t; I f« 1 , v^lU)'^, .vl-^l I r » 'Hi&ifc^ CALirORNIANA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 FRANCISCO Book No. 917.94 S227' 7557 NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY TORM 3427-5000- r^T" (l^S9<. CY rORTIT . Hnd «>; run. ISi&StiSS 8tf 11^^^ ON FROr^T STREET, OiNE DOOR North of Pacific Whar SAN FRANCISCO. ; This House is kept on thi plan of French's and Lovejoy's Hotels, New York ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK, MEALS AT ALL HOUR} ^fW° Th^ House h^3 rtCv-i.'Jy u .;. •I Ir.rged and improved, for the greats accommodation of thv, iraveiinr- put' The Restaurant is under the directio: of an exp .rienced caterer; and t'^l- iiooms are undn- the charge of a hous^ keeper wh ne reputation for rl-v.,.iiness riiid neatness, will be a guarantee fq the order in which they will be kept. The Beds are equal to any in the Stat^ Attached to the house are comfortable Sitting and. Dining Rooms.—Terni moderate. ;'. '/ Passengers landing froih IJe hoats of ,.' ! ,j'; .n House by the hrigK Lights burning before the Dooi..^-^ { z^ ^ d^ ^^ i:m i:m ^ §^ Manufa^vturpr, Importer, Wholesf. i. ].'«tdi Dealer in If, A 1} PS, LADIES' Blui HATS I Children's Hat. anJ Caps. < EIDmGGLOYES, WHIPS Etc. Etc. Etc. -! 1 ^ Sole Agent for Wm. H. Bebee <& Go's Hats. 176 Clay St. between HT-ntgomery & Kearny Stfi ! CL'OTHfflC ! ! 'CL©TPli!5 ! ! The undersigned, Manufacturers and Importers of Clothing, are constantly receiving, by every steamer and clipper ship, from their manufacturing establishment, all kinds and recent styles of garments, suited to the various wants of consumers. Country Merchants, Tra- ders and Miners will find our garments all The best of workmen are employed by us, and as the greatest atten- tion is bestowed, Ave feel assured in saying No Better liXanufactti^-ed Clothing Dealers, and the Public generally, al'e requestM" to 'CttH and examine for themselves. ' (] JOHNBOir & CANFIELD, No. 169 Clay Street, San Fancisco. 161 Battery Street, near Pacific, SAN FRANCISCO. Portrait, Looking. _Gl<iss and Picture Frames- Window Cornices made to order. Interro.|^* decorations for Saloons. Business Cards, Maps, &c. mounted and varnished^. N. B. 014 Frames re-gilt. WrImIIto DlllJlil ;IHetci)ant0 ^xdjan^t, ^attmntnto 5t J. J. JOSEPH, Agent X^^ Adv^ertisements at moderate charges received daily until 3 o'clock. Pa- pers delivered to subscribers on the arrival of the Sacramento Boats. Box for orders at Bonestill & Williston's Bookstore, Plaza. W. J. SILYER & CO., IWANIJFACTURERS OF Wii I WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, Sacramento Street, between Montgomery & Kearny, N. B. Moss, Hr ', Feathers, &c, for sale on the most reasonable tenns. lOTlliK k IiMBll, WIfil Mllli Washington Street, near Montgomery, SAN FRANCISCO. A. & B. GOLDSMITH, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AND WATCH MATERIALS, 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Washington St. near the El Dorado, San Francisco. £;5^ Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. All kinds of California Work made to «rder. Gold Dust bought. Manufacturers and. Importers of "Whips, Collars, Saddlevrare, &c. No. 08 ISaii^oinc street, near California, J GLADWIN & VrHITMORE, ^tnttal Commission JHetcijants, 25 & 54 CALIFORNIA STREET, CORNER OF ERONT, srA-crMfw^rzuks san francisco, California. McGARRAHAN, FOLEY & ROONEY, WiUlllE EiCElS 11 CIMMOK liCMni!, Importers of |3rot)isiou0 \X\im8, Ciquors, Cigars, TOBACCO, &c. Fire Pioof Brick Warehouse^ 50 California Street^ Ifortli Side, 4d door east of Front Street, \VM. McGARRAHAN, TERRENCE FOLEY, P. H. ROONEY. ROBERT MARTSH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PAHTS. m. SFM OF TiFEIITl. TH Glass, Putty, Brushes, Sec. SANSOME STREET, Tliree Doors Nojth of Waslilngton, X^^ All orders promptly executed, and on the most liberal terms. iOITGOiiE¥ WiiSC MiS^ AND SHAVING ^^^^K S-A.LOON, Montgomery Street, next door to Burgoyne &. Co., £^r Warm and Cold Baths, at all hours. Also, Medicinal Baths, Douche and Shower Baths. 10 mwr iff COFFEHTi. SHEET HWOMESS AND DEALERS IN Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron W^ares, Sacramento St. Wharf, below Davis St- STREET LANTERNS. STEAM TABLES, BATHING TUBS Particular attention paid to Jobbing, Plumbing, etc. JOHN HOBINETT, California Street, bet-w^een Montgomery and Sansom, House, Ship and self-acting Water Closets ; Force and Lifting Pumps ; Hot, Cold, Shower and Vapor Baths ; Wash Bowls ; Brass Cocks , Couplings, and every article usually found in such an establishment, which he warrants of the best description and at reasonable rates. ^^° Hotels and Private Houses fitted up with hot water apparatus on the most approved principle. Repairing and Steamboat work attended to. References—Messrs. Alsop & Co. ; Messrs. Macondray & Co. ; Mr. G. Elliot, Builder. S. F. BLASDELL, No, 70 Kearny Street, near Bush ]|^^* Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Stone Cutters' Tools made and re- paired. All kinds of Mining Tools made to order. i«liifiliaifflii»Hii^iii!liiniSiiil»ll| ^ I FHANK BAKER, g IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN '3 |g ''w m 'W^^W ''wi W % wi « M 'IBi w w W^i J^X^ JMT Jtcm NO. 149 MONTGOMERY STREET, S Doors from Clay, in the Fire Proof Building lately occupied by Page, Bacon & Co. HAS COXSTANTLT ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP VELVET, TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, INGRAIN, AND VEN- ETIAN, CARPETS, DRUGGETS, MATTING, TABLE AND FLOOR OH CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, &C. &C. SATIN, SILK, WORSTED, COTTON, DAMASK, LACE, AND Also, Window Shades of every descriptioa GIMPS, CORDS, FRINGES, SILK AND WORSTED TASSELS, LOOPS, GILT CORNICES AND POLES, CURTAIN BANDS AND PINS, TABLE COVERS, PLUSH, &C., &C. ALSO, A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH k AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS, &C. Having made arrangements in New York, for a reg- ular supply of the above Goods, the trade will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. g^* Particular attention paid to PAPER HANGING, AND UPHOLSTERY WORK, of every description. ^^* Orders from the interior promptly attended to. FRANK BAKER, No. 149 JVIont^on&ery Street, Saci 'Francisco. ; KE7ES & CO.'S AND GENTLEMEN'S GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, CORNER OF CLAY AND KEARNY STREETS, Superfine Black Cloth FROCK COATS, latest styles ; Superfine Blue Cloth FROCK COATS, latest Styles; Superfine Black Cloth DRESS COATS, latest styles; Superfine Blue Cloth DRESS COATS, Gilt Buttons ; Superfine Cloth Single-breasted FROCK COATS. Every Mail Steamer will bring an INVOICE OF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, from our House in New York ; and the latest and most beautiful styles of Goods will be regularly sent for. Mr. Keyes superintends the manufacture of our goods personally. 71!^^ Gentlemen are requested to call and look through the stock. DRESS AND PARTY VESTS. Black Granadine Silk Vests ; English Figured Silk Vests ; Fancy English Figured Silk Vests White Marseilles Vests ; Buff Marseilles Vests ; Buff Cashmere Vests ; Black Cloth Vests, fly .1 fronts, bound ; Black Cloth Vests, fly fronts, velvet bound ; White Satin Vests, gilt figured White and Pink Velvet Vests, and a general assortment of Fancy Cashmere Business Vests. Also Superfine WHITE LINEN SHIRTS AND COLLARS. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF For our Custom Department, from the celebrated House of ^. T. STElf^^UT Sf CO., BUO^DJV^Y, JTEIV ITOHK. English French and English Black, Blue and Dahlia Cloths ; French and Black and Fancy Cashmere Vestings. Cassimeres, latest styles ; French and English Silk Vestings, and Buff beautiful assortment of Pocket Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Silk, Twist, &c., &c., &c. BMIOTT k SllEWOOB, Cttij ^hsttMon^, lei Clay Stmt, » Manufacturers and Importers of FINE WATCHES AND EICH JEWELRY. BLISS (k CREIGHTON, Chronoraeter Makers, New York ; T. F. COOPER and THOMAS PORTHOUSE, Watch Manufacturers, London ; and for the sale of the British Admiralty Charts. By the first Enghsh and Swiss makers, imported by us direct from the seats of manufacture. In every style of Ladies ornaments of the most beautiful and valuable descriptions. 9 In Rings, Pins, Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, Earrings, Bracelets, Seals and Keys, Thimbles, Cuff Pins, Charms, Pencils, Toothpicks, &c. <fcc. The choicest designs in Diamond, Specimen, chased and Engraved Jewelry are made up by the best Workmen in the United States or Europe. Commands special attention from the fact that we are practical Watch-Manu- facturers, our experience having been acquired by residences in London and Liverpool factories where we sojourned several years for improvement. 1 6 33. St. Xj O Ft. 13 y Importer and Dealer in Stationertj. ^Ilatjinig Cailrs, COMBS, BRUSHES & POCKET CUTLERY, 129 Sansome St., near Washington. Receiving monthly shipments from the Eastern cities, he will be enabled to offer to the trade at all times, a complete assortment of articles in his line at the IllB 'lilip ''iiBiii ''fflp ''ll''%iii 'miiiiiiiii ''*i ''Bi yii %ii 'I'liiiiiiiii 'illp "li ' Among which may be found Letter and Cap Paper, Playing Cards, Printing Pa- per and Cards, Ink, Combs, Brushes, Pocket Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Twine, &c., &c., to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. D. S. LORD. l^l^BB & CO., Importers and Dealers in PLAYING CARDS, &c. 1 151 SANSOME STREET, NEAR JACKSON, NOISY CARRIER'S "ii \iiiiiiii ''iiiiiiiii' '"^iiiiwi '''Siiiiiiiiii '\iiiiitiiiii 'llum'iiiui ''wil ''iiiiNi'iiiiii ''ill BetTveen Battery and Sansome Streets, Boofes antr Stattonerij of tHt^ ^atietg CHARLES F. KIMBALL, Proprietor. 11 SOULE & PAOE, CORNER FINI! AND BATTERT STS., Keep constantly on hand all kinds of Lumber ; also, Doors, Windows, Sashes, Blinds, &c. J. SELIGMAIT & CO., importers anta Wf^aitmlt Beate in European and American Boots and Shoes, Hats> Clothing. Cigars> etc- COR. CALIFORNIA & SANSOME STS. Smith's New Buildings, SAN FRANCISCO. J. V. CORNELL, STEAMBOAT & DECORATIVE w 1® %d^ 139 SANSOME STEET, Between Washington and Jackson, San Francisco. Steamboat painting, and decoration executed in a style of neatness and beauty of finish equal to the far-famed steamers of the Hudson River. POLE Sl&nS, BANUERS, ?LiLSS,etc., etc., All orders promptly attended to.
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