Swiss Tourism in the Age of Climate Change - Vulnerability, Adaptive Capacity, and Barriers to Adaptation
Swiss tourism in the age of climate change - vulnerability, adaptive capacity, and barriers to adaptation THÈSE NO 5506 (2012) PRÉSENTÉE LE 18 octobre 2012 À LA FACULTÉ DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT NATUREL, ARCHITECTURAL ET CONSTRUIT LABORATOIRE DE RECHERCHES EN ÉCONOMIE ET MANAGEMENT DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT PROGRAMME DOCTORAL EN ENVIRONNEMENT ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE POUR L'OBTENTION DU GRADE DE DOCTEUR ÈS SCIENCES PAR Cecilia Matasci acceptée sur proposition du jury: Prof. E. Gnansounou, président du jury Prof. Ph. Thalmann, directeur de thèse Dr B. Abegg, rapporteur Dr P. de Haan van der Weg, rapporteur Prof. M. Rebetez, rapporteur Suisse 2012 Contents i Acknowledgements This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people and institutions. I would in particular like to thank Philippe Thalmann for having offered me this wonderful occasion, for his trust, his support, and his help all along this thesis. I am also very grateful to the members and the president of the jury, Bruno Abegg, Martine Rebetez, Peter de Haan van der Weg, and Edgard Gnansounou, who made me the honor and the pleasure to accept this task. Many warm thanks also to the REME people, current and past, I would in particular like to thank Camille Gonseth for the shared work, the interesting input and discussions; and to Juan-Carlos Altamirano-Cabrera for having been there at the beginning of my thesis. Alex, André, Anne-Kathrin, Beat, Bertil, Christina, Claudine, Frank, Gaëlle, Gisèle, Huanqing, Marc, Martin, Mike, Philippe, Ronal, Santosh, Sophie, Yann, and last but not least our administrator Laurence Fonjallaz! Thank you all so much for your cheerfulness, for the beautiful moments spent together, in addition to your precious feedback on this work! A big thank you also to the people who came to the REME under the civil service scheme and the trainees that participated in this work and in other related projects: thanks in particular to Roger Bear, Antoine Thalmann, Alexandre Anibal, Nico Barawid, and Etienne Thalmann.
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