MANSA Kibaru MANDE STUDIES ASSOCIATION ISSUE 70 2013 NINTH INTERNATIONAL MANSA CONFERENCE Inside this issue: June 18-22, 2014 - BURKINA FASO Conference 1-2 (OUGADOUGOU and BOBO DIOULASSO) Announcement Theme: The Mande World and Globalization Elections & 3-4 Membership CALL FOR PAPERS By April 20, 2014: Submission of papers to Barba- Guest Editorial: 5 Patrick McNaughton The encounter of peo- ra Hoffman (
[email protected]) by West In Memoriam 6 ples and civilizations of- African colleagues residing in West Africa who ten results in a rebirth. wish to compete for funding to attend the confer- Business Meeting 7-8 Civilizations that meet ence. Minutes often generate situations April 20, 2014: Deadline for submission to Kassim Journal Update 9-10 of shock, violence or Kone (
[email protected]) of unattached Member Activities 11- change through assimila- paper titles & abstracts (i.e., papers not already 12 tion, borrowing, recy- part of a panel) Member 12- Publications 21 cling or cultural creo- By April 30, 2014: MANSA Membership, Confer- Renewed & New 22- lization. See the full CFP ence Registration payments must be received. Members 23 on the listserv! African colleagues living in Africa exempted. Further 24- instructions regarding payment of conference NEW REGISTRA- TION Procedures 25 registration will be sent out via the listserv. IMPORTANT DATES By February 28, 2014: Panel organizers an- May 15, 2014: Board/Jury members’ evaluation nounce panel topics on and ranking of West African colleagues’ papers to listserv. be returned to Barbara Hoffman. By March 15, 2014: Pa- May 20, 2014: Barbara Hoffman informs our Afri- Editors/La per proposals submitted can colleagues selected for funding for their par- Redaction: Kassim Koné, Président to panel chair/ ticipation in the conference.