» •

Lakeland Pilots Supplant Palatka Azaleas Tonight

THK HANFORD HERALD Kassabian Quits, Pirtle Sticks; i'ajt# 8 Thun. May HI, 1838 Leesburg Crushes Sanford, 16-1; 15- Year-Old Baga| Red Hires Hurls Wilson-Maier - — Aleno Is Sought As New Manaq, .« Cards invade Leesburg Tonight ScSU Xei iSfcWbOwVWMwe By The Associated Press LAK ELAN D —

Blf Eu| Pint Stmt LONOWOOD Pfton* 1011 RLENDRD }|| WHtSKGY -hot ~ 1

IF YOU DON’T THE WKA1HEK I receitra roue Saaford Httild. City Citir to pirtly cloud) zmt con­ tinued ■ ii iii through Saturday {toiletry, br 7 00 P. ft]., please call with whlel) sculli-itd mostly after­ YELLOW CAB 1144 Stfjp #anftfrtt Siuralft noon showers ami thundershowers. AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER MMg— 1 —— i V O L U M E X U V Esiuulltihed 1908 SANEOKD. FUJlUDA i iMDAY MAY 22. 1953 AfstifitiU-tl Press Lease Wire No. 195 Tidelands Oil Civic Leaders Voice Bill Is Signed Clause In School Fund Bill . Support Of Campaign By President With Threat If Segregation Scores Of Witnesses Applaud At Signing For New Industries WASHINGTON - President Ends Rejected By Committee Kiscnhowrr «nIon *»lo a*.....Sanford. umm™business «-»• and i"my profe* title-which they llo-y already claimed- riu- Bureau of *Labor Statistics ttihllife." The article, written In gainst comtmm carriers for frei­ r .i out that year »i mono round or,}payrolls 1 sionnl men acquainting them with Clears Way For to submergednl lands ‘‘within their ti-puiled today that its consumer's Florida Wildlife" Fdilm Ink By Big Auto Firm ght jdalmx. It was referred to the the purpose of the Industrial drive llislllliv hoillld.il It s" .111,1 |l,|s »JK’ |Uice index advanced uncle,,III ol Liatil. al-o Incliidcd twi. pi, Moloi V ehicles t omtnliter. A are needed to give Sanford a ciiil rt-ferenee to the oil rich land* lines ol prize fishlm- catch-, i • balanced economy. and urging their aid arid support -mi- pet i >nt during -he month off the shores of Texas. Louisiana, ili-all foods costs deelli.s l a lot Jaycee Fishing map and cii DETROIT '.4*—General Motor, Among lliose writing letters to In IL he pointed nut that any Hospital Bonds today announced an agreement TAl.l.Ail ASSKE M -The House agriculural community such as California and Florida hut other cimsnmer costs rose larged prints of the gold medals Senate couferenee committee on the Herald for publication and urg Kiteiiltowtr issued tin- following -lightly embiixsed In ihe tevl of tin- . lilt tlie CIO Culled Aolomoldle Ing the public to support tills all Sanford must have supplementary Worker, covering modification of Florida's gen-ml appropriations source* of Income, to provide em­ Judge M It Smith of Hie Ninth statement: The index at mid April wu* 11.17 story. Also Included is a lav (dll voted tud.iv to leave out a out effort were II. II. Coleman, Judicial Circuit lodnv overruled “ I am pleased to sign this mcas I -r cent ol the 11*47 til average vor ad inviting llsliermcn to lit the formula affecting wage, ol manager of the Florida Power and ployment fer worker* and sales for diinit 13(1.0011 IiM employe, in the House clause which would with­ merchant* during those lean per­ all objections of Stale Attorney ure Into law recognising tin- ancient this means, roughly. Ihul pur .iiigtlng in the ribllllilanl waters hold state fumi' from schools if Light Co.. B. L Perkins Jr., the Murray Overstreet amt signed the rights of the states in the sub chases costing about a dollar five of Heinimi*. Count). nation Hev. J. E. McKinley, pastor of the iods of the year when It* chief ee racial segregation is ended. anomic activity I* dormant. filial validation decree for the is­ merged lands within their historic M ars ago void n.-arly $1 11 I'lte agrcc-tneiit cull, lor convcr Tile Culled Stales Supreme Court First Methodist Church; It. J. liny suance of fxuo.ood in County bond* 'ion to Hu- new "revi,ed" feik-ral min* hVtJnnford"aV "We are trying to stabilize San- boundaries living costs now are near the II) JACK GRAM now Iki, In-fore it cases which tor Hu- purpose of building u Semi "As I have said many lime* I peak set last November when the lleprlnl Frotu I-lorhla Wlhllile Hmeaii of l.atior Standard* price could outlaw segregation In the lantlc National Bank; Judge Stem man 'J m ' iK nolc Could) hospital deploreileii and I will ulwuvs resist index was 11(1 The mid-April I lien- are tiimn-rop, excellent mil x on the new lll.S lia,i- piddle bools of tin- Sooth strum; and John Bromley, pr*d- The Stale Allor_-» on behull federal encroachment u|imt rights tiip.n- was ahout one hall ot one ti'lnm- , |mls in Seminule Cuuuiv \ total of 111 •enl, of tin* ore, dent of the Chamber of Commerce. small business man can enjoy a The House version of the ap­ more predictable and a mure ev­ of Ho- State ot Fl. ililu will now and affairs ot the states llecog 1* < '4'llt under the Nevendiel re out Ihev aren't hard lu lunl ...... I -nl Jl cent* eo,| of liv ing allow- (T Meanwhile llalpll Cowan, presi­ ail) ot the (riemltv nutive, will propriation, lull carried a provision en income". ipix-al t.i Hie Snpii-nie Court Ac nixing the stales' claim la these i tM tl .on i- will In- tiati'fi'rivd to the that Hie 'tide money appropriated dent of Sanford Industries, Inc. cnrilliig to Count) AMorm-v l.lovil I Continued on page six) 1 III* Imr sDltl thiil lll’jflt' 1* -n l-’ tin I wli It tile1 • I•-> lo. *• ii. ol" ve,' tia»e rate,, effeetive announced that the kirkoff break, Ills letter in full Is ax follows: in- do- lie,i I*.,., ground, m Hu- fur I he public schools should lie "Once Benjamin Franklin gave F tlnyle, who attended today’s fIt *Al .1IV l*fl tenth* 111 (Dll I" June I fast for "S" Day next Tue«.lu. hearing, every elfurl will lie made ' ''111 ■thi'Vv a ;year ai;o iiiiil 11 win id But it you will t.ikt him u> withheld it fur any reason segrega­ will be held al Eddie’s Re-duurant some sound advice to the thirteen go to dll- ntfiee id the NetnUiole The lit c-'iit* repreent* the In tion of the rjeio wu, erul.-il In rebellious British colonies in to have Ihe appeal liikco up bv Chase & Co. Has |*4 i 1iVJlI limit. Hi.in u Inn 11. in i,e in Hk- eo,t of living allow In the Vaider Hotel beginning at the eonrl prior to their recess I a ■ -*• , •• Korean Wal began i omit) Junior i iuinthei ol i mu Florida riie Senate loll did not ft 00 o’clock. America. As so often happens ,ni..- during tin- period used bv carry the restriction whieh starts during either July or A l T H D l S l ! * ! 1)1111011 I-....I ensts, whieh reaelu-d a |»-ak rneree, tin*) will give you otic nf the government in it, wage con when a number of strong-minded, their detailed (I'hing map-, Imw House conferees acceded to the Every member of the Sanford determined men join (norther *" Augu.it l> i August, imvv are 2 I ix-r ei-it Hoi program. Industrial Board is urged to be In ruling in favor of the County It, Pm a year agn hut II) tl |>er eenl mg Ihe St Johns liner, ul.iili request of Senate eominitti'emrst an new undertaking, the leaders of Of New "Can-StaiT flow, through vi iifu Luke Monro.- A ten cent* an hour Increase that the conference lull should not present as well a* every director (he colonics could not agree among on all do imted points. Judge Smith .titi-ve tlie lev -I when the Korean in the rate* of ,oim- (ii i,m .killed of Sanford Industries Inc . the U ir began I.i i iim ip tor tlass llshlllg, in.I tiie I curry the ,egreg,tiimi clause themselves. Then Franklin adiiiou paved the way tor Ihe challenge ll.ide, IbiHcd Auto Worker, via, Sanford Cltv Commission, direr- to In earned In the Slate Supreme Chase and Cnmp.m) lias l.ik-m l oud costs drrllnt-d two tenths nl W.kivu Itivcr, with it, iiu.iiiiilid "Should .invthlng develop that Islied them somewhat as follows ...... led ,lii.res ami t lc.u .p.ukling . .died for in tlie agm-ment , , , , „ tors ami officer* of the Seminole 'We must all hang together, or we Court for an ultimate sand ion of over Ihe Central Florida ilistrlbii . i pet ei-nt from mid March I■ > ... . , , , . . . wool.IMould lii bring uig Hie the 1 April Housing expense,, lit wotei, lull n( luellitiei, ol Hie It,I, would be m ...... to at...... fll| ...... the l.egixln may hang separately.’ The lead tu garbage siatiitizei lovenlfd linn, 11 11 if Also on tile lu .p ol e a linn.d impix.veilleiil lael.u ol five , , , , era heeded Ills udvlce, not always The Hoard nf i minty Commix ^ t lulling rents imd limisi-hold main lore would have to meet m 'pedal Ijv Alex Siiiii.i and Tim < ravvford It "i.uu e averaged two tenths id urn I -ike, Jessup ami lloniei w.-ll i cut' an hour instead of four cents perfectly It Is true, but they (fid sinners on Apr 7 authorized and a' previously provid'd ,e,,lti|| lo deal with Ihe situation Need For Rezoning iirovided (or issuance of interest in Hanford reii-ntlv il whs an pel relit higher a* Ho- mimes ot camp, in Hi. .n< ,i ‘hang together’ -mimgh that the -uiToutidmg these tislimp i.oue), ! anyway the restriilive elause culonle* won their independence bearing hospital bonds In Hu- ag­ tiounveil loda) b) Du k Mealy, Call Vpparcl costs were down a lot FI,cm here in Delmi! pr.xlio'linn i, iit-'.iioiigii-,," Hep McFarland gregate ,imount ot iHOU.bW) lo lie Stan sales manager Hi clothing pnci-i lower hid h«'i Beside, Hie man, Hie alett Jay 'Vhedule' slumped tml.iv as tat) Of Sanford Is Told and established the great nation ee. give a free lislii.ig in. .lol in tCiiiltltllied oil page III reel of which we are all now citizens dated June I, IU31. in Hie ilcnnml Tlie Can Stan Was lealured In ■ar pines higher ... di'|uit(.( idled si.me ijl.tMl ail nation of tl.tsHi each Ihls month's issue ut Loot! lioii.se I he liiireuu reported Increase, m my one eatchlllg a . (h i| | in | o| to worker* aern** Hie uulioii 77, At Planning Meet "The people of Sanford musl keeping Magazine Aveol'dlng to tu,l> of medleal care, cigarette, linger freshwaler lias, m tin- tun of them In Hie Detroit area hang together' If the Industrial Mr Overstreet's opinion, filed Mr Heuly, tlie Better House and ii:iii«|Mirlulinn, gasoline, auto re semliinh-Colint) (islllliu al eo I.dm (graduation N a n s drive now under way is to *uore-• ' Today's Index tins no effect on Tlie tin ee dav old Build strike A program outline for Hie Semi­ eral art-as of Sanford now under t lie uImi attacked validity id the form a ruck tor tlie can which i, lidmr contracts, many of which are nole High .School gr.Htu.ition cere­ study. You ara every one familiar with election on points involving ud elevated a (ew Inches from the hinged to ihe government living called hv Ih.Hi sides a wildcat walk the condition existing here for Lust Rilo.s Hold P'or out. lorccd Chrysler to send h.noe mony on Friday, June 3. ha* been II. James Gill, retiring secretary. valorem tas powers, and authority ground tu prevent rust. The . K rod figures Tin- contracts provide completed by a ...... stu­ moved that the Planning Board years of feasting in the winter uiol to assure purchaser, of certain secures the cans from licini: hhuvn that pay rale, rise or fall scentd its worker* for lack uf part* starving in the summer. You all Julius DiiiKlL'lder Ford 'i.iirce, aid H'.ikni workers dent, Terry Cordell, senior da r recommend to Hie City Commis­ priority In liens over or knocked down Ing to index i liung-s •tcidisil iiiiiitin<-4-11 v»*terdav sion Ihul $1500 be added lo this know that our principal source of at i l , pi.n it' aeios* tile .- mSi I i ) Meanwhile. Hu- results ol However, most are geared lo the I'liv.ile fmier.il «eiviees l..| Cxerdse, will start at * (hi p m WOO In nexl year's budget in or­ Income Is from agriculture. Over a lioreau's "old series" index The It oidliin.il on page sit) long period of time that Is good Intensive advertising campaign - -1 il lilt, lllllgteldl'l W.-ii Ill-Ill Ve, m Ihe high school audil.itlom der that a consultant might be Local4 I Meant , ion Toe . now beginning to tie loll, o. mid \pill (Iruie lot that erie, teciia v lino mug ,.i 11.•• |ii i,,i.u hired to aid III the rczunlllg of the Agriculture Is perhaps the most won't In- .imiunm-ed until next wi­ Student, are Working .at their tin sic and essential industry known Attend hlks Coiliub staled W.- have been reeeiunt Full.■I at llulue II..1.1,i 11,i\)■ f S||,, own program, siibtoct in tin- up City, liie motion, which followed between 7 and II loiters ilullv l> ll will atleet wage rate, nf tilimil a kind nl tlie i '.oigregotmn uf I.literal Air Station Sots w a suggestion by Cltv Munugcr Tom to mankind. Man must have food, |-r..v *1 of the lacultv or he cannot live. A dclcgalinn id la mum bum nf our ails in 7.1 paliers ill five suniii nullimii auto worker* whose eon I ii< I ut s in i,I iitl.iiidn nllielateil at 0 Lemon that thought be given to Hie Sanford Klkx t'luli heaileil liy easier stales," kir Mealy assett>-I tracts have the "escalator" clauses. the service al II no a m Crema Record In Making Ihe valedictorian ~d .dnt.itor "But it Is also true (hat farm i h i address?* will hr m.ole liy including In the budget money for Ituburl S. Billhimur, I'xalled ruler, "We are advertising for m d dull will lie iindci Hie direelliiii ,d u soiling consultant, was carried prices vary from season to season Ihi.'e honor stuilenl, win. top the and even from day to day al will leave lumurmu tu attend the orders and salesmen in vav-" - Ozicr, I {reckon ridge Cure) Hand I iniefal llnliln m Or Blood Donations Earlier this year, George W. sections of the southeast The i- Iambi .la ,, sclluluidlvall v. a.id Hour times. Crops are bigger in sontu state cunvuiitiun ut St Augustine r name, will he unmumc.-.l following Simons, planning and zoning con idle* were slow In begin with, l-. t Will Return Tuefulny Mr Dmgh Idrr, ii prominent sultant (ruin Jacksonville, said he years than In others. Even at best, which runs Ihnuigh Mumiay. The S.itif.ii I N >v;il Auxi1i.il t Mr the l|gal grade report, the need for labor and Ihe receipt ! L-jt-nl delegutes alii-mllng In­ they ure trickling in at an <-> produce men hunt, died ,m May I I Station '.-I i new record f.u Hie would carry out a hug range pro­ clude: Mr utui Mrs Itilllitmur, Mr creased rate with each pas-, Wold ha, In en rect-ived from it In, I...... ot izi i I rand view liase on In. In when the service I WO student speaker, will gi.e gram for till 000. ol income la always Irregular and seasonal. A community, like San­ and Mrs. Jumt-s Houluhan, Mr. and day." Forrest IliTi-kcundge and Merv Drive, billowing up illness ot sev men an t 't ,ltmi employees con ...... aildresM", ami tb.-v v. Ill Members of the planning Com Mrs. Jutn ('timerini, Mr. uml Mrs The Cun KinII, so named hv < O/lcr that Ihev ex peel to leave eral year, lie i, survived by his be 'eleelrd Id a spoil,,u1' enmmil- mission felt the cost appeared to ford, mostly dependent on ugrleul- liilniti-il i lotal <>l 212 pints a L*0 Butncr, Mr. and Mrs Al Cue, Inventor Tim Crawford, is (n i . Detroit Kimilav and lie m Sanford wife. Mr, Gertrude Dmgftddcr. tijood tin- i-iev tolls tllgll Was ID. bv next week Midi talk, will be it little loo high and favored a ture finds that its income fluctu­ ates badly from season to season Mr. and Mrs Hum Carter of De­ conilriicted In tlie Kmilly’s M . oil I'oesda) a iluiiglilci. Miss Margaret Ding pint, deal Lilli full...... ill, look tor Ihe conference with Mr. Simons. chine shop on Route 17 !I2 In ...... Thu two men led May H to eon (elder, a p.i.l graduate student al ulas, and (tie ucliirvdnenl* Chairman Robert S. Brown sug- and from year to year. The labor nary, John Williams, Bert Itipley, Vestel.lav ul pint, Were collet in that community finds that Its and John Fitzpatrick Knuforil Mr .Smith js the c<> m tact leaders of a Detroit group Tulane Cmver,iiv in New Drleaus, ed in Ho- '..iiitold City ilrBe ol the clan* in the pa,l \> .ears <| vested a survey be made over a vt-nlor of Hie fuimuis |s-wer uimn-i which may result in bringing In rtml ti ,ioi. I t SHuioi Dingfehler George Harden and Richard Hall five year period and that a great work is irregular and seasonal, Elks begun registering today for Ihirtv Hu...... those were (or use “Any agricultural community, Hie Cuiivchllon. Social events run the "Snaitpln' Turtle" with In- Kemlnolc County ahout K.ik*) re wlio i, ,1.iimned wilh the United by tlie aimed services, and Ihe will cadi appear a, *uloi tired industrial workers Stall-, Armv in l.eriiianv, nl—• lirngram. and there will he drama­ by the Robert M. Angas Associates •nd Sanford Is no exception, should to Sunday night. Business sessions same mimliet will tie for use li> (Continued On Page Six) oe Monday will close the meet. vised a new dims cultivator in, Mr Breckeiirhlge Is manager of two giandrlill,Iren, Jan and Will­ the eommiiiiitv tic readings by Itimald Hold and would prove to be uf considerable his Sanford shop during the p . the Heininoli- County ‘liutnlier ot iam Mat) Jane Boyle assistance In the program. A total of 22* person* Ut NAAS yeur. Cnniincree while Mr Ozler is |ire viplimli-ri.il Hi were rejected for I lie henedietion will he ottered Mr. Brown also brought up the Funeral Rites Held FIRST CAR OF I*LI’PLUS sidelit ot Itzier Weller Home, toe MI M IN G CAI.I.LD vari.ui' re.i'oiis ,ind one was mi l-v Ihe da** eiiupioin, Beverly need for a separation of Ihe per­ The first straight carload nf ROTARY MLLTING Senior Class Mothers. Mrs M Benton, anil Hie liivoe.ition will he sonnel now comprising the Board For J. A. Mooneyham aide lo ilD>- hhhiiI local peppers was shinped from !>r. Frank J. Pyle, preshleu' GIFT ACKNTIWI.LIIGLII 1. Hol.,0 ii Si i Mi s r W Mamil, It I II Brow todler. Medical Ii) It..licit Morris, plrsitlciH of Hie of Adjustment unit the Planning the State Farmers Market yestor elect of the Orlando Hotary t lob, Mrs K W Rile) siipcrlnlcmlcnl Mrs George A S|..... Jr and 'Indent body Teifv Cordell will ORLANDO— Funeral services for Corps, was m f senior class Two annual award, given liy the Mayor Randall who at- manager of Southern Bell Tele- chairman (>>r the volunteer and Chase, City. That announcement was Rotary Club at 12:13 p.m Moiid .v Icdged tin- gift of four lu inch elec member, id Semiouie High School winker* groups American Legion and the Jaycee* at tended the meeting, said that the hone Co., Orlando were held at made by Manager Kandy Antler- at the Yacht Club. Dr Pyle wdl Irlc funs from the Sanford Worn meet al tlie school Tuesday at 1:10 and tlie IVIer Scholl athletic award :00 p.m. today from the chapel Aohinti i i worker, im-lmled Mr, Board which now comprise* nine S ion, who added that the pepper speak on the subject: "The lu all's Club, The donullnn was cue of ti m in order to complete plans L II Blow neller. Mrs. A l> will lu- aimmmced that evcmtig member* could be broken into two of the Fairchild Funeral Home. market Is In i very healthy con- sjdrutlnnal Aspects of Itol.n v many received us a purl of Hos­ fur reiilor activities during grad Working mi the committee ar­ Mr. Moonayham died Tuesday at Keliols Ir Mr, F E t ulhiuv, group* of four with one member Membership", pital Day held May \'i nation week Mr, II N Veil urn. Mr* .1 Ken ranging tin- program are Sammy to serve on both boards for lia­ hla home, IToa Dormont. He Is sur­ iii-dy, All, Al AV NiciioLmi, and Jacobson, Judy Irvin Gail Hit­ ison purpose*. vived by ona brother, H. A. Moon­ ting, Phillip Huvil, Mary June ayham, and one sister, both of Ra­ Mr' t I Klingilhotfcr Chairman Brown suggested that Mi* A.Iiii.i Gonzalez, exeeiiltvi Boyle, George Harden, Ann Ita John Gillon, building inspector, be leigh, N. C. Mrs. Mooneyham died tmrn and Terry Cordell i lass last year. seeiet.it v lot' the Red Cross al . given an assistant to aid him in issisled ■iiuisor, are Klevvart G.Hdidl. nls work. The voluma of building Dr. J. Powell Tucker, pastor of Nellie Ciilcmull, Roger Harris and Ihe First Baptist Church, and the Aides were N AAcsl, ,S|)1, and being carried on in Banford at Ihe Angelo Ahclida, SD1 . Hdierca Ktevem present time makes It impossible Very Rev. Melville E. Johnson, Tile Rev. J K McKinley ,d the dean emeritus of SI. Luke’s Cathe­ Volunteer nurses inclmled Mr* for Mr. Gllton to cover the city. A I’ ilrugmiin, Mi, It I, I’liilips. first .Methodist Church has been A asserted the chairman, who polnt- dral, officiated al the service*. engaged to deliver the principal Pallbearers were J, II. Dell Mr, l» 1 Taylor, Mr*, ti i’nw w ed out that he brought up the n ' ell, Mr, I. G Lavser, uml Mr. address ut the tiuccalaure.ite ser­ ter after hi* own observation. Roil, J. P, Evans, M. K. Coram, vice which will be Similar. May It, J. II. Wilson, W. L. Kennedy and AV C Trout iiiii n Nurses' aide Warren Knowles, new atreel diirmt! the day wa* Mr* It f m the auditorium commissioner, took over the duttea T. M. Chevea. Honorary pallbear­ Roden. Next week I* Hie final mu for the as secretary for Ihe Commission. ers included James M. Milligan, C, mi sen mra, who wilt take their lack Camp. Martin Williams. H. X Collei'linri started at H (3 a in and lasted until 1 on p m IunI examination* on Wednesday Al tile Parish I louse, there were Tin- du*s wilt In- dismissed Thurs­ tangwnod Farm Sold W ciij M A S " ’’' day at noun They will return on Rufial was In Greenwood Como H7 persons regl-teied of which 21 By Martin Andersen tery. were rclcelcd. Friday for Class Day, the occasion W 1 ■ — — Mrs. 11 AV Rucker, chairman when all .school awards are made The Manana Farms al Longwood of Hu- civic Rcparlmvnl ot Hie and senior* given Itp-ir program, have been sold for 947,000 ac- Swartz la Speaker - Woman's Club, wu* in charge of will uml prophecy. During the flr*t D cording (a Information on file at rei-riiilltig donor* while Mrs. T week of June, they will be ills- the office of the County Clerk Aft-Orlando Meeting F. McDaniel, |iresident of tlie missed from further attendance at Martin Andersen and wife and Selinmile County Medical Auxil­ da** A number of beach parties the Florida George Swarta of Hliver Lake iary, wa* in charge of Hie other and social activities are scheduled the was guest speaker al last night’s necessary arrangement*. during that time. Engineering Co.. Inc., chartered mestizo/ ih« Orlando Men’s Gar- Tin- Kunford Electric Co do in Indiana and Michigan with of­ tiiiled funs while Hie Navy sent ficer at Three nivm. Mich. lie gave an outline of his 40 lieil*, soring*, and sheet*. The Movie Time Table yean activity as an organic gar- Parish Ih. isc wa, inuilo avulluhlc IttTZ , c o r r e c t io n denar during which time he has hy Hie Kpisenpul Church. "Sombrero" A memorial service for veterans grown flowers, vegetables and fruit itelu Kigina Phi wa* In charge l :2G • 3:20 - 3:20 . 7:21) • 0:15 of all war* will be held at the without the use of chemicals. of Hie canteen Miss Laura «Tilt Sat, “Overlnml Stage UnUlcra" Congregational Church next Wed­ The club met at the Parish Hall tendril hamned the schedule for l:2t) - 4:20 - 7:14 - 10:18 • nesday and not on VxmdXy as prev­ of tha Cathedral Church nf St. donor* while doctor* in ultenrl "Torpedo Alley” iously annoueed. The Rev. J? B. Luke, Episcopal, with SO persons mice were C. L. Park, l.eouard 2:28 - 5:22 • 8:1,1 present. Munson, ami Harry Kilaby. Sunday - "Titanic" Arllmr Klrchlmtf aaalsted in MOV I ELAND ICROFILMED making urrangrmenl*. "The Haiders” to at instruments filed Jsmcstm Photo 7:33 • 8:12, Init complete nty clerk's office Tha Ssaslaoit High Reboot Baod ami Orehastro Association left to right are C. C. Collins, Robert Iteely, Mrs, IIcely, Mrs. ft H ill’S HE A 1)8 CLUB »how 0:33 GRAM FIRE of Ihe post. The oroooatod this oot of itsrliiyi llaapaol t r io i to tho Bemlnole Margaret Bowers, Mrs. E. Walker, Mrs, J, C. Owens, C, C. Wallace Philip* was elected Sat. "Army Bound” and i Cttjr Fireman <------■nd Tru|l Co. of High Reboot Rood at last Tuesday ulght'a regolar assoc 1st ion Whittington, Ernest Cowley, Mrs. J, M, Hlinetiphrr, K. F, Itohson, resident of the Men's Hub ot "Wagon Team" grass fire at T90 Waal L started micro- ■ootiiig at tbo high ocbonl. Pettr Bugor, foreground right, rellr- Peter Unkur, Mrs. Robson, J. M. Hllncclpher, Mrs, Karl Toney, m Kpisenpul Chirch -* a uiccl- "Army Bound" showing 0:09 ay a fast photo tog asooclatton president, mskeo tho ofrieUI preoeolstloM to SIM Mr*. Wade Garner, Mr. and Mra. Evans McCoy, Mrs. Glenn RIng held Tuesday night at the only lay -Yoilqgar has Musical Director Ernest Cowley, foreground loft. Tho oaoociatlon (toembel, Ihe Her, J. K. McKinley, Mrs. C, C. Whittington and church. Named a* serrctnry-lreua Sunday "Abova and Beyond" by the company to raised the eaetaer for tho druao front tho proceeds of Its* recent Mrs. Peter Bukur. tirt-r of the organization was Henry Show opani 7:35 auction and a IH cnaUihutiaa liua W. JL Uf Gar. Boadllg firm Tamm.

iJaJIU im»»sir ■ — .■■■« *■■■■■■ a, I i frl. May I*. IMS T H E RANFOIW IIEIl LED lCDNr.REOATIONAL CHURCI! UP9AI.A COMMUNITY f*ark Avenue and Third Street PRK3BYTEHIAN c h u r c h J. Ilrrnard Roal, Minister Rev. C. C. While, Minister Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Regular nervlcn Morn mu Worship ll*«i a.m Unified Service* 10:00 a.m. til* I.ufhcrnn Church cornea In Sanford: Sermon: "Welcome lo the Votuh- leer Liberator* of Cuba'" Chtifeh school and talk by pastor. Veteran* of !hc SpanJ-.V > vri- Young people's Medina 7:00 •.Yonihlfi Surviam iiih Im tin niii-iikeH of the T.ulheron rftti War, Ihelr u-|ye* tt."4 V "lo* p.m. II Church Notice* must he iirescntrd at The Herald offl«< by Evening riervlcr 7:30 p.m. Churtn will Im conducted ends Sunday evening at. 7 :!J() . M. on the day before puhllcakion. will observe Memorial Day Scr- vice* ai Ihe Congregational Church Wrdnesdav evening* 7:00 p.m. F , M . n t th o S a n fo rd Y a c h t C’ltil*. ( H w y . 17-1)2 nn La k e Prnver nnd Hlhlo Study. Monroe ncroan from Simford xoo mill Imndxtiiiid). FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (HUAfft Of (ifRMT May 21 lit lt:0o a m. J. R. Root HCIF.NTIMT F,lm Avenue and Second Street will hr the speaker. Mr*. l’o,il Morr* — I’lnolst. James II. Harwell. Minister Mr. Alfred Krlrson, Supt. of Tho Public In cordially invited. Nihi East Second Street Spanish Call lo Arm* Sunil.iv School 0:30 a.m. 10:00 n.tn. Iilhle Study. "Spaniard*: Between Spain and Church School. Mr. (.corgo resold, Leader — Lutheran* nnd pcrtuint* without a church home arc Church Service 11:00 a.in. 11:00 u.m. Morning Worship. the United Slate* of North Amur- Wednesday Service S'OO p.m. Sermon Topic, “Tho Husband In Jen hostilities have broken out. midweek service. especially urged to attend them* ncrvlcim. Reading Room Tuesday* and The llomu . The moment hn.* arrived to prove Our aim: To nave nouln. Fridays 3;tx; lo 5:00 p.m. "Let each one of you love 111* to the world that we passes* the The healing power of Soul, Ciod, wile a* himself, and lot the wife spirit to conquor those who, pre­ Our menntigti: A cluingoli's* Christ for a rhaitjtiiiK over all Ills Is emphasised In the see that she respect* her hus­ tend ins I" he lay id friends, fake w o rld . Lesson Sermon cntilled "Soul And band " Kph, 3,33. advantage of our misfortune tn Body'1 lo lie read In nil Churches 6:30 p.m. Herald of Truth, broad­ abuse < iir hospitality, using means The Church of the Lutheran Hour Hi'Inglng Christ to id Christ. Scientist, Sunday. cast over WTRfl. that civiii/ed nations count no- the Nation.*. The (loldeii Text Is from II Cor­ 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship worthy nn>* disrep- inthian* (3:16): "We all. with Wednesday H txt p m Rib!# "The Ninth Ainern.au people, ^ B O R O i E N S For further Information call Mr. Jerrv Konknrik, oprn face beholding a* hi a glass Study. constituted of all social excres- Sanford H20. the glory of the Lord, are changed Visitors always welcome. cruets, have exhausted our pa­ Into the same Image from glory tience mid provoked war lay their p jf o tK O O T T O HOLY CHOIS CHURCH perfidious machination*, their acts to glory, even a* by the Spirit of I Episcopal) the laird.” of treachery, their outrides Bible selection* Include: "Then The Rev. II. L. Zimmerman, II. !>., against the law* of nations and In­ wSLflEGOODti Lpffal Notice he called his twelve disciples to­ Hector ternational convention*, gether, nml gave them Power and Whit* unday "The struggle will ha short and authority over all devils, and tn 6:00 a.m. Holy Communion. decisive. The (loti of victories wHI mru diseases” (Luke 0:1). |):3U a.m Family Servlre nnd dive us one as brilliant and com­ NTH'K ii k i ft t h ft t i n ft r u I •• n i* *r iv i n a i; r Church School. ,1M M l W rift o At, I i; t n i m .1 . I in i Readings from “Science nnj plete n* the righteousness and Jus­ K J 5 5 I ! 1* i t ft A? dOftffJItft A ft li hi AM, n U M -m I'K lh n ^ oil Health with Key to the Scripture*" 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist and tice of our cauio demand. tiffttltit M itji.rr to m riiu , %ftii him nirriN iniiiint n oon by Mary Raker Eddy include Sermon. "Spain, which count* ufkm Ihe ro u m i, litftTNftT fA,1M. Skrvlec* thrmitfh llie werk> sympathies of all natJona, will SANFORD’S ’ JMUTlOit IH IIK IIH IIY fltVNNe lr» * *.»»i|>|li|H« »• w in. i.r oiiflt.irhy "Like Ihr great Exemplar, the Holy Cofomunmn daily nt 7:30 of rhoftirfr* 2*20? itn«f 2f»2H, Ihiws »»f l-'l*.rl*f<», Mint it.< l)ov> t uhiH healer should apeak tn disease a* emerge triumphant from till* new ORIATISY tlo*M of fVnlrnl on«l KIhfM i flood < onir**t hUtil. • h i»hM i* one having authority over it, leav­ am. except Friday at 0:00 a.in. tesl, humiliating nnd blasting the cof|Ntrntloh ctUririM on<) *»|i«»rNllriK umtor »n«l l»v vlrlu** r.f ihi* In** *f Me Sacrament of Penance • Peace Hraiiuiiit* Vitamin O Milk SAFETY FROORAM Howling on! HtAI* of FlfirMo* I n I f* vi«Vm lo ililofit il»«* foltoiv I tin i**nii*f ■ • ••>,.!**« t ..f ing Soul to master the false evi­ adventurers from those Untied Chapel • Saliirduy 5:00 0:00 p m, States, that, without cohesion, with- th« iin io rnn> tin HiiMOi'lctl, f•*r hjiI(I |t|nlrlgi for the ruti inniri® dences id the cnr|*oreal senses nnd PllUurlltS Milk HERE'S THE STORY- fVlolitr )"t, I ft ft ft uni) Mi ding SAlti, I'M i to assort II* claim* over mortality nut history, offer humanity only KnIlotninn ,fmount to lo* tAinio) l»y FIRST llAp/fST CHURCH Faitlllad SklmmaJ Milk tMitrli I trtf pm 11.*Iu **«« on .uni disease" (p. 3031. Park Avenue at Sixth Street Infamous traditions and ungrate, "Safe-T-Wny" anrvlco InfHR T m Apmuh-hoV h" F iom* l (IM W. P. 11 rook* Jr.. Pastor ful 'peclnclux lii her chanihm. In Buflaialilk catches tittle problem* be­ THE FIRM llni'TlsT CHURCH whi.-k appear in sole nr-.', defama­ Fsilrr.4Tr(T r*f * *%mmnit to fr rot* r ■ 1 * John L, Miller CkxalJtl Oilak fore they become big one* l»Ulrlrt lnt#« M ...... ,.f Oviedo .Minister n! Kifuesllon tion. cowardice, and cynicism flrncrul ttcvcnur l^tititllMHl t’ll lot Ml f l| lift A rtktllloM' II . - 1! ,t> ;.(MI nit 1,0 8:00 p.m. Sermon "The Man ha hies. lory to civilisation, In take posses­ gram In the public Interest Who Shocked People" sion of your rlrhe* ns If they were (A Blind of Milk srvl Cro.-m) For conitrortKin •« 'v"'l22 Mornlnii Worship 11:00 n.nt. that you can gat easily For MciiulRltlori of lurol nml oihrr |»»ir|i*f****- Wednesday at 8:«i p in. Serinnn' Sermon by W. P, tlrook* .lr imnniunlntcd wtlh the rights Of For o|»rn*llon mimI iu«hijrr»«nr of Hi# l»lntri« t> !; V1 -V ! !! "The People's Meeting" (Church Nursery open* at 10 45 properly, tu kidnap those person* nnd quickly from your For r ond no I of !?>«• n ffiilr* of Ihr l»Utrl**l ffomoulh , , '.t ? I hey consider useful to man Ihcir For iciorvA 111 i . m . ) local Chevrolet dealer. Tolu) vihfInuifI’d *4*|*roidltiorw |vi.'iu,mih,imi SANFORD ASoKAhil.Y OF (Kill Training Union 0:45 inn. Unions slilie, or to he exploited in ngri- Fml IllUl Iril Itmitllfll kv till ll «« III M|l(i<'*l Ml th« Twelfth Street at Laurel Avenue for each age group Nursery for ctlliurnl and Imlnsfrlnl labor he ii In oIiik of ihif ulfovrt rorrrr* (I t*» Harold E. Ilullnrk You will now allnw the faith you ALL YOU HAVE TO DO Mr. hi oti||MHlHl ii pit ll 'umitill ...... Hie small children tnurila mudw foil furom|dM r " Amelia J. Bullock Evening Worship 6:00 pm. Tho profo* in he made a mockery or It to bring your ear In Tlisl on Ihr Will .lit/ of .In Op. .V HI';* "• "'I"'1' Sunday: 11:43 a in Sunday Seminole High School Iluiul will impious hands to be plttced on llic our Service Department. prim 1|>nl »((l.r s«UI •Votr-I ao.l {•••ufHrjn Flor'.ln M";'t School, A class for every age, give a Sacred Concert under the Temple of Ihe (rue Cod . ■ The A- Df-ll liA lUsfrl'-l. whlili Is llmml *»'J. Comnoi llniiaim*. Wi »i I aim It i o • aggressors shall not pollute the We'll give It our special hrarlKK will Im nfforart lo ..II ..w iot- O ' "» • """•■ " ’ 11:00 n in Morning Warship direction of Ernest Cowl e y. DO**** HM»» c or m at tig SiiUJm I lo -..id lU-lrt. i •««' U,rl, .,11". "it • I" 2:311 p ill I'rlHon Evangelism at • Church Nursery opens at 7:46 tomb* of your fathers They shall 10-point safety cheek. If ■ |ip**r fittlorr -jM ll'isril mol *liow Hirlr ..«1m I oo» lo ► u a " Worship In Air Cooled Comfort" «na. nlsh Hag, which I* covered better life' Come, and bring a Welcome. with laurels, light with the con­ 'rienil viction that victory will crown your .ftlui*»I*»*r• •)? IImmkI Tuesday < 43 p.m Christ's Am­ ALL SOUI-S S A llro i.fr CHURCH effort-:, and lo the call* of your I mmcti li .l.i ri t Vt"«* * bassador* Service Oak Avenue and Ninth Street enemies oppose Ihe ireclslmi of a sure with Pun Mttiivnril ,\t .Mfiiil'n Wednesday H UO p.m. llthlo Hour Sunil,iv 3t.is*c* at 7:(M n m . Christian amt a patriot, nnd cry HOLLER 91f*l coiiiinemnr Rilile Hehns.I (1:46 urn M If, 12 131, Rilllngslev, Kiipefliitendrnt A ■t-a the price of... ..-.it- ordinary...... while. fixtures ...... I "(jlu'lstlnns. while living In Ihn idea Ihn event* /elated In Acta 2, world, must live nbnvo Ihe world. l

R&ftOOF F o r A r t/ iw A * $ 9 .0 8 MONTHLY

tTRlflc, wonderfully econtHnkRl on the open mad. > Pontiac O a rtrikln t baautyl No car It more dl>- llnctlvely styled th in • Duet-flltreak Pontloc,

AAA—Flrit QMlIty Materieb and WorhmniMhlp MONTHLY p lllp «g«»; A

iifjla -t.it i ',.'i \!t l f'ldtju fv 5 r.'\ * r-vV ■: 'ws. ■ f . •an-uto SIMMBMI T T V r r 'V ' t r. s r jp s r ■: -SW XCTS& W " J, m VT»V

«t»l*‘; »hare rflF SANFORD flF-RAI D I ml Msr 12. I1U “ Spring Fling” In Oviedo Honors HOLLY WOOli '| Stale TiOrfftlnture By BOB THOMAS (Cuniin-.rit From Page One) (lints Tax Bill Bugs Members Of Junior, Senior Groups nf Gadsden County commented TALLAHASSEE Mk-The Citrus The State Farm Insurance Co. F ftllM Y r . It. Commission’s bill lo Ixxtst the ad ^ Htt Ndw* lllitlillfftil* HOLLYWOOD i.P—Jimmy Boyd Teacher* Degrees vertlslng tax mi Florida graitcfrull 1:15 it in tr In Kftid of Ii»y TALLAHASSEE >,P - Gov Me IRVINC I. PRYOR, Representative nVifcDO (S p «U I| — On? Itwk for 7 II IMdy Ikichln I'Ihv* The law. cileetivc ttet I pri Mean*, (vhu 1* well known for her Guests of honor Included Jo n uo Vurfrtv III* II going to do with all those dollms, i oiislileralion III the House without talent in Ihla direction, and Mr*. Anne Fleming, Cornelia Weltmun, * |ti T h r ll«ml he replied; "I don't know, I hav.-Vi inaril> alfecu lop cank teacher* a two Thirds vote to ovei .idr the H i X I Jaituyt Partin, her co-worker for Mickey Fleming, Jim Wheaton, V.Oil NiKht 1M it >oi» soen any of them vet " who '‘ ill have to show earned l>>U K vif ii Tidy ICtdiut** master* and doctor of philosophy committee ihli ocua*lun, outdid themselves. Richard I.lewtelyn. Norman Fore, !* : 3 ii It’i* H.UK'utlimt As a matter of fact, he gets The House group Hr*t wtolr into 1 hjm 111 Thl» memoraldc occaalun happened Warren McCall, Emmett Tanner, Unltrd Niiilidix only 12 a week spending money, degree- in old am rank nnr ami tin* tilll the Florida Cilru* Ex to bo the party hoatrd by the and Walter Duda, nil members or Uuv L#im4»nrd»»* **tk his molher savs. Most of his salary two *1 rttllS change plan to allow private grow member* of the Oviedo Woman’* the senior class; also Martha Jean Al Hmiift With MuMr Is put Into a fund to he used when Teacher* now can quality for U»:5J N’«w* rank on- with a yi-.ir or more of ers a r,bate of one dollar out o' LAST TIMF TONKiMT Club honoring the member* of the Hardy, Shirley Jones, Georgene I I **ii •’nil Tt» Fntvrr he grows up. the added lux for every two dol Junior and aenior rla**ea. It wa* I’nrker, Ann f.einhart, Hut I, Cul- lliC»5 Hid d f»ff Big things art- happening to graduate oork l».,yoml a master'* i.tr« they spend advertising their Firwl Showing' known a* "Spring Fling" and held MATI IIIHt A* k. little Jimmy, lie is getting ready to degree and for rank two with a lum, Mary Smithson, Thelma it. Hi WVsIpfn Jrtlnlmr*** own brand* atgOw City Hall Memorial Build- Hnrnhn, Dorothy Miller, Roy « lit S’ r iv * start his first movie, a rai ,■ track year - more of work beyond o The eommittie rejected the luii in r Tuesday evening nt H p.m. ileistcl, Richard Wrye, Ivan Jakub- H:lfi A|itrnlrikf .% i * I < * * 11 *- ■« i story called "Bun For the Money " liaeio-loi * degree a- it but! just anii idetl it Tie •Vord* are inadequate when it cln, George Dmimnsky, Hub Shaf- « 45 AlHrkDt Mrnort 'lie'll appear with Bill William* The governor also signed itu* 4;fi*5 N r w t l it ii* Commission iip|ui* '(I the ev — \ l.n — come* to describing the decora­ icr, Ronnie Rood. Kenneth Mai T Hi Hyvtrt l t’litli i Kit Carson to TV addicts) and hill revising tin i ean'uiatiou *v* i tiange rebate plan tion*. The window* were circled .’olm, Hnrvcy Joe Slayton, Hilly 71 53 Nrw i Jean Porter. tom lor giving count' •« nddillnual The bill as it passed the Senate with palm leave*. Pastel shade* of 1 ID Mhiirli Al A illiinvr Meek, all>11 members of the Junior Then he'll lilt lit* road with a stale *.lnvil luml* lor .iiuinrm.il was designed to raise about |7im New * - - I nrlnun crepe paper, fringed, were placed das*. Invited ;tir*t* Included Peg fiitifi JiH-k*v'* I’hnlt* 13-week lour of the nuli-j circuit, • 3 0 Mur til rife lirvottmi* enrellineoi Increase*. iXiu more a year around the celling light*, forming gy Fleming, Rnv K»tc», Nancy •: 45 lUrmnnv Timt* which will net him a tidy sum. The Hoti'e also rijc'teil its own ihiRAIDERS chandelier*, from which twilled Myers, Bryant Hickson and Ann » Mil World Al Sin* lie'll sing some »ong» anil maybe It will give nil eoumtes which eompaliion bill of the Smute And Shnrls crepe paper streamer*, also In Pierson. :• 15 Com C,i*|» Tim** do a IlltL* calf roping have an increase ol more than D J 3 D Forffirr I’lm . approved measure A Uiicnwl In lu ml wot K ( t t y pastel shades, extended In all di­ yi*. MidhIk In M it* lr All this doesn't seem to foie per cent in enrollment an Inciva.i rections, Balloons, filled with hell- ftO ;0«» T r r li A lie |i*i»* H Ihi riiilr Jimmy. A freckle faerd lad with of slate money pn | an inrectlnu* giggls. he seen* at Uie execs* nf 3 pt,* cent that year TALLAHASSEE <,B- The decisive wJuch hung allver stars— almost State Farmers Market t ii : .In Nit ftp Hi: 15 Him «,hih much Interested tn sport* and The present law allow* any conn I'glsliillve vote on the Issue of tVrhing the floor. II 0(» ililldrrrt t’l»«i*xli* flinir horses a* In the bright lights he ty with more than I per ei-.it nn m f im iiit m um tmilillng a .stale long turnpike i* SATUUIMY noCM.F FFATCUF, A fringed pastel rover w** used 11:111 MUR Id tin Fftrftdr ha* been hacking timloii% 12 hi World At N*m.m "There's one tiling I don't like." proposal after a noisy session flanked on either side with crystal Tilt* follow Din iirlrcn i ffior I nl !•> *ttl IIIM1 I*, k School Fund Middle lir GENE AUTRY l he il**iil* rp itn liia Hunt irH Ht#»11 12 1.3 111« fllo Fur in I»lnr4i he admitted "I gotta go lo a pro­ Thur*dn> night. rnndle holders holding burning Former* Mur kit fur pt ml lift- t*» 13 .Id f’hrt krrrttr* fessional irhnol where the) don’t T M.l.\IIASSEE i.P— House and Dip Cobb of Volusia Count v WACOM tapers, In pastel shade* to mnten Tniokorp mid Mettler* m» l« 2 A' 17 13 \| ll * Ir*m 1 V* r I «• r I r ■ have much spnrl* at nil When I'm Senate conferees on the general t hiilrnitin of the H«n*i' Hide* Com the enver. it hi Mti V tl I . 17. I. U MO A mrru % fin appropriation* toll today tussled klrx n», 1 tone ltd In t< VnrlM v I in Nt w * I nn Hit* road, I got n l o t i I ’d nntlei mllirmed the t nmniKii 1 on TEAM Iiullvldunt tallies, covered with s*hd ijimlMv |tt lljir, I t f*»>*I2 i- i r. M H-jlH I lilt 1*1 lilt) ■* 1 rather he In a school where I with tin problem ol providing -in I'nlilic Hoads be will reeiunmi'inl pastel cloths, and centered with |»li-ktiiif jffilnu to the runner*. i Hivtnif llmitl I 'r • ■ pt m hi could piny football and bask.thall . um xpceled four million dollar m to iu* group lhal II put the t**m' - crystnl candle holders also hear­ li»iiii*<, I ’rmittirrv I 15 N.iilnmil Uiiitid HIimm They 're my favorite* those and ere.i- • lor the state sehind fund op for dehat - hoft .'e V.iv ing pa*te| colored burning tnpers, Mil Ill*r. !*»«• 3 fir ; mi II, »r N’t.u«* Itiitii It swimming I but earn.' up with no answer Bi . , * A r**M b.s \ * , A V( ftf* • 101 'D *'•’•*$* * ■> I'h Ii IiiiRi*, Fill. .Vo Hii|i|i)I p i 1«»lt 33'i*l I«l \t T h rrr swimming The roads grotto endorsed tin \fim 11111111(1 ftnilft IIIK 'I* («h (phNi bu,M>it*m *#. *. tv,*.*. S, abound the base cf each were |Ci lery 1'imoiit Crwlo 3 I *> 1 15 M'tnilpr «I.S I He also hn* hi* own horse, ,j I The State Department of Eilue i N.-mtt ■ version of the turnpike l^i'k anti Iprn, I wo couple* wern|('orti, *i*mIc i Xu . lion sH'kcd tin- i nofel elit e com •I:ti2 ilnly: "*"**■* * — *1 liwit * 1 rill*'.* • ♦!»■%* which Me is mighty proud Hi . united nt mch table. i «n*l frnir 3 7.3* I i Ml I I lift f *I.|1l mltiei Thursday with n retmrl that 1 I HI • I 3d ,\»*ft n | looking forward to Hie rodeo lour Dili Clin* SIC Blues I. oihI I'tirlnim I'lti- No. a "Jungle 1 Irinn- of kfiiiTt" The serving tnhle, covered with Vr',*, \\'X\ 3 in*. 4 15 I (OH I'|llh 1 with great cagcrnc** school altend.inee Ihi* year had TALLAHASSEE nT A lull clip n pa:itel cloth, wa* centered with nara Hu llnr. l.ftO I 53 MitrkH Itrim>m Inereu*. d B tl tier cent instead ol ping lilt wing* of Hie State I'll a miniature maypole, the twisted l*eu*. tiincXeyeij iii. Ilnr 1 25- 3 Oli The !thvI h iti (I dnr Tile rise of Jimmy Boyd i* one the ail Urinated il.a ]h t eenl anil 1,511- ft Oil Nrw■■ llltfhlwht- prnvenient Ciintitii'*ii*n passed Hie streamers being tied to the table ll < i M*kt. of iliuse amazing thing* that make II* a ii - nil the stale would have llrttHfOit** h 1 ni» I'mif I 75- * If. Filth I nil NVtvp show business fnsriiinling Nobody House mi.mlimiitsly and went t i SUNDAY MONDA3 doth with silverIver stars. Large H<|iinrh, Ydllnw Hu 111» r 1.25. « in 3t>irk*» llfttifirl In supply from four In seven mil Hi • Senate today crystal punch howls,bowl*, nurroundrd M'atrnnrl'in* i !•*«* li 10. #t 2 3 Tft ill ii lit Hoiikf •> ever dreamed that u lad In hi* lion* more to meet state financial n n i i ■ f, in HfMirtit Fnrndr lower lets!* could become a record It would keep Hie ugenev from with fern and— phlox nnd flanked ft 13 obligation* under Ih • minimum (irnnRM, Aeronllhu l»» *!■•• Arllrt Flit* star But he did. thunks to a ditty proeei'diiig on It* own with eon M - G M ...... THI l OVf STOHY by crystal cnndlo holders and II.i> 2*75* Jon ; on I >r I f 11 it m im A i ’It* lid fniinil.itIon program strueliou oi slat' huildlmts md taper* to match tho other*, graced (Jriipidrnll, tiriirnflhm 7t|3 htitithiv HdIim«»I l.rKFon called "I Saw Mommy Kissing Hi l,egistalive Heferemi Bu flEMIND THE BILLION DOLLAR SICRCTI Kriiih* #t ifi * I fit i* 51* 7 U* Nr tv ft Santa Clan* '' InuimTng new roads and limlge* cither end nf the long table. Mrs. thru 14 m llm 3 75* 3 fin 7 33 Mimhul litwilndr reau today offered the committee a* d lia* bet-i lining (or Ibe pa«t Max Leinbnrt nnd Mr*. W II. t% v.irlc»tho iirtiilinc riwidVril at 7 r. t Ml K * Ml! 1 ki If n Jimmy started twanging 111* nil imilysi* of the alleudanei in |th| H is ||f! |] (t t* ■ * m s I * li P 1 few veal's Bbirtln presided over these. Hi ii foptl Hi it i«• FjiriiiFr* Murk**! Ir*»tn ; .3 3 guitar nud singing folk songs In ri >*e a* it affected state ulloea It '* at presi'Ml Hie -iilliei t .*l hi ii(i n m Mat 3i> to I";i"* n in. Alhv 1 UFI.ANl* nls home town of McComh. Miss Him* to eouutle* Mrs. Charles T. Nlhlnck ami J | Totnt rci i-ljtlN M t 5 park air** I I <1 OH Mil tit Fill l Inn mvestlgiitiini tty a lbui« ■ commit Mr*. John Courier, Jr. were In Dihiihml »li»w imirkcri tmrxlv | III t * » timIiii Mitnri>f • i»rk When hi*‘family moved lo Diver T he Im.'eau estiiiiiiti d Hi • mi I'Hikmg into reports nf irregii rhnige of the interesting and uni­ * II’llllv tot.ID 3l ih'iiii* 33'ltli 3Iiir*li • Ide, i'alit . he look a few le.son* experted Inerease would rs-.piilra a 11: nit'*, ut construction of inmc A b o v e AND c»i 11< P11 •■ ** IlKlti trii . Mni*, tli'iiiiinn Id f. . ,V !' W « from Mrs. Dorothy llnnsen a que game*. I’rl*es were nwntiled ni.oliriuo. murk"! *i»*.»«lv I 1 ft ii • ’nil (t» Fritvh bine miuilliuui of two millions a of l* « sfnle Iniildlng prolpet* It to .Shirley Jones, Nancy Myers, II n 3 HI if n off music teacher Soon tie was per­ m.iximiiin of seven million* and a -iilu-rx i-t I und Wnllcr fjoila. SETS l)AV OF PRAVKH forming on local program* The pi i balde lour llllllimi* to bo aildei Since Hie I'Oinml* -I'OI v> l- act B eyo n d Wallace Kelsey received the cir­ WASHINGTON > * -President Ki- Collie not kept for uiilM'iu hig e Ha net in lit* life started when lo Hi.’ itu million* tentativ Tv v atcil in MM3, d has biiiina i-d cled plate prlxe. Miniature bats ■enhower today proclaimed Mem­ mi r mmc» in the Dnltrd States he auditioned fur th* Al Jarvis TV ngteeil upon lor piddle school* dur ....1C lb.ill till lllillliill doll I * o" and fun makers were given lu each orial Dny, Mny Ju, b day of prayer ou ni tie ii- rid.tm.OtMI in lit.Id rum- show in flnllywood In Jtinr, HIM. ing the nest two yi-ir* -i'll lti|iiiilali|lg Imml* In fin nn i guest ns favors. for permanent i»eace. oareil with r>«.'Jtl7,niMi in IUIU. lie sung “ I'm Lillie Hut I’m I to- Department of Kdnc.ilnm such pro. els a* the laek-miv die Robert Taylor • kleanok Parker Both round nud square dancing Ills proclamation designated the lattid " Whainmo' Things began suggested that $ be

Saturday Only! — 2 Featuroh Down payment .* 1650 HM /. ready for Mont lilv pii vm rnl S g | I l l AJ W mi 3 ni**a 6 2 1* s - L P l u — (nrlooh — M. Nwk occupancy in N e c k ” 1 tied room home — R c r U l "Capluln Mnrvel No. I Sale price Si | |( D0Q

I low ii pm men I J* 1650 SU N D A Y and M O N D AY t i WYNNEWOOD Muni lily pii vnienl S g | THE BIB PICTURE IRES EVERY MOTION! at new low . ■ h i , ■,, , * ( | ,1 heilrrinm (mini)

Sale price | J Q Q low prices Down piivmenl * 1650 Monthly payment Sg |

4 brand new, modern homes. . . . The opportunity of a lifetime! Prices drastically reduced for Down payinenU reduced by ConHtruetion plann now immediate sale. under way for 19 new homeH, but these 4 must he Hold first! ■ , *Xi ; • '« , **iV*J*5T • V* - - WBSkw*. *■ -w- ■* • W/nnewood in North of Geneva and Eant of Melionvtlle in Sanford. L f '(% {if ** . , c . j . v j til-.'.', f C. Phillips, Jr. Panmount Newi *3JL4 Telephone Sanford 344-R ______.___

«*T-1 />V Ji ■! Sanford Opens 2-Game Set W Here Toni

I THE MANKIND IIKRALD erta, who hit a home run with the Page n Frb Mar 22. IMS liases loaded In Sanford’* Memo- Lakers Sweep Series On 7-5 Win; Giants Win Nine Slugging Pirtle i lat Stadium earlier this yrar, and The SPORTS REGISTER of Hu..... «..d Huitj gives :he rilot* ny K E N T C H ET LAIN a solid battery nucleus. A Palmieri Or Caivetti To Pitch Of 12 But Can't Sport* Editor Is Cut Loose By Hy KENT CIIETLAIN Make Top Flight As the hand of hustling Sanford Cardinal rookies hit the rocky Lakeland Pilots Legal Notices After sweeping a two-game srr Lakeland Defeats Florida State (wagin' road, every defeat la followed with a wave of lei with the Jux lleudi Sen Birds, fun sritiiTsm . . . Much of this criticism Is Justified some la exaggre* Sanford'- Cardinals ilropju'tl the By REN PHI. KG AH Hied und the rest Is pure rational generalities. LAK ELAN D tSpecial)— Charles f li rm o lN SAMK leRUAl* two-yame Kesburg series hy Idl­ Islanders, 2-1, AP Hportswriler Askew's laikeland J’llots begftn to Notice In herittv given that w* The natural goat la the manager . . . As haa been the caae In nre efijruptfil In vmiiiii#*iN In I*hHm ing mil nlghl 7-5 to the Laker* In The New York giants are ready nearly all team collapses, the manager goea Drat and then the play- clean house with the release of Mary, Htmliml* County. Florida, In U-eshurg. Tonight the Ilrdhlrd* In FSL Opener (o start a petition demanding more , rs. It Is a hit unfair In many respects. Taka for example Orlando. slugging Al Firth', hard hitting th«* Hvaim 11 til Ming ymlrr (hr fie* will try nfre.ih, opening a two tilt room In first division in Hie Ns- veteran Mike Knssaiiinn (imth vet­ iltlmi* mini** •KinoiMl*1 Cnntly Don Ford took the helm of the Washington Senator farm elub last Company" amt Unit wm iritrnit Io hoirie-atid-hoine terles with the Hy The Associated Press tional League. winter. Kd Levy was released aa an economy measure nnd Ford was erans) and infiehler Joe Docker. rfglRter Raid narn* 1111^1111111 Mi Del.and lied Hals III the Memorial Lakeland made an nnsplcidui They«y 1hln.Hunk they----- belongu there signed oil at n saving tn Mr, Clark Griffith'* pocket book. .Meantime, Askew's new re­ the term* of tho Fit'll!Intm Naum Stadium at H in n'elmk home debut In the Florida State ust like (ho experts said<( before What did Wa*hlngton do to provide Orlando and Ford with a gime idxucil two Florida South­ rtltlltllf to-wit; Hih. ft ft & 09 of Flot­ ern toi lege p layers— outfielder illa Hf itlHlfM |!*M with I hr ClnjB Manager i . 1'. Iluim lias In U ’ague Thursday night heating he season sturlcd. Hut It’s a typl winning club when aurh players ns Joe Valmaa and Hill Hr a nil rn- of till. ciri'MlI Court of Mumlioinr titrated that he will use either league-leading Daytona (leach, 2- cal National League race with al Iterg and other* were being called to the coloraf , . , Ford wa* Hal Srnellrly and Io Hr liter Hug­ County. Fla deliberate working Ernie Pal­ most everybody trying to get la er liner. Sntrllzly hit over .11)0 If O UWHON I; then by tightening up the pen­ glared In an untenable position . . . He wae aakett to whip to­ MI Cl IA F.L «It »TT MCIIAI.K mier I or Monday nlRhl'a hero— nant race ami itself lumping up a front. And It's so tight even u five gether a winning team . . . Who could? Yet today. Ford ia Just for the FHC Mur* tills season. lefty laiu Calvetll. Palmieri hm notch In the standings game winning streak and nine sue another veteran catcher now playing at Jax Beach. Ilirr hit .31)0. May i ii.l a 2-2 record while 1'ilrelll •>** Cocoa look advantage of the cesses In their last 12 start* lan’t Manuger J. C. Dunn of tha Hanford Cardinal* I* no exception Among the players retained hy * 1-2 mark. Eaeh Ringer has Daytona beach defeat, bowling enough to got the Giants higher when It cornea to thus* barrages of critlelim . . . Dunn ha* mail* mis­ the Hi lots have been outfielder Roll In shinned four hitter* ion year. over Orlando, 10 3, and moving than fifth. A remit, infiehler Jim Miller, hurl- Till! A1MTM » r FIJHIIII.% TO take*, whut human hasn't . . . Dunn ha* mad* grievlou* mistake*, era Hilly Hass nnd star fllngcr Last night Clarence Inn ram was into a first place lie Jacksonville The Philadelphia Phillies ere hi particularly for manager and leader of a baseball club . . , But there iiw rrr a n **; i i i i i t o *. r i> retie]led hy the l.aker bats in Ids front al the moment, hot the mcp Hn? able tp feel Let ua juat take stock for the Florida State League hatting Court In und for Hernimdf County. While hi* mound imminent ehnllrmt fourth place and dropped Sanford — Jameson Pliuto the hot hreath from the hunerv moment and see what la worthy champion with a .38.3 average in Florida, hy faCTIIFIt R. HURTON MIIH H U N G E R and what la rash generality. First for (llvori't*. Ol** fdiort tlrlt* of whltA •in the win hy allowing 11 Sanford to seventh hy heating the Cardinals nark all the way down to the la LCTHKfl H. IHMiTON Pit*In11 Mow* In nine frames. Ilolh pitch­ 7*5. . . , . . . Supervise* Onlf liny Giants. off, Dunn Is 27-y*ar*-old and I* v». m rrTY a n n r iic h t o n . ih*. ers went the distance. The home debut of the Lake! am! The Phil*, thumped 7 2 hv Pitts making hla managerial debut . . . fr ml jint, Himr iiri'Mrtitii un* to This 1* the first time he ha* had eommuml you to npiivur amd Ml# It whs a erne of Ran bird '"•it Pilots, who had been the I'alatka burgh last night, k-ad Milwaukee your written d^ftm*** hvrvin on nr hitting the opposition but losing Azaleas, drew M88 fans, There were Tomorrow Will Be hy nail a game St IjmiIs Is a hsl to shoulder the burden of man­ ha fori* (hr Ith . the bench anil presses the button*. na it fit*Wfpfitu'r of xffrtfrtil 'iri'tiM* anil Marty William urn, semi pros “Golf Day” Here Hiai h.ingu it tlown to fifth Rath«r, he I* a playing manuger t* ; "i !» W’hL'h title etMlluR wit ill h*i with a terrific burden of not only ftolyllRhf’d iinr**% h (or four from Lakeland Pele Kantnr took place and the Giant* who innwariitlve wa«Hm over as manager. ,uf lirimklyn 7 2. last night to playing, leading hi* charge* on the n i i ivsiA »nv nan*! nnd uffltdnl With this new lineup, bat Hamm And Over Nation creep within II.wee guinea ol toe field, but also figuring out strategy. Nittl of t!m Clark of iha Circuit After last vrar’a dismal failure Ctiurt f.o lhl«« I ha f»lt d.iv of Ma v. litehlng a six hitler uml catcher lim. A l» C'ftS — lobby Roberts hailing in one run A field of 33 to 50 local golfer* Three* kuiim*n from first to fifth! with u band of over-the-hill voter- H- 11. I* IIKll.NIK>N m and scoring the other, the Pilots ire expected to enter the national Why over In Ihe American Uaguv ana who failed to win, fan* this Hairom Hamm Joe Docker Clark of the- circuit Coup 'ompctllio'i at Hie Mayfair Inn- , where the New York Yankees are year looked with new hope with re- 1 H*tmlnol»* Csionir, Florida stopped the k-ague I -iihiiui withdrew ns did Man­ turned five DeLand errors to their uielalion divide* it* share of the five innings, overpowered Horton, ufler the game Is over und it is easy then. ager Char lie Hulril because nf gle In hut in two more runs. proceeds with some worthy char­ no. In Ihe only other American "Dunn shouldn't have been caught off . . He shouldn't have tried Leonard elevated hi* average advanlage ami gave Hay brill nusIncH* interests in 1‘utatka. Kas- good suiiport while he rurcfulL ity. League game The ('nrdlna)x moil for second . . . Why ill d he send In l.ennnrd . . What kind uf coaches sahlon was u consistent ,20il hitter, from .23U In .301 to lead the spaced It hits. Clyde llrlggs and This year SO percent of the prm up deficits of Ihree and six runs Joes he have . . . Why doesn't he teaeh them anything . . . lie's f'ard* In fhal deparlmenl. Ills with I'alatkii ill all three years two Hills Increased Ills team manager lied Trout*ny each got •eeil* will go to the GSO. The Na- to defeat Cincinnati. 11-9. In round through" . . . et uL . . . with that Huh "Iron .Mike" lilt1 two uf the Sea birds' eight. Tonal (LSI) hopes to rouble $30,000 out Ihe National League action. You've heard It and so have we. Hut we try and see the fur- .351 In his tookie year in the FSL lead In 33 In 30 games played Don Ford, formic Orlitmm man rum Hie one day tourney. The Giants slammed out Her rut and not the trees, *s Ihe saying goes. After a complete look this season. nger, Joined Jacksonville beach a* The tournament Is unique III run* In the first Inning against *1 the picture here is why we are casting ■ vole of confidence in Manager J. Ilunn laced out a catcher hut went hitless In Ihrn Hits! all golfers here and every­ K rooklyn's Jew lilac k and Hun .Manager J. L\ Dunn. a double and triple In boost his tries. where In the ituHnii will be com­ Wade on a pair of hack-to-hack I) Ilunn is a rookie tnnnngtir Just an the player* are for the tea intend In both dcpnrlinrnls to bill Phillips lunik' certain he’d peting on a liasl* ol score* with triplet, u single, douhle and Hobby most purl rookies In the ll> to-UO-yeur-old class. Granted he Is going four and 10. Dunn also lltteil Ills pitch Leesburg to victory over San lumeii Prolessiimal Julius liorot, Thomson's home run. to inukc mistakes, hut lie Is learning. Cite u» the skipper who was third high average from :m to ford hy doubling home two runs wlm will he playing tomorrow *1 Tfcs season's largest National a polished operator during his rookie year at the helm. .327. in the eighth liming That proved the Oak .Mount Country Club In League crowd, -10 778 Polo Grounds •J) Dunn tins been u great help to the club with hi* versatile play Hill Sllvertlmriie Increased Ills lust the margin of victory aflc Pennsylvania. customers, saw nrooktyn dlapose „ml hitting. Sure he lias failed at tho plate, but ho has come through halting mark from .331 In .330 hy Sanford scored there Hines In Hie Alt men will he ulilu to sub­ of Giant Ace Sal Magile with otic loo. Iluim has played all those position* this years catcher, first huso, collecting two singles In four ninth. tract their regular handicap from out In the first Inning when Duke third liase, right field nnd center field. He has coached on the buses trips, bohHob Wagner, playltu:playin'! left Snider followed Pep Wet> Heese's i.ml taken Ills regular turn at the plata. . . . Held, hanged mil his second douhle . , , „ . •„ ... lie score. Those player* without i handicap will me the Culluway ilniilo with a home run and Jack!.' 3) He is the best till-around hitter on tho chlh. Dunn leads the .%•••.tmt ,y , rrn In us ninny nights wild" also l a l l k c l l i n U P lt ty H I W O Robinson followed with a double. Cardinal In runs scored (31), triples (3), homert 12]i and times al driving dul a single to hike Ids yatem if handicaps. Women will aimi \e entered In Hot Al Corwin, making his third but (ir.'J). He Is tied for the club leadership In the following depart­ Mike Kassstdan I'irtle And here's n pieture of that new average up from .:iu8 to .313 Here Monday Night relief appearance In four game*, ments: hits Mil), and double* (0). He I* second In the all-important Meanwhile, flashy fielding Lmi ho biurmrnenl against llorns t<4- HOUSE Hall Really ‘Co. found l.ti.-al hast'lutll tuns will have norrow. They will not only sub stopped Hie Dodger* until the fifth ■ tins balled In column, with 2It. ’ft *-trk frrnlltl ill 10M. Hu swatted for mo. (Jury was having Ills troubles. The rai l their normal handicaps from and Davo Koslo held the luad to 41 Dunn bus been working out hi* charges almost every morning .324 lust si'usuil utnl was aninng No. 2 mail In the halting order thrlr fir t nnpurlunity to view the end. Tho victory went to Cor­ ui Ihe Memorial Hudluin to polish and sharpen the club'* attack, a tfat It'Hiiers in the stutu luup tlua J.<...... W. HAM.. Realtor plummettvd to .1311 with last the Florida Stale Leu i tie's new* heir score* hut will he allowed hi additional five strokes. win. thing r ii rely, ir over done, Inst Year. year. , Florida. ittda i Htata Hank Building night's zero for tlireo performance. eat member— the Lakeland Pilot* "Call Hall" Phone 1758 In the Memorial Stadium nrxl TVnniif*rturisi ineihloT Harlow liaiul will in the sevenUi. The Cards ruino rtit I* Army 1 In the eighth to -.core Link lloyd of Lakeland, tins installed a new march and plav In Sanford be- 1**11V) rl % II II •« till •mi h*N. n nnn cluli with the acquisition uf new buck with four more In thf seventh T ...... 1 r*» 1 in I'p 11 31* 3tn* (AHItON-JI .... 1 n nnn H and Toil) liuuhar tmtli uf whom ween H im and 12:v lost the services of lefty Aahi'rnft 0 II n n II mm l-eotiard raced home with Wag­ Jacksonville Lee To Oltiora lit r,i 7 S n • 3 334 HASHBAU, SCHEDULE Hobby Hhanti for an Indefinite pe­ T i.IhU I'JI-J J.'M) 711.1 • IIKI .170 CARDINALS THIS WEEK ner going all the way to third. Try For State Title riod. Rhanti, pitching shutout hall, PIJrk *r II* Ml un w I. l’p|. frerf Ihlo? TraJt lei tmd rftii? Inir M Freed fUeF Frede W Ingram promptly lined nut a FLORIDA STATE LEAGUE II, I riNun'il 17 ii 2 3 1 a 1 duo* Game Tonight w 1, Pel. ■trained a muscle In hi* arm with III Bill III fill M' 31 1* ft .ft'vft single to counter Wagner with the two out In the fourth and had to th .urn DeLand at SANFORD third marker uf the frame ami fifth llsyloss Itrsi-S II •it JACKSONVILLE Ui — Already 1 >u. wr l <1 7!* 3 l urus ...... II Hlg in conference baseball cham- twtlre. Hvrd R*i* ftn IT i 4 421 Gama Saturday and last uf the game for Sanford Jarhsmitlllr llrneb *1 ta •411ft Mails u 11 31 3 3 .4*0 Sanford at DeLand TR h S E - I N m u • as Harone fanned. I. rriVvr, *1 iu lon, Jacksonville Lee will go after I'SlVI'lll II IR >1 I 3 313 II, 1.no,4 IB IV .FHNI io slate high school crown next Malar League Minllti <7 13 lie 1 f.* .147 Gama Hunday As a result of Lakeland's win l.skelssil as .JIT* Vntii-rnfi J 1 3 U (IG0 Sanford at Lakeland and Sanford's losa, the Cardinal* Rmonth. Lee bent Jacksonville Jack- u 0 nnn SS MTIIIII it ■i .nn* son, 3 2, here Thur*d#y tn win ihe Leaders nthsrs Ift It « Gam* Muaday (mind themselves dropping nnut uf (IrlsH.Oi ■ It XII .ik*j Twists :eju m i int II ■a ■ST* Lakeland at SANFORD (2) sixth place and Uniting In xnv N la at Class A A Group 2 tournament and By ASSOCIATED PURRS •— lleuwlips t.pmlpp. S f i l.rnSiir, T s V VI • a qualify for the stale meet. ____,| f enlli. while the Pilot* conllnucd up I,skrlnii.1 il IlHitimn Itrarh I troll, 27. B.F. Goodrich NATIONAL LEAGUE Davtana at HANFORD ■implanting Sanford In sixth. Cocos IO tlrlSNUu A HITS- Kuenn, Detroit, •ltd Ver- Game Wednesday Hut for Orlomlo, a game and •Iseftt sum Ills Itrarh A llrl.sml I HATTING - Kchoemllrnst, St. lisnirs Tnslshl Holies - Starke Play Lout*. .585. ntin. Washington, 43. Hanford al Daytona one-half back nf the Hedhlrd*. llr l.ssil si SAXI'OIIII RUNS—Snider and Campanella, DOUBLES— Kell, Hnstnn, 14. Hanford would he aide owners nf Hay fuss llrarh Ml llrlasOu For Group 3 Crown T n iP L K S - Jensen, Washington, the cellar. l.shrlasU il Cui-wa Brooklyn, 25. l.ershsru si Jsrksnavillr Hearb RUNS BATTED IN-Campanelll, Silvertowns ■ ANViniti it II STARKE UR-JackionylUt Holies Harone. |h 7 a I Brooklyn, 44. HOME HUNS-Gernert, Boston, Jh$ tin that (•«•« m uw f«rf • Harr. «■ I a II 4UKHKSII I.HAIH lC and Starke meot tonight for lb* Ullverihoros. W |. Claai A Group I baseball title and HITS—Bchoendienit, St. LouJj, I I ret. 45. STOLEN BASES— Mlnoso, Chi­ Adv. larrls. e 1 a Now York II I ,7 no a berth In next month's state tour­ cago, 5. SALIIND9 MAY 30™ mu a, pi i ■ .1 Cllleauo .11 M l DOUBLES — Bchoendtenst, St. .•oriaiil. ef . l lloal.in IT nament et Ft. Pierce. Bolls* beet I i I .617 St. Augustine Ketterllnui, 5-4, end Louis. 11. f c '* ' »"■ I 0 Ctovs’snit is . r. At < I II WsshlnKlonft . . II inn Slarko brat Green Cnvo Spring*, TRIPLES - Bruton. Milwaukee ml II 'Tin' O' .1st 0-2, in lomirinils Thursday. and Bernier. Pittsburgh, 4. na II JM ta hi.., 1.011 la .im- HOME RUNS — Campanelu, II llslrult .... «* .771 i t * * * ! 7 M II % lle.ult Vr*t*rU*r Brooklyn. II. I I PMlnij », llostonasliill « SPORTS MIRROR STOLEN BASES - i u Naw » ■ * un I By 11w Associated Frws* ******* • iimlor*. *a i ft duly ...... uotisr.rr n f» TODAY A YEAR AGO-The B prroSlNl]— Surkont. Mllweu- llorrt, ef i u New York *1 WsshlllUlmi kee, 54». 1-000. a I ITillailelphl*w *1 lloslnn III Brooklyn Dodger* n t • modrrn OTRIKEOUTS— Simmons, Phfli* _ t gatkM-wlde ranrey, T a ita a W W iRf B a m t a w t:». u a Hi Uoiia at cuvelAnd

Boxing ResulU n ttii s w m I f The A im liW P w i TH U JIO A V 1 EIGHTH M m s S S t ______GENE'S TEXACO SERVICE # "The One - Stop Friendly Service Station" 1120 Enaford Ayuuw phoow 1480

\ \ ■ “ 1 •m

IF YOU DON'T THE WEA1HEK (K tir* jour Saafoid Herald. Cltj Fair tttrcuijb Titfiday, except Isolated afternoon Ihumlerihowm Deilrerr, bj 7:W P- M pitas* cill north portion and i few shower* Stft* ^attfarii Sferalft along tin' keys tonight. t ontlnued YEI.LOW CAB 1141 warm. AN INDEPENDENT IMII.V NEWSPAPER VOLUME X U V Established 11108 SANFORD, FLORIDA MONDAY, MAY 25, 1053 A Hummed Press Lease Wire No. l ’Jti Tokyo Women N. Y. Manufacturer Vent Wrath On McCarty’s Dog Track Taxing , Leases Building Of Widow Of FDR Bill Passed B yl Senate 37-0 Eleanor Ymiked From Auto, Manhandled MOSQUITOES NOT WANTED House Musf iSut> New Era Bom As cur In Amendment Crown Paper Co. TOKYO tr — Twenty Japanese women waving i ommunist ban­ TALL MIASSEE A'-Tlie Senate ners today manhandled Mrs. Elea­ City Sprays, But Asks Help Of Artillery Fires today passed, 370. ami sent back $250,000 Annual Pay­ nor Roosevelt in downtown Tokyo lo tin- I ion**- the administration Dr. Frank Pyle when she refuses! them an lute Public Too In War On Mosquitoes 1st Atom Shell tracked bill tneri-asing the state's roll Is Envisioned view, the newspaper Yomlurt re3 take from dug racing tracks. ported. The House, which prc-vimtxly -■ Verbal acceptance of u lease on The newspaper said the widow A large motnrlml sprayer will LAS VEGAS, Nev. i.P Tlie first adopted the hill, must concur In ‘fie Crown Paper Cu. building by Speaks To Rotary of the late President was rescued start making the round* uf the firing of nn atomic shell from tin- an amendment, approved by Gov. a New York clothing manufacturer by Japanese guards and was unin­ street* and alleyways of the Cm lbitted Stales' 2*0-millimeter ean McCarty, which would permit the employing ISO persons with an an­ jured. Mrs. Roosevelt was not Im­ today lit an effort to destroy |*- linn came off hrillluulti tiglay, track- lo keep the ||(n).ihm) annual nual payroll of 1230,000 was an­ About Urology mediately available fur enmment. tenlial breeding places for nn--. signatmg the liegitmlng ul a new they now get from the odd penny, nounced today by ilralley udhum, Mrs. Roosevelt, n»w on a tour ipiltue* era in artillery warfare after miituii payoffs In Hu- mar- chairman of the Sanford Indus Dr Frank J Pyle, preildent- of Japan, was dragged from sd However, City Manager t- in riie uueienr sill’ll luir-l MS> fi-’l o*t dime trial Hoard, on the eve of a clt-vi oi me Un.ni.iu itoi_, y *\ mu, automobile outside the Labor Min­ I .(-moil ealleil upon all re*nleiil' n> abov ■ ,i large of tall ten-*, rail llefore adoptirii till' lull the Sen- "kickoff breakfast” which will spoke tu Sanford Rntnrlan* at the istry building. Help out since the cm will m>i null c.ii* and military I'.iiopment ate lout it nv n. 2.1 11. Ill amend- launch the drive tomorrow to rair.e • ) -n'bl i lub today on 'A Urologist's The newspaper *uid that when be aide lo go into liiilivntu.il on C i-mlim.in Flat. 83 nmi-) north meld by S -it \|« Arthur. I’crttan- $75,000 (or Sanford Industries, Inc. Humbling*" in which he uulliouJ Mi *. Roosevelt'* sutumohlU* nulled van!* lie asked local homrlmhl unt of l,a« Vrna« iltna. wind W OilId Iran- softened A lease op the building was re­ some of Ihe experience* and proh up in front of Ihe building, tha er* to check slldi posMhlr lirv-i-d nu long ; \\ a it t'd shot from tlie impact of the- lull. cently signed by Ihe Crown Paper lem- connected with Id* profession women, led by an Anieru-sn-horfl ing place* a* bu-b-t-, elf x--• v-1 -• • ■ - "Minnie Annie" apparently proved II would have cut Mu’ increased a l'n . with Sanford Industrie*. Inc. Declaring that a specialist wife of a Japanese, elnmorrd for ware, uiilouioldle tlie*, amt any artillery experts ...... lli.it levy ::i the !i>” i" • bracket of the •with lull authority to sub lease, and should have u general practice be an Interview other * (Kit * holding a* mill'll a* the Imge gun can handle nuclear graduated scale to give the stale litis morning Italph Cowan, presi­ fore becoming a specialist. Dr When Mr*. Roosevelt refused, IbimMi-ful of water " a* wi'll a* conventliinal amimim more ami the I racks less of the dent of the corporation, received Pyle declared that specialist* are Ihe women pulled her from the "Along willi Mu- periodic spray lion If etuis withhold from every dol­ a telephone' call from the New not mercenary because their fee* ear, the newspaper reported, but mg throughout the siimmei n* i»e Secretary of Defense Charles E lar bet by the public York manufacturer who has a re­ I are high pointing uut Ihe big over­ Japanese guard* *top|»>d them be­ doin' by the Ulliniclpultlv, we an Wilson, observing the hla-t from a cord of 35 years of successful oper head expenses llu-ir offices with fore they eould harm Mr* Roose­ ieipicsiuig tlie eiHiperution ot ah ill-lame of los* than eight miles, New 1*11*1 Spurned atlon, that he would accept the large stuff* and speelai Instru velt One guard wus -.lapped in person* in lielplng to elimuiali i iMiitiietiled "II wo* extremely in TALLAHASSEE b The House Sanford proposition. incut* and equipment entail, and the fare, Yomiurl *uid iirn-illng area* ami til *o doing ml tc*r-tuig unit I alii plea-ed with today r -fused. ,>l JO. lo reconsider Representatives of the New York adding that mil of u 43 fee a doc­ The ringleader of Ihe group was ill the control of winged pe*t*. llo it* nieces*." and approve a proposed constitu­ firm recently visited Sanford In tor may uclually gain for himself identified by the newspaper a* a City Manager deelared Another observer. Admiral Ar tional amcnilmi-nt which would seeded the property, made sugges­ not more Ilian fl Intake-home pay Mrs. Fujikawa, 41, horn In the Ram turrets unit bird lulli* Muir W Radford, nominee for have added a collect ir of rcvv'iiuo tion* for Improvements, Investi­ President Holt Hunts welcomed Unitrd State*, who came to Japan along willi gartiage cun* also an- chairman ul (lie Joint Chief* of to the Slate Cabinet gated the potential labor supply, Inin the chili u* II* newest mem­ before Ihe war. liki-lv places, (lie offleiul pom!--.I Staff, -aid "I considered the test -wand appeared on a radio program I'he action apparently ended for ber Lewis A. Barley, Ice maim The newspaper identified Mrs. Jameson I'hulo out When a water cnnlamrr can a mili-tuni- In Hi’ history of tilt* session efforts to corisoltdaU- with Mr. Cowan and Mr Udhum John Pkrsnn, above, died yes­ facturcrc < Marie* Morrison wet Fujikawa as a member nf the Com- Cl IFF Atil.KS wns fornislli nol In- emptied.I" It Is recommended atomic weapons and I am highly with regard to Ihe program of musl of Kb Vida's tax collection terday at the age of 61. He had coined other guests In the club and munlxt party m*tallrd a* the new iirrshlrnl that a llltleIn kerosene lie satisf rd will) Ihe success of Ihe work under one bead, flu- llims.' Sanford Industries. The plant Is attended Ihe final session of the Introduced Dr. Pyle It said that when Mr* Roosevelt -I ihe Seminole ( ’minty Junior Fl*h pools are also lirei-ilim: li'-i expected to be In operation here last week virtually killed a meas­ American Legion Stale I'onven Exploding the popular notion refused an Interview, the women ( lumber of Commerce sneered site*, beeanse even lliougli (i*li eat I'lie shell linrsi priHiiiced a luiglil ure to set up ,i statutory stale by Aug. 1. , lb.it all backache* arc attributable shouted "Go hack home " mi Roniiln* Slrnslrom si San- mosipillo wrigglers, lliey ilmi l cut Mr Udhom will serve as chair­ lion In Orlando during Ihe morn low fireball Dial lit op the gray revenue commission liy postponing Ing. Ills body was found In Fori to kidney trouble, Dr Pyle xuid Several women then pulh*t Mrs. l.itiilo Springs bi*l Saturday tin-in it lliey are fed a jot of peaks of the Spotted Range ring further action on it until the last man of the "kickotf breakfast" •Mellon Park yesterday afternoon there are ninny other reasons for ItiMisevrll from the ear niglil. loud and if Mine is vegetation in tomorrow wlileh begins at 8:00 mg the flat, exactly at 8 to ,i m day of tlie session where he had gone to read amt pain In the region nf Ihe hack, The group carried banners bear Ihe pool to prevent the li-li li.-iu i lo III a ill, EST> H was el-.’arly o'clock and will bo held at Kddle's notably flat feet, strain of the ing Communist parly slogans. gelling lo Mit'lll," Mr I eimm Restaurant ut tho Valdes Motel sun himself. sc,si ui Las Vegas toil was not Delinquent Taxes hack muscles, psychic disturb­ ( Flies show- lhat an Anirrlean- i ommenteil fi ll or heard T VI.I \H\SSKE '.4* If you Lists of prospect cards have been born woman, Mrs Hannah RpIcIi I lie city perliiillealty eli-.ut mil ance*. fatigue am) just plain lari- Abies Installed It ila//led oti'i'rver* in a plane should ever become hind up ami prepared and wit) be assigned to nes* All symb>ms of backache on berg Fujikawa, a native of New tb .image ditches of Ihe weed ui.l unable to (lay t.ivrs on vour prop, ♦ the campaign workers after thev York Clly, took part In ln*t year’s othei vegctuMun vx Inch m.ikc. flying over Indian Spring* abnul John Pierson, should lie thoroughly explored, he 2!l mill's away hut tin shock or city H id e 's i [imposed law m the have been divided Into geographl Mini, to find Mu- real seat of the Mav Has riot* I Jaycee President them a good shady place loi nto* Legislature which might affect cut sections. . , „ trouble. Mrs Roosiwell arrived in Jupan ■ piitoi's The work crew* grade sound was received liy Ihe pa* Meanwhile M a y o r Mundull sengeis you Civic Leader, Dies Men go through a change nf life earlier this mnnlh for » series of oilier dlti'lies to provide a ...... It's d -signed to overhaul the Chase and T. K. Tucker, president Ihe same us women. Dr. Pyle de­ leelure*. Hot despite all id Hie cm - pie The atonile eloml ro- • v -rv of Ihe Florida Stale Hank, added In Sanlando Rites present method ol reclaiming and clared. only when they arc a III eaiillolls, dial old paint Imeket in swittlv lo a height of iimssi f, u selling delinquent tax properly. So their endorsement of tht- Industrial lie older, and they manifest ubmil tin- baekyard I* Just ali-ml Hm ill little oyer a miioile Wlien ll movement. And (Jeorge William* Of Heart Attack t lilt Aides, 33 year old utanager far It has ullructed little atten­ the same symptoms. There Is most likely s|M>t for iuomiiiiIi-i . to reached a height ol from 21MKXI tion hut d could become a lively Jr., secretary and treasurer of 4 Young People Are -if the pari* department of Semi lo g.YiMin feel ll was supposed to nothing much that can be done judo County Moiors, waa formally stall life, concluded tile Citv man llltle issue In-fore the session ends. Sanford Industries. Inc. explained John Pierson, prominent local almut It, he continued, except to Injured In Accident uger lie pierced by Iwn t)F mu ]ei droiK’s that It is possible dividends nl hi'lalled a* the ninth president id Just assume you haven't paid rlvle leader, died yesterday of a accept It and make the best of II. firing lesi missions, hut that phase taxes on u piece of property you tome future date might be paid on heart attuek in Kurt Mellon Perk tin- Semin-ilr County Junior Cham or tho Ir-sl wax canceled due l» i:n stock of Hanfurd Industries, but Vlsltora Included Fred Raywell A iu-ycar-old Orlando youth, re­ Iter of Commerce since Its re own. Under prrxent law. among where he hod gone lo read and of Hudson, U., the Hcv. I-eHoy turning from a beach ouling at favorable surface winds at nearby other ways, you cnnlil read Hie if* that this Is nut the. primary nb sun himself after returning from l.nwson, amt Jack Hockaday of si lly alien In 1043 Mr. Abies, n Marvania Lots To Indian springs Ale Force Have Daytona Reach fell nslm-p ul ihf ♦Jtsrtii ui*hA« i -it the r - *H.:«vut delinquent lax list* published in Jeellye of ihe campaign, Orlando where he had served as DeLund, and Ed Watamv of Lee*- whcol of hls car, vccn-tr off llu- Ollier plane* In the filr Inrllldr’d "On '8 DAY’, lonforrow," mg group, wu* presented wllli the some piildenllon in your area Snd a local delegate (o the Anivriean burg. * highway did a half -pin and roll Be Auctioned At 12 fl 18 liomber •. learn about it V Williams declared. "you will be Legion Stale Convention. cd over onc-niol hall-timr*. In gay i'l by nut going President Doug askod to sign u subscription, In-lb las Menslrntll last Saturday nli|bt A lax certificate on that piece Funeral arrangements have not jurllig himself and three nlhr-r Commission Meet of properly can lx- sold to any­ eatin* th* am mint of money that yet been announced pending woril Philip Toney Named youth* early Sunday morning, it during ihe Installation eeremonlo* (Continued •« three) at s.-inl.inilii Spring* * one at a pulille sale from a son, George W Pierson, a wo* reported today by Slate Troop If the purchaser holds that eer member of the Merchant Marine, Student Council Head A laige gailii-rlug of Tllmbl A public bearing and pulille iue Ex-Treasury Head er It D Harrison Juuoe* arid llieir wive* alli-mb-d lion lire Hie Ixv(■ rm -i impurtanl tlficatc for two icoes to- now Is who is now In France The accident lo.-k place al i -, „ Philip Toney. Hl-yrar old junior, tlie dum lng parly Items on tin- agenda for ihe Clly Handed a lax deed and the proper Rosenborgs* Hopes Two nlher sons Hubert I'lersnn u.m Sunday, nine mile* south - m Injected Sell' In i slii'lont ul Stetson University In was elected president of Ihe Stu­ In tile iin 1 to ami mi imib-iwall-1 t Viminisslijrl inei-tlni’ loniglil at tv is In* Prior tn tlie sale it you Suuforil on ItrHits- 17 Tile dro Cllv it.,|| starling at S ml n'elnrk sciape up enough nionei to pay DcLind, amt John Thomas Pier dent I'niincll in la*l Friday sf er, Durwttod Day, received a fr;■< *w no iiilng exluhilioll l)> Ml** Liquor Tax Uulini* For Life Narrowed tcrnonii'x animal spring elections Fram i-s ll 1 • >\ w Mouse Inn’s tax imnlili's by paving interest "it They said Mini m accordance A! Phllln* wiin the vice presi­ Dean 20; Elaine Spivey, 23; an I lig.ilol * tin < topi dency while Peggy Wright was Junior * 'tinnilii-r in ilo- Ml** I-lor Serund Street, anil l-'lisl Strev’l Es J a slorv luilai Mu- lax lilnntmt to tile luilder of the WASHINGTON (Av-The Supreme with their father's wishes, the) Elaine Margaret liVonnell. 20 llial Hie lift - - r 1111- llore.in mice le certificate Of cour*s’ von It have would rruue.it that any memorlsli elected secretary and Marvin Ida Pageant, amt who I• •• -k secmiil tension from It I AA In It 2 Court today refused for the third Dean suffered severe laei-ra A week ago no resident appear versed ll - mi ii -peeialist* and gave to settle up for Ihe luck taxes, to their father should lie donated (ioemhel was elected treasurer. plsei- honor* at last week’* Water a fas ora).!- t ., * time to grant a hearing to con­ The four eouncll offirers headed Mon* to III* left fisil and hand Mi.- melon Festival, wa* prewnied cd tn *|»'ak either for ni against tiling to a liquor flu- interest rates you would pay lo Ihe Boy Seoul movement. O'Connell reeelveil a fraeluied h-n mdu-lrv hRp i .iI wtiin then Seen demned atom splM Julius and up a slate of IN new lx elected offi­ willi a I net of flower* and a miming ot priqierty III Iln- Dream in reclaiming that las ciclifivjtc Ethel Ho'cnherg, This left a* their Mr. Plen-on was horn Aug. 1. arm and back Miss Spivey hrok. t.irv nf Hu- I n ,i- iii v Snyder gave would lie 18 per cent for Hie first 1888 ul Matelton, I'n. and luil lived cers and representative* for three -lerling silver timber wold Subdivision only apparent chance to escape her loii.iioom- personal aitctifhm in the ease m o and 8 per coni Mu- second In Daytona Bench for about six of Ihe upper classes Retiring President Men-ln-m re I III sale at pollin' auetinu will go death In the electric chair a deci­ cel veil a rising liaml of 1 banks, eigld In-t la Mar i jni.i's seeurul Sriydei -a ,i ipn-tt-il .is saying lli.il I mtsr Hit- proposed law if ion years ami In Orlando for ID years Jimmy Krltler won Hie presi­ forum fii'ti n-e S Tiolary l.iun- sion to loll the government any dency nf Ihe senior class Other plus a service pin amt a desk pen si'cMun all nf whleh are on or neai didn't tuy taxes no nmi property prior to coming to Hunfnrd five Jnlltlxim w a "llllrn-ti'il pi Hu 11 outliiiieil on page slil espionage secrets they may still years ago. He was with Ihe War senior officer* arc Stanley Kali, Second Operation On ■il’t Hrailey odium, pa*l presl the lake front, hold. . vice president; Olllc Graham, sec­ dent of tlie (-lull and former state The Cnmmlssiim will also take thing if Hun-'* anything we ran President Elsenhower rejected Assets Administration in Duylnnu (In, let'* H v *1, help them out ' Beach and wns a Stale lleollh In retary; Rlnlse Snyder, treasurer; Godfrey Postponed Jaycee president, rondmteil Mir iiellon on Ihe resignation liy A It « their clemency pleas last Jebru- installation, prefaelng Hie ueliial I’i’lirsoii from Hie Sanford ludiisl A Ifim-. W iv* ami Mean- *uti xpertor In 0;landn. Ann IfunslMiilont, chaplain; and comitiiitn- digging into tux (rand*, Singletary Named " ary. But Justice Department sourc­ Ills final service to Sanford was student council representative, BOSTON tiM—A second npcrutnm Installation willi a ruiigratiilulory rial Hoard In a letter to Mayor es said Saturday the Rosenborgs Boss Hannum on Arthur Gmlfrey, TV and rail - spcecli on the progress nf the nr Knndull I'huse, Mr Peterson went into Hi-- cu» - a* part of an as a drlegute to the American la* Inquiry ml' Hie extent to which have b «n told they might be able jdon convention In Orlando last Lcnnle Itotundo was chosen pre­ star, to riirncl hip troubles, h.. • gnniinlluu since its re netlvatimi wrote "please aecrpl my resign Legion Commander to aave themselves by “ singing” to been postponed, a Mus«acliii*--i'- Of the five nffleer* three were u 1 ion a* a member of Hie Clly's "high Tre.i-nrv nttlcial*" may have weekend. According to James sident of the lunlnr class and Lorry intervene I in tax eases during tin federal prosecutora. Singletary, newly elected Sixth Dl» Bates won the vice presidential Genrral Ifospllul tuillctln said i- (Cnntinned on Page Sts) Iniluslrial Hoard " Of Sixth District Tho husband and wife spy team day, A requesi [or a loading lone on Truman ...... trlct commander, Mr. Pierson had (Mist. Other Junior class officers The cumnuHi'i- fir-t heard le-ti was convicted more than two years been In good spirits while ut the arc Donna McTeer. secretary; The first operation—on the rlgM West Serund Stris-I lias been sub i ion's Singletary of Sanford ago of wartime conspiracy to tram- hip— was performed II) days ui Lt. (’itrl WiliinmH milled to Clly Manager Turn Lem otiitiy from leeluiii'u) tax esi*‘tl> meeting and was Ids usual jovial Donald Hampton, treasurer; Bar­ Mk’H flail i enun-el read exct-rpl* Post ill of (hi- American f.egioil nilt atomic secrets to Jtussla, bara Harriett, chaplain; Marvin Godfrey has slneo been rejuiri- i nil by J W Slull lie staled thr was elected Slxtii District com­ In addition to rejecting tho ajv self. Mr. Singletary said In- hadn't as maxing good progress. Earns Silver Win^H Stull Farm Supply will shift Its fvum a pm p. >i ted I run script of tet< heard of hls friend's death until McKinley. Itochelle Eubanks aad phone «■ ■ n v e r s a I i o n * field mander yesterday at the vervieu peal, tho high court directed that Eleanor Nix, student council re- Tho nperallons on Ihe 40-yen- feed sort- from Hio West Ttilr group* 33111 annual com riition ihe stay of execution granted by this morning and was "extremely old Godfrey were planned In r- REESE AIR FORCE RASE. Tex trenlh to tin West Seeonil Striv-t on by Charles ullpliant, former gen shocked" at tha news. plciteuUlivus. us. ( Special)— Secniid Id Carl K. eral cmm-i I of Hie Revenue llo m Orlando, lie will to- m*tail.-d 1A the U. S. Circuit Court In New Mr. Pierson's activities in San­ Sophomores elected Jimmy Haw­ lleve him of pain whleh has M May 27, and a loading /one will ho next mnnlh. -l# York Feb. It be vacated. lowed Injuries suffered In nn aid-> Williams, Jr.. Min u( Mr and Mrs necessary reau. with I'reasorv officials. ford encompassed many fields al­ kins..—. president,pi...... Ernie...... Morris, vice .... C. E. William*. Ilux 438. lit 2, The case involved a ruling a* In Henry Wolcott nf Oviedo moved The stay had been granted to (resident; Morton Davis, secre­ mobile collision many years ug-> In Hie final item on the agenda. into Mr Singletary'* former mi* permit filing of the appeal acted on though those who knew him best The surgery,aery, known as "mould Sanford, Flo . was awarded the sil­ Commissioners will lake nt-lum mi whither any profits In .* stock deal realised that hla heart was always tary; Marty Cameron, treasurer; ver wings of nn Air Force pilot should l>e ciiiiMderi'tl taxable in Hun a* executive committee of the today. . . . Howard Allred, chaplain; Larry arthroplasty,”sty,' provides for rerun a request by the .Sanford Housing ilixlrirt. The Rosenbergi had been sched­ with the children of tho area and stroctlonictlon oof f ...... the blp joints to mat during graduation ccrmonlrs held Authority Hoard In fill vacancies come. Jnlm I. Li lian, a vice prrsi especially Ihe County's Boy Scouts, Burney and EllsolteElisabeth...... Woodruff, this morning foe mrmb.-r* of cia*s deni of Selim ley Imliistries, had 1 According to Mr Singletary, the uled to dip the week of March 8. student council representatives nowi socket*sockets which will allow grrat which exist on the Hunnl due ti lie had served Scouting In some 33-C-2 of tho IJSAF Rash' Pilot agreed to bus I'O.IIimI share* nf convention was one of the be*l he The Justice Department presum­ cr mobility Ihe expiration of Irrmx of Jack ha* attended and a great deal of ably will ask U. 8. District Judes capacity for over 25 years. Godfrey had hern suffering in School ( Multi Engine nt Mil* liase Hall and Hob Harris stock from live firm ai $28 30 a He was chairman of Ihe Semi- l,t Williams completed his |irl worthwhile planning wu* accom­ Irving R. Kiufman In New York X-Ray Drive Exceeds rreaslng pain Ihe post year unh j The- present board recommends share nvii a period of 20 yi-ar* plished to fix a new reecutlon time. noje District of the Hoy Scouts of half. m#ry training nl Gnodfellow Air the reappointment of Mr Hall, for a lot nl cost of t.VlO.OOO America and also chairman nf Figure Of Last Year Force Base, Texas, and was trans­ TesMnioriy wa* llial la'lian made I Joe lined of lllaluah via* elected The Supreme Court's vote on the and the appointment of At Wilson commander of the Florida Depart­ Rosenborgs' third appeal was 7-1 youth activities for tha Seminole ferred to Reese in November, 1032. to succeed Mr Harris, who Is the agreeini'iil with Louis Rosen Justices Black and Douglas favored County Chamber of Commerce. This year's total of 3,003 x-rsys WANTED: A LIFEGUARD He was commissioned a second leaving Mu- clly slid, pre nleol of Sehenl-y. in ment at the I hive day convention. Last year he was awarded the iven In the county surpassed by A qualified Red Cross lifeguard lieutenant in the Air Force on May Four vice corninumlei * were ' hearing the case, June. 1050 Then lie nski-l the were elected: Joe Cooper, Panama In otnerother actlona today the high Silver Beaver, highest scout tree the number given two years is wanted for the Mayfair swim 1, 1033. Revenue Bureau in Kentemhrr of leadership award. Sago. Mrs. J. D. Cordell, chairman tnlnu pool this summer, Ju< k Tho I lent en ant graduated from American Red CrosH that year to role that if the mark d City; Arch Thomas, Starke; iloy TYtbuna): Black. Ft. Myers, Frank Gliiuto, 1. Decided 5 4 that the New Or­ Ever since coming here, lie had or the drive, announced today. Katlgan announced today. Any Seminole High School, Sanford, value o' the stuck exeeetli-l $20 Ml been veterans' nn-lne fnrm train- Chest examination* were given one Interested in this type in 1847. He attended Murray State To Relay MeHHUgefl at Hie time he had actually uc Ft Lauderdale. leans Times-Picayune Publishing Hubert S. Hewitt, West Paint Company did not violate the Sher­ (Continued an page sli) over a two weeks period both at work for tho summer months t* College, Murray, Ky., where hr- rpilred ||. bis profit would not lie (he unit in Mathers Furniture asked to contact him at 8cmlinJ<' was graduated In 1052 with n H S. The American Iteil Cross, with considered taxable Income Heuch, was elected Judge advo­ man Anti-Trust Act by requi Ihe approval nf the Department nf cate: Arthur McCarthy. I'ailahas- classified and national advertisers Store and the mobile unit operat­ County Motora^ 1011. Degree. Katherine Nullev, of the Revo-me ing In Ihe county. tho Army and Air Korea, lias been llureuu’s rulings branch, anil Syl SCO, historian; llu- Rev Aaron II. to buy space in both ita morning Funeral Rites Held Itrown, Daytona Reach, chapialn: and afternoon newspapers. The Mrs. Cordell said the goal had alhorlzed to relay by rapid rum van Toliolinvskv. ussislant head of For G.C.Houfleman,75 been set at 6,000 snd although ex­ munlratlonx death messages In­ Hie Interprctalive division In the Ed H. Htinier, Miami, sergeant Juitloo Department had contended volving Ihe members of Mu- im­ at arms. this waa • "forced^” rote method pressing regret that moro per­ bureau's legal office, testified Ihe Funeral services for the Revi sons had nol taken advantage of mediate family of servlreineu in roour-ili'd ruling was denied by The department endorsed the unfair to the New Orleans Item, • lhe.se two branches of Ihe service Rrickrr bill in Congress which |t competing afternoon paner. G. C. Houseman, 73, who died nt tho service, was gratified that the feclmlcal .specialists "all along the a Sanford hospital early Saturday former total had ueen surpassed. who ure stationed overseas. line." would amend the U. S. Conslitu- I. Agreed to aav whether nrgan- According lo Mrs. Vet in a Glut- tiun to provide that no treaty lied baseball's "reserve- clause" morning, were held yesterday from She said she was very appre­ Ollphont’s log of telephone con the Brlsson Funeral Home. ciative of the assistance rendered znlci, executive .secretary fur the vers at Ions showed Secret ary Sny­ would stipe rude the Constitution contracts violate the , anti-trust by the several ladles and alio local chapter, this service will tie unless rullflcd by tivn-lhlnl* of tha lews. The Born July If, 1177 In Halifax, der culled hi in on (lei, 28, 1850. slates. Nova Beotia, Canada, he had been wanted to thank R. E. Anderson, Inaugurated next Monday. anil referred In the cnxo. peaH. Ireli Ing one bv Genre* manager of Ihe Mathers store, for This extension of service lx be­ Officers elected by the l*'glou Bari son, a former New York • resident of Lake Monroe for the Knur days later after a series iaat four year* after formerly liv- use of hi* establishment and furni­ ing iinderliiken because II i< be­ of conference.* anil telephone con auxiliary; Mrs. L. S. Marshall, Yankees farm club player who ture. lieved Rial it will have a bene­ Tallahassee. President; Mrs. S E. sought damages beeanse he was fng In Sanford. snllallons among top officials, dr- The Rev, Houseman hail Itecn ficial effect on the morale of ser­ Horseman, Lake Worth, historian; Disced on the Inellrlble Hat and ha* vice personnel. It does not apply vision of the technical experts was Mrs. George McGowan, Kissimmee, been unable to play professional 111 for the pait alx months. He was Naval Air Station reversed and the bureau ruled nnv a retired Free Methodist Church to the Navy, Marine Cnrpifc nr chaplain; and area presidents— ball ainee 1030. The other c*sea Coast Guard because the use of profits from Hie stock agrer-ment Mrs A. L. Prince, Ft. Lauderdale, Involve Welter J. Hows Kowelaki, Now minister. Barracks Repaired would uut lie taxable. Survivors include the widow, one Naval communications facilities lx Southern: Mrs. W. L Wheeler, * Yffc City olsver who waa the booe- available lo those personnel. Jacksonville, Northern; Mrs. J. M. w v*" property of the Brooklyn sou, Charles P. Houseman nf Los Bida are being received for the Angeles, one grandson, Bobby C. rehabilitation nf flva barracks and Armour. Pensacola. Western; Mrs, era. end Jack Corbett xml the THOM AH LEMON TO SPEAK MASONIC CONVOCATION Earl W. Toole, La kc lam), Central. Paso (Texet) BaaebaQ Club, Houseman of Los Angeles, snd one three other buildings at the Naval slater, who lives in West Palm Auxiliary Air Station. Thomas L. Lemon, city manager, The regular eonvocnllorj of Mon Sealed bids may be submitted t , ‘- . a..)-* will bo the guest speaker at the roo Chapter Nn, 13. Roval Arch let aside M the death sen- ft* * * ^ * * meeting of tne Pitot Club In the klaxons, will he held at 7:30 p in rape* cate ei Janet Rev. Charles Ollmort of tmUJJupa it , IBM at the ^Dlitriet Movie Time Table See In Cha; Blalf naMkara at tha fiartaw High Rcbool band stappad off Yacht Club tomorrow evening at tomorrow at which time the Royal RITZ a Georgia negro who com- „ o officiated. , lha first program meeting of the Arch Degree will bo conferred, It that namea a t nroanectlve Pallbearers were Ted Lockett, ton. S. C, I rept._slra to____ car- In Baaford foe an hour Balurday ■anting snrouta to Daytonn "Titanic" -J------, John Cranston, V. »try. ala __jtfork. and floor- B#s«k wkara Utay narcksd In ths Maoiw parade that afUrnooa. club for the new year, Mr*. M. C. was announced today bv H. C. 3:IS . 0:17 • 7:!M • 0:20 and Negro terora for his Slone will preside and hostesses Moore 8r„ high priest. Light re­ see re printed, on penera of Alvin IllttaU, and _ of cament-asbeitos Tha ■nnirlsnannsktiss ara shown nbove ■» Uanraturnsd to tM r chsrte*- M OVIELAND wan and celling.,asphalt- •4 hat after n aaarhatlilast tha Yarht CtekBaad Director Hush Martin for tha dinner will bo Mrs. Esther freshments will lie nerved and all "Abova and Bavmtd" mt colrrs end 0|gt the jure Royal Arch Masons are Invited to kde^U dU rnw as composed In Evergreen ■|fl k»r lo fc f M g tl e aooples' over and J. L Gnrntt, LoyalI Order of Mooao in rharga of srrsngs- Rlvo and Mrs. C. B. Rudd. Mra. Show onarut 7:80 mania, ara shown an uha tlghti alia at lha yktnis. Ruth Scottila is programI chairman, attett>u. II-,-- — V

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