Sustainable Tourism Perspectives

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Sustainable Tourism Perspectives Author: Sustainable Tourism Silke Dannhofer, BSc K01157583, 973 Perspectives: Submission: Institute of Corporate and Regional Challenges and Environmental Management Opportunities for Thesis Supervisor: a.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold Priewasser Regions in the Assistant Thesis Supervisor European Union and Romana Stögmüller, MSc Austria with a special September 2019 focus on the region of the Salzkammergut Master’s Thesis to confer the academic degree of Master of Science In the Master’s Program General Management JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITÄT LINZ Altenberger Straße 69 4040 Linz, Österreich DVR 0093696 SWORN DECLARATION I hereby declare under oath that the submitted Master’s Thesis has been written solely by me without any third-party assistance, information other than provided sources or aids have not been used and those used have been fully documented. Sources for literal, paraphrased and cited quotes have been accurately credited. The submitted document here present is identical to the electronically submitted text document. Hipping, September 16, 2019 Silke Dannhofer ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS After completing my master’s thesis, it is important to me to thank everyone who accompanied and supported me during this beautiful and sometimes exhausting time. Above all, I want to thank my parents Barbara Rettenegger and Anton Dannhofer for 33 years of support in all my projects. You have always believed in me and encouraged me in every way. I would never have come this far without you! I also have to especially thank my two wonderful children Elena and Philipp, who always helped me find the necessary balance to stressful university life with their cheerful and joyful nature. Special thanks go to my scientific supervisors at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Romana Stögmüller MSc, and a.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold Priewasser, who accompanied me during this process and supported me at all times. Of course, I would also like to thank all my interview partners, who took the time to provide me with their expert knowledge and thus significantly contributed to the success of this thesis. Finally, I would like to thank all my fellow students and friends who accompanied me during this time and have always motivated me. You have given me strength and determination and have made my studies an incredibly beautiful and unforgettable time. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Problem Description ................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Research Objectives .................................................................................................. 4 1.3. Organization of the Research ..................................................................................... 5 2. Conceptual Background ........................................................................................................ 7 2.1. Tourism ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1. Tourism and Leisure Economy ........................................................................ 7 2.1.2. Challenges for Tourism .................................................................................... 9 2.2. Sustainable Tourism ................................................................................................ 13 2.2.1. Definition and Development of the Sustainability Concept ............................. 13 2.2.2. Definition and Development of Sustainable Tourism ...................................... 16 2.2.3. Tourism within the UN Sustainable Development Goals ................................ 21 3. Sustainable Tourism at a European Level........................................................................... 26 3.1. Statistical Facts and Characteristics of the Tourism Sector ...................................... 26 3.2. EU Tourism Policies and Initiatives .......................................................................... 29 3.2.1. Milestones in the 1990s ................................................................................. 31 3.2.2. Political steps in the following decades .......................................................... 33 3.2.3. European Tourism Indicators System for Sustainable Destination Management ................................................................................................. 36 3.2.4. International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development .......................... 37 3.3. Tourist flagship regions in the EU ............................................................................. 37 3.3.1. National and natural parks in Spain and Paradores ....................................... 37 3.3.2. South Sardinia, Italy....................................................................................... 39 3.3.3. South West Wales, England .......................................................................... 40 3.3.4. Cairngorms National Park, Scotland .............................................................. 41 4. Sustainable Tourism in Austria ........................................................................................... 43 4.1. The Economic Role of Austria’s Tourism .................................................................. 43 4.1.1. Macroeconomic perspective .......................................................................... 43 4.1.2. Corporate perspective ................................................................................... 44 4.1.3. Tourism demand in Austria ............................................................................ 46 4.2. Societal and Cultural Perspectives within Austria’s Tourism ..................................... 48 4.3. Environmental Dimension of Austria’s Tourism ........................................................ 51 4.4. National Programs and Initiatives ............................................................................. 56 4.4.1. Tourism Governance in Austria ..................................................................... 56 4.4.2. ÖSTRAT ........................................................................................................ 57 September 16, 2019 Silke Dannhofer I 4.4.3. “klimaaktiv” Initiative ...................................................................................... 59 4.4.4. Masterplan Tourism ....................................................................................... 59 4.5. Sustainability labels, standards and indicators with relevance for Austria ................. 60 4.6. Model Regions of Sustainable Tourism .................................................................... 64 4.6.1. Seeham, Salzburg ......................................................................................... 64 4.6.2. Pielachtal, Lower Austria ............................................................................... 65 4.6.3. Kitzbühel, Tyrol .............................................................................................. 65 4.6.4. Schmittenhöhe, Salzburg ............................................................................... 66 4.6.5. Hinterstoder, Upper Austria and Pearls of the Alps ........................................ 67 5. Tourism in the Salzkammergut Region ............................................................................... 68 5.1. An Introduction to the Salzkammergut ...................................................................... 68 5.2. Tourism development and current state ................................................................... 70 5.2.1. Market Segments of the Salzkammergut ....................................................... 70 5.2.2. Economical Perspective and Statistical Facts ................................................ 73 5.2.3. Local Networks and Cooperations ................................................................. 76 5.3. Sustainability trends and challenges ........................................................................ 79 5.3.1. Mobility .......................................................................................................... 80 5.3.2. Climate Change ............................................................................................. 82 5.3.1. Secondary Residences .................................................................................. 83 5.3.2. Mass tourism ................................................................................................. 85 5.3.3. Seasonal Expansion ...................................................................................... 87 5.3.1. Digitalization .................................................................................................. 88 5.4. Comparison of the Salzkammergut with model regions in the EU and Austria .......... 90 5.5. SWOT-Analysis of the Salzkammergut .................................................................... 93 5.6. Development options towards a more sustainable tourism in the region of Salzkammergut ........................................................................................................ 95 5.6.1. Resource efficiency and preservation ................................................................... 95 5.6.2. Mobility Concept ................................................................................................... 96
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