SURVEY of CURRENT BUSINESS June 1941 Monthly Business Indicators, 1936-41 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION INCOME PAYMENTS * 160 (VOLUME, 1935-39 = 100) 1 10(1929 • L(30)
JUNE 1941 SURVEY OF RE S UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE VOLUME 21 NUMBER 6 The Code ©I Federal Regulations The National Archives of the United States Division ol the Federal Regisfei «ol« by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Code of Federal Regulations, recently pub- lished by fhe Division of the Federal Register, ccniair^ all Ihi regulailons of genera) applicabiiii}r end legal ciiec?, as of June 1, 1938, promulgated by ovc-r 103 admirjsirative agencies ci the United States Government, The Code consists of 50 titles (analogous to the titles of ike United States Code) and a general index. It is bound in 15 volumes containing 17 books and is arranged in a systematic manner by chapters and parts to facilitate seaich and reference, Each volume sells for $2.25 excepting Volumes 7 and 14, which consist of two books each and are sold for $4i>0 a set. For further information, address: Major B. R. Kennedy, Director, Division of the Federal Register. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE JESSE H. JONES, Secretary BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE CARROLL L. WILSON, Director SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS CHARLES A. R. WARDWELL, Chief, Current Business Analysis Unit JOHN D. WILSON, In Charge, Survey of Current Business Volume 21 JUNE 1941 Number 6 CONTENTS Page Page The business situation 3 Figure 5.—Indexes of wholesale prices, January 2, 1937-May 24, Steel placed under limited priority status 4 1941 6 Consumption at record level 5 Figure 6.—Total freight-car loadings and loadings of the miscellane- Agricultural programs increase prices 6 ous and coal classes, January 7, 1939, through May 24, 1941 8 Growth in machine tool output.
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