NEW MODEL Budget Cutting Were in Reply to 'A
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fv«;:-#;iriix; '.-r^r* -A'',‘ 'it' itm. m * /; '■ ■■' v;«A.vjv: /^'r . I 'n ^ '- '4 '1 '• ■■ ;. r . .. ,■ / '■ ■, .‘ .V- '-y ■; , . ■■ ' ,: f ; I ’.<•; ■' / - r A';\ K- '. I. ■i' T Jr-i— rr-- ■ y " ■'•■ V-. •'■■■'^ ■•'••.’ , '■ ::;:V TtJESDAY^MARCHvi2, .1957 Averaffc Daily Net’ ''rew; Rtm ; - t"-. *w- . .. ' ■ . Wfisther . .PAGE S][XTEEN ■^ t ■ , v ; ^ ■ For-the Week Ended :^anrijfiatfr , :March 'i ForaeMt-*r tl. S. Weatlm*’ ■. ■■'V- more distant aC|iools o f . Manches f e - . 1 2 ^ 6 6 4 < : ' Fair, not so mid teniglit; Leir The DeWolf Art Otiild wiU meet Miss 'Veronica and Miss;. Lau- I6-49. Fairtiy dbtidy, edtitimiM VetU Stelts, 91 ‘ Washington St., Engaged Former Assistaiil ter and the Bolton school. Eac^ t , iniursday at . lO a.m. at the Oom-f » ' ' . t , • Thursday period will be divided in- • Member o f the Audit •' mnif TltMraiay,''Hlj|t>''fe' upp^r’ Ma. About Towti munity T.,* Mrs.^ Elmer A. Weden have returned .to tow® ' a f t e r Bureau of dKU lation spending tht?’past two months in Lenten Jr readier to tHree parts Which are to be; will give'a demontstratlon of tinsel organized gambt, Lenten misklbn f 'Mmteh^ster-^A City o f filiage Charm John B, HOgaA. sMlitant painting, and each member is re- St. Petersburg and HoUjrwood. FJa. Oh the return trip they were ac study,' and a worship serv||te in nnntl____________________ iupervlBor ,6f the qu .stC<I to bring a Os’! glass in. ^ e Rev. W. ’Thomas Engram', the phuzChi Co., Allyn’i Point'Dlvl-. frame, writing pens and ihk, also Companied by their nieCe. Miss former, student assiatant /at St. VOL. LXXVI, NO; 138 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WED? lY, MARCH 13,1957 (Claaaifted A^rerHslng on Page 28) PRICE TTVE c e n t s Ch«mlc«I — . Virginia ,Vol*. who had been vaca The Rev., Mr. Engram^ worked •ion, Cale* Ferrjr, will > be the paint brushes. Mrs. JamSs White, Mary’s, will be the mid-week in'St. Hkry’s part time'while a gueat apeaker at the meeting of chainhan, and her committee will tioning in New Orleans. La.; and her brother, Joh® Vols, who was in Lenten preacher in St. Mary’s Epis senior at the Berkeley 'Divinity thb Klwanls Club ThuAday no<»n; serve dessert and Coffee, and mem-;, School In New Haven, assisting in hers will provide their own sanCP Florida. They >are the son and copal Church Wednesday evenipg at 12:16 at the Country Club. He' at 7:30. Since 1964, he has- been the ChiirQii school and running the ... .J, will Ulk on modea aiid chemicals, wiches. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jotepb A. Volz, 63 Demont St, a member of the staff of St. Ste- youth program of the parish. THIS WEEK ONLY — ALL SALES FINAL and will show a film, hjsn'a ChurCh, Lynn, Mass., ^n'e The Holy Family Mothers CirCle of the largest Congregations in lira, William-Webb has returned Another ' session of the Mothers will-meet Thursday at 8 p.m. in >Bible Studies will be held st New England. to her home In New Jersey after the ChurCh of the Assumption. Fol the Buckingham .Congregational- The Rev. Mr. Engram wrill apeak LATEX CEILING visiting relatives in, town for a lowing religious instruction, the O urCh tomorrow from 11 to 11:50 on “The ,Glft of Understanding,” GriMfing Cards month. Mr.'and Mrs. Haten Webb group will proceed to the home of ,a.m. ■ - whU:h,.^s’ the second In' a scries motored^here from N iw Jersey to Mrs. Robert Hallisey, <22 Lenox St. ’en mid-week addresses this that •xprMt yowr Withst PAINT P A I N T f take her hpma , The Immaculate Conception on the adbjeCt of “ Spiritual The Connecticut Section of the Mothers Circle will moot Wednes- ” The evening’’ service will $ 0 . 4 9 FER Our Lady of^ the Most Hot>’ Illundnatlng Engineering Society day at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Henry consist of the litany .with full sen ' $ 0 . 7 5 PER Washingrton, MarCh 13 (/f^TOnibn'g, , Corresporidenbe. have ior choir, directed bW,,Sydney. W. Rosary M eters Circle will meet will hold Us regular monthly meet Mutrie,' 43 Branford St. L ^a l . - been destroyed. at 8 O’cloCk tomorrow night at MacAlpine. ^ GAL. — A Teamsterfi Union official He said all of Hfe discarding ing in the auditorium of the Con t ■Following the service, Everyone testified today the, Oregon the home of Mrs. Colvin Cronia, necticut Light and Power Co.,'Ber * Covers Everything wan done at hls,<irdera by a wom 220 Center St. Members a n n - The Rev. Paul G, Prokopy will attending will be invited'hy St.. White and Colors an e m p lo y e ,D o r o th y ’ O’Brien, lin. Thurst^y at 8 ','.m. Howard C. take for his sermon subject tomor Union CounCil paid a $3,000 n^lnded of the auction and oake Marys Men’s Club to adjourij to' “ retainer” fee to the la ^ e r who now la^’some plate in Asia.” . sale immediately after the meet- Colton, manager o^the-Color prod row at the second of the Lenten the Crypt of the new’ church Ypr ucts section of the Eastman Kodak series-of meellnga. at.?ion ChurCh A bupai of laughter came from ■ing, and also to bring a child’s- — Paullab Bfa|f<Hlttvaps « - disCusai6n with the seaker on for indicted District Attorney the sjiectators In the , crowded gift for the sunshine basket. <5h.. Rochester, " ’ill give a “Tlirough Our Ssvlor'We Surmbht the topic of the evening. The men WilUam M; Lanprley of Port Conflicts.” The adult membership \ hearing room at that testimony. talk on “Lighting for Photog Mrs. Emory/iClvara, 408 N. Main will also serve refreshments. land. He said he didn’t know “Well thaf’s true!” Mlkesell : e s j 6-Day Trip raphy.^’ MernbeCs of camera clubs group will meet it 6:30 p.m. Fol-' St., announgek the engagement of Other services in St. Mary’s A .TUST RIGHT CARD !. J. MORRISON exclaimed. ' ' the purpose. and camera enthuslasta are lii Towing the Lenteh service, the her' daugktbr, Pauline Marie,' to Wednesday will be celebrations of -FOR EVERY OCCASION, Sunday School staff will meet. 'Tire alleged attempt' by Team vlted. Maurice A. lAtullppe, son of Mr. the Holy Communion at 6 and 10 ALWAYS AVAILABLE PAINT and WALLPAPER CO. Reginald Alikesiell told the ster offiCials to “ musCle In’.’ on a.m.. The 6 o’CloCk service will be On I Set to Start and .Mrs. Alme Latuli'ppe, 780-Ver ----- tVT FAIRWAY — Senate Rackets Investigating Portland rackets embraced the Mrs. Mary Mullaney, flrat aid non M. concluded at 6:30 for- the ben^it ISrCENTER ST^----:--------- Commiiiee ihe fec~was .paid period from mid-1954 to mid-1956. instructor, wishes to ivmind the A May 4 wedding is planned. of tho;;e w’ho must get to work; OPEN last August to Alty. K. C. James B. (Big Jim) Elkins,'de publiC that an advanced first but the'lD a.m. service will be fol scribed by the committee as the Budget Gut' T o m o rro w course will start tomorrow . eve lowed by InterCessory prayer. EVERY THURSDAY and Tanner. Portland “underworld king,’”’ , has ning at the Police Station from 7 -The SalvaUon Army Band will Those who wish to remain for He said he knows of no play at 8:15 this evening at the FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 testified that two Seattle gam- to 16 o’clock. All persons Who hold, healing, prayer after the other in service Tanner perfomied for bler.s, Tom Maldriey and Joe MC Gaza Governor - Wa.shinKton. MarCh 13 (/P) Washington, . March 13 i/F). FUNERAL HOME standard Unit air certificates or meeting of the Hol’lster PTA in tercessions are invited to do so. — President Ei'senhotfer dis W^ose certificates have expired the school auditorium. The bands the -union at the time, and Laughlin, were sent to Portland in Gen.' Hassan Abdel Latif, —The House today voted a .St. Mary’s children's Lenten connection with the alleged effort whose appointment by the PINE wiGxm the year are eligible to un men will be under the direction of program begins this Thursday af OPEN MONDAY added: “ It does seem a little 26 per cent Cut in the. budget Closed ((tday he will take a FU N ER A l One reason the committee Wantr Egyptian government as gov dertake this course Of four 3-hour Bandmaster C. Peter Carlson. ternoon after, school. A large silly, doesn’t it,” for the executive offiCe of slow trip on a Navy cruiser iessops. Mi’S. Roxy Foss,, and Peter This will take the place of the ed the financial records /Vts to ernor of- the disputed Gaza PHARMACY group of volunteer drivers has of WORLD Strip caused concern over the the President for the Vl. to the Bermuda ConferenpeD SERVICE Staum, Red-Cross first "aid instruc regular praCtiCe period for the fered to pick up children at the Ml 3-8072 check on any payments to Maloney M « Center SL—TeL MI 9-MU GREEN Washington, MarCh 13 (/P) and McLaughlin. future status of .United Na months starting July 1. The in hopes of clearing upTiis Walter N. tors. will assist Mra. Mullahey in band. teaching the grbujl. S-^AMPS That’s the number! CalL it — Reginald (Reg) MikesCll, tions forces in the area, puffs House action followed Closely headCold and ear intention. ^ Leclerc (Continued on Page Six) a Cigarette in Cairo.