What is Translation?

Translation is the process in which a written communication or a text in a first language is produced as the written communication or text in the second language interpreting the same meaning. Here the text in the first language is the "source text" and the equivalent text that communicates the same message is the "target text" or "translated text". Initially translation has been a manual activity. Today, together with manual translation, there is also automatic translation of natural-language texts, which is referred to as machine translation or computer- assisted translation which use computers as an aid to translation. Translation is one way to bring the world closer.

Origin of the term Etymologically, "translation" refers to "bringing across" or "carrying across". Originated from the latin word "translatio", the perfect passive participle of which is "translatum" or "transferre". Trans implies "to transfer" and "ferre" implies to "to carry to bring across". For the modern Roman, Germany and Slavic European language, the word "traducere" is used for translation which implies "to bring across" or "to lead across" in English. The Greek term for translation is "metaphrasis" which implies "a speaking across". "Metaphrase" implies a word-for-word translation or literal translation while "paraphrase" in Greek means a saying in other words.

Factors to take in Consider for Translation Translation is not so easy as it sounds to be. Moreover, translation does not mean a simple word for word for correspondence between any two languages. It is not a mechanical process where each word is translated to the target language. Rather, many factors are to be taken into consideration to get the exact output in the target language. The factors are as follows:

 Actual context  The rules of grammar of the two languages  The spellings in the two languages  Their writing conventions  Meaning of idioms and phrases  The usage of points and commas to separate decimals and thousands within numbers. This is to be noted that some languages follow reverse style. For example, while in English we write 1,000.01, the same is written as 1.000,01 in Spanish languages, except for Panama, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the United States itself.  Again text translation also implies the translation of right-to left alphabets (such as Arabic and Hebrew).

Beside the above factors, to get the final document all activities are equally important like

 The document needs to be read  The document needs to be translated  The document is then edited  The document is then proofread, not to mention retyped and often reformatted.  Sometimes, research is also required for translation.  Thorough knowledge of the native language is required by the translator. Translation requires a complete understanding of the customs and lifestyle of a group of people so as to translate in a manner that communicates to that culture's world view. Success of Translation For the success of translation, four requirements are to be fulfilled:

 Making sense.  Displaying the spirit and manner of the original.  The translated document has a natural and easy form of expression.  The translated document produces a similar response.


In the changing world of today, translation needs vary greatly, and so do the kinds of translations. Translation agencies use various terms to refer to different kinds of work they have to perform, and this article will help you to understand better what they mean. There are five main types of translations, technical translation, scientific translation, artistic (literary) translation, translation of documents, and general translation. 1. Administrative translation

The translation of administrative texts. Although administrative has a very broad meaning, in terms of translation it refers to common texts used within businesses and organizations that are used in day to day management. It can also be stretched to cover texts with similar functions in government.

2. Commercial translation

Commercial translation or business translation covers any sort of document used in the business world such as correspondence, company accounts, tender documents, reports, etc. Commercial translations require specialist translators with knowledge of terminology used in the business world.

3. Computer translation

Not to be confused with CAT, computer assisted translations, which refer to translations carried out by software. Computer translation is the translation of anything to do with computers such as software, manuals, help files, etc.

4. Economic translation

Similar to commercial or business translation, economic translation is simply a more specific term used for the translation of documents relating to the field of economics. Such texts are usually a lot more academic in nature.

5. Financial translation

Financial translation is the translation of texts of a financial nature. Anything from banking to asset management to stocks and bonds could be covered. 6. General translation

A general translation is the simplest of translations. A general text means that the language used is not high level and to a certain extent could be in layman's terms. There is no specific or technical terminology used. Most translations carried out fall under this category.

7. Legal translation

Legal translations are one of the trickiest translations known. At its simplest level it means the translation of legal documents such as statutes, contracts and treaties. A legal translation will always need specialist attention. This is because law is culture-dependent and requires a translator with an excellent understanding of both the source and target cultures. Most translation agencies would only ever use professional legal to undertake such work. This is because there is no real margin for error; the mistranslation of a passage in a contract could, for example, have disastrous consequences. When translating a text within the field of law, the translator should keep the following in mind. The legal system of the source text is structured in a way that suits that culture and this is reflected in the legal language; similarly, the target text is to be read by someone who is familiar with another legal system and its language.

8. Literary translation

A literary translation is the translation of literature such as novels, poems, plays and poems. The translation of literary works is considered by many one of the highest forms of translation as it involves so much more than simply translating text. A literary translator must be capable of also translating feelings, cultural nuances, humour and other subtle elements of a piece of work. Some go as far as to say that literary translations are not really possible. In 1959 the Russian- born linguist Roman Jakobson went as far as to declare that "poetry by definition [was] untranslatable". In 1974 the American poet James Merrill wrote a poem, "Lost in Translation," which in part explores this subject.

9. Medical translation

A medical translation will cover anything from the medical field from the packaging of medicine to manuals for medical equipments to medical books. Like legal translation, medical translation is specialization where a mistranslation can have grave consequences.

10. Technical translation

A technical translation has a broad meaning. It usually refers to certain fields such as IT or manufacturing and deals with texts such as manuals and instructions. Technical translations are usually more expensive than general translations as they contain a high amount of terminology that only a specialist translator could deal with. a) Machine translation Also known as automatic translation, this is any translation that is done without human intervention, using software, hand-held translators, online translators such as Babelfish, etc. Machine translation is extremely limited in quality and usefulness. b) Machine-assisted translation Translation that is done with a machine translator and a human working together. For example, to translate "honey," the machine translator might give the options le miel and chéri so that the person could decide which one makes sense in the context. This is considerably better than machine translation, and some argue that it is more effective than human-only translation. c) Screen translation Translation of movies and television programs, including subtitling (where the translation is typed along the bottom of the screen) and dubbing (where the voices of native speakers of the target language are heard in place of the original actors). d) Sight translation Document in the source language is explained orally in the target language. This task is performed by interpreters when an article in the source language is not provided with a translation (such as a memo handed out at a meeting). e) Localization Adaptation of software or other products to a different culture. Localization includes translation of documents, dialog boxes, etc., as well as linguistic and cultural changes to make the product appropriate to the target country.

Types of Interpretation:

Consecutive interpretation (consec) The interpreter takes notes while listening to a speech, then does his or her interpretation during pauses. This is commonly used when there are just two languages at work; for example, if the American and French presidents were having a discussion. The consecutive interpreter would interpret in both directions, French to English and English to French. Unlike translation and simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation is commonly done into the interpreter's A and B languages.

Simultaneous interpretation (simul) The interpreter listens to a speech and simultaneously interprets it, using headphones and a microphone. This is commonly used when there are numerous languages needed, such as in the United Nations. Each target language has an assigned channel, so Spanish speakers might turn to channel one for the Spanish interpretation, French speakers to channel two, etc. Simultaneous interpretation should only be done into one's A language.

Translation versus Interpretation

For some reason, most laypeople refer to both translation and interpretation as "translation." Although translation and interpretation share the common goal of taking information that is available in one language and converting it to another, they are in fact two separate processes. So what is the difference between translation and interpretation? It's very simple. Translation is written - it involves taking a written text (such as a book or an article) and translating it in writing into the target language. Interpretation is oral - it refers to listening to something spoken (a speech or phone conversation) and interpreting it orally into the target language. (Incidentally, those who facilitate communicate between hearing persons and deaf/hard-of-hearing persons are also known as interpreters). So you can see that the main difference is in how the information is presented - orally in interpretation and written in translation. This might seem like a subtle distinction, but if you consider your own language skills, the odds are that your ability to read/write and listen/speak are not identical - you are probably more skilled at one pair or the other. So translators are excellent writers, while interpreters have superior oral communication skills. In addition, spoken language is quite different from written, which adds a further dimension to the distinction. Then there's the fact that translators work alone to produce a translation, while interpreters work with two or more people/groups to provide an interpretation on the spot during negotiations, seminars, phone conversations, etc.

Techniques of translation

As we all know, good translation is not usually just a question of translating each word in turn of the source text into the target language. Nor does it (often) consist, however, of the translator skimming through the source text, putting it aside and then jotting down the general idea of it in his or her own words in the target language. In between the two extremes there is a wide variety of techniques ("strategies"), many of which translators will use intuitively for any given text.

 Direct Translation Techniques Direct Translation Techniques are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language. Direct translation techniques include:  Borrowing  Calque  Literal Translation

1. Borrowing Borrowing is the taking of words directly from one language into another without translation. Many English words are "borrowed" into other languages; for example software in the field of technology and funk in culture. English also borrows numerous words from other languages; abbatoire, café, passé and résumé from French; hamburger and kindergarten from German; bandana, musk and sugar from Sanskrit. Borrowed words are often printed in italics when they are considered to be "foreign".

2. Calque A calque or loan translation (itself a calque of German Lehnübersetzung) is a phrase borrowed from another language and translated literally word-for-word. You often see them in specialized or internationalized fields such as quality assurance (aseguramiento de calidad, assurance qualité taken from English). Examples that have been absorbed into English include standpoint and beer garden from German Standpunkt and Biergarten; breakfast from French déjeuner (which now means lunch in Europe, but maintains the same meaning of breakfast in Québec). Some calques can become widely accepted in the target language (such as standpoint, beer garden and breakfast and Spanish peso mosca and Casa Blanca from English flyweight and White House). The meaning other calques can be rather obscure for most people, especially when they relate to specific vocations or subjects such as science and law. Solución de compromiso is a Spanish legal term taken from the English compromise solution and although Spanish attorneys understand it, the meaning is not readily understood by the layman. An unsuccessful calque can be extremely unnatural, and can cause unwanted humor, often interpreted as indicating the lack of expertise of the translator in the target language.

3. Literal Translation A word-for-word translation can be used in some languages and not others dependent on the sentence structure: El equipo está trabajando para terminar el informe would translate into English as The team is working to finish the report. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. For example, the Spanish sentence above could not be translated into French or German using this technique because the French and German sentence structures are different. And because one sentence can be translated literally across languages does not mean that all sentences can be translated literally. El equipo experimentado está trabajando para terminar el informe translates into English as The experienced team is working to finish the report ("experienced" and "team" are reversed).

 Oblique Translation Techniques Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language. Oblique translation techniques include:  Transposition  Modulation  Reformulation or Equivalence  Adaptation  Compensation

1. Transposition This is the process where parts of speech change their sequence when they are translated (blue ball becomes boule bleue in French). It is in a sense a shift of word class. Grammatical structures are often different in different languages. He likes swimming translates as Er schwimmt gern in German. Transposition is often used between English and Spanish because of the preferred position of the verb in the sentence: English often has the verb near the beginning of a sentence; Spanish can have it closer to the end. This requires that the translator knows that it is possible to replace a word category in the target language without altering the meaning of the source text, for example: English Hand knitted (noun + participle) becomes Spanish Tejido a mano (participle + adverbial phrase).

2. Modulation Modulation consists of using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to convey the same idea: Te lo dejo means literally I leave it to you but translates better as You can have it. It changes the semantics and shifts the point of view of the source language. Through modulation, the translator generates a change in the point of view of the message without altering meaning and without generating a sense of awkwardness in the reader of the target text. It is often used within the same language. The expressions es fácil de entender (it is easy to understand) and no es complicado de entender (it is not complicated to understand) are examples of modulation. Although both convey the same meaning, it is easy to understand simply conveys "easiness" whereas it is not complicated to understand implies a previous assumption of difficulty that we are denying by asserting it is not complicated to understand. This type of change of point of view in a message is what makes a reader say: "Yes, this is exactly how we say it in our language".

3. Reformulation or Equivalence Here you have to express something in a completely different way, for example when translating idioms or advertising slogans. The process is creative, but not always easy. Would you have translated the movie The Sound of Music into Spanish as La novicia rebelde (The Rebellious Novice in Latin America) or Sonrisas y lágrimas (Smiles and Tears in Spain)?

4. Adaptation Adaptation occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. It is a shift in cultural environment. Should pincho (a Spanish restaurant menu dish) be translated as kebab in English? It involves changing the cultural reference when a situation in the source culture does not exist in the target culture (for example France has Belgian jokes and England has Irish jokes).

5. Compensation In general terms compensation can be used when something cannot be translated, and the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the translated text. Peter Fawcett defines it as: "...making good in one part of the text something that could not be translated in another". One example given by Fawcett is the problem of translating nuances of formality from languages that use forms such as Spanish informal tú and formal usted, French tu and vous, and German du and sie into English which only has 'you', and expresses degrees of formality in different ways. As Louise M. Haywood from the University of Cambridge puts it, "we have to remember that translation is not just a movement between two languages but also between two cultures. Cultural transposition is present in all translation as degrees of free textual adaptation departing from maximally literal translation, and involves replacing items whose roots are in the source language culture with elements that are indigenous to the target language. The translator exercises a degree of choice in his or her use of indigenous features, and, as a consequence, successful translation may depend on the translator's command of cultural assumptions in each language in which he or she works".

A dangerous desire to have fairer skin

Since it emerged in the US in the 1960s, the practice of skin-whitening has worked its way across the world. If certain African, Asian and Latino societies consider fair skin a symbol of beauty and higher social standing, then the success of lighter skinned stars in the media has only confirmed their beliefs. Skin-whitening involves the application of products made with strong toxins, which rarely carry a health warning. Increasingly popular, the hazardous "beauty solution" is posing a serious problem in many countries in Africa and elsewhere. On Tuesday (Nov. 3), a French MP launched a nationwide awareness campaign about the dangers of skin whitening.

“While it‟s a problem in France, it‟s a question of public health in Africa”

Khadi Sy Bizet is a Paris doctor specialized in the dermatological aesthetics of black skin. She wrote a book on the subject, "The book of black beauty".

"There are two extreme ways of whitening the skin. Both are highly dangerous. The first employs cortisone [a steroid hormone], which destroys the epidermis [outer layer of the skin]. The product passes into the bloodstream and the user develops a strong dependence on it. Most women who have used this product describe feelings of depression, not to mention serious physical problems with the skin itself.

The other method is to apply a hydroquinone based product. This is a carcinogenic compound and banned in France [it was banned by the entire European Union in 2001]. You can only find it on the black market. The story goes that men prefer women with fairer skin, but it's not true. While it's a problem in France, it's a question of public health in Africa, where every country is affected. It started in Ghana, where prostitutes were the first to whiten their skin. Products sold legally in France don't really work. It must be understood that changing your skin colour simply goes against nature. "

“For some, fair skin remains a symbol of wealth and higher social standing”

Honorat Hermann Kouassi works in advertising in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

"This problem has been around for some time, only now, it's bigger than ever and growing rapidly. Everybody's doing it. Something that's not helping is the numerous advertising campaigns which show women with fairer skin.

Despite having passed laws to monitor this kind of advertising and to ban dangerous products, the Ivorian authorities don't bother enforcing them. Nothing's changed. Although the concept is condemned in public, many men in private admit that they prefer women with fairer skin. For some, fair skin remains a symbol of wealth and higher social standing. There are plenty of women who don't think twice about „leveling out' their skin, as we say here. It ranges from 12-year-olds to the elderly." O dorinta periculoasa pentru a avea o piele alba

Inca de la aparitia sa in SUA in anii ‟60, obiceiul inalbirii pielii a patruns in intreaga lume. Daca unele societati africane, aziatice sau latino considera pielea alba un simbol al frumusetii si a unei pozitii sociale inalte , atunci succesul vedetelos slabanoage in mass-media doar a confirmat acest fapt. Inalbirea pielii include in sine aplicarea produselor ce contin toxine puternice , care rareori nu duc la probleme de sanatate. Cu o popularitate ce creste continuu, periculoasa “solutie a frumusetii” creaza problem in multe tari din Africa si in alte parti. Marti (3 noiembrie) un membru al Parlamentului francez a lansat o campanie de sensibilizare la nivel national ce tine de pericolele inalbirii pielii.

“In timp ce in Franta aceasta este doar o problemuta, in Africa este o problema a sanatatii publice”

Khadi Sy Bizet este un doctor din Paris care s-a specializat in estetica dermatologica e pielii negre. Ea a scris o carte la acest subiect, « Cartea frumusetii negre ».

“Exista doua metode extreme pentru a inalbi pielea. Ambele sunt destul de periculoase. Prima metoda foloseste cortizon [un hormon steroid], care distruge epiderma [stratul exterior al pielii]. Produsul trece in vene si consumatorul devine foarte dependent de el. Majoritatea femeilor care au folosit acest produs descriu sentimente de depresie, de mentionat ca nu anume problem fizice serioase cu insasi pielea.

O alta metoda este aplicarea produsului bazat pe hidroquinona. Aceasta din urma este un compus carcinogenic si este interzis in Franta [el a fost interzis in intraga Uniune Europeana in 2001]. El poate fi gasit doar pe piata neagra. Povestea este ca barbatii prefer femeile cu pielea alba, dar acest lucru nu este adevarat. In timp ce aceasta este doar o problemuta in Franta, in Africa este o problema a sanatatii publice, unde fiecare tara este afectata de aceasta problema. Totul s-a inceput in Ghana, unde prostituatele fusese primele care si-au inalbit pielea.” Producele legale din Franta cam nu-si prea fac efectul. Trebuie de inteles ca schimbindu-ti culoarea pielii mergi impotriva naturii.

“Pentru unii, pielea alba ramine un simbol al averii si al pozitiei sociale inalte”

Honorat Hermann Kouassi lucreaza in domeniul publicitatii in Abidjan, Coasta de Ivor.

"Problema aceasta persista de ceva timp, insa la moment este mai serioasa si se agraveaza in mod substantial. Fiecare isi inalbeste pielea. Ceea ce impinge sa faci acest pas sunt numeroasele campanii publicitare care demonstreaza femei cu pielea mai alba.

In ciuda legilor aprobate in ceea ce priveste controlarea a asemeni publicitati si interzicerea produselor periculoase, autoritatile ivoriene nu se silesc sa le aplice. Nimic nu s-a schimbat. Desi conceptual este condamnat in public, multi barbati in mediul privat admit ca ei prefer femeile cu pielea mai alba. Pentru unii, pielea alba un simbol al frumusetii si a unei pozitii sociale inalte. Exista o multime de femei care nu gandesc de doua ori inainte de a-si “inlatura” pielea, dupa spusele lor. Virsta lor este cuprinsa intre 12 si n-zeci ani. Berlin marks 20 years since fall of the Wall Leaders from across Europe prepare to join around 100,000 revellers Monday for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls for a new transatlantic push to free those still oppressed.

World leaders join thousands of people from around the globe on Monday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, that sombre barrier that for almost three decades symbolized the divide between the competing ideologies of East and West. Key political figures that were instrumental in bringing down the wall and hastening the demise of Soviet communism in Eastern Europe are gathering under the capital‟s grey skies and drizzle to mark the occasion with a series of events, including the toppling of a thousand oversized dominoes emblazoned with bright colours along 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles) of the Wall's original path to symbolize the collapse of the Communist regime. Relatively peaceful revolutions against the Soviet regime took place in one Eastern bloc nation after another, with the success of each subsequent nation inspiring its neighbours to similarly shake off the shackles of Communism. It all began in Poland, with the shipyard strikes led by Solidarity trade union leader Lech Walesa in 1980, who later served as Poland‟s first post-Communist president. A series of small successes followed elsewhere across Eastern Europe, culminating in the Nov. 9, 1989, joyful dismantling of what was once the starkest symbol of the Iron Curtain. “One event after another throughout the ‟80s led up to the fall of the Wall in 1989,” says FRANCE 24‟s Damien McGuinness, reporting from Berlin. Very fittingly, McGuinness says, Walesa will also topple today‟s first domino.

Nostalgia, ostalgia The end of the Wall did not bring an end to all of the Eastern bloc‟s troubles. Many were to face decades of economic hardship as their nations struggled to catch up with the more affluent West. The joyful recollections of a world-defining moment have not entirely concealed the divisions that still exist between East and West, nor a certain longing for the former East Germany that has come to be known among Germans as “ostalgia”. “There are still many problems to overcome,” McGuinness says. “There are still economic problems which make the lives of many former East Germans difficult, mainly high unemployment.” “There is a certain amount of nostalgia,” he says, although he notes that the once-divided capital in particular has come a long way to become the “vibrant, young dynamic” city it is today. It must be remembered that, quite literally, “a state vanished overnight”, McGuinness adds.

Leaders from now and then gather to mark the occasion Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who was the Kremlin‟s top man when the Wall came down, will attend today‟s celebrations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who grew up in Communist East Germany, will also welcome British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Merkel said over the weekend that the fall of the Wall was “the happiest day in recent Germany history”. Berlinul marcheaza 20 de ani de la caderea Zidului Liderii din intreaga Europa se pregatesc sa se alature luni la 100,000 chefuitori pentru cea de-a 20-a aniversare a caderii Zidului Berlinului, de asemeni, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe al SUA Hillary Clinton cheama la un efort transatlantic pentru a-i elibera pe cei care sunt inca asupriti. Liderii mondiali s-au alaturat luni miilor de oameni din intreaga lume pentru a sarbatori cea de-a 20-a aniversare a caderii Zidului Berlinului, acel sumbru zid care pentru aproape trei decenii a simbolizat bariera dintre ideologiile competitive a Estului si Vestului. Figuri politice cheie care fusese importante in distrugerea zidului si grabirea prabusirii Uniunii Sovietice in Europa de Est s-au adunat sub cerul cenusiu al capitalei si sub burnita pentru a marca prilejul cu o serie de evenimente, inclusiv crestetul unei imensitati de domino supradimensional impodobit cu blazoane colorate stralucitoare cu o lungime de-a lungul a 1.5 km (0.9 mile) din drumul original Zidului pentru a simboliza colapsul regimului communist. Revolutiile relativ pasnice impotriva regimului sovietic a avut loc intr-un bloc national din partea de Est, unul dupa altul, cu succesul fiecarii natiuni inspirindu-si vecinii la descotorosirea de catusele regimului sovietic. Totul s-a inceput in Polonia in 1980 cu o greva la un santier naval ghidata de liderul Sindicatului anticomunist “Solidaritatea” Lech Walesa , care mai tirziu a indeplinit functia de primul presedinteal Poloniei de dupa regimul comunist. O serie de mici succese au avut loc si in alte parti ale Europei de Est, culminant la 9 noiembrie 1989 cu demolarea fericita a ceea ce a fost odata cel mai notoriu simbol al Draperiei de Fier. “Un eveniment dupa altul de-a lungul anilor ‟80 au dus la caderea Zidului Berlinului in 1989”, declara Damien McGuinness France24 relatind din Berlin. Foarte pertinent, McGuinness declara ca Walesa va rasturna astazi primul domino.

Nostalgie, ostalgie Caderea Zidului nu inseamna un sfirsit al tuturor problemelor ale blocului de Est. Multe natiuni trebuieu sa infrunte decenii de dificultati economice, deoarece multe natiuni erau luptau pentru a-i ajunge din urma partea de Vest cea imbelsugata. Reunificarile fericite ale definirii umane nu a ascuns complet diferentele care inca exista intre Est si Vest, nici o anumita nazuinta a fostei Germaniei de Est care era cunoscuta printre germani ca « ostalgia ». « Sunt inca multe probleme care trebuiesc depasite », McGuinness declara. « Sunt inca multe probleme de ordin economic care fac ca viata a multor germani din partea estica sa fie dificila, in special rata inalta a somajului ». « Este prezenta o anumita importanta a nostalgiei », spune el, desi el observa ca odata impartita, in special capitala, a parcurs un lung drum pentru a deveni un oras « vioi, tinar, dinamic » asa cum e in prezent. Trebuie de amintit ca, totalmente literar, « un stat a disparut peste noapte », a mai adaugat McGuinness.

Liderii de azi si de ieri s-au adunat ca sa marcheze aceasta zi Liderul fostei Uniuni Sovietice Mihail Gorbacev, care fusese la carma Kremlinului cand a fost darimat Zidul, va fi prezent la sarbatoarea de astazi. Cancelarul german Angela Merkel, care a crescut in Germania comunista de Est de asemeni va veni, Prim Ministrul britanic Gordon Brown, presedintele Frantei Nicolas Sarkozy, presedintele rus Dmitri Medvedev si Secretarul de Stat american Hillary Clinton. Merkel a declarat de-a lungul saptaminii ca darimarea Zidului a fost “cea mai fericita zi din recenta istorie a Germaniei”. Buy back your virginity for just ten euro

Question: What are these thin strips of plastic encapsulating a reddish liquid, and why have they prompted such outrage in Egypt? Answer: an artificial hymen, made in China and complete with fake blood. Women who wish to hide the fact that they have lost their virginity before getting married can slip it in on their wedding night, "add a few moans", and relax, Chinese manufacturer Gigimo advertises on its website. The scandal broke out in Egypt on September 13, when a major Egyptian newspaper, citing Syrian website Day Press and Radio Netherlands Worldwide, revealed that Egyptian investors plan to import the Chinese artificial hymen and sell it in Egypt after Ramadan. The article will soon be available in stores for only 10 eurs. For Islamic conservatives, this is the final straw - an instrument of depravity that would allow women to sleep around before marriage without losing their honour! A Facebook group has been set up to denounce the product. Conservative lawmakers are pushing to bar its import, others are calling for all those who dare retail the item in Egypt to be prosecuted. Created in Kyoto, Japan in 1993, the item was first sold locally then exported to Thailand in 1995, before reaching mass production in China. It reportedly reached the Syrian market recently and will soon be available in Morocco. Chinese manufacturer Gigimo says this artificial membrane, which is made of natural albumin, dissolves in water and has no side effects on its user. However, Asian media have reported several cases of vaginal infection following use of the artificial hymen.

"We‟re still supposed to believe that we live in a society where women remain virgins until they‟re married"

Mohamed Al-Rahal (not his real name) is a blogger living in Cairo.

“I bought several of these artificial hymens by mail. They came in a yellow craft envelope without any indication of brand or product, so I just told customs officers it was professional disguise make-up when I went to pick them up. I think the reaction to these hymens is disproportionate. The positions of lawmakers and religious leaders who claim that its sale will deprave moral values is hypocritical. It is also insulting to women because it suggests that their decision to remain virgins or not before marriage depends on a bit of plastic. In the past, women used a little capsule of chicken blood to simulate losing their virginity on their wedding night. Then came hymen reconstruction operations. This is just pushing a massive lie one step further. Our society is burying its head in the sand. We‟re supposed to believe that all women still remain virgins until they are married. Talk of banning fake hymens is a fake debate – the real one is the question of gender relations in Arab societies. "

“In conservative areas, wedding guests still wait to see the 'evidence' of the bride‟s deflowering"

Amal Chabach is a sexologist who lives in Casablanca, Morocco. “I first heard of artificial hymens about three weeks ago, it‟s relatively new in Morocco. It‟s sad to say, but I think this item will be a commercial success here. Supposed virginity is still the norm in the Arab world. In several conservative areas in the south and centre of the country, friends and family still stay until after the wedding to see the 'evidence' of the bride‟s deflowering. If these hymens are discreet and work well, its Chinese manufacturer is sure to make a lot of money. Hymen reconstructions cost 1500 dirhams [about 130 euro] and they are widespread, whereas these artificial hymens cost only 150 dirhams [13 euro]. What is certain is that this kind of article can only widen the gap between men and women. Moroccan society is changing at a rapid pace, and this kind of situation creates a distortion between what they hear and learn from their families and what they discover on the Internet or in books. There is a huge discrepancy between what we‟d like to do and what we‟re supposed to do, which generates a lot of underlying sexual frustration”. "

Recapatarea virginitatii pentru doar zece euro

Intrebare: Ce sunt aceste fisii subtiri de plastic murdare de un lichid rosu si de ce eu au comis o asemenea atrocitatein Egipt? Raspuns : un himen artificial, facut in China si la care i s-a adaugat singe fals. Femeile care doresc sa ascunda faptul ca si-au pierdut virginitatea inainte de casatorie, pot pot sa si-o mai piarda o data in noaptea nuntii, “adauga niste suspine”, si relaxaza-te, anunta producatorul chinez Gigimo pe site‟ul sau. Scandalul a izbucnit in Egipt, la 13 septembrie, cand un ziar egiptean de mare importanta, citind website‟ul sirian Day Press si Radio Netherlands Worldwide, a dezvaluit faptul ca investitorii egipteni au de gand sa importe himenul artificial chinez si sa il vinde in Egipt dupa Ramadam. Obiectul de comert va fi degraba disponibil in magazine pentru doar 10 euro. Pentru conservativii islamici, acest fapt este ultima picatura – un instrument al depravarii care va permite femeilor sa aiba relatii intime inainte de casatorie fara a-si pierde onoarea! Un grup de pe site‟ul Facebook a denuntat in mod public acest produs. Leguitorii conservative propagandeaza interzicerea acestui produs, altii cheama la persecutarea acelor personae care vor indrazni sa vinda acest articol in Egipt. Creat in Kyoto, Japonia, in 1993, articolul a fost mai intii vindut in localitate, apoi exportat in Tailanda in 1995, inainte de a ajunge produs in masa in China. Articolul a ajuns pe piata siriana recent si va fi degraba disponibila in Morocco. Producatorul chinez Gigimo spune ca aceasta membrana artificiala, care este facuta din albumina naturala, se dizolva in apa si nu are efecte secundare. Totusi, mass-media asiatica a raportat cateva cazuri de infectie vaginala in urma folosirii himenului artificial.

“Noi inca suntem dispusi sa credem ca traim intr-o societate unde femeile ramin virgine pina la casatorie”

Mohamed Al-Rahal (nume inventat) este un blogger care traieste in Cairo.

“Am cumparat cateva himene de acestea artificial prin posta. Ele au sosit intr-un plic galben fara nici o indicatie a vreunei marci sau produs, asa desi le-am spus vamesilor ca era o piesa camuflata professional cand am fost sa le iau. Cred ca reactia fata de aceste himene este disproportionata. Pozitia legiuitorilor si a liderilor religiosi care sustin ca vinzarea lor vor corupe valorile morale este una ipocrita. De asemeni este insultator pentru femei, deoarece acest himen le sugereaza ca decizia lor de a ramine sau nu virgine pina la nunta depinde doar de o bucatica de plastic. In trecut, femeile foloseau o capsula mica de singe de pui pentru a simula pierderea virginitatii in noaptea nuntii. Apoi au aparut operatii de reconstructia a himenului. Acest lucru doar indeamna ca o minciuna masiva sa faca un pas inainte. Societatea noastra isi ingroapa capul in nisip. Noi suntem dispusi sa credem ca femeile ramin virgine pina la nunta. Discutia in ceea ce priveste interzicerea himenelor false este o dezbatere ipocrita – o problema reala este cea a relatiilor dintre sexe in tarile arabe.”

“In zonele conservative, oaspetii de la nunta inca asteapta sa vada “dovada” deflorarii miresii”

Amal Chabach este un sexolog care traieste in Casablanca, Morocco. “Pentru prima data am auzit despre himenele artificiale aproximativ cu trei saptamini in urma, in Morocco acestea sunt relative noi. O spun cu tristete, insa cred ca acest articol va fi un success commercial aici. Presupusa virginitate este inca o norma in lumea araba. In unele zone conservative din sudul si centrul tarii, prietenii si familia inca ramina pina la sfirsitul nuntii sa vada “dovada” deflorarii miresei. Daca aceste himene sunt discrete si sunt eficiente, producatorul lor chinez este sigur ca va face o avere. Reconstructia himenului costa 1500 dirhami [in jur de 130 euro] si ele sunt larg raspindite avind in vedere ca aceste himene artificial costa doar 150 dirhami [13 euro]. Ceea ce e sigur este ca asemenea produs poate doar sa extinda decalajul dintre barbate si femei. Societatea din Morocco se schimba cu un tempo rapid si astfel de situatii creaza o contorsiune intre ceea ce ei aud si invata in sinul familiei si intre ceea ce ei descopera pe Internet sau in carti. Este o mare discrepant intre ceea ce ei ar dori sa faca si ceea ce ei ar trebui sa faca, ceea ce genereaza sursa multor frustrari sexuale.

Corruption, bribes, forged evidence – confessions of a Russian officer

A senior Russian police officer who dared to denounce the corruption of his colleagues in a YouTube video has been fired just two days after his confession.

So scandalous was the content of his upload, Major Alexeï Dymovsky managed to reach his desired destination - Vladimir Putin. Posted on Friday (Nov. 6), the seven minute confession has been viewed over 100,000 times in just three days. His main complaints: that young recruits only sign up to earn money through bribes, and that high-ranking officers order staff to forge evidence against innocent people in order to boost statistics.

Nothing new there - the police are thought to be the Russian public's least respected institution. For an officer to say it himself, however, is quite something. Indeed, an internal investigation was immediately launched by the Interior Minister. The result came 48 hours later: "These claims are not verified". By nightfall, Dymovsky had been discharged. The story doesn't end there however. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who the video was addressed to, says he is aware of it.

“I must say that the situation in the Moscow region has improved this year”

Lyudmila Alexeyeva runs human rights organisation "Moscow-Helsinki Group".

“We have had several cases like this one. We've been contacted by police officers, criminal investigators and state prosecutors who have been forced to violate the law and then been fired or even prosecuted for refusing. In only a few of these cases have we been able to help.One of them involved the case of a group of district prosecutors from the Province of Sverdlov [central]. They told us that they were being forced to take part in property seizures by other prosecutors from the same district. We succeeded in getting one of the said prosecutors fired.

Another time a police officer in the Province of Perm [also central] had been sentenced to eight years imprisonment because he uncovered a mass oil theft at a refinery. To silence him, evidence had been forged which „proved' that he himself had stolen a barrel of fuel. We were able to help because the witness that had been forced to give evidence came to us.

And finally, a case in the Province of Amur [east]. A prosecutor was being forced to charge an innocent person instead of the real criminal. He refused and was fired, and his superiors then prosecuted him and put him on a wanted list. We managed to have the case against him annulled.

“I must say however that the situation in the Moscow region has improved this year. Currently we only have one case in Moscow, although there's nothing we can do about it. In April, 2008 a policeman beat up four young men but was never brought to justice. On the contrary, one of the young men was charged with assault on the policeman. The only thing we could do to help was to find him a lawyer." Coruptie, mite, probe false – marturiile unui politist rus

Un politist superior rus care a indraznit sa denunte coruptia colegilor sai printr-un video postat pe Youtube a fost data afara la doar doua zile dupa marturiile sale.

Atit de scandalos a fost continutul materialului incarcat, maiorul Alexei Dimovski a reusit sa-si atinga scopul propus – Vladimir Putin. Postat vineri, 6 noiembrie, cele sapte minute de marturie au fost vizionate de peste 100,000 de ori in doar trei zile. Principalele sale reclamatii : ca tinerii recruiti se angajeaza doar pentru a castiga bani primind mite si ca ofiterii superiori de politie ordona personalului sa fabrice probe impotriva oamenilor nevinovati pentru a indeplini baremele din fiecare luna.

Nu s-a spus nimic nou – politia este considerata cea mai nerespectata institutie publica rusa. Totusi, pentru un ofiter sa faca asemenea declaratii este cu desavirsenie un lucru enorm. Fireste ministrul Afacerilor Interne a declansat imediat o ancheta. Rezultatele au sosit in urmatoarele 48 de ore : “Aceste reclamatii sunt nefondate”. O data cu caderea serii, Dimovski a fost eliberat din functie. Totusi, istorioasa nu se sfirseste aici. Premierul Vladimir Putin, carui ii fusese adresat video‟ul, declara ca el este constient de tot ce s-a spus in video.

“Trebuie sa recunosc ca situatia regiunilor muscovite s-a imbunatatit anul acesta”

Ludmila Alexeeva este presedinta “Grupului Helsinki de la Moscova”, organizatie care apara drepturile umane.

“Avem mai multe cazuri asemanatoare acestuia. Am fost contactati de catre ofiteri ai politiei, ancheatori penali, procurori de stat care au fost fortati sa violeze o lege si apoi fiind dati afara sau persecutati pentru ca au refuzat. Doar cateva cazuri le-am putut duce la capat. Unul dintre aceste cazuri a fost cel a unui grup de procurori raionali din regiunea Sverdlov [centrul tarii]. Ei ne-au spus ca au fost fortati sa ia parte la confiscarea unei proprietati de catre alti procurori din aceeasi regiune. Noi am izbutit ca unul dintre procurorrii denuntati sa fie eliberat din functie.

Alta data, un ofiter de politie din regiunea Perm [de asemeni centrul tarii] a fost condamnat la opt ani de inchisoare pentru ca el a ascuns un furt de proportie a petrolului de la o refinarie. Pentru a-i reduce tacerea, probele care „demonstreaza‟ ca el singur a furat un baril de combustibil, au fost falsificate.

Si in fine, un caz din regiunea Amur [partea de est]. Un procuror a fost fortat sa invinuiasca o persoana nevinovata in locul criminalului real. El a refuzat si de aceea a fost concediat, si apoi superiorii sai l-au persecutat si l-au inscris in lista persoanelor cautate de politie. Noi am reusit ca sa anulam dosarul impotriva lui.

“Trebuie sa recunosc totusi ca situatia regiunilor muscovite s-a imbunatatit anul acesta. Actualmente, avem doar un caz in Moscova, desi nu putem face nimic cu referinta la acesta din urma. In aprilie 2008, un politist a batut patru tineri, insa niciodata nu i s-a deschis caz penal. Din potriva, unul dintre tineri a fost acuzat ca ar fi asaltat un politist. Singurul lucru care l-am putut face pentru a ajuta tinarul este sa-i gasim un avocat.”

Expelled for wearing a miniskirt… in Brazil

A 20-year-old tourism student has been expelled from a Sao Paulo university after chaos broke out on campus when she turned up in a short dress. The photos above show Geisy Arruda sitting in class at Bandeirante University (Uniban) on October 22. So outraged by her outfit, her classmates took photos of her to post online. When she left the class, a group of boys started following and taunting her. One student is heard shouting "Shout at her people!" The situation escalated to such a point that the police were called to escort her from the premises in a professor's white coat. As she's being led out, the crowd chants "Puta!" (whore) repeatedly. The incident was filmed by several students on mobile phones; who then posted the footage on YouTube.

On November 8 Arruda's university placed a public notice in Sunday newspapers. Entitled "Educational Responsibility", the ad explained that Geisy Arruda had been expelled for disrespecting "ethical principles, academic dignity and morality". It also said that the university would be temporarily suspending some of the students seen heckling the 20-year-old in the videos.

The decision has caused outrage across the country. Both the national student union and Brazil's top official for women's policy, Nilcea Freire, have publicly condemned it. UPDATE (11.11.09 - 9.30 am): Arruda was officially readmitted to the university in a statement made on Nov. 10 by vice chancellor Ellis Brown. The location of her class will have to be changed however to make her return "more relaxed", he said.

"People think the whole country is super liberal but it's not at all the case in Sao Paulo state"

Raphael Garcia studies international relations at Pontifícia Universidade Católica in São Paulo.

“You might see half naked women in carnival but it's not like that everywhere in Brazil. People think the whole country is super liberal, but Sao Paulo state is very different. It has a long history of conservatism, especially outside of Sao Paulo city; the university at hand is in fact situated in Sao Bernardo do Campo.

Bandeirante University (Uniban) is what's considered a „cheap' university in Brazil. The teaching standards are poor and the students are often from the lower classes, which are ultra conservative. On top of that, class consciousness is a big problem here. UniBan was rated in the lowest ten of the country's 167 biggest unis last year. The students are probably a bit embarrassed about going there. With all that frustration teamed with their attachment to old fashioned ideals, this was an explosion waiting to happen. Personally I think the uni heads thought they'd profit from the affair. Otherwise what was the point in placing an ad in all sorts of newspapers. If you hadn't heard of Uniban before, you will have now! It's unacceptable publicity. The heads of the university should be criminally prosecuted for turning a victim of abuse into a scapegoat - and then capitalising on it." Data afara pentru ca purta o fusta mini…in Brazilia

O studenta de la turism de 20 de ani a fost data afara din universitatea din Sao Paolo dupa haosul ce a izbucnit in cetatea universitara cand ea s-a ridicat fiind intr-o rochie scurta. Pozele de mai jos o prezinta pe Geisy Arruda asezata in clasa in Universitatea Bandeirante (Uniban) la 22 octombrie. Atit de jigniti de imbracamintea ei, colegii au fotografiat-o pentru a le posta pe internet. Cand a parasit sala, un grup de baieti au inceput sa o urmareasca si sa o batjocureasca. Un student se aude strigand « Insultati-o oameni ! ». Situatia a ajuns pina la asa un moment cand a fost chemata politia sa o escorteze din cladire, ea fiind imbracata intr-o haina alba a unei profesoare. De indata ce a fost condusa afara, multimea scanda in de mai multe ori « Puta !» (tirfa). Incidentul a fost filmat de cativa studenti cu telefonul mobil ; acestea mai tirziu au publicat video‟ul pe Youtube.

La 8 noiembrie universitatea unde invata Arruda a publicat un aviz public in ziarul de duminica. Intitulat “Responsabilitate pedagogica”, afisul a explicat ca Geisy Arruda a fost data afara din cauza lipsei de respect a “principiilor etnice, etica si onoare universitara”. De asemeni se mai mentioneaza ca universitatea va suspenda temporar unii student care au fost vazuti in video injurind domnisoara de 20 de ani.

Decizia a provocat indignare in toata tara. Uniunea studenteasca nationala si secretarul de stat brazilian al drepturilor femeilor, Nilcea Freire, acondamnat in mod public acest lucru. UPDATE (11.11.09 - 9.30): Arruda a fost oficial readmisa in universitate printr-o declaratie facuta la 10 noiembrie de catre vice-rectorul Ellis Brown. Plasarea orelor sale vor trebui totusi sa fie schimbate in asa mod incit ea sa se reintoarca « cat mai relaxata », declara ea.

“Lumea crede ca intreaga tara este super liberala, insa nu este nici pe departe adevarat in cazul statului Sao Paolo”

Raphael Garcia isi face studiile la facultatea de relatii international la Pontifícia Universidade Católica in São Paulo.

« Poti sa vezi femei pe jumatate nude in timpul carnavalului, insa nu este la fel in intreaga Brazilie. Lumea crede ca intreaga tara este super liberala, insa statul Sao Paolo este foarte diferit. Statul are o istorie lunga a conservatismului, in special teritoriul exterior al orasului ; universitatea propriu-zisa se afla in Sao Bernardo do Campo.

Universitatea Bandeirante (Uniban) este ceea ce se socoate o universitate ieftina in Brazilia. Standardele de invatatura sunt sarace si studentii provin deseori din clase sociale inferioare, care sunt ultra conservative. In fruntea tuturor problemelor se afla studiile, care este o adevarata problema aici. Intr-un top facut anul trecut, UniBan se afla printre ultimele 10 pozitii dintre cele 167 universitati a tarii. Studentilor probabil ca le e putin jena ca merg acolo. Toate aceste frustrari impreuna au format dragostea lor fata de ideile demodate, aceasta explozie era de asteptat. Personal, cred ca sefii univerversitatii au crezut ca ei vor obtine profin din toata aceasta afacere. Altminteri care dar a fost scopul plasarii afisajului in tot felul de ziare. Daca inainte n-auziseti despre UniBan,pai acum ati auzit! Este o publicitate inacceptabila. Sefii universitatii ar trebui sa fie judecati pentru ca au transformat o victim a abuzului intr-un tap ispasitor – si apoi sa profite din aceasta.” Hummus, another cause for war in the Middle East

Lebanon is accusing Israel of usurping its most precious culinary specialties. It intends to create a geographical label to identify „authentic‟ Lebanese cuisine. To further stress its point, Lebanon also intends to beat the largest hummus dish world record, currently held by Israel…

Lebanon and Israel have officially been at war for 60 years. Over the past few months the neighbouring countries seem to have found a new subject to bicker about: food. It all started on a local TV show last October when Lebanese industrialists complained about the commercialisation of star Lebanese dishes such as hummus under the label “Israeli cuisine” in western stores. The president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association, Fadi Abboud, filed a registration request for the creation of an EU label for authentic „Lebanese‟ dishes. Authentic hummus is a chickpea purée with sesame cream (tahini) seasoned with garlic, lemon and olive oil. It is one of the best-known and -loved Lebanese “mezze” (appetizers). Its popularity has spread to Israel, where the best hummus makers of Tel Aviv or Jerusalem reach movie-star fame. But hummus is also big business. Lebanese industrialists are mainly concerned about the loss of market share in the face of foreign produce, which they estimate at around one billion dollars a year. In an increasingly competitive market, Israelis are coming up with ever-more-creative solutions. Paprika, onions, olives, basil and sun-dried tomatoes are among the new flavours which are added to the original recipe, much to the horror of hummus purists. In 2007 Israeli scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem even published a study proving that hummus boosts physical growth, diminishes aggressiveness and is a good anti-depressant.

“Israelis must find another name to sell hummus”

Fadi Abboud, is president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association.

“You can‟t stop other countries from producing hummus, that‟s unrealistic. But we‟d like to protect the product‟s label: the word means chickpea in Arabic, but 'hummus' as a commercial name to designate a specialty dish of crushed chickpeas and sesame cream was first used in Lebanon in the 1950s. If Israelis produce and commercialise the same product, they have to find another name for it. In the UK, for example, commercial hummus is sold under the name „Greek dip‟, even though you can‟t find hummus in Greece! "

“Hummus doesn‟t belong to the country that invented it, but the people who love it”

Shooky Galili is an Israeli journalist specialising in food and writes a blog dedicated to hummus.

"Wanting to claim „ownership‟ of hummus is ridiculous. According to archaeologists, the actual mix of chickpeas and sesame cream was created by Crusaders in the Middle Ages. Hummus doesn‟t belong to the country that invented it but the people who love it, who make it, who are passionate about it. Hummus is more than a dish, it‟s a culture. When you go to a hummusia (hummus restaurant) you share a table with strangers. You talk to them, bond with them. Whether you are Jewish, Christian or Arab, it doesn‟t matter: differences disappear."

Humusul, o alta cauza a razboiului din Orientul Mijlociu

Libanul acuza Israelul de uzurpare a celor mai pretioase specialitati culinare ale sale. Liban intentioneaza sa creeze o marca geografica pentru a identifica bucataria libaneza autentica. Pentru a accentua o data in plus dreptatea sa, Libanul de asemeni intentioneaza sa doboare recordul mondial detinul de Israel, cel al celei mai mari farfurii cu humus…

Libanul si Israelul se afla in stare de razboi deja de 60 ani. In ultimele luni, tarile vecine se pare ca au gasit un nou subiect de disputa : mancarea. Totul s-a incepul la un show televizat local, in luna octombrie, cand industriasii libanezi s-au plins de comercializarea vestitei mincari libaneze asa ca humusul sub marca “bucatariei israeliene” in magazinele din tarile vestice. Presedintele Asociatiei Industriale Libaneze, Fadi Abboud, a completat o cerere de inregistrare pentru crearea unei marci europene a mancarii „libaneze‟. Humusul autentic reprezinta pireu din naut cu crema de susan condimentat cu usturoi, lamaie si ulei de masline. Este unul dintre cel mai cunoscut si iubit aperitiv libanez. Popularitatea sa s-a raspindit si in Israel, pe cand cei mai buni producatori de humus din Tel Aviv sau Ierusalim ajung sa aiba faima unei vedete de cinema. Dar humusul, de asemeni, este si un business solid. Industriasii libanezi indeosebi sunt ingrijorati de pierderea unei pieti de schimb in fata unui produs strain, pe care o estima la in jur de un bilion de dolari anual. Pe piata care creste competitiv, israelienii vin cu solutii inca mai originale. Paprika, ceapa, masline, busuioc, si rosii uscate se gasesc printre noile gusturi care sunt adaugate la reteta originala, ceea ce-i ingrozeste pe puristii humusului. In 2007, savantii israelieni de la Universitatea Hebrew din Ierusalim chiar au publiat un studiu referitor la faptul ca humusul ajuta la dezvoltarea fizica, diminueaza agresivitatea si este un bun anti-depresant.

“Israelienii trebuie sa gaseasca un alt nume pentru a-si vinde humusul”

Fadi Abboud este presedintele Asociatiei Industriasilor libanezi.

“Nu poti opri ca alta tara sa produca humus, este ceva ireal. Dar noi am dori sa protejam marca produsului : cuvintul in araba se traduce ca naut, dar „humus‟ ca marca comerciala care denumeste un fel de mancare din naut batut si crema se susan a fost folosita pentru prima data in Liban in anii ‟50. Daca israelienii produc si comercializeaza acelasi produs, ei trebuie sa-i gaseasca un alt nume. In Marea Britanie, de exemplu, humusul comercial este vindut sub marca „Sos grec‟, chiar daca in Grecia nu ve-ti gasi humus!”

“Humusul nu apartine tarii care a investit in el, dar poporului care-l iubeste”

Shooky Galili este un jurnalist israelian specializat in bucare si scrie un blog dedicat humusului.

“Sa doresti sa gasesti „proprietarul‟ humusului este ridicol. Conform arheologilor, actualul amestec de naut si crema de susan a fost creat de cruciati in Evul Mediu. Humusul nu apartine tarii care l-a inventat, ci poporului care-l iubeste, care-l face, care este pasionat de el. Humusul e mai mult decat un fel de bucate, este o intreaga cultura. Cand mersi la hummusia (restaurant unde se pregateste humus), tu iti imparti mincarea cu strainii. Tu le vorbesti, te apropii de ei. Fie ca esti evreu, fie ca esti crestin sau arab, nu importa ; diferentele dispar.”

Jailed for crying out his hunger

An unemployed drunkard shot to fame last month in Cuba when a video of him storming a TV report to demand food began circulating on the Web. His outburst got him a prison sentence, making him a symbol of Cuban poverty and repression.

Juan Carlos, nicknamed Pánfilo (dimwit in Cuban slang), never expected his impromptu interruption of a report on Cuban hip-hop to make such an impact. But after his tirade was posted on YouTube (presumably by one of the video reporters, although it is not known who is behind the initial upload) his life was never going to be the same again.

"We are hungry! What we really need is jama (Cuban slang for food)!", he repeated over and over for the camera. His words resonated with thousands of Cuban Web users, spreading like wildfire on the blogosphere. They also landed him in jail for two years, after authorities branded him a "danger" to society.

Cubans at home and abroad have rallied for his liberation, though a petition on the website Jama y Libertad (food and freedom). So far, however, Pánfilo remains behind bars.

“Only drunkards dare tell the truth in Cuba”

Cuban freedom activist Yoani Sanchez wrote a post about Pánfilo's story on her blog, Generación Y.

He could have been an alcoholic lying on a street corner sleeping off his inebriation, like so many others in this city, but he wanted to make his voice heard. He jumped in front of a camera and cried for food which, along with yearning for change, has become a national obsession in Cuba. His spontaneity, and the emphasis he gave to asking for "grub" has turned the brief video of Juan Carlos, alias Pánfilo or 'Dimwit', into a "superhit" on the alternative information networks. I don't remember other visual material that has gone viral so quickly in our society, not even the video of Eliécer Ávila versus Ricardo Alarcón from last year. Pánfilo realised, a few days after the video began circulating, that his outburst had given him away. His words were like a red circle around his head, a lighted announcement at the entrance to his house, or a finger pointed at his life. The magnifying glass of power, which hangs over us all, focused on him and begin to highlight his weak spots. It surfaced that he had no job, had been prosecuted for theft and probably bought rum on the black market - small "crimes" that we Cubans commit every day to survive or escape. Because he took off his mask and spoke sincerely in front of the microphone, he began feeling the scalpel of repression slashing through his existence.

“I wasn't surprised at the news that they found Pánfilo to be a criminal and charged him with "pre-criminal dangerousness", for which he was given two years in prison. The judicial process must have sobered him up faster than a bucket of cold water and an extremely strong coffee. Although there is still the possibility of appealing this decision before the court, he's unlikely to get off without punishment because it is lesson aimed not only at him. If they don't condemn him, who will prevent the corner alcoholics and the neighborhood drunks, from standing in front of a camera and starting to shout for everything we lack: Food! Future! Freedom!" Intemnitat pentru ca si-a exclamat foamea

Un betiv somer a ajuns faimos in Cuba luna trecuta, cand un spot cu el asaltind un reportaj televizat cerind de mincare a inceput sa circule pe Web. Izbucnirea lui i-a adus hotarirea de a fi intemnitat, facandu-l simbol al saraciei si represiunii cubaneze.

Juan Carlos, poreclit Pánfilo (timpit in argoul cubanez), nu s-a asteptat niciodata ca intreruperea sa improvizata a reportajului privind hip hopul cubanez va avea un asemenea impact. Dar dupa ce tirada lui a fost postata pe YouTube (probabil de catre unul dintre video reporteri, desi nu se stie cine este in spatele postarii initiale), viata lui urma sa ieie o alta intorsatura.

“Ne este foame! Ceea de ce intr-adevar avem nevoie este jama (mincare in argoul cubanez)!”, a repetat el in repetate rinduri la camera. Cuvintele lui au rasunat la mii de useri cubanezi ai internetului, raspindindu-se pe blogosfera ca flacara. De asemeni, ei i-au dat doi ani inchisoare, dupa ce autoritatile l-au etichetat ca fiind un “pericol” pentru societate.

Cubanezii, atit pe teritoriul tarii cat si in afara lui, isi unesc fortele pentru a-l elibera din inchisoare, printr-o petitie de pe website‟ul Jama y Libertad (mincare si libertate). Pina acum, totusi, Pánfilo ramine dupa gratii.

“In Cuba, doar betii indraznesc sa spuna adevarul”

Activista cubaneza pentru libertate Yoani Sanchez a scris un post despre istoria lui Pánfilo pe blogul sau, Generación Y.

El putea fi un mincinos betiv care doarme la coltul strazii in betia sa, ca marea majoritarii in tara asta, dar el a vrut ca glasul sa-i fie auzit. El a sarit in fata camerei si a strigat ca vrea mincare care, impreuna cu dorinta de schimbare, a devenit in Cuba o obsesie nationala. Spontanietatea sa si accentuarea cu care el a cerut « haleala» a transformat filmuletul lui Juan Calros, alias Pánfilo sau « Timpit » intr-un « superhit » al posturilor alternative de informare. Nu-mi amintesc de nici un alt video care sa se fi raspindist atit de repede in sociatetea noastra, chiar a suprimat video lui Eliécer Ávila versus Ricardo Alarcón de anul trecut. Pánfilo si-a dat seama, la putine zile dupa ce video a inceput sa circule, ca izbucnirea sa l-a tradat. Cuvintele sale erau ca un cerc rosu imprejurul capului sau, ca un anunt iluminat la intrarea in casa sa, viata sa era aratata cu degetul. Lupa puterii care bintuie asupra noastra a tuturor s-a concentrat asupra lui incepe sa scoata in evidenta punctele lui slabe. A iesit la suprafata faptul ca el este somer, ca a fost cercetat pentru furt si probabil a cumparat rom de pe piata neagra – mici « crime » pe care noi, cubanezii, le comitem in fiecare zi pentru a supravietui sau pentru a se salva. Pentru ca si-a dat jos masca si a vorbit sincer in fata microfonului, el a inceput sa simta scalpelul represiunii ranind adinc existenta sa.

« N-am fost surprinsa cand la stiri au zis ca Pánfilo este un criminal si ca este acuzat de a fi un « posibil criminal periculos », pentru ce el a primit doi ani de inchisoare. Procesul judiciar l-a trezit din betie mai repede decat o galeata de apa rece si o cafea foarte tare. Desi exista inca posibilitatea de a deplinge hotarirea in fata tribunalului, el probabil va scapa de pedeapsa pentru ca aceasta este o lectie care nu doar pe el il priveste. Daca ei nu-l condamna, cine va impiedica acoolicii de la coltul strazii si betivii din vecinatate sa nu iese in fata camerei si sa nu inceapa sa strige pentru tot ceea ce ne lipseste : Mincare ! Viitor ! Libertate ! No prison if you kill your daughter in the name of honour

On Tuesday, a Moroccan living in the north of Italy stabbed his 18-year-old daughter to death. His motive - she was going out with a 31-year-old Catholic. This type of "honour killing" was headline news in Italy, but in some countries in North Africa, South Asia and the Middle East, the practice is relatively common.

According to NGO Human Rights Watch, an honour crime is "committed by male family members against female family members who are perceived to have brought dishonour upon the family".

In 2002 a report by the UN Commission for Human Rights said this kind of crime took place in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, and other Gulf and Mediterranean countries. According to the report, in European countries such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom this kind of crime only occurred within immigrant communities. The list is not exhaustive. Yemen, Iraqi Kurdistan, Bangladesh and the Palestinian Territories are all areas where the practice is on the increase.

There are no official statistics for honour killings because they are usually committed in the family home and then disguised as accidents. Yet, every year, honour killings are said to claim the lives of up to 50 women in Jordan, 200 in Syria, 500 in Yemen and over a thousand in Pakistan. In the Palestinian Territories, 70 percent of crimes perpetrated against women are thought to be honour killings, while the majority of them are attributed to natural causes.

Unlike a crime of passion, an honour crime is premeditated. And yet, sentences in many countries are usually only a couple of months long, maximum two years. The persecutor benefits from extenuating circumstances and is occasionally excused completely, escaping without charge.

In Jordan, Queen Rania has publicly called for tougher sentencing of honour crimes. But the parliament there has twice refused to abolish Article 340 of the penal code, opting instead to modify it and allow convicted honour killers to be sentenced for a few months only.

Pakistan however has voted to introduce a law to punish honour killers with the death penalty. And in Turkey, where honour killers used to incur just an eighth of the normal sentence, life imprisonment is now a real possibility.

“These said crimes affect both Muslim and Christian families in Syria”

Bassam Alkadi runs the Syrian Women's Observatory, a campaign against honour crimes launched in 2005.

“Women are usually murdered for behavioural and societal reasons, like falling in love with a person from another faith, even if sexual relations or marriage are not involved. The family can also „get rid of' a woman because they don't approve of the man she's married, or because it's the easiest way to protect the heritage. Contrary to popular opinion, these said crimes affect both Muslim and Christian families in Syria, according to a study compiled by our observatory. This plague is not fussy about religion, social class or level of education.

The Syrian law which affects this has recently been modified (article 548 was repealed due to the legislative decry 37). Honour killers no longer benefit from absolute exemption, but only from mitigating circumstances. This alteration however doesn't make much difference, as in the case of honour crimes, judges are able to reach their verdict using another article - article 192 - in consideration that the aggressor committed the crime due to an „honourable motive', and therefore faces a maximum of one year.

It must also be pointed out that it's only men who benefit from this. A Syrian woman who killed her husband after finding out that he was raping her daughters got 12 years in prison."

Nici o pedeapsa pentru omorirea fiicei tale in numele cinstei

Marti, un marocan care traieste in nordul Italiei si-a omorit fiica injunghiind-o. Motivul sau – ea avea de gand sa se intilneasca cu un catolic de 31 ani. Acest fel de "omorire in numele onorii" a fost o noutate de anvergura in Italia, pe cand in unele tari din Africa de Nord, Asia de Sud si Orientul Apropiat, acest obicei este destul de obisnuit.

Conform ONG Human Rights Watch, o crima in numele cinstei este “comisa de catre membrii de sex masculin ai familiei impotriva membrilor de familie de sex femenin care sunt percepute ca ar fi dezonorat familia.“

In 2002, un raport al comisiei ONU cu privire la Drepturile Omului a constatat ca asemenea crime au loc in Egipt, Iran, Iordania, Siria, Liban, Maroc, Pakistan, Turcia si alte tari din Golful Piersic si Marea Meditereaneana. Conform raportului, in tarile europene ca Franta, Germania sau Marea Britanie astfel de crime au loc doar inauntrul comunitatilor de imigranti. Aceasta lista nu este completa. Yemen, Kurdistanul Irakian, Bangladesh si teritoriile palestine – toate reprezinta zone unde aceasta practica este in crestere.

Nu exista nici o statistica oficiala cu privire la crime in numele cinstei pentru ca acestea de obicei sunt comise in sinul familiei si sunt camuflate ca fiind accidente. Pina acum, in fiecare an, acest fel de crime au luat viata a mai mult de 50 de femei in Iordania, 200 in Siria, 500 in Yemen si mai mult de o mie de femei in Pakistan. Pe teritoriile palestine, 70 % din crimele savirsite impotriva femeilor sunt considerate a fi crime in numele onorii, cu toate ca la majoritatea li s-au insusit cauze naturale ale mortii.

Spre deosebire de crima din pasiune, o crima in numele onorii este una cu premeditare. Si pina la moment, pedeapsa in multe tari nu depaseste termenul de doar cateva luni, maximum doi ani. Acuzatul beneficiaza de circumstante atenuante si uneori este absolvit complet de culpa, fiind dezvinovatit.

In Iordania, regina Rania a cerut in mod public ca sentintele pentru crime in numele onorii sa fie mai aspre. Dar parlamentul a refuzat de doua ori abrogarea Articolului 340 din Codul Penal, optind insa, in loc sa-l modifice si ingaduie condamnarea ucigasilor in numele onorii la doar cateva luni de inchisoare.

Pakistan totusi a votat introducerea unei legi care prin care ucigasii in numele onorii ar fi pedepsiti cu moartea. Si in Turcia, unde ucigasii de obicei primeau doar a opta parte din sentinta obisnuita, acum pot fi condamnati la inchisoare pe viata.

“Ei spun ca in Siria crimele afecteaza atit familiile musulmane cat si cele catolice“

Bassam Alkadi conduce Observatorul Femeilor din Siria, o campanie impotriva crimelor in numele onorii lansata in 2005.

“Femeile de obicei sunt omorite din motive de comportament si din motive sociale, ca indragostirea de o persoana de o alta credinta, chiar daca nu era vorba de relatii sexuale sau mariaj. De asemeni, familia poate „sa se debaraseasca de femeie, deoarece ei nu sunt de acord cu persoana cu care ea s-a casatorit sau pentru ca este cea mai usoara cale de a-si proteja mostenirea.“ Teenage thieves abused by vigilantes

Several hours after five teenagers were caught stealing from a luxury apartment in the Mexican city of Tepic two weeks ago, they were found half naked and severely beaten on one of the city's main thoroughfares. A week later, mobile phone footage documenting the psychological abuse they were subjected to surfaced on YouTube. Who was behind this brutal incident and what role did the police play in it? So far, there's no one answer. One of our Observers in Mexico, Gabriel Infante brought our attention to this footage. The footage was filmed on October 13 and posted online on October 20. How the footage found itself on YouTube and Facebook is still a mystery. The only explanation is that it was posted online by one of the aggressors. The youths and the police agree that they were arrested by officers - but the police deny having any involvement in the abuse which followed, pointing out that they use different rifles and not the AK-47 seen in the video. Nayarit governor Ney González said on October 25 that "Justice cannot be carried out at home" and that "They're as bad as each other". He gave the district attorney and the head of police a 12- hour time limit to produce substantial findings on the case. On Monday morning, the district attorney announced that four suspects had been arrested. Apparently they had been boasting about the incident in a local bar, and somebody phoned the police. An AK-47 was indeed found in their possession - albeit a toy one.

“[They were] handed over to the men, instead of being charged”

Antonio Tello is a radio journalist in Tepic. He was the first person to draw attention to the footage, which he published on his blog Nayarit online Friday 23 October, two days after being made aware of it.

Someone who knew the teenagers sent me a tip on Facebook. The videos were entitled „Ratitas de Tepic' [scoundrels of Tepic], and captioned „Look at what happened to them for thieving from my house'. The original clips were gone by then, but someone had been able to download and repost them beforehand.

Several days after posting the videos I received an anonymous email, leading me to one of the boys. I was then able to speak to the family of another of the teenagers. What I was able to gather from the two accounts, is that they were kicked and slapped by a group of around eight men and two women. They were repeatedly told by their captors that their hands would be chopped off and they would die and be buried beneath the courtyard. Their heads were shaved with a razor. One of them told me that they were whipped with a tree branch and given electric shocks using some sort of prod. I saw the marks on his body. None of them said anything about being raped however. They were then abandoned in one of Tepic's main avenues, beaten and half naked. Several neighbours called the police, who arrived and questioned them. The boys said only that they had been assaulted. Incredibly, the police left them there and the teenagers took taxis home. The police report confirms this and details that the boys did not want to file a complaint. Everyone in Nayarit is talking about the videos. A lot has been said about the involvement of police and drug traffickers in this affair, either separately or jointly. Nayarit used to be one of the safest states in Mexico, but recently it has been plagued by urban delinquency and organized crime, mostly linked to drug trafficking. Some say that the house the teenagers broke in to belonged to a prominent drug kingpin. And police brutality isn't unheard of in this state. However, there is no actual evidence of either traffickers or officers playing a role in this case. According to the teenagers, it was the police who caught them burgling the house. They say that they were briefly taken to the attorney general's office, and then handed over to the men, instead of being charged. Normally the police would open a file, question them and then transfer them to an association for underage offenders. I visited two of the teenagers' homes and contrary to what most people might think, their situation is not one of extreme poverty. These boys come from middle class families and go to private schools. As they said themselves, they have a [drug] addiction problem and have stolen in the past in order to sustain it."

Hoti adolescenti abuzati de catre paznici

Cateva ore mai tirziu dupa ce cinci adolescenti au fost prinsi furind dintr-un apartament de lux din orasul mexican Tepic acum doua saptamini, ei au fost gasiti pe jumatate goi si cativa dintre ei batuti pe una dintre magistralele principale ale orasului. O saptamina mai tirziu, video‟ul ce documenta despre abuzul psihologic a fost plasat pe Youtube. Cine a fost in spatele acestui incident si ce rol are politia in toata aceasta incurcatura? Inca nu avem raspuns. Unul dintre observatorii nostri din Mexic, Gabriel Infante a atras atentia noastra asupra video‟ului dat. Filmuletul a fost filmat la 13 octombrie si postat online la 20 octombrie. Cum de filmuletul a ajuns pe Youtube si pe Facebook inca este un mister. Singura explicatie este ca a fost postat online de catre unul dintre agresori. Tinerii si politia sustin ca adolescentii fusese arestati de catre politisti – insa politia neaga faptul ca ei ar avea vreun amestec in abuzul care a urmat, aratind ca ei folosesc alte arme si nu arma AK-47 care a fost vazuta in video. Guvernatorul statului Nayarit Ney González a declarat la 25 octombrie « Justitia nu poate fi executata acasa » si ca « Atit hotii, cat si agresorii sunt in aceeasi masura rai ». Noi i-am acordat procurorului districtului si capitanului politiei 12 ore pentru ca ei sa prezinte o concluzie substantiala cu privire la acest caz. Luni dimineata, procurorul districtului a anuntat au fost arestati patru suspecti. Aparent, ei s-ar fi laudat de incident intr-unul din barurile locale si cineva a sunat la politie. O arma AK-47 a fost intr-adevar gasita in posesia lor – cu toate ca era o jucarie.

“[Ei au fost] dati pe mina altor barbate, in loc sa fie invinuiti”

Antonio Tello este un radio journalist in Tepic. El a fost prima persoana care a atras atentia la acest video, pe care el l-a publicat pe blogul sau Nayarit online , vineri 23 octombrie, doua zile mai tirziu duce ce a dat de el.

Cineva dintre cunoscutii tinerilor mi-a transmis link pe Facebook. Filmuletele erau intitulate „Ratitas de Tepic’ [canaliile din Tepic] si a scris in subtitlu „Iata ce au patit ei pentru ca au furat din casa mea‟. Filmuletele originale deja fusesera sterse, insa cineva a fost in stare sa le descarce si sa le reposteze dinainte.

Cateva zile mai tirziu dupa ce am postat video‟urile, am primit un email anonim care ifi facea legatura la unul dintre baieti. Atunci am putut sa discut cu familia unuia dintre adolescenti. Ceea ce am putut aduna din cele doua marturii a fost ca ei au fost batuti cu piciarele si palmuiti de catre un grup de vreo opt barbati si doua femei. Ceea ce le spuneau lor rapitorii era ca mainele lor vor fi taiate si ca ei vor muri si vor fi ingropati in curte. Capetele lor au fost rase cu un brici. Unul din ei mi-a spus ca ei au fost biciutiti cu trei crengi si au fost electrocutati cu un fel de impunsatura. Am vazut urmele pe corpul lui. Totusi, nici unul nu a declarat ca ar fi fost violat. Apoi ei au fost abandonati pe una din magistralele principale din Tepic, batuti si pe jumatate dezbracati. Cativa vecini au sunat la politie, care a sosit si i-a interogat. Baietii au spus ca ei au fost doar atacati. Incredibil e ca politia i-a lasat acolo si tinerii au luat un taxi pentru ca sa ajunga acasa. Raportul politiei confirma acest fapt si spune ca baietii n-au vrut sa depuna o plingere. Acum in Nayarit toata lumea vorbeste despre aceste filmulete. Foarte multi vorbesc despre implicarea politiei si a narco-traficantilor in aceasta chestiune, fie separate fie impreuna. Nayarit era unul dintre cele mai sigure state din Mexic, dar recent a fost necajit de delincventa citadina si crimele organizate, majoritatea relationate cu traficul de droguri. Unii spun ca casa in care au intrat tinerii apartine unui rege vestit al drogurilor. Si politia nu din auzite stie despre aceasta. Totusi, nu este nici o dovada concreta a implicarii traficantilor sau a politistilor in acest caz. Conform spuselor adolescentilor, anume politia i-a prins furind din casa. Ei spun ca ei au fost dusi in scurt timp la oficiul procurorului general si ca acolo deja ei au fost inminati abuzatorilor, in loc sa fie retinuti. In mod normal, politia ar deschide un dosar, i-ar interoga si i-ar transfera intr-o locatie pentru criminali minori. Eu am vizitat doua case unde locuiesc tinerii si contrar la ceea c ear putea crede majoritatea lumii, situatia lor nu este chiar una de saracie extrema. Acesti baieti provin din familii din clase mijlocii si merg la scoli particulare. Dupa cum au declarat ei, sunt dependenti [de droguri] si au furat si in trecut pentru a-si putea cumpara droguri.”

Young men beware, "cougar women" on the prowl

It's never been a problem for older men to have a young woman hanging off their arm, but when it's the other way round, then toy boys have long been best kept a secret. Until now... "Cougar women" in the US are coming out of the dark and flaunting their younger boyfriends. The only problem is, everybody's laughing at them.

A cougar is a solitary mountain cat which preys on pretty much anything that moves. Not a very kind depiction of older women who date younger men then. The term emerged in North America around ten years ago, and for want of another name, has risen to prominence mainly due to necessity - the number of women married to men younger than them has doubled since 1960, and a third of non-married females aged 40+ date younger men, according to research by over 50s lifestyle organisation AARP. The concept has been brought to the attention of the media by celebrity examples; the most famous being 46-year-old film star Demi Moore and her husband of four years, 31-year-old actor Ashton Kutcher.

A poll published on October 12 by Avalanche LLC, owner of various major US dating sites, found that for 89% of women, the appeal of "snagging" a younger man made them feel "that they still had it", and only 3.8% cared about being "stigmatized as a cougar or cradle robber". For the men, almost 90% said that they were interested in dating an older woman. Eighty-five percent of those said it was because "they have a lot of money and can take care of me", and 72% of the interviewees labelled older women "desperate and easier".

Meanwhile, TV network ABC has just released a series devoted to the species, which depicts them as desperate, lonely, and - in comparison with their male counterparts, or "silver foxes" - largely unsuccessful.

“The last thing we‟re doing is skulking in bars, looking to go home with a young guy for a one night stand”

Former Wall Street banker and self-made "Cougar advisor", 60-year-old Linda Franklin runs the blog "The Real Cougar Woman".

“The survey [published by Avalanche] was abysmal. They didn't actually give any details about the people they interviewed. Perhaps it was a bunch of 19-year-olds, and then of course that's what they're going to say. I have many cougar friends who are happy in serious, long relationships with younger men. The cougar thing is not going to go away soon, absolutely no way. But this survey sets us back 25 years and Cougar Town makes us look ridiculous. There are also so-called cougars who are doing this by themselves. I did not like the sound of the Miss Cougar America for example. It was just women putting themselves on the meat market. It was held in Silicon Valley because there are a lot of young brainiacs there who were more than happy to go. End result: a lot of drinking and a lot of bedding down.”

Tineri, pazea, “femeile pume” sunt la putere

Niciodata nu a fost o problema pentru barbatii mai virstnici sa mearga la brat cu o femeie mai tinara, insa cand e vice versa, relatia cu baietelul este pastrata in taina. Pina acum... «Femeile pume » din SUA ies din intuneric isi dau aere cu iubitii sai mai tineri. Singura problema este ca toata lumea ride de ele.

Puma (sau cuguarul) este o felina solitara care traieste in munti si vineaza orice ce-i frumos si se misca. Nu este o descriere prea frumoasa pentru o femeie in virsta care se intilneste cu barbati mai tineri ca ea. Termenul aparut in America de Nord aproximativ cu 10 ani in urma, si din lipsa unui alt nume, s-a raspindit rapid indeosebi datorita necesitatii – numarul femeilor casatorite cu barbati mai tineri s-a dublat, din anul 1960, si o treime din femeile necasatorite cu virsta de peste 40 ani se intilnesc cu barbati mai tineri, conform unei cercetari a AARP 1 . Conceptul a atras atentia mass-mediei prin exemplele celebritatilor ; cel mai vestit exemplu fiind actrita de 46 ani Demi Moore si sotul ei, deja de patru ani impreuna, actorul Ashton Kutcher, de 31 ani.

Un sondaj de opinie publicat la 12 octombrie de catre Avalanche LLC, proprietarul a unor site‟uri de intilnire de mare importanta in SUA, crede ca pentru 89% din femei, farmecul de a « agata » un barbat mai tinar le face sa considere ca "ele inca mai au farmec ". Pentru barbati, aproape 90% din ei spun ca ar fi interesati sa aiba o relatie cu o femeie mai in virsta. 85% din intervievati au dat asemenea raspuns pentru ca "ele au multi bani si pot avea grija de mine ", iar 72% dintre ei au etichetat femeile in virsta ca fiind "disperate si usor de obtinut".

Intre timp, postul TV ABC tocmai a lansat un serial dedicat specii, care le descrie ca fiind disperate, singure sau "vulpoaice de argint", si comparativ cu omologii sai masculini in mare masura ratate.

"Ultimul lucru pe care il facem este sa ne ascundem in baruri, incercand sa ne ducem acasa cu un barbat mai tinar pentru o noaptepentrecuta impreuna"

Fostul bancher de pe Wall Street si autoporeclita « specialist in pume », Linda Franklin in virsta de 60 ani conduce blogul „‟ Adevarata femeie puma‟‟.

“Studiul [publicat de Avalanche] a fost groaznic. De fapt, ei nu au dat nici o informative ce tine de persoanele intervievate. Poate era o gasca de tineri de 19 ani si bineinteles ce altceva ei puteau sa spuna. Am multe prietene-pume, care sunt fericite in relatiile lor serioase si de lunga durata cu barbate mai tineri. Acest lucru va disparea degraba, nicidecum. Dar acest studiu ne intoarce inapoi cu 25 ani si Orasul Cuguarelor ne face sa parem ridicole. Exista asa numitele « pume » care fac acest lucru doar pentru ele insasi. Nu-mi place, de exemplu, cum suna Miss Puma americana. Erau doar femei care se expuneau pe piata carnii. Acest eveniment a avut loc in Silicon Valley pentru ca acolo este o multime de tineri genii care erau mai mult ca fericiti sa mearga acolo. Rezultatul final : mult alcool si prostitutie.“

1 AARP, fostă "American Association of Retired Persons" (în traducere: Asociaţia Americană a Persoanelor Pensionare) este o organizaţie non-guvernamentală nonprofit şi nepartizană a cărei membri pot fi persoanele în vârstă de 50 de ani sau mai mult.

Cine declanşează războaie religioase la Chişinău?

Provocarea antisemită organizată duminică în centrul Chişinăului de către „un grup de credincioşi” a avut un vădit subtext antiguvernamental. Unul dintre liderii grupului, preotul Anatolie Cibric de la Biserica „Sfânta Paraschiva”, a recunoscut deschis acest lucru: „Noi suntem în ţară ortodoxă şi Ştefan cel Mare a apărat-o de tot soiul de jidovi, dar ei au venit şi au pus menora. Este o fărădelege, o îngăduinţă a puterii de stat de astăzi, care a permis aşa ceva într-o ţară ortodoxă”.

Aşadar, actuala putere este acuzată de… îngăduinţă, adică de toleranţă, una din valorile democratice fundamentale ale lumii contemporane. Acest „grup de credincioşi” - în realitate un detaşament bine organizat de fundamentalişti şi obscurantişti - este bine cunoscut în Chişinău. E cazul să le reamintim cititorilor că atacul şi vandalizarea redacţiei TIMPUL, pe 15 ianuarie 2007, au fost opera aceluiaşi „grup de credincioşi”, dirijat din umbră de forţe foarte puternice şi influente. Există mai multe temeiuri să afirmăm că provocarea de duminică este o acţiune bine gândită şi orientată spre discreditarea noii puteri democratice de la Chişinău. Este cunoscută reacţia sensibilă a lumii occidentale faţă de orice manifestare de intoleranţă religioasă, xenofobie, ură rasială şi îndeosebi faţă de manifestările de antisemitism. Iată de ce, unul din scopurile acestei provocări antisemite a fost de a compromite recentul turneu european al premierului , care s-a desfăşurat cu succes. Alt scop a fost de a incita spiritele credincioşilor ortodocşi de rit vechi din R. în legătură cu decizia guvernului de a declara ziua Crăciunului, pe stil nou, zi de odihnă. Asemenea manifestări convin numai comuniştilor, care acum pot declara cu mândrie că, în timpul mandatului lor, nu au existat asemenea manifestări xenofobe, de unde ar trebui să se deducă un lucru simplu: actuala putere nu controlează situaţia, prin urmare, decizia lor de a provoca alegeri parlamentare anticipate este în folosul ţării. Purtătorul de cuvânt al Mitropoliei afirmă că gestul enoriaşilor nu a fost aprobat de conducere. „Este vorba de o acţiune necoordonată cu conducerea Mitropoliei Moldovei. Vom investiga acest caz şi vom lua măsurile care se impun. Este o acţiune regretabilă”. Am mai auzit asemenea explicaţii şi promisiuni după 15 ianuarie 2007, când acest „grup de credincioşi” a vandalizat redacţia TIMPUL. Acum, acest dosar e pe rol la CEDO. Apropo, de acţiunile poliţiei. Nici în cazul atacului asupra TIMPULUI poliţia n-a intervenit, iar Procuratura s-a spălat pe mâini. Atunci, autorii provocării n-au fost pedepsiţi şi opinia publică n-a mai aflat cine-s sponsorii ei morali… La fel se va întâmpla şi de data aceasta?

Who triggers religious wars in Chisinau?

Anti-Semitic provocation organized on Sunday in the center of Chisinau by "a group of believers" had an obvious anti-governmental subtext. One of the group leaders, priest of the Church "Saint Paraskevi" Anatoly Cibric, admitted frankly this: "We are an Orthodox country and Stephen the Great has defended it against Jews, but they came and put here their Menorah2. It is an offence, an indulgence of actual government, which allowed such a thing in an Orthodox country”.

So, the actual government is accused of ... indulgence, i.e. tolerance, one of fundamental democratic values of the contemporary world. This "group of believers" - actually a well- organized detachment of fundamentalist and obscurantist - is well known in Chisinau. It's appropriate to remind readers this same "group of believers" has attacked and vandalized the editorial “The Time” on January 15th, 2007. Behind their back are very powerful and influential forces.

There are several reasons to say that the Sunday challenge is a well-designed act which purpose was to discredit the new democratic government from Chisinau. The sensitive reaction of the Western world to all manifestations of religious intolerance, xenophobia, racial hatred and in particular to the manifestations of anti-Semitism is well-known. Hence, one of the goals of that anti-Semitic provocation was to undermine the recent European tour of Prime Minister Vlad Filat, which was carried out successfully.

Another purpose was to incite the spirits of the old rite of Orthodox believers of R. Moldova concerning the government's decision to declare Christmas day, the new style, as holiday. Such events only communists agree that now can declare with pride that during their term, there were any manifestations of xenophobia. From this results a simple thing: the actual government does not control the situation, therefore, their decision to provoke early parliamentary elections is in the interests of the country.

Metropolitan spokesman says that believers‟ gesture was not approved by management. "It is an uncoordinated act with the management Moldovan Metropolis. We will investigate this case and we will take the required measures. It is a regrettable action”. I heard the same explanations and promises after January 15th, 2007 incident, when the "group of believers" has vandalized the editorial of newspaper “The Time”.

Now, this file is sent at the ECHR. By the way, something about the police‟ actions. When the editorial “The Time” was attacked the police did not intervene, and the Prosecutor‟s office has got off with whole skin. Then, the authors of challenge were not penalized and the public has never found out who were the moral sponsors of it ... The same thing will happen this time?

2 Menorah - a seven-branched candelabrum that is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish people. Deputaţii ucraineni se tem de unirea R. Moldova cu România

Secretarul Consiliului pentru Aparare si Nationala a Ucrainei, Raisa Bogatariova, se afla marti si miercuri intr-o vizita in Republica Moldova, iar unii deputati din Rada Suprema sustin ca vizita acesteia este legata de examinarea posibilitatii unirii Republicii Moldova cu Romania in cadrul unui stat comun, relateaza din Kiev agentia rusa de presa Novai Reghion, citata de Agerpres. In acelasi timp, o publicatie locala, Eho, scoate in evidenta diferentele de opinie intre Kiev si Bucuresti, in ceea ce priveste identitatea romanofonilor din regiunea Odesa, depre care autoritatile ucrainene spun ca apartin "etniei moldovenilor", nerecunoscuta de Romania. "Am vazut ca ne putem confrunta cu posibile socuri absolut serioase pe tronsonul transnistrean al granitei moldo-ucrainene. Se mai stie ca serviciile secrete romane duc negocieri neoficiale cu anumite servicii secrete din Transnistria pentru ca unirea Republicii Moldova cu Romania, despre care se vorbeste la modul serios in Romania si care este evocata de unii reprezentanti ai noii coalitii de guvernare de la Chisinau", a declarat, pentru Novai Reghion, deputatul Taras Cernovol, din Comisia pentru Relatii Internationale a Radei Supreme.

Ucraina face parte din formatul de negocieri "cinci plus doi" in problema rezolvarii diferendului transnistrean. "Din pacate, la Kiev a fost dat uitarii diferendul transnistrean", sustine deputatul ucrainean, adaugand ca, in sfarsit, cineva dintre responsabilii ucraineni s-a gandit sa mearga la Chisinau si Tiraspol pentru a vedea ce se intampla la fata locului.

"Relatiile dintre Ucraina si Republica Moldova dupa schimbarea conducerii politice de la Chisinau devin din ce in ce mai actuale, intrucat granita intre Ucraina si Moldova este unul din acele puncte fierbinti care se afla cel mai aproape de teritoriul nostru", a afirmat si deputatul Andrei Parubii, membru in Comisia Radei Supreme pentru afaceri internationale, subliniind ca, pentru Ucraina, este important sa aiba vecini previzibili.

Ucraina insista asupra "etniei moldovenilor" din sudul Basarabiei, aflat in componenta regiunii Odesa. Sefa Directiei pentru nationalitati si religii din cadrul Consiliului regional Odesa, Iaroslava Reznik, a anuntat, in cadrul sedintei de marti, reluarea monitorizarii romano-ucrainene privind respectarea drepturilor minoritatilor nationale pe teritoriul regiunii Odesa, relateaza portalul local Eho. Ministerul ucrainean de Externe a solicitat autoritatilor din Odesa sa stabileasca data reluarii procesului de monitorizare, a indicat aceasta.

Potrivit portalului citat, monitorizarea a fost suspendata din cauza diferentelor de opinie dintre Ucraina si Romania in ceea ce priveste situatia minoritatilor.

"Romania refuza sa recunoasca entitatea moldovenilor care traiesc in Ucraina, considerand-o drept entitate romana, in timp ce Ucraina insista asupra identitatii etniei moldovenilor", a subliniat reprezentanta administratiei din Odesa.

Ukrainian MPs fear Moldavian union with Romania

Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine., Raisa Bogatariova, was on Tuesday and Wednesday in a visit to Moldova, and some members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Supreme Council of Ukraine) said this visit is related to studying the potential unification of Moldova with Romania, a Russian press agency Novai Reghion reports from Kiev, quoted by Agerpres. At the same time, a local newspaper, Eho, emphasize the differences of opinion between Kiev and Bucharest concerning the identity of Romanian-speaking from the Odessa region. Ukrainian authorities say that they belong to ”Moldovan ethnic”, unrecognized by Romania.

"We have seen that we could face possible serious shock on Transnistrian territory of the Moldovan-Ukrainian border. It is known that Romanian secret services leads informal talks with some secret services of Transnistria on the unification of Moldova with Romania, which is spoken seriously in Romania and suggested by some representatives of the new governmental coalition from Chisinau", declared for Novai Reghion the deputy Taras Chernovol, the Committee on International Relations of the Verkhovna Rada.

Ukraine is part of the five-plus-two negotiating format for solving the problem of Transnistrian conflict. "Unfortunately, in Kiev Transnistrian conflict was forlorn” said Ukrainian deputy, adding that finally someone of Ukrainian leaders thought to go to Chisinau and Tiraspol to see what happens on the spot.

"The relations between the Ukraine and Moldova after changing political leadership in Chisinau are becoming increasingly topical because the border between Ukraine and Moldova is one of those hot spots that are closest to our territory," also said and the MP Andrew Parubii, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on International Affairs, stressing that for Ukraine, it is important to have predictable neighbors.

The Ukraine insists on “Moldovan ethnic” from the Southern , a part of Odessa‟s region.

The Head of Odessa‟s Regional Council for nationalities and religions, Yaroslava Reznik, announced, during the Tuesday‟s meeting, the resumption of Romanian-Ukrainian monitoring concerning the national minorities rights on the territory of Odessa region, reports local portal Eho. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has asked Odessa‟s authorities to establish the date of resumption of the monitoring process, it showed.

According to the quoted portal, the monitoring was suspended because of differences of opinion between Ukraine and Romania concerning the status minorities.

"Romania refuses to recognize the entity of Moldovans living in Ukraine, considering it as a Romanian entity, while the Ukraine insists on Moldovan ethnic identity," said the administration's representative in Odessa.

Istoria integrată şi Enciclopedia Moldovei-instrumente staliniste Asociaţia Istoricilor pledează pentru o nouă concepţie de predare a istoriei.

Intelectualii moldoveni se străduiesc să exploateze cât mai repede şi mai bine schimbarea puterii. Astăzi la Chişinău, Asociaţia Istoricilor din Republica Moldova a discutat cum să înlăture din învăţământ şi cultură perspectiva asupra istoriei promovată de vechea guvernare, comunistă. A fost vorba mai ales de schimbarea manualelor şi a enciclopediei.

Asociaţia Istoricilor din Moldova pledează pentru o nouă curiculă şcolară dar şi pentru manuale noi în locul celor de istorie integrată. Pentru a pune în ordine schimbările, membrii asociaţiei vor să obţină aprobarea unei concepţii naţionale de predare a istoriei în şcolile din R. Moldova. Doctorul habilitat în istorie, : ”După organizarea unei comisii, a unor dispute în public, să fie elaborat conceptul acestei publicaţii, să fie antrenaţi oameni care ştiu despre ce scriu cu atât mai mult că este vorba de cheltuieli din buget”. Copiii din clasa a 4-a ar trebui să aibă un singur manual de istorie după care ciclul gimnazial clasele a 5-a – 9-a disciplina să se bazeze pe manuale separate unul de istorie a românilor şi celălalt de istorie universală, ambele punând accentul pe cronologie. În clasele liceale 10-12 urmează a fi predate subiecte de problemă sau cu talmăciri controversate. Vicepreşedintele Asociaţiei Istoricilor din Moldova, Gheorghe Postică consideră că e momentul să fie scos de sub influeţa politicului întregul mediu academic: ”Fosta guvernare a disconsiderat autonomia academică, a intervenit politic în procesul de cercetare, a încercat să reimpună cenzura în sfera ştiinţei istorice. În acelaşi timp s-a pus miză pe mediocritate, slugărnicie, incompetenţă şi pe modelul sovietic de abordare a trecutului istoric”. In vizorul asociaţiei a intrat şi proaspăt iniţiată „Enciclopedie a Moldovei”, proiectul lansat în urmă cu doi ani în baza decretului semnat de preşedintele de atunci Vladimir Voronin, proiect contestat de o parte a comunităţii ştiinţifice. După părerea istoricilor ce fac parte din asociaţie, lucrarea compromite imaginea R. Moldova ca stat independent. Din nou, Pavel Parasca: „Enciclopedia în general nu-şi are dreptul la existenţă. Despre enciclopedie putem vorbi ca despre un avorton, despre un copil care s-a născut mort şi pe care este imposibil să-l reînvii. Nu cred că mai putem vorbi ca munca asupra acestei enciclopedii să continue, mai ales ţinând cont şi de cheltuielile enorme din buget pentru această lucrare. Prezent la conferinţa de presă, preşedintele primului Parlament al R. Moldova, Alexandru Moşanu s-a referit atât la cursul „Istoria Integrată" cât şi la volumele Enciclopediei Moldovei: „Partidul Comuniştilor prin introducerea cursului de Istorie Integrată dar şi a editării „Enciclopediei Moldovei” au încălcat principiile fundamentale de dezvoltare a R. Moldova, fixate în Declaraţia de Independenţă. Orientarea noastră, spiritul naţional, valorile naţionale – despre asta este vorba. S-a lovit în acest valori. Academia de Ştiinţe, în orice alt stat, are rolul de a apăra valorile fundamentale ale naţiunii pe care trebuie să o slujească. Asta trebuie să facă o Academie ori Academia noastră a contribuit la realizarea ideologiei stalinste.” Intr-un interviu acordat Europei Libere, ministrul Educaţiei, Leonind Bujor a declarat că, în prezent, rămâne la discreţia profesorilor să utilizeze sau nu manualele de istorie integrată. În ceea ce priveşte curiccula şcolară, a declarat că urmează a fi propuse modificări chiar şi la unele teme concrete începând cu clasele a 6-a şi până în clasa a 9-a. Potrivit ministrului, ”trebuie să predăm astfel ca aceşti copii să cunoască istoria actualului stat R. Moldova dar în acelaşi timp să cunoască dezvoltarea istorică a plaiului nostru ca o parte componentă a spaţiului unic românesc şi acest lucru nu ar trebui să deranjeze absolut pe nimeni”

Integrate history and Moldova‟s Encyclopedia - Stalinist tools

Historians Association argues for a new conception of teaching history.

Moldovan intellectuals seek to exploit at the maximum the change of government. Today in Chisinau, the Moldovan Association of Historians discussed how to remove from education and culture the perspective of history promoted by the old government, communist. Their major wish consists in the changing of textbooks and encyclopedias.

Association of Historians of Moldova pleads for a new school curriculum and for new history books instead of integrated ones. To tidy up changes, the members of the association will seek the approval of a national conception of history teaching in Moldova‟s schools. Doctor habilitat in History, Paul Parasca: "After the creation of a committee, of public disputes, we must work at the concept of its publication, those who will be he authors should get the meaning of what they write, all the more because it is the budget expenditure.

Children from the 4th form should have a single history textbook. Also, the history book of 5 – 9th form should have separated books, one about Romanians history and another one of world history, both emphasizing the timeline. Pupils from 10-12th form should learn about controversial problems concerning the History.

Vice President of Historians‟ Association of Moldova, George Postica believes that it is time that the entire academic to be out of politics influence: "The former government has disaffirmed academic autonomy, it has intervened politically in the research, tried to reimpose the censor within historical science. At the same time they put stake on mediocrity, servility, incompetence and the Soviet model of dealing with past history.

In the viewfinder of newly launched association came "Encyclopedia of Moldova" the project started two years ago under the decree signed by then president Vladimir Voronin. The poject has beena challenged by a part of the scientific community. According to historians from the association, the work undermine Moldova's image as an independent state. Once more, Paul Parasca: "Encyclopedia generally do not have the right to existence. We can talk to about encyclopedia only as an abortion, as about a child who was born dead and that it is impossible to revive it. I do not think we can speak as to continue the work on this encyclopedia, especially taking into account the enormous costs of the budget for this work.

Attending the press conference, the President of first Moldavian Parliament, Alexander Moşanu was referring both to the "Integrated History" volumes and the Encyclopedia of Moldova: “Communist Party by introducing the course integrated history but also editing "Encyclopedia of Moldova" were violating the fundamental principles of Moldova‟s development, established in the Declaration of Independence. Our guideline, our national spirit and national values - that's about it. They hit in the values. The Academy of Sciences, in any other state, is to defend nation's fundamental values that have to serve. That has to do an academy or our Academy has contributed to Stalinist ideology. " Monumentul Lupoaicei a revenit la Chişinău

Monumentul Lupoaicei a revenit pe soclul din faţa Muzeului Naţional de Istorie, după câţiva ani în care locul acestuia a fost ţinut de inscripţia „monumentul se află în proces de restaurare”. Noul monument a fost inaugurat marţi, 1 decembrie şi a fost donat de către Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni. Preşedintele Parlamentului, , preşedinte interimar al Republicii Moldova, a declarat, în cadrul ceremoniei oficiale de inaugurare, că „dacă s-a întâmplat că Lupoaica s-a întors la noi, Lupul nostru va fi preşedinte”.

Monumentul anterior, inaugurat la Chişinău în 1991, a fost retras, potrivit declaraţiilor oficiale ale autorităţilor comuniste, din cauza unor fisuri grave. Ulterior, în urma mai multor evaluări ale unor comisii şi după câţiva ani în care a staţionat la Uzina de tractoare, monumentul Lupoaicei a fost transferat în subsolul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie, unde se află şi în prezent. Mediatorul evenimentului, ministrul Culturii, Boris Focşa, a spus că inaugurarea monumentului Lupoaicei, ca şi dezvelirea bustului scriitorului român Liviu Rebreanu (la 27 noiembrie curent) reprezintă două evenimente deosebite, care marchează o revenire la normalitate în cultura naţională. Ambasadorul Italiei la Chişinău, Stefano De Leo, prezent la ceremonie, a declarat că statuia Lupoaicei este simbolul unei culturi universale, care leagă mai multe popoare. Ambasadorul a reiterat intenţia fermă a ţării sale de a sprijini orice iniţiativă referitoare la circulaţia liberă a cetăţenilor moldoveni în spaţiul european. Ministrul consilier al României, Alexandru Mureşan, ca şi preşedintele Comisiei de Politică Externă a Senatului României, Titus Corţăţean, au menţionat că reinstalarea monumentului Lupoaicei, care reprezintă un simbol al culturii universale, este un gest de normalitate. La rândul său, primarul Chişinăului, Dorin Chirtoacă, a spus că preşedintele României Traian Băsescu, care intenţiona să fie prezent la Chişinău la 1 decembrie, a rămas la Bucureşti pentru a fi prezent la Parada militară desfăşurată cu prilejul Zilei Naţionale a României. Actorul basarabean Petru Hadârcă şi-a exprimat bucuria de a vedea prezenţi „atâţia români în faţa monumentului Lupoaicei”. „Este un semn de bucurie, un semn ca aspiraţiile noastre pro-europene şi pro-latine sunt puternice”, a spus actorul. Actriţa Paulina Zavtoni a recitat una din frumoasele legende legate de simbolul Lupoaicei şi întemeierea oraşului Roma. Vicepreşedintele Ligii Culturale pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni, Ştefan Popa, a declarat că, la origine, statuia Lupoaicei sau Lupa Capitolina cum mai este numită, era din bronz, turnată cu 5 secole înainte de Hristos, iar în prezent se păstrează într-un muzeu din oraşul Roma, Italia. În ţările lumii există mai multe replici ale acestui monument, inclusiv la Tokio, Japonia. Monumentul Lupoaicei, instalat la Chişinău în 1921, în faţa clădirii în care Sfatul Ţării a votat Unirea, potrivit lui Ştefan Popa, a fost distrusă de Armata Sovietică. „Monumentul dăruit de Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni, inaugurat în 1991 în faţa Muzeului Naţional de Istorie, a fost retras de comunişti”, a mai spus Ştefan Popa.

She-Wolf Monument returned to Chisinau

After several years in which its place was taken by the inscription "monument is in the process of restoration” the monument of She-Wolf returned on foot of the National History Museum. The new monument was unveiled Tuesday, December the 1st and was donated by the Cultural League for the Union of Romanians Everywhere. The President of Parliament, Mihai Ghimpu, acting , said at the official opening ceremony that "if it happened that our She-Wolf has returned to us that mean our Wolf will be President”.

The previous Monument unveiled at Chisinau in 1991, was withdrawn, according to official statements by communist authorities, because of serious flaws. Afterwards, after several evaluations of the some Commissions and after several years stationed at the tractor plant, the monument was transferred to the basement She-Wolf of the National Museum of History, where is and at the moment.

The mediator of the event, Minister of Culture, Boris Focsa, said that the inauguration of the She-Wolf monument, and the unveiling of the Romanian writer Liviu Rebreanu bust (from November 27 currently) are two events, which marks a return to normality in the national culture. Italian Ambassador to Chisinau, Stefano De Leo, present at the ceremony, said the statue She-Wolf is the symbol of a universal culture, connecting more people. Ambassador reiterated his country's firm intention to support any initiative for the free movement of Moldovan citizens in Europe. Minister Counselor of Romania, Alexandru Muresan, as Chairman of Romanian Senate's foreign policy, Titus Corţăţean, mentioned that reinstalling of the She-Wolf monument, which is symbolic for universal culture, is a sign of normality. In turn, the mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, said that Romanian President Traian Băsescu, who intended to be present in Chisinau on December the 1st remained in Bucharest to attend the military parade held on the occasion of National Day of Romania. The Bessarabian actor Petru Hadârcă expressed joy to see "so many Romanian by the monument of She-Wolf”. “It is a sign of joy, a sign of our pro- European and pro-Latin aspirations are strong", he said. The actress Paulina Zavtoni recited one of the most beautiful legends about the She-Wolf symbol and about the foundation of Rome.

Vice-president of Cultural League for the Union of Romanians Everywhere, Stefan Popa, said that originally She-Wolf or Capitoline Wolf statue as it is called, was of bronze, cast 5 centuries before Christ, and it is now kept in a museum from Rome, Italy. In the whole world there are several replicas of this monument, including in Tokyo, Japan. She-Wolf monument, installed in Chisinau in 1921, in front of the Country's Council voted the Union, according to Stefan Popa, was destroyed by the Soviet Army. "Monument given by the Cultural League for the Union of Romanians Everywhere unveiled in 1991 at the History National Museum, has been withdrawn by the Communists ", said Stefan Popa.

Noi nu suntem urmaşii Romei - acum asta afla și în Statele Unite " The New York Times ", cel mai prestigios ziar din Statele Unite ale Americii, publică, la [30 noiembrie] a.c. - în secţiunea Science - un articol despre această expoziţie, articol scris de John Noble Wilford şi intitulat "A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity". Unii dintre cei mai renumiţi arheologi ai lumii sunt uluiţi şi recunosc vechimea şi perfecţiunea culturii înflorite pe meleagurile noastre străbune cu mult înaintea cunoscutelor civilizaţii greceşti şi romane. Continuitatea noastră ca popor evoluat încă de la răsăritul civilizaţiei mondiale este dovedită, de asemenea, prin tradiţiile populare care s-au păstrat până în vremea noastră. Discontinuitatea noastră ca popor şi ca limbă există numai în mintea acelora pentru care adevărul şi dovezile ştiinţifice remarcabile nu înseamnă nimic, fiindcă minciuna şi dezinformarea perpetuate de-a lungul anilor sunt aliaţii lor la care, spre ruşinea lor, nu renunţă. Noi avem sacra datorie faţă de contemporani şi faţă de urmaşi de a prezenta adevărul, aşa cum a fost scos la iveală din ceaţa trecutului. Iar expoziţia recent deschisă în New York despre cultura vechii Europe, în care aportul românesc este de 80%, ne îndreptăţeşte să spunem lumii, din nou, tare şi răspicat: "Noi nu suntem urmaşii Romei!" Expoziţia este deschisă publicului larg până în 25 aprilie 2010. Pe internet se pot vedea exponate pe site-ul ziarului New York Times. Prezentăm mai jos fragmente traduse în limba română din acest articol. O CULTURĂ EUROPEANĂ PIERDUTĂ, SCOASĂ DIN OBSCURITATE Înaintea gloriei care a fost Grecia şi Roma, înainte chiar de primele oraşe ale Mesopotaniei sau a templelor de-a lungul Nilului, au trăit în valea de jos a Dunării şi la poalele Balcanilor oameni care au fost primii în artă, tehnologie şi comerţ la mare distanţă. Timp de 1.500 de ani, începând mai devreme de anul 5.000 Î.Chr., ei au lucrat pământul şi au construit oraşe, unele cu 2.000 de locuinţe. Ei au fost meşteri pricepuţi în arta bronzului, noua tehnologie a acelui timp. În mormintele lor s-a găsit o varietate impresionantă de ornamente de cap şi bijuterii pentru gât şi, într-un cimitir, au fost descoperite, ca ansamblu de aur, cele mai vechi artifacte din întreaga lume. Uluitoarele desene ale vaselor vorbesc de rafinamentul limbajului vizual al culturii lor... Peste 250 de artifacte muzeale din Bulgaria, Moldova şi România sunt expuse pentru prima dată în Statele Unite. Doctorul David W. Anthony, profesor de antropologie la colegiul Hartwick din Oneonta, NY, curatorul expoziţiei: "Vechea Europă a fost printre cele mai sofisticate şi tehnologic avansate locuri din lume" şi a devzoltat "multe dintre semnele politice, tehnologice şi ideologice ale civilizaţiei."... La recenzia făcută expoziţiei, Roger S. Bagnall, director al institutului, a mărturisit că până acum "Foarte mulţi arheologi nu auziseră de aceste vechi culturi europene". Admirând ceramicile colorate, Dr. Bagdall, un specialist în arheologia egipteană, a remarcat că, în acel timp, "egiptenii cu siguranţă nu făceau vase ca acestea." Un catalog al expoziţiei, publicat de Princeton University Press, este primul compendiu de cercetare în engleză despre descoperirile Vechii Europe... Cartea include eseuri ale experţilor din Marea Britanie, Franţa, Germania, Statele Unite şi din ţările în a existat acea cultură... Pe un vast teritoriu care acum aparţine Bulgariei şi României, oamenii s-au stabilit în sate cu una sau mai multe case adunate înăuntrul gardurilor. Casele, unele cu două etaje, erau încadrate în lemn, cu pereţi în tencuială de argilă şi podea din pământ întărit... Câteva oraşe ale oamenilor din Cucuteni,... o cultură robustă din nordul vechii Europe, au crescut la mai mult de 800 de acri, ceea ce arheologii consideră un spaţiu mai mare decât orice altă aşezare umană cunoscută în acel timp. Escavaţii viitoare au rolul de a descoperi dovezi definitive ale palatelor, templelor sau ale clădirilor civice mari... Una dintre cele mai cunoscute (figurine) este figura în argilă arsă a uni om care şade, cu umerii aplecaţi şi mâinile la faţă, ca într-o contemplare. Numit "Gânditorul", această piesă şi o figurină feminină au fost găsite într-un cimitir al culturii Hamangia, în România... Un set de 21 de figurine feminine mici, aşezate în cerc, a fost găsit într-un site aparţinând perioadei pre-Cucuteni din nord-estul României... "Gânditorul", de exemplu, eşti tu sau eu, arheologii şi istoricii confruntaţi cu şi perplecşi de către o cultură "pierdută" din sud-estul Europei, cultură care a avut o viaţă adevărată înainte ca un singur cuvânt să fi fost scris şi o singură roată mişcată."...

We are not the descendants of Rome – now and the Americans know it

“The New York Times", the most prestigious newspaper in the United States, published on November 30th, 2009 a scientific article about this exhibition, article by John Noble Wilford entitled "The Lost European Culture, Pulled From obscurity.” Some of the most famous archaeologists of the world are amazed and recognize the length and perfection of the culture appeared on our lands long before the well-known ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Our persistence as a nation evolved from the rise of world civilization is proved also by folk traditions which have been preserved to our time. Our discontinuity as a nation and as a language exists only in the minds of those for whom the truth and scientific evidence means nothing remarkable, because the perpetrated lie and misinformation over the years are their allies at which they do not give up, to their shame. We have the sacred duty towards our contemporaries and towards our descendants to show the truth, as it was revealed from the mist of the past. And the recently opened exhibition in New York about the culture of old Europe, the Romanian contribution represents 80%, gives us the right to tell loudly and firmly to the whole world: "We are not descendants of Rome!" The exhibition is open to the public until April 25th, 2010. On the Internet you can view several exhibits on “The New York Times” site. The following texts are some passages of this article translated into Romanian. A EUROPEAN CULTURE LOST, pulled from obscurity

Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and the Foothills Balkan people who were ahead of their time in art, technology and long-distance trade.

For 1.500 years, starting earlier than 5000 BC, they farmed and built cities, some 2.000 houses. They were craftsmen skilled in the art of bronze, the new technology of the age. Their graves held an impressive array of exquisite headdresses and necklaces and, in one cemetery were found the earliest major assemblage of gold artifacts anywhere in the world.

The amazing designs of their pottery speak of the refinement of the culture's visual language.

Over 250 artifacts museum from Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania are exhibit for the first time in the United States.

Dr. David W. Anthony, professor of anthropology at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY, the exhibition curator: "Old Europe was among the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world" and was developing "many of the political, technological and ideological signs of civilization”.

At the exhibition preview, Roger S. Bagnall, director of the institute, revealed that till now "Many archaeologists had never heard of that old European culture.” Admiring the colorful ceramics, Dr. Bagdall, a specialist in Egyptian archeology, noted that, at that time, "The Egyptians certainly were not ships like this." O parte din organizatorii evenimentelor din aprilie identificată Interviu Valeriu Zubco, procuror general, realizat de Mariana Raţă

Este procuror general de două săptămâni, dar deja a pus mai multe lucruri pe roate în cadrul instituţiei pe care o conduce. Aflaţi din interviul de mai jos ce priorităţi de activitate are noul procuror şi dacă vor fi sau nu anchetaţi penal mai mulţi foşti demnitari suspectaţi de corupţie sau abuzuri în activitate.

Domnule Zubco, ce “moştenire” aţi primit de la fostul procuror general? Din 8 octombrie, de când am fost învestit în funcţia de procuror general, pe adresa Procuraturii Generale au început să vină foarte multe petiţii de la cetăţeni asupra cărora a fost pornită urmărirea penală din diferite motive, politice sau dosare la comandă. Vă asigur că în timpul apropiat vom organiza o conferinţă de presă la Procuratura Generală şi vă vom informa despre aceste cazuri, dar şi despre dosarele de rezonanţă deschise în ultimii ani de procuratură. Societatea va putea afla ce s-a întâmplat la Procuratura Generală până la 8 octombrie şi după această dată.

Domnul Pasat v-a expediat săptămâna trecută o scrisoare prin care vă ruga să interveniţi pentru a fi examinate cât mai rapid dosarele în care figurează domnia sa. Ce măsuri au fost luate? Am primit scrisoarea domnului Pasat joi după-amiază, adică aproape la o săptămână după ce presa a difuzat această scrisoare. Cu toate acestea, aflând din mass-media despre ea, am întreprins deja anumite acţiuni. Acum se lucrează pe marginea celor două dosare penale.

Care este situaţia dosarelor deschise în urma evenimentelor din 7 aprilie? În urma evenimentelor din 7 aprilie, la Procuratură au fost depuse 103 sesizări şi au fost intentate 31 de dosare penale pe numele unor poliţişti concreţi. La aceste dosare se lucrează intens. După cum ştiţi, un dosar a fost deja trimis în judecată, iar în timpul apropiat vor fi finalizate şi altele. Există însă şi dosare în care este imposibil să identificăm poliţiştii pentru că aceştia erau mascaţi. În aceste cazuri, urmează să stabilim cum vom proceda. Fie că vor fi pornite dosare vizând efectivul de comandă, fie că vom găsi o altă soluţie.

În legătură cu evenimentele din 7 aprilie, se investiga şi cine au fost autorii dezordinilor în masă. Aveţi nişte rezultate în acest sens? O parte din organizatori a fost identificată. Ei vor fi traşi la răspundere, la fel ca şi cei care se fac vinovaţi de torturarea tinerilor în comisariatele de poliţie.

Atunci când se vorbea despre schimbarea procurorului general, presa se întreba dacă noul procuror va deschide dosare pe numele unor foşti demnitari corupţi. Va fi un şir de evenimente interesante pentru presă în lunile următoare. Nu vreau să mă refer la persoane concrete care ar putea fi anchetate, dar nici la rangul acestora, pentru că în faţa legii trebuie să fim cu toţii egali. Cum rămâne cu procurorii care au îndeplinit comenzi politice? Pe parcursul lunilor octombrie şi noiembrie, ne vom ocupa şi de aceste persoane. Urmează să formăm organele de autoadministrare ale procuraturii, aşa cum prevede legea. Atunci, fiecare persoană va trece un concurs în urma căruia se va decide dacă rămâne sau nu în procuratură. E greu astăzi să spun că un procuror sau altul a îndeplinit comenzi politice şi în ce împrejurări le-a îndeplinit, este nevoie de o anchetă internă. Schimbări vor fi, acum este important ca toţi să muncească şi să-şi îndeplinească obligaţiile de serviciu.

Ce dosare de mare interes au fost deschise de când sunteţi dvs. procuror general? Nu avem încă asemenea dosare. Acum lucrăm la dosarele deschise în urma evenimentelor din 7- 8 aprilie. Aceste dosare sunt prioritare. Sunt importante şi dosarele cu caracter politic care se află în procedură. Mă refer la dosarele domnilor Pasat, Andronic, Stepuleac, Stati, Marinescu.

Ştim că s-a cerut şi anchetarea fostului procuror general Valeriu Gurbulea. Au fost luate măsuri? Lucrăm asupra acestei solicitări venite din partea unor deputaţi. De acest caz se ocupă procurorul cu misiuni speciale, care are indicaţia de a ancheta activitatea fostului procuror. Pentru a deschide un dosar penal este nevoie de a acumula mai multe probe.

Vreau să discutăm un pic şi despre explozia din Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale. Aţi declarat anterior că explozia de săptămâna trecută este un act terorist. Ce v-a determinat să credeţi acest lucru? Ţinând cont de materialele acumulate în urma urmăririi penale pornită în legătură cu explozia, există temei să bănuim că a fost comis un act terorist, scopul căruia a fost de a intimida populaţia, cu atât mai mult cu cât înainte de această explozie au fost efectuate apeluri telefonice cu ameninţări în anticamera primului-ministru, iar aceste ameninţări aveau caracter politic. Cine ar avea intenţia să ameninţe populaţia şi actuala guvernare? Este greu de spus al cui interes este. Numai în urma urmăririi penale am putea răspunde la această întrebare.

Se vorbeşte despre un caracter politic al acestui act terorist. Dvs ce credeţi despre asta? Nu este exclus. Evident, acum nu pot să afirm cu certitudine ce caracter poartă explozia de miercuri.

A fost stabilită provenienţa grenadei aruncate? Bănuim că această grenadă a fost adusă din regiunea transnistreană. Asta pentru că nu avem informaţii că ar fi fost sustrase arme de la Ministerul Apărării sau din altă parte din republică. În plus, şi cazul de joi din faţa procuraturii ne întăreşte bănuielile. Persoana care a ameninţat să detoneze o grenadă în faţa Procuraturii Generale avea o grenadă de acelaşi tip, dar cu un alt focus şi după toate probabilităţile a cumpărat-o din Transnistria.

Cum este posibil că până acum nu am avut astfel de incidente şi acum deodată două grenade au provocat panică în capitală? Şi noi ne-am întrebat acest lucru. Îmi vine greu să găsesc un răspuns, dar vreau să vă asigur că aceste două cazuri nu au o legătură cauzală. Poate o explicaţie ar reieşi din declaraţiile făcute de unii lideri politici în urma venirii la guvernare a unei noi forţe. Posibil, între aceste declaraţii şi cele două incidente există vreo legătură cauzală.

Cum pot fi evitate pe viitor asemenea cazuri? Noi, împreună cu Ministerul de Interne şi Serviciul de Informaţii şi Securitate, intenţionăm să înaintăm un demers primăriei Chişinău pentru ca pe viitor asemenea sărbători să fie organizate în spaţii închise sau îngrădite pentru a putea asigura securitatea persoanelor. În Chişinău există astfel de locuri, spre exemplu, Moldexpo, unde recent a fost organizată Ziua Vinului.

A part of April events organisers identified

Interview with Valeriu Zubco, General Prosecutor, made by Mariana Raţă

Valeriu Zubco is General Prosecutor for only two weeks, but he solved a lot of problems in the institution run by him. Learn from the interview below what activity priorities have the new Prosecutor and and whether or not several former officials suspected of corruption or abuse activity to be investigated.

Mr Zubco, what "heritage" have you received from former Attorney General?

From October the 8th, when I was sworn in as Attorney General, at the Prosecutor‟s Office address has come very many petitions from citizens on which the prosecution was started for many reasons, political or files in order. I assure you that in the near future we will organize a press conference at the Prosecutor's Office and we will inform you about these cases, but we will inform also about well-known cases in recent years by the prosecution. Society can learn what happened in the Prosecutor's Office until October, the 8th and beyond.

Mr Pasat has sent a letter last week asking you to intervene for the examination of the cases as soon as possible where his name appears. What measures were taken?

On Thursday afternoon I received the letter from Mr. Pasat, nearly a week after the mass-media has broadcast this letter. However, finding from the media about it, I have already taken some action. Now we are working on the two criminal cases.

What is the situation of opened cases on events of April the 7th?

Following the events of April 7, at the Prosecutor‟s Office were filed 103 complaints and were filed 31 criminal cases on behalf of concrete policemen. We are working hard at these cases. You know that a file has already been prosecuted and in the near future will be finalized more files. But there are also other cases where it is impossible to identify the policemen because they were masked. In these cases, is to determine how we will proceed. Whether we start targeting herd control the files, whether we find another solution.

Concerning the events of April 7th, it was investigated who were the authors of the clutter in shoal. Do you have some results on this line?

Some of the organizers have been identified. They will be called to account, just like those who are guilty of torturing young people in police stations.

Then were talking about changing the General Prosecutor, the mass-media wondered whether the new Prosecutor open files on behalf of former corrupt officials.

We have a lot of interesting events for the media in the coming months. I do not want to refer to specific people who could be investigated, but not to their rank, because the law should be for all equal.

What about thePprosecutors who have executed political orders? During the months of October and November, we will work on these cases. The self- administration bodies of prosecution are to form, as it is provided by law. Then, each person will pass a contest which will decide whether to work or not in the Prosecution. It is difficult today to say that a prosecutor or another has fulfilled political orders and in what circumstances has it. We have to conduct an internal inquiry. There will be some changes, now it is important that they all work and meet their service obligations.

What records of great interest have been opened till the moment you were sworn in as Attorney General?

We do not have such cases. Now we are working on the opened records for the events of 7-8th April. These cases are priorities for us.Also important are political folders that we are proceeding. I refer to files of Mr. Passat, Andronikos, Stepuleac, Stati, Marinescu.

We know that former General Prosecutor Valeriu Gurbulea also is to be investigated. What have you done?

We are working on the requests come from some deputies. In this case, the special mission Prosecutor is indicated to investigate the activity of the former Prosecutor. To be opened a criminal file needs to accumulate more evidence.

I want to talk a little and the explosion of the Great National Assembly Square. You said earlier that last week's explosion is a terrorist act. What made you believe that?

Given the material gained from prosecution in connection with the explosion started, there was reason to suspect that was committed a terrorist act, the goal which was to intimidate the population. Before the explosion some threats calls were made at reception the Prime Minister, and these threats were political.

Who would be going to threaten the population and the present government?

It is hard to say whose interest is. Only after prosecution we could answer that question.

They are talking about a political nature of this terrorist act. You, what you think about this?

It is not impossible. Obviously, now I can not say with certainty what nature bears Wednesday explosion.

Did you find out the origin of the thrown down grenade?

We suspect that the grenade was made in the Transnistrian region. We do not have any information those weapons had been stolen from the Ministry of Defense and elsewhere in the republic. Moreover, Thursday case from the front of the Prosecutor‟s Office reinforces our suspicions. The person who threatened to detonate a grenade in front of the Prosecutor General's Office had the same grenade, but with a different focus and in all likelihood he bought it from Transnistria.

How is it possible that so far we have not had such incidents and now suddenly two grenades caused panic in the capital? And we have asked it. It is difficult to find an answer, but I assure you that these two cases have no causal relationship. Perhaps an explanation would appear from statements made by some political leaders after a new government coming to power. Maybe between these statements and those two incidents there is any causal relationship.

How can such cases be avoided in the future?

We, together with the Ministry of Interior and Internal Information Security, we intend to advance a step Chisinau City Hall that the future holiday to be held indoors or fenced in order to ensure the safety of persons. In Chisinau there are such places, for e.g. Moldexpo, where was held recently Wine Day.

Românii din Ucraina fac coaliție cu alte minorități

Minoritarii autohtoni din Ucraina îşi unesc eferturile contra măsurilor de ucrainizare forţată a minorităţilor de către guvernul portocaliu de la Kiev.

În urma tratativelor intense purtate în ultimul timp cu liderii comunităţilor ruse şi maghiare din Ucraina (parteneri ai Partidului Regiunilor) în vederea apărării învăţământului în limba maternă, conducerea Uniunii Interregionale „Comunitatea românească din Ucraina” a semnat în ziua de 23 octombrie a.c. la Kiev un Acord de colaborare cu Organizaţia panucraineană „Mişcarea populară de apărare a drepturilor vorbitorilor de limba rusă din Ucraina” şi cu Uniunea Democratică a Maghiarilor din Ucraina.

Din partea comunităţii româneşti la semnarea documentelor finale, pregătite de Secretariatul executiv al Uniunii, au participat Preşedintele Comunităţii, domnul Ion Popescu, deputat în Rada Supremă a Ucrainei, Vasile Tărâţeanu, preşedintele Senatului Uniunii şi doamna Aurica Bojescu, secretar responsabil.

Din partea comunităţii ruse Acordul a fost semnat de Vadim Kolesnicenko, deputat în Rada Supremă a Ucrainei, iar din partea comunităţii maghiare de domnul Iştvan Gaidoş, preşedintele Uniunii Democrate a Maghiarilor din Ucraina, primar al oraşului Beregovo, asistat fiind şi domnii Tibor Vass, preşedintele Partidului Democrat Maghiar din Ucraina şi de Mihail Tovt, preşedinte de onoare al Uniunii Democrate a Maghiarilor din Ucraina, fost deputat în Parlamentul Ucrainei în legislatura 1998-2002.

Acordul de colaborare a fost semnat în urma deciziei luate în timpul şedinţei în deplasare la Ismail, regiunea Odesa a Senatului Uniunii Interregionale „Comunitatea românească din Ucraina” la care au fost abordate problemele cu care se confruntă comunitatea românească din Ucraina în urma politicii de deznaţionalizare a minorităţilor naţionale promovate de unele forţe politice ucrainene aflate la putere.

Astfel, printre principalele scopuri prevăzute în Acordul de colaborare şi sprijin reciproc semnat se numără: păstrarea identităţii naţionale a tuturor minoritarilor naţionale din Ucraina, adoptarea unor măsuri comune în direcţia apărării şi promovării limbilor materne ale comunităţilor ruse, române şi maghiare din Ucraina, păstrarea şi dezvoltarea reţelei de învăţământ în limba maternă – română, rusă şi maghiară, întreprinderea unor acţiuni comune în vederea anulării actelor şi hotărârilor discriminatorii ale Ministerului Învăţământului din Ucraina, care ţintesc la lichidarea treptată a învăţământul primar, mediu şi superior în limba maternă a comunităţilor româneşti, maghiare şi ruse din Ucraina.

Următoarea şedinţă a Senatului Uniunii Interregionale „Comunitatea Românească din Ucraina” va avea loc în regiunea Transcarpatică pe 7 noiembrie, în cadrul căreea va fi discutatată situaţia învăţământului în limba romănă din Ucraina, formele şi metodele de opunere contra măsurilor de ucrainizare forţată a minorităţilor de către guvernul portocaliu de la Kiev.

Romanians from the Ukraine do coalition with other minority

National minorities of the Ukraine combine their forces against forced measures of minorities “Ukranization” by the Kiev‟s orange government.

Following intense negotiations held recently with Russian and Hungarian communities leaders of Ukraine (Regions Party partners) in order to defend the mother tongue education, the leadership of Interregional Union "Romanian Community of the Ukraine" signed on 23rd of October in Kiev a Cooperation Agreement with the Pan-Ukrainian Association "Popular movement to defend the rights of Russian language speakers in Ukraine" and the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Ukraine.

At the signing of the final documents prepared by the Executive Secretary of the Union on the part of Romanians attended the Community President, Mr. Ion Popescu, deputy of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, Vasile Tărâţeanu, Union Senate President and Mrs. Aurica Bojescu joint secretary.

On the part of Russian community Agreement was signed by Vadim Kolesnicenko, Member of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine and of Hungarian community by Mr Istvan Gaida, chairman of the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Ukraine, the Mayor of Beregovoi. Also, at the signing assisted Mr Tibor Vass, President of Hungarian Democratic Party of Ukraine and Mikhail Tovt, Honorary President of the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Ukraine, former Member of Parliament of Ukraine.

The Cooperation Agreement was signed following the decision taken during the meeting which took place in Ismail, Odessa region of the Interregional Union Senate "Romanian Community of Ukraine" which tackled about issues that were facing the Romanian community in Ukraine after the denationalization policy minorities promoted by some Ukrainian political forces in power.

Thus, several main purposes of the signed Cooperation and Mutual Support Agreement are: the maintenance of the national identity of all national minorities of Ukraine, adoption of common measures which protect and promote mother tongues of Russian, Romanian and Hungarian communities of Ukraine, the keeping and development of education in native language - Romanian, Russian and Hungarian, undertaking joint actions for annulment of discriminatory acts and decisions of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, which target the gradual liquidation of primary, middle and higher education in native language of Romanian, Hungarian and Russian communities of Ukraine.

The next meeting of the Interregional Union Senate "Romanian Community of Ukraine" will take place on November the 7th in Transcarpathian region, during which will be debated the situation of education in in Ukraine, types and methods of opposition against forced measures of minorities “Ukranization” by the Kiev‟s orange government.

Rusia: Fost poliţist acuză de corupţie structurile MAI

Peste două treimi dintre ruşi nu au încredere în poliţie.

De ziua poliţiei marcată astăzi în Rusia, un fost maior din provincie a tulburat liniştea superiorilor cu dezvăluirile sale despre corupţia din unităţile ministerului de interne. Aleksei Dymovsky, autorul unor mesaje video pe internet, în care îşi acuza de numeroase abuzuri superiorii din oraşul sudic Novorossiisk, a fost destituit zilele trecute. Astăzi el a sosit la Moscova pentru a ţine o conferinţă de presă.

Aleksei Dymovsky le-a spus jurnaliştilor la Moscova că a schimbat trei maşini ca să ajungă în capitală din oraşul Novorosiisk, pe ţărmul Mării Negre. Acesta a fost planul B, pentru că prima sa intenţie fusese să vină la Moscova cu avionul. Dar pe drum spre aeroport a fost reţinut pentru un control de poliţia rutieră. Odată scăpat, a descoperit că i-a fost blocat telefonul mobil şi cardul bancar, aşa că nu şi-a putut cumpăra bilet de avion. Fostul maior a spus că, în timp ce unele structuri ale poliţiei au încercat să-l împiedice să ajungă la Moscova cu maşina, s-au găsit şi poliţişti care l-au ajutat. Toate acestea i s-au întâmplat după ce a publicat pe site-ul YouTube la sfârşitul săptămânii trecute mesaje video în care îşi acuza superiorii că-i tratează pe ofiţerii de poliţie ca pe vite şi că ar fabrica dosare împotriva unor oameni nevinovaţi pentru că n-ar fi în stare să descopere crimele adevărate: În mesajele vizionate de sute de mii de oameni, Dymovsky spunea că doreşte să arate viaţa reală a poliţiştilor din Rusia, marcată de „corupţie, ignoranţă, bădărănie şi nechibzuinţă, cu ofiţeri cinstiţi care mor din cauza tâmpeniei propriilor şefi”. Astăzi, el a spus că a înregistrat dovezi despre cum superiorii sau colegii săi din Novorossiisk luau mită, fabricau ordine de arestare false sau plasau droguri unor oameni nevinovaţi. Dymovsky a precizat că a făcut 150 de ore de înregistrări. El le-a arătat jurnaliştilor un reportofon despre care a spus că l-a purtat cu sine şi tot ce a trebuit să facă a fost să apese pe butonul de înregistrare”. Incidentul lasă o nouă pată pe imaginea şi a aşa întinată a structurilor de securitate ruse. Boris Dubin, sociolog la Centrul Levada pentru studierea opiniei publice spune că peste două treimi dintre ruşi nu au încredere în poliţie, iar 64 la sută cred că poliţia nu este eficace. Iar lipsa de încredere este însoţită de teamă. Dubin adaugă că sunt mai mulţi cei care se tem de poliţie decât cei care se tem de huligani şi criminali. Singurii de care ruşii se tem mai tare decât de poliţişti sunt teroriştii. În discursul televizat rostit astăzi de ziua poliţiei, ministrul rus de Interne Rashid Nurgaliyev pare să recunoască viciile descrise de fostul maior Dymovsky în mesajele de pe internet. Ministrul Nurgaliyev a spus că, spre profundul său regret, există în mediul poliţienesc cazuri când ofiţerii fac abuz de putere, dau dovadă de valori morale joase, indiferenţă, nesimţire şi grosolănie în raport cu cetăţenii pe care ar trebui să-i apere. Abuzurile poliţiei au stârnit critici tot mai dure în ultimele luni. În aprilie, un ofiţer beat a deschis focul la un supermarket din Moscova ucigînd trei oameni şi rănind şase. La câteva zile, preşedintele Dmitri Medvedev l-a destituit pe şeful poliţiei din capitală. În mai, preşedintele Curţii Supreme, Vyacheslav Lebedev şi ministrul Justiţiei Aleksandr Konovalov au publicat un raport în care spun că Ministerul de Interne a devenit cea mai coruptă instituţie din Rusia. În octombrie, ministrul de interne din republica Buryatia, Viktor Syusyura a fost arestat împreună cu adjunctul său din cauza presupusei lor implicări în contrabanda cu bijuterii. Tot în octombrie, preşedintele Medvedev l-a concediat pe şeful poliţiei din regiunea Tuva, Viktor Lesnik, după ce un poliţist local şi-a împuşcat mortal un coleg, iar apoi s-a sinucis. Andrei Soldatov, editorul unui site specializat, agentura.ru, crede că acuzaţiile lui Dymovsky devin un instrument al luptelor politice de la Kremlin, care are fi tot mai intense, între adepţii structurilor de securitate apropiaţi premierului Vladimir Putin şi tehnocraţii din anturajul preşedintelui Dmitri Medvedev. Fără să aducă alte argumente în favoarea acestei ipoteze, Soldatov a spus că acuzaţiile succesive din ultimele luni îi lasă impresia unei campanii instrumentate de sus împotriva ministerului de Interne.

Russia: Former cop accuses Ministry of Internal Affairs of corruption

Over two thirds of Russians do not trust the police force.

On Police Day marked today in Russia, a former provincial major caused his bosses‟ disturbance by accusing them of revelations concerning corruption in the Interior Ministry units. Alexei Dymovsky, author of some video messages on Internet, in which he accused of numerous abuses the superiors of the southern city Novorossiysk, was dismissed a few days ago. Today he arrived in Moscow to hold a press conference.

Alexei Dymovsky told Moscovit journalists that he changed three cars, from Novorosiisk city on the Black Sea coast, to reach the capital. This was plan B because his first idea was to come to Moscow by plane. But on the way to the airport he was detained for a control by traffic police. Once freed, he discovered that his mobile phone and bank card were locked, so he could not buy the ticket.

The former mayor said that while some structures of police tried to stop him from reaching Moscow by car, he met policemen who helped him.

All this happened after he published at the end of the week on the website YouTube a video messages in which the accused superiors that they treat police officers as livestock and that they enforce them to fabricate charges against innocent people because they would not be able to discover the true crimes:

In the messages seen by hundreds of thousands of people Dymovsky said he wants to show real police life from Russia, marked by "corruption, ignorance, boorishness and recklessness, a police life with honest officers who die because their heads imbecility.

Today, he said he has evidence of how his superiors and colleagues from Novorossiysk were taking bribes, fabricating false arrest orders or putting drugs into the innocent people things. Dymovsky specified he did 150 hours of recordings. He showed journalists a voice recorder which he carried with him all the time and that the only thing he had to do was to press the record button.

The incident put a new slur upon the image of Russian security structures. Boris Dubin, a sociologist at the Levada Center for the study of public opinion says that over two thirds of Russians do not trust the police, while 64 percent believe that the police are not effective. And lack of confidence is accompanied by fear. Dubin added that there are more people who are afraid of police than those who are afraid of the thugs and criminals. The only ones that the Russians are afraid much more than policemen are the terrorists.

In his today televised speech on the police day, the Russian Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliyev seems to recognize the flaws described by former Major Dymovsky in the Internet messages. The Minister Nurgaliyev said that he deeply regrets. There are instances when police officers misuse of their autority, exhibit low moral values, indifference, callousness and rudeness with the citizens they are supposed to defend. Tamiflu va fi administrat pe gratis celor infectaţi cu gripă

Şedinţă specială de guvern - primele doze de vaccin împotriva gripei pandemice sunt aşteptate în decembrie. Zeci de cazuri noi de îmbolnăvire de gripă pandemică s-au înregistrat în Moldova în ultimele două zile. Numărul total al cazurilor confirmate de infectare cu virusul A(H1N1) a ajuns la 467. Patru oameni au murit. La o şedinţă specială a Guvernului, ministrul sănătăţii a spus că în această seară la Chişinău sunt aşteptate primele 200 de mii de doze de preparate antivirale împotriva gripei noi. Iar în farmacii vor reapărea în curând măştile chirurgicale folosite de populaţie pentru a se proteja împotriva virusului.

Ministrul sănătăţii Vladimir Hotineanu a anuntat că preparatul antiviral „Tamiflu” procurat de la o companie farmaceutică elveţiană, urmează a fi distribuit prin intermediul instituţiilor sanitare începând cu ziua de mâine si intii de toate va fi administrat, potrivit ministrului, pe gratis celor infectaţi cu gripă pandemică, indiferent dacă aceştia deţin sau nu poliţă de asigurare. Ministrul sănătăţii a reamintit că primele doze de vaccin împotriva gripei pandemice, sunt aşteptate doar în decembrie şi urmează să fie oferite de guvernul României, dar şi de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) sub formă de ajutor umanitar. Între timp, dă asigurări Vladimir Hotineanu, se întreprind măsuri urgente pentru a preîntâmpina răspândirea gripei pandemice, mai ales în localităţile rurale. Vladimir Hotineanu: „Medicii rezidenţi de la universitatea de medicină au fost deplasaţi în localităţile rurale fără medic de familie, pentru un termen de trei luni şi rog toţi conducătorii instituţiilor medicale, preşedinţii de raioane să ştie că în satele unde nu sunt medici, sunt repartizaţi rezidenţi şi fiecare sat va avea pentru perioada primului val de gripă pandemică, medici rezidenţi care vor acorda asistenţă medicală populaţiei din aceste sate.” Ministrul sănătăţii a mai anunţat că până în prezent a fost verificată situaţia privind realizarea măsurilor de profilaxie în Chişinău, Bălţi şi 20 de raione din republică. Întrebat de premierul Vlad Filat, ce măsuri antiepidemice se iau la punctele de trecere a frontierei Vladimir Hotineanu a declarat: „Pe data de 5 octombrie a fost emis un ordin al medicului sanitar principal de stat, care evaluând conform criteriilor OMS, cinci săptămâni la rând, cazurile înregistrate de gripă pandemică, şi după recomandarea OMS, dacă nu sunt înregistrate, se elimină posturile medicale la posturile vamale. Acest lucru s-a efectuat şi a revenit situaţia după 30 octombrie, s-a emis ordinul şi s-au restituit în acele 9 puncte care au fost. Dar nu s-au instituit în puncte adăugătoare. Acest lucru îl vom realiza, pe parcursul, zilei de ieri şi de astăzi, ca să instituim aceste puncte şi în alte 8 puncte vamale, care sunt de o importanţă deosebită în procesul de trafic al populaţiei.” Cu referire la insuficienţa măştilor de protecţie împotriva gripei pandemice, viceprim-directorul Agenţiei Medicamentului Vladimir Safta a asigurat că în această săptămână, în toate farmaciile din republică vor fi distribuite peste 1 milion de măşti. Safta a anunţat că agenţii economici au semnat deja în acest sens contracte de achiziţii. La rândul său, premierul Vlad Filat a cerut organelor de control să monitorizeze activitatea Agenţiei Medicamentului asupra modului în care sunt formate preţurile la medicamente. La fel, premierul a promis să analizeze la nivel de guvern solicitarea unor conducători ai administraţiilor publice locale, de a prelungi vacanţa elevilor. Tamiflu will be given free to those infected with influenza

Special Session of government - the first dose of vaccine against pandemic flu are expected in December Dozens of new cases of pandemic influenza occurred in Moldova in the last two days. The total number of confirmed cases of infection with virus A (H1N1) has reached to 467. Four people died. At a special sitting of the Government, Minister of Health Vladimir Hotineanu said this evening in Chisinau are expected the first 200 thousand of doses of antiviral preparations against the new influenza. Soon the pharmacies will receive new set of surgical masks used by people to protect themselves against the virus.

The Minister of Health Vladimir Hotineanu announced that antiviral preparation "Tamiflu", bought from a Swiss pharmaceutical company, will be distributed through medical institutions from tomorrow and will be given for free first of all, according to the minister, those infected with flu pandemic, whether they have or not insured. The Health Minister recalled that the first doses of vaccine against pandemic influenza are expected only in December and will be offered by the Romanian Government and the World Health Organization (WHO) as humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, Vladimir Hotineanu assures that urgent actions are taken to prevent the spread of pandemic influenza, especially in rural areas.

Vladimir Hotineanu: "The residents doctors from the medical university have been displaced in rural areas without a family doctor, for a period of three months and I‟m asking all the superiors of medical institutions, chairmen of districts to know that in villages where there are no doctors are assigned residents and each village will have, during the first wave of pandemic influenza, residents doctors that will provide healthcare of the population of these villages”.

The Minister of Health also announced that till now has been verified statement of the implementation of preventive measures in Chisinau, Balti and other 20 district of the republic. Asked by Prime Minister Vlad Filat about the epidemic measures which should be taken at border, Vladimir Hotineanu said: "On October the 5th an order of chief state sanitary doctor issued, which as assessing the WHO criteria five weeks consecutive the reported cases of pandemic influenza, and after the WHO recommendation, if there is no case of influenza, health posts will be put away. This was done and the situation returned after October the 30th, the order issued and were returned to those 9 stations. But it has not been set up in additional stations. This question we will achieve, during the day of yesterday and today, to set up these stations and other 8 custom-houses, which are very important in the passenger traffic."

With Reference to the absence of protective mask against pandemic flu, Deputy Director of the Agency of Medicaments Vladimir Safta has ensured that this week over 1 million masks will be distributed to all pharmacies. Safta announced that economic agents have already signed acquisition contracts on this line.

The Prime Minister Vlad Filat has required monitoring bodies to supervise the activity of the Agency of Medicaments on how the prices of medicines are made. Also, Prime Minister promised to examine the request of local government leaders to extend the vacation students.

Tinerii basarabeni maltrataţi în aprilie - se întâlnesc cu Basescu

Primarul general al municipiului Chişinău, Dorin Chirtoacă, alături de un grup de tineri din capitală se află astăzi la Bucureşti, unde a fost primit la Palatul Cotroceni de către Preşedintele României, Traian Băsescu. Tinerii sunt victime ale maltratărilor, torturii, tratamentului inuman şi degradant la care au fost supuşi de către organele de forţă ca urmare a evenimentelor din 6 – 7 aprilie a.c. şi se află în aceste zile într-o excursie în România, în cadrul Programului „Recunoaştere şi recunoştinţă”.

In mesajul său, preşedintele României i-a felicitat pe tineri pentru lupta lor şi atitudine pentru democraţie, libertate şi un viitor european pentru R. Moldova. Şeful statului român a menţionat că lupta împotriva sistemului comunist încă nu s-a încheiat, precizând că sistemul nu cedează atât de uşor, iar rădăcinile acestuia sunt adânci. Traian Băsescu s-a pronunţat pentru intensificarea colaborării economice dintre România şi R. Moldova, exprimând, de asemenea, intenţia de a iniţia semnarea unui acord pentru formarea unui grup de state Balcanice, din care să facă parte şi R. Moldova, pentru aderare la UE.

La rândul său, primarul general Dorin Chirtoacă a mulţumit preşedintelui României pentru susţinerea acţiunii „Recunoştere şi recunoştinţă”, iniţiată de Primăria Chişinău. De asemenea, edilul Chişinăului a apreciat consecvenţa autorităţilor române în relaţia cu R. Moldova şi susţinerea pentru integrarea europeană a ţării noastre. În special, Dorin Chirtoacă a ţinut să-i aducă mulţumiri domnului Traian Băsescu pentru promulgarea Legii cu privire la simplificarea procedurii de obţinere a cetăţeniei, pentru decizia de deschidere a celor două consulate româneşti la Bălţi şi Cahul şi pentru suplinirea numărului de locuri în Universităţile din România pentru studenţii din R. Moldova.

În altă ordine de idei, primarul general şi-a exprimat speranţa că în curând va fi semnată şi convenţia cu privire la micul trafic de frontieră. Şeful administraţiei municipiului Chişinău a exprimat încrederea în relansarea relaţiilor dintre cele două state, prin abolirea regimului de vize, legea consulatelor şi legea cetăţeniei. În context, primarul Dorin Chirtoacă i-a urat succese preşedintelui Băsescu în alegerile prezidenţiale din România, care vor avea loc la finele lunii curente, pentru a putea pune în aplicare în continuare agenda vis-a-vis de sprijinirea R. Moldova pentru aderare la UE. Proiectul „Recunoaştere şi recunoştinţă” a fost iniţiat de Primăria Chişinău, cu susţinerea Departamentului pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe şi a Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului din România. Acţiunea are ca scop să contribuie la reabilitarea morală şi psihologică a victimelor abuzurilor structurilor de forţă după 6-7 aprilie 2009. În cadrul proiectului, vor fi organizate 3 excursii pentru grupuri de tineri care au suferit în urma acţiunilor poliţiei din aprilie 2009 în localităţile cu semnificaţie cultural- istorică din România.

Bessarabian youth abused in April meet with Basescu

Mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, and a group of youths from Chisinau is today in Bucharest, where he was received at Cotroceni Palace by Romanian President Traian Băsescu. Young people are the victims of abuse, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment that they have been submitted by the police following the events of April 6th to 7th, 2009. They are these days on a visit to Romania, under the Program "Recognition and gratitude”.

In his message, President of Romania congratulated the youth for their fight and attitude towards democracy, freedom and a European future for R. Moldova. Romanian head of state said that the fight against the communist system is not over yet, specifying that the system does not give up so easily, and its roots are very deep. Traian Băsescu is for the intensification of economic cooperation between Romania and Moldova, expressing also its intention to initiate the signing of an agreement for the creation of a group of Balkan countries which want to join European Union, countries as Moldova.

Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca thanked the Romanian President for supporting the Program "Recognition and gratitude", initiated by the City Hall of Chisinau. Also, the mayor appreciated consistency of Romanian authorities in the relationship with Moldova and their support for Moldova's European integration. In particular, D.Chirtoaca brought thanks to Mr Traian Băsescu for the promulgation of the Law concerning the simplification the procedure for obtaining citizenship, for the decision to open two Romanian consulates in Balti and Cahul and for the replacement of the number of places in Romanian Universities for Moldavian students.

Also, Mayor expressed hope that soon the agreement on local border traffic will be signed. The Head of Chisinau government expressed confidence in the revival of relations between the two countries, visa abolition, consular law and citizenship law. In context, the mayor Dorin Chirtoaca wished success to President Basescu in the presidential Romanian election, which will take place at the end of this month, in order to implement the agenda vis-a-vis the support for Moldova's EU accession.

The Program "Recognition and gratitude" was initiated by the Chisinau City Hall, supported by the Department for Relations with Romanians from Everywhere inside of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Romania. Action aims to contribute to the moral and psychological rehabilitation of victims of abuse of police after the events of 6th -7th of April, 2009. During the project will be organized 3 trips for groups of young people who have suffered from actions of police in April 2009 in places with cultural and historical significance of Romania.


Translating the items which are in this folder, I have “tried” and used many types and many techniques of translation. It should begin with the beginning.

Not all the words in English have their translation in Romanian or the meaning in Romanian doesn‟t sound very well, that‟s why very often I applied all the techniques of translation. In the phrase “the practice of skin-whitening has worked its way across the world” I have translated “obiceiul inalbirii pielii a patruns in intreaga lume” i.e. I used the transposition to make this translation. “Increasingly popular” – for this union I found the solution in compensation – “Cu o popularitate ce creste continuu”, because in Romanian “increasingly” can be translated as “tot mai mult”. It is an adverb. In Romanian this one hasn‟t an equivalent; we cannot use also an adverb to make the translation. I thought that it will look better if I make a modulation &, in the same time, compensation. “While it‟s a problem in France, it‟s a question of public health in Africa” – looking at this sentence it seemed me that it will be better if I translate it as “In timp ce in Franta aceasta este doar o problemuta, in Africa este o problema a sanatatii publice”. I translated “problem” as “problemuta” because this suffix “-uta” in Romanian plays in the same time two roles: first, it gives to the word an emotional connotation, and also it produces an effect of sarcasm. “The other method is to apply a hydroquinone based product” = “O alta metoda este aplicarea produsului bazat pe hidroquinona”. In the following example I used the transposition; the verb “to apply” has changed into a noun in Romanian. “This problem has been around for some time” & “Problema aceasta persista de ceva timp” – if we try to translate the verb “to go around”, the equivalent in Romanian would be “a umbla de colo colo”. This equivalent it doesn‟t stick here, better we‟ll be if we apply the modulation and transform it into “a persista” what means “to continue firmly or obstinately despite obstacles; continue in existence”. That was the meaning in this phrase. The same thing is with the second part of the phrase “… it's bigger than ever and growing rapidly” = “…insa la moment este mai serioasa si se agraveaza in mod substantial”. Here is 100% modulation. Translation word by word it will produce only confusion and the meaning, what is the most important in a translation, will be hazy, vague. “Everybody's doing it” and the translation in Romanian is “Fiecare isi inalbeste pielea”. It‟s very clear that here it was necessary the compensation, the explanation of this “everybody”. I made it because the readers are very different and always persist the opportunity that someone cannot understand the meaning of the sentence, and to guarantee the better comprehension I translated the phrase by compensation, explaining once again about who the author is speaking. “Something that's not helping is…” = “Ceea ce impinge sa faci acest pas sunt”- once againt the modulation. I generated a change in the point of view of the message without altering meaning; I translated an affirmation through a negative sentence.

The next item is about a historical fact, about the Berlin Wall. In this text are a lot of political functions and some of them have the equivalents on Ro, others are only calqued. “US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” = “Ministrul Afacerilor Externe al SUA Hillary Clinton”. Now, more frequently we can hear in Ro the calque “Secretar de Stat”, the calque from English. I prefer to keep the Romanian language as proper as it could be, that‟s why I have chosen the Romanian equivalent “Ministrul Afacerilor Externe”. This is the absolute equivalent and if there is it, it exists why should I use the calque? “Poland‟s first post-Communist president” I translated as “primul presedinteal Poloniei de dupa regimul communist” using the compensation. In the second part of the article there is a journalist coined word “ostalgia”. Translating this part of the text, I hadn‟t other choice that to make the borrowing of it, using the same word in Romanian, because that word is one of the key of the meaning that may “impoverish” the text. In the next sentences I found a false friend “to note”. In Romanian there is also a word, “a nota”, that visible seems to be the equivalent of the English “to note”, but this is not true. “to note” in Ro must be translated as “a observa, a fi atent, a baga in seama, a acorda atentie”. The Romanian “a nota” in En must be translated as “to mark, to put down, to take down”. A translator should know that “obstacles”. For the phrase “the Kremlin‟s top man” I found necessary to translate it as “la carma Kremlinului”, through modulation, because “top man” in Romanian is translated, if we make a word by word translation, as “om de virf”. It doesn‟t look great in Romanian and it makes an impression of confusion and, in the same time, of ambiguity.

Later on, in the next text right from the title of it we can note that “Buy back your virginity for just ten euro” was translated as “Recapatarea virginitatii pentru doar zece euro”. I used the equivalence because it is clearer in Romanian when you say “recover” then “buy back”. It doesn‟t sound great in Romanian when someone says “I bought back something”. I thought that for the comprehension of the theme of this text it will be better if I make a reformulation. Now, the reader of the text target can easily understand the discussion subject. “[...] they have lost their virginity before getting married [...] I translated through transposition, [...] si-au pierdut virginitatea inainte de casatorie [...]. I could translate as « a se casatori » but one of the “rules”, if we can say it, is better to translate in a few words the same thing which can be translated in a phrase. I made economy of the words because in that case I might do it and the meaning wasn‟t altered. “[…] would allow women to sleep around before marriage without losing their honour!” = […] care va permite femeilor sa aiba relatii intime inainte de casatorie fara a-si pierde onoarea!” – in this phrase I translated “to sleep around” by “a avea relatii intime”, i.e. I reformulated the verb by other verb to make the message clearer. In the next part of the text I found the name of a very famous American site “Facebook”. In Moldova this site isn‟t as known as in US, that‟s why I specified that this is a site, and not a name of a organization or something else (“A Facebook group” = “Un grup de pe site‟ul Facebook”). “If these hymens are discreet and work well […]” I have translated as “Daca aceste himene sunt discrete si sunt eficiente […]” – here, once again I call on the reformulation, translating “work well” (verb - En) by a noun, “sunt eficiente” (adj. - Ro), because it fits very well and the sense is kept.

Here comes another article about the Russian corruption. In this text, and not only in this one, I met a problem in the translation of the formula […] in a YouTube video […]. Apparently, there is no problem, but this is not true. In Romanian one cannot say “video YouTube”; something is missing, like something doesn‟t fit in Romanian. That‟s why I thought and I have chosen the variant “a posta video pe YouTube”, in this way the sense will be clearer and will not be any confusion. But I should pass to the analysis oh this text. A similar problem I met when I get till the part “the content of his upload”. The word “upload” in Romanian hasn‟t an exact equivalent. This is Internet slang, if we can say this way, that‟s why in Romanian I used the compensation and the reformulation, the explanation of that term; I translated “the content of his upload” as continutul materialului incarcat”. “For an officer to say it himself, however, is quite something” = “Totusi, pentru un ofiter sa faca asemenea declaratii este cu desavirsenie un lucru enorm” – that sentence I have whole reformulated. In the next part of the text we find the sentence “Lyudmila Alexeyeva runs human rights organization "Moscow-Helsinki Group"; I used the reformulation to translate this one, “Ludmila Alexeeva este presedinta “Grupului Helsinki de la Moscova”, organizatie care apara drepturile umane”, the verb “to run” becomes noun, “presedinte”. Also, the order of the words is changed. Also reformulation I‟ve made and with the sentence “In only a few of these cases have we been able to help”; the translation suggested by me was “Doar cateva cazuri le-am putut duce la capat”, because only rewording the sense from the source could get to the target. In the clause “He refused and was fired, and his superiors then prosecuted him and put him on a wanted list” I translated by compensation and reformulation, because word by word translation or other technique couldn‟t transfer the sense and I had only the choice to reword, “El a refuzat si de aceea a fost concediat, si apoi superiorii sai l-au persecutat si l-au inscris in lista persoanelor cautate de politie”. The English is well-known for its phrasal verbs and not every verb has a direct translation. In the next analyzed sentence, “In April, 2008 a policeman beat up four young men but was never brought to justice” I haven‟t found an adequate term for the underlined expression that‟s why I have translated “In aprilie 2008, un politist a batut patru tineri, insa niciodata nu i s-a deschis caz penal”, I have made a reformulation of the expression, trying to preserve the meaning.

In the following text is talking about a young lady expelled for wearing a mini skirt. Right from the first sentence I met an obstacle for the translation, the word “campus”, this one means “a field on which the buildings of a university are situated”. This is an American fact, an American reality which in Moldova is not such “famous” and used word by people, that‟s why I have chosen the adaptation and I‟ve translated “A 20-year-old tourism student has been expelled from a Sao Paulo university after chaos broke out on campus when she turned up in a short dress” = “O studenta de la turism de 20 de ani a fost data afara din universitatea din Sao Paolo dupa haosul ce a izbucnit in cetatea universitara cand ea s-a ridicat fiind intr-o rochie scurta”. Also, I have met and an Internet slang as “online”. In Romanian this word hasn‟t equivalent; now the word became a borrowed word and it is used nearly in all languages, but I applied the modulation and I‟ve translated “to post online” as “a posta pe Internet”, to make the text more “Romanian”. In the sentence “The situation escalated to such a point that the police were called to escort her from the premises in a professor's white coat” I used the compensation to make the translation clearer, “Situatia a ajuns pina la asa un moment cand a fost chemata politia sa o escorteze din cladire, ea fiind imbracata intr-o haina alba a unei profesoare”. Translating word by word the message couldn‟t be transparent and understandable.

For the translation of the next article I had met question right from the title of it. The title contains the word “hummus” that provoked me to find out about what hummus the journalist is talking about. Apparently, and without any extra linguistic knowledge a simple person can confound “hummus” with “humus”. The last one is “partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil” and the first one is “a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East”. These two words are homophones, although there are cases when the Middle East dish is written as the organic component of soil. These types of words produce misunderstood and the sense of the meaning become totally false. By transposition I have translated the sentence “the neighbouring countries seem to have found a new subject to bicker about”. In Romanian, I have changed the verb “bicker about” by a noun, making the following translation: “tarile vecine se pare ca au gasit un nou subiect de disputa”. Where there is no possibility to translate the words or where the sentence without “augment” doesn‟t have any meaning I apply the compensation, just like in the passage “[…] under the label “Israeli cuisine” in western stores”. Without compensation this expression can produce ambiguity and that‟s why I‟ve translated it as “sub marca “bucatariei israeliene” in magazinele din tarile vestice” – this was done just for the reader, to make him the message as clear as it could be. Also, I have use the compensation/explanation when I‟ve found in the source text the expression in brackets, what it means that and the author wanted to explain the borrowed word used by himself in its speech – “hummusia (hummus restaurant)” / “hummusia (restaurant unde se pregateste humus)”. Only this way the final reader could understand the meaning of this new word.

The next translation is not easier then others. In this text I met a polysemantic word, a word having more than one meaning, and this word was “cry”. It provoked me a headache because I didn‟t know the right meaning of it that I should use in the target text. “Cry” means 1. Shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain; 2. Utter a characteristic sound, to yell. But after a very deep and detailed reading I have chosen the second meaning. Maybe when you make a written translation one can reread and can understand that the meaning was that one or this one, but making oral translation, this word can cause problems. The text contains a slang word, the English translation for Pánfilo, the nickname of the main hero of the article. In English the nickname was translated as “dimwit”. If we translate it in Romanian, the selection of the meaning can make us hesitate. “Dimwit” can be translated as “cap-pătrat, cretin, idiot, idioţi, imbecil, nătâng, tâmpit”. So, the translator has to chose the translation, he/she has to think at what kind of “color” of the text should have. These types of words have their colour and the exact translation can make a lot of things. Me, I have chosen “tâmpit” because it seemed to me the most adequate. By modulation I‟ve translated the passage “his life was never going to be the same again” = “viata lui urma sa ieie o alta intorsatura”. I used it because it seemed to me to be the better variant and also I‟ve made word economy, without altering the sense. Also, the author used a borrowed word from Spanish and me, I let this word intact. This text has a lot of Internet slang which is not translated, such words as “blog, blogosphere (for this word we translate only the “second part of it), user, website, etc.

The following item presented other “interesting” things for the translation. For the example, the expression "honour killing"; in Romanian we could not translate by a similar expression, we can admit only the reformulation. The equivalent used by me in the translation of this expression was "omorire in numele onorii”; I‟ve translated by explanation of those words. For English language the formula noun + noun is usual, where one noun plays the role of an adjective, in Romanian the things are not similar. By transposition I‟ve translated the piece “who are perceived to have brought dishonour upon the family". In Romanian, I‟ve used only a verb instead of verb + noun, “care sunt percepute ca ar fi dezonorat familia“; in this way one can economize.