Proposed Mixed-Use Development,

Plot A, Candleriggs,

Transport Statement

October 2019

Proposed Mixed Use Development, Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot TS


CLIENT: Candleriggs Developments 2 Ltd

PROJECT TITLE: Proposed Mixed Use Development, Candleriggs, Glasgow

REPORT TITLE: Transport Statement



Issue and Approval Schedule:

ISSUE 1 Name Signature Date

Prepared by J Craft Signed copy held on file 28/10/2019

Reviewed by R McDonald Signed copy held on file 28/10/2019

Approved by R McDonald Signed copy held on file 28/10/2019

Issue Details FINAL

Revision Record:

Issue Date Status Description By Chk App 2 30/10/19 Final Amended for client comments JC RMcD RMcD

This document has been prepared in accordance with procedure OP/P02 of the Fairhurst Quality and Environmental Management System

Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

This document has been prepared in accordance with the instructions of the client,Candleriggs Developments 2 Ltd, for the client’s sole and specific use. Any other persons who use any information contained herein do so at their own risk.

Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS


1 Introduction ______1 General 1 Site location 1 Consultation 2 Planning Policy Context and Guidance 2 Report Structure 2

2 Existing Site and Development Details ______3 Existing Site Location 3 Background and Planning History 3 Existing Site Access 4 Development Proposal 5 Parking 5

3 Transport Planning Policy Context ______6 Introduction 6 National Policy 6 Regional Policy 9 Local Policy 10 Policy Context Summary 13

4 Existing Transport Access ______15 Introduction 15 Pedestrian Facilities 15 Cycling Facilities 17 Public Transport 19 Local Road Network 25 Public Car Parks 26 Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) 26 Summary 27

5 Travel Demand Forecast – Plot A, Candleriggs Development ______30 Existing Site Uses 30 Development Proposals 30 Person Trips 30 Servicing 30 Taxi 31 Traffic 31

6 Transport Network Improvements ______32 Introduction 32 Walking and Cycling Accessibility 32 Local Road Network Proposals 32

Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

7 Summary and Conclusion ______34 General 34 Accessibility Summary 34 Changes to the Road Network 35 Traffic Impact Analysis Summary 35 Conclusion 35


Table 3-1: Parking Standards 13

Table 4-1: Walk Times to Local Amenities and Facilities 16

Table 4-2: Cycling Times to Glasgow City Suburbs 18

Table 4-3: Bus Services Serving Development Site 21

Table 4-4: Rail Services from Glasgow 22

Table 5-1: Servicing Trip Generation 31

Appendices APPENDIX A Landscape Architect’s Site Layout

APPENDIX B Site Accessibility

APPENDIX C Street operation & GCC Traffic Regulation Order

APPENDIX D Proposed Road Alterations for Servicing

Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

1 Introduction


Candleriggs Developments 2 Ltd has commissioned Fairhurst to prepare a Transport Assessment (TA) in support of a planning application for a mixed-use development on a brownfield site at Candleriggs in the area of .

This report examines the accessibility of the Site (also known as Plot A) with priority given to sustainable forms of travel, including walking, cycling, public transport and then vehicle use. The report also considers changes to the surrounding road network to accommodate the development, and associated traffic impacts.

The proposal is for the redevelopment of the brownfield site into a mixed-use development. Primary land uses proposed include hotels (with typical leisure, function suites and an auditorium), build-to-rent flats and private flats. The proposals also identify retail, which for the purposes of this study are considered to be a mix of food, beverage and local / convenience shopping.

Site location

The Site is within the Merchant City district bounded by Hutcheson Street to the west, / Brunswick Street and Brunswick House to the north, Plot B (of the wider Masterplan development) to the east and to the south. Figure 1-1 illustrates the Site’s location and adjacent local road network.

Figure 1-1: Site Location Map


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

The wider Masterplan Development Site is brownfield, covering an area of approximately 1.16 hectares. The Plot A site is vacant following demolition of previous buildings around 6 years ago.


Fairhurst have had meetings and scoping discussions with Glasgow City Council (GCC) regarding development of the wider Candleriggs Masterplan site, in advance of preparing this Transport Assessment. A Scoping submission was subsequently prepared and submitted to Glasgow City Council relative to the TA report content and certain parameters that will be adopted in the report.

Planning Policy Context and Guidance

The TA has been undertaken with specific reference to the appropriate national, regional and local planning policies. The TA also takes cognisance of the ’s publication ‘Transport Assessment Guidance’ and PAN 75 ‘Planning for Transport’.

Report Structure The remainder of this report is structured as follows:

 Proposed Development – describing the proposed development content and access to walking, cycling and vehicles including servicing and proposed parking;

 Transport Planning Policy - Review of National, Regional and Local Transport Policy in reference to the Site;

 Site Accessibility – Assessment of the surrounding opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport, inclusive of routes to amenities. Consideration of the connections available via the road network.

 Development Travel Demand Forecast – Details the trip generation and likely destination assumptions for the Site both in terms of Persons and Vehicles;

 Residential Travel Plan Framework – Introduces the aims, objectives and potential marketing that would appear in the proposed Site’s Residential Travel Packs;

 Summary and Conclusions


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

2 Existing Site and Development Details

Existing Site Location

The Site is situated within the Merchant City District of the City Centre boundary as defined by the Glasgow City Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2014-19 ‘Getting Ahead of Change.’ Figure 2-1 illustrates the Site’s location on an extracted copy of the Districts Map from the City Centre Action Plan.

Figure 2-1: Glasgow City Centre Districts Map

Proposed Site

Site Location

Source: Glasgow City Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2014 - 19 The Merchant City District incorporates mixed use land including retail, galleries, bars, restaurants and residential zones, which together promotes the sustainable economic future of the area. The A8 High Street mainly contains retail units and small businesses, with local train stations allowing access along the .

Glasgow City Centre’s ‘Central District’, which accommodates the core retail, business and commercial centres, is located to the west of the Site and is accessible via Ingram Street to the north or Argyle Street to the south of the Site.

The City Centre is easily accessible through public transport connections, mainly on Trongate and Argyle Street (i.e. the southern boundary of the Site) which provides direct links to the centre of Glasgow.

Background and Planning History

The site currently has planning permission for major mixed development (Ref: 17/02907/DC) which establishes the principle and desire for regeneration. In


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

connection with the existing planning consent there have been a number of applications and conditions associated with preparing the site for development. Planning Permission for the demolition of several unlisted (Ref: 14/02767/DC) and listed (Ref: 14/02770/DC) buildings was submitted on 2nd December 2014 and granted on 27th April 2015.

Further applications for the demolition of existing buildings on site were submitted on 27th February 2015 (Refs: 15/00457/DC & 15/00466/DC). The applications also included the ‘erection of mixed use development including residential, student accommodation, hotel, retail, food and drink and commercial uses and formation of associated landscaping and public realm.’ This application was granted by Glasgow City Council subject to conditions on 9th December 2015.

Variations of the planning application for the initial development proposals were amended and re-submitted to the council on two further occasions. On 1st December 2016, a planning application (Ref: 16/03043/DC) was submitted and included one variation from the previous submission. The most recent planning application for the development site (Ref: 17/02907/DC) was submitted on 27th October 2017. Both applications were granted subject to initial conditions.

In connection with the extant planning permission GCC promoted a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to allow vehicle movement southbound on Candleriggs between Bell Street and Trongate. The TRO also includes a change to the direction of vehicular travel on Bell Street from eastbound to westbound between Albion Street and Candleriggs. A physical island is included over Candleriggs, between Bell Street and Wilson Street, to prevent southbound traffic movements on Candleriggs from Ingram Street to Trongate. The TRO process has recently been concluded and the Order has been made, allowing it to be implemented.

The current planning application by Candleriggs Developments 2 Ltd is similar in scale and nature to the Site’s extant permission, but it ultimately represents a fresh new development proposal. The proposal will respect and tie in with the changes to the surrounding road network that have been promoted by GCC by means of their recent Traffic Regulation Order.

Existing Site Access

The Site is currently contained within one large area (enclosed by hoarding) and cleared of former buildings with the exception of two buildings on the Trongate frontage. The current entrance is a controlled gate on Brunswick Street, whilst the buildings fronting Trongate are closed, preventing unauthorised access.

The site includes a former adopted road that used to pass through it from Brunswick Street to Trongate, but it was formally Stopped Up and returned to being private land in 2016.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Development Proposal

The detailed planning application is for a mixed development. The development content is as follows:  A hotel (maximum of 500 bedrooms and potential associated function suite, auditorium, meeting and temporary office space for hire);  A retail unit circa 180m2 floor area;  A food and beverage unit of circa 419m2 floor area.

The landscape architect’s site layout plan is contained in Appendix A. Generally, the public realm, typical of the Merchant City area, will be used within the development proposals, including upgrading of areas of footway surrounding the site boundary.

Details of the development site access proposals would be developed in accordance with future detail planning submissions, confirming exact needs and proposals for each building.

Pedestrian access is likely to be from the frontages on Trongate and Hutcheson Street. A new link is planned, leading from Brunswick Street to a new central Square. Further connections from this ‘Square’ leading southward via a new ‘vennel’ and to Trongate. Pedestrian access to the Hotel foyer can be made from the new square and the food & beverage unit from the new vennel. Access for cyclists, internal to the development is likely to follow the pedestrian routes.

The development is intended to be car-free. Vehicle access, internally to the development is not required. The remaining vehicle access is likely for delivery vehicles and coaches from Hutcheson Street.

It is intended that the proposed internal routes would remain in private ownership (a private access), but that public access for those walking would be permitted.


The proposed parking on site will be in accordance with the GCC standards detailed in Section 3.

Private parking controls on the internal access areas would be the responsibility of the development operator.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

3 Transport Planning Policy Context


This section will provide a brief overview of National, Regional and Local Policy documents applicable to the proposal.

National Policy

The National Policy Context is defined by the following documents:  Scottish Planning Policy (2014)  Scottish Planning Advice Note 75 - Planning for Transport (2005)  Transport Assessment Guidance (2012)  Designing Streets (2010)  National Roads Development Guide (2014)  ’s National Transport Strategy (2006)

Scottish Planning Policy 2014 (SPP) was issued in June 2014 as a replacement for the first SPP document issued in 2010. SPP consolidated all of the earlier individual planning policies into one document.

SPP identifies that “The planning system should:  “promote business and industrial development that increases economic activity while safeguarding and enhancing the natural and built environments as national assets”.  “allocate sites that meet the diverse needs of the different sectors and sizes of business which are important to the plan area in a way which is flexible enough to accommodate changing circumstances and allow the realisation of new opportunities”.  “give due weight to net economic benefit of proposed development”.

The objective to prioritise the opportunities for personal travel by mode in the order – walking, cycling, public transport, car and other motorised vehicles is summarised within the Transport Section of SPP which states: “Buildings and facilities should be accessible on foot and by cycle. Improvements to active transport networks, such as paths and cycle routes, in urban and rural areas will support more sustainable travel choices”.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

“New development areas should be served by public transport accessing a range of potential destinations, or proposals should be put in place to provide public transport”.

“Reducing emissions from transport sources as a contribution to achieving Scottish Government greenhouse gas emission targets requires a shift to more sustainable modes of transport. For people this means a shift from car-based travel to walking, cycling and public transport”.

“All significant travel generating developments should be encouraged to develop travel plans - as a package of measures aimed at promoting more sustainable travel choices and reducing reliance on car”.

Scottish Planning Advice Note 75 – Planning for Transport (PAN 75) identifies the need for the integration of land use planning with transport, taking into account policies on economic growth, education, health and the objective of a more inclusive society.

PAN 75 identifies in Annex B the undernoted thresholds:  “For accessibility of public transport the recommended guidelines are less than 400m to bus services and 800m to rail services”.  “A maximum threshold of 1600m for walking is broadly in line with observed travel behaviour”.

The Transport Assessment Guidance document was issued by the Scottish Government in 2012 replacing ‘Transport Assessment and Implementation: A Guide’. The main objective of the document is to assist in the preparation of Transport Assessments for development proposals in Scotland. The guidance sets out requirements according to the scale of development being proposed; ranging from a local development which requires a Transport Statement providing an explanation of transport issues through to a major development where detailed technical analysis will be required in a Transport Assessment accompanied by a supporting Travel Plan.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Designing Streets (DS) was published by the Scottish Government in 2010 as the first street design focused policy statement in Scotland, marking a change in emphasis away from vehicle-dominated streets towards place-making. The two key policies outlined in DS are as follows:  “Street design must consider place before movement”.  “Street design guidance, as set out in this document, can be a material consideration in determining planning applications and appeals”.

The first of these policies is the most significant, with DS emphasising the importance of creating a “sense of place”, and stating that developments should aim to achieve “the right balance between place and movement”.

The National Roads Development Guide (NRDG) has been produced by the Society for Chief Officers of (SCOTS) and is designed to support Designing Streets (DS). NRDG expands on the principles of DS and provides clarification on the circumstances in which DS can be used.

NRDG identifies under ‘purpose’ a number of matters which include:  “Provide a consistent, accessible and relevant source of information that links related detailed and complex infrastructure requirements in one place.”  “Advocate a re-designation of road hierarchy to user hierarchy.”  “Accommodate Local Authority Variances, such as parking standards or road details. These local departures are intended to be easily identified and accessed and as such form a section appended to this baseline document.”  “Encourage high quality environments that place a focus on people and enable developments to be designed on an individual methodology rather than following standard and rigid specifications where possible.”  “Support a more holistic, integrated approach to the planning and approvals process with early discussions between all parties actively encouraged.”

Scotland’s National Transport Strategy (NTS) sets out the Scottish Government’s policies and strategies for transport in Scotland. The strategy maps out the long term future for transport in Scotland aimed at providing ‘integrated, modern, reliable and environmentally friendly transport choices’.

The NTS document sets out five high level objectives:  ‘Promote economic growth by building, enhancing, managing and maintaining transport services, infrastructure and networks to maximise their efficiency;


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

 Promote social inclusion by connecting remote and disadvantaged communities and increasing the accessibility of the transport network;  Protect our environment and improve health by building and investing in public transport and other types of efficient and sustainable transport which minimise emissions and consumption of resources and energy;  Improve safety of journeys by reducing accidents and enhancing the personal safety of pedestrians, drivers, passengers and staff; and  Improve integration by making journey planning and ticketing easier and working to ensure smooth connection between different forms of transport.’

Paragraph 58 identifies that ‘access to affordable high quality public transport is particularly important for certain groups,’ and for ‘those seeking to get into education, training or employment, access is particularly vital to enable them to become and remain more economically active’

The Strategy will also seek to ‘actively promote SMART measures such as travel plans, and high quality travel information to encourage more sustainable travel’.

The proposed development at Candleriggs meets with the objectives set out within the NTS, with access to environmentally friendly transport choices that are available in the local area.

Regional Policy

The regional policy context is largely defined by the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport’s (SPT) Regional Transport Strategy for the West of Scotland 2007- 2021. It provides additional regional policy context for the development. The document sets out the Partnership’s vision for a modern, integrated transport system for the Strathclyde area that is fit for Scotland in the 21st century.

Within section 2.4 of the strategy it is stated that: “The strategy acknowledges that the ability to use good transport services greatly affects an individual’s quality of life. This may be because of where they live (a rural area, for example), or through some form of disability, or because of lack of money. The RTS makes clear that transport must help break down barriers to inclusion so that all Scotland’s people can have access to jobs, shopping, education, health, friends and family, and leisure and cultural facilities”.

Further guidance is provided by the Strategic Development Plan for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley, known as Clydeplan. The plan provides an overall geographical framework of development within the region. It is also intended to provide the public,


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

stakeholders and the development and investment industries with confidence that a consistent strategic planning approach to creating a long-term sustainable future for the city-region is in place.

Local Policy

The local policy context for the proposed development is defined by the following documents:  Glasgow City Council City Development Plan (2017)  Supplementary Guidance SG11 (March 2017)  The Glasgow City Region City Deal

The City Development Plan identifies the undernoted Aims of CDP 11 Sustainable Transport: ‘to ensure that Glasgow is a connected City, characterised by sustainable and active travel, by:

 supporting better connectivity by public transport;  discouraging non-essential car journeys;  encouraging opportunities for active travel;  reducing pollution and other negative effects associated with vehicular travel; and  optimising the sustainable use of transport infrastructure, including the and , and the route of the Rail Link to and supporting economic development.’

Policy CDP 11 further indicates that: ‘The Council will direct major development to locations well served by existing public transport services and active routes or will seek contributions for the provision and enhancement of services/routes on sites where this is not the case, including for Fastlink.’

SG11 ‘Sustainable Transport’ provides further detailed guidance on CDP 11. The aim of the SG11 is to ensure that:


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

‘high trip generating proposals are located so as to maximise the use of public transport, cycling and walking;

the proposal is linked into the existing or potential public transport, walking and cycling network;

industrial, warehousing and distribution proposals are readily accessible to the strategic road network.’

The SG11 also provides guidance on cycle and vehicle parking standards for new development. Cycle Parking

‘The aim is to ensure minimum levels of cycle parking are provided in new development in order to support sustainable transport objectives.

The policy seeks to ensure that the provision of cycle parking in new development and redevelopment proposals are in accordance with the minimum cycle parking standards specified and always be safe, sheltered and secure.

Cycle parking standards differentiate between parking for employees / residents and parking for visitors. Visitor parking is generally short-term and should be easily accessible and visible to visitors arriving by cycle. Staff and resident parking, on the other hand, will have to cater for longer stays and needs to be secure enough to encourage users to cycle to work/park their bike safely overnight. In these circumstances, visitor and staff/resident parking will generally have different locational requirements, with visitor parking at or near the main entrance to a building, and staff / residents’ parking within the building or a secure compound.’

Vehicle Parking

‘To encourage the use of non-car transport modes, this SG sets out maximum car parking standards for certain types of development, including retailing, leisure and commercial uses. These restraint based maximum parking standards are related to public transport accessibility (see Section 2 of this SG). These standards are consistent with the approach set out in Scottish Planning Policy (SPP), in setting more restrictive standards than the national standards where public transport is particularly good. The standards include


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

provision for the parking, and charging, of electric vehicles (Section 7), also to ensure consistency with SPP. Final parking levels should be determined through a placemaking approach to the design of the development, taking cognisance of the Transport Assessment process, where appropriate. Final parking levels should not exceed the maximum standards, but should be below them wherever possible.’

Policy CDP 12 (SG11) notes that the basic guideline for parking provision is dependent on site specific characteristics and that the following conditions can provide justification for reducing the parking requirements:

 Public transport accessibility so provision below the basic guideline may be considered in areas of High Accessibility

 Density and greenspace considerations

 House size and house form (i.e. flatted accommodation with the lowest requirement, through terraced and semi-detached, to detached with the highest requirement)

 Car availability by household in the surrounding area

 Existing pressure on on-street parking in the surrounding area.

Based on the criteria noted in Policy CDP 12 (SG11), there is justification for considering a reduced level of parking supply for the residential element of the proposal. The Site would be developed as a high density flatted development comprising small units. Car ownership and vehicle trip generation associated with such units are significantly less than for large detached private housing, and therefore it is not appropriate to apply the same parking supply standards to both. The Candleriggs proposed development is also located within an area of high accessibility, being within reasonable walking distance of , Glasgow Queen Street Station, Argyle Street Station, High Street Station, St Enoch SPT Subway, and within the City Centre where there is a high level of public transport availability. Such factors reduce dependency on car ownership.

Vehicle parking standards are contained within the Glasgow City Development Plan, CDP 12 with the detail contained in SG11. The parking standards for the hotel development is contained in Table 3-1.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Table 3-1: Glasgow City Council Parking Standards

Car Parking Development Disabled Parking Cycle Parking (Maximum)

Customer - 1 space per 10 1 space per 5 Hotel (See Note 5) See Note 4 below bed spaces / Staff - 1 space bedrooms per 10 staff

Notes: 1. Site is located within City Centre Boundary, therefore parking requirements are based on City Centre standards 2. ‘Variation, above or below these basic standards shall be justified against – public transport accessibility so provision below the basic standard may be considered in areas of High Accessibility’. 3. Cycle Parking – ‘Provision should be made in the form of ‘Sheffield’ racks or lockers / cupboards allocated to each unit, with communal facilities possible for flatted developments’ 4. Disabled Parking - ‘Minimum’ requirement and should be provided in addition to general parking.  Employment Uses – 1 space per disabled employee plus 2 spaces or 5% of general provision, whichever is greater  Leisure Use – 3 spaces or 6% of general provision, whichever is greater 5. Coach Parking: Special Provision for coaches may be required for hotels

Supplementary Guidance SG11 identifies at Annex A Public Transport Accessibility Zones the criteria for High Accessibility as follows:  ‘Buses 12+ per hour with 300 metres + 100 metres catchment  or Trains 6+ per hour with 500 metres + 100 metres catchment  or Subway 12+ per hour with 500 metres + 100 metres catchment.’

The Plot A Candleriggs site is located within an area of High Public Transport Accessibility.

Policy Context Summary

The proposed development at Candleriggs complies extremely well with the criteria as set out within both SPP and PAN 75 given its location within Glasgow City Centre


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

boundary and its proximity to public transport facilities in the form of both rail and bus services.

The Site is also ideally located to encourage staff and hotel guests of the new development to walk / cycle to destinations in Glasgow City Centre or Glasgow’s International Financial Services District. Both these zones lie within the 1600m walking threshold as set out in PAN 75.

National, Regional and Local Transport Strategies seek to encourage developments which are sustainable and in locations which can easily be served by public transport. The Candleriggs development meets with all the criteria as set out within the National, Regional and Local Transport Strategies. The development is located such that it can provide easy and safe direct links for pedestrians and cyclists to existing walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure.

Individual Travel Plans would be provided as part of the development proposals, which will assist in educating future employees and visitors of the travel choices available to them with a view to reducing their reliance on the use of the private car. A Travel Plan Framework is provided in the Masterplan Transport Assessment.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

4 Existing Transport Access


The Site is located within Glasgow City Centre and is in close proximity to key transport links including segregated pedestrian facilities, local and national cycle routes and high public transport accessibility corridors. There are also easy connections to and from the M8 and M74 Motorways.

The Site location allows easy access by all modes of transport. The following provides details of the Site’s accessibility by walking, cycling, public transport and the surrounding road network.

Pedestrian Facilities

The Site benefits from an extensive network of pedestrian facilities associated with existing streets that provide access to local facilities and amenities and public transport infrastructure. Externally there are links to the core business and commercial areas of Glasgow City Centre.

The existing footways benefit from street lighting which are to a good standard along the length of Candleriggs, Trongate, Hutcheson Street and Wilson Street. For example, the footway on Trongate provides a continuous connection to Glasgow Central Station via Argyle Street in the east, or westward to the A8 High Street which extends north to south from to The Trongate, providing excellent access to transport from areas on both sides of the River Clyde.

As well as existing links to the west towards the City Centre and south across Gorbals Bridge off Clyde Street, there are also viable pedestrian links to several educational facilities to the north and south of the Site. Strathclyde University is located in the north and Glasgow College has buildings to the north and south of the Site, across the River Clyde. These education buildings are situated within acceptable walking distance of the Site.

With regards to walking as a main mode of travel, PAN 75 suggests that a maximum walking threshold of 1600 metres (20 minutes) is in line with observed behaviour. It also highlights the potential to increase accessibility by improvements to walking and cycling networks where a significant population is located within 800 metres (10 minutes walking) of a site.

The Plot A Candleriggs site is highly accessible on foot from a mix of land uses including retail, employment and leisure facilities. Figure B-1, in Appendix B illustrates the location of local amenities within 800 metres (10 minutes) walking distance from the Site.

There are other facilities within the City Centre core district that fall within the 1600 metres (20 minutes) walking distance from the Site. Table 4-1 illustrates pedestrian


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

accessibility to some local facilities and amenities falling between the 800 and 1600 metres (10 to 20 minutes) walking distance from the Site.

Table 4-1: Walk Times to Local Amenities and Facilities

Destination Distance from site Journey Time

Glasgow Royal Infirmary 1200 metres 14 minutes

Glasgow Cathedral 1200 metres 15 minutes

Cineworld Cinema 1250 metres 16 minutes

Glasgow Caledonian University 1300 metres 18 minutes

Tennent Caledonian Brewery 1500 metres 19 minutes

Theatre Royal Glasgow 1600 metres 20 minutes

Pedestrian Access to / from the north-west - City Centre

The Site is located within the south and central section of the Merchant City District. Pedestrian connections between the Site and the City Centre core business and commercial area are available via footways from Trongate and Ingram Street westbound. The local Post Office is located on Wilson Street and there is an ATM on Trongate.

Access to and Glasgow Queen Street Station are accessible via footpaths originating in the north of the Site. George Square contains a variety of local amenities including retail stores, bars and restaurants. Furthermore, Queen Street Station provides external links to areas across Glasgow and further afield towards Stirling, Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness and .

Education facilities such as Strathclyde University, Glasgow College and their adjacent libraries are situated within the 800 metre walking isochrones to the north of the Site. These routes are shown in Figure B-2 contained in Appendix B. This would be beneficial for any students living in the development. The safest routes to these facilities are available via signalised crossings which are located between the Site and the destinations, on most of the main junctions.

Pedestrian Access to / from the south – Gorbals Area

Pedestrian routes to the south of the Site are provided via footways on Stockwell Street, King Street and High Street which provide links across Gorbals Street and Crown Street bridges. This allows pedestrians to easily access areas south of the River Clyde such as Gorbals and Laurieston where there are a range of mixed uses such as shopping centres, business units, hotels and residential areas. These routes are shown in Figure B-1 and B-2 contained in Appendix B.

Pedestrian Access to / from the west – Trongate

Pedestrian routes to the west of the Site are provided via footways on Trongate. Pedestrians on these routes benefit from integrated pedestrian crossing phases at


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

signal-controlled junctions and can gain access to major shopping facilities on Argyle Street and and several local amenities such as bars and restaurants.

Argyle Street Railway Station and the (accessed at the St Enoch Square Station) are located to the west. Bus stops are located at the Site boundary on Trongate.

Pedestrian Access to / from the east – High Street

The High Street is accessible via Trongate and Bell Street and is located approximately 175 metres to the east of the Site. High Street acts as one of the main distributor roads in Merchant City connecting the north and south areas of the River Clyde. St Andrew’s in the Square is accessible via High Street as well as Nelson’s Monument, situated near the banks of the River Clyde in .

Further to the north, High Street Railway Station is accessible from the main road, within the recommended walking distance by PAN 75. Beyond High Street, along Gallowgate, a Morrisons Supermarket is located, within the recommended 1600 metre walking catchment, shown in Figure B-1 in Appendix B.

Cycling Facilities

Glasgow City has an expanding portfolio of cycle routes, many being accessible to the Site. Figure 4.1 shows a graphical representation of the city network of cycle routes and Figure B-3 in Appendix B.

Figure 4-1: Glasgow City Centre Cycle Map (Source: GCC Website)


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Paragraph 5.21 of Transport Assessment Guidance suggests that journey times of 30 – 40 minutes, that is between 8 to 10km, are appropriate for cycling. Table 4-2 summarises key residential and employment suburbs within a 30 minutes cycling catchment from the Site.

Table 4-2: Cycling Times to Glasgow City Suburbs

Cycle Destination: Journey Time

Hillhead 16 – 20 minutes

Rutherglen 18 – 20 minutes

Govan 18 – 20 minutes

Partick 18 – 20 minutes

Toryglen 18 – 20 minutes

Bishopbriggs 20 – 25 minutes

Scotstoun 25 – 30 minutes

Burnside 25 – 30 minutes

The Site benefits from being in close proximity to a number of new and established cycle routes which either form part of the National Cycle Network or more locally concentrated routes. National Cycle Routes (NCR) 7, 75, 754 and 756 are located within the acceptable cycling distance of the proposed site.

The NCR 75 is the closest route to the Site, spanning the banks of the north side of the River Clyde at around 500m cycling distance to the south of the Site. NCR 756 lies on the south side of the River Clyde, approximately 725m from the Site, and connects into the NCR 75 over the footbridge at the western end of Clyde Place.

NCR 7 comprises of two routes spanning from the NCR 75 at Finnieston to the south and west. This connection is located at approximately 2500m west of the proposed site. The western NCR 7 continues along the northern side of the River Clyde to the west end of Glasgow, while the southern route continues south-west through Paisley and Johnstone.

NCR 754 lies to the north of Glasgow at Cowcaddens and can be accessed via NCR 756 which heads northwards along the and connects into the NCR 754 at Maryhill.

The South, South-West and West City Ways (SCW, SWCW and WCW) are recent additions to Glasgow’s cycle network and were constructed to connect Glasgow City Centre with edge of town and suburban areas. Generally, the routes were established to enhance access by bike to and from the centre of Glasgow where various local amenities are situated.

The SWCW provides 2 kilometres of segregated cycle way between Pollokshields on the south side to the Tradeston foot / cycle bridge where it facilitates links to NCR 75


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

and 756. It also provides a link to the ‘Quiet Way’ on Kilbirnie Street, which consists of advisory cycle lanes on a low traffic street.

North of the River Clyde the SWCW links to NCR 756 via NCR 75. Route 756 provides a link to the WCW, which provides a safe cycleway from Kelvingrove Park to Central Station.

Phase 3 of the SCW remains under construction, however Phases 1 and 2 have been completed in recent years and have allowed improved cycle links between Queen’s Park and Cumberland Street, south of the River Clyde. Phase 3 is expected to be completed in early 2020 and will complete this route, whereby enhanced links to the local shopping centre will be established.

Public Transport

This section will consider accessibility to each mode of public transport, providing details of services.

The development benefits from a high level of accessibility to all three public transport modes, with bus, rail and Subway services all available within PAN 75 recommended walking distances to public transport services, which are 400m for bus services and 800m for rail services. Figures B-4 and B-5 show the location of bus stops and railway stations graphically (Appendix B).

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) is the largest of Scotland’s seven regional transport partnerships. SPT operates the Glasgow Subway, a large number of supported and specialist bus services, and is responsible for delivering better public transport for all.

SPT provides the Zonecard, a flexible season ticket which is valid on the Subway, all rail and most bus services throughout the region. A leisure ticket, called the DayTripper ticket, is also available.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Figure 4-2: Zonecard Map (courtesy SPT)

The SPT Zonecard can be purchased to suit individual requirements by the selection of specific travel zones, providing multi-modal interchange opportunities including the two SPT supported ferries at Renfrew and Kilcreggan, operated by Clyde Link and Clyde Marine respectively.

Bus Services

Bus services can be accessed mainly on Trongate and Glassford Street / Stockwell Street which are located to the south and west of the Site respectively. These stops are located well within the 400m guidance, specified by PAN 75 Guidance for walking distance to bus services. The bus services are summarised in Table 4-3.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Table 4-3: Bus Services Serving Development Site

Bus Services General Frequencies (minutes)

Service Operator Route Mon-Fri Sat Sun


2 simpliCITY Faifley → Baillieston or Airdrie via 7/8 7/8 12 Glasgow City Centre

18 simpliCITY First Glasgow Glasgow City Centre, Holland St → East 12 12 15 Kilbride, Greenhills (via Burnside)

60/60A simpliCITY First Glasgow Easterhouse → Clydebank Bus Station 10 10 15 (via Glasgow City Centre)

61 simpliCITY First Glasgow , Balbeggie St → Summerston 12 12 15 (via Glasgow City Centre)

64 First Glasgow Glasgow City Centre → Carmyle (via No 30 30 Bridgeton, Parkhead) Service

240 Lanarkshire First Glasgow Overtown → Glasgow (via , 12 12 15 connect , Belshill)

255 First Glasgow Hamilton (Sunday – Newarthill) → 15 15 30 Glasgow,

263 First Glasgow Hamilton Bus Station → Buchanan Bus 30 30 30 Station

Ingram Street

1/1A/1B/1C/1D/1E First Glasgow Balloch → Glasgow (1, 1A, 1E) simpliCITY → Glasgow (1B) Drumchapel → Glasgow (1C) 4 4 10 Mountblow → Glasgow (1D)

6 simpliCITY First Glasgow , Calderwood → Clydebank 12 12 20 (via Glasgow City Centre)

7/7A simpliCITY First Glasgow Rutherglen → Summerston (via Glasgow 10 15 20 City Centre)

21 First Glasgow Glasgow City Centre → East Kilbride, 15 15 30 Gardenhall (via Fernhill & St Leonards)

267 First Glasgow Newmains/Shotts → Glasgow 12 12 20

The services combine to provide up to 71 buses per hour to and from the areas surrounding the development site. This includes 4 simpliCITY buses run by First Glasgow which all offer services at a maximum frequency of 12 minutes at these stops.

The development site benefits from a very high standard of bus accessibility, in an area where multi-modal ticketing further increases the attractiveness of public transport. Consequently, the development is anticipated to be very attractive to non-car owners.

Rail Services

Glasgow Queen Street Railway Station is located to the north-west of the Site and is within the recommended walking distance, outlined by PAN 75 as 800 metres. Safe walking routes are available to the station via signalised crossings at the main junctions on route.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Glasgow Central Station is accessible via Trongate and Argyle Street. A walking routes are available exists between the Site and Central Station, including signalised pedestrian crossings at all major road junctions. This station is located within a walking distance of 800m from the site and offers a high frequency rail service to many more distant destinations.

Intermediate train stations are situated closer to the proposed site, at Argyle Street and High Street. Argyle Street Station (250m away from the site) can be accessed via Trongate to the east onto Argyle Street and is located underneath the shopping centre. This is directly connected to Glasgow Central Station which provides further links via rail services across the city. High Street Station is accessible within 450 metres of the Site via Bell Street and High Street to the east and contains direct links to Glasgow Queen Street Station in the west and towards the east end of Glasgow at and Airdrie.

Local, inter-regional and sleeper services to a wide variety of destinations operate from Glasgow Central Station. Abellio ScotRail operate all local services, with Virgin West Coast, Trans Pennine, Cross Country and providing longer distance services.

Rail services are summarised at Table 4-5 with general frequencies identified.

Table 4-4: Rail Services from Glasgow Central station

Rail Services from Glasgow Central General Frequencies (mins) Mon - Route Principal Calling Points Sat Sun Fri

Local Services

Gourock Central → Paisley → Port Glasgow → Greenock 20 20 60 Central → Gourock

Largs Central → Paisley → → Adrossan → 60 60 60

Ayrshire / Central → Paisley → Kilwinning → Troon → 15 15 30 Airport → → Stranraer (2 hours) Paisley Canal Central → 5 stations → Paisley Canal 30 30 60

Dumfries Castle Central → → Kilmarnock → 2 60 60 Auchinleck → Castle trains

East Kilbride Central → → Clarkston → → 30 30 30 East Kilbride

Neilston (via Cathcart Circle) Central → Queen’s Park → Mount Florida → 30 30 30 Whitecraigs →


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Rail Services from Glasgow Central

Larkhall Central → Mount Florida → Newton → Hamilton 30 30 60 Central → Larkhall

Lanark Central → Newton → Motherwell → Wishaw → 30 30 60 Lanark

Shotts Central → Cambuslang → Uddingston → 30 30 120 Belshill → Shotts Whifflet Central → Mount Vernon → Kirkwood → Whifflet 30 30 60 Inter-regional Services

West Coast Main Line Central → → Preston → → 60 60 60 Stafford → Rugby → London Euston

West Midlands Central → Carlisle → Preston → Crewe → Stafford → Wolverhampton → → 45 45 45 London Euston

Trans Pennine Central → Carlisle → Preston → Bolton → 45 45 45 Manchester Victoria →

Cross-Country Central → Edinburgh → Newcastle → York → Derby → Birmingham → south west or south 45 45 45 coast Caledonian Sleeper

Lowland Sleeper No Central → Watford Junction → London Euston 1 train 1 train trains

Frequent services to a wide variety of destinations are provided at Glasgow Central Station for travel to work and study, and for leisure purposes.

As with bus service provision, rail travel is anticipated to be an extremely attractive option for residents, employees, visitors and guests at the development site.

SPT Subway

St Enoch Subway Station is located at the south end of Buchanan Street and within 650m walking distance from the centre of the Site.

The Subway operates as clockwise and anti-clockwise loops within the central area of the city, with interchange opportunities at Buchanan Street (for Glasgow Queen Street Railway Station) and Partick for north Clyde rail services and local buses. A graphical representation is shown in Figure 4.3.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Figure 4-3: Subway Map (courtesy SPT)

Services operate from 06:30 until 23:45 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 until 18:12 on Sundays. At peak times services operate at four minute intervals, with off-peak frequencies between six and eight minutes.

The Subway Modernisation programme, which started in 2012, will provide upgrades at all stations providing a well-lit and attractive environment for travel.

As part of the Subway Modernisation programme, an order has recently been placed for a new fleet of driverless trains to replace the current fleet. Signalling and equipment upgrades will form part of the £200m investment, which will further increase the attractiveness of this mode of transport. An example of such technology is shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Stadler Bussnang AG/Ansaldo STS Consortium (courtesy SPT)


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Local Road Network

There are a substantial number of one-way roads in the Merchant City area, including those surrounding the Site, such as Candleriggs, Wilson Street and Hutcheson Street.

Trongate extends along the southern boundary of the Site and offers two-way vehicle traffic for cars travelling east / west.

On Trongate there is a marked on-street parking bay (pay and display) that can accommodate 4 cars immediately to the south of the Site. Also, there are 20 and 7 on- street ‘Pay and Display’ parking bays on Hutcheson Street and Brunswick Street, respectively, both of which are located on the west side of the Site. Further available parking is detailed later in this Section.

The proposed main access to the Site for pedestrian and vehicle use is from the north on Brunswick Street. Due to the limited amount of proposed parking spaces on the Site, pedestrian access will represent the main movements to and from the Site on Brunswick Street.

Candleriggs is currently a pedestrian zone allowing service vehicle access (southbound) between the hours of 09:00 – 11:00. Carriageway is approximately 6m wide with footways to either side. The public realm is representative of the style of Merchant City with a hard landscape finish.

GCC’s Candleriggs TRO, enables a closure of the street between Bell Street and Wilson Street, introduces traffic flow on Candleriggs (south), reverses the one-way operation of Bell Street and introduces a cycle contra-flow at the Trongate / King Street junction. The result of this closure, is that any vehicles currently using Candleriggs (north of Bell Street) to access Albion Street / Bell Street / Candleriggs (south), will have to re-route to Albion Street.

Wilson Street, on the north frontage of the development, between Candleriggs and Brunswick Street operates in a westbound one-way direction. The street varies in width from approximately 6.5m (one-way section) to 11.5m (two-way section), with footways to either side, benefitting from street lighting.

Hutcheson Street is effectively a one-way street (northbound) for motorised traffic, possessing two ‘no entry’ points (Wilson Street and a point 50m further south), with cycle contra-flow. The southern section toward Trongate can be used two-way. Generally, the carriageway is 7.7m wide and there are street lit footways to either side.

The from Greenock to Edinburgh via Glasgow runs to the north and the M74, linking Glasgow to Abington, lies to the south. Trongate, High Street and Castle Street provide a direct link to the M8 at Junction 15, whereby the M74 Motorway can then be accessed, via Junction 22 (west) or Junction 8 (east via the M73) and the M77 from Junction 22.

High Street is located approximately 175 metres to the east of the Site and provides excellent connections towards the north and south of Glasgow. As previously


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

mentioned, High Street provides access to the M8 in the north which provides the main connection between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Locally, the M8 represents the main Trunk Road through Glasgow, stretching from Glasgow Airport in the east, through the City Centre and beyond towards Coatbridge. The road also provides good links to a number of industrial estates within Glasgow including Strathclyde, Newhouse and Hillington.

Glasgow City Centre’s ‘Central District’, which accommodates the core retail, business and commercial centres, is located to the west of the Site and is accessible via Ingram Street in the north or Argyle Street in the south of the Site.

Public Car Parks

The proposed site is in a highly accessible location, being within the city centre boundary. In addition to being within easy walking distance from key public transport hubs within Glasgow, there is also a significant supply of public car parking spaces within easy walking distance from the Site. Given that there will be no car parking for the hotel or retail units within the proposed development , some visitors and staff may choose to use public car parks within the city centre where season ticket offers are available.

The nearest public car parks to the Site are at Glassford Street, Albion Street and King Street. All car parks are within a 10 minutes walking distance from the Site and offer secure parking controlled by a barrier system, CCTV and are well-lit throughout.

Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ)

The development site lies within the City Centre Inner CPZ, as shown in Figure 4-5. Parking on the surrounding streets is restricted to pay and display from Monday to Saturday 08:00 – 18:00 with a maximum stay of 2 hours.

Figure 4-5: Glasgow City Council Controlled Parking Zones

Proposed Site


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

To the east of the Site the City Centre Outer CPZ is located to the east of High Street and is restricted to pay and display from Monday to Saturday 08:00 – 18:00 with a maximum stay of 3 hours.


Walking Routes

The Site benefits from an extensive network of pedestrian facilities developed around it providing access to local facilities and amenities, and public transport infrastructure in all directions.

The Site is highly accessible on foot from a mix of land uses including retail, education, employment and leisure facilities. Figure B-1, in Appendix B, illustrates the location of local facilities within 800 metres (10 minutes) walking distance from the Site.

Beyond 1600 metres there are other key facilities which some people would also consider to be a reasonable walking distance from the Site. The O2 Academy on Eglinton Street is within 18 minutes walking duration to the southwest and The Tron Theatre to the south east is within one-minute walking distance from the Site, respectively.

The Site is located within the south and central section of the Merchant City District. Pedestrian connections between the Site and the city centre core business and commercial area are available via footways from Trongate and Ingram Street westbound.

Pedestrian routes to the south of the Site are provided via footways on Stockwell Street, King Street and High Street which provide links across Gorbals Street and Crown Street bridges, allowing commuters to access mixed land uses south of the River Clyde.

Pedestrian routes to the east of the Site are provided via footways on Bell Street and Trongate which lead onto main route links such as Gallowgate and London Road. Eastbound pedestrian links connect to local parks and monuments towards the south and to local shopping centres along Gallowgate.

Cycling Routes

Transport Assessment Guidance suggests that journey times of 30 – 40 minutes (i.e. between 8km and 10km) are appropriate for cycling.

The Site benefits from being in close proximity to a number of new and established cycle routes which form part of the National Cycle Network. National Cycle Routes (NCR) 7, 75, 754 and 756 are located within the acceptable cycling distance of the proposed site.

The South, South-West and West City Ways (SCW, SWCW and WCW) are recent additions to Glasgow’s cycle network and were constructed to connect Glasgow City Centre with edge of town and suburban areas.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Phase 3 of the SCW remains under construction, however Phases 1 and 2 have been completed in recent years and have allowed improved cycle links between Queen’s Park and Cumberland Street, south of the River Clyde. Phase 3 is expected to be completed in early 2020 and will complete this route, whereby enhanced links to the local shopping centre can be established.

Bus Services

Bus services can be accessed mainly on Trongate/Argyle Street and Glassford Street which are located near the southern and western boundaries of the Site. Existing bus stops are well within the 400m guidance specified by PAN 75 for walking distance to bus services.

The bus services combine to provide up to 71 buses per hour to and from Glasgow City Centre. This includes 4 simpliCITY services run by First Glasgow which all offer buses at a maximum frequency of 12 minutes to these stops.

The development site benefits from a very high standard of bus accessibility, in an area where multi-modal ticketing further increases the attractiveness of public transport.

Rail Services

Rail services can be accessed within 800m walking distance at Glasgow Central Station via Trongate and Argyle Street. A safe walking route exists between the Site and Central Station, including signalised pedestrian crossings at all road junctions.

Local, inter-regional and sleeper services to a wide variety of destinations operate to or through Glasgow Central Station. Abellio ScotRail operate all local services, with Virgin West Coast, Trans Pennine, Cross Country and Caledonian Sleeper providing longer distance services.

Glasgow Queen Street Station is also within a walking distance of 800m to the north west of the site. Frequent services to a wide variety of destinations are provided at Glasgow Central Station and Queen Street Station for travel to work and study, and for leisure purposes. As with bus service provision, rail travel is anticipated to be an extremely attractive option for residents and employees at the development site.

St Enoch Subway Station is located within 650m walking distance from the south-west corner of the development, at the south end of Buchanan Street.

The Subway operates as clockwise and anti-clockwise loops within the central area of the city, with interchange opportunities at Buchanan Street (for Glasgow Queen Street Railway Station) and Partick for north Clyde rail services and local buses.

Services operate from 06:30 until 23:45 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 until 18:12 on Sundays. At peak times services operate at four minute intervals, with off-peak frequencies between six and eight minutes.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

The Subway Modernisation programme, which started in 2012, will provide upgrades at all stations providing a well-lit and attractive environment for travel.

As part of the Subway Modernisation programme, an order has recently been placed for a new fleet of driverless trains to replace the current fleet. Signalling and equipment upgrades will form part of the £200m investment, which will further increase the attractiveness of this mode of transport.

Local Road Network

Candleriggs, Wilson Street and Hutcheson Street (partly) currently operate as one-way roads surrounding the site. Vehicles are unable to access Brunswick Street (north of Wilson Street) from Ingram Street due to one-way access.

Trongate extends along the southern boundary of the Site and offers two-way vehicle traffic for cars travelling east to west or vice versa. The main bus stops are also located on Trongate for guests and staff to access from the proposed development.

On Trongate there are 4 available on-street parking spaces immediately to the south of the Site. Also, there are 20 and 7 on-street ‘Pay and Display’ parking bays on Hutcheson Street and Brunswick Street, respectively, both are located on the west side of the Site.

The proposed access to the Site for pedestrians is from either the new square, vennel, Trongate or Hutcheson Street, whilst vehicle use is from Hutcheson Street. Due to no proposals for parking spaces on the Site, pedestrian access will be the main form of travel through the accesses described above.

The M8 Motorway from Greenock through Glasgow to Edinburgh runs to the west and the M74 from Glasgow to Abington to the south. Trongate, High Street and Castle Street provide a direct link to the M8, which takes around 6 minutes by car during off- peak times, whereby the M74 motorway can then be accessed westbound.

Glasgow City Centre’s ‘Central District’, which accommodates the core retail, business and commercial centres, is located to the west of the Site and is accessible via the Ingram Street to the north or Argyle Street to the south of the Site.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

5 Travel Demand Forecast – Plot A, Candleriggs Development

Existing Site Uses

The proposal is for redevelopment of a brownfield site. The vacant land has been out of use for some time and there is no current travel demand associated with the Site. Nonetheless the site does have planning consent for a major mixed development. The extant consent commits development of the site along with associated transport impacts on the surrounding networks.

Development Proposals

Plot A is located to the south west corner of the wider Candleriggs Masterplan Site, fronting onto Trongate and Hutcheson Street. It is proposed that one building will contain the following elements:  A hotel (maximum of 500 bedrooms and potential associated function suite, auditorium, meeting and temporary office space for hire);  A retail unit circa 180m2 floor area;  A food and beverage unit of circa 419m2 floor area.

Neither Brunswick House and its car park nor the property at 170-174 (Even Nos) Trongate and 10 Hutcheson Street form part of the proposals. The Plot A site layout is shown in Appendix A.

Person Trips

The Person Trip and Modal share characteristics are presented in the Masterplan Transport Assessment.

The Hotel element of the development would generate 196 and 256 two-way person trips during the Weekday network AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Whilst the retail elements are predict to generate 21 and 60 person trips during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively.


As the proposed Site will have minimal car parking (effectively ‘car-free’), servicing trips will be considered as a separate demand. Trips rates for this demand have been extracted for TRICS, a summary of the proposed rates are shown in Table 5-1.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Table 5-1: Servicing Trip Generation

Proposed Development Servicing Trips

Daily Demand Arrival Departure

Hotel – Trip Rates (per Unit) 0.01 0.011

Plot A Hotel Servicing Trips 5 6

Local Shops – Trip Rates (per 100m2) 0.735 0.736

Plot A Retail Unit (180m2) 1 1

Pub / Restaurant – Trips Rates 0.027 0.027

Plot A Food & Beverage (489m2) 0 0

Total Servicing Trips 6 7

The proposed development two-way servicing traffic for each day is an average of 13 vehicles.


To provide an allowance for pick-up and drop-offs by taxis, the TRICS database has been interrogated to provide person trips by taxi. This shows that the major uses would be from the Hotels, during the peak hours and equates to a total of 10 and 14 (two- way) trips during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively.


Given the approach to the development proposals is for low car ownership, the location of the site benefitting from easy access to sustainable means of transport, and in close proximity to amenities, in scoping correspondence with GCC it was suggested that no traffic impact analysis was required as part of Transport Assessment, as a consequence of development traffic.

The Masterplan study has undertaken analysis and concludes that Plot A does not have an impact on the local road network during the AM or PM peak hours.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

6 Transport Network Improvements


National and local planning policies encourage the use of sustainable travel modes rather than relying exclusively on access by private car, particularly single car occupancy trips. The policies also promote a hierarchical approach in considering accessibility, prioritising opportunities for walking, cycling and public transport ahead of access for private cars.

The following provides details of transport infrastructure improvement proposals, in support of the development, aimed at promoting and encouraging sustainable travel to and from the Site. Consideration is also given to the changes required on the adjacent road network, in order to accommodate the development. The proposals take cognisance of existing provisions near the Site.

Walking and Cycling Accessibility

The Site is situated within the city centre boundary and therefore benefits from the excellent walking and cycling infrastructure in the local area, which facilitates links to the wider city centre networks.

The development proposals offer a replacement of the historic link between Brunswick Street and Trongate. Additional linkage is being provided between Wilson Street / Candleriggs. These provide permeability for both the proposed development to the wider footway network, but also provide benefit for existing pedestrian movements in the local Merchant City area.

The existing pedestrian facilities around the Site will be enhanced that homogenise the surrounding street scape materials and extend these into Brunswick Street, complete Wilson Street and improve Trongate, as shown in the landscape architect’s layout.

It is anticipated that the measures identified above will facilitate pedestrian / cycling connectivity to the wider external network, which in turn will enhance accessibility of the Candleriggs development by sustainable transport modes. A key consideration for these measures is pedestrian access to public transport facilities in the local area, specifically bus stops on Trongate.

Local Road Network Proposals

A major component affecting the development proposal is the closure of Candleriggs between Wilson Street and Bell Street. Glasgow City Council have already made a TRO which is included in Appendix C. The road closure will lead to key changes on the adjacent road network. Appendix C also contains a sketch illustrating the existing traffic movements (Figure C-1) and the proposed network changes (Figure C-2) following closure of this section of Candleriggs.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

The following provides a summary of the proposed network changes and its effect on transport facilities adjacent to the Site.


Candleriggs currently operates in a one-way and southbound direction. To the south of Bell Street, the operation is restricted to service vehicles between the hours of 9am and 11am daily. It is signed as a pedestrian zone.

As part of the former development proposals on the site, GCC have made a TRO that replaces the existing regulations so as to allow southbound traffic on Candleriggs between Bell Street and Trongate.

The TRO allows for a contra-flow cycle movement at the Candleriggs / Trongate / King Street junction (i.e. northbound) and it is understood that the road closure section will also allow two-way cycle movements.

The existing (southbound) operation of the Candleriggs section between Ingram Street and Wilson Street will be retained.

Bell Street

Bell Street, between Candleriggs and Albion Street, currently operates one-way in an eastbound direction. However, as part of the TRO, this would be reversed to a westbound direction and one-way operation, which would continue to support existing pay and display parking and servicing. It provides the replacement route for the current servicing activity to the south of Bell Street, which currently uses the northern section of Candleriggs for access.

Brunswick Street

The development proposals reintroduce an access to the Site at the current end of Brunswick Street, approximately 38m to the south of Wilson Street that supports pedestrian access. The landscape architect’s site layout drawing highlights that the streetscape would be improved, as part of the proposals.


A key supporting function is servicing for each of the building units and an estimate of demand has been provided in Section 5.

It is proposed to service the Plot A development as follows:  Hutcheson Street – all units would be serviced from a reallocated section of Hutcheson Street, the removal of between one to three parking bays would be required, dependent upon the delivery schedule. Fairhurst drawing 133416/sk1005 highlights the proposed arrangement, contained in Appendix D.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

7 Summary and Conclusion


Candleriggs Developments 2 Ltd has commissioned Fairhurst to prepare a Transport Statement (TS) in support of a detailed planning application for a mixed-use development on a brownfield site at Candleriggs in the Merchant City area of Glasgow City Centre. It forms Plot A of a larger Masterplan development, which is the subject of a separate report and application.

This report examines the accessibility of the Site with priority given to sustainable forms of travel, including walking, cycling, public transport and then vehicle use. The report also considers changes to the surrounding road network to accommodate the development, and associated traffic impacts.

The proposal is for the redevelopment of the brownfield site into a mixed-use development. The primary land use is a hotel, containing 500 bedrooms (126 bedrooms would be for ling stay guests) with typical leisure, function suites and an auditorium. The proposals also identify retail, which for the purposes of this study are considered to be a mix of food, beverage and local shopping.

The Site has planning consent for a similar development dating back to 2015. Variations have been approved through 2016 and 2017, in connection GCC have promoted and secured a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to close Candleriggs between Wilson Street and Bell Street.

The Site is currently contained within one large area (enclosed by hoarding) and cleared of former buildings with the exception of two buildings on the Trongate frontage. The current entrance is a controlled gate on Brunswick Street.

Accessibility Summary

The Site is within Glasgow City Centre and is highly accessible by all modes of transport, allowing easy travel to the Site from across Glasgow. A variety of sustainable transport options are available to and from the Site which will realistically reduce dependency on car travel. This meets with transport planning policy and key environmental indicators.

The Site lies within recommended walking distances from a wide variety of amenities, facilities and transport hubs located within the heart of Glasgow City Centre. The walking route to key locations is already considered to be good, and there is evidence of significant pedestrian movement in the area already between the city centre and the suburbs south of the River Clyde. In connection with the development proposal further enhancements to the surrounding pedestrian network can be made to enhance walking movements. These include:

 Public realm on Brunswick Street linking to Trongate via a new vennel.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

The above measures will enhance pedestrian infrastructure and are appropriate measures to accommodate the development proposal.

The Site is also very well located with respect to cycling infrastructure. The South City Way local cycle route runs from King Street, adjacent to the application site offering an opportunity for a direct link. National Cycle Network Routes also exist close to the Site and can be used to cycle further afield.

The development site is located close to high frequency bus and rail services, and the Subway, all of which are within PAN 75 recommended walk distances to public transport services. Over 70 buses per hour pass along corridors on the Site boundary. The Argyle Street Railway Station is located within 300m of the Site, additional train services are also available within 700m of the Site at High Street, Queen Street and Central Station Railway Stations. St Enoch Subway is also located within 650m of the Site boundary.

Options for travel by public transport are significant, and will have a positive impact on the modal choice for residents and employees at the development. The availability of the SPT Zonecard multi-modal travel season tickets will further encourage the use of public transport. The Site’s highly accessible location, coupled with restrictive city centre parking standards, will limit car generation to employment uses. Similarly, the Site’s location will allow residential parking requirements to be reduced, which is in line with car ownership evidence from surrounding areas.

The Site is also highly accessible by car from the local and Trunk Road network, being located close to the M8 and M74 Motorways.

Changes to the Road Network

The GCC TRO results in traffic patterns amending slightly, whereby some traffic will reroute from Candleriggs to Albion Street, although this does not affect the proposed development.

Servicing for the development is proposed on Hutcheson Street. Pedestrian vehicle access will be via Brunswick, with connection to Trongate via the new vennel. This would adopt the same loading privileges as present and existing servicing will not be affected.

Traffic Impact Analysis Summary

The details of the traffic impact analysis are contained within the Masterplan Transport Assessment, in summary the proposed development has a negligible impact on the operation of the surrounding road network.


The Transport Assessment has found that redevelopment of the Site will comply with transport planning policy requirements with respect to sustainable travel. Changes can be made to the road network around the Site to accommodate traffic redistribution and


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

new development traffic. These can include bus priority measures with a view to maintaining or enhancing bus journey times. The proposal will also create quality public realm in the Merchant City District, which will further enhance and encourage sustainable travel movements within the city centre.


Proposed Mixed Use Development, Plot A Candleriggs, Glasgow - Transport Assessment 133416 – Plot A TS

Appendix A

Appendix B

12 9 11 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow 4 2

9 Figure B-1: Walking Accessibility 11 KEY: 13 Development Site

800m isochrone

1 1 Glasgow Central Station 3 7 5 2 Glasgow Queen St Station

6 3 Intermediate 4 5 5 4 Subway Station

5 Bank 7 6 Post Office Shopping Centre or 7 Supermarket 7 8 8 Sports Leisure

9 Place of Worship

10 Courthouse

10 9 11 Education Building

12 Royal Infirmary 10 4 9 13 George Square 11 LM 19/07/19

8 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure B-2: Routes to Study Areas KEY:

Development Site

800m isochrone

Education Facilities

Strathclyde University

Glasgow Caledonian University Library

Routes to Study

Strathclyde University

Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow College


Cycle Route Connection

Signalised Crossing

LM 19/07/19 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure B-3: Cycle Map

KEY: Development Site

The Murals Trail

City Park & Glasgow 2018 Explorer Museums, Parks & Mackintosh Explorer North The Paisley Flyer

City Parks Explorer South The 7 Lochs & Clyde Loop South City Way South-West City Way West City Way

National Cycle Routes (NCR)

75 NCR 75

756 NCR 756

LM 19/07/19 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure B-4: Local Bus Services


Development Site

400m isochrone

Bus Routes:

First Service 1/1A/1B/1C/1D/1E

First Service 2

First Service 6 & 21

First Service 7 & 75

First Service 18

First Service 60/60A/61

First Service 64

First Service 255 & 263

First Service 267

240 Lanarkshire Connect

Nearest Bus Stops

LM 19/07/19 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure B-5: Local Rail Services


Development Site

400m isochrone

800m isochrone

Major Railway Station

Minor Railway Station

Subway Station

LM 19/07/19

Appendix C

133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure C-1: Existing Road Network Operation KEY:

Development Site

One-Way Road

LM 19/07/19 133416: Candleriggs Development, Glasgow

Figure C-2: Road Network Operation Following TRO KEY:

Development Site

TRO Road Closure

One-Way Road

One-Way Road (Amended)

LM 19/07/19

Appendix D

Classroom 49 m²


WC's 34 m²

Laundry 31 m²

Store 48 m²

House keeping 43 m²

Dressing 12 m² Linen Store 40 m² Dressing 11 m²

FFL Door Canteen IC 30 m² RE Shutter RE GV RE FFL RE Door SC IC RE


B IC GY GY B Chemist 178 m² B GY B B





EXCEPT FOR B BUSES IC CYCLE B GV RE AND B BUS This is the plan / drawing / specification GV STOP TAXIS referred to in the application IC SV Signed ...... Door SV Shelter IC Dated ...... FFL Door JB BS For Fairhurst L11 FFL Raised Kerb


Aberdeen Inverness Birmingham Leeds Bristol London Dundee Manchester Edinburgh Elgin Sheffield Glasgow Watford Wellesbourne CIVIL ENGINEERING • STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • TRANSPORTATION • ROADS & BRIDGES