
fv«;:-#;iriix; '.-r^r* -A'',‘ 'it' itm. m * /; '■ ■■' v;«A.vjv: /^'r . I 'n ^ '- '4 '1 '• ■■ ;. r . .. ,■ / '■ ■, .‘ .V- '-y ■; , . ■■ ' ,: f ; I ’.<•; ■' / - r A';\ K- '. I. ■i' T Jr-i— rr-- ■ y " ■'•■ V-. •'■■■'^ ■•'••.’ , '■ ::;:V TtJESDAY^MARCHvi2, .1957 Averaffc Daily Net’ ''rew; Rtm ; - t"-. *w- . .. ' ■ . Wfisther . .PAGE S][XTEEN ■^ t ■ , v ; ^ ■ For-the Week Ended :^anrijfiatfr , :March 'i ForaeMt-*r tl. S. Weatlm*’ ■. ■■'V- more distant aC|iools o f . Manches­ f e - . 1 2 ^ 6 6 4 < : ' Fair, not so mid teniglit; Leir The DeWolf Art Otiild wiU meet Miss 'Veronica and Miss;. Lau- I6-49. Fairtiy dbtidy, edtitimiM VetU Stelts, 91 ‘ Washington St., Engaged Former Assistaiil ter and the Bolton school. Eac^ t , iniursday at . lO a.m. at the Oom-f » ' ' . t , • Thursday period will be divided in- • Member o f the Audit •' mnif TltMraiay,''Hlj|t>''fe' upp^r’ Ma. About Towti munity T.,* Mrs.^ Elmer A. Weden have returned .to tow® ' a f t e r Bureau of dKU lation spending tht?’past two months in Lenten Jr readier to tHree parts Which are to be; will give'a demontstratlon of tinsel organized gambt, Lenten misklbn f 'Mmteh^ster-^A City o f filiage Charm John B, HOgaA. sMlitant painting, and each member is re- St. Petersburg and HoUjrwood. FJa. Oh the return trip they were ac­ study,' and a worship serv||te in nnntl____________________ iupervlBor ,6f the qu .stC<I to bring a Os’! glass in. ^ e Rev. W. ’Thomas Engram', the phuzChi Co., Allyn’i Point'Dlvl-. frame, writing pens and ihk, also Companied by their nieCe. Miss former, student assiatant /at St. VOL. LXXVI, NO; 138 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WED? lY, MARCH 13,1957 (Claaaifted A^rerHslng on Page 28) PRICE TTVE c e n t s Ch«mlc«I — . Virginia ,Vol*. who had been vaca­ The Rev., Mr. Engram^ worked •ion, Cale* Ferrjr, will > be the paint brushes. Mrs. JamSs White, Mary’s, will be the mid-week in'St. Hkry’s part time'while a gueat apeaker at the meeting of chainhan, and her committee will tioning in New Orleans. La.; and her brother, Joh® Vols, who was in Lenten preacher in St. Mary’s Epis­ senior at the Berkeley 'Divinity thb Klwanls Club ThuAday no<»n; serve dessert and Coffee, and mem-;, School In New Haven, assisting in hers will provide their own sanCP Florida. They >are the son and copal Church Wednesday evenipg at 12:16 at the Country Club. He' at 7:30. Since 1964, he has- been the ChiirQii school and running the ... .J, will Ulk on modea aiid chemicals, wiches. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jotepb A. Volz, 63 Demont St, a member of the staff of St. Ste- youth program of the parish. THIS WEEK ONLY — ALL SALES FINAL and will show a film, hjsn'a ChurCh, Lynn, Mass., ^n'e The Holy Family Mothers CirCle of the largest Congregations in lira, William-Webb has returned Another ' session of the Mothers will-meet Thursday at 8 p.m. in >Bible Studies will be held st New England. to her home In New Jersey after the ChurCh of the Assumption. Fol­ the Buckingham .Congregational- The Rev. Mr. Engram wrill apeak LATEX CEILING visiting relatives in, town for a lowing religious instruction, the O urCh tomorrow from 11 to 11:50 on “The ,Glft of Understanding,” GriMfing Cards month. Mr.'and Mrs. Haten Webb group will proceed to the home of ,a.m. ■ - whU:h,.^s’ the second In' a scries motored^here from N iw Jersey to Mrs. Robert Hallisey, <22 Lenox St. ’en mid-week addresses this that •xprMt yowr Withst PAINT P A I N T f take her hpma , The Immaculate Conception on the adbjeCt of “ Spiritual The Connecticut Section of the Mothers Circle will moot Wednes- ” The evening’’ service will $ 0 . 4 9 FER Our Lady of^ the Most Hot>’ Illundnatlng Engineering Society day at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Henry consist of the litany .with full sen­ ' $ 0 . 7 5 PER Washingrton, MarCh 13 (/f^TOnibn'g, , Corresporidenbe. have ior choir, directed bW,,Sydney. W. Rosary M eters Circle will meet will hold Us regular monthly meet­ Mutrie,' 43 Branford St. L ^a l . - been destroyed. at 8 O’cloCk tomorrow night at MacAlpine. ^ GAL. — A Teamsterfi Union official He said all of Hfe discarding ing in the auditorium of the Con­ t ■Following the service, Everyone testified today the, Oregon the home of Mrs. Colvin Cronia, necticut Light and Power Co.,'Ber­ * Covers Everything wan done at hls,<irdera by a wom­ 220 Center St. Members a n n - The Rev. Paul G, Prokopy will attending will be invited'hy St.. White and Colors an e m p lo y e ,D o r o th y ’ O’Brien, lin. Thurst^y at 8 ','.m. Howard C. take for his sermon subject tomor­ Union CounCil paid a $3,000 n^lnded of the auction and oake Marys Men’s Club to adjourij to' “ retainer” fee to the la ^ e r who now la^’some plate in Asia.” . sale immediately after the meet- Colton, manager o^the-Color prod­ row at the second of the Lenten the Crypt of the new’ church Ypr ucts section of the Eastman Kodak series-of meellnga. at.?ion ChurCh A bupai of laughter came from ■ing, and also to bring a child’s- — Paullab Bfa|f<Hlttvaps « - disCusai6n with the seaker on for indicted District Attorney the sjiectators In the , crowded gift for the sunshine basket. <5h.. Rochester, " ’ill give a “Tlirough Our Ssvlor'We Surmbht the topic of the evening. The men WilUam M; Lanprley of Port­ Conflicts.” The adult membership \ hearing room at that testimony. talk on “Lighting for Photog Mrs. Emory/iClvara, 408 N. Main will also serve refreshments. land. He said he didn’t know “Well thaf’s true!” Mlkesell : e s j 6-Day Trip raphy.^’ MernbeCs of camera clubs group will meet it 6:30 p.m. Fol-' St., announgek the engagement of Other services in St. Mary’s A .TUST RIGHT CARD !. J. MORRISON exclaimed. ' ' the purpose. and camera enthuslasta are lii Towing the Lenteh service, the her' daugktbr, Pauline Marie,' to Wednesday will be celebrations of -FOR EVERY OCCASION, Sunday School staff will meet. 'Tire alleged attempt' by Team­ vlted. Maurice A. lAtullppe, son of Mr. the Holy Communion at 6 and 10 ALWAYS AVAILABLE PAINT and WALLPAPER CO. Reginald Alikesiell told the ster offiCials to “ musCle In’.’ on a.m.. The 6 o’CloCk service will be On I Set to Start and .Mrs. Alme Latuli'ppe, 780-Ver ----- tVT FAIRWAY — Senate Rackets Investigating Portland rackets embraced the Mrs. Mary Mullaney, flrat aid non M. concluded at 6:30 for- the ben^it ISrCENTER ST^----:--------- Commiiiee ihe fec~was .paid period from mid-1954 to mid-1956. instructor, wishes to ivmind the A May 4 wedding is planned. of tho;;e w’ho must get to work; OPEN last August to Alty. K. C. James B. (Big Jim) Elkins,'de­ publiC that an advanced first but the'lD a.m. service will be fol­ scribed by the committee as the Budget Gut' T o m o rro w course will start tomorrow . eve­ lowed by InterCessory prayer. EVERY THURSDAY and Tanner. Portland “underworld king,’”’ , has ning at the Police Station from 7 -The SalvaUon Army Band will Those who wish to remain for He said he knows of no play at 8:15 this evening at the FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 testified that two Seattle gam- to 16 o’clock. All persons Who hold, healing, prayer after the other in­ service Tanner perfomied for bler.s, Tom Maldriey and Joe MC­ Gaza Governor - Wa.shinKton. MarCh 13 (/P) Washington, . March 13 i/F). FUNERAL HOME standard Unit air certificates or meeting of the Hol’lster PTA in tercessions are invited to do so. — President Ei'senhotfer dis­ W^ose certificates have expired the school auditorium. The bands­ the -union at the time, and Laughlin, were sent to Portland in Gen.' Hassan Abdel Latif, —The House today voted a .St. Mary’s children's Lenten connection with the alleged effort whose appointment by the PINE wiGxm the year are eligible to un­ men will be under the direction of program begins this Thursday af­ OPEN MONDAY added: “ It does seem a little 26 per cent Cut in the. budget Closed ((tday he will take a FU N ER A l One reason the committee Wantr Egyptian government as gov­ dertake this course Of four 3-hour Bandmaster C. Peter Carlson. ternoon after, school. A large silly, doesn’t it,” for the executive offiCe of slow trip on a Navy cruiser iessops. Mi’S. Roxy Foss,, and Peter This will take the place of the ed the financial records /Vts to ernor of- the disputed Gaza PHARMACY group of volunteer drivers has of­ WORLD Strip caused concern over the the President for the Vl. to the Bermuda ConferenpeD SERVICE Staum, Red-Cross first "aid instruc­ regular praCtiCe period for the fered to pick up children at the Ml 3-8072 check on any payments to Maloney M « Center SL—TeL MI 9-MU GREEN Washington, MarCh 13 (/P) and McLaughlin. future status of .United Na­ months starting July 1. The in hopes of clearing upTiis Walter N. tors. will assist Mra. Mullahey in band. teaching the grbujl. S-^AMPS That’s the number! CalL it — Reginald (Reg) MikesCll, tions forces in the area, puffs House action followed Closely headCold and ear intention. ^ Leclerc (Continued on Page Six) a Cigarette in Cairo.
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