Water Resources
CHAPTER 5: WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER 5 Water Resources CHAPTER 5: WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER 5: WATER RESOURCES Integrating Authors P. Hobbs1 and E. Day2 Contributing Authors P. Rosewarne3 S. Esterhuyse4, R. Schulze5, J. Day6, J. Ewart-Smith2,M. Kemp4, N. Rivers-Moore7, H. Coetzee8, D. Hohne9, A. Maherry1 Corresponding Authors M. Mosetsho8 1 Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, 0001 2 Freshwater Consulting Group, Cape Town, 7800 3 Independent Consultant, Cape Town 4 Centre for Environmental Management, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 9300 5 Centre for Water Resources Research, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville, 3209 6 Institute for Water Studies, University of Western Cape, Bellville, 7535 7 Rivers-Moore Aquatics, Pietermaritzburg 8 Council for Geoscience, Pretoria, 0184 9 Department of Water and Sanitation, Northern Cape Regional Office, Upington, 8800 Recommended citation: Hobbs, P., Day, E., Rosewarne, P., Esterhuyse, S., Schulze, R., Day, J., Ewart-Smith, J., Kemp, M., Rivers-Moore, N., Coetzee, H., Hohne, D., Maherry, A. and Mosetsho, M. 2016. Water Resources. In Scholes, R., Lochner, P., Schreiner, G., Snyman-Van der Walt, L. and de Jager, M. (eds.). 2016. Shale Gas Development in the Central Karoo: A Scientific Assessment of the Opportunities and Risks. CSIR/IU/021MH/EXP/2016/003/A, ISBN 978-0-7988-5631-7, Pretoria: CSIR. Available at http://seasgd.csir.co.za/scientific-assessment-chapters/ Page 5-1 CHAPTER 5: WATER RESOURCES CONTENTS CHAPTER
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