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Book No.


TORM 3427-5000-

r^T" (l^S9<.


. Hnd «>; run. ISi&StiSS 8tf 11^^^ ON FROr^T STREET,

OiNE DOOR North of Pacific Whar


This House is kept on thi plan of French's and Lovejoy's Hotels, New York ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK, MEALS AT ALL HOUR}

^fW° Th^ House h^3 rtCv-i.'Jy u .;. •I Ir.rged and improved, for the greats accommodation of thv, iraveiinr- put' The Restaurant is under the directio: of an exp .rienced caterer; and t'^l- iiooms are undn- the charge of a hous^ keeper wh ne reputation for rl-v.,.iiness riiid neatness, will be a guarantee fq the order in which they will be kept. The Beds are equal to any in the Stat^ Attached to the house are comfortable Sitting and. Dining Rooms.—Terni moderate. ;'. '/ Passengers landing froih IJe hoats of ,.' ! ,j'; .n House by the hrigK

Lights burning before the Dooi..^-^ {

z^ ^ d^ ^^ i:m i:m ^ §^


Importer, Wholesf. . i. ].'«tdi Dealer in

If, A 1} PS, LADIES' Blui HATS I

Children's Hat. anJ Caps. < EIDmGGLOYES, WHIPS

Etc. Etc. Etc. -! 1

^ Sole Agent for Wm. H. Bebee <& Go's Hats.

176 Clay St. between HT-ntgomery & Kearny Stfi !

CL'OTHfflC ! ! 'CL©TPli!5 ! ! The undersigned, Manufacturers and Importers of Clothing, are constantly receiving, by every steamer and clipper ship, from their manufacturing establishment, all kinds and recent styles of garments, suited to the various wants of consumers. Country Merchants, Tra- ders and Miners will find our garments all

The best of workmen are employed by us, and as the greatest atten- tion is bestowed, Ave feel assured in saying No Better liXanufactti^-ed Clothing

Dealers, and the Public generally, al'e requestM" to 'CttH and examine

for themselves. ' (] JOHNBOir & CANFIELD, No. 169 Clay Street, San Fancisco.

161 Battery Street, near Pacific, . Portrait, Looking. _Gl

;IHetci)ant0 ^xdjan^t, ^attmntnto 5t

J. J. JOSEPH, Agent X^^ Adv^ertisements at moderate charges received daily until 3 o'clock. Pa- pers delivered to subscribers on the arrival of the Sacramento Boats. Box for orders at Bonestill & Williston's Bookstore, Plaza. W. J. SILYER & CO., IWANIJFACTURERS OF

Wii I WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, Sacramento Street, between Montgomery & Kearny,

N. B. Moss, Hr ', Feathers, &c, for sale on the most reasonable tenns. lOTlliK k IiMBll, WIfil Mllli

Washington Street, near Montgomery, SAN FRANCISCO. A. & B. GOLDSMITH, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

AND WATCH MATERIALS, 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Washington St. near the El Dorado, San Francisco. £;5^ Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. All kinds of California Work made to «rder. Gold Dust bought.

Manufacturers and. Importers of

"Whips, Collars, Saddlevrare, &c. No. 08 ISaii^oinc street, near California, J


^tnttal Commission JHetcijants, 25 & 54 CALIFORNIA STREET, CORNER OF ERONT, srA-crMfw^rzuks san francisco, California. McGARRAHAN, FOLEY & ROONEY, WiUlllE EiCElS 11 CIMMOK liCMni!, Importers of |3rot)isiou0 \X\im8, Ciquors, Cigars, TOBACCO, &c. Fire Pioof Brick Warehouse^ 50 California Street^ Ifortli Side, 4d door east of Front Street,

\VM. McGARRAHAN, TERRENCE FOLEY, P. H. ROONEY. ROBERT MARTSH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PAHTS. m. SFM OF TiFEIITl. TH Glass, Putty, Brushes, Sec. SANSOME STREET, Tliree Doors Nojth of Waslilngton,

X^^ All orders promptly executed, and on the most liberal terms. iOITGOiiE¥ WiiSC MiS^

AND SHAVING ^^^^K S-A.LOON, Montgomery Street, next door to Burgoyne &. Co.,

£^r Warm and Cold Baths, at all hours. Also, Medicinal Baths, Douche and Shower Baths. 10 mwr iff


Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron W^ares, Sacramento St. Wharf, below Davis St-


Particular attention paid to Jobbing, Plumbing, etc. JOHN HOBINETT,

California Street, bet-w^een Montgomery and Sansom,

House, Ship and self-acting Water Closets ; Force and Lifting Pumps ; Hot, Cold,

Shower and Vapor Baths ; Wash Bowls ; Brass Cocks , Couplings, and every article usually found in such an establishment, which he warrants of the best description and at reasonable rates. ^^° Hotels and Private Houses fitted up with hot water apparatus on the most approved principle. Repairing and Steamboat work attended to.

References—Messrs. Alsop & Co. ; Messrs. Macondray & Co. ; Mr. G. Elliot, Builder. S. F. BLASDELL,

No, 70 Kearny Street, near Bush

]|^^* Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Stone Cutters' Tools made and re- paired. All kinds of Mining Tools made to order. i«liifiliaifflii»Hii^iii!liiniSiiil»ll| ^ I FHANK BAKER, g IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN

'3 |g ''w m 'W^^W ''wi W % wi « M 'IBi w w W^i J^X^ JMT Jtcm


S Doors from Clay, in the Fire Proof Building lately occupied by Page, Bacon & Co.




FRENCH k AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS, &C. Having made arrangements in New York, for a reg- ular supply of the above Goods, the trade will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere.

g^* Particular attention paid to PAPER HANGING, AND UPHOLSTERY WORK, of every description.

^^* Orders from the interior promptly attended to. FRANK BAKER, No. 149 JVIont^on&ery Street, Saci 'Francisco. ;


Superfine Black Cloth FROCK COATS, latest styles ; Superfine Blue Cloth FROCK COATS, latest Styles; Superfine Black Cloth DRESS COATS, latest styles;

Superfine Blue Cloth DRESS COATS, Gilt Buttons ; Superfine Cloth Single-breasted FROCK COATS. Every Mail Steamer will bring an INVOICE OF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, from our

House in New York ; and the latest and most beautiful styles of Goods will be regularly sent for. Mr. Keyes superintends the manufacture of our goods personally. 71!^^ Gentlemen are requested to call and look through the stock. DRESS AND PARTY VESTS.

Black Granadine Silk Vests ; English Figured Silk Vests ; Fancy English Figured Silk Vests

White Marseilles Vests ; Buff Marseilles Vests ; Buff Cashmere Vests ; Black Cloth Vests, fly .1

fronts, bound ; Black Cloth Vests, fly fronts, velvet bound ; White Satin Vests, gilt figured White and Pink Velvet Vests, and a general assortment of Fancy Cashmere Business Vests. Also Superfine WHITE LINEN SHIRTS AND COLLARS. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF

For our Custom Department, from the celebrated House of

^. T. STElf^^UT Sf CO., BUO^DJV^Y, JTEIV ITOHK. English French and English Black, Blue and Dahlia Cloths ; French and Black and Fancy Cashmere Vestings. Cassimeres, latest styles ; French and English Silk Vestings, and Buff beautiful assortment of Pocket Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Silk, Twist, &c., &c., &c. BMIOTT k SllEWOOB,

Cttij ^hsttMon^, lei Clay Stmt,


Manufacturers and Importers of FINE WATCHES AND EICH JEWELRY.

BLISS (k CREIGHTON, Chronoraeter Makers, New York ; T. F. COOPER

and THOMAS PORTHOUSE, Watch Manufacturers, London ; and for the sale of the British Admiralty Charts.

By the first Enghsh and Swiss makers, imported by us direct from the seats of manufacture.

In every style of Ladies ornaments of the most beautiful and valuable descriptions.


In Rings, Pins, Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, Earrings, Bracelets, Seals and Keys, Thimbles, Cuff Pins, Charms, Pencils, Toothpicks, &c.

The choicest designs in Diamond, Specimen, chased and Engraved Jewelry are made up by the best Workmen in the United States or Europe.

Commands special attention from the fact that we are practical Watch-Manu- facturers, our experience having been acquired by residences in London and Liverpool factories where we sojourned several years for improvement. 1 6

33. St. Xj O Ft. 13 y Importer and Dealer in

Stationertj. ^Ilatjinig Cailrs, COMBS, BRUSHES & POCKET CUTLERY,

129 Sansome St., near Washington.

Receiving monthly shipments from the Eastern cities, he will be enabled to offer to the trade at all times, a complete assortment of articles in his line at the

IllB 'lilip ''iiBiii ''fflp ''ll''%iii 'miiiiiiiii ''*i ''Bi yii %ii 'I'liiiiiiiii 'illp "li

' Among which may be found Letter and Cap Paper, Playing Cards, Printing Pa- per and Cards, Ink, Combs, Brushes, Pocket Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Twine, &c., &c., to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. D. S. LORD. l^l^BB & CO., Importers and Dealers in


"ii \iiiiiiii ''iiiiiiiii' '"^iiiiwi '''Siiiiiiiiii '\iiiiitiiiii 'llum'iiiui ''wil ''iiiiNi'iiiiii ''ill BetTveen Battery and Sansome Streets, Boofes antr Stattonerij of tHt^ ^atietg CHARLES F. KIMBALL, Proprietor. 11 SOULE & PAOE,


Keep constantly on hand all kinds of

Lumber ; also, Doors, Windows, Sashes, Blinds, &c.

J. SELIGMAIT & CO., importers anta Wf^aitmlt Beate in European and American

Boots and Shoes, Hats> Clothing. Cigars> etc- COR. CALIFORNIA & SANSOME STS. Smith's New Buildings, SAN FRANCISCO.


STEAMBOAT & DECORATIVE w 1® %d^ 139 SANSOME STEET, Between Washington and Jackson, San Francisco.

Steamboat painting, and decoration executed in a style of neatness and beauty of finish equal to the far-famed steamers of the Hudson River.

POLE Sl&nS, BANUERS, ?LiLSS,etc., etc.,

All orders promptly attended to. 12

TAArPE, McOAHILL & CO., Wifokmk dealers antr Smpoaters of

Cor. Front and Sacramento sts. WILLIAM TAAFFE THOMAS McCAHILL, D. A. MAG£HAIV, ^l&IB FtliiieB^eO GRAY & STARR, watftiiAii fmtiifti,










Haxall and Gallego Flour constantly on hand.

DOUGLASS & CO., Importers and Dealers in KS,LIQiOiS,Ciei!IS,ET( No. 10 Empire Block, (BRICK STORE,) California Street, between Sansome and Battery, SAN FRANCISCO. GEORGE W. DOUGLAS, HENRY L. EOUGLAS.

J. W. FARRINGTON. CORNELIUS LUDLUM. farrhtgton & ludlxjm,



Has been fitted up with a view to Comfort and Privacy. Merchants

• and Traders will always find a full file of ALL THE PAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE STATE, AND ALSO' THE LATEST ATLANTIC PAPERS. Also, - :OIXj.XjiI.^f<.13 rCAJSI^lSlfB. The LIQUORS and CIGARS served at the Bar, are carefully se- lected from the best stocks in this market, together with direct impor- tations of the MOST APPROVED BRANDS OF BRANDY.

Served every day from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 8 to 12 P. M.

N. B. THE CELEBRATED "DICKY JONES" BRANDY, Is served at this Bar, being the only House in the city that has a

stock of it.




Commissioner's Office, for the States of Maine, Pennsylvania, , Vermont, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, Florida, Iowa and Texas. Deeds of all kinds, to he used in these States, for record, or in Courts, have to be attested by the undersigned. Any business in his official capacity, as well as collections of money, will be promptly attended to. JAMES B. TOVrNSEND,

9 Montgomery, Corner of Merchant St, SAN FRANCISCO. SANDERS, & PARKER,



'illllHL 'ii;»k, "ij W ''1«"''TO '%li '«'® % 'w^ "«i 'itut




AGREEMENTS, (iTommisstoncr in (Ealtfornm

DEEDS, . To take Acknowledgments, MORTGAGES, Depositions, CERTIFICATES of Incorporation Affidavits, Etc. POWERS of Attorney. MASSACHUSETTS, CHARTER PARTIES. RHODE ISLAND, BOTTOMRY BONDS. CONNECTICUT, BILLS OF SALE of Vessels, and NEW YORK, other Commercial Papers drawn PENNSYLVANIA, and Acknowledged. VIRGINIA, PROTESTS of VESSELS Noted OREGON, and Extended. MINESOTA. A. PHELPS,

Counsellor at Caii'> 1011-2 MERCHANT STREET,


JJadjiiiist Kiia ^radical ijigJMr,

Having recently returned from the Eastern States, begs leave to inform the citizens of California, that he is prepared to receive orders for set- ting up

In general. All Orders through the Post Office, promptly attended to. Refers to—WASHINGTON MANUFACTORY CO., Gloucester City, N. Y. JAMES W. STILLMAN, San Francisco. \




Who will attend exclusively to purchasing, packing and shipping of Merchan- dise for the California market. r. A. BABCOCK,

''^1 ''^1 '^^1 '%ii"'ii IB ® ''WH W W ^1 W ''®il '"^l«i ' Wi W> ''Ml "win 'Wil AND DEALER IN BwflS, ;lttelticines, Jfancy Articles,


206 Clay Street, Plaza,


' ''Jip ''.i '.iiiiuiiii 'iiimiiii' '.jiiiiiiii W 'm '.iiaiiiiii mm ''''liiiiiiiii ''iiiiii'iiiii 9 Imi ''W 'ki0 .mm W

CARPETS made and put down ; CURTAINS put up, &c. WINDOW SHADES, of aU kinds, PAINTED TO ORDER. 18



John Shieley, E. P. Batley,


Importers and Dealers in nmYiUffi Hi CDTIEIY.


176 Montgomery iwawromat Street. 176. Sign of the big Hexagon Pitcher, §^^ ^I^^^^^^S^^a


Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, and Comforters, J^~ Imported directly from the Manufacturers from Europe and the Atlantic States. ..^^ Dealers in the City and Country are invited to examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sofas, Tables, Hat Trees, Crickets, Side Boards, Desks, Ward Robes, Card Tables, Bureaus, Sinks, Wash Stands, Chamber Setts, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Bedsteads, Marble C. Tables, Stools, Rocking Chairs, Mats, Toilet Boxes. 19 ROBERT JOSEPHI & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES, m^ JEWELRY,

Watchmakers and Jewelers Tools and Materials- 176 WASHINGTON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. N. B. R Joseph! & Go's celebrated Premier Fountain Desk Pen, constantly on hand.

No. 132 Kearny Street^ Between Sacramento and California, SAN FRANCISCO. I. ROWELIi, M. D. J. M. TEWKSBURY, M. D.

Consultations in office at all hours. E. WnUAlIS, ...... Apothecary. A. T. McCLUEE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

CHEIVIICALS, PERFUniERY and Fancy Articles, Sarsaparilla Syrups, Thorn's Extracts, Shakers' Herbs, N. E. Cor. Montgomery and California Streets. Physicians' Prescriptions dispensed at all hours . Country orders promptly attended to. ORE 11 MEDICiE STOE^ Drs. carman & MARTIN, l¥ashing:toii above Kearny Street, Plaza, SAN FRANCISCO. They have on hand a well selected supply of Drugs, Medicines, &c. and constantly replenishing. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully pre- pared. B. R. CARMAN, M.D. J. S. MARTIN, M.D. Of Philadelphia, Of Baltimore. 20


And Dealers in

127 SANSOME STREET, Between Herchant and TFasliin^ton tStreets,

Are receiving per clipper ships, all desirable articles in their line, in

part as follows, viz :

Saws, Chisels, Augers, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Butts Screws, Grind- stones, Axes, Rules. AGRICtXTURAL IMPI.EME1\TS, Scythes and Snaiths, Rakes, Hay Forks, Plows, Cultivators, Har- rows, Corn Mills, Churns, &c.

Picks, Crowbars. Long and Short Handled Shovels, Hoes Forks' Blasting Powder and Safety Fuse.

AnvilSj Vices, Sledges, " G " Horse Nails, Files, Bellows, Screw Plates, Horse and Mule Shoes, XZOT7SX2ZS:X3X3f>X3>70 .^fl.a'XOXjXSJS. Knives and Forks, Spoons, Selves, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Scrapers, Wood- en Ware, Candlesticks, Brushes, Blacking, etc, X^XSiZZZI^Gi- .AJXTIJ S}X»OH.TI3>J-Ca-. Agens the American Net, Seine and Twine Company, Fishing Lines and Hooks, Guns, Rifles, Re- volvers, Powder, Shot. Bar Lead, Percussion Caps, &c.

Particular attention paid to this branch of business and a complete assortment always on hand. Also, a variety of other goods which purchasers are invited to examine, W. B. SAWYER,

No. 1^17 ^amsome Street,

And agent for Messrs. VOSE & CO., Stove Founders, Albany, N. Y- N. B. Contracts made for delivery, and payment here from the above Foundry. ff^^Q^-^^ ^\a/uv\a/\a/\a;\a;\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/\a/'- THE

V • FOR THE»YEAR ^ ^^A C^ # ^3^








iirst JPublicatiou.


Office in Parsons' New Building, No. 138 and 140 Clay Street. 1852.

Moason, Haswell & Co., Printers—Montgomery St

Eutered mcoriliiig to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by Jamks M. Takksb,

Clerk '8 Office, of the District Court, of the District of tlie State of Califomid, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/\AA;\A( TO OUR PATRONS

We would apologize for the delay in the issue of our work, did we not know that apologies, like comparisons, are sometimes odious ; so sickness, in the first instance, and the well known scarcity of paper more latterly, are all we shall urge. We will say but httle of the many difficulties attendant on the compilation of a work of this kind, in a community like the present, as we flatter ourselves those difficulties are, in a measure, overcome by the appearance of this volume, and we hope in our future issues, to avoid or correct, all the errors of the present.

The canvas was as thorough as could be made, under the circumstances, and we have endeavored to keep pace with, and record, all removals and business changes, up to the time of going to press, and, while upon this subject, we woulcj* urge upon our merchants and business men, the necessity of acquainting us with all such changes or removals, by letter or otherwise, in time for the issue of our first " extra," on the first of January, 1853.

"We hope for a favorable consideration of our work — errors and all — from the

public, and we will endeavor, in our next issue, to do them justice. !

EDITOR. 733'?


The year which gave birth to the great Western Republic on the Atlantic shore of

North America, also witnessed the first permanent settlement on the coast of Upper CaUfornia. In 1776, two Mssionaries of the Roman Catholic Church, landed in the Bay of San Francisco, and proceeded to establish a central point for their operations in civilizing and christianizing the native tribes. Their names were Francisco Palou and Benito Cambon. They were natives of Spain, but came to this place from Mex- ico. Finding a fertile tract of land, capable of irrigation, near two miles south of the

present city, they chose it for their home, and founded a Mission which they named Mission Dolores, in commemoration of the sufierings of the Virgin. The Mission of San Jose, Santa Clara, San Raphael, and others, in Upper California, were estab- lished subsequently, and were dependant on that of San Francisco.

On the present site of the city of San Francisco, a few houses were erected about the same time. This settlement was named Yerba Buena, — good herb — because an herb of that name, considered highly medicinal, and sometimes used as a substi-

tute for Chinese tea, was found in great abundance on the surrounding hills. The town retained the name of Yerba Buena, until occupied by the Americans. The first houses were erected by settlers from Mexico, — except one building which was put up by a Russian, who had been left on shore from a Russian ship, touching at the harbor. All the buildings were of sun-dried bricks or adobes. The first house built at the Mission, stood about two hundred yards in -front of the present church, where its

crumbling walls are still visible. Next was built the chapel with its appui-tenances. The Presidio, three miles west of the town, and near the entrance to the Bay, was constructed near the same time for government purposes.

Soon after its organization, the Mission flourished rapidly, realizing the hopes of its founders. The Indians learned to repose entire confidence in the Padres, and em- braced, with avidity, the new religion, and many of the arts of civilization. They lived in small communities and were occupied in tilling the earth and other employ- ments under the direction of the Missionaries. They worked eight hours in the

twenty-four, and received in return all the necessaries of life, such as food and apparel, together with trinkets and rum — the latter being considered in those days, as almost essential to a life of civilization and godliness. At various times, parties of Indians were provided witli the proper means and

dismissed by the Missionaries, that they might pursue an independent life. But we are told that the attempt invariably failed, and that the natives sooner or later re- turned to seek the protection and guardianship of the Padres, after wasting their cattle and other stock.

Some idea may be formed of the extent of those operations, from the fact that there belonged to this Mission, at one period, twenty thousand head of cattle, three thousand horses, and thirty thousand sheep. In 1810, the number of Christian baptisms had reached three thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and in 1831, the period of greatest prosperity, the whole number had amounted to six thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. From this date a declension took place, which was greatly accelerated by the Mexican Revolution, in 1836, when the cattle and prop-

erty ^veve destroyed, and the Indians driven off by political disturbances. From 1831 to 1849, the number of baptisms was only four hundred and sixty-eight. Of the entire list, it is computed that nine-tenths were Indians, and the remainder Cali- fornians, or immigrants, and their descendants, principally from Mexico. In the mean time the town was slowly increasing, some importance being attached to it in consequence of the hides and tallow Avhich it exported. In 1839, it was laid out as a town by Captain John Vioget, the few houses being previously scattered without regularity. In 1845, there were one hundred and fifty inhabitants. About this time it began to attract the attention of some adventurous Americans, and the population increased in two years to nearly five hundred. It was, in fact, an Amer- ican settlement, long before Upper California became a territory of the United States.

For the benefit of distant readers, it may be well briefly to describe its situation. The city of San Francisco stands on a narrow neck of land between the Bay and the Ocean, fronting eastward on the Bay and having the Ocean five miles on the west. The Bay extends southward some fifty miles, parallel with the sea, from which it is separated by a narrow strip of land, varying from five to twenty miles in width. The city is on the extreme point of this promontory. Its site is handsome and commanding, being on an inclined plane half a mile in extent, from the water's edge, to the hills in the rear. Two points of land, Clark's Point on the north, and Rincon Point, on the south, one mile apart, project into the Bay, forming a crescent between them, which is the water front of the city, and which has already been filled in and covered with buildings to the extent of half a mile. Those points, and the lofty hills north and west, upon which the city is rapidly climbing, afford a most extensive and picturesque view of the surrounding country. There are scarcely to be found more charming and diversified prospects, than are presented from these heights. Taking your stand on Telegraph Hill, to the north of the city, and looMng eastward, you see the spacious Bay, eight miles in width, crowded with ships from all quarters of the globe, and the fertile coast of Contra Costa, beyond, with its new city of Oakland, behind which rise hill on hill, to the Redwood forests on the summits.

Towering over these, is the conical peak of Moimt Diabolo, at a distance of thirty- five miles. To the north is the entrance from the Ocean, almost beneath your feet, and Saucelito, six miles distant, at the foot of the opposite hills. The northern arm of the Bay also •stretches away till lost in the distance, studded with smoking steam- 5 ers on their way to the numerous points on the Sacramento and San Joaquin riv- ers. Turning to the south you look down on the busy city, whose tumultuous din rings steadily in your ear—the Mission Dolores in a charming little valley be- yond, backed by graceful hills—the southern arm of the bay lost in the horizon, and the dim and distant coast range of mountains running parallel on the east. Facing the west you look upon the narrow strait through which the restless ocean ebbs and flows, and into which the sea breeze sweeps daily with its chilling but purifying mists—the Golden-Gate—the Presidio—the Fort—the great ocean beyond. Prior to the construction of wharves the principal landing was near the foot of Broadway and towards Clark's Point, where there was a bold shore with deep water.' Boats also landed at North Beach, which obtained the name of Washer- woman's Bay ; its clean, sandy shore atfording facilities for washing. The only wharf in 1846 was at the foot of Clay street. The war with Mexico, which broke out in 1846, gave an impulse to the com- merce of the port, by requiring the shipment of supplies for militaiy purposes. On the 13th of March, 1847, there were in the harbor the extraordinary number of six vessels, viz : U. S. ship Cyane, ship Moscow, ship Vandalia, ship Barnsta- ble, ship Thomas H. Perkins, and brig Euphemia. On the 18th of December of that year there were four vessels in port, and no arrivals had occurred for a week. The imports for the last quarter of 1847 amounted to $49,600, and the exports to

$53,600. In the first quarter of 1848 there were nine arrivals of vessels, four of which were from Monterey and San Pedro. In April, 1847, the number of inhabitants exlusive of Indians, was 375. Eight months afterwards, when a census was taken by the Board of School Trustees, the number exceeded 800. Of these there were adult males, 473 ; adult females,

177 ; children of age proper to attend school, 60. This increase of more than an hundred per cent, in eight months, took place some months before the discovery of gold, and when California was sought merely for agricultural and commercial purposes. As early as January, 1847, a complaint was published in the California Star that there was no school for children, the writer stating that he had counted forty children playing in the street. A public meeting was then called, to adppt mea- sures to found a school. But the project failed. Some months later it was re- vived, with better success. A school house was built, and completed by the 1st of December. On the 21st of February, 184ii.','an election was held for School Trus- tees, and the following gentlemen were chosen : Dr. F. Fourgeaud, C. L. Ross,

Esq., Dr. J. Townsend, J. Serrine, Esq., and W. H. Davis, Esq. The Town Council passed a resolution that " not exceeding four hundred dollars be appropri- ated to the payment of the teacher of the public school of this place ; two hundred to be paid at the expiration of the first six months, and two hundred at the expi- ration of twelve months from the commencement of the school." That was the day of small things. Gold was a scarce article in California, except as a hidden treasure. But the enterprise and energy of the American people were neverthe- less directing themselves in a channel which would have made the country great

and prosperous, even if there had not been a grain of the precious metal hidden in 2 her soil. The first American school in California was duly opened on Monday, the 3d day of April, 1848. As this was a movement of great moment to the in- fant settlement, it is believed that the announcement of the school, as made by the" Trustees in the columns of the " California Star," will interest the reader suiW- ciently to warrant its introduction in this sketch. It was in the following form :

"School.—The school to be kept in the public school house of San Francisco will commence on Monday, the third of April next, under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas Douglass, a graduate of Yale Cohege, Connecticut." "Mr. D. has had more than ten years' experience in the instruction of acade- mies and high schools in the States, and has in his possession testimonials iKMii the Trustees of those mstitutions which speak of him as a skillful and successl'ul teacher, and as well qualified for the business of his profession. The undersigned Trustees, therefore, cheerfully recommend his school to the patronage of the citi- zens of this town and vicinity, confident that he will do all in his power to impart a thorough education to pupils committed to his care." " The terms of tuition will be as follows :— For instruction in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Defining, and Geograpliy, $5,00 per quarter. In the above branches, with the addition of Mental and Practical Arithmetic, English Grammar and English Composition, |6,00 per quarter. In any or all of the above, together with Mental and Moral Science, Ancient and Modern History, Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, |j8,00 per quarter. In any or all the above branches, together with Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, As- tronomy, Surveying and Navigation, .'^10,00 per quarter. In any of the above, together with the Latin and Greek languages, $12,00." The great importance of this undertaking required that the teacher should have an adequate compensation. To meet the case, the Town Council adopted and published the following resolution : " Resolved, That not exceeding four hundred dollars be appropriated to the payment of the teacher of the public school in this place. Two hundred to be paid at the expiration of six months, and two hundred at the expiration of twelve months from the commencement of the school."

In the appointment of this salary there Avas a degree of economy, and in the mode of disbursement a degree of caution, which we might look for in vain in the subsequent golden age of California. The conclusion is evident, however incredi- ble to the generation of gold seekers who soon followed, that the early settlers of San Francisco had some other designs in view than the rapid accumulation of wealth.

This first American school on the Pacific coast south of Oregon, though found- ed apparently on a basis so safe and economical, had a short lived existence. In less than a year the gold excitement was to sweep over the country like a whirl- wind, and for a season to crush everything like intellectual and moral culture, substituting the one all-absorbing passion for the accumulation of wealth. Early in May, 1847, a public jneeting was held, and a committee appointed, for the purpose of organizing a religious congregation, and erecting a place of wor-i ship. j In the beginning of the same year there were about fifty houses, of all descrip4 tions. The largest number were built of adobes. They were mostly small, lowi structures, consisting of one or two apartments, and were scattered about frorn; Broadway to Happy Valley. In one year from that time and prior to the discovery of gold, so rapid was the growth of the town that two hundred new houses had sprung up. Quite a num-

ber of these primitive edifices are still standing, though most of them have been destroyed by the various conflagrations that have swept over the city. After every

extensive fire the walls of these buildings were to be seen, standing in melancholy loneliness in the midst of the desolation.

I In 1847, Broadway wharf was barely visible as a landing place, and some en-

terprising citizens undertook to extend it a few yards for the better accommoda- ] tion of vessels. But the'disastrous eftects of the improvement on certain property

I in the neighborhood induced a petition to the authorities to prohibit its extension.

Those worthy conservatives would have taken no notice of a scheme to extend it

to half its present dimensions, regarding such a project as extravagant and ri- diculous.

It appears that the early settlers were bent on reducing the town to the order

and decorum of some Atlantic cities. Ordinances were passed in 1847, imposing a fine of five dollars on any person allowing hogs to run at large, and a fine of twenty dollars on any person discharging fire-arms within a mile of the public square. Complaints were even made in the newspapers against the practice of smoking cigars in the Magistrate's office and other public places. Since that remote era of primitive simplicity, the inhabitants of San Francisco have become perfectly inured to hogs, fire-arms and tobacco, in all their uses and applications. In January, 1847, an ordinance was published by Washington A. Bartlett, Chief Magistrate, directing that the name of " Yerba Buena," as applied to the town, be changed to " San Francisco," in all official communications and public documents, or records appertaining to the town. This was done to prevent confusion and mistakes in public documents, and that the town may have the advantage of the name given on the published maps. On the 13th of September, 1847, the first election was held for six members of

Council. The number of votes polled was two hundred, which exceeded all pre- vious calculations. The following gentlemen had the honor of being the success-

ful candidates : Wm. A. Liedsdorff", Edward P. Jones, Robert Parker, W. D. M.

Howard, William Glover, and' William S. Clark. They held heir first meeting and entered on the duties of office on the 16th of the same month. "The Steamboat" made its experimental trip on the 15th of November in that year, performing a successful expedition around "Wood Island." This pioneer

in steam navigation was a diminutive vessel whose name is not given. It at- tracted much attention by its novelty, and two days afterwards proceeded to Santa Clara. In April, 1847, a semi-monthly mail was established to San Diego and other southward points. On the 1st of April in the following year the " California Star

Express" left by the overland route, after several months' trumpeting. This for-

midable enterprise, the first regular conveyance to the States, was announced to

go through ^s far as Independence, Mo. in sixty days. The postage on a letter was fifty cents.

Early in 1848 a feverish excitement appears to have taken hold of the public

mind, in regard to the supposed mineral treasures of the country. But it is wor- — 8

ihy of remark that gold was the metal least thought of or talked of. The quick- silver mines near San Jose had long been known and worked. Other deposits of quicksilver ore were reported in all directions. Copper was discovered some- where, saltpetre and sulphur also, a quarry of limestone was opened, and coal had been found near San Francisco, which, however, had the unfortunate quality of be- ing incombustible. Silver also was said to have been discovered in various direc- tions. To this metal indeed, more than to any other, was expectation directed, and people seemed to have an idea that the land was underlaid with silver ore. The first discovery of gold was made near Sutter's Fort, thirty miles from Sac- ramento, or New Helvetia as it was then called, in December, 1847. But the stories told of it were too good to be credited. In March, however, the papers of San Francisco announced that " the quantity of gold taken from the mine recently found at New Helvetia was so great that it had become an article of traffic in that vicinity." In a short time the editors and others began to see the lumps of " pure virgin gold" with their ow?i eyes. The " yellow fever," as it was facetiously called, then broke forth with extreme violence, and carried off the population as rapidly as means of travel could be obtained. The " Star" of May 27th^, gave a most lugubrious article, dating the prosperity of the town from the occupation of the country by the United States, but averring that never within tlie last three years had it presented a less life-like, more barren appearance than at the present time. Stores were closed and houses left tenantless, the hum of industry silenced, and everything wore a desolate and sombre look, all being dull, monotonous and dead. Lawyers, merchants, grocers, carpenters, cartmen and cooks rushed in one motley assemblage to the mines. The few merchants who remained posted up on their stores the since familiar placard " Highest price paid here for California gold." Such was the melancholy tone of the public press. " The unhappy consequences of this state of affairs," adds the editor, " are easily foreseen !"

The " Star" of the 3d of June announced the death of its comrade, the " Cali- fornian," by the " prevailing fever," and declared its own existence threatened by the same epidemic, which had entered the printing office and even seized the " devil." Its forebodings proved to be true, as the " California Star" did not ap- pear above the horizon the next week. In six weeks the former paper was re- vived, and the Star rose again soon afterwards. The editor of the Californian, however, entered on his new life with serious misgivings, threatening in the first issue again to retreat to the mines if not sustained by the citizens. The two pa- pers were then united, and the joint concern finally took the name of the " Alta California." The temporary suspension of trade and business was soon followed by the most extraordinary activity. Adventurers from all nations, and merchandize of all kinds began to pour into the town, on the way to the mining region. Buildings that had been vacated were filled with newly arrived gold seekers, hurrying to the mines. Storehouses were in demand for mercantile purposes, and labor, which had been but one or two dollars a day prior to the discovery of gold, was not to be had at any price. Carpenters often refused fifteen and twenty dollars a day.

Schools and churches were forgotten, and if public meetings were held, the object was to fix the value of gold dust, or to make plans for testing it. In August im- migrants began to arrive at the rate of five hundred a month. In the middle of Soptember the harbor was described as crowded with shipping, the wharves lined with goods and merchandize, and the streets filled with a busy throng. Fifty-

persons, it was computed, spent the night without the cover of a roof.

In the first two months of the golden age, the amount of precious dust brought into San Francisco was estimated at $250,000, and in the next two months, at $600,000. In September, 1848, an era took place in the history of the city and of the coun

try. This was nothing less than the arrival of the first square-rigged vessel in the port—the brig Belfast, from New York, laden with a valuable cargo. She hauled up to Broadway wharf, the only wharf accessible to such a vessel, and there discharged. No sooner was she known to be landing her cargo than goods of all kinds fell twenty-five per cent., and real estate rose fifty per cent. A vacant lot on the corner of Washington and Montgomery streets, at that time bordering on the water, which had been offered for $5,000 and refused, sold readily the very next day for $10,000. The first brick building was erected at the corner of Montgomery and Clay streets, by Melius and Howard, in September, 1848. This was the second brick building in upper California, one having been previously erectr'd at Monterey.

About this time a proposition was made to form a temperance society, and another to establish a lyceum. One of the newspapers, however, pronounced these schemes premature, and proposed to begin the work of bettering the condi- tion of society by opening a theatre. There was nevertheless some philanthropic and religious feeling buried in the hearts of the people, and seeking an opportunity for exercise. At a public meeting to fix a standard of value for gold dust, a project was started to establish a hospital for sick miners, of whom it was publicly de- clared that not less than eight had died in San Fraiicisco during the season. A public meeting for religious purposes was held in November, and it was resolved that something decisive ought to be done for the souls of the people. A proposi- tion was made to elect a "Chaplain for the City," which was concurred in with great unanimity, and the Rev. T. D. Hunt was then duly elected to the responsi- ble station of " Chaplain to the city of San Francisco," with a yearly salary of $2,500. At an election for Councilmen in October, 1848, 158 votes were polled ; at an election in December, the number of votes was 347 and at an election held in ; August, the year following, the city was able to poll 1519 votes.

In October, 1848, the Town Council agreed to pay their clerk five dollars for every meeting at which he officiated. It had not been many months since the salary of the teacher of the public school was fixed at .$400 per annum, or a little over one dollar a day.

On the 1st of December the same year, flour was sold at twenty-seven dollars

a barrel, beef at twenty, pork at sixty ; butter at ninety cents a pound, and cheese at seventy cents. To show the fluctuating character of the market at that day, it may be added that on the 15th of the month, only two weeks later, flour sold at twelve to fifteen dollars a barrel, and other articles had fallen in proportion. The 2 — 10

all n:])ortant and indispensable article of brandy was eight dollars per gallon. Gold dust was $10,50 per ounce. In December, 184S, an important event transpired in the re opening of the pub- lic school, under the charge of Wm. H. Christian. Though it was announced as a " public" school, yet the terms of tuition were advertised at $8,00 a term. In November, 184S, when the people returned from the mines for the winter, rich with the precious metal, the effects of the gold discovery on San Francisco were most sensibly felt. Lots that had been purchased in the spring for from one hundred to two tliousand dollars, now ranged from one thousand to fifteen thousand. Buildings that had previously rented at from ten to twenty dollars per month were now taken with avidity at from twenty to one hundred dollars per month. By February, 1849, the population had increased to two thousand. The duties collected at the Custom House for the four quarters of 1848, were as follows :

First (iuarter, $11,931—Second Quarter, $8,835—Third Quarter, $74,827— Fourth Quarter, $100,480.

The imports of merchandize during the year were about $1,000,000, and the importation of coin about the same amount, while the exports of gold dust for the last six months was $2,000,000, or something less than the quantity regularly ex- ported every two weeks, four years afterwards. The First fire was in .January, 1849—the burning of the " Shades Hotel." In .lune, the ship Philadelphia was burnt in the harbor, as she was preparing to set sail for the Sandwich Islands. Both these conflagrations were the result of ac- cident.

On the 1st Day of February, 1849, arrived the first steamship in the mail ser vic3—the California. This important event, which was looked for with extreme interest, excited the utmost enthusiasm. She was received with salutes of can- non, and cheer on cheer of the enraptured citizens. The Public School appears to have passed through a series of vicissitudes in those days. We find that it was again revived in April, 1849, under the charge of Rev. Albert Williams. On the ISth of May, arrived the ship Grey Eagle, of Philadelphia, having made the passage in the remarkably short time of 117 days, including four days' stop- l)age at Valparaiso. Thus far it was the quickest passage, and it was not sur- passed for a long while. It was computed that the number of immigrants in the country by the begin- ning, of June tliat year was fifteen thousand, of whom the larger portion had dis- embarked at this port. Sixty-four vessels were in the harbor. In the month of July there arrived by sea 3G14 souls. Some idea of the rapid march of the coun- try in those times may be formed from the fact that on a single day, the 1st of July, there arrived 17 vessels, with 889 passengers.

In August, 1849, the prices of some articles ranged as follows: Flour twelve to

thirteen dollars a barrel pork eighteen ; ; ; dollars cheese forty cents per lb butter

seventy-five cents ; lard ten ; oil one dollar per gallon. At this date the number of inhabitants was computed to be five thousand. The number of arrivals in the month was 3895, of whom 87 were females. In September the arrivals were 11

5802, including 122 females, and in October 4,000. The number of tons of ship- ping in port on the 30th of August, was 02,000, and in another moutli the amount was 94,000 tons. The Baptists built the first Protestant house of worship in California, and dedicated it on the 5th of August, 1849. It is the same building now used by them, standing in Washington street below Stockton. Central Wharf, whicli was commenced in July, was sufficiently built to be used in the latter part of the year. No small degree of commotion was produced by the launching of a little iron steamboat, in October. She left Central Wharf on an experimental trip, which proved entirely satisfactory, and she was placed on the route to Sacramento. On one of her first trips she brought a number of salmon from Sacramento, which sold readily at one dollar per pound. Some of the fishes brought the fine price of forty-five dollars. The steamboats McKim and Senator were shortly afterwards put on the same route. All these vessels were crowded with passengers, and it was a matter of heartfelt gratulation that the time of transit was reduced by them from seven days to seventeen hours ! In modern time seventeen hours would not be regarded as a remarkably short passage. The charge for fi'eight was forty dollars per ton to Sacramento.

An election to adopt the Constitution and to choose State officers, was held on the 13th of November. The number of ballots cast was 31G9, of which five only Avere in the negative.

The winter of 1849-50 was one of extraordinary rain. The rains commenced on the 2d of November, and continued almost daily for some time. On the night of the 6th November, it is said 12 inches fell : but this is almost incredible. The streets, however, became next to ipipassable. Montgomery street, from Jackson to California, was a perfect quagmire. The incidents of that winter are vividly recorded in the minds of those who then dwelt in the city. As the streets grew more and more swampy, they were paved with brushwood, and whatever of rub- bish and waste merchandise could be had. But layer after layer of these materials disappeared, and still the mud was unfathomable. Mules with teams swamped as a matter of course ; and even mules without teams, in several instances, floun- dered and sunk into the invisible world, in spite of heroic efforts to rescue them. In numerous instances, men perfectly sober, got into the sloughs in attempting to cross the streets, and would have suffered martyrdom had not assistance been at hand. Tradition tells of one person who actually disappeared under these cir- cumstances. The intersection of Clay and Montgomery streets being a principal thoroughfare, was the scene of many interesting and exciting incidents. To cross on foot became completely impossible, until a submerged footway was constructed with bags of beans, damaged rice, bundles of tobacco, and a general assortment of spare merchandise. Over this invisible bridge, experienced navigators might suc- ceed in making their way. But wo to the unskilled wayfarer, who in attempting the path, deviated from the subterranean line of march. In the dearth of business and amusements^ many citizens found agreeable employment in watching the pro- ^2

gress of their" fellow-men through the difficulties of travel, and rendering assistance in desperate cases. New-comers often landed from shipboard, rigged in their Sun- day best, and with boots brightly polished, intending to strike the natives with surprise by such tokens of high civilization. But scarcely had they touched terra firma, when they made the deep discovery that terra iirma was not there and ; they were glad to get back to the ship, with the loss not only of Day ^ Martin's polish, but of the boots themselves, which they were constrained to leave deep

buried in the streets of San Francisco !

It is cause of regret that the history of that winter has been left so much at the mercy of memory and tradition, and that exact observations of the quantity of rain were not recorded. To hear the eloquent narrations of the survivors, one might suppose that the windows of Heaven were kept steadily open, from the com- mencement to the end of the rainy season. The few exact records in our pos-

session, published at the time in the newspapers, tell a different story. It appears that the rains set in regularly with a storm from the S. E. on the 13th of November, and terminated sometime in March, and that the number of days on which rain

fell in that period was seventy-one. That is to say, just one-half the days during the rainy season were free from rain. Building operations were not entirely sus-

pended. The brick building of Burgoyne cj* Co., and several other brick edifices were completed during the winter. On the 21st of February there was a considerable fall of hail, which remained on the ground for some hours, among the spring flowers that covered the hills. In those days, before the recent improvements in the delivery of letters, the Post Ofhce exhibited the most curious scenes on the arrival of the mails from the At- lantic States. People crowded by hundreds into the long lines, to march to the windows in quest of letters from home. Desperate efforts were made to secure a place near the window, in anticipation of the opening of the office. Men rose from their beds in the middle of the night for this purpose. It was a common practice to provide a chair, and hitch up, step by step, as the procession slowly advanced, and to while away the time, with cigars and other appliances. Persons |

were exposed for hours to the most drenching rains, which they bore with heroic ; fortitude, rather than relinquish their post. Men of speculative views who ex-

pected no letters, secured advanced places, and then sold them, sometimes for as , much as eight or ten dollars. || The most motly population in the world was then congregated in San Fran- cisco, and the capricious taste of the citizens in regard to dress served to add to the apparent diversity. Every man had his own standard of fashion, entirely in- depenent of the rest of the Avorld. A ludicrous account of their costumes was printed in the Alta California newspaper, referring to the short waisted frocks, the cut-aways, the high collars, the broad tailed and the sv/allow tailed dress coats^ the double breasted jackets, the surtouts, the bang-ups, the Spanish wrappers, the scrapes, the blankets, the bear skins—the boots, high topped and lov/ topped, fair topped, red topped and green topped, fisherman's boots and horseman's boots and miner's boots, brogans, gaiters and shoes of patent leather, calfskin and cowhide? There was also a maiwellous variety of hats, though the most popular was the Cal- I'ornia slouch, which had the virtue or pliancy and was convertible into a pillow. 13 a basin, a handkerchief or a basket, without injiuy to its substance or fomi. As the female population increased, the costume of the men began to appi-oach a more uniform standard, and now, even the slouch hat, which for a long while cleaved to the caputs of the old Californians, has given place to (rim and formal models from Broadway or Chestnut Street. In those days the humor of the people inclined them not in the slightest degree towards intellectual pursuits. From the multitudes of gambling and drinking houses, and the crowds that filled them, one might infer without sinning violently against truth, that drinking was a universal habit, and that gambling was the regular occupation of one half of the people, and the nightly diversion of the other half. In the progress of civiUzation and refinement, during the winter aforesaid, two theatres were kept in operation, and a portion of the citizens began to amuse themselves with concerts, balls, dinner parties, and military suppers. In the winter aforesaid, Happy Valley began to figure in the world's history, and discussions were had in the papers as to the rightful claimant of the honor attached to giving it that name. " The Mission" also began to attract notice, and when, in the movement for the incorporation of the city, it was proposed to extend the city limits to embrace the Mission, sundry anti-annexation meetings were held by the denizens of that region, and a formidable opposition of a gaseous and ineffectual character was made to the union.

The first rush homeward took place in this winter. Driven from the mines by the weather, many of the most fortunate adventurers, and not a few of the most unfortunate, looked with longing hearts towards the father-land. All the tickets for the Steamers being taken, extraordinary prices were offered for them. For a steerage ticket, the original cost of which was $150, as much as $450 was fre- quently given.

The first of the series of calamitous conflagrations that have marked the history of the city, broke out on the 24th of December, 1849, about 6 o'clock, A M. It commenced in an upper story of Dennison's Exchange, on the East of the Plaza, about where Kearny is intersected by Merchant street. From this point it spread down Washington street nearly to Montgomery, and also towards Clay street, destroying most of the houses in the block, which had beein built up from street to street, with the exception of a portion of Clay street. Nearly 50 houses and stoies were consumed, and the destruction of property was estimated at a million of dollars. The fire of November, 1852, broke out almost on the same spot, and burnt over a portion of the same ground, but with less destruction of property.

Early in 1850, an express wagon made its appearance in the streets. In March the pioneer milk wagon awakened certain agreeable emotions in many minds. There was also some excitement created by a threatened reduction of the price of washing—from six to four dollars a dozen. A curious incident transpired in January, 1850, which was nothing less than the public sale of three females from Sidney, to pay their passage to this port. The transaction occurred near Clark's Point. They were sold for five months, at fif- dollars teen each ; the captain pocketing the money with entire satisfaction. In March, 1850, was formed the " Strangers' Benevolent Society," for the reUef of the indigent sick from all parts of the world. 4 14

From the 12th of April, 1849, to the 29th of January, 1850, a period of a little over nine months, there arrived by sea at San Francisco 39.888 immigrants, of whom 1421 were females. Of 805 vessels from which they landed, 487 were

American, and 318 foreign. In the year ending April 15, 1850, there arrived 62,000 passengers, 2,000 of whom were females. The nmnber of vessels convey- ing them was 695 American, and 418 foreign.

The winter of 1849—50 witnessed the first step towards the formation of the present enormous debt of the city. The expenditures for December were $135,000 and the receipts $175,000, leaving a balance m the treasury of $40,000. In Jan- uary and February the expenditures were $201,000 and the receipts only $137,000, leaving a deficit of $24,000, which was the nucleus of the present debt. Two thirds of the receipts above mentioned were from the sale of city lots. The debt

then begun, increased rapidly, and in little more than a year reached the enormous sum of $1,000,000.. When the treasury became exhausted scrip was issued, bear- ing interest at three per cent, per month. The credit of the city growing worse

and worse, the scrip depreciated until it would not command over one-third of its nominal value. Persons having claims against the city drew up bills for two or three times the amount of the claim, so that they might realize, from the sale of the scrip received in payment, the full amount of the debt in cash. Thus, a tradesman furnishing a thousand dollars' worth of supplies to the hospital, would present his bill for three thousand and receive that amount in scrip, bearing inte- rest at the rate of thirty-six per cent, per annum. When the d^bt was funded and converted into ten per cent, bonds, he received bonds equal to the amount of the scrip and interest ; that is to say, if the scrip had run six months the city paid him $3540 in bonds, with an annual interest of $354, or more than one-third the original debt ! A more extraordinary specimen of financiering can scarcely be conceived. In the course of the year 1850, the principal streets were graded and laid with planks. Commercial street, from Montgomery to Kearny, was first completed. Anticipating another winter like the past, the preparation of the streets was hast- ened as the autumn advanced, and when the season for rain arrived, the chief thoroughfares were efiectually covered with wood. The winter, however, brought but little rain, and the fires of May and June following, destroyed a large portion of the costly expenditure, which had added largely to the debt of the city After introducing the subject, it would not be right to pass without commenda- tory notice, the arrangements finally adopted to redeem the credit of the city, and to pay off" the million-and-a-half of debt. The funding of the debt, and the issuing ofbonds bearing interest at 10 per cent, per annum, has already been mentioned. The bonds were made payable in twenty years, and provision was made to re- deem a portion annually, in the mean time. The citizens co-operated earnestly in the movement, and submitted cheerfully to the imposition of a heavy tax for the purpose. The credit of the city was at once restored, and the bonds rapidly appreciated to their par value. The transition from utter and almost hopeless bankruptcy, to a basis of secure and permanent credit, and that too, after the dis- astrous fires of May and June. 1850, and the still more ruinous conflagrations of May and June, 1851, which laid the city in ashes a second time, was rapid and :


extraordinary, exhibiting a degree of energy and courage rarely met with in the history of municipal governments. In the spring of 1850, there were three daily newspapers published in the city,

the " Alta California," the " Pacific News," and the " Journal of Commerce," all dailies. To these were added, during the year, the " Evening Picayune," the " Herald," and the " Conrier." As the increase and prosperity of San Francisco are closely associated with the

progress of improvement in the entire Pacific region, it may be well to add the list of papers published at the same date in other parts. They were as follows California—" The Placer Times," published weekly, at Sacramento. Oregon—" The Oregon Spectator," semi-monthly. — " New Grenada " The Panama Echo," weekly ; and The Panama Star," occasionally. — " ;" Valparaiso " The—Neighbor," and The Mercantile Reporter both monthly. Sandwich Islands "The Honolulu Times," weekly ; "The Friend," monthly; and " The Polynesian," monthly. Navigators' Islands—"TheSamoan Reporter," twice a year. In less than a year afterwards, there were eight daily papers existing in San Francisco, and a number of others, at Sacramento, and other settlements in California. In the spring and summer of 1850, the citizens found considerable entertainment in holding public meetings on the Plaza, to protest against various proceedings of the city authorities.' Speeches were delivered, committees appointed, and every conceivable effort made short of actual violence, and even that was threatened by some. But though the population appeared almost unanimous in these movements, it would seem that those in authority pressed onward to the accomplishment of their purposes, with a degree of energy and determination characteristic of the people of California.

The first election under the City Charter was in April, 1850, when upwards of four thousend votes were given. John W. Geary was chosen Mayor, and Frank Tilford, Recorder. The second great fire was on Saturday, the 4th of May, 1850. It commenced at four o'clock in the morning, in the United States Exchange, a drinking and gambling house, on the east side of the Plaza—almost the identical spot where the first fire originated. The entire block between Kearny, Clay, Montgomery and Washington streets was destroyed, with the exception of Dubois' Banking

House and Burgoyne

Montgomery to Dupont, destroying both the aijoining blocks, except a row of buildings on Jackson above Montgomery. Three hundred houses were destroy- ed, and property valued at from three to four millions of dollars. It was only by blowing up a number of buildings that the destruction was confined to those lim- its. One life was lost, and several persons were injured by fire-arms which ex- ploded in the burning houses. This fire was generally believed to have been caused by incendiaries, and large rewards were offered for their apprehension, but as usual, without success. On the day after the conflagration, a party of laborers : '

16 applied to the Mayor for compensation for services, which he decHned paying, as they had not been employed by liim or by the authorities. This so incensed them that a riot well nigh ensued. Such villainous rapacity deserves the severest rep- rehension. Men who will not assist their fellow citizens without compensation, on an occasion of public calamity, are scarcely one degree superior to the wretches who would cause the calamity. The work of rebuilding was carried on with great activity, and in a few weeks the burnt district had given place to a new city. On Friday, the 14th of June^ came the third great fire. It began in the Sacramento House, on the east side of Kearny street, between Clay and Sacramento streets, about eight o'clock in the forenoon. The wind being high, the flames spread rapidly towards the bay, sweeping the entire space, two fall blocks in width, between Clay and California streets, to the water's edge, which was then part of a block below Montgomery street. Three hundred houses, and three millions of property were destroyed.

This fire was acknowledged to be the result of accident or carelessness, connected with a stove pipe. Hitherto nothing effectual had been accomplished to secure the city against the ravages of fire. But now the most vigorous efforts were set on foot, consisting of the organization of fire companies, and the construction of wells and reservoirs. Blany brick buildings were erected, and Montgomery street, from Washington to Sacramento, on the west side, was built up almost entirely with substantial brick structures, intended to be fire-proof. During this summer the city began to stretch out into the bay. The houses were built on piles, and no attention was paid to filling in. As late as Septem- ber, goods from ship board were landed at high water, by lightersy in the store- houses on the east side of Montgomery street, near Jackson. When the tide favor- ed their operations, the sounds of labor and the voices of the workmen were heard all night along the margin of the bay. Vessels from all parts of the world continued to crowd into the harbor Weighted with passengers and merchandise. The bay was filled with noble sliips of all nations, and the storehouses were crammed to their utmost capacity. Unce arri- ving in port, it was next to impossible to get away ; for the crews almost invaria-' bly desQTted the first chance, and rushed to the mines. Many of the vessels were; dragged at high water into favorable situations and grounded, to be convested into storehouses. One of these, the Niantic, was converted into a large hotel, which took the name of the ship. It was burnt, together with many others, in the fire of Blay following.

In July, 1850, there were seven churches in the city, viz The First Baptist Church, Washington street, near Stockton The First Con- ; gregational Church, corner of Jackson and Virginia streets ; The First Presby- terian Church, occupying the superior court room, city hall ; Trinity Episcopal Church, corner Jackson and Powell streets; Grace Church, corner Powell and

Jackson streets ; The Methodist Episcopal Church, Powell street, near Washing-

ton ; and the Catholic Church, Vallejo street, near Dupont. On the 29th of August, the death of President Taylor was commemorated by a

iuneral procession : one remarkable feature of which was the appearance in the 17

procession of a largo body of Chinese, in national costnme. It was probably the

first procession ever witnessed in the limits of Christendom, of which that cm-ious people formed a prominent portion. From that time to the present, they have taken the same interest in all such public proceedings—several hundred of them at one time, sharing in our national demonstrations, with the banners, music, and other arrangements peculiar to themselves. And they have invariably proved to be, as a people, docile, sober and orderly, thus exhibiting the proper traits of good citizenship. Since that time, however, they are becoming more civilized and re- fined, by constant intercourse with the white population, and many have added drinking and gambling to their accomplishments.

On the morning of Sept. 17th, 1850, occurred the fourth great fire. It originated before day, in the Philadelphia House, a drinking establishment on the north side

of Jackson street, between Kearny and Dupont. Though the air was calm, it spread with amazing rapidity among amass of wooden buildings, crowded together, and ended by sweeping over almost the entire space bounded by Pacific, Mont- gomery, Washington and Dupont streets. There were no brick buildings to arrest its progress. About 150 houses were destroyed, and nearly half a million of pro-

perty. This fire was by some persons attributed to design, but it was most probably caused by the carelessness of a drunken lodger. So rapid was its out- break, that several persons lodging in the adjoining house, were glad to escape

with only a single garmeiii. ^ On the 18th of October,, 1850, the steamship Oregon arrived from Panama, bringing the glad tidings of the admission of California into the Union, which threw the citizens into a (Jelirium of joy. The most extravagant exhibibitions of delight were manifested through the evening and night, and public buildings, hotels, and many private houses were brilliantly illuminated. The admission was formally celebrated on the 30th of the month, by a grand procession, in which, as usual. Chinamen formed one of the most striking features—an oration on the Plaza, and a universal ball in the evening. On the 29th of October, the steamboat Sagamore exploded, while leaving the wharf for Stockton, killing some thirty or forty persons. Early on the morning of the 31st, a building adjoining the City Hospital, at the head of Clay street, was fired by an incendiary, and both those buildings destroy- ed. The hospital, then owned by Dr. Peter Smith, was filled with patients, many of whom were saved from the flames only by the most strenuous efforts of the fire- men and citizens. Several of the patients were badly burnt before they could ba rescued.

In October of this year. Malignant Cholera made its appearance, and reached its height in the latter part of November, the greatest number of deaths in one day not, at any time, exceeding ten or twelve. A Cholera Hospital was opened in

Broadway above Dupont street, and the most vigorous measures were adopted by the Board of Health to cleanse and purify the city. After a very lenient visitation, the scourge disappeared from our midst about the end of the year. On the evening of the 14th of December, a fire broke out in an iron building in Sacramento street, below Montgomery, and destroyed several large store-houses, 18 and property valued at 1,000,000 dollars. By the arduous efforts of the firemen and citizens, it was prevented from spreading in that rich and crowded district. The winter of 1850-51 was remarkably dry, scarcely any rain falling. It was the very reverse of the winter preceding. Extensive preparations had been made against wet, the principal streets being nicely covered with plank, and the roofs of storehouses secured from leakage. The " Old Californians " got .their long boots in readiness, but, though they mounted them every foggy morning, and strode through the streets in defiance of weather, the rain did not come. The sky was mostly cloudless, and the air mild and balmy. The constant and long continued inpouring of merchandise, from all quarters of the world, had by this time filled the market to repletion. In all parts of the State the storehouses were crammed with goods. There followed in the spring of 1851, a great depression of trade, with prices extremely low. Goods sold at auc- tion were mostly sacrificed, in many cases not bringing the first cost. This state

of things continued till the importations had greatly diminished in the latter part of the year, and the stock had been reduced by consum])tion and by fire. Coal sold as low as eight dollars a ton, flour ten dollars a barrel, and clothing was cheaper than in the Atlantic cities. At the second election under the City Charter, in April, 1851, the votes were

something over 5,920. C. J. Brenham was chosen Mayor, and R. H. Waller, Re- corder. The streets being now in good order, an enterprise was set on foot to light them at night. Lamps were placed in Montgomery street, by which that street was handsomely illuminated in the evening, and the work was going forward in other

streets, until it was arrested by another fire. Of all the conflagrations that have visited the city with ruin and devastation, that of May 1851, was by far the most important, both in regard to the loss of pro-

perty and the loss of life. It broke out on the evening of Saturday, the 3rd of the month, about 11 o'clock, in the upholstery establishment of Baker & Messerve situated on the south of the Plaza, adjoining the site of the present Post Ofiice building. A high wind was blowing from the west, and the flames soon began to spread towards the bay, with astonishing rapidity, extending at the same time northward and southward. The most desperate eflbrts to stay the fiery torrent were utterly powerless. The scene was awfully grand, beyond the force of lan-

guage to express. All night the fire continued to rage and to spread, until the morning sun rose on a city in ruins. The very heart of the city, the centre of

trade and business, was eaten out, leaving little else than the sparsely built out-

skirts. Innnense stores of valuable merchandize, filled nearly all the buildings in the track of the element. From l^earny to Battery street, and from California to

Pacific, scarcely a house was left. The substantial brick and iron structures, in tended to be fire-proof, melted away before the avalanche of flame. Fifteen en-

tire blocks were consumed, besides parts of several others. The extreme limits on the north and south were Broadway and Pine streets. But five of the brick build- ings on Montgomery street were left, and ten or twelve in oth(3r localities. Six

persons were in the iron building of Taafle

19 meiito and Montgomery streets, attempting to save it, when it took fire. They were unable to force open th^ doors, and all perished in the flames. Quite a num- ber of lives were lost in other parts, and many persons were badly burnt in rush- ing through the llames to make their escape. Three men were subsequently crushed to death by the falling of a wall in Montgomery street. Upwards of one thousand houses were consumed, mostly large store houses, filled with valuable merchandize. The amount of property destroyed was variously estimated at from seven to twelve millions of dollars. This fire, though by some ascribed, as.

usual, to design, is now generally charged to accident or carelessness. On the morning of the 22d of June wa^ the sixth great fire, which commenced about 11 o'clock, in Pacific street below Powell, during a high gale of wind from the west. It extended from Broadway on one sid^ to Washington on the other, crossing the latter street below Kearny, and reaching to Clay. Its eastern limit was Montgomery street. A portion of this district had just been rebuilt. Four or five hundred houses weie burnt, the larger proportion of which were small wooden tenements. Among the larger buildings destroyed were the City Hall, on the corner of Pacific and Kearny streets, the City Hospital, the Presbyterian

Church in Stockton street, the Alta California printing office, and the Jenny Lind Theatre. The old adobe building on the plaza, lately occupied as offices, also succumbed to this fire. It was formerly used as the Government House, and con- tinued to be employed for public uses, after the occupancy of the country by the Americans. It was once a favorite resort of large flocks of bldck birds, which re- tired to the Presidio on the increase of the human population. The last impor- tant event witnessed by the old adobe was the hanging of Jenkins by the Vigi- lance Committee, from the beam at the end of its portico, on the night of the 10th of June.

The fire of June destroyed about four hundred and fifty houses, and property valued at over two million dollars. Seven persons lost their lives—three of whom were burnt to death, two were shot by an officer while in the act of robbing, and two were beaten to death by a mob, on the charge of incendiarism and stealing.

One of the latter was an honest man who was assisting a friend to save his property. The extraordinary energies of the people were fully developed by these ruinous visitations. In a surprisingly brief period the burnt district was covered with new edifices, many of which were really fire-proof The efficacy of such buildings was fully tested in the last fire, which occurred on the ninth of November, 1852, originating on the fatal spot which had already given rise to two conflagrations Kearny street fronting the plaza. But for the intervention of the brick walls

which hemmed it in towards Montgomery and Washington streets, this wonld have proved as destructive as the former fires. About thirty wooden buildings were destroyed on Merchant and Clay streets, with a loss of property not much exceeding $100,000.

In the summer of 1851, the work of filling in the docks was carried c«i with great activity. The wharves had stretched out a great distance into the Bay, and

hundreds of wooden buildings had been erected on piles, in places lately occupied "


by shipping. A steam excavator^ better known as the " Steam Paddy," was set

to work on the sand hills in Happy Valley, back oif the Oriental Hotel, and the cars, laden with sand, ran on a railroad of descending grade along Battery street, depositing their freight from California to Clay street. The stagnant water which accumulated in the docks above the newly formed streets, became very offensive, giving rise to immense quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, which blackened the painted signs along Sansome and Battery streets so as to render many of them nearly illegible.

The first brick edifice constructed on the newly made soil, was the American Theatre, in Sansome, south of Sacramento street. The sub-stratum on which the sand had been deposited, consisting of soft, yielding mud, many doubts were ex-

pressed as to the safety of the building. On the night of its opening, it was crowd- ed with people, whose weight occasioned the walls to sink one or two inches. But as the building stood firm, encouragement was given to proceed, and in a short time the foundations of many substantial brick storehouses were laid in the artifi- cial soil. By the summer of 1852, the bay section of the city was studded over with storehouses of solid masonry, which would have done credit to any city in the world. At the same time, similar buildings were erected in other quarters, pre- senting effectual barriers against the recurrence of such conflagrations as those of May and June, 1851. Meantime, Front and Davis streets had been laid out and partly built. Cali- fornia and Market streets were run out far beyond their intersection, the sand

hills of Happy Valley were literally almost leveled and cast into the sea, and the

rocky hills at Clark's point rent to pieces and subjected to the same fate. Foun- dries and workshops lined the bay shore to Rincon point, the heights at the point

began to exhibit spacious brick edifices, and the city was rapidly taking possession

of the other heights on the north and west. In fact, the year 1852 witnessed a greater progress in the substantial and permanent improvement of the city, than any previous year. • -. ^

£^^ The first City Directory was published by Charles P. Kimball, in Septem- pamphlet of pages, ber, 1850, in the form of a duodecimo 140 containing about i 2,500 names. The present Directory contains 9,000 names. The houses have been recently numbered, the numbers commencing at Market street, in the streets running north and south, and at the water front in the streets running east and west. The even numbers are on the east and north sides, and the odd numbers on the west and south sides. The numbers on each side of any; street correspond with each other—that is to say, No. 160 and 161 Clay street are about opposite, and so of other numbers and streets. Twenty-three feet eleven inches, or one-fourth of fifty varas, are allowed to each number.—For further information on this subject, the reader is referred to the Street Direc- tory, at the head of the Appendix. CONTENTS,

Advertisements. Title Page. Preface. Sketch of San Francisco. Table of Contents. Almanac. Map. Vignette. Names. Supplement. Index. Appendix. Advertisements. ALMANAC FOR 1852, '53.

NOVEMBER lias 30 Dayn. DECEMBKR has 31 Days.


Last Quarter, 4th day, 7h.21iii. uveiiini,'. Liist Qunrter, 4th day, 7h. 2m. morning.

New Moon, lllh Uny, llli. 2Iin. inorniiig. Now Moon, lOlh day, lOli. 12m. evening. First Quarter, IStU day, 9h. 7in. morning. First Quurlcr. 18th day, 3h. Itlm morning.

Full Moou, 2^111 day, Ih. Sim. eviiniii u;. Full Moou, 2Gth day, 7h. 50m. morning.


.Monday U0 5 8 34 1 Wednesday 9 I Tuesday 20 5 9 2 2 Thursday 10 1 present greatly increased Wednesday 215 10 3 Friday 11 2 Burgess, Gilbert k Still 2 Thursday 22 5 11 25 4 Siiturday mo? Friday 2315 4lnioru 5 .-SUNDAY Saturday 245 3 2- Mondny facilities for publishing, 5

JAIVUARY has 31 Days. FEBRUARY has 28 Days.

MOON'S PHASES. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter, 2d day, 4h. 47in. evening. Last Quarter, 1st day. Oh. 54m. morning. New Moon, 9th day, .lOh. 46m. morniug. New Moon, 8th day, Oh. 27m. morning. First Quarter, 17tb, day Oh. 22m. morning, First Quarter, 15lh day, lOh. 5m. evening. Full Moon, 25th day. Oh. 36m. morning Full Moon, 23d day, 2h. 17m. evening.

MISCELLANEOUS. D 1 Days of MISCELLANEOUS. Sim San Moon AI Week. rises seta rifes '

1 Saturday 7 23 4 45|ll 22 1 ; Tuesday 32 2 SUNDAY 7 23 4 46 morn 2] Wednesday Attk.ntion 1 39 3 .Monday Dealers in Cheap Lilcra'.ure 9 27 Particular of 3 Thursday 2 47 4iTuesday 7 23'4 48 4 Friday 3 K. 5] Wednesday 2314 49 " 5p=aturday every branch 4 .56 6,Thursday 7 23 4 50 Agents, Postmasters, etc. CSUNDAY 5 5:2 7 1 Friday 2314 51 7 1 Monday seU. 8 Saliirday 7 5i3 4 521 6 s'Tuesday Of the Trade 6 12 9;SUNDAY 7 22:4 53 sets, 9i Wednesday 7 13 24 22 10 Monday 54 6 lolThursday 81S 11 Tuesday "'''^ promptitude and dispatch 214 55 7 27 11 'Friday to their own 9 » 12iw



Upon the plan of the Savings Banks in the Atlantic States and Europe.


Ai-e exclusively confined to dealing iu &m mi^m sniw iiiiv iiiiSH^ieisi» ilAFTS IN SUMS TO SUIT,—Foil SALE OX

Metropolitan F?ank, New York. Exchange Bank, ------Boston. Canal Bank, ------New Orleans. Bank of the State of South Carolina, - Charleston.

And upon every principal city and town ini tlic Atlantic States. Our facilities and arrangements are better and more perfect than any other house in California.

Jirom iUertljants anlr oi\)tx business mm, rcsjjcctfullg soUcitelr. MONEY, DUST AND VALUABLES,

Received upon Special IJeposit.

l-'rom sunrise to sunset and Saturday evenings ttll 9 o'clock for the

rcommodation of mechanics, laborers, and those whose engagements

10 vent them from attending during the day- .TOHN R. ROBINSON, T. !. SflHTH. ROBINSON & CO. m —

i.'^^ t^-^^* -"^ ^^ y\ ^\^, \^ "> A ^

b Port Offirf ^

E r 1 .vU i F 111! ' o IV" H mmm ^^^ ^ ft Dmsiou of Wards. ADAMS & CO.,


Cor. Montgomsrf md California Sts.


(Bii\)tt Special ox General.

Highest Market Price for

§i T? TP [\ MEM@


i»j-. oxiXj:E3.



badie Jose, laborer, Clarks point AdanJS L. carman, 62 Front, badie Louis, barber, 1 09 Commercial Adams Paul, grocer, 7 Battery bbott John, laborer, 121 Pine Adams R. B. printer, 272 Montgomery bbott J. L. laborer, 19 Battery Adams Samuel, druggist, 222 Clay bbott Wm. laborer, 47 Pine Adams T. blacksmith, 15 Broadway bby Davis, boards, 180 Sansome Adams Theo. contractor, 91 Jackson, h beil A. G. overseer pub bgs 137 Mont 333 Powell brams Morris, tailor, 115 Jackson Adams Wm H. boards 180 Sansome .brams M. & co. mer tailors, 200 Keary Adams & co. Express, 99 Montgomery braham J. watchmaker, 59 Keaniy Adams & Smiley, architects and builders braham*J. clothier, 85 Commercial 91 Jackson braham P. clothing, 108 Commercial Adelphi Theatre, Dupont n Clay Lbraham P. & co. clothing, 108 Com'l Adelsdorfifer Jacob, waiter, 59 Kear ibrahanson Peter, tinman, 139 Kearny Adelsdorfer Z. com merchant, 113 Sac ibran J. clothier, 83 Commercial Adelsdorfer Jos. merchant, 131 California Lbran J. & co. clothiers, 83 Com'l Adelsdorfer Ed merchant, 131 California Lchette Henri, Belgian consul, 373 Powel Adelsdorfer Bro. com merchants, 131 Cal ^cheong, laundr}^, 124 Sacramento Adelsdorfer & Newstadter, com merch'ts

Ichoy, Chinese mercht, 171 Dupont - 113 Sacramento \.cker R. baker, Beale n Folsom Adelsdorfer Jacob, waiter, 59 Kearny ^ckerman John, contractor, 112 Mont Aders F. liquors, 70 Battery A^ckley J. T. stoves, 88 Clay Adley H. Painter, 313 Powell A.ckley & CO. stoves, 88 Clay Adorns M. laborer, Clarks point A.costa N. P. laborer, Cla.iks point Adolf Jacob, laundry, 394 Powell A.dalbert Mde, actress, 331 Stockton Adour Tules, clerk,''l47 Clay Adams A. L. merchant, 35 Pine Adorf R. groceries, 109 Kearny Adams B. merchant, boards 29 Pike Adrain Wm ship chandl'}'-, 89 Front Adams B. T. 180 Sansome Adrian & Story, ship chand'ly, 89 Front Adams Caleb, boards, 180 Sansome Afau, China goods, 176 Sacramento j Adams G. Frank, banker, cor long w &San Agnew J. printer, 127 Sacramento Adams Frank, merchant, 129 Jackson Agnew John, mechanic, 134 Montgomery Adams J. waiter, 112 Montgomery Agnew Samuel, blacksmith, 129 Clay I Adams H. foundryman, Kan, Chinese merchant, 182 Sac 69 First \ Ah Adams J. blacksmith, 91 Kearny Ahoy, laundry, 165 Sansome j Adams James, poUceman, 244 Dupont Aiken George, consul, 104 Front I H B M Adams Joseph, Guager, 347 Stockton I Aiken Jas. market, 184 Sansome Adams Jos. hquors. Battery, Clarks'pointj Aiken Jas. market, 104 Pacific Adams Jas. Jr, guager, basement Aikken boiler maker, Vul. cus h j Sam. Foundry Adams J. H. soda water manufacter, 384 Aitken Joseph, merchant, 67 California Stockton I Aitken Stilwell & co. com mer. 67 Cal :


Aimer Robert, grocers, Vallejo n Stockn i Almy M. B. clerk, 65 Jack Ainsa Augustin, 64 Sac Almy A. J. drugs, 125 Sansome

Ainsa Manuel, sen. ()4 Sacramento 1 Alney J. drayman, 41 Sansome Ainsa Manuel, jr. 64 Sacramento Alsop & CO. merchants, 111 & 113 Cal

j Ainsa & Sons, com mercli, 64 Sacramento Alsua M. 138 Jack Aki, China merchant, 180 Sacramento Alta Foundry, Market Square, facing Bi

j Akerson James, labor*, 161 Sansome Alta Newspaper, Brenhan Place, c Was |

Albion Saloon, 52 Broadway I Alvesa Josepha, liquors, 167 Jackson Albright H. J. clerk, 85 Sansome Amasy H. J. lumber, 27 Battery ! Alden D. hack driver, 73 Kearney Ambrose G. clerk, 41 Pacific Alden D. W. blacksmith, 31 Sansome Ames D. furniture, 145 Sacramento Alden S. E. coifee saloo||. 76 Com Ames Geo. H. clerk, 163 Front Alderman capt Jas. h Beale n Harrison Ames HenrVj stevedore, Minna n First Aldrich Lorena, dress maker, 242 Clay American Theatre, Sansome c Halleck Aldrich E. S. physician, 99 Merchant Amory C. G. sail maker, 57 Front Aldrich & Mott, physicians, 99 Merchant Amory Peter, laborer, Sidney Valley Aldridge Hugh, mason, Sidney valley Amory Wm. H. pressman, 88 Broadway Alexander Caroline, saloon, 121 Kearney Amory & Oat, sail loft, 57 Front | Alexander D. cigar importer, 72 Battery Amos Zach. furniture, 25 Bush Alexander M. clothing, 55^ Pacific Amos Wm. pilot office, Cunningham's Alexander M. fancy goods, 78 Kearney Wharf Alexander EU, fancy goods, 78 Kearney Amos & CO. furniture, 25 Bush Alexander Isaac, jeweller, 130 Mont Andariese Ed. auctioiieer, 92 Sansome Alexander Julius, clothing, 65J Pacific Anderson A. asso. justice, supreme court Alexander J. D. engineer, 142 Com Anderson Chas. mason, 112 Momt Alexander & co. clothing, 651 Pacific Anderson Chas. (col'd) barber, 89 Keai Alexander & Friedman, cigars, 72 Bat Anderson David, 137 California Alers A. drugs, 223 Dupont Anderson Edward, lodgers, 186 Sansome Algro Thos. painter, 98 Broadway Anderson J. ship carpenter, 61 First Allaire F. R. real estate, Rin pt n Beale Anderson John, banker, 118 Mont Allan Geo. T. com merchant 145 Clay Anderson James, laborer, 15 Sansome Allan, McKinlay, Lowe k co. 145 Clay Anderson S. G. importer liquors, 85 San AUcot Geo. B. 53 Com Anderson Wm. blacksmith, 89 Pine Allen A. S. billiards, 108 Montgomery Anderson Wm. stone yard, 121 Pine Allen B. commission merchant, 278 Jack Anderson Wm H. blacksmith, 129 Clay Allen E. carpenter, 27 Sansome Anderson S. G. & co. imps Hqrs, 85 San Allen H. A. ag't V. I. L. bds 6 Battery AndreAvs A. printer, 186 Montgomery Allen Isaac, (col'd) cook, 152 Pacific Andrews C. B. stone yard, 121 Pine Allen Jas. Rincon Pomt Andrews Henry, laborer, Sidney Valley Allen J. P. merchant, 55 Front Andrews John, painter, 45^ Pine Allen James P. clerk, 66 Battery Andrews Wm. stone yard, 121 Pine Allen S. H. merchandize broker, 172 San Andrews & co. Pioneer Stone Yard, 1211 Allen Rob't. Maj. Q. M. U. S. A. 49 Pac Pine Allen William, teamster, 205 Mont Andornette J. grocer, 224 Kearney Allen William, Rincon Point. Andunse Placide, saloon, 209^- Dupont Allen & Parker, biUiards, 108 Mont Angelis E. roofer, 392 Powell AUers A. & co. druggists, 223 Dupont Anger St. B. cigars, 122 California Alley T. H. laborer, 52 Broadway Angle M. B. physician, 200 Clay Allford A. S. 90 Pine Angney W. C. trader, 274 Stockton Allovon G. D. 277 Jackson Annan W. C. merchant, 88 California Allin S. N. painter, 44 Sansome Annan, Talmage & co. com merchants, Allien Ber'd, examiner, app store, 102 Cal 89S Powell Allington B. jr. stone cutter, 221 Stock Annis Wm. merchant, 16 Battery Ali, Chinese boarding house, 182 Pacific Annis, Craig & co. com mers, 16 Battery ANS 33 BAG

Ansteen Jos. laborer, Sidney Valley Attoy A. board'g h 34 «fc 36 Pike A.nson J. boarding, Battery, Clark's Pt Atwater Wm. laundrynian, 40 Clay A.nshel L. tailor, Cunningham's Wharf Atwood Jabez, Rincon Point Anthony Chas. J. carpenter, Sid A^'alley Atwill J. F. music dealer. Plaza Anthony J. imp, 72 Pacific Atvvell H. laborer, 76 Pacific Appelatillo C. saloon, 350 Stockton Atwill (fc Co. music store old P. O. build- ipple A. clothing, 29 Commercial ing, Plaza. Pierre, restaurant, 294 Stock Apple A. clothing, 14 Com Aubineaud &. Desvarenne, restaurant, Appleton G. clerk, Harrison n Beale Aubineaud Stockton Appleton P. 211 Clay 294 Auer Joseph, tailor, 154 Clay Appraiser's Store, (U. S.) 100 k 102 Cal Aulick G. W. laborer, 344 Clay Arand J. laborer, 213 Dupont Austen Henry, sloves, 189 Mont Archer Charles, carpenter, 26 Front Austen Joseph, hardware, 47 Com. Archer H. stone cutter, 121 Pine Austen Robert, hardwore, 47 Com. Archer L. G. cigars, 34 Commercial Austin A. merchant, 133 Sac Archer J. H. hatter, 179 Clay Austin E. G. attorney at law, 1 59 Clay Archer Sam'l, waiter, 112 Montgomery Austin B. C. Val'jo & Moray's lane Archer & Schaefier, cigars, 34 Com Austin George T. clothier, 162 Clay Arrowsmith D. B. mer. Miss'n, cor. of 2nd Austin H. dentist, 136 Montgomery Arrowsmith D. B. com. mer. 6.5 Davis Austin Henry, stoves, 187 Mont. [Arroyo Jose, artiste, 300 Stockton Austin Henry, merch, 176 Dupont Argenti Felix, banker, 135 Montgomery H. A. dentist, 134 Clay Argenti & Co. bankers, 135 Mont. Austin Austin Henry S. merch, 74 Cala Argjras & Peat, com "merchs, 128 San Austin James W. ex'ng cl'k, U. S. app'rs Armer William, cigars, 152 Mont. store, 100 Cala Armstrong Irvine, liquors, 129 Front Co. dry goods 133 Sac Armstrong William M. 161 Front Austin 6o Austin &. Lobdell gents furnishing goods Armstrong W. clerk, 33 Sansome 162 Clay Armstrong W. clerk, P. (). Aveline Thomas, Butcher, 57 Kear Armington Henry, carman, 41 Sansome H. G., tinman, 22 Sac Arnold F. machinist, 31 Pike Avery Avery Michael, laborer, Val'jo n Battery Arnold J. Wash. Baths, 180 Wash'n Avery Elihu, ship master, rear Wesley Arnold Wm. P. laborer, Sid. Val. Chapel Arnold J. & Co. W Baths, 180 Mont C. musician, 63 Kearny Arrington Wm. merch. 65 Jackson Avery Wm. Avery &. Cogswell, copper & sheet iron Arrington & Co. grocers, 65 Jackson workers, 22 Sac Arrison Thos. mariner, Val. near Battery Ayers J. C. brass founder, 136 Clay Artega F. trader, 37 Pike Ayers James, drayman 46 Cal Ashby & Bros. 130 Broadway T. drayman, Sid Val Asher John, wheelwright, 105 Kearny Ayers Wm. Chinese store, 1842 Sac Ashen M. clothing, 139 Front Ayong, la Jules, cooper, Clark's Point Ashmore Jas. trader, 3 Com. Aya Ashmore John, ranchero, 3 Com. Ashmore N. H. gardener, 3 Com. BAAR H. Grocer, 193 Pacific Ashton J. S. salesman, 229 Clay Babb & CO. manu soda water, 384 Stock Assion Joseph, tailor, 154 Clay Babbitt G. R. grain mill, 100 Pine Askell C. blacksmith, 76 Pacific Babcock C. clerk, 200 Clay Aspinwall Benj. h Val'jo ab'v Stockton Babcock F. A. Dr. druggist, 139 Jack Asten H. G. porter, 44 Clay Bache Chas. L. druggist, 213 Wash Atkinson J. H. merch bds 119 Cala. Bache & Grotjan, druggist, 213 Wash Atkinson Wm. carpenter, rear 80 Pine Bachmann Chas. painter, 78 Pac j Atlantic House, 181 Pacific I Backus P. M. auctioneer, 109 Cal Atong, fisherman, 180 Sac Backus W. W. auctioneer, 84 Cal Attleboro B. C. carpenter, 37^ Sans Backus & Harrison, auQ & com 109 Cal Attard L. liquors, 19 Com. I Bacon J. merchant, 117 Pine BAG 34 BAR

Bacon J. C. hardware, 79 Cal Ball Wm. laborer, Sid Val Bacon R. H. hardware, 135 Cal Bailey W. J. merch, 77 Jack Bacon W. H. mariner, 38 Webb Bame J. merch, 153 San Bacon T. H. & J. S. earthern ware, Bat Bance S. liquors, 177 Pac bet Pac & Jack Bancroft H. com merch, 51 Leids Badarous Camille, physician 24 Bandman Henry, imp, 48 Front Badt M. clerk, 83 Com Bandman Jul. com merch, 48 Front Baer S. P. cook, 12 First Bandman, Nielsen & co. com merchs, Bagg H. C. physician, 203 San Front Bagg Wm. ship carpenter, 51 Com Banks T. C. 145 Dupt Bagley, D. T. pub admin'tor, 127 Mont Bannan John, laborer, r 341 Dupt Bagwell Henry, laborer„Sid Val Bauns Isaac, saloon, 224 Dupt Bahnsen, i&rm of Correa & Bahnsen com Bannister John, laborer, 36 First mer. Bat c Clay Banton John Y. Clark's Pt Bailey E. J. boarding, 142 Miss Barbec R. coach mkr, 80 Kear Bailey J. B. pistol gallery, 159 Com Barbet Francis, Val n Dupt Baily J. H. grocer, 215 Pacific Barge Oflice, (U S) 193 Front Bailey Richard, mason, 229 Clay Barckhausen J. cigar dlr, 256 Dupt Bailey Mrs. saloon, 134 Kear Barclay G. R. ship merch, 31 Pac Bailey Orrin, J. P. Leidsd Barker A. H. flour merch, 50 Bat Bailey Wm. oil, 23 Bat Barker C. D. Mercantile hotel Bailey Wm. Frankhn hotel, 182 San Barker Charles, mason, 278 Jack Bailey W. P. market, Val n Bat Barker C. N. master steamer Sophie Bailey Wm. H. clerk, 176 Mont Barker E. R. clerk, 129 San Bailey & Gilbert, P. oil works, 23 & 25 Barker George, builder, 278 Dupt I Bat Barker James C. builder, 278 Dupt Bailly F. furniture, 207 Sac Barker L. com merch, 140 San

Bainbridge Henry, clerk, 113 Bat Barker L. & co. com merch, 140 San j Baird J. H. clerk, steamer Sophie Barker & Paddock, flour & grain, 50 Bat' Baker David, imp boots & shoes, 117 Sac Bavnart B. crockery, Dupt n Fil Baker E. D. att'y at law, 90 Mer Barnard J. C. ship mstr, Beale n Har Baker E. G. stoves, 163 Front Barnard E. jeweller, 60 Com Baker Frank, upholester, 181 Clay Barnes Ed. ship master, Dupt n Fil Baker G. A. N A Hotel, 40 Sac Barnes Mrs. E. boarding, Duptn Fil Baker Geo. W. recorder, 244 Dupt Barnes Isaac, grocer, 224 Dupt Baker Henry, clothier, 41i Pac Barnes John, att'y at law, Mark n Fii-st Baker John, laborer, 316 Dupt Barnes Wm. A. att'y at law, Mark n First Baker Jas. G. ship's office, 26 Drum Barnett David, jcAveller, 29 Merch Baker M. upholester, 181 Clay Baruett E. watch mkr, 60i Com Baker M. P. Franklin house Barnett H. furnishing store, 144 Mont Baker S. imp boots k shoes, 117 Sac Barnet James, laborer, Valejo n Bat Baker & co. stoves, 163 Front Barney R. h Valejo n Dupt Baker S. & co. boots & shoes, 117 Sac Barnum Asa, teamster, 26 First Bakke Maraquito, saloon, 210 Kear Barr James E, produce, 110 Com Balch S. M. bar, 169 San Barra E J, hay and grain, 113 Pine Baldwin A. R. mdz broker, 84 Clay Barraws Chas, policeman, 31 Pike Baldwin B. bookbinder, 173 Wash Barrere Francois, cabinet mkr, Dupt n F3 Baldwin E. engraver, 152 Wash Barrere Francois, carpenter, 300 Powell Baldwin E. F. Osceola house, 20 Com Barrett James, bdlg, 44 B way Baldwin H. S. physician, 124 Clay Barrett Samuel, Jeweller, 161 Clay. Baldwin W. J. inv clerk, custom house Barrett & Sherwood, jewellers, 161 Clay

Baldwin Mrs. teacher pubhc school, 234 i Barretta Peter, machinist, 36 First Dupont I Barrey Wm, boarding h 222 Mont Balerni Thos. porter, Griffin's Whf Barreyatt P laborer. Stock n Greenwich I BAR 35 BEL

Barms Chas, L insp licenses. City Hall Bayley H. P. crokery dlr, 176 Mont Barron J D, baker, 313 Dupont Beale Thos. broker,- 95 Jack Barron P. baker, 313 Dupont Beale Thomas & co, brokers, 95 Jack Afs, Mont Barron W E,Mex Vice Consul, 92 Merch Beale E. F. U S Sup Ind 123 Barrows S E, com mer, 167 Front Beals H. C. merch, 252 Pow Bat Barry James, blacksmith, 152 Cala Beals James, com merch, 96 Samuel, carpenter, 183 Com Barry James W, clerk, 76 Cala Bean Bearsley Lewis, clerk, 164 Mont Barry T. A. liquors, 116 Mont, h 233 G. 142 Wash Powell, Beatly Samuel Beauchamps, pressman, 127 Sac Barry P, atty at law, Cal Ex, h 301 Beauchamps Leon, tinman, 179 Com Pacific Beauchamps & Rimieburg, tinmen, 179 Barry & Patten, billiards, 116 Mont Commercial Bartlett Erastus, ship master, 41 Drum Beaurepaire C. vet. surgeon, 323 Dupt Bartlett Earle, att'y at law, 123 Mont Beaver Geo. merch, 44 Minna Bartlett C. att'y at law, 123 Mont Bee B. 345 Stockton Bartlett W. publisher, 160 Mont Bechtle F. baker, Val bet Stock & Pow Bartol A. alderman, 159 Mont Beck Adol. G. merch, 154 Mis Baruch B. cigars, I9h Com Beck D. L. com merch, 127 Jack Baskett M. liquors, 203 Pac Beck Jos. P. grocer, 223 Pac Basse Thos. grocer, 25 San Beck & Elam, com merchs, 127 Jack Basse & Jansen, grocers, 25 San Beckh G. W. att'y at law, 159 Clay Bassett Abner, stone cutter, 234 Pow Beideman J. C. produce, 96 Front Bassett Alfier, stone cutter, 234 Pow Beers H. J. merch, 128 Jack Bassett Chas. printer, 190 Mis Beers J. dentist, 134 Mont Bassett Joseph, merch, 75 Jack Beers J. B. physician, 186 Stock Bassett Nat'l, boarding, 34 Webb Begin Joseph, meat stalls 9 & 11, Pacific Bassford J. K. druggs, 194 Wash Market, Clay Baston H. J. ship carpenter, Rin Pt Behan Thomas, 298 Pac Baston Nathan, ship carp, Rin Pt Behee Jacob, blacksmith, 148 Pac Batchelder Jas. stone cutter, 36 First Beicharden James, 36 First Bates A. B. 299 Clay Bein John, blacksmith, Alta Foundry Bateson Alex. 229 Clay Bein William, laborer, 142 Com Battelle T. K. P club house, 130 Mont Beisco G. clerk, 184 Kear Batturs E. T. grocer, 266 Dupt Beldarino Josepha, 185 Stock Battles Wm. H. com merch, 37 Bat Beldarino Mariana, 185 Stock Baudichon E. fancy good, 187 Wash Belden T. ship carpenter, Frem n Har Bauer Chas. gunsmith, 212.V Wash Belfour Charles, saloon, 172 Clay Baugh Daniel, pliysician, 252 Wash Bell Charles E. oil, 87 Mont Baugh T. E. mer ex, 121 Sac Bell Ed. ins cus, cus house, 197 Wash Baum Chas. custom house broker, 187 hardware, 121 Mont Kearny Bell James, imp Bell James, clerk, 116 Bat Baum Joseph, fruit, 2 Merch Bell J. C. upholester, 202 Clay Baumann H. cigars, 195.^ Kear Bell H. barber, Merch Brunner L. jeweller, 117|^ Mont J. 115i Lucius, grocer, 89 Cal Brunner &. Weber, jewelfer, 117^ Mont Bell Bell P. baker, 98 Bush Baumfreund David, ctothing, 94. Mont Baush Jacob, imp hardwareT 100 Bat Bell Patrick, baker, 98 Bush St. hotel 191 Dupt Baux J. B. fancy dry goods, 260 Dupt Belleau E. Frances Baxter Wm. H. 76 Cal Bclllemcre Amedee, barber, 501^ Com Bellemere Louis, barber, 50i Com Baxter J. com merch. Si Front j Baxter James, 2 Bat Bellew Z. bar, 66 Front Bay Hotel, Cunningham's Whf Belloc Frenee, French imp, 147 Clay ' Bayer Martin, 162 Mont Belloc, Freres & Descau, French imp'rs, Bayerquc J. 13. com merch, 134 Clay X47Clay 1 Hayless T. J. express, Cal Ex Bclloni Chas. clerk, 127 San BEM BLA

Bemis Alpheus, blacksmith, Val n Stock Bert E. G. Phil house, 133 Pine Bemis Jos. drayman, Bat n Greene Bert 4' CO. Phil house, 133 Pine Benchley L. B. merch, 62 Bat Berthelot J. F. auctioneer, 112 San Benchley & co. merchs, 62 Bat Berthelot &, Shearer, auc & com, 112 San Benarie J. cigars, 80 Pac Bertody, physician, 225 Wash Benden Josiah, brick layer, Min n Sec Berwin Aaron, clothing, 153 Com Benedict Russell, clerk, 302 Stock Berwin Henry, clothing, 153 Com Benhajon J. cigars, 19^ Com Berwing P. clothing, 87 Com Benjamin Albion B. mach, 100 Pine Boston Thos. boarding, Bat & Clk's Pt Benjamin E. B. merch, 73 Bat Bevan George, liv stable, 84 Kear Bevan Isaac, steward, 35 Pac Benjamin Jos. resturant, 137 Kear Bevan Isaac, att'y, 399 Pow Benjamin S. auctioneer, 278 Jack Bevan George &. co. liv stable, 84 Kear Benjamin W. R. dry goods, 155i Kear Beziade J. tailor, 284 Dupt Bennett F. C. produce, 72 Jack Biays John M. liquors, 82 Bat Bennett G. L. tinman, 150 Clay Biays & Shipley, liquors, 82 Bat Bennett N. coffee stand, 27 Com Bichara N. porter. 133 Front Bennett R. H. merch, 129 Jack Bickei C. boarding house, 59 Kear Bennett Wm. surveyor, 90 Pac Bickham W. D. Ed Eve Journal, 158 Bennett Wm. fireman, Pow n Filbert Montgomery Benson W. H. carman. Bat n Green Bidan P. proprietor, 232 Dupt Bepaume F. fancy goods, 152 Kear Bidleman, J. B. wines & liqrs, 186 Mont Berans Jnho, Nuevo Mundo, 203 & 205 Bidleman &. co. wines

Black Wm, lithographer, 88 B'way Blumhardt W. F. watchmkr, 163^ Wash Blackhnrn N. S. Tehama Hotel Bluxum Isaac, coal, 154 Front Clackbiirn Wm. lumber dlr, 22 Battery Bluxome J. D. deputy guager, 314 Stock Blackburn &. Thompson, 22 Battery Bluxome jr. J. coal mer foot Jackson Blackmore Thos. board'g, Beal n Fols'm Boardman E. L. hardware, 79 Cal Blackstone, N. flour mills. 44 Sacramen. Boardman Jos. architect, 229 Clay Blackstone W. com mer, 44 Sac Boardman W. F. hardware, 79 Cal. Blackwood Wm. elk, 133 Front Boardman, Bacon &. Co. hardware,79 Cal Blackwood Wm. book-keeper, 66 Jack'n Bock A. G. translator Spanish, 116 Mont Blair Ed. merch, h 13 Pike Bock Lewis, clothing, 73 Mont Blair J. agt Sut'rs Iron wks, 44 Sac Bodekar B. musician, 284 Dupt Blair James, merch, 257 Stockton Bodenheim M. clotheir, 164 Wash Blake Alfred, carpenter, 157 Mont Bodenheim & Haas, clothier, 164 Wash Blake C. F. auctioneer, 85 Com Bofer Wm. & Co. hardwarre, 128 Sac Blake G. merch, 176 Dupont Bogart D, laborer, Sidney Valley Blake, George, oysterman, 148 Mont Bogart D. clerk, 50i Com Blake George, ship'g office, 1 1 Com Bogart O. H. drugs, 20 Sac Blake Geo. M. merch, 72 Cala - Bogart & Clark, drugs, 20 Sac Blake G. W. oyster stand 103 Com Bohen G. T. bricklayer, r 306 Pac Blake P. ship master, 4 Com Boile A. grocer, 312 Dupt Blake S. J. sewing fact'y, 17 Leidsdff Boire Louis, grocer, 184 Wash Blake


Borle Auguste, grocer, 312 Dupont Bowman B. boots and shoes, 109 Mont Boring Rev J. pastor Wes Chapel, 270 Bowman C C, wine merchant, 66 Pacific Powell Bowman James, clerk com funded debt, Bornemann F. gent, 241 Washington City Hall Boruck Marcus D. entry clerk c h, 197 Bowman Jas W. enginr str Kate Kearny Wash Bowman Jos. merchant, 178 Bush Boschulte T. com mer, 187 San Bowman ^ Co. wine merchants, QQ Pacific Boschulte ^ Broderson. 187 Sansome Bowman S. P. livery stable, 133 Kearny Bosqui Ed A. clerk, 185 Kearny Boyce John, laborer, Folsom n Beale Bossange Leopold, agt, 148Wash Boyd Alex, merchant, 37 Webb Bostwick Dr. physician, Tehama Hotel, Boyd James, Att'y at law, 37 Webb Sansome Boyd Joseph, baker, 139 Mission Bostwick H A. tinsmith, 122 San Boyd Oscar H. hat emporium, 152-154 Bostwick Jas, liquors. Battery n Cun- Commercial ningham's wharf Boyd W J. St. Frances Hall, elk 188 Clay surgeon. 54 Broadway Boswood T W. Boyd Wm. porter house, 136 Mission at law, 139 Com, h 228 Batts C T. atty Boyden Asa, agent, 37 Webb Stockton Boyden J. carpenter, 114 Bush Botts G F. atty at law, 139 Com Boyle A. A. clothier, 31 Commercial Bouard A. cook, 155 Dupont Boyle Francis, blacksmith, 160 California Bouchard Francois, laundry, 203 Stock Boyle James, hotel, 73 Montgomery Bouchard H. boarding, 71 Kearny Boyne L. 184 Washington Boucher V. barber, 60 Pacific Boyrean Clement, clerk, 178 Montgomery Boudin F. baker, 319 Dupt Brace A. K. oyster dealer, N. W. Market Bouffe Ernest, grocer, 290 Dupont Clay Bouillard Jos, billiard saloon, 159 Kear Braciena Antone, 167 Pacific Boulden W S, merchant, 147 Front Brackett market, 12 Sacramento Boung G. Rassette House Wm. H. 98 Sansome Bonnet Andre, restaurant, 251 Dupt Bradford A. Bradford E. C. clerk, 145 Kearny Bourdin J. fancy goods, 260 Dupt Bourdin Jean, wheelwright, 293 Stock Bradford E. H. clerk, 145 Kearny Bourdin 4* Co. fancy goods, 260 Dupt Bradford E. W. liquors, 6 First Bourel Joseph, boot and shoe dealer, 219 Bradford J. H. blacksmith, 31 Pike Jackson Bradford G. B. lumber merchant, 56 First Bouret E. carpenter, 313 Dupont Bradford Thomas, clerk, 146 Washington Bourguin Chas. dentist, 200 Sac Bradford Thos. P. laborer, Sydney Valley, Bourman B. boots and shoes, 109 Mont Clarks' Point Bradford Ladd, auction saloon, Bourne Russell, grocer, 11 Com (.f 98 San Bourne John, clerk, 190 Mission Bradish Mich, lab, Sydney valley, Clk's pt Bourn Wm B. com broker, 68 Front Bradlee J. H. clerk, 86 California Bouton G H, merchant, 62 Cal, h 128 Bradley Charles, boards 6 Battery Broadway Bradley H.W. daguerrian rooms, 197 Clay Bovee W H. stm coffee mills, Broadway Bradley John, clothing, 17 Commercial n Stockton, office 1 23 Sansome Bradley Jabez, boards 180 Sansome Bowden Miss, dress maker, 216 Clay Bradshaw J. A, merchant, 152 Pacific Bowen Elizabeth, dress maker, 153 Com Bradshaw S. C. grocer, 77 California Bowen 4* Despo, hotel, 221 Sac grocers, Bradshaw


Brown G H. barber, 113 Merchant Bryant G W. bath & dressing saloon, Brown Harvey, atty at law, 159 Clay 174 Washington Brown Henry, cook, 78 Pacific Bryant J J. Niantic, 124 Clay Brown H D. hotel, 1 1 1 L'ront Bryant Robt. agent, 53 Coml Brown H S. wholesale grocer, 74 Wash Bryant S. real estate, 221 Stockton Brown Jas. sail maker, 21 Coml Bryant Wm. J. (). barber 107i Sansome Brown Jas. carpenter, Alta Foundry B^ant W T. agric. warehse, 80-82 Cala Brown John, 183 California Bryant k co, R, intcl. office, 53 com'I John, tailor, Brown 170 Clay Brj^ant

Burlieu E N. upholsterer, 133 Jack Cady Rose, laundry, Wash near Stock Burlieu & Moore, upholsterers, 133 Jack Cady Wm. mariners, Battery cor Cnn'g's Burling Wra. com mer, cor Battery and Wharf Ilalleck, h 159 Stockton Cafe D'Orleans, 108 Mont.

Burling & Hill, com mor, cor Bat ^j- Hal Cafe du Theatre, 199 Dupont Buruell L B. Crescent city hotel, 109 San Cahn Aaron, b'd'g 53 Leidsd'tf Burnes A M. Tehama hotel Cahn Leopold, clothing, 75 Com Burnham Geo. laborer, 71 Battery Caire J. hardware, 178 Washington Burnham T D. market, 62 Pacific Caire & Long, hardware, 178 Wash Cala, lumber manf co. 1 62 Mont Burnham cf- Mann, market, 62 Pacific Burnett H. 36 First Cala, Exchange, Clay cor Kearney Burns Ed. merchant, 177 Dupont Caldwell W. W. clerk, 169 Chay Calef J. phys 89 San. h Harr n First Burr E W. grocer, 51 Front S. Cahsh L. clothing, 69 Pacific Burr J. carpenter, 26 First Calish, S. R. clothing, 81 Com Burr J E. laborer. Green n Battery Calish &. Co. clothing, 81 Com Burr T. agricul implements, 21 First Calish & Newman, clothing, 69 Pacific Burr & Co. agricul implements, 24 First Calkin M b'd'g, 220 Mont Burr, Mattoon & Co. grocers, 54 Front Callaghan John, laborer, 112 Pacific Burrage W. morchant, 121 California Callaghan Peter, laborer, 112 Pacific Burritt L H, brewer, 136 Pine Callender M. L. 202 Wash Burritt L S. atty at law, 135 Mont Callet L. C. clerk, Mark't st b'nd ware h Burroughs Dr. ]3hysician, Tehama hotel Callish L. tailor, 103 Mont Burrows Silas E. com mer, 147 Mont Camack Jos. stoves, 109 Sac Burrows & Sons, E. com mer, 147 bat Camaron A. blacksmith, 69 First Burt S E. carpenter, 31 Pike Cameron D. machinist, Folsom cor Beal Burton, carman, 113 Battery Cameron James, steward, 45 Pike E. laborer, Folsom n Beale Bush Camosi D. clerk, 184 Mont Bush Henry, flour merchant, 142 San Camp Albert, copper smith. 215 Jack'n P. physician, 81 Sansome Bush J Camp Rev. J. J. 229 Clay Bushel S. mason, 31 Pike Campbell A. Judge C of S, h 156 Mission Bussmami Henry, locksmith, 186i San Campbell Charles, com mer, 74 'ack. Butcnoss & Barr, grocers, 193 Pacific Campbell George, com mer, 67 Sac Butler A J. merchant, 181 Dupont Campbell John, mason, 293 Pacific Butler B F. Lithographer, 80 Broadway Campbell J. B. bar keeper, 163 Kear Buzards J K. Tehama hotel Campbell Michael, drayman, Vail n Bat Byrne Geo. mercantile hotel, Front n Pac Campbell Mich'l tailor, 234 Kear Byrne Ed. notary public, 150 Mont Campbell &. Peebles, com mer, 74 Jack Byrne H H. lawyer and dist atty, 90 Mer Campett H. mercli 229 Stockton Byrne J K. clerk, 265 Powell Camphield Phoenix, mason, 31 Pike Byrne Jas. boarding, 96 Kearny Campion Flore, barber, 99 Com Byrnes Jas. police officer, 244 Dupont Camisky John, liquors, 12{) Sac Byrne L M. grocer, 184 Kearney Canaus Manuel, saloon, 273 Dupont Byrne Mrs. boarding, 96 Kearny Cane, J. R. bricklayer, 306 Pacific Byrne Thomas, general broker, 56 Front Canfield A. W. clothing, 169 Clay Byrne W C. grocer, 265 Powell Cannard O. C. 316 Stockton Byrne & Hochkofiier, gen'l brokers, 56 Cannon Adam, Barnum Rest, M6 Com Front Cannon E. E. merchant 82 Clay «Z3 Cannos S. Battery Clk's Pt C ABBAN JOHN, butcher, 100 Com Cantor E. grocer, 82 Kear Cabbanniss J, C. Arcade, 1 58 Com Canton Tea Company, 118, 120 Kear Cadue Philip, stevedore, 10 Saiisoiie Cany Ed. agent, 170 Mission Cadue Hunter & Co. stevedores, 10 San Caperton John, dep sheriff. City Hall Cady Daniel, Washington near Stockton Capon Rev. J. W. 119 Pine, Cady H. W. barber, 200 Wash. Carcans Robt. fruit, 249 Dupont Cady M. Clerk, 80 Cala Cardriff F. porter, 74 Cala CAR 42 CHA

Card S. agent, 90 Front Carteron C. Rest't, 404 Stockton Cardazo I. N. attorney, 135 Mont Gary J. C. atty at law, 91 Mercht Carey J. W. CotFec Saloon, IGGi- Wash Gary R. D. bds Tehama H. Carlisle B. bar, 87 13'\vay Gary jr. T. J. merch 54 B. hrdwre, 99 San Casserly Eugene, atty, 137 Montgomery, Carpenter M. Wm. com mer 84 Sac h 179 Dupont Carpenter H. W. atty at law, 99 Mercht Casserly G W. capt police, 244 Dupont Carr Christopher, mercht, 94 Jackson Casson P. bookseller, 105 Montgomery Carr J. D. 124 Clay Casson & co, booksellers, 105 Mont Carriere Adolfe, mercht, 172 Bush Cassin Francis, grocer, 75 Montgomery Carriere Eugene, Polka, 161 Com Gate N H. carpenter, 224 Clay Carriere J. cooper, 41 Leidsdff Caton Geo. clerk, 43 Sansome Carriere Louis, candies 163 Com Caveillon A & co, imp liquors, 191 Sac Carriere Titus, laborer, 100 Com Cavellier E. office, 178 Montgomery Carrington Calvin, mercht, 153 San Caverly E. porter house, 189 Sansome Carrington R. R. 51 Davis Caye E. painter, rear 7 Pike Carrison Henry, mattrasses, 81 Pacific Cazneau Thos N. ins broker, 134 Cala Carrison H. upholster, 149 Sac Cecil R. clerk, Sansome Carrold, G. painter, 78 Pacific 112 laborer, 316 Powell Carroll James, dentist, 41 Pacif Cegan Michael, Carson John, laborer, Sid Valley Cepriam C. importer, 122 Sansome Carson S. W. mason, 76 Pacif Central house, 113-115 Merchant Careon W. L. mason, 76 Pacif Cerf J. crockery, 173 Montgomery Carston G. carpenter, 319 Dupont Cerf, Eger & co. 173 Montgomery Carswell Helen, bdg 235 Clay Chaine Ed. clerk, 178 Montgomery Carter Chas D. broker; 149 Battery Chaloner Wm. (colored) porter, 101 Cal Carter li C. baker, 160 Kear Chamberlain Jas. real estate, 179 Dupont^ Carter J, F, crockery Chambers David, banker, 101 Mont 119 Sans j Carter J. T. mercht, 65 Jackson Chambers J F A. hair dresser, 204 Wash Carter Jas. produce, 18-20 Pac mar James M. com. mer. 142 Wash 1 Chamois Carter M. bds Tehama House Chamois & co. 18-20 Pacific market

I Carter Paris, carman,std cor Sac Champaigne, produce, 14 market & San j N W Carter Sam'l P. Express, 114 Mont Chandler Chas. bds 269 Clay

I Carter W. hotel, 53 Mont Chandler J. 229 Clay

I Carter & Co. J. F. crockery, 119 Sans Chandler Jolm A. clerk, 126 Commercial

Carter & Fuller, com mer, 65 Jackson I Chandler L L. produce, 133 Clay §AN FRAN(5I8CO, CA) CHARLES L. HEISER, CHARLES L. CASE, THOMAS D. JOHNS. FLORENCE MAHONY,

Messks. CHAMBEES & HEISER, Nos, 3 and 5 Bridge Street,


Chandler W H. wood yrad, 194 Sac China Aming, laundry, 80 J Battery Chanfrau Henry, merchant, 13 Piko Childs E F. clerk, 85 Commercial Chapelle A Marias, real estate, 160 Mont Childs J T. carpenter, 276 Stockton Chapin Abel, produce, 110 Commercial Childs J C. waiter, 161 Front Chapin B M. produce, 110 Commercial Chipchaco N. cabinet maker, 188 Monfc Chapin Geo. produce, 110 Commercial Chipman C. cor Clay and Sansome Chapin Saml A. hardware, 127 Sansome Chipman J S. attorn ey-at-law, 161 Mont Chapin & Sawyer, hardware, 127 San Chipman Nelson, grocer, 11 Commercial Chapman C C. merchant, 184 Bush Chipman C k co. contractors, cor Clay k Chapman G W. bds 147 Sansome Sansome Chapman E. carriage trimmer, 160 Cal Chipman & Freelon, attorneys, 161 iSIont Chapman I L. blacksmith, 94 Pine Chipman, Bourne k co. grocers, 11 Coml Chappel Jacob, engineer, 334 Powell Choate D S. miller, 78 Pacific Chard N. real estate, Dupont n Filbert Choate G R. tinman, 122 Sansome Charlet, actor, Adelphi, h 408 Powell Choate k Bostwick, stoves, 122 Sansome Charpin Pierre, architect, cor Taylor and Chretien J. Candles, 313 Dupont Greenwich Christal Michael, merchant, 117 Jackson Charter Geo. trader, 130 Commercial Christal, Cornen k co. 117 Jackson Chartrue J B. shoemaker, 166^ Mont Christie S P. com mer, 8 Empire Block Chase F A. feedstore, 77 Pine Christy Jas. blacksmith, 176 Mission Chase Irene, saloon, 206 Kearny Christy S. merchant, 96 Jackson Chase L S. mercantile hotol. Front Church E W. banker, 184 Montgomery Chase M P. attorney, 140 Montgomery Church I S. bds Tehama Chase N P. bds Tehama Churchill A. carman. Battery cor Clay Cliase Robt* bds Tehama Churchward Jas. blacksmith, 36 First Chase Rufus, auctioneer, h 7 Pike ChurchAvard J. drayman, Cal Eng house Chase R P. physician, 377 Powell Christian R. silk dyer, 296 Sansome Chase Thos. drayman. Griffin's wharf Chyling, china mer, 188 Washington Chatru J B. shoemaker, 166^ Mont Cienza V. clerk, 314 Stockton Chaumond E. laborer, 213 Dupont Cipriani F. merchant, 122i California Chauncey D C. collector, 278 Jackson Cipriani Leonetto, Sard Consul, Sutter n Chauviteau F P. merchant. 149 Wash Dupont Chauviteau Hector, merchant, 149 Wash Cissna J C. merchant, 28 Commercial Chauviteau J J. agent under writers, Cissna k co. clothing, 28 Commercial France, 149 AVashington Clagg E H. auctioneer. 73 Battery Chauviteau & co. J J com mer, 149 Wash Clabamus J. meat, 10-12 Pacific market Chavance Adele, grocer, 263 Dupont Clapp Caleb, clerk, 153 Commercial Chazal P A. agent, 12 Sacramento Clapp M. builder, 278 Jackson Cheeny Geo A. clerk, 49 California Clapp Saml L. bowling, 109 Merchant Cheever H A, merchant, 64 Battery Clapp k Kimball, bowling, 109 Merch Cheever & co. H A com mer 64 Battery Clarick G. miner's exchange, 6 Com Cheminant A A. druggists 61 Kearny Clark Mrs. boarding, 42i First Chereaunee La Valle, widow, 120 Bush " A. dressmaker, 298 Pacific Chetwood John, atty at law, 127 Mont " Andrew, wood yard, Union c Dupt Chetwood, Rose & Edwards, attorneys at " C L. 206 Clay law, 157 Montgomery " E Z. auct k comission 96 Clay Cherry John W. painter, 222 Kearny " Hiram, attorney-at-law, h 164 Mis Cherry & Inkelheimer, painters, 222 " Hiram, com mer, 2 Sacramento Kearny " Hiram P. notary public, 135 Mont Chevalliar Fortune, painter, 156 Dupont " Henry, trader, 13 Minna Chevallier Lewis, boots and shoes, 126i " H C, aitorney-at-law, 135 Mont Kearny " J. attorney-at-law, 159 Clay Chick A C. Rassette House « J. 211 Clay Chief Engineer's Office, City HaH " Jas. bar, 97 Kearny " 6 John G. clerk post office CLA 44 COL

Clark J H. ship joiner, 36 First Cobb &. CO. nuc &, com mer, 63-67 Sac " J M. boards Tehama Cobourn Geo. teamster, 26 First " John R. machinist, 100 Pine Coburn Thos. tailor, 88 Battery " Jas S. livery stable, 99 Kearny Cochituate Baths, 57 Sansome " P B. hardware, 125i Sansorae Cochrill Christ, fmniture, 84 Mont " P G. daguerrean, 138 Montgomery C^ddinglon Wm H. butcher, 111 Kearny " R. architect, 152 Pacific C^dy John, ship carpenter, Fremont n " Wm G, furniture, 1 Battery Folsom " Wra H. attorney-at-law, 90 Merch Cody Michael, wine merchant, 200 Pac " Wm. laborer, Rincon pt n Horrison Coe Cyrus, shipjoiner, Rincon Point " Wm S. merchant, Clark's point Coffee G W. Verandah saloon, 182 Kear; Clarke E St Clair, insp cus U S barge Coffin E. ship master, 50 Minna office Coffin Gilbert, soda manftr, 384 Stock Jas. book-keeper, Clarke G M. furniture, 1 Battery Coffin 120 Mont Clarke John, mason, 140 Bush Coffin Rufus, shipping brokr, 145^ Front Coffin c5* CO. shipping brokrs, Clarke Jas H. boarding, 224 Stockton 145.^ Front Cogan Thos. messenger, 197 Wash Clarke Smythe, city treas. City Hall Cogen Richard, 239 Clay Clark & CO. P B hardware, 122J San Coggshell J. grocer, 8 Cala Clark k, Colegrove, Hvery, 99 Kearny Coghill J H. Tehama Hotel, Sansome Clark & Wheeler, attorneys, 90 Merchant Coghill A J. merchant, 115 Battery Clark, Taylor & Beckh, attys, 159 Clay Coghill Jas H. merchant, 115 Battery Classen J'M. engraver, 166 Clay Coghill Wm N. merchant, 115 Battery Classen Louis, saloon, 216 Jackson Coghill & CO. Jas H. merchts &, jobbers, Claussen Susan, washing, 53 Kearny " 115 Battery ClaussenE B. grocer, 143 Jackson Cogswell A G. laborer Bonded Ware- Claughley J A. pohceman, 244 Dupont house, Market st wharf Clay T H. carpenter, 24 First Cogswell H D. dentist, 209 Wash CJaytoa E D. clerk, custom house Cogswell J P. tin & sht iron wkr, 22 Sac " H C. clerk, 85 Commercial Cohan Henry, merchant, 148 Wash " H J. saloon, 148 Commercial Cohen Adolph, imp watches. 173^ Sans " John, butcher, 90 Pacific Cohen Alfred A. merchant, 154 Sans Cleary John, bar, 167 Montgomery Cohen Hermann, broker, 100 Battery Clement E B. Aveigher, U S custom house Cohen S. tailor, 270^ Dupont " Eliza, boarding, 239 Clay Cohn B. dry goods, 261^ Dnpont *• Joseph, dept co recorder, Merh Cohn John, gents' furnishing store, 177 Clemford J H. bar, 10 California Washington Clerk W F. druggist, 20 Sacramento Cohn Morris, imp tobac ^ segs, 159 Saa^ Cleurry John, harness maker, 67 Mont Cohn W. clothier, 71 Coml Cleveland D B. 20 Melius Cohn, Mayer & co. imptrs

Co\e (fc CO. J Q com mer, 65 Davis Cone Addis, tailor, 237 Dupont " &> Finney, dentists, 197 Clay Conker E. blacksmith, 110^ Front " & Nagle, shipiig office, 152^ Front Conklin J P. printer, 210 Wash '•

Cordier E. banker, 176 Montgomery Crane C H dentist, 189 Clay Cordes E C. importers, 91 Wash " J M. editor, 123 Montgomery " Steffens & co. impts, 91 Wash '• John, clerk C C, City Hall Cordora A bar, 203 Pacific Cranska Wm H. insp customs. 197 Wash Cords J J. grocer, 98 Kearny Crawford James, accountant, 104 Front Correa M A. 94 Baitery Crawley David, mechanic, 290 Pacific " & Bahnsen, com mer, Bat c Clay Creamer Aaron, barber, 152 Montgomery Corkin Thomas, blacksmith, 61 First Creigh J D. atty at law, 150 Mont CorneHus B. llassette House "• jr J D. 150 Montgomery Cornell A J. saloon, 89 Washington Creery Joshua J. surveyor. City Hall '• John V. artist & painter, 139 San Crew A H. clerk, 171 i Sansome Cornen Peter, merchant, 117 Jackson " A H. clerk, 160 Mont, h Dupont Corneps B F. grocer, 359 Powell " Wm. trader, Dupont n Filbert Cornish H C. (col'd) boot maker. 186 Crocker Joseph B. hatter, 179 Clay, h Washington 36 First Cornwell Benj. liquors, Market st whf Crockett J B. atty at law, 90 Merchant " J H. butter ^' eggs, 14 Pac mkt " 4* Wells, attys at law, 90 Mcht Coroner's office, 202 Sacramento Crolby John, bds 138 Mission Correll J J. furniture dealer; 212 Wash Crole Peter, laborer, Clark's Point Corrigan J P. com mer, 142 Mont Crogan Thomas, messenger, C H Corse Willis, bar, 219 Clay Croms H V. merchant, 160-162 San j W

Cost Col J A. naval officer, C H I Cromwell R G (col'd) barber, 132 Contl Costillo James, shipwright, 5 Drum Cronheim A. clothing, 83 Pacific

j Costello Jeremiah, butcher. 281 Dupont " & CO. clothing. S3 Pacific " M. bar, 125 Pacific Cronin Daniel, furnishing store, 159 Mont Cotter John, notary public, 162| Mont " & CO, furnishing store, 159 Mont

Couch Henry J. clerk, 1 95 Kearny Crooks John, butcher, 5 Commarcial Curtis Thos. com mer, 116 Cala, h cor " J B M. oil dealers, agents N Bed- Bush & Dupont foud oil CO., 96 Jackson Courts .John AV. clerk, 177 Clay Crooks W B. insp customs, h 229 Clay Covillard A. clerk, Post Office Crosby Chas W. com mer, 111 Bat Cowell J. merchant, 157 Sansome " \ EC. counsellor-at-law, 160 Clay " &- CO. merchants, 157 Sansome " H T. blacksmith, Clark's Point Turner, Cowing water-works, 90 Pine " Diblee & co, com mer, 111 Bat H. insp customs. Office CowperW Barge Crose Henry, orderly U S A. 31 Leids Henry, draper, Cox 224 Stockton Cross Alfred, com mer, 155 Battery " R M. clerk, 111 Commercial " Chas A. tailor, 199 Washington *• Sully, (col'd) liquors, 218 Kearny " cf CO, com mer, 155 Battery Cox CO. & A. (col'd) ren'v, 173.^ Wash. Crouch Jas, moulder, Mark st wharf Coxsetter L P. shipmaster, 334 Powell Crowe A. Uquor, 1551 Sacramento Coy A. hay & grain, 36 Sansome Crowell D C. discharging elk, 17 ComI " H C. 35 Sansome " E B. druggist, 151 Commercial " & CO. 33 Sansome jf CO, E B, druggists, 151 Coml - Craig Martha, milliner, 246 Clay " (} II. dentist, 24 Sansome " Peter, carpenter, 161 Battery Crown H. segar dealer, 64 Commercial " Thomas, cigars, 161 Kearny Crowther G T. liquors, 35 Leidsdorfif Craig (Annis C. & co.) Battery cor Pac Croxton Richard, bar, 52 Broadway Cramer Vincent, importer, 139 Sac , Crozier Martin, clerk, 185 Kearny " Rambach & co. impts, 139 Sac

Crummill John, butcher, 186 Jackson , Crandall J B. stage office, Cal Exchange, Cullons P. laborer, 76 Pacific h 32 Pike , Crandall Jos R. cabinet mkr. 145 Kearn Culver S M. hotel, 47 Pacific " Mosshier, hotel, Pacific , " Jos. fish stall, 26-28 Pac mkt & 47 S. carpenter, " & Jones, fish stalls, 26-28 Pac Culverwell 334 Powell

market Cummings G P. architect, 152 Mont ( CUM 47 DAV

Cumings H K. merchant, 73 Jackson Daly Jones, laborer, 35 Webb Cumings & Phillips, com mer, 73 J Jack Daly Patrick, waiter, Cunnghm's wharf Cummiskey John, liquors, 126 Sansome Daly Thos. waterman, Stock n Filbert Cuneff John, drayman, 316 Powell Dastas C. baker, 313 Dupont dresser, Cuiidell J T. shipping office, 2 Com Dam Alphonso, hair 57 Sansome \V. hair dresser, " & CO, shipping office, 2 Com Dam G 57 Sansome CuneH R. broker, 80 Battery Damson Ed. Rassette House George, Cunningham Grove, insp customs, Barge Damson Rassette House Dana A C. merchant, 115 Battery office Dana Frcd'k L. merchant, 115 Battery Cunningham John, cook, 35i Pacific Dana Henry F. merchant, 115 Battery Cunningham's wharf, bet Vallejo & Green Dana Julia, milliner, 184 Clay Cunon Adam, 146 Commercial Dana AVm A. merchant, 115 Battery Curell R. broker, 80 Battery Dana Bros & co. com mer, 115 Battery Currier C.^ blacksmith, 164 California Danfair, Thew &, co. liquors, 80 San Curry Chas. clerk, 55 Commercial Danglada D. Mexican goods, 169 Wash " S. carpenter, 262 Jackson Daniel Chas P. clerk, 127 Sansome Curtis H F. shipping mer, 15 Sac Daniels Jos, agent, 343 Powell " Jas F. ship chandlery, 38 Com Darby J. butcher, 98 Broadway " Jos R. assayer, 142 Commercial Darce Wm C. drayman, 73 Broad wny " Thos. merchant, 136 Bush Darlington A. trader, Harrison n Beale Curtis Spinney, shipping offi 15 Sac

Davis J E. mercyiant, 71 Battery De Lamarco Pablo, boarding, 7 Com " J H. drayman, 161 Front De La Montanya H. stoves, 141 Front " J P. trader, 131 Washington De La Montanya J L A. stoves, 141 Fro " J W. hardware, 94 Cahfornia De La Montanya M. stoves, 141 Front " L. jeweller, 228 Dupont De La Montagnie J E, lumber, foot Gala " M C. bdg Battery n Vallejo De La Montagnie S E. merchant, 160 Gal " N R. hardware, 94 Gala Delaney C McC. city atty, 137 Moftt " machinist, 69 First R. Delaney Michael, insp cus, barge office " R. drayman, Sansome c Pacific Delaney M. vet'ry surgeon, 252 Stockton " S. cabinet maker, 257 Clay Delanie H. 59 Kearny " shipmaster, 90 Pacific S. Delano Robt. caulker, Harrison n Spear " W. auctioneer, 60 Gala R D Delanue G F. upholsterer, 198 Dupont " Wm. liquors, 104 Sansome Delany Sam'l, laborer, 15 Sansome " Wm. liquors, 172 Coml Delavan John, pilot offi, Cunningham wh " Wm. H. laborer, 115 Kearny Delessert Eugene, banker, 176 Mont " Wm. carpenter, 42 Webb Delessert, Gordier & co, bankers, 176 " CO. hardware, 94 Galifornia (^ Montgomery " &. Oakley, liquors, 104 Saosome De Long Francis, hardware, 63 Battery " & Rollins, auc & com, 60 Gala " Jas. hardware, 63 Battery Davison A blacksmith, 129 Kearny " McNeil & CO, hardware, 63 Bat Davison L. clerk, 22 Commercial Delue B. confectioner, 162 Montgomery Dawson R B. merchant, 148 Sansome Demarest J D. physician, 99 Merchant Day John, carpenter, 26 First Dempster J. merchant, 113 Battery Day John, boatman, 26 First C Neufville Day Jas A. laborer, Sidney Valley De H. jeweler, 228 Dupont L. Day O F. clerk, 81 Jackson Denman G genl agent, 2 Commercial " Jas. teacher pub school No. 1 Dayley Jas. pilot, office Gunnghms whf j Dazevedo Miss E. 206 Stockton Dennison Geo W. oil man, 114 Broadway " Deamster T. drayman, 115 Commercial Mary 0. boarding, Dupt c Wash Dean E S. purser steamer Ohio Dennissing Otto, blacksmith, 274 Stock Deane Jas. painter, Stoc n Lombard Dennis M. butcher, 224 Sacramento '• " Wm. painter, Stoc n Lombard W E. dock builder. Market " W H. clerk, 181 Commercial Denny J W. painter, 143 Washington " " Wm R. painter, 8 Sacramento Mrs. milliner, 184 Clay " Dearbourne W. teamster, Sidney valley S T. painter, 161 Battery Deary John, baker, 169 Sansome Denslow Chas E. pubhsher, 160 Mont " Debris Jas. moulder, 78 First M. pubhsher, 160 Montgomery Debreas AVm. moulder, 67 First Denyer R. V. market, 27 Bush Denjer market, De Bruyn Ouboter, merchant, 319 Stock j & Gray, 27 Bush De Cassins Mad. fortune teller, 308 Dapt ! Depierris H. physician, 93 Montgomery De Chene R M. oyster saloon, 103 Com Depuis Henri, 10-12 Pacific market De Conclois Isidore, artiste, 195 Dupont Deputron J. builder. Wash n Powell De Conclois & Jardin, painters, 195 Dupt De Profentine J R D. editor, 76 Pacific De Costa J N. grocer, 207 Pacific Derbec Etiene, editor Echo du Pacifique, De Courcey John, hotel, 86 Pacific 210 Washington Defrees J. clothing, 81^ Commercial Derby J C. broker, 269 Jackson De Fremery J. consul of Mecklenberg, Derby L J. foundrj^, 58 Halleck office 168 Commercial Derham Bart, flour merchant, 132 San De Fremicourt R C A, h 404 Stockton Derham B. baker, 382 Stockton Degroot A. agent, 2 Commercial Deriberpie M. engraver, 58 Kearny Degroot John, clerk, 2 Commercial Dei'rick A. renovator, 213 Galifornia De Herpin J H. 242 Kearny Dersan P. lavmdry, rear 277 Stockton De Lacroix P D D. grocer, 184 San Desau J H. baker, Stockton n Lombard De Lacru Antoine, 119 Commercial Desmond Mrs. boarding, 187 Jackson De Lacru Jose, 119 Commercial Despecher A. merchant, 151 INIontgomery DES 49 DOR

Desroziers E. grocery, 78 Battery Dock Levi, lumber, 343 Stockton Desroziers & co, E, grocery, 78 Battery Dockerty Thos. broker, 3 Commercial Desvarennc Emanuel, 294 Stockton Dodd John, clerk, 185 Kearny Devalin Wm H. stevedore, 10 Gala Dodd S L. tinman, 44 Sacramento Devarenne Emile, grocer, 90 Kearny Dodd W S. real estate, 303 Dupont Devaux Pierre, 231 Dupont Dodd & Buckman, tinmen, 44 Sacremento Devers J. waitei, ll.'^ Commercial Dode Dierk, lodgings, 50 Commercial Devitt D M. clerk, naval offi, 197 Wash Dodge C A. paper hanger, 206 Mont Devoe G H. imp liquors, 173 Sansome Dodge H L. attorney, 90 Merchant Devoe J B. publisher Times and Tran- Dodge R K. clerk. 111 Commercial 152 Clay Dodge R K D. 45 Pike Dewey S L. 49 Washington Doe J S. cabinet maker, 44 Sansome Dewey S P. notary public, 137 Cala Does 0. jeweler, 128 Montgomery De Witt Alfred, com mer, 189 Sansome Doerger Wm. turner, 212 Washington De Witt & Harrison, com mer, 189 San Doherty Jas. drayman, Yallejo cor Bat De Wolf E. clerk Post Office Dolan P. boarding, 57 Pacific Dexter Chas, 211 Clay Dolan W B. 1st Ward House 226 Kear Dexter H S. engraver, 134 Clay Dolan & Farlay, First Ward House, 226 De Zornoza, doctor, 135 Pacific Kearny Dibblee Albert, com mer. 111 Battery Dole J S. boots, 73 Commercial Dicand Jos, grocer, 290 Battery Dole S G. shoes, rear 100 Pine Dick David, baker, 356 Powell Dole y C. clerk, 5 Broadway Dickey Geo S. drugs, 120 Sansome Dolheguy A. com mer, 118 Sansome Dickey John P. porter, Griffin's warehse Dolheguy B. com mer, 118 Sansome

Dickey ^fc Hodge, drugs, 180 Sans Dolheguy G. com mer, 118 Sansome Dickinson A. hatter, 141 Kearny Dolheguy & Brothers, com mer, 118 San Dickson L W. stone cutter, 36 First Dolin John, fish, Harrisonn Spear Dickson H W. com mer, 67 Sacramento D'Olivera E. physician, 315 Pacific Dickson, De Wolf & co, com mer, 67 Sac Doll Bart, carpenter, 39 Mission Dicosta A. steward, steamer Sophie Doll G M. tinman, 150 Clay Diel Valentine, grocer, 29 Montgomery Dolson Wm. hatter, 150 Commercial Dietz Geo. chemi'Cal oil, 187 Mont Domett C H. pilot office, 16 Sacramento Deitz J W. chemical oil, 187 Mont Domett W E. pilot office, 16 Sacramento Deitz ^ CO, G, chemical oil, 187 Mont Donelly B. policeman, 144 Dupont Deitzler G W. saddler, 147 Sansomo Donelly Ed. grain, 192 Kearny Dillon Chas. wheelwright, 91 Kearny Donelly Patrick, messenger, custom house Dillon Michael, treasurer Amer Theatre, Donelly & Lincoln, grain, 192 Kearny house 34 Pike Donahue John, moulder, 53 First Dillon P W. stone yard, 121 Pine Donaldson Wm. bds Franklin hotel Dillon Thos. hardware, 3 battery Donohue J A. dry goods, 95 Sansome Dillon P. French consul. Jack cor Mason Dohahue J. boarding, 45 Pike Dimock & co N. liquors, 140 Clay Donohue James, Union foundry. First st Dimon J S. clothier, 170 Clay Donohue Michael, Union foundry. First Dimmick A D Mer. 78 Pacific Donohue Peter, Union foundry. First Dimmick Henry, blacksmith, 203 Kearny Donohue Thos. Union foundry, First Dirking A. watchmaker, 58 Pacific Donohue Patrick, porter, 326 Powell Divier Wm. street commissioner, city hall Donephan W. Battery n Vallejo Dwindle J W. attorney, 90 Merchant Don Jean, baker, 262 Jackson Dixon G. gardener, 286 Pacific Donyekayo China mer, 185 Sacramento Dixon H. ship carpenter, 8 IMellus Dooiittle W G. fancy goops, 147 Kearny Dixon John, waiter, 36 First Doran John, 130 Bush Dixy Francis, tailor, 195 Clay Dore Morris, wine mer, 175 Sansome, h Dobridge A. drayman, 97 Clay 312 Jackson Dobson John, 8t

Dormody W. Rassette House Draker Auguste, barber, 98 Pacific Dorr J A. baker, 169 Sansomo Dreshfield H. dry goods, 92 Mont Dorr P. laborer, 100 Broadway Drever F. seaman, 60 First Dorr R S. merchant, 41 battery Drew George, stoves, 122 Dupont Dorr Thos. tailor, 168 Clay Drew G E. stoves, 117 Sansome Dorris B F. tinman, 33 Leidsdorff Drexel, Sather ^ Church, bankers, 134 Dorsey M. 215 Montgomery Montgomery Dorsch M P. tinman, 208 Montgomery Drilland S. restaurant, 204 Washington Doscano S, bar, 231 Pacific Drouin E. cook, 3 13 Dupont Doss F. upholsterer, 90 Kearny Drought H. merchent, 186 Dupont Doucett HP. wood yard, 311 Stockton Drummond D W. laborer, 140 Pine Drunert J H. com mer, 94 Cala Dougherty R. insp cus, barge office Duane Chas. hotel, 150 Kearny Dougherty Wm. ship carpenter, 30 Cal Dubois A. agent, 115 Commercial Douglass Alexander, tailor, Stockton near Dubois Joshua, laborer, Sidney Greenwich Valley Dubois & CO. A. restaurant, 112 Coml Douglass C. bar, 231 Pacific Dubosq Guil, boots, 156 Commercial Douglass jr J F. insp customs, barge offi Dubourdien B. restaurant, 63 Kearny Douglass G W. imp wines, 95 California Dubs E. ship master, 267 Powell Douglass H L. imp wines, 95 CaUfomia Dudley E Jeweller, 128 Montgomery Douglass & CO, imp wines, 95 California Dudley G L. insp customs, Barge Office Dow G W. musician, 155 Kearny Duer jr John, clerk naval office, C H " J G, merchant, 88 California Duff James, builder, 29 Minna •' John, liquors, 47 Battery Duff J R. lumber, 39 Battery •' James, liquors, 47 Battery Duffee Henry, baker, 356 Powell " Thomas A. com mer, 41 Battery Duffee Mrs. milliner, 280 Dupont '' Wm H. 47 Battery, h 34 Minna Duffy James, sawyer, Market n First "' CO- co^^ "^6^5 4 Maynard's row, 4* Duffy Patrick, policeman, 244 Dupont California Dufour Urbin, 161 Commercial " &. CO. James, liquor imp, 47 Bat Dugan John, painter, 15 LiedsdorfF "

Dunn John, boiler maker, 78 First Easterly J B. tin, sheet iron and stoves Dunn John, grocer, Minna n Jane 124 Sacramento Durui John, machinist, 61 First Easterly W. laborer, 81 Broadway Dunne James, flour, 1()4 Sansome Easterly & Brothers, stoves, 124 Sansome Dunne Peter, flour, 1(34 Sansome Eastlake Thos. lighterman, Rincon point

Dunne tf* co. flour, 164 Sansome near Beale Dunuigan John, laborer, 26 First Eastman Frank, printer, 186 Mont Dunning J A. laborer, 229 Clay Eastman Henry, drayman, 115 Battery Dunstan Henry, laborer, Sidney Valley Eastman L D. waiter, 89 Sansome Duplex C. barber, 98 Commercial Eastman S C. laborer, 73 Kearny Dupot John, cook, 115 Commercial Eastman Wm. carpenter, 39 Montgomery Dupouget E. 143 Commercial Fastens James, cabinet maker, 127 Kear Dnpouy Sylv. merchant, 238 Pacific Eastons John, cabinet maker, 127 Kear Pratt J J. merchant, 62 Front Du Easton OUver W. dealer in oil, Commerc Diipuy A. attorney, 98 Merchant near Law's wharf Dupuy C. 128 Kearny E Easton k Scouler, cab mkrs, 127 Kearny Dupny, Foulks »^' co. attorneys, 98Mcht Eaton Maj A B. commissary of subsist- Dupuy, Foulkes co. com mer, Battery & ence, li8 Cala h Second n Minna n .Tack son Eaton John, cook, 51 Commercial Dural Caroline, ln5 Dupont Eaton Jos L cook, 161 First Durand A. tailor, 226 Dupont Eaton J W. auct and com. o0-52 San Durane J. clerk, 145 Kearny Eaton W. laborer, 115 Kearny Duran W H. produce, 134 Clay Ebbetts A M. com mer, 6o California Daren W H. produce, 4 Commercial Ebbetts Arthm-, merchant, 2C.9 Stockton Durken Patrick, grocer, 17 Battery Ebbetts E A. com mer, 60 California Durkin A. policeman, 244 Dupont Ebbetts & CO, com mer, 60 ( /alifornia Durosa Wm. striker, Beale c Folsom Ebeleth Dwight, importer, 172 Sansome Dussol G. clerk, 122 California Eberton Henry, horse sheer, 103 Kearny Dusten M N, laborer, 36 First laborer, 51 Sansome Dutch Eben, laborer, 99 Kearny Ebetts Jas B. maker, Kear Dursch M P. tinmai^ 208 Mont Ecken Joseph, carriage 92 mechanic, 15 Sansome Dye W G. printer. Eckhardt .lohn, Dyer John, lodgings, 19 Commercial Eckman Wm. 63 Kearny Dyre A F. batcher, 195 Commercial Ecker Geo 0. watchmaker, 144 Mont Eddie G M. com mer, 133 Front Eddie T R. police officer, 244 Dupont Eddie, Brown & co, com mer, 153 Front Eddington A. baker, 139 Mission Eagan i S. sign painter, 100 Sansome, Eddy O C. jeweler, 314 Stockton and 153 Commercial Eddy E W. merchant, 66 Sansome Eagar A. porter, 181 Front Eddy J C. bookkeeper, 85 Commercial Eager Tlios, butcher, 48 First Eddy J M. Franklin hotel Eagle James, carpenter, 169 California Eddy P. public house, 118 Pacific Eagle Soap Works, 19 Minna Edey Thos B. waiter, 44 Montgomery Fames E A. real estate agent, 137 Mont Edgar Mrs A. dressmaker, 246 Clay Earl David, carpenter, 79 Montgomery Edgar David, clerk, 164 Clay Earles E B. merchant, 22 Commercial Edgccomb W R. boatman. Commercial wf Earl E M. provision mer, 84 Clay Edgerton E A. attorney, 129 California Earle Geo. lumber dealer, 68 California Edgerton James, shipping office, 3 Coml Earl J 0. provision mer, 84 Clay Edgerton & Kohler, shipping offi, 3 Coml Earl Saml H. mason, 39 Montgomery Edlefsen Chas F. merchant, 138 Jackson Earl k co, provision mer, 84 Clay Edson G. waiter, 195 Commercial Eason Jeremiah, waiter, 85 Sansome Edson Thos. laborer, 81 Broadway Easterbrook A. soda manufac. 284 Stock Edwards A S. com mer, 107 Battery Easterly Anthony, merchant, I printer, 186 Mont 145 Front I Edwards Anderson, 7 EDW 52 EVE

Edwards D A. Mont baths, 161 Mont Emmet Chas F. attorney, 139 Coml Edward H F. merchant, 77 Jackson Emmet P. painter, 45 Battery Edwards J. attorney, 137 Montgomery Emons Chas. laborer, Sidney Valley Edwards Wm P. clerk, 46 Front Emory Miss M. boarding, 235 Clay Edwards & Bailey, merchants, 77 Jack Empire City Line S S Office, 51 Davis Edwards & Taift, com mer, 107 Bat Empire Oil Works, 87 Montgomery

Egan Danl, shoemaker, ij'6 Montgomery Enders John, pattern maker, Mkt n First i Egan M. 36 First Engle D L mason, 76 Pacific Eger E. crockery, 173 Montgomery Engles A J. com mer, 108 Front Egery F M. Pacific foundry, 67 First Engles J K. bds Tehama Engles, 4* co. mer, Egery & Hinckley, Pacific foundry, 67 Hooper com 108 Front; First English James, hotel, 35 Pacific English R. bar, 15 Ohio Ehrleih T. laborer, 380 Stockton English Lawrence, baker, 356 Powell Ehrlich Meyer, cigars, 128 Montgomery Englester H. carman, 83 Pine Eiche Dennis, bar, 61 Montgomery Ennis Wm. baker, 169 Sansome EisenD. shipping office, 44 Commercial Enos K K. porter, 41 Sansome Eisen F, shipping office, 44 Commercial Enscoe John, drugs, 88 Battery Eisen & co, shipping office, 144 Coml Ensign E D. baker, 82 Pacific Elam Robt H. com mer, 127 Jackson, h Ensign G H. lumber, 109 Merchant 367 Powell Ensign Samuel, painter, 76 Pacific Elderton Saml, boatman, 43 Commercial Ensign <^ Wardwell, bakers, 82 Pacific El Dorado Saloon, 194 Washington Enttournartte J B. grocer, 224 Kearny Eldridge John, insp cus, barge office Enwood Geo. mechanic, 399 Powell Eldridge Joseph, grocer, 51 Sansome Ernst Hermann, cigars, Clay n Leidsdff Eldridge K C. merchant, 62 California Erishsen J D. teamster, Clark's Point Eldridge J 0. auctioneer, 4 Maynard's Escardon Philippa, boarding, 222 Dupt Row, California Esch Otto, importer, 157-159 Jackson Eldridge Levi, laborer, Sidney Valley Esche Reinhold, importer, 157-159 Jack Elfeldt E S. merchant, 126 Montgomery Esche, Bros &- co. imptrs, 157-159 Jack Elies Frank, clerk, 6 Commercial Eschenburg John, merchant, 98 Front Elkins L. mer tailor, 181 Washington Eschenburg 4* Gallagher, merchts, 98- Elleard C M. saloon, south side Plaza Front Elliott A. express, 112 Pacific Esing, Chinese store, 198 Sacramento Elliott S F. physician, 68 Mont Esses J. coflee saloon, 228 Coml Elliott Thomas, book bindery, 159 Clay Essex House, Battery c Vallejo Ellis A J. 101 Merchant Estabrook W W. clerk, 85 Sansome Ellis James, 211 Clay Estelle Madame, dress maker, 158 Fronti Ellis J C. laborer. Griffin's wharf Estnault A. cook, 85 Sansome Ellis J S. shipping office, 13 Sac Etheredge Geo. ostler, 99 Kearny Ellis L J. physician, 39 Sansome Etten J F O. tailor, Observatoiy Hill Ellis Moses, com mer, 104 Battery, h Evans G. clothier, 79 Commercial ^ 248 Powell Evans J B. constable, 229 Clay Ellis Wm. printer, 210 Washington Evans Louisa, boarding, 79 Broadway Ellis cj* Pierce, com mer, 104 Battery Evans Nelson, \vheelwright, 298 Dupt Elwood H J. engraver, 79 Sansome Evans, actor, 211 Clay Ely Alex, attorney, 90 Merchant Evans Rev. Morris, editor, 248 Powell Emeric Joseph, produce, 132 Front Evans Samuel, lighterman, 78 Pacific Emeric &. Tams, produce, 132 Front Evans G 4* C. clothiers, 79 Coml Emerson H. express, 4 Commercial Eveillard Francois, saddler, 130 Kearny. Emerson Wm. carman, 33 Front Eveillard 4* Fredet, saddlers, 130 Kearn Emery Joseph, drayman, 43 Sansome Eveleth H H C. com mer, 106 Battery Emery Chas. sail maker, 267 Stockton Eveleth S C. merchants, 61 Battery Emery Hosea, carpenter, Obse'rty Hill Eveleth 6o co. merchants, 61 Battery Emery ship carpenter, 8 Melius Everett Albert, carpenter, 51 Coml Emmerson P. wheelwright, 89 Pine Everett Thomas P. hatter, 176 Clay EWI 53 FIS

Ewing Sarah, boarding, 216 Dupont Fay, Pierce «fc Willis, 85 Cala Ewiiig Samuel, niachnst, Folsom c Beale Federall A. saloon, 287 Dupont bookseller, 126 Corn Ewing W T. Dr., 78 Pacific Feeks John F. Exchange Mechanics', 175 Pacific Feigenbaum M. dry goods, 65 Leidsdfi' Exchange Merchants', 123 Sacramento Feillet J M. blacksmith, 215 Jackson Expert A. wines, 84-86 Sacramento Fedheim Nathan, clerk, 125 Mont Eyre Joseph, marine surveyor, 154 Front Fellows Hart, surveyor of port, C H Fenn F C. engraver, 203 Clay Fenno Jas. watchmaker, 160 Wash Fenno & Binhani, watchmakr, IGO Wash Faber John, laborer, Clark's Point Fenton John, drayman, 90 Sans Fabre H. wheelwright, 293 Stockton Fenton W B. laborer, Sidney Valley Fabre H. merchant, 408 Powell Fenwick Chas. lithograprs, 160 Wash Faertsch C. butcher, 99 Kearny Ferguson W M. teamster, 26 First Fahey M J. painter, 351 Stockton Ferguson C. tax clerk, City Hall Fair W D. attorney, 162 Montgomery Ferguson J. ship carpenter, 8 Melius Fairchild D W R. 229 Washington Fernandez San Jiu-ajo & co. merchts, 173 Fairchild John, artist, 229 Washington Sansome Fairchild S W. bds Tehama Ferrall P B. merchant, 81 Clay

Fairfield H. cutlery, front 12 Com) Ferrall

Falkenstine Henry, clerk, 141 Conil Ferreys l^ W. hack driver. 73 Kearny Falkner Evelyn, merchant, 21 Melius Ferri Jos. tailor, 98 Montgomery Fallon Jos. 114 Montgomery Ferri & co. tailors, 98 Montgomery Fallon Mai. saloon, 31 Pacific Ferris B P. boarding, 107 Kearny Fallon Jas. saloon, 31 Pacific Ferris Geo. merchant, 58 California


Farrington Jas. merchant, 10 LeidsdfF Figel c5* Tuska, furnishg store, 191 Clay Farrington & Ludlum, com mer, 99 Cal Findlay James, merchant, 16 Webb Farrish Thos. E. clerk, 139 Mont Finga Theodore, laborer, rear 406 Stock Farwell J D. ship chandler, 38 Coml Finlay Jas. G. laborer, 19-21 Battery

Farwell W B. publisher, 1 46 Mont Finley J W. clerk C. H. Farwell & Curtis, ship chndlrs, 38 Coml Finn S. blacksmith, 31 Sansome Fassking Louis, shoe store. 163 Clay Finnegan J C. tinsmith, 190 Kearny Faulkenstein H. clerk, 141 Coml Finney C G. dentist, 197 Clay Faulkner J M. importer, 73 Jackson First Presbyterian Church, 305 & 307 Faulkner P R. 51 Davis Stockton Faures P. 197 Washington Fischer James, jeweller, 153 Kearny Faust A. watchmaker, 59 Kearny Fischer John, jeweller, 89 Kearny Fav C T. com mer, 85 California Fischer T. saloon, 121 Washington :


Fischer & co. saloon, 121 Washington Flynn M. 79 Montgomery Fish R A. clerk, 129 Montgomery Foard J W. merchant, 127 Sansome Fish Wm. printer, Clay n Dupont Foard & co. merchants, 127 Sansome Fishbourn B. drayman, 83 Wash Fobes E A. drayman, 62 Cala Fishbourne R W, lithographer, 16 Ohio Fobes G P. lawyer, 6 Kearny Fisher B. clothier, 69 Commercial Fogarty Wm. laborer, 100 Cala Fisher Geo. saloon, 203 Washington Fogg Geo. Tehama Fisher M. butcher, 183 Pacific Foish David, laborer, 76 Pacific Fisher M. market, 256 Stockton Foley, boiler maker, 61 First Fisher L P. newspapers. Wash n Dupt Foley Francis, grocer, 2(>4 Stockton Fisher L W. teller, Page, Bacon &, co. Foley P. bar, 55 Bush Fisher Rafael, clothier, 69 Commercial Foley S M. boots & shoes, 70 Coml Fisk Thos S. book-keeper, 99 Mont Foley Terence, com mer, 50 Cala Fitch Geo K. editor, 152 Clay, h 301 Foley Wm. 181 Sacramento Stockton Foley &. CO. grocers, 264 Stockton Fitch H S. broker & auc, 160 Mont, h Foley 4* CO. boots & shoes, 70 Coml 188 Stockton Foley, McGaiTahan 4* Rooney, com mer, Filch H T. Tehama 50 Cahfornia Fitch N G. liquors, 72 Battery Folger Franklm, laborer, 3 Mkt st whf Fitch i& CO. broks &- auctrs, 160 Mont Folger G. pilot, str American Eagle Fitch & Peltret, liquor dealers, 72 Bat Folger Wm. merchant, Powell c Clay Fitz Josiah, baker, 156 Powell Folger E P. oil works, 114 Broadway Fitzgerald Ezeziel, imphrdwre, 100 Bat Folger T B. merchant, 41 Battery Fitzgerald Geo. H. imp hrdwre, 100 Bat Folger Wm H. ship chandler, Pacific, h Fitzgerald M. cabinet maker, hi Coml Clay c Powell Fitzgerald & Baush, imp hardware, 100 Folger & Tubbs, ship chandlers, 49 Pac Battery Folsom B G. carman, 41 Sansome Fitzgibbons J. carpenter, 61 First Folsom J L. land agent, 118 Cala, res Flack Thos. drayman, 89 Broadway Tehama Flagg ]N. liquors, 54 Commercial Folsom E J. trader, 334 Powell Flaherty Michael, oilman, 1 14 Bdway Fondary E. sculptor. Clay n Powell Flanagan James, boot maker, 168 clay Fonsalio Maria, saloon, 184 Pacific Flanagan Moses E. comr of emigrants, Fontelais A P. saddler, 404 Stockton 92 Jackson Force Dr. 203 Sansome

Flanders E W. 5 Drum Force Wm. agent steamer Antelope, 49 • Flashner M. bar, 121 Clay Pacific Flashner ^ Remmel, bar, 121 Clay Forbes A. baker, 99 Merchant Flieslihacker Samuel, mercht, 86 Kearny Ford B F. pilot office, 16 Sacramento Flieshman Israel, 116 California Ford Chas. drayman, 31 Pike Fleming Geo. copyist, 152 Mont Ford Chas. merchant, 68 Pacific, house Fleming T S. laborer, 15 Sansome Commercial Hotel Fleming J J. merchant, 59 Pacific Ford Elijah, cook, 229 Clay Fletcher J M. Tehama Ford Henry, boarding, 14 Sacramento Flint Ed P. com mer, 181 Front Ford Wm. grocer, 207 Clay Flint J H. lumber, 6 Battery Ford & Rumrill, merchants, 68 Pacific Flint J P. com mer, 181 Front FormamHJ. bar, 87 Broadway drayman, Flint W. 61 First Forman W D. gen grocer, 109 Front Flint J W. crockery, 147 Montgomery Forman & co, wholesale grocers, 74 Wash Flint, Peabody co. com mer, 181 Front 6f Forslant S. laborer, 67 First FlintofFJ. blacksmith, 41 Sansome Forst Wm. agent, 49 Pacific Flood Jas C. bar, 133 Sansome Forte F A. merchant, 112 Battery Flood Jerry, cook, 85 Sansome Fortiss M. cigars, 199 Dupont Flood Thos. Stone cutter, Sidney Valley Forj J C. hardware, 68 Bat h 376 Stock Flowers Samuel, reporter, 210 Wash Forey M. laboror, 67 First Flournev John, produce, 110 Mont Foster B F. printer, 152 Clay Fludder'W H. mason. 334 Powell [Real Estate Auotioneera, a

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M&ri: :.^-VV:a^^>^


Foster Chas E. insp cus, barge office French A. farmer, 26 First Foster Ed. teamster, 152 Bush French consulate, cor Jackson and Mason Forster Jas H. lighterman, 153 Front French Joseph, architect, 141 Washington Foster W B. carman, 161 Front French R B. merchant, 124 Commercial Foucher J J. flour dealer, 76 Battery Fretz H tailor, 249 Clay Foucher & Willson, flour dealers, 76 Bat Freundt John, merchant, 141 Clay FoubertP Madlle, actress, 199 Dupont Freidlander A. jeweler, 140 Mont Fougher J J. flour merchant, 252 Jack Freidlander T P. blacksmith, 103 Kearny Fountain G C. feed store, 157 Sansome Freidlander Isaac, merchant, 60 Cala Fourcade H. clerk, 176 Montgomery Freidlander & co I, merchant, 60 Cala Fowler C. Tehama hotel Freidman J S. cigars, 171 Sansome Fowler G. engineer steamer Sophie Frierson Angus, com mer, 86 Sacramento Fowler Jas. ship chandler, 61 First Frierson & Fancher, com mer, 86 Sac Fox Berya, grocer, 41 Montgomery Friend G L. laborer, Sidney Valley Fox Philip, grocer, Fremont, bet Howard Frink Ed. ship master, 90 Pacific and Folsom Frinker M. Rassette house Fox S M. clothier, 171 Washington Friesus M. merchant, Market st wharf Fox W B. wines and liquors, 61 Leidsdorfi" Frontin Joseph, Danish consul, 145 Clay

Fox & O'Connor, wine merchs, 61 Leids Frost G W. com mer, 118 Montgomery . Francis M. 63 Kearny Frost J. agent, 2 Commercial Francis W H. laborer, Clark's point Frost J J. milkman, 36 First Francisco Jas. Niantic hotel Fry Henry, attorney, 114 Montgomery Frank F. imp & com mer, 97 Pine Fulda Herman, clothier, 21 Commercial Frankish Geo. bar, Cunningham's wharf Fulda Martin, clothier, 21 Commercial Frank Chas. restaurant, 155 California Fuller J. musician, 20 Commercial Frank H. Hanoverian consul, 30 Bat Fuller John, Taylor, 234 Jackson Frank & Von Lengerke, com mer, 30 Bat Fuller S. merchant, 65 Jackson Franklin Ed. auctioneer, 77 Battery Fuller S H. clerk, 137 Montgomery Franklin Selim, auctioneer, 77 Battery FuUerton Saml, merchant, 65 Jackson Franklin H. merchant. Wash n Powell FuUum Thos. tailor, 76 Pacific Franklin house, 203-205 Sansome Fulsome L S. laborer, 36 First Franklin hotel, 180-182 Sansome Fulton Jos, painter, 45 Halleck Franklin John, seaman, 3 Commercial Furman M H. attorney, 162 Montgomery Franklin J T. hay and feed, 94 Kearny Fyfe David, public house, 94 Pacific Franklin printing office, 186 Montgomery Franklin Wm. carriage maker, 91 Kearny Fraser D. attorney. 129 Montgomery striker, market First Eraser Wm. printer, 152 Clay Gabelda E. n Gachtaw A. dry goods, 257 Fraser Wm. printer, 51 Commercial Dnpont Gacobbi Francois, 90 Kearny Frasier D. ship carpenter, 36 First Gafuey clerk, 184 Montgomery Frasier S. blacksmith, 67 First Wm. Gaffiiey M. liquors. 171 Front Freaner John A. dep sheriff, city hall Gager J H. broker, 151 Washington Frisch Philip, brewer, Vallcjo n Powell Gaime H. merchant, 178 Montgomery FredetE. saddler, 130 Kearny " Guillemot & co. imp. diamonds, Fredonyer M. laborer, 115 Kearny 178 Montgomery Fredericks T. porter, Cunningham's wharf Galacar Chas, books station'y, 2 Coml Free Wm. blacksmith, 45 Halleck Galbraith J D attorney, 123 Montgo'y Frechman A. liquors, 121-123 Jackson Galdman O R. carpenter, 91 Kearny Freelon T W. attorney, 161 Montgomery Gale Chas. bricklayer, Valejo n Batt'y Freeman Jacob, tinman, 75 Kearny Gale Thos. bar, 113 Montgomery Fremery Jas De, consul for Mecklenburg Gallagher E. clerk, 178 Pacific Schwerin, merchant, 168 Sansome Gallagher E. saloon, 31 Pacific Fremicourt RCA. merchant, h 404 Stoc Gallagher Ed. saloon, 156 Kearny Fremont house, Battery n Clark's point GAL oQ GUI

Gallagher Hngh, merchant, 98 Front Garrettson J W. gardner, Miss Dolores [ Gallagan John l)cls, Franklin Hotel Gartrcll & co, C H. grocers, 107 Front Gallen W H. bds, Tehama : Garvey C G. attorney, 90 Merchant Gallespie D. wharfinger, Cent'l Wharf Garry Thos. waiter, 85 Sansome Gallej L. impo. wines, 54 Merchant I Garvin D. merchant, 130 Commercial Gallick Wni. waiter, 85 Sansome ! Garvin J. carpenter, 194 Jackson Galloway A. elk, C. H. h, 78 Kearny Gassivodda M. bar, 59 Commercial i " Joseph pile driv'r. 119* Front Gasper A. coffee, 27 Commercial h 357 Pow'll Gasper & co, coffee, 27 Commercial Galloway James carpenter, 229 Clay I ! Gasse Peter, baker, 59 Kearny " Ed. machinist, 33 Sansome Gassert Wm. carver, 85 Sansome Galloway Rachel servant, 399 Powell j

j Gates H E. boarding, 181 Sacramento Gallup Wm. pilot steamer Sophie Gates S. physician, I H 26 Sacramento Gamage Sam'l trader, 36 First Gathai, China mer, 180 Sacramento Gamage Sam'l storage, 17 California j Gaucheron Jerome, merchant, 202 Kear Gambeil A J. Arcade, 158 Commercial I Gaugon Louis, cabinet I maker, 267 Kear Gamble W C. merchant, 152 Sansome Gauvreau Oliver, liquors, 142 Gander R. shoemaker, 276 Stockton Battery Gaughrin J. policeman, 244 Ganesvoorte G W. grocer, 205 Clay Dupont Gauthier Auguste, tailor, Ganett J P. ag't Union Line steamers, 248 Dupont 49 Pacific Gautier L P. physician, 156 Clay Ganter John brewer, Valejo n Battery Gaven D. com mer, 130 Commercial Garaud A. cook, 313 Dupont Gaven & co, com mer, 130 Commercial. Gavett Jonathan, crokery, Garcia J. Peruvian consul, 155 Battery j 114 Cala Gawley C. painter, Gardiner Annie, boarding, 48 Minna ] L 14 (Commercial

Gardiner B. saddler, 81 Jackson i Gay A C. wagon maker, 115 Bush Gardiner G M. blacksmith, 323 Stockton Gay Chas. mariner, Powell n Greene Gardiner James, ship chandler, 300 Pow Gay Henry, wagon maker, 80 Kearny Gardiner J C. insp cus, barge office Gay James, seaman, Powell n Greene Gardiner Wm. policeman, 152 Pacific Gay & Barber, coach factory, 80 Kearny Gardner Benj. bds Oriental Gazan Amie, musician, Adelpbi, Theatre Gardner Geo M. painter, 119 Washington 199 Dupont Ga^rdner Isaac, clothing, 81 Commercial Gee Lewis, publisher, 160 Montgomery Gardner John, ship carpenter, Beale, Rin- George J. bds Franklin hotel con point George Robt. com mer, 145 Front George Gardner J G. inspector, barge office Jas B. bricklayer, 43 Pike Gardner J H. clerk, 92 Clay Geisler M. jeweler, 210 Kearny Gardner J M. blacksmith, 173 Front Genella Daniel, clerk, 184 Montgomery G^irdner R. laborer, Sydney Valley Genella Joseph, crockei-y, 184 Mont Gardner W L. clerk, 130 California Gentilly F. mariner, 313 Dupont Gardner & Stuart, ship chandls, 58 Coml Gerberding C 0. 131 Montgomery Gardner & Coleman, blksmiths, 173 Fiont Gereau W B. carpenter, 141 Mission Garfield Seth, laborer, 98 Pacific Germain Alex, tailor, 226 Dupont Garfield W, machinist, 26 First German club house, 99 Pine Gariot Jules, butcher, 261 Dupont Gernon George, brewer and bottler, 314 Garnen Caspar, drayman, 133 Mont Dupont cor Vallejo Garner Patrick, brewer, 314 Dupt c Val Ceroid George, shoemaker, 142 Cala Garner & Gei'non, brewers, 314 Dupont, Gerow H C. saloon, 142 Commercial cor Vallejo Gerrish Geo H. hardware, 84 Battery Garnett Louis A. inspector, barge office Gerrish & Fitzgerald, hardware, 84 Bat Garnock A. com mer, 98 California Gerry H M. 161 Front Garnotte Gaspare, drayman, 52 Kearny Gerry S R. physician, 203 Dupont Garratt Wm T. brass founder, 58 Halleck Gerstang Henry, grocer, 75 California Garratt & co, foundrymen, 58 Halleck Ghirardeli D. confectioner, 194 Wasn Garrick J P. mariner, Vallejo n Battery Ghirardeli k Cox, confrs, 194 Wash GIB 0/ (JUL

Gibb Daniel, com mer, 122 Commercial Gillis A. Rassette house (jibb & CO D. com mer, 122 Commercial Gillis H C. druggist, 164 Montgomery Gibbs Chas E. importer, 62 Cclifornia Gillis Saml, teamster, 57 Broadway Gibbs C Y S. importer, 62 Califomia Gilman Elisha, engineer, 57 Sansome Gibbs E B. clerk, 62 California Gillmore Robt, coach maker, 89 Pine Gibbs Fred A. com mer, 62 California Gillmore & Applegate, coach makers, 89 Gibbs Geo W. iron and steel, 36 Battery Pine Gibbs Wm W. (colored) boots and shoes, Gilman Chas H. attorney, 163 Mont 124 Montgomery Gilman T C. builder, 82 Battery Gibbs & CO, imp & com mer, 62 Cala Gilroy Thos. ship master, Minna n Jane Gibbs & CO G W. imp steel, 36 Battery Gilson Ed. merchant, 107 Sacramento Gibbons Henry, physician, 163 Clay Gilson F. merchant, 107 Sacramento Gibbons Rodman, com mer, 4 Battery Gimmy John, tinman, 260 Dupont Gibbons Wm A. clerk, 201 Sacramento Gimmy & co, tinmen, 260 Dupont Gibbons & Lammott, com mer, 4 Bat Ginne E. bds Rassette house Gibson Geo. com mer, 143 Front Giraldin ElUs, clerk, 165 Commercial Gibson Lewis, grocer, 30 Battery, house Girard L. broker, 172 Montgomery 164 Mission Girandon Mons. merchant, 271 Dupont Gibson B. jeweler, 199 Clay Giron M. engraver, 98 Montgomery Gibson & Meyer, imp & grocers, 30 Bat Girot Nicolas, produce, 352 Stockton Gibson &. Wulf, jewelers, 199 Ciay Gladding A I. grocer, 334 Powell Gier John, porter, Battery, Clark's point Gladwin Wm H. com mer, 52-54 Cala Giffin John, tinsmith, 351 Stockton Gladwin k Whitmore, com mer, 52-54 Gifford A E. sewing factory, 17 Leids Glay E. pattern maker, 67 First Gilford S. whai-finger, h 276 Stockton Gleason Saml, cook, 15 Sansome Gifford H. clerk, 90 Pacific Glein Chas F. hardware, 79 Kearny Gift W. port Avarden, 17 Commercial Glein & Lohman, hardware, 79 Kearny Gihon J H. bookseller, 140 Saci-amento Glen Jas. merchant, 128 Sansome Gihon Thos. engraver, 157 Montgomery Glor John, bar, 52 Commercial Gihon & Johnson, bookstore, 140 Sac Glos B. saloon, Stockton n Greenwich Gilbert Geo S. oil, 23 Battery Glover C. grocer, 78 Pacific Gilbert H. merchant. 133 Jackson Glover Hiram, Avheelwright, 105 Kearny Gilbert Harvey, mdse brokr. Gold st Hous Glover c^ co, grocers, 78 Pacific Gilbert J. physician. Battery, Clark's pt Gluyas G K. machinist, Sutter iron works Gilbert J V. auct and commis, 106 Sans h Second n Minna Gilbert Jas A. bookseller, 126 Coml Glynn Ira, jeweller, 162 Commercial Gilbert R K. 106 Sansome Goarss J. shoemaker, 160 Mont Gilbert & Shelton, auction and commis, Godeffroy Alfred, consul for Hamburg &, 106 Sansome Prussia, 141 Clay Gilchrist C. lumber, 162 Montgomery GodefFroy, Selim &, co. com mer, 141 Clay Gilchrist J G. cir Ubrary, 114 Coml Godfrey J A. attorney, 89 Merchant Gildemeester J P H. Consul of the Neth- Godfrey Jeremiah, boarding, 39 Pike erlands, 168 Sansome Godfrey J T. police officer, 244 Dupont Stockton Gildemeester, De Fremery & co, merchts Godfrey Thos. grocer. 264 168 Sansome Goerlitz F J. C H broker, Jones Alley n Gill H B. Bay hotel, Cunningham's whf Washington Jones Alley Gill Loraine, saddler, 71 Kearny Goerlitz & co. C H brokers, Gi.lam Mrs. boarding, 26 Montgomery n Washington Cioggin .Tas. special agent P O Dept, Gillespie C V. notary public, 98 Coml M 244 Clay Gillespie David, wharfinger central wharf office, 13 Sac, h 56 Broadway Goin Thomas shipping h Harrison Gillett J F. carpenter, 90 Kearny Goin &. Ellis, shipping office, 13 Sac Gillett M M. cooper, Sans n Pacific Gold J M. tailor, 67 Commercial Gilliker Jamer, laborer, Sydney A^alley Golden F. saloon, 250 Pacific x dOL 58 GKA

Goldsmith A. cigar dealer, 131 Gala Gowers Geo. W. coppersmith, 116 Front Gohlsiiiith Anson, watchmkr, 187 Wash Gower S J. Austrian Consul Goldsmith B. watchmkr, 187 Wash Goyetohe G. segars, 149 Washington Goldsmith Isaac, drygoods, 236 Dupont (iracey W. striker, 67 First Goldsmith W E. engraver, 152 Pacific Graffleman P. mattress maker, 179 Jack Goldsmith A & B. vvtcbmkrs, 167 Wash Graffleman 6o Scriber, upholsterers, 179 Goldstein J. clothier, 101 Commercial Jackson Goldstein M. clothier, 53 Commercial Graham E H. joiner, 73 Commercial Goldstein P. clothier, 101 Commercial Graham John, seaman, 73 Coml Goldvvite R. printer, 210 Washington Graham J S. (col'd) 200 Stockton Gonsalez Maria, saloon, 171 Jackson Graham R. 165 Front Goodfellow Mrs C. lanudry, 53 Bush Grandien Jean, grocer, 54 Battery Goodlander Daniel, ins ens. Barge Office Grant Adam Clerk, 95 Sansome

j Goodman Jacob, dry & fancy gds, 101 Grant Chas. stone cutter, Fremt n Har'n j^ Grant H. grocer, 54 Battery Montgomery I G Goodman Jas. merchant, 45 Battery Grant Jacob, horseshoer, 105 Kearny j Goodman J H grocer, 89 California Grant James, saloon, 156 Kearny Goodman M. clerk, 171 Clay ' Grant James, com mer, Commercial whf

Goodman T. jobber, 129 California i Grant J O. carpenter, 222 Kearny Grant John, stone yard, Goodrich, F. printer, 159 Montgomery i 91 Mont Goodwill S. hotel, 61 First Grant &. Gallagher, saloon, 156 Kearny Goor G W. saloon, 236 Pacific Grashoft F. carpenter, 368 Powell Goore H J. laborer, 41 Sansome Grattan W H. imp hardware, 121 Mont Gordon (). tenpin alley, 55 Pike Grattan & Bell, imp hardawre, 121 Mont Gordon C. clerk. 2 Commercial Graves Benj. 49 Washington Gordon Daniel, expressman, 45 Pike Graves B book-keeper, 190 Mission Gordon E. Rassette House Graves E S. coppersmith, 122 Front Gordon Geo. iron foundry, 12 Piatt, h 153 Graves G«o. furniture, 230 Clay Dupont Graves Jas. c Kearny & Bush

Gordon Jas. me i chant, Stock n Grnwich Graves H T. 142 Coml, h 323 Stock Gordon John, stove & tinman, 208 Mont Graves Samuel, merchant, 122 Sansome Gordon John, laborer, Sydney Valley Graves Samuel, tinsmith, 323 Stockton Gordon G W W. druggist, 194 Wash Graves W H ^^ E S. coppersmith, 122 Gordon &. Steen, Goo. Vulcan Foundry, Front steam engine builders, and importers Graves ^ co. furniture, 230 Clay of machinery, c First & Melius, office Gray A. com mer, 100 Front 31 Battery Gray Francis, com mer, 145 Front Gorham C. merchant, 47 Cala Gray Fred. 130 Commercial Gorhani Jas S. painter, 8 First Gray H M. Dr. 219 Clay Gorham W R. baker, 248 Dupont Gray John, butcher, 43 Sansome Gors John, shoemake, 166 Mont Gray John, broker, 123 Sacramento Goss Mao J. com mer, 98 Battery, h 248 Gray J. market, 47 Bush Powell Gray L. bar, 82 Broadway-

Goss, White i5* co. com mer, 96-98 Bat Gray M. 106 Battery Gostorfs L B merchant, 92 Cala Gray Nathaniel, Sacramento n Dupont Gothard Ann, saloon, 225 Dupont Gray W H. wholesole grocer, 57 Pacific Gotter Samuel, laborer, 63 Kearny Gray W J. Powell near Jackson Goubert A. lithographic printer, 16 Ohio Gray 4* Doan, brokers, 123 Sacramento Gould A S. clerk, 152 Clay Gray & Easterly, com mer, 145 Front Gould Jas G. merchant, 69 Sacramento Gray & Starn, wholesale grocer, 51 Pac Gould T F. com mer, 62 Cal, h 90 Pine Green A. boots t^* shoes, 56 Coml Gould T H grocer, 167 Dupont Green C R. Dept Collector, 197 Wash Gould W B. clerk, 76 Commercial Green Daniel furniture, 230 Clay Gould & Wiswell, grocer, 167 Dupont Green E. carpenter. Observatory Hill Goulden Ed. carpenter, Folsom n Beale Green F. 170 Montgomery G-EORG-E GORDON, mimmKmmwmMfm


' ''©111 '11111111 ''«« ' '*i''yiiii ''''^iiiiii i!iii -jiiirw ''''iiiiii'iiiiii ''iiiiiii':iiiii 4iiii''"ii ^ato Wllk^mxti PillsJktr 3^' WHARVES, DOCKS SUBMARINE FOUiDATIOiS PLANK ROADS, FLUMES, Etc.

Possessing an extensive Foundry, Steam Saw IVlills, and Steam Pile Driving and Excavating Machinery, with the advantage of a three i years' residence in Cahfornia, and an influential monied connection, the undersigned is able to execute important works with promptitude. Railroad Iron, Water and Gas Pipes, imported from Great Britain ; City and Foreign Capital invested in legitimate undertakings. An effi- cient corps of Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Draughtsmen, Millwrights and practical Mechanics in readiness for country work. GEORGE GORDON, Office corner Pine and Battery Streets. GEO. GORDON & STEEN,

STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS. BOILER MAKERS, ETC. Vulcan Foundry, First and Melius sts.

Jind 12 W*laU Street, J^^cw ITorh, Steam Engines of all sizes constantly on hand and made to

order ; Boilers of every description. Saw Mill. Flour Mill and Quartz Mill Machinery made to order or imported from New York. Steam Engines of G. G. & S.'s make, are now in operation all over the Slate, and command a preference over imported Engines. Contracts for Machinery, Eailroad Iron, Gas or "Water Pipes, Iron Fencing, Cast Iron or Suspension Bridges, and ail kinds of Mill Work executed in Great Britain or New York, and imported to order. GEO. GOISI>0]\ & STEEIV, VULCAN IRON FOUNDRY, 1st and MELIUS STS. H^-OFFICE, CORNER PINE AND BATTERY. i GRE 59 HAG

Green Geo. H. 141 Montgomery Groom Hemy, fancy goods, 224 Clay Green G W. butcher, G tj- 8 Pacific Mkt. Groomsbridge Wm. oyster saloon, 255 h 251 Clay Dupont Green Jas. com mer, 90 Pine Gross E S. com mer, 145 Front Green Lot, drayman, 176 Montgomery Grotjan P A. druggist, 213 Washington Green Samuel H. com mer, cor Front & Groult C F. washing, Dupont c Union California Grover W A ins cus. Barge Office Green Samuel, machinist, Coml wharf Grover W A. Dr. 323 Stockton Green Stillman, soda manuftr, Vallejo n Grubber S H. grocer, 126 Jackson Stockton Guager's Office, (state) 57 Sacramento Green Thos. laborer, 49 Bvsh Guager's Office, (U. S.) C H Green Thos. drayman, 25 Battery Guerrn P. meat stall, 5-7 Pacific mkt Green Thos. furniture, 158 Sacramento Guerin J. dry goods, 151 Kearny Green T D. com mer, 120 Sansome Guerin & co. J. wines &. liqrs, 157 Sac Green W. seaman, 90 Pine Guichard E. drugs, 221 Clay Green W P. clerk, 73 Battery Guichard & Riofrey, drugs, 221 Clay Green & Heath, com mer. Front c Cala Guild Albert H. merchant, 85-87 Front Green, Pidwell & co. furniture, 158 Sac Guild

Hagan John, grocer, 155 Front Halleck, Peachy, Billings & Park, 90 i

Hagen Robt. chemist, 131 Commercial Merchant i Hageman P. merchant, 85 Jackson Haller Joseph, watchmaker, 329 Stock Hager J S. attorney, 163 Montgomery Hallet Miss H. boarding house, Vallejo n Hagerty Chas. 170 Sansome Stockton Haight A J. laborer, 142 Commercial Hallock J Y. com mer, 97 Sansome Haight H H. attorney, 90 Merchant Hallock ^' CO J y. merchants, 97 Sans Haight Henry, banker, 97 Montgomery Halloweli S L. auct, 125 Washington, h Haight & Wadsworth, attys, 90 Merch Broadway above Taylor Haindel C. laborer, 313 Dupont Ham J H. produce, llO Front Haine Jos. physician, 13 Commercial Ham & Flournoy, produce, 110 Front Hale A W. waterman, 65 Pacific, house HambHn F C. carpenter, 199 California Jane n Minna Hambley T C. attorney, 135 Mont Hale Geo. clerk, 52 Front Hames T. hotel, 233 Dupont Hale Hemy, liquors, 145 Sansome Hamilton A. carpenter, 26 First Hale H M. com mer, 73 Sacramento Hamilton Chas. Daguerrean, 163 Clay Hale M C. shipping office, 49 Pacific Hamilton P. attorney, 90 Merchant Hale Mathew, pilot, 16 Sacramento " T P. com mer, 59 Front Hale & CO, watermen,

Harding Chas. porter, 51 Broadway Hasken Jas. seaman, Beale n Harrison " " S C. constable, 174 Pacific . Wm C. P Exchange, 219 Clay Hardison E W. pilot steamer Am Eagle Hassin J C. clerk, City Hall HardilandL. P. clerk, 91 California Hassell John, barber, 125 Merchant Harkman J H. clerk, 141 Washington " AD. Lady of the Lake house, 65 Harlej B F. dep sheriff, City Hall Davis Harlow Jas. market, 167 Front Haste H R. P A House, 46 Sacramento f Harper Jas. clerk, 94 Jackson " J IL billiards, 48 Sacramento " W C. prmter, 131 Kearny Hastings John, physician, 234 Wash " W H. saloon, 188 Jackson " S A. sup Mar street warehouse laborer, 41 Pike " S C. attorney, 90 1 Harpy Jos. Montgomery " " C. laundry, 41 Pike

" F. broker, 3 Commercial " c|' CO A D. grocers, 84 Front " H C. fish, 22-24 Pacific market Hathaway B W. physician, 154 Clay " S R. physician Hathaway Wm F. machinist, B'dAvay whf " S R. 15(5 Mission C W. produce, 88 Front "*' M. produce, 72 Jackson " W. tinman, 102 Mont " T. saloon, 162 Kearny " R. striker, 69 First " & CO, fish. Pacific market " S^re

Hayden G. dentist, 200 Clay Henderson B. laborer, 54 Melius " Haynes E M, jeweller, 187 Clay F. drygoods, 136 Sac " E R. jeweller, 187 Clay '• M. milliner, 54 Melius " Jas F. bds Rassatte House " M A. milliner, 160 Sac " Hays John C. Sheriff, City Hall, h 325 Hardie 4' co. dry goods, 136 Powell Sacramento Hayes Samuel, com mer, 161 Front Hendley A C. butter, stall 16 Pac mkt Hays G J. trader, 276 Stockton " &, CO. butter. Pacific mkt " Jas. laborer, 66 First Hendren J R. grocer, 78 First " Thos. Dept Sheriff, City Hall Hendric Jas. laborer, 57 Broadway Hayes ^ Lindall, watches, 187 Clay Hendrich Chas. cook, 22 California Haynes John, laboser, 36 First Hendrick Chas. silversth, Wash n Stock Haynes T J. com mer, 66 Jackson Hendricks Joseph, tailor. 111 Mont Haynie Wm M. stevedore, h Trinity n " J. 126 Sansome Bush " R. moulder, Folsom c Beale Hayward S L, stevedore, Harsn n Spear Hendrickson Wm L. ins cus, Barge Office Hazard P F. broker, 168 Bush Hendsir Miss, fancy dry goods, 185 Clay Hazard Haywood Benj. blacksmith, 129 Henley G. timnan, 114 Battery Clay " R. liquors, 41 Montgomery Hazard, Haywood & Duncan, blcksmths Hennesey G. fancy goods, 55 Coml 129 Clay Henney W H. architect, 140 Mont Hazard P F. wines, 111 Sansome Henning John, cooper, 37 Liedsdorff Hazeltine Wm. mer, 94 Jackson Henricks Miss E. millinerY, 185 Clay " & Crooks, N B Oil Works, 94 Henrickson, importer, 122 California Jackson " Reincke & co, imp, 122 Cala Head R. attorney, 3 Commercial Henry J. restaurant, 1-13 Commercial Heal Seth, laborer, Market n Front " W A. blacksmith, Market wharf Healy John, waiter, 85 Sansome Henshaw Geo. iron and steel, 86 Battery Hearne J S. grocer, 71 Pacific " M. bar, 198 Battery " (fc CO. grocers, 71 Pacific Hepburn HP. attorney, 127 Montgomery Jas. bet Stock Powell Heart Vallejo & Herlich J J L. Swedish Coiisul, Mary's H. hardware, 106 Battery Heath C alley n California " policeman, 244 Dupont C J. Hermann Lucien, attorney, 106 Mont " R W. com mer. Front c Cala Herman J. tailor, 188 Montgomery " Wm. Porter, 51 Broadway " S. dry goods, 72 Mootgomery Heatley E. D. broker, 106 Mont " Saml, clerk, 159 Stockton " & CO. mdze brokers, 106 Mont Hern Thos. teamster, 55 Broadway Heaton Lewis, ship carpenter, 51 Coml Herrera S. printer, 131 Kearny Hebert Z. stalls 5^7 Pacific mkt Herrick E. com mer, 168 Bush Heeder F A. merchant, 94 Cala " N R. machinist, Folsom n Beale Heffron John, drayman, Market whf Herring J H. bar, 43 Battery Heider Francis, merchant, 94 Cala Hesketh John, notary public, 187 Mont Height A J. porter, 51 Broadway Heslep M. attorney. Second n Mission Heiser A. clothing, 123 Front A 58 Broadway " C Hess Enoch, drayman, Wash Hewens Mrs S. boarding, 218 Wash Hewer Wm. doctor, 184 Jackson Heiser & co. clothing, 123 Coml Hewitt A. laborer, 26 First HeU N L. lithogr, 136 California C Hellman Richard, merchant, 124 Cala ' H S. physician, Oriental hotel « Wm. clerk, 124 Cala Hewlett^'s Exchange, 87 Jackson " Bros, com mer, 124 Cala Heydenfeldt Sol. assoc justice sup court Helme G S. machinist, 164 Cala, h 31 Hewston F G. clerk, 107 Commercial Pike Heyer A. baker, 58 Montgomery Helper H R. book-keeper, 84 Sac Heyermer J A F. doctor, 244 Pacific Helvy S. Musician, 3 Commercial Heyl W S. commis agent, 128 Sansome Hempstead D B. merchant, 181 Dupont Ileyman A. merchant, 126 California HEY 63 HOH

Heyman & co, merchant, 126 California Hirstel E H. dry goods, 82 mont Hejn Ernst, fancy goods, 217 Dupont Hitchcock Chas M. Dr. 15 Bush Heyneman, Pick &. co. Import's (37 Sans " Geo B. books & stationery, " Leonard, Importer 67 San 168 Montgomery Heywood F. drayman, 184 Washington Hitchings E. paper-hanger, 181 Clay Hezekel M. merchant, 116 California Hittell J S. phrenologist, 200 Clay Hickey James, Franklin hotel, 180 Sans Hixon W W. upholsterer, 202 Clay " P. laborer, 365 Powell Hoard M. laborer, 26 First " T. bricklayer, Stock n Greenwich Hoare P. grocer, 290 Pacific Hickey & co J. liquors and genl merchants Hoag H. grocer, 42 First " 61 Jackson 4* Whiston, grocers, 42 First Hjckox Geo C. com mer, 52 Front Hobart B. com merchant 68 Sacramento " Boyle, com mer, 68 Sac " (fc Brown, com mer, 52 Front & Hobe Geo H. cigars. Hicks R. laundry, 133 Mission 161 Kearny " 6& Weihe, cigars, 161 Kearny Hildreth L S. butcher 24 Commercial Hobson Irving, laborer, 57 Broadway " S T. butcher, 24 Commercial " G A. boot maker, 216 Clay HUdebrand Otto, carpenter, 274 Stockton " J H. clerk, 137 Montgomery Higgins John, waiter, 12 First " " Mrs. dressmaker, 216 Clay . John, 290 Pacific Hoburg W H, state guager, 57 Sac " J S. hay, 138 Dupont Hochkofilen R. mdze broker, 56 Front " R M. clerk, American Eagle Hodburg A. tailor, 284 Dupont " Mrs M. boarding, 204 Stockton Hodge (^has. drugs, 181 Sansome Hill Alonzo, clerk, 41 Pacific Hodges E H. notary public, 228 Kearny " G. (colored) hotel, 162 Pacific A Hodge John G, clerk, 139 Montgomery " H. contractor, 88 Kearny C Hodge &. Dickey, drugs, 181 Sansome " P. printer, 152 Clay E Hodgkins C E. laborer, 115 Kearny " F. musician, 3 Commercial " J L. blacksmith, 106 Kearny " L. hotel, 180-182 Sansome Hodgkiss John, drayman, Vallejo n Bat *• J E. tinman, 227 Dupont Hoeger, Brothers, com mer, 113 Sac " M. laborer, 69 Kearny Hoeg Geo. C. wood & coal, 118 Front " G. blacksmith, 164 Cala " & Millington, wood & coal, 118 " W McP. com mer, 69 Cala Front Hillard B F. collector, 120 Mont Hoeichner S R. laborer, 59 Kearny " F. Capt. str Ohio Hoen Francis, 272 Dupont Hiller Wm. soda water manf, 384 Stock Hotf Wm C. shipchandlers, 27 Sac Hillman Isaac, Cala Temp House, 229 " & Owner, shipchandlers, 27 Sac Clay Hoffman jr Ogden, judge US D C. 91 Hills Geo. wheelwright, 252 Clay Merchant " Wm S. trader, 252 Clay Hoffman Christian, grocer, 71 Mont Hilken John, bar room, 374 Powell Hoffman's Exchange, 41 Pacific Hillsey Jos W. bricklayer, 306 Pacific " F. bootmaker, 178 Clay Hilsee J M. tailor, 172 Clay " Fred'k, butcher, 342 Stockton Hilton Joshua, merchant, 98 Front " J F. restaurant, 41 Pacific " bds Tehama " S. com mer, 117 Pine Hinckley B. Pacific Foundry, 67 First " Wm. coppersmith, 69 First " D B. moulder, 67 First ^ CO. boots & shoes, 178 Clay " L F. carpenter, 45 Webb " <^ Davis, carpenters, 45 Webb Hines David, tailor, 237 Dupont Hog Owen, oyster saloon, 130 Coml Hinrichsen Wm. importer, 122 Cala Hogan Geo. grocer, 281 Pacific " H W. importer, 122 Cala Hogg A. drugs, 113 Front " Reincke &, co. 122 Cali'a. " Jas. drugs, 113 Front Hirschfeld B J. clerk, 87 Commercial " & Langley, druggists, 113 Front " J. physician, 60 Commercial Hohl L. grocer, 81 Montgomery 9 HOH 64 HUB


^ '• N. wheelright, 298 Dupont Hort's building, 92 Jackson I " P. pressman Alta of. 210 Wash Horton A H. carpenter, 61 Hallock " " Nathaniel, county buildg. Plaza John, bar, 153 Clay !

Hollenbeck W S. merchant, 150 Sans Hoskins E. com mer, 152 Mont - HoUey W A clerk, 182 Montgomery " Edward, com mer, 92 Cala Hollister Wm. attorney, 135 Mont " J D. engineer. Market n First Holman Thos S. merchant, 58 Cala " S A. Mrs. milliner, 344 Stock " W C. com mer, 84 Sacramento Hosman Chas. liquors, 45 Sansome " O T. carpenter, 158 Cala Hosmer Chas. imp wines, 89 Cala " & Ferris, com mer, 58 Cala " H B. billiards, 152 Mont " & CO. W C. com mer, 84-86 Sac " <^ Tingley, billiards, 152 Mont Holmes Chas. stone cutter, 55 Broadway Hossefross Geo H.builder, 250 Kearny " F. laborer, 142 Commercial Houghton Mrs. boarding, 246 Clay '' Freeland, com mer, 37 Battery Houseman Jas. shipwght, Folsm c Main " Thos. well sinker, 212 Pacific Houseley Jos blcksmth, beale n Folsom " T. bar room, 133 Dupont Housley Jos. blksmith, 59 Hallock " Dow & CO. com mer, 37 Battery " Jos. coppersmith, 61 First Holt Mrs. dress maker, 216 Clay Housley & co. blksmiths, 59 Halleck Holz G. cigars, 165 Washington Hotel de Bordeaux, 85 Broadway Homer Jos. boots & shoes, 75 Bush Hovery F C. merchant, 68 Pacific Homer Chas. contractor, Mission c 2nd Howard C G. painter, 90 Clay " E V. 204 Stockton " Engine House, 73 Coml Hong Chong, laundry, 189 Sacramento " Geo H. office 104 Mont Honigsberger J. agent, 92 Cahfornia " Irving, moulder, 69 First Honore, restaurant, 115 Commercial " House, 35 Pacific Honore & constant, restaurant, 115 Coml " J L. grocer, 194 Kearny Hoober G B. printer, 127 Sacramento " Nathan, builder, 27 Sans Hoodley Miles, woodyard, Dupt c Union " Wm. liquors, 122 Jackson Hooker Thos. laborer, 61 LiedsdorfF " W D M. 137 Montgomery Hooper A D. merchant, 153 Dupont " & Wilber, builder, 27 Sansome " A J. com mer, 108 Front Howell B H. com mer, 104 Battery " John M. coffee house, 179 Front " Geo C. clerk, 93 Pacific " John, lumber, 247 Jackson Howe Geo. pilot, Cunningham's wharf Hope Wm. clerk Street Comsnr, office Howe F. clerk, 86 Jackson City Hall " P. finisher, 69 First Hopkins C T. clerk C H " Wm. butter, 138 Clay " Steven, clerk, Harrison n Beale " 4* ^^- traders in butter, 138 Clay " S U. Dept Collector Custom H Howes Geo. merchant, 117 Jackson " Thos. grocer, 339 Stock " R. furniture, 150 Sacramento Hopps W, painter, 100 Sansome " 4* CO. furniture, 150 Sacramento Horan A C. wines & hquors, 116 Cala Hows Wm. liquors, Market n First Horgan John, carpenter, Telgph Hill Howlett John, grocer. Wash n Powell " Michael, trader, 35 Pike " &. Tate, grocers, Wash n Powell Horn A A. laborer, 36 First Hoxie Benj. carpenter 199 California " B C. segars, 58 Sansome Hoyt Samuel H. drayman, 96 Battery " Daniel A. book-keeper, 127 Sans Hoyer Cornelius, shipmaster, 399 Powell Horn 4* CO. B C. imp cigars, 58 Sans Huard A. physician, 151 Stockton Home Philip, Sutter House, Beale n Hubbar A. barber, 66 Commercial Folsome Hubbard D. stoves, 117 Sansome Horr 4* CO. Wm. bakers, 356 Powell « C G. The Kremlin, 328 Stock

^i5*'-^ HUB 65 HOY

Hubbard D E. drygoods, 115 Bush Humphreys & co. grocers, 201 Sac « E P. stoves, 122 Dupont Hungerford J. laborer, 13 Minna " G. carpenter, 196 Kearny " R. laborer, 13 Minna " H P. stoves, 117 Sansome Hunt Chas. caulker, Harrison n Speare " J J. painter, 26 First " D W. grocer, 84 Pine " L. pliysician, 328 Stockton " G. merchant, 120 Bush

" (fc CO. stoves, 117 Sansome " J I), hardware, 97 Battery " & Williams, The Kremlin, 328 " J L. clerk, 97 Battery Stockton " J S. caulker, Harrison n Speare Hubbell Margaret, boarding, 46 Pike " P. livery stable, 163 Sacramento " J G. engineer, 90 Pine " " S. porter, 229 Clay Huber C. bootmaker, 186 Washington " S I. caulker, Harrison n Speare ' ^ Cornish, bootmakrs, 186 Wash " Thos. agent Union Line, 49 Pac Hubert N. attorney, 90 Merchant " & CO. J D. hardware, 77 Battery Hudgins J L. blacksmith, 160 Kearny Hunter A A. broker, 154 Montgomery Hudson C. boots &. shoes, 86 Gala " B H. com mer, 92 Jackson " Edward, carp. Stout's Alley n " E J. stevedore, 10 California Washington R. clerk, 249 Clay Hudson John, painter, 33 Webb " R F. insp cus. Barge Office " James, plumber, 33 Webb Huntington C T. com mer, 126 Front " " W G. intelgnce office, 130 Coml Geo. 49 Washington " 4* Butler, carp, Stout's Alley n " G M. clerk, Davis n Wash Washington « U. blacksmith, 129 Dupont Hue Vallery, drayman, 229 Stockton " W. blacksmith, 43 Webb Hueston H M. tailor, 195 Clay Huntley H V. 230 Stockton Huffington J C. shipping office, 17 Coml Hun* n C J. clerk, Harrison n Speare Huggard John, striker, 67 First Huntoon Wm. 233 Powell Hughes A. moulder, Folsom c Beale Hurley Alex, carpenter, 170 Bush " Ant'y, boarding, 321 Stockton Hussey Chas S. boarding, Vallejo n Stock " Chas. printer, Alta office " F A. com mer, 73 Sacramento " C J. attorney, 90 Merchant " Thos. grocer, 359 Powell " E. 142 Montgomery " Bond c^* Hale, com mer, 73 Sac " H. merchant, 321 Stockton Husson F. clerk, 162 Montgomery " Henry, com mer, 128 Sansome Hussore 1. laborer, 52 Kearny " Jas. 162 Montgomery Hutcherson M. carpenter, 26 First " Jas. laborer, Wash n Powell Hutchings U P. com mer, 79 Pacific " T A. C H broker, 186 Wash Hutchins J H. soda factory, 384 Stock " Glen & CO. com mer, 128 Sans Hutchinson J S. clerk, 134 Mont Huie G W. physician, Harrison c Beale Huttinett N. cabinetmkr, 272 Dupont " J B. auc (fc com, 126 Sans Hyam Joseph, Mercantile Hotel " (fc CO. auc «fc com, 126 Sansome Hyam Dr. 120 Clay Hull Geo S. clerk, 132 California Hyatt Caleb, Oriental Hotel " J A. printer, 118 Commercial Hyatt J G. 41 Pacific " P P. publisher, 146 Mont " G B. engraver, Coml c Liedsdorflf Hume S S. drayman. Sans c Coml Hyde E. hotel, 89 Pacific Humbert A. U S Assayer, 142 Coml " Henry, baker, 356 Powell Hum bland A. butcher, N. W. market " Isaac, stoves, 109 Sacramento Hummeltenberg W. 279 Dupont " J T. physician, 125 Coml, h 310 Humphreys C. county surveyor's office. Dupont City Hall Hyde W H. boarding, 115 Bush Humphreys J. Rassette House " W H, lumber, 14 California " J B. grocer, 201 Sac " & Camack, stoves, 109 Sac '• " L. clerk, 152 Sansome (fc Perry, P Temp House, 89 Pac " " Wm. P. city surveyor, office (fc Greenman, lumber, 14 Cala City Hall Hoymes G. clothier, 127 Commercial IAN JEF

lander Leonard, mattrasses, 1G7 Jackson Jacks H. jeweler, 157 Montgomery Ickelheimer 11. painter, 222 Kearny, h " Saml. laborer, Sydney Valley 368 Powell " W S. jeweler, 157 Montgomery Ickelheimer J. bds 59 Kearny " & Woodruff, jewelers, 157 Mont Ickman H E. blacksmith, 103 Kearny Jackson A. hatter, 151 Montgomery Ickleman A. 29 First " Anne, washing, 316 Dupont Iken & CO, merchants, 84 Sacramento " Chas M. clerk, 181 Front Illmans M. 161 Front " E. tailor, 259 Dupont Illingsworth W. carpenter, 8-3 Jackson " House, restaurant, 93-95 Mont lis J G. tinman, 214 Washington " House Gen'l, liquors, 18 First Imlay Isaac, bds 156 Clay " J. bds Tehama Inches Robt. waterman, Stockton n Filbt '* Jos, auct and com, 96 Cala Ingalls Geo. laborer, Vallejo n Battery " John, grocer, 187 Pacific Ingate John, bds, 156 Clay •' J T. upholsterer, 181 Clay Inge S W. attorney, 163 Montgomery " J T. printer, 127 Sacramento Inge Samuel, 205 Clay " S C. physician, 202 Pacific IngersoU Saml. porter, 1 Commercial whf " Wm H. turner, 91 Kearny Ingersoll Wm. 59 Clay " & Goux, woolen dyers, Mason c Ingraham A. teamster, Bat n Vallejo Washington Ingraham Jos. clothing. 111 Clay Jacobs Edgar, porter, 199 Front Ingraham J. pilot, Cumiingham's wharf " J. painter, 83 Kearny Inkleby J. blacksmith, 89 Pine " Joseph, tailor, 210 Kearny Inkleworth ^Y P. jeweler, 83 Keamj^ " J T. merchant, 156 Clay Inkley B. Minna c Second " M. tailor, 210 Kearny Inkley D. Minna c Second " S R. merchant, 128 Sansome Inman J C. bds Tehama " S L. merchant, 76 Montgomery Inman M. stone cutter. Battery n Greene " S L. brickmaker. Stock n Filbert Inman Walter, painter, 63 Clay " T C. liquor, 11 Drum Insdale Henry, carriage maker, 91 Kear " & Dessau, bakers, Chesnut above Inslee cigars, J H. 64 Commercial Stockton , Inspector Weights and Measures, T Ten- " & Levi, merchant, 76 Mont nent. Front cor Commercial " & Pearl, hquor, 11 Drum Intfield V. notary public, Market st whf Jacoby W. imp dry goods, 72 Mont Ireland Wm. ship carpenter, Rincon point Jacquen C. pawnbroker, 151 Commercial near Beale Jaquis Jas. teamster, 118 Bush Iresdale J S. stoves, 88 Clay Jaquet C. merchant, 408 Stockton Irewalds Jas. drayman, 83 Kearny James G F. attorney, 159 Montgomery Irvine Jas. drayman, 51 Clay " John, striker, 64 First Irving House, 156 Montgomery " Thos. ship carpenter, 8 Melius Irwin F S. boatman. Commercial wharf " W. trader, 249 Clay Irwin John, porter, 179 Clay Jamison R. ship carpenter, 53 First Inwood Geo. proprietor, 379 Powell " Thos. laborer, Sydney Valley Isaacs H. tailor, 190 Montgomery Janes H P. attorney, 159 Clay, h 266 Isaacs H. 315 Stockton Powell Isaacs Morris, tailor, 198 Kearny Janes, Noyes & Barber, attys, 159 Clay Isaton L. ostler, 73 Kearny Janson C J. dry goods, 92 Sansome Isnard Amand, barber, 234 Dupont Janssen E. grocer, 25 Sansome Israel Moses, tailor, 98 Commercial Jardin Alph, artist, 195 Dupont Isthmus Hotel, 36 First Jarrett Thos. boarding, 51 Front Ives John, boatman. Central wharf Jaszynsky L. merchant, 64 Sansome Ives Warren, fish, 26-28 Pacific market Jefferes Wm. Drum cor California Ivison Pierre, blacksmith, 53 Clay Jefferson B. Washington n Stockton JEF 67 JON

JeflFerson R S. laborer, 115 Kearny Johnson J H. bar, 95 Pacific Jelly W D. physician, 257 Clay " Mrs. millinery, 156 Sacramento Jenifer W II. insp customs, barge office " J S. Rassettc house Jenkins E. pilot, Cunningham's wharf " J F. merchant, 97 Jackson " John, shoemaker, 144 Mont " P. drayman, 57 Broadway " Mrs John, milliner, 108 Sac " Miss M. dressmaker, 92 Mont " Wm. drugs, 142 Montgomery " R. stone cutter, 380 Stockton " Wm. 51 Sansome " Richard, Rassette house " & Keith, drugs, 142 Mont " SO. publisher, office cor Com- Jennings E R. tailor, 288 Stockton mercial and Leidsdorff, h 172 Wash " G A. clerk, 146 Sansome " Saml H. lumber, 14 California " B. clothier, 83 California " S W. painter, 45 Pike " Wm. blacksmith, 35 Broadway " S W. 142 Washington " & Brewster, clothing, 83 Cala " Thos. bowling, 57 Commercial Jessel E A. auctioneer, 88 Commercial " Thos G. Niantic hotel Jessup R M. imp groceries, 79 Wash " T R. books, 140 Sacramento Jewell H C. bds Tehama " W. dravman, 57 BroadAvay " H M. clerk, 93 California " W H. bds Tehama " jr Wm. City Directory Office, Clay " W 0. livery, 166 (commercial street, h 36 Virginia " W C. ship joiner, Har n Spear Jewett Geo D. insp cus, barge office " W U. insp cus, barge office " Mary, residence 233 Sacramento " & Gihon, books, 140 Sac " Saml N. painter, 55 Broadway " & CO. Henry, drugs, 140 Wash " W Cornell, auct and com, 67 Cala " & CO. W O. livery, 166 Coml " W S. artist, 98 merchant ^" &, Canfield, clothing, 169 Clay Jillard Mrs John, boarding, 50 Broadway " & Thomas, attys, 99 Merchant Jlaize V. baker, 319 Dupont Johnston Albert, carpenter, 69 First " Jobbi D. liquors, 208 Sacramento D. Rassette House " Jobson Chas F. printer, 201 Sacramento James, El Dorado, 193 Wash " David, merchant, 168 Dupont " J. Rassette House " Johns E. moulder. Market n First Jas. plumber, 136 Clay " " Thos D. merchant, 60 Sansome, h J. S. elk str Kate Kearny, 245 Washington " J W. daguerean, 136 Mont " Johnson A. mechanic, 36 First Thos. bds Oriental Hotel " " C A. attorney, 99 Merchant W P. laborer, 76 Pacific Joice V. St Hotel, " C. com mer, 152 Pacific E Bt 2 Coml " Erastus, attorney, 270 Clay " C J. jewelry, 128 Commercia,l Jolibois Jean, boarding, 398 " Chas. bar, 199 Pacific Stockton Jolliff H. pilot, Cunnghm's " D. 45 California W wharf Joly A. clerk, 122 California " E, wheelwright, 105 Kearny Jones Cyrus W. merchant, 47 Cala " Elias, blacksmith, 148 Pacific " David, hotel, (Jones') 119 Cala " E K. foundryman, 69 First " D. butcher, 311 Stockton " Geo. grain, 145 Washington ' " Edward, hanker, 185 Kearny " Geo. barkeeper, 10 California " Ed. steward str Jack Hays " H. drayman, 57 Broadway " E H. fancy goods, 151 Mont " H. miner, 319 Dupont " F E. teacher pub school, 234 Dupt " Henry, drugs, 146 Washington " F L. painter, 192 Jackson " Jas. plumber «& tinman, 136 Clay " Hotel, 115-119 California " Jas. El Dorado, 193 Wash " H B. clerk, 185 Kearny " Jacob, watchmaker, 199 Pacific " H P. real estate. 277 Stockton " John, clothing, 169 Clay •• H W. physician, 129 Pacific " J C. merchant, 102 Battery " Jolm, shpwrght, Harrison n Spear Johnson J. Ncely store-keeper, Union st. " J H. painter, 192 Jackson U. S. B. Ware House JON 68 KEL

Jones S D. imp shoes, 96-98 Battery Junson Geo D. teamster, 59 Broadway " J T. bar, 138 Montgomery Justic, jeweler, 212 Dupont •' P. caulker, 61 First Justus M. bar, Vallejo n Battery " S. (col'd) washing, 290 Pacific " Wm. wheelwright, 105 Kearny " Wm. carpenter, Vallejo n Battery " Wm. (col'd) barber, 145 Coml Kaindler A. imp dry goods, 193 Clay " WmB. merchant, 129 CaUfornia Kaindler G. imp dry goods, 193 Clay " Wm. Gary, atty, 98 Mercht, h 227 Kaindler & Bros, imp dry goods, 193 Stockton Clay Jones Wra. H. auctioneer 142 Wash Kalisher E D. clerk, 88 Commercial " 4* CO- "i^P shoes, 96-98 Battery Kalkman P. merchant, 12 Melius " & CO. E H fancy goods, 151 Mont Kammann P. printer, Vallejo n Battery " 4* ^^- ^^' ^- merchants, 131 Cal Kane John, laborer, Minna n Second " Tompkins &, Strode, attorneys, 98 Kane Samuel, mattress maker, Vallejo n Merchant Battery Jordan A. 153 Commercial Karpp A. dry goods, 204 Pacific " E. laborer, 73 Kearny Karness Mathew, laborer, 235 Stockton " Geo H. soda manufactr, Vallejo n Kashaw Israel, groc & liqrs, Markt whf Stockton Katz B. clothier, 85 Commercial " Morris, jeweler, 126 Mont Kau J E. laborer, 63 Kearny " M J. mason, Stockton n Greene Kauharatt H K. merchant, 60 Gala " 4' ^^' jeweler, 126 Montgomery Kause A F. tinman, 150 Kearny Jorgensen J E. jeweler, 153 Kearny Kay Chong, China mcht, 171 Sac Joseph Henry, wharfinger, Market street Keating F. bricklayer. Vallejo n Battery wharf, h 163 Mission • Keating James, butcher, 219 Pacific Joseph J B. optician, 128 Montgomery Kearny James, tailor, 98 Pine " J J. drugs, h 355 Powell KeelanP. laborer, 21 Battery '• jr J J. drugs, h 355 Powell Keemer M. trader, 104 Pine " li B. optician, 128 Montgomery Keenan John, clerk, 169 Clay " Louis, bar, 95 Kearny Keeney W M. notary public, 139 Coml " Bros &. CO. jewelers, 128 Mont Keep E J. merchant, 67 Montgomery Josephi I S. imp jewelry, 176 Wash Keesing Barnet, clothier, 238 Dupont " &. CO. Robert, jewelers, depot of Kehoe J roofer 80 San some Josephi's Premium Fountain Pen, 176 Kehoe John, carpenter, 152 Pacific Washington Kehoe S. carpenter, Sansome n Battery Josephs A A, drugs, 192 Clay Keiser Jacob, tinman, 115 Sansome " S J. imp saddlery, 102 Battery Keith John, druggist, 142 Montgomery " & CO. Imp't Saddlery 102 Bat'ry Keith M. bar-room, 113 Montgomery Josselyn J T. upholsterer, 206 Clay Keith & Jenkins, druggists, 142 Mont " L N. laborer, 83 Pacific: Kelcher T. boarding, 68 Broadway Jourdain A J. (col'd) barber, 145 Coml Keller Robert, confectionery, 181 Clay Journeay Wm. drayman, 63 Kearny Kellen M. bar-room, 18 First Joyce E W. hotel, 2 Commercial Keller Capt. shipmaster, 60 Broadway " Math, clerk, 104 Montgomery Keller Jacob, blacksmith, 49 Kearny « M T. clerk, 162 Kearny Kellersberger B. merchant, 172 Mont " 4- Lockwood, S B Hotel, 2 Coml Kellogg A. druggist, 125 Commercial Joyner Thos. P. bar, Vallejo n Battery Kellogg C G. agent, 25 Commercial Juarls Juana, 171 Dupont Kellogg C L. druggist, 134 Cala, h Sac, Judah Chas D. city attorney, 163 Mont- c Prospect Place gomery, bds., Kremlin Kellogg C W. grocer, 25 Coml " & Hacket, attorneys and coun- Kellogg Geo. com mer, Bdway c Front sellors at law, 163 Montgomery. Kellogg Jas. Sec Merced Mining Co. 6 Juds J. brick moulder. Stock n Gnwich Pike

Julyn A. boarding, Vallejo n Battery Kellogg

Kelly Bernard, carman, P O Ex, Plaza Keyes D W. butter and lard, 149 Sans Kelly Daniel, mason, 239 Clay Keyes E. merchant, 310 Dupont Kelly Eugene, dry goods, 92 Sans Keyes E D. capt USA. office 186 Dupt Kelly Hugh, blacksmith, Webb n Gala Keyes E W. merchant, 161 Montgomery Kelly Henry, painter. Battery n Bdway Keyes H. butter store, 149 Sansome Kelly J. machinist, 69 First Keyes Seth C, clothing, 195 Clay Kelly John, dry goods, 133 Sacramento Keyes Wm. merchant, 16 Webb Kelly Patrick, plasterer, 82 Pine Keyes Wm C. clothier, 178 Clay Kelly P F. laborer, Folsom c Beale Keyes & co, butter store, 149 Sansome Kelly Terence, police officer, 244 Dupt Keyser Simeon, clerk, 53 Broadway Kelly W P. printer, 131 Kearny Kibbe W. public house, 137 Commercial Kelly & CO. E. imp dry goods, 92 Sans Kibbe Millar J. liquor, 132 Montgomery Kelsey D S. 75 Commercial Kidd J. Rassette house Kelsey D B. butter, cheese 4* l^^d, 16 Kidder Danl S. porter, 55 Broadway Pacific Market Kieruff N. clerk, 372 Stockton 4* com, Kelsey W F. auc 76 Cala Kilick Thomas, Franklin hotel Kelsey

' Kenny W H. notary public, Coml c Mont Kingsbury Jos. clerk, 97 Battery Kent Saml, clerk, 100 Battery Kingsbury Wm. Tehama house ship joiner, B. mason, 31 Pike I Kent Saml H. 36 First Kingsley J builder, Jackson I Kenton F S. grocer, Law's wharf Kingsley N P. 247 Kenyon T B. boarding Kinzer G W. register clerk custom house Keppel Henry, ship carpenter, 8 Melius Kirby Wm L. steward S M Hospital Kerar Chas S. teamster, 51 Broadway Kirby Wm. Frankhn hotel fKermer M. merchant, 104 Pine Kirchner Alex, merchant, 60 Cala iKermey D. laborer, 53 First Kirchoff C. merchant, 127 California Kerr W M. carpenter, 91 Kearny KirchoflF S. merchant, 178 Dupont iKerr W R. stone cutter, 33 Kearny Kirchoff, De Sola & co, merchs, 127 Cala Kerrison Robt. grocer, 267 Stockton Kirk Patrick, teamster, 115 Kearny Ketner Saml, Rincon point Kiser Fred, seaman, 51 Commercial ' Kettelle W C. clerk, 118 Montgomery Kirtland C W. Rassette house jKewenE J C. lawyer, 157 Montgomery Kittredge John, blacksmith, 127 Wash KIT 70 LUK

Kittredge k co, blacksmiths, 127 Wasli Krause & co H. imp Fr goods, 174 Mont Kittredge J W. com mer, 10 Sacramento Kremer M. druggist, 74 Montgomery Kittrell John R. insp cus, brrge office Kreraer M. merchant, 104 Pine Klaucke M F. merchant, 12G Cala Kremlin hotel, 328 Stockton Klarney Jas. tailor, 98 Pine Kripp John, carpenter, 152 Pacific Kleinshroth John, hotel, 133 Pme Kroh B P. laborer, 99 Kearny Kline Fred C. waiter, 85 Sansome Krone Louis, tailor, 159 Washington Kling Geo. restaurant, 115 Front Krone & Guttman, tailors, 159 Wash Klipzig John, gunsmith, 212 Washington Krotowlise H. stone cntter, Sydney Valley Klopp A. seaman, 63 Broadway Kirus C. coffee house, 100 Montgomery Klump W. engraver, 103 Montgomery Krucgcr Chas, pump and block maker, 17 Klumpke Geo. boot maker, 154 Mont Sacramento Klumpke & Pfieffer, boot mkrs, 154 Mont Kuce Francis, baker, 160 Kearny Knibble Wm. soda works, Val n Dupt Kuce & Carter, bakers, 160 Kearny Knickerbocker Eng House, 107 Mercht Kuhn Cristopher, baker, 207 Jackson Knight E. agent P M S S Co, Sacramen- Kuner A. engrcver, 167 Washington to cor Leidsdorff Kurtz John, tobacco and segars, 84 Bat Knight F P. Adams' express, 99 Mont Kurzer G W. clerk, 197 Washington Knight J P. ballast, 36 First Kuitz John, saloon, 39 Pacific Knight 0. wheelwright, 105 Kearny Kurtz J. imp segars, 63 Commercial Knight S A. carman, 96 Jackson Kurtz J. merchant, 3 Commercial Knott R F. merchants' exchange, 152 Kyle Clarence, carman, 9 Melius, rear Montgomery Kyle Mrs C. washing, 9 jNlellus, rear Knowles Thos. clerk, 194 Mission ^ I^yle J B. butcher, 365 Stockton Knowls Richard, laborer, 245 Clay Kyne Chas. Franklin Hotel Knowlton G. turner, 196 Kearny Kyne Jas. Franklin Hotel Knowlton J J. carpenter, 328 Dupont j^nox F Dr. oil woi'ks, 96 Jackson g;nox R F. oil, 96 Jackson g;nox & CO, oil, 96 Jackson Labatt & co S K. dry goods, 179 Clay Kock W M. 59 Kearny Lacharme Alex, carpanter, 231 Dupont Kohl Wm. laborer, Folsome c Beale Laciciana Chas P. clerk. Griffin's Wharf Kohler A. grocer, 276 Stockton Lacy Louis, cook. Commercial wharf Kohler G F. notary public, 3 Commercial Ladd A S. auction saloon, 98 Sansome Kohler Fred^ silver plater, 127 Kearny Ladd Geo. watchmaker, 115 Mont Kohlmann S. clothing, 165 Montgomery Ladd W N. clerk, 99 Sansome Kohlmann Jacob, clothier, 172 Clay Lafoy Mrs P. teacher, 179 Stockton Kohlmann Solomon, clothier, 172 Clay Laprauce L. cook. Commercial wharf Kohlmann & Bros, clothiers, 172 Clay Lafitte C B. com mar, 47 Battery Kohn Emile, trader, 393 Powell Lafitte H. B. auction, 91 California Kones T M. 61 Battery Laforest E A. resides 246 Powell

Korr L R. hardware, 188 Washington Lagauterie tf co C. com mer, 140 Jack Korn T R. hardware, 110 Battery Lagomarsine Luis, brokar, 194 Wash Kopf Klous, school teacher, 243 Dupont Lagus H E. merchant, 85 Jackson Korrick R. tailor, 270 Dupont Lahan John L. bar, 153 Clay Koster H. segar dealer, 174 Wash Lahan & Horton, bar, 153 Clay Kostromitnoff P S. Russian American Co Laighton Jas. merchant, 159 Melius

agent, 172 Montgomery Laigneil Jean, blacksmith, 293 Stockton i Krait R. laborer, Sydney Valley Laimbeer Geo. builder, 34 Sansome Krambach L. crockery and glass, 171 Laird John, porter, 60 Battery Montgomery Lake Lelos, judge district court, h Sacra- Kramer George, cabinet maker, 279 Dupt mento above Dupont Kramer J. segars, Dupt n Filbert Lake Harvey, pilot, 90 Pacific Kramer Jacob, brewer, Val n Powell Luke Michael, laborer, Sydney Valley LAM n LEA

Lamb Seth, insp cus, barge office Lask Joseph, clerk, 22 Commercial Lamben E. watchmaker, 175 Clay Lask Lewis, clothing, 96 merchant Lewis, Bush Lamben (f co, watchmakers, 175 Clay Lask 73 Lambert Allen, foundryman, 246 Powell Lassar E. dry goods, 217 Dupont Lambert Geo Gr. com mer, 52 Front Lassar L. dry goods, 217 Dupont Lambert Ed. saloon, 252 Dupont Lassar & Bros, dry goods, 217 Dupont Lambert Dr. 33 Montgomery Lassia J. 194 Pacific Lambert Gilbert, saloon, 252 Dupont Latcher Louisa, boarding, 177 Dupont Lambert John, mason, 239 Clay Latimer B G. com mer. 28 Battery Lambert Thos. com mer, 5 Broadway Latimer L R. clerk, 28 Battery Lambert & co, com mer, 52 Front Latremoliere Mrs. washing, 143 Coml Lambert B ^ G. saloon, 252 Dupont Lauenstcin G. com mer, 143 Front Lamheart C. clerk, Cunningham's wharf Lauenstein L. coffee house, 174 Clay Lammott Robt S. com mer, 4 Battery Lauenstein W 0. com mer, 143 Front Lammott H D. clerk, 4 Battery Lauenstein & Landsberger, 174 Clay Lamoore T. waiter, 85 Sansome Lauenstein, Gibson & co, com merchants Lamont Ed H. com mer, 92 Jackson 143 Front Lamont, Hunter & co, com mer, 92 Jack Laughlin H. 180 Sansome Lamson Joseph, ship master, 47 Com! Lauterwasser F P. merchant, 67 Davis Lamson N K. cashier, 106 Sansome Laux Henry, boot maker, 163 Wash Lande R, hotel, 156 Montgomery Lavalle Mrs. A. Clay above Powell Lander C. tailor, 154 Clay Lavenson S. clerk, 121 Commercial Lander ^ Assion, tailors, 154 Clay Lavers H. carpenter, Sydney Valley Landers James, Central House, Merchant Laverty Patrick, 51 Davis Landers John, clerk, 173 Clay Lavezzarre F. clerk, 82 Clay Landers P C. California n Kearny Law Harvey, drayman, 55 Broadway Landeau P. tailor, 225 Clay Law Richard, merchant, 278 Jackson Landeta Manuel, clerk, 44 Davis Law Robt A. imp grocer, 85 Washington Lane Ebenezer, insp cus, barge office Law Thos K. 249 Clay Lane H. cook, 83 Sansome Lawler George, Rassette house Lane S A. painter, 139 Sansome Lawler John, cooper, 23-25 Battery Lane Thos A. saloon, 185 Jackson Lawler R C. bookkeeper, 99 Mont Lang Chas E. sign painter, Mason near Lawless J. cooper, 332 Dupont Greenwich Lawrence B jr. com mer, 71 Jackson Lang W F. National hotel, 76 Pacific Lawrence B L. insp cus, barge office Lang ^ Brady, National hotel, 76 Pac Lawrence G S. Adams' express, 99 Mont Langdon E F. insp cus, barge office Lawrence G S. optician, 198 Clay Langerman Wm. tobacconist, 182 Mont Lawrence J E. editor Times & Transcript

Langerman ^f co, imp and wholesale dlrs 152 Clay in tobacco and segars, 182 Mont Lawrence W D. 180 Sansome Langfeld L. fancy goods, 247 Clay Lawson Powell S. metal roofer, 33 Leids Langley A J. saloon, 191 Kearny Lawson Jas. UN. W. market, Langley Chas. ll3 Battery Lawson Robt. laborer,-145 Commercial

1 Langley & co, bar room, 191 Kearny Lawton A. blacksmith, 36 First

I Lanszweert Louis, chemist, 164 Mont Lawton J, Kvery stable, 115 Kearny Lapeyronsa S de La, 313 Dupont Lawton J H. carriage maker, 42 Sans I i Larco Nicolas, merchant, 138 Jackson Lawton & co, carriage makers, 42 Sans

Larco .f co, merchants, 138 Jackson Layden W. printer, 210 Washington j iLarcomb Jos. carpenter, 61 Leidsdorff Layton John, blacksmith, Val n Stockton iLarken J F. drug store, 200 Clay Lazard Simon, merchant, 74 Mont Larkin T 0. 137 Bros. co, 74 Montgomery ] Montgomery Lazard, &

I Larrabee J R. boots and shoes, 40 Coml Leach J C. printer, 127 Sacramento

• Larrimore Richard, builder, 202 Pacific Leahy Danl. cooper, 37 Leidsdorflf Larseu Wm. stone cutter, Sydney Valley Leanny J C. 180 Sansomo I LEA 72 LIN

Leary Cornelius, carpenter, 233 Stockton Leroy Theodore, merchant, 151 Mont Lcary Mrs C. washing, 233 Stockton Levek C. clothier, 83 Commercial Leannan Jacob, bar, 117 INIcrchant Level S, dry goods, 264 Dupont Leavett J S. hotel, 47 Pacific Levenway G. clerk, 206 Clay Leavett J S. baths, 161 Montgomery Levett D. dentist, 197 Clay Leavitt J B. carpenter, 229 Clay Levitt Sylvester, merchant, 313 Dupont Lebutard M. liijuors, 142 Sacramento Levi II. clothing, 76 Montgomery Le Cacheux.T& L Galley, wines, 54 Merc liGvy A. clothier, 61 Commercial Le Comte N. tinsmith, 1(35 Sansome Levy Isaac, dry goods, 264 Dupont Lecount Josiah J. bookseller, 139 Mont Levy J L. cigars, 170 Montgomery Ledley Wm. wharfinger. Central wharf Levy John, watchmaker, 167 Wash Ledunois J. flowers, 152 Washington Levy Julius, cigars, 170 Montgomery Lee George, saloon, 258 Dupont Levy jr L A W. merchant, 143 Clay Lee H M. com mer, 69 Jackson Levy L A W. shirt emporium, 143 Clay Lee H Clay, clerk, 67 Front Levy Leopold, clothier, 113 Coml Lee N A. tinsmith, 78 Pacific Levy S. upholsterer, 241 Clay Lee R P jr. Adams' express Levy Sigismond, cigars, 199 Wash Lee Wm. trader, 290 Pacific LevyS. cigars, 170 Montgomery Lee Winaus, Levy & Wolf, shirt depot, 143 Clay (f- com mer, 69 Jackson Lefebre Mrs C. Clay above Powell Lewen A. laborer, 51 Commercial Lefebre Josephine, milliner, 197 Dupont Lewis C H. clerk, 95 Sansome LeffenwellW. com mer, 62 Front Lewis D P. Rassette House Leffenwell & co, com mer, 62 Front Lewis Henry, (col'd) shoe store, 198 Clay Lefram Chas. upholsterer, 198 Dupont Lewis H M. watch mkr, 187 Clay J. ostler, 73 Legendre L. waiter, 129 Commercial Lewis Kearny Lewis Jas R. cigars, 58 Sansome Legg Geo. striker, cor Folsome and Beale Lewis J Roome, merchant, 75 Jackson Lehman C. laborer, 319 Dupont Lewis J W. trader, 2 Commercial Lehman & co J. clothiers, 186 Clay Lewis Joseph, elk U S Aprs store, Gala c Leigh J W. editor, 120 Montgomery Sansome Leighton Jas- merchant, 159 Mission Lewis John (col'd) shoe store, 198 Clay Leighton & co, shirt depot, 83 Mont Lewis M. cigars, 86 i Jry Leipnitz G. druggist, 81 Kearny Lewis M M. Avatchmkr, 86 Battery Leland Geo H. Post Office Arcade Lewis H M. watch mkr, 187 Clay Lelong Henry, confectioner, 126 Jackson Lewis Richard, liquors, 20 Sacramento Lemme Wm. seal engraver, 227 Stock Lewis R A. merchant, Broadway whf Lemon Frank, collector, 210 Washington Lewis T. trader, 2 Commercial Lemore J C M. Rassette house Lewis Wm. boatman, 39 Pacific Lenard P. (colored) barber, 40 First Lewis Wm. teamster, 53 Broadway Lengfield J. dry goods, 149 Kearny Lewis & Bassett, merchants. 75 Jackson LengfieldL. clothing, 46 California Libby David, carpenter, 61 First Lengun C H. machinist, 67 First Libby Mary S. teacher public school, Lent John A. attorney, 170 Montgomery Minna c Second Lent Wm M. importer, 170 Montgomery Liddell J R. policeman, 244 Dupont B. Leon dress maker, 201 Pacific Lienthal Henry porter, 170 Mont Leonard Maj H. Pay Master USA. cor Lightner Joel, merchant, 85-87 Front CaUfornia and LeidsdoriF Lightner, Guild &, merchts, 85-87^Front Leonard E W. land agent, 101 Merchant Lilly G. stationer, 151 Sansome Leonard Robt. pub house, Fremont n Fol Lilly John, painter, 139 Sansome Leonard S. dry goods, 264 Dupont Linch Chas. slater, 36 First Leonard W. com mer, 128 Front Ijinch John, machinist, 26 First Leonard & Level, dry goods, 264 Dupont Lincoln C G. clerk, 104 Montgomery Leppien Fred, imp, 126 Gala, h 12 Melius Lincoln H E. merchant, 137 Mont Leppien & Schultze, 126 California Lincoln Wm. grain 4' Feed, 192 Kearii Lepetre P. restaurant, 147 Commercial Lindeman T. machinist, 26 First LIN 73 LUT

Linnell E. Rassette House Lord Thos. carpenter, 160 Washington Linnell J C. Tehama Lorentz Geo P. soda manufctr, Vallejo n Linnell Thos. 156 Clay Stockton Linoberg E. Vallcjo n Powell Loring John, carpenter. 141 Mission Lipman C F. imp wines, 97 Cala Lothrop John J. horse-shoer, 88 Pine Lippitt F J. attorney, 129 California Loucks G P. 21 Sacramento Lisardi Carlos, saloon, 188 Kearny Loucks & Webster, 21 Sacramento Litchfield Allen, porter, 58 Front Loud John, merchant, 70 Coml Litchfield C. bar, 233 Paeific Loud Joseph E. merchant. 70 Coml Litons Samuel, teamster, 53 Broadway Loud Warren, imp liquors, 89 Cala Little Henry, com mer, 218 Jackson Loud & Hosmer, imp liquors, 89 Cala Little S H. merchant, 172 Sansome Louderback Wm. jeweller, 189 Clay Little W B. druggist, 127 Montgomery Louis Jean, barber, 58 Pacific Litton W H. pilot, Cunnghm's wharf Louis M. bootmkr, 109 Merchant Livick Isaac, 295 Dupont Louisiana House, 7 Ohio Livermore O. com mer, 149 Battery Lougler W. blacksmith, 129 Clay Livingston Bella, bdg, 206-208 Dupont Loutrel B. stationer, 117 Sacramento Livingston Chas. machinist, 218 Jack Loveland J S. merchant, 98 Battery Livingston D F. com mer, 4 Battery Lovcll Joseph, bar, 83 Battery Livingston Jas. laborer, 229 Clay Lovett C. J. ship chandler, 1 1 Sac Livingston Mrs. boarding, 297 Wash Lovett Joseph, saloon, 65 Commercial

Livingston, engineer, Beale, Rincon Pt liOvett cj-' CO. ship chandlers, 11 Sac Livy B. dry goods, 197 Kearny Low B F. merchant, 269 Stockton Llorente Jose, elk, 300 Stockton Low Henry S. clothing, 195 Clay Lloyd Wm. bottler, Stockton n Filbert Low Isaac, public house, 100 Pacific Lobdell John, clothing, 142 Clay Lowe Jas R. clerk Pr Hotel, Coml whf Locher John, grocer, Si Montgomery Lowe Thos. com mer, 145 Clay Lock Moses, shipcarpenter, 190 Mission Lowenburg L. auctioneer, 160 Mont Locke D. M. waterman, Marke, n First Lubbock H S. engineer str Am. Eagle Locke Elisha. laborer, 57 Sansome Lubbock W M. captain str Am. Eagle Locke J. H. waterman, Market n First Lubey Wm. upholsterer, 185 Sac Locke L S. wate, • ;<^n. Market n First Lubley P. drayman, 131 Montgomery Lockwood D W. -ateambt Hotel, 2 Coml Luce D W. boot & shoe dealer, 40 Coml Lockwood Geo. ins cus, Barge Office Luce Thos. carpenter, 26 First Lockwood J. merchant, 2 Commercial Luce Thos. carpenter, 27 Sansome Lockwood J. shipcarpenter, 8 Melius Lucke Henry, bootmaker, 285 Dupont Lockwood R. E. atty, h 327 Stockton Ludby Fred. Atlantic Hotel, 12 Coml Lockwood Samuel, carpenter, 229 Clay Luddum C. merchant, 10 Liedsdorff Logan Jas. hotel, 26 First Ludlow Jas. shipping mer, 163 Mission Logan &- Vance, hotel, 26 First Ludlum Cornelius, 99 California Lohmann John, hardware, 79 Kearny Ludwig Chas. clerk, 95 Sansome Loisean, actor, 199 Dupont Ludwig John H. tailor, 131 Kearny Lohman J. (col'd) drayman, 140 Bush Ludy Christian, baker, Vallejo n Stock Lonatt A. Mrs. milliner, 94 Broadway Luedke J. watchmaker, 159 Wash Lone W H. Tehama House Lufkin H. (widow of Joseph,) 152Mont Long Claude, hardware, 198 Wash Lufkin jr Joseph, copyist, 152 Mont Long M. shipcarpenter, 36 First Luke W L. Eagle Foundry, Fremont n Long Michael, shipcarpenter, 9 Melius Market Longer C F. merchant, 107 Battery Lukes J. saloon, 232 Pacific Longfellow W. carman, 161 Front Lull L R. editor Whig, 146 Mont Longley S. restaurant, 144 Clay Lumbard Chas. Adams' Ex, 99 Mont

Longley W M. blacksmith, 49 Kearny Lumley Geo. liquors, 17 Sacramento •- Loomis F R. merchant, 161 Mont Lunt J R. clerk, 98 Battery Loomis Robert S. merchant, 230 Stock Lurvey Chas. laborer, 36 First Lord D S. paper warehouse, 129 Sans Luther J J. mechanic, 314 Stockton LUT 74 MAR

Lutgens John, boarding, 79 Bush Maltby T D. produce, 10 California Lux Chas. butcher, 143 Kearny Malvy Pierre, fruit dealer, 104 Kearny Luyster T G W. druggist, 237 Dupont Manchester J B. lawyer, 228 Kearny Lyndall Wm E. jeweller, 187 Clay Mandelbawn S. variety, 80 Montgomery Lyon J E. com mer, 82 Clay " & Silvermans, variety, 80 Lyon & Cannon, com mer, 82 Clay Montgomery Lyons D. clerk, 289 Pacific Mandei-field E. carpenter, Beale n Har Lynch J. boilermkr, 61 First " Ed. carpenter, 3 Battery Lynch J. laborer, 67 First Manford H P. reading room, 10 Sacwhf butcher, Lynch John, 176 Pacific Manly jr P. French imp, 172 Mont Lynch M. porter, 148 Montgomery Mann H. Eagle Foundry, Fremt n Mkt Lynch P. striker, 69 First " Mrs C. 91 Pine Lynes B. caterer, 315 Powell " Wm D. market, 62 Pacific Lyon J H L. com mer, 21 First Manricks Mrs. Alice, washing, 134 Misn Lyon J. com mer, 82 Clay " Michael, laborer, 134 Mission Lyon (fc Cannon, com mer, 82 Clay Manning A C. 229 Clay Manrow J B. real estate brokr, 162 Mont T9W. Mansfield A S. merchant, 107 Battery Manson J, merchant, 127 California Macar Jas I. shoes, 142 Montgomery « Thos. C H broker, 187 Kearny Macartliy B. merchant, Stock n Greene Manton Joseph, clerk, 62 Front MacCarthy John, physician, 326 Dupont Mantouchet R C. watchmkr, 110 Pacific MacBride Richard, foreman Alta Foundry Manuel H E. clerk, 50 California Market Mara A. saloon, 232 Dupont coal iron, Macrann ^ co W. and Com whf (VTaral J C. groceries, 169 Sacramento Mack J H. carpenter, rear 11 Leidsdorff Marcellus N. hatter, 179 Clay " Patrick, laborer, 258 Clay Marchand J A. upholsterer, 267 Pacific " Wm. com mer, 131 Sansome Marco & co. J. liquors, 30 Commercial Macken Jas. blacksmith, Beale n Folsome Margrand V. wholesale dealer in ground Mackinley Ed. attorney, 104 Mont coffee, 50 Kearny Mackintosh Robt. physician, 89 Mont Marcy J S L. laborer, 100 California Macondray F W. com mer, 54-56 Sans Maria Jose, laborer, 19 Webb " & CO, com mer, 54-56 Sans Marich A. carpenter, 26 First Macy A. stevedore, 70 Front Marion Rifles Armory, 169 Sacramento Maddox M. laborer, 60 First Marine Pierre, frnit, 230 Dnpont Magehan D A. imp dry goods, 52 Sao Marine Hospital, (State) Stock c Filbert Mahoney D. moulder, 69 First Market Jefferson, Dupont c Jackson " Florence, merchant, 60 Sansome Market New World, Coml n Liedsdoi-ff h 245 Washington Market Pacific, 125 Clay " & Garness, mdse bkrs 52 Cala Marks Isaac, clothing, 61 Commercial Maigrot E. wines and hquors, 95 Merch Markwald Adolph, druggist, 184 Jack " ^ Saulnier, wines, 95 Merchant " Adolphe, merchant, 157 Jack " Main Wm S. grocer, 129 Washington Caspari & co. merchants, 157 " Chas. harness maker, 68 Sansome Jackson " ^ Winchester, saddlery, 68 Sans Marquerier S. hatter, 151 Montgomery Marriott co. F. brokers, 162 Mains W S. build and contr, 65 Pacific & Mont Male J R. printer, 152 Clay Marsdon S. laborer, 90 Pacific Marsh grocer, 239 Malech Fred, hair dresser, 100 Mont Wm. Washington " Chas. mason, 239 Washington Malfatti B. cigars, 165 Commercial " Chas. saloon, 86 Sansome Mallock Wm. laborer, Sydney Valley Marshall Chas. P. res't, Kearny op Plaza Mallory H C. ship chandlery, Davis c Clay " Joseph, res't Kearny op Plaza Malone W R. clerk, 46 Commercial " Saml, res't, Kearny op Plaza " B. city feed store, 196 Kearny " A. druggist, 162 Sacramento " B & C. city feed store, 196 Kear " Sandy, res't, Kearny op Plaza f . if » <'>

'c J.

IfTx 5- t|T» 1^5 tpl o

*b. ;? No. 58 Sansome


• •* A Are in refrular receipt of all ^lyle- of Staplo Menliuili-i?!'' liiMi-^' ill Xew Vork—such as Un-.ts jiml Shot-s, Ilcavv umi ilnu <;ii.(l fiiiil Wliito Linen ami Muslin t^liiit-, Country Knit rieniniii im Blue, and Grey Flanci Shirts >\w\ Drawer.-, ('ott'>n;i.l..- r.uits ]iin'z P.'ilier, SuHpfmler-. <";irj t?pool Thread, Nee

_:p^ J. A. McCrea & Co. will receive orders and imiKirt Mereijandise for any pff on the nio.st liheral terms. The ordeis will be filled by their house in New Vork Jie greatest care and atteulion.nnd the merchandise purchased at the lowest market rat MAR 76 McC

Marshall Samuel, stone cutter, Battery n Mauran Wm A. grocer, 314 Stockton Green " Bros, grocers, 314 Stockton Marston J C. 106 Battery Maurice G. finisher, 58 Halleck Martell J L. cigars, Union Hotel Maury J L. 172 Montgomery Martel ^' co. cigars, Union Hotel Mauray jr P. Montgomery n Jackson Martin A. grocer, 4 Ohio M uitu C K. cooper, 5 Commercial " J S. druggist, 203 Washington Mavasi Santoo, 242 Kearny " F. restaurant, 95 Montgomery Max I, fish, 18 N W market " John, builder, 179 Dupont May A J. clerk, 69 Front " John P. stonecutter. Bat n Greene May H B. physician, 29 Pike " Moses, laborer, 26 First Mayblum M. imp cigars, 86 Jackson " Minor S. clothing, 195 Clay " Greenhood 4* co. imp cigars, « Martin P. clerk, 90 Pacific 86 Jackson " Peter, fruit stand front 2 Coml Maydat P. gunsmith, 36 Commercial " Robert, bar, 153 Front Mayer Jacob, dry goods, 167 Clay " R S. reporter, 210 Washington " Jos. slioemkr, 140 Montgomery " Thos. bar, 79 Battery " Morris, clothing, 67 Commercial " Wm. liquors, 20 Sacramento " Simon, imp cigars, 114 Jackson " & Lewis, liquors, 20 Sacramento " Liquors, 167 Sansome Marston J C. hardware, 106 Battery Maynard F T. apothecary, St M Hosptl Martsh Robt. dealer in paints, 139 Sans Maynard J C. real estate, 246 Clay Martz A. bootmaker, 35 Stockton Mayet F. 115 Conmiercial Marvin A L M. books

McClosky H. blacksmith, 41 Sansome McGuire Mathew Pohce officer, 244Dupt McClure A T. druggist, 98 Mont McHaffie James, painter 14 Battery McCoUam Thos W. sailmaker, Jackson " John, painter, 14 Battery street wharf McHenry Jesse, lawyer, 118 Montgomery McCord John, carpenter, 270 Stockton " John, lawyer, 118 Mont " Thos. carpenter, 26 First McHugh John, produce, 121 Front " Willett, proprieter. Wash n Stock Mcllvaine Chas J. lawyer, 159 Clay McCormack J. storage, 43 CaUfornia Mcintosh G. baker, 372 Stockton McCormick J W. 41 Pacific McKaraher J G. clerk, 108 Sansome McCoy Jas. baker, 355 Powell McKean T. seaman, 76 Pacific " Wm. bar-keeper, 276 Powell McKebbins Wm. blacksmith, 251 Clay McCrackan, attorney, 162 Montgomery McKee David, ins. cus. barge office McCraith Shellard, music store, & 207 " J W. clerk, 128 Front Clay " Jas W. clothier, 132 Clay merchant. 58 McCrea J A. Sansome " Roddick, Ind Commissr, 52 Mont " CO. imp fancy goods, 58 Sans & McKenney E. stevedore, 97 Front McCright Robt. atty, 1 63 Montgomery McKenzie A R. intel office, 130 Coml McCrosson Jas. saloon, 39 Pacific " Ed. com mer, 199 Front McCullock David, ins ens. Barge Office " & CO, intel office, 130 Coml McCuUough H V S. merchant, 128 Sans " Thompson & co. commiss mer- McDanielWm. patternmaker, corner Fol- chants, 199 Front some and Be ale McKever D C. merchant, 41 Battery McDermott D A. Alta Cala office McKinley Archbd, fish, N W. market " Miss M R. boarding, 178 Dup " C. boots & shoes, 44 Coml McDonald A D. grocer, 242 Pacific " E. lawyer, 104 Montgomery " Chas. liquors, 49 First " F. com mer, 98 California " D. blacksmith, /^3 First " Garrioch & co, commiss mer, 98" " D. druggist, 184 Jackson Cahfornia " C E S. liquors, 105 Cala McKoa John, stone cutr, Kear n toll gate " J A. brickmkr, Stock n Filbert McLaughlin Michael, boarding, 51 Sac " & Peck, grocers, 242 Pacific McLean Joseph, butcher, 242 Stockton McDougal Jas A. attorney, 98 Merchant McLean, produce, 115 Front " John, 230 Stockton McLellan Chas. music store, Plaza McElnee J V. upholsterer, 181 Clay " D. public house, 114 Pacific McElroy Jas. police officer, 244 Dupont McLeod N. cofiee saloon, 60 Pacific " P. striker, Folsome cor Beale McManus John, pattern maker, cor Fol McEvoyO. trader, 312 Stockton some and Beale McFarlan Jas. engineer steamer Ohio McManus T B. merchant, 80 Front McFarland G. bookkeeper, Page, Bacon " ^ CO, merchants, 80 Front & CO, h 99 Pine McMichael Wm. insp cus, barge office McGarrahan Wm. com mer, 50 Cala McMullen G 0. merchant, 126 Coml " Foley & Rooney, 50 Cala McMurray J. clothier, 31 Commercial McGeorge Thos. printer, 210 Wash " C. merchant, 62 Front McGlashan J. bookstore, 114 Commercial McNab John, 51 Sansome McGloughan J. laborer, 76 Pacific * McNally Henry, agricul implts, 102 Clay McGloughlin Geo. teamster, 26 First McNear C E. dey port Avarden, 17 Coml , McGlynn D C. painter, 134 Sansome McNeil Wm. hardware, 65 Battery McGowan Ed. treas S M Hosptl, 92 Jack Montgomery j McNeirE. trader, 123 j McGown Saml. cook, 33 Pacific " Wm. bds Rassette house McGregor G. Dr. 78 First McNisk John, boots and shoes, 65 Pacific " Jas. S F. obser. 137 Mont McNelly P. pilot, Cunningham's wharf " & Philips, S F obs. 137 Mont McNulty Wm. banker, 118 Montgomery McGrudcr Mrs E M. boarding, 25 Minna " Carothers & co, bankers, 118 McGuire J. seaman, 90 Pacific Montgomery j

McQ 77 MIL

McQuillan, boarding, 234 Kearny Merrill J M. com mer, 100 Front McQuin M. liquors, 58 Bush " & CO, com mer, 100 Front McRuer DC. prov merchant, 41 Batter " & Brigham, produce, 106 Coml McSea D. liquors, 49 First Merrill Robt. produce, 106 Commercial McShane P. grocer, 129 Front Merritt Geo. grocer, 210 Montgomery McVickar John, lawyer, 159 Mont " S.physician, 92 Montgomery Mead Clias H. harness maker, 138 Sans " J. carpenter, 77 Jackson " Geo W. bar, 125 Pacific Merryman Chas. Alta saw mill, market " W S. dentist, 6 Kearny " E H. physician, 84 Coml " ^ CO, bar, 125 Pacific Merwin Saml, clerk, 174 Montgomery Means J W. 161 Front Mes George, blacksmith, 63 Halleck F. importer, 50 Front Messer W. D. merchant, 165 Battery I Mebius " Duisenberg, co, importers and Meserole C B. Tehama house I ^

: commis mer, 50 Front " C P. agent, 94 California

: Mechanics exchange, 26 First Messerver A C. upholsterer, 164 Clay

• " Home, 26 First " & CO, A C. upholstrs, 164 Clay

I " traders ship- I & exchange, 160 Mont Metcalf D. chandler, 36 First

I Medana P. hardware, 191 Pacific Meyer Albertus, boots, 246-248 Pacific Meddle Wm. fish. Pacific market " Alburtus, cofibe house, 290 Stock Meeks W N. notary pubhc, 160 Clay " David, segars, 155 Commercial Meeneely Jas. tailor. National hotel " E. drayman, 3 Commercial Megquier T L. physician, 139 Jackson " Jonas, clerk, Mont cor Sacramto Mchoubre €has. porter, 147 Clay " John tinman, 260 Dupont " , Meiggs Henry, 162 Mont, h B'way cor M L F. cofibe saloon, 95 Wash

" John G. 162 Montgomery ' " Louis P. boarding, 83 Kearny Meikel E. tailor and scourer, 207 Bush " M. bar, 179 Front Meillot T. trader, 53 Leidsdorff " S F. importer, 116 Cahfomia merchant, California " i Mel John, 126 Wm. imp groceries, 30 Battery " : Melchor R D. ship joiner, 36 First Wm. importer, 60 California

; Mehck C. hotel, 36 First " & CO, importers, 60 California Mellen John, laborer, Harrison, Rin point " Bros, grocers, 119 j & Kearny Mellish Richard, caterer, 162 Mont Meyerback S. grocer, 283 Dupont Melius Geo. Avine merchant, 137 Mont Miars T. tailor, Vallejo n Battery Melvin AY. furniture, 145 Sacramento Mickle E. com mer, 144 Clay " & Ames, furniture, 145 Sac Michael A. cutter, 198 Kearny Mendell Adam, carman, Dupt cor Pacific " Benj. clothier, 89 Commercial " E S. furniture, 163 Sansome Michels Her, cigars, 202 Washington " E S. furniture, 145 Kearny Middleton John, Aveeelwright, Val above " Silver & CO, furniture, 163 Sans Stockton Mendon G A. agent, 129 Sansome Middleton John, auct, 73 Battery Menges Adam, builder, 241 Dupont " & Smiley, auctioneers and com " Adam, butcher, 222 Jackson mission merchants. Sac cor Battery Mensdorfer J C "VY. hatter, 141 Kearny Milatovich A. tailor, 122 Kearny " cf' Schlageten, hats, 141 Kear Milberry Saml, drayman, 172 Mont Mercantile hotel. Front n Pacific Miles Walter, produce, 65 Davis Merchant S L. clerk, 99 Commercial Miller D. boots and shoes, 168 Clay " F G. grocer, 118-120 Kearny " Geo. brewer, 61 First Merchants' exchange, 123 Sacramento " Henry, butcher, 199 Jackson Mercer Chas F. confectioner, Sac ab Dupt " Hans, boarding, 42 Sacramento " & Bernheim, confrs, Sac ab Dupt " Jas. baker, 139 Mission Mere, Benot & Vasscrot, boots, 219 Jack " Jacob, baker, 51 Kearny MernainE. lawyer, 177 Dupont " John, saloon, 224 Pacific Merrill Annis, lawyer, 159 Montgomery " J D. hardware, 93 Pacific " D. produce, 106 Commercial " J W. tinman, 208 Montgomery MIL 78 MOR

Miller N. grocer, 175 Front Montague W W. merchant, 68 Pacific " Peter, liquors, 77 Pacific Montagnie J E. lumber, California whf " Peter, Waverly house, 58 Pacific Monteliore J B. merchant, 127 Cala *' Peter, liquors, 58 Pacific " L. com mer, 127 Cala " S. wines, 29 Pike " & Burgoyne, com mer, 127 " Susan, boarding, 237 Clay California Millikin J B. merchant, 10 Sacramento Montgomery Baths, 161 Montgomery " Millington Jas. wood and coal, 118 Front Geo. produce, 18 Sac " Mills Jas. com raer, 73 Jackson John, laborer, 36 First " " Jas. merchant, 64 Front W F. com mer, 62 Front " L R. merchant, 64 Front Montross Isabel, 163 California House, " Samuel, porter, 62 California Monumental 46 Sacramento Monumental Engine House, Plaza side " S B. physician, S M Hospital W Moody Alex, printer, Mont n Vallejo " & CO, com mer, 64 Front " J L. clerk C H. 197 Wash Milteovich Andre, fruit dealer, 252 Dupt " J M. architect, 101 Merchant Minerva E. baker, 51 Kearny Moon Ellen E. Cottage, 123 California Mines Mrs M E. Jane n Mission Moor Miss E. 287 Kearny Minor Enock, printer, observatory hill Moorcraft T C. drayman, 132 Jackson Minson F J. boatman, 167 Pacific Moore B. boarding, 270 Pacific Minturn Chas. steamboat agent, 31 Pac " Chas C. clerk Post Office " Chas. com mer, Cunghm's whf " C C auc & com merchant, Wash c " Jonas, com mer, 45-47 Sans Jones' Alley Miro Jose M. merchant, 253 Powell Moore David, upholsterer, 133 Jackson Mitchell C. merchant, 141 Jackson " Rev. J. bds 118 Dupont " maker, 16 Sac Fred, block " G H. merchant, 41 Battery " Fred, boatman, Cunghm's wharf " J B. postmaster, Clay st. " Jas. clerk, 210 Washington " jr J B. chief clerk Post Office " Jas. brickmaker, Stock n Filbert " John, bar, 117 Merchant " Wm. clerk, 210 Washington « M L. 163 California " Wm H. com mer, 67 Front " Richard, builder, 278 Jackson Mitchell & CO. W H. imp liqrs, 67 Front " Samuel, boarding, Clark's Point Mock John, brewer, 299 Dupont " W H. com mer, 34 Minna " Robt. boatman, Cmminghm's whf " W H. brass founder, 58 Halleck clothier, Coml Moeller Isaac, 45 " (fe Folger, merchants, 41 Battery " Morris, clothier, 45 Coml Mooss H B. butcher, 311 Stockton Moffat M. miller, 36 First Moran Ed. segars, 132 Kearny " Robt. drayman, 229 Clay " John, bar-keeper, 85 Sansome Moinet Chas. barber, 130 Montgomery " Thos A. books, 132 Mont Molitor A P. assayer, 89 Merchant Moray C. bar, 239 Kearny Molony J R. bds Rassette House Mordicai Mrs. boarding, 40 First Monie G. ladies' hair dresser, 130 Mont More Eliza, boarding, 236 Pacific restaurant, Mondelet J. 209 Wash « E J. Not Pub, 134 California Monnot Claude, clerk, 158 Kearny " J C. merchant, 229 Clay Monro Peter, grocer, 378 Stockton Morehead Jas. Engineer, Folsom n Beale Monroe John A, clerk USD Court, 89 Morel Alphonse, trader, 393 Powell Merchant Merell H. dressmaker, 223 Dupont Monson B H. printer, 159 Mont Moret Jules, grocer, 172 Pacific " co. Haswell & Commercial Job Morey J J. bds Franklin Hotel Office, 159 Montgomery Morgan A W. intelligence office, 53 Coml Monset Adolphe, merchant, Leidsdorff n " B baker, 372 Stockton Sacramento " E. blacksmith, 86 Bush Montague Miss, actress, 235 Clay " Ed. coachmaker, 362 Stockton " F. physician, 162 Sacrtmento " Evan, blacksmith, 123 Kearny " F. physician, 254 Powsll " E L. grocer, 266 Dupont MOR 79 MUR

Morgan Jas. Butcher, 24 Melius Moses Normon, policeman, 244 Dupont " J D. butcher, 2-4 Pacific mkt " S M. importer, 122 California " John G. physician, 92 Mont " Wm. E. lodgings, 142 Clay " J R. merchant, 73 Jackson Moshier Wm. hotel, 47 Pacific " L A. grocer, Battery n Vallejo Moss D H F. sargt police, 244 Dupont " S Griffitts, com mer, 35 Pine " Saml jr. merchant, 134 Clay " Wm S. jeweler, 166 Clay Motard Hippolite, 341 Stockton " & CO. Evan, blksmths, 123 Kear Mott Valentine jr. physician, Plaza I *' & CO. E L. grocers, 266 Dupont Moulder A J. editor, 120 Montgomery I « (fc CO. J D. butchers, stalls 2-4 Moulton Daniel, iron, 48 Sansome Pacific market " B F. broker, 151 Washington Morganthan M. drygoods, 183 Wash " Jonathan, block maker, 16 Sac Morin Paul, physician, 200 Sacramento " LB. carpenter, 77 Jackson Morison Tas. physician, 92 Mont " M F. jeweler, 160 Washington " Jas. Sansome com mer, 121 " & CO, brokers, 151 Washington Logan, mer, 121 Sans Morrison & com " & Smith, iron, 48 Sansome carpenter, Clay Morley S. 229 " & Merritt, carpenters, 77 Jack Morningstan clothing, 75 Pacific S. attorney, 163 Clay " Mount C E. CO. clothing, 75 Pacific & " T L. grocer, 64 Battery Mornstad M. clothing, 75 Pacific Moutin J. books, 141 Sacramento Morrill A J, drygoods 6c clothng, 123 Moveau A. agent, 210 Washington Washington Mowbray M. bds Tehama Morris Aaron, merchant, 84 Bush Mowry Albert, machinist, 81 Pike " Clay A. merchant, 165 " " John, laborer, 95 Pine Geo. drygoods, 253 Dupont , " Jos. contractor, 95 Pine " Jacob, shipjoiner, 16 Sacramento " Hotel, Commercial wharf " John, seaman, 90 Pacific Moylan Thos. market, 43 Broadway " Jno. com mer. Pacific c Mont " market, 43 Broadway " John, ship joiner, 16 Sacramento Wm. " Joseph, shipjoiner, 16 Sac Mudd J H Clay, office, 127 Montgomery " Chas Lee, 142 Montgomery Mudge B W. attorney, 138 Clay " " & Reynolds, ship joiners, 16 Sac T A. Dep Nav Offi, Cus House Morrison jr J C. importers, 186 Mont Muir Alex, carpenter, Wash n Powell " •' L. bds Oriental Hotel Wm. Avood yard, 312 Stockton " M. bds Tehama House " Wm W. grocer, Val cor Powell " Jas. grocer, 356 Stockton " & Doucet, wood yard, 312 Stock Morrow John, pattern mkr, Fol c Beale Muirhead John, insp cus, barge office Morse H B. stoves, 47 Front Muller Jacob, baker, 182 Clay " Amos G. measurer of vessels, C H Mullin E. boots, 227 Dupont " Joseph, drayman, 26 First " Jas. laborer, 315 Stockton " P A. attorney, 90 Merchant Mulloy J. boarding, 3 Broadway « W. blacksmith, 89 Pine Mulvihill M. boarding, 33 Sansome '• Wm. bds Tehama Mun Chris, baker, 89 Kearny " 4* Killgore, stoves, 49 Front Munie Alex, actor, Adelphi Theatre Morton Joshua B. carpenter, 261 Powell " J jr. actor, Adelphi Theatre " Joshua, corn mer, 68 California " Mad J. actress, Adelphi Theatre " Josephus, com mer, 68 Cala Munfrey Wm. hotel, 37 Webb " Robt. boarding, 133 Front Munro Robt. liquors, 123 Jackson " Wm. baker, 356 Powell " & Freckman, liquors, 123 Jack " J & J B. com mer, 68 Cala Murdock G L. hotel, 36 Sansome Moss jr S. importer, 134 Clay " H M. builder, 32 Webb Moses J. grocer, A 205 Clay Murphy Danl, shoes, 119 Montgomery " B F. China goods, 97 Sansome '• D T. dry goods, 95 Sansome " J H. broker. 75 Kearny " Daniel, pilot, 16 Sacramento Jacob, carpenter, Beale n Fols 11 MUR 80 NEW

Murphy J K. hotel, 112 Montgomery Neall & Smiley, lumber, 31 First " John, laborer , 234 Washington Necfus F. shipping merchant, Jack Avharf " Levi, bds Franklin hotel Neefus M S. coppersmith, 110 Front " Thos. poulterer, 224 Stockton Neefus & Tichenor, commis mer, and dry " Thos. blacksmith, 53 First dock company, Jackson wharf Murr Ghas. baker, 89 Kearny Neeley John, seaman, 3 commercial Murray Mad. A. 120 Bush Negbaur J. stationery, 125 Sacramento " Geo. machinist, 380 Stockton Negbaur & co, stationery, 125 Sac " Ed. com mer, 108 Front Negus S W. elk jus court, 172 Pacific " G. baker, 372 Stockton Neitsch Wm. porter, 203 Montgomery " Henry, washing, Wash n PoAvell Neilson Jas. brickmakar, 316 Dupont " H C ch justice sup court Neilsen Hans, imp and com mer,48 Front " II H. merchant, 64 Sansome Nelson David, stove mounter, 208 Mont " H R. merchant, 112 Battery Nelson Jas. clerk Griffin's Bonded W H " J. shipping office, 32 Coml Nelson Thos. carpenter, 63 Kearny " John, Rincon point Nelson Wm. millwright, 269 Jackson " Jas. porter, 197 Washington Nelson W H. carpenter, 79 Montgcmery " John S. clothing, 167 Sansome Nemeth Andreas, tailor, 226 Dupont " Wm. bookkeeper, 106 Mont Neppert D. furniture, 212 Washington " Jas. laborer, 45 Pike Neppert & Correll, furniture' 212 Wash " J. teamster, 55 Broadway Neroe Julian, porter, 205 Montgomery " Wm. Chilian Consul, 106 Mont Nesbet John, 109 Pacific " & Foster, merchants, 112 Bat Nesbit Benj R. teller. Page, Bacon & co Muser A. coffee house, 105 Montgomery Nessle C. Ellen n Union Musson Eugene, attorney, 127 Mont New Danl. butcher, Washington n Stock Myer H. Adams' express, 99 Mont Neuhaus D H. licjuor, 70 Battery " H. dry goods, 183 Clay Neuhaus & Aders, hquors, 70 Battery " Isaac, dry goods, 177 Clay Neustadt Saml I. jewelry, 27 Sac " J. dry goods, 183 Clay Neustadt ^j- Barnctt, jewelry, 27 Sac " Lewis, dry goods, 177 Clay Neustadter Henry, com mer, 113 Sac " M. butcher, 183 Pacific Neustadter L W. com mer, 113 Sac " Wm. com mer, 60 Caiforuia NewstadterN. clothing, 132 Galifornia " & CO, dry goods, 183 Clay Neustadter & co, clothing, 132 Cala " & CO Wm. com mer, 60 Gala Nevill Jas H. carpenter. Market street " J & L. dry goods, 177 Clay Nevius & CO, R W. liquors, 33 Pacific Nevins T J. supt com schools, 229 Clay New Bedford Oil works, 96 Jackson Newbour J. imp cigars, 113 Jackson Nachman A. cigars, 53 Pacific Newbough P. drayman, 51 Broadway Nagle J. shipping office, 153 Front Newcomb G II. 73 Montgomery Nagle Richard, laborer, 52 Minna Newell James, laborer, 315 Stockton Nanus Isaac, 112 Montgomery Newell L W. Adams' express, 99 Mont Napoleon Mad. dressmaker, 132 Dupont Newell Wm. printer, 118 Commercial Nason B. laborer, 99 Kearny Neweil W L. printer, 210 Washington Nasou Benj. bookkeeper, 65 Jackson Newhall H M. auct,108 Sans, h 78 Bush Nason E. H. drayman, 41 Montgomery Newhall 0. lighterman, 36 First Nason J D. produce, 11 Sacramento NeAvhall & co, auct, 108 Sansome Nathan L. jeweler, 140 Montgomery Newhouse H. importer, 132 Cahfurnia Nathan J. carpenter, 170 Washington Newland R E. 89 Washington Nathan Saml, pilot, Cunningham's wharf Newman J. clothing, 69 Pacific Nathan & co, jewelers, 140 Montgomery Newman Chas. bavber, 98 Pacific Neal W W. pilot, 16 Sacramento NewmaYi Jacob, cigars, 74 Pacific Neall Jas. lumber, 31 First Newman Ntithl, clothier, 47 Pacific Neall Wm. laborer, 73 Kearny Newman & Price, clothiers, 47 Pacific NEW 81 O'B

Merchant NewsliamJolin, blacksmith, Fol cor Beale Northrop D B. attorney, 90 Norton Chas. lighterman, 36 First Newton Ed. laborer, 27 Battery Norton D W. public house, 20 Coml Newton Jas. porter, 199 Commercial Norton E. lawyer, 159 Clay Newton J. broker, 161 Front Norton E F. laborer, Fremont n Harrison Newton J R. com mer, 97 California Norton G M. laborer, Fremont n Harrison Newton & co J R. com mer, 97 Gala Norton Henry, lighterman, 36 First N Y and S F S S Line, office 132 Clay Norton Ira, blacksmith, 49 Kearny Niantic hotel, Clay cor Sansome Norton J. Rassette House Nias G. printer, il8 Commercial Norton Jush, Segars, 113 Jackson Nichols C. merchant, 98 Bat h 248 Pow A Norton J C. drayman, 51 Broadway 289 Dupont Nichols E. Norton R W. boarding, 214 Kearny Nichols E B. public honse, 90 Pacific Norton & co. Joshua, merchant, 95 Jack Nichols Horace C. tobacconist, 98 Battery Norton &. co. itnp cigars, 113 Jackson painter, 91 Kearny Nichols H. Nouzillet A. jeweler, 58 Kearny Nichols P. bricklayer, 268 Pacific Nouzillet & CO. jewelers, 58 Kearny clerk. Law's wharf Nichols W D. No well A. printer, 131 Kearny Nichols, Parker & co, importers and job- Noycs G F. lawyer, ] 59 Clay bers, 96-98 Battery NoyesTV- Gr< S. ins cus. Barge Office Nicholson John, grocer, 361 363 Stockton! Noyes R G Adams' Express, 99 Mont office, 153 Front Nicholson J Y. shipping Noyes W H. printer, 210 Washington machinist, Mont Nickerson Elias, 79 Noyes t^* Barber, attorneys, 150 Clay Commercial Nickerson J B. Iratcher, 24 Nudd Jas. 63 Kearny « Nickerson M. saloon, 83 Battery Nuijent H O. blacksmith, 129 Clay Nickerson &, Lovett, saloon, Coinl c Bat Nugent John, Ed. Herald, 130 Mont, bds Nicol P. liquors, 48 Clay Tehama House Nicol & Patrick, liquors, 48 Clay Nimian M. grocer, 315 Stockton Nielsen H. merchant, 48 Front Nunan Timothy, carpenter, 224 Powell Nightingale Jos. hotel 12 First Nussbaughm, tailor, 61 Montgomery Niles Eben, saloon, 148 Mont Nuton Chas horse shoer, 103 Kearny Nims Jas. waiter, 156 Montgomery Nuttall Robt R. Dr. 107 Montgomery Nisbet .Tohn, 109 Pacific Nye George, carriage maker, 91 Kearny Noah John, laborer, Law's wharf Nye S T. clerk, 55 Front Noble David, sign painter, 238 Clay Nye Gorham H. 52 Montgomery INobles A W. porter, 55 Broadway Noble Alex. 230 Clay Noell Alex, drayman, Broadway n Bat Nollenbera;er E. clerk, 7 Battery Notting H W. Globe Hotel, 243 & 245 Oakley Byley, liquor mcht, 104 Sans Diipont Oakley jr lien], liquors, 172 Commercial Nolting J C A. segars, 157 Kearny Oakley G B. laborer. 43 Sansome Nolting ^* Precht, segars, 157 Kearny Oakley L F. liquors, 159 Front Noolkiim, Chinese lamidry, 162 Wash Oakley O B. silver plater, 127 Kearny Noonan R. storage. Laws' wharf Oakley Wm B. teamster, 51 Mont Norcross D. military trimg store, 148 Sac Oakley &- co. liquors, Kearny c Clay Norcross Wm. agent, 43 Pike Oakley (fc co. L F. liquors, 157 Front Norcross W F. watchmaker, 175 Clay Oakley &, Davis, liquors, 172 Coml Normancy J. bds 107 Kearny Oakley & Kohler, silver pltrs, 127 Keam Norris B. laborer, Sidney Valley Oates H N. prompter Am Theatre, h 34 Norris David printer, 210 Washington Liedsdorff Norris Geo T. Mercantile Hotel Front Oates John L. seaman, 53 Montgomery Norris T. stonecutter, 178Diipont Ober Benj. peystcian, 239 Sacramento . North Geo. artist, 53 Broadway Obener John' liquors, 73 Commercial North Hampton, asst captain police, 244 O'Brien A F. laborer, Commercial whf Dupont O'Brien Daniel, teamster, Dupt n Filbert

North W H. 112 Montgomery I O'Brien Ed. drayman, 80 Pine O'B 82 PAD

O'Brien Jas. tailor, 90 Montgomery- Orleans hotel, 179 Pacific O'Brien Jas. blacksmith, 120 Pacific Orlup Azor, Union n Stockton O'Brien John, iron works, 92 Clay- Orman J K. cooper, 49 Battery O'Brien Michael, laborer, 51 Mont Orman P. machinist. Commercial wharf O'Brien Peter, moulder, Folsom c Beale Ormsby Caleb N. insp cus, barge office O'Brien P M. drugs, 270 Dupont O'Rourke B. Orleans house, 196 Pacific O'Brien Wm S. ship chandler, 13 Sac O'Rourke J. lodgings, 8 2" Pacific Oberend JAS. prtnter, 152 Clay: OsbornE J. trader, Harrison n Beale Obeuare Geo. tailor, 195 Clay Osborn Henry, teamster, 51 Broadway Obenauer John, restaurant, 73 Pacific Osborn J W. merchant, 102 Battery O'Connell Peter, liquors, 61 LiedsdorfF Osborn Thos. clerk, 115 Kearny O'Connell Haley, restaurant, 22 Cala & Osborne xinthony, barkeeper, 172 Clay O'Conner Thos. attorney, 159 Kearny Osborne C. com mer, 148 Sansome O'Connor Edward, tailor, 204 Stockton Osborne C jr. com mer, l48 Sansome O'Connor M T. attorney, 159 Kearny Ostrander S. 4 Commercial O'Connor John F. iron (|^ steel, 143 Sans 0' Sullivan Michael, tinsmith, 59 Leids O'Connor Peter, liquors, 61 liiedsdorff Osgood J F. merchant, 64 California O'Connor Thos H. clerk, 143 Sansome Osgood J K. com mer, 64 Sansome O'Connor Wm. wine merchnt, 278 Dupt Otis Stephen, flour, 6Q Sacramento Odell Jas A. coffee house, 177 Front Otis & Farnum, 66 Sacramento Odell Samuel, shoemaker, 148 Mont Ottenburg F. 6l Montgomery Odell ^' Hooper, coffee house, 177 Front Onghten Wm E. printer, 118 Coml Odirjian M. bds Tehama House . bds O'Donnell H. proprietor, 326 Dupont OuldJ P. Tehama John, printer, O'Donnell Wm. laborer, 31 Sansome Overon 152 Clay O'Flin Michael, drayman, 19 Sansome Oversmith Saml. laborer, 31 Sansome O'Flyn M. laborer, 107 Kearny Overton Geo. ostler, 99 Kearny Ogden R L. com mer, 66 Jackson Owens Elhnor, 117 Dupont Ogden Thos. jeweler, 41 Montgomery Owens P A. ship chandler, 25 Sac Ogden & Haynes, com mer, 66 Jackson Owens Thos. laborer, Sydney Valley O'Kane, blacksmith. Commercial wharf Owens Wm. caulker, 36 First Olarte Ignacio, merchant, 253 Powell Owens Wm. 83 Kearny Oldrey Samuel, painter, 91 Kearny Owens W E. cigars, 230 Dupont Oldridge P. blacksmith, 87 Pine Owens & CO P A. ship chandlery, 25 Sac Olds H G. carman, 161 Front Owner Henry, ship chandler, 27 Sac Olds Wm B. elk Supreme Court, C Hall Oldstein Henry, blacksmith, 129 Clay Oliver B. laborer, 107 Kearny Oliver D J. painter, 122 Sac, h 178 Bush Pabon P. Sir John Frankhn restaurant, Oliver Samuel J. carpenter, 79 Mont 48 Commercial Oliver Mercedes, saloon, 209 Dupont Pacaud Marie, laundry, 203 Stockton Olmstead J D. produce, 112 Front Pace C. watchmaker, Clark's point hotel Olmstead & Pattison, produce, 112 Front Pache GuilUam, proprietor, Dupt n Union O'Meallie J H. laborer, Mont n Vallejo Pacific Club house, 152 Kearny O'Meara Robt, hotel, Clark's point '' Fishing co, 22-25 Pac mkt, O'Meara J. printer, "Herald " h 152 Pac " foundry, First street, happy valley Onderdonk Geo. carriage maker, 39 Webb " hotel, 35 Pacific On Chong, laundry, 172 Sacramento " Iron Works, Coml street, Clk's pt O'Niel H. boarding, Bat n Broadway " market, 125 to 100 Commercial O'Niel Michael, tinsmith, 69 Kearny "MS Ship Co's office, 118 Sac O'Niel Matthew, tinman, 73 Mont " Oil Works, 23-25 Battery Opaso Andre, saloon, 198 Pacific " Temperance House, Pac n Sans Opposition Pilots' Gffice, 16 Sacramento Packard L C. merchant, 68 Sacramento Oriental hotel, cor Bush and Battery Paddock N C. flour merchant, 50 Battery Orevo Jas- waiter, 205 Montgomery Padey Martin, bar room, 122 Kearny PAG 83 PAX

Page, Bacon & co, bankers, Mont c Gala Parker Jas M. City Directory Office, in Paides .losepha, grocer, 145 Pacific Parsons' brick building, room 3 138- Pahud F. liquor merchant, 114 California 140 Clay street, house Sii Virginia Paige N jr. lumber, 32 Battery Parker John G jr. 62 Front " Calvin, merchant, 50-52 Sansome " L E. stone cutter, 36 First '' " . David, merchant, 50 Sans h 318 Pac A. blacksmith, 103 Kearny " H. painter, 91 Kearny " S F. imp, 98 Bat ho 246 Powell " Robt C, clerk, C C. City Hall " Saml H. attorney, 98 Merchant " Timothy, clerk. Post Office " Thos. billiards, i08 Montgomery " Timothy, merchant, 50-52 Sansome " Wm H. "Kremlin," 328 Stock " & Webster, merchants, 50-52 Sans " ^ Sleeny, bar room, 136 Mont Paine H J. dentist, 205 Clay Parkerson C. grocer, 136 Kearny Pajeken C. merchant. Market wharf Parkinson L. feed store, 119 Sansome " Frisius & CO, merchants, Mkt whf " R. butcher, B'dway, cor Ohio P allies Victor, merchant, Dupont n Union Parmalee Miss, saloon, 155 Sacramento Palmer, Mrs C. washing, Rincon pt n Beale Parnell D H. trader, 368 Stockton ^' Cyrus, clerk, 160 Mission " L. bar room, 368 Stockton " D C. clerk, 346 Powell Parr Wm, waiter, 89 Washington " E C. dep assessor, 346 Powell Parsons Chas. com mer, 59 Fsont " E H. pilot, 16 Sacramento " R. ship carpenter, 8 Minna " EUza M. 346 Powell " Levi, attorney, 138-140 Clay " J. carpenter, 90 Pacific « S. dentist, 197 Clay " Jos C. banker, 185 Kearny " Thos. Beale n Folsome, Rin pt h 165 Stockton " Wood, & Cook, lawyers, 140 Clay " N W. auct, 102 Commercial Partridge Wm. clerk, 198 Coml " 'R. teacher languages, 226 Wash Pascal Emile, clerk, 151 California " Wm A. lumber, Market wharf, Pastion Lewis, National rest, 147 Coml 160 Mission Patch W Y. 92 Front " Cook & CO, bankers, 185 Kearny " & Wickersham, 92 Front Pana Miguel, saloon, 194 Jackson PatchinL W. com mer, 70 Jackson Pandar Tobias, clothier, 139 Front Patchin G. bds Tehama house " Shier & co, clothing, 139 Front Patrick Jas. imp butter, 148 Rattery Pangburn Jas. clerk, 87 Washington " J J. com mer, 34 Minna Pankoke C. tailor, 188 Montgomery Patrick John Y. com mer, 42 Battery Panton Frank, clerk, 56-58 California Patte F. musician, 243 Dupont Papy J J. attorney, 176 Montgomery Patten B A. bar room, 116 Montgomery Paret Stephen, grocer. Wash n Stockton " Wm. clerk, 159 Sacramento Parezo N. pohce officer, 244 Dupont Patterson Arthur, beer bottler, Stockton Parish Edward, merchant, 96 Jackson near Filbert Park J L. sailmaker, 21 Commercial Patterson H R. carpenter, 196 Kearny •"' Trenor W. lawyer, 90 Merchant " Hamilton, blacksmith, 51 Coml " Thos B. clerk, 90 Merchant " John, moulder, Alta Foundry Parkell H. Portsmouth house, Clay c Dup " Myron, mason, 229 Clay " & Morgan, Portsmouth house, " & Lloyd, beer bottlers, Stockton Clay cor Dupont near Filbert Parker Mrs E M W, princ Grace Church Pattison W A. produce, 112 Front Seminary, Powell n Jackson Patridge Warren, Rassette House Parker Ed H. com mer, 62 Front Pattrick Thos. liquors, 48 Clay " Goo. (colored) washing, 304 Pac Paul C F. printer, 186 Montgomery " Geo A. inporter cigars, 182 Mont " Mens, actor, Adelphi Theatre bds Kremlin " L. Soda manufacturer, 384 Stockton " Isaac, machinist, Broadway whf " & CO, printing office, 186 Mont " Isaac, machinist, 98 Pine Pauhn Thos. engraver, 127 Kearny *' John G jr. clerk, 158 Mont Paxson Richard jr. hardware, 80-82 Cala PAY 84 PHI

Payne John, saloon, 153 Kearny Perk A. bar, 187 Front " John, carpenter, 114 Bush Perkins A. milkman, 36 First " " Theodore, real estate auct, 96 Mont Ed. drayman, stands 124 Mont « " Thos. physician, Rassette house L H. 2 California " millinery, Sacramento " & CO, auctioneers and real estate M. 146 " Pt brokers, 96 Montgomery W C. Perkins House, Rincon Payot J M. restaurant, 163 Commercial n Beale Pcrley D. blacksmith, 43 Webb " Mad T. AVashington Cafe, 163 Coml Perrier Henry, paper dealer, 151 Clay Payson D W. oil man, 114 Broadway Perry jr John, stock broker, 1.53 Mont " H R. merchant, 77 Broadway " J A carpenter, 158 California Peachy A C. lawyer, 90 Merchant '• J H. P Temp House, 89 Pacific . Peachy, Billings k Park, attys, 90 Merc " P H. assayer, 142 Commercial Peabody Alfred, com mer, B'way c Front " Samuel, carpenter, 239 Clay Peale H. carpenter, 37 Pacific " (fc Benson, produce, Market wliorf Pearl S. liquors, 11 Drum Peters Chas R. Market st B W Houso Pearson Henry, clerk, 113 Commercial Petersen Geo. merchant, 99 California Pearsons Hiram, real estate, 154 Mont " G C. merchant, 99 California Pearson J G. recorder's clerk, 244 Dupt Petersen & co. Geo. com mer, 99 Cala " Dr. Clay 187 Peterson Thos. boarding, 115 Coml " S. carpenter, 36 First P Pettes W. com mer, 101 California " Thos. porter, 23-25 Battery " & Lyon, 10 Pease E T. dep flour insp. 61 Sac Pettit John, Rincon Point mer, 128 Sans Peat (Argyras & P) com " N G. pilot commism-, 27 Sac Peck Berry Gr. paper hanger, 181 Clay " N S contractor, Cala n Kearny " Chas. merchant, 230 Stockton Petty J. printer, 131 Kearny "J. machinist, Commercial wharf " Wm. laborer, Folsomc Beale " John, merchant, 230 Stockton PeyerF. pawn broker, 151 Commercial " John M. grocer, 242 Pacific Pfeitier John, shoes, 154 Montgomery " J L. blacksmith, 13 Commercial Pflugk H. cigars, 212 Kearny " J L. blacksmith, 234 Powell Pfon Henry, grocer, 72 Kearny " Lewis, bookkeeper, 137 California " John, grocer, 72 Kearny house 137 Bush " Bros, grocers, 72 Kearny Peckham E P. com mer, 42 Clay Phelan E. porter, 207 Montgomery " & Davis, com mer, 42 Clay " Jas. merchant, 104 Jackson Peebles Cary, com mer, 74 Jackson " Michael, merchant, 104 Jackson Peel R. malt house, 47 Minna " J

Phillips Samuel, bds Tehama House Platchet Jacob, merchant, 4 Coml " S. auctioneer, 81 Commercial Plate A J, gunsmith, 55 Liedsdorff" " Samuel S. com nier, lul Sac " H. school teacher, 3 Commercial " Wm. hardware, 165 Sansome Plater Wm. elk County Surveyr's office, " Wm. Tehama llouse City Hall '• i$c Brown, bar room, 52 Coml Piatt Geo. K- attorney, 160 Clay 4* Wiley, auction, 81 Coml " H B. bowl'g saloon, Kear c Mercht Pichte E. coffee house, 100 Montgomery " J M. wood dealer, 217 Stockton Pick M. com mer, 07 Sansome Plum Geo H. paint store, 68 Front Pickering Loring, editor, 152 Clay Plumb B J. machinist, 88 Kearny Pickett 11 F. clerk, G4 Battery " Chas H. clerk, 132 California Pickett Wm. com mer, (54 Battery " E L. lumber, 61 California " ifc Mount, jobbing grocers, 64 Bat " Jas. E. tinsmith, 33 Liedsdorff Picot Amedie, merchant, 194 Wash Pliraie J V. banker, 165 Montgomery Pidwell John T. furniture, 158 Sac Plumbe John, ins cus. Barge Office Pierce Geo. com mer, l

Pope Harris, carpenter, 114 Bush " L. clothing, 47 Pacific " Henry, carpenter, 114 Bush " R M. real estate, 186 Dupont Poppe Earnest, upholstery goods, Gala c " Samuel, com mer, 170 Mont Kearny " W G. clerk, 46 Commercial " Bros, imp cigars, 56 Commercial " &. CO. Samuel, com mer, 170 Mont Porter D C. physician, 78 Pacific Prince Miguel, horse dealer, 272 Pacific " Mrs. Mansion House, 78 Pacific " Raphael, clerk, 21 Commercial " Edward, lodgings, 92 Pacific •' Stephen, butter 4* eggs, 10 N W " G S. port warden, 53 Pacific, h Market 314 Stockton Proctor Wm. blacksmith, 76 Pacific Porter Henry, Bay Hotel, Cunghm's whf Profentine J R D, De, editor, 76 Pacific " John, mate, 234 Powell ProU Henry, saddler, 114 Kearny " Jas. laborer, 140 Pine " & Siern, saddlers, 114 Kearny " J L. eating house, 93 Sansome Promis G. boots, 249 Dupont " Rufus R. clerk. Post Office Proskey D. wall paper, 126 Clay " Wm H. blacksmith, 129 Clay Prou Alfred, painter. Clay n Powell Portois P. builder, 98 Kearny Provost D R. liquors, 81 California Portsmouth House, Clay c Dupont " J W. grocer, 25 Commercial Post D R. com mer, 81 California Public Administrator's Office, Hall " G B. merchant, 51 California " School, central, 234 Dupont " H G. drayman, 117 Bush Pudney Wm. tailor, 198 Kearny " J A. merchant, 51 California Pugg E A. insp cus, barge office " Samuel, bds Tehama House Pulletts Jonas, tailor, 198 Kearny " S G. Mansion House, 78 Pacific Punches J J. mdse broker, 67 California " ^' CO. G B. com mer, 51 California Purdy E B. collector, California Avharf Poston E D. merchant, 239 Stockton " H H. watchmaker, 199 Clay Potter Chas. F. tinman, 114 Battery Purse Thos. mason, 31 Pike " Geo C. bds Oriental Hotel Putnam B P. butcher, Beale n Folsome '• Henry, watchman, 161 Front " J P. com mer, 78 California " Jos. clerk. 73 Battery " S 0. 114 Montgomery " Thos L. livery stable, 115 Kearny " k Wetherbee, merchants, 78 Cal " & Lawton, livery stable, 115 Kear Pottier, dry goods, 211 Clay Potts J. clerk, 73 Battery Poulterer Thos J. com mer, 91 Cala Quantock Henry, Franklin hotel Poultier Chas. trader, 393 Powell Quayle B. assistant store keeper, base- Powers Chas. gunsmith, 212 Wash R ment Custom House " Ed. E. printer, 210 Washington Queen Henry, wheelwright, 79 " John, porter, 30 Battery Mont Prag C. tinman, 114 Battery Queen John G. blacksmith, 129 Clay Prait Albert, carpenter. Market wharf Queen J K. bds Tehama house " Queenly Saml J. 161 Front G. laborer, Cunnghms wharf j " Jas. notary public, 159 Clay Queenly Saml Q. 161 Front 3 " S M. jeweler, 119 Montgomery Quereau A. merchant, 77 Clay, house i 250 Powell " Wm. cook, 76 Pacific 1 " W W. saloon, 28 Commercial Quereau cj" Johnson, com mer, 77 Clay Precht Chas. cigars, 7 Kearny Quigley C W. blacksmith, Coml wharf " tailor, Carl, physician, 223 Dupont Quimby John, 201 Clay i Quigley C. drayman, 142 Mont Prentiss W H. saloon, 138 Montgomery | " & .Tones, saloon, 138 Mont Quimby Ed. merchant, 10 Leidsdorff ' Preston Geo H. agent, 11 Sacramento Quimby Z M. 245 Sacramento " John, carpenter, 272 Dupont Quin John, (colored) drayman, 140 Pine " Theodoie, butcher, 5 Coml Quin James, laborer, 205 Montgomery Price Chas. clerk, 9 Commercial Quincy Wm. stone cutter, 03 Mont " G S. book-keeper, 197 Wash Quinn J C. messenger P 0. h 45 Pike QUI 87 REE

Quinn M. boarding, 97 Pacific Rassette Jas. hotel, 19, 21, 23 Sansome Quill James, carman, California exchange Rathbone A H. collector, 160 Mont J B. com mer, 124 Front Quilton J. laborer, 21 Battery Ravel Raverly Chas. laborer, 161 Front Quilton Saml, laborer, 21 Battery Ravesies P. com mer, 129 Sansome Quirot C. lithographer, 136 California F Rawell J. physician, 132 Kearny Quirot & CO, lithographers, 136 Gala Rawle W. clerk, 111 Commercial Quiroya Saml, 59 Kearny E Ray Isaac, public house, 112 Pine Quon Thos. porter, 96 CaJifomia Ray Jas H. merchant, 119 Sansome Ray Jacob, butcher, Pacific Market Ray Vincent, waiter, 85 Sansome Raye W R. clerk, 142 Clay Rabe W. lawyer 4' commisnr, 163 Clay Rayner W B. drayman, 119 Bush Racine Madam, actress, 331 Stockton Raymond I W. agt str N. O. 51 Davis Racoulat Garrie, grocer, 195 Kearny Razouse Anna Maria, 341 Stockton Radonich Thos. bar, 144 Kearny Read Geo. James, clerk. 111 Coml Raffee D. carriage maker, 42 Sansome Read Henry, clerk, 11 Commercial Rapp Henri, cigars, 262 Dupont Read W B. livery stable, 73 Kearny Ragan John, Orleans Hotel, 179 Kearny Reay Joseph, plumr &. tinman, 136 Clay Ragan John, grocer, 33 Montgomery Reay 6o Johnston, plumrs 4' tinmen, 136 Ragsdale F. Bella Union Clay Ragsdale P O. Bella Union Rebard A. hatter, 143 Sacramento Raimond K E. 77 Davis Rebard C. hatter, 143 Sacramento Rambach Y Y. importer, 139 Sac Rebard, Bros, hatters, 143 Sacramento Ramez Fred'k, mercht, Jones c Grnwich Recorder's Court

I 12 REE 88 KIT

Reese J M. (col'd) 132 Commercial Rice Wm P. 126 Sansome j Jleeve Geo 13. merchant 127 Sansome Rich Isaac, clerk, 71 Commercial Reeve G F. jewelry, 155 Montgomery Rich Joseph, clothier, 22 Commercial Reeve W B. grocer, ISO Kearny Ricli J J. laborer, 76 Pacific Reeve & co. grocers, 13() Kearny Rich S. clothier, 107 Commercial Regcnsburger Mrs II. milliner, 201 Wash Rich W C. laborer, 76 Pacific Regensburgor J. physician, 201 Wash Rich W W. (col'd) laundry, 140 Pine Rego Mrs. miUiner, 175 Washington Richard Ed. broker, 85 California Reid Thos P. 118 Montgomery Richards J R. clerk, 98 Battery Reid W E. clerk, 1 76 Montgomery Richards J W. merchant, 229 Clay Reiley J. striker, Market n First Richards Madam, dressmkr, 212 Dupt Reiley T. 2d officer str Ohio Richards Wm H. clerk, 139 Mont Reincke H. importer, 122 California Richardson A G. Adams' Express Office Reinche G. clerk, 143 Clay 99 Montgomery Reiner Hyppolite, tailor, 261 Dupont Richardson H. Rassette House Remmell Jacob, bar, 95 Sansome Richardson Henry, attorney 135 Mont Remmell J. bar, 121 Clay Richardson Henry, 252 Powell Remas J. clothier, 14 Commercial Richardson John, trader, 188 Stockton Renaii Jules, restaurant, 84 Pacific Richardson Mathew, vegetabls. 110 Coml Renault Chas. restaurant, 137 Kearny Richardson T H. carriagemkr, 39 Webb Renault &. Benjamin, res't, 137 Kearny Richardson W. (col'd) carman, 262 Clay Rene B. vegetable stalls 30 N W Market Richardson & Barr, vegetables, 110 Coml Rene E. 149 Washington Richardson ^Standart, Eastern exchange Renich Jas, blacksmith, 129 Clay 2 Commercial Rennet F C. Rassette House Richmond Chas B. machinist, B'dway whf Rens Josephine, 64 Kearny Richmond Geo. stone cutter, 57 Coml Repose The, saloon, 177 Pacific Richmond Gilbert, ship master, 334 Pow Ressigue Saval, produce, 135 Clay Richmond W C. laborer, 71 Battery Ressigue Thorne, & produce, 135 Clay Richter G F. 142 Commercial Rett CO. &. C. boarding, 319 Dupont Richter Dr. M. 102 Pine RevalkA. watchmaker, 159 Wash Riddle J L. auct and com, 50-52 Sans Revalk &. Luedke, watchmakers and Riddle & co, auct and com, 50-52 Sans jewelry, 159 Washington Rideout Chas. police officer, 244 Dupont Reynegom J L V. merchant, 317 Stock Rider John, 101 Sacramento Reynolds E R. trader, 313 Dupont Rider Wm. laborer, Clark's Reynolds G W. bds 229 Clay point Rider Wilson, soda manufactr, 384 Reynolds Lewis, com mer, 56 Front Stock; Ridgeway Geo G. clerk, 132 Reynolds Nicholas, produce, 86 Coml Cahfomia Ridgeway P. Niantic Reynolds O A. com mer, 201 Sansome W hotel, 124 Claj, Rigg Ed A. insp cus, barge Reynolds Thos. grocer, 194 Kearny office Riley Miss E. milliner, Reynolds Thos. grocer, 142 Washington 224 California Riley Geo. Reynolds Wm. com mer, 56 Front moulder, Folsome cor Beale Riley Michael, painter, Reynolds <^ co. com mer, 56 Front 846 Stockton Ring M W. tailor, 51 Reynolds, Howell & co. grocers, 194 Broadway Kearny Ringer Frederick, cigar cealer, 199 Dupti Rhodes W H. attorney, 98 Merchant Rinneberg Herman, tinsmith, 187 Coml Rice B A. drayman, 124 Bush Ripfrey H. druggist, 221 Clay Rice Chas A. grocer, 34 First Riofrey & Guichard, druggists, 221 Clajr^ Rice G S. book-keeper, Custem House Ripley Noah, paints and oils, 96 Gala Rice Hannibal, barber, 140 Mont Rippon Wm. Lafayette house, 51 Coml Ricejr H. agent, 140 Montgomery Rising D B. auctioneer and exchange! Rice jr James, lawyer, 89 Merchant broker, 65 Battery Rice Jerome, auctioneer, 116 Sansome Rising, Casselli ^ co, auct and exchange Rice Richard, machinist, 91 Kearny brokers, 65 Battery Rice Richard, stone cutter, Bat n Green Ritchie A A. merchant, 64 Califomia RIT 89 ROS

Ritchie Jas. barber, 26 First Rogers H P. butter store, 138 Clay, ho Ritchie Osgood ^ co, merchants, 64 Gala 28 Buena Vista Ritter L E. merchant, 170 Dupont Rogers Jacob, clerk, 208 Washington Ritter & CO, merchants, 170 Dupont Rogers J J. Bassette house Rivarol Frederick, restaurant, 196 Jack Rogers Mrs M E. dressmaker, 208 Clay Roach F M. carpenter, 83 Jackson Rogers Robt. importer, 143 Clay Roach Tobias, Franklin hotel Rogers Wm. pilot, Cunningham's wharf Robbins B T. carpenter, 27 Bush Rogers & Fullerton, merchants. Front cor Bobbins Chas. FrankUn hotel Jackson Robbins Thos. laborer, 115 Kearny Roggenberger M. importer,27 Sacramento Bobbins W W. cigars, 72 Pacific Boggenberger & co, importers dry goods Bol)erts Jas B. boots and shoes, 65 Pac and clothing, 127 Sacramento Roberts John, imp liquors, 68 Sacramento Bohtbar II. cigars, 110 Montgomery Roberts J L. Tehama hotel Bolaif Henry, laborer, 145 Commercial Roberts J F. boarding, 31 Sansome Boilings J A. clerk, 131 Montgomery Roberts M. laborer, 53 Broadway Bollins A. auctioneer, 60 California Roberts Wm B. com mer, 61 Pacific Rollins M. stone cutter, Bat n Greene Roberts Wm. porter, 23 Battery Bollinson J R- merchant, 90 California Roberts Wm. Rassette house Rollinson Rev. Wm. pastor Second Baptist Roberts & co, boots and shoes, 65 Pac Church, 42 Melius Robinett Eugene, restaurant, 85 Kear Bomer Wm J. 27 Drum Robinett J. engineer, 125 CaUfornia Booney Bernard, grocer, 233 Wash Robertson Alex, grocer, 187 Pacifi,c Booney E P. clerk, 24 Sacramento Robertson J H. coal yard. Clay b Front Booney P H. com mer, 50 California Robertson R L. coal yard. Clay b Front Booney Thos. police officer, 244 Dupont Robertson Robt, 62 Sansome Boot A. laborer, 115 Kearny Robertson W D. watchman. Custom Ho Boot Jas. stove merchant, 150 Clay Robertson Wm. boarding, 46 Sacramento Bosa Salvator, music store, 180 Clay Robertson ^ co, grocers, 187 Pacific Bosa S. (colored, carman, 262 Jackson Robinsin N W. Adams' express Bose John, cooper, 12 LeidsdorfF Robinson A. livery stable, 38 Webb Bose J B. lawyer, 137 Montgomery Robinson C I. livery stable, 153 Sac Bose N D. Tehama hotel Robinson D M. bar, 103 Sansome Rosenbaum A. cigars, 54 Commercial Robinson Ellen (colrd) Beale n Folsome Rosenbaum Jas. clothing and dry goods, Robinson Jas. painter, 151 Clay 132 California Robinson Jas H. stone cutter and quarry Rosenbaum J S. fruit, 132 Montgomery man, Rincon point Rosenburg Jos. cigars, 147 Kearny Robinson J R. banker, 141 Montgomery Rosenfeld Julius, merchant, 171 Wash Robinson L. carpenter, 196 Kearny Rosenfeld k Meyer, imp cigars, 144 Wash Robinson Robt, clerk, 361 Stockton Rosenstock J. clothier, 45 Pacific Robinson W T. carpenter, 51 Ooral Rosenstock M. clothier, 45 Pacific Robison D N. fruit store, 94 Coml Rosenstock Saml. clothier, 45 Pacific Robison W D. fruit store, 94 Coml Bosenstock S W. clothing, 57 Pacific Roby Wm. plumber, 80 Pine Bosenstock & Bros, clothiers, 45 Pacific Roche Ilermier, printer, 200 Dupont Bosenswig B. clothier, 161 California Roche Thos. boarding, 6 Ohio Bosenthal S. dry goods. 154 Kearny Rockwell Chas H. U S assistant appraiser Boss Mrs. boarding, 206 Washington 100 California Ross B. painter, 49 Broadway Rodgers Geo. public house, 98 Pacific Boss Chas L. com mer, 146 Clay, house Rodgers M. waiter, 85 Sansome 303 Clay Rodriguez Bosa, druggist, 193 Dupont Ross Daniel L. com mer, 113 Battery, h Roebin Geo. lodgings, 50 Commercial 369 Stockton Roeck P. laborer, 47 Broadway Boss Jas. liquor store, 175 Sansome Rogers A. B. carpenter, 183 Coml Ross Richard, Bella Union, 198 Wash !


Ross W. painter, 49 Clay Ryan P. produce, 82 Front Ross W G. painter, 182 Washington Ryan P. porter, Vallejo n Battery Ross cf CO, D L. com mer, 113 Battery Ryan R F. attorney, 123 Montgomery Rossinbeck Morris, tailor, 115 Jackson Ryan Richard, steward, Oriental hotel Rouch P. moulder, Market square Ryan & co, produce, 82 Front Rounds Saml H. Avhechvright, 22 First Ryan, Duflf ^ co, lumber, 39 Battery Rounds & Kent, wheelwrights, 22 First Ryckman G W. flour inspector, 61 Sac Rousset P. imp cigars, 122 California Ryder Jas M. imp hardware, 96 Battery Rousset, Auger & co, imp cigars, 122 Cal Routhier Isadore, jeweler, 58 Kearny Roux Amie, 90 Clay Rowe B S. clerk, 9 Commercial Sabatie A E. merchant, 118 Commercial Rowe 0. teamster, Vallejo n Battery " ^ Maubec, merchants, 118 Coml Rowe Rufus, butcher, 9 Commercial Sabin Mrs M A. dressmaker, 217 Jackson Rowell J. physician, 132 Kearny Sackett E B. Rassette house Rowle E W. clerk. 111 Commercial Sage E J. shipping merchant, 45 Cala Rowland John seaman, Fremont n Beale " & Smith, shipping merchts, 45 Cala Ruddock Andrew, porter, Oriental hotel Salaman A. watchmaker, 117 Kearny Ruddock Jos H. insp customs, 178 Dupt Salmon Mrs. 117 Dupont Ruddock Patrick, porter, Market square Salomon Madame, cafe, 152 Washington Rudenburg J M. dry goods, 136 Sansome Samiento C. dressmaker, 201 Pacific Rudsdale M. 106 Front " J. dressmaker, 201 Pacific Rueff Jules, bar, 138 Kearny " T. dressmaker, 201 Pacific Ruggles J. merchant, 321 Stockton Sammis E B. mason, Harrison u Beale Ruhling J C. merchant, 138 Jackson Sampson Wm A. imp oil cloth, 206 Clay Ruhling, Edlessen & co, merchs, 138 Jack Samson A B. jeweler, 151 Montgomery Rumean Dominique, flour dealer, 50 Kear Sam Manchong, China merch, 187 Sac Rumrill C H. merchant, 68 Pacific Sam Wo, China merchant, 175 Sac Rundell W N. custom bouse, 197 Wash Sanbome Theo C. merchant, 134 Clay Rungan Abel S. assist apprais, 100 Cala Sanders B C. banker, 129 Montgomery Runk Geo. drayman, 99 Sacramento ' G J Hubert, attorney, 96 Mercht Runnell C, laborer, 76 Pacific ' John, pilot, steamer Kate Kearny Russ A G. grocer, 71 Montgomery ' P B. clerk, 129 Montgomery Russ J H. Tehama hotel ' & Brenham, bankers, 129 Mont Russ ^ CO, grocery, 71 Montgomery ' & Parker, attorneys, 98 Mercht Russum T B. county recorder, 94 Mercht Sanderson F. boarding, 119 Pine Russell C. Adams' & co's express Sanderson L. F. Columbia hotel, tl9 Pine Russell G T. printer, 118 Commercial Sandy Geo H. printer, 37 Webb Russell Wm. cook, 132 Bush San Francisco Baths, Wash bel Kearny Russell Thog. builder, 291 Pacific Sanford F C. com mer, 35 Pine Russell S. bricklayer, Vallejo n Battery Sansome H & L co, Washington between Ruterman J. tinner, 87 Washington Montgomery and Sansome Ruth Thos. blacksmith, 277 Dupont Santa Claus Headquarters, 276 Stockton i Rutte T. importer, 172 Montgomery Sarciron J. flowers, 152 Washington Rutte & Tissot, importers, 172 Mont " & Ledunois, flowers, 152 Wash Rutledge Pascal, stove merchant, 156 Sans Sarddie J M. baker, 52 Kearny

Rutledge & co, stove merchants, 165 Sans Sargent B. coal dealer, 44 Battery t Ryan Edward, drayman, 50 Minna Saroni Chas S. hat store, 179 Clay

Ryan Jas. painter, 351 Stockton " Archer tf co, hat store, 179 Clay Ryan J. builder, 29 Minna Sassenay Fred D. 149 Washington Ryan J D. produce, 82 Front Satterlee John, judge superior court Ryan Jas T. lumber, 39 Battery Saulnier G. wines and liquors, 95 Mercht Ryan John, waiter, 85 Sansome Saunders F. Mont bet Pacific and B'way Ryan Michael, porter, 182 Montgomery " John H. attorney, 127 Mont SAU 91 SEA

Saunders, Hepburn & Bagley, attorneys, Schneider Augustus, merchant, 164 Sans 127 Montgomery Schonbcrg W. Globe hotel, 243-245 Dup Saucelito Water Co, oflSce, 69 Pacific Schooler Wm. drayman, 161 Front Savage C W. caulker, 38 Webb Schouberg W. hotel, 245 Dupont Saville E. bar, 203 Pacific Schoyer Raphael, auctioneer, 94 Sansome Sawyer F A. clearance clerk, cus house, Schroder L. bar, 229 Pacific Sawyer N. boarding, 91 Pacific Schroder Gustavus, ship master, Powell " Otis V. hardware, 127 Sansome rear Wesley Chapel " Saml, Dr. 2 First Schroder Henri, merchant, 20 Leidsdorff " W B. com mer, 127 Sansome " J G. com mer, 50 Front Sayer Ed. seaman, Fremont n Howard " Lewis, bar, 179 Front Sayre Jas H. carpenter, 118 Jackson " W. drayman, 161 Front Sayward W T. broker, 137 Montgomery, " & CO, im and com mer, 50 Front residence 203 Stockton " & CO, imp & com mer, 20 Leids " Sayward ^f co, brokers, 137 Mont & Meyer, bar, 179 Mont Saywood J H. Rassette house Schroth Chas. confectioner, 174 Clay Scanlan Rev John, St Francis Church, Schucklc C. blacksmith, 86 Bush Vallejo street Schulthess G F. draughtsman, 137 Cala Scannel David, merchant, 3 Coml Schultz T. cabinet maker, 75 Pine " Marshall, 3 Commercial " Martin, com mer, 160-162 Sans Scarpa Geo. market, 57 Kearny Schultze J. com mer, 126 California *' & CO. market, 57 Kearny '' & CO, merchants, 126 California Schad Wm. baker, 179 Washington Schultz k CO M. auct and com, 160 Sans Schafer John, mattresses, 62 Commercial Schumcher A. merchant, 160 Wash " John P. boarding, 85 Pacific Schuth J W. merchant, 67 California " L. clothing, 120 Sacramento Schwartz W. moulder, 67 First Schaeffer Chas. 307 Jackson Schwerin A. dry goods, 185 Washington " Chas H. auctioneeer, 85 Coml " Henry, baker, 179 Wash " T B. warehouse clerk, cus house Schweritz Simon, tailor, 154 Clay " J W. cigars, 34 Commercial Schwob Adolphe, grocer, 62 Mont Schander J T. pilot, Cunningham's wharf Scott Miss A. boarding, 52 Montgomery Schell A M. U S dist court, 87 Merchant " Andrew, clerk, 90 Pine Scheper Aldridge, merchant, 138 Wash " C G. builder, 351 Powoll " & Van Bergen, merchant, 138 " George, machinist, 67 First Washington " John, liquors, 28 California Schie Louis, llSDupont " John, liquor store, 61 Davis Schil Fanny, actress, 199 Dupont " & CO, liquors, 28 California Schirpser David, pedler, 109 Coml Scouler Jas. cabinet maker, 127 Kearny Schlageten John, hatter, 141 Kearny Scranton H Lee, merchant, 79 Pacific Scleiden W. broker, 187 Kearny " J H. merchant, 49 Pacific Schloss Benj. imp dry goods, 122 Mont Scriber C. upholsterer, 179 Jackson " Fred, imp dry goods, 122 Mont " Jacob, upholsterer, 179 Jackson " Philip, imp dry goods, 122 Mont " Philip, upholsterer, 179 Jackson " Bros, imp dry goods, 122 Mont Scribner G W. butcher, 80 Pacific Schmidt John, waterman, 115 Coml Scrutton J H. shipper, 154 Front " Patrick, laborer, 243 Dupont " & Hale, shippers, 154 Front " J. imp wines, 218 Jackson Scruth J W. merchant, 67 California " S J. cabinet maker, 210 Clay Scully W. cor Davis and Pacific " & Halter, fruit dealers, 194 Clay Seafoss Jacob, carpentor, 76 Pacific " & CO J. imp wines, 218 Jackson Scale H W. contractor, 289 Clay Schmitz Cristopher, musician, 117 Dupt Seaman Ed. 162 Montgomery " Joseph, musician, 117 Dupont Searle John, importer, 127 California Schmoly Wm. mathematical and optical ^ Wynn, importers, 127 Cala mstrument maker, 119 Montgomery SHE 92 SIB

Seaver T W. 100 Sansome Sheppard H M. 211 Clay Sebire A. manufr cordials, Wash n Virg'a " John, mercht tailor, 194 Wash Sebire S. wine merchant, 132 Commercial " John, merchant, 3 Commercial Segar Geo. auctioneer, 116 Sansome " Rose, boarding, 32 Virginia Sailer August, cigars, IGl Kearny " S. lawyer, 163 Mission Selby T. merchant, 170 Dupont " P W. just of peace, west s plaza " T H. imp hardware, 132 Gala " S A. attorney, 170 Mont Selig Nathan, mason, 239 Clay Sheridan Wm. trader, Harrison street Seligman J. importer, 105 California Sherman H S. express, 84 Bush " & CO, importers, 105 Cala " K. hotel, 79 Montgomery Selling P. dry grods, 259 Dupont " R M. merchant, 154 Clay Seref David, dry goods, Dupont n Union " & Wheelock, hotel, 79 Mont Serra Sebastian, tobacco, 124 Mont Sherwood Miss E. 128 Broadway Serrington S B. (col'd) barber, 220 Kear " Robt. watchmaker, 161 Clay Sescau John, French imp, 147 Clay « W W. cashier, h 254 Powell Seventh Ward Hotel, 1 First street " W J. auct, 121 Sansome Severance Henry, mineral water, Vallejo *' & CO, auct, 121 Sansome bet Stockton and Dupont SHERWOOD—BARRETT &, watch Seymour E P. wooden ware, 137 Sansome and chronometer makers, manufacturers " G F. furniture, 190 Wash and importers of fine jewelry, 161 Clay " ^ CO, furniture, 190 Wash Sherry P. boarding, 91 Pacific Shade Mrs C. boarding, 43 Pike " Thos. merchant, 81 California Shannon B. Bush n Montgomery Shew Wm. daguerrean, west side Plaza " Jos. county treas. City Hall Shier G. clothing, 139 Front " Mrs Julia, accoucher, Vallejo bet Shillaber Uriel, U S barge offi,193 Front Stockton and Powell Shindler Jas. Oriental hotel Sharp Geo F. attorney, 142 Montgomery Shipley W C. liquors, 82 Battery " S A. attorney, 97 Merchant Ship masters' headquarters, 18 Sac wharf " W H. attorney, 142 Montgomery Shippen Ed. bookkeeper, custom house Shattock D D. agent American Bjble So- Shipway Geo. shipsmith, 63 Halleck ciety, Dupont n Greene Shirley John, crockery, 176 Montgomery Shattuck T W. insp cus, barge oflfica " J. crockery, 138 Kearny Shaw C B. saloon, 200 Jackson " & Bayley, crockery, 176 Mont " Geo N. merchant, 47-49 Cala Shmitz C. saloon, 164 Commercial " J B. trader, 313 Dupont Shockley F. elk U S Warehouse, C H " John laborer, 76 Pacific Shoder Andrew, public house, 19 Coml " Mrs. residence 227 Washington Sheet G L. printer, 118 Commercial " Tobias, clothing, 124 Montgomery Sholle Jacob, clothing, 78 Montgomery " " W. hatter, 141 Kearny Wm. clothing, 7S Montgomery " W. waterman. Market n Mont " Brothers, clothing, 78 Mont Shoomer J. porter, 58 Front " W J. attorney, 163 Clay Short John, Wash'gton Baths, 174 " & CO G N. merchants, 47-49 Cala Wash " jr John, Wash'gtn Baths, 174 Shawmut house, 61 First Wash " jr John, clerk, 27 Drum Sheafe E A. fruit. Eastern Exch, Coml Shreve co. Wm. A. 42 Battery Shepheard JD.Franklm hotel, 180 Sans & Shriev Myer, clothing, 77 Pacific Shearer R J. auctioneer, 112 Sansome Shultee G. clerk, 90 Commercial Sheldon C 0. hatter, 179 Clay Shults J. eea officer, 90 Pacific Shelley Wm. pilot, office Ounghms wharf Shultze T. cigars, 133 Montgomery Shelton S W. hardware, 106 Br.ttery Shultz

Sibley A J Mrs. 198 Stockton Sinot C F. engineer, 56 Washington


Smith G M. auc


Offer for stilc, at the lowest ranrket prices, a krge eel .assortment of East Indian ^Vlrditerraaica ropt^ani ill©! m% wmmi mm FRENCH, ENGLISH AHB AMERICAN CHEMICALS,


Totrethor witli nil ©tAlTs

S. R. A Co., are General Agents for tli<^




HYATT'S BALSAM OF LIFK, AND AVE! Sansotnc Street^ corner sou 95 STE

" J G. merchant, Jones c Grnwich Starkweather N B. com mer, 104 Bat " Soule Samuel, lumber, 32 I3attery McClenachen & co. com " &. Page, linnber, 32 Battery mer, 104 Battery Southgate J J. com mer. 31 Pacific StaiT F R. grocer. 51 Pacific South worth A. laborer, 319 Dupont " T. carpenter, 61 First " Southworth A B. merchant, 128 Gala

Speer Wm. Rev. missionary to China in Steeb Schmolz, optical cf* mathematical California, h Montgomery c Bush instrument makers, 119 Montgomery Spence John F. Hawaian Consul, 137 Steele Henry, ship and blacksmith, 63 Montgomery Halleck Spence Patrick, Franklin Hotel Steele S B. butcher, 311 Stockton Spencer Geo W. painter, 109 Mont Steen Ed T. Vulcan Foundry, 69 First " J G. trader, 226 Powell Steere Geo S. produce, 88 Front

" Mrs J G. dress-maker, 226 Powl " «fc Hathaway, produce, 88 Front Speyer Morris, importer, 131 Sansome Steffe Jacob, striker, Folsom c Beale Spillen Wm. laborer. 26 First Stiffens Adolph, importer, 91 Wash Spinetto Angelo, trader, Dupt n Union Steffens A. merchant, 116 Battery " Antony, trader, Dupt n Union Steiger C R. moulder, 69 First Spinney jr Joseph, ship'g office, 26 Drum Stein H W. tailor, 181 Washington " Spooner J H. painter, 334 Powell

Dennis ] 266 Powell n Stockton Sterling A P. imp elk naval officer, C H St Francis Hotel, Clay c Dupont '• John, Cus House St Francis Hook

Stevenson J D. attorney, 171 Clay Stratton R J. merchant, 152 Pacific " J. com mer, (35 Jackson Strauss S. dry goods, 266 Dupont " J D. land com agt, 154 Stock " & CO, dry goods, '266 Dupont " R M. gents' furnishing store, Straw Linden, dentist, 90 Pine 164 Kearny Street commissioner's office, City Hall " S C. butcher, Beale n Folsom Strobel Peter, 59 Sacramento " ^ CO. com mer, 65 Jackson Strobridge J M. auctioneer, 85 Coml Steward Jas. 229 Clay " & Blake, auct, 85 Coml Stewart Chas A. ship master, 90 Pacific Strode C B. attorney, 98 Merchant " F. House Tehama Strong E Y. printer, 152 Clay *• public house, H. 71 First " John, baker, Beale n Folsome " Jas. engineer str Jack Hays Strybing C H. grocer, 35 Montgomery " Jas. blacksmith, Folsom c Beale Stryker Wm H. 51 Davis " Wm. (coPd) waiter, 172 Clay Stuart Alex, ship carpenter, 36 First " W. waiter, 85 Sansome " J F. merchant, 129 Jackson Stiles A G- Battery c Clay " Jas. ship chandler, 58 Coml Still J H. bookseller, Brenham Place " Thos. butcher, 182 Mission Stillman Jas W. 179 Dupont " & Gardner, ship chandlrs, 58 Coml I Stillmore J S L. Tehama House Stubbs C S. pattern maker, 69 First Stilwell G W. merchant, 67 Cala Stuffin H J. Rassette house Stocker Jas. T. Vallejo ab Powell Stump Joseph, painter, 384 Dupont Stockwell ^ CO. A W. bookslrs, 92 Coml Sturche Chas. cabinet maker, 286 Dupt Stoddard J. painter, 127 Sacramento " Trammel, cabinet, makers, 286 " E H. druggist, 2 First & Dupont " & CO. druggists, 2 First Stone E L. com mer, 102 Battery Sturdivant R 0. bookkeeper, cust house " E F. book-keeper, 90 Pine Suckert L. physician, 178 California " Josiah, miner, 334 Powell Sudholter, Henry, carpenter. 111 Kearny " J M. Tehama House Sullivan Chas. laborer, 71 Battery " " N B. merchant. Mission c Second D. architect, 155 Pine " Sherold, com mer, 177 Stockton " EL. merchant, 167 Wash Storm Adriance, broker, 88 Jackson " James, Rassette house Story C R. druggist. 125 Sansome, h 266 " J P. Bella Union, 198 Wash Powell " Jerry \V. new P Office Arcade Story Wm F. ship chandler, 89 Front " M A. insp cus, barge office " & Adrain, ship chandlers, 89 Front Summers Harriet, Filbert above Stock " Reddington & co. drugs, 125 Sans Sunders G. bookkeeper, 179 Clay Stott Alex, lamps & burning fluid, 166 Sumner Geo W. 119 Sansome Montgomery Surie C E. com mer, 48 Front Stott Chas. lamps & burning fluid, 166 " & CO, com merchants, 48 Front Montgomery Sutter Saml, machinist, cor Fol and Beale Stott, Taylor &. co. lamps & burning Suttle H 0. Rassette house fluid, 166 Montgomery Sutton J. saloon, 101-103 Sansome Stout Arthur B. physician, 240 Wash " OP. merchant, 128 Broadway i " John H. clothing, 132 Clay " Wm. porter house. 111 Front " Jacob N. merchant, 100 Kearny " & Smith, porter house, 111 Frontt " & McKee, clothing, 132 Clay Sutherland & Carr, attomejs, 123 Mont Stovewell Wm. laborer, 90 Pacific " & Wells, attorneys, 159 Clay Stowell H. merchant, 58 Front, house W Suwerkrop E A. Danish Consul, 85 Cala Kearny n Greene Swain C F. passage office despatch fine, " W W. laborer, 76 Pacific 57 Front Stoutenburgh E. com mer, h 5 B'way Wm Swain R A. merchant, 64 Sansome Stoutenburg &. co Wm E. importers and " & CO, merchants, 64 Sansome commiss merchants, 152 Battery Swan G V. mason, 11 Leidsdorflf Strahle Jacob, billiard table maker, 272 " Lyman, merchant, 50 California Dupont SWA 97 THA

Swan W A. blacksmith, 43 Webb Tate Jas. com mer, 108 Front " Jas G. clerk, 89 Front Tate & Murray, com mer, 108 Front Swann J G. cook, 89 Sansome Taun Chas. blacksmith, 53 Sansome Swasey Chas S. clerk, 65 Jackson Taussig Wm. imp leather goods, 95 Sans

Swasj G A. shipmaster, 343 Dupont Taussig, Pollock cf- co, importers, 95 Sans Swearingen A S. Coml Ex. 170 Coml Tavel F A. wood yard, 217 Stockton Sweeden Ed. bricklayer, 306 Pacific Tay Geo. 52 Front Sweeney Danl, police officer, 244 Dupont Tay H. com mer, 81 Front

" Danl. Mer Exchange, 123 Sac Tayloe .1 R. insp cus, barge office " Thos. clerk, 35 Commercial Taylor Aug C. stoves, 208 Montgomery " & Baugh, Mer Exchge, 123 Sac Taylor B. carpenter, 105 Kearny Swenssen C. lodgings, 16 Commercial Taylor Chas. merchant, 90 Pine Sweet W. printer, 76 Pacific Taylor Chauncey, bookkeeper, 109 Cala Sweetland Mrs Jane, 8 Melius Taylor Chauncey, clerk, 120 Kearny Sweetser A C. Tehama house Taylor C L. sash maker, 132 Dupont " E. com mer, 62 Front Taylor Eliza, saloon, 211 Dupont " & Hutchings, com mer, 62 Front Taylor Ellen, saloon, 136 California Swift J M. com mer, Davis cor Washing- Taylor H W. caulker, Beale, Rincon point ton, h 278 Clay Taylor John, glassware, 187 Mont " & Dewey, com mer, Davis c Wash Taylor John, clerk, 90 California

Synagogue Emanuel, 86 Keai-ny . Taylor John F. shipsmith, 20 First

Symonds Mary Anne, boarding, 230 Stock Taylor Knowles, laborer, U S apprais offi Symons Danl. accountant, 104 Front Taylor N T. fruit dealer, 117 Coml " Saml. clerk, 14 Commercial Taylor Waldo, hatter, 157 Commercial Sylva Mannel, laborer, 290 Pacific Tajlor Wfti. agent, 3 Commercial Taylor Wm H. lamps, 166 Montgomery Taylor & co C L. sash makers, 132 Dupt Taylor and Gordon, stoves, 208 Mont Taylor & Wescott, shipsmiths, 20 First Taaffe imp dry goods, Wm. 65 Front Teal Lewis, tax collector. City Hall Taaffe McCahill, importers,

Thayer & Little, druggists, 127 Mont Throckmorton S P. Tehama hotel Thehaud E. shipping office, 2 Coml Thurber J L A. grocer, 190 Montgomery Thepat Jean, drayman, 52 Kearny Thurber J A. merchant, 105 Jackson Thibault F J. wines and liquors, 186 Mont Thurston J W. grocer, 272 Jackson Thielebein A. painter, 233 Dupont Thurston T J. grocer, 272 Jackson Thirion Geo. bootmaker, 217 Wash Thutium Jacob, baker, Vallejo n Stock Thoman Jacob, comedian, Adelphi Thea- Tibbits S M. M D. 164 Montgomery tre, Dupont street Tibbey E S. messenger, Page, Bacon & Thomas Clias G. insp cus, barge office CO, 97 Montgomery Thomas Edwin, saloon, 134 Kearny Tice & White, merchant, 92 Montgomery Thomas E. engineer, 90 Commercial Tichenor T S. auctioneer, 63 Sacramen Thomas G. laborer, 26 First to, house 181 Stockton Thomas Hipplyte, imp liquors, 111 Sac Tichenor, S W. auctioneer, 65 Sac Thomas Jss B. merchant, 145 Front Tierney Thos. cooper, 37 Leidsdorff Thomas Joseph, cabinet maker, 7 Pike Tile B A. laundry, 223 Pacific Thomas L H. attorney, 98 Merchant Til eston W M. leather, 96 Sansome Thomas L. Tehama house Tilghman B. (colored) baker, 98 Coml Thomas H. attorney, 99 Merchant Tillman F. blacksmith, 186 Sansome Thomas, Bonneron & co, imp hqr. 111 Sac Tillman John, jeweler, 243 Washington Thompson A. com mer, 119 Commercial Tillman Mrs J. dressmaker, 243 Wash Thompson Andrew, fish, game and poultry Tillman W N. painter, 229 Clay 21 Pacific market Tillinghurst Wm. clerk, 159 Stockton Thompson Chas clerk, 233 Washington Tilton Henry L. clerk, 95 Battery Thompson D W. 242 Dupont Times & Transcript office, 152 Clay Thompson Geo. sailmaker, 21 Coml Timmons S W. clerk, 116 Sansome Thompson Geo. bowling saloon, 159 Coml Tingley Wm. billiard saloon, 152 Mont Thompson Geo. seaman, Powell n Pacific Tissott L C. importer, 172 Montgomery Thompson Henry, brickmaker, 319 Dupt Tissott Paul, 133 Sacramento Thompson H B, clerk, 184 Montgomery Titcomb A H. 62 Front Thompson Jas. feed store, 115 Sansome Titcomb J H. bookkeeper, 34 Minna Thompson J. wagon maker, 105 Kearny Titus John, butcher, 90 Pacific Thompson Jas A. bar, 207 Kearny Titus T W. house cleaner, 260 Clay Thompsim Jas F. boarding. 42 Coml Tittell A. bricklayer, 51 Kearny Thompson Jas P. 104 Montgomery Tittel E. painter, 51 Kearny Thompson John, blacksmith, 53 First Tittle E. mason, 109 Pacific Thompson John, boarding, 14 Sacramento Tittle F G. mason, 109 Pacific Thompson J S. clerk, 119 Commercial Tobias A 1. 122 Mont and 118 Sac Thompson Lewis, (colored) boarding, Tobias & co, 118 Sacramento 188 Pacific Tobin E G. joiner, Washington n Stock

Thompson W. Neely lumber, 22 Battery Tobin Jas. auction and commission of Chi- • Thompson Robt. proprietor, 222 Powell nese goods. 111 Commercial Thompson S. iron and steel, 155 Sansome Tobin & Duncan, auct Chmese goods, 111 Thompson S. fish dealer, 115 Coml Commercial Thompson S T. trader, 123 Montgomery Todd Alvin, wines and liquors, 10 First Thompson Wildes T. 21 First Todd's Express office, 114 Montgomery Thompson Wm. cor Folsome and Beale Todd John, hotel, 112 Montgomery Thompson jr Wm. 217 Commercial Todd C M. merchant, 58 Front Thompson & Ford, boarding, 14 Sac Todd, Murphy & co, hotel, 112 Mont Thompson & Fountain, feed store, 115 Toland H H. hardware, 90 California Sansome Toland H H. physician, 153 Mont

Thorn W P. Franklin house Toland cj- Hart, hardware, 90 Gala Thorndike J K. agent, 302 Stockton Tom M. drayman, 90 Pine Thorp Theodore, Vallejo n Dupont Tomich A J. fruit store, 165 Commercial ThraU H IL dentist, 205 Clay Tonilin L. carpenter, Fremt n Harrison TOM 99 UMB

Tomkins E B. clerk, 168 Montgomery Trinity Church Episcopal, 126 Pine Thornpkins Jas, drayman, 80 Pine Tripp S G. gunsmith, 147 Washington Thompkins I. public house, 80 Pine Trouette H. physician, 45 Sansome Tompkins P W. Rassctte House Troup Wm. engineer, 49 First Tompkins T B. butcher, 285 Pacific Trowbridge Geo. wooden ware, 137 Sans Toomer P. painter, 131 Kearny Trowbridge c5* Seymour, wooden ware, Toomey D. blacksmith, 53 First 137 Sansome Toomy H. coppersmith, 110 Battery Truchot Thos blacksmith, 215 Jackson Toomy Henry, merchant, 123 Sansome Truesdale S V. saloon, 148 Commercial Tonge Thomas, white-washer, 107 Kear Tructt H B. grocer, 60 Front

Tongsan, Chinese store, 184 Sac Truett M F. grocer, 6 ' Front Tongsing, washing, 174 Sacramento Truett& Truett, grocers, 60 Front Topping A. clerk, 131 Montgomery Trummel A. cabinet maker, 286 Dupont Tordion H L. bar, 227 Pacific Tucker jr Chas. dlrin coffee, 243 Pacific Torry E. com mer, 35 Battery Tucker G L. merchant, 44 Bush Torry E N. carpenter, 136 Dupont Tucker J T. importer and dealer in fine Torry Niles, carpenter, 27 Sansome watches and jewelry, diamond and Torry Wm. carpenter, 27 Sansome silver ware, &.C., 125 Montgomery Torry & Blanchard, com mer, 35 Bat Tubbs A L. ship chandler, 49 Pacific Totten E J. boot & shoes, 134 Front Tung Gik, laundry, 291 Dupont Touchard G. clerk, 176 Montgomery Tung Sing, washing, 74 Pacific Touchard Madam, Mansion House, 157 Tunnock Wm. liquors, 120 Pacific Dupont Turk Frank, atty at law, 137 Mont Tower Chas. boiler maker, 61 First Turnbull John W. physician, 176 Mont Townsend B E. lumber, Battery c Bush TurnbuU Wm. com mer, 85 Front Townsend J B. atty at law, 118 Mont Turnbull 4* W\alton, com mer, 85 Front Townsend J S S. merchant, 71 Jackson Turner D S. auctioneer. Bat c Halleck Townsend M D. clerk, 229 Clay Turner G. carpenter, 59 Pine Townsend ^* Flint, lumber. Bat c Bush Turner Jas. seaman, 90 Pacific Toy Chas F. clothier, 23 Commercial Turner R B. merchant, 102 Battery Toy Danl, 169 Mission Turner T V. ostler, 115 Kearny Toy Danl, clothier, 23 Commercial Turner W B. Todd's Express, 114 Mont Toy, Danl &, Son, clothier, 23 Coml Turner V. Cus House, h 183 Dupont Tracy Fred'k P. atty at law, 159 Clay Tuska M. furnishing store, 191 (^lay Tracy J F. store yard, 121 Pine Tusselman J M. clerk, 92 Commercial Tracy P. shoe maker, 119 Clay Tutein Francis, bar, 188 Pacific TracyjWm N. builder, 323 Stockton Tuttle C. mason, 101 Kearny Tranor Jas. police officer, 338 Dupont Tuttle C S. merchant, 71 Jackson Trapet P. confectionej, 313 Dupont Tuttle Jas C. Orleans Hotel, 179 Pacific Travellers' Home, 60 First Tuttle R M. machinist, 76 Pacific Travers E W. stock broker, 1 1 Sac Tuttle 4- Laurence, merchants, 71 Jack Travis Geo. Rassette House Tyson W. Pioneer Club House Tread well J P. attorney, 118 Mont Tyler F L. painter, 11 Liedsdorff Tread well L L. com mer, 56 Battery and 78 California Treadwell & co. com mer, Gala c Bat Treasurer S M Hospital, 92 Jackson Udell T. Magnolia, 162 Kearny Trench Joseph, architect, 141 Wash Uleroj David, 73 Commercial Trenner Miss, milliner, ()5 Mont Ullman M. cigars, 96 Commercial Trenis Jean, washing, 327 Dupont; Ullman Morriss, California Exchange Trevor F. physician, 54 Broadway Ulmer S H. dry goods, 60 Leidsdorff Trias Gamona, 292 Stockton Ulmer, Fiegenbaum & co, 6-3 Leidsdorfif Triest M. ostler, 115 Kearny Ulrek J B. Tehama hotel Trille S. grocer, 312 Dupont Ulrich Thos. blacksmith, 129 Clay Trimbles J. physician, 162 Montgomery Umber John, hotel, 181 Pacific UND 100 VER

Underbill Jacob, hardware, 58 Sansohie Vanderhooft & co, sailmakers, 7 Sac Underbill M P. carman, 61 Montgomerj Vandermersche Lewis, syrup manufactory Ungar Leopold, 68 Montgomerj 102 Merchant Unger A. clothing, 121 Sacramento Vandermersche & Bilant, syrup manufac- Unger H. merchant, 82 Bush tory, 102 Merchant Ungerford Wm. musician, 59 Kearny Vandeusen P M. tailor, 250 Kearny Union Foundry, First n Mission Vandewater John, merchant, 321 Stock Union House, 12 First Vandewater John, builder, 137 California Union Hotel, Kearny cor Merchant Vandewater R J. ofiice, 51 Davis U S District Court room, 89 Merchant Van Doren W J. storage, 17 California Upbam G T. merchant. 51 California Van Doren & co, storage, 17 California j Upbara Jas P. boarding, 57 Sansome Van Dusen Mathew, ship builder, Rin pt Upbam & McNab, boarding, 57 Sansome Van Dyke Jas. coppersmith, 116 Front Upton Eugene, printer, 159 Montgomery Van Dyke John, bookkeeper, 139 Sans bouse 169 Stockton Van Halle Cornelius, grain and flour, 110 Urban Geo. ship carpenter, 9 Melius Kearny Urie J S. pilot. Bay hotel, Cunghm's whf Van Holstein Joseph, stone cutter, Kear- Ustick W L. clerk, 137 Cabfornia ney n toll gate Van Landt J W. city physician, 206 Pac Van Loan M D. clerk U S apprais office Vanners J P. boarding bouse, 211 Mont Vaccrel Louis, fish, 19 N. World market Van Ness H. pilot, 16 Sacramento Vaenberg E H. jeweler, 121 Kearny Vano Louisa, 298 Stockton Vaiden Thos J. physician, Rassette house Vanodek John, lighterman, Rincon point Vail D 0. clerk, 133 Front Van Pelt D. 204 Stockton Vail D P. capt steamer Confidence Van Pelt John, capt steamer Antelope Vail Edward, grain dealer, 83 Wash Van Pelt Chas. capt steamer Antelope Vail & Lawson, metal roofers, 33 Leids Van Reed Henry, broker, 113 Sac Vaill Jos F. roofer, 33 Leidesdorff Van Reed Jas H. broker, 113 Sac Vaillant J. wines and liquors, 97 Mercht Van Reed & Bros, brokers, 113 Sac Vaillant & Brasseur, wines and bquors, Van Riper H. machinist, Market square 97 Merchant Van Shaic C M. Union hotel Valentine Jas. tailor, 51 Montgomery Van Stratton J H. clothier, 81 Coml Valentine T B. printer, 159 jMont Van Vegten Geo. 210 Washington Valey Henri, drayman, 52 Kearny Van Zandt, city physician, City Hall, of- Valey Mad H. 52 Kearny fice 206 Pacific Van Allen WmK. merchant, 86 Jackson Varney Thos. auctioneer, 102 Coml Van Allen W R. Tehama hotel Varney ^ co, auctioneers, 102 Coml Van Antwerp, drayman, 144 Montg Vassault F. com mer, 174 Mont Van Bergen John, merchant, 138 Wash Vassault F. agent, cor Pacific and Front Van Bever Pierre, grocer, 219 Wash Vasserot, Merle, Beroit, boots, 240 Dupt Van Bokkelen J B. Ashland saloon, 82 Vedder Peter, printer, 90 Pacific Van Brunt R N. cor Wash and Powell Venard G. wholesale dealer in ground cof- Van Buren, trader, 224 Stockton fee, 50 Kearny Van Buren T B. lawyer, 90 Merchant Venard & Margand, gmd coffee, 50 Kear Vance Jas. express wagon, 141 Mont Venjerhoets J C. cabinet mkr, 293 Stock Vance Thos. Mechanics' home, 26 First Vennigerholz J G. family grcr, 146 Kear Van Court D W. steam mills. Mkt n First Verdier Emile, fancy goods, 152 Kearny Van Court John, carriage trimmer, Mar- Verdier Bel. fancy goods, 152 Kearny ket n First Verdier & Bros, fancy goods, 152 Kear Van Crombrugghe Alfred, 203 Stockton Verdrono W H. Tehama hotel Vandenberghe Peter tailor, 17 Coml Ver Mehr Rev PL. cor Pow and Jack Vandenbos Therese, Wash n Powell Verplanck jr Philip, merchant, 126 Coml Vanderbooft J G. sailmaker, 7 Sac Verplanck ^ McMullen, mere, 126 Coml VIB 101 WAS

Vibbard P C. livery stable, 19 Battery •" Asa, attorney, 39 Minna Victor F. workman, 313 Dupont " Geo. laborer, 17 California " Vierville Emile C. trader, 408 Stockton John, butcher, 5 Coml, 32 Sac • Vigilant Fire company, 809 Stockton " John, produce, Clark's Point " Vigne E. proprietor, 408 Stockton . ^Solomon, (col'd) renovator, 173 Vignes A. Hotel de Paris, 4 Sacramento Washington Vignola Joseph, Mexican goods, 51 Sac " W. com mer, 110 Battery Vignon E. merchant, 313 Powell " Wm. cook, 319 Dupont Viner J H. merchant, 313 Powell " Wm. brick layer, 306 Pacific Vigoureaux Augustus, shipmastr, 90 Pine " W C. insp cus. Barge Office Vilmin Joseph, baker, 52 Kearny Wall C A. fruit, 90 Commercial Vinton W M. boots and shoes, 44 Coml " Peter, policeman, 244 Dupont Vinton & co, boots and shoes, 44 Coml Wallace Mrs. proprietress, 210 Jackson " Virgin Geo. shipping office, 11 Coml Patrick, 260 Clay Vischer Ed. 107 Montgomery « R B. Franklin Hotel Von Ahn T A. laundry 394 Powell " Wm A. porter, 116 California Von Hadeln J. grocer, 359 Powell Waller R H. attorney. 90 Merchant Volkart John, cooper, 12 Leidesdorff " Wm. washing, 380 Stockton Vender MadeinH. merchant, 12 Melius " 4* Dodge, attorneys, 90 Mercht Von Hadeln John, Vallejo n Powell Walhs J S. city Baths, 145 Coml Von Lengerke H F. com mer, 30 Battery Wain jr Wm. clerk, Cus House Voorman Henry, grocer, 221 Jackson Walsh John, Rassette House " Jas Rassette co, B. House Voorman

Washington Market, Kearny c Jackson " Wm D. 50 Sansome " Mills, Market n First Wedeles M. merchant, 63 Liedesdorff Waslung, washing, 214 Clay Weed J K. agent, 1^6 Montgomery Wass S C. assayer, 89 Merchant « Jos. J P 1st township!" 172 Pac " Molitor & CO. assayers, 89 Mercht " Jos. house, 337 Powell Waterman Jas. billiards, Union Hotel Wegener F U. carpenter, 58 Mont " Robt. ship master, 151 Stock " F O. carpenter, 368 Powell " Richard, potter, 269 Clay Wehrle Alex, brewer. Vallcjo n Stockton " S. cigars, 152 Washington Weihe A. cigars, 161 Kearny " & Buswiler, cigars, 152 Wash Weil Eli, dry goods, 240 Clay " &. CO. produce, 130 Front ! Weill Samuel, brewer, 299 Dupont Waters Mrs. Arcade Saloon, 148 Kearny " Simon, brewer, 299 Dupont

I " G L. billiards, 152 Montgomery jAVeinshank A. clothier, 43 Pacific " Jas. Waiter, Rincon Point Wier J B. butter, 46 Front Waterson Daniel, machinist, Folsom c " W B. butter, 46 Front Beale Welch Jas M. carpenter, 144 Jackson Waterson Thos. machinist, 69 First " John, machinist, 51 Commercial Watkins Benj. bar room, 113 Mont Welden David, merchant, 194 Mission " Joseph, boarding, Rincon Eeint " D K. produce, 1 California " R G. cigars, 190 Kearny " & CO. produce, 10 California Watriss Mrs M C. boarding, 248 Clay Wells Alex, attorney, 90 Merchant Watriss Geo C. U S Assyer's office, 142 " F. 135 Montgomery Connnerci'al " Horace jr, clerk, 110 Sansome Watrons Chas. merchant, 124 Sansome " J P. salesman, 141 Commercial Watson Geo F. upholsterer, 206 Clay " J B. attorney, 98 Merchant " Jas. oil man, 114 Broadway " J L, carriage maker, 91 Kearny " J H. merchant. Mission c Second " John, Franklin Hotel " J K. billiards, 155 Commercial " Robt. storage, Market wharf " Jno R. com mer. Pacific c Mont " Wm V. agent, 140 Commercial " R S. com mer, 56 Sansome " Fargo &- CO. express, 114 Mont " Wm H. upholsterer, 206 Clay " & CO. R. storage, Market Wharf " (fc CO. upholsterers, 206 Clay WellerGeo F. attorney, 159 Clay " ^* Morris, com mer, Pac c Mont " & Southerland, attys, 159 Clay Watters Jas. waiter, 22 California Welling J W. grocer, 299 T^npont " J. tailor, 157 Sacramento " & Gridley, grocers, 299 Dupont Watts Mrs M. boarding, 35 First Wellner Chas. trader, 200 Stockton " Eben'r, carpenter, 399 Powell Wendell John, lumber, 27 Battery " Evan, carpenter, 399 powell Wendling Geo. Powell c Greene Way Jacob, meat-stall, 1 cj* 3 Pac Mkt Wentworth E C. lumber, 27 Battery Wealer B G. Tehama House " N. grocer, 67 Pacific Weaver Chas. wheehvo^ht, Val'jo n Stock Wenzal G L. cooper, 12'> Jackson

j Webb C C. stationery, l06 Clay Wertheimer L. cigars, 151 Sansome " " Hiram, com mer, 70 Pacific clothier, 192 Washington " J C. barber, 162 Montgomery Wertherman Ralphe, clerk, 172 Mont " J W. laborer, 112 Pine Werzee Hillman, brewer, Vallejo n Stock " S P. atty and notary, 161 Mont Wescott C B. ship smith, 20 First " Samuel, flour mills. Jack n Front Wesetzky Jos. J. tailor, 162 Coml " ^ Harris, com mer, 70 Pacific Wessel J. jeweller; 80 Pacific " & Smith, barbers, 162 Mont Wesley Chapel, 234 Powell " & CO. paper ware house, 106 Clay West C H. stock broker, 137 Mont Webber Gabriel: bootmaker, 180 Qay " C 0. com mer, 136 Sansome Weber Jacob, watch maker, 117 Mont " I^aac, clerk, 96-98 Battery Webster D N. ship chandler, 21 Sac " Thos J. 136 Sansome " H A. com mer, 50 Sansome « Thos E. 109 Kearny " H. liquors, Battery c Cala Western R. machinist, Rincon Point

" H C. carman, Sansome c Coml I " Wm K. com mer, 41 Davis WHE 103 WHI

Wetherbee H. com mer, 73 Cala White T H. clerk, 21 Commercial Wetherby C M. lumber, 261 Powell " W. attorney, 125 Pacific Wethered J S. insp cus, Barge Office " W A. com mer, 134 Front Wetmore E G. guager, basmt Cus House " W H. merchant, 107 Jackson Wetsel G. ship carpenter, 9 Melius " W H. book-keeper, 334 Powell " Geo. caulker, 61 First " W H. merchant, 156 Sansome W^yterman L. meat stall, 17-19 Pacific " W M. Adams A: co.'s Express, 99 Market Montgomery Whalen Jeremiah, policeman, 244 Dupt " W. clerk, 120 Montgomery Whalon N. blacksmith, 36 First " & Tice, merchant, 92 Mont Wheatley W H. bar room, 161 Front " dr CO. com mer. 8 Commercial Wheaton Wm. com mer, 44 Minna " 4* Uoherty, ship stores, 6 Coml Wheeler Alfred, attorney, 90 Merchant " c5* Perkins, millinery, 146 Sac " Alonzo, merchant, 64 Sans " (fc Storm, brokers, 88 Jackson " Chas. oilman, 114 Broadway " 6c Wentworth, lumber & iron, 27 " Frank, gymnasium, Verandah & 29 Battery " G W. importer, 120 Sansome Whiting B G. restaurant, 156 Mont " John, builder, 252 Powell " Jos P. clerk, 152 Mont " R. drayman, 36 First Whitley Jas. laborer, 112 Pine " RoUin, hardware, 94 Battery Whitlock C. boots & shoes, 41 Coml " & Murray, 64 Sansome Whitman J H. merchant, 229 Clay " ^* CO. R. hardware, 94 Battery S P. E A Hotel, 4 Coml Wheelock A. carpet store, 145 Mont Whitmore H M. restaurant, 190 Cala " A G. carpeting, 145 Mont Whitney B F. Tehama Hotel " J. hotel 61 Montgomery " C J. captain str Sophie " Mrs J. millinery, 206 Clay F E. 153 Commercial Whig Office, 146 Montgomery G A. 153 Commercial While D. porter, 82 California " Geo O. furniture, 159 Sac Whilden D. printer, 127 Sacramento " H. clerk, 159 Sacramento Whipple L. machinist, 67 First '' Mrs H B. saloon, 153 Coml " S B. proprietor Diana Saloon " jr J. captain str Kate Kearny 160 Commercial Whittier M T. carpenter, 182 Coml Whisted Edward, clothing, 35 Coml Whittle D. porter, 82 Califoroia Whiston Ed D. grocer, 42 First " Decring, hardware, 104 Kearny Whitcombc A C. attorney, 159 Clay " Mad. milliner, 104 Kearny " M. mdze broker, 148 Sans Wickersham A. fruit, 92 Front " White Aaron, Com'l Exch, 218 Kearny Henry T. clerk, 92 Front " A. merchant, 266 Powell Wickersham Jas. sleward, 78 Pacific " AM. broker, 88 Jackson Widman E C. dress-maker, 136 Sac " A S. printer. Trinity n Pine Weiland Jacob, baker, Vallejo n Stock " H B. physician, 230 Wash " John, baker, Vallejo n Stock " Chas L. 241 Sacramento Weiner J. dry goods, 149 Kearny " D. boarding, 3 Broadway " dr CO. dry goods, 149 Kearny ' E A. insp cus, Barge Office Wight Geo. blacksmith, 67 First ' Elijah, physician, Virginia c Jack Wightman John, clerk, 181 Clay ' F. millinery, 146 Sacramento Wilber Jas. bowling, Union Hotel ' Frank, Arcade House, 29-31 Webb " M. builder, 27 Sansome ' Geo. merchant, 98 Battery Wilby H E. Vice Con Portugal, 71 Jack • " John, liquors, 156 Montgomery H E. imp tf* com mer, 71 Jack ' John, hotel, 130 Mission Wilcocks Benj. Whig office, Mont c Clay ' John C. lumber

Wilderberger Chas. butcher, 99 Bush Willis H M. dry goods, 141 Sacramento Wiley S. auctioneer, 81 Coml " HP. com mer, 85 California " " 4* Phillips, auctioneer, 81 Coml John, pilot steamer Jack Hays " Wilgus J N. painter, 45 Pike Mrs M D. dry goods and millinery, Wilkey E H. painter-, Frenit n Folsom 141 Sacramento " Wilkins J M. Franklin Hotel & Son, dry goods and millinery, 141 " Walker, Clay n Stock Sacramento Wilkinson Ross, insp ens, Barge Office Williston H C. books, 201 Clay Willan T W. agent, 72 Pacific Wilner Malcolm G. lodgings, 142 Clay Willess H. 152 Pacific W Wilson A T. attorney, room 2, Tehama carpenter, Willett Richard, 334 Powel " Chas. cigars, 1 California Willey Rev. S H. Melius & Second " Chas. baker, 362 Stockton " Otis waterman. ab F. Pine Mont " Chas. porter, 25 Battery William Frank, coffee stand, 27 Coml " C S. watchman, custom house " Jos. servant, 16 Pine " E. exchange, 85 Sansome Williams Andrew, Kremlin, Dupont " Ed A. saddler, 98 Sansome " A. attorney, 160 Clay, h 328 " Fred, laborer, 51 Commercial Stockton " F G. public house, 340 Stockton " Alex, saddler, 90 Pacific " Geo C. boarding, 43 Sansome " Chas. hotel, 79 Montgomery " Geo W. gardener. Mission Dolores " Chas. steward str Ohio " Henry, brickmaker, Powell " C. finisher. Pacific Foundry " John, saddler, 98 Sansome " D. grain, 17 Battery " John, livery stable, 19 Battery " E. drugs, 132 Kearny " " J H. grain dealer, 46 Coml Ed. porter, Harrison n Beale " " Jas. machinist, 36 First Geo. merchant, 344 Dupont " " James, machinist, 69 First Geo. saloon, 39 Pacific " " Jas. pubUc house, 148 Mission H B. clerk, 130 California " « C. books, 201 Clay Jas. merchant, 21 Melius H " " H F. builder, 74 INIeichant J S. grocer, 217 Pacific " " H G. clothing, 195 Clay John, attorney, Cala n Mont " " J. blacksmith, 67 First John, porter, 143 Clay " " John, blacksmith, 178 Mission Gen John, lawyer, Fremont n Har " « John H. clerk, 130 California John, clerk, 73 Commercial " " Jas L. Pacific Hotel, 35 Pacific John, laborer, 112 Pine « " Jos. carpenter, 27 Sansome J H. 154-156 Pacific " Jas A. carpenter, 27 Sansome " John N. painter, 90 Clay *' Lewis, soda manufacturer, Val- Wilson J A. 125 Front " lejo, bet Stockton and Dupont J S. Broadway n Dupont " Lewellyn, soda manfr, 246 Pow " Jos. merchant, 101 California " " R. tailor, 235 Stockton Joseph, navy agent, 176 Dupont " " Richard, bar, 362 Dupont Jos. shipmaster, 178 Dupont " " R J. agent, 43 Pike Luther T. U S appraiser's store " " Stephen, architect, 52 Mont Micajah, insp cus, barge oflBce " " Wm A. carpenter, 3 Battery M. printer, 127 Sacramento " " W B. 3 Battery Robt. ship carpenter, Har, Rin pt " " W M. machinist, Fol cor Beale S H. baker, 133 CaUfomia " " Wm P. carpenter, 3 Battery S H. boarding, 42 Commercial " & Meiggs, lumber, 162 Mont " Saml. produce, 156 Pacific " & Severance, soda manufactu- " T A. Tehama house " rers, Vallejo above Dupont W 0. grocer, 217 Pacific " Williamson E. painter, 118 Commercial ^ CO, grocers, 217 Pacific " John, blacksmith, 75 B'dway " & Son, saddlers, 98 Sansome " WilUp M W. saloon, 247 Pacific & Bole, Globe bakery, 362 Stock Willis D. bar, 247 Dupont Wilton Nathl. machinist, 204 Stockton VIB 105 WAS

Win T. shoemaker, 78 Pacific Wood & CO, stevedores, 70 Front Winans John C. com mer, 69 Jackson " & Walker, market, 32 Sacramento Winchester E H. saddler, 68 Sansome " & West, com mer, 136 Sansome Windsor Chas. clothing, 41 Pacific Woodin Stephen, Franklin house " G H. 36 First " & Hill, Franklin house " & Baker, clothing, 41 Pacific Woodruff E. merchant, 64 Sansome Winered Wm. blacksmith, GO First " S F. hardware, 93 Kearny WingL. carpenter, 27 Sansome " ^ CO, hardware, 93 Kearny " Stephen, tinman, 107 Jackson Woods Geo. finisher, Alta Foundry Wingarder Chas I. tailor, 65 Kearny " HP. clothier, 165 Washington Wingate B F. clerk, h Second n Minna " Josephine, boarding, 216 Wash Wightman John, clerk, 181 Clay " J C. com mer, 59 Pine Winkley J F. merchant, 35 Minna " J C. Adams' express, 99 Mont Winn \T L. steam candy manfry, 80 Coml " ^ CO express, 59 Pine Winslow G M. clerk, 143 Sansome Woodward E. Adams' express, 99 Mont " D T. hay and grain, 17 Battery " F S. clerk, 203 Washington " M. machinist, Folsome cor Beale " R B. restaurant, 119 Sac " Michael, pub house, Fol n Beale Woodworth ^ co F A. importers piano " & Williams, hay tf grain, 17 Bat fortes, 130 Clay Winter C. bookkeeper, 28 Battery Woodworth John, 9 Drum " G. com mer, 28 Battery Woolfolk A B. 198 Washington " John, merchant, 215 Wash Wordsworth S E. U S weigher, cus house " & Latimer, com mer, 28 Battery Worden L S. clerk, 24 First Wittman Jos. coffee saloon, 123 Coml Worrill A C. fruit, 90 Commercial Witter Frank, Howard house, 35 Pacific Worlock W. blacksmith, 105 Kearny Wohap, Chinese laundry, 269 Dupont " John, blacksmith, Val ab Stock Wolf Frederick, crockery, 195 Kearny " & Boothby, blaksmths, 105 Kear " J E. shirt depot, 143 Clay Wozencraft Dr. U S indian commissioner, " Louis, printer, 118 Commercial Washington cor Stockton Wolfe A. carpenter, 13 Pike Wray Jacob, market, 100 Commercial " J E. carpenter, h Sac n Stockton Wright Geo. 165 Stockton Wolff Chas S. boarding, 77 Bush " J. actor, 224 Clay " Danl. com mer, 90 Jackson " G W. banker, 185 Kearny " Sig'd clothier, 67 Commercial " Henry, merchant, 279 Jackson " & CO D. com mer, 90 Jackson " James, boatman, 3 Commercial *' & Lutgens,Wm Tell house, 227 Pac " Thos. attorney, 135 Montgomery Wong Chong, laundry, 47 Sansome " Thos. 279 Jackson Wood A. Eagle Foundry, Fremont n Mkt " Stephen T. prod and com, 94 Front " Andrew, 136 Sansome Wrigley Joseph, Basse tte house " E. stevedore, 70 Front Wulff S W. watchmaker, 199 Clay " MadE. dressmaker, 201 Dupont ^y'unnberg M H. public house, 62 (^oml ' " F H. Adams' express, 99 Mont " & CO, boarding house, 62 Coml " J C. Adams' express, 99 Mont Wurtenburg S. cigars, 54 Commercial " " Henry, carpenter, 114 Bush & CO, cigars, 54 Coml " Hiram, eating house, 145 Sans Wyckoff Geo. imp grocer, 85 Wash " Hiram S. eating house, 165 Sans " & CO, imp groceries, 85 Wash " J H. coppersmith, 69 First Wylie J W. clerk, 116 Sansome " PP. cabinet maker, 196 Kearny Wyman J P. blacksmith, 43 Webb " Thos. 201 Dupont " & Huntington, blkshts, 43 Webb " Wm. public house, Fremont c How Wynn J B. importer, 127 Cala " Wm. market, 5 Coml and 32 Sac Wyse N H. merchant, 6Q Jackson " Wm H. com mer, 136 Sansome " woe. eating house, 145 Sans " Z. mason, 31 Pike Yale Gregory, attorney, 118 Montgomery b 1 39 Stoftkton YAN 106 ZAB

Yangre Chas. bricklayer, Fol n Fremont Yates C. boots and shoes, 167 Mont Zabriskie E A. insp cus, barge office Yellett Geo. carman, 96 Battery Zalen Wm. laborer, 47 Pacific Yerkin Jos. clerk, 73 Battery Zane John, saddler, 156 Sacramento Ye Tong, China merchant, 171 Sac Zane & Ellinghouse, saddlers, 156 Sac Younger M. laborer, 62 Montgomery Zantzinger L F. clerk U S apprais office Young C B. broker, rear 167 Wash Zeile Dr. 142 Sacramento Young J W. printer, 210 Washington Zeil Gust, com mer, 94 (California Young Peter, machinist, Market S(juare Zeil, Berthcau & co, merchants, 94 Gala Young Thos. Dundee House, 94 Pacific Zimmermann 0, bar, 210 Kearny Zolver Jacob, barkeeper, 85 Sansoms Zolver John, waiter, 85 Sansome


No. 11 Parsons' Fire Proof Brick Building, Nos. 38 & 40




Rents and Accounts Collected. SUPPLEMENT.


Abbott 6c Dore, Sacramento wharf Bingham ^ Reynolds, com mer, 181 Abernethy, Clarke 6c co, Sac wharf Sansome Adier Lewis, import grocers, G9 Sac Blackstone & co. N, flour mills, 44 Sac

Adler, Janssen



Carman & Martin, physicians (fe drug- Dukes & CO. ]\f gists, 203 Wasliingtou Duncan James, carp & joiner, 42 Davis Castle Fredoiick, merchant, 43 Sac Duncan ^' Wilkinson, carpenters & join- Castle Goodman, merchant, 43 Sac ers, 42 Davis Castle Michael, merchant, 43 Sac Dwiiielle Jo])n W, attorrey, 90 Merchant Castle, Bros, merchants, 43 Sacramento Eagle Foundry, Fremont c Market Chandler Chas, agent, 49 Pacific Edwards E S, importer, 103 Battery Chase R P, physician, Bush c Sansome Ellis A J, 123 Montgomery Chittenden N W, office 104 Mont Ellis Moses, imp and jobber, 61 Battery h Chrysler & Van Rensselaer, com mer, 54 248 Powell Front Ellis c5* Pierce, importers & Jobbers, 61 Clark Hiram C, attorney, 134 Mont Battery Clarke E Z, auc ^^ com, 96 Battery Eveleth & co. S C, com mer, 50 Gala Clarke Francis, clerk, 76 Jackson Everett E S, importer, 103 Battery Clayton F D, clerk, Custom House Ewer Ferdinand, editor, 152 Clay Coe F H. produce, 44 Clay Eyre M D, city assessor. City Hall Colgan E P, saloon, Sacramento c Sans Fair & co. Wm D, com mer, 43 Cala Colman J W. 146 Clay Fairbanks & co. H W, imptr hardware. Colvill (fc CO. merchants, S Commercial 97 Batter}?- Comins P B. gunsmith, 125 Commercial Fairfield & Reilly, com mer, 69 Clay h 132 Dupont Falkner E R, com mer, 116 Battery Compton C S. merchant, Mont c Sac Falkner, Bell &- co. com mer, 116 Bat

Cook Fre d'k, engineer (fc contractor, 49 Feldheim M, merchant, 94 Mont California Feldheim S, merchant, 94 Mont Cooke Wm. B, bookseller & stationer, Fenner C G, attorney, 90 Merchant 153 Montgomery Fensier L & F. merchant, 195 Kearny Crittenden A P. attorney, 138-140 Clay Fishbourne t^* Ross, brewers, cor Jesse &, Crittenden, Inge &. Martin, attorneys, Jane 138-140 Clay Fisler G M, 202 Clay Crockett J B, attorney, 153 Montgomery Fort J A, express. 114 Montgomery Cross Richard, teamster, 63 Battery Floating Bethel, (church) 82-84 Davis

Crocket &. Baker, attys, 153 Mont t Frankl L, liquors, 149 Front Dale Richard, real estate, 64 Broadway Fredonyer A, physician, 75 Mont |

Darling Wm A, com mer, 102 Battery i Frontin Joseph, Danish consul, 130 Clay

Davidson D, com mer, 123 Mont i Gale George A, produce, 64 Clay

cj* Davidson Bros, com mer, 123 Mont I Galley L, imptr wines, 64 Front Davis H L, produce, 42 Clay Garcia J, Peruvian Consul, 161 Mont { Dean L F, agent, 49 Pacific Gardner George M, painter, 124 Sans DeCracke J, stoves, 156 Sansome Garrioch A, com mer, 98 California DeFremery J, consul for Mecklenberg, Gassert H L, importer cigars, 132 Kearny 168 Sansome Gilman C H, attorney, 138-140 Clay DeGraaf &. Webster, ship chandlers, foot Globe Hotel, 243-245, Dupont Sacramento Godley Franklin, clerk, 113 California Del Vecchio Chas, merchant, 147 Bat Godley Montgomery, clerk, 113 Cala Dennis & co. G, wire-worker, 24 First Goodwin C R, com mer, 158 Battery Derby &- co, com mer, 269 Jackson Goodwin Henry L, 137 Pine De Ro Charles, auctioneer, 119 Sansome Goodwin &. co. com merchts, 158 Battery De St Ours F J, dry goods, 159 Kearny Goodwin & co. 137 Pine Dexter Henry S, engineer U S dry dock, Gordan Archld O, express, 155 Mont 156 Sansome Gordon George, iron founder, (Vhlgan Dietz J W, lamps, 187 Montgomery Fonndry,) office 31 Battery Dietz &. CO, George, lamps, 187 Mont GorhamA, attorney, 118 Montgomery Dodge H L, attorney, 153 Montgomery Goyetche G, imp cigar, 150 Washington Dry Dock, (U S) office of engineer, 156 Griswold J C, Directory office, 138 Clay

Sansome Gronfier & co. , Jne, agents, 64 Front "


Guerin & co. J, dry goods, 137 Sac I Lagoarde 6& Runkel, pistol gallery, 206 Hackett John K, city attorney, 163 Mont Washington I

Hamilton T P, com mer, 45 Sacramento I Lang Chas E. sign painter, 124 Sans

Hamilton t.\'* Bennett, com mer, 45 Sac Lang tj* Gardner, sign painters, 124 Sans j Hart Wm, attorney, 140 Clay Le Cacheux J c^ Galley, importers wine Haskell 1) H, express, 99-101 Mont 64 Front I

Hastings, Thomas cj* Morse, attorneys, Leonard E W. land agent, Montgomery 90 Merchant Lentell J. carriage maker, Cala c Webb Hawley B C, hard ware, 85 Cala Lester Pet(^r, (colored) boots and shoes, Hawloy Mhas A, hardware, 85 Cala 126 Montgomery Hawley F S, hardware, 85 California Lilley S. stationery, 106 Clay Lobdell John,»'clothing, Hawley <^ co, hardware, 85 Cala ; 162 Clay

Hazen Ivelsey, contractor, Broadway c . Lock\^)od R A. attorney, 163 Mont Sansome ' Lockwood Jared, shipwright, Fremont,

Hazen, Pitcher & Cady, contractors, i bet Market and Mission Broadway c Sansome Lockwood 6c Brooks, shipwrights, Fre-

I Henri(|iics .los, County Recorder's Office mont, bet Market and Mission I Herze J, restaurant, Conmiercial c Front Lockwrood 6c Hammond, attorneys, 153 j Hewlett P B, real estate, Bartol street v^ Montgomery

J Battery Luke, &. Wood, eagle foundry, Hitchcock C E, com mer, 58 j Mann Hitchcock A, attorney, Cala Fremont n Market John I Horan J C, 123 Sansome Mack J N. produce, 64 Clay I

Hoffman 1) B, physician, 43 California I Mack (.y Gale, produce, 64 Clay

Holmes Aaron, water works, 65 Pacific 1 Martin W H. attorney, 138-40 Clay

Hoskiins Edward, com mer, Jackson c i Martinon A. merchant, 138 Jackson

Front, h 344 Stockton I Mason E H. physician, 176 Montgomery

Howes & CO, furniture, 180 Mont : Matheson R. city comptroller, h Jackon^ Hoskins 4* co. com mer, Jack c Front cor Virgmia

Hudson Geo A, merchant, 88 California I McAllister Hall, attorney, 137 Mont Hutchings P. com mer, 62 Front McAllister, Edwards Rose, attorneys, U j & Hutton square G M, Alta Foundry, Mkt i 137 Montgomery Hutton J F. auc &. com, 116 Sansome McCauley T. real estate, 69 Broadway Inge S W, attorney, 140 Clay McCrakan Jolm, attorney, 162 Mont Isaacs Mark, baker, Bartol st McCreery A B. Clay n Front Janes Henry B, U S Dist Court room, 89 McDougal, Haight 6c Sharpe, attorneys, Merchant 98 Merchant Janssen Edmund, grocer, 69 Sac McElwain J. broker, 109 Battery Johnson M A, attorney, 153 Montgomery Mcl^.lwee J V. upholsterer, 202 Clay Johnson G H, dag'n, 136 Montgoniey McMillan and Toland, physicians, 153 Jornison 6c Barber, attorneys, 153 Mont Montgomery Jessu}) Isaac, clerk, 79 Washington McMullen G O. imp liquors, 69 Front Johnson & co, Geo C, iron, 36 Battery Meighs 6c co, Richard, restaurant and Johnson Wm Necly, store-keeper, USB manufactory of candy, 66-68 Coml Warehouse, Union st Meyer Danl, imp cigars, 144 Wash Joseph J B, watch maker, 175 Clay Mickle E. com mer, 109 Battery cigars, Josej)li L B, watch maker, 175 Clay j Montes Luis, imp 106 Clay Joseph, Bros, watch makers, 175 Clay Moore, attorney, 90 Merchant I Josselyn Geo M, ship chandler, Blarket Morgan A W. hotel, cor Clay and Dupt st^wharf Morrison jr, John C. merchant 139 Wash Iveeleher Thos. boarding, 68 Broadway jMorrison 6c Archer, attorneys, 135 Mont

IC'inian 6c co, J W. 62 Battery Mi^rrison N Roderick, N. atty, 1 35 Mont ixriinedy J S. merchant, 134 Clay Morse H B. stoves, 47 Sacramento Kciii 6c CO, W D. produce, 44 Clay Morse i5* Kilgore, stoves, 47 Sacramento K(nven E J C. attorney, 153 Mont Moses A J. merchant, 102 Battery Kilduif P I), bank exchange, 162 Mont- Musson Eugene, attorney, 137 Mont

gomery, li 34 Virginia street 110 SUPPLEMENT.

Muzzey Chas. bookkeeper, 110 Battery Smith jr Randall, saloon, Sansome c Sac Naglee Henry M. real estate, 153 Mont Smith George Alex, saloon, 150 Mont Nahl Chas. corner Kearny and Sac Snook Ed. tinman, 141 Washington Nautre P A. attorney, 128 Commercial St Dennis Madame, diviner, Union near O'Conner M T. J Peace, 4th township. Dupont office Montgomery cor Bush Stevenson J D. land agent, 138 40 Clay Packer D F. 77 Kearny Strong Chas L. stationer, 139 Mont Packer & Cargill, 77 Kearny Sullivan E L. merchant, 137 Mont Parker Wm. attorney, 138-140 Clay Swain J C. 114 Broadway Parks L W. merchant, Coml cor Leids Sweeny George F. Merchants' Ex, 122 Parsons Chas. com mer, 45 Sacramento Sacramento Parsons Levi, attorney, 148-140 Clay Sweeny Miles D, 94 Clay, h Broadway Parsons & Cook, attorneys, 138-40 Clay c Mason Pennycook .T. confectioner, 130 Sans Still J H. bookseller, 126 Commercial Pfaff Geo. 167 Washington Taylor, E W. attorney, 159 Clay Pitcher John, contractor, Bd'way c Sans Tharpe Eugene H. clerk sup court Polhemus C B. Ill 113 California Thomas O H. attorney, 153 Mont Reynolds O A. com mer, 181 Sansome Timmermann & co, J B. brokers, 116 Rhodes E A. attorney, 98 Merchant Sansome Roberts E C, engraver, Directory office, Turner C O. liquors, 78 California 138 Clay Vanantwerp Charles F. drayman, 144 Rhodes W H. attorney, 98 Merchant Montgomery Ruhling, Edlefson & co, 138 Jackson Van Bokkelen J L. Ashland saloon, 82 Sanjmjo & CO. merchants, 171 Sansome Sansome Schaeffer F B. warehouse elk, cus house Verplankjr, Philip, imp liquors, 69 Front Schenck H. vetrinary surgeon, ] 63 Sac Verplank 6c McMullen, importers liquors Schuerman F. physician, Leids cor Clay 69 Front Scouler John, cabinet maker, 127 Kear Waller R H. attorney, 153 Montgomery Scott, J. W., Printer, Wash near Stock. Waller &. Dodge, attorneys, 153 Mont Selden H J. liquor, 78 California Warren W S imp clothing, 99 Battery Selden 4' Turner, liquor, 78 California Weinzell Joseph, grocer, 107 Front Seymour E P. wood and willow ware, White E. physician, Virginia cor Jack 108 Clay AVhite T J. physician, Stocktonjc Jack Sayer & Smith, hardware and iron, 48 Wilkinson Ed. carpenter, 42 Davis Sansome Williams Henry F, com mer, 43 Cala Shaw Thomas agricultural implements, Winter John, 215 Washington 164-166 California Wilson J S. com mer, 76 Jackson Sherman Chas W. grocer, 205 Clay Wilson &. CO, W O. com mer, 76 Jack Simson Robt. attorney, 104 Montgomery Wright S H. imp clothing, 99 Battery Smilie E R. physician, 159 Montgomery AVatson Wm H. upholstery, 148 Clay Smilie J H. dentist, 159 Montgomery Watson Geo F, upholstery, 148 Clay Smith Geo C. ship chandler, Mkt wharf Whitmore H M, com mer, 52 - 54 Gala Smith Sidney V. attorney, 137 Mont Wilder Hiram, S S agent, 153 Kearny Smith Wm F. attorney, 153 Mont Wilder Waldo H. actor, 153 Kearny LEGAL DIRECTORY.

AUSTEN E G, attorney and counsellor CRITTENDEN, INGE 4- MARTIN, at law, notary public and commission- attorneys and counsellors at law; Par- er for California; Office No 10 ^yells' son's building, room 1 & 2 No 138 & building, 1 59 Clay street, corner Mont- 140 Clay street. gomery. CROCKETT (J B) & BAKER (E D) BAGLEY DAVID T, attorney and coun- attorneys and counsellors at law ; sellor at law and public administra- Naglee's building, corner of Merchant tor, No 127 Montgomery st and Montgomery streets, entrance 153 BARTLETT (EaH) ct RYAN (R F), Montgomery street. attorneys and counsellors at law, 123 ELY ALEXANDER, attorney & coun- Montgomery st. sellor at law; Bolton, Barron & co's BATES (George C) 4* RICE (James jr) building No 90 Merchant st, boards attorneys and counsellor at law, proc at Oriental Hotel. tors in admiralty and notaries public, FENNER CHANNING G, attorney and ill the U S Dist Court House, 89 Mer- counsellor at law; Office 3d floor Bol- chant street. ton 4* Barron's building, No 90 Mer- BENHAM CALHOUN, U S Dis attor- chant St. ney Dist Court Room, FURMAN 11, attorney and ; U S No 89 MATHEW Merchant st. counsellor at law and notary public, BOORAEM (H Toler) & HUGHES (C 162 Montgomery st. J,) attorneys &. counsellors at law and HACKETT & JUDAH, attorneys and

notaries public; Bolton, Barron t5* co's counsellors at law, 163 Montgomery. building, 90 Merchant st. HACKETT JOHN K, notary public and

BOYD JAMES T. attorney and coun- city attorney ; No 163 Montgomery sellor at law and notary public; Wells' street, over Burgoyne & co's banking building, 159 Clay st. house.

BROWN, (H.) PRAl^T (James,) c5- HALLECK, (H W) PEAC HY,(A C) TRACY (F P), attorneys and coun- BILLINGS (Fred'k) 4- PARK, (T

sellors at law ; Rooms Nos G tj* T VV,) attorneys and counsellors at law,

Wells' building, 159 Clay st. corner Montgomery and Merchant sts, entmnce No 90 Merchant st. CHIPMAN & FREELO>?,attornies& I c^- counsellors at law and notaries pub- ! HABMLY THOS. C, attorney coun-

lic; 161 st. sellor at law, Argenti's building, No Montgomery I 135 CHITTENDEN W, attorney and Montgomery st. N I counsellor at law; No 104 Montgom- HASTINGS, THOMAS 4- MORSE, ery st, Adams' building. counsellors and attorneys at law, cor- CLARK HIRAM C, attorney and coun- ner Merchant and Montgomery streets, sellor at law, notary public and com- entrance No 90 Merchant st. missioner for New York; Office over JANES (HP) NOYES (G F) & BAR- Drexkl, Sather &, Church's banking BER (\Vm) attorneys and counsel- house, corner Montgomery and Com- lors at-law. Wells' building, corner of mercial streets. Clay and Montgomery streets, en- CLARK, TAYLOR & BECKH, attor- trance on Clay street neys and counsellors at law, and no- JOHNSON (C A)


KRWEN E J C. attorney and counsel- SANDERS (G J H) ,y PARKER lor at-law, Naglce's building, No 153 (SAM'L II ) attorneys and counsel- ^lontgomery street, corner Merchant lors-at-law, notaiies public, and com-

LOCKWOOD (R A) & HAMMOISD missioners for New Hampshire ; Bol- (A A) attorneys and counsellors-at- ton Barron & Go's building, No 98 lavv, Naglee's building, 153 Montgo- Merchant street. mery street SAUNDERS 4- HEPBURN, attorneys MACKINLEY EDW \RD, attorney & and coutisellors-at-law, No 127 Mont- counsellor-at-law, Adams & Go's buil- gomery street. ding, 101 Montgomery street SIMSON ROBERT, attorney & coun- McAllister, (Haii) edwards sellor-at-law, and notary public, No (Jonathan) & ROSE (Julian R) at^ 104 Montgomery street, Adams t^* Go's torneys and counsellors-at-law, 137 building. Montsomerv street SLOAN (E W F) & RHODES (W H) McCRlGHT ROBERT, attorney and attorneys and counsellors-at-law, room counsellor-at-law, No 103 Montgomery No 9, third lioor, Bolton, Barron »fc

street, over Burgoyne

j sellor-at-law, 159 Montgomery street, VAN BUREN G B. attorney and coun-

| over Gronin & Markley's clothing sellor-at-law, Bolton. Barron & co's stor? building, 90, ]\Ierchant street. MORRISON (R N) & ARGHER (L,) WALLER (R H) & DODGE (H L) attorneys and counsellors at-law, Ar- attorneys and counsellors-at-law, Na- genti's Building, No 135, Montgomery glee's building, 153 Montgomery, cor- street. ner of Merchant street. MUSSON EUGENE, attorney 4» coun- WEBB STEP. P. attorney and counsel- sellor-at law. No. 137 Montgomery lor at-law, notary public, and com- street. missioner for 3Iassachusetts and a Mine NORTON EDWARD, attorney & conn No 161 Montgomery street, one door sel'or at-law, room No. 15, Wells' south of Burgoyne & Go's Banking building, No 159 Clay street, corner House. of Montgomery. WHEELER ALFRED, attorney and PLATT GEO. K. attorney and comisel- counsellor-at-law, notary public, and

lor-at-law, 160 Glay street, corner of i commissioner for Connecticut, Bolton, Montgomery; over Tallant^* W^ilde's! Barron & (yo's building, No 90 Mer- chant street, corner of Banking House. ! Montgomery RHODES E A. attorney and counsellor- WILSON JAMES, attorney and coun- at law, notary public and commis- sellor-at-law, notary public, and com- sioner for Missouri, North Carolina, missioner for the State of New Hamp- shire office second tioor and liouisiana ; room No 0, third floor, ; of Argenti's

Boltou, Barron &• < building^ 135 Montgomery street 98 Merchant street. (113)




John A Monroe, Henry B Janes,

Office in the U S District Court Rooms, 89 Merchant street.


Alabama—C J Mcllvajie, William Rabe. Connecticut—J McCrakan, L W^Sloat, William Rabe, Alfred Wheeler. Florida—Gregory Yale, William Rabe. Georgia—Gregory^Yale. Illinois—T N Cazncaii. Indiana—William Rabe. loiDa—William Rabe. Kentucky—C J Mcllvane. Louisiana—T N Cazneau, E A Rhodes. Manjland-^h W Sloat, T N Cazneau, S G Wheclon Maine—T J Moore, S P Webb, Wm Rabe. Massachusetts—L W Sloat, Thos N Cazneau, S P Webb, E G Austin. Minnesota—L W Sloat. Michigan—William Rabe. Mississipjn—lt^ A Rhodes North Carolina—William Rabe, E A Rhodes. Neiv Hampshire—J Vincent Browne, George K Piatt, Samuel H Parker, Jas Wilson. Neio Jersey—John S Hager. New YorA'—John Edwards, L W Sloat, T J Lippet, H C Clark. 0/izo—S W Holliday, C J Mcllvane. Pennsylvania—^ V Smith—C McDelany, S W Sloat, T N Cazneau, Wm Rabe, F J Lippett, S G Wheelon, C J Mcllvane, J S Hager. Rhode Island—F J Lippett, J V Browne, L W Sloat, T N Cazneau, Wil. liam Rabe. South Carolina—T N Cazneau, Gregory Yale, William Rabe. Tennessee—E J Moore, William Rabe.

Texas—T N Cazneau, William Rabe. . Virginia—S G Wheelon, L W Sloat, T N^^Cazneau. Vermont—George K Piatt, William Rabe. Wisconsiii—Joseph Shannon. I N D E X

Advertisements, Index to, last page of book. Alderman, and Assistants, 9

Almanac, - - - - " - Appendix—follows Supplement Associations, Benevolent and Social, -

Board of Education, - - - Chamber of Commerce, Ciiurches, - - . . .

City Officers - . . . . City Wards, Boundaries of Commissioners of Funded Debt, City, Commissioners of Funded Debt, County - Commissioners of Deeds for otiier States, Commissioners of Deeds for United States,

Consuls Foreign, . . . , Contents, Table of, ... County Officers, . . . . Courts, ..... Custom House Department, . . . Directory of Nann's,

Fire Department. . . . . Harbor Master, .... Inspector of Elections, - - . L-^gal Directory, ... Map, fronting, .... Newspaper, . . . . . Names ..... Port Warden's, . . . . Post Office Department, ... Pilots ...... Schools, ..... Sketch of San Francisco, Stiinding Committee of C. C, State Marine Hospital, Statistical Information, Steam Navigation, Ocean, Steam Navigation, Inland,

Street Directory, . . . .

Supervisors, Board of, -

Supplemont - - - - . United States Armory Office, United States Surveyor General's Offic(\ Vignette, fronting MARVIN & HITGHGOCK.

To Grogan & Lent's New Building, 168 MONTGOMEEY ST.,

[Next the Corner of Washington.]

We invite the attention of the mercantile community and the public generally to our large and varied stock of

Miscellaneous and School Books. A fine assortment of I|||||i|l|||s|ri!!|:;'s||i|5|^

Just imported from Europe. A fine assortment of Mmit ^ ;;Blu0ical Snstwmente, Just opened and others daily expected. Our present large and well selected stock will shortly be extensively added to by the arrival of large invoices from New York, and we ofler the same for sale at as low rates as can be purchased elsewhere, The public are requested to call and examine our stock. MARVIN & HITCHCOCK, 168 Montgomery Street. EMBRACING ALL THE PRINCIPAL WORKS OF ROMANCE, HISTORY, POETRY, TRAVELS, ETC.,

By the most Eminent and Popular Authors, of the Continent, England and America.



Miscellaneous Orders from Booksellers and Periodical Dealers, -will be promptly dis- patched on the most liberal terms in the trade.

" He who does the largest business can affonl to do it at the smallest per centage of profit/'

J. J. LE COUNT, invites the attention of his friends and the trade generally, to the catalogue of articles, of which -will be found at his Warehouse, a large and com- plete assortment, always on hand. All his Goods are purchased by an Agent residing in the Atlantic States, from the

very best sources ; and every advantage will fairly be given his customers consistent with the interest of buyer and seller. J^" Stationers, Fancy Goods Dealers, Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, and Cheap Publication Dealers, will find a heavy stock of the best and medium quality of gooda for them to select from.

.^S?" Distant Correspondents may save expense on small orders by sending them -through any of the following persons who are in constant communication with Josiah J. Le Count.

GEO. W. MURRT, Sacramento City. R. A. EDDY, Marysville. SAMUEL W. LANGTON", Downieville. A. C. HODGE, Nevada. G. W. KING Shasta City. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS, El Dorado, Calaveras, and Placer Co. ELLIOTT REED, San Jose. A. D. WALLACE Stockton. GAYLORD S. WELLS, Sonoro. WM. A. BROWN, Mokelumne Hill. G. W. STELLE, Norwegian Tent., Mariposa. JOSEPH HARRISON, Columbia. S. J. McCORMICK, Portland, O. T. HENRY M. WHITNEY, Honolulu.

Or any of the Express Offices of ADAMS & CO. throughout the State. JOSIAH J. LE COUNT, NO. 139 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRAl^CISCO. ;




He is therefore, prepared to manufacture for the trade, at the shortest notice, every description of Blank Books ; and is constantly manufacturing, to order, every description of

Blank Work, viz : Memorandum Books, Checks, Drafts,

Exchange, Receipt and Pass Books ; also, Records, Ledgers, Journals, Day, Sales and Invoice Books, of any desired size and pattern. Having engaged the best Book Finishers in the country, he is prepared to furnish Books, which, in point of style and finish, will compare with those manufactured in the Atlantic States. All kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch Catalogues, Pamphlets, Papers, &c., bound to order. Gilding Work done on Books, to match any pattern. Having, in connection with the above, a

He is prepared to Rule, to order, all kinds of Blanks also. Accounts Current, Ledgers, Journals, Bill and Brief Paper. Also, all kinds of Way-Bills, for the use of Express, Steam- boat or other Companies.

ig@=^ Being likewise provided with a RUGGLES' CARD CUTTER, He is prepared to cut Cards to any desired form and size, all of which he propose to do at as moderate rates as can be afforded. JOSIAH J. LEOOUNT, Would respectfully inform his friends in the country, that he will as here- tofore, pay immediate and careful attention to all orders for his Bindery, addressed to him, and all packages will be promptly forwarded. PIOIffEER

121 PINE STREET, Between •Iftontgomery and Kearny, ANDREl^SS & CO.,


m' t



Contracted for and Executed to Order,

^ccorbing to plans anir ©purifications*

Wm. Andrews, F. J. Tracy, John Dobson, P. W. Dillon. APPENDIX. STEEET DIEECTORY.

Entered according to Act of Conpress. in the year ]852, by James M. Parker, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of CaUfornia.

[J^" Note.—It will he noticed that the corner numbers only of each Block, are used as a reference. Those streets running North and South being numbered from Market street as a centre, and those running East and West, from the water line, as laid down in Eddy's Map.

ANNIE. R. L. 218 217 Jones Commences at Market, between 254 253 Leavenworth 2d and 3d, and runs S. E. to 290 289 Hyde Mission. 326 .325 Larkin Not numbered. 362 361 Sparks 398 397 Marietta ANTHONY. 434 433 Webster Commences at Market, between 1st and 2d, and runs S. E. to BEALE, Howard. commences at M;irket, foot of Not numbered. Pine, and runs S. E. to Bran- BATTERY. nan. R. L. Commences at Market, and runs 2 1 Market


BRYANT, DRUM, from Spear to Fifth street 38 37 Montgomery from Market N. to Pacific 74 73 Kearny R. L. Market 2 1 Spear 110 109 Dupont California 26 25 S. Front 146 145 Stockton Sacramento 182 181 Powell 50 49 Beale Long Wharf 74 73 Fremont 218 217 Clay 98 87 First 254 253 Taylor Washington 170 169 Second 290 289 Jones Jackson 242 241 Third 326 325 Leavenworth Pacific 314 313 Fourth 362 361 Hyde 386 385 Fifth 398 397 Larkin 434 433 Sparks DUPONT, BRYANT PLACE,T 470 469 Marlette from Market, N. to Beach. 506 505 Webster R. L. out o( Bush, N.. between Mont- 2 1 O'Farrell gomery and Sansome. CLARKE, 26 25 Geary 50 49 Post from Drum W. to front, between BUSH, 74 73 Sutter Jackson and Pacific. Battery west to Larkin. 98 97 Bush R. L. 122 121 Pine 10 9 Battery CLAY, 146 145 California 34 33 Sansome from East water front to Larkin 170 169 Sacramento 70 69 Montgomery R. L. 194 193 Clav 106 105 Kearny 26 25 Drum 218 217 Washington 142 141 Dupont 49 48 Davis 242 241 Jackson 178 177 Stockton 74 73 Front 266 265 Pacific 214 213 Powell 98 97 Battery 290 289 Broadway 250 249 Mason 122 121 Sansome 314 313 Vallejo 286 285 Taylor 158 157 Montgomery 338 337 Greene 322 321 Jones 198 197 Kearny 362 361 Union 358 357 Leavenworth 224 223 Dupont 386 385 Filbert 394 393 Hyde 234 233 Pike 410 409 Greenwich 430 429 Larkin 256 255 Stockton 434 433 Lombard 292 291 Powell 458 457 Chesnut CALIFORNIA, 328 327 Mason 482 481 Francisco Market, W. to Larkin 364 363 Taylor 506 505 Bay R. L. 400 399 Jones 530 529 North Point 1 iMarket 436 435 Leavenworth 554 553 Beach 8 7 Drum 472 471 Hyde 32 31 Davis 508 207 Larkin EAST, 56 55 Front from Market, S. E. to Folsome 80 79 Battery COLLIER, R. L. 104 103 Sansome from north end of Larkin, W. to Market 122 121 LeidsdorfF Webster. Mission 140 139 Montcromery Howard Webb COMMERCE, Folsom 174 173 Kearny from Front, W. 210 209 Dupont to Battery, bet. ECKER, 246 245 Stockton Green and Union. 282 281 Powell from Market, S. E. to Howard,^ 318 317 Mason COMMERCIAL, between 1 st and Second. Not numbered. 354 353 Taylor from Drum, W. to Dupont 390 389 Jones 426 425 Leavenworth DAVIS, EDDY, _ 462 461 Hyde J, from Market, W. to-Hw#iiid . from Market, N. to 498 497 Larkin Pacific R. L. R. L. Market Pine CALHOUN, Powell Caliifornia from Greene to Union, between Mason Sacramento Sansome and Montgomery. Taylor Commercial Jones CAROLINE PLACE, Clay Leavenworth out of Powell street, E., between Washington Hyde Jackson and Pacific Jackson Larkin Pacific CHESNUT, ELLIS, from DOCK, Sansome, W. to Webster. from Market, W. to Larkin. R. L. from Front, west to Battery, bet, R. L. 2 1 Sansome Union and Filbert. Market APPENDIX—STREET DIRECTORY.

R. L. FOURTH, OEART, Stocktoa from Market st. s. cast to Berry. from Powell west to Larkin. R. L. Mason R. L, Market Market Taylor Mission Kearny Jones Howard Dupont Leavenworth Folsom Hyde Stockton Harrison Powell Larkin Bryant Mason Brannan Taylor FIFTH, Town-^end Jones to Chan- from Market south-east King Leavenworth nel street. Berry Hyde R. L. Larkin Market FRANCISCO, Mission Howard from Montgomery west to Web- GOLD. FoUsom ster. from Sansome west between Jack- Harrison R. L. son and Pacific. Bryant Montgomery Brannan Kearny GREEN, Townsend Dupont King Stockton from Front west to Larkin. Berry Powell R. L. Channel Front Tayior Battery FILBERT. Jones Sansome Leavenworth Montgomery from Front west to Sparks. Hyde Kearny R. L. Larkin Fivsnt Dupont Battery Sparks Stockton Sansome Marietta Powell Montgomery Webster Mason Kearny Taylor Dupout FREMONT, Jones Stockton Leavenworth from Market south-east to Bran- Hyde Powell nan Mason Larkin R. L, Taylor 2 1 Market Jones 50 49 Mission GREENWICH, Leavenworth 98 Hyde 97 Howard from Front west to Sparks. 146 145 Folsom Larkin R. L. 194 193 Harrison Sparks Front 242 241 Bryant Battery 290 289 Brannan FIRST, Sansome Montgomery from Market south-east to Town- FRONT, Kearny send Dupont R. L. trom Market north to Greenwich. Stockton 2 1 Market R. L. Powell 50 49 Miiaon 1 Market — Mason 98 97 Howard 18 17 Pine Tayk.r 146 145 Folsom 42 41 California Jones 194 193 Harrison 66 65 Sacramento Hyde 242 241 Bryant 76 75 Commercial Larkin 290 288 Brannan 86 85 Clay Sparks 338 437 Townsend 110 109 Wauhington 134 133 Jackson FOLSOM, 158 157 Pacific GUSTAVUS, 182 181 Broadway from California north to Sacra- from East south-west to Fifth. 206 205 East Vallejo mento between Powell and Ma- 230 229 Steuart Green son. 554 Spear 253 Union Beale 278 277 Flbert HOWARD, Fremont Greenwich

^^ First from East st. south-west to Fifth. ' Second FULLER. R. L. Third from Webb west to Kearny be- East Fourth tween California and Sacra- Stewart Fifth mento. Spear APPENDIX STREET I3IKECT0RY.

R. L. R. L, R.'L Pine Beale Vallcjo California Fremont Green Sacramento First Union Clay Second Filbert AVashington Third Greenwich Lombard Jackson Fourth Pacific Fifth Chestnut Francisco Broadway Bay Vallejo Green HALLECK, North Point Union Beach from Front west to LiedsdorfF, be- Filbert Jefferson tween California and Sacramen- Greenwich to sts. Lombard R. L. JACKSON, Chestnut 2 1 Front Francisco from East st. west toLarkin, 26 25 Battery Bay R. L. 50 49 Sansome North Point •— 1 East 64 63 Liedsdorff Beach 18 17 Drum Jefiferson 42 41 Davis HAKRISON, 66 65 Front 90 89 Battery JONES' ALLEY, from Stewart south-west to Ffth. 114 113 Sansome from Washington north to Jack- R. L. 150 149 Mont2:omery son between Montgomery Stewart 185 and 186 Kearny Sansome. Spear 222 221 Dupont Beale 258 257 Stockton Frem ont 294 293 Powell JOYCE. First 330 329 Mason from Pine Second 366 365 Taylor north to California, between Third 402 401 Jones Stockton and Powell. Fourth 438 437 Leavenworth Fifth 474 473 Hyde KEARNY, 510 409 Larkin HOWARD, from Market north to N. Point street , from East south-west to Fifth JANE, R. L. R. L. 2 — Market from Market south-east to Mis- East — 1 Geary 3d sts. Stewart sion between 2d and 26 25 Post Spear 50 49 Sutter Beale JEFFERSON, 74 73 Bush Fremont 98 97 Pine First from Powell west to Webster. 122 121 California Second R. L. 146 145 Sacramento Third Powell 156 155 Commercial Fourth Mason 166 165 Clay- Fifth Taylor 178 177 AVashington Jones 202 201 Jackson HYDE, Leavenworth 226 225 Pacific Hyde from MoAlisternorth to Jefferson. 250 249 Broadway Larkin R. L. 274 273 Vallejo Sparks McAllister 2^- 297 Green Marlette ^.LJ. 321 Union Tyler Webster Turk 34m :;.!5 Filbert Eddy 37u oSO (iroenwich JONES, %-5 Ellis 394 I.umbard 418 417 Chestnut O'Farrell from Market north to JeflFerson, 441 Francisco Geary R. L. 465 Post V Market Bay Sutter McAllister Beach Bush Tyler Pine Turk KING, California Eddy Sacramento Ellis from Second south-west to Fifth, Clay O'Farrell R. L. Washington Geary Second Jackson Post Third Pacific Sutter Fourth Broadway Bush Fifth APPENDIX—STREET DlRECTaUY.

LAESm, R. L. Bay Filbert from Market nojth to oilier. North Point ' Greenwich R. L. Beach Lombard Market Jefferson Chestnut McAllister Francisco Tyler Bay Turk LOMBARD, North Point Eddy from Battery west to Webster. Beach Ellis R. L. Jefferson O'Farrell , Battery Geary Sansome McAllister, Post Montgomery Sutter Kearny from Market west to Larkin. Bush Dupont R. L, Pine Stockton Market California Powell Taylor Sacramento Masott Jones Clay Taylor Leavenworth Washington Hyde Jackson Leavenworth Larkin Pacific Broadway Hyde Larkin melltjs, Vallejo • Sparks Greene from First south-west to Third, Union Marietta Webster between Mission and Howard, Filbert R. L. Greenwich 2 1 First Lombard LIEDSDORFF, 74 73 Second Chestnut from Pine north to Clay, be- 148 147 Third Francisco tween Sansome and Montgom- Bay ery. North Point MERCHANT, R. L. Beach 2 1 Pine from Front west to Kearny, be- Jefferson 26 25 California tween Clay^a^d Washington Collier 50 49 Sacramento R. L. 60 59 Commercial 2 1 Front lAURA PLACE, 70 69 Clay 26 25 Battery from Pine south between Mont- 50 49 Sansome gomery and Sansome MARKET, 86 85 Montgomery 120 119 Kearny LEAVENWORTH. This street commences at the eastern waterfront of the city, MICHAEL, to city from McAllister north to JeflFer- runs south-west the 8on limits, and is the centre from from Lombard north to Chestnut R. L. whence all streets running in between Stockton and Dupont. McAllister a northerly or southerly direc- Tyler tion, are numbered. MINNA, Turk

ti Eddy MASON, from First south-west to third, Ellis between Mission and Howard. from Market north to Jefferson, O'Farrell R. L. R. L. Geary Market 2 1 First Second Post Turk 74 73 Sutter Eddy 148 147 Third Bush Ellia Pine O'Farrell MISSION, California Geary from East street south-west to Sncramento Post Fifth <;-lay Sutter Washington Bush R. L. East Jackson Pine 2 1 I 8 7 Stewart Pacific California Broadway Sacramento 82 31 Spear Fourth Front Vallejo Clay 66 55 Green Washington 80 79 Beale Union Jackson 104 103 Fremont Filbert Pacific 128 127 First Greenwich Broadway 202 201 Second Lombard Vallejo 276 275 Third Chestnut Green 350 349 Fourth 424 423 Fifth Francisco I Union APPENDIX—STREET DIRECTORY.

MONTGOMERY, R. L. Powell 56 55 Front from Market north to Francisco. Mason R. L. 80t 79 Battery Taylor 104 2 — Market 103 Sansome Jones 140 139 Montgomery — 1 Post Leavenworth 176 175 Kearny 26 25 Sutter Hyde 212 211 Dupont 50 49 Bush Larkin 248 247 Stockton 70 69 Pine 284 283 Powell 98 97 California POWELL, 820 319 Mason 122 121 Sacramento 856 355 Taylor 134 133 from Mtrket, N. to JefferBon. Commercial 392 391 Jones 146 145 Clay 428 427 Leavenworth R. L. 166 165 Wauhington 464 403 Hyde Market 198 197 Jackson 500 499 Larkin 2 1 Eddy 216 215 Pacific 26 25 Ellis 240 239 Broadway 50 49 O'Farrell 264 263 Vallejo PARKER, 74 73 Geary 288 287 Green from Pine north to California, be- 98 97 Post 312 311 Union tween Dupont and Stockton. 122 121 Sutter 336 335 Fibert 146 145 Bush 360 359 Greenwich PEARL, 170 169 Pine 384 383 Lombard 194 193 California from Front West to Sansome, be- 408 407 Chestnut 218 217 Sacramento tween Filbert and Greenwich. 431 Francisco 242 241 Clay PIKE, 266 265 Washington NORTH POINT ST., 290 289 Jackson from Sacramento north to Wash- 314 313 Pacific from Kearny west to Webster. iugton, between Dupont and 338 337 Broadway R. L. Stockton. 362 361 Vallejo Kearny R. L. 386 385 Greene Dupont 2 1 Sacramento 410 409 Union Stockton 26 25 Clay 434 433 Filbert Powell 48 47 Washington 458 447 Greenwich Mason 482 481 Lombard Taylor PINCKNEY PLACE, 506 505 Chesnut Jones 530 529 Francisco trom Broadway north between Leavenworth 554 553 Bay Kearny and Dupont. Hyde 577 577 North Point Larkin 602 601 Beach Sparks PINE, 626 625 Jefferson Marlette from Market west to Larkin, Webster R. L. PROSPECT, 2 —Davis O'FARREI, 26 25 Front from Sacramento, N. to Clay, be- 50 49 Battery tween Stockton to Powell. from Market west to Larkin. 74 73 Sansome R. L 110 109 Montgomery Market RYLEY, 146 145 Kearny Dupont 182 181 Dupout from Taylor, W. to Jones, between Stockton 218 217 Stockton Sacramento and Clay Powell 254 253 Powell Mason 290 289 Mason Taylor SACRAMENTO, 326 325 Taylor Jones 362 361 Jones from Market, W. to Larkin. Leavenworth 898 397 Leavenworth R. L. Hyde 434 433 Hyde 1 Little East Larkin 470 469 Larkin 14 13 Drum 28 27 Davis OHIO, PORTER, 52 51 Front 76 75 Battery from Pacific north to Broadway. from O'Farrell, N. to Geary, be- 100 99 Sansome R. L. tween Stockton and Powell. 106 105 Leidsdorff 2 1 Pacific 132 131 Montgomery 24 23 Broadway POST, 168 167 Kearny from Market, W. to Larkin. PACIFIC, 204 203 Dupont ?R. L. 240 239 Stockton from East street west to Larkin. Market 276 275 Powell R. L. Montgomery 312 311 Mason — 1 East Kearny 348 347 Taylor — 5 Drum Dupont 384 383 Jones 32 81 Davis Stockton APPENDIX—STREET DIRECTORY. 8 APPENDIX—STREET DIRECTORY. APPENDIX—STATE AND CITY OFFICERS.


John Bigler, Governor; Samuel Piirdy, Lieut. Governor; Richard Roman, Treasurer; Winslow S. Pierce, Comptroller; Wm. M. Eddy, Surveyor General; Wm. Van Voorhies, Secretary of State; S. C. Hastings, Attorney General; John S. Marvin, Superintendent Public Instruction. COUNTY OFFICERS.

Board of Supervisors.—C. J. Brenham, President; J. P. Flint, J. P. Haven, Wm. A. Dana, Chas. L. Case, T. H. Selby, A. J. Bowie, G. K. Gluyas, E. J. Moore, R. O. Tripp, F. Sanchez, John Treat. E. A. Edgerton, Clerk; Jas. H. Hess, Sergeant-at-arms.

Recorder and Auditor, T. B. Russum; Treasurer, Jos. Shannon; Attorney, H. H. Byrne; Surveyor, Wm. P. Humphreys; Assessor, Henry Vanderveer; Pub- lic Administrator, D. T. Bagley.

Commissioners of the FuSded Debt—F. D. Kohler, President; S. R; Harris, Secretary; Otto Frank.

Sheriff, John C. Hays; Under Sheriff, John Caperton; Deputies, John A. Freaner, Thos. P. Johnson. B. F. Harley, Thos. Hayes. CITY OFFICERS.

Mayor, C. J. Brenham; Recorder, G. W. Baker; Comptroller, R. Matheson Treasurer, Hamilton Bowie; Attorney, Jno. K. Hackett; Marshal, R. G. Cro- zier; Tas Collector, Lewis Teal; Street Comm,issioner, Wm. Divier; Assessors,

M. D. Eyre, J. L. Anderson, Jas. O'Callahan.


Aldermen—J. P. Haven, President. 1st Ward, J. P. Flint; 2d, J. P. Haven; 3d, Wm. A. Dana; 4th. Chas. L. Case; 5th, T. H. Selby; 6th, A. J. Bowie; 7th

G. K. Gluyas; 8th, E. J. Moore.

E. A. Edgerton, Clerk; J. H. Hess, Sergeant-at-arms.

Assistants—Jas. DeLong, President. 1st Ward, H. N. Squier; 2d, Wm. H. Bovee; 3d, H. R. Haste; 4th, G. W. Bryant; 5th. James DeLong; 6th, Edward

Byrne; 7th, J. B. Piper; 8th, Thos. Hayes. Ed. Toby, Clerk; S. R. Weed, Sergeant-at-arm^s. STANDING COMMITTEES.

Finance, Flint, Bowie and Case; Streets, Gluyas, Moore and Dana; Fire and

Water, Case, Gluyas and Bowie ; Health and Police, Bowie, Selby and Flint; Judiciary, Dana, Moore and Bowie; Ordinances, Selby, Moore and Case; Rules, Selby, Moore and Dana; Auditing, Flint, Case and Selby; Salaries, Flint, Gluyas and Selby; Licenses and Excise, Case, Moore and Dana; Printing, Daiia, Bowie and Case. 10 APPENDIX—COURTS.


P. A. Morse, President. D. J. Tallant, B. C. Sanders, Smyth Clarke. Wm. Hooper, Secretary. HARBOR MASTER,

W. T. Thompson. Office, 31 Pacific street. PORT WARDENS.

— Ross—Office, 134 Cahfornia street; George S. Porter—Office, 154 Front; R. H. Wakeman—Office 154 Front; Brennard CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

Beverly C. Sanders, President; Samuel Moss, jr., \st Vice President; Robert Rodgers, 2d Vice President; L. W. Sloat, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian

Committee of Appeals—J. W. Bingham, S. C. Simmons, E. Herrick, F. W. Macondray, Emile Grisar, J. J. Chauviteau. p,ooms in Merchants' Exchange, 121-123 Sacramento street. COURTS.

U. S. DISTRICT COURT, Ogden Hoffinan, Jr., Jndge, John A. Monroe, Clerk. Terms for San Francisco, June and September. Court Room in the build- ing, 89 to 95 Merchant street. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Solomon Hey- denfeldt. Chief Justice. Hugh Murray and Alexander Wells, Associate Jnstices. Eugene H Tharpe, Clerk. Ge?ieral Terms, First Monday in January, April, July and October. Special Terms, Second Monday in J une, August, September, November and • December.

DISTRICT COURT, 4th District. Hon. Delos Lake, Judge. James E. Wainright, Clerk. Regular Terms, First Monday of the months of January, March, May, July, September and November.

SUPERIOR COURT, John Satterlee, Judge. Wm. B. Olds, Clerk. General Terms, First Monday in each month, and continue three weeks. Special Terms, Fourth Monday in every month.

COUNTY COURT; For Trial of Appeals. Alexander Campbell, Judge. James E. Wainwright, Clerk. Regular Term^, First Monday in January, March, May, July, September and

November. \ APPENDIX—COURTS. 11

COURT OF SESSIONS, Alexander Campbell, Judge.—F'iTSi Monday in every month.

PROBATE COURT, Alexander Campbell, C. Judge, and ex. off. Jodge of Probate. — Always in Session.

JUSTICES' COURTS — First Township, E. C. Clarke, Justice. S. C. Harding, Constable. Office 172 Pacific

Second Township, P. W. Shepheard, Justice. W. H. Silverthorn, Constable. Office, west side Plaza,

Third Township, J. B. Carr, Jastice. W. J. Redman, Constable. Office 29 LiedsdorfF.

Fourth Township, M. T. O'Connor, Justice. Thomas Dorland, Constable Office, corner Bush and Montgomery streets.

Fifth Township, R. E. Hunter, Justice. J. L. Tool, Constable.


1st Ward—Inspector, U. Shillaber ; Judges, W. H. Cowper, Alex. Hamilton. Inspector, Judges, 2d Ward— J Vandewater ; Sam Marx, Gaylord Heath.

3d Ward—Inspector, George Barron ; Judges, Rufus Roe, L A Levy

4th Ward—Inspector, A B Stout ; Judges, Wm Douglass, S K Labatt.

5th Ward—Inspector, J Eyre ; Judges, J W Eaton, F O Wakeman.

Cth Ward—Inspector, C W Dmry ; Judges, J R Dunglison, W C Hinckley. Inspector, 7th Ward— Jas Cusick ; Judges, J C Hubbard, F R Wilson.

8th Ward—Inspector, Jas R Johnson ; Judges, E Carpenter, J J White.

0th District—Inspe'ctor, W F McLean ; Judges, J Behrens, T S Mahony. Precinct Inspector, Judges, 10th — Willard Whipple ; Thos Jones, Hemy Acton. 11th Precinct—None chosen.

V U. S. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, in Palmer, Cook & Go's build- ing, Iveainy street near the Custom House. Samuel King, Surveyor- D General ; Clerks, Leander Ransom, J R Dunglia- son, Nicholas King, R De Zaldo, J De La Caniara.

U. S. ARMY OFFICE, in Folsom's iron building, cornor of California and Liedsdorff streets. Gen. E A Hitchcock, Cominand'g Pacific Division. Maj. E D Townsend, Adjutant- General. Major O Cross, Q,uar. Mas. General. Major A R Eaton, Chief. Com. Sub. Major H Leonard, Paymaster. Lieut. M M. Gardner, A. De Camp. —



[Clay street opposite the Plaza.]

Postmaster, Jacob B Moore ; Chief Clerk, Chas C Moore ; Clerks, Francis B Casas, Timothy Paige, William W Armstrong, J B Moore, Jr, Ezekiel De Wolfe, John G Clark, Aug. Covillard. Beside the above, temporary clerks are employed on the arrival and despatch of the great Atlantic mails. Office Hours—From to April, April to October, 7 A Mto 6 P M ; from October

8 A M to .5 P M. Atlantic Mails—The great Mails for the Atlantic States and Europe leave on the 1st and 16th of each month. The mails close at the office at 10 o'clock, P M, of the evening previous. Mails for Sacramento and the Northern Mines, close daily at 3 o'clock,

P M. For Benicia, Vallejo, (fee, at the same hour. Mails for Stockton and the Southern Mines, close daily, at 3 P M.

Mails for San Jose,

From California, Oregon or Utah, to Havana, Cuba, 20 cents, pre-paid. From California, Oregon or Utah, to the British West Indies, viz : Antigua, Barbadoes, Bahamas, Berbice, Cariacou, Demerara, Dominica, Essequibo, Gren- ada, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, To- bago, Tortola or Trinidad, 20 cents. (American postage,) pre-paid. APPENDIX—STATE AND CITY OFFICERS. 13

From California, Oregon or Utah, to the West India Islands, (not British,) Mex- ico, ports or points in the Gulf of Mexico, or places on the Atlantic coast of South America not m British possession, 45 cents, pre-paid. From California, Oregon or Utah, to England, Scotland or Ireland, 29 cents, paid or unpaid, at the option of the writer.

The postage to the folloiving countries must be in all cases pre-paid,

or the letters will not he forwarded : France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, , , Russia, Na- ples and the Roman States, 26 cents.

J1A0 |)o« put! s.iouno qi .I9A0 saouno o[ aoAO ;oii put; saouno •saouno fi lou piiK saoimo 81 -WAO saouno g[ joao loii poB siouno 51 issQ -saouno jaAo j 51 lOU puE saouno II J9A0 •saonno xi .laAO loa puB saonno 01 I3A0 saouno ot jaAO ion putJ saouno g joaq &\ 'saouno 5 J^ao loti puB saouno % joaq "saouno § I isnaj IB J3uiqj)j3A\ uaq^ 'saouno § .laAO

I jou puc saouno I joaq

I saouno i jaAO jiou puB saouno 9 jaAQ •saouno 9 joao lou pus saouno 5 joaq

•S.iOUllO !• .lOAO JOU iMfB saouno ^ j8ao •saouno ^ jaAO lou puB saouno g maq •japun xo saouno o SuiqSia^ •saouno aoAO 50U gaiqSia^ f I •saouno g joao jon puB saouno 5 .ioaq

•saouno z- Jsao joa puB ooano x Jsaq •Japan JO aoano qvlo SaiqSiOj^ 14 APPENDIX—POST OFFICE.


1. Transient matter to be entitled to the benefit cf the rates first above mentioned, must be pre- paid at the mailing office. If not pre-paid, it is subject to double said rates. 2. Small newspapers, etc., when sent in packets of less than eight ounces, must be rated singly. 8. Books, sent unpaid, are subject to a postage of fifty per cent, in addition to their pre-paid rates 4. The weight of newspapers, periodicals, or other printed matter, must be taken or determined

when they are in a dry state ; and when the weight of any book or other publication exceeds one pound, the same progressive rates, above laid down, must be charged. 5. Newspapers, periodicals, magazines, or any ether printed paper, or matter, must be sent "without any covers or wrappers, or in covers or wrappers open at the ends or sidej^, so that the chai- acter of the matter contained therein may be determined without removing such wrappers. 6. In case there is on or in any newspaper, periodical, pamphlet, or other printed matter or paper connected therewith, any manuscript of any kind by which information shall be asked for, or com- municated in writing, or by marks or signs, or tlie directions herein prescribed are in any other res- pect not complied with, the same becomes subject to letter postage ; and it is the duty of the Post- master to remove the wrappers or envelopes from all printed matter, not charged with letter postage, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is upon or connected with such printed matter, or in such package, any matter or thing which would authorize or require the charge of a higher rate of postage thereon.

(Quarterly rates of Postage, when paid in advance, on Newspapers and Peri- odicals sent from the office of pubhcation to actual Subscribers, from and after the 30th of September, 1852.

Weekly ncwspr.pers, (one copy only,) Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts, Cts. sent to actual subscribers within the county where published and printed, -

Newspapers and periodicals not ex- ceeding one and one half ounces in weight, when circulated in the State where published, - - - - 19i 6i

Newspapers and periodicals of the weight of three ounces, and un- der, sent to any part of the United States, - 45i 39 Wl 61

Over three and not over four ounces. 91 78 39 13

Over four and not over five ounces. 136i 117 58i 19i

Over five and not over six ounces, 182 156 78 26

Over six and not over seven ounces, 195 32i

Over seven and not over eight ounces. 234 117 39


1. When the weight of any publication exceeds eight ounces, the same progressive rate of post- age, laid down in the above table, must be charged.

2. Publishers of newspepers .aul periodicals may send to eacli other from their respective offi • ces of puclication, free of postage, one copy of eacli publication; and may also send to each actual subscriber, enclosed in their publications, bills and receips for the same, free of postage. APPENDIX CUSTOM HOUSE. 15

3. Postmasters are not entitled to receive newspapers free of postage under their franking privi- lege. 4. If the publisher of any newspaper or periodical, after hcinji three months duly notified that his publication is not taken out of the office to which it is sent fdi- delivery, continues to forward such publication in the mail, tlic postmaster to whose office such publication is sent will dispose of the same for tlie postage, unless the publisher sh:ill pay it; and whenever any printed matter of any descrip- tion, received during one quarter of tlio fiscal year, sliall have remained in the office without being called for during tlie whole of any siuceoding quarter, the Postmaster of such office will sell the same and credit the proceeds of such sale in his quarterly accounts in the usual manner. 5 Qu.-irterly payments in advance may be made either at the mailing office or the office of delivery. "Wlien made at tlie mailing office, satisfactoryevidence of such payment must be exhibited to the Post- master at tlie (jffice of delivery.


Col Beverly C Sanders, Collector Cyril V-Grey collector's clerk Sheldon U Hopkins, deputy collector Roger S Baldwin, invoice clerk Wm Connell Walker, cashier J C Gummere, miscellaneous clerk Wm Wain, jr, assistant cashier Albert Galloway, impost clerk Joseph L Moody, permit clerk Henry S Bunker, auditor Frank D Clayton, bond clerk Robt O Stardivant, bookkeeper Fred A Sawyer, clearance clerk G S Goodman, do Joseph W Finley, entrance clerk Wm F Hyde, watchman George R Davidson, warehouse clerk Jas McDonald, do Frank B Schaetfer, do do Wm D Robertson, do Wm W Hawks, register clerk Chas L Wilson, do Algernon Smith, do do Lawrence Smith, Messenger Casper F Hopkins, deposit clerk Thos Coogan, do Brinsmade A A, entry clerk James Murray, porter Marcus D Boruck, entry clerk NAVAL OFFICE.

Col Jacob Alexander Cost, Naval Officer Wm M Rundell, clerk F A Mudge, deputy Naval Officer J F Sterling, do D M Devitt, cashier • Alex P Sterling, do

John Duer, jr, clerk Edwin Shippen, do


Col Hart Fellows, surveyor Joseph Burton, clerk Geo W Guthrie, deputy Henry H. Fellows, clerk Chas D Poston, clerk Trevannian Bartlett, messenger

Edward Giddings, jr, clerk

APPRAISER'S OFFICE— Cor?ier California and Sansomc streets. J Vincent Browne, appraiser Joseph W Austin, clerk James Pendleton, appraiser Joseph Lewis, clerk Chas H. Rockwell, assistant R J C Pendleton, clerk Abel S Dungan, assistant S E Teschmaker, clerk Bernard Allien, clerk M D Van Loan, clerk —


STORE-KEEPER'S OFFICE Custom House Basement. Frank Ward, storekeeper Wm L ITendriclison, inspector Robt B Qiiayle, assistant Joseph H D McKee, inspector Flournoy Shockley, clerk Joseph A Sproule, inspector Royal H Thayer, clerk Wm Neely Johnson, inspector Hector H Mcl^ean, inspector James F Q,uin, inspector Louis F Zantzinger, inspector John Kempsey, inspector Chas R Peters, inspector WEIGHERS AND MEASURERS.

Selim E Woodworth James S Wethered James Fitton GAUGERS.

Joseph Adams, jr Francis G Wetmore MEASURER OF VESSELS—William Whitney

INSPECTORS OF CUSTOMS— U S Barge Office, Clark's Point. Uriel Shilliber Ellis Irving A O'Bryan John F Wm H Cranska Endicott Henry C Pindell J Morrison James W Goodrich Foster Chas E Peabody A W Fendall Philip A Poole Wm T Wm McMichael Goodlander Daniel Porter Henry O Edward A White Grover Wm A Rigg Edwin A Michael Delaney Garnett Louis A Ruddach Jos H R B Hampton Hambleton Alexander Richards C L Haralson John H Sprague Chas J Abell Oliver C Hayden Stephen C Smyley Jas W Butler J M Hall Richard H Simpson John O Bowman Alexander Hall C C Sweetser Chas P Bagley Wm D Hall Stephen B Sullivan Meridith A Cowper Wm H Jenifer Walter H Stettinius Joseph S Conjiingham Grove Johnson Elliott Smith John Triplett Clarke Ed St Clair Kittrell John R Tayloe J Rhodes CunifFe Henry Knott R F Thomas Chas G Crovat P A Lane Ebenezer Thompson S T Douglass David F jr Lamb Seth Vinson John E Dougherty Richard Lawrence B S Wilkinson Ross Dudley G L Muirhead John Wilson Micajah D Eldredge John McCullough David PILOTS.

OLD LINE PILOTS, Office on Cunningham's Wharf. James Dayley, P McNelly, Thomas Rodgers John Delavan, J T Schander, William Shelley T R Downer, E Jenkins, Levije, A Buckingham, J S Urie, Wm Amos, Wm Griffin, W H Jolliff, W H Letton, J Ingraham, Samuel Nathan, Boats, Fanny, Sea Witch, and Relief. James Nelson, Agent—James C Darling, Collector. APPENDIX—FOREIGN CONSULS. 17

OPPOSITION LINE—Organized April 15th, 1850, Office 16 Sacramento st. Pilots—H Van Ness, C H Domett, William E Domett, B F Ford, Matthew Hale, Daniel Murphy, W W Neal, E H Palmer. Boats—R B Potter, and Favorite.

PILOT COMMISSIONERS, Office 27 Sacramento street. B C Sanders, J B Thomas, N G Pettit, Charles Welsh.

PORT WARDENS, Ross, 134 California St.—Levy S Porter, 154 Front st.

STATE MARINE HOSPITAL. Board of Trustees. John W McDougal, Alexander Campbell, Henry H Byrne, F D Kohler, J C Palmer.

The Mayor of the city and President ot the Board of Commerce are also ex. off. members of the Board of Trustees.

Treasurer, Edward McGowan, Office in Hort's Building, 92 Jackson street. " " Clerk, Henry Haskell, " 92 « « Resident Physician, Dr S B Mills, Visiting Physician, Dr A J Bowie, Office 183 Dupont street, " " Dr H H Toland, 153 Montgomery street. Apothecary, F T Maynard, Steward, W L Kirby.

Hospital on Filbert street, between Stockton and Powell.


Austrian Consul, S J Gower. British " George Aiken, 104 Front street.

Bremen " A Von Hegmen, J Schultze acting do, 126 California st. Belgian " H Achette, 373 Powell. Chilian " William Murray, 106 Montgomery street. Danish " Joseph Frontin, 130 Clay. French " P Dillon, Jackson corner Mason streets. Hamburgh " A Godefroy, 141 Clay—H Reincke act'g do, 122 California Hanoverian " OH Frank, 30 Battery street. Hawaian " J F S pence, 137 Montgomery street. Mecklenburg Schwerin, J De Fremery, 168 Sansome street. Mexican " WE Barron, acting Con, 92 Merchant street. Netherlands " J P H Gildemeester, 168 Sansome street. Norway and Sweden, J J L Heiiich, Mary's Alley near California street. ,


Nicaragua Consul, E Casafousth, 160 Clay street. Oldenburgh " H F Von Lengerke, 30 Battery street. Peru " J Garcia, 101 Montgomery street.

Portugese " J Searle, 127 California street.

Portugese V Consul, H E Wilby, 71 Jackson street, Prussian Consul, A Godflefroy, H Reincke, acting do, 122 California.

Spanish " J M Satrustcgui, J Garcia, acting do, 161 Montgomery st. Swiss " F DeRutte, 172 Montgomery. Sardinia " Leonette Cipriani, Sutter above Dupont.

Agentfor French Underioriters—J J Chauviteau, 149 Washington street.


American Bible Society—Agency at the Depository of the S F Bible Society, on Stockton, between Greene and Union streets. Frederick Buell, agent. American S S Union—Depository of the Publications of the ASS Union, at the Tract House, 227 Clay street. Rev A H Myers, agent^U Pacific Tract Society—Organized February 24, 18iJ^. Rev O C Wheeler, President; T J Nevins, Corresj)onding Sec'y, Depositary and Gen'l Agent; W Leonard, Recording Sec'y; D L Ross, Treasurer; Rev O C Wheeler, Wil- lard Leonard, D L Ross, D S Turner, T H Selby, Executive Committee. De- pository, 227 Clay street. San Francisco Bible Society—Organized Oct 1849. Hon D O Shattock, Prest; H H Haight, Sec^y; Frederick Buell, Agent. Depository on Stockton street, between Greene and Union. Eureka Benevolent Society—August Helling, Prest; J Regensburger, Vice President, Washington street, fronting Plaza; David Stern, Se&y, 157 California street; S Lazard, Cashier, cor Montgomery and Pine; E C Berg, C Morganthau, D. Bauernfreind, H D Silverman, H Regensburger, Trustees. French Benevolent Society—E Delessert, Prest; H A Cobb, V Prest; A Co- villard, Sec'y; H Schroder, Treas. Office 221 Clay street. Hebrew Benevolent Society {First)—Israel Solomons, Prest; A Weiss, Vice Prest; A Greenbanm, Sec^y; H M Lewis, Treas. New England Society—President, Gen James Wilson, New Hampshire; Vice Presidents, W H Clark, Maine, W A Dana, Vermont, G W Gibbs, Rhode Island,

Jeremiah Clarke, Connecticut, E G Austin, Mass ; Lewis R Lull, Cor Sec; H F Dana, Rec Sec; J C Derby, Treas. San Francisco Philharmonic Society—Henry Meiggs, Pres; G J H Sanders, Vice Pres; Ira P Rankin, Treas; C T Hopkine, Sec; Directors, 1st, James M

Swift ; 2d, John H Titcomb; 3d, John M Danforth ; Musical 1 Hrector, George Loder. Hibernian Society—Bi R K Nuttall, Pres; Dr P M O'Brien, 1st Vice Pres; D J Oliver, 2d V Pres; R F Ryan, Rec Sec; Henry Toomy, Cor Sec; Robert Sherwood, Treas. APPENDIX ASSOCIATIONS. 19

San Francisco Cricket Club—President, George Aikin ; V Presidents, C T Moiitifore Treasurer, Brooks Emmet and E D Heatley ; Secretarij, J B ; W L ; Committee, M Delaney and L Price. Pacific (7;2«6—Beverly C Sanders, Pres; T G Carey, Jr. Sec; E D Hoatley, i Treas; Governing Committee, Beverly C Sanders, Wm Wain, Jr, C T Emmet, F Vassault, Dr A J Bowie, Robert Rodgers, T J Gary, Jr, James C Ward. German Cluh—0 H Franck, Pres; Wm Schldden, Sec and LiVn; Frederick Leppien, Treas. German Turnverein—Charles Krug, Pres; Frederick Gilbrecht, Vice Pres: Charles Ostner, Sec; H Heryer, Treas. Vallejo street below Stockton. German Sangerhund—H Neuhaus, Pres; Dr J Regensburger, Vice Pres; Charles Duisenburger, Sec; D Jacoby, Treas; F G Hahman, Librarian; Dr G Malech, Director.


San Francisco R A Chapter, No 1, meet every Tuesday evening, at their Hall, on Washington street. R F Knott, HP; J D Criegh, Secretary.

California Lodge, No \, F 6^ A M., meet every Thursday evening, at their Hall, on Washington street; R F Knott, W M; Sam'l J Gower, Secretary.

San Francisco Lodge, No 7, F t^' A M, meet every Wednesday evening, at their Hall, on Washington street. J J Papy, W M; Wm Craine, Sec^y,

Occidental Lodge, No 22, F &. A M, meet every Monday evening, at their Hall, on Washington street. Jas Rice, jr, TT iVf; R B Hampton, Secretary.

Perfaite Union Lodge, No 17, ^ & A M, meet every Friday evening at

! their Hall, on Washington street. L Herman, W M; J De Rosoy, Sec^y.

I. O. of O. F.

Qalifornia Lodge, Nol, meets every Monday evening, at their Lodge rooms, 80 Kearny street. Sam'l Fleischacker, N G

San Francisco Lodge, No 3, meets every Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, at 86 Kearny street. F R Eddie, iV G.


' California Division, No 2, meets every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Hall of the Sons of Temperance, 244 Dupont street.

Excelsior Division, No G, meets every Monday evening, in the Hall of the S of T, 224 Dupont street

Golden Gate Division, No 12, meets every Wednesday evening, at the same place. 20 APPENDIX—CHURCHES.


Baptist Chnrch, (First)—Washington street, between Stockton and Dupont Rev B. Brierly, Pastor.

Services, on the Sabbath at 1 L A M, and half past 7 PM. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2 P M.

Baptist Church, (Second)—Pine street, above Montgomery. Rev Wm. Rollin- son, Pastor. Services, on the Sabbath at 11 AM, and 7 o'clock, P M. Sabbath School at half past 2 PM. A Ijccture on Tuesday and Prayer Meeting on Friday evening of each week.

Congregational Church, (First) —Corner Jackson and Virginia streets. Rev. T D Hunt, Pastor; Residence corner Mason and Vallejo streets. Services on the Sabbath, at 11 A M, and 3i P M. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2 P M. .^

Congregation Emanuel—Synagogue 86 Kearny street. Jos Shannon, Pres; S Fleishhacker, Vice Pres; S Tilleyer, Treas; E M Berg, Sec.

Church of St. Francis, (Roman Catholic)—On Vallejo street, near Dupont. Rt Rev D Allemany and Rev John Scanlan. Services at 10 AM. Grace Church, (Episcopal)—Powell street near Jackson. Rev P L Ver Mehr, Pastor. Residence next door south of church. Services every Sabbath at 11 AM, and half past 7 PM.

Howard Street Church—(Presbyterian)—Howard street, H. Valley. Rev S streets. H Willey, Pastor. House corner Second and Melius , Services every Sabbath at 11 A M, and 7^ P M. Sabbath School at half past 2 PM. Market St. M E Church—Rev G S Phillips, Pastor. Residence on Folsom near First. Services every Sabbath at 11 A M. and 7h P M, in the "Happy Valley School" House. Sabbath School and Class at ha.if past 2 Bible PM. .

Methodist Episcopal Church—Powell street, one door south of Washington, Rev S D Simonds, Pastor. Residence next door to church Services at 11 A M, and 7\ P M. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2 P M. New Jerusalem Church. Meeting every Sabbath, in the Superior Court rooms, California Exchange. Services at 11 o'clock, A. M. James Kellogg, presidmg officer.

Presbyterian Church, (First,) Stockton street, near Broadway. Services at 11 A. M. and 7^ P M. Sabbath School at 3 P M. Prayer meeting every Wed- nesday evening, at 7^ o'clock. Rev. A. Williams, Pastor; residence 218 Clay street. APPENDIX—SCHOOLS. 21

Spring Valley Church, (Spring Valley.) Services by clergymen of the different denominations, every sabbath at 3 o'clock, P M.

Seanien^s Bethel—Davis street, between Washington and Clay. Services every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, A M. and 71, P. M. Rev. Wm. Taylor, Pastor; residence in Bethel ship.

St. Patrick's Church, (R. catholic,) Market street, between 2d and 3d; entrance on Mission street. Mass on Sunday at 7 and 11 o'clock, A M; and daily at 6 o'clock A M. Rev. John Maginnis, Pastor.

St. Francis, (Church of,) Mission Dolores, Roman Catholic, Rev. R. Flavian, Monk. Services every Sabbath morning, at 8 and 10 o'clock. This church (and mission) was established in 1769, since which time there have been 7,323 baptisms, and 2,131 marriages, celebrated within its walls, and 5,387 persons have been buried in its cemetery.

Trinity Church, (Episcopal,) Pine street, above Montgomery. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7\ P. M. Rev. Mr. Moore, Pastor.

Unitarian Church, (First,) erecting on Stockton street, near corner of Sacra- mento.

Wesley Chapel, (Methodist Episcopal,) Powell street, near Clay. Services every Sabbath at 11 and 7 P. M. Sabbath school and bible class at 2^ A. M. Rev. J. Boring and M. Evans, Pastors.

Zion Church, (colored,) Stockton street, near Vallejo. Services at 10.^ A. M. and 7 P. M. Sabbath school at 2^ P. M. Rev. John Moore, Pastor.


Hon. C. J. Brenham, President; Alderman J. P. Sclby, Asst. Alderman W. H. Bovee, Gen. John Wilson, R. H. Waller, Esq.

T. J. Nevins, Clerk of the Board, and Supt. Public Schools.

JPITJSIjIC scmoojls,


Bounded on the north by Pine and Market streets; east, by the Bay; south, by

Howard street; and west, by Harris and Leavenworth streets.

School organized Nov. 17, 1851. Number of Pupils Nov. 1, 1852, 151. Teachers—Mr. James Denman and Miss Mary S. Libbey. School, near Mission, between First and Second streets. ;



Includes all that part of the city lying south of Howard, and east of Harris, streets.

Organized January 8, 1852. Number of Pupils Nov. 1, 1852, 69. Teacher—Mr. W. H. O'Grady.

School on north east corner of First and Folsom streets.


Includes all that part of the city lying south of Spring Valley district, and west of Leavenworth and Harris streets.

Organized May 10, 1852. Number of Pupils Nov. I, 1852, 50. Teacher—Mr. Alfred Rix. School at the Mission Dolores, north side of the street, and east of the Catholic Chapel.


Bounded, north by Vallejo and Jackson streets ; east, by Kearny and the Bay; south by Market and Pine; and west by Leavenworth streets.

Organized Dec. 22, 1851. Number of Pupils Nov. 1, 1852, 185. Teachers—Mr. F. E. Jones, Mrs. E. Baldwin, and Miss Gertrude Brown. School, east side of Dupont, south of Jackson.


Includes all that part of the city lying north of an extension of the line of Pine street, west to the city line, and west of Leavenworth.

Organized Feb. 9. 1852. Number of Pupils Nov. 1, 1852, 40. Teacher—Mr. Asa Cole. School, on the Presidio road, south of the Lagoon.


Bounded, north by the Bay ; east, by Kearny street ; south, by Vallejo street and west, by Leavenworth street.

Organized Nov. 19, 1851. Number of Pupils Sept. 1, 1852, 195. Teachers—Mr, Joel H. Tracy, and Mrs. A. W. Millbury School, north-east corner of Powell and Filbert streets.


Includes that part of the city lying east of Kearny and north of Jackson streets.

Organized June 7, 1852. Number of Pupils Sept. 1, 1852. 70. Teachers—Mr. Ahira Holmes, and Miss Marietta Chadsey. School, north-west corner of Montgomery and Broadway. APPENDIX iNEWSt^r-iiHS. 23

jlJ^^ At the last Quartciiy Report of the Superintendent, Sept. 1, 1852, these Schools contained 791 Pupils, while the number of children and youth in the city,

between the ages of 4 and 18 years is, near as can be ascertained, 1,825.



South-west corner of Powell and Jackson streets. Rev. R. E, Prevaux, Princi-

pal. Miss F. A. Allen, Principal of female department ; Miss L. L. Larkin, As- sistant; Prof Cadiz, Teacher of Spanish. Number of pupils, 60.


Mrs. E. M. W. Parker, Principal. Full course of studies in English; with Languages, Music, Drawmgand Painting School established in 1850, on Powell street, between Jackson and Pacific. Number of Pupil^ 30.


Connected with the St. Patrick's Church. Organized in June, 1851, and now containing about 150 pupils. Rev. John Maginnis, Principal. The Female De- partment is under the direction of the Sisters of Charity, contains about 90 pupils, and is in a very prosperous condition. School hi basement of St. Patrick's Church, Market street, near V^ttij©.

'.: 7» 4-. t -


ALTA CALIFORNIA, published daily by E Gilbert & Co. EC Kemble and E Conner, Editors. Office 210 Washington street corner Brenham Place.

CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, published weeldy by the Gen. Conference of the ' M E Church. Rev S D Simonds, Editor, residence 271 Powell stre^"

CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, published weekly under the direction of the Pacific Am. Con. of the M E Church, South. W R Gober, J W Kelly and Morris Evans, Pub Com. Rev J Boring, Editor. Day of publication Wednesday. Office in the basement of Wesley Cliapel, Powell street.

CALIFORNIA STAATS ZEITUNG, published weekly (in the German lan- guage,) by J H Hahnlen and B Walz. G Krug, Editor. Office 131^ Kear- ny street.

DAILY HERALD, published daily at the office, 125 Montgomery street. John Nugent, Proprietor. 24 APPENDIX OCEAN STEAMERS.

DAILY WHIG, P P Hull & Co. publishers. Louis R Lull, Frank M Pixley, Editors. Publishing office, 14.5 Montgomery street.

EVENING JOURNAL, published daily by Paul Seymour 4* Co. AM Macy. and W D Bickham, Editors. Office 160 Montgomery street, opposite Burgoyne's Banking House.

ECHO DU PACIFIC, published weekly in the French and Spanish languages. Entienne Derbec, Editor. Office of publication, 21 Washington street.

PACIFIC—A weekly religious paper, published every Thursday. Rev J W Douglass, Editor. Office 90 Merchant street. PLACER TIMES AND TRANSCRIPT, published daily by G K Fitch & Co. L Pickering, G K Fitch and J E Lawrence, Editors. Office Clay street 4 doors below Montgomery.

SAN FRANCISCO PRICES CURRENT, published weekly by F Bonhard and S O Johnson & Co.. corner Commercial and Liedsdorff streets.

UNCLE SAM, published weekly by C P Kimball, at the Noisy Carrier's Pub- lishing Hall, Commercial street below Sansome.


NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO S S LINE, office 130 Clay street, be- low Montgomery. F A Babcock &, Co. agents. Steamers Winfield Scott, 2,100 tons, G A Cole, commander, Cortez, 1,600 " T B Cropper, commander.

EMPIRE CITY LINE, office 51 Davis street. I W Raymond, Agent. Steamer New Orleans, 1,000 tons, Edgar Wakeman, commander.

INLAND STEAM NAVIGATION. J%*orth€rn Rowte— Sacramento,

CONFIDENCE, Union Line, leaves Pacific Wharf every Tuesday, Thursday

and Saturday, at 4 o'clock, p m. D Vail, master ; H Morrison, clerk.

WILSON G HUNT, Union Line, leaves Pacific Wliarf every Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday, at 4 p m. EC Poole, master ; Geo Morehouse, clerk.

ANTELOPE, Union Line, leaves Pacific Wharf every Monday, Wednesday and

Friday, at 4 p m. W Bushner, master ; S Barrell, clerk.

WILLAMETTE, Union Line, leaves Pacific Wharf for Sacramento every other Pelt, day. , David Van master.

NEW WORLD, Peoples' Line, leaves Pacific Wharf every Monday, Wednesday

and Friday, at 4 p m. W Hutchings, master ; G S Porter, clerk.

J. BRAGDON, leaves Pacific Wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a

4 pm. T W Lyles, master ; H Huntington, clerk,

SENATOR, People's Line, hauled off for repairs. A J Averill, master.


URILDA, leaves Pacific wharf every Tuesday and Friday, at 4 o'clock, p. m R B Frisbee, master; Thos S Bill, clerk; R E Brewster & Co., agents, 109 Bat- tery street.

CAMANCHE, leaves Pacific wharf every Wednesday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock, p. m. Geo R Barclay, master; Jas Banker, clerk; J J Southgate & Co.; agents, 31 Pacific street.

Colusa and Shasta,

JACK HAYS, leaves Long wharf every Tuesday at 1 o'clock, p. m. C W Bar- ber, master.

Southern JRoute— Stockton,

SOPHIE, (U S M) leaves Long wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o'clock, p. M., touching at Benicia and Marsh's Landing. E C M Chadwick, master; J H Baird, clerk. :


AMERICAN EAGLE, leaves liOng wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, at 4 o'clock, p. M. Wm M Lubbock, master; R M Iliggins, clerk. H T CLAY, (U S M) leaves Long wharf every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day, at 4 o'clock, p. M. Charles Spear, master; J 13 Dow, clerk. KATE KEARNY, leaves Long wharf every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,

at 4 o'clock, p. M. J Whitney, jr, master; Jas S Johnson, clerk. San Jose. JENNY LIND, leaves Long wharf every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Leaving Alviso on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8g A. M. Chas Thorn, master. Union City,

UNION, J S Hasten, master, leaves foot of Broadway every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Horner ^ Co., agents, Broadway wharf

Contra Costa Ferry. E CORNING, Capt Conkling, and OAKLAND, Capt Wheeler, leave respectively, as follows

San Francisco, at 10 a. m. and 4^ p. m.; Oakland City, 8At M. and 3 p m.; San Antonio, 7 a. m. and 2 p m. Chas Minturn, agent, Cunningham's wharf.


[|I^° We are indebted to Messrs. R. O. Sturdivant and H. O. Bunker for the accompanying statistics, and also for other valuable information, for which we return our thanks.]

Arrival and Departure of Passengers by sea, at the port of San Francisco, from January 1st to October 31st, 1852. APPENDIX PASSENGERS. 27

Arrival and Departure of Passengers by sea, at the port of San Francisco, with the port from whence arrived and port of destination, from January 1st to October 31st, 1852.

Arrivals from. DEPARTURES FOR.

Panama, . . - 21,423 Panama, ... 10,181 San Juan del Sud, 5,746 San Juan^del Sud, 4,388 Mexican ports, 2,141 Mexico, ... 872 Peruvian ports, 30 Peru, 2,411 Chilian ports, - - - 2,209 Chile, ... - 74 Australian ports, - 6G7 Australia, - - - 991 Pacific Islands, 495 Pacific ports, - - - 195 China, . - - 20,023 China, - . - 463 Italy, . - . - 58 Coastwise, Atlantic ports, 3,714 Coastwise, Pacific ports, - 706 England, - - - 122 France, - - - - 1,428 Germany, etc., 89

Total, - - 58,851 Total, - - - 19,575

Vessels Clearing at the Port of San Francisco, froni Jan'y 1st to Oct. 31st, 1852. 28 APPENDIX—STATISTICAL.

Vessels Arriving at the Port of San Francisco, from Jan'y 1, to October 31, 1852. —




George H. Hossefross—Chief Engineer. Charles Duane—First Assistant Engineer. " A. R. SiMONDs—Second " " E. A. Ebbetts—Third "


George H. Hossefross, President.

J. L. Van BoKKELEN, Secretary. Robert H. Bennett, Treasurer.

From Empire No. 1 —Samuel W. Bookstaver, Charles L. Barnes.

Lady Washington No. 2—A. R. Simons, James S. Bovee. Howard Nq, 3—D. H. Rand, Thomas J. L. Smiley. California No. 4—M. D. Boruck, F. 0. Wakeman. Knickerbocker No. 5—James H. Cutter, D. B. Arrowsmith, Monumenial No. 6—F. M. Pixley, W. H. Silverthorn. Monumental No. 7—R H. Sinton, R. P. Bagley. Monumental No. 8—Peter Strobel, Robert H. Bennett. Vigilant No. 9—W. H. Bovee, Charles H. Biden. Crescent No. 10—L. M. Byrne, James Casey. Columbian No. 1 1 —John H. Shepard, Harvey Lake. Pennsylvania No. 12—Robert B. Quayle, William Little. St. Fra.p'^'s H. & L. No. 1 —Geo. W. Gibbs, A. A. Brinsmade. Sansome ft. & L. No. 3—Thomas D. Greene, J. L. VanBokkelen.


Alfred De Witt, President ; E. L. Sullivan, Secretary ; I i enry H. Haight, Treasurer. Beverly C. Sanders, M. R. Roberts, Theodore Payne. ;



A. J. Bowie, M. D., C. M. Hitchcock, M. D.,

H. M. Gray, M. D., S. R. Harris, M. D.,



EMPIRE No 1 —House Kearny street, between Sacramento and California.

George Green, ; W Foreman Jno Scott, Ass't Foreman ; G Hobe, Sec ; D B Castree, Treas.

LADY WASHINGTON No 2—House Sansome street between California and

Pine. AR Simons, Foreman ; J Bovee, 1st Ass't Foreman; JF Farley, 2d

Ass't Foreman ; ; Wm Horrocks, Sec W W Main, Treas.

HOWARD ]No 3—House Commercial street between Sansome and Montgomery.

Franklin Whitney, Foreman ; Caleb Clapp, 1st Ass't Foreman ; Sylvanus D Libbey, 2d Ass't Foreman; Lewis Cohen, Sec; Standing Committee, B E

Babcock, A H Bradford, J B Burns, J D Dodge, George Dalrymple ; Trustees, H Frost, J Seligman, T J L Smiley.

CALIFORNIA No 4—House Battery street near Market. Charles R Bond, Fore-

Charles ; ; man ; Simpson, 1st Ass't — Lees, 2d Ass't; F Iken, Sec J Schultze, Treasurer.

KNICKERBOCKER No 5—House on Merchant street between Montgomery

and Kearny. James H Cutter, Foreman ; Charles E Buckingham, Ass't ; W H

Talmage, Sec ; Daniel B Merritt, Treasurer ; James H Goodman, Trustee.

MONUMENTAL No 6—House Brenham Place, west side Plaza.

Foreman ; Frank M Pixley, 1st Ass't ; John W Rider, 2d Ass't ; John R

Dunglison, Sec ; Wm J Lippincott, Treasurer.

No Bromley, 1st MONUMENTAL 7—W L Foreman ; F D Kohler, Ass't; R

Ass't ; P Bayley, 2d D C Kone, Sec ; James A Wright, Treasurer.

MONUMENTAL No 8—Robert H Bennett, Foreman; B Oakley, Jr. 1st Ass't;

Jos H Rudduch, 2d Ass't ; Wm Hope, Sec ; Peter Strobel, Treasurer.

VIGILANT No 9—House Stockton street between Broadway and Pacific. M

R Roberts, Foreman ; Samuel Curry, 1st Ass't ; James L Bowker, 2d Ass't

J D Bluxome, Sec ; George A Runk, Treasurer.

CRESCENT No 10—James Herbert, Foreman ; John Stowe, Assistant ; John P

Fan'ier, Sec ; L M Byrne, Treasurer. ;


PENNSYLVANIA No 11—HS Brown, Foreman; Wm S Boulden, 1st Ass't;

D P Lewis, 2d Ass't ; George Boulden, ; P Sec W H^Stcel, Ass't Sec ; EL Morgan, Treasurer.


Clay. 1st ; J P Buckley, Foreman ; G W Bryant, Ass't Jos H Mall, 2d Ass't;

A A Brinsmade, Sec ; L H Robie, Treasurer.

SANSOME H & L No 3—House on Washington street between Montgomery

and Sansome. J L Van Bokkelen, Foreman ; Florence Mahony. 1st Ass't

R Van Brunt, 2d Asst ; Thomas Green, Sec Bartlett, Treas. N D ; FA

'3 Rincon Point, San Francisco.

IROI AND BRASS FeOIDBY. if1^1 iiiiiii mm itii^iis, MACHINERY FOR CRUSHING AND PULVERIZING QUARTZ ROCK, Casting in Iron and Brass, WSfOtSS tltil WtlS,

'9 mMiiim km mnmn mi wobi, AND

ALSO, Steamboat Repairing, Boiler Making, Turning and Finishing.

All Orders promptly attended to and executed with dispatch. GEORGIS K. GLUYAS. 32 CASTREE & BYRNE, FAMSfc¥ ©mO' m No. 184 Kearny Street, Willi, m&i ^m^mmi nouoii,

Constantly on hand. J^^ Goods sent to all parts of the city free of expense.,.^^

Families, Hotels and Restaurants supplied at the shortest notice and on moderate terms.

Fine Teas, Coffee, Goshen Butter, Chinese Preserves, Cocoa, Chocolate, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Fresh PcMches, Loaf, Crush., and Bro. Sugars Eggs, Beef, Pork, Lemon Syrup, Pickles, Flour, Corn Meal, Mackerel, Codfish, Catsup, Saleratus, Rice, Fari' a, Starch, Smoked Salmon, Mustard, Pepper Sauce, Molasses, Vinegar, Salt, Pickled Salmon, Spices, India Currie, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Pickled Tongues, Yeast Powder, Indigo, Raisins, Almonds, Preserved bleats. Corn Broom, Water Pails, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Pie Fruits, Olives, Choice Segars, Tobacco, Sperm Oil, Candles, Dried Fruits, Syrups, Port Wines, Claret, Salid Oil, Sardines, Soda and Water Crackers, Ale, Porter, etc. etc. etc.


(Between ^Va§liiiigtoEi and Jackson Sts.)

Corner Sansome and Sacramento Sts., %mWi 9t®ii€S§€®t #isiSf#iiii®^



JlC^ e®^^ Js^^ (jfro^ Jr^A JlsJ ^SJ' ^^^^^sgfj^> vsv;?^\^\'i^' ^^^s^^p^«> ^S'^^JS^s^ ^^^wmw \,\<7\ ^t MONTGOMERY, CORNER OF CALIFORNIA STREET,


Drair at Sight, or on time, in sums to suit, on F. HuTH & Co., ------Londo7i. The American Exchange Bank, - _ _ jVe^^ York. The Atlantic Bank, ------Boston. The Philadelphia Bank, ----- PUladelpMa. Josiah Lee & Co., ------Baltimore. Louisiana State Bank, ----- jsfew Orleans. Page & Bacon, ------St. Louis. Hutchings & Co., ------Louisville. T. S. Goodman & Co., ------Cincinnati. S. Jones & Co., ------Pittsburg. GOLD DUST AND EXCHANGE PURCHASED AT CURRENT RATES.


Corner of Montgomery and Clay Sts.

D. J. TALLANT AND JOHN W. WILDE, GENERAL PARTNERS JAMES ROBB, OF NEW ORLEANS, SPECIAL PARTNER. EXCn^JTGE ^T CUnUE^T n^TES, ^T SIGHT on TIME. George Peabody k Co., ----- London. William Hoge & Co., ----- New York. Blake, Ward & Co., ------Boston. Charles P. Bayard, _ _ - . - Philadelphia. Merchants' Bank, --_._- Baltimore. James Robb & Co., ------JSfeio Orleans. Page & Bacon, ------St. Louis. Commercial Bank, ------Olncinnati. William Holmes & Co., ----- Pittsburgh. WiLLiAiM Gay, ------Louisville. Gold Dust Purchased at best market pricea A 22 PALMER, COOK & CO.,


[d Lri biL U j\ ii fii ^ s? nmr


Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York; Edwaed Field, and Messrs. Hadwin & Baenet, Nantucket.

Messrs. WINSLOW, LAIOER & CO., Agents, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston.



Messrs. Page, Bacon & Co., Messrs. V. Marziou & Co., " Cobb & Co., " Burling & Hill, " Eugene Kelly & Co., " Cutter & Co. lEiCMAiT MAMGE ^m^ i«r

(^.^ \;>i (;ii'v»i \;j^ \i^ <^m:^ 9 No 121 Sacramento Street. SWEENY & BAUGH, Proprietors. C. H. VTAKELEE, Manager. : ;






Hon. Lewis H. Sanford, New York ; Sanfords & Porter, New York Enoch Taylor, Philadelphia. SENDERS & PiA.SKEIl




Boots, Shoes and Yankee Notions,





jmL. imr


SEYMOUR &. CO. iiiaitwii iimiiai NO. 190 WASHINGTON STREET,


Have on hand and are constantly receiving a GENERAL ASSORT- MENT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which they are enabled to sell at the lowest rates, I@°" Being in direct correspondence with Eastern Manufacturers, our Furni- ture is got up expressly to order, and will give satisfaction. Our Goods will, in all cases, be equal -to what we represent them. I@^ OFFICE DESKS, and other Furniture, made to order with promptness and despatch. 25



NO. 73 We have the pleasure to inform the public in general that we have leased the Store, LONG AVHAIIF, under the Texas House, wliere we intend to keep a general assortment of Shoo Men's Wear, coarse and fine. Also, an assortment of Ladle's Wear. The New York Buskin expenses Gaiters, Boots, &c., will always be kept on hand. We attend to our own sales, and our are low, but our assortment large. Our motto sliall be, " Quick sales and small profits. We pur- most respectfully invite the public to call and sec the Boys, and judge for themselves, before chasing elsewhere. MOIiCOMBE & ©OliE, MEW YoiE md'm, vmmm fmis No. 73 Long Wharf, between Battery and Sansome,




PLUMBING WORK OF EVERY KIND. £^^ Pumps and Fixtures, Stoves, Tin Ware, &c.. of every variety, con- stantly ou hand, j^3^ Repairing done at the shortest notice. B ;



timr .JM":

SHERRIES, Pale, Golden and Brown, of superior quality. PORT, Fine Old London Dock, "

CLARET, of different brands, « «

CHAMPAGNE, of different brands HOCK, " " " « « " SAUTERNE, « « « " « « MOSELLE, « " « " « «

BRANDY, of different brands, very old, and of very superior quality. SAN PRANOISOO


Copper IWork Tor Steamboats, nistilleries and Sugar Mouses ; Mtouse and Ship Jfater Closets ; JBathing Apparatus L,ift and Force JPiimps. SHEET LEAD, PIPE AND STOP COCKS, OF ALL SIZES. I^ALL ARTICLES IN THE ABOVE LINES CONSTANTLY ON HAND OR MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. „^ bIjOck, Tijr ^jrip n^n JLE^n,

JOlBIBIPirCS- I>XT3>TOTTT^aLlj!Xj"y -A.TTEaXri>EI> TO. SlHfflfill»M»^3£Haaiii3

GOLDEN GATE, 2,200 Tons OREGON, - - 1,150 Tons " « CALIFORNIA, 1,125 TENNESSEE, - 1,300 " « PANAMA, - - 1,125 NORTHERNER, 1,100 « « COLUMBIA, - - 800 ISTHMUS, - - 400 " « REPUBLIC, - - 800 COLUMBUS, - - 500 « « FREMONT, - - - 600 CAROLINA, - - 600 CONSTITUTION, 550 " UNICORN, ... 400 «

The Steamers of this Line depart from SAN FEANCISCO FOE PANAMA, With the U. S. Mails, on the 1st and 16th of each Month, TOUCHING AT •Wonteret/, San Sfiego anil •Scapnlco,

Returning, they leave Panama on the arrival of the Mails from the Atlantic States, and touch at the same way ports.

il@°* Extra Boats are despatched as they are required.

The connection of the Mails with Oregon is maintained by the Company's Steamer Co- lumbia, leaving 'here on the arrival of the Mails from the South, and returning previous to the 1st and 16th of each month.

tii^^yjii iti ^BtilPliit f) Will be received at the Office until noon of the day previous to the de- parture of the Mails.

For Freight or Passage, apply to ^^ E. KNIGHT, Agent. CAUTION. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company is only held responsible for freight engaged, or Tickets sold, in the Ofiicc, corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorff Streets, and on board the Steamers by the employees of the Company. mmmmmmsssmmmmmmmmmmmi 28 MATTHEW DELANY,

WETiiliaif SIJME®! 9 AT THK

U&AA >^i«J i IliflmlfMI 5


% ^.O'inm^


Salamander Safes opened. All Work Warranted. Also, constantly on hand and for sale, a large assortment of liii iii liii iiiiii 11! Ifa EEFLES, PISTOLS, GUN TRIMMINGS, &c.. &c., WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, POWDER AND SHOT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .TO. 125 COJflJflEUCI^lIj STREET,


Orders for IVork promptly attended to, aud executed at sbort notice. 29



'''iiiinir'iiii '.iKiiiiii ''iiiii'iiiiii \iiiir'''iiiii' \iii.iiiiii 'Mini 'w w \iiiiiiiij W''"ii liiiiiiiiiii 'S'liiil

l^p* Particular attention paid to House, Boat and Ship work. VTILLIS & SON, pilliiterg rnxa Jfantg fq €m^b, faas, ^iinp,

I.adies), JHisse«' and Children's BOOTS and 8HOES,

And a variety of other articles, for sale wholesale and retail, NO. 147 SACRAMENTO STREET,

(ABOVE MONTGOMEaV,) ' '^ M S, ^ M ^ ^ ^ U M ^ ^ ^ ~ ^. B— GOODS nECEIT*ED BJ^ EJ^ERY STE^MEU, A. T. McOLURE, TVliolesale and Retail Dealer in DEU&8 AXD MlDIGlNlg, ClBIII0il8,


N. E. Corner Montgomery and California Streets, SAN FRANCISCO.

Pht/sieian's Prescriptions dispensed at all hours.

Country Orders promptly attended to. 30

zdokt-a.hxje:''® If 5 (the first established in the state,)


And CASTINGS of every description, made to order.

lEIiiOIT itrainmy1^



CLAY STREET, PORTSMOTUH SQUARE, jl^" Sole Agents for the California Edition of the Neio York Times. Agents for Littell's Living Age. A full supply of the latest publications, newspapers, (fcc., constantly on hand, with a good assortment of Stationery. W^M. LANGERMAN & CO.

182 Montgomery Street,

Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of |||j|||^BSB££^^^^^^iHl£3 j^^E,.

^-^li^JSLrjElB OIOA.^.

•1 Supply or

Celeiratetr Coiacco, I

Put up in Tin Foil, always on hand SAMUEL ADAMS,

Old Post Office Building, No. 222 Clay Street, iHS imjiiiiiiit^ A full assortment of all articles usually found in the Drug Stores in the Atlan- tic States. The most approved Kemedies for the prominent Diseases of the Cli- mate, Fever and Ague, Panama Fever, Bilious Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Piles, (fcc. State Agency for Devotion's Lexipyreta and Oxysrcnaied Bitters. 32 AINSA & SONS,




At l¥liole§a]e and Retail, in

P j^^ am- :m^




Of every dcscripiioji, for sale at the lowest market i^rices. 33 HENRY McNALLY,

r. I. mmm wmoise.

Ulannfactiirer of

AND ALL KINDS OF iXu XiX laU Jb X U jRsAJb X III X^XaJu iiX Ju III X d« Field and Garden Seeds, Wire Cloths Etc. TAUSSIG, POLLACK & CO. Manufacturers aud Importers of

Buckskin Gloves, Mitts, Money Belts, Gold Dust Bags, Purses, &c. The Miiaers' Heavy Suck Iiiidispcnsible OoSd Porters, and Combined Buck €rold Supporters, SOLE AGENCY FOR WILLIAM TAUSSIG & 00. NEW YORK, No. 95 Sansome, corner Sacramento St. WM TAUSSIG, K'p"irPoTS^.f'l SAM MAM(GI§(G®o "WILLIAMS & SEVERANCE,


(Between Dupont and Stockton) )

34 Pill ipMWiiMS LTJEE, KMN & WOOD,


For the CoHstruction or Repair of LAND & MARINE ENGINES,


Saw Hills, Grist Millsjliresliing

m. Quart, Mk^ Amalgmatag and T>XJ3M[3E3»IKrC3t- 3!lfl:-£LC:J:Ei:Z3>3-E31FS."S" dS3

Castings for all kinds of Machinery, either of Brass or Iron—Black- Smithing and Boiler making, Turning, Finishing, and Pattern making, and every thing generally connected with the business.


G. M. HUTTON, Ml Market Place, facmg Battety Street,

Saw and Grist Mill Irons, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Quartz Crushing Machinery, Chilian Mills, and Patent Amalgamators,

Iron and Brass Castings of every description, and Machine Work in > general promptly executed. «

35 m®gr©a^T^e m

JVo. 144,

iJiuf^ Street^ San Francisco.

^o I2acs>ca^ac^^a 2j^ls^lpir^a.c^ilc2>32*o 'im^ »iMiw 3 139 Fine street, bet^veen Montgomery and Kearny,

Ale and Porter of the best quality constantly on hand, and for sale at the Brewery ; or by the undersigned, agent for the sale of the above. GSiOKGE MELIUS, Howard's building, Montgomery street, between Clay and Commercial. "WHITE & "WBNTWOETH, DEALERS IN MIBM. BOOH. WIIDOWI, IT€. (B^iEMmm®]? mwi^ amid BAftoi^y ^muiEf^^ SAN FRANCISCO.

o^(X>ii2. ^ «^:l 5:£a i:s All orders from the city or country will meet with the most prompt attention. jg^^-Lmnber bought, and sold on the most reasonable terms. JOHN C WHITE. ELI WENT WORTH.

No. 167 Washington Street, 36

'Wk Wkl m ''iiiii W 'iiiiiii'iiiiii 'iiiii mmrmm''' •JfKianufactory of

^ltuog0 on l)aiiJi anb for salt, WHOLESALE and RETAIL,

Vallejo street, above Powell.

/an® ^ (g®




MAIL lOTAfIg, & €011111101 113

(corner of Jones' Alley,) SAN FRANCISCO. mm wwLBM(mm ALCJI


OFFICE IN Montgomery Street,

«>oi:s AHO\ i; SA« UAMK



Orucvri llavictn ot Job Ijnnting i



: 37



g RECEIVE DEPOSITS, PURCHASE GOLD DUST AND SPECIE, fAND TRANSACT A GENERAL EAiKliG .JiSliESS, I Draw BILLS OF. EXCHANGE, at sight or on time, in sums to suit, at current rates of exchange, &c.

Payable at the folloiving places ^^ Bank North American, Boston.

^^ J . S. Gibbons, Esq., Cash. Ocean Bank, New York. <^ji Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank Albany.

^^ Messrs. Drexel & Co., j» Philadelphia. ^p '' Medcalfe, Spicer & Co., Baltimore. ^^ J. B. Morton, Esq., Richmond, Va.

p^}\ Messrs. J. R. Macmcrdo & Co., New Gleans. ^ Gen. Wm, Larimer, Jr Pittsburgh, Pa. ^y( A. J. Wheeler, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. ^^ Messrs. A. D. Hunt & Co., Louisville, Ky. ^P " Haskell & Co., Exchange Bank, Saiut Louis.

On DETROIT, Michigan IMExMPIIIS and Tennessee ; COLUMBUS ^ ; NASHVILLE, ^ Ohio; NORFOLK, Virginia, and CHARLESTON, South Carolina. S fL 3E3 X* :e3 3EI. he: 3Nr <=; £: S :

F. A. Palmer, President, ) ^( ,, i r> i -vt v ' ^^^'^^^^'^y ^^"k, N. Y. @| J. L. Everett', Cashier, \ ^1 E. M. Lewis, Esq., Cashier Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia. ^^ W. S. Schaf1'-er, Cashier Girard Bank, Philadelphia.

Francis M. Drexel, Banker, Philadelphia. Peder Sather, New York, ^''^^^' * ^^^'""^'^ ^''"''^'•' N'^^' ^""'^ Edward W. cVurch, San Francisco. \ 38 mmimmm THEODORE PAYNE, SQUIRE P. DEWEY.

Corner of California and Montgomeryr StS.Sts. 1^


Property of evory description in all parts of the city.

jg^^ Parties who desire opportunities for investment are requested to call at our offi(?e, where plans, descriptions, etc. etc. can be seen.

Messrs. Paine & Co. respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves as above, for the purpose of transacting the REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.

For the conducting of which they esteem themselves pecu- liarly qualified, by having given it their especial attention for over two years past, and made themselves familiar with all questions aftecting titles, etc., etc. They will give their especial attention to the public sales of estates by administrators, assignees, receivers, mortgagees, etc, etc., carefully complying with the forms of law. A Register for Property, at either public or private sales? is always open at their ottice.



Carpenters Tools, Builders and House Furnishing Goods WITH A LARGE SELECTION OF

Hand Vices, Straw Cutters, Wheel Barrows, Store Trucks, Chain and Force Pumps, Platform Scales, Grind Stones, Mill, Circular and Cross Cut Saws, Anvils, Vices, Sledge^ Crow Bars, &c. &c. |^~ Any description of Machinery and Castings imported to order. REBARD BROTHERS,


Sacramento Street, near Montgomery,


£^" Receive directly from Lima, genuine Vicunia Hats, and from Paris by every Steamer, Velvet-beaver, soft Fur and Silk Hats, in the latest style.

Dealers in the city and country are invited to examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. 40

SffiSf^MMlMffia .ib;iiffiiffi.e-


First Class Clipper Ships Are clespatclied Semi-monthlj, for the above ports, fitted up and provisioned in the best style, by

Ship and Passenger Agents, Corner Pacific and Front streets.

Wholesale and retail dealers in

>fci.ft^J4# ^' ^.4A^K~.®.

,^^.S3'^:s:) mmm mti con. a6^ ©LAY iTl^lEilT, 3d door above Montgomery,

iM>MSMiM'M: mmM, ^n

^k ^st 'M% ^M ^^ '^^ %fi% ^% "^^ ^il M "# ''^ #

And Dealer in


136 Montgomery St., opposite Agenti's Banking House,

Likenesses taken in the most approved style. Plates, Cases, Appar tu s, Chemicals and a splendid assortment of gold Lockets for sale.

201 Sacramento St. corner of Dupont,

Wholesale and Retail*

Fine Teas, Coffee, Groshen Butter, Chinese Preserves, Cocoa, Chocolate, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Fresh Peaches, Loaf, Crush., and Bro. Sugars. Eggs, Beef, Pork, Lemon Syrup, Pickles, Flour, Corn Meal, Mackerel, Codfish, Catsup, Saleratus, Rice, Fariia, Starch, Smoked Salmon, Mustard, Pepper Sauce, Molasses, Vinegar, Salt, Pickled Salmon, Spices, India Currie, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Pickled Tongues, Yeast Powder, Indigo, Raisins, Almonds, Preserved Meats, Corn Broom, Water Pails, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Pie Fruits, Olives, Choice Segars, Tobacco, Sperm Oil, Candles, Dried Fruits, Syrups, Port Wines, Claret, Salid Oil, Sardines, Soda and Water Crackers Ale, Porter, etc. etc. etc. a 42 HOWES & CO. DEALERS AND IMPORTERS IN

lOOKWS 6I,MSIS, fflATIKMBS ITg. Bureaus, Tables, Secretaries, Looking Glasses, Wash Stands, Bedsteads, Sofas, Ottomans, Tete-a- tetes. Office Desks, Wliat-Nots, Side Boards, Exten- sion Tables, Rocking Chairs, Cane and Wood Stools, Settees. Centre and Card Tables, Chairs of every description. Painted Chamber Sets, Wardrobes, Cradles, Provision Safes, Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, and Pillow Cases, &c. Toilet Tabhs, Sinks, Night Glasses, Teapois, etc. etc. etc. IT Through our constant receipts per " Clippers" from the Atlantic States, we are happy to inform residents and families that we are enabled to

articles the reasonable I sell the above on most terms 1

A Call is respectfully solieited before pnrcliasiug elseu^bere. MONTGOMERY STREET, NEAR JACKSON,

J. P. DAVIBS, WHOLESALE tEu(a£8,r}iUYiMuri Aril) JLlyuuK

[E©[K1^[M1T 9 No. 135 Front Street, comer of Jackson Street, MERCER & BERNHElS^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WWW ^Wl I^MT :^ ^ i^ iv;^ ^=^^miim MM. mj p 22S ^aerainento street, above Dupont, ©Air ®®AS©ie®®^

A large supply of all kinds of Candies on hand, or made to order. Country orders promptly attended to. Wedding and Fruit Cake ornamented to order. CHAS. H. MERCER, MAURICE BERNHEIM. 43


138 and 140 Clay Street. SSASg ©a £!85?SS. 35A58S3, CSS OS? WOOD ©S I ATWILL & CO.

Emm, MB Miei §OOBI ITOEl, 172 Washington St. near Montgomery, San Francisco. —ALSO—

"^ ^f^^- 7 At this Establishment the purchaser " " ' ' can at all times be supplied ( Wholesale

I or Retail) with every description of Musical Instruments and Musical Mer- ^ Fancy Goods, , chandise. Also, Toys,Games, J'' Perfumery,Stationery,Prints,Paintings &c Seminaries, Military Bands, and Professors supplied on reasonable terms. i^P* New Music and New Goods received by every Steamer 4^^,,. v..*^^.v ATWILL & CO. 44



Has just received a fresh Invoice of m


Among which are many new and elegant designs of Ear Rings, and Pins. Also, Table Silver AVare, the stock of which is warranted equal to Coin, and the workmanship unsurpassed. Persons in want ot these articles, or of any other articles in our line, such as Fine Watches, Fancy Goods, or Jewelry in general, are invited to examine our assortment, with the assurance that the prices will, be the lowest for which goods of the same class can be purchased in the city. AVatclies and Jewelry repaired and warranted. GEORGE F. REEVE. No. 155 Montgomery, Street, comer of Merchant w





DANIEL G. MgCLYM, Wholesale Dealer In PiiiTS. eiLS

I JJ f ETC. ETC. 134 Sansome St., cor. Washington,


I PEiiiiers ami ^clfsfe

XjiI 3>a- 3E3.

My arrangements being now perfected, I shall henceforth receive my goods direct from the States, which will enable me to sell C XX :^ .^ lE^ £3 fS. than any other similar establishment in California. Before

you purchase elsewhere, I would thank you to call, examine my stock, and learn my prices. As I buy for cash, my sales shall be strictly conducted on the same terms. All orders from the interior shall be promptly attended to on the above conditions. 46 STOTT, TAYLOR & CO. mM AND-



Lamps, Chandeliers, Bracket and hanging Lamps, Store and Parlor Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, &c. &c., to be had at the Pioneer Store, corner of Montgomery and Washington Streets. Tlae 02*isana& Maiaaalhctiirers of BURNING FLUID AND CAMPHENE IN SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WEBB & CO. Importors and Dealers in


No, 106 Clay Street^ bet^^een Sansome and Battery, 47

3 iLflCiSTiii & m.

No. 44 Sacramento Street,




Foot of Jackson Street "Wharf, imjmmmm. Lackawcana, Newclastle, (Steam) Cumberland, Schuylkill, Liverpool, Orrel) Cardiff, Lehigh, Scotch, and other descriptions of Coal con- tantly on hand. Steamers, Restaurants and Blacksmiths suppHed at he shortest notice and at the lowest market price. A. G. EAMSDELL. K H. THARP. 48


OFFICE IN RABE'S BUILDING, No. 176 Clay Street, above Montgomery, Residence^ 928 Stockton St. between Clasjf and J^tiHhington GARNER & G-BRNON, IMPORTERS OF


314 Dupont Street, Corner of Vallejo

Ships, Steam Boats, Hotels and families supplied at the shortest notic' PATRICK GARNER, GEO. GERNON. M. B. ANG-LE,



No. 124 1-2 Sansome Street, {COR^^ER OF JflERCHJlJ^^T^) WM. H. BOVEE'S


II I'iffliKiZil ' n'

BAkOijSHM fsiX

The Coffee and Spices passing through the mill is INVARIABLY OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY,

and will prove itself at all times unsurpassed by any brought to this markot. It is put up in labled packages of one pound and upwards, and will be forwarded pec order to any part of the city and country. The wide spread popularity that coffee from Bovee's Mills has obtained, justifies the proprietor in anticipating a continuance of the liberal patronage thus far extended to him. W. H. BOVEE. OFFICE, 123 SANSOME, CORNER OF MERCHANT STREET. ,^33* The Pproprietor would give especial notice, that he warrants no Coffee or Spice except that bearing his name.


No. 114 Broadway Street,

JU^" Pure Sperm, Polar and other Oils, constantly on hand. OFFICE 123 SANSOME STREET, CORNER OF MERCHANT. STEPHENSON'S FASHIONABLE



( Recently occupied by Messrs. Adams &, Co.)

' The Proprietor of this Establishment has made arrangements with the best Manufacturer in New Yoric, for their choicest and latest styles of Garments, arriving by every Steamer" Every variety of Under Garments, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Hdkfs, Cravats, Boots, Shoes' Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Canes, and Fancy Articles for Gents' Toilet, constantly on hand. Garments of all kinds cut and made to order. Also, Army and Navy Uniforms. E. M. STEPHENSON,

( Late of the firm of Keyes & Co.) WOODWORTH & CO. Importers of


Corinthian Building 130 CLAY STREET, (NEAR SANSOME)

The Advertisers have secured the exclusive sale for the State of California, of the celebrated STOnJlRT I'l^JVO FORTES, and wiU have constantly on hand an assortment of the various styles and patterns. These superior instruments are acknowl- edged to be unsurpassed for their peculiar power and bril- liancy of tone. They are manufactured expressly for this market, from the mosi: thoroughly seasoned materials, and every instrument will be warranted to the purchaser. Also, FRENCH PICCOLO PIANO FORTES from Hertz, Pleyet, and other celebrated manufacturers at Paris. mmmmm^^m^^^&sf^immm^j^m^&^imm^m^&^j W. F. KELSEY, GEORdE M. S5IITII.



Auction and Somiission Boot and Shos House i COR. GALIFORNJA A^D BAnERY ITS. (.Second- Floor.)

KELSEY & SMITH, would respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves for the purpose of transacting the Auction and Commission Boot and Shoe Business. For the display of goods, they have the finest sales-room in the city, and it is thoroughly fire-proof The only house doing an exclusive Auction and Commission Boot and Shoe Business, advantages are offered to consignors which they have not heretofore had. Liberal advances made on goods in store, and stored free of charge. I^p*' Regular Package Sales of Boots and Shoes every THURSDAY, at 10 o'clock, A. M. m »\ .,

it . •'.'!

i'Tc. 7 Maynard's Row


ST - ?£.*!;> Wll, < Imporfers and Dealers in Ag:c7 cultural Implements, Garden Seed^i, Mi;^a: and Carpenters Tools, Hard^^o^are ancl

Agricultural Implements. '^ughe, Ci'. vators, Harrow*, Sfcod Sowers, Wl, eat D:i.!f, Field Rolleis, Reiiping ''!,- hiufj ?.]u •hiov.p '.Train Oi-adlHS Grass Scythes and Snaths, Horse and ILind '^« '^V'nnir^ Mills, C !« •^h< Hers, Hand and Power Grain anu Ciffeo AlilU, liuir 8t'>i t J n . «"»i.Strnw <'^utt«a•^ O; \.>l5Ps, iiows a.id rii'ns, Trace m.l llaii r Cli 'ns T .ii»

C .*.» *.<[ b>.. '^, Grri.de^i^no!', Whoell»ari'i>\vs,Tiuc:;s, 11 -driuLc ''V'ms. Ohu.. i^ut


li'ue Grass. TiHiOthy,H.'rds Grass, Red and Wi '.te Glovei-, Wheat, Ryr. OrtsBuK i Miilef, Oniofl Oncuniber,Oal'bage, Cauliflower, Kgg Plant, Lucerne, Broeoli, Mi' n. V

'i'tirf.ipsi,l.v uco,pHnikin,Tomat(»e, Spinach, Bare.l, Rhubarb, Parsnip, Ctkra,Kj.' , Che

.Vv.eH,,Hipkor3 Pick aud Axe HoKes, Crow Bnps, Steel Drills, Sfono JIaullue;^, ^ t > '' Hoes,f91air>e For' «, blasting Powder and Fu« ,-i!' cksmit'.i's Bellows, Aiu-i!.^ Vice .-.

' -« <. Plat 'S a» iind Dies, Hammers Augers, CuistiS, Saws, Plane -, Siuares. Lev< ' Hardware and Cutleiy.

« ' ]Ki I KK, "arvr-r's Stoels. Pocket K)iivc«, Sheath an' n"fihfr K; iv. --. i

' ' ' >(: S<. it H.nges, Screws, Tacks, Brads, Files, Raev-t. Aii" orob.- ci ». t\.\'f ti; >md a general »U58ort;iient of (.'oou- ia the J^oveli.id. mju&&mmimm^'i^M

'' '' ' ', ' i^''"

.'••' -;''::-;'i'n4i