MVerage Daily Net Preu Ron For the Week Endbig M uch SSth, UM cooler tealgbt. Le# W. Onat|«y M r, wanner, liiai'iae 12,899 lag eloadlaeee In attenuea. Mgh Member of the Audit Barean ef drenlatioa. M toM .. Manchetter^A City nf Village Charm LXXV m , NO. 157 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1959 (aaMlfled AdVIver^aBig OB Page 10) PRICE nVE CENTS naxt m eelingV the B««rd Nehru Sends Advisers Mrs. Nicholas of IX w tofs of the \^RHChe»ter 3 Cmiaveral Girl S<»uts. Inc., will the Olrl. Scout office Seen Stressing ai(ht at T;30. L a u n c ^ g s India Fears China s of Danger Mr*. Rachel Bamee and Mra. S e lf Defense Jean Roaa of the Manchester PiN^ Uc Health Nurain* a ^ f attended^ Success the conference njeeunp of the Rift on Dalai Lama Indianapolis, April 4 (PP)— 0pnn6cUcut Public, Health Aaan. Attorneys for Mrs. Minnie B. Cape Canaveral, Fla., A pi^ Wednesday. The inference, for (Connie) Nicholas, on trial public health nurses east of the 4 (^ —A spectacular sky^ \ By WATSON SIMS *ly to appreciate a precipitate for killing her handsome mar­ Oonnectlciit Ri\'er. was held in the ghow rocked the Cape yes­ new Pleasant Valley School, South ^ew Delhi, India, April 4 statement by the Dalai Lama, or ried lover, may switch their terday when three big ballis­ itself make a statement on the peasing Russia Windsor. Miss Julia Kula. nutri- (/P)-^rime Minister Nehru precise conditions of the Mylum emphasis next week to her tl<m consultant from the Connecti­ tic missiles were launched in today rushed top Indian poli­ plea of self defense. cut State Department of Health,: ^ven him- before something' about the short span of ?i ^ hours. tical adders to join the Dalai the Chinese reaction is known." The defen.*e has concentrated spoke on "B’hat Is New and Old In It was reported unofficially that Lama stilly the march along Several Indian newspapers ex­ this week on its contention that ffutrlUon.” I all the tests were successful. the wealth.v drug executive was for Spring — for Summer! As far as it was known, some the northea^frontier. pressed concern that Peiping Ra­ Says Soviet dio broke the news that the Dalai shot accidentally. , Mrs. Marpiret Storra and Mrs. sort of record was set when the There were ^dications Nehru TTwo homicide detectives testi­ : b r v in f o r t i i f s f b k a f t i f i i. Lama crossed the border into India ■T4y,ti Ross of the Manchester Puh- m :BR powerful Titan ICBM, a Bold wants to keep the Tibetan ruler fied .yesterday, and the juron Il^ J i^ th Nursing staff yesterday N O -n^N EMBOSSED rOl.ISHED COTTON Orion air-to-ground research rock­ under wraps diiring\his refuge in before Nehru’s official announce­ ment. ■ handled the death gun over defenie D riving to attmded a meeting of the Con- et and a Jupiter intermediate India to avoid anyNJncident—or objections. n«tfcut Public Health Aasn at range weapon were fired aloft to­ statement—that might lead tq an “ We must give serious thought,” said the Hindustan Times, "to the Mo.st courtroom observers the university of Connecticut A BEDSPllf ADS and DRAPES ward ocean targets. open rift with Red Chlni\ agreed that the viyitcloiis di­ panel dlacuaaion on ' The Emotion­ None of the missile veterans One government source skjd “No possibility there exists in our sen­ sitive border areas an espionage vorcee’s lawyer* nrobably will Rule W orld al Environment of the Child" was could recall when three ballistic harassment" of the 23-ye'h^ld switch next week^ro the other half missiles had been launched previ­ Buddhist king would be permitted network rather more extensive held. \ • SPECIALLY PRICED than we should have believed pos­ of their double-barreled defense— Gettysburg, Pa., April 4 (JP) ously in one day. by newsmen hurrying to reach hi that Mrs. Nicholas, shot the .54- MembersNpf Nutnieg Forest. Tall SI.00 Woodbury S h a m p o o ................................09c It also was the first loud noise for a direct story' on his ffllgh sible." .vear-old ^Vorrest Teel when he —President Eisenhower cau­ Cedars of Lebanoh. will meet to­ from the Chinese Communists. ^ Some editors raised the possi­ heard at the Cape since Tuesday bility — but quickly rejected it— beat her in his white Cadillac last tioned today against any ap­ night at 7 o’^ock at the Watkina- .'ergen liOtion With Free Deodorant ..........54c when a Bomarc interceptor missile P. N. Menon, the Indian gtovern- July 31. peasement of Russia in the West Ftjiwal ^ om e to pay re- Beautiful Print As niiistrated. ment’s foreign press chief, i-as re­ that, the Chinese Communists SI.60 Value. Lanolin Plus Beauty Lotion $1.00 was fired against a B-17 drone tar­ might.ask India to hand over the Deputy Prosecutor Francis Berlin cri.sis. He said it would apectS'to Erpek Borg, a member .As Illustrated. A .A.i.ns \ Blue 4rktvrif[ht, cryi^lal clear \REGULAR $2.98 get 200 miles away. ported to he one of the advisers ^Thomason said he plans to call o^the Tall Cedarii Pink. Yellow, For Spread* or Nehru dispatched to link up with Dalai Lcima. only three more witnesses w'hen be a dishonorable coUnie and , ' V- Sutton Rollon Deodorant ................................79c It was the third straight tri­ Aqua, Pair of Drapes neamle»s hosiery umph lor the 90-foot Titan, which the Dalai Lama. Menon was con­ Red Cl^na showed fears^Yhat the three-week-old trial resumes the most dangerous oitB we Sunset Council, tteiree of Tora- Toni Home Permanents ................................S2.00 ' \' SPECIAL . I the Air Force hopes to make oper­ sul general in Lhasa, capital of the god-klitg's escape might spark I)ionda.v. could pursue.” hontaa. will hold a ^ b lic military ational in underground launching Tibet, for several years until 1956. a holy war a'gainst Corntminlsm in jDetectlve Sgt. Phillip .Sanders Appeasement, said Eisenhower, whist In Tinker Hell Monday Run resisting mirro film with 5.3c..Stripe Toothpa.ste ........................ 2 for S3c sites within a year. The 110-ton The royal Tibetan party of fugi­ the Far East. This'Concern was And R. K. Shull. Indianapolis only embolden the Reds to step up night at 8 o'clock. Mr.a .1. Ed- reinforced heel and toe for ex­ rocket, carrying an inactive second tives nurnbering 80 was reported reflected in propA^anda broadcasts newspaper reporter, will relate their world domination drive, wafd McKeever will be in charge SPECIALLY PRICeV Woolite Wool Wash ....................$1.00 and 31.50 denouncing the Tlhetan rebels a.* tra wear. Colors; Bcipe tone stage, was fired on a limited range still on the march this morning their conversation.* with the 44. Blit the President emphasized of the playing. Prizes, w-ill be through rugged forests along the operating "Ufider the cloak of re­ and sim tone. Sizes 8 'a to 11. \dorn Hair Spray ...........................................$1.50 flight of about .300 miles. .vear-old defendant as she awoke in anew that the western powers awarded and refreahnientk-, w ill be Tfiitan, first of the advanced ‘Sec­ frontier with Indications it would ligion" and defending tfie Peiping's Geneial Hospital after a nearl.v want to avoid war over Berlin served. Anyone wishing ticKfla 75c Bayer’s .A.spirin Tablet.s........................... 67c ond generation" missiles iri- the reach the small Indian city of claim to being a defender of re- successful suicide attempt. and negotiate a settlement. may obtain them from Mrs. Mar­ US. arsenal, was launched suc­ Towang b.v tomorrow. llgiotls freedom. Dr, John A. Hetherlngton, In a major addresa prepared for tha Johnson. 44P Mam St., rtr at Solid Colors $ J . 2 8 For Spreads 60c Alka Seltzer ................................................. 54c cessfully for the third time in 56 The Hindustan Standard, with 'Tibetan exiles heralded the refu- prominent Iitdianapolis neurologi­ the Gettysburg College spring con­ the door. Pair 7 9 c Pink, Yellow. Or Pair of Unicap IVIulti ^'ilam i^s............. $3.11 and $6.96 days by Martin Co. crewmen. close government ties, said the cal surgeon, is expected to testlf.y vocation, Eisenhower called the Aqua, All Bbite Drape* Nehru government was "Not like- (Fontiniied on Page Two) on what could have caused nerve Soviet move to drive the AUles .An all-Irish program entitled MXGERIE DEPARTMENT Several hours later, a B-47 jet Large Cepacol Anti.septic . .^ .......................97c bomber roared in over the Cape Injuriea to Mr.*. Nicholas' aims. out of West Berlin "a part of the "A Bit of Eiron■■ for the benefit MAIN FLOOR Tlie arm injuries are regarded continuing effort of the Commu­ of the Sisters of Mercy infirmary and shot the 25-foot Bold Orion A S.i.pa value! Twin nr fillip sizes. Pinch pleat drape.*, fin ' long. 2 I.arge Lysol ..........................................................99c test vehicle 700 miles down range. as certain to he the center of at­ nist conspiracy to attain one over-' building hind will he given at the p.u nso You will want to redecorate all your berlioom,* when you .see tention. The prosecution will con­ riding goal: World domlnaUon.’* West Middle School, Hartford, to­ Arrid ^'^■hirl In Deodorant ................................69c The solid fuel 2-stage missile will these ensembles. We have pul a real low price on these to sell HOSnCRY—MAIN FEOOR be capable of spanning distances tend any paralysis was caused by The college, a small liberal arts morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and at lea.*t l.noo ensembles.
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