COUNCIL 12 May 2008 MINUTES Held at Council Chamber, Elizabeth House, Stratford-upon-Avon Meeting commenced: 2.00 pm meeting ended: 3.20 pm Present: The Chairman of the Council (Councillor Stuart Beese) in the Chair COUNCILLORS V Seaman T Dixon L Marshall B Slaughter S Adams J Fradgley C Mills R Stevens J Appleton A Gardner P Moorse J Taylor G Atkinson S Gray E Payne S Thirlwell P Barnes T Honychurch D Pemberton L Topham P Beaman J Horner G Roache M Weddell Rev N Beamer S Jackson N Rock C Williams M Beckett K James K Rolfe D Wise M Brain Sir W Lawrence Bt C Saint S Wixey R Cheney S Main I Seccombe H Wright R Cockings B Mann P Seccombe 1089. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Akeister, Bowring, Close, R Hobbs, V Hobbs, Patrick and R Wright. The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the new Councillors who had been elected to the Council at the Elections held on 1 May 2008, namely Councillors Atkinson, Cheney, Cockings, Honychurch, Horner, Mann, Rolfe and Taylor. 1090. Disclosure of Interests Personal Interests were recorded by the following Councillors relating to any item on the Agenda arising from virtue of the members serving on the organisations indicated:- 1. As a Warwickshire County Councillor Councillors Appleton, Barnes, Main, Saint, I Seccombe and Stevens 2. As a member of Stratford Local Strategic Partnership Councillor Topham 3. As a member of Stratford Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Councillors Weddell and Williams 4. As a member of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Sub-Regional Forum Councillors James and Topham 5.
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