BANKURA UNIVERSITY Colour Photograph FACULTY ACADEMIC PROFILE/ CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: TISTA DAS 2. Designation: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (STAGE II) 3. Date of Birth: 31/07/1979 4. Specializations: Social history of modern India 5. Contact Information: Contact Address: 1D, Gobimda Mondal Road, Kolkata: 700002 Email:
[email protected] 6. Academic qualifications: College/ University from which the Abbreviation of the degree degree was obtained Presidency College, Kolkata B.A. University of Calcutta, Kolkata M.A. University of Calcutta, Kolkata Ph. D. 7. Academic Experience: Assistant Professor, WBES, 2009-2016 8. Administrative Experience: 1. Member of administrative committees, Hooghly Mohsin College, Keshiary Government College and Bankura University 2. Member, Equivalence Committee, West Bengal State Council of Higher Education 9. Research Interests: Partition of 1947, migration and the experience of women in Bengal 10. Research Guidance / Supervision: Number of researchers pursuing Ph. D: 4 11. Select list of publications: a) Journals / Online Journals: 1. … Book Review, Partitioned Memories; Kathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff, Tyranny of Partition:Hindus in Bangladesh and Muslims in India,in Sephis e-magazine, Volume 3, Number 1, September 2006. 2. Book Review, Partitioned Lives: Reading Narendranath Mitra’s Jaiba in, Refugee Watch Online (a Co Publication of Refugee Watch), January 16, 2013. 3. Settling the Bazaar: the Colony Market and the Refugees, in Refugee Watch Online (a Co Publication of Refugee Watch), September 14, 2016. b) Edited volumes: 1. Hooghly College 175, 175th Anniversary Commemorative Volume, 2011, Chinsurah, Hooghly. Nari: Andare Bahire, 2014, Chinsurah, Hooghly. c) Articles: 1. “The Partition, The Refugees and the Narrative of Violence”, in Chakraborty, Bhaskar ed.