Furniture Dealer, POWDER P. H, DWYER. [1ST & J. G. GREGORY's
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rngsmsm -mss- mm mmm iJ! • "• - - si-'i V-m<-i * mmIfiliffSIl- fit*:: An Enterprising Republican Journal}"especially (footed to Local News and Interests Two DOLLARS A YEAH ESTABLISHED 1800 NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, Number 15. Volume LXXXIX. tiieui ttud compelling them-to TistenTo me, BUYING MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ^•pT »TiBOX-« THE MADDING CROWD. A HAUNTED COURT HOUSE. rxm c"> _ W A.RP HER VOICE. but a little crowd of passers by had gathered, THE WORK OF A MAIiSTONE P. H, DWYER. Purchasers Pay WeU for the Privilege of some of whom were curiously making inquiry ' '' Securing Goods on Time. HAROENBROOK'S BLOCK. WALL STREET, A hidden choir of door southern birds of their neighbors as to the cause of the ex HOW IT "HURRIES ALONG, WITH RKSTLESSS SPOOKS IN A TENNES The largest Stock of Haines; ; Hare made their home in her fair throat, citement, who answered in whispered re INFORMATION ON THIS SUBJECT In a general way the monthly payment FAMILY GROCERIES, Voicing the tender passion of unspoken worda SORROW AND SONG." SEE COUNTY BUILDING. stores afford a good index of the prosperity marks, with leers and knowing looks cast at FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE.. "• - EVER DISPUTED 1 TOWN. IBS In many a sweet heart stirring not®. of the middle and lower classes. Hard times Sometimes the arch and tricksy mocking bird mo. All FIrat-Claas, Hand Stitelied, OakTaniiea Wishing to avoid a repetition of the scene, and lack of. employment invariably make Pennsylvania Leather ' ' -SRs Laughs in her happy. Jocund tone; Tho Hailstone is Found Only In n Deer's Velvet and Raits, Virtu® and Vicc, Cold Workmen Itefnse to Tenr tlio Old ITouso themselves felt in delay or stoppage of pay Again, the yearning of the dove la heard. I rushed down the side street from which I •'-'.THIRD CLASS PRIC£S.''f||i , ness and Pity Commingled in tho Kaleid Dovn to Slake Room for a New One. ments, and the duration of stringent circum G-. IET- S3YX«rC3r'r 03V, As when she mourns her mate alone; had come, bearing the baby, the innocent Stomach—Tho Manner of Its ITso—It Call early as I Intend to sell at SMALL PROFIT, SP •Washington, D. C. And now the red bird with his vibrant trill cause of the tumult, with me. What could I Draws tlio Poison Oat of the IMoml—Tho oscope of tho City'* Strtet—^"Wandering Th> Stories That Aro Told In Explaim- stances can readily be measured by the way 10 ycars in u. e. |]njiiQ t] hventors MSIIEU n6& Showers a rain of music on theair, tho payments are resumed. A furniture SEYEN1 Y-F1VE r do with it? As 1 rushed headlong down the Symptoms of Hydrophobia, Like Children in the Dark." tion of tlio Popular Boiler. PATENT OFFICE. Or the swamp robin makes the pulses thrill streot I racked my brains in vain to think of f' dealer was interviewed by a reporter: Like some soul burdened choral prayer.' Have you ever watched a ^crowded street Workmen refuse to tear down the old court "What course do you take in case of delin Our spirit's song, blest by her voice, will be the location of a foundling asylum. There Seeing in your valued paper an account of was no river near into which I could pitch the Womack case of hydrophobia, and a do- in a great city aiid seen the sorgo of human house building at Washington, Tenn., on ac quency in payment?" a.-"*? ijh*. Set Siuile M OooMe Ha.m P 11. 1*. UKAUFURD,' ' Attuned to heaven's fullest harmony I ity dMft to and fro? - • count of a mystery which has surrounded the "There is only one advisable courso, and 1 ><-?' -* -Mel R. Colquitt. it A sudden impulse seized me to knock its gire to hear from any person owning: a mad- HARDENBROOK HALL, ppl bead against a stone, and throw it over a. stone, I writ© to you in regard to the true It is a pleasant sight to mark tho figures structure for nearly Mlirty years, and which that is to tide over those who can't take up is vouched for by tho representative citizens Over Mitchell's Market, next door to P. n. Dwy- i' & wall. My innate pity checked my madness. madstone and its effects. The stone used in coino and go in ono ceaseless current, cach their monthly notes. Tho public, I think, has er's old stand. I4lf f&l* nvestiiieiits, Real Estate aM Insurance, I would lay it on the low stoop of one of the the case alluded to is not a madstotio. The with separate aims and interests but con of the county. Tho county seat of Rhea distorted views about the monthly payment TOPSY. houses, and run off as fast as I could. No; a madstone is only found in the stomach of the nected by an • inseparable bond of sympathy county was recently removed from Washing stores. There are, doubtless, some sharks ItOOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. big policeman just then loomed up in thq dis deer. They are of different sizes and shapes, and dependence. Like a strand of many col ton to Dayton, and the court house, which among us, but most of us aim to do n fair, - PETER L. ttUIGIUfi, |l ored beads, tho brilliant and gold are wedged has stood for over fifty years, has become so legitimate businer charging but 10 per cent I detest babies. Gentle reader, you are tance. He would see me, give chase, I would but each one hha a ring around the side of. a be captured, hauled up before- the police brownish' color. The color when first taVen close against; tho somber and black, and all out of repair that it is deemed advisable to more for our goods that the men who sell for ready to declare me to be a cynical old bach held together by the lictfe silken thread of tear it down, and especially so as the county cosh do. Taking back of goods is always Win. Locktvood, elor; and if you are a woman, more espe courts for desertion, it would aU get into the from the stomach of the deer is a light ash [1ST & papers, my reputation, my business would be #olor, which darkens with age. The first one humanity. Qr similar to an immense piece has no further uso for it. Tho ground which avoided, for there is no money in a sale if the 'Mi cially a young woman, and an unmarried of human tapostjry/fah'eW the shuttle of fate it occupies is wanted for tho purpose of erect Real Estate, Insurance and Investment ruined. How the reporters, those soulless that I ever saw was in Larned, Kan., and I stock has to be taken back and turned over to UNION AVENUE, „,r one at that, you have already made up your Mnet ing a poor house, but it now appears impos vultures, would gloat over my unfortunate will relate the circumstances of the case. has f""dmitot*»dpeiwit tints. Deep the auction stores. It is only the monthly North of Norwalk Cemetery, ' ~ • Securities. mind to detest me for the brutal remark phidcWf ito nt^'flgmaf'staJKHn bold relief, sible to obtain workmen who aro willing' to predicament With what fiendish avidity r payment stores which keep second hand fur- MOWEH: TO IiOAW- with which I have introduced myself, and TttB WORK OF bNlf ttiSQ* J 'T J tear down tho old building, as it has been ROAWALK, - - C©WK they would run oyer all the towu to In l8& f was living there, arid fwijth here uuL there. A flash of crimson and nitur- that can profit by the utter failure of ."y Insurance l» ilrst-ClnsH Companies are forthwith ready to declare you will not purple, bi^llmi^ghL *U! is-tangled the jet knovni for years as the "haunted. court their patrons. We have families that we POWDER Dealer in In Green House ana Hot Honse and| read anything that such a heartless wretch gather up every scrap of my past history, mad dog made his appearance and.befqre he & WAU. STS., KORWALK how I came by the mysterious baby. Strange bl^ck thread that-destiny fovea to weave in hous«."?3fi * 4ave carried along a year, and I doubt not Bedding and Vegetable Plants, Frnlt and Ornamen • would write. But 1 beg of you to withhold was killed' by Mr. Davittt&tt' hd M bitten evbry phase of lifk*-As4 you watch this sea iM-M "JIMMY LONESOME."-"*... •.-> .-I Absolutely Pure. ly 13 , ly enough, the idea t^at somebody would find four dogs, a 'calf, a cat and a young man. that other monthly payment stores have like tal Trees Shrubbery, Vines. Cut Flowers a!wa;s your indignation till I qualify my remark by of i moving, swarming beings there you will It has been nearly thirty ycars since the wise. To harass patrons would be to work This Powder never varies. A marvel of pure on hand and allsorts of deslgnsln Flowers arranged • ' further declaring that the antipathy which out whero the baby belonged gave me-a Tlie young man died in ten days in great cuppased spirits took possession of it, and they sense of relief during these, distracting recogntie1 indolence and labor, piety and sin, against our own interest. So far as rates of strength and wholesomeness. More economic to order. 4iys TliELUEN llllIII.lillTT. exists in my breast for these necessary mem ffiSaanazsAvarice and charity, all drifting with the havo- remained there ever since.