Indian Agent's Report for 1911 Opening of Parliament Agricultural
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— -" *•;. A.5«m. Jis 1-1 *&•***, > The Leading Newspaper Get ih touch with in the Wilson if you want good Kootenays Diamond Values The WILSON "Prospector" THK JEWELER $1.50 Yearly VOL. 17 UKANBROOK, B.C, SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 18th lilli No 415 Coal Strike Ended Indian Agent's Report For Four Dollar Bills are Spurious Widow of Famous Ex-Priest Opening of Parliament Police departments through (Special to Prospector) Worcester, Mass., Nov. 8.— out British Columbia have re Mrs. Euphcmle Chlntquy, widow ceived advices from the secret of Rev. Charles Cliinlquy, of Animated Scene When Strong Array of Ministers 1911 Fernie, Nov. 17.—The coal striko service officers of Cannda to bo Montreal, who attracted con is ended, miners havo rocorded big and Members Take Seats on tho watch and endeavor to siderable attention many years Cultivating Reserve. Ranching and Stock Raising- ascertain tlle source through majorities In favor of going to ago by withdrawing from the which counterfeit four-dollar work. Roman Catholic Church, of Ottawa.—The new parliamfnt van to bring practically all the Great Prosperity Among Indians. billB are being sent intu Can Tho vote at Fernie was 465 in nda from the United States in which he was a priest, and de formally constituted at noon Wedix*.-.- membera to the capital for the open cousldornblo quantities. Tho favor of working, and 231 against. voting thc remainder af bis life day, when tho membern took the ing ilay. Premier Borden was in the four dollar note of Canada ls Tho vote taken ou Thursday aud to an attack on that faith, oath of allegiance in thn common!) senate, but the majority of his col- chamber, nml signed the roll under leaguea wore in their placet. British .Columbia, Population.—Tho population of the stated to be an exceedingly easy Priday through the Crow's Nest Pass died here at the home of ber one to counterfeit. The bogus the direction ot Dr. T. B, KU \e, In the front row eat Hon. W. Koolenay Agency, hand ls 57. upon the new agrocmont os drawn by son-in-law, Rev. Samuel C. Do- clerk of the commons, nnd wiih White. Hon. Y. Monk. Hon. O. E. Steele, April 22. Honlth and Sanitation.—Tho health noteB which at present aro be the scales committee at Frank, lias lagnoau. Mrs. Chlnlquy was ing circulated in Canada are Henry O'Brien, Inw clerk of the com Poster, Hon. Robert Rogers, Hon, Frank Pedloy, Esq., of tho band has been excellent lor the been adopted by large majorities, an 1 77 years old. She was a na mon.*., and Colonel H. I). .Smith. n*r- Frank Cochrane nnd behind them Deputy Supt. General of Indian year Just closed. said to bo brought here by. Boom geant at arm*- an commissioners. Ingly Innocent Immigrants, and will govern the wages of tho mine tive of tho provinco ot Quoboc, were Hon, Sam rtbghes, Hon. Dr. Affairs, Ottawa. Occupations.—The Indians depend and, after the death ot ber hus The oath It) ns follows : Held, Hon, J. I». Hazen. Hon. Dr. Sir,—I hnve tho honor to submit on farming and stock raising as a by reason ol their low value, workers of tbe district for the next are much more readily ncceptod band In Montreal a tow yoars "I do swear tlmt I will he faithful Roche, Hon. H. II. Nantel. and two my report for the year ended Marcli means of support. A few of tho three and n half years. The vote of without special examination ago, came to Worcester to live and hear true Allegiance to lln. Ma ministers without portfolio, Hon. G. 31, IHU. young men lind work in the saw the local unions was as follows : jesty King George V. HO help me mills in tho neighborhood, and others than they would he if of larger with her daughter. Perley nnd Hun. A. K. Kemp. Location of Agency.—The agency In Ood." 1'remier Uorden was ihe To the loft of the speaker sat Sir hunt, trap and fish. denominations. For Against in the southeast part of British Col tirst to sign the roll with Hon. Y, Wilfrid Laurier in Mr. Borden's old umhla. and is bounded by the Rocky Buildings.—These are mostly of Passburg 30 10 D. Monk second, and Hir Wilful seat, Tho ex-premler glanced curi mountains on thc north, and east, by logs and are situated on a bench. Lillle 4C 23 Laurier third. Thc clerk stood at ously across the way at the minister The sanitary conditions are excellent th' states of Montana, Idaho, and Bcllevue 96 IS Further Census Returns thc long tulile uf the witli the ial bencbos, but thore was nothing in Washington on the south, and by thc Stock.—They raise cattle and hors Meeting of Conservatives Michel 463 240 roll open before him, a handsomely the play of his features to Indicate Okanagan agency on thc wost. es, and have a good market tor their Fernie 405 231 Tlie second census returns has been bound and embossed Volume. Bach his feelings. On his left, in the St. Mary's Band No. I. beef among the logging camps. The Cranbrook District Conserva Lethbridge 158 88 announced, and as lar as Southeast member took the oath, wrote his tive Association, met in the Edison front row sat Hon. Charles Marclle, Tribe or Nation.—The Indians of Farm Implements.—These consist Blairmore 36 5 Kootenay is coucernod it is vory un name in the book and thun became ex-speaker, Hon. H. Rmerson, Hon. this band are Kootenays. of ploughs, harrows, rakes, mowers, theatre on Tuesday night. There Hlllercst 118 14 satisfactory. It would look as if, formally entitled to take his s.nt in wafl a large attendance, mnny coming Rudolph Lemieux, Hon. William Reserve.—The St. Mary's hand has v.-agons and sleighs. Frank 3 98 judging from the figures announced, the house. pugsley and on hln left Hon. Prank a reserve lying near the Kootm ay Characteristics and Progress.— from Fort Stoele, Kimberley, Marys Coleman 202 85 . that preconcerted action had been ville, Moyle, Wycllflo and other The Bcene in the chamber was an Oliver, Hon. Charles Murphy, Hon. nnd St. Mary's rlverB, and conslste They are making good progress and HoBmor 200 27 taken to make tbe wost pay dearly inlereKting and animated one. The Dr. Behind and Jacques Bureau, ex- of bottom and bench lands, covered have extended their farmB by putting points in the district. The meeting lor not supporting the Laurier ad members of both widen crowded to 1 was called for the purpose of electing Boticitor general. wit , good merchantable tinibor, end up new fences and repairing the old Total 1817 773 ministration. gether to the table, strong political At ten minutes pnst three o'clock ones. officers for the ensiling year. hai an area of 17,425 acres; Isidore For instance, the latest returns opponents writing their names Hi te Major Ht. Dennis Lemoine, sergeant* President T. T. McVittie of Fort Majority for working 1,044 reserve ls south of Steele and con Temperance and Morality.—They give Cranbrook a population of by aide in the book. Some eighty at arms, in his capacity of acting Steele, occupied tho chair, P. DeVere tains 680 acres, mostly bottom-land; are a very temperate and moral This ends the largest and most bit 2,366, Fertile 1,287, and Fort Steele new members, wore present nnd spent speaker, knocked at the door and Hunt as secretary. the hay reserve at Bummers Flat, hand. terly fought strike which has taken 276. the interval in making acquaintance after three obeisances, which were a The minutes of tho last meeting 190 acres; tho Mlyuke reserve, 160 Lower Columbia Lake Band No. 3 place in Canada, and its conclusion While the above figures are quite ot nldfcr parliamentarians, and bei ig credit for a tirst performance, BOn- were read and on motion of Messrs. acros; the industrial school reserve, Tribe or Nation.—These Indians are is due to the efforts of Hon. Martin flattering to Cranbrook, showing initiated into the lesser mysterieB of moned the commonera to the senate Thompson and Manning adopted as 33 acres, kept in a high state of cul Kootenays. Burrell, minister of Agriculture, who that it is tho largeBt city I'n South- the house on matters of procedure. chamber. There bis honor, Speaker read. tivation ; the agency resorvo, Hi Reserve.—The reserve is in thc val succooded in getting both parties to cast Kooteuay, yet the poople of this The roll signed today is the twelfth Landry bad taken his seat for tbe Tho committee on constitution and acreB. ley of the Columbia near Lake Wind gether and thus ending the strike, city realize that tho population ls roll of the Canadian parliament it flrHt time, Hir Charles Fit-zpatrlck, by-laws reported progress, nud read Population.—Tho population of the ermere, and contains 8,456 acres of It is expected that most of thc much larger than tbe returns show. flmls a [''ace wllh Its eleven predeces dept ity governor-general, formally the constitution provided by tho band is 212. good, open, timbered land, which has men will be at work next week. Three years ago tho census of tho sor.* in thc archives of parliament. charged the commoners wltb the committee, which after some discus Health and Sanitation.—Tho health a number of creeks running through city was taken by munlcii al council.