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. - WILSON- 7.- - QUARTERLY WINTER ILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SC Director, James H. Billington Deputy Director, George R. Packard Editor: Peter Braestrup Managing Editor: Anna Marie Torres Associate Editor (Periodicals): Philip S. Cook Associate Editor (Essays): Cullen Murphy Associate Editor (Books): Lois Decker O'Neill Contributing Editors: Michael Glennon, Clover Holcomb, Gustav Magrinat, Joseph S. Murchison, Stuart Rohrer, Raphael Sagalyn, Carol Simons, Jane Spivak, Winfield Swanson Copy Editor: Bradley B. Rymph Production Assistant: Nancy B. Joyner Administrative Assistants: Melanie Davis, James Gregory Sherr Editorial Secretary: Mona Ruoff Production Typists: Cynthia Kitely, Lubov Koump, Jacqueline Levine Research Assistants: Susan Condon, Maureen Cooney, Jill Feltheimer, Mary McNeil, Martin Miszerak, Dena J. Pearson, John P. Scott, Chiyoko Tada Librarian: Zdenek David Art Director: Elizabeth Dixon Business Manager: William M. Dunn Circulation Coordinator: William H. Mello Editorial Advisers: Prosser Gifford, A. E. Dick Howard, Abraham Lowenthal, Richard Seamon, S. Frederick Starr, Samuel F. Wells, Jr. Published in January, April, July, and October by the Woodrow Wilson Interna- tional Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Inst~tutionBuilding, Washington, D.C. 20560. Copyright @ 1979 by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. THE WILSON QUARTERLY isa registered trademark. Subscriptions: one year, $12; two years, $21; three years, $30. Foreign subscriptions: one year, 114; two years, $25; three years, $36. Foreign subscriptions airmail: one year, S24; two years, 845; three years, 866. Lifetimesubscription (domesticonly):S150. Single copies and back issues mailed upon request: $4; outside U.S. and pos- sessions, $6.50. Second-class postage aid at Washington, D.C., and additional mailingoff ces. ~ditoria1offices:~mithsonianInstit~ition Building, Washington, D.C.
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