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MVerage Daily Net Preu Ron For the Week Endbig M uch SSth, UM cooler tealgbt. Le# W. Onat|«y M r, wanner, liiai'iae 12,899 lag eloadlaeee In attenuea. Mgh Member of the Audit Barean ef drenlatioa. M toM .. Manchetter^A City nf Village Charm LXXV m , NO. 157 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1959 (aaMlfled AdVIver^aBig OB Page 10) PRICE nVE CENTS naxt m eelingV the B««rd Nehru Sends Advisers Mrs. Nicholas of IX w tofs of the \^RHChe»ter 3 Cmiaveral Girl S<»uts. Inc., will the Olrl. Scout office Seen Stressing ai(ht at T;30. L a u n c ^ g s India Fears China s of Danger Mr*. Rachel Bamee and Mra. S e lf Defense Jean Roaa of the Manchester PiN^ Uc Health Nurain* a ^ f attended^ Success the conference njeeunp of the Rift on Dalai Lama Indianapolis, April 4 (PP)— 0pnn6cUcut Public, Health Aaan. Attorneys for Mrs. Minnie B. Cape Canaveral, Fla., A pi^ Wednesday. The inference, for (Connie) Nicholas, on trial public health nurses east of the 4 (^ —A spectacular sky^ \ By WATSON SIMS *ly to appreciate a precipitate for killing her handsome mar Oonnectlciit Ri\'er. was held in the ghow rocked the Cape yes new Pleasant Valley School, South ^ew Delhi, India, April 4 statement by the Dalai Lama, or ried lover, may switch their terday when three big ballis itself make a statement on the peasing Russia Windsor. Miss Julia Kula. nutri- (/P)-^rime Minister Nehru precise conditions of the Mylum emphasis next week to her tl<m consultant from the Connecti tic missiles were launched in today rushed top Indian poli plea of self defense. cut State Department of Health,: ^ven him- before something' about the short span of ?i ^ hours. tical adders to join the Dalai the Chinese reaction is known." The defen.*e has concentrated spoke on "B’hat Is New and Old In It was reported unofficially that Lama stilly the march along Several Indian newspapers ex this week on its contention that ffutrlUon.” I all the tests were successful. the wealth.v drug executive was for Spring — for Summer! As far as it was known, some the northea^frontier. pressed concern that Peiping Ra Says Soviet dio broke the news that the Dalai shot accidentally. , Mrs. Marpiret Storra and Mrs. sort of record was set when the There were ^dications Nehru TTwo homicide detectives testi : b r v in f o r t i i f s f b k a f t i f i i. Lama crossed the border into India ■T4y,ti Ross of the Manchester Puh- m :BR powerful Titan ICBM, a Bold wants to keep the Tibetan ruler fied .yesterday, and the juron Il^ J i^ th Nursing staff yesterday N O -n^N EMBOSSED rOl.ISHED COTTON Orion air-to-ground research rock under wraps diiring\his refuge in before Nehru’s official announce ment. ■ handled the death gun over defenie D riving to attmded a meeting of the Con- et and a Jupiter intermediate India to avoid anyNJncident—or objections. n«tfcut Public Health Aasn at range weapon were fired aloft to statement—that might lead tq an “ We must give serious thought,” said the Hindustan Times, "to the courtroom observers the university of Connecticut A BEDSPllf ADS and DRAPES ward ocean targets. open rift with Red Chlni\ agreed that the viyitcloiis di panel dlacuaaion on ' The Emotion None of the missile veterans One government source skjd “No possibility there exists in our sen sitive border areas an espionage vorcee’s lawyer* nrobably will Rule W orld al Environment of the Child" was could recall when three ballistic harassment" of the 23-ye'h^ld switch next week^ro the other half missiles had been launched previ Buddhist king would be permitted network rather more extensive held. \ • SPECIALLY PRICED than we should have believed pos of their double-barreled defense— Gettysburg, Pa., April 4 (JP) ously in one day. by newsmen hurrying to reach hi that Mrs. Nicholas, shot the .54- MembersNpf Nutnieg Forest. Tall SI.00 Woodbury S h a m p o o ................................09c It also was the first loud noise for a direct story' on his ffllgh sible." .vear-old ^Vorrest Teel when he —President Eisenhower cau Cedars of Lebanoh. will meet to from the Chinese Communists. ^ Some editors raised the possi heard at the Cape since Tuesday bility — but quickly rejected it— beat her in his white Cadillac last tioned today against any ap night at 7 o’^ock at the Watkina- .'ergen liOtion With Free Deodorant ..........54c when a Bomarc interceptor missile P. N. Menon, the Indian gtovern- July 31. peasement of Russia in the West Ftjiwal ^ om e to pay re- Beautiful Print As niiistrated. ment’s foreign press chief, i-as re that, the Chinese Communists SI.60 Value. Lanolin Plus Beauty Lotion $1.00 was fired against a B-17 drone tar might.ask India to hand over the Deputy Prosecutor Francis Berlin cri.sis. He said it would apectS'to Erpek Borg, a member .As Illustrated. A .A.i.ns \ Blue 4rktvrif[ht, cryi^lal clear \REGULAR $2.98 get 200 miles away. ported to he one of the advisers ^Thomason said he plans to call o^the Tall Cedarii Pink. Yellow, For Spread* or Nehru dispatched to link up with Dalai Lcima. only three more witnesses w'hen be a dishonorable coUnie and , ' V- Sutton Rollon Deodorant ................................79c It was the third straight tri Aqua, Pair of Drapes neamle»s hosiery umph lor the 90-foot Titan, which the Dalai Lama. Menon was con Red Cl^na showed fears^Yhat the three-week-old trial resumes the most dangerous oitB we Sunset Council, tteiree of Tora- Toni Home Permanents ................................S2.00 ' \' SPECIAL . I the Air Force hopes to make oper sul general in Lhasa, capital of the god-klitg's escape might spark I)ionda.v. could pursue.” hontaa. will hold a ^ b lic military ational in underground launching Tibet, for several years until 1956. a holy war a'gainst Corntminlsm in jDetectlve Sgt. Phillip .Sanders Appeasement, said Eisenhower, whist In Tinker Hell Monday Run resisting mirro film with 5.3c..Stripe Toothpa.ste ........................ 2 for S3c sites within a year. The 110-ton The royal Tibetan party of fugi the Far East. This'Concern was And R. K. Shull. Indianapolis only embolden the Reds to step up night at 8 o'clock. Mr.a .1. Ed- reinforced heel and toe for ex rocket, carrying an inactive second tives nurnbering 80 was reported reflected in propA^anda broadcasts newspaper reporter, will relate their world domination drive, wafd McKeever will be in charge SPECIALLY PRICeV Woolite Wool Wash ....................$1.00 and 31.50 denouncing the Tlhetan rebels a.* tra wear. Colors; Bcipe tone stage, was fired on a limited range still on the march this morning their conversation.* with the 44. Blit the President emphasized of the playing. Prizes, w-ill be through rugged forests along the operating "Ufider the cloak of re and sim tone. Sizes 8 'a to 11. \dorn Hair Spray ...........................................$1.50 flight of about .300 miles. .vear-old defendant as she awoke in anew that the western powers awarded and refreahnientk-, w ill be Tfiitan, first of the advanced ‘Sec frontier with Indications it would ligion" and defending tfie Peiping's Geneial Hospital after a nearl.v want to avoid war over Berlin served. Anyone wishing ticKfla 75c Bayer’s .A.spirin Tablet.s........................... 67c ond generation" missiles iri- the reach the small Indian city of claim to being a defender of re- successful suicide attempt. and negotiate a settlement. may obtain them from Mrs. Mar US. arsenal, was launched suc Towang b.v tomorrow. llgiotls freedom. Dr, John A. Hetherlngton, In a major addresa prepared for tha Johnson. 44P Mam St., rtr at Solid Colors $ J . 2 8 For Spreads 60c Alka Seltzer ................................................. 54c cessfully for the third time in 56 The Hindustan Standard, with 'Tibetan exiles heralded the refu- prominent Iitdianapolis neurologi the Gettysburg College spring con the door. Pair 7 9 c Pink, Yellow. Or Pair of Unicap IVIulti ^'ilam i^s............. $3.11 and $6.96 days by Martin Co. crewmen. close government ties, said the cal surgeon, is expected to testlf.y vocation, Eisenhower called the Aqua, All Bbite Drape* Nehru government was "Not like- (Fontiniied on Page Two) on what could have caused nerve Soviet move to drive the AUles .An all-Irish program entitled MXGERIE DEPARTMENT Several hours later, a B-47 jet Large Cepacol Anti.septic . .^ .......................97c bomber roared in over the Cape Injuriea to Mr.*. Nicholas' aims. out of West Berlin "a part of the "A Bit of Eiron■■ for the benefit MAIN FLOOR Tlie arm injuries are regarded continuing effort of the Commu of the Sisters of Mercy infirmary and shot the 25-foot Bold Orion A value! Twin nr fillip sizes. Pinch pleat drape.*, fin ' long. 2 I.arge Lysol ..........................................................99c test vehicle 700 miles down range. as certain to he the center of at nist conspiracy to attain one over-' building hind will he given at the p.u nso You will want to redecorate all your berlioom,* when you .see tention. The prosecution will con riding goal: World domlnaUon.’* West Middle School, Hartford, to Arrid ^'^■hirl In Deodorant ................................69c The solid fuel 2-stage missile will these ensembles. We have pul a real low price on these to sell HOSnCRY—MAIN FEOOR be capable of spanning distances tend any paralysis was caused by The college, a small liberal arts morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and at lea.*t l.noo ensembles.