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EUSTORIC ARl'r SURVEY -, -, VILLAGES AND TOWNS OF NORTaAMPMlN COUNTY, VIRGINIA corn ILLUSTRATION Cloeksrise, beginning with the top left: aleriton Freight station, amiton NortbmptonComtyComthouse,EPstville @boto wmksy of the No&aap&a Bco& Fonm A BIacpnW for BEononic Gm&. l992) Bayford Oyster Company, Bayford Lacust Lawn, Shep End HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY SETIUMENTS, VILLAGES AND TOWNS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA Submitted by: Dames & Moore 7101 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 700 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-652-2215 Submitted to: Department of Historic Resources 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-3143 August 19% The activity that is the subject of this architectural survey has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior. This program receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protection of historic properties. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicap in its federally assisted programs. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility described above, or if you desire further information, please write to Office for Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington D.C. 20240 HlSTORIC ARCHlTECTURAL SURVEY SETl'LEMENTS, VILLAGES AND TOWNS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA August 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Executive Summary .....................................1-1 3.0 List of Figures and Tables .................................3-1 4.0 Introduction and Description of Survey ..........................4-1 4.1 Project History. Purpose and Goals ........................4-1 4.2 Project Need .....................................4-2 4.3 Scope of Work ....................................4-2 4.4 SurveyArea ......................................4-3 4.5 Dates of Investigation and Staff Composition ..................4-6 5.0 Historic Context for the Villages. Settlements and Towns of Northampton County. Virginia (Section E of the Multiple Property Documentation Form) .............. 5-1 5.1 Chronological Themes ................................5-2 Settlement to Society (1607-1750) ....................5-2 Colony to Nation (1750-1789) ......................5-6 Early National Period (1789-1830) .................... 5-8 Antebellum Period (1830-1860) ...................... 5-9 Civil War (1861-1865) ..........................5-10 Reconstruction and Growth (1865-1914) ............... 5-11 World War I to Present .........................5-15 5.2 Identifying Themes .................................5-19 Settlement patterns ............................5-19 Domestic ..................................5-23 Subsistence and agriculture .......................5-31 Government. law and politics ...................... 5-35 Education .................................. 5-37 Military and defense ........................... 5-44 Religion ...................................5-50 Industry. processing and extraction- Maritime and Agricultural Industries ............. 5-59 Recreation and arts ............................ 5-63 Transportation and communication ................... 5-66 Commerce and trade ........................... 5-72 Ethnicity and immigration ........................5-77 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 5.3 Geographic Themes: The Towns and Villages of Northampton County . 5-84 6.0 Types of Property in the Villages. Settlements and Towns of Northampton County. Virginia (Section F of the Multiple Property Documentation Form) ......... 6-1 Domestic ........................................6-1 Subsistence and Agriculture ............................6-2 Government. Law and Politics ...........................6-3 Education .......................................6-3 Military and Defense ................................6-4 Religion ........................................6-4 Industry. Processing and Extraction Agricultural and Maritime Industries .......................6-5 Recreation and Arts .................................6-5 Transportation and Communication ........................ 6-6 Commerce and Trade ................................ 67 Ethnicity and Immigration .............................6-8 7.0 Research Design (Section H of the Multiple Property Documentation Form) ..............7-1 7.1 Objectives .......................................7-1 7.2 Survey Methodology ................................. 7-2 7.3 Expected Results ................................... 7-7 8.0 Survey Findings ........................................8-1 9.0 Evaluation ...........................................9-1 9.1 Criteria .........................................9-2 9.2 Integrity ........................................9-3 9.3 Survey Findings of Individual Properties Inventoried at the Intensive Level ..................................9-4 9.4 Survey Findings of Significant Historic Districts ................ 9-7 9.4.1 EastvilleIEastville Station Historic District ........... 9-7 9.4.2 Franktown Historic District ................... 9-11 9.4.3 Oyster Historic District ..................... 9-15 9.4.4 Willis Wharf Historic District ................. 9-18 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 10.0 Recommendations ......................................10-1 10.1 Recommendations for National Register Eligibity ............. 10-1 10.2 Recommendations for Further Survey ..................... 10-1 10.3 Policies and Ordinances that Will Lead to Sustainable Community Development ....................................10-2 11.O Bibliography (Section I of the Multiple Property Documentation Form) ............. 11-1 APPENDICES Appendix A: Completed Multiple Property Documentation Form Cover Appendix B: Address Report Appendix C: Alphabetical Report Appendix D: Numerical Report Appendix E: Style Report Appendix F: Chronological Report Appendix G: Wuzit Report Appendix H. VDHR Historic Context Report Appendix I: Historic Resources Previously Surveyed in Northampton County 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dames & Moore completed an architectural history survey of approximately 300 properties in Northampton County, Virginia. Thirty properties were surveyed at the intensive level; 270 properties were surveyed at the reconnaissance level. Properties were selected to represent a range of chronological themes, identifying themes, and geographic themes. Six villages were identified as potential historic districts -- Cheriton, EastvillelEastville Station, Franktown, Machipongo, Oyster and Willis Wharf. Historic context was developed focusing on the villages, settlements and towns of Northampton County. Chronological themes included: Settlement to Society (1607-1750); Colony to Nation (1750-1789); . Early National Period (1789-1830); Antebellum Period (1830-1860); Civil War (1861-1865); Reconstruction and Growth (1865.1914); and . World War I to Present Settlement patterns comprised the overarching substantive theme of the context. Other identifying themes were: Domestic; . Subsistence and agriculture; Government, law and politics; Education; Military and defeme; . Religion; Industry, processing and extraction-Agricultural and Maritime Industries; Social, recreation and arts; Transportation and communication; Commerce and trade; and Ethnicity and immigration. The geographic theme addressed the various villages, settlements and towns of Northampton County. Each was addressed individually and, where possible, information was supplied about the history and development of each. A preservation ordinance was developed for integration with Northampton County zoning efforts. The ordinance focuses on encouraging incentives for positive preservation. Meetings were held with the Sustainable Development Task Force and with the public to ensure that the efforts meet the needs of the community. 2.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was completed with the assistance, support, and cooperation of the County of Northampton and its citizens. The people who invited us into their homes, shops, and heritage provided a special piece of themselves that we hope is reflected in this report. Dames & Moore is especially indebted to Tim Hayes, Northampton County Director of Sustainable Development, and the Sustainable Development Task Force whose insights and help were invaluable. Special thanks go to Francis Latimer who graciously shared with us her detailed knowledge of Northampton County and her special interest in the African-American heritage of the Shore. Dames & Moore also appreciates the assistance of Mr. Floyd Nock, long-time resident of the Eastern Shore and expert in its architectural history. He provided his intimate knowledge of the people and places of Northampton County. The staff of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources was also extremely helpful throughout this project. In particular, Dames & Moore thanks Margaret Peters, Randy Turner and Elizabeth Hoge Lipford for their detailed review and helpful suggestions for improvement. 3.0 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figures Figure 4.1 . Map of Virginia Locating Northampton County ............... 4-4 Figure 4.2 . Map of the Settlements, Villages and Towns of Northampton County ... 4-5 Figure 5.1 . Parke Hall. Eastville