclosed to a member of the public. These were voluntarily returned and I have no reason to suspect that staff have been placed at any risk. An internal investigation was conducted and various employees were interviewed. The investigation was unable to conclude how the information came to be disclosed. I do not intend to comment further on the investigation as any such matter involving staff is necessarily confidential. However, the matter was discussed with the Deputy Chief

Constable of Warwickshire Police and it was concluded that a police investigation could not add to the investigation already carried out.

The Chief Executive has written to the Information Commissioner to establish whether any further measures on the part of the Council are appropriate.

Both council tax and business rate data is held securely within our computer system and staff access is permitted only on a need to know basis. Officers regularly monitor permissions and security is looked at as part of the annual audit. These systems are secure.

Compulsory data protection training was recently provided and new guidelines were issued to all staff. Data protection is taken very seriously and the proper processes are in place within the Council.

The incident is regrettable and the staff concerned have been given apologies. However, I have no reason to believe that this is more than an isolated and inexplicable incident.

(6) Councillor Nigel Rock asked:

Following the discussion at Overview & Scrutiny Committee B on 16 January 2008 about “World Class Stratford”, I pose the following question please:

What detailed plans are in development to ensure that the benefits of the project “ripple” out to the rest of the district as was indicated to Council when the project was approved?

What value and percentage of the spend is occurring within the immediate vicinity of Stratford town, versus the remainder of the wider District and how is this likely to change over time?

How much of these proportions is being directly funded by the District Council.

Specifically, given the objective of the development of heritage and historical elements of the World Class Stratford programme, what response is planned to the need for emergency action to retain the historical Cardall collection in the environs of to prevent its break up and loss as a collection?

When did the name of the project of World Class Stratford upon Avon emerge rather than World Class Stratford or even world class Stratford on Avon - indicating a restriction to Stratford town rather than the District?

Councillor Les Topham, Leader of the Council responded as follows:

As the whole district benefits from the Council’s assets in Stratford-upon-Avon to the tune of £1.6M, if Stratford’s visitor economy is successful this financial benefit can increase and will be felt directly in terms of keeping the council tax down. The visitor economy supports some seven thousand jobs across the District and Stratford-upon-Avon is the hub that supports these jobs.

In terms of detailed plans, Councillor Rock will be aware that the new Corporate Strategy includes as a priority under Aim 3, ‘A District where business and enterprise can flourish’ - increased economic vitality of the four main market towns’, and specifically to:

- ‘Facilitate delivery of the World Class Stratford programme’; and, and

- ‘Facilitate delivery of the action plans to achieve market town area visions’.

Work is currently under way to develop action plans that will deliver these new priorities.

Advantage West Midlands are only currently funding projects within Stratford upon Avon and hence all of the spend has to be within the town. This is the point that has been made very clear to the Council from the outset of the scheme and is reflected in the title of the initiative i.e. World Class Stratford- upon-Avon.

At the current time, the District Council proportion of expenditure is approximately 17%.

With specific reference to the Cardall Collection, a coordinated approach is being pursued, grant advice has been given, but so far no suitable options have been identified that meet the needs of those responsible for the Collection.

881. Committee Reports - For information only

The Council received for information the reports (draft Minutes) of the following meetings of Committees, enclosed in the separate Minute book:

Committee Date Executive 26 November (Recommendations considered at Council on 10/12/07), 17 December 2007 & 14 January 2008 Dassett Area Community Committee 20 November 2007 & 8 January 2008 Employment 28 November (Recommendation considered at Council on 10 December 2007) & 5 December 2007 Planning and Regulation 3 December 2007 Standards and Ethics Committee 5 December 2007 Avon Area Community Committee 10 December 2007 & 17 January 2008 Audit Committee 12 December 2007 Overview and Scrutiny Committee A 19 December 2007 & 16 January 2008 Arden Area Community Committee 10 January 2008 General Purposes Licensing 15 January 2008 Overview and Scrutiny Committee B 16 January 2008 Appointments Committee 21 January 2008 Stour Area Community Committee 22 January 2008 Overview and Scrutiny Assembly 23 January 2008

882. Motions on Notice

(1) Parish Plans

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Rock and seconded by Councillor H Wright:

‘The Council requires that a report is prepared for the consideration of an appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the subject of Parish Plans in Stratford District. This report shall consider, among other relevant matters:

1. the progress made by communities in preparing and implementing Parish Plans;

2. the value they add and the cost to the taxpayer;

3. the consideration given to the Plans by District and County Council officers in recommending and reaching decisions;

4. the effectiveness of achieving outcomes from local authorities and other relevant bodies for the matters expressed in Parish Plans and other supporting local documents such as village statements.

The findings to be reported back for further consideration by Council.’

Following discussion, the Motion was put to the vote and declared lost, 11 Councillors voting in favour and a greater number against and it was


That no further action be taken on the Motion.

(2) Environmental and Health Sustainability

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Barnes and seconded by Councillor H Wright:

‘This Council recognises that achieving ‘world class’ status in Stratford- upon-Avon also means taking a ‘world class’ approach to environmental and health sustainability. This Council therefore resolves to:

1. work with our partners to establish an annual Award Scheme for businesses across the District that have demonstrated their commitment to improving the local environment and tackling health issues, such as obesity and its related illnesses. Businesses should be awarded for their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, using local produce and local suppliers, introducing clear food labelling on their menus, such as calorie identification and encouraging customers to cycle, walk or use public transport.

2. establish a small Member Working Group to work on the detail and develop this initiative for introduction in 2008/09.’


That the Motion, as presented, be referred to the Executive for consideration and report.


Minute Item 878


The Leader of the Council will move on behalf of the Executive:-

1. That the following, as submitted in the budget reports, be approved:-

(a) the revenue estimates for 2008/09

(b) the capital programme for 2008/09.

th 2. That it be noted that at its meeting on 17 December 2007 the Executive calculated the following amounts for the year 2008/09 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-

(a) 51,313.12 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its council tax base for the year.

(b) Part of the Council's Area

Parish of Band ‘D’ Equivalents 48.70 Alcester 2,301.24 253.58 Arrow & Wheethley 106.97 257.66 -on-Stour 30.78 102.79 Barcheston & Willington 55.58 Barton-on-the-Heath 52.19 303.88 Beaudesert & Henley-in-Arden 1,442.48 Bidford-on-Avon 1,954.43 Billesley 18.03 141.33 Bishops Itchington 784.95 506.70 63.45 Burton Dassett 483.42 100.60 Chadshunt 26.19 Chapel Ascote 5.58 85.16 Cherington & Stourton 218.78 Chesterton & Kingston 60.16 615.16 & 233.46 Combroke 79.88


Page 1 Parish of Band ‘D’ Equivalents 63.45 Compton Wynyates 11.85 Coughton 75.80 Dorsington 73.11 512.80 Exhall 109.16 Farnborough 128.09 326.99 Fulbrook 29.68 176.19 276.99 102.57 Halford 155.87 199.70 1,080.93 Haselor 105.68 Hodnell & Wills Pastures 6.47 Honington 99.70 45.12 375.98 931.11 424.59 Ladbroke 132.27 Langley 89.94 227.29 243.52 Little Compton 149.45 Little Wolford 59.66 Long Compton 365.63 861.94 Loxley 197.21 Luddington 203.63 Mappleborough Green 325.79 Marston Sicca 204.98 Moreton Morrell 329.97 & Spernal 111.38 Napton-on-the-Hill 462.70 Newbold Pacey & Ashorne 120.72 Old Stratford & Drayton 319.57 Oxhill 177.79 88.94 Pillerton Priors 150.28 65.94 Preston-on-Stour 76.19 84.56 257.65 Quinton 722.70 Radbourne 11.25


Page 2 Parish of Band ‘D’ Equivalents 127.39 Ratley & Upton 158.05 544.41 377.38 Shipston-on-Stour 2,077.12 Shotteswell 122.11 562.62 Southam 2,288.75 Stockton 476.19 Stoneton 3.59 Stratford-upon-Avon 12,049.12 Stretton-on-Fosse 200.69 Studley 2,050.08 Sutton-under-Brailes 52.74 Tanworth-in-Arden 1,570.94 231.94 16.62 Tredington 712.28 Tysoe 498.27 Ufton 111.95 374.12 Upper & 31.27 Warmington 171.41 Watergall 5.68 Welford-on-Avon 678.23 2,435.58 Weston-on-Avon 48.70 Whatcote 73.11 171.98 Whitchurch 86.65 492.32 79.36 Wolverton 122.41 579.53 Wormleighton 44.62

being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its council tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area.

3. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2008/09 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992: -

(a) £51,452,611 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32 (2)(a) to (e) of the Act.

(b) £35,402,829 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.


Page 3 (c) £16,049,782 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.

(d) £7,193,801 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund in respect of redistributed non-domestic rates and revenue support grant reduced by the amount of the sums which the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its general fund to its collection fund in accordance with Section 97(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (Council Tax deficit), and increased by the amount of any sum which the Council estimates will be transferred to its general fund from its collection fund pursuant to the Collection Fund (Community Charges) directions under Section 98(4) of the Local Government Finance Act made on 7 February 1994 (Community Charge Surplus).

(e) £172.59 being the amount at 3(c) above less the amount at 3(d) above, all divided by the amount at 2(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.

(f) £2,538,310 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.

(g) £123.12 being the amount at 3(e) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(f) above by the amount at 2(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.

(h) Part of the Council’s Area

Parish of £ Admington 139.55 Alcester 213.94 Alderminster 142.84 Arrow ( & Weethley) 169.86 Aston Cantlow 150.29 Avon Dassett 196.08 Barton-on-the-Heath 135.71 Bearley 192.23 Beaudesert & Henley-in-Arden 165.94 Bidford-on-Avon 197.77 Binton 151.42 Bishops Itchington 199.56 Brailes 150.75 Burmington 127.06 Burton Dassett 158.03 Butlers Marston 128.09 Charlecote 164.22 Cherington & Stourton 141.40


Page 4 Parish of £ Chesterton & Kingston 123.78 Claverdon 148.32 Clifford Chambers & Milcote 152.03 Combroke 159.42 Coughton 156.10 Dorsington 134.06 Ettington 181.62 Exhall 156.74 Farnborough 177.77 Fenny Compton 190.40 Gaydon 166.16 Great Alne 207.96 Great Wolford 130.92 Halford 157.64 Hampton Lucy 151.66 Harbury 177.39 Haselor 156.24 Ilmington 155.04 Kineton 169.30 Kinwarton 160.80 Ladbroke 157.90 Langley 134.24 Lighthorne 164.92 Lighthorne Heath 150.02 Little Compton 156.47 Long Compton 142.27 Long Itchington 177.65 Loxley 153.54 Luddington 142.76 Mappleborough Green 156.88 Marston Sicca 162.15 Moreton Morrell 180.70 Napton-on-the-Hill 170.67 Newbold Pacey & Ashorne 162.26 Old Stratford & Drayton 137.70 Oxhill 139.99 Pillerton Hersey 129.87 Pillerton Priors 133.99 Preston-on-Stour 169.06 Priors Hardwick 140.86 Priors Marston 180.81 Quinton 150.79 Radway 170.06 Ratley & Upton 186.39 Salford Priors 201.19 Sambourne 144.82 Shipston-on-Stour 231.44 Shotteswell 168.16 Snitterfield 160.80


Page 5 Parish of £ Southam 196.84 Stockton 165.51 Stratford-upon-Avon 161.87 Stretton-on-Fosse 143.05 Studley 175.53 Sutton-under-Brailes 147.77 Tanworth-in-Arden 151.92 Temple Grafton 141.23 Tredington 146.99 Tysoe 143.19 Ufton 171.36 Ullenhall 136.48 Warmington & 165.12 Welford-on-Avon 152.25 Wellesbourne 228.99 Whichford 151.03 Wilmcote 146.07 Wixford 186.12 Wolverton 137.82 Wootton Wawen 153.49

being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 3(g) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.

(i) Part of the Council’s Area

Valuation Bands

Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Admington 93.03 108.54 124.04 139.55 170.56 201.57 232.58 279.10 Alcester 142.63 166.40 190.17 213.94 261.48 309.02 356.57 427.88 Alderminster 95.23 111.10 126.97 142.84 174.58 206.32 238.07 285.68 Arrow ( & Weethley) 113.24 132.11 150.99 169.86 207.61 245.35 283.10 339.72 Aston Cantlow 100.19 116.89 133.59 150.29 183.69 217.09 250.48 300.58 Avon Dassett 130.72 152.51 174.29 196.08 239.65 283.23 326.80 392.16 Barton-on-the-Heath 90.47 105.55 120.63 135.71 165.87 196.03 226.18 271.42 Bearley 128.15 149.51 170.87 192.23 234.95 277.67 320.38 384.46 Beaudesert & Henley-in-Arden 110.63 129.06 147.50 165.94 202.82 239.69 276.57 331.88 Bidford-on-Avon 131.85 153.82 175.80 197.77 241.72 285.67 329.62 395.54 Binton 100.95 117.77 134.60 151.42 185.07 218.72 252.37 302.84 Bishops Itchington 133.04 155.21 177.39 199.56 243.91 288.25 332.60 399.12 Brailes 100.50 117.25 134.00 150.75 184.25 217.75 251.25 301.50 Burmington 84.71 98.82 112.94 127.06 155.30 183.53 211.77 254.12 Burton Dassett 105.35 122.91 140.47 158.03 193.15 228.27 263.38 316.06 Butlers Marston 85.39 99.63 113.86 128.09 156.55 185.02 213.48 256.18


Page 6 Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Charlecote 109.48 127.73 145.97 164.22 200.71 237.21 273.70 328.44 Cherington & Stourton 94.27 109.98 125.69 141.40 172.82 204.24 235.67 282.80 Chesterton & Kingston 82.52 96.27 110.03 123.78 151.29 178.79 206.30 247.56 Claverdon 98.88 115.36 131.84 148.32 181.28 214.24 247.20 296.64 Clifford Chambers & Milcote 101.35 118.25 135.14 152.03 185.81 219.60 253.38 304.06 Combroke 106.28 123.99 141.71 159.42 194.85 230.27 265.70 318.84 Coughton 104.07 121.41 138.76 156.10 190.79 225.48 260.17 312.20 Dorsington 89.37 104.27 119.16 134.06 163.85 193.64 223.43 268.12 Ettington 121.08 141.26 161.44 181.62 221.98 262.34 302.70 363.24 Exhall 104.49 121.91 139.32 156.74 191.57 226.40 261.23 313.48 Farnborough 118.51 138.27 158.02 177.77 217.27 256.78 296.28 355.54 Fenny Compton 126.93 148.09 169.24 190.40 232.71 275.02 317.33 380.80 Gaydon 110.77 129.24 147.70 166.16 203.08 240.01 276.93 332.32 Great Alne 138.64 161.75 184.85 207.96 254.17 300.39 346.60 415.92 Great Wolford 87.28 101.83 116.37 130.92 160.01 189.11 218.20 261.84 Halford 105.09 122.61 140.12 157.64 192.67 227.70 262.73 315.28 Hampton Lucy 101.11 117.96 134.81 151.66 185.36 219.06 252.77 303.32 Harbury 118.26 137.97 157.68 177.39 216.81 256.23 295.65 354.78 Haselor 104.16 121.52 138.88 156.24 190.96 225.68 260.40 312.48 Ilmington 103.36 120.59 137.81 155.04 189.49 223.95 258.40 310.08 Kineton 112.87 131.68 150.49 169.30 206.92 244.54 282.17 338.60 Kinwarton 107.20 125.07 142.93 160.80 196.53 232.27 268.00 321.60 Ladbroke 105.27 122.81 140.36 157.90 192.99 228.08 263.17 315.80 Langley 89.49 104.41 119.32 134.24 164.07 193.90 223.73 268.48 Lighthorne 109.95 128.27 146.60 164.92 201.57 238.22 274.87 329.84 Lighthorne Heath 100.01 116.68 133.35 150.02 183.36 216.70 250.03 300.04 Little Compton 104.31 121.70 139.08 156.47 191.24 226.01 260.78 312.94 Long Compton 94.85 110.65 126.46 142.27 173.89 205.50 237.12 284.54 Long Itchington 118.43 138.17 157.91 177.65 217.13 256.61 296.08 355.30 Loxley 102.36 119.42 136.48 153.54 187.66 221.78 255.90 307.08 Luddington 95.17 111.04 126.90 142.76 174.48 206.21 237.93 285.52 Mappleborough Green 104.59 122.02 139.45 156.88 191.74 226.60 261.47 313.76 Marston Sicca 108.10 126.12 144.13 162.15 198.18 234.22 270.25 324.30 Moreton Morrell 120.47 140.54 160.62 180.70 220.86 261.01 301.17 361.40 Napton-on-the-Hill 113.78 132.74 151.71 170.67 208.60 246.52 284.45 341.34 Newbold Pacey & Ashorne 108.17 126.20 144.23 162.26 198.32 234.38 270.43 324.52 Old Stratford & Drayton 91.80 107.10 122.40 137.70 168.30 198.90 229.50 275.40 Oxhill 93.33 108.88 124.44 139.99 171.10 202.21 233.32 279.98 Pillerton Hersey 86.58 101.01 115.44 129.87 158.73 187.59 216.45 259.74 Pillerton Priors 89.33 104.21 119.10 133.99 163.77 193.54 223.32 267.98 Preston-on-Stour 112.71 131.49 150.28 169.06 206.63 244.20 281.77 338.12 Priors Hardwick 93.91 109.56 125.21 140.86 172.16 203.46 234.77 281.72 Priors Marston 120.54 140.63 160.72 180.81 220.99 261.17 301.35 361.62 Quinton 100.53 117.28 134.04 150.79 184.30 217.81 251.32 301.58 Radway 113.37 132.27 151.16 170.06 207.85 245.64 283.43 340.12 Ratley & Upton 124.26 144.97 165.68 186.39 227.81 269.23 310.65 372.78 Salford Priors 134.13 156.48 178.84 201.19 245.90 290.61 335.32 402.38 Sambourne 96.55 112.64 128.73 144.82 177.00 209.18 241.37 289.64 Shipston-on-Stour 154.29 180.01 205.72 231.44 282.87 334.30 385.73 462.88 Shotteswell 112.11 130.79 149.48 168.16 205.53 242.90 280.27 336.32 Snitterfield 107.20 125.07 142.93 160.80 196.53 232.27 268.00 321.60


Page 7 Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Southam 131.23 153.10 174.97 196.84 240.58 284.32 328.07 393.68 Stockton 110.34 128.73 147.12 165.51 202.29 239.07 275.85 331.02 Stratford-upon-Avon 107.91 125.90 143.88 161.87 197.84 233.81 269.78 323.74 Stretton-on-Fosse 95.37 111.26 127.16 143.05 174.84 206.63 238.42 286.10 Studley 117.02 136.52 156.03 175.53 214.54 253.54 292.55 351.06 Sutton-under-Brailes 98.51 114.93 131.35 147.77 180.61 213.45 246.28 295.54 Tanworth-in-Arden 101.28 118.16 135.04 151.92 185.68 219.44 253.20 303.84 Temple Grafton 94.15 109.85 125.54 141.23 172.61 204.00 235.38 282.46 Tredington 97.99 114.33 130.66 146.99 179.65 212.32 244.98 293.98 Tysoe 95.46 111.37 127.28 143.19 175.01 206.83 238.65 286.38 Ufton 114.24 133.28 152.32 171.36 209.44 247.52 285.60 342.72 Ullenhall 90.99 106.15 121.32 136.48 166.81 197.14 227.47 272.96 Warmington 110.08 128.43 146.77 165.12 201.81 238.51 275.20 330.24 Welford-on-Avon 101.50 118.42 135.33 152.25 186.08 219.92 253.75 304.50 Wellesbourne 152.66 178.10 203.55 228.99 279.88 330.76 381.65 457.98 Whichford 100.69 117.47 134.25 151.03 184.59 218.15 251.72 302.06 Wilmcote 97.38 113.61 129.84 146.07 178.53 210.99 243.45 292.14 Wixford 124.08 144.76 165.44 186.12 227.48 268.84 310.20 372.24 Wolverton 91.88 107.19 122.51 137.82 168.45 199.07 229.70 275.64 Wootton Wawen 102.33 119.38 136.44 153.49 187.60 221.71 255.82 306.98

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ All other parts of the Council’s Area 82.08 95.76 109.44 123.12 150.48 177.84 205.20 246.24

being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts of 3(g) and 3(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands

4. That it be noted that for the year 2008/09 Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Police Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-


Page 8 Precepting Authorities Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Warwickshire County Council 723.9848 844.6489 965.3130 1085.9772 1327.3054 1568.6337 1809.9619 2171.9543

Warwickshire Police Authority 109.7877 128.0857 146.3836 164.6816 201.2775 237.8734 274.4693 329.3632

5. That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3(i) and 4 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2008/09 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-

Parts of the Council’s Area Valuation Bands

Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Admington 926.80 1081.28 1235.73 1390.21 1699.15 2008.07 2317.01 2780.41 Alcester 976.40 1139.14 1301.86 1464.60 1790.07 2115.52 2441.00 2929.19 Alderminster 929.00 1083.84 1238.66 1393.50 1703.17 2012.82 2322.50 2786.99 Arrow ( & Weethley) 947.01 1104.85 1262.68 1420.52 1736.20 2051.85 2367.53 2841.03 Aston Cantlow 933.96 1089.63 1245.28 1400.95 1712.28 2023.59 2334.91 2801.89 Avon Dassett 964.49 1125.25 1285.98 1446.74 1768.24 2089.73 2411.23 2893.47 Barton-on-the-Heath 924.24 1078.29 1232.32 1386.37 1694.46 2002.53 2310.61 2772.73 Bearley 961.92 1122.25 1282.56 1442.89 1763.54 2084.17 2404.81 2885.77 Beaudesert & Henley-in-Arden 944.40 1101.80 1259.19 1416.60 1731.41 2046.19 2361.00 2833.19 Bidford-on-Avon 965.62 1126.56 1287.49 1448.43 1770.31 2092.17 2414.05 2896.85 Binton 934.72 1090.51 1246.29 1402.08 1713.66 2025.22 2336.80 2804.15 Bishops Itchington 966.81 1127.95 1289.08 1450.22 1772.50 2094.75 2417.03 2900.43 Brailes 934.27 1089.99 1245.69 1401.41 1712.84 2024.25 2335.68 2802.81 Burmington 918.48 1071.56 1224.63 1377.72 1683.89 1990.03 2296.20 2755.43 Burton Dassett 939.12 1095.65 1252.16 1408.69 1721.74 2034.77 2347.81 2817.37 Butlers Marston 919.16 1072.37 1225.55 1378.75 1685.14 1991.52 2297.91 2757.49 Charlecote 943.25 1100.47 1257.66 1414.88 1729.30 2043.71 2358.13 2829.75 Cherington & Stourton 928.04 1082.72 1237.38 1392.06 1701.41 2010.74 2320.10 2784.11 Chesterton & Kingston 916.29 1069.01 1221.72 1374.44 1679.88 1985.29 2290.73 2748.87 Claverdon 932.65 1088.10 1243.53 1398.98 1709.87 2020.74 2331.63 2797.95 Clifford Chambers & Milcote 935.12 1090.99 1246.83 1402.69 1714.40 2026.10 2337.81 2805.37 Combroke 940.05 1096.73 1253.40 1410.08 1723.44 2036.77 2350.13 2820.15 Coughton 937.84 1094.15 1250.45 1406.76 1719.38 2031.98 2344.60 2813.51 Dorsington 923.14 1077.01 1230.85 1384.72 1692.44 2000.14 2307.86 2769.43 Ettington 954.85 1114.00 1273.13 1432.28 1750.57 2068.84 2387.13 2864.55 Exhall 938.26 1094.65 1251.01 1407.40 1720.16 2032.90 2345.66 2814.79 Farnborough 952.28 1111.01 1269.71 1428.43 1745.86 2063.28 2380.71 2856.85 Fenny Compton 960.70 1120.83 1280.93 1441.06 1761.30 2081.52 2401.76 2882.11 Gaydon 944.54 1101.98 1259.39 1416.82 1731.67 2046.51 2361.36 2833.63 Great Alne 972.41 1134.49 1296.54 1458.62 1782.76 2106.89 2431.03 2917.23 Great Wolford 921.05 1074.57 1228.06 1381.58 1688.60 1995.61 2302.63 2763.15


Page 9 Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Halford 938.86 1095.35 1251.81 1408.30 1721.26 2034.20 2347.16 2816.59 Hampton Lucy 934.88 1090.70 1246.50 1402.32 1713.95 2025.56 2337.20 2804.63 Harbury 952.03 1110.71 1269.37 1428.05 1745.40 2062.73 2380.08 2856.09 Haselor 937.93 1094.26 1250.57 1406.90 1719.55 2032.18 2344.83 2813.79 Ilmington 937.13 1093.33 1249.50 1405.70 1718.08 2030.45 2342.83 2811.39 Kineton 946.64 1104.42 1262.18 1419.96 1735.51 2051.04 2366.60 2839.91 Kinwarton 940.97 1097.81 1254.62 1411.46 1725.12 2038.77 2352.43 2822.91 Ladbroke 939.04 1095.55 1252.05 1408.56 1721.58 2034.58 2347.60 2817.11 Langley 923.26 1077.15 1231.01 1384.90 1692.66 2000.40 2308.16 2769.79 Lighthorne 943.72 1101.01 1258.29 1415.58 1730.16 2044.72 2359.30 2831.15 Lighthorne Heath 933.78 1089.42 1245.04 1400.68 1711.95 2023.20 2334.46 2801.35 Little Compton 938.08 1094.44 1250.77 1407.13 1719.83 2032.51 2345.21 2814.25 Long Compton 928.62 1083.39 1238.15 1392.93 1702.48 2012.00 2321.55 2785.85 Long Itchington 952.20 1110.91 1269.60 1428.31 1745.72 2063.11 2380.51 2856.61 Loxley 936.13 1092.16 1248.17 1404.20 1716.25 2028.28 2340.33 2808.39 Luddington 928.94 1083.78 1238.59 1393.42 1703.07 2012.71 2322.36 2786.83 Mappleborough Green 938.36 1094.76 1251.14 1407.54 1720.33 2033.10 2345.90 2815.07 Marston Sicca 941.87 1098.86 1255.82 1412.81 1726.77 2040.72 2354.68 2825.61 Moreton Morrell 954.24 1113.28 1272.31 1431.36 1749.45 2067.51 2385.60 2862.71 Napton-on-the-Hill 947.55 1105.48 1263.40 1421.33 1737.19 2053.02 2368.88 2842.65 Newbold Pacey & Ashorne 941.94 1098.94 1255.92 1412.92 1726.91 2040.88 2354.86 2825.83 Old Stratford & Drayton 925.57 1079.84 1234.09 1388.36 1696.89 2005.40 2313.93 2776.71 Oxhill 927.10 1081.62 1236.13 1390.65 1699.69 2008.71 2317.75 2781.29 Pillerton Hersey 920.35 1073.75 1227.13 1380.53 1687.32 1994.09 2300.88 2761.05 Pillerton Priors 923.10 1076.95 1230.79 1384.65 1692.36 2000.04 2307.75 2769.29 Preston-on-Stour 946.48 1104.23 1261.97 1419.72 1735.22 2050.70 2366.20 2839.43 Priors Hardwick 927.68 1082.30 1236.90 1391.52 1700.75 2009.96 2319.20 2783.03 Priors Marston 954.31 1113.37 1272.41 1431.47 1749.58 2067.67 2385.78 2862.93 Quinton 934.30 1090.02 1245.73 1401.45 1712.89 2024.31 2335.75 2802.89 Radway 947.14 1105.01 1262.85 1420.72 1736.44 2052.14 2367.86 2841.43 Ratley & Upton 958.03 1117.71 1277.37 1437.05 1756.40 2075.73 2395.08 2874.09 Salford Priors 967.90 1129.22 1290.53 1451.85 1774.49 2097.11 2419.75 2903.69 Sambourne 930.32 1085.38 1240.42 1395.48 1705.59 2015.68 2325.80 2790.95 Shipston-on-Stour 988.06 1152.75 1317.41 1482.10 1811.46 2140.80 2470.16 2964.19 Shotteswell 945.88 1103.53 1261.17 1418.82 1734.12 2049.40 2364.70 2837.63 Snitterfield 940.97 1097.81 1254.62 1411.46 1725.12 2038.77 2352.43 2822.91 Southam 965.00 1125.84 1286.66 1447.50 1769.17 2090.82 2412.50 2894.99 Stockton 944.11 1101.47 1258.81 1416.17 1730.88 2045.57 2360.28 2832.33 Stratford-upon-Avon 941.68 1098.64 1255.57 1412.53 1726.43 2040.31 2354.21 2825.05 Stretton-on-Fosse 929.14 1084.00 1238.85 1393.71 1703.43 2013.13 2322.85 2787.41 Studley 950.79 1109.26 1267.72 1426.19 1743.13 2060.04 2376.98 2852.37 Sutton-under-Brailes 932.28 1087.67 1243.04 1398.43 1709.20 2019.95 2330.71 2796.85 Tanworth-in-Arden 935.05 1090.90 1246.73 1402.58 1714.27 2025.94 2337.63 2805.15 Temple Grafton 927.92 1082.59 1237.23 1391.89 1701.20 2010.50 2319.81 2783.77 Tredington 931.76 1087.07 1242.35 1397.65 1708.24 2018.82 2329.41 2795.29 Tysoe 929.23 1084.11 1238.97 1393.85 1703.60 2013.33 2323.08 2787.69 Ufton 948.01 1106.02 1264.01 1422.02 1738.03 2054.02 2370.03 2844.03 Ullenhall 924.76 1078.89 1233.01 1387.14 1695.40 2003.64 2311.90 2774.27 Warmington 943.85 1101.17 1258.46 1415.78 1730.40 2045.01 2359.63 2831.55 Welford-on-Avon 935.27 1091.16 1247.02 1402.91 1714.67 2026.42 2338.18 2805.81 Wellesbourne 986.43 1150.84 1315.24 1479.65 1808.47 2137.26 2466.08 2959.29 Whichford 934.46 1090.21 1245.94 1401.69 1713.18 2024.65 2336.15 2803.37 Wilmcote 931.15 1086.35 1241.53 1396.73 1707.12 2017.49 2327.88 2793.45


Page 10 Parish of A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Wixford 957.85 1117.50 1277.13 1436.78 1756.07 2075.34 2394.63 2873.55 Wolverton 925.65 1079.93 1234.20 1388.48 1697.04 2005.57 2314.13 2776.95 Wootton Wawen 936.10 1092.12 1248.13 1404.15 1716.19 2028.21 2340.25 2808.29

All other parts of the Council's 915.85 1068.50 1221.13 1373.78 1679.07 1984.34 2289.63 2747.55 area

6. That the Head of Resources (and other specified staff as authorised by the Council from time to time) be authorised to serve notices, enter into agreements, give receipts, make adjustments, institute proceedings and take any action available to the Council to collect or enforce the collection of non-domestic rate and the council tax from those persons liable and to disburse monies from the relevant accounts subject to the decisions of the Executive and the Council, where appropriate.


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