What I Learned in Pittsburgh Forestalling Ecocide with the Age of Stupid
North of CeNter Wednesday, OctOber 7, 2009 Free take home and read VOluMe I, Issue 11 Faust summoned What I learned in Pittsburgh to set Lex ablaze The 2009 G20 summit and protests, part 1 Krautrockers play Boomslang By Trevor Tremaine In the mid 1990s, I was a subur- ban teenager entering a lifelong obses- sion with strange, adventurous music. before Myspace, peer-to-peer fileshar- ing, Mutant sounds and other blogs of its ilk , and without regular access to many interesting all-ages gigs or the sorts of fantastic record stores that were found in louisville or cincinnati (each requiring an hour-plus drive), discovering such sounds was a rather labor-intensive process. Often, I would just peruse the CDs in (the legendary, long-gone lexington record store) cut corner’s scant, rarely- restocked avant-garde section and select a disc based solely on the cover art, the description, or the instrumen- tation, if the credits were visible (i.e. if personnel were attributed with “tapes and electronics,” I knew I had to check it out—an axiom that still holds true today). For guidance, I sought The Wire magazine, a UK journal of experimen- tal music from around the world. One memorable issue listed “100 records that set the World on Fire (While no One Was listening),” and I made it my MICHAEL MARCHMAN mission to hear as many of these very, Crowds of protestors gather in downtown Pittsburgh during the recent G20 meetings. very obscure records as I could find. Faust was a name that popped up By Michael Dean Benton gesture of political optimism.
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