James Saunders | 9781351697583 | | | | | The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music 1st edition PDF Book

It includes pieces that move in endless circles. Archived from the original on 23 February Yet within each sound Beuger suggests there are infinite possibilities, so that everything can be contained in the brief moments of activity which characterize his work. Instructions in her scores typically indicate the necessary attitude required to make sounds as a primary focus, or differing forms of documentation are used to enable performers to triangulate her intentions when working with objects. Whilst he is at pains to point out that he does not consider his music experimental, given it is ostensibly result rather than process oriented, this particular concern has much in common with other practitioners in the field. One could argue that there is much terra incognita on the map of twentieth- and twenty-first-century music: it might seem familiar, but whole areas are either underresearched or have largely been ignored. Although I came to know his music well at this time, it was the later experience of working with Tim as a performer which led me to a clearer understanding of his work as a composer. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Finding new things in new or old situations is central to experimentation. In addition, critics have often overstated the simplicity of even early . Sherburne has suggested that noted similarities between minimal forms of electronic dance music and American could easily be accidental. Views Read Edit View history. Furthermore, it does not reflect enough on existing scholarship; instead of a critical engagement with what scholars have previously stated, some passages in the volume seem to suggest that no one has ever written anything on x or y. For other avant-garde subgenres, see Experimental pop and Avant-pop. The associations we made through those events have led to many subsequent projects, including this book. . Reich stated that. Advanced Search. New issue alert. Since he has taught at Bard College. Wikimedia Commons. It includes pieces that set up an unmoving wall of saxophone sound. The approach originated in the New York Downtown scene of the s and was initially viewed as a form of experimental music called the New York Hypnotic School. Within any musical segment, there may be some sense of direction, but frequently the segments fail to lead to or imply one another. Whilst such modularity draws comparisons with the inauguration of modern experimentalism almost half a century earlier, Fox says these pieces offer order rather than anarchy, and it is perhaps that which sets them apart. The Music of James MacMillan. Most of Adams's works are written for more traditional European instrumentation, including full orchestra , string quartet , and solo piano. Oxford Academic. Minimal music has had some influence on developments in . This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Alvin Lucier. Avant-garde movements. The kinds of strategies he uses to realise the music we find interesting reflects his tendencies as a composer: there is a meandering mix of randomness and extreme control, with one often subverting the other with surprising results. Some composers and works from before do get mentioned, but the overall impression is that these are only passing references. For example, on p. David Cope lists the following qualities as possible characteristics of minimal music:. This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Tim Parkinson. A work for solo piano that lasted around six hours, it demonstrated many features that would come to be associated with minimalism, such as diatonic , phrase repetition, additive process, and duration. There is an indirect connection between elements which only becomes apparent through our experience of them, and the way we make the links ourselves as listeners. The interview was conducted by email between 10 May — 5 December , and edited in September Archived from the original on 23 April He describes this as a gradual process, one which developed organically: it is mirrored by his approach to group work, where his strategy is to challenge himself to work against the grain. Permissions Icon Permissions. Issue Section:. Classica Classical music Pizzicato. To be fair, this is partly due to the scope and nature of the subject: ordering material in chronological fashion would not have fitted the contents which Saunders had to edit. Ancient music. It includes pieces made exclusively from recordings of rivers and streams. A direct consequence of this is an uninterrupted texture made up of interlocking rhythmic patterns and pulses. The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music 1st edition Writer

The terms of reference for her work are wide and draw in the world around her: everything has potential as material, whether it is found text from food packaging, old answer machine messages, skateboarding, or the texture of ribbons. Form of art music or other compositional practice that employs limited or minimal musical materials. One of the first minimalist compositions was November by Dennis Johnson, written in Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. His response to the prevailing conditions was to do the opposite, initially looking to small gestures and silence as a way of reassessing conventions, but more recently exploring a wider palette of sounds, expanding the scope of his instrumental preparations. He describes "minimalism":. The idea of minimalism is much larger than many people realize. Visions of : The First Century. Namespaces Article Talk. Although I came to know his music well at this time, it was the later experience of working with Tim as a performer which led me to a clearer understanding of his work as a composer. We began playing together as a duo, Parkinson Saunders, in , working on mostly indeterminate repertoire which uses any sound-producing means, seated at two tables. In , wrote a string quartet in pure, uninflected C major. In and produced three works— It's Gonna Rain and Come Out for tape, and for live performers—that introduced the idea of phase shifting, or allowing two identical phrases or sound samples played at slightly different speeds to repeat and slowly go out of phase with each other. That is minimalism. Minimal music has had some influence on developments in popular music. Email alerts Article activity alert. This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Manfred Werder. His many publications covering various areas of contemporary music have particularly emphasized British and American work. In Gann's further analysis, during the s minimalism evolved into less strict, more complex styles such as and , breaking out of the strongly framed repetition and stasis of early minimalism, and enriching it with a confluence of other rhythmic and structural influences. His research into postminimalist music has been generously supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Alvin Lucier. The interview took place at Dartington College of Arts on 14 November Wikimedia Commons. The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music 1st edition Reviews

This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Tim Parkinson. January Learn how and when to remove this template message. Lucier has been central to developments in experimental since the s, with a focus on acoustic phenomena as the material and subject matter for much of his earlier work. Has no one ever written about these topics? Baroque era. Sign In or Create an Account. Whereas the lack of footnotes in some of the interviews can perhaps be shrugged off as a matter of preference, many of the authored chapters do not fare much better. Advance article alerts. Its harmonic sonorities are distinctively simple, usually diatonic, often consist of familiar triads and seventh chords, and are presented in a slow harmonic rhythm. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Medieval era. According to Richard E. List of Figures. Ian MacDonald claimed that minimalism is the "passionless, sexless and emotionally blank soundtrack of the Machine Age , its utopian selfishness no more than an expression of human passivity in the face of mass-production and The Bomb ". His research into postminimalist music has been generously supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Routledge Press. The music of Moondog of the s and s, which was based on counterpoint developing statically over steady pulses in often unusual time signatures influenced both Philip Glass and Steve Reich. Retrieved 30 January I have been fascinated by his music ever since: for me it is a benchmark to which other music must be compared. Tony Conrad and . The interview was conducted by telephone on 11 May Download all slides. The scale of his pieces is important too in this regard: most average around 20 minutes, a duration which is essential for this attuning process. This is not to say he is deliberately reactionary: these trajectories are creatively necessary to stimulate change. Steve Reich has suggested that it is attributable to Michael Nyman, an assertion that two scholars, Jonathan Bernard, and Dan Warburton, have also made in writing. The work of the group of the younger generation of improvisers subsequently labelled New London Silence has been important to my own development as a composer. Archived from the original on 23 February Classical era. Often this involves recontextualizing her material, stripping away some of its inherent meaning so that it can be used as a building block to construct new identities, finding a natural extension in her recent installation, stage, and intermedia work. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. This article possibly contains original research. James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Evan Parker. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Art music Classical music History of music. Glass has written that he and Reich took Moondog's work "very seriously and understood and appreciated it much more than what we were exposed to at Juilliard". His response to the prevailing conditions was to do the opposite, initially looking to small gestures and silence as a way of reassessing conventions, but more recently exploring a wider palette of sounds, expanding the scope of his instrumental preparations. Ancient music. His industry in presenting music from composers who were new to me at the time, alongside my own pieces, was a galvanizing force. The ordering of these chapters does not obviously follow any clear structure or theme, and apart from the broad bipartite division between chapters and interviews there is no further way of compartmentalizing the volume. Advanced Search. Indeed, there has been a marked shift in his recent work towards structural mobility and other indeterminate approaches to realizing material in particular, making this more explicit. Because there is little sense of goal-directed motion, [minimal] music does not seem to move from one place to another. More recently he has begun exploring the ontology of ensemble size in a series of pieces for specified numbers of players, such as dedekind duos in which two performers play specified pitches as long quiet tones, separated by enough time to breathe, or much longer, carefully listening to each other. His many publications covering various areas of contemporary music have particularly emphasized British and American work. Main article: List of Minimalist composers. Already in the art historian Barbara Rose had named 's Dream Music , Morton Feldman 's characteristically soft dynamics, and various unnamed composers "all, to a greater or lesser degree, indebted to " as examples of "minimal art", [16] but did not specifically use the expression "minimal music". Philip Glass. However, unless the subject in question has not been written about by others, ignoring scholarly writing is a bit partisan.

The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music 1st edition Read Online

Maximalism Postminimalism Repetitive music Totalism. Philip Glass believes Tom Johnson coined the phrase. A work for solo piano that lasted around six hours, it demonstrated many features that would come to be associated with minimalism, such as diatonic tonality, phrase repetition, additive process, and duration. Structurally, his music from the s is either rigorously ordered with a grid at its heart or very open, with the minimum necessary instructions as to how to project sounds. It includes pieces made exclusively from recordings of rivers and streams. The terms of reference for her work are wide and draw in the world around her: everything has potential as material, whether it is found text from food packaging, old answer machine messages, skateboarding, or the texture of ribbons. This article needs additional citations for verification. Finding new things in new or old situations is central to experimentation. The word "minimal" was perhaps first used in relation to music in by Michael Nyman, who "deduced a recipe for the successful 'minimal-music' from the entertainment presented by Charlotte Moorman and Nam June Paik at the ICA ", which included a performance of Springen by Henning Christiansen and a number of unidentified performance-art pieces. Routledge Press. It is in addition marked by the use of bright timbres and an energetic manner. Ancient music. Instead, there are only brief melodic segments, thrusting the organization, combination, and individual characteristics of short, repetitive rhythmic patterns into the foreground. The manner in which sounds are made is perhaps every bit as important as their audible result. Whilst he is at pains to point out that he does not consider his music experimental, given it is ostensibly result rather than process oriented, this particular concern has much in common with other practitioners in the field. This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Manfred Werder. The music of Moondog of the s and s, which was based on counterpoint developing statically over steady pulses in often unusual time signatures influenced both Philip Glass and Steve Reich. Medieval era. This week, James Saunders has uploaded his interview with Phil Niblock. The interview was conducted by email from 5 November — 7 November The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music provides an authoritative overview of established research in this area, while also offering new and innovative approaches to the subject. The work of the group of the younger generation of improvisers subsequently labelled New London Silence has been important to my own development as a composer. Theory has reflected practice in many respects, with the multimedia works of Reich and Glass encouraging interdisciplinary approaches, associations and interconnections. In Gann's further analysis, during the s minimalism evolved into less strict, more complex styles such as postminimalism and totalism , breaking out of the strongly framed repetition and stasis of early minimalism, and enriching it with a confluence of other rhythmic and structural influences. For other avant-garde pop music subgenres, see Experimental pop and Avant-pop. Ashgate Publishing Blog. This consideration of the physical situation of performing is a constant in her work, drawing on her own experience as an improviser and a concern with what it feels like to make sounds. He writes regularly for Gramophone magazine. This article possibly contains original research. Tom Johnson, one of the few composers to self-identify as minimalist, also claims to have been first to use the word as new music critic for The Village Voice. For other uses, see Minimalism. Martin's Press. Is there no research that the author of the text in hand wants to report or comment upon? They simply follow one another. Search Menu. Read the full interview here. Medieval music Renaissance music. It includes pieces that move in endless circles. 3rd-e.pdf