Local Market Flows
LOCAL MARKET FLOWS BANCOLOMBIA ANALYSIS: COLOMBIAN EQUITY RESEARCH – Market Report Flows I March 3, 2017 Brokerage Firms, liquidity drivers in the market COLCAP Evolution Last 12 Months In February, brokerage firms were the most influential agent in the stock market, holding the Volume COLCAP 200 1500 largest share with 27.4%. Although their share as both buyers (27.2%) and sellers (27.6%) was 1450 significant, their net movement was sales, amounting to COP10,468mn. However, among the 1400 largest sellers of the month, brokerage firms ranked 5th. 150 1350 The selling force was mainly marked by ADR programs, which contributed COP85,625mn. Sales 1300 totaled COP131,690mn and Ecopetrol’s share was the most sold, likely influenced by the 100 1250 Points company's decline in proven crude reserves in 2016 (-13.5%). On the buyer side, the distrust for mn US$ 1200 ADRs in the domestic market is clear posting only COP46,060mn, 82% less than in January. 1150 50 1100 Pension funds keep ranking third in total market share, with 16.7% and net purchases for 1050 COP155,291mn, consolidating as the main net buyer on the market. The main purchases were 0 1000 made in the ICOLCAP index, Ecopetrol and Davivienda Preference. On the selling side, pension Feb-16 Apr-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 funds offered mostly shares of Cementos Argos, Grupo Argos and ISA. It's important to note that Source: Bancolombia, BVC, Bloomberg pension funds have been net buyers for sixteen consecutive months, proving their interest in continuing to participate in the local market.
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