Special Conference Edition , November, 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bajopas.v10i1.17S Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences , 10(1): 84 - 88 ISSN 2006 – 6996 TERRESTRIAL GAMMA RADIATION ABSORPTION AND THE EFFECT OF ITS INHALATION TO THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF A HUMAN BODY: A CASE STUDY OF PAHANG STATE MALAYSIA *Gabdo , H.T.1 and Garba, N.N.2 1Federal College of Education Yola, Nigeria 2Department of Physics, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria *Correspondence author:
[email protected] ; GSM: +2348062291996, +2348034298444 ABSTRACT Measurements for Terrestrial Gamma dose rate (TGDR) were made in Pahang state Malaysia with the average value found to be 176 nGy h -1. The outdoor and the indoor annual effective dose is found to be 0.216 mSv and 0.863mSv respectively. This gives the Total annual effective dose (AED tot ) to be 1.079 mSv. The computed lifetime effective dose, cancer risk and the lifetime cancer risk for each person living in the state were 81 mSv, 6.28×10 -5 and 4.7 x 10 -3 respectively. These values are more than two times the world average values of 34 mSv, 2.82 10 -5, and 2 10 -3 Considering the tissue weighing factors, the effective doses due to inhalation of gamma radiation on internal organs like the Gonads (testes or ovaries), Lung, liver and the bone surface of the body were found to be 35.2 nSv, 21.12 nSv, 8.8 nSv and 1.76 nSv respectively. Key words: Terrestrial Gamma Dose Rate (TGDR), effective dose, cancer risk. INTRODUCTION for each organ or tissue type (ICRP 1990).