1 vii H/C Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) (for 3rd Term) CLASS: VII SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS ======Chapter – 10 ( the Great)

Question 1) Akbar was born to ______in 1542 CE (a) Babar (b) (c) none of then Question 2) Humayun died in 1556 CE (a) True (b) False Question 3) ______the nephew of , felt that he had as much right to the throne of as Akbar had. (a) Adil Shah (b) Mubarak Shah (c) none of these Question 4) The Afghans had drive out the Mughal Governor ______from . (a) Tardi Beg (b) Sher Shah (c) Alamgir Question 5) Adil Shah’s army was led by ______(a) (b) Sher Shah (c) none of them Question 6) The Afghan and Mughal forces met at the historic battlefield of ______(a) Panipat (b) Tarain (c) none of them Question 7) The brought the establishment of ______empire in . (a) Mughal (b) Afghan (c) none of them Question 8) remained in the position of Akbar’s regent till ______CE (a) 1560 (b) 1500 (c) 1501 Question 9) Bairam was murdered in ______by an Afghan. (a) Gujrat (b) Mumbai (c) Lucknow Question 10) ______was Akbar’s foster mother (a) Maham Anga (b) Juberia (c) none of them Question 11) In 1561 Akbar defeated ______the ruler of Malwa. (a) Baj Bahadur (b) Sher Shah (c) Mubarak Shah Question 12) In 1567 CE, Akbar defeated Rana Udai Singh of Mewar and captured the fort of Chittor. (a) True (b) False Question 13) ______was defeated by Akbar in the battle of Haldighati. (a) Rana Pratap (b) Rana Udai Singh (c) none of htem Question 14) ______was the horse of Rana Pratap. (a) Chetak (b) Bahubali (c) none of them Question 15) Akbar conquered Bengal which became a part of the . (a) True (b) False Question 16) Chand Bibi was the queen of ______(a) Ahmadnagar (b) Malwa (c) Mewar Question 17) Akbar died in 1605 and was buried at ______near Agra. (a) Sikandara (b) Agra (c) Delhi Question 18) Raja Man Singh was made a ______(a) Diwan (b) Governor (c) None of them Question 19) Raja Man Singh was made the viceroy of large provinces and was given the post of a military commander. (a) True (b) False Question 20) Ain-i-Akbari was written by ______(a) Abul Fazl (b) Akbar (c) none of them Question 21) ______looked after the affairs of military. (a) Mir Bakshi (b) Wazir (c) none of them Question 22) The Kotwal was in charge of the police department. (a) True (b) False Question 23) The empire was divided into ______subas. (a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 Question 24) ______refers to rank. (a) mansab (b) state (c) none o them Question 25) A mansab or rank was not hereditary (a) True (b) False

Chapter – 11 (Jahangir and Shahjahan)

Question 1) Akbar died in ______(a) 1605 (b) 1606 (c) 1600 Question 2) Akbar was succeeded by his son ______(a) Jahangir (b) Shahjahan (c) none of them Question 3) Who installed Chain of Justice? (a) Akbar (b) Jahagir (c) Shahjahan Question 4) Who was the eldest son of Jahangir? (a) Shahjahan (b) Khusrau (c) none of them Question 5) In 1611 CE, Jahagir married ______(a) Meher-un-nisa (b) Jodhabai (c) none of them Question 6) Jahangir was an addict of wine oo opium (a) True (b) False

2 vii H/C Question 7) Jahagir defeated the ruler of Mewar, ______the son of Rana Pratap. (a) Rana Amar Singh (b) Shivaji (c) none of them Question 8) In the Deccan, Ahmadanagar declared its independence under ______(a) Malik Kafur (b) Malik Amber (c) none of them Question 9) Prince Khurram captured Ahmadnagar in ______CE (a) 1616 (b) 1617 (c) 1618 Question 10) ______means the ruler of the world (a) Jahagir (b) Shahjahan (c) none of them Question 11) Shah Jahan captured Kangra in ______CE (a) 1620 (b) 1621 (c) 1622 Question 12) The Shah of Persia had captured Kandhar in 1622 CE (a) True (b) False Question 13) ______controlled the trade routes between India and Persia, Central Asia and Afghanistan. (a) Kangra (b) Kandhar (c) none of them Question 14) The English East India was established in ______CE (a) 1600 (b) 1601 (c) 1602 Question 15) ______came from England in the reign of Jahangir. (a) Captain Hawkins (b) Robert clive (c) none of them Question 16) Sir Thomas Re secured Jahagir’s permission to establish factories in Surat and Broach. (a) True (b) False Question 17) Shahriyar was the son in law of ______(a) Shahjahan (b) Jahangir (c) Akbar Question 18) Shahjahan revolted against Nurjahan who planned to secure the throne for Shahriyar (a) True (b) False Question 19) Mahabat Khan was a faithful general of (a) Jahangir (b) Shahjahan (c) Akbar Question 20) ______laid the Shalimar Bagh and Nishat gardens at Kashmir. (a) Shahjahan (b) Jahangir (c) none of them Question 21) Jujhar Singh was the ______chief. (a) Bundela (b) Rajput (c) none of them Question 22) Aurangzeb was appointed as the subedar of the ______(a) Deccan (b) Rajasthan (c) none of them Question 23) Shahjahan tried to recover Kandhar which was lost to the Shah of Persia during the reign of Jahangir. (a) True (b) False Question 24) ______built Taj Mahal in the memory of his wife Mumtaj Mahal (a) Shahjahan (b) Aurangzeb (c) Akbar Question 25) Moti Masjid was made by ______(a) Shahjahan (b) Jahangir (c) none of them

Chapter – 12 (Aurangzeb)

Question 1) Aurangzeb ascended the throne in ______(a) 1658 (b) 1659 (c) 1660 Question 2) Shahjahan was succeeded by ______(a) Aurangzeb (b) Jahangir (c) none of them Question 3) ______asseemed the title Alamgir (a) Aurangzeb (b) Shahjahan (c) Jahangir Question 4) Aurangzeb’s reign is divided into ______parts (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 Question 5) Aurangzeb spent in North India in the first half of his reign. (a) True (b) False Question 6) Aurangzeb shifted from northern India to the ______in the second half of his reign. (a) Deccan (b) Malwa (c) Golconda Question 7) Aurangzeb captured Chittagong in ______CE (a) 1666 (b) 1667 (c) 1667 Question 8) In 1672 CE, another peasant revolt broke out among the ______(a) Satnamis (b) Jats (c) none of them Question 9) The ______of Bundel Khand revolted against Aurangzeb’s religious policy. (a) Bundelas (b) Khanwas (c) Marathas Question 10) Guru Teg Bahadur was the ______Guru of Sikhs. (a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 7 Question 11) Guru Teg Bahadur was succeeded by his son ______(a) Guru Gobind Singh (b) Guru Nanak Devji (c) none of them Question 12) Guru Gobind Singh turned the pacifist religious Sikhs into a Military community called the ______(a) Khalsa (b) Sant (c) nauy Question 13) Sikandar Adil Shah was the ruler of ______(a) Bijapur (b) Golconda (c) Mewar Question 14) Aurangzeb conquered Bijapur in ______CE (a) 1686 (b) 1687 (c) 1688 Question 15) Aurangzeb tried to rule strictly according to the Islamic law. (a) True (b) False Question 16) Aurangzeb imposed jaziya on ______subject (a) Hindu (b) Muslim (c) none of them Question 17) Somnath temple is situated in ______(a) Kathiawar (b) Mathura (c) none of them Question 18) The Hindus were generally not taken in government services. (a) True (b) False

3 vii H/C Question 19) ______was buried in the compound of the tomb of the famous Muslim saint Burhanuddin in Daulatabad. (a) Akbar (b) Jahagir (c) Aurangzeb Question 20) Aurangzeb died in ______CE (a) 1707 (b) 1708 (c) 1700 Question 21) The successors of Aurangzeb were weak. (a) True (b) False Question 22) Nadir Shah invaded India in ______(a) 1739 (b) 1738 (c) none of them Question 23) Pirates refers to those who engage in robbery and violence (a) True (b) False Question 24) ______means peace loving (a) Pacifist (b) pessimist (c) none of them Question 25) Vassal refers to subordinate. (a) True (b) False

Chapter – 13 (Making of Composite Culture- The Bhakti and The Sufi Movements)

Question 1) The interaction between the Hindu and Muslim cultures produced two liberal religious reform movements- the Sufi and the Bhakti movements. (a) True (b) False Question 2) The Sufis Muslim saints and mystics who came from ______to India. (a) Persia (b) Iran (c) none of them Question 3) The Sufi movement started in Persia to remove the differences between the Shia and Sunni sects of ______(a) Islam (b) Hindu (c) none of them Question 4) Sufis were organised into ______orders. (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 11 Question 5) The important orders of sufis in India were the order of Chisti and ______(a) Suhrawardi (b) Sunni (c) none of them Question 6) The ______order was established in India by Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti. (a) Suhrawardi (b) Chisti (c) none of them Question 7) An annual ‘Urs’ festival is celebrated at ______(a) Ajmer (b) Multan (c) none of them Question 8) The Suhrawardi order was mainly confined to Punjab and ______(a) Multan (b) Iran (c) none of them Question 9) Hamid-ud-din Nagori belonged to ______(a) Chishti (b) Suhrawardi (c) none of them Question 10) The Sufis did not believe in converting people to Islam. (a) True (b) False Question 11) Qutb-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki belonged to chishti saints. (a) True (b) False Question 12) The Bhakti movement was a reform movement within ______(a) Hinduism (b) Sufis (c) none of them Question 13) The word Bhakti means devotion to God. (a) True (b) False Question 14) Bhakti saints and sufi pirs preached the same ideas of unity of God. (a) True (b) False Question 15) The Bhakti movement began in South India in the ______th century. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 Question 16) Between the 7th and ______centuries, Bhakti Movement came to the foreground in southern India through the preachings of Alvar and Nayanar saints. (a) 8th (b) 9th (c) 10th Question 17) Shankaracharya was born in the present day ______in the eighth century, preached the principle of oneness of the individual soul with God. (a) Kerala (b) Bengaluru (c) none of them Question 18) Ramanujia was born in a small place near ______(a) Madras (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi Question 19) ______wrote a commentary on the Bhagvadgita. (a) Jnaneshwar (b) Ramanuja (c) none of them Question 20) Jnaneshwar spoke about devotion to Vishnu in the form of Lord Vithoba. (a) True (b) False Question 21) Swami Ramananda preached in ______(a) Varanasi (b) Ayodhya (c) none of them Question 22) Sri Chaitanya was the moving spirit behind the ______cult in Bengal (a) Vishnu (b) Krishna (c) Rama Question 23) Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ultimately settled down in ______(a) Puri (b) Delhi (c) Patna Question 24) Meera Bai was a Rajput queen. (a) True (b) False Question 25) Kabir was a disciple of ______(a) Ramananda (b) Ramkrishna (c) none of them