shaping the choreography of care & support for older people in Glasgow shaping the choreography of care & support for older people in Glasgow july 2012
[email protected] The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland : No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: Brunswick House, 51 Wilson Street, Glasgow, G1 1UZ. Copyright C 2012. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit SHAPING THE CHOREOGRAPHY OF CARE AND SUPPORT FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN GLASGOW Contents Shaping the choreography of care & support for older people 4 This report may be of interest to… 4 Thanks and acknowledgements 5 Section 1: Overview 6 Section 2: Rationale – the design of services 8 Section 3: Project summary 11 Section 4: Who was involved? 12 4.1 Older people and carers 12 4.2 Practitioners 13 4.3 Service design students 14 4.4 Others 14 Section 5: Project process 15 5.1 Introductory sessions 15 5.2 Project launch 16 5.3 Workshop with older people and their carers 17 5.4 Bi-weekly presentations of responses to each theme 19 5.5 Meeting with practitioner groups 20 5.6 Visits to health and social care organisations 22 5.7 The design process 23 2 SHAPING THE CHOREOGRAPHY OF CARE AND SUPPORT FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN GLASGOW Section 6: Ideas 25 6.1 Short summary of the concepts 26 6.2 Summary of ideas 28 Section 7: What we learned on the project 31 7.1 Partnership working 31 7.2 Design 35 References 41 3 SHAPING THE CHOREOGRAPHY OF CARE AND SUPPORT FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN GLASGOW Shaping the choreography of care & support for older people A collaborative project between IRISS, The Glasgow School of Art and Glasgow providers, including Glasgow City Council Social Work Services, Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS, Cornerstone Care and BUPA.