■■ d- t r fv ■ ; ’ -’X \ ■1 '■ I llMSil ■ I , ____ / PAGE TBtntry-Two WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEE 2«, 1980 ATcnge Dsily Net Press Ron The WeRthtr ‘ Mfr. For the Wedi Ended rweeoat of U. a ^ ’ I O ct S3..1N0 Tha Oonnactleut Tufts Univer­ James E. Juros, son of Mr. and . |lR eg^t Reseated tee wa«i MIrs. Joseph Falkowsld. Art Graup Slates Omatf with rnmm sity Alumni Club will have a so­ MraBtanley Juroa, 68 Branford St., Her committee members werq M^s. A TLA ^IC •aA MdoF. About Town cial hour a t' North Hampton Ho« has been selected fingncial adyiaor Ann Kiely, Mrs. Robert Schaller, FURNACE OIL 13,250 tel. North Hkmpton, Mass., after of the cehtMl committee of '‘Take- For Second Tefm Mrs. Charles Donohue, Mrg. Esther Annu^ Elections phfota ttiraasho«L''t«w tSiigMi A UDc ’’oii bird* will b* given AtMwMtte Delivery '’Mendwr of tlw Aodlt Saturday's Amherst-Tufts foot­ a-Break” weekend at Rhode Island ____ ^ ■ h Oonnan, Mrs. Catherine Carney, ■arena ot dnolaUea. taMalRth.lMkqrki'fla. by Pbrcy Fellowa at a meeting ball game at AmheMt. " School of Deaigh, P r o-v l d e n c e, Mrs. Joseph Tohski, 595 ToK Mrs. Richard Brannick, Miss Amt Tolland County Art Assn, will _ nwooDCo. Manehetter^A CUy of ViU^o Charm of the Lamrl Garden Club a t the R.I. The annual program conalata,. land Tpke., was reinstalled re­ LaOace, Miss Stephanie "Tunsky, hold Its annual meeting Nov. 1 at Phone Ml 3-II!» Wkldiam Memorial Ubrary . In S t Mary’s Episcopal Guild will of a student-faculty variety -shoiv, and Mrs. Leo Barrett. ;u t Hartford Nov. 3. Hosteeeee gent of ^ t.'. Margaret’s Circle, 8 p.m. in the old high school build' meet Thurs^y at 11 a.m. at the an informal dance, a formal dance, DaughteM of Isabella’, last night Mrs. Lypeh ahnounded that a ing at Parkland School Sts. Jf yOL. LXXX, NO. *8 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) •MANCHESTER, CONN., 'THITRSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 (Olaaetfled AOrMtlafait m Page 1«) PRICE HVB ODRIi rwUl be Mm . Stanley N. Bialnard, guild hall. ' Members will bring and a Jazz- concert. A graduate of at the K of C Home. membership drWe would, begin Rockville.' Election of oAcer^ Will Mrs. Howard B. Nobl^ and Mm . Manchester High School. Juros la a sandwiches^ and dessert will be Mrs. Mildred L ^ th of Water- Nov'. 1. ” , take place and a report ipade on RANGE Horace B. Olmatead. provided by Mrs. Elisabeth Ken­ fifth year student studying for a bury, state regent, was ihstalijng th«L recent art exhlblt^A'rt fllms bachelor of science degree in archi-; Alfred B. Sundquist, 80 nedy, Mrs. Annie Smith, and Mrs. officer at tW ceremony. Bight will be«shotvn. , James M. Burdick. tecture, and Is treasurcFof the slu- ■ other o ffic ^ were re-elected, and Members are asked to bfiiig in W yfi^ S t, wlIK be a workshop dehtcouncil. ' ■ ' j GOP Picks Ozols l UEL OIL State News le a d ^ a t a meeting of Pembroke seven peW' candidates took office. work for criticism. "Pictures of the UifS. Banks to Have College^ Alumihae Council Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasard, Spe(^l guests at the buffet Month’’ for three area libraries wdll GASOLINi 130 Hawthorne St., and Mr. and Talent will be recruited next supper and installation were Mrs. For Campaign Post be selected. day thrpugh Saturday on the Tuesday at 8 pm. at the Man­ campus OT,Providence. Mrs. Sund- Mi;s. Joseph Mader, 112 Waddell Mai;ge Redden of Waterbury, sm e Roundup Rd.. have returned from parents chester Country Club for the *‘Hi- treasurer; Mrs. Mary Dagnon^ of qulat ia s ^ n d vice president ot. (iFever Follies”, benefit. The show August Ozols, 24 Strickland St., Ample Loan Funds the associate. weekend at Trinity College, Bur­ Southington, state rcoordinaf sec­ — MEN — BANTLY OIL lington, Vt. Their daughters. Miss will be Sponsored by the Wim- retary; Mrs. Margaret Fdrd of has been appointed a vice cjiair- For that next HAIRCUT, I.l^ll■ \\'i i\(. ■Phe Americ^Lagion Auxiliary, Sally Ann Hasard) aqd Miss Jo- en's Auxiliary of the Manche.ster Hartford, regent of the Hartford man of the Nationalities Division, stop at RUSSELL’S Naval Officer, 34, First District, wHl meet. Friday at Arine LaBarron, received- academic Memorial Ho.spital, and proceeds Circle and. state trustee; Misa of the Republican Campaign Com­ BER SHOP, coraer of Oak- ' 'I \!\ I III i I robes at an investiture ceremony. -Will be u.scrl to p\irchasc equip­ Eulalle Elliot of Wiliimantlc, state mittee. and Spixice Sta No-produc­ To Help Yule Trade Feared Drowned 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Both girls arc freatimen at the coU ment for the ho.spltal. The show TEL. Mlfctu :i 9-4595 Home, Hooker Court, Brlstof. custodian; and Mrs. Frances Tri^ appointnient vf&a announced tion Work'! Plenty of Free Ibge. will he presented Noj;. 18 and 19' Ga^iardi, newly elected regent of Parking. . . .-■v. Unit chalrnjen will send In their In the high school atidltorlum. Leads Rally today by Lucian Daum, t division ROCKVILLE TR 5-.3271 Essex, (^pt. 27 (AV^Navy reporta . \ the Wiliimantlc Circle. chairman. Washington, Oct. 27 (JP)— ^♦vote on the declslpn to make yes- Army P vt Gregg B. Schuyler, Mrs. Irtne LaPalmc, president Visiting circles ’ included the terjlay’s announcement was not and State Police divers today son oT Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. The board of directors of Man­ Joan of Arc Circle’of Willlmaiilic, Ozols Is prftSldeill of. the Latvi­ The Federal Reserve Board searched for a body of a naval A missionary crusade riveting at Schuyler, 74 Jarvis Rd., recently of Mystic Review No. 2' of. Man- an Association of Connecticut. He revealed. * Bion Evangelical Lutheran iKJhurch, chester Girl Scouts, Inc, will meet the Hartford Circle, and the Santa was born and educated in Latvia. has given advance notice thht Hie board traditionally allows officer missinK and presumed completed the dsta-processlng at the home-of Mrs...I. S. Brown, chc.stcr. will preside aS state presi­ Marla Circle of Waterbury. o ri^ a lly scheduled for \tonwrow, equipment course at the Adjutant He will serve a t Latvian represen­ the nation's banks will have for some credit expansion during- drowned after a' small boat at 7:30 p.m., has been changra to 9ft Henry St., next Tuejday at 7:45 dent at the statewide rally of the ' Chalrmah of the .serving fcommit- tative. . » ample lending power to fi­ the Christmas season. However, General's School. Ft. Benjamin p.m. was swamped in the Connecti­ Nov, 3 at 7:30. The crusade wllKbe Harrison, Intk’ A 1958 graduate of Women’s Benefit Assn. .Saturday nance'Christmas business. duj^g most of the post'war years cut River last night. Will Send preceded by an adult informati^ at the Statlcr-Hilton Hotel In mie notice waa coupled 'with an it did YK>t make full allo'v^ance for Manchester High School, he at- the December"tmige in demand The missing man’s wile and a meeting at 6:30 p.m. fCr any in­ .tended Hlllyer College befdre en­ A panel di.scuHsion on,"Leisure Hartford. announcement yesterday of defi­ second naval officer sWam to safe­ terested tn fundamental teachings uring the U.S. Army. Tinrc" will take place at the Rob­ nite plana to make available S3.1 .for Idans..Whereas this year it Is and for prospective church mem­ ertson .School PTA meeting to-[ Guest of honor will be Mrs. Lila saying there will Tie ample credit, ty. ' ■ • Coiitii. state field director In Rhode blllAkn in new currency and credit Lt. Cmdr. Murray Menkes, 34, at­ bership. night a t 8 o’clock at the school. "between *rhankaglvlng and it usually has not gone quite this :e to A.,rummage- M.le, sponsored by I.sland, Maine. New' Hampshire, fair becaute it was trying to curb tached to the Squadron 2 at the Gleaners Circle, South—Methodist and New Brunswick,^Canada. ' Christmaa, the peak aeaaon of ris­ Submarine Base In Groton, is- the Church'WSCS. will be held tomor­ Manchester Grange /riembcM| ing cash and credit needs.” inflation through a "tight money” missing officer, Members of the WBA in Man­ Elaborating on a formal 'atate- policy. row at 9 a m. at Coopex hall of the are reminded to nei^bor, with ■ chester will attend the rally. The Menkes' wife, Barbara, 32, and 200y000 church. ment,.a spokesman 8^Ud the board With the economy how' falter­ Lt. Edward Willever, 30, escaped Glastonbury Grange ^ tomorrow I morning session will begin at 9 ing and inflatiduary pressures sub­ evening. "intends to make ample provision unharmed. Willever swam to shore. By JACK BMX DON'T “ o'clock, and Ihe afternoon se.ssion for the credit needs” of the holi­ siding, the board; presumably'feels Mrs. Menkes was picked up by a By. EDMOND LEBRETON . sun plenty of wear left In at 1:30. A banquet at 6:30 p.m. day aeaaon. ’This amounted to a boatmgn while she was swimming New York, Oct. 27 John F. Kennedy a Richard M. Nixon coupled a BINOO Noy. 2,- at the club at 6:.30 p.m.^ TKjt, received banquet tickets may quate.., 10-foot dinghy with an outboard new blast''at Sen. JeJm F. Closed Wednesday Every Wednefulajr-NIght 1:1ft- Members will, bring a gift or article call Mrs; Charles Vincck, 148 Ly- Because the board’s intentions motor. roarinjg welcome, today, pack­ Afternoons Advance CaterMe Hall for the auction table. A .short bu.sl- dsll .St^; were disclosed well in advance, Britain /Eases The boat became grounded on a ing the streets and filling the Kennedy’s Cuba, policies to­ 122 Naubuc Ave„ Glastonbury nea.s meeting will follow,,lhe sup­ on 'pi^es 6 and 7 they could have a psychological sand bar about 7 p.m,- and then air with bits of colored cloth day with a promise that, if SAM YULYES By VFW Poet 76P“ per. ' ’ Impact on the economy even be­ took bn water. Willever wid Mrs. instead-of ticker tape. elected, he will invite tnuR ^- ‘•SHOE REPAIRINO 20 Reg. Gamee—3 Spi Junior Dancers fore they' go Into effect, atarting diirb on Credit Menkes set out for shore. Menkes The crowd that jammed the 8- ate negotiations with Russia OP THE BETTER KIND" FREE BUS HERVICl A rummage sale will be held by Nov. 24. wme bankers and bhsi- was last seen clinging , to the boat. Ijtmvti Town Hall At 6:4(^ the Friendly Circle Nov. 15 at 6:,30 MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER neaamen might take-the promise of -long district was estimated on a nuclear testing ban. S3 OAK STREET p.m. at the American Legion Set First Dance London, Oct. 27 (.35—Britain to­ at 200,000 to 250,000 by Frank Nixon promised that )m woold Same Side as Watkins Pine Phanqacy 6:4S “HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL CARPETS” ample credit aa a slg^l to adopt day cut. thh government’s bank O^Sullivan Gets Joh Doyle, executive secretary • to Bring This Ad^. Home. PlariB for the sale were, dis- 311 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER* more bullish policies. ■end his nmnlng mate vice resi­ •ruased last night at the first fall The first dance for the mem­ ’The board spokesman declined to interest rate from 6 per cent to Sii • HarUord, Oct. 27 (ftl—state Tax Mayor Robert F. Wa'gner. • ^ dential candidate Henry OSbot bers of the Manchester Junior per cent in an effort to stimulate' Commissibner John L. Sullivan The crowd cheered Kennedy’s, Lodge, to Geneva for negoUatlOBS i^eetlng of’the circle at the home ot label the planned moves as aii antl- faltering Industry. said today he plans to place Mat­ Mi’a, Roland Ouellette, 18 Deer- Square Dance Club (with badgebi MAKE THE CARPET CENTER YOUR reoession program. In the recent appeal to “give us your hands with Russia on a liuclear bon. , . The bank- rate had been raised thew F. O’Sullivan in his former and your heart, give us this state lyhlstle-atopping through' n v ‘fleld Dr. Hostesses were Mrs. David will be held at Waddell School on ast, the board’s various 'steps in from. 5 to 6 per cent on June 23, potion as a department head with­ Starrett and Mrs. Andrew Way- Friday night,. Xrom 7:45 to 10:16. eie direction of easier credit have, of New York which' is essenf ial litically doubtful Michigan, the Re­ Headquarters For the s^ond increase of the year. It in a. week or so. The post will be to the election of n Democratic publican presidential nominee OUR 16Hi YEAR land. FoY, pickup service, members The annual dues should be paid at been attributed officially to a les­ had been Ihked from 4 to 5 per that' of director of the division - of may call -Mrs. Starrett or Mrs. this dance by members, and an ad­ sening. of inflationary pressures. president—let’s roll the Republi­ blasted anew at his Democrmtle ri­ cent on Jan. 21, t®. at.eni a splurge- collecUons and accounting. cans all the way back to Cali­ val in saying there is “confusion Andrew Wa'yland. mission fee will be charged. Even so, they coincided with a of installment buyiiig. Sales of The State Personnel Appeals Stan Beat will be the caller, and fornia?’ now starkly revealed” -fn Ken- • slowing down of the econom.y. consumer goods dropped drastical­ Board ruled Wednesday that O’Sul- pedy's camp over what to do shout Girl Scout "froop .56,. Southwest all- present club members are. in­ 100% NYLON CARPETS By making its latest announce­ ly, especially of cars. llvim waa- entitled to the position . California {s the native atate of neighborhood, wiH have a potluck vited. These dances are sponsored ■Vice-President Nixon, the ReprJ;- Fidel Castro. 1. WidTe Selection of Patterns ment 13 days before the presiden- . TWfe new rate, which fixes the because hft had served in it for six tomorrow at 6 p.nf., In the Wash­ by the Manchester Recreation De­ the election, the board risked ac- m erest for all commercial trans­ months. lican opponent of Kennedy; In a statemeht Nixon-aai<) that ington School cafeteria. partment. 2. New and excitinj; Colors .cueations that it is interfering in actions. will make Installment buy­ The veteran state tax department Doyle said there was no ccjiti- Adlal E. Stevenson, one of Ken­ 3. Wall to Wall and Room Size Cuts the political campaign. An aide ing slightly easier and so give a employe had previously been re­ parison between the packed crowd, nedy’s foreign policy ad-viaers, Itad discounted this by noting that a fillip to sales. moved from the high post by the extending half a block down side denounced the Eisenhower admin­ somewhat similar credit-easing The Bank of England rate sets state personnel -director who'.held streets from. Seventh Avenue, the istration’s imposition of restric­ that O'Sullivan was not entitled’ to garment district thoroughfare, and tions on trade -with Cuba because DAY Thursday, Oct. 27th NOW IS THE TIME TO START move was announced several weeks the interest pattern for all British he contended this would drive Ou- In advance last August. lending institutions. . . the Job. the more modest turnout Nixon "DOWNTOWN DAY"^PECIAL! DECORATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS DAY A. Bank of England .spokesman got ■ in ’the same area several tro further toward the Commtoilst The board is Independent of the Death Ruled Suicide -Vice President Richard M.. Nixon, GOP presidential candidate, addressed a crowd estimated at camp. ^ - (THURSDAY ONLY) executive branch and its sevqn said the reduction does not imply Groton, Oct. 27 (ffV-Seaman weeks ago. VALUE DAY AT NASSIFF ARMS Come In Soon and See Onr Wide Selection of %6o% Nylon about 10,000 on peaceful use of atomic energy at Toledo University last.night. (AP Photofax), Nixon contrasted this with, a MEN'S. BOYS' HALF members represent 'both 'poUtical Apprentice Stephen I. Kessler, 18, The- garment district is a strong­ . <(' ------proposal of Kennedy for U.S. gov­ REG. $2.50 Carpet* From the Mill* of Anrerlca’a Greatest Manufacturers. parties.'Whether there was a split (Conttnoed on Page Two) Atlanta, Ga., who we* found dead hold both of Democrats and 6t ernment support of anti-Clstro New York’s Liberal ptirty, which ONE DAY BARGAIN SPECIAL: 144 ONXT. Q Q - OPEN 3 NIGHTS in his bunk Tuesday miomlng at elements In and out of Cuba. the Coast Guard training station, also, has-, endorsed Kennedy. ‘The Senator would have the IMPORTED HAND WARMER. HTXi. 1.98. Each O O v TUESDAY—THURSDAY—FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. Da-vld Dubinsky, president of the Confidential USIA Survey Ike Aides Fear LIGNITE DAILY 9 A.M. to 5 :30 P.M .______died fronr an "extreme oyerdose United States take raah action th at President Lemus Vanislies — of tranquilizer-type pills,” Groton International Ladies Garment would play into the hands of tb^ $ ------——— Workers Union introduced Ken­ Budget Term* Tailored To Your Convenience ' ■ \ Medical Examiner E. L. Douglass Communists and cause ua to lose 100% WOOL RED HUNTINQ COAT said today. nedy. He said today’s turnout is Atomic Arms all of our friends In Latin Amer­ Utica Duxhak. Reg. 27.60. m jr A C Dr.. Douglass, who riilcd the "the greatest demonstration I ica,” Nixon saliL SOLES MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER Six Rule El Salvador death a suicide, said the .cause Kaye ever seen in the garment.dis­ “His adviser, on the other hand, latched for 1 0 # ^ ^ was determined from an autopsy trict and I, have seen plenty of Race in NATO fails to understand the need for HALE'S SERVICE DEPT. 311 MAIN ST.— FREE PARKING \ •at -the ■UiRt-PabHc Health Service them In my lifetime.” any .poeitlve actioa to quarantine ODDS ’n ENDS HUNTINa BOOTS Phone MI 3-5103 or MI 3-5104 Hospital, Boston,. Kennedy launched into the cam­ By JOHN M. HI&HTOWER the Castro virua. Sen. Kennedy and OAK ST. ENTRANCE 'The medical examiner estimat­ paign attack he has been using Bared by 2 Papers Washington, Oct. 27 (Fh — Tbp hla principal foreign policy advls- REG. PRICES 11.98 to 17.98. GREEN STAMPS "YOU CAN SAVE AT THE CARPET CENTER” in labor areas here, In Detroit and U.S. Officials are imderslood to be e'fa are as diametrically oppoaed in Mancheater—MI S-412B STOP IN and ASK FOR OUR FREE ed Keesler died .at 4:20 a.m. about elsewhere. He accused the Repub­ ONE LOT ONLY. \ “CARPET BUYING GUIDE” S u Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. two hours before his body was concerned about poesible develop­ theif views on foreign policy aa 9 .8 8 27. UP)—The new ruling juhta licans of opposing consistently copy of the summary, ment of independent nuclear mili­ Sen. Kennedy and hla personally found by classmates 'in the re­ minimum wages, social security .New York, Oct. 27 m — Thettained s a THE LATEST ' eraaed several decrees of deposed serve barracks who Investigated New York 'Time*. and the Wash­ compiled by the U.S. Information tary power by this coimtry’s al­ selected" running mate are on and health care. legislation spein- lies in Europe. They apparently rights. in our 107 year President Jose Marla Lemus smd when the sailor^d not get up for ington , Post have 'disclosed what Agencyls office of Research and CLIPPER HUNTING SHOES dissolve'll congress today. The Jun­ reveille. sored by democrats. Analysis. The newspaper also said fear an atomic arms race within They not only are wnmg but ta ’s avowed aim is to restore Jus­ A training station spokesman "I think this country is ready" to they said w as'a confidential gov­ the summary waa prepared for the NATO. they are completely wrong te op­ tice in this tiny central said a note, addressed to his say yes to the future,” he said. "I ernment survey made last June National Security Council, of Thfe apprehension felt here prob­ posite directions.” INSULATED UNDERWEAR nawtn.. think it is going to pick Itself up which Vice PresWent Richard M. On the nuclear issue Nixon said •-'-'4.1; ' mother Mrs. Ida Kessler, Atlanta, and move ahead.” reporting a U.S. loss pi prestige ably will be expressed by Secre­ -A btate of aiege Imposed after -.4: .'# .,1 . ■' was .found in the biink. The con­ with the French and British public. .Nixon, thp Republican presidential tary of State Christian A. Herter that if the Soviets should agreq to G U N S ~ SHOTGUN S H ^ L S student rioting last mbnth against Every mention of the late Pres­ nominee, i? vice chairman. and other U;S. leaders at a NATO foolproof inspection under which tents were not disclosed. ident Franklin D. Roosevelt The Times said the a u r v e y Lemus’ strongarm adminiatratlon Iff -V.' V - ., showed the Soviet Union also lost The Times, today publishing the council meeting scheduled tor military tests would be banned, h* waa* lifted by the 6-man military- would be willing to meet te a aum- I ' SKIS — SKI WEAR — SKI Acc e sso r ie s | (ContlBDed on Page Ten) prestige in the eyes of the Brit­ full text of the suinmary as well Paris Dec. 16-18. civilian group which ousted him In Youth Blamed ish and French after the collapse as , pointeci out that the The possibility that President a bloodless coup yesterday. Bridgeport, Oct. 27 (/P)—A of the summit conference. survey is not the opinion analysis Eksenhower personally may attend (Continued on Pago Tm) EBONITE BOWLING BALLS—vSHOES—,SHIRTS Civil liberties had been sharply Stamford teenager was held guilty The text of the survey printed referred to last 'week by Sen. J. that session is under discussion restricted. ot slniple negligence _ today by by the Times, said: 'W. Fulbright, . D-Ark., chairman within the administration but no e ALL THESE AND MORE AT ’Ihe Junta revoked two other de­ Deputy Coroner Paul H. Culllnan Ribicoff on TV "Favorable opinion for the Unit­ of the Senate Foreign Relations decision has been nuule. If he goes, crees of Lemus, forbidding pub­ for 'the death of a man in *a 2- ed States as a country, and for Committee. Fulbright had been It will be primarily for the purpose lic meetings and curtailing the au­ car collision Aug. 18 in South- 'President Elsenhower, has declin­ seeking copies of a prestige re­ of making a sentimental journey thority of the national university’s port. Saturday for port dated Aug. 29' as well as what to an oripnizatlpn whose military Bulletins {acuity. According to the finding, -An­ ed in the. wake of the summit col­ In additlon to dissolving con­ •i lapse, but, .notwithstanding, con­ he termed a later, "barometer sur­ forces he commanded a decade from the AP Witea ^39 thony J. Cavaliero, -18, drove past tinues to pr^omlnate by .large vey" by the USIA. ago. ' NASSIFF ARMS gress, in which Lemus had the sup­ a stop sign and crashed into the Politics ‘'Debate Sen. Jofih F. Kennedy,’ Demo­ port ot a big majority, the-Junta other car. I margins in both Great Britain and Ehsenbower went to”’a NATO dismissed Justices of the Supreme France, and remains far ahead of cratic presidential . nominee, has summit session in December 1957. UG-8 WAKN8 RUSSIA MANGHESTER^MI 9-1647 ^ 1015 MAIN ST. Killed was the driver, Michael Hartford, Oct. 27 UP)—Gover­ charged .that .America's prestige London, Oct. 27 (F>—TIm Mg HOUSE OF BPORYs court, members of the general ac- P. Cpilins, 23, of Westway Rd., So-viet Russia and Premier Since then he has traveled exten­ nor Ribicoff wlll..'g« before tele­ Khrushchev, both Of. whom have ia declining. ■ j - sively in Europe, Asia, Africa and Three weatem powere w aned OQuptlng office, the national elec­ Southport. Coipner CuUlnan said vision earners SsiturdaV night at tion ~bmird and the eoclal welfare the evidence clearly ..showed Col­ also suffered losses in esteem.” Kennedy, arriving in New York the Far East. A trip to Paris in the Soviet Union in notea {Mb- 9;30 to participate in a top level by plane -today, declined to com­ Decem-tor would undoubtedly be Ushed today to avoid tan|MnRg sendoe-ehlef. lins had been denied the right of national political debate. The Post said last night it ob- ' Lemus had vanished. ’There were way. ment on publication of the aurvey. his liut mission abroad as U.S. with -the air oorrldore to leo- reports the 49-year-old . soldlSr- 'The Governor announced plans He also said he had not Seen the' Chief EbcMuUve. lated West Berite. Bittabi, politlclan waa seeking refuge in for the debate as well as bis other newspaper etories. , Herter and his aides are ex­ Fraace and toe United Statoe Guatemala or the United States. Hospital Wing Sought politicking activities as he re­ Nixon has contended' our pre- pected. to start discussing with told the Krenilln te' Idseitloal * (Clerks at the Blltmore Hotel' Newington, Oct. 27 —Au­ turned to his office briefly this News Tidbits tige Is at an all-time high; He other members of the IS^nation al­ notes toat any reetitotteiia am. thority . to build an addition at morning. For Downtown bay hi Guatemala City said a reserva­ CuOed from AP Wlros said last Friday'.In hts television liance at the DecembepP meeting the sUr Qorrldora 'teroold eeeoto tion had been booked for Lemus Newington Hospital for Crippled The NBC "Ompaign and the a dangerous ■Uoatian.’* Tha and "we are still waiting for him.” JOSE MARIA LEMUS Children containing some 36 beds Candidate" pmgram, which will (ContInaed on Page Two) (ContInaed oa Page Three) weatern powers denied .a Soviet THURSDAY, OCT. CQ N LY for young children, a new central originate In Washington, D.C., Will contention that the air oorrMee They refused to say who made the' pit Governor Ribicoff and Demo­ reservation. Guatemalan offfciala boiler room, and facilities to han­ White House Will be closed to rights could only be nsed by too dle at least . 18,000 'Out-patient cratic National Chairman Henry vlsltore from'Nov. through Nov. Amerlcah, Freadi and BrMsb said .they bad no offieiaf knowl­ Venezuela Battling visits a .year- was sought today Mf -Jackson against GOP Nation­ edge of the fleeing presidest’a ar­ 22, while exterior of mansion la garrisons in West Beilin and Bot from the hospital's board of direc­ al ,Chairman Thruaton Morton being painted . . . President El­ tor toe benefit of the S% Bdl- rival tn the country). GastrO-Type Revolt tors. and Robert -Finch, 'the Nixon cam­ senhower proclaims bnmigfallon BUY A JALION OF The little -coffee-growin\ coun­ ’ B. E. Foss, executive directon Manager Charges Nixon Hon Germans living te tliat wto*'* paign manager. - quotas of 1lie of Senegal . . . jority of the 2% mllUon people Venezuela’s tense capital early to­ Smeared by Columnist Vientiane, Laos. Oct. 21 (II day as troops and police mopped man John S. Monaghan,...Later In Japan and North Korea agree to Neutralist Premier BoavsBBB acqjhnproveriahed peasants dom­ ' (Ooqtlnaed' on Page Ten) . the afternoon, his schediile called extend -for a year the rispatriatlon FLOWKOTE inated hjr a small number of up. the. headquarters of a Castro- an appearance at a Demo­ Phouma- today aecepted Seietal type revolutionary movement. program under which 44,860 Kore­ lyaehlngton, Oct 27 UPh~3 BOorte to reach F. Donald NJx- sdd in principle for taotlaB rIflam cratic rally In Naugatu (Ooattaraed iai Page Keveateea) F ive persons were killed and. 20 Friday will find the Governor In were wounded yesterday and last grated to Communist part of their President Ridiard M. mxon’e cam­ In New vYorii tor comment were men top amount, type aad eeadh Discoverer XVI Hartford tor the visit of Mrs. Lady homeland. paign manager liaa< challenged uneucceesful. Uona of toe Commanlst aid Will niglit. Some bf the wounded were Bird Johnson, wife of the Dem­ soldiers.. RetHal Jory eaters elghfli day basic points of sn artlisls Unking Finch said the loan camik not be oettied later bat "wa wffi be ocratic^ vice iM'esidential nominee. of deliberations on fate of *Dr. R. Nixon’s name with a poiMlble con­ from Hughes or hia company but ■very happy to accept Soviet aid,* With All JucJge Sieta Bond Troops and ' police drove em­ Following his television appear Falls in Pacifie Bernard - Finch and Carole Trsgoff flict of interest, I from Fnute.J. 'Waters, a California The offer *waa made isnaally to­ battled Leftists from two build­ ance from Waahington, D. C., the For N^ro Leader ings In the “23rd of January” .. .Leader New York City's rank- The article, by columnist Drew attorney whom he called a friend- day by Alexander AbramoT, fM t Vapdenberg Air Force Base, Coverhor flies to Iowa to appear and-file policemen — reduced to Pearson, said "The family of Rich­ of the family. Soviet ambstowdor to Laos, vtoa housing development. Officers said at a Sunday night dinner In Wa­ Pearson said Waters was a long­ came here two weeka.ago froM' In Georgia Prison the buildings tn . the 'development, Calif., Oct, 27 (F5—The flrat at­ a traffic cop tor his war with Com­ ard M. Nixon” four years ago re* tempt to orbit a new satellite rock- terloo. missioner' Stephen P. Kennedy — ceived a 9206,000 loan from the time attorney tor Hughes and, te Cambodia, where be also to toa which is named for the 1958 date Next Monday, the Governor will advancing the money, "waa actual­ ambassador. on which dictator Marcos Ferez et-^-one planned as the workhorse tiikea file epee to Gov. Nelson A. Hughes Tool Co., owned, by Indus­ Dpootur, Ga., O ct 2 t (FI—Negro of a series of key space tests^fell be In. Chicago to speak ht two- .Rockefeller,. .BAgism government trialist Howard Hughes. After ly acting tor Hughes with the ap­ tategratlon leader Martin Luther Jijnenz Was overthrown, had been to failure in the Pacific, Democratic rallies. proval and knowledge of the Vice BBP. E. Oi'BMRH ILL turned into revolutionary fortress- receives second letter from U.N.- that, Pearson said: Hughes got Xliig Jfi today was ordered freed Discoverer XVl blasted off yes­ . The (joverapt said ha plans to Secretary General Da|r Ham- better treatment from acme gov­ Prtoldent.” Mansfield. Oct. 21 (FI — ffisF* And Get A 4” R ^ . ’ 3 ” ~ ' from ftorn tha State Fenjteniiaijr under es; . terday with a buret of flame from' E. O. Smith, dean ef Coaasell* The military operation in the marskjpld aaiUng that Belgtan ernment agencies. Finch said Nixon had nothing 32,000 bond pending aa appeal Its big thor booster. Atop the Thor (ContInaed on Page Three! tochnlehuie be withdrawn from to do with the loan and knew noth-, eat lisfislators, Wan atrtchsB.llt a traffic violation aentence. development continued during the "Whether the improvement was at his home today aad tfikSB to tram was something riew in the Discov­ - ' ' ' , " t Congo, offlctala report. opnneqted with the loan is not liig of It at .the time. He said he The bond wqp aet by DedBalb night. At least forty persons were erer series: a powerful maneuver- knew of no basis, tor any claim that Windham CotninuBlty Mensoitol 9:30 a.m.*'to 9:00 p.m. OboBty Ju4pa Oaoar Mitchell, arrested and automatic riflel and King Gustav VI Adolf of known,” Pearson’s article stated. HoMiital In WintniBatoB whesB able and roomy new Agena B State Estimate Sweden, ardent archologist, says t|ie money originaten with Hughes. wtto.earikr bad aent Ktug t o pria- pistols aalxed. rocket. '' Robert N. Finch, Nixon's. per* In . Los Angeles, a member ot his name was plaeed ea ,- Xing an anpbal ftton hla revoca- Fidel Castro launched Jils revolu­ ocean. downward revision of over |0 mil­ pure libel.” * . . w ' 000 to 160,000. Fmch said it la UJS. U1UUS KBD6 SUITT ticB of part a mupended aen- tion. Agena B is. scheduled to carry lion in this year’s tax estimates. Agency ■— and our prestige haqp’t He called Pearson’s report "an Unitod NoMoos. O ct SI WS-- . fallen.. .Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson worth 1200,000 to 3250,000 and has teaoa gtvaa the Intogrptlon leader 'niere also were disorders in the Samos and Midas epy-satelUte in­ Stato Comptroller Raymond 8. obvious political ianear-tq the last been deeded'over to the, creditors of The Uattod States today oBifa tor toUiBra to have a

g ♦ \** A v9 . ** a .e ■ b' a' i J '■■;* V '

MANCHESh:TS EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN; THURSDAY,^OCTOBER 27, 1960 PA 6B T1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTipR, CONN- THURSDAY, OCTOBERJ7^19W the three steps will be the freeing ranging from Cuba and this Congo Rockvtlle~Vernon Banks tQ Have of $1,3 binion now tied up as re­ Ike Aides Fear to nuclMr weapons testing . and serves. It Mid abflUt''$l. billion of % ■* ■ ' ' the future of Berlin which Will Rockville-V ernori M m " Board Vote& Sewers' ''this 'amount 'wUi be .needed to Confidential VSIA Survey Columbia lEnough Funds face the new presl<|ent whether Sheinwold on Bridge meet the ]M:4-Christmas expansion Atomic Arms PemocTiito Drop ChaUenge Fi^r Yule Loans of the currency supply. That iMvea he be Sen, John F. Kennedy ofc r d Two Voting Places Named, P o o l $300 million M the basis for an 'Vice President Richard M, Nlxoh School B expansion of credit Since $1 of Race in NATO ■— once the election Is over. 01 Board Electioil of Ktilmly k k t d b o i s i o n • < C6K deokf'' (OoBi Page Om ) exceM reserves can form the ba­ Elsenhower administration of­ b y W EAK H A N D BMh Odta wdMNiUa sis for $7 in loans, the potential ficials are understoorf to be pre­ ffices 0 Machines Planned Nov. 8 NORTH Town Dlrectora laat night ap-eoppoitltlon to the aewer with op- (Uoiitinaed from Page-One) Tha Dm ocratio, Town Oommit-<^8tatuto which gives the Board; the Fills By'Alfred Sheinwold free to loosen and encourage lending power of the banks thus pared to provide informatiop on * 10 6 S 4 proved■oved the aubmlaaloh to voterg PoalUon to the S a l e ’s borrowing which uld give the will be increased by $2,1 billion. foreign developments to'the man tee decided last night not to pur­ right to fill its owii vacandes. Iff It'a natural to feel downhearted 0 8 7 3 pond awinuning Rnd wading poou, \. the possibility of forming » stra­ • Donald Ry/ttitUe and Mrs. Jean Rockville electdrs„.on Nov.'S wlll^rested on a d ty court warrant by Mov. 8 of bond proposals tp build economy a lift. sue the question ot the legality, (ff appointing Kuhhly, « Democrat* when you have a terrible hwd, but calling fo r a gaiierml study of town tegic nuclear force under NATO chosen to be the new secretary of vote In the Vernon Town Hall Vemon Constable John Lehan. Here are the three actions which th ^ also fulfilled the minority rap- ers Feters were re-eletced chairman don’t let. ydur emotions get the ♦ A a $380,000 addition to' the Mary needs fir s t Gordon Mfd, “ Maybe command. Such,a projejet Is In state In order to ease the prob­ the controverslel appointment of Rockvijle Police arrested Joseph fesentation law. in Rockville and Vernon''Fire Dis­ WBST , Cheney Library and a $180,000 some items are more seriously the board plana; lems of transition. and secretary respectively, by the idling, 28; of 18 Oak Stl, late yester­ better of your brains. You may the planning stage here. N o deci­ Democrat W illard G. kuhhly to the trict rftstdenU will vote in tneX**'" A J 9 -"A K needed at this time,” and Bailey 1. Starting Nov. 24, the\8,200 Police Arrests Herter Is also'Understood to be Board of Education at Its annual day on charges of intoxicatldin and have to take proper actWn despite sewer on the West Side. sion on U.S. policy has. been made Vernon BOard'of Education. 24 per cent; very little, 16 ■ p*r non Elementary School.' \ cited storm drains, as did banks lii the reserve system wW he willing to take 'with him to the (OAMbiaM from P«g« On-' - b r e ^ of peace, the result of a your weakness. The Board also voted $45,000 to but there have been preliminary cent; no opinion, 18 per cent,. re-organizallon, meeting this week. M tzpafrick earlier In ot>pushig thi allowed to count cash on hand — Paris NATO meeting a representa W ith the decision, however. Accident Results Because of anV*^'™*^*** ipereaae dotn^tlc complaint. He wSs being West led the four of hearts and build a swimming pool on towii- Joseph F; Salustro, 48, ot.'Weth- talks With allied governments The polieter* eleo eeke to install an auxllliary Jq^ in g a stop sign on the north',, According to present planning In Heavy Damage no Objection to reieaee ot ehould eirte with the United will be an additional voting ma­ m enzo. said she saw no situation 8pecifieq>reiBerve8 to back up der • One of the major Issues the new minority representation law under 1948 when he was' elected to adc- , VPVV Meeting. oliiba forcing out dummy's ace. wator fnab iji Cottage St. from bo^d entrance to Rt. J.5 from 'W. ^he^^^force would be organized poll findings. . •^■ states or. Russja, or . neither." / chine in iise at the yernon Elertien- 0 6 ; .ore critical than "sending kids posits in cileclcing accounts. Con­ administration -will face.^ Is that of which Kuhnly was appointed to re­ ' The newly formed Badsteubner- South led a spade from dummy ♦ Q 9 .0 5 4 Oak ftrJWrch St. ' _ ' Midalq Tpke. He waa summoned arouh^this country’s Polaris mis­ place Deirtocrat WlUiaiti B. Stiles No injuries or arrests resulted The report disclosed by both! in Great Britain: 42 per W n t ceed the late Rowland L. tarv School\Th«e ^ill be six n*a- to swim In a place like Saulter’a gress instructed'the board In 1959 a summit ponference i^th Soviet Yanishewaky-Brotherhood Post of and was delighted to capture * i»va rvfhai* iT'Annorffr^iirvfnxA'no oinr# nus Weber, 7' Coventry Rd.; Louise clubs, and the rest o f the bidding members o f the alliance to set'-up ing It before the Attorney, Gen­ from other ConnecUcutXlowns aince with the queen and returned a dia­ should-be studied before atarting the Verplanck pool built laat year, per cent. Novls eirttered the’ Hig;hway, cut­ millan and the W est German am­ aged and had to be towed kway. ■There was no imniedistte .White said 'neither' in/l958 and 51 per in by Philip M/I.*ham. {own clerk, May 8 are not'eligible \o vote in Eckhardt, 7 Cottage St. mond. Declarer properly ducked was up to West. I f he had da- tofelr own nuclear armed 'forces.' eral. ■; on the pool. and pointed out that swimming at 3. Effective I^c. 1, the reserve ting in front-,.of a line .of traffic. bassador In Moscow, Hans KroII, Since the appointment. Demo­ Late yesterday afternoon, a «ar House comment on puublication of cent said 'neither' this year, and attended hla first meeting the town, but may vote In the Discharged' yesterday: Evelyyi In dummy, .and Bast had to play fense, ha could pass or double; if France already is moving .In that An emergency measure, the Cot­ Saulter’i la free now, requirements for big banks in New Novls was told'to, be in bourt Sat­ that^he wants a German peace set­ crats have contended that although owned by William G. Gray, 54, of ;the report. •The lS60 p/(ll also asked whether Tueaday night. towns from which they came — if Novak, 168' High St.; Ellxabeth ha had U9IP for his partner’s aulU direction!” "nd ' the fear here is his ace. tage SL main waa unanimously ap­ Robert Tomassl, 122 Bretton York and Chicago will be lowered urday. tlement next year. Khrushchev re­ the school board has fulfilled the 71 Foxcroft Dr., rolled about 145 The survey percentage figures the. U.S. or Russia was ahead in Hewitt. 126 Grove St. - , East now collected ,a club truck, it was up to him to make a aodrl- that if France actually develops a / Board Action they request their names d4{ hept proved to provide sufficient pres­ Rd., said hi# seven children would by one per cent to. 16 Ve per cent Frederick Yurkshot, SOv" 801 portedly has. given indications he feet from where It had been parked published by both the 'nmes and apace developments.. In Great Bri­ but the rest was Just exercise. fice bid. nuclear striking power indepen­ letter o f the law, It has neverthe­ The nieetlng: voted that the on the voting rolls there. A sure in, the Manpheat^r Convales­ cost him 70 cents or more dally •This fulfills a congreasional di­ Main St., waa charged witlKjntoxi- wants to avoid any Immediate ac­ In the Jarvis parking lot nt Cen­ the Post are the same. tain, 8l per cent aald the USSR .South ruffed a\ heart, led a dia­ Dolly Question dent of NATO, other Allied na­ less, violated its Intention. They re­ chkirmtV'-register with the Con- request to the re^gisfrar of the cent Home sprinkler system. The through the summer,'He and oth­ rective that b$nks in these cities catlon early liwt night whfen, he tion to'ward precipitating a new ter and S. Adams Sts,.It Struck a The Times said the sun’ey, was aX«»d, and 7 per cent said the mond to the king, and then tiiffed Partner bids one spade, pnd'tha tions in western Europe will feel fer to the new minority representa­ nSetjeut Bank and 'Trust Co. In of former residence Is the proper W ater Department 'will finance it ers called for "package” or "fam­ be put oh the M ine reserve basis Was found in a. helpless condition bSJsed on an opinion sample of U .S.w as ahead, and the rSst had B rita in Eases anotlusr heart. He. lost one heart, 'Compelled to develop aisl.mllar Berlin crisis, .but he is in a posi­ tion law. The Board’s Republican wooden guard rail and damaged o r ^ r that a second board member procedure, Butler said, , ne.\t player paaaes. You hold; without assesamenta against prop­ ily” plans. as those in other large cities where on Birch St. He Is being held In 1,150 British re.sidents and 1,000 one matnond and one club, making capability. tion to hold the threat of a crisis m ajority baaed its actions pri- two fence posts. Damage to the na-opinion. be available to sign checks In the Butler also reminded voters that' Spades—10 6 5 4 2; H earts-t fi 7 , And Director-elect Harold A. the requirement la 16H pef cent. custody in lieu of $25 bond for . French residents made lata in ■ On a question whether the erty-owners. ' ■, Thb'-v.^oblem Is one of many over the heads of western leaders. m a r 11 y, on the long-standing car was light. evgnt of any emergency whereby absentee ballotp must be received his game. contract for a score of 3; Diamonds— K 6 2; Clubs— A 8. Turklngton called for abolition of The board said the net effect of presentation In court Saturday. May, gave these major conclu­ United States or Russia was ahead^ oil Credit 620 points.'' , The $45,000 for the pool will the secretary would be unable to do In his office no later than fi p.m. W hat'do you say? come from money the^.towii ex­ fees at wading, pools. Mayor Kelly sions:, / in military power: / •Proper ActloB . Answer: Bid two fpade#. f f so.' This will assure an unlnter- Nov. 7, election eve. Applications pects from Green Mtmof-Interests agreed dnd Francis M a h o n e y, 1. "Though the US.SR is In Britain, 55 per cent bSlieved (Continued from Pago OneJ partner ckn make another move blamed' most for collapse o^'the njptM functioning of the board for absentee ballots are available Perhaps you’re--5V)—The year, Dnig Stores Inc. at tlie shopping evidence of sellirig. He added; 620. I f the ’ opponents wrent on Saturday for In dealing with present. tvofld especially from thk hard-hit car night by Mrs. Wilma Marlow and National Wronautlca and Space A check of the general liability plaea have prompted separate in­ "“ I still do not think thla is the to five spades (not at all Impos­ problems.... Industry', for a lower interest rate. Mias Catherine Putnam of the Li­ 4. ■'There is little supiwirt in the Administration has issued this Insurance carried by the Board vestigations by Rockville police. end of the bubble.” sible) they would go down;, and The auto producers als(> woulcl like then East-West would Score a brary Board, Mrs. Fred Geyer of Politics Debate present survey for ariy supposition timetabje for New England paa- revealed that the policy does cover . Goods valued at SllO were taken The U.S; Treasury’s official gold d n c e A ____ ■ other hindrances' agairut install­ profit' Instead of a loss. the League o f Women Vbtera -and I that the storv of the U2 Over­ aagea of the balloon aatelUle Echo parents and visitors to the school from-Gottier's plus the additional price Is $35 an onnoe and' until ment buyinig removed—down pay­ East showed a Very powerful Mrs. Carol MaUcenaon of the Man­ flights. however, adverse in other I, showing eastern daylight time, teachers and their relations with theft of about S36'from the cash the rush started this figure us­ (Continned from Page One) ments reduced and time lunlta ex­ Friday Nigfjd chester P T A Council. Both Mwi- respects, strengthened Judgments the direction In which to look, the children, and general sickness register. ....-.-i-r- ually varied by not more than a chester political parties had en­ Police said the shoplifting Inci­ tended. be with S.en. John F. Kennedy, the of America's military standing elevation and the direction it will caused by any fbod consumed on penny or two on the London mar- dorsed it earlier. dent occurred shortly after noon The rale reached Its htrtest In Person Sla-a-vl8 the Soviet Union. " be moving: the premises. An Inquir.v was made Democratic piMldentiid nominee, yesterday at the dn'ig' store. A' postwar level-ril per cent—in Sep­ Mrs. Putnam said tba coat to the Both the Post and Times re-, ■ Oct. 28-.-5:06 am., north, high by the Board in order that all mem­ Individual taxpayer with a $10,000 camera and,accessories placed as tember 1957, and its lowest-r^4 • THE TREBELS on Nov. 6 and 'will fly into Con­ ported this question u;aa put to the northeast. bers snd the administration-might MANSFIBLDi home would be leaa than $1.50 a disjilay Items, were taken from a per cent—In November 1958. necticut with him arounii noon­ French and British citiaena: Oct. 29 4;S8 a.m., north, high know the extend of coverage. \ DAWKtMCr»AlP CC*ND year—leas than the cost o f a book ■"How much confidence do you counter. , time the next day; Sunday. The northeast. PTA Uhalrroen Named • RARRON BROS. for the 16,540 scpiare foot addition. have in the ability of the United Store authoritlea Indicate belief OOhD A T $86.50 FrL, Sat., Sun. Kennedy tour will start at Bridge­ HERE IT IS- Oct. 29—6:43 a.m., north, high Members of the PTA appointed BUfi NS‘'Jt AVE t H) ru Built In 1937 when the town’s pop- States to provide Ulse leadership that a man may have'taken the Ijondpn; • Oct. 27 i/Pi — Gold port and include Waterbury and southeast. ,to the executive committee for the ulatl(m was 20,(HX), about half what for the West in dealing with pres­ kit. Police -said they had no clear dropped to 254 shillings ($35,56) New Haven. Kennedy then leaves A t Cambridge, Maas., th# Smith­ coming ‘ year Include: Program,- TOMORROW! ' It la at present, the building of ent world problems- very great, information of the incident. The a fine ounce on the London bul­ FREE RECORDS for New Jersey and N ew Hamp­ Wonderful Sunbeam Appliances . \ 9,880 square' feet la aeen as badly considerable, not. very rnuch, or sonian Aatrophyslcal Observatory Mrt. Roy Beers; ways and means! camera was valued at $25. N o School for KldS! 7:30 P.M.-8:S0 P,M. THE ALL NEW released these addltlonSf times (in Mrs. Karl Hammaratrom and Mrs lion . market today— its lowest ' overcrowded now.. shire. very little?" The break at Cottier’s was made price since the big gold scramble, cial Kids Show 1 P.M. The following- day, Nov. 7, W ill eastern standard i without show Charles Lehman; child welfare The project ivould i^dd large Tbe answers in England: Very some time Tuesday night, police started eight days ago. .lERRV LEWIS find Kennedy returning to Con­ Ing the satellite's direction of Mrs. Eugene Dente; memberahlpv estimate. A radio aiid case valued "A X W a r With the Arm y” ~ 7:30 to 11:.30 Wings, with a basement 'under, one great, 8 per cent; considerable 27 The figure was two shillings ' o f them, and a stack apace addi­ necticut for a noontime address in par cent': not very much. IVi per travel; Mrj(, Emil Malek and Mrs. Frede­ at $85, plus the cash from the • CARTOONS • Adm ission 75c Oct. 30 3 ;ll a.m,, north, high rick'Lowm an: library, Mrs. .lohn register were taken. No damage, (28 -cents) below last night's cl% e. tion In the rear o f the building.. front of the Hartford Times esmt; very little, 16 per cent; no 4ts peak during the frenzy of spec-. Ah'.btmtt and Costelle ’Hie only opposition last night politico. opinion, 14 per cent. .. Oct, ,30--5:I7 a-.m., north,.high Koeelka; refreshments,- Mrs, Gua was reported. The entry-.wes-made ulative buying last week reached eame- from fortner Director Helen at Wonderful Norman Low Prices! The answers In France: Oct, 31 2:43 a.m , north, high Nsiimer, piibljcity Mrs. .lohn through the rear door by removing, ' Plus In Color! KOSCHISZKO Fitzpatrick 'Who said $380,000 la Very great, pe(- cent; consider­ Ort .31 4:.y> am., north, high Pringle; sunshine,' Mrs. .lack the lock, police said. 290 shillings ($40.50. )^Vr,NINi f> •‘8 FRENCH MURDERESSES” too much for the work proposed, able, 88 per cent; not very much. Thompson: news letter. Mrs. Police Arrests One dealer desciibed today's de- "SHD VOICE” !./ Nov. 1 4;.^2 a.m., north, high. "OCEANS llV j that the library Situation "is not Pupils at Green IRON MASTER Henry Ramm and Mri( Raymond A third Vernon youth was ar­ «:S4-10 BALLROOM FRi.. ‘SAT. Coat, from «:SS an emergency— we can ll've with .Tacobsen: legislative, Mrs. Reg­ rested last night in connection with EAST SCN. ON|! 8JIOW AT 7 1 Vernon Circle, . Rockville, JL”. and that a Maiy Cheney addi­ In%.N. Progr am inald I^wis. The executive board an. incident at a Saturday night STEAM and DRY IRON dance in Rockville, and has been tion was defeated In referendum In will meet Monday night with its 1958, PEnCOU'TOR president, Mrs. Rudolph Albalr. charged with delivering liquor to A United Nations program was SWITCHBOARD a minor. Winds Defends Coat presented by pupils .of Mrs. Doro­ The association has set a budget FBI. AND Tlie youth, William. Vitther III, SAT. ONLY Challenging Mrs. Fitzpatrick, thy Poole’s fourth grade at the »12.25 of J1332.76 for the coming year. Of 19, of Dopson 'Ave., Vernon,-4s due architect Alfred Reinhardt object­ Manchester Green School today- 4hls $.50 has been allocafyd to the AM.. COLOR SHOW Lightest Sunbeam iron m a d e - TRAINING IS NOWa in .cpury Oct: 31 with Gary Mc- ed to what he Called "misquoted before an assembly, of students purchase of qthletic equipment From thn BeeL'SrHinf NorH Charlie Moorp and parents'. only 2 lbs. Hot in 20 seconds, '2 1 .7 9 Crystal, 18, of Maple St., and Rob­ of VARWr Love In War figures” and said the proposed snd records, both needed for use ert McNamara, 18, of Pitkin Rd., **IIBTW-EEN HKAVEN AND And His CIRCLE "B" COWGIRLS building cost o f $21.40 can’ t be’ A book review presented with an reaches temperature for rayon Set It for mild or strong Available in Hartford indoors when stormy weather pre­ Vernon, The latter two are similar- HKLL*’ V ••beat.” opaque proijector, operated by in 10 seconds. — makea the very finest vents the school children from go- Slarrinir ' OF KADIO AND STAGE FAME coffee — auMmattcally, e Individual Training on IHree IJve iy charged. Bobert Waciieir ’ One woman aald the town hasn’t Bruce Hust and Douglas McClain; Switchboards . : ing out for recess. The selection Vlttner posted a $200 bond pend-, Alio In Color \ OPENING yet made any capital expenditures songs, an original poem, and an Keeps coffee- M rvlng hot. e Classes iJmlted to I t Students . I of purchases will he made by ing coiirf Appearance. He w’as ar- IsAfi* Turner in on the library, WhtcH was donated, essay were presented to tell the im­ Heavy nickel and chrome “ PKSTON PLACE*' AUTOM AtiC plating Inside and out. i principal George E. Patros, the Phow Mlartn At t:H THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27— 9 P.M. to l,A.M i and exclalmehcre’’ However, the question o f submlt- book, by Karen Badger, Stephni LOW PRICE I,eslle .Smith, Cards M ill' Rd., JERRY LYNNE FRASER 'tlng the $160,000 West Side sewer Gates, and Mindy Menschell; a pre.sident of Smith s Lincoln M er­ "OCEANS 11" prayer for peace by LauriC HMrd, lUSW l:St-S:J5 Columbia Recording Star of project to voters Nov. 8. was ap- — ONLY cury Inr. on Rt. 6. has announced "Poor Begonia” - - proved by Democrats oyer the oh and a message by Jean.McAdam. '2 0 .4 2 that he will pick up any Columbia Plat: Marlon Braa4<^Anaa MawBaBle Jections o f Republican Directors Other members of the class chor­ It’s the only completely MOOUMIVKiri Joanae Wayward la PYQUAUC INN ' Hands ar free to knit, read, write faster— ^yon Quick-acting thermostat and exclusive voters who have no way tfTget to •THERERELS Thomas Bailey and Robert Gordon us included James Bacon, Robert automatic toaster. No the polls'Nov^.. 8, and take them Bergamini, Joyce Cole, Elaine finish in minutes. More eonifortable. S lovely triangular heating element give correct 'The FuqiHve Kind" and what John Clifford, 95 Olcott heat evenly distributed over cooking leven ' to push — .bread there and home aga|u. He suggests HIGH TIME DelGreco, Bohney Earl, Salvatore colon: Petal Pink, Tnrqnolse, RIvlent Blue. l:4S.7:U • THE^ROCKERS 141 m\ n ST., WETHERSFIELD, CONN, Dr„ called 'a “hard core” of West surface. Molded handle. Completely im­ rises' smoothly, Rlently that those w’ho wish to vote at a Side opposition. Evangelista, Leslie''Ellison, Stev­ when toMted. special time call him and reserve COLON fcyOttUKM ■2ft- Ifntef Oae complete ahow Ihta en Ho'wroyd, Valdis Klavlna, Jeff­ mersible. evenlnf ■tartinj[ 7:1A D ANCING 8 So 11 Wants New Look _ that time. Otherwise, a call at any rey Knofla, Robert Snyder, Boiuile' CO-HIT At 7:10 SMORGASBORD "Hard core” spokesmen Robert A NEW BUSINESS SERVICE hoiir w ill-be welcome. King, 43 Salem Rd„ .^and Guy Starr, and Sheila Stevenson. In New York A feature, Hebert,' 32 Salem Rd...recommend­ Mrs.. Wallace 1. l^ihr and two m u r d e r . WEDNESDAY,' ed that the West Side matter he IN MANCHESTER children, Craig and Pamela, of pushed oyer to the new Board • • . ^ Lake Rd: and Mrs: Irving VV. I^ohr SATURDAY, 5 to 9 P.M. of Dlreotora taking office Nov. 7 OPEN SUNDAY, 3 to 9 P.M. M an dlM W SU m p.ro. Is equipped to give One-Dny Oelhery of lylhrcroft arc visiting - the fo r a possible new approach. Such' t h e h o m e OF. . 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. M all your Rubluw Stamp needs. H’e have s complete eervice yminfier Mrs, IvOhr'a parents, Mr. 'f,l» c HOLIDAY FUN a new look Invol'vlng a search for III h ta^ U -O rd er Rubber Stamps, In all sizes, for any person­ and Mrs. Joseph 'Se>Tnour in GOOD FOOD! "m ore equitable” aaseasments was SUNDAY. 8 A M . ^ P.M. al or bualneas use .. . and Including your adiertlslng cute Hempstead. L. I. HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE $2.95 mentioned by' Republicans In their or your stguaturr If you wish. Wc also carry a full line of low- Merrill Cross of Rt, 6 cut-off is It. victorious elMtlon campaign. PINE PHARMACY GENERAL ELECTRIC SATUR0AY. OCT, 29 coat aioelc measage Rubber stamp* for nfflce -or shipping patient at Newlngtog Veiersns j SirX.: "I ndef Ten Flags” LUNCHEONS served llXi.M. to 2 P.M. $ 1.25 up Many West Sidera opposed & e 664 UENTBK ST. MOtn use, plus sUmp pads? Ink*, etc. Hospital'and expects to be there ‘X ll'T h e Young Cannibals’' pump station and force mqin as- a monih. DINNERS ; aerved 5 I^ . to 9 P.M. - $2.75 up qesamenbs. when first preposed A phoan call now will bring our reprcecnt'atlie with samples LAKE .POCOTOPAUG about three years ago. But'offlcials of our quality wi^fk, piirirs sod complete Informstlon on hbw‘ INN DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNERS 12 Noon to 9 p k claim',-more and more West Siders you can put the Mme and money snvlng convenience of Rub-, EAST HAMPTON,_COXN. are coining around to their her Stamps to work for you' • STANLEY I.ARRY COPPER OROttESTBA SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT— WHARFSIDE DINNER o f view that the project Is neces- P()rtaUe Dish Washtrs GOOD FOOD — BESERVATfONS (sary as a first stop toward oervied and that anything elm wlU cost WARNER STATE CLOSED ^ TEL. JA 9-9463 todividuals more, Manchester Stamp Co. MONDAYS M AMPLE PARKING U oyd Curkin, 19 Fuiton Rd., P. O. iiOX 86, .MA.\mi;STT.R. ro.vN. . aaid sewerage to his home will Purchase I ( 4 ^ 6 0 D A Y , Air Conditioned for Your Comfort! cost him $1,471 and similar hard- Phone M l 9-8093 or M l 9-3800 ablp -will fall on 226 persona of TONIGHT and EVERY THURS., FRI.. SAT. ! some 326 to be benefitted, • I M O N E Y B A C K j Your Host, MIKE STANKO, Proiontt for Yoju— ^ ^ However, West Side supporters i r THINUNE o f the p roject' aald the same, amount could be paid but over a I MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER GUARANTEE 1 IMtiod of time anyway just to PORTABLES * I "THE VERSATILES" keep septic tanks working. I SAJISFACnON C.UARANJFFD OR YOUR MONFY BACK I Clifford Mid, ‘*niere Is a hkrd • G-E • RCA, core of oppooltlon but a majority SAFE-BUy USED CARS ★ GALA HALLOWEEN, PARTY MONDAY NITE ★ 4 think ti)a town ahoiild proceed.. • MOTOROLA In answer to questions. Mayor ‘57 PLYMOUTH $895 AREALIUY! OAK GRILL, 30 OAK STREET. ^ . Eugene T. K elly said he hoped street sewers would follow fast 4-door aedan Radin and NO COVER e NO MINIMUM e AMPTJE PARKING a UHF^VHF / '59 MERCURY upon construction of the fores Heater, PowerPli|.». 2- ' 4- tone green. Monterey Hardtop. Radin, FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY inain and pump station. NORMAN’S heater, Merromatic, pow­ Predlcto Defeat . er ateertng Auttimn haze. mydjpi^igaF'igtoMlpiiimcairfiw •nm opinion that "taxpayers w ill '55 BUICK S795 Ifn excellent! ' ' definitely turn this thing do'wn” LOWnUCES 2-door. Blue and white Cains from . Charles Morrison, 32 •59 PONTIAC ym n ijck udsoi Qonatanes Dr. He referred to the asrADT MT H W a V Easy roUing, heavy duty, Radio! heater, Dynaflow. J ^ W A -R H O I A n I A I ■ ■ ■ V V non - marklBg w t e n . Real Wee.! Bonnevjlle 4-door hard- E ject’s defeat in referendum • top. Radio, heater, full Public Invited '. last May. , . . Exclusive power shower_ powarv Excellent* pondl- THE BOLTON LIONS CLUB Bepublieans fqllowed up their. ■ ' VvtrU a stream of water '55 FORD $895 tiofi. - PRESENT THEIR Ns Paynmlt Till'Jaanary-rllDtot YratoPay! <*"' 3-door Parklane aution wagon. Tan and whit* '57 DODGE $995 TAKE'EM AWAY Radio, .'healer, Fordomai- Coronet 2-door, Radfo. 5th ANNIVERSARY Ic. . ■ ' ■ heater, PowerFlite. Yel-, PERSONALIZED WHILE THEY LAST low and gray. AND CHRISTMAS CARDS • - 'SB RENAULT SAVE! 'SB TRIUMPH $1495 HALLOWEEN DANCE P.8. MAKES A NICE Diiuphine 4-door, ^(Com- Red roadster, F u I 1 y •STATIONERY— CHRISTMAS GIFT - pletely equipped. ' equipped. FIANO'S RESTAURANT * OFFICE SUPPUES "ItW ILL PAY YOU TO PAY US A VISIT* ROUTE « and 44A— BOL’TON FREE 1 YEAR anVIOE OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 Friday, October 28th BfeRUBE'S SATURDAY TUX 7 TYPEWEITEE SERVICE iirt IWBAIfrK' HF.NItY E. MARTIN’S ORCHESTRA 479 E.) MMdM Tpfc*. 445 : FRIINOLY FURNiniRE md APPtlAHCE STORE LINOOLN — f^N W E N T A I. — .MERCURY raatnrtac TV Star JOHN CORVO, Voealltt m n - * u s COMET— EHOUSH FORD DANOINO 9 rjM. to 1 AM. HARTFORD ROAD 445 HARTFORD ROAD, N e a r McKEE f r e e p a r R ih g in cunw or. m i.m i u — o p e n EvnmHoo DdHATlOK 914* PtB PERfON JFREE^EUVair

, J " \- - j f X } r .

P ■ , ( / / ' 1- " IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, I960 UAKCBEStEA* EVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER S7, 1960 lH:- P A G E F O U S ^ 'Y T — that it has the gmUe Jovellness of sum* that they had kqgun to find Caiiipaigii hlghsr wagaa so thsy baa |^o moca that thp business of choice Is ifltorIjFalTr MUght tn Mi^'aUve with prom- A TboBght far Todajr Sartor-Gbzdz deeply Into debt In order to pay Connecticut something compelling in ' their kg IBs higher prices for new housing and liw. UveA Bomethlng they can't miSA A t a Glance TV-Radio doming llRraUn flis f < I for everything elas, a atata of af- It is^so real and omnipresent one Ones people had begun to flock Mijiz Mary Ann ThereM Gozdz, / ■/ j Cmnpifts M to iHaM) ; PUBUBBJto B fklrs which might look Uka proa- ciumot eeci^ie it, and yet' one has Yankee to soe real live eahmdatea and North Coventry, and nuderick WhatBarvest John Sartor, Mancheiter, were By 'THE A8S001ATBD FRt»8 peritjr unUl air begga to aag out. td classify li as a cruel ap|>il- flock to the voting llstA they also Ciunpaign schedules for the. ^ Mirice . , iHjat ', t __ By A. H.*0. began the process of finally ad- "Ha ■who aowa sparingly will united in marriago Saturday Television of the inflation balMon again and rition. One -cannot take beauty also reap ipartngly, and ha who EMANilEL LU ilim N OHUROH morning at St. -Maurice’a'' Church,' preaftlentlal aiid Vice presldehtiai mitUngI t t t o to ...... themaelvM just where tandldatee for Thursday aiiid Fri- 4:00 Big * Tbestsr (In progrees) 3* ’The Real MnCbya 8.3 windshields in stock ; tTALTBR R FE^OUa3 ^ ^ some new and stremger aifd' atlU without lawA or merely where one their vote was heading. sows bountifully will also reap, Bolton. eiiorts 18 Pubasiien A month ago we surveyed the LUTOBB HAU a CHimOH 81. dsy: j / ' - First Show (In progrcsxt - 32: ' llri' fMBMlwl Octbbet' X lliU more unsound' formula of artificial ftaids It. Beauty Is always In place bountifully." (3 Corinthians 9:6) The bride ia the daughter of Early Show Hn progrrxsl *('; astohal Investigator is ' polltiOal atmosphere and found it We do not believe people make Tha OM adaga that you get what „ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gozdz, Ce- Thursday Cartoon Playhousr IS' ree Sslns .8. 40, 83 e .. flat safety arlssa stimulation could be brought to and seasbn. '* up their minds in the last atagee Huckleberry Hound , S ; or Father 22.. .30 , Cyan Braaliii BaeiM ^nee with reluctance to make a you pay for is true In religion aa 4ar Swamp Ext., North Coven­ • Kemiedy—New York City. 11 Address in Hoifa^yt Botwed ix (M the rescue, building up a stlU of a campaign. Wo tjilnk they Nixon Monroe, Ann Arbor, White Hunter tn cut, finished and in- , ___I at MaDchMter Conn., m choice. It was not the. traditional merely uncover them, admitting well. The person who Is gensroua Ih Friday, Oei. 28-9 A M . try. The bridegroqm ia the eon of Highway .Holidays Reynolds *. 10. 40, 5.3 : al« la Adyaoea' . , , ways discovering, we eald, but perapoal satisfaction, Joy and deep- ’The Rev. Bernard McGurk, pas- ■Mich./-" , . ■ . Brsve Stallion Hi'hg Kimg 12 I years, a good many businessmen their own direction many months ■ tor of St; Maurice’s Church, per­ 10:00 (■Ti'niir-hn'Marx 22, .30 ;■ fllaM* tnps. -Picture sa Taar ...... some anticipation of pain In the Nied reUgioua perception Is gen­ Jt^hadn Great Falls,. Mont., Wild BUI nickock '18 1 have, for all their noriVlkl Repub­ Crow Must Go before. . This kind of coalescence formed the, doubl^ ring ceremony Salt Latte Clt>y Utah, and Shaw­ f ; 4* .fohii Dsly Million Dollar Movie Thrad HoDtlia d-W process of voting for either of the erous as well. Btihginsss can only Huntley,-Brinkley N'.-ws. St'oils (t Weather 3; of pre-existing instincts is how and celebrated the nupttal high nee, Okla. ■ / " 3, 12 j framiitgSr 24 years Ona Moatb ••*•••• *pa■ I«■••••••■•• • lican party affiliations, come to two presidential candidates. ’The beginning to show itself on the result in a shriveled up soul. Douglaj: Kdwsrda Person To Person . ■ 1 SS-vls ' Waakiy ...... Despite Talents Mass. Mrs. George Banks was or- ' Lodge-- Cle'Celand, Ohio. Barrv Barents 10:30 Ernie Kovac-s’ Take A Good l.ook have a misguided kind of appetite cruel Joke of that phase of the Rev. Laurence Vincent I Premiere I . 40, 53 BtaiBla Copy .... surface. ,and our own experience . nnist, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles /Friday tMJO .lohnnv Midnight 8 of experienM> for such Democratic pie in the sky. campaign was that It was fortu­ with campaigns tells us that nei­ Center Congregational Church OPEN AN AOOOUNT June Alhson Show 12 MKUBkiR OF ' Mbbins sang the high Mass and NlxOn—Danville, ’Tuscola, Mat- .Million .Dollar Movla Shotgun Slade, THB ASSOCIATED PRUiSB They hate to think that business A pet crow-, owner unknown, is nate nobody could be forced to ther candidate, from now on, is the "Ave Maria.” ’Two bouquets of Paesporl to Danger The Fond Show g toqn, Ceiilralia, Carbonda le, , News.g. Weather 22 . The Asaociated Press Is exclusively making a genA-al nulsai^ of him­ vote for both ot them. The mood,' likely to -say of do a thing which ' Banks in Spain usually are open large white pompons and mums Jv Silent Service antltlad to the use ol renubllcatlon ol must ever slow down, or pacO It­ then, was one which suggMted only ttpm 10 sih.,to 1:80 p.m. Limited Time! FOR $50 Qu'i'nc.v, 111., and Davenport, low*. , Roggh^-Rlders . '5 Close Up all news dispatches credlled to ll or self St Porter S c h o ^ Principal will change a single vote. Which were decorations. Kennedy—Scranton and LeNdt- The Jim''R.srkus Show •2 10;« Plav Of The Week not otherwise credited In this paper self. They want each month and that many people might wind up way was the. thmg turned, so Because of her father’s' lllness, 7 :18 HumIev-.:BrinWey Report JO 11:00 World s Best Movies George Patros has s ^ t out an SOS staying gway from the polls. towi^ 'Pa. ■ ' ' Righllghls ' / 5 2 , The Big News and also the local news published here. each year to be bigger than the -many months ago? We don’t or add that amount to your piee- the bride was escorted by her John Daley and the Newi Ah rCchta of republlcatlon of social for the owner to ^ c k the bird up ThW mood began to crack al­ know yet, ahd we never tell, any­ ’ Lodge ^ Virginia suburbs of BanBarry y BiBarenis dispatches herein are also reserved one before It. They may have ent account and receive tree a baad- grandfather, Michael Kurys, Bol­ W^hington,, D.C., and Baltimore^ 7:30 The' Olillsn-s 11:18 Jack Paar Sh8w IC) 10, sense enough to realize the falsity and keep him ayhome. Otherwise, most the moment people had be­ way, until election day, Free some hammered aluminum Inan- ton. She wore a gown of Chantilly The Witness -j. Feature 40 Full service clleni of N E A Serv­ he said, the b l^ haa to go and the gun to Identify. It and describe It lated food warmer. For each addi­ lace with jeweled lace flower ap­ Adventures In Paradise 10 , Premiere ♦♦♦ I98WIST jmiDOLi Tt^w H i of such a hope and the peril Ijs the /' Johnson—Texas. (Tiiesiw-srd Ho! ■ .S3 11:30 Jacks Paar Show (C) ice^ Inc _ teachers wllK pack him up and The national television debates be­ tional $50 you.may pnrohaae one pliques at the scoop neckline of nbllahera RepreaentaUves; The promises.and economic technique's GOOD ' Wednesday’s .Activities' S-.OO Donna Reed Show ’ - S3 ‘12;4,S. Starlight Movie T E L .M l, 9 - 7 0 7 9 ^ lu s Halhews Special Ayency — New take him t^the proper authorities, tween the two candidates began; for $8.00. ' the basque bodice. The gown was 8:80 Bat. MsOterson 10. .30 1 1.00 ..bate New.! ' Tork Chlcayo Detroit and Boston, . If they did not at the outset, Gifts Kennedy—^Contended’ '.that TT.S. Scope 18 ' .News.- Praj-er MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU » OF which give the illusion of fulfilling If they determine who they styled with long tapered sleeves, are. make them seem real or vote-com­ Local Stocks and the bouffant skirt swept into prestige overseas is declining and SEE SATVRBAT'b TV WEEU FOR COMPI.E’TB LISTING cmcounoNS ^ ___ _ It, but still welcome It when some­ MEWS that Russian Premier Khrushchev ( ___ Th^chlldren, some of them at pelling, It at least made , them OPEN AN ACOOUliT a court train. Her headpiece was The Herald Prtntln* Company Ine.. I body gives the top another whirl, leas^will be sorry^ to see him go. prominent, and began to establish wh«n you open a a crown of crystal flowers and hopeis to convince uncommitted na­ aasuraes no financial reaponeibillty___ __ ' for which- will keep things spinning fir ih§ hard of kaariag .new .account. or , tions that Russia is growing ^pc^fraphlcaJ______appeartny Id ad- a help to boya who lose their them as television figures. Qootsttons Puralslied by pearl bude, wh.lch held in' place R a d i o yertlfements- ifteinents and other readlny matte for.another year or two,'^ leball on the roof. He files tip Curiously enough, television, sup­ Coburn A Mlddlebrook. (no. ' her butterhy veil of imported il­ stronger than the United Statas. te TTie Manchester Evenlny Herald. NL'W add your pres­ FOR $25 Jf he succeed.^, Kennedy said. ' Wish / were never harm . * But even when some sections of. knd pecks at the ball until It rolls posedly as expetr and complete a Bank Stocks ent account. X, lusion. She carrieef a cascade of (’Thlg IlitiBg inrliidM oiJy thoM news broailoaaita of 10. or IB-mliinto ' DIaplay adverUilny cloatny boura; off and they can pick It up. Hoyr- reprerentatton of reallty.^^ as the white -pompons and shasta daisies. "The'n. the world balance of-power business Itself like It, there Bid Asked or add that amount to yonr’prea- , I f r will'shift deci-sively his. way.” iMigtii. Somo atationa carry otbar short pewaosats) no more slow-drying P>r Monday—1 p.m Fijdtj. ever, one day he got Into a' rboht arts can contrive, seems to, stlm Conn. Bank and ’Trust ' i . t/' ' Mrs. Joan Volkert, North Cov­ 4-11:10 RRuyb; Somari ^oeday—1 p m Monday. be no sound long-range prosp^ty ulate rather than satisfy the^-^^b- ent account and receive free either" Nixon—Proposed an 80-day post­ wmiv—im Fjt Wednesday—1 o m Tuesday. and caused such panic that. the Co...... 43^ 46 H Offer good at our a Heat-’n-Servo platter and tray or entry, was her sister's matron of S;II0 N -ws 12:00 Del Raycce Show paint to make p retty in It, Going slow now and th ^ li llc’a quest .for that reality! Hht^ election ' deadline for mtenstve ] S.lit Art Jr-hn.«c,n Shosr WINE—Itsa For Thursday—1 P m Wednesday room had to be evacuated. Hartford National . Coventry Branch, ■ honor. She wore a bajlerina- 6 (KI Financlsl News .For Friday—i p m. Thursday. Ing seen the candidates on tele^ a 4-pieoe place eetting o f Wallace length dress of emerald green talks with the Russians on a I 8:08 Rsvnnr Sftines paw prints.” jTpr tetaraay- 1 p.m. Frl^y-. not necsssarily a bad s ig n ^ could One of his unaccomplished feats Bank and ’Trust Co. 87 40 Stainless tableware. For each-ad­ 11:0.S Spfillighl on SpNrta 6:0.5 Showcase'and Newa--: vision, the public developed a new Route 31, abp. satin and silk chiffon, styled with treaty to ban nuclear tests. If -no 11:10 Rsvnnr ShinSs 7;l»! klJUon Lewis Jr Xjlaasined deaflltne; 10:80 s.m s ^ be a good sign— -a ^ g n that Is an attempt' to sit on the end Fire Inanraoce Oompanlea ditional $25 you may purchasa day . of puhllcallon .except Salurdav- of the flag as it files in the breeze. and sharper instinct to see thein a shirred chiffon bodice and match­ progresa w.ei'e .sighted by Feb. 1. 1:08 Sign Ofl 7:15 Evening-Devotions there will be something left to do A etnV Flre...... 84^ 88 ^ either for 2.60. ^r, , ~ ',!" Showcase and Newa- t Attl. ____ _ This the children enjoy watching. in person, as they really were, to ing satin cummerbund midriff. he said, the United States should WHAV—tit 8,00 .News " ' Hftd. Fire ...... 48 51 S:flQ Big Sliow , K 0,5 The World Tndav *lTiur*day, October 27 sound business with^morrow. We What most of them do not like Is get close to these'television celeb­ .The skirt was deslgmed' with Un­ be prepared to go ahead. isMth nu­ 8:30 John Daly National ^ r s ...... 106 116 clear tests for peaceful purposes 8;3iV Slihwcase and News THE MIRACLII OFj don’t think suchya platform will for him. to suddenly drop down ad rities with FHOHi MAGNET pressed pleats.. Her headpiece 8 4i‘ Big ah'r-w ll'.isi Mii-sic Pevoml the .(liars and Nsws Phoenix F ir e ...... 78 81 would ' 10:00 John W. Vanderconk sit on their heads. Campaign crowds began to Tea 6m CrsMder. Hew t t w-as a matching bow and nose veil. Tests of nuclear weapons 12:05 World .New.,- RcUndup . Walking; The Economic Plank prove very pomil^ in a political a ^ p t c A je J / e h , "Ct Q -ft J1 :.3o. I’uoiir Affalra., 12 Slpnolf m w , until one began to suspect life and lEMteRialty Iba Cos NiMsMeeiwtawbw She carried a cascade of yellow come later, he said. * 12:02 Sign Off. ’ year—not wi^politicians or can­ Uiat, In another of the queer 1 50 New., A Wealher • 3 . It would not happen In a better A%tna Oaiiualty .. 85H 90% tRliphwe wsw isllBs* 1|55 and white pompons and mums. ■ Johnson—Criticized auppre-seion wm>-itM didates, at any rate. But It might twiata of our age, television, the >etna Life ...... >k 77% 80% «lssrirM^ seeking reelectlon, would re- Program plans and social events put the highest premium ever on 8:00 News license. ) for the yei|r were outlined last Hftd. Electric Light . 61% 64%' CMySTtS'S OteSST riNANCIAt iNOTiTSTiea ' carried cascades of yellmv and rust Lodge—Contended Kennedj^ was kwogiwi WKoiomof you p o M dries lo 15 ■yiwt— Idese aUtlsUca Just three weeks Over-Prosecution the personal - appearance. The Quinn’s Pharmacy 8:05 Election Countdown Sdhweit? draw., full stale/bene- >^ffoon. parckou. fv^Huro. Hortm mod m e m Hartford Gas Co. . . . 47 Bid pompons and. mums. Fallot Studio confiuied between prestige and 8:10 Nlghth.at leyt. night at a meeting of Manchester Nixon crowds in Connecticut were 5t, for blindness. .. 9^ . roillAfo, kooli. (rim. ArJ m e tool Jote il— before election day which would If those psychologists reported­ Jaycee Wives at Center Congrega­ So. New England /OOW*4ic$ifs Miss Mary Ellen Ciscon, Bolton, MRS. FREDERICK JOHN SARTOR poptilarity, and added: "We as­ 10:AB The Three Buna not overpowering, but a ver.v good PhoM Ml 3^136 11-.1h) Newa eoveri, booutH1«6. jKOdWefr ony wrlow meSwt. t^ d to weaken the claims of their ^Telephone ...... 43% 45% eousin of the brifle. was flower sume, we are not generally loved . ly traveling with Seriator'Kennedy tional Church. portion of them was provided b.'5‘' .11:15 Sports Final wood. |No9tor, coocroto. Tough mod duroWo for ^R|r I girl. She wore an emerald ^een in the World. No big power is. But ★★★★★★★★★★★★ hioriort ond oitorion. Coo W hruthod. reded, a ' H o)iyn political party. are any good, they have now be- ’The first so6lal event will be g spontaneous interest and curiosity. Manufacturing Comnanles 11:2B Weather _ dance Nov. 11 at Manchester Coun­ atreet-Iehgth p'arty dress, designed prestige means mpstl.v respect. 11:30 Starlight Berenada , 9^oy«i or *pffod-DtliAl i t IN 15] •MimiTil ThiA however,'Is fopllsh, demo- gtm tapiiing the candidate on the Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 50% 63% 1:(K) SlgnoR try Club, to be preceded by - a tiuring. the same period, the 15 with short puff sleeves and ftill And a nation gains respect if Its ¥fido roofo eH oolow lo«lud ■ / I etatlo- America — Sometimes, for proem . of voter-registration Associated Spring .. skirt, and she carried a colonial WPOP—lilt 4 TONIGHT! shoulder and warning hiip that he cocktail party. Bristol Brass ...... 9% * 11 Yarensky Takes Post "word is g-obd and its ideals noble." g:00 Newa. Weather an our self-flagellation, an hon­ haa pursued the "prestige” Issue Mrs. .Douglas Smith is chairman rea cl^ its :peak. And here ‘a Dunham B u sh ...... 4% s% bouquet of mums. 6:18 Conn Bsllreoia est America. of a vanilla sale, for which orders public which' had aeemed reluct­ ■X- Frank Guneo. 122 School St., 7:00 Bob Scott at 8 P.M. into, a wasteland of public bore­ ant to shoulder the responsibility Em -H art...... 51 55 TOW N ADVERTISEMENT was bestTman. Ushers were Rich­ 9:00 Ray Somers So the Elsenhower administra­ are now being taken. Part of the Fafnir Bearing . . . . . 45 48% Deaths Last Night 11:00 .Newa eth«r foitieut dom. proceeds from the sale will be for a choice in 1960 behaved most ard Sartor. 30 Irv-ing St„ and John At Guidance Clinic tion Commerce Department cOroes curiously and unexpectedly by Landers Frary Clark 11 13 •' Willis, ,84 Princeton St., both JET-ORI poli)ta -’There haa always been tome donated to charity. 16 t hut. on schedule, with Its report on ,rushing forward to quaUfy for that hL B. Machine ...... 18 nephews of the bridegroom. Ring By THE A.«lS(KnATRD PREIM SETBACK »UtT SattNTlNO thing In Senator Kennedy’s charge Miss Corinne Mann of Globe North and Judd . . . . 14% 16% Leonard Yarenaky la the new ex­ »*-»«•' home building for the month of- Travel Agency showed a sound film responsibility. We do'not assume bearer was John Murphy, Bolton, Manila — Alberto d« Clementl, ARTHUR URU6 PRIMER / Can. about our prestige abroad, even that this rush to the voter lists Stanley Worka . . . . . 15 17 cousin of the bride. ecutive director of th$ Community 63, Italian ambassador to the September, and the report shows on Bermuda at last night’s meet; 36% 39% American CtYMAl CUAI / W14oragf»oF though hie analysis of the reasons meant that -the participants had Terry Steam ...... To The Residents Of The A reception for ITS'^^guests ,wss Child Guidance Cli'nic. He succeeds Philippines, died Thursday of a dotofotor tglow tliat there was more than any nor­ Ing. Hostesses were Mrs. Donald Veeder Root ...... 46% 49% FLOOR FINISH/ for Its decline has been" more po­ Caldwell, Mrs. C.. Donald Briggs suddenly decided that roey could held St Lithuanian Hall, Man­ Dr. Truman G. Esau who re.signed heart attack. FREE UELIVERY mal seheonal decline In the number vote for some particular candidate, The above quotations are not to chester, in the afternoon. Fh^er^ Altoona: Pa. — Maj. Gen Wil­ Legion Home litical than realistic. ’The fact that Jr., sChd Mrs. ’Thomas Derby, 11(3 take a post in Chicago, 111. 8 A.M. to 16 P.M. Of hew houstng starts, and that, The next program on Nov. 16 at and do so Joyoufly. We do aa- Do construed as actual marketA gp-eens and colored- mums were liam H. Wilson, 82, who served in lf; o n a r d stk f;e t Vice President Nixon has been Th?. new' head .of the clinic haa .deeplto eased credit regulations In 8:15 p.m. will be held at Sacred decorations. For a motor, trip the U.S. Army for more than 40 more or less forced into the Polly- town Of Manchester, Conriecticu through New England, the bride 1 been the staff aupersisor Ih the pro­ years, died Tuesday.' Wilson, who ★★★★★★★★★★★★ die past feW.^months, something of Heart pariah hall in. Vernon. James anna ;.type of retfponee has given Laldlaw win present a demonatra wore a hunter green traveling I Krani for emotionally diaturbed enlisted in 1898 during the Span­ a slump in the housing Industry Is the Issue a certain -span of cam­ tlon of "Christmas I>eco'ratlons for ault. and''black acceaaories. The ! children with the ChJldren'a Serv- ish American 'War; served on the still with us, Mrtiaps getting a the Home.” couple wdll be at home at IgO Connecticut. ■ staff of Gen. John J. Pershing dur­ paign life. TWs office Ims rtecivod numerous eomploinh eoncemins Hie de- ' T He trained atudenta from the ■ little bit worse.X ing W’orld' War L H’e retired a, , 1 - But from the beirinrllng there commanding officer at Fort Ste 1 This same Elselihower adminis­ osIHnS or placing of leafage or leaves fn or lipoii the streets or “ The*hrfde, ^ ” l968 graduate of i Univeraity of Connecticut School -1 has not been any substantial' pub­ Mancheater High School, ia em- “ f Social Work aa part of hia au- wart. Ga., in 1941. I tration has also reported that gen­ E lic quarrel with the Kennedy asser­ ighways or burning of the same upon Hie streets or highways, ploved hv. the Connecticut Bank | P®',i, , »• « Honolulu — Dr. Arthur Merl-j eral industrial production In the tions. He had discovered the ob­ Notice Hius causing ojiommen nuisance by endongering users of Hie high­ inii Tniat Co.. Hartford. The! Culler. 60, Dayton, Ohio, a re­ nation fell In September, making BINGO tired, opthamologist, died Wednea- vious; eventually, as In the pres­ way. X1.....11 Imunity Servicea in Troy* N.Y. dhy, apparently of a stroke, He the fourth month In a row In which ent leakage' of official government WE HAVE DAILY Every FridayHight A t 8 P.M. Howell Cheney Technical School, | Varenaky wa.a born Nov. 17, was former chairman of- the de- liierved from i9.5.3-,57 In the U,S. QUALITY employment In the factories of the surveys of our rating abroad, the The GenerdI Statutes of Connecticut enHHed "NUISANCES ON 1924, in Brookl.vn. N-'Y,, the aon •rparlment of opthalmology at Ohio - country had not come up toAormal DELIVERY TO THE . Air Force,’ and la employed b‘,v the, of Samuel and Elizabeth Yaren­ Stale University. - | FOODS obvious was going to receive con­ HIGHW AYS" SecHon 4200 prohibits such acts; oise, Byldws and Mancheater Fire Department. Bursack’s KNIOHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME sky. He attended public achoola ih Kansas City Charles J. Msc- expectations. — firmation; belaboring- the obylouA In such reports.-presumably ,the ReguloHens of thf Town of Manchester, Connecticut, Page 43. r^lattsburgh and Manhattan. N.Y. Gowan, 73, president emeritus of ai BertStor Kennedy has now been 138 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER ' Made Flag He reecis-ed hia bachelor of arts the International BrotherJiood of last word on these particular sta­ doing for some time, becomes a BOLTON PENALTY FOR VIOLATION— Any person offending ogainst any degree in. ipaychology from the Leonard Y'arenaky Boilermakers;-died' IVednesday. He tistics until after the election, petty and boring process. The Americaji flag that Inspired I’ niversity of Denver in 1949, anjl was a leader in the merger of thd Bylaws of the Town of Manchester shall be subject to a fine^ ef not . Miss Jeppy Madison of Redding.' American Federation of Labor and DROMEDARY there Is something of an edge ’The** logistics of a presidential Francia-Scott Key to write the | hia-ma.ater of arta degree in aocial more than Twenty Dollkirs for each offense. "Star-Spangled Banner” In. 18 14 j.wnrk from the Unlversto’ of North j The couple, have a .scm. Peter. 9: , the Congress of Industrisl Organ- serve better taken off the Republican use of the campaign are, unfortunately, de­ AREA Issue of national prosperity, and was the product ofni Mary Young ■ Carolina In 1951. / . ^ ' and a daughter, Catherine,'7. They i izations and was a vice president termined almost automatically. Adopted at Annual Tbwn MeeHng held. Oct. 5, T941. Pickersgill, of Baltimore He is married to the former live in Bloomfiield. 4- ‘ '4.6f the AFL-CIO. ■omethlng 6f^ an advantage. If It ’The candidate on tAe outside look­ CORN MUFFIN MIX • can be called that, handed to those ing In -views with alarm; the can­ J’lNE LENOX Stop Bonding For «■ \ RICHARD MARTIN, General Manager prophets of doom and. ^loom who didate who la incumbent, and de­ are, of course, always strong with­ fending, a record speaks reassur­ PHARMACY in whatever party Is on -the'^bilt- ance; the one Is the~prosecutor, 299 E. CENTER ST. 2 tor 1 9 ' Bo m Wss Slioulclor alde trying to get on the Inside the other the defender. Current Expenses so It can run the country. There TEL. Ml 9-089A We have never seen this division 1 * ' ' I N are other non-govemment statls-. of chores'altered In any presiden­ Restore Connecticut GORTON'S tics, such as the low rate of oper­ tial campaign, but we have always i r ★ ■A' ★ -A- -Ar ★ ★ Veal Roast ation for the steel mills, which are formed our Judgment of the re- To A Sound Fiscal Basis currently .subject to the same pd- epohslbility, taste,, ahd proportion OLD Mr. BOSTON CLAM CHOWDER Utical Interpretations. displayed by the particular prose­ lb There Is one thing we can rely cutor. Let Senator Kennedy real­ o u t AT Mtw tu n O il upon both candidates to provide. ize, If he will not pay .attention to DIVtlOPMtNTI TRUE-FRUIT That is the promise thht, no mat­ the boredom of the American peo­ For state ter how they Interpret present sta­ 2 cans for 4 9 ple, that not even he wants to beat tistics, each of them will know American prestige down to the Just how to make things hum when FLAVORED BRANDIES point where nobody can evdr prop he gets Into offlfe. Perhaps one L i. PKG. SHURFINE It up again. car kind pf promlhe or the other will Brandy with.apMial pleasure! True fruit Impress somebody. Our platform, \ here. Is something dlffeienU not AppariUon flavors that taste better— naturally. Connect* MARSHMALLOWS 25' very appealing to anybody. We It Is not altoRethef 'pleasing— leat*s larg^l sellers at an inviting price. think that, . In a given market, there is something a little maca­ ... AT ANY iURSACKS. X Ib^ there Is Just so much sane room bre about It. In fart—to find, in Enjoy then todayl for so much production, so much this October, ao many-ppt-of-place new housing, ao much Steel from physical connotations of spring. i i A C k l I R R Y TEA BAGS 79 the mills. Wc think that, hy artifi­ We are acnistomed. in routine 100 cial economic poll' ies, the produc­ years, to the' occasional oddity, Sth tOth l/iPht Notivo tion and corfsiimptlbh of such produced b.v^ iiiHd weather In mid $ 2 1 5 Halloween things can be temporarily stepped autumn, like a stray spray of for- $ 4 S 9 up beyoriil the-sound normal capac­ sythla sporlliig yellow bloom ity of the market for them. When among lie yellowing leaves. Such a • INOIIt0 this happens, one ', says' a slump chance occurrence even stands as bag 3 9 ' has been correctedAor cured. But a pretty reminder and promise of . 8th “ lorti , m i n t ' ' what we think Is that it has mere­ what will be walllng’'for UA once A . LAWRENCE MKER * t u lb ly been postponed, or rA-ept ttnder the long) winter Is over. - » 2 » PICK O' THE NEW CROP! the rug, -to reappear, at some later 'Tills autumn the haphazard oo>' li date, unless, some new- artificial ciirrence has inultlplled itself Into (Bcqnornlg/W’capon Is 'd^yjsed.-and an almost forbidding concuirence Try fhdso dolighfful flavors, tool n b^oughtlnto use. of the unnatural. PRICES START AT ,W e could say, pf-tHb slump’ In Not only la forsythia in niUier H«lpg k««p your SEDANS and STATION WAGONS f a n c y , FIR5I MORRELL housing, that it may very well be heavy bloom. 'There are nights burnor cloan at it due to a very simple, obvldu/i pos­ when the spring peepers threaten AVAIUBLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RIPI^ BANANAS sibility— the possibility that . the to make a chorus. Red-vyiog black­ hoatf your hoinol UF TO 30 MILES PER GALLON C A N N r a H A M American' people; as of today, arc * 1 9 9 8 birds, remaining north later than Itf >98 Is ths most eomplstaly buying all the new- houses' they we have ever noUce'd them before, effective futfni sdditiys in use 2i.b, 2 9 c (10Lb. Avg.) esn afford to buy at the prices hew havti gonk up -out of the rheadowt today. This helps your oil n houses wear today. and. swamps to that treertop burner dsUver more deen, de>. Th^ only con^met wUh fine-car styling We would say that no politician. stance arid song which is always pendsblc beat. You get pre­ Is going to offer a s<>und cure for the first definite herald of spring. mium aendee, too. All destgaed ' The first fatm ly-ske corttpact AFRICOT FEACH CHERRY New CROP this situation - not If the sound And robins, caauiU around the to make home heating easy. JUICr^ Sth 10th Pint cure Is construed to be a big- new yard all summer ahd. serly fall, ■ Big-car ride--small-car handling^ 1 /2 boom In housing as of tomorrow. have suddenly. appeared in flock CofffeAiyhr S4 S9 $ 2 » 5 | 4 5 O R A N S E S ? ^ Of iiuLf two sets of political strength, as though they had re­ promlser being made to th^^ nallorf ceived some special and autborlta- Mobilhdat il^t Priced with or bdow the other compacts & In the present " campaign, wg tlva-TOtloa that the season wits n « 6 9 c would say that the promises of the about to move In rsvsrss. JOHN F, SHEA JR. NEW, COVER TO COVER I Mr. BOSTON. DISTlLLEBlNC. . New Thrift-Power 170 erigirie for 1961 Dept e, 1010 Masa. Ave., BoetoiiT-Maaf. Republicans, however glamorous' One can find certain landscapaa . t i f t OtMal BvUndtr't Gwd$l *nd convincing they arc supposed wioiVE jtiir Mere’s my cheek for $...... Ploaie send me In^whlch the trees, still show­ Bod And Gold emboRsed hard eoiver...... ui.....01d Mr. Boston Dtiuxc OiUeiot Bar- FANCY rALlF*ORMA M. sound, wtkJki not do tob' mu^ to ing a remarkably fresh green GRIIN STAMPS HIBH TRADES • LOW PRICES • LOW B m TERMS 160 pottf^'Over 760 teated recipes. tender’i Guides at fl.OO each, pottafc prepaid. Jnterfens wlUi' the common sense thrpt^h the bare branchaa of aah NoiY martini aectiqn, mixing hinU. MAMX- ...... : * • ■■ ■ antuntt ndjiistinent of the housing ■ V PASCAL and mgple, give the Illusion of Uttuor^dietionory and party plahninc •TBBR. sRuatiai, wAlch would -Involvs being Uie first green of Apill ra­ ffuidab'BoffUlar |8.iM only $1.00 by M dR IM T T errr. - T A T g . CELERY a sn i slosr Oomn whUs public nfcd ther than tha laat giean of Oeto-. * van. sirf cApiMMy to pay .catches up. ber. Or dna can taka that avenlng Wtf MWikI aajr that tfaa . glamor' aky In which tha naw moon, Venus BROTHERS 2 5 e «a s frriagisaa of the Damoengta and Jupiter ha'va all bads eeavery- 30i4 l0 Cootar Sf. VOTE REPUBLICAN NOV. Bfh Hartford CouhtyU Oldest tin e td n • Mercury • Comet Dealer. Eahsin attiOiim : S. JHAtOtWM tC O ., HittM , (im. > lAduea 2-6250 (2JMineh eoN^ pkg.) to aotra thia ] » « ' ing togethar, la m o m aew trlaagla M l 3-5135 Mi cnmn n. t m i h i s b o p i n ivniiM G S MBS fosyis paid «r paodaat. a m r Might, and PULL THE 2ml LEVER i . - - i t . ■■ ■ ' ■ ■ 'l'/ ' ' / V'.' r V V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 MANCHESTER e v e n i n g B^RALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, I960 P A G l P A O S 8 tX flrst nine months this year and a said, "it hurts ine to have to say ultimate' goal^ls a return to a free Group Selected deficit of $7,362|15i In the doni- Reporter Gets Merit, and was placed on the Na- G r^ ge Mastier It, but the Republicans have com-, market.” Y . T i i t i c s parable period ilaat year. RE-ELECT N O V . 8 South Windsoz tlonai School Baieiy Honor Roll of pletely flubbed the farm program." He said Benson thinka “ all we To Aid NHRR ' ^ ---- -—------T***' Jail Sentence t b e NaUonal Safety OounciL Declares (>OP Newsom said that through deal­ have td do ia lower the price level. School FriRcii-al WllMam Perry an­ ing with the nation's farmers hs .It’a the ivhole program which Is I For Kennedy nounced today. ■ ' ' faulty. The trouble is that the JBoaton. Oct. 27 An 11-man ‘Big; Shots’ Bel Denver, Oct, *7 (A*)—The Oeio* Gfrl Scoiits V The committee which reviewed Faiiled Farmer has noised "a basic feeling' of con­ whole, plan is predicated,-on the redo Supreme CtNttt, in a fl-1 vote the work of the achool waa made cern about what’s in store for agri­ committee haa been named to culture after the election, whether assumption that government will * N*w Tork. Oct 27, (*V-The work with Gova. Abraham Rlbtdoff ‘ On Vote Result with one abatentlon, convicted a up of F. Lee Megoe.'PTA pjreei- Worcester,, Mass., Oct. 27 (/P| — buy any commodity in .any quan­ York Time* today editorially .womut repoirter of contempt and 7^0 Join New dent 105U.60; -Leon Maacolo, cap- it’s Nixon or Kennedy. Maybe it’a tity thpt cah’t move on the mar­ of Connecticut and* Nelson R ^ke- The master of the National Orange too much to expect becaiHM heitber ^doraed Sen. John F. Kennedy for impoaad a 80-day jail term yeeter- Uln school safety patrol; Robert says the Republicans have failed ket at a government-set priee.” fciler of Naw Tork in bringing fi­ Philadelphia, Oct. 27 A day for her refusal to disclose the Davis, PTA safety education chair­ wants to risk losing the farm vote." This Newsom described esident.' magistriite yesterday freed an ^ac­ AreaGduncil the farmer, but he also feels farm­ Newson went on to My Presi­ The newspaper. Which Is polltl- nancial asalatanca to the New Aa- souVee of material for a news ptory. man; and Winiam U Perry, the ers are concerned about the fu-. "shotgun approach” to the p^b- ven Railroad. * cused numbers runneryfor alleged­ Mrs. Vi Murphy, 35, was- releMod school principab dent Eisenhower has "a much bet­ lem. iisally Independent endorsed Presl- ly booking a 60-cent bet because, ture regardless of who wins the ter understanding of th^ farm / ^ehtr Elsenhower .in 1952 and 195S. Two. of the members were, ap­ under. $1,000. bond and ordered to Girl Scout leadera from South Open Hiuse Beliedule pointed by Gov. Riblcotf, the Ne^ he said, he couldn't see the justice presidential election. - problem than Secretary of\Agri- ^ The Time* said two conaidera- report ,to the Denver County JaU Windsor have decided.to Join their V^kpping Elementary School Herschel D. Newsom voted his Exception England Council said yesterday. of fining him while "hlg shot” po­ to begin her sentence N0V.\5. Girl Scout nelghbopa in order to culture Benson. \ ^ e n s carried special weijfht In 'de- They are Eugene Ix)ughlin, chair­ litical leaders are free to wager will hold Open House next week opinions, in an Intrevlew with a "It’a too bad Ezra can't be made ^ermininf Its ludpnent In endors^- The brunette mothei* of foiir is a. strengthen the prograiti iij their Tuesday and Wednesday from With the excc,.. ,/.i of the ^ngur, man of the Connecticut Public- small fortunes on the election. towns. In January, the South 'orceslar Telegram reporter last tp see what’s wrong with hi$ “ln(r the Democratic nominee -"a staff writer for the C olorado 7 •.30-10:80 p.m. For Grades 1-6, night after addresing 2,500 dele­ tninklng,” he said, monkeys live in warm regions. utilities Commission, and Carl While releasing James Stewart, Springs Gaaette-Telegraph. One of X. Windsor community ■will jdin ■with 'matter of (orcijfn policy” and. "a Lalumla, one of RlblcofTs aides. 39, Magistrate Vincerft A. Dean only those With Initials A-K on gates to the state Grange conven­ " I have known Ezra ^nson for This "monkey of the enoWs” lives question of assuring: a unified di- her children, an 11-year-old daugh­ E u t Windsorr-yerhon, Ellington, Tuesday: and those with InRlals Two others were named by said city officials and crusaders Enfield, Sufficld, Manchester, Glas­ tion, many years. He’s a close friend, in 'the cold evergreen foc?*^* lyctlon of the nation's affair* at are doing nothing to curb the re­ ter, is scheduled to undergo sur­ L-Z on Wednesday..^ For the Jun­ "As a lifelong Republican,” he but he's an Idealist who feels the the Himalayan foothills. * Read Herald AdvSi Rockefeller and ' two by Gov. gery this week for a suspected tonbury and Greater Hartford Girl '» difficult moment In historj'." Oiriatophe'r Del ,Be*to of Rhode cent r'am of blg-money bet offers. Scout Councils, to form one coun­ ior high.schedule, parents Of sev­ ' 'Dean said he had phoned the malignancy. ' enth graders will visit on Tues­ The editorial aaid: Island. There will' also be four Mrs. Murphy said she believed cil. Thla merger will make possible "Sen. Kennedy made it clear he members representing New York offices of the mayor and district the planning andi coofdlnatton of day and parents of eighth grad­ attorney about offers by top Re­ her ’ refusal to name her news ) | ) * t l ( ) l i er* on Wednesday,. would not go to war with Com­ City and one speaking for West- source In testimony before the activities to reach more girls and munist China solely for the ‘prin- dhester County, N. Y. publicans and Democratic leaders to make the program more mean­ DU'e ’ to the overcrowded condl*. U P SUPER MARKET IN MANCHESTER - 2 6 1 RROAU STREET AND 116 E. CENTIR STKEH to bet on the outcome of the pres- court was juatlfled by the First . T - \ ‘ J i • ^ ’ tions, .lt will be neceseary for par­ 'ciple' of defending two Island* Im­ RlblcofT and Rockefeller said Amendment' to the Constitution. ingful. ^ mediately' adjacent to the Chinese Tuesday they Would work for leg­ Idenrfal race Ir.. Pehnsylyanla. ents to cqme according to the Dean mentioned no names. The amendn|ent guarantees free­ ■ A group of repreaentatlved from mainland, for to do so would be islative support to give tax relief each tpwn has. been at work for above schedule. Samples' of the OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ^TIL 9 P, M, to the financial ailing New Haven. But Philip T. Sharpies, chairman dom of the press. *unsound militarily, uhnecea.aarj’ A t t o r n e y s representing Mrs. EVERYWHERE IT‘S JUST LOISTER PN almost two years to bring about C h ild s's work will be shown and Del Sesto said yesterday he will of the Republican Finance. Com­ refreshments will be served. to our security and unsupported mittee of Pennsylvania, has offer­ Murphy, and p u b I i a h e r Harry this merger. Mrs. Eleanor Stuben- ! by our alUe*.' give ‘.’sjTxipothetic consideration” FRIDAY EVENING rauch, neighborhood chairman to any proposal for tax relief, but ed to bet $2.5,0'00 . at 2-tO-l odds Holies said they will appeal to. the Aec Meeting Set "But the Vice President, who In that Vice President Richard M. U.S. Supreme Court. BUT HERE IT’S " for South Windsor, reports bene- /An organizational hieeUng of a sense had to be rescued from that he cannot commit Rhode Is­ "fita will include greater possibility land to stich a course. Nixon ■ carries the state, Mrs. Murphy had testifled in a tne recreation committee headed his orijhnal position' by the Presi­ ' ...... Milton J. Sharp, chairman of Colorado Supreme Court disciplin­ BROILED for--^, troop camping for South /fey Rudy Durig will be held to­ Wlndeor’s 300 girls. They will dent, made statements--such as NHRR DEFICIT the Pennsylvania Committee of ary action against John H. Gateiy, night at 7:80 at Wapping Elemen­ the one- that he would not *ur: New York, Odt. 27 The Business and Profe.sslonal Men for a Colorado Springs attorney. lOBSTER A-LA-HOB-NOB share the'eampaites presently own­ tary School. ,. render 'one Inch of free territory' New Haven Railroad'*- deficit for Kennedy, offers to take the bet. She said she had obtained a copy ed by the Mknt^hester, Glastonbury To Play Tor Dance to the Communist.* -that carry of a petition to be filed in’the Su­ (OUK OWN SPECIAL SHRIMP STUFFING) and Greater Hartford Councils. / the month of September wa.s Jl,- SERVED WITH TOSSED SALAD The Rhythmairqs will furnish Implication* feaching far beyond 776,328, the railroad reported yes­ PAID IN OPIV51 preme Court by Gateiy In advance All adults novv'^leadlng Girl music at the dance Nov. 5 at the Quemoy and Matsu and, in fact, terday. Chinese imported to work In the of the SHng. But she refused tO' say FRENCH FRIED ONION , BINGS Scout and Brownie troo^s.:will have FRENCH. FRIED POTATOES—BOLLS and BUrTBR Avery St. School which Nixon- extending to the whole range of In September 1959, a defleit of cotton fields of Arkansas at one from whom she obtained I t The the opportunity to attend training Lodge Volunteers are sponsoring, American foreign policy." $1,596,293 waa incurred. The New time received an allowance of a document provided the Jwais for a ON THE CONCOURSE AT THE PABKADE eourees being offered in gToup Charles Momm, activities commlt- The editorial In' dtscuaaing do­ Hdven also said ye.sterday there half-pound of .opium as part of atory she wrote for the Gaaette- leadership. A profeasidni^ will' Johannes turhi away momentarily from hls drafting board. Be­ T tJse chairman’'h as announced. No David Gadomski, president of Howell Cheney Technical School mestic Issues, said in part; was a defleit of $11,366,367 for the their pay. •. Telegraph. work in .the townships Avlth the adbnission will be charged at' the Student Council, shows John Wiet, executive vice president of the hind him on the wall Is the framed letter notifying him of. his volunteers to help In training and "There is every reason to be­ grant-ln/Ald from the University of Hartford. (Herald Photo by danceT^which is. open to all — Chamber of Commerce, the stacks' of chocolate students will be lieve thsit the next senate , . . will also in coordinating all Girl Scout DemocralSi^^ainUated voters Re selling during the next 10 daye. Wiet is a member of the Cit­ he atrongly Democratic. ’Hiere la Pint^^, activUles. >It is felt this will great­ publicans. DOor prizes will be izens Consulting Committee for the new school that will be built ly strengthen the-whole program by the state at Hilliard and W. Middle Tpke. (Herald photo by almost equally good reason to be­ OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY— 10 A.M. to 10 P.M, awarded and refreshments served lieve that the House also will be MOST LUXUR10USr> in South Windsor. Anyone willing to^ with Satemis). Democratic. With international LARGEST SELLING Under the new Council Senior decorating, refreshments or clean­ ^ /IHT tenaiona running high and great de­ Girt Scouts will have the oppor­ Chuck Roast up should contact Momm^r head cisions to he mads, w# cannot \-i»w Small Grant Big Boon Former Cheney Mills CANNON'S tunity to Join with other Seniors Michael Cersosimo, John Plank. FREE quarters. Peter Dubay, Da'vid Gruebel and Tech Students SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY B O N E IN 'with.satisfacUnn the prospect of a In National and International Volunteer Workers A Hartford Road and Pine Si. events and in community service Thomas Libby. continuation of the 'division of au­ Joan Boykin, chairman of the HEAVY WESTERN thority between executive and project*. Several gold and silver arrows Start Annual To Indonesian Student Manchester, Conn. Nixon-Lodge headquarters com­ will- be^ awarded service etars. CORN-FED STEER BEEF B L O C K S T Y L E * Congress which ha* j»fev*lled . . . Nixon-Lodge Volunteer captains, mittee announces the following 39 in the last six year*;": FREE TOWELS who will canvass all unaffiUated AL Aoxlliaiy Help Needed AMPLE FREE PARKING' have worked In their homes; Nor­ Members'bf American Legion Sometimes a small scholarship'* married to Robert deHuyter, 295 voters in- town, have been ap­ ma Campmlre, Roberta Gorton, Candy Drive Th* ittg* li ut for on* of thi grtttnt uer cent of the dally execu­ on the living room wall. \f;ii f:\fVM iiffxsii DHt:sst:u Frederick Wookey,- Hilton Dr. . Francis Tursi, Allen' Marsh. Jona­ ,en involve lessening shrinking and The funds will also proyide uni- . T-fNCH CUT from Holland where he had been than Hyde, Peter Smith, Russell .forms for the athletic teams and Rib Roost IMIOIN ns 11t 2 Ribi lb U«) u 6 5 * tives, Sen. John F. Kennedy Dem- living alnce the end of World War 2nd Safety Award Increasing wrinkle resistance by Sovt 4^1 BAG 6 V For the second tonsecutlve year, Newberry, John Lacy and John weaving cloth from yarns In which a Christmas show. SUPIR-RIG^ ocratl.c presMefitfal candid* le, will TI. «dn In November. 7 RIB the Pleasant Valley School has re­ McCarthy. the wool fibers are loosely .packed, The campaign is sponsored by Rib Steoks QUALITY if IP V 1 . 7 5 " He was born in .Semarang, In­ ceived a certificate of Exceptional Wolf badges will be awarded to then treating them chemically. : the Student Activities Assn. The dsily fleld sho.ved ,1.8 per donesia, In 1942. Hia father, Wil­ School Menus • SUPIR-RIOHT ■ X rent in the undecided vote column helm. was an engineer, and his r Plate Beef FOR KXUFfO « 2 3 " and .l-.l per cent In the weekly CUT jAudL RIL Jjuud. Su9^^SAiw/tAf I lez fleld.. mother wa.s a registered pharma-j The'iVienus for Ool. 31 through aUPfR4IGHT ' « 4 9 * Tile aiixlliao' said weekl.y news­ I cist. Bill has three alaters. He )-e- ! xov. 4 are as follows: ' StICIO A PKOS member* little of hi* home, ex- . - Elemenlary PORK ROASTS FRESH MEAT POPULAR .BRANDS - 5c SIZE - SPECIAL papermen favor Ni.xon In 36 states IXCILSIOR lUntRED 7or j c « with li total of 414 electoral votes. cept that It w*a large and had Monday: Tomato soup, peanut Beef Steaks PRQZIN PKG DaJly newspapermen gIV4 Nixon 32 a pond in front with duck* on it. butter and Jetiv sandwlchea, but- DEPARTMlNT CANPYBARS ofOFT4 24 89^ HIAT AND states with 379 electoral votes. A The house was situated high on an leracotch pudding with whipped L O IN E N D Fried Scollops 1 MRVi It h r candidate needs 269 to win. Inactive volcano, and a 'r iv e r rreani. milk. , - , D e l M o n t e UNIT OF J j wound bejow It. Tuesday;. Hamburg gravy, Speiials Candy Hondouts Aiiortod SAAAU RAGS ‘ CALIFORNIA, SWEET, TENDER HARVARD FOp KENNEDY When the Japanese^ Invaded In- maahefl potato, buttered rarrots, ROUND-UP HOME FREEZER 1 LB I Cambridge. Maas., Ort 27 (A’l -- donesie, Bill and hi* mother and 'bread and butter, mixed fruit, milk. ] FRESH FORK- Asiortad Jelly Beans r Ren' John F. Kennedy has emerged I sisters were put In one'ronreni ra -/ Wednesday: Scalloped, potatoes ! a ,3-2 favorite over Vice President tion rarrip, and his falheV'was put j with meal. 'bu.llered peas, whole i DEL MONTE \ PICNICS EMPEROR RIrhard M. Nixon In a prealde.n-1 )ti another. , j wheal bread and butter, Ice cream,, Morshmallpw Pumpkins tlal preference poll of Harvard; ''We had two or three hours' inilk. TF.NDER, MEATY SLICED PEARS and Radcliffe aludehl* cohdueled •notiee. We were allowed to sell' Thursday: Baked hash, buttered * Worthmore Nnrvest Mfx U B l A C by the Har\*arfl Crimson, under-j fbe jeweif.v we had. Money wasn't N'eilnw .beans, bread and hulF*r, D E L M ON TE n o z z g c FRESH, TENDER CELLO l U (n'aduale daily. The vote waaj^^^jj, anything beeause ihe .taps peanul butter cookies, milk. Assorted Hard Candies PKG O P CARROTS 3,4_^ to 2.412. printed it: If you had a pair of Friday: .Macaroni and cheese. PARERIBS IsB. The. newspaper said last '"Kht to,ssed ssigd, tomato juice, bread SLICED PEACHES SPECIALS PINfc-FULL OF JUICI U. t. NO. 1-J'A" MIN. thla apparently Is the first lime j|.|^ father aiul the rest of the ami butler, flavored gelatlii with Assorted Jolly Rolls 29' ORAPEFRUIT 3 25' MclMTOSH APPIIS 4 ^ 49* the students gave tly nemorrals camp* were forced to ' whipped creant.-nillk. GENUINE YOUNG D E L M O N TE U.S.D.A. CHOICE a clear-ctit majorilyr Woodrow STAHL MEYER Jane Parker—Golden, Sugar, Cinn. or Comb. help the .lapanese build road*.,. .North Junior HICKORY SMOKED SLICED .Wilson won the poll In 1912. but Since the prisoners had. very little .Miiiid.tv Tomato sortnp, loasitoasted SPRING TOMATO CATSUP •gainst two opponent*. Kenner In eat and the work was hard ' ( hepsehcese sandwich.sn Halloww'eSrr ^rake, 5c OFFI - MEDIUM SIZE BARS 4 FOR ONLY 33e dy Is a Harvard graduate. BACON many of them suffered and died htiik h'llk, I DONUTS 19^ la r g e of malnutrition. “ Tiie.sday: Spattla.h rice, whole DEL M0NTE:'“ NEGRO PAPER FOR KENNEDV IW4.*> kernel corn, whole wheat bread and Forequartersd JANE PARKER 5c OFF ' f BARS After Ihe war endwt In Pumpkin Pie Ivo ry Soap New York. Oct. 2 7 -(/pc The Bill and his mother and sisters ; •’"Cer. mixed fnUt. rnllk. ILAMB COMBINATION CORN . RW. 39e IA * Amsterdam News, Negro weekly went to Holland w'hlle his-Talher ' Wednesday: Grinder* potato H TWnTWO IM IN niJP ONE PArVAAC PACKAGE JAFfl*- lARGE ' 13c OFF! - 32 6z CAN.ONLY 86c hewspaper published In Harlem, to. Custom Cut, Sborp FroMii— Roody for Your Horn* Frtaitr or Leekor Angel Food Ring PARKER, »IZE ' day endorsed Ben. John F.. Ken­ w*s. taken on a jipspltal. ship - to :' >"P" chncplate pudding and SOLID CHUNKS FOR STEW LB. D E L m o n t e •. * • 12 0Z nedy for president. , Maiula. His . father joined lhehi'''iti ""esm. iitilk. ^ PCVEAPPM!;- n D l l l l f JANE.PARKER LARGE ( GAN Thursday: Beefburger on roll, PLUS CHOPS FOR BROILING J^ffROXIMATE CUTS ^ Buttermilk Brood IT'S NEW J2 or IF ■ 4c OFF Dr. C B Powell. edTior end p'i>- > M"'''""'’' I'*'" wax bean*, peanut butter eookle*. APRICOT linillfL Usher, said In a front' page edi- "f'er a relapse ' . , milk t to 4 RIB ROASTS '♦L.4c OFF! w rri - — LARGE LrM\\.7i: SIZE oi PKG ONLY ,30c torlal that he hssed his deH.inn , I’enslnn - I H .L HANDY'S SKINLESS H E A R T ’S D E L IG H T V. S. D. A. CHOICE FOR EVERY CHEESE USE '/4 LB PKG-27C Friday: Baked tuna and noodle*, SHOULDER 8 to 10 RIB STE AKS 'on Kennedy * record ' | The family waa supported by * spinach, , rye bf-ead and butter, 2 LB - f DETERGENT GIANT rowell said that five Demor palcJj P.v '!"■ nulrlj gov-[ TOMATO JUICE 2 to 8 BBJSKETS FOR POT ROAST OR /> flavored gelatin withfream, milk. STEAKS CHED-O-BIT LOAFI■q O ■' 7c OFF PKG presIdenUal. candidate voted for’"* studied algebra, Nenlor H.Igh CORNED BEEF^ ' . O xydol minimum wage of $12.3 an hour,''K'’"""’' n u t r h . a little] Monday: Pork ami gravy, mash­ 4 to 6 SHOULDER STEAKS B i i t t a r siiviRtRooK 25c OFF! - JUMBO SIZE PACKAGE 2.T0 federal aid to education and low-' t!"'nf*n and French and other] ed potato, buttered pea* and raf- 4 to 6 CHUCK RQj^STS u v iiv r fresh creamery income hotjalng i suhjecta ai* days a week at school, j ''FRESH BAKED DAILY" '' rofa,-bread and butter, milk. 4 to 6 SHOULDER CLOD STEAKS REGULAR SIZE He also said Kenindy has an-Ifound that Amenean arhoolsi •Tuesday; Macaroni and ham- NEW SWIFT'S ^ ALL VARIETIES SWANSON'S noiirired hui support of the Siiprente.'She behind those In .Europe " e a -, FLAVOR pUBEN ^ - REG. SIZE LOAF DELICIOUS FOR BROILING Sharp Cbeddor p^avoiui Do$h 4c OFF. . p a c k jJg e hiirg casserole, buttered wax fo r 5 to 4 SHOULDER CLOD ROASTS Court a decision on sehoo! desegre-I peclAlly In math and sciences ” |bean*, bread, snd butter, milk. Lb. I Ol MAC gallon and support of the principle One .of hi* alaters, Elisa, ,ma,r- Wednesday: Baked meat loaf, Beef Burgers 5 49e TV BINNERS WHITE SLICED 8 to 4 SOUP SHANKS Sliced American fuio-tn PKG AT GINGERBREAD MIX, BLUEBERRY OR BUHERM'ILK “PANCAKE hehlndjhe student att-iri dfyuor.- , fed Hsns Tieller In Holland^ ati^ mashed potato, stewed tomato, 4 to B'SHORT RIBS stTSllons In the .South', i i:ime to Rocheal.er, N.Y.,; to live bread and butter, milk, SWANSON*^ F^ESH PORK 6 to 8 LBS. BEEF STEW AAP Swiss Cheese • . . four ■ years 'ago. Thursday: Plxgabttrger on roll, BIRDS EYE FRENCH FRIED 39f : Duffys Mixes 3 f k g s 2 9 ‘= AfAPfS COST $11 MII.I.KtN Bi.jl and his molheKand two als- 16 to 20 LBS. HAMBURG ROZ m r r potato sticks, tossed salad, milk. HOCKS AAP Sliced Muenster pk6 0 3 New York 1’nitcd .Stales ml I' ra came to Manchester -three Friday: Baked flsh slick.*,' hash MEAT PIES 2 wmpanles give away more than , years ago with th8 help'of the P0TAT0ES3’“ 49c BREAD Cocoanut or Choc. Chip Topping; Reg729c,*Say« 19c on 2 pkgi bi'owtied potatoes, cabbage and CHICKEN, B E E F and TURKEY Ann Pag*—Choice ®f Whit#, Yellow, Honey 16(1 OfV),000 road map* annually at ' ^eplr'' Congregational Church. pineapple salad, bread and butter, ^ j a n e p a ;?k e r d% a coat, of a'bout 114,000,000. 1 One olr---fhe slaters, Kitty, is now mlik. ... U.S.D.A? CHOICE Spice or Devll'i Food. They're grandl D e lH o n tc ROUND-UP SALE NOW GOING ON! ^ O O KIG S MARS^LLOW A PKGS . CAKE MIXES 2 ' p“Kr49 JANE PARKER CHOCOLATE OR ORANGE DEL MONTE a A n ( MONTE C Hindquarters of Beef GREME ^ $100 NUTMEG BRAND D^'s FisMpiil* Jsiet H ir IL* Cookies FILLED FRUIT $100 I SWEETw e e V $|00 KIELBASA imtsr's Toaiato Jaic* 2 45' 17 01. 17 01.. APPifOXIMATE CUTS TU ORIAT ATUNTie t PAdFiC HA OOMPAMT, MC PrIcBt ten el ee COCKTAIL l: ■ < PEAS “ ■ « to 6 SIRLOIN STEAKS IBM Fraits Sqiiosli 4 akgsn°' 45' iMtr OBI. >9 I Cheicf Frtfh Connecticut Poultry . «t AIL i DlTMt From Form to You! 8 to lO PORTERHOUSE STEAKS •ox •uMr mgkrn» 8 to 6 SHORT S^AKS ^ . Clwaky Candy Ban OP24 8 9 ? AP'S^P®*' J^arkets hi .tiii -.11, !»', C ’ V RARKAOE AT OUR DAIRY || Finest' Quality Fruits anid Vegetdbfei. Ir*«k'i SOe Sits Set Pret with Beth J^ C AMIPICAS DIHHDiri* froo Hit ' iipueBU A yM ‘ V ' ■ Lb. 8 to 10 SWISS Sm A K S Shasipaa ★ ii>:.. I 1 >v f.c.K 1 . • • 15 to 20 CUBE STEAKS ^ PurchtM ef Reg «

' I

I L MANCTE5TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONNy THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 PACm NXMS MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 i , 1960 'l\' Marjorie Luka, GaU Nlckae, an(t ‘Ferret’ tcnkteii Bolton Cynthia Staela. in Cabinet ttandlbtg the deOoratioo of the 2 Pdoi^ Ins^atioii (3D room are Giogory Dwyer, From Your Neighbor’s Kitchen Robert Lodi, David Wilkinson, Hit K enney South Norwalk, Conn. — 'P o ­ Farrar Wins jA d Laa ‘WllUamaon. tential failuraa In kmderground Music for dancing will be sup­ leab^iflaulation are avartad by an . B y K A B G B plied by records'. WorMng on this Galveaton. Tex., O ct 37 (ffT—The ICn. Frank Zarbo, 1«5 Brant Contract for committee are Tinmthy' .Grose, election of Sen. John F. Kennedy I^a^^nlo ferrit developed by a lU., Mu a favoritft r«elp« wMi Cheryl Lopez, LUy Bevins, WH- as president would destroy business [South Norwalk firm. Thi't under­ ground aleuth finds a piece o f poor appaala eapaclally to men * Fire Trtick liam Pesol^ and Dftldd Peretluha. confidence and \^ould lead the na- don’t like "Fooey deseerta.” Itle Mrs. Evelyn Halloran, Mr. and inautation- a n d eleett onlodUy for sponge cake made wiUiant Mrs. Harold Williamson, and Mr. ■tlon Into hlghei taxes or inflation. “breaks through” the faul:, burn­ shortening, a good dessert for The. contract Jdr zupplylng a and Mrs. Emerson Bosworth vlill Secretary of Commerce Frederic ing out the potential failure to new fire engine for the Bolton serve aa chaperones at the affair. Mueller said last night prevent “healing" by aelf-< :onneetr. tjiose «dio are counting calorics I Ing area. Volunteer Jrtre Department' haa Parent# are asked to be at the Mueller told newsmen In' an In- ^ on special dletp. CREATIVE T K N COOWMO Then It keCpa firing hi (h-pow- Sponge Oaks been awirded to the Farrar Co. of school at 9:15 o'clock to pick up te’rvlew 'that the “ platform on their ■ Children. j ered pulaea of current Into 1 (le fault S/4 cup cold water Woodvllle, Maas., , by the Fire which Jack Kennedy Is running has b e o in s a t Studenta o f Gradea 7 and 8 have aa Its philosophy Increased spend­ for Delicious Fall Eating! I so Its precise location can b » traced 8 eggs separated Tor quick repairs. ^ COmmlsaibnera. been invited to participate in the ing hy the government." He s ^ RRST SARONAt" 1 1/4 cup sugar TTie Farrar Co., the lowest bid­ "Art Against TB” poster contest 1/ the 'spending could be achieved_^,hy Hi cup flour der, submitted a price of $17,436 being sponsored by the Connecti­ raising taxes or going further teaspoon salt with delivery in 6 to 7 months. cut Tuberculosis Assn, 2 teaspoons baking powder debt. - / . 1 Wind Piles Wa' er Three other firms Jiubmltled bids The pupils who*, wish to 'enter Following the Intervlew'^ueller 1 teaspoon flavoring (lemon, va­ on the engine: O. B. Maxwell Co., the contest are a sk ^ to produce made what was termers non-po­ Tint Slow. Mia.awgintet iiiM ai' Middleboro. Maas., $18,589; Amer­ ^ Great Likes nilla oTj plmond) posters on one of the following ll tical speech to about 300 Calves announce « Creative Teen C oolo CwiWB>^\Edac8tion ^ Be)it_jegg yolks and water In ican LaFrance, Elmira. N. Y„ two themes: "Fight TB with a ton civic club members. 'project, with our (upemarkets beconiiB$*waaiP()onB \ laVge mlxK^ bowl at high speed $17,994; John Bean, Division of .TB Check-up” and "Chrlatmaa Cleveland—Great Lakes lelches, Food Machinery and Chemical In the speech./farrled by p local for school field tnpi. Teachera are i n ^ to until foant reaches the rim of the .Beals Fight TB.”. The contest radio station,/the Secretary said I Which occur\vheh high 'rinda bowl, for/about three 'Oilnutell. Corp., Lansing, Mich., $19,000. contact the Personnel and T r a i i ^ Oflipe af which started Oct. 14 will continue "free enterprise la In Jeopardy from 5 Middlesex Avenue, SometvOIe, M ai^ I cause water to “ pile up’’ at one Add i^gar gradually, a table­ The new' engine will be a com­ through Nov. 15. PORK ROAST bination pumper-tank truck.son a revival of ^idicallam in the United \ ■ end of the lake'and to lojwcr at spoon at a time, and beat mixture SUtea, cdncocted by left wing ex- at high' speed for seven minutes. Ford chassis with a cab-over-body. Manchester Evening Herald Bol the opposite end, are-a The motor will be a 270 horse­ perlmulters, sworn to change the SHOP THESE ^CREATIVE TEEM,COOKS" QVAUTY FOODS I shipping. When the wind ; 81ft flour, baking powder, salt, ton correspondent, Mrs. Louis BoclaJorder.” and blMd Into the mixture. Never power. 8-cyllnder V-engine with tricky currents develop as a heavy duty ayncromeah trans- Dlmock Jlr., telephone Mitchell fio said an Increase In federal 'A ll-Ot stir Imo the batter, because a cake 9-9828. Heinz Tomato Soup ^ CANS 4 9 e 7 RIB CUT ter levels gradually return to nor- tniasion. It will come equipped ^^endlng would be paid for by a mal. ^ _ m'ust/retain air to be light Beat Isdth an American Barton pump crushing new tax on every Texas l-Ot'KS 2 3 < egg whites stiff and fold In. Fold industry, farmer and every Income Knox Gelatine Cut from Y6ung> Tender On Lake EJrlej' difference’s In capable Of pumping at the rate of •) 4-Ot i acroas-the-lake water levels ' aa In f^kvorlng. 750 gallons per minute, n 500 gaN Museum Has 89^^ tax payer. —- Nasties Semi-Sweet Morsels A eaioi 4 9 e Pour Into a nine-inch round or Galveston Democratic leaders Porkers! A Delicious Roast great aa 13 (i feet have been ra- Ion tank, and a 2-way radio. MM et KS ■cordetr. nlnfe-inch tube pan, ungreased. School Notes said after the radio talk they would Pillsbury Hot Roll M]r . Junior Meraiers that is Sure to Please Put this Into a cold oven. Turn liona Dance Tomorrow demand equal time on the station C hef Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix. M-Ol KS 4 7 e m en ’ to 350 degrees and hake for The Lions Club fifth anniversary to answer the ..Secretary, n t-OZ W minutes. Turn pan upside down and Halloween dance will be held The three-week Junior member­ Dole Crushed Pineapple A CAN* 3 1 c the Whole Family. and cool cake. „Loosen sides and ship drive conducted in local ele­ <5 '».Ol ' -X Your Pocketbopk tomorrow from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at WlchlU Falls, Tex., Oct. 27 (/P>— A CANS 3 3 e J- bottom of cake, and turn out of Fiano'a RMtaurant. mentary schoolp''^ haa brought In Secretary of the Air Force Dudleyx Dple^iiced Pineapple By FAYE HENLE 893 members to Lutz Junior Mu­ /the pan. Do not press down on the The 6-plece orfcheatra of Henry C. Sharp told a Republican rally ' Ouaker Oats w c* m-oiko 4 3 c tins KS 2 1 c .','lT / cake. E. Martin of South Windsor will seum, Mrs.yHarold H. Clendanlel last night the United States can­ * Jr„ publicity director of the mu­ not afford to stumble Into World Ml.KS 2 2 c LB 'Part-Time Work May / Mrs. Zarbo, a native of New furnish the music. The vocalist Ralston Rice Chex C H I N E E N D Solve .Homemakers Problem York Caty, has lived In Manches­ will be John Corvo, a singer on seum, a^ounced -today. War III by risking Its future^to V-OIKO Ralston Corn Chex 2 3 e T--Have you' and hubby debated ter for. three years, A substitute television Channel 8. The/enrollment la an-hTprease of the Democrats. f t \ teacher in elementary schools, she Tickets may be obtained from 316^em bers above last year's en­ He said Democrats did n6t have long and loud the. question of rollment of 677, she said. The drive a very good record this. "Saying at the Lenora Faya Is serving as general Indicates, that she Is married, County Recorder show, that Mrs. ALL LEADING BRANDS BOX ranges In age from 35. to 44 and Venezuela, made a post-mldnlght Hannah Nlxon gave Waters a time he )Jeft 'IWA 'we couldn't chairman of the dance. P/WTAtEO’S work# In a service or trade Indus­ radio and TV appeal for calm. trust deed on property In 1956 have ahy tr.ansnctiona with Hughes . On the refreshment committee ca c FOR 5c Varieliei OF 24 Upholding Betancourt, he aald Tool for over $200 without CAB are (Jarol Balch, Daisy Dlmock, leart 3 S 3 5 C A N D Y B A R S try rather than In agrlcultture. as security for a $205,000 loan the president had been chosen In approval.' ” manufacturing or public adminis­ from the attorney,. .\ tration. “the eleaneet electlona ever known 'The newspaper's account add­ 'The newspaper said Pearson had USED AUTO PARTS FIRST NATIONAL'S FRESHLY BAKED Part-time work haa made, its In the history of the republic.” ed: given Nixon credit f o r ' the ap­ Karo Syrup PLAIN, SUGAR or CINNAMON Workers yesterday paraded in •'The county •assessor's office pointment of Waters’ brother, HORACE ST. MANCHESTER ISONUTS largeat gain among school-age .»-Barceiona, the country's chief oil said the property descrihed In the I

•. 1.- • “N. __ \ v : K , >■ •V

{■ . •■i-


speak at a ^epubUcan luncheon maricet Nov. 18. The Campers wiU a high scl^ool diploma,from time to Samuel J. and .Alice Little^ prop­ In Torringtoh in, behalf of com wtll.be awarded for tlw beat coa-. necticut Music Educators’ All- time, since he was only a sophp-, erty at 86-74 Laurel St ' . tumas aslectad by toe JuOSso- Mu- State band at Btitonell Memorial also discuss plans for toe Christ­ Bill Neville Gets Discoverer XVI 'Nixon P|lfedges Quick Talks , (ION R O State News gressional (jandldate Jamea Patter- FNew London Nov. 14 by Chamber chased from Legionnaires or re-. Unda Kneff and Michael AlbOn Bill NevUlt, 20. toe boy who was __^___ • . ’ ' ■ ■ _ erty at 299 W. Mlfidle Tpke. ships. and upturn to Waahlngtoh early Strvatlons made at the Legion w in play twrinpeii; Karen Brown­ paralysed from the waist down to (Oonttoiifid from Page 6mij (Omttoned from Tmgm One) ttracts ing w in play alto .clarinet And Building'PWmK new repreaentatlvaa iP elect* Home. The pubUnis invited. '■> (Contlnited from Rags One) Satqri' ‘ A four-fold evaning program to In m a t^ f or 1957, obtaliud' his driver’s li­ Bayer Const Co. for construc­ Teawbera at Oontoranoo Mary Hager wlE play the bassoon. Vem«m and Taloott^s aewa Is ments. The capsule was to panl':" mJt conference to make the egree- honor the retirement of Superin­ haafilefi by The asraMrs Xeelceffle cense yesterday. Tlie license re­ Public Records tion of liew dwelling at 531 Ver­ ..jxon told a small local meet­ L HEAD BETWES tendent of Schools Arthur H. H- Anthony MagUocep, director of Samuel Ooldfarb, director of chute' into the sea. near Hawaii, ment final. _ ing lof members o( Sigma Delta netNl for apsce brought on by the music at toe hltb school, said ths BniTsn. 5 W. Mato St., Mephene stricts him to the uie of a hand- fip - non St, $15,000. pew servicee the hospital is-offer- Oct. 2T (iP)— Rby U ObituaYy ling and former pMnclpal Edarin- Is special education, and Andrew C. where Air Tonm pUinea and. He aald he meant 4 summit con- Chl.l national jourtlaliatlc frater­ 2t)0,000 Belecti Khrushchev - and Prime Minister have! been "filibustering,.'' Ken­ visits. \ The weather was perfect and nal honor. Advertisement— stalled the controls on the famUy 1 'T'l Dr. Burr H. Ctirtis, siirgboh in School foi, oyi In Meriden. The Brie Carlson - ' tem, to introduce new town offl- school system, aiul Rasrinond LaVv- to Josephine A. DeQuattro, prop­ sules have fiteen thus recovered, Harold Mcmlllan of Great BrlUln. nedy* proposal would delay a fi­ (Continued from Page < ^ ) that:waa tha,mam requirement for car. chief St the hospital, joinSd with retiremen't 8 announced yester- ciris and to present a film depict­ rence, director of special educa­ Thi RockvUle High School stu­ Free! Interesting, motion pic­ erty at 241 to 251 N. Main St. New York—The Russians claim one by plane and one by ship. Tha. Should no ajfreemcnt be ob­ nal showdown too long. South Windsor - r Brio Carlson, the proper display of the pioneer­ dents were selected through com­ tures of two of the ‘most interest­ ‘ Bill II toe ion of Mr. and Mrs. brought! cheers from the audience, Foss in advocating the addition. day by the ichool’s board of trus- ing redevelopment of the Man- tion to Ellinglton, represented this Josephine A. DeQuattro to Ray­ the first jet earth-digging ma­ Ageiui B’s increased maneuvera­ tained by Feb. 1, and he Is then . The Vice President aald that (SB, o f 30, M eryl Rd., and formerly ing traffic . Buety program for petitive auditions at Buckley High ing news Items we have seen In WUliam E. Neville, 145 N, Adams Costs o f the’ project have not been tees. of High St., Manchester, died last chester-Hartford Area has been ai’sa at the Northeast Conference mond H. LaVaUey, property at 241 chine, according a United bility may help in the ejection president, Nixon continued, he Kennedy "Is proposing a course of Kennedj^ said he proposes to do V children sponsored « y the Rock­ of the American Assoclatlbh on School to Hartford last .March.. yearn See Vice-President .Klxon be­ St. process. Unlike earlier Agenas, action! that would delay any pos­ estimated as yet, and methods of night at Manchester :< Memorial planned by the Manchester -Cham­ ville, Rota^ Club and the Vamon He was Injured Feb. 21, 1957, to 251 N- Main St. States engineers’ pubilcatlon. The would order resumption of under- what Roosevelt did — "*ci before Mental Deficiency, held at New-; Osmpers Te Meet hind the *Tron Curtain" and bis the B-model’s engine can be'startr ' sible resolution of this matter for financing it have .yet to be dis­ Norman K.'Morgan, superin­ Hospital after a long illness. ber of Commerce for Nov. 14 at 0 Green . Manor Const. Co. to Russians say toe blastto of a Jet Ifround shots deslcned to • open Board of Sklucation, ynd held at courageous stand in South Amer­ when he fell during a gym class at the people the unfinished business cussed in detail. tendent of the i^zeme County p.m. at Fiano’s Restaurant In Bol­ port, R. I., recently. T h e Rockville Area Family Geno J. and Lea M. Andrelnl, prop-^ engine- removes earth and rock ed and stopped in fiight possibly fantastic vistas for peace much !too long- far beyond any He was bom in Boras, Sweden, Northeast School In, Rockville Campers Assn, will meet Nov. 6 at ica. Free at Republican Headquar­ Manchester High School. margin of safety. . . .’• of this nation.”" Q— w h at innovation in (Pa.) Industrlal,Smool wa6 named Jan. 20, .1891, arid he came to this ton. Bandsmen at Bushnell \ Bill is now an appfentioe at the erty off Tracy Dr. to a depth of 6 feet o-yer a strip Eventually' such atop-and-^ ful u^e of atomic power. ywsterday. .. Six members of the Rockville the Lottie Fisk Memorial Building ters at 24 East Main Street, Rock­ Nixoh emphasized that under no A shower of paper and cloth transmission of convention iBu$hea Slote Auto McLoughIin'< successor. McLough- country In 1915. He was employed Illing,' who plana to retire aomer The program, which'Will he con­ J. L. Dental Laboratory, 41 Oek Quitolalm Deed ^ 6 feet wide, and throws It as far flying might help Agenas dodga Nixon .said.. election of Ken­ time next year, is toe second per­ High School band have been select­ at 2:30 p.m. to discuss plans for ville, 8 p.m. October 27. Everyone nedy would pbse a possiblp threat circumaUinces. would he, as presi­ fragments poured from buildings news occurred during the Union, Oct. 27 tie constructed at a cost of E. Ramsdell; Robert F. Kahan, SMAU — PINK-MEATED •the Atomic Energy Commlsaibn. Joanne Lucas, 73 Elsie Dr.; I-aurie In .a speech near Detroit yester­ a.m. skl, 18, and "Nathaniel Lewis, .18. ($073.79). five million dollars. member of the Board of Educa­ told newsmen last SatiirHay a fH o t Ann Steevea, 368 Windsor St.; day. He aought to ridicule the Re- Oliead Church Notes Police said the suspects were re­ Voters also complained ■ that The Nov. 14 event will begin tion; Franklin E. Learned, dltee- Springs, 'Va,, that several large ex^- Mrs. Mar.v Ceraso, Thompaonvllle; publlean ranrtidate's contention The Gilead Congregations! sponsible for a series of burgla­ Slated at RHS there was no appropriatloh for the with a 0 p.m. social hour followed tor of driver education for the ploaiona in the Soviet Union hav Dana Freeman, lili Ayer.V St.; lhat Kennedy’s economic program Church CotincU ha.V voted to pur­ ries In .lhe Norwich; , Montyille, RIB IAMB CHOPS > ' Lies of LAMB annual -fireworks display admin­ by a turkey dinner at 7. State Department of Bklucation 69 been defected, without firm 'evid­ William -Renton, 24 Madiaou St.; fostered- gold apeiuilstlon by rais­ chase four neiy offering platea. New London, Salem, and Colches­ The nearly 80Q students at 19'Ass.l FUll FIAVORED — ECO NO M ICAl istered by the American Legion. Bernard J. Ackerman, chairman ence as to whether they were liu- |Ioan Doherty, 129 Tanner ,St.; ing feat* of Inflation I s*f1 devalua­ Anyone who may ‘wish to psi.v for ter area. , There iq still no appropriation Rockville High School will go to of the State Highway l^ e ty Com­ elear. ynthia'/-.ange. East Hartford,"- tion of the dollar. one or more of. these plates in rnemory of a loved’orie,! should con­ for fireworks because the expen­ toe polls Nov. 3 in a mock electioir. mission; John Willisma, executive The Soviets have Insisted these John Jay, 4 Hackmatadk .St.; W al­ He suggested that Nixon mljfht Shea Scores Use lb. tact church treasurer Kenneth El- Bn» Union Votes diture will come during the next . The students will cast votes for director of the commission; and UNN IAMB CHOPS . ' SHAIIKS.(IAMB were high expIo.slves and not nu­ ter Luka, 340 Bush Hill Rd.; Don­ instead talk about such thinga as Rsnwick iJi, Lewis, > principal of 89 lla. Bridgeport, Oct. 27 (45—Organ­ fiscal year beginning July 1. The clear shots, the Vice President ssid, na .Maynard, Ellington Ave., handling government contract ean- presidential nominees ■ John F. FRESHIY GROUND • The Gilead church also atatea ized drivers and mechanics o f the budget for that year will be com- Of Highway^ Funds Northeast Elementary School, who tOR STUFFING OR STfW _ _ _ adding; Rockville. cellatlona wlthotit leaving thou­ Kennedy and Richard Nixon on a the allied enllatment o f the church Connecticut Railway and Lighting ■piied in April. coordinated the program simong ‘'We. have no way of knowing ADMITTED TODAY: Barbara sands jobless nrt the beach. has reached the stage where a can­ Co. vote today whether to go on single, voting machine set up in the Atty. John F. Shea Jr., Republi­ tha ehUdren. BREASTaLAIHB w T LAMB PAHIES . 3 9 * whether this Is-a "fa'rt. Nor will the Hutebinga, 124 Broad St.; Mrs. William F. Luddecke, chairman 2 2 I.ast night Kennedy said-Nixon vass of the membership Is iii order; school's main corridor. Man.v of can candidate for tore General A s­ tori Scout Plans FOE STEW'OR BRAISING _ _ Soviets permit iis - or the United Thereof Paaa\', South Windsor. strike against the bus firm. of the Finance BoArd, aaid during keeps repeating the assertion that Next .Sunday has been set aside the mock elections in the past have sembly, today ter; ed an "unjusti­ The ‘Vemon and Rockville Girl SQUARE CUT — IAMB Nations, or neutral nations ■ ■ to B I R.T H S YE.STERDAY: A The, company has not had A the .town meeting that the cg»;- In 1960 all Is well. The Demoeratlc as Enlistment Sunday. Parishion­ turned out to be accurate predic­ fiable financial gimmick" the di­ make an Inspection. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel' strike since 1-903. inal reqpest for recreation ex­ Scout Neighborhood Assn, will de lAMBRIBLETS . * nominee said it is time to think in ers and others are urged to attend tions of the actual election. version of highway funds by the etde tonight the latmching date of SHOUIPEB BOAST . * WHOLE or HALF 1 9 "Only a few days ago. the new Sullivan, Thompaonvllle; a son to Some 450 members o f locals in pense,a had been $1,000 but the 4 9 terms of 1970, p f jobs for a-popula- church that day and then.welcome Mias Janet Mirrill, head o f the. Democratlc-controlled 1959 state FOR STEW OR BRAISING aclamic station at Fort Sill', Okla., .Mr, and Mrs, .loseph Bltel, Elilng- Bridgeport, New Britain, and‘Nor­ programs for which the money 'a fund drive for the association' tlon of 208 million, with aiitoma- callers In their homes. walk voted last week" to hold a history department,, will supervise legislature. contribution to the new Connectl recorded a dlatriibance In the .ton; a sort to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald tioh far advanced, requiring a would be spent were not spelled the el?c.tlon program. Students. in Shea said $21 million of motor mfiiRS'SlMKI SPECIAL AT MANCHESTER ONLY P T A Program .Set strike vole, today; The 110 mem­ mif Vtoey Council, WITH THIS COUPON ANO-PUIICHASE OF NECKS ef LAMB . 2 9 * Soviet, Union. It might have" been .S c II s s e I'l Stafford Springs; - a (fro.sa national product of three- out.' The Board consequently, cut the history classes will vote dur­ vehicle registration and license LAMIBS daughter lb Mr. and Mia. William It is announced by elementary bers o f the Waterbttry lo<»l made The new council, to be formed ANY THREE BOHIES— FRENCH'S ah eartn(}ua.ke, or it might have quarters of a trillion dollars. school prUiclpal Richard, .p. Gale, the appropriation to $200. he said. ing their regular class time. The fees was, diverted to the general ASMOUB STAR SWIFT S PRtMIUM been a large underground nuclear Benson," 27 \Kerry St.; a daughter the sarnie decision Mon ...... ; ‘’'^"’ '■Irs M-alrb, 113 W. Center SL; cdunclls within a community to sociation of Street, Electric Rail-, Enfield into a new council 'with the CHOPS & ROASTS Nixon’s campaign blast seem ,i5lx year.'' he aald. deal with such activities for under an, item entitled summer Based on toe -vote, cast in 1958, Under law, the fees. Shea said, OSm Qeoid Thru Sot, Oti. 27fh CAlculaUd to invite division among ! . " ■ lo\Mr. and Mrs. Rogfer ways and Motor Coach Employes programs. Girl Scout Counoils ef Glaston SLICED BACON He aaid .Nixon avoids mention­ young "people on a planned basis. Principal Joseph McCusker said, a should have been used for high­ the Deriiocrallc supporters of I Thib'aiilt, ,'>0 j\orth SI ; a son to of America, have been workmg A $500 request Is for the Little .bury, Manchester arid Greater PACTRAMI ing continuing unemployment and Installment of officers and pre.sen- without a contract. large turnout o f atudepts is ex­ ways and not the bonds which, he Custom cut Kenndy. Some of them favor re-, «>''* -Mrs. Raymond Hallowell, "Leaguf Inc. and, under the com­ pected. About 90 per cent o f'th e said the Democrats tien issued to H a^ord. "his Is the parly, thsl wanted ,to talion of the annual budget will Negotiations for a now agree­ and wrapped ||^ Bumptlqn of Underground testing, I " ’lUon IjinV, R0.-kvine. . mittee proposal, would be 'partial student bodyi voted In the m.i,'' ah hour, including 2 lb oyer a period of four years, $500 Driver Arrested achcwl arid. ticipate in state- and national SEND T H E M I Ltittan-Johnson, 46 -Florenre -St.; .St„.was nrrested and charged with cents, provided by the escalator iK in sssn i^ passing on the right as the result each year.' events, and. the use of camping WITH THIS COUPON AND PUICHASE OP m . I CRISP ' Mrs. Beslrlce Diiiuas. 42 Prospect Panelists Diseiiss clause. SBlCraJ M A II«_,^ ______rORTRICK 'of a .3 vehicle accident on ;Oak- Other itenns in the proposed ap­ Prank S. Bielecki, 22, of 25 ' .and other,facilities now. under the ONE 24-OZ. BTL— FRESHPAK MATOES THE St,, Rockville; Hermsh Fj'eehette. Such clauses have been a.piart propriation are: $'i00 for insur­ TRIAT II Tanner St.; Mrs. Dolores l>en- Irnd .St. at 1 o'clock this afternoon. 'Village St; Rockville,, was arrest­ Dance Instruction Juriadictioh of HSrtford, Manches­ Cliilciren’s Ixiisure of many contracts in. recent years. ance for the Babe Riitli League; PANCAKE SYRUP SNOW APPLES % HOMETOWN Incha, Tolland: Linda Strait, II2 There were no Injuries, They -provide that whenever the ed and charged "with operating ter and Glastonbury councils. BAKING POTATOES j Police said he went to the right $100 for the adult basketball pro­ while hls .license was. under sus­ Two. years of study by the com­ limltt Om Pdr CibtcMoor High\St , Rockville; Mrs.,:j,rla Dla- government announcjds -a rise in New Rec Program Conn. Best Oiond, 88 Constanre Dr.; Carl Ty- A librar.v Is a ''Ireaaurer of a utility truck that was stopped gram; $200 for the midget- bas­ pension, and speeding, following bined groups has resulted In plans ORor Good Thro Sot., Oct. 29th OUAIITYaUAlllT WAIUMAID — MCUIUIW MEDIUM ------_ p NEWS its ebst-of-living index there is to ketball .program; $150 for kn I ler, 20 Washington .St., Vernon; house”, anrt a card Is-ihe otilv key to let a , car'tu rn into Chorches be a (xtrrespondipg rise in the an accident in Ellington at 3:20 for the merger, Mrs. Llsk said. Easter egg hunt; $100 for prepara­ Social dancing Instruction will .Kenoelh Springer, South Windsor; Motors, and. struck the car. workers’ pay. It w~ The wood Dr., Vernon. young chlldreo In story hours at Church, which was also parked. Buckley'Stl.ool. Le.ss(>i)8 were sug­ nate the program lii area toAms, IS M J UmltiOndForCuitooior:. ' f g B l LUCKY LEAF sls■ I.swpold« llle, The Congo, Oct. • The regional , planning a'gency. breach (jf the peace and interfer­ hy State Chairman Edwin May^ 4 because voting machines will .Ths )i7ov. S session will complete NEW — GIUN GIANT^ the hometown news 27 .idPi —of ths afirituri Christmas party Sub$criptiom retreat, but I'.N. .officials.ex- caused by spark from welding of two representatives from each dover and Coventry Conatable An- recreation department'. ■ o to pt^essed confidence that relaUx-b" members have joln’ed PWt, repre­ candidate; and Atty. John F. Shea and plans for,narticipatlon to Vet- UBBY &am M 09*. MCErai»iiiiB,.S9* torch whtch ignited gas escaping partictpaXlng town . JJiony J. Paulis. They are due in FASHMIMa order and seiiurlty would retiim senting 90 peV cent of the jtarents Jr. and A. Lawrence Rlker, cfn- arans Day observance. The bar- HAUOWIfN C f l i M HAUOV^N PayabUt in Advance from -a pipeline . . . ".‘.Ira. Jean Four weeks ago the State De­ Bolton Justice CoujPt on Nov. 1. .didates for the General Assembly. no vaultY G O f to the African rlty- by nightfall. ~ jind the largest I’T A membership . traicka plans to attend the. depart­ STAITIN6 AT | 7 to date at Robertson ScJtobl.. " Rebel", 28, dies in hoajtital-in Read­ velopment Commission approved a The men allegadly created a 14 Apply for 3 ment m’setlng to. Manchester Nov. ORANGE JUICE COSTUMES ^ 8 1? MASKS StA.T.NGAT07 ’ 0UAUTYMA» In the .fonfused triangular tentative deflnitlon. bf the propos­ William "Freeman, principal, siig- ing,,. P a„ second ■vtrllrft o f itoiaon- disturbance ai the' Dylve-In and IKE CITES W ILSW ’S GOAL , 20. ' ■ - '..r. ■ Telephone Ml 3-2711 ■fniggle Invotf'Ing Mobutu’s ing blamed bn wild muahrooma ed planning region. Represehta- asaaulted Sheriff Rowlaki who was 5M 0I PiASTic a SWISS SLKES army, the police loyal to depos­ gestad: Uiat-parenta call the school Sfaiinton, Va.^ Oct. 27 IT) —• Firera«i’s Jobs Jayoaos to Meet Circulatiori Dept; - . Former Governor Averell tlves of nearly all o f the to\yns on duty at th a roAdaida gpot. Kow- ed Fatrtee Ixinjiimbs, andj,-iba - to form a tratisporlation pool for 'PretsUent Elsenhower stoiod to-' , Tlia RockvUls Junior Chamber 2 ^ 3 7 PumiilihiaBThZT Coady Cora it 2 5 N A N a LYNN Today! » such school sctivlt'les as concerts Htrriman o f New . York predicta backed the plan O c t ' 10 at ia ;al8kl waa given emergency treat­ day where Woodrow Wilson • '"ft* U.N. force, the Tniled Natfons meeting in Eaaex. Applioatidns have beep received of Commerce wilt hold a businepi and tj-lps. Senator' Kennedy will carry New ment for a cut over the left eye MOnON TUKiV OR OSCUN was clefirly on lop. 5IORTON DUE 'TOMORROW .. . stood 48 years ago. And he said ‘ from 14 'persona f6'r the three new meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Lo- Vork by a comfortable margin. early Sunday morning. -that * ^ e dare-pot.fall" now on glon Jloma on West St ihUile iim ^ * Henriiey Mssm * BLUEBERRYPIE Soviet Cabln'et , ahnouncea Hartford, Oct 27 State openings in toe Town Fire DA- POT PIES 5 6 2 5 4 9 Cl BA HOUftf TWO AMEliirAN'M LEJHI.'A l,N —Joss Maria l/smus, ousted eow In 1M7 .". . Mre^ HalUe Glb‘- of Vomon Center OongregmUonal , . . poU^e held two jiiore Ameri­ chairman, Seri. Thruston Morton the world. Eisenhower accepted, They "*(111 take an examination CBm BEARS » l* OsaHls lYNN Sex. 2I 8 *: c^Ti«ai.sA 3 9 * jsw 59* i.p prMtdiwt o f El Salvador, turned ■on Hallowtii, who has spent the About Town I . 7 9 ' 2 4 cans today "for invMUgattojL” bf Kentucky, will vUit ConnecU- to«,^j$e words of hls predbbss- .supervised by the State Personnel 1 Ohureb 'Is planning -a .HaUowsen* up toda^r In tlihi country aoutk Isat three of-her fiS.yesrs in jsll J Thay' wsda IfiaiitMlad ap. Guy cut tomorrow. During liis visit The Buckland School axpanaion sor^ Kgalnst false leaders and Department' i)K to? neag. future. 'fiance in toe'aocUj rooih tomor­ Tbnoipaoa, t l . aa aagtaaer from and aaat o f El Salvador.o The for civil contempt, ordered set free Morton will confer with QOf* Naf committea will meat to i^ t at • Malealiaad bareatunmy la gov- Mason said th ls''«p m in g that' ha" row from 7:80 to 10:80 p.m' fMvarvUle, Teae-> wfia baa iM g i9-ffmrmUk aotdlfir-poltlieian ear­ . . . Cecil Thomss, 78.' editor of T R I P L E - ^ RLAAE STAMB»S TOR / ^ G l Uonal CDmmittMman Msada Al­ o’clock .at tha iiomo o l f W i . Kan- erariiMt. Yet WUaon, he said, had . not contairiad tbA a^ta agency " •/ - 'In dea Blatea 'Danoo baaa a rwMdent hera, and Hayar lier kad bwMi reported aneklng - th#„DhlIy Mirror . frotn JB34 tq corn and Stata CJuUrman Edwin H. nato Prior, Buckland Rd., Ifiitaad '‘waa aat a Jnaa' who believed In Tha Rockville American linglen Priababerg, 42, taxtfla iuatmttve aaytam la Onntemnlat to tlia 1.048, dies s4 home la M/etamr, May Jr., and th*n hold a news con- of naxt Tuaadayi Any InUraatad M M a g tha ears W Ua faUow Moat vlU sponsor a Hallowosn. ao- aad‘'e New T e«fi a t y naMva. ‘ Applications for tha thraa nav ■orlli aad want E n f Isnd .f«rtnos. Morton Is sehedulsd to peraona art iriritad to attond. wtth ahriO arlaa.pt alanu." positlona closed last night Mal At tha lagtoa Horn* SitMrday. will ba optional' hut prisaa « M M n E - u e iiA B K n e OQiTABiv MKmir<;HK»r ' ' ■ : ■ 'a MikNCHESTER EVEKINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY,- OCTOBER 27, 1960 PAGE TR|RT>BN P A Y , OCTOBER 27, 1960 PA(» TWELVE AlANCHESTER EVBNllfa HEBAW , M ANCH ESim CX)NM, THURS: dicts the state debt will climb to DAILY (aiOBSWORD PUZ5SLB BU6GS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with A^AJOR HOOPLE State Tax Estimate $J.9 million come negt June 30. Beef Is on Bargain List, Failure of tax forecasts to live RE-ELECT 6 Revised Downward up tO'expectations recalls a pArt<>^ sen d|8put« during the 1959 LegiS* Pumpkins Are Plentiful Anmvir to PifvIow Rinrt', latlve seeslon over the reasonable- M30R, /rr>WEul V Baby Has (Continued from Page One) nees'of -,such estimates. You KNOWH \Motoring Republican lawmakers charged, By TH E, ASJWCIA'nCD PRESS i The price Of eggs appeared to and AMO id WMM X LSAt^Meo land unincorporated business taxes be stabilizing after \indergolng a .rr/ OU®HT THAT A. the budget eatimatea were pur­ W ith cattle in- abundant supply, |/e^)EltABLE 5LUIZIS TORUnJ which showed alaeable drops in WAS SUMEDTOBS'DIS- 'fcJU'KB H^pia . AOMMt •Amotarift posely made on the high aide in or­ begf takes the spotlight among sharp drop from high legele last FOR Been Named... tax expectations. , der to present a balanisedTriidget. week. ' Ml^SEO because X WAS —•xoiland this weekend’s specials on meat VOUR , ELEaiOM tcaoMd Democrats denied this, imd said There are plenty of pumpkins on t50lfAG SOCrt'AM EXTlitA- CM in Us Among the levies now expected Counters o f supermarkets* and BARRY ■utomobn* the market for pie-making and OlOMNAiey 306 AS INTERlfA SEMENtrH^ OMTHE vrhlclo the estimates were generally in neighborhood stores. m e a l SBoiinMB—- to weigh in at less than budget POOaaALL CCACH.T HASHLY SLICE/ , • BMt line with those made nationally by ' Roast*—Round, rib and chuck-p Halloween lanterns. tlAnalyiMS ofliciala had figured include: leeSISMED/'— U/A-kTUMF/— t ic k e t / - ineassantlF the Eisenhower administration. are the most yridely advertised Newly arrived on the vegetable MntanM. Corporation business tax, down However, observers note that market are Florida beans, Cali­ VO TE d e m o c r a t i c NEMER HAS A HOOPi.fr lOImanttal Y .Leigh Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Hutchinson, cuts. But the bargain liai also In­ URnteout the state deficit indicates that ih te r fm e o With amotmer b*ln( Andover Lake, She was bom Oct. 0 at LauTehce Memorial $4.6 million to |29,4 million; In­ cludes sirloin and porterhouse fornia cauliflower, South Carolina l«Fnj>r UStmUc surance, down $1.1 million to new aiid heavier taxes will have to Hospital, New Londoh, Her mktemal grandparents are Atty. steaks, rib ends, liver, tongue and okra and We.stem New York UStoppinc suddenly - $14.6 .milliom sales and uaa be imposed on the- public by the Danish-type:<.cabbage. plaewfor lIStronclMliac90L«i)dmea4iir* 45SmaUlsUnd and Mrs. John Yeomans, and her paternal grandparents are Max- leg of veal. W’ell Hutchinson-and Mrs. Hazel Flovd, all of Andover. down $1.6 million to. $84.4 mtlUpn: 1961 Legislature to keep the state Beat buys are broccoli, cabbage, motorist* ISIiOW haunt. 9>Slylook SOltonymaket operating and to finance higlier The huge number of cattle in inheritance, ■ down $500,00ti to $16 cauliflower, carrots, celery, spin­ ISTosvpooa 10 Tropical U xm 90 Cadets ofautoaare education, aid 'to towns and other feeder lots Indicates lower prices — on the Michelle Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Legault, 409 E. million. ach, pumpkins. Eastern onion* (•H -91 Cbalcaeanc* 31 Subsldea state spending Increases. for next year. The increasing sup­ YOU OAN VOTE BY ABSENTEE BALLOT T. HAMLIN ITBurti* S3 Mariner's highway! Middle Tpke. He was bom Oct. 13 at Manchester Memorial Railroads, down $220,000 to $1 and potatoes, nemagold and or­ ALLY OOP 92 Capsizes ply has cau.sed the price paid for , * •• • UFtm^nlnt 93 S t r ic t direction 47 Arrivals (ab.) Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd imillion;, cigarettes, down $342,000 chotae steers in Chicago to fall ange Jersey aweet potatoea^and 0C3P, XVIOAPTO WHY MOT JOIN US? OU^ .WnMYTlMPUCOME. WEIL I COULDN’T (sbTT 94 Auto roada STCraltr 49 Collection Landon, Chaplin. He h&s a brother, Christopher, 4; and a sister, !to f9.3 million: alcoholic bev- to $25.2S' per hundred pounds brusaels sproiita. (1) If you will be ibflcnt from the State on November V ^ «R ! THEYILPIAY SEE MXTRE BEING RGHTAMNOLE CAUSE ISJUSTANO . 90 SUmuiiii ofsayinga Marion Fern, 3. ieragea, down 177,000 to, $7.4 mil-] — being 40 Confers Latin Club Shows from $31 last March. Apples are among the best buys eighth, , ^ HCCK GEHING to ' SENGIBLE AOOUT "PLATOON OF WENEEPGOOD 94 Proverb. 41 Crown tax 00 Utter -lion; and unincorporated bu.siness, TWE CONRSWIOM ^OFFICERS constantly in the East, but elsewhere Hal­ NWCHEZ WITH THAT CONFEPERAIT ITFlinntNir’a 42 Italian atream 02 Summer (Frjl Jennifer Gall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Nuzum, 79 down $562,000 to' $2.7 million. However, beef prices could go NUGGET OF MINE OP«XJR improved Film on Greece loween bobbers will find them eoupUnf Pl**0 95 Fknder — • 43 Sunflnit S3 Sorrowful Pine Tree Lane, Wapping. She was bom Oct. 10 at Manchester The only three taxes expected up sdmewhst before the end of the (2) If you are ill, infirm or phyaically incapacitated GOLP year while farmers concentrate on higher priced, than Ihat yea* The tOBaappM Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and to do better are; Gm companies, nation’s apple crop is 'down 12 per and unable to vote in person at the poUt. UWlUowa; ''Ancient World: Greece” is the feeding operations to build up the i i 1 i r r 1 10 Mra. T. P. M. Rouse, Quaker Hill. Her paternal grandmother is lip $3,000 to $470,000;—gas and ctnt from last year to 108 million 34 Infuiiata. M rs.'A . L.'Nuzum , St, Petersburg. Fla. She has two aiaters, electric companies, up $11,000 to title o f a film to be ahown at Man­ animals’ weight. - • . 35 Marine wnm Ijjiahels, smallest since 1966. This r r i*n Leslie I.,ee; S, and Holly Anne, 4. $2,Sll|000; and' amusements, up chester' High School Wednesday, Pork conUnued to be well-fea- (3) lf>on are a member of the Armed Forcea. SOBeUefi . «. .-***•' wa.niovie. but, scallops, shrimp and'crab. T ^ U E S S HE'LL TELL) DOWN James Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry,Jameg McCaffrey, * \ ANOTHER PACK OP IBlemlsh u LIES ABOLTT {dY MAN/ lOH Laurel St.. Rbckvllle.He was bom Oct. *15 at Manchester { t S E E '^ R CANDIDATE ^ OOrfansot il d . Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and IS ON TV TONiaHT.'rr haarinf I. Henry Tourtellot, Rockville. Hts paternal grandparents are SrWinilrop* a r and Mrs. Henry’ J'. McCaffrey Sr., North Covmtry. 4 Donkey ' SBacent (eomb. !T U x ' Immy Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Arnold, 11 V il­ form) lage St., Ellington. He was bom Oct. 11 a# Manchester Memo­ t r 0 Blood money ' rial Hospital. His maternal jfrandpsrents are Mr. and Mrs. T Cereal m lp t l atedman Baskerville, Broad Brook. Hia paternal grandparents are Mr. ajnd Mrs. .Timmy Arnold, Valdasta, <3a. He has a Sla­ K ter, Eila Elizabeth, 2. , . — ' SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAI TIinofh.T John,' son of Mr. and Mrs; 'ifTiomaS F. Scanlon. 7 -THAT H5W OOTOR Diane Dr., "Verndn. He was born Oct. 13 at Manchester Memo­ vUtWA TRltDTOTea MB rial Hospital. His maternal grandparents^ are Mr. . and Mrs. M> OfiW nr ijtancheater. Memorial Hospital. Her matiimal grandmother is CMVuut eaewa, iw tv cMeKA& n a x p a emitee scene.. Mrs. Grace Doberrentz, Marlborough. Her paternal grand­ mother Is Mrs. Matilda Giinack. Glastonbury. She has a broth­ er, Bruce S„ 7; and a sister, Marcid I,.. 5.

(P Michael Darid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leandre-Bolduc. 34 Me­ at. He was bom Odt. 12 at Manchester Mcmorisl Hoapl- His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jules Lacroix, VlHAT.00 SOO S1UCK OP ewlaton, Maine. His pa,temal grandparents are , Mr. and Mta. THIHK Of 1UATT INDIAN I trthur Bolduc. Hartford. I He has a brother. Bertrand. 1$ Imoptlu; and three sisters, Susan, 6. Diane, 5, and Patricia CUTS IAoto, 3. ■ i ■

Pamela Bemadettet,daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ronald T. j flarden, Gianfa Neck Rd J East L'>'me. She was bora Oct. 12 St Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother e mow smut. Tj».a» **>«■« ROAST or CHOPS U-Mf la Mra. |Catherine Bychblski, 92 Homestead St. Her paternal grandparenta. are Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Garde, Hartford. 81)t *Tm Intorootod In thfr Eloctbral Colloga, Dad! I undor- SMALL BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD hSa a stater,. klmberleeK., 23 months. JUDD SAXON otand thoy only hold elasoos onoo ovary four yoarol” FRESH PORK SHOULDERS LEAN -39® AFTPE CHfCMNO IN citoi' Ruth Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis DiMarcb: 65 Beelzebub Rd., .Wapping. She was bom Oct. 14 at ManchSster amBtormAMs. TJi.Rsfrtj.Rme Fruits & Vegeta Memorial Hospital. Her msternsl granfiparents are Mr. and DELICIOUSLY LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Mrs. L. G, Austin, Berlin. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. FLAVORFUL . 4 9 * Josephine DiMarco, East Hartford. She ha* a brother, Mark B., FRESH BOSTON BUTTS U M E , HRM, lOEBERB 7; aafija sister, Uaa Lyhn, 16 months. S e a yic e TENDER \*Ult ment 'Will include a locally-madc MEATY tf/tnre Andover j - ' ft 53® Ik hds. 1 ' horror movie, "Monster Island.” FRESH PORK SPARERIBS HI At I @ “.1 acbording to Community (31ub president. Guy Outlaw. -rtgg Youft Senior Scouts Set OWf4 Anyone willing to make con­ r Spook Hop Friday tributions of punch and cepkies ia ifiin o trieic-fe PINK arWHITE SEEDLESS asked to call Mrs. Anderson. West /O- 3L7 Pt. Extension, or. Mra. CSrlberg, A-"Spook Hop” will be held Rt. 6. from 8 tb 11 p.m. Friday in the B. C. BY JOHNNY HART for ■I RHAM High School cafeteria by WB ARB NC3W ORGANIZED. INTO TWO WHICH ENTITLES ME, WHICH IS KNOWN a s : Five from Area SAWYER BY ROY CRANE the Senier Girl Scout Troop 21 POLITICAL PARTIES, AND AS SPOKESMAN BY LAW, TO SEUEcr 'OVERTHROWING. THE <^ERNMENT* under the leadership of Miss Pa­ US THOUdlirMAyKKSUSEP FCR OOR PARTY, t H E R E ^ NOMINATE: mY FuNNiNS’ Of'PONENr BY FARCE,* Get Cancer Posts JROM o o m m pEacM.iuz poisyt m { tricia Welch and Mrs. Clifford FANCY, FRESH, STRINOLESS '5IEI«a SItW PASS S0MTMIK6 TO 6 TOKNOWYOU.Hl5rOfPIP]l« MYSELF/nAS CANDIDATE FOR LEADER. FROM THE OPPCCITION ■ " " T ------r - Benson. ANPA5KSPAlPrOF«)liBION5 Five. Mancheeter area residents I STRANGE MAU IN A WP 9CACH JACKET, , ' "ChuckY’ Skoog will be the disc AlOUTVDU. party 1 were elected to leadership posts YELLOW WAX er QREEN jockey. 'Tickets may be obtained in the Connecticut division o f the * at the door. American Cancer Society at a re­ The troop 1* headed by Nancy cent annual meeting o f the divi- McBride, president; Beverly sion. ■' ■ . - lb. 'iJ s. •Thompson, vice, president; AstHd Members, and their . posts are YUBAN COFFEE Skoog, secretary; and Elizabeth Charles W. Pond, Silver St.. North KUMDLE DEE SOLID PACK Prentice, treasurer. The girls will Coventry, chairman of the finance on an overnight hike to Camp committee; William H. Slaith, C urel, Lebanon. Noy. 4-6. During Sunnyvlew Dr., Vernon, campaign 7 OZ; $■ that tlnie they will- return to Co- advi.s’ory committee; ' Charles CANS •a.s.'iL'WW.' I Iiimbia on Nov. 5 to be instructed E. Ubert, Boltoii" Oante'r Rd., Bol­ In camping skills by Scoutmaater ton, campaign planning committee BY Dick c a v a l l i m o r tV m e e k l e Wilbur Fletcher. and volunteer delegate; Dr. Fred­ ALL POPULAR KRANDS erick Becker. 2 Village St., Man­ UNICEF Plan* WeLLTHeNjWHVAReNTVOU GTOMP/*5TOMPfGTCMP/ \ MAYBE I'M JUGTvA cheeter, medics] trustee; and Ad-t ► GTOMPINO'? we MU6T ALL BE NEVeRGTDPGTOMPINO-- J 6 IUy OU? APREAGER, Mra. Gerald Anderson \nd Mrs. ROX OF MICKKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD BUT T THINK WB dieon-Duaslnger, 14 Esther Ave., CObFvTANTLV STOMPING, NEVER LETUP/THAT*3 \ . Donnal Carlberg are chairmen Rockville, lay trustee. !c 24 NIGHT AND DAY, RAY AND THE ONLY WWweU. LICK ) WOULD (aVE-PEACEFUL ' * f the Community Club subcom­ OiO SHERIFF FINN 7 coexiGTENce The volunteers will serve for HE HOPES TO \N!N NIGHT, WITH AU- OUR THELITTLeBeGGARG, mittee for the United Nations one year. CANDY BARS ; ATRY-F1R6 T. AND K EEP THE JOS HIS OWN' . HEARTG AND ^OUL9 / Chlldren'a program Monday. ALL FLAVORS eOT SAD TO SAY * ''> Containers for U N IC E F col- HE'S HAD HIS DAY ^ ' Uctlona will be available at the J->\ HE'LL FIND THE JOB HAS FLOWN! school fo r all children interested 8 OZ. in 'ollecting pennies for food and CAMERAS 1. FILM—FLiCSn BULBS • PKC tS. V; medicine fo r children overseas. A OI8COUNT PRICES party, will be held at the elemen­ tary school froni‘7 to 8 p.m. Mon­ RICH, TASTY ail day for ^ o ee children who cdl- ARTHUR DRU8 - •laot-.fpr 'UNICEF. Refl-eshments i . will be served and the entertain­ 14 OZ. jH l BOTS. e 1N0 .r -tP, >A> vx. «v. ua. pm. on. 10-27 /A -,.,y .f- CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER f f s h A NOf THIN WHO W f « VOU TKYWa 1 EEEi JUPdINE FSOM VOUR AIARMiHE 1 NABISCO BUTTER THINS 8..0Z. Pkg. 2 5 c to AVOID AT Tir AIRA0R1L.AUD TO KCAPt u m f w AN o a m i another thin tasty MR. ABERNATHY hY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY FROM IN TH' CAB? AND W9Y. I DON'T RECALL^’NAME I HIAR& DID Y>U FMN lUNefifii/^uvAgtl TH’ AIRLINE CLBRKCALL VOUiSUT/^W«.IMUSlMa SUNSHINE FIG BARS 18 Os. Pkg. 39c ^^^UNPHeiTfJ THEM LEAH/E TH’ CLINIC IT VVASM'T JONBSl T 7 EDUCATOR -AFTER. I PROVE OFF? NAME FOR A nU50H I CAUnr REVEAL. TOO V" MUCH » AT ETAKEl CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 8i/i Oxi Pkg. 35c NOW, lE r« CHANGE •.t THE 5UWECTI CakM and pastricB with that- h'omc-fnadt flavor and oven-freoh goodnofis. Make an oecaiidn realij special, with our Bjiperior hfiked gboda. Order Your Halloween Goodies Now AMPLE PARKING A T FRONTj SIDE OR REAR OF BUILDING '■V • PUMPfCIN CNid SQUASH PIE — "i (A JEFF COBB BY PETE HOFFMAN • HALLOWEEN COOKIES. CUPCAKES THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SLTIUGGS OPEN WED. till 8 P.M. -- THURS. till 8:30 P.M. FRI. PM. ______BUT WHY > ^ I SUGGEST and DONUTS THE COPj'AI^ ON 10'lOU AUP WA5 SHE ^ YOU ASK FOLLOW • PUMPKIN CAKES KiUR 5U00IE5 ABOUT UITTIH6 THE', YOUR A fn o ra ta CARRYING HER/ UXMN Kio. they're dONa 'to SUGGESTIONi • WHIPPED CREAM PIES ^r*cn(f»cs\ FICKYOU UFH(HEH X)U ( ATJOmSOH EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY



> FRANK CLINE NCAA Action Pistons Stop Moyals, Aasiatut Sports E d ito r^ Hits Ja'yhawk Big Game Saturday at Memorial Field But pig O Unchecked If one were a rayid too, he might be inclined to say that the Football Team immovable objects will be meeting the irresistible forces, Sat- The'?’Camilo Pascual arid Pedro Ramos,^operate tha Lai Angeles tranchlee.^to Minneapolls-St. P ^ l "For ths^ "We decided on an immediate^prewed Joy over the decision.^ Detroit, Oct. 27 (;P)—-The Have succeeded New York. Oct. 27 {JPy We’rp absolutely elated," h« *. urday at Memorial Field when Conard and Manchester high A committee comprised of thrf but it' waA learned definitely $he bettermint o f the franchise. move because the parks are avail­ San Francisco, Oct. 27 (/P) in stopping the Cincinnati Royals, but Coach Dick McGuira Aniprican Baseball League is Hall of Famer Is the man. "We've been guaranteed a million able and we jrealized we've got to sajd.. “Out first consideration wraa football teams crash head-on in their all important Central going into l/os, Angeles next present eight general managers sat -^An automobile purchased is convinced no ohe is going to halt Oscar (Big 0 ) Robertson. down immediately after the his­ "No comment,” said Hank when attendance for the first five years," get’ a move on." to get a major league club in tha . Connecticut Interscholastic League battle. Well, let’s not ‘ The slick rookie scored 25 year, with as toric American Ijsagiie meeting, to asked polht blank Whether he will he pointed out. we have re­ He scoffed at a suggestion thift Twin Cities. We'll help Calvin in > jump off the deep end too far. The above reference is prob­ by boosters for 'Wilt (The points, set up a dozen other bas­ the owner, and Calvin Grif­ •set up a formula to provide players take over the franchise. "Re­ ceived five radioAelevision offers, the American Leagiie's quick ac­ every way we can Whether w'e ara ably just a little bit too drastic but^ •Stilt) Ghamb'erlain three kets, outbounded much taller men fith is moving l.is Wasbing- for the two new cities. member, I'vq- got stock in the each much better than the one we tion was prompted by the National financially Interested or not." tills game will most certainly be years ago plagued the Uni­ Andrade Irks and made spectacular plays all tnn Senater.i into, MinnSapoli«-.St. One plan, still to be accepted, White Sox, I can't do any talk­ have in Washington. We also will League's getting tJie Jump with It w’ss expected that the WTilt- - the most important one of the apa- versity of Kansas today as the over the floor last night. Yet th* .a ’rniil. would freeze 15 players on each ing while I'm still connected with dtave the edpeession 'rights, of its move to the 'W’est Coast in 1958 ney group will make an effort to f son thus fSr for both clubs,. NCAA, slapppd penalties against Royals bowed to the Pistons, 131- club. The rest would be made-avail­ that organisation.” which we.wilLpay a small percent­ and to 'Texas last week. ‘purchase the 40 per cent stock held ■ With the CCIL season at its mid­ Champ Brown 117, in the only game ta the Na­ Thf Amiwlcan League expanded age to the park commission. They its basketbSU'-and footbaU teams. able for ptirchase at, a figure esti­ Greenberg denied an> earlier re­ The decision to accept Los An­ by Murphy’s minority groiip. point, Conard finds Itself dead- In a two-pronged action, the Jay- tional Basketball Assn. (c 10 rluba for 1B61 yeaterday. with will retain-Me parking rights.” ■ looked with crosstown West Hart- a new franchise to be set 'up in mated at $75,000 a player. No more port that he would purchase the geles and the Twin Cities left Dal- No adverse action was expected hawkers were hft in the Chamber- McGuire had first Don Ohl,, than three players could.be pur­ Washington franchise,' but he Griffith eaW the Senators were llas-Fort Worth, Toronto and Buf­ bv the Continental group; despit# ' ford rival Hall for the ilea!gue By Arrogance then Chuck Noble guarding the Washington. The owner-ship of the paid $iSp,000 for the rivlio-TV lain car case of May 1957, and for chased from one club. made no such' denial concerning falo. other cities hopeful of land­ the fact that the lead. -These two keen “foes have illegally recruiting football play­ prize newcomer from the Univer­ club in the nation's Capitol will be rights in Washington last season. identical 3-0-1 loop records. announced later. The league player limit would Los Angeles. ing franchises, out in the cold, at did not live up to''th# original ers from-rt Southwest Conference Lo# Angeles, Oct. 27 (J5—Light­ sity of Cincinnati. When Robert­ The Tiyln.Chties offers are all in the least for the time being. agreement to- accept' two cities ^ But. what ta even more impres­ Tlie surprise expansion move be cut to ^ 3 from the pre.sent 25 "Nobody knows who will be the nelghb6rho6d of a half million dol­ schools more recently. weight Champion Joe Brown prom­ son got. close to the bsnket, the new Washington owners." he frorn that group. * sive about this latest Conard eleven Under, terms of a two-year pror ised today to knock CisCo Andrade Pistons used what McGuire called boat the National L,eague .to the from May 15,to Aug. 31. lars,'lie said the club most llktiy " T h is is only the first step.” of affable Coach Bob McKee, is the I punch by one year. The older cir­ The AL has scheduled another said. "W e worft know for a few Cronin declared. "W e are consider­ "They ahovld be happy to gel bation, the basketball team can­ into retirement when they meet "harassment tactics’’ against him. days." will /hot use the na.me "Senators" ’ fact that the Chieftains have not cuit only 10 days ago expanded to meeting here Nov. 17 when it may and sgtfl he probably w’oiild ask for ing other cities for future expan­ three," said co-owmer Del Webb of not participate in the National for the title tomorrow night in the “We just tried- to bother him," , CqntfolUng Interest ' SB yet been scored upon this fall. Collegiate championships or any of 10 teams for the 1062 season by ma.ke knoivn its player provision a /an poll to determine the team's sion to 12 teams, possibly in 1962 the New' York, Yankeea, who ia Undefeated teams are getting to Olympic Auditorium. — said McGuire, "and tried to force granting franchises to Hotiston plan. . The Griffith family owns 60 per new nickname. or 1963." headW the AL Expansion Com­ the invitational tournaments, co­ Brown, usually mild-mannered him to the middle of the floor. But . be a rarity these days on all operating'with, the NCAA. and New York. The American will The vote to grant a franchise cent of the Senatora. Gabriel / The M e t r o p o l lt v s n Stadium, J. W. Bateson of Dallas ^ and mittee. Webb w s/ referring to tha ' levels of football but unscored on. except in ring action, described the there’s no way you can stop him. The football team, this year one California veteran as "Arrogant.” operate under a 162-game schedule to Los Angeles was unanimous, Mufphy represents a minority where the Washington team will Anion Carter and Allen Russell of NI> acquisition of Houston and - clubs are almost unheard of. AT THE BKEAK OF DAY-^With the hunting season bartlv 30 minutes old, Ralph Zah- He’.* such a fine player that I in 1961 and the N^tonal will do hut Griffith just managed tp re­ group holding the^ other 40 -per play, actually ' ia in Bloomington. Fort Worth, who had hoped' to get. New York and the AL's acceptahea . Nevertheless, McKee will bring of the best in the school’s history, He compared him to Art Aragon, don’t think anyone wiil hold him goes under probation for one year. likewise, abandoning thfe^present ceive the necessary six votes. The cent. He .has been fighting' the Minn. It currently seats 22,000, but a franchise, accepted the decision of Minneapolls-3t. Paul. Los » his Chleftlans into Memorial Field ner takes aim in the early, dawii o ff Lower Butcher Rd., in Ellington. Photographer was the now retired local idol who doted down... He's a remarkable all- Ifit-game schedulAcjji 1962.-^-^ tw'o clubs .which voted against the transfer in the courts for^ some it will be expahded/to seat 40,000 calmly. Angeles was not a member-of the It shall not be eligible during that on hand to capture this impressive reflection picture. oil a pose of arrogance^a'hd made around player." Saturday with an almost unblem­ period, effective immediately, to The American League ohliV Washington rhift to. Minneapolis- time, recently .losing his second Two Parks Available "We haven't given up,” said Continental League. ished record and an undented goal it pay off in big boxoffice figures. Robert.son’s performance, and a particlate in any post season con­ SIX month in which to stock "the -gt. Paul were Cleveland and De- suit. It w'as not immediately The new Los Angeles entry prob Bateson. "We'll keep pitching for Cronin said the Kansas City , line. Only ’a scoreless tie With "He’s a second Aragon, .swag­ 33-point burst by Jaql^ Twyman'’ I'/Os Angeles and Waishlngton twit, known whether he planned an­ ably will play its 1961 home games j a major league franchise until, w-e situation had no bearing on the . Windham keeps Conard from com­ tests including bowl games or be gering around,” said the cham­ was more than matched by tlie teams, ‘which will start from' Gre^herg first must dispose of other suit. I in either the Los Angeles Coliseum 'g et one." expansion decision. The club, h# ing to town aa an “ un-un-un" team in television programs subject to pion, apparently in a testy mood as Pistons. Scratch Minneapblls-.St. Paul will hla^ 20 ^rcent stock in the Chi­ "He's sued me seven tihaes and or Wrigley Field, home-of the old j Wheelock \Vhitney, the Mtnnea- said.'is in the process of being sold, meaning undefeated, untied and un­ NCAA jurisdiction. his title defense approaches. - Double Figures inherit a seasoned club' that- in­ cago WTilte Sox, of which he, is we've, w’on 'them all," said Grif­ Los Angeles club of the Pacific ■ poliji investment man who heade^iNo matter who becomes the new scored upon. In their other games BONNEY ANDERSON List Grow# A t,'34, Brown himself has no K a n I 'a a ' joined seven other Gene Shue led a parade of six cludes such ' sluggers as Harmon vice-president, before he cap ac­ fith. "That should eliniinate any Coast I.,eague. Both are available.' the Minneapolis-St. Paul group iowTier. the franchise definitely will , Uils fall the Chieftians edged Ma­ thougbt of retiring, o r ' getting 11 so-called lettermen but only schools currently on probation— players Into double figures. He Klllebrew. Bob Allison and Jim quire the lyis Angeles franchise. further law suits" ■ ,* said American League President i that held the franchise in the de­ be kept in Kansas City during tha loney 8-0 In their opener and swatted to the sidelines by ttie Cis­ one, Co-Captain George Bassos, a Oklahoma, also of the Big Eight .scored 30 and Bailey Hpwell con­ Lemon, and such pitching stars as No one would say Greenberg will Griffith said he decided to move Joe Cronin'. funct Continental LeagUe, ex- 1961 season. whipped Bristol Eaatem and Platt co Kid In their 15-round'non-4:;le- tributed 23. Rookie Jackie More­ ' I of Meriden. by Identical 12-0 guard playing tackle this fall, was Conference, Arizona State Univer-, vised match. a starter last year. Our other co- slty. Southern California,. Mon­ land collected 17, and nine.of them ... scores. In Virtual Seclusion capta'ln, Tom Hickey, ha'd consider.-^ tana State, Auburn, ’Tulsa and In­ came in -the opening minutes when The host Indians, meanwhile, able experience last season but The Houston, Tex., knockout the former Louisiana Tech star have sputtered along winning two diana. By PRANK CLINE 'f'tltle which they have won out-^^running attack dnd really move Key to Season. the rest have been learning the The action against Kansas foot­ apectalist, a native of Baton Rouge, dumped in nine straight points of five decisions While splitting right for the last five years that ball along the, erounsJ. They La., said he plans on boxing two hard way, out pn the playing field.” ball followed complaints heard in “ Beat them and we’ll beat There are several reasons to In­ haven’t thrown too much because before any' of his teammate's con­ even in a quartet of CCIL encoun­ The Chieftians coach then went the Southwest. Although the or three more years. He see.s no im­ nected. . you next Week.’’ dicate that this is. one of the bet­ they’ve been able to keep going mediate threat from any other Foi' Minnesota ters. on, “Maybe I was spoiled the last NCAA did not name the three grid- overland but we’re certain that Moreland helped Detroit Into a F op those who like to employ Yhis was a quote attributed ter Wildcat elevens rBoston has boxer on the scene now. Halloween Prankster couple of years having such a fine ders invoVed, halfback Bert Coan coached. Included In their 2-2 rec­ Kopp (quarterback Tom) can 15-3 lead that the PWtons never comparative scores as a method of breakaway nyiner as Billy Jula failed to report at Texas Christian to Chief Boston, New Hamp­ Andrade, at 30 no kid himself, is relinquished. The Royals never get deciding on the relative strength ord I's a convincing 31-14 triumph throw if he has too." a 2-1 underdog in his belated bid i DlAplayfng one of the new 'mouth pieces provided every Standout Back vits (now at /imherst). But that University Iswt year, and enrolled shire head football coach, be­ over Delaware and a heart-stop­ clo.ser than three points and lost of teams, Conard and the Indians has been pur trouble this fall. We "Defensively,” Boston continued, for the 135-p.ound division crown. their first game after four vic­ player on the Manchester Hijfh football squad by the instead at Kansas. Guard Mickey fore the yConn and Boston U. ping 7-6 loss to 41 Dartmouth team ” they'’ve been a fine team too. haye played two common foes, haven’t been able to come up with Walker and end Jim Street both game last Saturday at Storrs and Both boxers were jn virtual se­ tories. Manchester Dental Assn., is Denny Seibert, stellar defen­ New York, Oct. 26 (A>)—Minne­ Windham and Bristol Eastern. The still considered a strong tjtle threat Connecticut has been tough to clusion today. Neither seemed con­ New York. Oct. 27 (IP) — Seattla and .Ban Diego. We someone to go all the way in one quit Texas A&M to go to Kansas. one which he did not deny making in the Ivy League. ‘•‘They’re a much Improved sive end. on the Indian eleven. Many of the Indians have "The more the merrier,” aald had hoped to get our own sota football coach Murray War- Indians bowed to the Whippets rush as Billy used to do. Now we score against this year but we cerned about making the weight. team.” McGuire said of the Roy­ Rodger McFarland left A4M for yesterday in a telephone Interview think'we can do It.” painted elaborate designs on their new mouth pieces and a new'spaper hawker in Los problems in pioneering the math ia not greedy. His demands from Willlmantic, 15-12, and last grind It out a few yards at a time Kansas while still a freshman. between himself in his office in "x Starters Lose Jobs Weigh-in time is 11 a.m., PST. to; als "You can’t concentrate too^ nope it will prove to be pre-Halloween "Hobble-goblins" Angeles. territory and building the sta­ were simple before the start of the , COUNTRY CLUB \iOMEN Friday night routed ‘the Bell town and, although we’ve moved the NCAA rules stipulate transfers Durham and Connecticut sports But, what Is even, more impries- Another scribe asked Boston If morrow. much on Itobcrtson or the other he had heard of the list of injured when the schoplboys take on undefeated Conard at Me­ "We got a half down iaa- dium-behind us before the rel­ season. ■ I' Standings Holiday Lane House Manager Lancers, 34-0. ball well, many time# we’ve been cannot be made without notifica­ writer# gathered at the weekly slve, as Ingalls pointed out later Andrade was,,the. No, 1 ranke

:V- * ‘V- •

\ ' I \-

BIANCHfiSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 PAGH VPA6B SD!7rEBN HUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER. CONli, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 Ml ; ...... ______.....__ J.!..!...______*>—__ L______!______- ^ ArtlclM Pop Sal* 4$ Houses for Sale 72 Boiisas for Sale 72 Ronsea tor Sale .72 «r.' Help Wanted—Male 86 Pog»—Birds—Pete 41 HomeliQld Goo4t SI Apartments—Flfttft— Presideiit Lemtis Garage-^mce~8t0fag» 10 ^E R E OUGHTA BE A LAW BY F^GALY and SHORTEN Tenements 63 iUfiNOETU^itMt; Belt—takes off ROQi MAPLE sofa bed set, very JL PRINCETON ST;—7 fottim colonial MAKCHEatBR-Nice clean 2-fam- BOLTGN — 4-room ranch with STORAQE SPACE for fumltura DRUG STORE clerk, full-time, ex­ SMOOTH COAT miniature Dachs­ pounds apd inches, $25. Evenings. good condition, reasonable hH with 4 bedrooma baths, large , ily. 5-6, laundry nxmi; flrspUcj^ hraeseway, garage and omeUte- perienced preferred. Muet be neat, hund pups—AKC reglaterei, wiUl FOUR AND three Toom apart­ merchan Um now avaOable at j!n 9-8458. 3-7720. ments. J. D. Realty 470 Mein St., Uving room with fiteplaca, hot 2-car. garage, conveniently locoD drive, loige beautifully landscaped 53 Pearl 3t. Ml B-S700. So HQNOOH Ml ORirr MUR lUMPTUOlB preaantaUe end dependable. Also, One pedigree. Call MI 8-7837. ^ ...... "'J' ■ water heat, tme-cor■car garage.go; B; ed, priced to sell. Gerard Agency, comer lot. LoOiitcd Notch Rood CLASSIFIED fiPREADI pjurt-time help, Driver’e license. Ml 3-5129. , ; appointment only, $23,906, Phlf- MI $-0385, Ml 8-0826. Extension, Immediate occupancy. SixRuhElSafti^^ WKAON LADY’S gOll bag;, never S l-il . MU MIGttT AS WELL SIRV/E Pi AM WMIR AND References. Box A',. Herald. AKC REGIST^ED Dachshund' Antiques' brick Agency, Mi 9-8484. Assumable VA mortgage, ) ' tREADf : used, 815. MI 9-4887. FIRST OFFERHIG! coll MI 3-5406 any time. $12,4M. Motorcydes—Bicycles 11 GENERAL FACTORY pups. Call MI 9-0958. •ANTIQUE pine lift-top cotemoide THREE BE0R60M flat, second 812,600—BEAUTIFUL 8 bedroom ADVERTISING with fruit Wood handle Tel. MI floor. Porter St., $110. MI 9-S229. ranch baseboard heaL fireplace, Porter St.—Hollywood Section MAN(3HCSTBR—Special. Six room After Bloodleet Coup AKC REGISTERED Boxer pupi 3-0456.' I960 MATCHLESS Pinto 2-CycIe en­ WORKER large kitchen, cellar. Carlton' W.‘ home, garage, near schools, bus for.sale, four monthk old. MI DtamonOs—WatctoeiH* Hutchins. Ml 9-51?2, ______BeautUui 8 room colonial with at­ and churches, full price $11,500. gine, saddle bags. MI S-0174. 3-6286. « Jewelry 48 THREE ROOk^ third floor tene­ (CMtta|B«d traob ftoga Om > l a s s if ie d advertising d e p t h o u r s For second shift. Apply ment, BAssell St., $48. MI 9-6229. tached garage. Large living room Short way Out*—several homes C , Musical. Inatnimenta 53 Gl a s t o n b u r y —5 room ranch, with fireplace, formal dining room, 8:15 A.M. to 4 :30 P.M. from $4,500 up. (Jail the Ellsworth Rockville’V ernon wealthy, plontaUaa-Owning fom* Business Services Offered IS SPENCER RUBBER CO, for 'LEONARD W, Y08T.I Jeweler—re- ROCKVILLE—12 Ellington Ave. — attached garage, large ysrd. both with wall to wall carpeting. Mitten Agency, Realtors, Ml BOXER s h e p h e r d puppies pairs, adjusts watches expertly. SMALL UPRIGHT piano taken In Kitchen has ample cabinets, stove, Hies. The arrny tnUhtlonally eon* sale $1. MI 3-2628. trade on the famouir Thomas Large newly redecorated 2 room Ideal for children. Curran Real­ 3-6930, or MI 9-5524. COPY CLOSING. TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. TAMKIR TREE removal - land CHAPEL ST., . MANCHESTER Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday funiished apartment. Adults only. ty, JA 8-6586. dishwasher. Large knotty pine den. trols politics." cleared, firewood cut, Instired. thru Saturday, Thursday eve- orgtfn. Ward Music Co., 99 Sum-^ Lavatory. Front hallway to kitchen. CXJLCHBSTER bpilder bankrupt. Saxony M ill The coup came after two montlM - MONDAY Thm FRIDAY 10:80 A M.—SATURDAY 9 A.M. m a c h in ist TO train as foreman. nter. Open evenings. Tel. TR 6-5689 after 3. Call Paul A, EUlson, Ml 8-8743. Poultry and SuppBes 43 : Kings. 129 Sprues St. MI 9-4387. 5>li ACRXS, large brook, S'a room Open stairway to second floor with Save $8,000. New two-family house of student-led demonstraUoas. Apply Connecticut State Employ­ ROCKVILLE — 14' LaufeL Well house 2-car gSrage 810,900. Cerl- full carpeting. Four large bed­ 4!i-4'i -room flats, separate hot LemuS sold the demenstrmtioas PLEASE READ YOUR AD COMPLETE REPAIRS By StU- ment Service, 806 Main St., Man­ heated 3 room furnished apart­ torf W. Hutchins Ml 9-51sl rooms. Full tile bath. Combination water heating systems, oil burn­ B o u g h t b y chester. A public employment HAWAIIAN STEEL guitar and Gib- wen the work of Communlstf ClBMlfled or “Want Ads’* are taken over the phone as a con­ tirt R. Wolcott on • automatic HENS FOR SALE. MI 9-248S.. 248 ' - r^el and Peed 49-A son amp, $50. MI 9-9092. ment. Tel, TR 5-9594. windows and doors. .Hot water oil ers, large rear porches, formica and ntellated with a poUco crack­ venience. The advertiser should rend his ad. the FIRST DAY IT ■ washers, dryers and electric service—no fee charged. . Open BOL’TON—0 room ranch,j_7. years heat. Full insulation, plastered kitchen' cabinets, tile bathrooms, ranges. MI 9-6678. ., Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. Wetherell St. FOR RENT-7-2-room apartment, old, one-car garage, over' one acre down in which about 300 persona APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Inser­ WINDHAM WOOD YARD —Wood walls. Air city conveniences. Ex­ hardwood floors. Lot 100x260. P la s tifo a m w en Jailed. The government pro­ tion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incorrect or'bmltted Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 heat hot water, parking. No pets. of land, large 4Vj% mortgage can cellent landscaped, enclosed rear Schools, shopping center. High CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. PART-TIME SERVICE station and slabs for fireplace or furnace. Tel. MI 3-2068. be assumed, $16,500. Phllbrick claimed a ttaie of siege—a modi­ insertion for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a Reasonable-rates. Call PI 3-78S8 attendant, mechanically adapted, Articles Fur Sale ^5 Also stove kindling. Phone HA yard. CSOse to bus and shopping. elevation; Built for $23,990. Sacri The 2-,vear-old PlaslifoAm Corp. fied form of martial law—on Sept. -’’make good’* Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of 8-0408, days 9-4, evenings 7-9. BEAUTIFUL BLUE satin formal, Agency, MI 9-8484. . Excellent condition throughout;. Im ­ fire $15,990, Open for inspection betv^een 1:30-4:30 or any time experienced preferred, afternoona, HOME MADE ravioli fresh or cocktail length, excellent cbn'dl MODERN 3 room first floor has purc'hised the eld Saxony Mill 5. The Salvador University faculty the advertisement will not be corrected by "make good" Insertion. Saturday or Sunday. , 1-5 p.m. MI 4-8915. FOUR iioR O O M ^Colonial, 7 mediate occupancy. ' Reasonably Sunday 2-5 p.m. Norwich Road, on Rockville's 'West St. for an ap­ frozen, 30c doz. 248 Avery Street, SEASONED CORD WOOD—Fo7 tion, size 9-12 $15. MI 4*0204. apartment. Electric range, refrig­ priced for' this beautiful home. Route 2. Three miles from Col­ accused the police of brutality and Wapping. MI 4-0604^____ fireplaces, fumacss, stoves. Top erator, smd heat included. Call jUl rooms, 3 down, 4 up, a fine home, chester center. See signs. - proximate $70,(i00. for a time went on strike. TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ WANTE D TWO PERSIAN lamb fur coats; 3-8524. centrally located, only $18,900. YOUR COOPERATION WILL fN J /a l AAI Q 9 7 1 1 chines—Repairs. sales, service and -quality. Edward Yeomans, PI- CHARLES LESPERANGE ’Rje purchase of uft mill prop­ Thousands gathered outside oa >■ V BE APPRECIATED I p JOI IVll J-A # I I TOOL . AND equipment rentals. 2-8002. medium size, one gray, one black. Carlton W. Hutchins. ^ 9-6182. MANCHESTER — 6 room ranch erty Was made ftnal/Tuesday, ac­ rentals. MI 9-3^77. Men Sales and service. AP Equipment, Excellent condition. MI 3-6995. 'Th r e e r o o m heated apartment. the new cabinet was sworn in last ■ ■ , MI 9-7620 seven years old. Three bedrooms, cording to Walter / Emfnelmann, night at the presidential palace. 945 Center St., Ml 9-2052. Open Includes stove and refrigerator. OWNER OFFERS la ^ e six room ,1 • I ...... dining room, living room with fire­ NOW, BEFORE the rush stsrU, Is Over 65 ’ DRY' OAK WOOD cut fireplace Available Nov. l. Centrally locat­ Colonial: Lakewood O rclo ' area. vice president. Th^ company has The junta of three arnsy offleers Automobiles for Sale 4 the time to have that gun put ln> evenings, ariJ stove lengths, $10 per load de­ place. modem kitchen, entrance leased the property and buildings Lost and Found LADY’S WINTER coat, like neW, ed. $88 monthly. MI 3-7925. Immediate occupancy. Eight hall. Bowers School, $17,900. Phll­ and-'three civilians who led the up­ shape for the coming season. SNOW PLOWERS. Ariens,. Reo, livered. PI 2-7886. size 16>4i MI 3-8422. .years old. Many extras. Call Ml SPECIALS for two years. / rising pledged to abide by the con­ NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Bring It and your mower, shears, Retired! brick Agency. MI 9-8464. The purchase dtes not mean the Toro powerhandle' and Bolens 18 VERNON—Modem 4 room, apart­ 3-2487 or Ml 9-8590. 1*05 Demlflg 8t.—Comer of Concord stitution, gtiarantee the rights of Pass Book No. E 612 issued by coupe, full power, fully eqtilppe knives, locks, keys, etc. to Bralth- to '32 inches. Pa,rts and service. GRAY CLOTH coat, size 42, black ment with heat. $90 a month! company will ’ expand facilities. beautiful, -46,000 miles...tSOO. MI Part-Time! Gardeil—Farm—Dairy Rd. duplex 6-8, excellent leca< BOWERS SCHOOL -- 514 room citizens and hold free elections in The Savings Bank of Manchester walte, 82 Pearl Sk Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main Persian collar. Ml 9-3716. Will Route 83, cibse ’ to new ' High MANCHESTBR—8 room Colonial, Emmelmann eald.- but there la a 1962. when Lemus' term waa due to has been lost and application has 9-0616. Products SO School, on bU| line. TR 5-3496 or large kitchen, dining room, sun - tion. Reduced to.$lS,90<). ranch, five years, old. Large mod­ chance th a t expinslon will be con­ FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt servi^ Full-Time! St. MI 1-7958. , .sacrifice. em kitchen,. 3 bedrooms, living expire. been made to said bank for pay­ TR 6-7095. - parlor off large living room, bath 381. East Middle Tpke.—8 room Co sidered sometime eoo'n. ment of the amount of deposit. JEEP 3653, A-1 shape, snow plow, Ice on all types of electrical wir­ LOAM—SAND—Stone — Gravel — g r e e n m o u n t a in potatoes and BROWN WINTER »coat, woman’s and 4 bedrooms on second floor, room 21x14 with fireplace, $18,900. Col. Alberto Escamilla, farmer radio, heater, metal roof, chains, ing Licensed and insured. Wilson Hcatlns and Plumbing 17 Courses and Classes 27 Help Wanted—Female Work When You lohlal, fireplace, patio, complete? Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9*8464. Plastifoam manufactures of plastic Fill and Ameslte. For prompt de­ turnips.. Pasqualini Farm, 246 size 9. Tan camel hair coat,-size BRAND NEW 5 room duplex, qUlet one-car garage, nicely landscaped ly redecorated Interior and exter­ insulation bought the mill property national director of police who q u it' all' ready to go, J1195. Tony’s At­ Electrical Co.. Manchester, MI PLUMBING- AND heating - re­ Want To livery call MI 3-8603. Walter P. Avery St., Wapping. MI 4-0604. 9. excellent condition. tlO each. residential neighborhood, immedl' lot. Priced at ,$18,900. Phllbrick the Lemus government several lantic, 488 Center St., Manchester. 9-4817. Glastonbury, ME 3-7876. CONVERSATIONAL French for CLERK-TYPIST—Inteiesting per­ ior, $17,900. ~ROLTON . " from the 54JT Corp. of Hertford. Announcements modeling installations, repairs. children by qualified teacher. Call manent position for varied gener­ Miller. Trucking.' Wedding gown, size 8, imported ate • occupancy, adults , preferred. .Agency, Ml 9-8484. months sgo, was named to the key g r e e n MOUN’TAIN potetoee, Chantilly lace with floating panel Call between 2-7 p.m. MI 9-0049. (Comrrtercial - Industrial) A trustees dMd listing the sale tvas 1949 PLYMOUTH 4:door sedan In COSMA APPLIANCE Sendee—Re­ All work narantoed 25 years ex­ evenings, MI 3-0424. al office work: Mature woman pre'- Be Your Own 5. Room Cape—Nice location, nipe filed with the 'Vemon Town CHerk Job of minister of Interior. There SEE IT SOON ftt Marlow's, *67 perience* ^4-hour service. Call GRADE A LOAM delivered In Man- mealy and nice for baking. De­ in back, originally $200, selling for 56 ELWOOD ROAD-Colonial, large lot and garage. Reduced to A large 8 room cape, single or .two- were no holdovers from the old -Main St. The new 1961 I^ewyt Star­ good , condition. CaJl MI 9-2476 pairs all makes refrigerators, ferred. Liberal benefits. 6 day 40 livered. Call Hathaway, MI 9-6438. TWO ROOM apartment complete­ Uving room, fireplace, formal din­ yesterday. after ^ p.m, Earl VanCamp, MI S-4749. hour week. BU 9-2717„~ Noble ft BOSS Chester. $10 S-yard load. Call AC $50. MI 9-4887. $10,900. =— family, And a- 4-room home with regime. dust Cannister vacuum , dcaner. freezers, washing machines, dry­ 8-9323 after 6. ly furnished, heat, hot watep. Ap­ ing room cabinet kitchen with 2-car garage oh 9 acres on Route Before Flastifoam leesed space Only 139.95, on ca.sy terrfis. ers. ranges, oil and gas burners.. Private Instructions 28 Westbrook Manufacturing Co., 20 ply Marlow’s. 867 Main St. dishwasher. 8 bedrooms, lli bkths, in the mlH, the property was oc­ Dr. Rene Fortin Msgsna, one of You Have To Drive It Westbrook St:, East Hartford. This Job Is 407 Hilliard St.—Gambplati built 3 6 next to gas stations and other the civilian jmembers of the Junta, M l'9-0883. All work guaranteed. PRrVATEanmTTessons for be- WALLPAPER SALE—Many pat- Fertilizers 50-A Wanted—^To Buy 68 landscaped lot 80x200. Marion E. bedroom ranch with-* attached business. 850 foot highway front­ cupied by a woodworking firm. Radlo^TV Repair tem s to choose . from, plastio CLEAN 5 rdom flat, first oil told the cro'wd: To Believe It UPHOLSTERING—Sam’s Uphol­ ginnera by experienced teacher. GIRL FOR clerical work full-tlm*. . FUN Robertson. Broker. MI 3-5953, garage, fireplace. Reduced to age. Reduced to $27,500, Emmelmann said plastic foam Personals 3 Services . 18 coated and trimmed, a choice se­ COW MANURE. Delivered, $5 and WE BUT, SELL or trade antique heat and garage. Close to. Main $17,900. inaulatlqh Is a relatively new prod­ "Because we believe that you die- stering will reupholster sofa and Matthew Keevers, '20 Portland St. Apply Norton Electrical Instru­ $10 loads. Excellent for shrubs, and used furniture, china, rloss, St. MI 3-0993. $12.600—SI> room cape, full base­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO 1%1 MI 0-0608. ment Co., 71 Hilliard St. . It’s Your lection, C. J.' Morrison Paint uct. First patents were taken out serve more than s crumb of bread VACUUM c l e a n e r s repaired in two chairs for $67 plus fabric. Store. M I'9-9713. etc. Wood sawing. MI 3-7804, MI sliver, ptelure framsa and old ment, combination 'windows and 118 Keeney St.—8 room older Co­ MI 3-2766 \ in (Serihany, he said, and licensing and justice is precisely why w# ore my own home shop. Forty years LARK Work gpiaranteed. 30 years’ ex­ MORTENSEN *rv Specialized RCA OPPORTUNITY t-sm . coins, old doUa and guns, hobby TWO. ROOM furnished apartment, doora, amesile drive', shade trees, here.” RIDING INS’TRUCTIONS, western CHRISTMAS IS coming and Avon private bath, utilities, business lonial, excellent condition, bams Paul P. Piano MI 3-0468 arrangements for production in the factory experience. Ali makes, perience. Budget if' you wish. television, service. MI 9-4641. style,-Lazy *'N’’ ranch. 737 Lyd^l is calling in your neighborhood HOME.OWNERS—clean up leaves, collections, attic contents or whole 30 da vs Of' ancy. Marion E. and garage, near schools and bus Some of the crowd shouted that low rates, free estimates, free 4-Door .Sedan To Kee^ Busy! estates. Furniture Repair Service, block. Depot Square. Free park­ Robertson. Broker. Ml 3-5958. Ed Crawford Ml 9-4410 UnlleA States were, msde about CH 2-2378. St. Phone MI 3-8906. - through TV. Becoine„the repre­ trash paper the modem way. Sea line, approximately one acre of fouryyears ago. the provisional regime would hove . pickup and delivery. . Mr. Miller, All Chrome Kit, Healer RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any moke -r- Make Money! the Giiant Vac at AP Equipment, Household Goods 51 Talcottvllte. Coen.. Tel. MI $-7449. ing. Adults. Call Mr. Keith, MI II.—, I ...., ...... — ‘ — land, $17,900, cars, amplifiers, i>honograpHs and sentative who turns her spare 9-8191. BOLTON—First Lake. 5 room $13,900—I.ARGE 5 room ranch, According to ratings, Emmel­ suport onlj) If It complied with JA 3-8109 M i M RUBBISH Reihoval Sendee' time into money making hours. 945 Center St. Open evenings. their demands. Defro.ster, Undercoating — residential., industrial, commer­ chuigers. Over 47 years total ex­ See New Friends waterfront cottage, partial cellar, ITirce apartment house with ga­ ‘ fireplace, aluminum storms, at­ mann said, the Plastifoam Corp. is ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, Foam Rubber. cial. Cellars, attics; yards cleaned. perience. 90 days .^arantee on all Bonds—Storks Mortgages 31 Oiir Christmas Gift Sets f6r every USED F u r n it u r e , m i 8-7449; Rooms Without Board 59 LARGE TWO room furnished heat- easily winterized, artesian well, tached garage. $2,900^ assuniea ranked second in production of the Fortin promised a government member of the family, from Dad . Every, day! rages, priced for-quick sale, ex­ 4'4% mortgage, $95.35 monthly. in which every sector of society bonded representative, Allred Ready To Roll Metal and cardboard drums for work. Potterton’s. MI 9-4537. MOR’FGAQES-We are in a posi­ LOAM AND FILL. MI 3-6712 «r MI .ed apartment, kitchen set, refrig­ property In excellent condition. cellent location, $15,900. material to the DOw Chemical Co. Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel. Ml sale. MI'9-9757. n to the baby, are better than ever! 4-1775. ■ PLEASANT HEATED room, sepa­ erator, bedroom set. LOw rent. Shown by appointment. Marlon E. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-6132. astifoam's sales area covers New would be represented. 8- 0480. Call after 6 p.m. IMPERIAL lEtECTRONICS—Mo­ tion to finance second mortgages Enrhings up to $10 an hour. Call See Chet Brunner RUGS, Ne v e r u s e d , ' 9x12.- $so; rate entrance, kitchen privileges, Adults. Apply Apartment 4. 10 De­ The rebel leader charged Lemus In any amounts. Terms to suit Robertson, Broker, MI 8-5953. 'Two apartments, total 11 rooms, MANCHESTER —''37 acres of fingland, parts of New York, New STEPS. SIDEWALKS, stone walls, torola B a le s' and service. Person­ CH 7-4137. FORMER SALESMAN has stain- 9x15, $35; also larger and smaller one block from Main St.» Gentle­ pot Square'. plus 22, acres of excellent build­ jersey and Pennsylvania. took advantage of the world crisis DRIVER WANTED—West Mid­ Full Price your nseds. J. D. Realty, 470 or Jim Gorman sizes.) BU 9-6955. men, parking. MI 3-4724. MANCHESTER - Colonial. 6 spa- meadow land and woods, a large fir'eplaces, flagstone terrace's. alized ' service all makes radio Main St.. Ml 8-6129. less steel cookware in original car­ ing land, good financing, $33,000. Eighteen workers are employed ahd used communism as a politick dle Turnpike area to Hartford Lawns landscaped. Work done.at WANTED—Dental assistant, exper­ tons, reg. $149.50. Sacrifice $39.50. MODERN 4 room apartment on cious rooms, large living room' barn and a fine. 10 room home in weapon to crush all opposition. Delivered Talcottville and TV. 521 East Middle ’Turn­ ience desired but not necessary. TORO POWER handle at new low­ at the mill a t present. train depot area 9-5. . Call MI- reasonable prices. MI 3-0796. pike. MI 3-7638 or PI 2-8148. NEE3D FUNDS? For improve­ At BRUNNER’S BU 9-6955. second floor, rieW stove and re­ with fireplace, family. size tile Pour room ranch, .Second Bolton excellent condition. Asking thi "Hla. lies harmed the cauao of 9- 1901 after 6. Write Box C. Herald. er price, now $84.95. 21’'’ power HEATED ROOM for gentleman, frigerator furnished heat inejud- kitchen ' porch, one-caf garage, Lake. Priced—fbr quick sale, appraised valuation, -Will considei Yes We Tave Some m ent^ for consolidation of debts? handle rotary mower with bag parking. 54 High St. liberty throughout the hemis­ P H IL C O RECOMMENDED— Call CH 6-8807, Frank Burke. Costs On The Manchester. ed. $100 per month. Call MI 9-8495. large lot 88x260, .$18,900, Phllbrick $6,900. . offers. Evenings Mr. Holcombe phere,’’ Fortin said. "He confused WANTED- Riders from Manches­ '60 Larks — IjOw Prices BRICK AND stone maiton and ce­ CLERK-TYPIST WARM AIR gas furnace, 1% years unit, $89.95. Marlow’s, 867 Main Agency, Ml 9-8464, Ml 4-1139. Warren E. Howlaria Service, on radios, televisions. only a penny a month for each Vernon Town Line St., Mancheater, Ml 9-5221. SUNNY--Comfortable room for FOUR ROOM apartment, hea( and Judge Sets Bond the public opinion by labelling -oU ter to vicinity of .Woodland .St., ment work. MI 9-5451 after 4:00. Also, guaranteed service on all PERSONNEL old, heats 6 rooms. Call MI 9^!2358. East Granhy-r-Two year young t Realtor MI 3-1108. Opposition (Cpmmunlsts to Justify Hartford-, 8:18-4:30, Gall MI 9-1364. P. II U N N E R ’ dollar you borrow* Connecticut In Vernon young lady. A few feet from hot water, central location, adults. 4 CAROL DRrtTE - RockvUls. $18.- room Cape, full shed dormer. YOimjg-ARK DEALER other makes. Shop our special Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis St., ...Three'Rooms of Furniture everything. Call MI 3-7960 any-; 'MI 3-7590. After 6, MI 3-.8470, B0LT0N-(C0VENTRY. Lik* 8 For Negro Leader his iniquitlesi Throughout Latin" An interesting position in small GIRL’S . CANADIAN FMyer lea .650. 5 room ranch, large living Minutes away from Kaman Air­ America there are etneera Na­ IN TALCOTTVILLE PAINTING, paperhanging, floor do-it-yourself department fea­ Hartford. department for qualified woman. Open Eve.iTill 9 skates, size 9, in good condition, time. .' roQrri, cabinet kitchen. 8 bed­ craft, Combustion Engineering. room split, 8 )>edrooms coi»n/forl- Automobiles for Sale 4 I turing discount prices. Open eve- $10. MI 3-5901. FROM MODEL HOME FOUR ROOM, second floor, flat. able living room, fireplace, spa tionalists who ha-ve no connection Open Eve Till 9 sanding. Call MI 9-07M. INVESTMENT,— Put your money Must be high school graduate and rooms, 1^% morteage can be Excellent value 315,900. In Georgia Prison with communism. jilngs and Saturday. Satellite accurate ' typist. Pleasant working FURNISHED light housekeeping Birch St. oil furnace, $8D. MI assumed. Marion E. Robertson, clous dining-kitchen ares, g;arage, --- * WANTED — Clean usc3 cars. We Electronics Service, 1.65 School to work on prime properties. First Help Wanted— HAND OPERATED mimeograph'- room with eleetrie refrigerator. 9-4498. All of the above ran be easily The crowd carried placards call­ ODI-SMOBII-K 19.05 Starfire con­ mortgage money needed. Excel­ cohditidns. Excellent benefit pro­ Cost Over $700 Broker, 5b 8-S9SS. 80 year, $1,500 down F.H-.A. mort­ (Centlnned from Fogs (>ae) • buy. trade down4or trade any­ Street, Manchester. gram. Convenient parking. .Apply Male or Female 37 ing machine, $50. . May be seen Ladies preferred. MI 3-6388. financed. gage available. ■ Evenings Mr. ing for punishment of Lemus. thing, Douglas Motor?, 333 Main. vertible. immaculate, new top, Household Services lent return. J. D. Realty, 470 Main mornings, 9-12, at Second Congre­ I.1ARGE 3 room apartment avail­ MANCHESTER - ' New 7 room The Junta in a comniuniiiua power steering, brakes and win- St., MI 3-6129. at NEVER BEEN USED Boles, MI 9-9858. Warren E. How­ expressing concern >over imprieon- Offered 13-A CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, DRUG SJORE clerk, Monday w d gational Church office or call kp able Nov. 1', convenient location, ranch, 2 fireplaces,--? full baths, J. D. REALTY ' land, Realtor, MI 3-1108. charged that Lemus "mverned out- NEED A CAR and-had your credit . dowB. Rco-sonablc. MI 9-.1223. available all hours. Satisfaction 9-1952. Sale Price $388 ROOMS FOR rent,- gentlemen only, heat, hot water, stove and refrig­ 2-car garage, large kitchen with ment of her husband. She said aide the law, trampledmpled on< the con- turned down? Short on down pay­ FIRST NATIONAL STORES Wednesday 9-8 only. .Experienced.. heat, hot water, bath. MI 3-8921. P.ICNAUI/r 19,59. blirck with white­ FLAT FINISH Holland vidndow ^aranteed. Call MI 9-1315. PARK and OAKLAND AVE. Driver's license. References. Box' Pay Only $4 Weelt erator, 4 closets, tiled bath .and built-in .oven apd range,, ' formal 470 Main St. MI 3-512p MANCHESTER—Here . it is! The Kennedy told her he would do stitutlen and the rights of citizens, ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? shades made to measure. All Business Opportunities 32 EAST HARTFORD POWER DRILL chuck, saber shower; parking. $90. Call MI dining room. Lot 100x200. $2O;0{l0. ideal Dutch Colonial in the Bow­ what he could to see that King la committed illegal acts and created Don't give up!'See Honest Doug­ walls, radio, private, owner, excel- ALL- MAKES of *rv, radio and B, Herald. WEIJ, HEATED room with'garage, 3-6.396. — ,lor»t condition, J89.5. Call MI 9-02.57. metal Venetian blinds at a new saw, drill press with stand and Sacrificing complete bedroom, reasonable, private home. Gentle­ Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9-8484. ers School area everyone’s been released from the prison at Rclds- a climate of general dlseontent.** las, get the. lowdovyn on yie low­ low price. Keys made while you home electronic equipment, ex­ MOTEL SALESLADY wanted' for children's other miscellaneous tool?, table 2$4 A(JRES—1958 six room Cape, waiting for. Three bedrooms, I 'i vllle, Ga. . Military members of the Junta est down and smallest payments complete living room and kitchen man preferred. Please call MI shed dormer, 2. ceramic baths, 1953 TWO DOOR Bel Air Chevro­ wait. Marlow's. pertly repaired ' with a 00-day store. Apply Youth Center, Man Situations Wanted— saw attachment for Mjller Falls decorator furniture from model dis­ 3-8958. CAPE—5 finished room.>!. large ■ baths, formal dining room, lota of King drew the sentence as 1 are Col. Miguel Angel CastlUe, Anywhere. Not a, small loan or guarantee. Call .Mr. Britney at the Ten units with coffee shop and Chester Parkade. outfit, TV set $45, four sets to Business Loranons rear porch, recreation room In breezeway, 2-car garage, tillable plush carpeting, elegantly deco- result of his participation in sit formCr director of the General finance company p.lan. Douglas let, our second car, low mileage, HAROLD b SONS, Rubbish remov­ Female 38 play home. We will give you free land, reasonable, 2 milea out. Carl­ clean as a whistle, $300, MI 3-1228. Manchester TV. MI 9-1046. residence. .16 acres of land. < On choose from. Call' MI 3-1766 1-9 delivery and free storage up to one for Rent 64 ba.serqent, 1 car garage, near biis rated_ glistening clean, 2-car ga­ .in demonstrations In nearby At Telegraph Service: Ool. Jesua al. cellars, and attics cleaned. WANTED —Reliable person for p.m., or 945 Center SL, and shopping. $14,900. Phllbrick ton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5182. Route 6A half way between Willi- year. COMFORTABLE room for gentle­ LARGE STORE at 28 Birch 8t. rage,f properly priced. Evenings, lanta. He w^s arrested during th« Yanez Urias and MaJ. Alonso Ro­ Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold part-time work on answering serv­ man, garage. MI 3-8829. Agency,. MI 9-8464. MT 3:0527, Mi 9-9858, MI 4*1139. demonetrattona and charged with sales. ' 1957 KARMANN Ghia Volkswagen, Hoar, MI 9-4034, Millinery Dressmaking 19 mantle and Middletown. Can be ice. Write P.O. Box 923, Manches­ BABY-SITTING by day. MI.9-6078. ONE CRANE complete bathroom Apply 'Marlow’s, 887 Main St. MANCHESTER two tone green, radio, heater. T railers 6-A operated by two people. Elxcellent wash bowl, Kelvinator .refrigerar NORMAN’S Near Main St. Parking. Warren E. Howland Realtor, MI violating ' a state- anti-trespass Besides Fortin the other two ter, griving age. telephone exper­ 443 HARTP'ORD ROAD HEATED ROOM, convenient to OFF EAST CENTER STREET— 3-1108. law, thus violating provisions of a civilian members are Fabio Oostil- Good condition. MI 3-8891 aft^r 5. DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ ALTERATIONS on any garment;. Investment. Owner will finance. ience, and telephone number. toh two chain saws, clothesline bathroom and shower, private en­ Custom 5 room Cape, 21 foot liv­ Greenwood Road—Vacant. Newly 40 FOOT HOUSE trailer, beautiful pany doors and windows., custom Before you buy 'furniture any­ MAIN STREET—Building for com­ built 6 room Cape, Its baths, base­ suspended sentence *he received on la Figueroa and Ricardo Folio- All OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ Quick, efficient service. Days or polfes. MI'9-1353. trance. Gentleman preferred. 101 ing room, fireplace, attached ga­ MANCHESTER 2 bedroom ranch, are young government career offl- location, excellent condition inside work guaranteed. Call-collect Wll- evenings. Call Ml 0-SS56. Situations Wanted—Male. 39 where—shop at Norman's. Chestnut St. mercial business or office use: ment garage, amesite drive, '5$4.% the traffic charge laat September. cials. flxit yourself cars, always and, out. Mnv be moved If desired. liniantir. HA 3-1196. J.D . r e a l t y ) WOMAN to do housework once a GIRL’S CAMEL :hair coat, size 12- Will subdivide. Ml 9-5229. 9-6. rage, trees. Carlton W. Hutchins, 30-year mortgage available. ^Minl- excellent condition; with oil heat, His attorneys yesterday pleaded- clala who are considered anti­ a g o ^ selection. I»ohi„^hind our Call MI 3-0.560 after 5. LIBRARY AND dining table and MI 9-5132. full basement, $10,900. Call owner. communist political nild^e-of-the- week, steady. Call MI 9-5100. PART-TIME Work In machinist 14, pair Chicago roller* skates, BROOKFIELD ST., centrally locat­ rniim. down payment. Asking Ml 9-1185. imsucceesfully with Judge MUchell Office. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. WEAVING :of Bums, moth holes 470 Main St. ' MI 3-5129 size 6, worn twice, oil space heat­ chairs, five lamps, beautiful van­ STORE SUITABLE for office or $16,500 or best offer. roaders. DRESSMAKING -and alterations. line, also radio or electronics. Re­ ed. master twin bedroom, TV, any business. 190 West Middle BEAUTIFUL custom 6 room lo nullify the jail sentence. A MOBILE'HOME lot available, and torn clothing, hosiery runs, Call MI 0-o3S3 any time. GIRL TO baby sit afternoons 12:30- er with pipe. MI 3-5318. ity. 3 small tables, 8 rocking radio, gentlemen. Free parking. The session- wax’ niarred by on One of the first acts of the new naturally shaded; 10 minutes from handbags repaired,, zipper re­ e x c e l l e n t 5. Call MI 9-6104 mornings or after ply Box F, Herald. chairs. MI 9-7258. Turnpike. Call Ml 9-6205, 2 to 9 ranch, ^ntranfce haH,-,2 fireplaces, COVENTRY—5 room house, plas­ regime was to begin freeing pm 1951 FORD 2-door sedan 6. , Ml MI 9-6801 after 5. p.m. br'MI 3-8802. 4 pictiire windows, steel beam con­ LAWRENCE F.-FIANO tered,- full cellar, slorms, other anonymous telephoned bomb Manchester, 20 minutes from Pratt placements, umbrellas repaired, EXPERT TAELOMNG on ladies’ 5:30. XIFFICE SUPERVISOR, seven BLACK AND DECKER buffer, $50. threat, forcing the Judge to trans­ litical prisoners. , 9-5677. & Whitney. Take 97 exit off Wilbur ESTABLISHED Kenmore stove, deluxe model, STERILIZED used furniture for struction, partial recreation room, . '" M I 3-2766 features and lake privileges. Csll men's shirt collars reversed and and gentlemen’s clothing. 189 years' experience. Order process­ MAIN STREET — Private home, OFFICE FOR RENT, Ideal for den­ Paul P. Fiano Ml $*0438 fer. proceedings to another court­ Many of those emerging from Cross, turn left, one mile on right replat:cd. Marlow's Little .Mend­ Woodland St.- Call any time. MI WANTED—Woman for hbuseclean- with heating unit, cost $350, will every room, including beds, heat, hot water, bath, shower, 100x300. trees, $20,900. Carlton W. PI 2-7814 sfler 5 p.m. behind bars looked emaciated and 1950 FORD convertible, vinyl top, ing, one day weekly. Call MI ing. sales, correspondence expedit­ tist or insurance. 186 West Middje Hutchins, MI-8-5132. Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 room. seat covers, tlr^s. All new. Body on Route 30. High Manor Park, ing Shop, 8-2264. RESTAURANT ing, married, 29. MI 3-2058. seir for $200. Portable TV with springs, and mattresses. Alf' in parking, gentleman, MI 8-6667. showed signs ' of ralstrMtment. Rockville, Conn. TR. 5-1423. 9-6180. table, $100. Polaroid camera with excellent condition ' Appliances Tpke. CaU MI 9-6205 2-9 p.m. or King's 'attorneys s£d the 4- good. Needs new transmission, Known as "Jack’s Coffee Shop.’’ 50 3-6802 MANCHESTER — Four bedroom ' Redijced—$2,500 assumes 4^% month sentence was Illegal. They Among them was Valleciollo Lo­ $150. 99 Lakewood Circle North. UPHOLSTERING—Sam’s Uphol­ case and wink light, printer, etc., are sparkling clean and tested. LARGE, pleasant front room' for 'Lota tor Saie 73 pez, a news commentator, Urho was stering will reupholster sofa and AL’TERA’TIONS on garments. Ef­ Good location, easily financed. New mattresses, bronze-brass din­ rent bri Pearl Street. Three nqln- colonial, 1>4 baths, sun parlor, O. I.- mortgage on thi,s 6 room sin­ also challenged constitutionality ODD<;JOBS, inside or out. Refer- cost over $200, will sell for’ $125. family size kitchen, one-car ga­ gle at 34 McKee St, $99 pays every­ reported in serious condition. 1949 WIU.YS. Station Wagon. 2- Auto Driving School 7-A two chairs for $67. kitchen chairs ficient service. MI 3-1784. Please chU Jack. Hvlp wanted—Male 36 ences. Ml 3-0892. MI 9-8551, or inquire 48 Lyness St. ettes, and chrome kitchen sets, re-- ules from Main. MI 3-7518. of the stale anti-trespass law, The revolt was launched shdrt- OFFICE SPACE available. Apply rage, near bus, $17,900. Phllbrick thing. This is a 2 bedroom home. THREE B ZONE lots with city adopted to curb such racial dem­ door, 2-wheel drive, engine rebuilt $3, plus fabric. Work gfuaranteed. diner chairs, and other itefms. 30 Manager State Theater. MI 3-7832. Agency,- Ml 9-8464. . ly after -midnight Tuesday with 17,000 miles ago, 6 cylinder, heat­ IjARSON'S Connecticut's first 11- 30 years' experience. Budget if EXPERIENCED camera salesman to 45% off. Open 9-8.' Saturdays NEAR MAIN ST.—for gentlemen, Garage, nice yard. , ' water. Union St Manchester. onstrations Bj the one Inv’olving ■J. D. REALTY private entrance, parking. 23 $2,500 each, kn 9-6495. the apparent support of the army. er. 130 Pearl St. 9-10 a.ni.. 6-7 p.m. .cebsed driving school trained — you wish. CH 2-2378. Moving—^Tniddng— for new and complete camera de­ till 6. LeBlanc Furniture Hospital, LARGE ONE-room air-conditioned A honey of a (Ca^ that's im­ King. : * Some of the military were be­ Certified and approved is now of­ partment. permanent poslflon, ex­ 195 South St., Rockville, TR 5-2174. Pearl St. Ml 3-7236. COUNTRY SE’TTING Tel. MI 9-4143. Asking $1.50, Storage 20 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 office. 100% Main' St. location. Six finished rooms on lot 80x180. maculate inside and out.'IClreplace, ANDOVER LAKE—Two adjoining King, leader of the successful lieved concerned over the harsh fering clas.iroom and behind TV SEJRVICE — Pottertbn’s all cellent salary for right man. Must Marlow’s 867'Main St. Montgomery. Ala., bus boycott, methods taken by Lqmua against wlicel inslriiction for teenagers. makes. Highest quality guaranteed be well informed on all types of FOR SALE Bendix; electric FURNISHED room, complete light Fireplace, Large screened porch. dormers, storm windows, Asbestos lots for'aale Marion E. Robertson, MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ clothes dryer,.S-years old, $50. Call hmisekeeping facilities available. Garage. (Convenient school and bus. shingles. Owners are Florida broker, Ml 3-.1953. pleaded guilty to the traffic the growing demohstmtions. 1949 PLYMOUTH, good condition, MI 9-6075. work and parts, over 47 years ex­ ing Company, iLocal apd long dis­ THE . photographic equipment and aC' charge'last September. He'pald a $85. JA 8-0165. perience. Famous for service cessories. Company benefits in­ HOLLISTER ST. AREA MI 9-7267. Children accepted, Jimited. Cen- Houses tor Rent Asking $14,.500. bound. '$15,300 but any sensible The coup wsis carrie'd'but swift­ tance moving, packing and stor­ ATLANTIC REFINING CO. trilly located. Mrs, Dorsey, 14 65 offer, will be considered. MANCHESTER — Exce p t I o n a 1 $2.5 fine and was given a one-year ly after members of the 1st Artil­ MORTIXICK'S MaiichcsteT^s lead­ since 19.31. .Phone Ml 9-4837 for age. Regular service throughout clude free life insurance and paid 1954 BUICK, standar^i ship, now ing driving school. Three skilled best service vacations. Apply Mr. Wayne, Arch St. THREE BEDROOM ranch home MADELINE SMITH, Realtor choice building site. Excellent high jail term which was suspended; lery Regtmen't in the capital fired tires new brakes, new " baltery. New England States and Florida. Has a modem two bay-aervice sta­ 18 CU FT. upright freezer. 366o 18 Bliss St. —6 rooms in this home convenient location with' view. One. of the terms of the suspension a half dozen rpunds at the prCgl- I oiirteoua. mstructogs, Class room MI 3-6583. tion available for lease. Located on King’s Dept. Store. No phone calls SPACIOUS room in private home, four years old, 2-car garage. For that had a complete redecorating Valv'e Job Jilsl done A1 londilion. Instnieiioiis for 16. ' 17 year oUl.s. ■please. new. Asking $250. Ml 9-0314. _ further Information call MI 9-8464. MI 9-1642 Suitable for walkotit rerreatlon wss that he ..not violate any stale dehtial palace. \ Reason for selling, two cars heavily traveled Route 6 in Man­ nicely furnished, kitchen privi­ Job in Jujie. Sanding of floors, etc. room. Size. 125x200. No; city water. or federal law. Lemus, a lieutenant colonel In Toleplioiie Mr. Mortlock, Director AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- chester. This station now doing' a ONE 30’’ KENMORE gas range, leges. parking, etc. Next to High Owner is anxious. Home has every­ e a n ‘1 use. Owner.T’l 2-7230, of Drive,- Education. MI 0-7398, Building-ContracUng 14 moving, packing, storage. Low HOME CATALOGUE Phoijq. M l 3-6273. The Dekalb Court held that the army, was electM ‘without op-- ' good business * with an excellent used 6 months, like new. Reason­ School, near Center'. MI 9-7381. HOUSE FOR rent at 18 tienderson thing, including garage. Want a King violated the suspension 'by position -In 1956. Fidel Castro's PREPAftl'’; FOR driver's" ALL TYPES of carpentry work rate on long distance moves to future potential. able. Phone MI 9-9504. Rd. Call MI 3-7922 between 9:30-5. OF - ’ home that need.s no work lo it in­ revolutionary \ictory in Oibia pro­ ,1948 STUDEBAKER converlible. done. AlteraUons, dormers, roof­ 48 states. MI 3-5187. COVENTRY COMFORTABLE heated room, side or out? Then see it and you’ll participating in the sit-in demon­ Ages 16 to 60, Driving and rlnsa Paid training program, attractive ADMIRAL refrigerator, excellent stration and getting arrested on vided a focus for &e widespread' ' MI 9-2371. r(K>m.. Three insiniclors No wail­ ings. porcTies, finish upstairs, private l\pme near Center, gentle­ BOLTON LAKE—4 room ranch, JARVIS LISTINGS believe it. Wanted—Real Estate 77 discontent with the plight oif the hasemenls and garages etc. Call MANCHESTER Package Delivery. rent plait and financing available condition, door shelves. ‘ butter man. MI 9-7410. fehargea uf breaking the state anti- ing Matir-licster Driving Acade- Light trucking and package deliv­ NOTICE completely furnished, oil heat. countiy’S maases. mv PI 2-7^49,_____ ' MI 9-5981, ' . ‘ to the one tyho qu^lfiea. ■aver, reasonable,. MI 3-8708. Available immediately. $100 a Eight rooms. This home has IF YOU WISH personal service, trespass law. ery. Refrigerators, washers and 'Hie Zoning Board of Appeals of HEATED' ROQMx' convenient to CAPES £ everything, for $23,.500, Aluminum King and 38 other Negroes were Lemus paid a visit to ths Unit­ For more Information with no ob- the Town of Coventry at a meeting COMBINATION oil and 4 . burner month. BU 9-0939. $13,500—A gem of a Jarvis built call Joseph A. Barth broker, MI ed States in March 1959. He wss New Coat Dres$ W. F. DION Construction Company. stove moving specialty. Folding bathroom, near Center St; Gentle­ siding, air conditioning, wall-lo; 9-0320. arrested hiit never, tried on the Alterations, additions, garages, chairs for rent. MI 0-0752. Iteation, please call BU 9-1561 days, held on Friday, ' October 21 con­ gas stove. Excellent condition. No man preferred, MI 3JI342. cape on Middle Turnpike West. wall, 'You name it. See It, and you’il given a ticker-tape porOde up New* cerning the request of Edward 4 rooms down (2 udfinished up). charge..-The ‘other 38 were re­ Easy Embroideryl formica counters, roofing, siding, Inompsonville • RIvervlew 9-8482 reasonable offer refused. M I Suburban For Rent 66 fall in love with if! ■ y leased after signing, their o'wn York's 'Broadway and met with. painting. Plans drawn. MI 3-0898. evenings. Smith, after giving due considera­ 9-98S5. ’ ■ Wooded lot. Assume 4'2% mort- ARE YOU CONSIDERING President Elsenhow-er in Wash* ' Painting—-Pmperlng'' 21 tion to the immediate property Boarders Wahted S9-A (COVENTRY (CENTER—Large 3 gage. ‘ SELLING YOUR bond. « ' . ington. BIDWELL HOME^ improvement values and^ noting that the outside HED8TROM carriage $6, shoo-fly room unfurnished apartment, all JACK LAPPEN AGENCY appearance would not be changed, rocker $1, maple' crib $10, Kant- $16,300—Make an offer on this 6 PROPERTY? Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ EXTERIDR AND interior painting Help Wanted—Female 35 ROOM AND boa'rd''for gentleman. utilities furnished, including steam Mt 4-1894 "" Ml 4-0149 NIXON BT «4S-m rages. Roofing dnd siding experts. ’and paperhanging. /. .Wallpaper and location of property Is zoned wet mattress, excellent condition heat, Nice ground floor locatlon;- room home on Vemon St. Full We will estimate value of your 2655 Aluminum clapboards a specialty. • booka,-^..Guaranteed workmanship. WAITRESS wanted for part-time for business has voted to grant the $8. MI 9-6495. Parking. MI 9-1015. Call PI 2-7358. or PI 2-8715, dormer, garage! nicely land- H. E. I*appen J. J. I*appen Cycli.st Cuts Knee New Haven, Oct. 2T (iPV-v8tu- work. Apply Comer Soda Shop, acaped. property without obligation; We dents at both the day and night Unexcelled workmanship. Easy Reasonable rates. Fully insured. request for Limited Repairer’s Li­ also buy properly for cash. I ^ budget terms. Ml 0-6495 or TR Fast and courteous service. Leo State ’Theater Building. cense. The' effective date of this ANDOVER—Small apartment for ^MANCHESTER Member Multiple Listing. As Bike Hits Car dlvlsioni of N*w Haven College •> BENDIX AUTOMA’nC wsshing ApartuientSf-Flata— rent. Utilities furnished. Suitable $16,300-A l)est of buys on Middle favored Vice Prealdent Richard M. 5-9109. “ J. Pelletier; MI 9-6326. decision shall be October 28, 1960. Turnpike-West. 6 rooms com­ $12,900—Six rooms nih .School Bt. TOYS—’TOYS—TOYS. Work now COVENTRY ZONING ' machine $15. TR ,5-8758. Tenements ...63 for working couple or single per­ STANLEY BRAY, Realtor Thomas . Hdal, .12, of 40 Irving Nixon 442-434 over Sen. John F. PI^ASTERING AND brick work, EXTERIOR and interior painting. thru December showing one of the - BOARD OF APPEALS A Best Bay - 7 - •--■‘ By Belfiore son. PI 2-7279. ^ • plete. Fireplace. A',!*)ninum'sid­ $13,700 Vacant 5 room, cape, must Kennedy in a presidential poll con­ largest varieties of toj^ And gifts. It has been our experience for. lo, these many years that certain CLEAN 8 ROOM—Heated apart ing. Garagf. Beautiful , patio. sell. BRAE-BURN REALTY St., is listed in good condition in chimney repairing, . plaster re­ Ceilings reflnlshed. Paperhanging, Grant E. Toothaker, Sri B-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G Manchester Memorial Hospital ducted at the college. Faculty pairs. All types of masonry, fold Wallpaper books. Estimates given. High commission, no collecting, no sections of town have a much higher- acceptability than other ment, stove and refrigerator fur­ (COVENTRY 4 room house with Close to new Catholic « High $14,900—4 and 4 duplex, off .bus. Mrs-6273 delivering, no investment; Call Chairman areas with similar Hornes^ Generally there are sound, practical t ROOMS FURNITURE nished, adults. MI 3-4685. ^School. Assume i ^ % mortgage. today, recbysrlng from a badly members, the poll disclosed today, and new. Free estimates. Call E. Fully covered by insurance. QUl stove and refrigerator, hot water $17,900 - 8 room rape, 2 batha, ga- favored Kennedy 35-34. Richanlson, MI 9-5674, "Santa’s Partlea,’’ Avon, Conn., reasons for this. For instance, anyone living in the above Beat Buy BRAND EW heat, lake . privileges. Available cut right knee he received at-mid Edward R. Price. MI 0-1003. ONE 4-ROOM apiu-tment, .2 bed $16,800- SOLD on Clyde Rd, . r*«e. ArtB YOU considering selling your afternoon yMteftlay when his bir ORchard 8-3207 from 9-5 p.m., can aend a toddler' to ktndergaren, another child to grammar- ONLY $810 Nov. 1. .One .vear lease. $85 montH- home? If you are, we will ''pur? RAY'S ROOFING CO,, shingle arid PAINTING AND |>aperhanglng. ORchard 3-9829 from 7*10 p.m. school a third to Junior'High school a fourth to High School . . . rooms, $125 per 'month; a fivs ly. Call MI 3-5676 after 5 p.m. 119,‘SOO—5 and 5 flat, both.'vacant. eyrie slamnilff^nto'a parked car. room flat, 2 bedrooms, screened COLONIALS $19,700-Practically, new roldnial, . chpae your equity. :For expediency . Heal was riding his bike on the built up roofs, gutter and conduc­ Good clean workmima!anship at rea- • SiPTIC TANKS and all would be within walking distamce! 118 Delivers — 111.72 Mo, . please call us. Ml 3-5129. j. D. tor work; roof chimney repairs. sonabis rates. 30 years' In Man- SEWING MACHINE operators, full CLEANED and INSTALLED Nicely shaded and shrubbed, this six-room home is in a refined porch for $115 per month, includ­ (COVFNTR.y—.-St^ room house for $17,900—(Custom built 5 room .home small caah down to assunrs western portion of the drlireway Legaf Notice Ray Hagenow. MI B-22t4; Ray Chester. Raymond Fisk MI time, 8 a.m.-4;30 p.m. Also, nights 12-PIECB BEDROOM - ing heat. CaU Realtor/MI 3-l576i nejit. Ideal’fdr young married cout on Olcott St. Screened porch. GI mortgage. *' . Realty Co.. 47' Ma'in St., Mon-' at the North Junior* High School, residential Mctlon. It has the'amenities that are sometimes miss­ Chester. AT A COURT o r PIlOBATZ btM Jackson, MI 3-8325, 9-9237. part-time'5 p.m.-10 p.m. Exper­ • S IW E R S ing In an tlltfa-modern home (nice front porch, plastered walls, 14-PIBCrE LIVING ROOM pie. Reasonable, furnished. MI Equipped kitchen. (Carage. $22,000- -8. and 5 flat, large loL watching some other boys playing ience preferred. Kaklar Toy Com­ ROCKVILLE — 14 Laurel St.—Well 9-0336 football In the nearby athletic at Mancheiter, within am ter tha X MACffINB CIJEANED good pant?y, tool shed behind garage) yet It is not what we would 10-r---- T5 F “ "'"4EN fumisheid 3 room apartment. Te). $18,400-Brand new 6 room . jmr- vacant.' • v Dirtrlct .of Mancb««t4r, nq the Mtb day A. A, DION, INC. Roofing, siding, TWO LADIES will do Interior pany, 60 Hilliard St. fields. Apparently not watching of October. A.D. 1980. painting. Carpentry, Alterations papering and painting -Neat, ex­ •classify as an older home. Such conveniences as oil heat, storm ITR 5-9594. / ■ 'rlson colonial on Woodhlll Rd. • Prerem , Hon, John J. Wallett, JudS*. windows, and attractive fireplace are Included. Free Delivery. Free Storage, 6 OLTON- ? CASH!! where he was going, he struck a- Eetatfv of Bertha I. Benn. fate of and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ perienced. Phone MI 3-2332 or Ml • INSTALLATION ' Free Service Wanted to Rent 6S (Ceramic tiled bath, tiled lavatqry. parked car belonging to'Paul Mc­ ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn 8t. 9-9615. 'We offer this-residence as a solid, substantial home that r^pr THREE-ROOM apartment, includ­ Fireplace, Immediate occupancy. $13,200 -Off lake, 3 bedrooms, ga­ MachteDr In lald dutriel. daeaoMd. SPECIALIST ing heat, hot water and gas for For your home. land, or in­ Kay of 47 White St., a custodian Upon application of Wllmet H. Benn. MI 3-4H60. ■resents excellent value at a reasonable pHce. Phone for appointnf'-‘’ t • mting . V.A. and F.H.A. financing avail­ rage, extra lots. vestment property. For fast Executor, praying fjr authorit.v to Mil INTERIOR PAINTING, decorating, cooking, electric refrigerator and room colonial home in Manchester able With minimum down pay­ at the scljodl. certain real eetate* partjeutarly de­ I WILL PAY Ramuel Albert, Htfd. CH 7-0358 $14,500—Beautiful BaylMrry, large action call Home Traders Ex^t scribed In laid applicatioa on tllo, it is ceilings, flbpra, paperhanging. / THE WILLIAII ,E. BELHORE AGENOY gaa stove. $82 monthly. Please call wlth/optlon to buy. Call Ml 9-7428 ments. 6 room ranch. 'the boy wOs token to the hos Town aid CouBtry See or. Night Sn 9-7737 from,5-7 p.m. "or Ml 3-0023. change, Inc. MI 3-1100. pttol by ambulance’ and admitted ORDERED That the ifora»olnt ap­ nofinR .and Chimneys *6>A Clean workmanship. Free esti­ V. A. BOGOlNl W. E. BELFIORE $19,200 —4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths In plication he heard and determlnSd at mates. No Job too small. John Ver- 868 MAIN ST. MI .8-51*1 If you have no means of trsnapor- $20,900 — Custom built 7 roqui after receiving first aid at the .(he Probate office. In Manchester in ROOF’INO:—■ Specializing repairing faille. MI 3-2521 or TR’’5-9827. REASONABLE Praiaage Co. taaon, I'li send-,-r.-''-ztito. for you. CHARMING .4 room apartment, TWO GROWNUP6 would like~to beauty on. Perkins St. 1'4 baths. ■ Bolton Center. scene. raid DUtrirt. on the J9th day Of No­ “WE ARE REALTORS" aecond-floor, near Canter, heat; rent halt of duplex house in Man- $21,000 7 rooms. 8 acres basement vember. A.D. If^ . at eleven o'elort In roofs of all kinds, New roofs, gut­ No obligation.' > 'Large rooms. 'Attached garage. the forenoon, and that noUfe ba given ter work chimneys cleaned, re­ M l 9 -4 1 4 3 j_ atove, garage, large attic and aun- chfster or vicinity. Tel, MI 9-6476. Shaded lot. •- near school. to all pereona Ihterested in said estate porch. Adults only. MI 9-7782, 9-12, Legal Notice There are more than l,4fW paired. Aluminum siding. 30 PRICES A—I ^ B ^ E —R—T’—S , Protestant, Catholic and Jewish of the-pendenoy of eald application and. years' ' experience, F'ree esti­ 4!j-45.-ALLYN ST., HARTFORD or 3-6. ' YOUNG (COUPLE desires 3 or 4 RANCH HOMES VERNON ) the lime and place of heartns (hereon, for late model electric stove, room apartment with stove and AT A COURT OK PROBATE hUd bouses of worship in Loi Angeles. bv publlthihs a copy of this order m mates. Call Hpwley, MI 3-5361, MI Open Night ’till * P'"*- • RO(HVILLEr-12 ElUngton Ave. — $18,600—Deluxe 3 bedrooms rancji- $12,100 New 3 .. bedroom ranch, at Mam'lidt-r. vilhln and (or . lh« tome newapaper bavins a circulation in 3-0763. FILL FOR SALE i electric hot.watcfr heater and refrigerator. Call Middletown cr in Jarvis Acres. Ceramic tiled ' good.Jpcation. Dislricl of M anchratrr. on the 3Sth dav aald dlatrlct at leaat flve ,da>-a .before DAliveries' of large qnantltiea . .Well heated redecorated 2 , room Diamond 6-5690 after 6:30.' Of Ocloher, 19SO. the day of eatd ' bearlnf. to appear If Mectrlc refrigerator. Also bath. Huge living room at’lfh fire­ $18.900-*^0versi$ed ranch, large Legal Notice th»v aee cauae at aaid titri* andj plane./ only. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator $35, pine furnished apartment. A'dults.only. place. Full basement. ’Attached . Prroen'i, lion. John J, Wallett. Judge. dininjg room suite. Telephone after 8, ’W 5-5689. family room, garage. Enta.lo of M»i-e»uril- L. Haberern, late and be heard relative Ibereto. 7 and JARVIS OONSTRUCtlON commodS;.-iW)i stuffed chair $10. MI garage. c;nose to schools and of Mancheetri. In eald Oiitrlel, de­ OUIEB UNITING TIME FOB make return to thIa court- ..:!.- COMPANY -.9-2785. Houses tor Sale 72 JOHN.J. WALLETT. Judt* NEW d u p l e x ; 5 rooms, large liv­ shopping. Assume *%■% mort- ceased. AT-nW AVE^'‘c 8 5 R W . t - ___; n.______(XIVENTRV ’Tel. MI 8-4113 C 0 M l 9 - m 3 ing room picture window, birch BOWERS S(HOOL-S room Caps, T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor The adiiiinifli-atur. having .i.iihihited South^ulh WIndaor.Windsor, within and Ter for IIthe D ^ TWO-PIECE living room slst, cof- his administration account with said e trict of Eaal Wlpdaor, on the S^h d^-; AT A COURT OP pROBAra held 12'A-26'/i . fee and ehd tables, refrigerator. cabinet kitchen, ceramic tile'bath, wall-to will carpeting, rear porch, MI 34877 ‘ tate to thia Court tor allowanc.e. It Is of October, A.D. 1*80. at Mancheater. within ,ahd for. UM NOTICE heat, hot water, Venetian blinds, two-clr garage, shaded lot.' large $19,600 — Move right into this 3- District of Mgnchtst.sr, on-.ihe SSStl ts d— Zenith TV, excellent condition; MI bedroorri ranch' on Bate* Rd. ORDERED: That the 14lh day of No­ Preaent Hon. Edward R Kuehn. Create a ver.v lovely quilt with 'I'he Ifoning Board of Appeals of .9-4219. storm windows, attic, cellar, cen­ cafe style recreation room with THREE BEDROOM ranch? vacant, vember, 1960, at. eleven o’clock, fore­ Judge. of October. 11 Particular]V Slimming fur the these pretty rose inutifs embroid­ Ceramic.- tiled bath, jFlreplace. redecorated and extras. Open (or noon. at thi* Probate Office In the Mu­ - Kataie of Waller N. Foster late of Present. H4n. John J. Wsllftt. Judge- Bot-sb-tall woman. This gwxl look­ the Town of Igoventry at a tpaet- trally located. Ml 9-7885. baf'l'tile floor, cedar paneled South WIndaor ni aald piitrict, de- Estate of Axel A. Anderson., late of ered in easy 'crozs-stlteh. You’ll VHcIt e PORTABl X electric sew­ walls. Indirect lighting. Price Full basement, Many extias. At inspection. 32 Conway Rd. Owner nicipal Bulldins In Said Manchester Manchester.later. In SUdsold Dlatrlct.District,let. decaaaad.deqaaaad,dtoj; ing coat dress -ean .be made with ing held F’rida'y„ October 21 con­ WE ARE HIRING! bo and (he same Is ssslgned for 1 ceaaed. SEFTIC TANKS And it'fane mu ling to make! cerning the request of John R. MAN WANTEQ ing machine, rebuilt, older . type, SIX RtX)M duplex. paricliMr anace. $15,900. Phllbrick - Agency, MI tached. garage.. Excellent MI 4*0191. ■ : hearing on the allowance of said ad- ORDERED: That alx months from Ttia admlnlitratrix havuhavinr short, or three quarter sleeves. . AND I Lathe Operators ^ ^^9 Bore Operators dale of thia order ba and the same la her administration Account ■’Pattern No, ,26.55 has -hol-iron Lacck, after giving due cooslder- f 'S 112. CaU MI 9-4420. -. coal furnace,I cUnSren" accepted. 9*8464. ing available. minlstriillon aivniint with said estate, estate lo this Court for aliovnance.^U-to No. 8379 with Patt-O-Rama to in transfer for 14 inollts and carrier $85. Nekr stores aniT' bus. 5n .VERNON-^Bolton Lokd. Large 4 scertaininent of heirs and order of limited: and allowed for . the creditors Sizes 14>i, lOH. ISH.'KUi, atlon to the aurroundlng property litrlbutlon, and (his Court dirrcis lha to bring In their, claims agalnit aald ORDERED; That the 4th gay. ot.NO- buds; , full direeuens for making For work In RotoH Sforo. nURBED SEWERS I Milling Machine bperatoi^ # Toolmokers . HOSPJTAL BED, excellent coridl 9-1146, after 3 p.m. MANCHESTER—New 6 room Oar- JARVIS REALTY CO. tt»m .Cape’cbmpletely renovated. J eatate, and the Bgecutor la dhrecled to verober, 19«), at eleven o clock. 22*^, 24^, 2 e \i. Bust 33 to 47. tiuliies, noting no optxislttdn and New tile bath and fixtures. (Corner notice of ilip. time and place assignee noon, lu the iProbate Ofttca In la* quilt. / being cognizant of increased value I tion, $50, single bed, box spring riaon (Colonial. IH ceramic baths, REALTORS MLS IN8UROR8 for said-hearing he givenlto-all pertons give -public' notice to the credttora of 81ze 14^, 35 bust, short sleevie, WESTSIDE---Foiur room, neat MI 3*4112 Ml 9-1200 lot. Only 19,{too. Intercity.. Realty, known to be Ihterested Insreln to ap- said estate to bring In iheif .clalma nicipal Building in said M ancheatjr^ To oi'jler, send 25c. in coins to: — td the property, has votdd to grant S ^nf oxpoilonco Is Madilm GIs m M and mattteas, $25. Call MI 3-1766, flreplsce, plastered walls; hot within aaid time allowed, by PMtIng a and the same Is A»»l|teed, for a nsgriBg 4H yards of 35-lnch, Anne Cabot, The Manchester .Eve­ # All Around Machinists X 1-9 p.m. mod^i'n apartment; conveniently water heat, amesite drive, shade MI 3-7847 PI 2-83^1 JA 2-4125. ear and be heard thereon .by publlsh- on the allowance of ^ adinteistrar order, send d ie In coins to:—. the request for permission to ex­ Septte Tanks. Dry Wells, Be war Cig a copy of (his order In some news- cupv of this order upon a public ilgn- ning H e r a ld . 1150 AVE. OF tend present one car garage 10 ft n o c o t i m Y. ■ located, range and refrigerator ttees. Ml 8-486^. paper having' ving a circulation Inin said-lha*said-Dla* poat nearest to the plac* Wbero the de­ tion account with sold osta .7 ^ Burnett, The Manchester Eve- UaM Ihntallnd ''' OsHw Wirier* GOOD PAY . . . OVERTIME OPPORTUNITIES . . . FRINGE BENEFITS furnished, if desired. Working cou­ BOLTON—Notch Rd: 8 bedroom MANCHESTER — Vacant. 6 room met. at least five days before tb? dsrdgr ceased laat dwelt within .the lame tatement d hoira end ydwri AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86. N.Y. leaving a reSr yard setback of 30 Town, and by publlthinf this erdar te a UoB, and tbia ^ r t .dmets ' nlng "H erald, IWO AV*[. OF ' For Ist-cloas mailing add lOc for used' BED complete. $15. . MI ple. no children. MI 9-4819. DtANiCHESTER — 8 room brick ranch type t^th garage, approxi­ Cape, one room unfinished; Built of said hearlng,and by mailing on or of (ho Idiao and i ^ o ft. The effective date of this de­ A p p ly ranch,, encloaed breezeway, 2-cor mately 3>e . acres Of land, knotty in 1942,' flreplsce, nenf furnace, before October^,' iW . by cerUfM newspaper haying a elrculatleti te^sald AmmCAB, KWW vom M, K.Y, W h pattern. rnnLjaLumePrtnLJSnme, AaaresaAddress cision shall be October 28. 1060. 9-0574. ' ^ mall, a copy of tnW order lo Katbertna DUIrict. all wltete tterty &ya tooM hoartag be glvm » ' ^Eerlz^lawmsitog ^ witt S^onrf .and_sea. Pattern . Number. .. — ______I TWO ROOM, kitchenette and tile fisrasc, one year 0I4, 4)uanw con­ pine kitchen, baseboard radiation, completely redecorated! nice yard Wslek, jfn kecneK 8 t., RD No. 4 . .Han* date, and return make to Ihta Court of to be mjeresteg^tW COVENTRY ZONING r u s h h a r o w r i MAL TOOL & EkClNEERH^tG CO. be hoard thereon by e tc h pattern. Print Name, Address Have you the .*60 'Album eon- A NiKINNEy BROS. 12'FT.'^ RBFRBSERA’TOR, 4 y»ars bath, heated apartment, svailable struction, excsptionoUy dSsIrabIs fireplace, lightning rods and mohy with trees, convenient tq bus and cheater. Conn-, guaidlaa ad litem ter of this order te to r' BO AfiD OF APPEALS ^ 291 ADAMS STREET - old, excellent condition.' Call MI Nov. 1. Includes stove, refrigera- location With a view. Pheedln ths extraO! Near school and churches. ■hopping. IteallsUcally priced at many lovel? S l i w d I Grant .E.'Toathakar, Sr. lY, Oarfc. Baste Faeuian magazine 35e, free patterns? Only 25c a ^ p y ! ^ COMPANY ,,M8>4. Manchester Solss, is Oak and parhinr (Centrally located. ' ' aoa. Xau for aoMtetneat Shown ^i^^polatmaat only. Own- 118,MO'. Alice aom pet, ItMltor, . • . C3uQrmaA ^ ^ Yiir amtUy. ah ^ Ml n S i i i J l a 9-68tt or MI S-’TMT. WAUMTf. iitef*. V .'y"-' . • V ' V V %\ ' ,^t •> - ---A City of Village Charm INVENTORY chester Memorial Hospital, is at home now. • (TWENTY PAGES! MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1960 (CUeelfled Advertlstaig on Page 16) PRICE FIVE C B S# Miss. Evelyn Joan Tavlnsky, VOL. LXXX, NO. 24 f m PAKKINO daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John CLEARANCE Yavlnsky, 42 Ashworth . St., Is REAR OF STORE house president of Rand Hall at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, State News. OUT GO THE 1960s - SAVE Like Crazy for . the 1960-61 school year. Rep. E. O. Smith, 89, :1- Wesley Memorial Methodist Men’s Club will hold Its annual Roundup Halloween dsncS ttmorrow a t'’-8 p.m. at Fellowship Hall of South at its Dies; Assembly Dean Methodist Church. Tickets may be purchased at the door. ----- * Jasper McLevy, R. Miles Vhrlg, admlssiona of­ ficer for the college of engineering 82, Critically 111 and the college of liberal arts at Tufts University, Medford, Mass., ' Bridgeport,' Oct. 28 on will visit Manchester High School cut Constitution, so . that It would Friday.- He will confer with Mrs. Willimantic, Oct. 28 (JP)—* Incorporate all 47 amendments to Jasper McLevy, the 82jxear- Gertrude O. Hitchcock, guidance State Rep. E. 0. Smith, vet­ provide a readabler document. old Socialist who wiis mayor director, members of the adminis­ eran lawmaker who played a Although he divii New bid for election as U.S. Representa­ vania, Oct. 28 (/P)—Demo­ that’s one custom that’s not going to change. The veteran Republican helped tive from Connecticut’s Fourth 28 (/P)—yic€ President Rich­ and ^tomorrow night will entertain eet up the present, formula for cratic presidential candidate patients at the Rocky Hill Vet­ Herald Feature District. •« John F. Kennedy said today ard M. Nixon said today, "th# erans Hospital. The program in-, etate aid to education as chair­ For 12 .consecutive 2-year terms American people have more eluded tap, ballet, acrobatic and Here at Pinehurst we grade the rib into. 3 cuts,. man of the Legislative Committee —until he was unseated in 1957 by this cduntry can achieve peace cm Educatlo.n in 1954, The Manchester Evening sense than Sen. Kennedy’’ and SAVE baton. The pupils are Lynh Gross!, so that you get just what you want, at the price Democrat Samue^ Tedescoi—Mc­ and security only if it builds a are not be'tting there 'wffl be Cheryl Casavant, Dana 'Thresher, He took an active Interest In Herald will introduce another Levy was Bridgeport’s mayor. His strong and vital economy. each cut should bring to give you full value. new feature "Heralding an economic fecessjon. ‘I Paige Thresher, Kathy Quinn, A nbT^oast as it is cut by the packer has sev­ education and in the. State's Con­ napie has appeared on the ballot Sounding somewhat hoarse.as he Margaret Mahoney, Lynn Begin, stitution, which he thought had Homes" — in tomorrow's pa- , for one office or.another over the carried his campaign into Pennsyl­ The Republican ’’presidential Cheryl Smith, Kathy Oiorglo and en ribs.^o.me stores sell them all at the ^ame-^- become unreadable and confusing per. decades more than,50 times. vania for the fourth time, he said nominee firc'cl new volleys at his Debbie Ransom. price— othefs seldom display "Ribs" but through numerou.s amendments. Each month. The* Herald^ Many thought he would retire the nation's ■ economy, has been .Democratic rival, Sen. John F, From 19®5 to 1939, Smith was will lake ita readers on a tour from politic.s after his .defeat three hampered during the Eisenhower Kennedy, as he pushed his cam­ King David Lodge, No. 31, IQOF make them intb^fancy club and "his and her" a member of the State Board of of a home In this City of Vil­ years ago. but McLevy accepted administration by two "recessions paign across Illinois after a hectic of Comie’ctlcUt, will meet tomor­ Education. In January 1937, he lage Chafm or in a town of his party's' nomination for Con- and now bv "a aerious slowdown.” day in Michigan yesterday. . steaks at $1.79 to $2.39 lb. the surrounding area. Homes In Michigan. Nixon was the tar­ row at .7:30 p.m. . in Odd Fellows 7th rib cut short . . . proposed establishment of a $100,- gres.s this year. His illness caused In an indirect swipe at Vice Hall. Refreshments will be served 000 annual scholarship fund for of all types, sizes and .archi­ him to miss a Socialist tally" here President Richard .M. Nixon, hia get for eggs and tomatord tossed after the meeting. We repeat Plnehurst grade them out-so that for a block chuck or University of Connecticut stu­ tectural styles will be visited. last night. Republican o p p o n e n t. Kennedy- by individuals ill otherwise friend­ you get full value and just the cut you prefer. oven roast.' This pictorial feattire will said that "if we drift here at home, ly crowds. ' He also flared back dents. . . . angrily at a group of hecklers. # Members of Covenant Congrega­ Lb. Smith devoted to years to efforts appea! in a. Saturday edition Body Recovered all the bold words and finger- tional Church will attend a Coven­ aimed at rewriting the Connecti­ of The Herald. East Hartford. Oct. 28 iA»i--Ari pointing won't _ make up for the On his way to Illinois, his train ant Neighbors Service at the West unidentified man plunged - to his lack of streng'th of tlie. United passed safely over a bridge near Hartford Covenant Church Sunday death today from the Charter Oak Stale.s," \ Fort Wayne, Ind., where Pennsyl­ at 4 p.m. —,™., He, said that Soviet Premier NU vania Railroad employes yesterday Plnehurst offers, you Swift's finest bacon at the lowest price of- Bridge. ' c ^ found a piece of metal tied to the Bloody Riots in Paris Hi.s bod.v was picked up in the kita . Khruschev.'.s power Gomes'* Joann B. Morrison, daughter of the year , . , 4C below last week's low price . , . from Russia's producli' e power and tracks. They said it could have 30^90 DAYS SAME AS CASH Connecticut River one'mile down­ derailed his special. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Morrison, 60 stream from the bridge which con­ declared this countrs’- can’t afford Hemlock St., and Robert W. SW IFTS PREMIUM 4th, 5th and 6th ribs not to make full use of its steel In Danville, III., Nixon fired Hamill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert of delicious stand­ French DemonstoatoTs nects Hartford and__ East Hartford. mills and other facilitiei). away at Kennedy's contention that Hamill, 11 Vine St., have complet­ ing oven roast beef. ! j United §tate.s lead ship of the the nation is slipping into a recesr ed a week of orientation aLSprlhg- SLICED BACON Lb. 55 c Drivers for Strike I free world. Kennedy said, "requires Sion becatise of Eisenhower ad­ WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS field College^ -Springfield, Mass. Lb. Bridgeport. Oct. 28 f/Pi A union j a powerful., dedicated, nioying ministration policies. Both 19§0 .graduates of Manches­ Cali for Algeria Peace spokesman announced today that' America, and that is what v*e Are Citing record automobile pro­ ter High School, they plan to study a strike had been overwhelmingly going to get.” duction for this time of year, the , physical education. Pindhurat preperiy frimivMGf and grodod Siriein authorized by bus drivers and njer He Started a IS^liour motorcade ■Vice president said "the Ameri­ Slvaks will bt a good vaiiw ot 79c and 99c Ri.; Paria. Oct. 28 f^P)—Demonstra-* The meeting was Invaded by a chan'ics of the Connecticut Rail-1 tour' of eastern Pennsylvania In can people are not betting on a RANGES ■ DISHWASHERS - TVS Charles .O. Blerkau oC Bloom­ Bethlehem, a steel center.^ and Hons demanding an end to the 6 band of right-ning youths, dedi- v a.v and Lighting Co. rece.ssion." field will be guest speaker at a and Ml wlH offer fresMy ground seosoned Lamb cated to keeping Algeria French Contract tniu*talk.s h^tu-between the bus Democratic stronghold where he | "They have more sense' than 1st three ribs of this year Algerian war swept France was cheered by friendlj' crowd.*!. ' meeting of the Greater Hertford Patties ot 35c lb., 3 lbs, for SI.OOw last night with bloody rioting in at all costs, who tossed' smoke vmion and CRAL will be resumed Sen. Kennedy," he said. "They IIGUsFLe-EREFRiaERATOR DELUXE WESTINCHOUSE Home Ikonomtcs Club Tuesday at tender choice premium -and tear gas bombs and raised the Tuesday.- it was announced. The * He spoke first at a $25-a-plate have faith in America and I wish 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the % Paris and a half dozen cities. parle.y’ was arranged by the State Democratic breakfast attended by Sparkling and gp-acious, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson greets National Democratic Committeewoman WAS 259.95. $ 1 f l O standing rib roast. Thousands jnore demonstrated Beatrice H. Rosenthal and Secretary of State Ella T. Grosso at Bradley Field today. The wife of Sen. Kennedy had more.” DRYER Connecticut Ught and Power Co., ((Continued on I>ge Four) Mediation Board. some 350, and then before about SAVE 70.00 ...... 1 O y Berlin, Tpke., Newington. An .in-' peacefully In scores of cities and Frederick Fitzgerald, Interna­ 4,000 mostly students In the Mora­ the Democratic candidate for vice prcsldept wore S red dress under a mink scarf when she stepped Nixon told the I>iuiiviUe crowd 8 Program—Pu.shbulton Control Settings structor of American history at Pork and everything made from pork is in season. Try towns. It was the biggest public tional representative for the union vian College gymnasium. from the plane named the "Lady B.” (Herald J*hoto by.Oflara). in reference to heckling In Mus­ Bulkeley High School, Hartford, our boneless and semi-boneless pork roasts for easy expression on Algeria since - the KennedYs next stop was Aliens kegon, Mich., last nlg^t that “Tve WAS 299.9.5. $ l Q O spring riots of 1968 that led to Gen. -s • f: J • _ said 497 ballots were east In all. SAVE 110.00...... 1 0 7 he will present an illustrated talk .slicing . . . Pinehurst home style Sausage Meat and 1 _ vote ^over­ town, considered to bis l^publlcan been through soma real heckling. 11 Oh. Ft fi-E REFRIGERATOR on ‘White Churches and Covered Charles de Gaulle's return to n d 1 timing! but announced n». exact territory, where Nixon spoke last If you don’t believe It, Just try u Bridges of New England.” Guests Large'Link Sausagb for wonderful flavor: power. Saturday night. 'Rie police esti­ and see.” Aatomatic Defrost Roll-out Freezer The Elysee Palace announced figures. WAS 519.95. $ 4 ) C A are welcome. He said union officials would mated the cro'wds that listened to Ladybird Campaigns in State Plagued by a cold and laryn­ -'Diat Presl^nt De Gaulle would Push for Niew meet with Federal Mediators some­ Kennedy In the dty square at 50,- gitis, Nixon said the cold la not SAVE 160.00...... ^ 9 7 DELUXE WESTINCHOUSE The regular mid week Informal make a radio and television ad­ time next weok. . 000. • going to slow down his campaign­ Bible study will be held at the dress to the nation Nov. 4. It was There has been no strike against Kennedy said he wmild mOt^e on By MARGE FLYNN ^however, thli' Issue Is being ac-i*>She added she has no need for ing. Hla voice was horse and Salvation' Army at 7:30 tonight. "Fresher By Far" assumed Agerla would be his chief Arms Cut Talks ORAL since 1903. before the end of the day to Potts- cepte'd "peacably arid Sensibly.” evening clothes, cracking. DRYER topic. "■ •" Ladybird John.son, wife of the 8 Program Settings Major E. Walter Lamie will be In The strike - ote was taken j’es- vllle, Hazleton, Wllkes-Baure and Democratic vice presidential caridi-, •She displayed candor in admit­ Mrs. Johnson used her hands At Tolono, 111., where his epe*- IS Oh. Ft G-E FREEZER About 100 demonstrators, were Scranton, before an air hop to the ting that "I sfmply know I’fn not expreasively in gesturing, arid her charge. „ PINEHURST ■ -Injured in the street clashes that Ignited Nations, N.Y.>* Oct. 28 terda.v in locals of the -Amalga- date, today demonstrated the sort clal train was switched from one WAS 389.95. WAS 269.9.5, _ C Q I'iPi^In an effort to head off a mated Association of Street, Elec­ outdtlrts of Philadelphlf. late to­ as smart as I ongjit to be on for­ face was often marked by deep railroad to another, Nixon toM a raged last night thiough the capi­ night. of political acumen accredited to eign "policy." With -this comment, SAVE 90.00...... X H 7 SAVE 110.00...... 1 ^ 7 CHUCK GROUND Lb. tal, Caen, Lyon, Toulouse, Nevers, Soviet bloc boycott of U.N. dis­ tric Railways, and Motor Coach smile lines. In describing her cam small crowd in an unscheduled armament debate, India *and six Employes of America in Bridge­ Earlier,,in .a speech he prepared her .husband as majority leader shj dismissed a question on Que- palgn travel experiences in 30 talk that hie and his running-mate, ATLANTIC In lAits of 2 Lbs. Or Over 69c Ib. Toulon and Brest. port, Waterburj’, New Britain and for use, along way, he accused moy-Matsu as an "Inwlved .sub­ The fighting was heaviest along other nations' sought support to­ of the Senate. state.?, ..she used picturesque lan­ Henry 'Cabot Lodge, .have "been day for 'a compromise proposal Norw'alk. Nixon of selling America short. ject," guage. She referred to the "mon- FURNACE OIL Paris.’ Left Bank, where 60 domon- The locals have a combined mem­ "It Is Mr. Nixon—not I—who Is Asked for her prediction on the Whfen asked how her husband Autematio Delivery HAMBURG strators and 15 policemen were aimed at bringing the West and election outcome, she replied in a tagc'\of pageantry in this coun­ (Oontlnned on Page Ten) the Russians back to the arms bership of 550 drivers and downgrading Amerfca,” Kennedy envisioned his role as vice presi­ try. At' one sbe commented, L. T. WOOD CO. Or In 5 Ib. IaiIs $2.50. hurt and 527 students arrested. mechanics. They have been with­ southwestern drawl, 'I really be­ FREE FREE negotiating table. asserted. lieve the Democrats are going to dent If elected, Mrs., Johnson're­ “what a catalyst water is," speak- Phone Ml 3-1129 ' Two oompletei Most of the. students were released out a contract since the old one Kennedy planned to spend-four plied that he would "set store by PINEHURST 3 IN 1 BLEND later. •• Indian Defense Minister V. K. win by a good majority.” 'But she trig of the contrast between the Krishna Menon hinted at the plan expired Sept. 29. days in a row in this area in a drive the line in thp conslllulion which bare bones, of the desert areas and OF BEEF, PORK, VEAL ■^NEW CAKE MIXES! Nine newsmen arid photogra­ The union is insisting on an to beat out Nixon In the November hastened to add that she wants says that the vice president shall G-E DELUXE 5 CYCLE FILTER- N^RGE GAS DRYER phers were injured covering the last night in a 2-hour speech be­ "escalator wage clause, which party workers to keep at their then t|^ green valleys of more fore (he U.N.’s 99-natlon Political election. Aides rate this state telephone cWls and volunteer preside over the Senate. This Is the fertile areas. . , BiiUetins WASs^224.9.5. $ 1 C O Pari? riots. - The French National grants an automatic raise of a few close. place he will feql very much at Press Photographers Association Committee which is debating the cents an hour w’henever the gov­ work. Asked If she thought thls’^had SAVE 50.0D...... 1 3 7 arms question. horfle.'' She added that he would do from the AP Wires FLOAUTOMAHC WASHER Our new check out cashier, who formerly worked for accused police 6f singling out news­ ernment reports a raise In the (Oontinaed on Page Ten) She told a women’s press confer­ this as well as other duties which’' be'en a more dlgpilfied campaign men for rough h.'indling and of Menqn said- Indja would soon cost of living. If the cost-of-liVlng- ence at the Governor’s mansion in than usual, Mrs."Johnson said, ’•! RUMMAGE one of the major chains, wants to know how' we can offer the outlines of a resolution the president asks him to assiime. 10 Lb. Capacity^Aulomatic seizing cameras and films. index takes a downward turn, Hartford that she "pays close at­ Mrs. Johnson said her mail dur­ think we had better wait until It’s 6TH DEBATE' IN DOUBT match and in many ca.ses go h^low the chains on all on the disarmament question. tention to'what 1 hear and see. I all over until we declde-that one.”- ' Bleach Dinpenner NORGE DELUXE GAS RANCE The French National Students wage-earners whose contracts con­ ing this campaign runs Uie gamut. Washington, Oct. 98 (6>)—A nationally advertised grocery itera.s. Union, many of whose members Tnformed sources said India has tain an escalator clause have Nobel’s Peace hear one .-thing and see another “Some of it is beautiful; a Utile She was flanked by Mrs. Abra­ Democratic official assisrted to­ SALE ^ace Induction to bear arms In drawn up a 9-polnt proposal with their pay lowered accordingly. sometimes.” bit of It-is 'Ugly,” she said. Some ham Rlbicoff, wife of the gover­ day the presidential oandklatea WAS 369.9.5. ^ S ^ A A WAS 21!l.9,">. , ^ 1 6 9 'North Africa, had called for a day Burma, Mexico, Sweden, • Veh-, This has been the principal Is­ The Texas campaigner said she nor; and Mrs. Ella Gratsso,. Con­ Sponsored By Alto try Appleieuc* Rpi«in, of her mail, she continued, consists have been unoblST to' agree on SAVE -125.00...... AHH Buttar Pecan. Fudge Nut YOOIt of national agitation for peace hi ezuela, the United Arab Republic sue In negotiations. The imlon "did not find the civil fights is­ of appeals for contributions of hats necticut secretary of state, during having a fifth television debato. THE ORDER of AMARANTH QIOICE Algeria. The government banned ■and Yugoslavia, . . says the, company has offered Prize Withheld sue the source of hostility ‘I for bazaars and PTAs. “This helps the'conference.'Go'v. Rlbicoff stood The answer is that we are members of the„A.G. group, - outdoor demonstrations but per­ He acensed Vice Fresldent Nlzoa owning oui* own warehouse right nearby in Wether.^ Diplomatic informants said the either an escalatbf clause for one thought it mljjht be,” oh a recent keep my attlc .clean,” she laugh­ next to the ladle?, of "apparently . . not netiiig to mitted Indoor meetings. The Com- United States . reacted favorably year w'ithout any regular raise or whistle stop tour through southern ed, "but I hard!/-have a hat left." G-E 23” CONSOLE TV Fri., 28 • field, which hitys il|car load-lots for us .so that we can munitlt party sponsored work stop­ to,the proposal, but the Russians a raise of IVi cents without the For 14th' Time good faith.” J. Leonard Reiiuelb • A.M. states. Mrs. Johnson appeared trim in 6100,000 BLAZE the Kennedy official who haa G-E AUTOMATIC WASHER 1 UHF-VHF " .. easily keep in h‘nft'.with any competition. To Introduce these two new. cake mixes , . . 6herry A l-. pages In plants throughout the na­ complained it left out any men- escalator clause. She said she saw an 'occasioqal red wool sheath » dress, one Waterbury, Oct. *28 i/Pi — A tion lasting from a few minutes to Oalo, Norway, Oct. 28 (jD—The been negotiattng'on the Mtm/bo, mond .and date nut, we offer them along with the other sign in the* crowd with "some un­ strand of pearls, a donkey pin, 3-alarm fire destroyed the Inter­ abided that apparently NtawB 10 Lb. Capacity Fllter^Flo WAS .‘{19.9.5, $ ^ A A listed three DOnean Hines mixes at the special price In several hours. (Continued on Page Thirteen) (Continued on Page Three) Nobel Committee of the Norweg­ pleasant reference.'” On the ■w’hole. MASONIC TEMPLE ian Parliament decided today not gold bracelet, and pcai$ earrings. ior of an automobile firm and "is not willing to meet Sen. Ksa .SAVE-7.5.00...... i. lots of three of Because of the government ban, She has chestnut h ^ r and did not ’ damaged oil insurance company nedy' again face to face la tto WAS 239.95. $1 TO the response to the student call to, award the Nobjl peace prize Each week we are selecting several really interesting this year. wear-a hat. , today. Damage was estimated at final stages of this cmctal oaas‘' SAVE 60.00...... I / T ■ 'exceeded all expectations. It em­ She told women of the press $100,000. The oIHm Involved special grocery value.s for you so that you will shop our DUNCAN HINES phasized the mounting optcry for Sure It Wpn^t Happen in tJ.S, The priM money was reserved palgn-" G-E21”G0NS0LEnETV grocery shelves with care and discover the pleasure that her travel wardrobe consists were those of NaOian-llale American Cake Mixes For*1.01 the government to-come to terms for next year, a brief announce­ News Tidbits of two suits, one bright; iUiree .Motors, Inc., 481 Meadow St., FINCH JURY 8T nX —PopeAcontrol~-Snd the sterilization 'of ed- and the prizes for chemistry dor Philip Bonsai leaves Cuba American cheered speakers who called for a John VXIH’s lop spokesman - in and physics wl|l be awarded for Washington, and Is not expect­ locked. The retrial Jury passed' U aECTRIG BUNKET ^Ick negotiated peace In Algeria, mental defectives. ed to return. the 37—FBItionable section of Greenwich "Vll- in 1956. more than 9400,000 . New York . LAOS GETS U.S. CCDmI k JELLY Dog 8 cane $1.00' Archbisliop Egidlo Vagnozzl, the United States, I where Demo­ TTiis 4s the. 14th year the prize agenU struck with lightning swift­ lage', ■ . Apostolic delegate to the United Herald Tribune said it has been Melekh, who came to the U.8. Vimtlane, Loos, Oct. '28 (6>— Dallas Oilman Sent cratic candidate Jram F. Ken­ has not been awarded since the told a report completed Oct. 10 for ness last night to round up a Rus­ States, added In a statement yes­ nedy’s Catholic religion ha?, been first, in 1901. The Norwegfian Par­ In- 1955, resided with' his wife, The U.S. em bas^ today do- terday: the U- S. Information Agency sian employed at the United Na,- Irina, and their two children — the Ilvered a check for $700,000 to G-E ELECTRIC BUHKETr" Anti-Catholic Mail made an Issue. liamentary Committee charged shows a "continuing decline!’. In WESTINQHOUSE DELUXE 30-MINUnFREf "I am confident, also, no such Vagnozzl released hjs^ stateme'B tlons and a German-bOrn medical boy, • Mikhail, and . a daughter, Premier Soovaana Phouma. ro- under Nobel’s will with awarding American pi-estige Iri Western Illustrator. Both men siy ac­ Marina, 2 years old. * 'sumlng mtuitary aid to Lana SINGLE CONTROL. , ^ $ 1 0 iNSTALLATlbN 13 Oc. Glaesee Balboa To Assist Johnson action would ever be taken by , the' "without elaboratlbn while In. Mo­ the prize never-glves a reaopn for Europe rblstlva to the Soviet VACUUM CLEANER ' hlerarqjiy In this'cmmtry.” cused of spying for the Sovriet A stubby man with gray hair The ■ riieck eo vo n the Septem- , WAS 29.95. ••.••• .'7~. • . . . i 1 3F Oil gaL $1.59 bile ito attend the 50th anniversary not doing so. Union. Union. and hom-rlmm'ed gjasses, Melekh • The- Archbishop commented ceremony of A.rQhblthop Thomas According to the will, It Is giv­ Nuclear submarine Snopk, 22nd her pay of the Roysil. LaotiaB WAS 59.95, '■ ^ 3 5 Dallas, Tex., Oct. 28 yP»—Wealthy concerning the action of the three A third man, a Ru.sslan nall6nal —handcuffed as he was taken Into army—or at least units under Dallas oilman H. Lj., Huht said yes­ J.'Toolen’s ordination as a priest. en "one who has done' most or In the. nation's fast-growing fleet now out of the country, was named FBI "^hqadquarter.? — mutlered: MUFFLERS 'Catholic bishops of Puerto Rlcd •.Agreement with the Apostolic best furthered the brotherhood be­ of A-subs, to be launched at Pas­ Souvanna’s control. TrooM. loyal A U ' V terday he Kiailed copies ofiah antU who had a paswraMet'er read last co-consplratar bi/t ■ not a de­ "We .wane well prepared. . we were to rightwtag rebel Gen. Pheanal Catholic sermon prior to the Demo­ delegate’s statement came Im- tween peoples or done, the meat to cagoula, Miss., Monday. . . . fendant. ' well prepared^ . . . , SHE1UND ELECTRIC MAKES cratic national convention in an Sunday, directing that Puerto Ri­ me^ately from Richard Cardinal abolish or reduce the standing ar­ Souped-up ■yei-slon of hydrogen Nosavnn also an entitled -to WESTINCHOUSE ^ave lOc on Jack effort to win the nomination for can .(Catholics not vote for the Cushing, Roman Catholic Arch­ mies, or for the establishment and peroxide may be useful In killing Seized at their Manhattan-homes At a'nother point he said. "It jiist share In'the U.S. aid. >nt Sea- SAVE 15c SHURFINE Sen, Lyndon B. Johnson, D-Tex. Popular DS)nocratlc party. bishop of Bostpq, who salct "It Is extenaion of peace congresses.” germs; which have become resist­ wefe Igor Yagovlevleh Melekh, 47, shows everybody is ready.” He did yanna has said Phoupil’i pay­ Buy Halloween candy 24,. August Clam The pastoral . letter said the" head of the Russian lariguage sec­ not elaborate.' masters will have to oome to FLOORroUSHER Hunt said he has not t^ e n part totally out of step with American ant to >antibiotlca, research team In his joK at the U.N.. Melekh AIR CONDITIONER BAKED BEANS Chowder fit can 29e In the presidential campaign be­ party had passed laws permitting tfadltiqn for ecclesiastical au- reports. tion In t ^ Ofllce of Conference Vientiane ito get the money. Pre­ WAS5>.gs. . $^g to a box, Herahey and tween Sen. ■ John F.’ Kennedy, a the teaching of birth control and Car driven by 26-year-6ld Chi Services’6f the U.N. Secretariat, earned $11,000 a year.' The indict­ sumably they would not be nl- WAS 239.95. ^ 1 4 9 SAVE On giant 26 Ot. ■fhorlty here to dictate the political ment against hiin said Ire also was Roman Catholic, .and Vice Presi­ permitting sterilization of Inental' Voting of citizens.” Gnus in Zoos cago 'home economist who sVid she and Willie Hlrsch, 52, who came to Iqwed to l^v e, U.S.' MOItary .tod 10 ox. Jar at *1.58 4 Cana *1.90 sW s at i,...... box 89c dent Richafd M. Nixon. defectives. blacked out, jpmfted a sluewalk this coufttry as a youth, but never known as Peter Stephens and .as had I^D i suspended for nearly ^ Religious leaders In tWs coun­ “Gypsy.” . Johnson, who Bought the presi- Bishop James E. 'vlcManus of try, "of whatever denomination,” To Make News and ripped through a crowd. of became a citizen. iiwo months. NO MONEY DOWN WITH YOUR OLD APPLIANCE SEAT COVERS ■1 i- denltlal nomination,- is Kennedy’s Ponce later si-ld ah.v Catholics ds-' pedestrians last night, killing five ' Hirsch, sold also to- have' used' fying the letter would commit "the are expe(^ed to discuss 'Issuep I^e, pair had been indicted yes­ the 'i name John Gilmort, was We have Metrscal at $1.29^ and 900 Calorie Diet can 83c running mate. Angeles, 'Oct. 38 and hnrllpg their twisted Mdles terday by a federal grand jury In , ZORIN BLAMES DULLES WIU Be ~An official of a Senate Investiga­ sin of disobedience.” which have relevance to, public or­ hot (A>> ~ across a busy downtown intlerseC' picked up while his \rife and United Nations, N. T.. Oe*. Fancy Red Grapes Featured At Lb. der and to advise their constitu­ The zoo knows it and' the gnu- Chicago, 'One charge accuses the ' AS LO.W AS 1.25 5 00 Pinehurst Apples from Pero . . . McIntosh, Baldwins, 186 tion Committee last .waak said he (In San Juan, Puerto.Rico, Gov. tion ... Burglar breaks Into Bris­ men of • trying to obtain aerial daughter were out walking. 28—(^ ) -^ v le t Foreign Mlplstee -I. had evjd.i^hce that Hunt paid for Luis Munoz Marin and leaders of ents when spiritual principles are knows It; It takes a he-gnii, , Hlrsch and hts family had li'ved Valerian A , Zbrta mW tediwthe ON OUR Ow n "fttTDGET PLAN NEW BIKE DEPT. involved, the Cardinal , said' in a and a she-gnu to produce a- tol pharmacyh and makes off vrith photographs of Chicago, Including Delicious, CortUuuL’s and Greenings look as pretty as the printing and mailing of 102,OOQ hts Popular Democratic party ex- fSAOO' In cash including, 'a coin in the apartment for the past 10 arrest, of a Soviet. membea et We repair ell melwm Tea . copies of a sermon delivered' by pressed'bclief today that the pas­ statement, adding. > •new gnu. military irislallatlons. years. 0«e tenant-^tolft' of the OBB nee yamr oU btke oe a bu ttern u t. SQUASH Lb. collection oyned by proprietor the U.N. seoretariOt an pictures.., r- 5c Dr. W. A. Criswell, pastor of the toral letter forbidding . Roman "This is not Improperly mixing 'That’s why Griffith Park Joseph A, Masterbo^e. Th4 Justice ■ Department fn arrest of the short/stocky Hlrsch age chargee Is “on obviona pf#F* SIRVICE Fi^< Baptist Church In DaUaa. It Catholics to vote for their party religion and politics, this is bring­ Zoo Is making a deal with Yale University Divinity School WaBhlngfon announced their ar­ —said Incredulously: "He was the eoatlo^” Zorto said tbe o R ^ ' is the largest- white Baptist church Is bpomeranging. ing our religious traditions into the Fresno Zoological Society. Assn, sayn no condidhte: should be rests. at almost the lame time, the nicest guy In Uie oulldlag." had been.pinuwd 'by !■ tai the nation; (Electioneering through the the stream of American life In a Griffth 'Park luut aeveral denied electlqn to tto presidency FBI men closed in. , In addition to ttelng charged Dalles, hdod el the VJk C*"" ______STORE rR/PLfM/ PINEHURST BROOERY, GoratiLMaiR rrA MiMIt Tpko. ' L) the sermon. Dr, Criswell op­ countryside, Munoz is drawing way that Influences that public she-gnus but no he-gnup- At solely on the basis of his reUglons MeleKh was seized at hie apanl- with upionage, both fipm also are InteUlgeaee AgetMT. to posed! the election of Kennedy be- bigger crowd! thSn before Puerto life while it protecta individual Fresno, she-gnut are rare but •niUsUoa, . : . Negotmtora for the mbnt on W est. 80th Bt. while a charged with failure to register attcffltlen of the 1I*& ePT bPEN m f THURSDAY «Ml RUDAY--«HfCKS CASHRD^ARI(ING--CARRY 6UT TO YOUR CAR MUise of hla rellglcfii. Rico’s three Ca^thollc bishops is­ freedom.” there ore he-gnus to epore., General Electric Cto. and the Unit­ birthday party was going on for with the State Deportment as lU^to over^ Soviet j ter. 711 MAIN 8T^ MAWCHESTER • OPI^N TONIGHT • PHONE MI 9-9528 S T O R E S ^ ■ "Many of my* very best friends,, sued their IMtsr, which attacked "Commonweal,” a weekly opln- The news,Is that Jhe tw-tr- ed .Electrical Workers reach ten- his 6-ye$i>oM son. Hinsch was agents of a foreign governments «Alm DoiM had to mJun l-v m the party bacauaa it paaaed laiwa sops wiU be' maktnii gnus by tattve agreement on new S-yekr alone (n.'hle 4-rom apartment at to Jonttly hJa ante,* r « m r#ce"Bs*ea) allowing tha taaeUngta#^j|Bg of Mrth '*« im Pag# n v 9) j|. UEtlag gnus. ' ooiitlact. FifU$||Lvenue and lOth Bt, a fash- (OoattaHMfi (■# Poe# T h irty :> repottor. ^ j'- ■'A- 7) ’ ■-'L