THEAUSTLIAN M R A product of PP100007123 ININAG EVIEW Incorporating THE USTLIAN Publications & E R Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd OIL – GAS – ELECTRICIT Y – RENEWABLES ISSUE 113, JUNE 2017 NEWS: TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION P10 MINING IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA P24 RECRUITMENT P75 Image: Bruce Peebles. © State of Queensland 2017. ADANI: Pushing for development When Adani spectacularly deferred it’s highly anticipated final investment decision announcement – just days before it was due – the future of its $16.5 billion Carmichael project was cast into doubt. The story continues to evolve, but if the kinks associated with State royalty agreements and Federal NAIF loans can be ironed out, then this mega-project could be an economic windfall for the North Queensland region for decades to come. FEATURE: p20 JUNE 2017 2 CONTENTS THE AUSTLIAN MINING REVIEW PUBLISHED BY ABN 28 112 572 433 A product of Publications & Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd GENERAL MANAGER Brad Francis MANAGING EDITOR Reuben Adams COMMODITY FOCUS: DIAMONDS JOURNALISTS Cameron Drummond, Elizabeth Fabri GRAPHIC DESIGNER featurenews pp1918 Charlotte Lufino SALES EXECUTIVES NEWS 1 Beej Francis, John Carter, Chris Foley, Kelly Thompson Technology & Innovation 10 PRINTER Rural Press International 14 CONTACT US P: (08) 6314 0300 Commodity Focus: Diamonds 18 F: (08) 9481 7322 160 Beaufort Street, Perth, WA 6000. PO Box 8023, Perth BC, WA 6849. SPECIAL Profiles E-mail the editor at
[email protected] Adani: Carmichael 20 For all other emails to staff, the standard convention is, first name (only) @miningoilgas. Mining in South Australia 24 The Australian Mining Review is a free publication to all mine sites and mining companies in AIMEX 2017 30 Australia.