02 CHAPTER Board of 06 Directors’ Report


Financial 26 Evolution

28 Summary of Financial Position 29 Consolidated Financial Statements 30 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 31 Statement of cash flow 32 Summarized individual and consolidated financial statements


34 The Company

36 Identification 38 Our history 40 2018 Highlights 42 Articles of incorporation 44 Company’s structure 46 Control 48 Ownership structure 49 Agreements and contracts with subsi- diaries or associates 50 Subsidiaries 52 Associates 55 Board members and executives with positions at subsidiaries or associates


Directors and Share Transactions and 56 Key Executives Synthesis of Material Facts 102 58 Board of directors Reported to the CMF 60 Key executives 62 Professionals, technicians and laborers 104 Transaction of executives and controllers 66 Compensation of the Board of Directors 104 Share transactions in 67 Compensation of executives 105 Share price development 106 Synthesis of material facts reported to the CMF


Salmones Camanchaca's Financial Statements, 68 Business and Industry Earnings Report and

70 Our operations Summarized Individual 78 Marketing network Subsidiaries Financial 110 Statements


80 Sustainability Responsibility 82 Friendly Camanchaca Program 212 Statement 90 Efficient Camanchaca


Main Risk Factors and Investment, Financing 94 and Dividend Policies

96 Main Risks and Uncertainties 100 Investment, Financing and Dividend Policies



Dear Shareholders,

I am pleased to present Salmones Ca- manchaca's annual report for 2018. The year was marked by several very impor- tant accomplishments for our Company, beginning with our initial public offering on the Santiago Stock Exchange and si- multaneous placement of share certifica- tes on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We also celebrated numerous operational and commercial achievements throughout the year, thus making 2018 a record year for our Company. All of this was possible thanks to the dedication and hard work of our employees and executives.

Our decision to list the Company on the Santiago and Oslo exchanges positioned Salmones Camanchaca as a model in the Chilean market as the first and only Chi- lean and Latin American company traded on the world’s most important seafood market. Salmones Camanchaca raised approximately US$50 million through the placement, which has been used to finance the investment plan presented to investors in the pre-IPO roadshows.

In 2018 we reached our production and cost targets with great accuracy, reporting sales of US$ 332 million and EBITDA of US$ 83 million, up 59% from the prior year. These favorable results were achieved through strict expense


control, enabling the Company to produ- I believe that the capital markets have helped reduce our working days lost ce at very competitive costs in relation recognized these achievements and our rate by 42%. to its peers in not only Chile but also success in meeting expectations gene- Norway, considered global leaders in the rated during the IPO and have placed Projections for 2019 call for 55 thousand production of Atlantic salmon. their trust in our Company and manage- tons of Atlantic salmon to be harvested, ment, as evidenced by the stock's market reflecting growth of just over 10% with These results can also be explained return during the year of almost 100% and respect to the prior year. The Company by timely changes in Chilean regula- the fact that seven investment banks is also resuming production of Coho tions that have created incentives for in Europe currently track the Company salmon—a species widely farmed in the preserving sanitary conditions, thereby through periodic reports. Chilean salmon industry—expecting to substantially improving biological results harvest 4 thousand tons this year. With for both our Company and the industry. The sustainability of our business is a this new business line, it hopes to di- These improvements are reflected in the critical element of our long-term deve- versify production and market risks and Company’s annual mortality indicator lopment and success. In environmental take better advantage of its available of 8.4% and its feed conversion ratio of matters, for the first time ever, Salmo- facilities and concessions. 1.17, measured as kilos of feed per kilo of nes Camanchaca certified almost one biomass produced. third of its harvests in 2018 under the Salmones Camanchaca will continue to demanding international standards of work on multiple fronts, in keeping with In addition, growth in smolt stocking the Aquaculture Stewardship Council our principles and values, to improve and has been discouraged through densi- (ASC). This certification confirms that add value to not only our shareholders ty regulations that force companies to the Company's processes are executed but also our employees and the com- stock at lower densities when intended under the strictest global sustainability munities impacted by our production growth exceeds 3%, thus making it less models for aquaculture. Similarly, we activities. economically attractive. became the first salmon company to register with the Huella Chile Program Lastly, Salmones Camanchaca expe- The aforementioned investments led to from the Ministry of the Environment. rienced changes in management du- a reduction of 13% in processing costs This program is designed to encourage ring 2018, activating succession plans during 2018, which were strongly im- public and private-sector companies to replace the CEO in May. Since then, pacted by our larger scale of operation to quantify, report and manage their the Company has been led by Manuel for Atlantic salmon with 48.5 thousand greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Arriagada, a professional with broad ex- tons harvested in 2018. perience and an extensive track record Regarding community engagement, in the industry. With Atlantic salmon harvests up by our corporate social responsibility pro- more than 41% and farm and proces- gram, “Camanchaca Amiga”, continued We invite our employees to remain com- sing costs below US$4.2 per kilo of WFE to strengthen ties with communities mitted to our development and growth, salmon, the Company closed 2018 with near our production facilities. In 2018, and our shareholders to continue to record EBITDA and net profit. These we carried out 217 activities in three place their trust in the Company's ability achievements occurred in a stable sani- key action areas—community outreach, to properly manage its capacities, talents tary context thanks to favorable environ- caring for the environment and healthy and assets, framed by the values of res- mental conditions at our sites and farm living—which had a favorable, direct im- pect for people and the environment. conditions returning to normal after the pact on more than 15 thousand people in harmful algae bloom that affected the the Biobío, Los Lagos and Aysén regions. Sincerely, industry in 2016. Some initiatives worth highlighting in- clude coastal cleanup days, recycling As a result of funds raised from the ca- programs, training courses, culinary pital increase and proper planning in heritage fairs, support for schools and prior years, the Company completed sporting events. The Company is ex- reconstruction of the Petrohué hatchery tremely pleased to see how all these in 2018, after facilities were seriously initiatives have strengthened relations damaged by the eruption of the Calbu- with surrounding communities since the co volcano in 2015. With these facilities program was launched in 2013. now operational, the Company's smolt production capacity will enable it to In terms of our employees, the Company deploy its production plan to harvest 60 is always concerned about reducing thousand tons (WFE) of Atlantic salmon days lost for injuries and professional Jorge Fernández García in 2022 using sites and concessions illnesses, which reached 399 days in CHAIRMAN, SALMONES currently in operation. 2018 compared to 654 days in 2017. This CAMANCHACA








Salmones Camanchaca S.A. is a vertically 1. THE PRICE OF ATLANTIC SALMON, integrated salmon producer engaged which is very sensitive to Norwegian in egg and breeder production, recir- and Chilean supply conditions, and culating hatcheries for Atlantic salmon the exchange rates of its main trading and pass-through hatcheries for other partners; species, estuary and sea grow-out sites, primary and secondary processing, mar- 2. SANITARY CONDITIONS FOR ATLAN- keting and sale of Atlantic salmon. The TIC SALMON, which affect conversion Company farms trout at estuary grow-out factors, the use of pharmaceutical sites through a joint venture (1/3 share of and mechanical means to improve results) in effect for four more years with fish welfare and the final biomass an estimated average annual harvest of across which costs are allocated. 12,000 tons WFE. For its main business (Atlantic salmon), the Company has an 3. THE COST OF FEED, which represents annual estimated harvest of 55,000 tons approximately half of the live fish unit WFE for 2019-2021, in addition to an esti- cost at harvest. mated 4,000 tons WFE of Pacific salmon beginning in 2019. Overall production During 2018, Salmones Camanchaca of all salmonid species at its farm sites harvested 48,496 tons WFE of Atlantic should total around 75,000 tons WFE. salmon, an increase of 41.7% from 34,213 Salmones Camanchaca has an aver- tons WFE in 2017. The average price for age annual workforce of approximately Atlantic salmon during 2018 was US$ 1,200 employees, 55% of which work at its 6.12/Kg WFE, down 2.7% over 2017. secondary and value-added processing plant. Markets for sales of Atlantic salmon Revenues for 2018 totaled US$ 332.3 mil- in a variety of fresh and frozen formats lion, 63.6% above the US$ 203.1 million re- are led by the U.S., Russia, Brazil, China, corded in 2017, explained by 66.5% growth Mexico, Japan and Argentina, with over in the volume of Company-farmed Atlan- 50% of sales in emerging markets. tic salmon sold.

Salmones Camanchaca’s financial per- During 2018, the trout joint venture gen- formance is closely related to three key erated net profit of US$ 2.9 million for drivers: Salmones Camanchaca (accounted for


as income with no cost associated) in During 2018, the price of Compa- comparison to US$ 6.1 million for 2017. ny-farmed Atlantic salmon sold by Sal- This decrease is explained mainly by a mones Camanchaca fell 17 cents. In that price drop of over one dollar per Kg WFE context, EBIT/Kg WFE rose to US$ 1.38 (-19.2%), mitigated by a reduction in unit from US$ 1.19 in 2017, explained by the costs of 50 cents per Kg WFE. The harvest fact that improvements in costs and volume for this joint venture was 17,405 scale of production more than offset tons WFE of trout, up from 15,342 tons the drop in price. WFE in 2017, and in line with estimates prepared by the trout JV partner, Caleta Net finance costs were US$ 6.3 million Bay, early in the year. compared to US$ 4.2 million in 2017 due to a rise in the LIBOR interest rate be- Live weight ex-cage costs for fish har- tween December 2017 and December vested during 2018 were US$ 3.06 per 2018, which was only partially offset by Kg, which is 3 cents greater than 2017. the impact of the reduction in net debt. The quarterly variation in live weight Added to this unfavorable effect is the ex-cage costs is coherent with sanitary US$ 1.7 million loss on currency hedges and environmental conditions for winter/ in 2018 (hedges known expenses in summer and the greater scale of produc- Chilean pesos for which the Company tion during the second half of the year. has revenue in dollars).

Gross profit before fair value rose 59.3% to US$ 92.7 million, or US$ 34.5 million greater than 2017.

During 2018, administrative expenses as a percentage of operating revenues decreased from 5.3% to 3.6%, while dis- tribution and sales costs fell from 2.8% to 2.6%. Consequently, the Company’s combined administrative and distribution and sales costs accounted for 6.2% of revenues during this period, down from 8.1% in 2017. This reduction is explained by higher revenues in 2018, increased efficiency and non-recurring expenses to implement SAP in 2017. The Company also recorded one-time administrative expenses in 2018 of approximately US$ 1.6 million for employee severance packages.

Thus, EBIT before fair value adjustment was US$ 72.1 million for 2018, marking an increase of 72.5% over US$ 41.8 million in 2017, explained mainly by increased sales volumes and lower production costs, despite lower average prices. Exclud- ing income from the trout joint venture, which is not operated by the Company, EBIT in the Atlantic salmon business was US$ 69.2 million, or 94% greater than the US$ 35.7 million recorded for 2017.


Pre-tax profit totaled US$ 59.9 million in product inventories valued at cost as of 2018, up 39.5% from US$ 42.9 million in December 31, 2018, were US$ 17.9 million, 2017. Net profit totaled US$ 44 million equivalent to 2,700 tons of finished prod- in 2018, up 38.8% from US$ 31.7 million uct, or close to one month of harvests, in 2017. which the Company considers to be within normal ranges. For 2018, cash flows from operating ac- tivities totaled US$ 53.9 million, up from Non-current assets increased by US$ 17.3 US$ 36.9 million in 2017, explained mainly million (+16.2%) to US$ 124 million, mostly by increased sales. due to the aforementioned increase of US$ 18.6 million in investments in Cash flows used in investing activities property, plant and equipment, and an totaled US$ 31.8 million for the period, increase of US$ 4.1 million in non-current US$ 15.7 million greater than the prior biological assets, related to the larger year, explained by investments to sup- biomass to be harvested after 2019. port the Company's growth plan for the 2018-2021 period, consisting primarily of Current liabilities increased by US$ 14 new farm sites and improvements and million (+17.7%), due to an increase of US$ automation at primary and secondary 11.1 million in related party payables be- processing plants. cause of a dividend owed by Salmones Camanchaca to its controlling sharehold- Net cash flows used in financing activi- er (Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca ties totaled a negative US$ 9.0 million for S.A., holds 70% of the shares of Salmones the year, in comparison to negative US$ Camanchaca S.A.); and an increase of 21.0 million for 2017, explained mainly by US$ 4.7 million in current tax liabilities payments of US$ 50 million to banks for because of improved results in 2018. financial debt and US$ 5 million to the parent company of the Camanchaca Non-current liabilities fell US$ 54.6 mil- Group, offset by US$ 46 million raised lion (-46.3%) due to US$ 50 million in from the capital increase. voluntary payments on its long-term revolving bank debt. The resulting net cash flow for 2018 was positive US$ 12.3 million. The Company's equity increased by US$ 75.2 million to US$ 184 million as of year- During 2018, the Company’s total assets end 2018 as compared to December 31, increased 11.3% or US$ 34.6 million to 2017, explained by net profit for the year US$ 341 million. and the effects of the capital increase as part of the IPO in Q1 2018. Current assets totaled US$ 216 mil- lion, up 8.7% from US$ 199 million as of year-end 2017, mainly attributed to an COMPANY OUTLOOK increase of US$ 12.3 million in cash; an increase of US$ 15.7 million in current Global supply of Atlantic salmon grew biological assets, which is consistent around 5% in 2018. Slightly lower growth with the estimated biomass for 2019 is expected for 2019, which is consis- harvest forecasts; an increase of US$ 4.6 tent with the current regulatory frame- million in accounts receivable because work in the different salmon producing of greater sales, especially in Q4 2018; countries. Chilean supply grew nearly and a decrease of US$ 15.2 million in 20% in 2018 and is estimated to expand inventories. The Company’s finished between 1% and 2% in 2019. Growth in



2018 is the result of an abnormally low rights from sites leased to third parties base in 2017, plus expansion of Chile's and partnership account participation. potential capacity. As a result, somewhat higher farm costs can be expected because of these densi- A significant portion of the operational ty levels and, to a lesser extent, because cash flows produced by EBITDA in 2018, of the use of more expensive, non-phar- was used for investments in property, maceutical antiparasitic treatments and plant and equipment and to grow the new technologies to mitigate the risk of biomass to support harvest estimates harmful algae blooms. Coho smolt have for the next few years calling for around been stocked under the low-density sys- 55 thousand tons WFE of Atlantic salm- tem and, therefore, the Company expects on and 4 thousand tons WFE of Pacific above-normal costs for harvests of this salmon for 2019. In order to calculate species in late 2019 and 2020. total harvests at Salmones Camanchaca farm sites, one must add the correspond- ing harvest from the trout joint venture, MAIN RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES which in 2019-an odd year-is estimated at between 6 and 8 thousand tons WFE. The main risks and uncertainties to which the Company is exposed are: Phy- The Company estimates total harvests tosanitary Risks; Natural Risks; Product of all species for 2019 of 65 thousand Sale Price Risks; Purchase Price Risks; tons WFE. For the year 2020, the Com- Regulatory Risks; Liquidity Risk; Inter- pany expects to harvest 55 thousand est Rate Risk; Foreign Exchange Risk tons WFE of Atlantic salmon, 4 thousand and Credit Risk. Chapter 8 of this annual tons of Pacific salmon and between 16 report describes each of these risks in and 18 thousand tons of trout from the more detail. joint venture.

The Company estimates there will be an GOING CONCERN increase in Atlantic salmon harvests for 2019 with respect to their equivalent at The Board of Directors confirms that the 2017 sites of around 21 thousand tons financial statements have been prepared WFE. Of this amount, 4,300 tons corre- under the assumption that Salmones spond to growth under the (reduced) Camanchaca is a going concern and that density system and the remaining that assumption is justified based on the growth is under the stocking reduction Company’s reported results, business program (PRS) with no density restric- strategy and financial position. tions, achieved by using smolt stocking



WORK ENVIRONMENT: Salmones Camanchaca S.A., encourages an environment of mutual respect, closeness and constructive feedback where associates find a suitable space for professional and personal development.

This evaluation allows to diagnose the perception of its employees regarding conditions that impact on the Work Environment, among them: sense of belonging, communications, autonomy, recognition, creativity and innovation, cohesion and teamwork, challenge and organization at work, leadership, occupational safety and health. The new evaluation is being applied in the period March-April 2019.

% SATISFACTION (working environment)

85 83 81 79 78,7 78,1 77 75 73 74,1 71 68,9 68,7 69 67,8 67

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Based on these results, the Company generates action plans that are reviewed by each area and incorporated as challenges and goals to be evaluated at the end of each period.


The OHS policy makes direct supervisors responsible for providing associates with well-defined, clear, precise operating procedures and ongoing, structured, systematic control of their tasks, thus creating safe environments that prevent risks. In addition to systematic control and monitoring, they are also responsible for training their teams on an ongoing basis and informing them of the risks involved in their activities, thus taking on an active and proactive leadership role.

Salmones Camanchaca S.A., ended 2018 with a lost-time injury rate ((number of lost-time accidents / annual average number of workers) x 100) of 2.5% com- pared to 2.0% in 2017, impacted mostly by the processing plant in Tomé, in the city of Concepción. As a point of reference, the Chilean Safety Association reports a benchmark lost-time injury rate of 3.64% for the aquaculture industry. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS): In terms of days lost, the Company Salmones Camanchaca S.A., believes that ended 2018 with a total of 399 days, the physical and emotional integrity of compared to 654 in 2017, reflecting a our associates is essential to the Com- reduction of 39%. The Company reported pany's success and progress. Therefore, a working-days lost rate ((number of we are committed to a health and safety days lost for the year / annual average management system that works to con- number of workers) x 100) of 30 as of tinuously improve indicators and build year-end 2018 compared to 52 in 2017, a zero-accident workplace. representing a decrease of 42%.

This OHS management system is desig- The absenteeism rate in 2018 was 3.59%, ned to create safe work environments versus 3.45% in 2017, which reflected an in- and methods and, thereby, build a strong crease of 0.14%, impacted mainly by a rise culture of risk control in its operations in sick leave for common illnesses and throughout Chile. Safety is an essential employees failing to show up for work. part of everyone's daily responsibilities, especially supervisory staff.


DIVERSITY AND EQUAL RIGHTS: At the end of 2018, 38 women held de- Hiring decisions are made based on partment head (professional) and exe- the skills, preparation, and experience cutive positions, as a result of ongoing needed for each job. In the same spirit, efforts to provide equal opportunities employee evaluations and promotions for advancement within the Company. are based on merit, performance and Thirty-seven women held such posi- meeting of targets. tions in 2017.

The Company’s associates are crucial to As part of the Company’s procedures its success. For this reason, the Company to guarantee pay equality and transpa- promotes their development in order rency, it has a Compensation Policy that to improve and strengthen their skills defines wage levels for each position and competitiveness, giving priority to based on its value and competitiveness internal promotions. in the market, independent of gender and any other legally protected category, Salmones Camanchaca S.A., seeks to making merit, the market, inflation and uphold the following standards in its the Company’s results the key factors workplace relations: that impact employees’ economic de- • An environment in which its emplo- velopment. yees can carry out their duties and develop based on their effort, merit Chapter 5 of this annual report descri- and performance. bes the Company’s management and • Spaces for dialogue where each indi- personnel in more detail. vidual can respectfully express their professional opinion, even if it differs from their supervisor's opinion, all in SUSTAINABILITY benefit of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. • Relations that discourage any type of Salmones Camanchaca has a commu- abuse, including sexual harassment nity engagement program that aims to and/or abuse. This is notwithstanding generate deep, lasting ties with its stake- any applicable laws, which govern holders: workers, suppliers, customers, the conduct of all associates. communities and associations. This pro- • Treatment that does not discriminate gram, known as “Friendly Camanchaca,” based on race, religion, gender, age focuses on three key areas: community or other factors. outreach, caring for the environment and healthy living. Chapter 7 of this annual As of year-end 2018, Salmones Caman- report describes this program and its chaca had 300 female employees, re- activities in more detail. presenting 22% of its total workforce. In 2017, it had 455 female employees, or 29% of its total workforce.



The Company's highest decision-making counting, audit and finance, as well as authority is the general shareholders' risk management. The audit committee meeting (the "General Shareholders' reports and makes recommendations Meeting"). In accordance with Chilean to the Board of Directors, but the Board law and the Bylaws, all shareholders in of Directors retains responsibility for the Company are entitled to attend, or implementing such recommendations. be represented by proxy, and vote at the General Shareholder Meetings of The Company's chief executive officer the Company. ("CEO") is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company's opera- The overall management of the Company tions in accordance with Chilean law and is vested in the Board of Directors and has the power conferred upon him or her the Management. In accordance with by the Board of Directors. In accordance Chilean law and the Bylaws, the Board with the Bylaws, the Company's CEO of Directors is responsible for, among will act as the secretary to the Board of other things, supervising the general Directors and in accordance with Chilean management of the Company's business, law he or she must also brief the Board of ensuring proper organisation, preparing Directors about the Company's activities, plans and budgets for its activities and financial position and operating results to ensure that the Company's activities, on a regular basis. accounts and assets management are subject to adequate controls and un- dertaking investigations necessary to SECTION 1: IMPLEMENTATION perform its duties. Also, the Board of AND REPORTING ON CORPORATE Directors may exercise all powers of the GOVERNANCE Company not resolved to the General Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to the As a company incorporated in Chile, Bylaws or Chilean law. the Company is subject to Chilean laws The Bylaws provide that the Board of and regulations. In addition, as a con- Directors shall consist of five members. sequence of being listed on the Oslo The Directors are elected by the share- Stock Exchange, the Company must holders at the relevant annual ordinary comply with section 3-3b of the Norwe- general shareholders' meeting or any gian Accounting Act, certain aspects of extraordinary general shareholders' the Norwegian Securities Trading Act meeting called for that purpose. and is also obligated to adhere to the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate The Board of Directors has one sub-com- Governance dated 17 October 2018 pre- mittee, being the Audit Committee. pared by the Norwegian Corporate Go- vernance Board (the "Code of Practice") The current members of the audit com- on a "comply or explain" basis. Further, mittee are Tore Valderhaug (chairman), the Company's Bylaws set forth certain Ricardo García Holtz, and Hector Luis governance provisions. The Norwegian Felipe Sandoval Precht. Accounting Act is found on www.lovdata. no and the Code of Practice is found on The primary purposes of the audit com- mittee are to act as a preparatory and advisory committee for the Board of The Company is committed to good cor- Directors in questions concerning ac- porate governance and has therefore



adopted and implemented a corporate environment, equal treatment, discri- governance regime which seeks to com- mination and environmental impact. ply with the Code of Practice. However, The guidelines shall be adapted to the since the Company is governed by Chi- stakeholders affected by the Company's lean laws and regulations, some of the operations and shall relate to the Com- Company's governance principles devia- pany's value creation. te from certain of the recommendations of the Code of Practice. The Board of Di- rectors shall provide an overall overview SECTION 3: EQUITY AND of the Company's corporate governance DIVIDENDS in the Company's annual report. The re- view shall include each individual point The Board of Directors is responsible for of the Code of Practice. If the Company overseeing that the Company is adequa- does not fully comply with the Code of tely capitalized relative to the risk and Practice, this shall be explained in the scope of operations and that the capital Company's annual report. requirements set forth in applicable laws and regulations are met. The Company shall have a capital structure that is SECTION 2: BUSINESS appropriate to its objectives, strategy and risk profile. The Board of Directors The Company's business shall be clear- continuously monitors and evaluates ly described in the Bylaws in order to the Company's capital situation and provide shareholders with sufficient will promptly take appropriate steps if information to anticipate the scope of the Company's equity or liquidity is less the Company's activities and risk profile. than adequate. The Board of Directors The operations of the Company shall be has drawn up a clear and predictable in compliance with the purpose set forth dividend policy which is included in the in the Bylaws.

The purpose of the Company is: a) the activity of aquaculture in general and, in particular, the breeding, production and nursing of salmon, trout and other salmonid as well as all kind of species, beings or organisms that have the water as their normal or more frequent natural environment, including the investiga- tion and development of the genetics of Salmonidae, and the industrializa- tion, processing, elaboration, cooling, freezing, drying, packing, packaging, transporting and marketing of the pro- ducts, byproducts and derivatives of the aquaculture activity, all as principal and also providing services to third parties in the activities mentioned above; and b) the investigation and development, production and manufacture of raw ma- terials, machines, elements and materials for the activity of aquiculture, all for its own industry and for their marketing to third parties.

The Company will implement guidelines that explain how it integrates conside- rations related to its stakeholders into the Company's value creation, focusing on human rights, employee rights and social matters, the external environment, the prevention of corruption, the working


Bylaws. Dividend payments will be made in cash as approved and determined by the General Shareholders' Meeting.

Pursuant to Chilean law, authorizations may not be granted to the Board of Di- rectors to increase the share capital of the Company or to purchase own shares. Subject to the restrictions and limitations set out in applicable Chilean laws and regulations, the General Shareholders' Meeting has the authority to approve that the Company purchase own shares.


The Company has only one class of shares. Each share in the Company carries one vote, and all shares carry equal rights, without any privilege what- soever, including the right to participa- te in General Shareholders' Meetings. All shareholders shall be treated on a non-discriminatory basis.

Pursuant to Chilean law, shareholders are entitled to waive or transfer their pre-emption rights in the event of an increase in share capital. Pursuant to Chilean law, authorizations may not be of their approval. In case of material SECTION 6: GENERAL granted to the Board of Directors to in- transactions between the Company and MEETINGS crease the share capital of the Company a shareholder, a shareholders' parent and, as such, the Board of Directors is company, director, officer, or persons The Board of Directors shall make efforts not entitled to waive the pre-emption closely related to any of these, different to ensure that shareholders may par- rights of existing shareholders. from those transactions specified in the ticipate in the General Shareholders' General Habituality Policy of Salmones Meetings and that as many shareholders Any transactions the Company carries Camanchaca S.A. for operations with as possible are able to exercise their out in its own shares must comply with related parties, published in the Com- voting rights at such meetings, and that Chilean laws and regulations, and shall pany’s website, the Board of Directors will the General Shareholders' Meeting is an be carried out on the Santiago Stock obtain a valuation from an independent effective forum for shareholders. In order Exchange, and in any case, at such stock third party. Independent valuations shall to facilitate this, the Board of Directors exchange price. Any transaction of trea- also be obtained in respect of material shall ensure the following: sury shares by the Company is subject transactions between companies in the • notices to call for a General Sharehol- to applicable notification requirements, same group that are not covered by the ders' Meeting, irrespective of being and shall be publicly disclosed in a stock General Habituality Policy of Salmones an ordinary or extraordinary, shall be exchange announcement. Camanchaca S.A. and where any of the published 20 days in advance of the companies involved have minority sha- respective meeting. The first notice Transactions between the Company and reholders. shall be published with a minimum of its shareholders or other close associa- 15 days prior to the date of the respec- tes shall be carried out in compliance tive General Shareholders' Meeting; with Chilean laws and regulations. As SECTION 5: SHARES AND • the resolutions and any supporting a public corporation, the Company will NEGOTIABILITY documentation shall be sufficiently only be able to perform such operations detailed, comprehensive and specific, if those transactions have the purpose The Bylaws do not impose any restric- allowing shareholders to understand to contribute to the corporate interest tions on the ability to own, trade or vote and form an opinion on all matters to and are adjusted to the market price for shares in the Company and the shares be considered at the General Share- and conditions prevailing at the time in the Company are freely transferable. holders' Meeting;


• the registration deadline, if any, for SECTION 8: BOARD OF shareholders to participate at the DIRECTORS: COMPOSITION AND General Shareholders' Meeting shall INDEPENDENCE be set as closely to the date of the General Shareholders' Meeting as The Board of Directors shall consist of practically possible and permissible a minimum of five board members. The under Chilean law; term of office for the Board members • the Board of Directors and secretary shall not be longer than two years at a of the General Shareholders' Meeting time. Members of the Board of Directors shall ensure that the shareholders may be re-elected. The members of the are able to vote on each individual Board of Directors shall be elected by the matter, including the election of the General Shareholders' Meeting, while members of the Board of Directors; the Board of Directors itself appoints • members of the Board of Directors its chairman. According to the Bylaws, may be present at all General Sha- appointment of the chairman shall be reholders' Meetings; and made at the first meeting of the Board • the General Shareholders' Meeting after the ordinary General Shareholders' shall be presided by the chairman, Meeting electing the Board of Directors. and the CEO shall act as its secretary, Pursuant to Chilean law, the Board of unless the General Shareholders' Directors is the only corporate body who Meeting has designated such se- is entitled to appoint the chairman. This cretarial duties to another person. represents a deviation from the Code of Practice. No member of the Company's The Company will employ its reasonable executive management shall be mem- best efforts to ensure the possibility to bers of the Board of Directors. submit their votes by proxy to the sha- reholders who have their shares traded The composition of the Board of Direc- on the Oslo Stock Exchange and who tors should reflect the expertise, capacity are unable to be present at the General and diversity needed to achieve the Shareholders' Meeting. Company's goals, attend its main cha- llenges and the common interests of all Pursuant to Chilean law, the General shareholders. Further, individuals of the Shareholders' Meetings shall always be Board of Directors shall be willing and presided by the chairman of the Board able to work as a team, resulting in the of Directors and, as such, this represents Board of Directors working effectively as a deviation from the Code of Practice. a collegiate body. The Board of Directors shall be composed so that it can act independently of any special interests. SECTION 7: NOMINATION A majority of the shareholder-elected COMMITTEE members of the Board of Directors shall be independent of the executive mana- The Bylaws does not include the establi- gement and material business connec- shment of a nomination committee since tions of the Company. Further, at least a nomination committee is not recogni- one of the members of the Board of zed under Chilean law. This represents Directors shall be independent of the a deviation from the Code of Practice. Company's major shareholder(s) and, According to the Company's corporate as such, represents a deviation from governance policy, the Company will the Code of Practice. For this purpose, consider the possibility to establish a a major shareholder shall constitute a nomination committee in the future. If shareholder that owns or controls 10% or so, any member of the Board of Directors more of the Company's shares or votes, who is also a member of the nomination and independence shall entail that there committee may offer him- or herself for are no circumstances or relations that re-election to the Board of Directors. The may be expected to be able to influen- Board of Directors will use its best efforts ce an independent assessment of the to ensure that all potential candidates person in question. The composition of for the Board are selected by procedu- the Board of Directors does not meet res and policies that guarantees their the recommended gender guidelines good standing to fill those positions, of the Code of Practice, but meets the in the same manner as a nomination Company's need for expertise and di- committee. versity. A short description of our board


members is presented in this annual The Board of Directors shall provide details report on chapter 5. in the annual report of any Board commi- ttees appointed. Pursuant to Chilean law, Members of the Board of Directors are the Company is obliged by law to have an welcome to own shares in the Company. audit committee. The audit committee functions as a preparatory and advisory committee for the Board of Directors and SECTION 9: THE WORK OF the objectives, responsibilities and func- THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS tions of the audit committee shall be in compliance with rules and standards The Board of Directors shall define clear applicable to the Company, which are objectives, strategies and risk profiles further described in the Company's cor- for the Company's business activities porate governance policy. All members of so that the Company creates value for the Board of Directors are independent of its shareholders. The Board of Directors the executive management, and accor- will execute the decisions of the Share- dingly the Company will not establish a holders’ Meeting through the executive separate remuneration committee which, management, focusing on determining as such, represents a deviation from the allocation of internal responsibilities and recommendation in the Code of Practice. duties. The objectives, responsibilities and functions of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall evaluate its and the CEO shall be in compliance with performance and expertise every second rules and standards applicable to the year, which represents a deviation from Company, which are further described the Code of Practice. This evaluation shall in the Company's corporate governance include the composition of the Board of policy that can be found on www.salmo- Directors and the manner in which its members function as a group, in relation to the objectives set out for its work.



SECTION 10: RISK MANAGEMENT arrangement in place for such areas. of any consideration paid to members AND INTERNAL CONTROL The review shall pay attention to any of the Board of Directors in addition to material shortcomings or weaknesses their board remuneration. It is the Board of Directors that has in the Company's internal control and the responsibility to ensure that the how risks are being managed. Company has sound and appropriate SECTION 12: REMUNERATION internal control systems and systems OF EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL for risk management, and that these are SECTION 11: REMUNERATION proportionate to and reflect the extent OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Company has prepared guidelines and nature of the Company's activities. for determining remunerations to the Having effective internal control systems The remuneration of the Board of Direc- CEO and other executive personnel, and systems for risk management in tors is determined by the shareholders at which at all times shall support prevai- place may protect the Company from the Company's annual General Sharehol- ling strategy and values in the Company. situations that can damage its reputa- ders' Meeting. The remuneration of the These guidelines includes the main prin- tion or financial standing. Furthermore, Board of Directors shall reflect the Board ciples for the Company's remuneration effective and proper internal control and of Directors' responsibility, expertise, policy as well as contribute to align the risk management are important factors the complexity of the Company and its interests of shareholders and executive when building and maintaining trust, to business, as well as time spent and the personnel. Performance-related remu- reach the Company's objectives, and ulti- level of activity in the Board of Directors neration of the executive management mately create value. In addition, having in and any board committee members of shall be linked to value creation for sha- place an effective internal control system the Board of Directors participate in. The reholders or to the Company's profit over means that the Company is better suited remuneration of the Board of Directors time and, or, to those parameters which to manage commercial risk, operational shall not be linked to the Company's create value in time. Such arrangements risk, the risk of breaching legislation and performance and share options shall are meant to incentivize performance regulations as well as other forms of risk not be granted to members of the Board and shall be based on quantifiable fac- that may be material to the Company. of Directors. The remuneration to the tors the employee may influence, and The internal control system shall also Board of Directors shall be such that their then be rewarded accordingly. There is address the organization and execution independence is protected. Members an absolute limit on performance-related of the Company's financial reporting, as of the Board of Directors, or companies remuneration. well as cover the Company's corporate associated with a member of the Board values, ethical guidelines and principles of Directors, shall not engage in specific of corporate social responsibility. assignments for the Company in addition SECTION 13: INFORMATION to their appointment as members of the AND COMMUNICATION The Company shall use its best efforts Board of Directors. If a member of the to have a comprehensive set of rele- Board of Directors nonetheless takes on The Company is committed to provide vant corporate manuals and procedures, any such assignment the entire Board information in a manner that contributes which shall provide detailed descriptions of Directors must be informed. to establishing and maintaining confi- of procedures covering all aspects of dence with important interest groups managing the Company's operational bu- Information on the total remuneration and stakeholders. The Company has siness. These procedures and manuals and benefits in kind of each member established guidelines for its reporting shall continually be revised to reflect the of the Board of Directors is provided of financial and other information based best practice, derived from experience in the annual report. This means that on openness and taking into account or adopted through regulations. The the annual report provides details of the requirement of equal treatment in Board of Directors shall annually review all elements of the remuneration and the securities market. The Company is the Company's most important areas of benefits of each member of the Board of obliged to continually provide its sha- risk exposure and the internal control Directors. This includes a specification reholders, authorities (including the


Santiago Stock Exchange and the Oslo relationship with the controller of the Stock Exchange) and the securities mar- Company and with the bidder and the ket and financial market in general with interest that he or she may have in the timely and precise information about the operation. The submitted reports must Company and its operations. The Com- be made available to the general market pany has published an annual, electronic together with the prospectus required financial calendar with an overview of to be prepared pursuant to mandatory dates for important events, such as the Chilean law and a copy must be sub- annual General Shareholders' Meeting, mitted to the Chilean Financial Market publication of the annual report and Commission, the stock exchanges and interim financial reports. the offeror.


In the event of a take-over, the Board of At each ordinary General Shareholders' Directors shall comply with mandatory Meeting, the shareholders shall designa- Chilean laws and regulations. In the te an external audit firm for the purpose event of an announcement of a manda- of examining the accounts, inventory, tory take-over, the members of the Board balance sheet and other financial state- of Directors shall individually issue a ments of the Company, with the obliga- written report with their opinion on the tion to report in writing to the following take-over offer benefits for the sharehol- ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting ders. In that report, the member of the about the compliance of its obligations. Board of Directors shall indicate his/her The Company's auditor shall annually present the main features of the plan for the audit of the Company to the Board of Directors and/or the audit committee. Pursuant to Chilean law, the auditor shall also provide the audit committee with the following: • an annual written confirmation of its independence; • information on services other than statutory audit provided to the Com- pany during the course of the finan- cial year; and • inform about any threats to the au- ditor's independence, and provide evidentiary documentation of the measures implemented to combat such threats.

The auditor shall participate in mee- ting(s) of the Board of Directors where any of the following is on the agenda: the annual accounts and other matters of importance where there have been disagreement between the auditor and


the Company's executive management and/or the audit committee. The auditor shall at least once a year present to the Board of Directors or the audit commit- tee a review of the Company's internal control procedures, including identifi- cation of weaknesses and proposals for improvement. In order to streng- then the Board of Directors' work on financial reporting and internal control, the auditor shall provide a report to the audit committee on the main features of the audit in respect to the previous financial year, and especially mention any material weaknesses identified in the internal control relating to the fi- nancial reporting process. The auditor shall attend the General Shareholders' Meeting if the matters to be dealt with are of such nature that his or her presence is deemed necessary. The auditor is in any case entitled to participate in the General Shareholders' Meeting.

The Company’s Corporate Governance Policy and the Bylaws are available at the web page of the Company.

Also, formal corporate governance pro- cedures have been adopted and publi- shed in the web page of the Company, following the regulations issued by the Chilean authority (Commission for the Financial Market). These procedures are: • Information analysis procedure • Guidelines on compensation • Information file procedure • Permanent training of the board pro- cedure • Procedure for the hiring of specialist advisers • Procedure for continuous improve- ment of the functioning of the Board • Director’s induction procedure • Procedure for publication of Board members candidates’ background • Procedure for the replacement of main executives









Liquidity Ratios Current Liquidity 2.32 2.51 Acid Test Ratio 0.86 0.80 Working Capital (ThUS$) 123,010 119,784

Debt Ratios Net Debt Ratio 0.78 1.81 Current Liabilities / Total Liabilities 0.59 0.40 Non-current Liabilities / Total Liabilities 0.41 0.60 Profitability Ratios Return on Equity (ROE) 23.9% 29.2% Return on Assets (ROA) 27.2% 19.0%


• Current Liquidity Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities

• Acid Test Ratio: Current Assets Net of Inventory and Biological Assets / Current Liabilities

• Working Capital: Current Assets - Current Liabilities

• Net Debt Ratio: Total Liabilities - Available Cash / Total Equity

• Return on Equity: Net Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of the Parent / Total Equity

• Return on Assets: Gross Margin Before Fair Value / Total Assets



CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME 2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Operating revenues 332,301 203,070 Cost of sales -239,564 -144,859 Gross profit before fair value 92,737 58,211 Administrative expenses -12,077 -10,750 Distribution costs -8,575 -5,667 EBIT before fair value 72,085 41,794 EBITDA before fair value 83,354 52,474 Fair value adjustment to biological assets 95,455 54,362 Fair value adjustment to harvest and sales -100,280 -49,061 EBIT after fair value 67,260 47,095 EBITDA after fair value 78,529 57,775 Other gains (losses) -7,371 -4,155 Net profit (loss) before taxes 59,889 42,940 Net profit (loss) 44,017 31,721

During the year 2018, Salmones Caman- US$92.7 million, or US$34.5 million greater The resulting net fair value adjustment chaca harvested 48,496 tons WFE of than 2017. EBIT before fair value adjust- for 2018 was negative at US$4.8 million, Atlantic salmon, an increase of 41.7% ment was US$72.1 million for 2018, marking compared to a positive US$5.3 million from 34,213 tons WFE in 2017, and in line an increase of 72.5% over US$41.8 million in 2017. with estimates from early in the year. in 2017, explained mainly by increased sa- The average price for Atlantic salmon les volumes and lower production costs, Pre-tax profit totaled US$59.9 million in during 2018 was US$6.12/Kg WFE, down despite lower average prices. 2018, up 39.5% from US$42.9 million in 2.7% over 2017. 2017. After-tax net profit totaled US$44 The price of Company-farmed Atlantic million in 2018, up 38.8% from US$31.7 Revenues for 2018 totaled US$332.3 salmon sold by Salmones Camanchaca million in 2017. Net distributable income million, 63.6% above the US$203.1 million fell 17 cents. In that context, EBIT/Kg totaled US$47.5 million in 2018. recorded in 2017, explained by 66.5% WFE rose to US$1.38 from US$1.19 in 2017, growth in the volume of Company-far- explained by the fact that improvements med Atlantic salmon sold. in costs and scale of production more than offset the drop in price. Gross profit before fair value rose 59.3% to




Current assets 216,248 198,975 Property, plant and equipment 92,269 73,646 Other non-current assets 32,098 33,383 Total assets 340,615 306,004

Current liabilities 93,238 79,215 Non-current liabilities 63,476 118,111 Total liabilities 156,714 197,326

Net equity of parent company 183,901 108,678 Total equity 183,901 108,678

Total liabilities and equity 340,615 306,004

ASSETS 2018; and a decrease of US$15.2 million because of a dividend owed by Salmones in inventories. The Company’s finished Camanchaca to its controlling sharehol- During 2018, the Company’s total assets product inventories valued at cost as of der (Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca increased 11.3% or US$34.6 million to December 31, 2018, were US$17.9 million, S.A., holds 70% of the shares of Salmones US$341 million. This growth is explained equivalent to 2,700 tons of finished pro- Camanchaca S.A.); and an increase of mainly by increases of US$18.6 million in duct, or around one month of harvests. US$4.7 million in current tax liabilities property, plant and equipment; US$19.9 because of improved results in 2018. million in current and non-current biolo- Non-current assets increased by US$17.3 gical assets; and US$12.3 million in cash. million (+16.2%) to US$124 million, mostly Non-current liabilities fell US$54.6 million This was partially offset by a reduction of due to the aforementioned increase of (-46.3%) due to US$50 million in volun- US$15.2 million in inventories. US$18.6 million in investments in property, tary payments on its long-term revolving plant and equipment, and an increase of bank debt. Current assets totaled US$216 million, up US$4.1 million in non-current biological 8.7% from US$199 million as of year-end assets, related to the larger biomass to The Company's equity increased by 2017, mainly attributed to the aforemen- be harvested after 2019. US$75.2 million to US$184 million as of tioned increase of US$12.3 million in cash; year-end 2018 as compared to December an increase of US$15.7 million in current 31, 2017, explained by net profit for the year biological assets, which is consistent with LIABILITIES AND EQUITY and the effects of the capital increase as the estimated biomass for 2019 harvest part of the IPO in the first quarter of 2018. forecasts; an increase of US$4.6 million in Current liabilities increased by US$14 accounts receivable because of greater million (+17.7%), due to an increase of sales, especially in the fourth quarter of US$11.1 million in related party payables




Cash flow from operating activities 53,943 36,898

Cash flow from investing activities -31,767 -16,076

Cash flow from financing activities -9,013 -21,047 Effects of changes in exchange rates on -866 -571 cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 846 1,642 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 13,143 846

For 2018, cash flow from operating ac- Net cash flow used in financing activi- tivities totaled US$53.9 million, up from ties totaled a negative US$9.0 million US$36.9 million for 2017, explained mainly for the year, in comparison to negative by increased sales revenues. US$21.0 million for 2017, explained mainly by payments of US$50 million to banks Cash flow used in investing activities for financial debt and US$5 million to totaled US$31.8 million for the period, the parent company of the Camanchaca US$15.7 million greater than the prior Group, offset by US$46 million raised from year, explained by investments to su- the capital increase. pport the Company's growth plan for the 2018-2021 period, consisting primarily of The resulting net cash flow for 2018 was new farm sites and improvements and positive US$12.3 million. automation at primary and secondary processing plants.



SALMONES FIORDO SALMONES CAMANCHACA S.A. BLANCO S.A. Eliminations CAMANCHACA 2018 (ThUS$) Individual Individual Consolidated*

STATEMENT OF INCOME Operating revenues 332,770 1,390 -1,859 332,301 Cost of sales -241,018 -406 1,859 -239,564 Gross profit before fair value 91,753 984 0 92,737 EBIT before fair value 71,139 946 0 72,085 EBITDA before fair value 82,280 1,074 0 83,354 Net profit (loss) before taxes 59,806 400 -317 59,889 Net profit (loss) 44,017 317 -317 44,017


Current assets 214,874 34,071 -32,696 216,248 Non-current assets 155,478 7,282 -38,394 124,367 Total assets 370,352 41,353 -71,090 340,615

Current liabilities 122,918 3,018 -32,698 93,238 Non-current liabilities 63,533 90 -146 63,476 Total liabilities 186,450 3,108 -32,844 156,714

Total equity 183,902 38,245 -38,246 183,901

Total equity and liabilities 370,352 41,353 -71,090 340,615


Cash flows from operating activities 53,527 416 0 53,943

Cash flows from investing activities -31,741 -26 0 -31,767

Cash flows from financing activities -9,013 0 0 -9,013 Effects of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents -854 -12 0 -866

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 724 121 0 846

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 12,643 500 0 13,143


SALMONES FIORDO SALMONES CAMANCHACA S.A. BLANCO S.A. Eliminations CAMANCHACA 2017 (ThUS$) Individual Individual Consolidated*

STATEMENT OF INCOME Operating revenues 203,007 1,577 -1,514 203,070 Cost of sales -145,101 -809 1,051 -144,859 Gross profit before fair value 57,906 768 -463 58,211 EBIT before fair value 41,509 723 -438 41,794 EBITDA before fair value 51,943 969 -438 52,474 Net profit (loss) before taxes 42,848 722 -630 42,940 Net profit (loss) 31,721 527 -526 31,721


Current assets 198,733 32,016 -31,774 198,975 Non-current assets 138,925 6,025 -37,921 107,029 Total assets 337,659 38,041 -69,695 306,004

Current liabilities 110,820 169 -31,774 79,215 Non-current liabilities 118,160 98 -147 118,111 Total liabilities 228,980 267 -31,921 197,326

Total equity 108,678 37,774 -37,774 108,678

Total equity and liabilities 337,659 38,041 -69,695 306,004


Cash flows from operating activities 37,651 27 -780 36,898

Cash flows from investing activities -17,240 -31 1,195 -16,076

Cash flows from financing activities -20,751 -55 -241 -21,047 Effects of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents -578 7 0 -571 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 1,642 174 -173 1,642 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 724 121 0 846

* This is consistent with the audited financial statements in chapter 10

Strategic decisions and production, fi- parent company and operating entity. The standalone balance sheet of Salmo- nancial and commercial operations are nes Camanchaca S.A. represents 100% of carried out by Salmones Camanchaca In 2018 the standalone income statement consolidated equity. S.A. Fiordo Blanco is the sole subsidiary of Salmones Camanchaca S.A., represents of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. The main practically the entire consolidated income Movements in the standalone cash flow asset of this subsidiary is aquaculture statement of Salmones Camanchaca statement of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. concessions that are leased to be opera- (100% of operating revenue, 99% of EBITDA represent 99% of operating cash flows, ted by Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Thus, and 100% of net profit). 100% of investing cash flows and 100% Salmones Camanchaca S.A. acts as the of financing cash flows.









LEGAL NAME PHONE Salmones (56 2) 2 363 57 00 Camanchaca S.A.

CHILEAN TAXPAYER FAX ID NUMBER (56 2) 2 375 43 84 76.065.596-1

TYPE OF CONTACT ENTITY E-MAIL Joint Stock [email protected] Company


ADDRESS TICKER Avenida El Golf N° 99, Piso 10, Santiago Stock Exchange: SALMOCAM Las Condes, Santiago Oslo Stock Exchange: SALMON Región Metropolitana Postal code 7550000



Period In 1987 Camanchaca established its salmon farming operations by acquiring the Polcura hatchery, where the 1987 first Pacific (Coho) smolts were produced. This was the first species farmed by the Company. The same year, the 1999 first Atlantic salmon were stocked at the Pañasmó and Terao sites. The Company also began to acquire several aquaculture concessions with a combined production potential of 80,000 tons per year.

In 1989 Camanchaca began to farm Atlantic salmon and expanded its operations within the .

Period In 2001 Camanchaca made a pioneering investment, establishing the first recirculating hatchery for salmon 2000 in Chile, located on the Petrohué River in the Los Lagos Region, with production capacity of 15 million smolts 2010 per year.

In 2004 Fiordo Blanco S.A. was acquired by Camanchaca, adding new important aquaculture concessions and an Atlantic salmon breeding program, with an exclusive, faster growing breed, the Lochy strain.

In 2008, like other fish farming companies, Camancha- ca suffered the effects of the ISA virus and decided to suspend production of Atlantic salmon until new sanitary and hygiene protocols and regulations were implemented.

In 2009 Camanchaca formed a new entity for its sal- mon operations, Salmones Camanchaca S.A., in order to focus and consolidate resources for the production and farming of this product.


Period In 2011 the Company resumed farming of Atlantic salmon with healthy indicators and successful yields after a two- 2011 year interruption due to the ISA virus. 2015 In 2012 Salmones Camanchaca became the world’s first salmon producer to earn three stars in the Best Aquacul- ture Practices (BAP) certification program.

In 2013 the Company founded New World Currents, in association with three other Chilean companies, in order to efficiently and consistently supply the Chinese market, with the goal of becoming China’s largest importer of farmed salmon.

That same year, the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) was launched. This organization brings together the world's leading salmon producers, including Salmones Caman- chaca. Its objective is to build greater cooperation and transparency in order to make continuous progress in sustainable salmon farming.

In 2015 Salmones Camanchaca published its first Sus- tainability Report. That same year, the eruption of the volcano caused damage in the Los Lagos Region, specifically affecting the Petrohué RAS hatchery. The Company managed to recover more than 85% of its fresh water fish and quickly rebuilt the hatchery.

Period In 2016, Salmones Camanchaca suffered the effects of a harmful algae bloom, which resulted in significant mortality 2016 at three of its sites in the Reloncaví Gulf. That same year, the Tomé and San José processing plants were certified 2017 under the ASC Chain of Custody Standard. The Company also earned a fourth star in the BAP certification program for the Rio Petrohué hatchery, completing certification for its entire chain of production under this standard.

In September 2016, the Petrohué hatchery was reopened after having been damaged by the eruption of the Calbuco volcano. The new hatchery facilities feature high standards of safety and state-of-the-art recirculation technologies, which resulted not only in operational improvements, but also environmental benefits and significant progress towards clean, sustainable aquaculture.

In 2017, the Company's corporate social responsibility program, Friendly Camanchaca, celebrated its fifth anniver- sary. This program aims to promote healthy eating, caring for the environment and socioeconomic development in areas near the Company’s operations.




Salmones Camanchaca and its parent company completed a successful primary and secondary placement of 30% of the Company’s shares on the Santiago and Oslo stock exchanges for US$108 million, raising US$50 million for Salmones Caman- chaca. This placement positioned Salmones Camanchaca as the first and only Chilean and Latin American company to be listed on the world’s most important seafood market. Following the IPO on February 2, 2018, the Company’s shares doubled in value during the year, while coverage by interna- tional investment banks rose from 3 at the time of the IPO to 7. The success of this deal is also reflected in the Company having met objectives presented during the IPO roadshow, specifically harvest, sale, margin and investment projections.



Salmones Camanchaca became the first salmon company to register with the Huella Chile Program from the Ministry of the Environment. This program is designed to encourage public and private-sector companies to quantify, report and manage their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To attain this re- cognition, the Company quantified its GHG emissions for the year 2017. The process, advised by GreenTicket and audited by Deloitte Chile, culminated with the use of the Huella Chile calculation tool.


After the shareholders’ meeting on April 26, 2018, Reconstruction of the Petrohué hatchery was fully Jorge Fernández García, the then CEO of Salmones completed in 2018, after facilities were seriously Camanchaca, was appointed the Company’s new damaged by the eruption of the Calbuco volcano in chairman, to replace Ricardo García, who was named 2015. This hatchery, one of the first in the world to use vice-chairman. Manuel Arriagada took over as the new a recirculating system for farming Atlantic salmon, CEO of Salmones Camanchaca. These changes are now has capacity for 14 million smolts. With these designed to further the Company’s successful track facilities now operational, the Company is on track record of asset growth, diversification, development to comply with its production plan to harvest 60 and value generation. thousand tons WFE of Atlantic salmon in 2021-2022.


For the first time ever, almost one third of the Com- pany's production met the demanding standards of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certifica- tion program, reaching 96% during the fourth quarter of 2018. These standards guarantee that processes comply with sustainability best practices. In fact, in 2017 Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program updated its recommendation for ASC-cer- tified farmed salmon, calling it a “good alternative” for consumers.



The Company is of indefinite duration.

Its authorized, subscribed and paid-in capital is of US$91,786,390.08, divided into 66,000,000 nominative, single-se- ries shares with no par value and no preferential rights whatsoever.

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of five members that are eligible for reelection. They serve Salmones Camanchaca S.A. was incor- two-year terms, at which time the entire porated as a privately held corporation Board is renewed. Directors can be ree- by public instrument on June 26, 2009, lected indefinitely. signed before Santiago Notary Mr. Félix Jara Cadot. An abstract of that instru- Shareholders meet in annual general and ment was registered on July 23, 2009, extraordinary meetings. Annual general on page 33,897, No. 23,131 of the Santiago meetings are held within the first four Commerce Registry and was published months of each year and extraordinary in the Official Gazette on July 24, 2009. meetings may be held at any time, when required by corporate needs, to decide The Company’s corporate purpose is: a) on any matter for which the law or bylaws Aquaculture activity in general, espe- require shareholder approval, provided cially breeding, producing and farming that such matters are indicated in the salmon, trout, other salmonidae and corresponding meeting notice. all other species, beings or organisms grown entirely or primarily in water, in- At the annual general meeting, sharehol- cluding research and development of ders appoint an external auditing firm salmonidae genetics; industrializing, each year to examine the Company’s slaughtering, cooling, freezing, dehydra- accounting, inventory, balance sheet ting, packing, packaging, transporting and other financial statements. These and selling products, by-products and auditors shall inform shareholders in derivatives of aquatic activities, for its writing as to their compliance with their own benefit and also by providing ser- mandate at the next annual general vices related to these activities to third meeting. parties; and b) researching and deve- loping, producing and manufacturing On December 13, 2017, the Company was inputs, machinery, elements and mate- registered as number 1150 in the Securi- rials for aquatic activities, all for its own ties Registry maintained by the Superin- production or for sale to third parties. tendency of Securities and Insurance.




As of December 31, 2018



15,84% 14,16%


70,00% 30,00%


Note: Includes direct and indirect interests



Inversiones Los Fresnos Limitada and Inversiones HFG Limitada, companies in which Mr. Jorge Fernández Valdés is direct owner of 99.964% and 0.00069%, respectively, are controlled by Mr. Jorge Fernández Valdés in accordance with their respective bylaws. Inversiones HFG Limitada is direct owner of 0.036% of Inversiones Los Fresnos Limitada. The partners of Inversiones HFG Limitada are: 1) Jorge Fernández Valdés, with 0.00069%; 2) Inversiones La Viña Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.421-4, with 16.6665%, of which 96% is owned by Ms. María Carolina Fernández García, Chilean ID Number 6.377.733-1; 3) Inversiones Bahía Quel- tehues Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.852- 4, with 16.6665%, of which 96% is owned by Mr. Jorge Fernández García, Chilean ID Number 6.377.734-; 4) Inversiones Fernández Cambiasso Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.862- 1, with 16.6665%, of which 96% is owned by Mr. Andrés Fernández García, Chilean ID Number 6.446.623-2; 5) Inversiones Bahía Pastores Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.883-4, with 16.6665%, of which 96% is owned by Ms. María de la Paz Fernández García, Chilean ID Number 6.377.735-8; 6) Inversiones Salar Grande Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.856- 7, with 16.6665%, of which 96% is owned by Mr. Cristián Fernández García, Chilean Salmones Camanchaca S.A. is controlled ID Number 9.216.903-0; 7) Inversiones by Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A., Orzada Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number direct and indirect owner of 70% of the 77.066.845-1, with 16.6665%, of which 96% Company's shares. is owned by Mr. Gonzalo Fernández Gar- cía, Chilean ID Number 13.441.707-2 Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A., direct owner of 69.9998% of the Com- The following individuals related to Mr. pany’s shares, is controlled by Mr. Jorge Jorge Fernández Valdés are direct ow- Fernández Valdés, Chilean ID Number ners of the following percentages of 3.189.057-8, through the companies In- the Company: Jorge Fernández García, versiones HFG Limitada, Taxpayer ID Chilean National ID 6.377.734-K: 0.048% Number 76.076.557-0, direct owner of and Nicolás Guzmán Covarrubias, Chi- 33.1717% of the Company’s shares, and lean National ID 6.377.761-7: 0.048% Inversiones Los Fresnos Limitada, Taxpa- yer ID Number 78.172.330-4, direct owner Control of Compañía Pesquera Caman- of 19.6020% of the Company’s shares. chaca S.A., is also held by Mr. Francisco de


Borja Cifuentes Correa, Chilean National MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS ID 4.333.851-K, who has a joint action agreement with Mr. Jorge Fernández Val- SHAREHOLDERS SHARES % dés, that limits the free disposal of shares. COMPAÑÍA PESQUERA CAMANCHACA S.A. 46,199,896 70.00% Mr. Francisco de Borja Cifuentes Correa DNB NOR BANK ASA 9,345,162 14.16% controls, in accordance with their res- COMPASS SMALL CAP CHILE FONDO DE INVERSION 2,204,866 3.34% pective bylaws, the companies Inversio- CHILE FONDO DE INVERSION SMALL CAP 1,696,481 2.57% nes Cifco Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number BTG PACTUAL SMALL CAP CHILE FONDO DE INVERSION 1,679,068 2.54% 78.172.320-7, and Inversiones HCL Limi- tada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.076.548-1. TOESCA SMALL CAP CHILE FONDO DE INVERSION 1,117,183 1.69% The latter two entities own 13.1700% of FONDO DE INVERSION SANTANDER SMALL CAP 967,004 1.47% the Company’s shares. BCI SMALL CAP CHILE FONDO DE INVERSION 672,376 1.02% SIGLO XXI FONDO DE INVERSION 603,999 0.92% The partners of Inversiones Cifco Li- BANCHILE ADMINISTRADORA GENERAL DE FONDOS S.A. 306,005 0.46% mitada, which directly owns 3.1320% of LARRAIN VIAL ASSET MANAGEMENT A.G.F. S.A. 300,217 0.45% Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A., are Mr. Francisco de Borja Cifuentes Co- FONDO MUTUO COMPASS ACCIONES CHILENAS 218,137 0.33% rrea, with 99.9621% of that company, and SUBTOTAL 65,310,394 98.96% Inversiones HCL Limitada, with 0.0379% of OTHERS 689,606 1.04% that company. The partners of Inversio- TOTAL 66,000,000 100.00% nes HCL Limitada, which owns 10.0380% of the Company, are: a) Mr. Francisco de Borja Cifuentes Correa, with 0.0024% of that company; b) Inversiones Cilar Uno Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.821- 4, with 19.9995%, of which 96% is owned by Ms. Mónica del Pilar Cifuentes Larios, Chilean ID Number 9.007.413-5; c) In- versiones Cilar Dos Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.824-9, with 19.9995%, of which 96% is owned by Mr. Francisco de Borja Cifuentes Larios, Chilean ID Number 12.629.641-K; d) Inversiones Cilar Tres Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.833-8, with 19.9995%, of which 96% is owned by Mr. Crisitán Andrés Cifuentes Larios, Chilean ID Number 12.638.234-0; e) Inversiones Cilar Cuatro Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.839-7, with 19.9995%, of which 96% is owned by Ms. Carolina Cifuentes Larios, Chilean ID Number 13.550.339-8; and f) Inversiones Cilar Cinco Limitada, Taxpayer ID Number 76.066.842-7, with 19.9995%, of which 96% is owned by Ms. María José Cifuentes Larios, Chilean ID Number 15.960.728-3



As of December 31, 2018




25% 99,99% 33,33%

Note: Includes direct and indirect interests



No agreements or contracts have been The Company does not have any in- signed with subsidiaries or associates vestments representing over 20% of that have significantly impacted the the investee's total assets in entities operations and results of Salmones Ca- that are not considered subsidiaries or manchaca S.A. associates.



As of December 31, 2018 and 2017


96.540.710-3 FIORDO BLANCO S.A. 99,99 0,00 99,99

Percentage that the investment in each company represents of the Company's total individual assets as of December 31.




SUBSCRIBED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL: US$ 46.115.059 Subsidiary of Salmones Camanchaca S.A.

CORPORATE PURPOSE: Farming, breeding, producing, developing, catching and marketing all types of be- ings and organisms grown entirely or primarily in water, whether sea, lake or river; industrializing, transforming, producing, processing, canning, freezing, dehydrating, packaging and marketing and selling these products in any format; creating and operating hatcheries. The company may enter into all acts and contracts directly or indirectly related to its corporate purpose.

GENERAL INFORMATION: The company was incorporated on September 20, 1988, before Valparaíso notary public Ricardo Maure Gallardo. It was registered with the Commerce Registry of the Los Andes Real Estate Registrar on page 59, number 47 in 1988 and with the Commerce Registry of the Santiago Real Estate Registrar on page 61,647, number 43,161 in 2009.

BUSINESS RELATIONS: Esta filial arrienda concesiones y activos asociados a la actividad de salmonicul- tuThis subsidiary leases concessions and assets related to the salmon farming business to Salmones Camanchaca S.A

CHAIRMAN: Francisco Cifuentes Correa

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Francisco Cifuentes Correa, Ricardo García Holtz y Jorge Fernández García.




As of December 31, 2018


76.346.370-2 SURPROCESO S.A. 33,33 0,00 33,33 0-E NEW WORLD CURRENTS INC. 25,00 0,00 25,00

As of December 31, 2017


76.346.370-2 SURPROCESO S.A. 33,33 0,00 33,33 0-E NEW WORLD CURRENTS LTD. 25,00 0,00 25,00

Percentage that the investment in each company represents of the Company's total individual assets as of December 31.





CORPORATE PURPOSE: CORPORATE PURPOSE: Providing storage, slaughtering, calibration, grading and Marketing, selling and distributing Chilean salmon in China processing services for the salmon farming and general fi- and Hong Kong. shing industries. GENERAL INFORMATION: GENERAL INFORMATION: The company was incorporated on April 10, 2014, in Hong The company was incorporated on March 17, 2005, before Kong, in accordance with Hong Kong law and registered in Santiago notary public Arturo Carvajal Escobar. It was regis- the Companies Registry of the Hong Kong Special Adminis- tered with the Commerce Registry on page 177, trative Region of the People’s Republic of China. number 139 in 2005. BUSINESS RELATIONS: BUSINESS RELATIONS: This associate markets and sells salmon in the Chinese and This associate provides slaughtering and gutting services Hong Kong markets for Salmones Camanchaca S.A. to the subsidiary Salmones Camanchaca S.A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CHAIRMAN: Standing Members: Juan Carlos Ferrer Echavarri, Derek Khon Adrián Fernández Rosemberg Bruggerman, Daniel Montoya Stehr, Luis Vicente Swinburn Joannon. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Adrián Fernández Rosemberg, Ignacio Pérez Benítez, Jose CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Luis Chanes Carvajal, Alvaro Contreras Pérez, Jorge Fernán- Eduardo Goycoolea Moreno dez García and Daniel Bortnik Ventura

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Guillermo Enrique Vásquez Maldonado




Position in the Subsi- Name Subsidiary/Associate diary/Associate

Fiordo Blanco S.A. Director Jorge Fernández García Surproceso S.A. Director

Francisco Cifuentes Correa Fiordo Blanco S.A. Chairman

Ricardo García Fiordo Blanco S.A. Director

Manuel Arriagada Ossa Fiordo Blanco S.A. CEO

Daniel Bortnik Surproceso S.A. Director

Juan Carlos Ferrer New World Currents Ltd. Director








Jorge Fernández García




DATE ELECTED 04/26/2018

Ricardo García Holtz *


CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 6.999.716-3






Francisco Felipe Cifuentes Correa Sandoval Precht *




Tore Valderhaug *


CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 26.622.508-3




* Members of the Audit Committee



Juan Carlos Ferrer Echavarri



CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 6.190.572-3



Manuel Arriagada Ossa Daniel Bortnik Ventura


CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 12.149.818-9 CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 8.036.514-4



Rafael Le-Bert Ramírez Pablo Hernández Neira Alvaro Poblete Smith



CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 13.273.363-5 CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 10.350.784-7 CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 7.656.660-7




Claudio Scmauck Céspedes Jorge Vergara González Daniel Silva Troncoso



CHILEAN ID NUMBER: 13.940.977-9



2018 2017



2018 2017

MAN WOMAN TOTAL MAN WOMAN TOTAL Board Members 5 0 5 5 0 5 Key Executives 9 0 9 9 0 9 Company 1,035 300 1,335 1,133 455 1,588

Note: Key executives include the corporate executives of the parent company Compañía Pesquera Camancha- ca S.A. that provide services to Salmones Camanchaca S.A.



Technicians 68% 65% Administrative 97% 95% Operative 82% 82%




2018 2017


NATIONALITY Chilean Foreign Chilean Foreign TOTAL Chilean Foreign Chilean Foreign TOTAL Board Members 4 1 0 0 5 4 1 0 0 5 Key Executives 9 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 9 Company 1,024 11 298 2 1,335 1,132 1 455 0 1,588




AGE < 30 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 >70 < 30 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 >70 TOTAL Board Members 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Key Executives 0 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Company 248 330 243 163 49 2 71 92 85 42 10 0 1,335



AGE < 30 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 >70 < 30 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 >70 TOTAL Board Members 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Key Executives 0 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Company 338 334 247 164 49 1 126 127 129 62 11 0 1,588





EDAD < 3 3-6 612 < 3 3-6 612 TOTAL Board Members 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Key Executives 2 1 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 Company 508 122 251 62 92 138 35 105 12 10 1,335



EDAD < 3 3-6 612 < 3 3-6 612 TOTAL Board Members 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Key Executives 0 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 Company 563 366 96 28 80 264 160 14 7 10 1,588




Jorge Fernández García 2,280 0 Ricardo García Holtz 960 720 Francisco Cifuentes Correa 960 1,440 Hector Felipe Sandoval 960 120 Tore Valderhaug 960 120 Jan Stengel Meierdirks 0 660 Jorge Fernández Valdés 0 720 Luis Hernán Paul Fresno 0 660

* Unidad de Fomento (UF): Unit of account used in Chile, readjustable according to Chilean inflation. Its value as of December 31, 2018 is 1 UF = CL$ 27,566 = US$ 39,7



The total compensation received by the ranteed variable annual bonus, subject managers and key executives during to the evaluation of the compliance with the year 2018 reached the sum of ThUS$ the objectives agreed upon and the per- 2,636.-, which considered fixed and va- formance expected and /or established riable components. The latter consists by the relevant supervisor. of a performance-determined non-gua-

TOTAL PERCEIVED BY MANAGERS AND KEY EXECUTIVES 2018 2017 Fixed ThUS$ 1,807 1,851 Variable ThUS$ 829 538 Total ThUS$ 2,636 2,389

Note: Key executives include the corporate executives of the parent company Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. that provide services to Salmones Camanchaca S.A.

KEY EXECUTIVES COMPENSATION the professional and personal aspects AND BENEFITS PLANS of our collaborators.

The Company has in place compensation In addition to the Bonuses Based on and benefits plans for its key executives Results incorporated in the amount in- founded in the compliance with individual dicated in the first paragraph as part of goals, such as the financial results, and the annual compensation, Salmones permanence in office. Such plans have Camanchaca offers other benefits, among as their purpose to enhance conditions which there is a complementary health that add value and mobilize the energy, insurance, life insurance and catastro- creativity and collaboration of our execu- phic insurance, that during the year 2018 tives, attract new talents to the Company; reached a total of ThUS$ 31. retain the existing talents; and develop








As one of the oldest hatcheries in Chile, operating for almost 70 years, Polcura is the foundation of the Company's family tree. Here, our teams perform studies and genetic crosses of families of the Fanad and Lochy strains to obtain the best outcomes based on the strengths OUR SALMON and potential of each strain. PRODUCTION CHAIN The town of Polcura, located on the road The salmon production cycle begins with to Antuco, is part of the district of Tucapel, the Company’s Genetic Enhancement which had around 14,000 residents accor- Program. After that, the process from ding to the 2017 census (CENSO, 2017). spawning to harvest and sale takes an additional three years. Since its beginnings, the hatchery team has included members from the neigh- Throughout the cycle, Salmones Caman- boring towns of Huepil and Polcura, in- chaca seeks, in three of Chile’s regions, cluding some individuals with more than for optimum conditions so that the farm 30 years of experience at the Company, production process is as similar as pos- contributing considerable experience sible to salmon development in nature. and knowledge acquired over this period. The first stage takes place in fresh water Community relations are strong and va- and the fish are then transported to lued not only because of the Company’s Salmones Camanchaca’s sea grow-out contribution to the development of local sites in the pristine waters of Chile's Los residents but also because of its efforts Lagos and Aysén regions. to care for the environment.

Some of the activities carried out as part POLCURA HATCHERY - GENETIC of the GEP in Polcura include: ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (GEP) 1. Selection of fish with high genetic (36 MONTHS) values for resistance (population/ family genetic value), quality (color) Our salmon production process begins and growth. with the genetic makeup of our strains 2. Yearly production of breeders for at the Polcura hatchery in the Biobío 100% of Company's egg production. Region. Here, the Company’s Innovation It has additional capacity of at least and Development and Freshwater divi- 50% beyond current production (20 sions have jointly developed its Genetic million eggs/year) Enhancement Program (GEP) for more 3. Challenge testing to evaluate resis- than 15 years near Laguna del Laja Na- tance to disease tional Park and a river of the same name. 4. Challenge testing to evaluate the The GEP is one of the Company’s grea- effects of co-infection versus single test production strengths, allowing it infection to control genetic variables in addition 5. Challenge testing to evaluate the to selecting fish with specific characte- effect of vaccinations on fish selec- ristics, such as more disease-resistant tion fish or greater-growth-rate fish, among 6. Start of genomic selection for SRS others. resistance (QTL marker).





As part of the GEP in Polcura, breeders 3) Elimination of carbon dioxide, dis- are obtained and then transported over infecting with ultraviolet (UV) light land to the Río del Este hatchery in the and other processes that maintain it town of Ralún, Los Lagos Region. Here, at optimum conditions to be reused near the mouth of the Petrohué River, we once again in the same process. obtain male and female gametes that are then used in the fertilization pro- Petrohué is separated into two large cess. Later, the eggs undergo a quality production units, the hatchery (eyed egg selection process to ensure a highly effi- to fry) and the smolt production unit or cient product. The egg selection process SPU (pre-smolt and smoltification stage). consists of eliminating from production The hatchery unit receives eyed eggs eggs that we believe will not develop from Río del Este and keeps them un- optimally. They are identified mainly by der ideal temperature conditions. After traits observable to the naked eye. approximately 30 days of incubation, the fry hatch (are born). At this stage, a Once the eggs reach the so-called eyed fry weighs between 0.2 and 0.3 gr. After egg stage, they are moved 28 km nor- being intensely fed for a period of one to theast to our Río Petrohué recirculating two months, they reach a weight of five hatchery to continue developing. to seven grams. Fry are then transferred to other, larger units within the hatchery for two to three months. Here they reach RÍO PETROHUÉ HATCHERY a weight of 30 to 40 grams, at which time (11-12 MONTHS) they are moved to the SPU for the final fresh-water phase. This hatchery was one of the first in the world to use a recirculating system for farming Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). One of the main benefits of this type of system is significant water savings (as compared to open-flow hatcheries). It also allows for tight control of all envi- ronmental variables such as oxygen, temperature, pH, etc. Petrohué supplies its tanks using water from deep wells located on its property. This water is very pristine and temperature-constant, which is optimum for salmon farming. Recirculating systems reduce the risk of fish leakage and interaction with other wildlife and allow for strict traceability of the process.

Recirculating systems are characterized by reusing the same water in several cycles of its processes. However, to make this possible, the water must undergo a three-step treatment process: 1) Extraction of solids (mechanical treatment) 2) Removal of organic matter using a biofilter (biological treatment)


SMOLT PRODUCTION UNIT, PETROHUÉ (SPU) (5 MONTHS) exclusively to Company-production of coho. In 2018, nearly five million eggs The last stage of production in fresh wa- of this species passed through this site, ter takes place in the Smolt Production spending around eight months here. Unit (SPU). The SPU tanks are adapted to farm larger fish and optimize control This farm site has a team of 16 emplo- of the most critical process that fish yees, 80% of which are residents of the undergo in fresh water, that of acclima- district of Purranque. ting to the major change of environment from fresh to seawater. Following this process, known as “smoltification”, the PLAYA MAQUI fish are ready to be moved to the ocean. The fish undergo the most fresh-water The Company has a smoltification site growth in the SPU, swelling from 30-40 in Llanquihue Lake (Los Bajos sector in grams to approximately 100 grams or the district of ). For years, this more, based on production planning, center has been dedicated to produ- which considers sanitary fallow periods cing trout for other companies in the for each neighborhood that ultimately industry and for in-house production of determine smolt stocking dates at sea this species before 2014. As of 2018, this grow-out sites. facility started Pacific salmon production for third parties and in-house farming Today, there are five SPUs, each with and during the first quarter 2019, the eight to ten tanks that can house up to Company stocked a total of 1.4 million 120,000 fish. smolt at four sites.

Overall, around 65 people work at the- The Company provides two types of se two Petrohué smolt facilities, 75% of third-party services: sale of smolts and which are local residents of Ensenada third-party farming. For the latter service, and Ralún. fry, feed and vaccines are provided by the customer. This hatchery was seriously damaged in 2015 following the eruption of the This farm site has a team of 19 emplo- Calbuco volcano. Reconstruction was yees, 85% of which are residents of the fully completed in 2019. As a result of this district of Frutillar. process, the facility now has capacity for 14 million 100-gram smolts, which will enable the Company to achieve its production plan. This gives the Company a forecasted harvest capacity of 70,000 tons WFE per year.

In addition to the fresh water production line for Atlantic salmon, the Company has assets used to produce trout and coho (Pacific salmon), specifically the Río de la Plata hatchery and the Playa Maqui lake farm site.


This hatchery located in the Purranque sector of the Los Lagos Region is used to farm trout and coho salmon. At these facilities, eggs grow until they reach the fry stage (20 g), at which point they are transported to the Playa Maqui lake farm site, which is currently dedicated


The Company’s Research and Development (R+D) Department began with the Genetic Enhancement Program as part of the Freshwater Division and became a separate department in 2017. The following table details the department’s projects:



Production evaluation of monosex lochy Production P003-17 Islotes Sep.2017-Jan.2019 Completed cages

P004A-17 Lochy response to photoperiod (part 1) Pilpilehue Oct.2016-Mar.2018 Completed

Production evaluation of lochy cages P004B-19 stocked off season (contao and chonos) Chonos-contao May.2019-Jun.2020 In process part 2 Year-round production of lochy eggs Polcura-río del P005-17 Sep.2016-Oct.2018 Completed (part 1) este

Production evaluation of fish selected Pilpilehue-porce- P007A-17 May.2017-Ene.2020 In process for srs resistance (population selection) lana

Production evaluation of fish selected P007B-18 May.2018-Ene.2021 In process for srs resistance (genomic selection)

Sanitary Effects on embryo development of chi- P006-17 Rio del este Sep.2016-Dic.2017 Completed conditions lled eggs

Evaluation of vertical transmission of prv P012-18 Polcura May.2018-May.2019 In process on families from gep Immune status of salmo salar and relationship to infection by p.Salmonis. Islotes-puel- P014-18 Feb.2018-Dic.2018 Completed Collaborative project with strategic in- che-cabudahue vestment fund Formalin v/s bronopol, effects on lochy P015-18 Rio del este Jun.2018-May.2019 In process embryo

Environ- Development of predictive tool for con- P010-17 Jun.2017-Jun.2019 In process mental trolling harmful algae blooms


Once they are ready to continue growing Smolt are placed in the different sea in salt water, smolts are moved using farm sites based on production planning, ground and sea transport from the Pe- which considers neighborhood closures trohué hatchery in the town of Ensenada, to comply with current regulations on district of , to our different sanitary fallow periods. grow-out sites in the Los Lagos and Aysén regions.


When the fish have reached the proper size, close to five kg WFE, they are trans- ported in specially designed wellboats to our primary processing plants. Our farm sites in the Los Lagos Region are processed at the Company's plant in Calbuco and farm sites located in the Aysén Region are processed at the Sur- proceso plant located in the district of Quellón on the island of Chiloé.


The island of Quihua in the district of Cal- buco, a primarily rural (albeit industrial) area, is home to our primary processing plant and fish storage facilities, which are capable of processing 85,000 thousand salmon per day. This plant is responsible for processing seawater production from sites located in the Los Lagos Region. The natural conditions for salmon to It can process different species such as develop and grow in sea water can be Atlantic salmon, trout and Pacific salmon found in the cold waters of southern Chi- or coho. le, which is an ideal setting for approxi- mately 97% of fish growth to occur in the It has sufficient capacity to also provide 12-18 months following the first stage at processing services for other companies the hatchery. in the area and value-added processes for whole fresh salmon to be exported The scenery surrounding these produc- directly to countries like Argentina, Brazil tion centers is packed with native flora and China. and fauna. Amidst snow-capped peaks and austral fjords, farm site employees Next to the plant lies the San José Rural work in shifts scheduled to ensure ba- School, which has a total of 150 stu- lance between their professional deve- dents, all from Quihua Island. The areas lopment and personal and family time. of Yaco, Pureo, San Antonio and Chulle- In on-land lodges or floating pontoons, hua, among others, are also part of the men and women co-exist with nature, school community. This sector has a lar- protecting both the salmon under their ge number of indigenous communities care in minimally invasive facilities and and numerous community associations the environment around them. with different purposes such as sports, social, tourism, etc. For more than a year, seawater teams have been using an automatic feeding Surproceso S.A. Processing Plant in Que- system that today can even be activated llón, Island of Chiloé, Los Lagos Region. remotely when weather does not permit Fish from our seawater sites in the Aysén them to enter the area. In addition, other Region are processed in Quellón at the technology has been added to monitor Surproceso plant, which has a proces- feed consumption and, using specially sing capacity of 140,000 fish per day. adapted robots, extract mortalities and Salmones Camanchaca owns one third wash nets in situ. of this company and also has a nursery concession adjacent to the facilities.



Products other than whole fresh salmon that require more value-added proces- sing are processed at our secondary processing plant in the city of Tomé, Biobío Region. They are transported using reefer trucks to ensure that the cold chain is preserved. The plant has a processing capacity of 240 tons of salmon per day. In 2018, the Company installed a second Marel filleting line to complement another line installed in 2017, thus boosting productivity (+20%) and yield (+1 percentage point).

The plant has the capacity to transform salmon into finished products such as fresh and frozen fillets, fresh and frozen portions and frozen head-on, gutted salmon (HON). These products are offered in skin-on and skinless formats, adapted to consumers in the different markets where Salmones Camanchaca does business. In addition, a number of by-products such as scrape meat, mince blocks, Harasu, etc., are obtained that have generated an additional revenue stream for the Company.

This plant gives the Company great fle- xibility, which lets it maximize yield on its salmon and, in collaboration with the commercial division, developing innovative products for different formats and markets.

Fresh products are exported mainly by air in order to optimize the time from harvest to end consumer, even in distant markets such as China and Southeast Asia. Frozen products are transported mainly by ship, which ensures our pro- ducts reach their final destination in optimum quality.

This plant provides close to 900 jobs each year, with 85% filled by local hires, thus signifying an important contribution to the district’s economic and social de- velopment and making it an important part of the Tomé community.



Salmones Camanchaca markets and CUSTOMERS sells its products through a sales team that serves and develops the diverse Only one direct customer represents markets where it is does business. This more than 10% of total consolidated re- team serves customers directly from venue for 2018. That customer is Caman- Chile, indirectly through a 25% stake in chaca Inc., a Miami-based subsidiary of a partnership in China (“New World Cu- its parent company, Compañía Pesquera rrents”) and representatives in Mexico Camanchaca. It accounts for 32% of total and Europe and through sales agree- revenue. The Company has no other ments with Camanchaca Inc. and Ca- customers that represent more than manchaca Ltd. for the US/Canada and 10% of sales. Japan/Asia markets, respectively. The team’s sales policies aim to maximize the return on sales and ensure suitable NUMBER OF CLIENTS OF market diversification. SALMONES CAMANCHACA WITH ANNUAL SALES OVER THUS$ 10 Thanks to this network, throughout its history Salmones Camanchaca has built long-term business relationships with its Year No. Clients customers and positioned itself on inter- 2011 63 national markets as a reliable supplier 2012 90 of premium salmon products. 2013 96 The Company signed an agreement with 2014 124 its parent company, Compañía Pesquera 2015 118 Camanchaca, to market its value-ad- 2016 136 ded products in international markets 2017 174 under the Camanchaca Gourmet and Pier 33 brands, which mainly target end 2018 223 consumers.



The year 2018 was a period of normali- crease in supply. The challenge for Sal- zation for the Chilean salmon industry mones Camanchaca will be to supply following a harmful algae bloom in 2016. new emerging markets with salmon and The Chilean industry harvests were 678 to reach end consumers more directly thousand tons of Atlantic salmon, which with value-added products that adapt represents an increase of 20.3% over to their needs and, in turn, improve the the prior year, while global supply grew Company’s raw material yield. merely 5.5%. Traditional markets like the US, Brazil, Russia and Japan remained strong and Salmones Camanchaca attained record reported growth in 2018, but new oppor- production of 48,496 thousand tons WFE, tunities are also opening up in other representing 7.1% of Chilean supply of At- countries. Today China has become an lantic salmon and 2% of global harvests. important market for the industry and Demand remained solid in both mature for Salmones Camanchaca in particular, and emerging markets in 2018, which with great growth potential for salmon. kept prices high and stable throughout Lastly, the Company’s partnership to the period. supply the Chinese market with Atlantic salmon, “New World Currents”, reported New density standards and regulations sales of US$ 99,873 million and 11,549 will limit growth of Chilean producers tons exported, up 78.4% from 2017. in the medium term, restricting any in-


Sales distribution


14.9% Others 6.6% Argentina 1.8% Others 1.8% Thailand 39.7% Russia 7.8% China 2.3% China

2.7% Chile

3.1% Germany

27.0% Brazil 7.9% Japan

56.8% USA 13.2% Mexico 14.4% USA









Salmones Camanchaca’s sustainabili- • It has strengthened ties with the ty program emerged in 2013 from the community. It is recognized for its Company's desire to generate deep, las- community engagement team and ting ties with its surroundings: workers, the team's close, respectful rela- suppliers, customers, communities and tionship with neighbors and direct associations. In this spirit, the Company communication channels. founded the “Friendly Camanchaca Pro- • The Company has experienced a gram,” which has three key action areas: paradigm shift towards a sustainable Community Outreach, Caring for the En- organization. The negative perception vironment and Healthy Living. related to negative environmental conduct has lessened. The program and its three action areas were strengthened in 2018, making it a In general, communities appreciate the model program for the salmon industry. corporate social responsibility program, Over its six years in operation, the program Friendly Camanchaca, and recognize has continuously surpassed sustainabili- the Company as a committed, socially ty standards, while developing plans and responsible entity. activities that generate shared value with communities and give them ongoing su- Salmones Camanchaca is proud of its pport for their initiatives, which ultimately accomplishments in 2018 and considers results in improved quality of life. it one of its most positive years. The re- sults are satisfactory, with the Company The Company knows that development having received important recognition must be based on a strong foundation. not only for initiatives implemented but Therefore, in 2018 it conducted the II also for workers involved in the program. Study on Perceptions of Local Leadership For example, the Deputy Manager for and Operating Environments. This initia- Human Resources and Corporate Social tive is designed to identify and describe Responsibility was recognized for the Salmones Camanchaca’s current image work done building community relations. in the communities near its operations and compare it to the first report publi- In 2018 Salmones Camanchaca carried shed in 2016. Based on the study results, out 217 initiatives that impacted over 15 the Company established a calibrated thousand people in the Biobío, Los Lagos road map for the next few years detailing and Aysén regions. In an effort to further aspects it can improve and attributes strengthen ties with the community, a lar- that the community believes should be ger role was given to the Friendly Caman- strengthened, such as: chaca fan page on Facebook, quadrupling • In general, the Company has a good the number of followers to 105 thousand image because it is stable and follows and increasing interactions to 242 posts, good labor practices. with more than 22 thousand reactions. • It is valued for creating local jobs, which is still considered a significant contribution.



Close, direct contact with communities is ses, workshops and training sessions, a priority for the Company. In this spirit, some through agreements with nearby this has been one of the three action schools to educate new professionals areas of its corporate social respon- for the aquaculture industry. sibility program for the past six years. The Company understands that shared Open dialogue is another important value is generated by maintaining stable component of sustainable development bonds and engaging in concrete actions for the Company. In 2018 it proactively not only with its employees but also initiated community dialogues in order with communities near its operations. In to continue its engagement policy of 2018 Salmones Camanchaca focused a strengthening ties with communities. large part of its efforts on training neigh- Salmones Camanchaca's work support bors, entrepreneurs and female heads of concrete actions, and most of its acti- household in order to equip them with vities are born from consensus among tools for professional development. The neighbors and communities. Company organized more than 10 cour-


TRADE COURSES: In March, the Company organized a course entitled “Fish Skin Tanning and Handicrafts” for 17 women participating in a job training program put on by the Municipality of Tomé. At the course, the students learned a va- riety of techniques for tanning fish skin, a material used to create many typical local handicrafts.

RELATIONS WITH AUTHORITIES: As in prior years, the Company worked to- gether with the municipalities of Quemchi, Tomé, Puerto Varas, Cochamó and Chaitén to organize a variety of activities such as coastal cleanup days, health fairs, soccer tournaments and other events.

NEIGHBORHOOD DIALOGUES: Another noteworthy activity this year was the “Neighborly Dialogues” held in Chaitén in September. At the gathering, local resi- dents proposed turning beach cleanup days into educational experiences for lo- cal schoolchildren. The request was met and the project was included within the Company’s Sustainable Schools Program, collecting more than eight cubic meters of waste.



Caring for the environment is another key The Company actively engages in se- action area for the Company. At Salmones veral tangible environmental practices Camanchaca, it is important to create awa- such as publishing yearly sustainable reness among the general population as reports, assisting neighboring schools to the importance of being concerned for through the environmental certification the environment, which is fundamental process, installing recycling centers at to the wellbeing of society and planet educational establishments in Tomé, Earth. The Company believes that pre- training students and their families about serving the ecosystem is essential to its recycling and cleaning beaches. These production activities and addresses this efforts are developed continuously at all topic at all operations. To accomplish this, operations with involvement from the it must analyze each action in advance in community and employees. order to minimize externalities.


ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION: Salmones Camanchaca attained Clean Production certification for the progress it made in 2018 in waste management, energy efficiency and emissions reductions.

ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION FOR SCHOOLS: As part of its corporate social responsibi- lity program, the Company helped several Chilean schools obtain environmental cer- tification, advising them throughout the process and helping them develop an annual plan. Thanks to these efforts, three schools in the Los Lagos Region were cer- tified with this environmental recognition. Mauricio Hitchcock School in Contao was certified at the excellence level; San José Rural School in Calbuco at the intermediate level and Epson Rural School in Ensenada at the basic level.

ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING: One particular environmental initiative was a training program for several community leaders from Puelche, Mañihueico and Contao in the Los Lagos Region, preparing them to be environmental leaders in their areas, providing tools to manage networks, share knowledge and forge new environ- mental protection projects and initiatives.



Healthy living is the third action area of Throughout the program's six years, the Friendly Camanchaca Program. The- Salmones Camanchaca has committed se programs aim to improve the eating to and feels responsible for the towns habits and physical activity levels in where it operates and it has developed neighboring communities in light of the several initiatives to stablish these good high obesity rates affecting the Chilean habits. In this spirit, in 2018 the Company population. Chile is currently the second further strengthened several program most overweight population in the re- activities that are already widely recog- gion among OECD countries, according nized by the community such as “Coo- to the most recent report from the FAO. king Live,” health fairs, races and soccer The Company understands that a heal- tournaments. These events attracted thy community brings shared benefits. over 3,000 children, youth and adults.


HEALTH FAIRS: The Company put on health fairs at pres- chools, schools and heritage festivals.

In the Los Lagos and Aysén regions, as part of the Healthy Schools project, it or- ganized healthy eating fairs at preschools and schools in order to teach students about the importance of healthy eating and promote an active lifestyle.

RACES: Salmones Camanchaca supported different races throughout Chile, including the Tengo Trail Family Run, in which 300 people parti- cipated. The Company handed out water to athletes at three hydration stations along the race route, which offered participants 4K and 12K course options. In addition, the Company handed out a variety of products at the finish line such as reusable bags, t-shirts and baseball caps.

COOKING LIVE: Developed throughout the year, this activity aimed to encourage healthy eating in the entire family.

It attracted large audiences, including 2,500 attendees at the event in Tomé. At each event, a well-known chef prepared salmon-based dishes and the Company distributed cookbooks with recipes made using seafood products.

SOCCER TOURNAMENTS: In Tomé, the Company organized an in- terscholastic soccer tournament entitled “Camanchaca for Healthy Living”, which brought together 250 children and 500 spectators.



Efficiency is one of the cornerstones of Salmones Camanchaca’s strategy and an integral focus of our daily operations as our teams implement short, medium and long-term initiatives to optimize and improve processes.

During 2018, the Company joined forces with an external consulting firm to con- duct an in-depth review of its numerous back office areas, which include the Accounting, Treasury, Purchasing and Procurement, Logistics, Human Resourc- es, Information Technology and Export departments.

The project called for restructuring back office functions to make them serve our business more effectively and efficiently, establishing recommendations for im- proving processes and generating ser- vice and management KPIs for each area.

Several key support functions, approxi- mately 40% of all back-office operations, were centralized in the city of Tomé in the Biobío Region. Also, the Account- ing, Purchasing, Logistics and Export departments were merged into a new Commercial Operations Division. All other functions need to be close to our salmon operations and, therefore, are based in Puerto Montt.

This project is expected to generate important savings and efficiencies starting in 2019. They should be fully implemented in 2020, when the savings is estimated at US$ 2.5 million each year.

The year 2018 was a period of strong growth in production during which the Company implemented and developed several efficiency projects and initia- tives in diverse areas. In fresh water, the Company implemented innovation and genetic development programs to


identify fish with greater disease resis- a second Marel filleting line, boosting tance, which considerably reduces the productivity by 20%. This also improved use of antibiotics and results in fish with yields by almost 1 percentage point, greater, faster growth rates. In addition, which led to US$ 1.5 million in profits. we implemented a gender selection The percentage of premium finished initiative at fresh water facilities that products increased from 97.2% in 2017 enables us to stock seawater cages with to 97.5% in 2018, benefiting the Company exclusively one gender. This technique by more than US$ 100 thousand. The had positive outcomes in seawater, lead- capacity of the Company's static freezing ing to faster growth and larger fish size tunnels increased 65%, which boosted compared to random stocking. It is also the return on raw material (RRM) by important to mention that the recon- US$ 960 thousand thanks to increased struction of the Petrohué hatchery has capacity to process more HON instead of been completed, recovering its original fillets (2 cents more RRM per ton WFE). production capacity of 14 million smolt. The deboning process for fresh product was also optimized, increasing yield by In the seawater area, the Company re- 2% for portions, an improvement valued ported advancements in the feed area, at US$ 700 thousand. improving the WFE feed conversion rate from 1.30 in 2017 to 1.25 in 2018, attribut- Regarding energy costs, the Company ed to an appropriate feeding strategy, now pays an unregulated customer rate reinforced by high-energy diets and for electricity, which generated annual automatic feeding. Another improvement savings of US$ 500 thousand. that impacted operations was the incor- poration of a photoperiod at most farm Lastly, there was a production increase of sites to help prevent early maturation of almost 42% in tons harvested (34,213 tons fish while boosting growth. Equipment WFE in 2017 to 48,496 tons WFE in 2018), was also installed to supply oxygen to maintaining administrative expenses at sites with low oxygen levels, thus reduc- levels similar to 2017. ing oxygen-related mortality. Lastly, the Company invested in 40x40 cages for farm sites designed to optimize costs PURCHASING AND PROCUREMENT and improve production control in the grow-out phase. In 2018 the Company organized tenders for 16 different suppliers and service In processing, margins of third-party providers with annualized savings of farming services increased from US$ 0.7 US$ 3 million. These tenders included million in 2017 to US$ 1.6 million in 2018. several operating improvements such as including gas and oxygen tanks in For ground transportation between the last three pontoon tenders, there- the primary and secondary processing by avoiding additional investments in plants, truck use was optimized, gener- platforms, anchoring, transport and in- ating savings of approximately US$ 400 surance. The Company also tendered thousand each year. biomass insurance, leading to annual savings of US$ 1.4 million. At the secondary processing plant lo- cated in Tomé, the Company installed


It reduced warehouse stock by 40% with including modernizing infrastructure at a decrease in non-moving inventory our plants and cold storage warehouse from 5.9% to 1.5%. located in the city of Tomé. As a result, products can be transported directly Several system improvements were im- from the value-added plant to ports of plemented in 2018 in the Purchasing embarkation, which has reduced the and Procurement module in SAP, which use and cost of cold storage ware- allows the Company to more efficiently houses and substantially improved manage the area using automated pro- inventory turnover. cesses, improved reporting and control points. Some of these improvements in- Consequently, since this investment was clude incorporating master agreements completed in September, 1,200 tons of for supplies, automating the delivery frozen product has been transported of documents to suppliers, improving directly from the plant to the port. Com- process flow times and redefining ap- bined with the fresh salmon dispatched proval and release strategies to improve directly from the plant to the airport, expense control and efficiency. these products account for 30% of pro- duction in 2018.

EXPORT LOGISTICS The Company continued to optimize lo- gistics processes in the operational area In 2018, the Company increased ship- throughout 2018, achieving important ments of fresh salmon from Carriel Sur savings in air, sea and ground freight Airport in Concepción, making it an im- through direct negotiations with airlines portant alternative for exports to the US and shipping lines. Similarly, important and generating important savings in improvements were made to planning logistics expenses and transport times. processes, which have reduced demur- This new alternative has marked a mile- rage times. The Company incorporated stone in the development and modern- the electronic platform Siscomex, which ization of logistic processes in the Biobío has helped streamline delivery process- Region. During 2018, 550 tons of fresh es for export documentation, improving salmon were exported from Concepción, loading times by 1.5 days and helping with a monthly average of 70 tons by trucks leave straight from the plant to air, which represents 14% of total fresh the primary zone. salmon production processed at the Tomé value-added plant. The Compa- ny expects this volume to continue to SUPPLIERS increase in the future. In 2018, only two suppliers represented In addition, changes were made to both 10% or more of the division's purchases. processes and infrastructure that have Billing by these suppliers, which provide led to an improvement in consolidation salmon feed, each separately account for and shipping ratios for our products, less than 23% of the division's purchases.









External variables might materially im- chaca operates using a risk matrix that pact the Company's annual performance. guides the Company in order to: i) review The main variable affecting revenues and update the critical risk inventory and is the price of Atlantic salmon, while generate a map that helps manage risks; the main variable affecting costs is the ii) assess these risks on the basis of sanitary status of the salmon biomass, impact and probability parameters that including the biological conversion of helps with prioritizing; iii) implement an feed. audit and internal control plan based on the risk map that focuses resources on Individually and in aggregate, aquacul- the most vulnerable areas; iv) gener- ture businesses are exposed to various ate a set of strategies to either reduce risks. Consequently, Salmones Caman- probability and/or impact, including insurance wherever/whenever this is economically feasible and convenient. These risk maps guide management to continuously manage and mitigate each risk and establish the corresponding responsibilities and accountability, as well as review the frequency and depth of internal controls to validate the effec- tiveness of mitigating measures.

The Company's mission, vision and values; short and long-term strategic planning; critical business and knowl- edge risks; and the experience of key personnel are among the factors used to detect critical risks.

A. PHYTOSANITARY RISKS The Company is exposed to risk of dis- ease or parasites that can affect the biomass, increase mortality or reduce growth of specific species, and there- by, production and sales volumes. Sal- mones Camanchaca has adopted strict control standards to minimize those risks, and comply with regulatory re- quirements with respect to coordinat- ed fallow periods for the concessions in each neighborhood, maximum fish density in cages, constant monitoring and reporting of the biomass and its biological status and health, the smolt production process in closed recircu-


lating sites fed by groundwater, trans- port of breeders and fish for harvest in wellboats, coordinated antiparasitic washing by neighborhood, frequent net cleaning, oxygen plants to supplement shortfalls in the water, vaccinations at the freshwater stage, among others.

B. NATURAL RISKS The Company is exposed to natural risks that may affect normal operations, such as volcanic eruptions, tidal waves and tsunamis, earthquakes, harmful algae blooms, natural predators, water pollu- tion and other factors that may threaten biomasses and production facilities. The Company is constantly monitoring these variables using first-rate instruments within the salmon industry, in addition to having appropriate insurance coverage for these risks, all of which are moni- tored from a central, specialized unit. This unit not only monitors the status of insurance coverage, but also manages these markets. Salmones Camancha- at each fish development stage. The claims preparation when these occur ca has mitigated price risk through its Company aims to produce a final product in order to make claims that are in line diversified marketing strategy and by that contains the same amount of Omega with contractual coverage. producing higher value-added products, 3 as wild salmon, as well as a fish in-fish which have contracts that average 60 to out ratio (amount of marine ingredients 90-day periods. used to produce one weight equivalent C. PRODUCT SALE PRICE RISKS of farmed fish) of no more than 1.0. The The Company exports its products main- The Company has a policy of diversifying Company has feed contracts that are ly at prices that are fixed on international its sales between several buyers in each adjusted quarterly, on a cost-plus basis. markets, for which it has a wide commer- market, and large diversity of markets cial network. The Company adjusts the and territories. This ensures that sales speed of its sales in accordance with can be reallocated when necessary or E. REGULATORY RISKS production and market conditions, which convenient. Aquaculture is strictly regulated in Chile are constantly in flux. However, it does by laws, standards and regulations is- not accumulate inventory under specu- sued by fishing authorities. Significant lation of a better sale price in the future. D. PURCHASE PRICE RISKS changes in these regulations could have The Company is exposed to changes in an impact on the Company’s perfor- Prices are highly dependent on the the purchase price of salmon feed, which mance. These regulations are mainly supply from Norway and Chile and on is based on well-diversified ingredients established by the General Law on Fish- fluctuations in exchange rates used by and suppliers. Salmones Camanchaca eries and Aquaculture, and its associated the Company’s major trading partners, defines its diets seeking a balance be- regulations that assign concessions, which affects demand conditions in tween feed cost and nutritional quality manage the biomass and set sanitary


parties/producers, it has routinely leased out several farm sites. Regulations grants the stocking rights of a concession to the owner, allowing the Company to use the history of smolt stocking at farm sites leased to third parties in its own smolt stocking plans for subsequent cycles, without affecting the growth in the areas involved. Therefore, and as the lease agreements expire after 2020, the Company estimates it will harvest ap- proximately 60,000 tons WFE of Atlantic salmon and 4,500 tons WFE of Pacific salmon (Coho), at its own farm sites, plus another 12,000 tons WFE of trout, without introducing growth to the system, and therefore without having to materially reduce densities at its farm sites.

Most of the concessions held by Sal- mones Camanchaca for farming fish are of indefinite duration. However, in order to retain the concession, current regulation requires a certain level of minimum use. In a context in which regulators aim to limit smolt stocking growth to preserve favorable sanitary conditions, this generates inconsistency and the risk of the concession expiring.

Salmones Camanchaca's financial po- sition and results could be affected by changes in economic policies, specific regulations and other standards estab- lished by authorities.

F. LIQUIDITY RISK Liquidity risk is the risk of potential mis- matches between the funds needed for preventive rules. The Company is con- asset investments, operating expenses, stantly monitoring any potential changes finance costs, repayment of debt as in regulations in order to anticipate and it matures and committed dividends, mitigate any potential impacts. and funding sources like product sales revenue, collections from customers, Starting with Q2 2016, changes were disposal of financial investments and made to the regulations governing salm- access to financing. on farming densities, and a smolt stock- ing reduction program was introduced Salmones Camanchaca conservative- (PRS). This new regulation forces salmon ly and prudently manages this risk by farmers to reduce smolt stocking and maintaining sufficient liquidity and -ac farming densities in cages when low cess to third-party credit facilities, while sanitary performance has been detected carefully ensuring that it complies with and/or smolt growth is expected in the all financial covenants. zone. The PRS mechanism gives pro- ducers the choice between replacing a reduction in density, when appropriate, G. INTEREST RATE RISK with a smolt stocking plan that contains The Company is exposed to interest a reduction with respect to the prior cy- rate risk since its long-term financing cle, maintaining densities at maximum includes a variable interest rate compo- permitted levels. nent, which is adjusted every six months. The Company evaluates hedging alter- Since the Company has a policy to use natives based on market conditions, but its assets to provide services to third has not used any over the past five years.


H. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK I. CREDIT RISK A substantial share of Salmones Caman- 1. SURPLUS CASH INVESTMENT RISKS chaca’s revenues arise from contracts The Company has a highly conservative and commercial agreements set in US policy for investing cash surpluses. This dollars. However, given the diversity and policy encompasses both the quality importance of markets other than the of financial institutions and the type of North American market, which has his- financial products used. torically represented more than 50% of total exports, any devaluation of the US 2. SALES OPERATIONS RISKS dollar against these markets’ currencies The Company has insurance policies and/or the Chilean Peso, could have an covering most of the sales of its products impact on the financial performance of that are not sold with immediate pay- the Company. ment. The remaining sales are backed by letters of credit, or advance payments, Corporate policy is to agree income, cost or are to customers with an excellent and expenses in US dollars whenever credit performance. possible. When that is not possible, ex- penses in Chilean pesos are converted to Operational stoppages at ports or by US dollars, which generates a difference customs or other institutions, as well when the peso appreciates. The Company as protests, marches or road blockages occasionally evaluates exchange rate may affect and delay shipments of our hedging instruments for its peso-de- products to the markets where they are nominated expenses, based on market sold. Therefore, the Company continu- conditions, which results in non-operat- ously monitors these variables in order ing income or loss, respectively, for any to anticipate any issues and identify operational loss or income produced. alternatives to minimize the impact.

The Company's liabilities with financial institutions are in US dollars.



INVESTMENT AND FINANCING rest will focus on expanding produc- To date, the Company has no restrictions POLICIES tion capacity in line with the Company’s involving limitations on dividend pay- growth plan. ments. However, the debt rescheduling Over time, the Company’s investment and financing commitment agreement policy has focused on maintaining all signed on November 27, 2017, with DNB production assets in optimal operat- DIVIDEND POLICY Bank ASA, Cooperative Rabobank U.A., ing conditions. Therefore, each year it and Banco Santander Chile S.A., set forth invests a fraction of the depreciation The bylaws of the Company set forth that if the Company does not comply of its property, plant and equipment that out of the distributable net profits of with the financial covenants established incurred during the prior year. It also each fiscal year, there shall be destined: in that agreement, it may not distribute makes investments in property, plant dividends in excess of 30% of distribut- and equipment and concessions in a) a quota not inferior to thirty per cent able net income for the year, determined order to boost its production capaci- (30%) of same to be distributed as div- based on the respective balance sheet. ty in order to comply with its strategic idend in cash among the sharehold- development plan. These investments ers, proportionate to their shares; and are financed using corporate resources, b) the balance of the profits not distrib- DIVIDEND PROVISION by selling assets or with long-term loans uted as dividend, to form the reserves from financial institutions. Investments that the Ordinary General Sharehold- For the year ended December 31, 2018, in working capital are funded with cor- ers Meeting decides. the Company's financial statements con- porate resources or short-term bank tain a provision for payable dividends financing. The Company has covenants The Board unanimously approved to amounting to ThUS$ 14,262, equivalent with its banks to maintain a debt over establish the following dividend policy to 30% of the distributable net profit. EBITDA coverage ratio no greater than 4 for Salmones Camanchaca S.A., starting times and a ratio of equity to assets equal December 2017: The Board of Directors of Salmones to or greater than 40%, in accordance Camanchaca agreed at session of March with the lending agreement signed in a) The Company shall distribute defin- 27, 2019, to propose to the Annual General November 2017. itive annual dividends after the ap- Meeting the payment of a final dividend proval of the balance sheet of each of 50% of the distributable net profit A total of US$$32.5 million was invest- fiscal year by the Annual General amounting ThUS$ 23,770, equivalent to ed in 2018, including US$5.3 million to Meeting, in an amount that will be US$ 0.36015 per share. maintain and upkeep existing assets equal to 30% of the net profits suscep- and US$27.2 million on efficiency, -im tible of being distributed as shown in The Company distributed dividends provements and production capacity the relevant balance sheet. charged to the year ended December expansion. b) The Company will not distribute inter- 31, 2017, of ThUS$ 3,354, equivalent to im dividends unless so decreed by US$ 0.05081 per share. Salmones Caman- Approximately US$39 million is expected the Board for a particular distribution. chaca did not distribute any dividends to be invested in 2019. Close to 40% of c) The terms indicated in “a” and “b” in the years prior to 2017. these investments will be to maintain above may be modified by the Board and upkeep existing assets and the in the future.










Juan Carlos Ferrer Echavarri Manager 02-02-18 7,815 3,268 25,539,420 Yes

Ricardo Adolfo García Holtz Director 02-02-18 23,448 3,268 76,628,064 Yes

Daniel Bortnik Ventura Manager 02-02-18 15,631 3,268 51,082,108 Yes

Ricardo Adolfo García Holtz Director 04-07-18 3,448 4,500 15,516,000 Yes



1st quarter 25,915,335 86,309,348,904 3,330.44

2nd quarter 4,040,204 16,734,960,546 4,142.11

3rd quarter 1,344,636 7,337,489,174 5,456.86

4th quarter 2,881,024 17,461,899,287 6,061.00

Source  Santiago Stock Exchange, Chilean Electronic Stock Exchange.












02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019

OSLO STOCK EXCHANGE BASE = 100 Salmones Camanchaca (SALMON) Oslo BØrs Seafood Index (OBSFX)









02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019



SANTIAGO, FEBRUARY 1, 2018. ed as placing agent and DNB Markets, a division of DNB Bank ASA, acted as Salmones Camanchaca S.A. informs global coordinator. that, in relation to the public offer of its shares communicated opportunely to the market, the board of the company, SANTIAGO, MARCH 21, 2018. in extraordinary session held today, has decided to place through the mechanism In a board meeting held on December called auction of a Book of Orders, of 20, 2017, whose minutes were signed the Santiago Stock Exchange, a total of by the directors with today's date, the 19,800,000 shares, at the price of CLP$ Board of Directors of Compañía Pesquera 3,268 each, which will be traded on the Camanchaca S.A. agreed, by unanimity Santiago Stock Exchange and the Oslo of its members, to adopt the following Stock Exchange, Norway, starting the general policy of habituality, for the pur- negotiation of said securities in the men- poses of the provisions of number 7) of tioned markets on Friday, February 2. article 147 of Law 18,046 on public limited The liquidation of the placement will companies: take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2018. "GENERAL HABITUALITY POLICY OF SAL- MONES CAMANCHACA S.A. FOR OPERA- SANTIAGO, FEBRUARY 2, 2018. TIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES

In addition to the material fact sent yes- Pursuant to the provisions of article 147 of terday, a total of 19,800,000 shares of the Law 18,046 on Corporations, a corporation Company, of which 9,181,992 shares cor- may only enter into transactions with respond to primary shares and 10,618,008 related parties when they are intended to shares correspond to secondary shares, contribute to the corporate interest, and were placed today in the Santiago Stock the prices, terms and conditions of such Exchange through the auction mecha- transactions are those prevailing in the nism known as subasta de un libro de market at the same time of its approval, órdenes, at a price of $ 3,268 per share and are approved by the Board of Direc- according to the allocation tranches indi- tors or by the shareholders' meeting, cated in the annex attached to this letter. following the procedures established in the same provision. Larraín Vial S.A. Corredora de Bolsa act-


Notwithstanding the foregoing, Article resources of the company. The cele- 147 of the aforementioned Law estab- bration, modification, extension and lishes in letter "b)", that transactions with termination of credit agreements and related parties may be executed which, the performance of all types of financial in accordance with the general policies operations; and the investment of cash of habituality determined by the compa- surpluses. ny's board of directors, are ordinary in consideration of the business purpose 7. The provision of management and of the company, without following the administration services, and other similar approval procedure contemplated in that services such as financial, accounting, standard, as long as they are intended human resources consulting, legal and to contribute to the social interest and tax consultancy, insurance, procurement, the prices, terms and conditions of such procurement and supplies, IT services transactions are those prevailing in the and general technology, of comptroller market at the same time of its approval. and internal audit.

For the purposes of the provisions of the aforementioned rule of Law 18,046, the Board of Directors authorizes the admin- istration to hold, with related parties, the following usual and ordinary operations, in consideration of the company's activi- ties and business purpose, to the extent that said operations are intended to contribute to the corporate interest and the prices, terms and conditions of such transactions are those prevailing in the market at the time of their celebration:

1. The purchase and sale of fish and hy- drobiological products, in their different stages of development.

2. The provision of services to market, export, sell and distribute products asso- ciated with the business of the company and its subsidiaries.

3. The provision and contracting of fish processing services and other hydrobi- ological products.

4. The contracting of terrestrial and maritime transport services for fish and other hydrobiological products, finished products and materials.

5. The provision and contracting of ser- vices for the storage of fish and oth- er hydrobiological products, finished products and materials, including the maintenance and storage in cold rooms.

6. Financial operations of commercial current account and / or financial loans that are carried out with a related com- pany, in order to carry out a correct and efficient administration of the financial


8. Form, constitute, or integrate com- SANTIAGO, MARCH 21, 2018. panies, companies or associations for In the ordinary session of my repre- the proper development of business sented board of directors, held today, purposes. March 21, 2018, it was agreed, among other matters, to call an ordinary general 9. Leasing of offices, parking lots and meeting of shareholders for April 26, other real estate. 2018, at 12:00 o'clock , in the Chilean Insti- tute of Rational Business Administration 10. The leasing and conclusion of all “ICARE”, located on Avenida El Golf 40, types of contracts that imply the cession subsoil, Las Condes district, Santiago. of temporary use or enjoyment of mov- At said meeting, by agreement of the able property, aquaculture concessions, aforementioned board of directors, the fishing and aquaculture authorizations payment of a mandatory minimum final and rights over these classes of goods.” dividend of US $ 0.05081 per share shall be proposed, charged to the profits of the year closed as of December 31, 2017. SANTIAGO, MARCH 21, 2018. Said dividend, if approved by the ordi- nary general meeting of shareholders In a board meeting held on December of Salmones Camanchaca, shall be paid 20, 2017, whose minutes were signed in pesos, national currency, according by the directors with today's date, the to the "Observed Dollar" exchange rate Board of Directors of Compañía Pesquera published in the Official Gazette on May Camanchaca S.A. agreed, by unanimity 18, 2018. The date of payment of the pro- of its members, to adopt the following posed dividend is from May 25, 2018 and dividend policy effective as of Decem- will be entitled to the same shareholders ber 2017: who are registered in the Register of Shareholders of Salmones Camanchaca SA at midnight on May 18, 2018. SALMONES CAMANCHACA S.A. DIV- IDEND POLICY SANTIAGO, APRIL 11, 2018. a) The company will distribute final an- nual dividends after the approval by the In an extraordinary session of the board Shareholders' Meeting of the balance of directors held on this date, Mr. Jorge of each fiscal year, for an amount that Andrés Fernández García has submitted will be equal to 30% of the distributable his resignation to the position of Chief net profits that the respective balance Executive Officer of Salmones Caman- presents; chaca S.A.

b) The company will not distribute inter- The board of directors, after recognizing im dividends, unless otherwise agreed Mr. Fernández García for his performance, by the Board of Directors for a particular agreed to appoint Mr. Manuel Arriagada and determined distribution; Ossa as the new Chief Executive Officer of the company. c) The terms indicated in "a" and "b" above are established without prejudice to the powers of the Board of Directors to modify them in the future.









Consolidated financial statements

As of December 31, 2018


Consolidated classified statement of financial position Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement of net income by function Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated statement of cash flows, direct method Notes to the consolidated financial statements

ThUS$ - Thousands of US dollars UF - Unidades de fomento (a Chilean peso based inflation indexed currency unit) ThCh$ - Thousands of Chilean pesos



Santiao Chile. arch

To the Board of Directors of Salmones Camanchaca S.A.

Report on the audit of the financial statements

Our opinion

In our opinion the financial statements ive a true and fair vie of the financial position of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. (the Company) as at December and and its financial performance and its cash flos for the years then ended in accordance ith International inancial Reportin Standards.

What we have audited

The Company’s financial statements comprise:

• the statement of financial position as at December and . • the statement of comprehensive income for the years then ended • the statement of chanes in euity for the years then ended • the statement of cash flos for the years then ended and • the notes to the financial statements hich include a summary of sinificant accountin policies.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance ith International Standards on Auditin (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report.

We believe that the audit evidence e have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.


We are independent of the Company in accordance ith the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code). We have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance ith the IESBA Code.

Key audit matters

ey audit matters are those matters that in our professional udment ere of most sinificance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters ere addressed in the contet of our audit of the financial statements as a hole and in formin our opinion thereon and e do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.


Santiao Chile. arch Santiago, Chile. arch , Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Salmones Camanchaca S..

Measurement and valuation of biological assets Fair value measurement

As described in the financial statements Salmones Camanchaca S.A. values bioloical assets at their We challenged the Company’s model for calculating the fair value of biological assets by assessing the fair value. or fishes eihin less than s historical cost is used as an approimation of fair value model against the criteria in IS and IS . We found no obvious eceptions. We then eamined accordin to IAS . At the balance sheet date the bioloical assets amount to US.. Bioloical whether the biomass and number of fish used in the calculation corresponded to the biomass and assets comprise ova (es) uveniles broodstoc and fish held for harvestin purposes (on roin number of fish in the Company’s biomass system, and tested that the model made mathematical stae) (see also Note accountin principles Note sinificant estimates and udement and Note calculations as intended. bioloical assets). fter ensuring that these fundamentals were in place, we assessed if the assumptions made by the In fair valuin bioloical assets the determination of both the physical uantity (ilorams) and the Company when estimating the fair value were reasonable. We did this by discussing the assumptions fair value per ilo reuired estimations and a sinificant deree of udement. with the Company’s management and comparing them to other historical data and/or observable maret data. We found that the assumptions were reasonable The fluctuations in the value estimate that arise due to for instance chanes in maret price may have a sinificant impact on the ross marin for the year. The Company therefore shos the effect Impairment test from chanes in fair value estimates as a separate line item before ross marin. We focused on the valuation of the bioloical assets due to the sie of the amount use of criteria and the effect the fair The Company prepared an impairment assesment based on a value in use calculation using budget and value estimate has on ross marin. forecasts prepared for which considers the most updated information available in the last uarter of . These cash flows are based on ey assumptions such as epected harvested volume, margins, Biomass and number of fishes capital ependiture and discount rates. The forecast reuired significant udgement from management. The impairment valuation was a ey audit matter due to the historical challenging maret conditions When auditin inventories the auditin standards reuire that the auditor to attend the physical for the Chilean salmon industry and significant udgments involved in the forecasts. inventory countin hen this is possible. The bioloical assets are by nature difficult to count observe and measure due to lac of sufficiently accurate measurin techniues that at the same time does not We performed test of supporting documentation for the evaluation of the impairment. We evaluated affect fish health. As a result there is some uncertainty related to the number of fish and biomass in management’s estimates relating to the future cash flows. Our audit procedures included inuires of the ater. We have therefore focused on measurement of the bioloical assets (number and biomass) and discussion with management. Our audit procedures also included analysis and evaluation of and specifically the inventory of live fish held for harvestin purposes (on roin) hich constitutes historical accuracy of prior years’s forecasts. We also tested the mathematical accuracy of the value in the maority of the value of the bioloical assets. use calculation, including comparison of certain ey assumptions with maret evidence. urthermore, we involved an internal valuation especialist in the valuation of the methodology, growth rate and the The Company maintains information on number of fish averae eiht and biomass per roups in its discount rate applied in the valuation in use model. We also performed a sensitivity analysis of the Biomass System. We have reviewed the Company’s processes for registering the number of fishes and critical assumptions. testing the Company’s relevant controls. In order to challenge the historical accuracy of Company’s biomass estimates e have revieed the harvest deviation for the period comparin the number of We assessed the Company’s disclosures regarding assumtions to with the outcome of the impairment fishes maintained in the company system before harvest and the number of fishes received in the test, see ote of the financial statements. processin plant. We found the accumulated deviations to be as epected. Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the financial statements The period’s net growth corresponds to the feed used in the period divided by the feed conversion rate (ilos of roth per feed used). To evaluate the feed usae for the period ere vieed the anagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in Company’s controls, and tested a sample of feed invoices throughout the year. Our procedures accordance with International inancial eporting Standards, and for such internal control as substantiated that the roth for the year as reasonable. management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


Santiago, Chile. arch , Salmones Camanchaca S..

Fair value measurement

We challenged the Company’s model for calculating the fair value of biological assets by assessing the model against the criteria in IS and IS . We found no obvious eceptions. We then eamined whether the biomass and number of fish used in the calculation corresponded to the biomass and number of fish in the Company’s biomass system, and tested that the model made mathematical calculations as intended.

fter ensuring that these fundamentals were in place, we assessed if the assumptions made by the Company when estimating the fair value were reasonable. We did this by discussing the assumptions with the Company’s management and comparing them to other historical data and/or observable maret data. We found that the assumptions were reasonable

Impairment test

The Company prepared an impairment assesment based on a value in use calculation using budget and forecasts prepared for which considers the most updated information available in the last uarter of . These cash flows are based on ey assumptions such as epected harvested volume, margins, capital ependiture and discount rates. The forecast reuired significant udgement from management. The impairment valuation was a ey audit matter due to the historical challenging maret conditions for the Chilean salmon industry and significant udgments involved in the forecasts.

We performed test of supporting documentation for the evaluation of the impairment. We evaluated management’s estimates relating to the future cash flows. Our audit procedures included inuires of and discussion with management. Our audit procedures also included analysis and evaluation of historical accuracy of prior years’s forecasts. We also tested the mathematical accuracy of the value in use calculation, including comparison of certain ey assumptions with maret evidence. urthermore, we involved an internal valuation especialist in the valuation of the methodology, growth rate and the discount rate applied in the valuation in use model. We also performed a sensitivity analysis of the critical assumptions.

We assessed the Company’s disclosures regarding assumtions to with the outcome of the impairment test, see ote of the financial statements.

Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the financial statements

anagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with International inancial eporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


antiago, Chile. arch , almones Camanchaca ..

n preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liuidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

Our obectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. easonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with s will always detect a material misstatement when it eists. isstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be epected to influence the economic decisions of users taen on the basis of these financial statements.

s part of an audit in accordance with s, we eercise professional udgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also

• dentify and assess the riss of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those riss, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. he ris of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of epressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.

• valuate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty eists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. f we conclude that a material uncertainty eists, we are reuired to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadeuate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. owever, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.


antiago, Chile. arch , almones Camanchaca ..

• valuate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

e communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

e also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical reuirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

rom the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in etremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse conseuences of doing so would reasonably be epected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

uido icci . RUT: 9.473.234-4



As of As of December 31, December As of As of Assets Note 2018 31, 2017 December 31, December 31, ThUS$ ThUS$ Liabilities Note 2018 2017 Current assets ThUS$ ThUS$ Cash and cash equivalents 7 13,143 846 Current liabilities Other financial assets, current 50 31 Other financial liabilities, current 18 243 439 Other non-financial assets, current 12 5,990 7,041 Trade and other payables, current 19 70,134 71,729 Trade and other receivables, current 8 32,781 28,196 Related party payables, current 9 15,296 4,198 Related party receivables, current 9 26,952 25,585 Tax liabilities, current 17 6,509 1,829 Inventories 10 22,959 38,170 Employee benefit provisions, current 20 1,056 1,020 Biological assets, current 11-35 113,237 97,522 Tax assets, current 14 1,136 1,584 Total current liabilities 93,238 79,215 Total current assets 216,248 198,975 Non-current liabilities Non-current assets Other financial liabilities, non-current 18 50,000 100,000 Other financial assets, non-current 27 27 Trade and other payables, non-current - 102 Other non-financial assets, non-current 12 112 260 Related party payables, non-current 9 591 4,572 Rights receivable, non-current 14 1,349 5,520 Deferred tax liabilities 17-35 12,733 13,280 Equity method investments 13 4,682 5,565 Employee benefit provisions, non-current 20 152 157 Intangible assets other than goodwill 15 6,948 7,083 Total non-current liabilities 63,476 118,111 Property, plant and equipment 16 92,269 73,646 Equity Biological assets, non-current 11-35 18,607 14,472 Share capital 21 91,786 73,422 Long-term deferred taxes 17 373 456 Share premium 21 27,539 - Total non-current assets 124,367 107,029 Total assets 340,615 306,004 Retained earnings 21 41,450 11,695 Other reserves 21 23,126 23,561

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. Total equity 183,901 108,678 Total equity and liabilities 340,615 306,004 Note 35 describes the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of biological assets using the model suggested by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The effects on the statement of financial position are as follows. The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. Biological assets within current assets increased by ThUS$. Note 35 describes the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of biological assets using the model suggested by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The effects on the statement of financial position are as follows.

Deferred tax liabilities increased by ThUS$.

Retained earnings within equity increased by ThUS$.



As of As of December 31, December 31, Liabilities Note 2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 18 243 439 Trade and other payables, current 19 70,134 71,729 Related party payables, current 9 15,296 4,198 Tax liabilities, current 17 6,509 1,829 Employee benefit provisions, current 20 1,056 1,020 Total current liabilities 93,238 79,215 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 18 50,000 100,000 Trade and other payables, non-current - 102 Related party payables, non-current 9 591 4,572 Deferred tax liabilities 17-35 12,733 13,280 Employee benefit provisions, non-current 20 152 157 Total non-current liabilities 63,476 118,111 Equity Share capital 21 91,786 73,422 Share premium 21 27,539 - Retained earnings 21 41,450 11,695 Other reserves 21 23,126 23,561 Total equity 183,901 108,678 Total equity and liabilities 340,615 306,004

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Note 35 describes the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of biological assets using the model suggested by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The effects on the statement of financial position are as follows.

Deferred tax liabilities increased by ThUS$.

Retained earnings within equity increased by ThUS$.




- CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF NET INCOME BY FUNCTION 18,246 62,050 31,721 45,903 14,262 44,017 - 108,678 108,678 183,901 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Total equity Total equity Total


435 For the years ended - 3,354 - 18,246 62,050 31,721 45,903 14,262 44,017

Note December 31, - 108,678 108,678 183,901 2018 2017


parent company parent company Operating revenue 23 332,301 203,070 to owners of the to owners of the to Equity attributable attributable Equity attributable Equity Cost of sales 10 -239,564 -144,859

- - - - Gross profit before fair value adjustment 92,737 58,211

3,354 - 16,672 31,721 11,695 11,695 14,262 44,017 41,450 Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets 11 95,455 54,362 - - ThUS$ ThUS$

losses) losses) Fair value adjustment to harvested and sold biological assets 11 -100,280 -49,061 earnings earnings Retained Retained

(accumulated (accumulated (accumulated Gross profit 87,912 63,512

- -

- - Administrative expenses 24 -12,077 -10,750 75 15

435 D 2017 D - Distribution costs 25 -8,575 -5,667 23,471 23,561 23,561 23,126 Financial costs 26 -6,361 -4,236 ThUS$ ThUS$ reserves reserves

Total other other Total other Total Share of net income (losses) of equity method associates 13 1,629 541

- -

- - - - - Exchange differences 27 -1,916 -455

Other gains (losses) 28 -772 -60 23,471 23,471 23,471 23,471 Financial income 49 55 Other Other Other ThUS$ ThUS$ S.A. AND SUBSIDIARY reserves reserves

Net income (loss) before tax 59,889 42,940


- - -

- - Income tax (expense) income 17 -15,872 -11,219 DECEMBER 31, 2018 AN 75 15 90 90 435 345

- - Net income (loss) from continuing operations 44,017 31,721 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations ThUS$ ThUS$ Foreign reserve Foreign reserve currency currency Net income (loss) for the years 44,017 31,721 conversion conversion Net Income (loss) attributable to:


- - -

Net income (loss) attributable to owners of the parent company 44,017 31,721

27,539 27,539 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests - - Share Share Share ThUS$ ThUS$ SALMONES CAMANCHACA CAMANCHACA SALMONES premium premium Net income (loss) for the years 44,017 31,721 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY OF CHANGES IN STATEMENT EQUITY CONSOLIDATED

FOR THE YEARS ENDED THE YEARS FOR - - Earnings (loss) per share - - -

Basic earnings (loss) per share (US$/share) 22 0.6669 0.5583 34,843 38,579 73,422 73,422 18,364 91,786

Share Share Share Basic earnings (loss) per share (US$/share) 0.6669 0.5583 ThUS$ ThUS$ capital capital

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.

Note 35 describes the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of biological assets using the model suggested by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The effects in the statement of net income by function are as follows.

Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets increased by ThUS$.

Income tax (expense) increased due to a loss of ThUS$.

Net income for the years increased by ThUS$. Net income for the period Net income for the period Other comprehensive income comprehensive Other income comprehensive Other

Dividends accrued Dividends accrued Dividends

1, balance as of January Opening 2017 increase Capital Changes in equity income Comprehensive as of December2017 balance 31, Closing 1, balance as of January Opening 2018 increase Capital Changes in equity income Comprehensive as of December2018 balance 31, Closing statements. financial consolidated interim of these part integral an 35 are 1 to numbered notes accompanying The




- CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF NET INCOME BY FUNCTION 18,246 62,050 31,721 45,903 14,262 44,017 - 108,678 108,678 183,901 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Total equity Total equity Total


435 For the years ended - 3,354 - 18,246 62,050 31,721 45,903 14,262 44,017

Note December 31, - 108,678 108,678 183,901 2018 2017


parent company parent company Operating revenue 23 332,301 203,070 to owners of the to owners of the to Equity attributable attributable Equity attributable Equity Cost of sales 10 -239,564 -144,859

- - - - Gross profit before fair value adjustment 92,737 58,211

3,354 - 16,672 31,721 11,695 11,695 14,262 44,017 41,450 Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets 11 95,455 54,362 - - ThUS$ ThUS$

losses) losses) Fair value adjustment to harvested and sold biological assets 11 -100,280 -49,061 earnings earnings Retained Retained

(accumulated (accumulated (accumulated Gross profit 87,912 63,512

- -

- - Administrative expenses 24 -12,077 -10,750 75 15

435 D 2017 D - Distribution costs 25 -8,575 -5,667 23,471 23,561 23,561 23,126 Financial costs 26 -6,361 -4,236 ThUS$ ThUS$ reserves reserves

Total other other Total other Total Share of net income (losses) of equity method associates 13 1,629 541

- -

- - - - - Exchange differences 27 -1,916 -455

Other gains (losses) 28 -772 -60 23,471 23,471 23,471 23,471 Financial income 49 55 Other Other Other ThUS$ ThUS$ S.A. AND SUBSIDIARY reserves reserves

Net income (loss) before tax 59,889 42,940


- - -

- - Income tax (expense) income 17 -15,872 -11,219 DECEMBER 31, 2018 AN 75 15 90 90 435 345

- - Net income (loss) from continuing operations 44,017 31,721 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations ThUS$ ThUS$ Foreign reserve Foreign reserve currency currency Net income (loss) for the years 44,017 31,721 conversion conversion Net Income (loss) attributable to:


- - -

Net income (loss) attributable to owners of the parent company 44,017 31,721

27,539 27,539 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests - - Share Share Share ThUS$ ThUS$ SALMONES CAMANCHACA CAMANCHACA SALMONES premium premium Net income (loss) for the years 44,017 31,721 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY OF CHANGES IN STATEMENT EQUITY CONSOLIDATED

FOR THE YEARS ENDED THE YEARS FOR - - Earnings (loss) per share - - -

Basic earnings (loss) per share (US$/share) 22 0.6669 0.5583 34,843 38,579 73,422 73,422 18,364 91,786

Share Share Share Basic earnings (loss) per share (US$/share) 0.6669 0.5583 ThUS$ ThUS$ capital capital

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.

Note 35 describes the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of biological assets using the model suggested by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The effects in the statement of net income by function are as follows.

Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets increased by ThUS$.

Income tax (expense) increased due to a loss of ThUS$.

Net income for the years increased by ThUS$. Net income for the period Net income for the period Other comprehensive income comprehensive Other income comprehensive Other

Dividends accrued Dividends accrued Dividends

1, balance as of January Opening 2017 increase Capital Changes in equity income Comprehensive as of December2017 balance 31, Closing 1, balance as of January Opening 2018 increase Capital Changes in equity income Comprehensive as of December2018 balance 31, Closing statements. financial consolidated interim of these part integral an 35 are 1 to numbered notes accompanying The



As of As of December December For the years ended 31, 2018 31, 2017 December 31, ThUS$ ThUS$ 2018 2017 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED BY) OPERATING ACTIVITIES ThUS$ ThUS$ Receipts Net income (loss) for the period 44,017 31,721 Receipts from the sale of goods & provision of services 366,393 224,137 Gain (loss) from cash flow hedge Payments Gain (loss) from foreign currency conversion -435 15 Payments to suppliers for goods and services -274,496 -161,742 Other income and expenses charged or credited to equity Payments to and on behalf of employees -27,701 -22,634 Total comprehensive income 43,582 31,736 Dividends paid -3,354 - Comprehensive income attributable to: Dividends received 2,077 - Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company 43,582 31,736 Interest paid -5,950 -3,683 Total comprehensive income 43,582 31,736 Interest received 47 55 Income taxes refunded (paid) -3,053 31 The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements. Other receipts (payments) -20 734 Net cash flows from (used by) operating activities 53,943 36,898


Proceeds from issuing shares 45,903 - Loan repayments -50,000 -10,407 Payments to related parties -4,916 -10,640 Net cash flows from (used by) financing activities -9,013 -21,047 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED BY) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 277 261 Purchases of property, plant and equipment -32,044 -16,256 Other receipts (payments) - -81 Net cash flows from (used by) investing activities -31,767 -16,076 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before the effect of changes in exchange rates 13,163 -225 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -866 -571 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 12,297 -796 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE START OF THE PERIOD 846 1,642 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 13,143 846

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.



As of As of December December 31, 2018 31, 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ CASH FLOWS FROM (USED BY) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts Receipts from the sale of goods & provision of services 366,393 224,137 Payments Payments to suppliers for goods and services -274,496 -161,742 Payments to and on behalf of employees -27,701 -22,634 Dividends paid -3,354 - Dividends received 2,077 - Interest paid -5,950 -3,683 Interest received 47 55 Income taxes refunded (paid) -3,053 31 Other receipts (payments) -20 734 Net cash flows from (used by) operating activities 53,943 36,898 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED BY) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from issuing shares 45,903 - Loan repayments -50,000 -10,407 Payments to related parties -4,916 -10,640 Net cash flows from (used by) financing activities -9,013 -21,047 CASH FLOWS FROM (USED BY) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 277 261 Purchases of property, plant and equipment -32,044 -16,256 Other receipts (payments) - -81 Net cash flows from (used by) investing activities -31,767 -16,076 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, before the effect of changes in exchange rates 13,163 -225 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -866 -571 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 12,297 -796 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE START OF THE PERIOD 846 1,642 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 13,143 846

The accompanying notes numbered 1 to 35 are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.


.. he main formats for selling Atlantic Salmon are rim C, , and E, G and on fillets, in 4, , 6, and oz. portions. he company prepares its prodcts in plants located in the and regions. hey are mainly sold into the North American, apanese and razilian marets.

Since 2016 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. has participated as a participant in a oint ventre partnership to prodce and maret trot. t has contribted maritime concessions to this partnership. he Manager of this oint ventre partnership is Caleta ay S.A. and the other partner is absa S.A. NOTE 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION artnership net income is divided in eal parts between these three companies.

almones amanchaca .. was constituted as a priate limited company when ompaa esuera he financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. for the years ended ecember 1, 201 were amanchaca .. split on anuary in accordance with a public deed dated une approved by the oard of irectors at a meeting held on March 4, 201. lealied before the ublic otary r. li ara adot. he purpose of the ompany is breedin producin marketin and farmin salmon and other species or oranisms whose normal and most freuent enironment is water includin research and deelopment of salmonidae enetics farmin NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES cultiatin processin producin and marketin seafood. n traordinary eneral hareholders eetin held on ctober areed that almones amanchaca .. should become a direct he principal acconting policies sed to prepare the financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. subsidiary of ompaa esuera amanchaca .. followin a reoraniation of the salmon business have been applied in a niform manner, and are described as follows. within the roup. herefore the latter company increased its share capital. his increase was paid for by all the shareholders in almones amanchaca .. contributin all their shares ecept one to ompaa 2.1 eriod covered esuera amanchaca .. he remainin share beloned to nmobiliaria amanchaca tda. hese financial statements cover the following periods An Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on September 14, 2017 agreed to a reorganization where the company acuired all the shares of iordo lanco .. and urproceso .. which were  Consolidated statements of financial position as of ecember 1, 201 and 2017. owned by the parent company ompaa esuera amanchaca .. he alue of the capital  Consolidated statements of net income by fnction for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017. contribution for these shares was h. n return all the rihts of ransportes nterpolate tda.  Consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and were transferred to its parent company. 2017.  Consolidated statements of cash flows direct method for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and his reoraniation means that almones amanchaca .. will consolidate iordo lanco .. as it 2017. owns . of its shares from that day.  Consolidated statements of changes in eity for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Notes to the consolidated financial statements An Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. was held on November 6, 2017. he minutes were lealied in a public deed with the same date at the antiao otary of r. eli ara 2.2 asis of preparation adot and an etract was recorded in the antiao rade eister on oember on pae at number for . t was published in the fficial ournal on oember . he followin hese financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. as of ecember 1, 201 were prepared in resolutions were approed at this etraordinary shareholders meetin accordance with nternational inancial eporting Standards S. n accordance with the standards and instrctions issed by the inancial Maret Commission MC, they inclde additional disclosres o increase the number of shares in the company from shares to shares. his in the notes to the financial statements. hese are in addition to and not deviations from S. increase will take place by replacin each share currently held with new shares. he presentation of the financial statements in accordance with S reires the se of specific urthermore to increase the share capital from . diided into eual acconting estimates and also reires management to exercise its dgment when implementing the sinle series shares with no par alue to . diided into eual sinle series Company’s accounting policies. Note 6 of these financial statements discloses the areas which involve a shares with no par alue by issuin shares with no par alue at a price of per share. higher degree of dgment and complexity, where the assmptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements. n ebruary ompany shares which represent of the ompany were placed throuh the antiao tock chane usin a mechanism known as an order book auction. hese hese consolidated financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. have been prepared from represent first issue shares and second issue shares at a price of h per acconting records held by the Company. he figres in these consolidated financial statements are share and these are now traded on the antiao hile and the slo orway tock chanes. expressed in thousands of US dollars, which is the Company’s functional currency.

he ompany is a maor market player in the salmon farmin business. he principal characteristic of here are no significant ncertainties regarding events or conditions as of the reporting date that may almones amanchaca is its fully interated alue chain includin the enetic deelopment of breeders cast doubt on the Company’s ability to continue functioning normally as a going concern. and all the facilities reuired to produce fry smolts and marine rowout sites primary and alueadded processin plants and sales and marketin usin its own oerseas sales channels or those belonin to its parent company ompaa esuera amanchaca .. in the apan hina and aents in eico.



he main formats for selling Atlantic Salmon are rim C, , and E, G and on fillets, in 4, , 6, and oz. portions. he company prepares its prodcts in plants located in the and regions. hey are mainly sold into the North American, apanese and razilian marets.

Since 2016 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. has participated as a participant in a oint ventre partnership to prodce and maret trot. t has contribted maritime concessions to this partnership. he Manager of this oint ventre partnership is Caleta ay S.A. and the other partner is absa S.A. artnership net income is divided in eal parts between these three companies.

he financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. for the years ended ecember 1, 201 were approved by the oard of irectors at a meeting held on March 4, 201.


he principal acconting policies sed to prepare the financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. have been applied in a niform manner, and are described as follows.

2.1 eriod covered

hese financial statements cover the following periods

 Consolidated statements of financial position as of ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Consolidated statements of net income by fnction for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Consolidated statements of cash flows direct method for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Consolidated statements of changes in eity for the years ended ecember 1, 201 and 2017.  Notes to the consolidated financial statements

2.2 asis of preparation

hese financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. as of ecember 1, 201 were prepared in accordance with nternational inancial eporting Standards S. n accordance with the standards and instrctions issed by the inancial Maret Commission MC, they inclde additional disclosres in the notes to the financial statements. hese are in addition to and not deviations from S.

he presentation of the financial statements in accordance with S reires the se of specific acconting estimates and also reires management to exercise its dgment when implementing the Company’s accounting policies. Note 6 of these financial statements discloses the areas which involve a higher degree of dgment and complexity, where the assmptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements.

hese consolidated financial statements of Salmones Camanchaca S.A. have been prepared from acconting records held by the Company. he figres in these consolidated financial statements are expressed in thousands of US dollars, which is the Company’s functional currency.

here are no significant ncertainties regarding events or conditions as of the reporting date that may cast doubt on the Company’s ability to continue functioning normally as a going concern.



. New accounting pronouncements Amendments and improements

a) Standards, interpretations and amendments that are mandatory for the first time for financial periods Amendment to IAS 4 "Inestment roertes", reatn to nestment roert transers ssued n beginning on anuary , . ecemer e amendment cares tat tere must e a cane n use to transer to or rom an nestment roert o concude, a cane n use o a roert must suorted an eauaton and tandards and nterpretations edence to ensure tat te roert cane comes t te denton

S inancial nstruments issued in uly . he S published the complete version of S , Amendment to IFRS "Frsttme adoton o IFRS" reardn susendn sortterm ecetons or rst which replaces the guidance in S . his final version includes the classification and valuation tme adoters t resect to te IFRS , IAS and IFRS ssued n ecemer reuirements of financial assets and liabilities and a model of expected credit losses that replaces the current impairment loss model. he part relating to hedge accounting within this final version of S Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures", relating to measuring the had already been issued in November . assocate or ont enture at ar aue ssued n ecemer

S evenue from Contracts with Customers issued in ay . t establishes the principles e adoton o tese standards, amendments and nterretatons do not ae a sncant mact on applicable to information disclosures in financial statements in relation to the nature, amount, timing and the Company’s consolidated financial statements. uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. he basic principle is that an entity recognies revenue that represents the transfer of goods or services promised to customers for b) Standards, interpretations and amendments issued, but not yet mandatory and which an amount that reflects the consideration, which the entity expects to receive in exchange for those goods have not been adopted early. or services. t replaces S Construction Contracts S evenue C Customer oyalty rograms C greements for the Construction of eal state C ransfers of ssets from andator or Customers and SC evenuearter ransactions nvolving dvertising Services. Standards and Interretatons annua erods ennn C ransactions in oreign Currency and dvance ayments issued in ecember 6. his IFRS "eases" ssued n anuar stases te standards to recone, nterpretation applies to a foreign currency transaction or part of it when an entity recognies a non measure, resent and dscose eases IFRS reaces IAS and ntroduces a financial asset or liability that arises from the payment or collection of an advance payment before the unue essee accountn mode tat reures a essee to recone te assets and entity recognies the related asset, expense or income or part of it. he interpretation provides a guide ates o a renta contracts t a term o oer monts, uness te undern for when a single payment receipt is made, as well as for situations involving multiple payments asset s o o aue IFRS s eecte or annua erods ennn on or ater receipts. ts purpose is to reduce practical diversity. anuar , , and ear adoton s ermtted or enttes tat a IFRS or eore te date tat IFRS s nta aed Amendments and improements IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts" ssued n a , reaces te current IFRS 4 mendment to S Sharebased ayments issued in une 6. he amendment clarifies the IFRS cane te accountn or a enttes tat ssue nsurance contracts and measurement of sharebased payments settled in cash and the accounting of changes to such payments nestment contracts t dscretonar artcaton eatures e standard aes when they are settled with euity instruments. dditionally, it introduces an exception to the principles of to annua erods ennn on or ater anuar , and ear adoton s S that will reuire accounting for these awards as if they were fully settled as euity instruments, ermtted or enttes tat a IFRS , "Reenue rom contracts t customers" when the employer is obliged to withhold tax related to sharebased payments. and IFRS , "Fnanca Instruments"

mendment to S evenue from Contracts with Customers issued in pril 6. he amendment IFRIC "ncertant oer Income a reatments" ssued n une s

introduces clarifications to the guide that identifies performance obligations in contracts with customers, nterretaton cares o to a te reconton and measurement reurements accounting for intellectual property licenses and the evaluation of principal versus agent gross versus net o IAS en tere s uncertant reardn ncome ta treatment

income presentation. t includes new and amended illustrative examples as a guide, as well as practical Amendment to IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” ssued n ctoer s examples related to the transition to the new revenue standard. amendment ermts more assets to e measured at amorted cost tan under te

reous erson o IFRS , n artcuar some read nanca assets t neate Amendment to IFRS 4, “Insurance Contracts", with regard to applying S inancial nstruments. oset e assets aected, c ncude some oans and det securtes, oud issued in September 6. he amendment introduces two approaches verlay approach, which gives oterse ae een measured at ar aue trou rot and oss F o all companies that emit insurance contracts the option to recognie in other comprehensive income, ua or amorted cost measurement, te neate comensaton must e instead of gains and losses the volatility that could arise when S is applied under the new insurance “reasonable compensation for ear termnaton o te contract" contracts standard and emporary waiver of S , that enables companies whose business is predominantly related to insurance, to optionally waive S until , and continue applying S Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” ssued n until then. ctoer s amendment cares tat comanes tat account or onterm nterests n an assocate or ont enture tout usn te eut metod soud use IFRS e IAS Counc as ssued an eame tat ustrates o comanes soud a te reurements o IFRS and IAS to onterm nterests n an assocate or ont enture



Amendments and improements

Amendment to IAS 4 "Inestment roertes", reatn to nestment roert transers ssued n ecemer e amendment cares tat tere must e a cane n use to transer to or rom an nestment roert o concude, a cane n use o a roert must suorted an eauaton and edence to ensure tat te roert cane comes t te denton

Amendment to IFRS "Frsttme adoton o IFRS" reardn susendn sortterm ecetons or rst tme adoters t resect to te IFRS , IAS and IFRS ssued n ecemer

Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures", relating to measuring the assocate or ont enture at ar aue ssued n ecemer

e adoton o tese standards, amendments and nterretatons do not ae a sncant mact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. b) Standards, interpretations and amendments issued, but not yet mandatory and which have not been adopted early.

andator or Standards and Interretatons annua erods ennn IFRS "eases" ssued n anuar stases te standards to recone, measure, resent and dscose eases IFRS reaces IAS and ntroduces a unue essee accountn mode tat reures a essee to recone te assets and ates o a renta contracts t a term o oer monts, uness te undern asset s o o aue IFRS s eecte or annua erods ennn on or ater anuar , , and ear adoton s ermtted or enttes tat a IFRS or eore te date tat IFRS s nta aed

IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts" ssued n a , reaces te current IFRS 4 IFRS cane te accountn or a enttes tat ssue nsurance contracts and nestment contracts t dscretonar artcaton eatures e standard aes to annua erods ennn on or ater anuar , and ear adoton s ermtted or enttes tat a IFRS , "Reenue rom contracts t customers" and IFRS , "Fnanca Instruments"

IFRIC "ncertant oer Income a reatments" ssued n une s nterretaton cares o to a te reconton and measurement reurements o IAS en tere s uncertant reardn ncome ta treatment

Amendment to IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” ssued n ctoer s amendment ermts more assets to e measured at amorted cost tan under te reous erson o IFRS , n artcuar some read nanca assets t neate oset e assets aected, c ncude some oans and det securtes, oud oterse ae een measured at ar aue trou rot and oss F o ua or amorted cost measurement, te neate comensaton must e “reasonable compensation for ear termnaton o te contract"

Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” ssued n ctoer s amendment cares tat comanes tat account or onterm nterests n an assocate or ont enture tout usn te eut metod soud use IFRS e IAS Counc as ssued an eame tat ustrates o comanes soud a te reurements o IFRS and IAS to onterm nterests n an assocate or ont enture



andatory for uring 21, the Administration evaluated the impact of the adoption of IFRS 1 as of the effective term Standards and Interpretations annual periods of the new standard, which was determined through the evaluation of lease contracts, assets that beginning according to their nature and lease terms, they must be registered at the date of initial application as Amendment to IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” issued in ecember 217. he 11219 assets for right to use, which will incur amortiation expenses through the period of the contract or the amendment clarifies that gaining control of a oint operation company involves a useful life of the asset, whichever is less Regarding this evaluation, the Company has not yet concluded business combination achieved in stages. he acuirer must revalue its previously what will be the effects of the adoption of IFRS 1 in its Consolidated Financial Statements held interest in the oint venture at fair value at the acuisition date. 2 Basis of consolidation Amendment to IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements” issued in ecember 217. he 11219 amendment clarifies that the entity that gains oint control of a oint operation a Subsidiaries company must not revalue its previous interest in the oint operation. An entity is a subsidiary when the Company can exercise control over its financial and operational Amendment to IAS 12 “Income Taxes” issued in ecember 217. he amendment 11219 policies, which usually involves owning over half its voting rights hen evaluating whether the clarifies that the income ta conseuences of dividends on financial instruments Company controls another entity, all its currently exercisable or convertible voting rights and their classified as euity should be recognied according to here past transactions or effects are considered A subsidiary is consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the events that generated distributable profits ere recognied Company and is excluded from consolidation on the date on which it ceases to be controlled

Amendment to IAS 23 “Borrowing Costs” issued in ecember 217. he 11219 The acuisition method is used to account for the acuisition of subsidiaries by the Company The amendment clarifies that if a specific loan remains outstanding after the ualifying acuisition cost is the fair value of the assets delivered, euity instruments issued and liabilities incurred asset is ready for its intended use or sale, that loan becomes part of general loans or assumed at the date of exchange Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingencies acuired in a business combination are initially valued at their fair value on the acuisition date, regardless of the Amendment to IAS 19 "mployee enefits" issued in February 218. he 11219 extent of minority interests At each acuisition, the roup recognies any minority interest at its fair amendment reuires entities to use updated assumptions to determine the cost of value, or the proportional value of the minority interest over the fair value of the acuired net assets current service and net interest for the remaining period after a plan amendment, reduction or settlement. hey must recognie reductions in a surplus in gains or The surplus acquisition cost over the fair value of the Company’s share of the acquired net identifiable losses on the cost of past service, or a gain or loss on settlement, even if this surplus assets is recognied as purchased goodwill If the acuisition cost is less than the fair value of the net as not previously recognied because it did not eceed the upper asset limit. assets of the acuired subsidiary, the difference is recognied directly in the income statement

Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealied gains on transactions between roup entities are Amendments to IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements" and IAS 8 "Accounting 1122 eliminated nrealied losses are also eliminated, unless that transaction provides evidence that the olicies, Changes in Accounting stimates and rrors" issued in ctober 218. transferred asset is impaired The accounting policies at subsidiaries are amended as necessary, to hese introduce a consistent definition of materiality in all the IFRS and the ensure that roup policies have been consistently adopted Conceptual Frameor for Financial Information. hey clarify the eplanation that

defines materiality and includes some of the guides in IAS 1 on immaterial Salmones Camanchaca SA began a corporate restructuring process in September 21 Accordingly, on information. September 11, 21 the Company transferred all the shares it held in Transportes Interpolar tda to

Compaa Pesuera Camanchaca SA and Camanchaca SpA leaving them with an interest of and Amendment to IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” issued in ctober 218. It revies 1122 1, respectively, in Transportes Interpolar tda the definition of a business. According to feedbac received by the IAS, the current

guide is freuently considered to be too comple, and results in too many An xtraordinary Shareholders eeting was held on September 1, 21, which agreed to increase the transactions being classified as business combinations. share capital, in order to consolidate ownership of all the assets used in salmon smolt stocing,

harvesting and processing by Salmones Camanchaca SA This capital increase was completed when Amendment to IFRS 1 "Consolidated Financial Statements" and IAS 28 ndetermined Compaa Pesuera Camanchaca SA Parent Company contributed all the shares that it owned in "Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures" issued in September 21. his Fiordo Blanco SA and Surproceso SA amendment addresses an inconsistency beteen the reuirements of IFRS 1 and

IAS 28 in the treatment of the sale or provision of goods beteen an investor and its This reorganiation of Salmones Camanchaca SA has resulted in it being consolidated with Fiordo associate or oint venture. he main conseuence of these amendments is that they Blanco SA as it has had a interest from September 1, 21 evertheless, this company is not a recognie a full gain or a loss hen the transaction involves a business hether or significant component of Salmones Camanchaca SA as virtually all its operating revenue is eliminated not in a subsidiary and a partial gain or loss hen the transaction involves assets

that do not constitute a business, even if these assets are in a subsidiary. This meeting also agreed to adopt new bylaws that meet the regulations governing publicallyowned The Company’s management believes that the adoption of these standards, amendments and corporations, as soon as the Company and its shares have been registered in the Securities Registry of interpretations will have no significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements the FC formerly Superintendent of Securities and Insurance The purpose was to arrange an IP for hen they are first applied. such shares, which too place on February 2, 21 and those issued in the future or their representative certificates


uring 21, the Administration evaluated the impact of the adoption of IFRS 1 as of the effective term of the new standard, which was determined through the evaluation of lease contracts, assets that according to their nature and lease terms, they must be registered at the date of initial application as assets for right to use, which will incur amortiation expenses through the period of the contract or the useful life of the asset, whichever is less Regarding this evaluation, the Company has not yet concluded what will be the effects of the adoption of IFRS 1 in its Consolidated Financial Statements

2 Basis of consolidation a Subsidiaries

An entity is a subsidiary when the Company can exercise control over its financial and operational policies, which usually involves owning over half its voting rights hen evaluating whether the Company controls another entity, all its currently exercisable or convertible voting rights and their effects are considered A subsidiary is consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Company and is excluded from consolidation on the date on which it ceases to be controlled

The acuisition method is used to account for the acuisition of subsidiaries by the Company The acuisition cost is the fair value of the assets delivered, euity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingencies acuired in a business combination are initially valued at their fair value on the acuisition date, regardless of the extent of minority interests At each acuisition, the roup recognies any minority interest at its fair value, or the proportional value of the minority interest over the fair value of the acuired net assets

The surplus acquisition cost over the fair value of the Company’s share of the acquired net identifiable assets is recognied as purchased goodwill If the acuisition cost is less than the fair value of the net assets of the acuired subsidiary, the difference is recognied directly in the income statement

Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealied gains on transactions between roup entities are eliminated nrealied losses are also eliminated, unless that transaction provides evidence that the transferred asset is impaired The accounting policies at subsidiaries are amended as necessary, to ensure that roup policies have been consistently adopted

Salmones Camanchaca SA began a corporate restructuring process in September 21 Accordingly, on September 11, 21 the Company transferred all the shares it held in Transportes Interpolar tda to Compaa Pesuera Camanchaca SA and Camanchaca SpA leaving them with an interest of and 1, respectively, in Transportes Interpolar tda

An xtraordinary Shareholders eeting was held on September 1, 21, which agreed to increase the share capital, in order to consolidate ownership of all the assets used in salmon smolt stocing, harvesting and processing by Salmones Camanchaca SA This capital increase was completed when Compaa Pesuera Camanchaca SA Parent Company contributed all the shares that it owned in Fiordo Blanco SA and Surproceso SA

This reorganiation of Salmones Camanchaca SA has resulted in it being consolidated with Fiordo Blanco SA as it has had a interest from September 1, 21 evertheless, this company is not a significant component of Salmones Camanchaca SA as virtually all its operating revenue is eliminated

This meeting also agreed to adopt new bylaws that meet the regulations governing publicallyowned corporations, as soon as the Company and its shares have been registered in the Securities Registry of the FC formerly Superintendent of Securities and Insurance The purpose was to arrange an IP for such shares, which too place on February 2, 21 and those issued in the future or their representative certificates


The folloin subsidiary is included in these consolidated financial statements toether ith its herefore the Company has estalished that the conditions that support the functional currency are as functional currency follos.

Ownership Interest 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Factors Currency Functional Direct Indirect Total Total Consolidated Company Country Currency % % % % The currency that primarily influences the selling prices of goods and services; normally the price US dollar1 Fiordo Blanco S.A. Chile US dollars 99.99 - 99.99 99.99 used to describe and pay for them.

ssociates The currency that principally affects the costs of labor, materials and other costs to produce goods or US dollar and provide services, normally the price used to describe and pay for such costs. Chilean peso2 ssociates are defined as entities over hich the Company eercises sinificant influence but does not The currency used to collect receipts for billed operational activities. US dollars control the financial and operational policies t enerally has an interest in the votin rihts of beteen and nvestments in associates are accounted for usin the equity method and are initially reconied at cost he folloing aspects ere also considered when selecting the Company’s functional currency.

The almones Camanchaca share of net income or losses in associates subsequent to acquirin The currency used by the Company’s financing activities, such as bank obligations and equity, is them are reconied in net income and its share of equity movements that are not due to net income the dollar. subsequent to their acquisition are reconied in reserves and reflected as appropriate in the statement The currency primarily used to invest the receipts from the Company’s billed operational of comprehensive income When the Company’s share of an associate’s losses is equal to or greater than actiities is the dollar. its interest in that company includin any other unsecured receivables the Company does not reconie further losses unless it has incurred obliations or made payments on behalf of that associate herefore the Company considers that under the current circumstances the functional currency of almones Camanchaca .. is the dollar. nrealied ains on transactions beteen almones Camanchaca and its associates are eliminated according to the Company’s percentage interest in them. nrealied losses are also eliminated unless c ransactions and alances the transaction provides evidence of impairment of the transferred asset ransactions in foreign currencies other than the functional currency are conerted to the functional urproceso is a company that provides aquaculture services t has a commercial relationship ith currency using the echange rate in effect as of the transaction date. ains and losses on foreign almones Camanchaca providin it ith slauhterin and uttin services Compaa esquera currencies resulting from settling these transactions and the conersion of monetary assets and Camanchaca oned of this company but under the corporate restructurin in eptember liailities denominated in foreign currencies at closing rates are recognied in the statement of net all these shares ere transferred to almones Camanchaca ho no ons that percentae income.

e orlds Currents nc is a company incorporated in anama to establish process and operate d change rates businesses associated ith maretin salmon in China The Company ons of e orlds Currents nc he company has conerted its monetary assets and liailities using the folloing echange rates to the dollar. peratin sement reportin Date Ch$ / US$ UF / US$ Euro / US$ Yen / US$ Nok / US$ requires entities to adopt anaements approach hen disclosin information about the 12/31/2018 694.77 0.0252 0.8742 110.3800 8.7272 outcome of their operatin sements n eneral this is the information that anaement uses 12/31/2017 614.75 0.0229 0.8317 112.5900 8.1739 internally to evaluate sement performance and to allocate resources to sements

almones Camanchaca has only one operatin sement accordin to this standard . roperty plant and equipment

orein currency transactions The Company’s property, plant and equipment is made up of land, building, infrastructure, machinery, equipment and other fied assets. he main types of property plant and equipment are roduction a resentation currency plants naal equipment pontoons hatchery centers and cultiating centers.

The items included in the Companys financial statements are valued usin the currency of the principal and uildings plants equipment and machinery are recognied at their historical cost less economic environment in hich the entity operates functional currency hich is also the presentation depreciation. istorical cost includes the fair alue considered to e attriuted cost according to . currency for the statements of financial position his historical cost includes ependiture that is directly attriuted to acquiring the asset.

b unctional currency

ased on the instructions and definitions provided in functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in hich the entity operates

dollar Chilean peso


herefore the Company has estalished that the conditions that support the functional currency are as follos.

Factors Currency

The currency that primarily influences the selling prices of goods and services; normally the price US dollar1 used to describe and pay for them.

The currency that principally affects the costs of labor, materials and other costs to produce goods or US dollar and provide services, normally the price used to describe and pay for such costs. Chilean peso2

The currency used to collect receipts for billed operational activities. US dollars

he folloing aspects ere also considered when selecting the Company’s functional currency.

The currency used by the Company’s financing activities, such as bank obligations and equity, is the dollar. The currency primarily used to invest the receipts from the Company’s billed operational actiities is the dollar.

herefore the Company considers that under the current circumstances the functional currency of almones Camanchaca .. is the dollar. c ransactions and alances

ransactions in foreign currencies other than the functional currency are conerted to the functional currency using the echange rate in effect as of the transaction date. ains and losses on foreign currencies resulting from settling these transactions and the conersion of monetary assets and liailities denominated in foreign currencies at closing rates are recognied in the statement of net income. d change rates

he company has conerted its monetary assets and liailities using the folloing echange rates to the dollar.

Date Ch$ / US$ UF / US$ Euro / US$ Yen / US$ Nok / US$ 12/31/2018 694.77 0.0252 0.8742 110.3800 8.7272 12/31/2017 614.75 0.0229 0.8317 112.5900 8.1739

. roperty plant and equipment

The Company’s property, plant and equipment is made up of land, building, infrastructure, machinery, equipment and other fied assets. he main types of property plant and equipment are roduction plants naal equipment pontoons hatchery centers and cultiating centers.

and uildings plants equipment and machinery are recognied at their historical cost less depreciation. istorical cost includes the fair alue considered to e attriuted cost according to . his historical cost includes ependiture that is directly attriuted to acquiring the asset.

dollar Chilean peso


ubsequent costs are included in the initial value of the asset, or recognied as a separate asset, only The Company uses the following method. when it is likely that the future financial benefits associated with these components will flow to the Company and the cost of these components can be determined reliably. The value of the replaced Stage Asset Valuation component is epensed. Fresh water Eggs, fry, smolts and Direct and indirect cumulative costs at their various breeders stages. and is not depreciated. Sea water Salmon Fair Value, as there is a market with reference prices and

companies that sell these assets. In the absence of a epreciation of other items of property, plant and equipment is calculated using the straightline market, accumulated cost at the reporting date, net of method, in order to allocate their cost over their estimated technical useful lives. impairment, (which is applied and recorded if appropriate.) Years

Buildings 10 - 50 Plant and equipment 3 - 20 aluation model Vessels 50 Vehicles 7 - 10 ach group of fish is valued and uses the biomass of fish at the end of each month. The detail includes Other fixed assets 3 - 10 the total number of fish being fattened, their estimated average weight and the cost of fish biomass. The value is estimated from the average weight in that biomass, which in turn is multiplied by the market The residual value and useful life of these assets are reviewed and adusted when necessary at each price per kilo. The market price is normally obtained from published international prices. reporting date. ssumptions used to calculate the fair value of fish being fattened hen the book value of an asset is greater than its estimated recoverable value, its book value is immediately reduced to its recoverable value. The estimated fair value of fish biomass is based on the following items volume of fish biomass, average biomass weight, weight distribution at harvest and market prices. osses and gains on sales of assets are calculated by comparing the proceeds with the book value, and presented in the statement of net income. olume of fish biomass

. iological assets The volume of fish biomass is based on the number of smolts in the sea, their estimated growth and their mortality during the period, etc. ncertainty with respect to the volume of biomass is normally iological assets include the following. lower in the absence of mass mortality events or acute diseases during the cycle.

iological assets include groups or families of breeders, such as eggs, smolts, fish being fattened at sea. istribution of harvest weights They are valued at initial recognition and subsequently at their fair value less estimated selling costs, ecept where their fair value cannot be reliably measured, in accordance with . Therefore, an ish grow at various rates, so there is always a wide variation in the quality and sie of the fish around active market for these assets is sought in the first instance. the average. The distribution of fish quality and sie is important, as these attract different prices on the market. s there is no active market for live fish at all their stages, they are valued as freshwater fish, such as breeders, eggs, fry and smolts, using their cumulative costs at the reporting date. The value of fish biomass is based on a normal weight distribution.

The valuation criteria for fish that are being fattened is fair value. This is understood to be their market arket rices price less their estimated processing and selling costs. There is a market for fish being fattened that are over a certain sie, which is .kg for tlantic almon. The market price is adusted appropriately for almones Camanchaca .. calculates fair value using the price of products in representative markets each marine group at the reporting date, from which the harvesting, processing, packaging, distributing that can be obtained from frequently published independent eternal sources. and selling costs are deducted. The volume is adusted for process wastage. Therefore, the reference prices for tlantic almon are published by rner arry ublications nc. in maller fish are valued at cost, and are subect to impairment testing. their report “Urner Barry’s Seafood PriceCurrent” based on transactions of at least 3,500 pounds. The price used is the FOB price of "Trim D” fresh fillet, from Chile to iami . Changes in the fair value of biological assets are recorded in the income statement for the period. rner arry is a business editor specialiing in timely, reliable and impartial news and market iological assets that will be harvested in the net months are classified as current biological assets. quotations for customers in segments related to the food industry, through a variety of printed and virtual media. The gain or loss on the sale of these assets may vary in comparison to their calculated fair value at the reporting date. ierarchy

air value hierarchy is determined according to the data source, according to the . The Company’s valuation model uses hierarchy level III. The most significant unobserved variable is the average weight.


The Company uses the following method.

Stage Asset Valuation Fresh water Eggs, fry, smolts and Direct and indirect cumulative costs at their various breeders stages. Sea water Salmon Fair Value, as there is a market with reference prices and companies that sell these assets. In the absence of a market, accumulated cost at the reporting date, net of impairment, (which is applied and recorded if appropriate.)

aluation model

ach group of fish is valued and uses the biomass of fish at the end of each month. The detail includes the total number of fish being fattened, their estimated average weight and the cost of fish biomass. The value is estimated from the average weight in that biomass, which in turn is multiplied by the market price per kilo. The market price is normally obtained from published international prices.

ssumptions used to calculate the fair value of fish being fattened

The estimated fair value of fish biomass is based on the following items volume of fish biomass, average biomass weight, weight distribution at harvest and market prices.

olume of fish biomass

The volume of fish biomass is based on the number of smolts in the sea, their estimated growth and their mortality during the period, etc. ncertainty with respect to the volume of biomass is normally lower in the absence of mass mortality events or acute diseases during the cycle.

istribution of harvest weights

ish grow at various rates, so there is always a wide variation in the quality and sie of the fish around the average. The distribution of fish quality and sie is important, as these attract different prices on the market.

The value of fish biomass is based on a normal weight distribution.

arket rices

almones Camanchaca .. calculates fair value using the price of products in representative markets that can be obtained from frequently published independent eternal sources.

Therefore, the reference prices for tlantic almon are published by rner arry ublications nc. in their report “Urner Barry’s Seafood PriceCurrent” based on transactions of at least 3,500 pounds. The price used is the FOB price of "Trim D” fresh fillet, from Chile to iami .

rner arry is a business editor specialiing in timely, reliable and impartial news and market quotations for customers in segments related to the food industry, through a variety of printed and virtual media.


air value hierarchy is determined according to the data source, according to the . The Company’s valuation model uses hierarchy level III. The most significant unobserved variable is the average weight.


ote 35 contains a comparison of Chilean and oregian practices for valuing biological assets. The oa evaluates hether ebedded derivatives exist i cotracts or fiacial istruets to deterie hether their characteristics ad risk are closel related to the ricial cotract rovided . Intangible assets other than goodill that i aggregate the are ot beig accouted for at fair value. f the are ot closel related the are recorded searatel ad chages i value are accouted for directl i the stateet of corehesive a uaculture concessions icoe.

uaculture concessions acuired from third parties are presented at historical cost. The useful life of The oa ad its subsidiaries classif their fiacial assets after iitial recogitio ad he concessions is indefinite, because they have no epiry date or a foreseeable lifetime, so they are not eritted ad aroriate reassess this classificatio as of each ear ed. ll regular urchases ad amortied. This status of indefinite useful life is revieed at each reporting date, in order to assess sales of fiacial assets are recogied o the trade date hich is the date o hich the coa hether events and circumstances continue to support an indefinite useful life for that asset. These becoes coitted to the trade. egular urchases ad sales are urchases or sales of fiacial assets assets undergo impairment testing on a yearly basis. that reuire the deliver of assets ithi the tie frae established geerall b arket regulatio or covetio. The folloig ivestet classificatios are used b esearch and development epenses a iacial assets at fair value through rofit ad loss iacial assets at fair value through rofit

ad loss iclude fiacial assets held for sale ad fiacial assets iitiall recogied at fair value esearch epenses are epensed hen incurred. The directly attributable costs of development proects through rofit ad loss. relate to the design and testing of ne or improved products. These are recognied as intangible assets hen the folloing criteria are met. iacial assets are classified as held for sale if the are acuired for the urose of sellig the i the short ter.  It is technically feasible to fully produce the intangible asset, to the point here it can be used or sold. erivatives icludig a searate ebedded derivatives are also classified as held for sale uless desigated as effective hedgig istruets or as fiacial guaratee cotracts. ais or losses o  anagement intends to complete the intangible asset, and to use or sell it. heldforsale istruets are recogied i the icoe stateet.  The Company has the ability to use or sell it. he a cotract cotais oe or ore ebedded derivatives the etire hbrid cotract ca be  The Company can demonstrate ho the intangible asset is liely to generate financial benefits in desigated as a fiacial asset at fair value through rofit ad loss excet he the ebedded the future. derivative does ot sigificatl odif the cash flos or it is clear that searatio of the  The Company has sufficient technical, financial or other resources, to complete development ebedded derivative is rohibited. and to use or sell the intangible asset. b iacial assets easured at aortied cost - The etit easures assets at aortied cost he  The ependiture attributable to developing it can be reliably measured. the asset colies ith the folloig to coditios i. The fiacial asset is held ithi a busiess odel hose obective is to hold assets i order to collect cotractual cash flos ad ii. The .0 Interest costs cotractual ters of the fiacial asset give rise o secified dates to cash flos that are solel aets of ricial ad iterest o the ricial aout outstadig. Interest costs incurred in the construction of any ualified asset are capitalied over the period of time needed to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use. Other interest costs are epensed. c iacial assets at fair value ith chages i other corehesive icoe - iacial assets are easured at fair value ith chages i other corehesive icoe if the eet the folloig to . Impairment losses on nonfinancial assets coditios i The are held i a busiess odel hose obective is achieved b both collectig cotractual cash flos ad sellig fiacial assets ad ii The cotractual ters of the fiacial ssets ith indefinite useful lives are not amortied and are tested yearly for impairment losses. asset give rise o secified dates to cash flos that are solel aets of ricial ad iterest o mortied assets are tested for impairment henever an event or change in circumstances indicates that the ricial aout outstadig. their boo value may not be recoverable. n impairment loss is recognied for the amount by hich the d erivative ad hedge fiacial istruets erivative fiacial istruets to hedge risks asset’s book value exceeds its recoverable value. The recoverable value is the greater of the fair value of associated ith fluctuatios i iterest rates ad exchage rates are iitiall recogied at fair value an asset less selling costs, or its value in use. Impairment is assessed by grouping assets at the loest at the date the derivative cotract is siged ad are subseuetl easured at fair value. levels at hich they generate separately identifiable cash flos cashgenerating units. onfinancial erivatives are recorded as assets other fiacial assets he their fair value is ositive ad as assets that have been impaired are revieed at every reporting date to identify hether any reversals liabilities other fiacial liabilities he their fair value is egative. have occurred. iacial liabilities . Financial assets and liabilities ebt ad euit istruets are classified as either fiacial liabilities or euit based o the substace Financial assets of the cotractual agreeet.

Financial assets ithin the scope of IFS are classified according to the business model used by the uit istruets euit istruet is a cotract that evideces a residual iterest i the assets roup to manage its financial instruments and contractually established cash flos. of a coa after deductig all of its liabilities. uit istruets are recorded at the value of the cosideratio received et of direct issuace costs. Financial investments not classified at fair value through profit and loss are initially recognied at fair iacial liabilities Financial liabilities are classified either as financial liabilities at “fair value through value plus directly attributable transaction costs. profit and loss”, or as “other financial liabilities”.


The oa evaluates hether ebedded derivatives exist i cotracts or fiacial istruets to deterie hether their characteristics ad risk are closel related to the ricial cotract rovided that i aggregate the are ot beig accouted for at fair value. f the are ot closel related the are recorded searatel ad chages i value are accouted for directl i the stateet of corehesive icoe.

The oa ad its subsidiaries classif their fiacial assets after iitial recogitio ad he eritted ad aroriate reassess this classificatio as of each ear ed. ll regular urchases ad sales of fiacial assets are recogied o the trade date hich is the date o hich the coa becoes coitted to the trade. egular urchases ad sales are urchases or sales of fiacial assets that reuire the deliver of assets ithi the tie frae established geerall b arket regulatio or covetio. The folloig ivestet classificatios are used a iacial assets at fair value through rofit ad loss iacial assets at fair value through rofit ad loss iclude fiacial assets held for sale ad fiacial assets iitiall recogied at fair value through rofit ad loss. iacial assets are classified as held for sale if the are acuired for the urose of sellig the i the short ter. erivatives icludig a searate ebedded derivatives are also classified as held for sale uless desigated as effective hedgig istruets or as fiacial guaratee cotracts. ais or losses o heldforsale istruets are recogied i the icoe stateet. he a cotract cotais oe or ore ebedded derivatives the etire hbrid cotract ca be desigated as a fiacial asset at fair value through rofit ad loss excet he the ebedded derivative does ot sigificatl odif the cash flos or it is clear that searatio of the ebedded derivative is rohibited. b iacial assets easured at aortied cost - The etit easures assets at aortied cost he the asset colies ith the folloig to coditios i. The fiacial asset is held ithi a busiess odel hose obective is to hold assets i order to collect cotractual cash flos ad ii. The cotractual ters of the fiacial asset give rise o secified dates to cash flos that are solel aets of ricial ad iterest o the ricial aout outstadig. c iacial assets at fair value ith chages i other corehesive icoe - iacial assets are easured at fair value ith chages i other corehesive icoe if the eet the folloig to coditios i The are held i a busiess odel hose obective is achieved b both collectig cotractual cash flos ad sellig fiacial assets ad ii The cotractual ters of the fiacial asset give rise o secified dates to cash flos that are solel aets of ricial ad iterest o the ricial aout outstadig. d erivative ad hedge fiacial istruets erivative fiacial istruets to hedge risks associated ith fluctuatios i iterest rates ad exchage rates are iitiall recogied at fair value at the date the derivative cotract is siged ad are subseuetl easured at fair value. erivatives are recorded as assets other fiacial assets he their fair value is ositive ad as liabilities other fiacial liabilities he their fair value is egative.

iacial liabilities

ebt ad euit istruets are classified as either fiacial liabilities or euit based o the substace of the cotractual agreeet. uit istruets euit istruet is a cotract that evideces a residual iterest i the assets of a coa after deductig all of its liabilities. uit istruets are recorded at the value of the cosideratio received et of direct issuace costs. iacial liabilities Financial liabilities are classified either as financial liabilities at “fair value through profit and loss”, or as “other financial liabilities”.


a Financial liabilities are classified at fair value through profit and loss hen these are held for sale or The provision is the difference between the asset’s book value and the present value of its estimated are designated as such. future cash flos, discounted using the effective interest rate.

b ther financial liabilities, including loans, are valued initiall at the aount of cash received, net of oever, if the difference beteen the noinal value and the fair value is not significant, the noinal transaction costs. ther financial liabilities are subseuentl valued at aortied cost using the effective value is used. interest rate ethod, recogniing interest epense on an effective rate basis.

he effective interest rate ethod is a ethod of calculating the aortied cost of a financial liabilit he roup applies the siplified approach in F to easure epected credit losses, using an and of allocating interest epense throughout the corresponding period. he effective interest rate is the epected loss provision over the life of the instruent for all receivables. rate that eactl discounts the estiated cash flos paable over the epected life of the financial liabilit, or hen appropriate, a shorter period hen the associated liabilit has a prepaent option pected credit losses are easured b grouping receivables b their shared credit ris characteristics that it epects to eercise. and das overdue. istorical loss rates are adusted to reflect current and epected inforation regarding acroeconoic factors that affect the abilit of custoers to eet their coitents. . nventories . ash and cash euivalents nventor is valued at its cost or net realiable value, hichever is loer. ost is calculated using the average cost ethod. ash and cash euivalents include cash balances, tie deposits ith financial institutions, and other highlliuid, shortter investents originall aturing in less than three onths. he cost of finished and inprocess products includes the costs of ra aterials, direct labor, other direct costs and general anufacturing epenses, based on noral operating capacit, but ecluding . hare capital interest. hare capital is represented b ordinar shares. et realiable value is the estiated sales price during the noral course of business, less an variable selling costs. ncreental costs directl attributable to ne share issues or options are presented in net euit as a deduction fro their proceeds. bsolete or slooving products are recognied at their recoverable value. egal iniu dividends on ordinar shares are recognied as a reduction in euit hen the are nventor valuation polic accrued.

a he opan values its inventories as follos. . rade and other paables

i he production cost of anufactured inventor includes all costs related to the units produced rade paables are initiall recognied at fair value and subseuentl at aortied cost using the such as labor and fied and variable costs reuired to transfor ra aterials into finished effective interest rate ethod. products. oever, siilarl to trade receivables, if the difference beteen the noinal value and the fair value is he production cost of fresh and froen salon is based on the last fair value of biological asset not significant, the noinal value is used. hen harvested, plus direct and indirect production costs. . ncoe and deferred taes ii he acuisition cost of purchased inventor includes its purchase cost, custos fees, transport, storage and other costs attributable to its acuisition. he ta epense on net incoe for the period includes current incoe ta and deferred ta.

b nventor cost calculation forula urrent incoe taes are based on the ta las at the reporting date.

nventories of finished products are valued using the eighted average cost, ie. the cost of each product eferred taes are calculated using the liabilit ethod on teporar differences that arise beteen the unit is based on the eighted average cost at the beginning of the period, and the cost of ites ta value of assets and liabilities and their boo values. oever, if deferred taes arise fro the initial purchased or produced during the period. recognition of a liabilit or an asset in a transaction other than a business cobination, hich at the tie of the transaction do not affect accounting net incoe nor taable profit, then the are not nventories of ra aterials, pacaging aterials are valued at eighted average cost. accounted for.

. rade and other receivables eferred ta is calculated using the current ta rates and las, or those about to be approved at the reporting date, hich are liel to be applicable hen the corresponding deferred ta asset is collected rade receivables are initiall recognied at fair value noinal value including iplicit interest, and or deferred ta liabilit is settled. the are subseuentl recognied at their aortied cost according to the effective interest rate ethod, less provisions for ipairent losses. eferred ta assets are recognied to the etent that it is liel that future ta benefits are available to offset such teporar differences. plicit interest ust be disaggregated and recognied as financial incoe to the etent that such interest has accrued.


The provision is the difference between the asset’s book value and the present value of its estimated future cash flos, discounted using the effective interest rate.

oever, if the difference beteen the noinal value and the fair value is not significant, the noinal value is used.

he roup applies the siplified approach in F to easure epected credit losses, using an epected loss provision over the life of the instruent for all receivables.

pected credit losses are easured b grouping receivables b their shared credit ris characteristics and das overdue. istorical loss rates are adusted to reflect current and epected inforation regarding acroeconoic factors that affect the abilit of custoers to eet their coitents.

. ash and cash euivalents

ash and cash euivalents include cash balances, tie deposits ith financial institutions, and other highlliuid, shortter investents originall aturing in less than three onths.

. hare capital

hare capital is represented b ordinar shares.

ncreental costs directl attributable to ne share issues or options are presented in net euit as a deduction fro their proceeds.

egal iniu dividends on ordinar shares are recognied as a reduction in euit hen the are accrued.

. rade and other paables

rade paables are initiall recognied at fair value and subseuentl at aortied cost using the effective interest rate ethod.

oever, siilarl to trade receivables, if the difference beteen the noinal value and the fair value is not significant, the noinal value is used.

. ncoe and deferred taes

he ta epense on net incoe for the period includes current incoe ta and deferred ta.

urrent incoe taes are based on the ta las at the reporting date.

eferred taes are calculated using the liabilit ethod on teporar differences that arise beteen the ta value of assets and liabilities and their boo values. oever, if deferred taes arise fro the initial recognition of a liabilit or an asset in a transaction other than a business cobination, hich at the tie of the transaction do not affect accounting net incoe nor taable profit, then the are not accounted for.

eferred ta is calculated using the current ta rates and las, or those about to be approved at the reporting date, hich are liel to be applicable hen the corresponding deferred ta asset is collected or deferred ta liabilit is settled.

eferred ta assets are recognied to the etent that it is liel that future ta benefits are available to offset such teporar differences.


urrent and deferred income taes are reconied in the statement of net income ecept for taes i perating revenue reognition from the sale of goods arisin on items reconied in other comprehensive income directl in euit or on a business combination n which case the correspondin ta is also reconied in other comprehensive income perating revenue from the sale of goods is reognied hen the ompan has transferred ontrol over directl in the statement of net income or in commercial oodwill respectivel the goods sold to the uer hen revenue an e relial measured hen the ompan annot influene ho the goods sold are managed hen the ompan is liel to reeive the finanial enefits mploee benefits of the transation and hen the transation osts an e relial measured

a taff vacations perating revenue is ased on the prie estalished in the sale agreement net of volume disounts as of the sale date here is no signifiant funding omponent as sales proeeds are olleted ithin a The ompan reconies the epense for staff vacations usin the accrual method which is recorded at redued average period hih is in line ith maret pratie its nominal value The staff vacation benefit does not represent a sinificant amount in the statement of comprehensive income evenue from eport sales is ased on noterms hih are offiial regulations for interpreting trade terms and the are issued the nternational hamer of ommere b everance indemnities he prinipal noterms used the ompan are as follos This liabilit is the present value of defined benefit obliations at the reportin date t is calculated annuall usin actuarial assumptions and b discountin the correspondin estimated cash flows ains ost and reight here the ompan is responsile for all osts inluding prinipal transport and losses that arise from adustments that reflect eperience and chanes in actuarial assumptions are osts until the goods arrive at the destination port is is transferred to the uer hen the goods are chared or credited to the statement of net income or euit dependin on their nature in the period in loaded onto the ship in the ountr of origin which the arise ost nsurane and reight here the ompan arranges and pas the foreign transportation The parameters used in the actuarial valuation model are as follows mortalit and invalidit rates osts and other osts suh as insurane almones amanhaa eases to e responsile for the discount rates salar rowth rates and staff turnover rates due to resinations goods one the have een delivered to the maritime or air arrier in aordane ith the orresponding deadline he sale is omplete hen the goods are delivered to the arrier his servie is arranged rovisions the seller

rovisions are reconied when ree on oard and similar here the uer arranges and pas the transport osts herefore the sale is omplete hen the goods are delivered to the arrier arranged the uer i The ompan has a leal or implicit obliation as a result of past events ii perating revenue reognition for providing servies ii t is likel that a disbursement will be necessar to settle the obliation perating revenue from servies is reognied hen the performane oligation has een satisfied evenue is aounted for onsidering the degree of servie ompletion as of the losing date and iii The amount can be reliabl estimated hether the ompan has an enforeale right to pament for providing those servies

iv Provisions are measured at the present value of Management’s best estimate of the ependitures eases reuired to settle the obliation The discount rate used to calculate the present value reflects current market assessments at the reportin date of the time value of mone as well as an specific a hen the ompan is the lessee perating leases risks related to the particular liabilit eases in hih the lessor onserves a signifiant part of the riss and reards of onership of the good evenue reconition are lassified as operating leases Paments for operating leases net of an inentive reeived from the lessor are harged to the statement of net inome on a straightline asis over the lease term The ompan has applied as of anuar and has not encountered an sinificant impact on the consolidated financial statements or the financial performance of almones amanchaca hen the ompan is the lessor perating leases This standard reuires more detailed disclosures than the previous standards in order to provide more information reardin customer contracts ssets leased to third parties under operating lease ontrats are inluded in propert plant and euipment or investment propert as appropriate evenue is recorded at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable derived from that revenue The ompan takes into consideration all the relevant facts and circumstances when applin nome from operating leases is reognied in the statement of net inome on a straightline asis over each step of the model established b reardin customer contracts i identif the contract ii the lease term identif the performance obliations iii determine the transaction price iv assin the transaction price to the performance obliations and v revenue reconition The ompan also assesses an ividend poli incremental costs that arise from winnin a contract and an costs directl related to fulfillin a contract The ompan reconies revenue when the steps set out in this have been successfull he ompan has defined the folloing dividend poli in aordane ith its las completed inanial statements shall e prepared as of eemer thirtone eah ear et inome for the ear ill e distriuted as follos


i perating revenue reognition from the sale of goods

perating revenue from the sale of goods is reognied hen the ompan has transferred ontrol over the goods sold to the uer hen revenue an e relial measured hen the ompan annot influene ho the goods sold are managed hen the ompan is liel to reeive the finanial enefits of the transation and hen the transation osts an e relial measured

perating revenue is ased on the prie estalished in the sale agreement net of volume disounts as of the sale date here is no signifiant funding omponent as sales proeeds are olleted ithin a redued average period hih is in line ith maret pratie

evenue from eport sales is ased on noterms hih are offiial regulations for interpreting trade terms and the are issued the nternational hamer of ommere

he prinipal noterms used the ompan are as follos

ost and reight here the ompan is responsile for all osts inluding prinipal transport osts until the goods arrive at the destination port is is transferred to the uer hen the goods are loaded onto the ship in the ountr of origin

ost nsurane and reight here the ompan arranges and pas the foreign transportation osts and other osts suh as insurane almones amanhaa eases to e responsile for the goods one the have een delivered to the maritime or air arrier in aordane ith the orresponding deadline he sale is omplete hen the goods are delivered to the arrier his servie is arranged the seller

ree on oard and similar here the uer arranges and pas the transport osts herefore the sale is omplete hen the goods are delivered to the arrier arranged the uer

ii perating revenue reognition for providing servies perating revenue from servies is reognied hen the performane oligation has een satisfied evenue is aounted for onsidering the degree of servie ompletion as of the losing date and hether the ompan has an enforeale right to pament for providing those servies

eases a hen the ompan is the lessee perating leases

eases in hih the lessor onserves a signifiant part of the riss and reards of onership of the good are lassified as operating leases Paments for operating leases net of an inentive reeived from the lessor are harged to the statement of net inome on a straightline asis over the lease term

hen the ompan is the lessor perating leases

ssets leased to third parties under operating lease ontrats are inluded in propert plant and euipment or investment propert as appropriate

nome from operating leases is reognied in the statement of net inome on a straightline asis over the lease term

ividend poli

he ompan has defined the folloing dividend poli in aordane ith its las

inanial statements shall e prepared as of eemer thirtone eah ear et inome for the ear ill e distriuted as follos


a o less than thirt perent to e distriuted as a dividend in ash to shareholders in proportion he omany has evaluated these stes and has not identified any ne erformane obligations or any to their shares hanges to those already resented in the onsolidated finanial statements, and believes that there are no signifiant hanges in alying this ne standard for reogniing oerating revenue. his is based on he alane to e used to form reserves, as agreed by an Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting. oerating revenue being reognied rimarily hen it is robable that finanial benefits ill flo to the omany and an be measured ith reliability, at ries that reflet the fair value of the finanial Distributions of dividends to shareholders are recognized as a liability as of each reporting date, in benefits reeivable hen its erformane obligations are satisfied. erating revenue is resented in the accordance with the divided policy agreed upon by shareholders at the ordinary general shareholders' statement of net inome by funtion net of value added ta, returns, and disounts. meeting. his ne standard must be alied to eriods beginning on or after anuary , . he omany alies this standard rosetively, using the ratial resoures alloed. he environment Grou oerating revenue is reognied hen ontrol over its roduts is transferred, hih is hen

roduts have been delivered to the ustomer and the ustomer has full disretion over ho to sell them he disursements assoiated ith improvements and investments in produtive proesses that and at what price, and there is no unsatisfied obligation that may affect the customer’s acceptance of improve environmental onditions are reorded as an epense or investment in the period in hih the these roduts. elivery is omlete hen roduts have been sent to the loation seified by the arise hen these disursements are part of investment proets the are reorded as inreases to ustomer, obsolesene and loss riss have been transferred to the ustomer, and the ustomer has propert plant and euipment aeted the roduts in aordane ith the sale ontrat, the aetane rovisions have eired, or

the Grou has obetive evidene that all the aetane riteria have been satisfied. he ompan has estalished the folloing disursements for environmental protetion proets

hen the sale ontrat inludes volume disounts based on total sales during a seifi eriod, a isursements relating to improvements and investments in produtive proesses that improve oerating revenue is based on the ontrat rie, net of estimated volume disounts. eriene is used environmental onditions to estimate disounts using the eeted value method, and oerating revenue is reognied hen it is

very liely that there ill be no signifiant hanges. A liability is reognied for eeted volume isursements relating to verifing and monitoring regulations and las overing industrial disounts on sales through to the end of the reorting eriod. here is no finaning omonent, as redit proesses and failities sales are unusual and these have very short ayment eriods, hih is onsistent ith maret ratie. A

provision is recognized to reflect the Group’s obligation to refund any defective products under its

standard arranty terms. ther disursements that affet the environment eeivables are reognied hen roduts have been delivered, sine this is the moment hen ayment beomes unonditional and it is simly a matter of time before ayment is made. NOTE 3 - CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ESTIMATES here are no other signifiant hanges in the aounting oliies and estimates used to reare the onsolidated finanial statements of the omany and its subsidiaries ith reset to the revious year, hanges in poli and they have been onsistently reared aording to S.

he aounting poliies desried in these onsolidated finanial statements as of eemer hanges in Aounting stimates reflet the amendments to and that appl from anuar he ompan has evaluated the impat of appling hih inludes identifing gaps eteen There have been no changes in accounting estimates as of December 31, 2018 in comparison to these finanial instrument lassifiation and measurement riteria and those urrentl used and the December 31, 2017. impat of appling an epeted losses model to determine finanial asset impairment he standard reuires that impairment losses are reognied ased on the epeted redit losses P instead of NOTE 4 - FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT redit losses inurred as indiated in his evaluation has determined that there are no signifiant hanges affeting the lassifiation and he omanys business ativities are eosed to various finanial riss redit ris, liuidity ris, measurement of finanial assets as a result of appling interest rate ris and maret ris.

his ne standard must e applied to periods eginning on or after anuar he ompan has .. redit ris applied this standard prospetivel using the pratial resoures alloed the standard and omparatives for ill not e represented given that the effets are not signifiant a ustomer ortfolio ris he asi priniple in is that an entit reognies operating revenue hen goods or servies are transferred to ustomers for an amount that reflets the amount that the entit epets to reeive in he omany has no ustomers in default, but not imaired, as of the reorting date. ehange for those goods or servies n entit reognies operating revenue in aordane ith this asi priniple appling the folloing steps b Sales ris

• tep dentif the ontrats ith a ustomer he omany uses the usual tools oerating in the industry to maret its roduts. hese are ontrated • tep dentif the performane oligations in the ontrat ith reognied and ualified insurane omanies and finanial institutions. hese tools are insurane • tep etermine the transation prie oliies overing redit, transort and argo, onfirmation of letters of redit, et. here olletion is • tep ssign the transation prie to the performane oligations diretly erformed by the omany, this is substantiated by a longterm business relationshi, a full • tep eognie operating revenue hen the entit satisfies a performane oligation reord of ayment behavior and reognied finanial solveny.


he omany has evaluated these stes and has not identified any ne erformane obligations or any hanges to those already resented in the onsolidated finanial statements, and believes that there are no signifiant hanges in alying this ne standard for reogniing oerating revenue. his is based on oerating revenue being reognied rimarily hen it is robable that finanial benefits ill flo to the omany and an be measured ith reliability, at ries that reflet the fair value of the finanial benefits reeivable hen its erformane obligations are satisfied. erating revenue is resented in the statement of net inome by funtion net of value added ta, returns, and disounts. his ne standard must be alied to eriods beginning on or after anuary , . he omany alies this standard rosetively, using the ratial resoures alloed. Grou oerating revenue is reognied hen ontrol over its roduts is transferred, hih is hen roduts have been delivered to the ustomer and the ustomer has full disretion over ho to sell them and at what price, and there is no unsatisfied obligation that may affect the customer’s acceptance of these roduts. elivery is omlete hen roduts have been sent to the loation seified by the ustomer, obsolesene and loss riss have been transferred to the ustomer, and the ustomer has aeted the roduts in aordane ith the sale ontrat, the aetane rovisions have eired, or the Grou has obetive evidene that all the aetane riteria have been satisfied.

hen the sale ontrat inludes volume disounts based on total sales during a seifi eriod, oerating revenue is based on the ontrat rie, net of estimated volume disounts. eriene is used to estimate disounts using the eeted value method, and oerating revenue is reognied hen it is very liely that there ill be no signifiant hanges. A liability is reognied for eeted volume disounts on sales through to the end of the reorting eriod. here is no finaning omonent, as redit sales are unusual and these have very short ayment eriods, hih is onsistent ith maret ratie. A provision is recognized to reflect the Group’s obligation to refund any defective products under its standard arranty terms. eeivables are reognied hen roduts have been delivered, sine this is the moment hen ayment beomes unonditional and it is simly a matter of time before ayment is made. here are no other signifiant hanges in the aounting oliies and estimates used to reare the onsolidated finanial statements of the omany and its subsidiaries ith reset to the revious year, and they have been onsistently reared aording to S.

hanges in Aounting stimates There have been no changes in accounting estimates as of December 31, 2018 in comparison to December 31, 2017.


he omanys business ativities are eosed to various finanial riss redit ris, liuidity ris, interest rate ris and maret ris.

.. redit ris a ustomer ortfolio ris

he omany has no ustomers in default, but not imaired, as of the reorting date. b Sales ris

he omany uses the usual tools oerating in the industry to maret its roduts. hese are ontrated ith reognied and ualified insurane omanies and finanial institutions. hese tools are insurane oliies overing redit, transort and argo, onfirmation of letters of redit, et. here olletion is diretly erformed by the omany, this is substantiated by a longterm business relationshi, a full reord of ayment behavior and reognied finanial solveny.


he ompany has established policies to ensure that product sales on credit are made to customers with The Company has a total of Th in ank liailities denominated in dollars as of ecemer an appropriate credit history he ompany mostly sells into the wholesale maret, and eport sales are ensitiity analysis on the interest rates for ank loans reeal that a pa moement in supported by letters of credit omestic sales are preferably to customers with an appropriate credit interest rates at the reporting date ould result in additional or loer interest costs of Th as history appropriate

iuidity ris NOTE 5 – FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Company’s liquidity risks arise from a shortfall of funds for operating costs, finance costs, investments, debt repayments and dividends, compared its sources his ris is mitigated through The Company has financial instruments as of ecemer and alued at their fair alue as prudent liuidity management, which involves holding sufficient cash and maretable securities, shon in the folloing tale and there are no differences eteen their fair alue and ook alue together with balanced ban financing 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 apital and interest commitments over the terms of ban loans and other commitments are as follows Book value Fair value Book value Fair value

a s of ecember , Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Financial assets at amortized cost 1 to 3 3 to 12 1 to 5 Over 5 Cash and cash equivalents months months years years Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Cash balances 45 45 56 56 Bank balances 13,098 13,098 790 790 Interest-bearing loans - 2,743 58,227 - 60,970 Other financial assets (ii) 50 50 31 31 Trade and other payables 62,436 7,698 - - 70,134 Trade and other receivables (i) 32,781 32,781 28,196 28,196 Related party payables, current 15,296 - - - 15,296 Related party receivables (i) 26,952 26,952 25,585 25,585 Related party payables, non-current - - - 591 591 Recoverable rights, non-current (ii) 5,344 5,344 5,520 5,520 Total 77,732 10,441 58,227 591 146,991 Financial liabilities at amortized cost b s of ecember , Other financial liabilities (iv) 243 243 439 439

1 to 3 3 to 12 1 to 5 Over 5 Trade and other payables, current (iii) 70,335 70,335 71,729 71,729 months months years years Related party payables, current (iii) 15,764 15,764 4,198 4,198 Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Interest-bearing loans - 4,652 117,213 - 121,865 Other financial liabilities, non-current (iv) 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Trade and other payables 64,413 7,316 102 - 71,831 Payables, non-current (iii) - - 102 102 Related party payables, current 4,198 - - - 4,198 Related party payables, non-current (iii) 591 591 4,572 4,572 Related party payables, non-current - - - 4,572 4,572 Total 68,611 11,968 117,315 4,572 202,466 i Trade and other receiales aret ris etors and accounts receiale are amounts oed y customers for goods sold or serices rendered in a change rate ris the ordinary course of usiness enerally they must e settled ithin days and therefore are classified as current Customers and accounts receiale are initially recognied for the amount of he ompany has defined the dollar as its functional currency, therefore, it is eposed to echange unconditional consideration unless they contain significant financing components in hich case they rate ris on transactions in hilean pesos he echange rate ris arises on planned commercial are recognied at fair alue The roup maintains customers and accounts receiale in order to collect transactions, and on assets and liabilities held in hilean pesos the contractual cash flos and therefore susequently measures them at amortied cost using the effectie interest rate method The details of the roups impairment policies and the calculation of the he ompany has a net asset balance in hilean pesos as of ecember , totaling h , proision for losses are included in note Trade detors and other accounts receiale herefore, an increase of in the echange rate results in an echange loss of h , while a decrease of in the echange rate results in an echange gain of the same amount ue to the shortterm nature of accounts receiale their ook alue is considered equal to their fair alue b nterest rate ris nformation on the impairment of customers and accounts receiale and the roups eposure to credit ovements in interest rates modify the epected cash flows on assets and liabilities that are subect to risk echange rate risk and interest rate risk can e found in note inancial risk management variable interest rates ii ther financial assets at amortied cost he ompany is eposed to interest rate riss, since its longterm financing is at a variable interest rate, which is amended every si months


The Company has a total of Th in ank liailities denominated in dollars as of ecemer ensitiity analysis on the interest rates for ank loans reeal that a pa moement in interest rates at the reporting date ould result in additional or loer interest costs of Th as appropriate


The Company has financial instruments as of ecemer and alued at their fair alue as shon in the folloing tale and there are no differences eteen their fair alue and ook alue

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Book value Fair value Book value Fair value Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Financial assets at amortized cost Cash and cash equivalents Cash balances 45 45 56 56 Bank balances 13,098 13,098 790 790 Other financial assets (ii) 50 50 31 31 Trade and other receivables (i) 32,781 32,781 28,196 28,196 Related party receivables (i) 26,952 26,952 25,585 25,585 Recoverable rights, non-current (ii) 5,344 5,344 5,520 5,520 Financial liabilities at amortized cost Other financial liabilities (iv) 243 243 439 439 Trade and other payables, current (iii) 70,335 70,335 71,729 71,729 Related party payables, current (iii) 15,764 15,764 4,198 4,198 Other financial liabilities, non-current (iv) 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Payables, non-current (iii) - - 102 102 Related party payables, non-current (iii) 591 591 4,572 4,572

i Trade and other receiales

etors and accounts receiale are amounts oed y customers for goods sold or serices rendered in the ordinary course of usiness enerally they must e settled ithin days and therefore are classified as current Customers and accounts receiale are initially recognied for the amount of unconditional consideration unless they contain significant financing components in hich case they are recognied at fair alue The roup maintains customers and accounts receiale in order to collect the contractual cash flos and therefore susequently measures them at amortied cost using the effectie interest rate method The details of the roups impairment policies and the calculation of the proision for losses are included in note Trade detors and other accounts receiale

ue to the shortterm nature of accounts receiale their ook alue is considered equal to their fair alue

nformation on the impairment of customers and accounts receiale and the roups eposure to credit risk echange rate risk and interest rate risk can e found in note inancial risk management

ii ther financial assets at amortied cost


The roup classifies its financial assets at amortied cost only if the folloing to criteria are met sset impairment

The asset is maintained ithin a usiness model hose oectie is to collect the contractual cash The recoerale amount of property plant and equipment is realued annually according to as flos and the Company has intangile assets actors that are considered an indication of impairment are declining market alues significant changes in the technological enironment osolescence or physical The contractual terms gie rise to cash flos that are only payments of principal and interest deterioration changes in the ay the item is used or epected to e used including ceasing to use it etc The Company ealuates hether there is eidence of impairment at each reporting date ie hether the These amounts generally come from transactions outside the roups ordinary operating actiities ook alue of an item of property plant and equipment or an intangile asset is greater than its alue in use iii Trade and other payales t ealuates each Cash enerating nit C ccounts payale alances are not guaranteed and are generally paid ithin days after recognition Cs are identified for impairment testing defines a C as the smallest identifiale group of The carrying amounts of suppliers and other accounts payale are considered equal to their fair alues assets that generates receipts for the Company hich are largely independent of the receipts generated due to their shortterm nature y other assets or groups of assets

i financial liailities Therefore gien the Company as a hole the characteristics of its assets and its productie and marketing processes the Company has defined a policy that the C alue to compare ith future cash uaranteed liailities and assets gien as collateral flos generated y using its assets is ased on all the noncurrent assets at the reporting date in the financial statements less those assets that are not roperty plant and equipment and intangile assets The loans are guaranteed y the most representatie and significant assets of the company hich are other than goodill detailed in note uarantees and contingencies The roup ill not proide any other guarantee on its assets and ill ensure that the financial ratios descried in note ther current and noncurrent The Company has used a cash flo forecasting model to calculate the alue in use of its assets ased on financial liailities are met the folloing assumptions

The ook alues of financial and nonfinancial assets gien as collateral for current and noncurrent Ten year ealuation horion nestments in the industry are longterm as are the cycles and risks loans are disclosed in note uarantees and contingencies that affect the biomass. Therefore, a horizon of less than 10 years does not reflect the Company’s long term situation

esidual alue The residual alue at the end of the horion

orecast cash flos Cash flos used in the methodology are ased on udget data est estimates and The estimates and udgments used are continually ealuated and are ased on historical eperience and reasonable and substantiated assumptions that represent Management’s best estimates taking into other factors including epectations of future eents that are considered reasonale ased on the account the preailing economic conditions during the remaining useful life of the ealuated assets The circumstances most important assumptions are

The Companys main accounting estimates as follos ales and production olumes

stimated annual inflation of and its impact on prices sales and administration costs and other a iomass of iological assets costs

The fish iomass estimate ill alays e ased on assumptions een though the Company has ample Cash flo forecasts are rought to present alue using a discount rate that reflects the time alue of eperience ith these factors The estimates take into account the folloing components olume of fish money and the risks specific to the asset The eighted erage Cost of Capital CC rate is used iomass aerage iomass eights distriution of fish eights and market prices calculated on the asis of the folloing ariales The Company or industry eta the riskfree rate of

return; the market rate of return; the cost of the Company’s financial debt; and the longterm target The olume of fish iomass estimate is ased on the numer of smolts in the sea their estimated groth det equity ratio and their mortality during the period etc ncertainty ith respect to the olume of iomass is normally

loer in the asence of mass mortality eents or acute diseases during the cycle This ealuation resulted in no indications of asset impairment

ish gro at arious rates and een though aerage eights can e accurately estimated there is alays cept for the estimated iomass of the iological assets anagement eliees that these financial a ide ariation in the quality and sie of the fish The distriution of fish quality and sie is important statements do not contain any assumptions aout the future or other uncertain estimates that risk as these attract different prices on the market causing significant adustments to this accounting period and the net

The alue of fish iomass is ased on a normal eight distriution


sset impairment

The recoerale amount of property plant and equipment is realued annually according to as the Company has intangile assets actors that are considered an indication of impairment are declining market alues significant changes in the technological enironment osolescence or physical deterioration changes in the ay the item is used or epected to e used including ceasing to use it etc The Company ealuates hether there is eidence of impairment at each reporting date ie hether the ook alue of an item of property plant and equipment or an intangile asset is greater than its alue in use

t ealuates each Cash enerating nit C

Cs are identified for impairment testing defines a C as the smallest identifiale group of assets that generates receipts for the Company hich are largely independent of the receipts generated y other assets or groups of assets

Therefore gien the Company as a hole the characteristics of its assets and its productie and marketing processes the Company has defined a policy that the C alue to compare ith future cash flos generated y using its assets is ased on all the noncurrent assets at the reporting date in the financial statements less those assets that are not roperty plant and equipment and intangile assets other than goodill

The Company has used a cash flo forecasting model to calculate the alue in use of its assets ased on the folloing assumptions

Ten year ealuation horion nestments in the industry are longterm as are the cycles and risks that affect the biomass. Therefore, a horizon of less than 10 years does not reflect the Company’s long term situation

esidual alue The residual alue at the end of the horion

orecast cash flos Cash flos used in the methodology are ased on udget data est estimates and reasonable and substantiated assumptions that represent Management’s best estimates taking into account the preailing economic conditions during the remaining useful life of the ealuated assets The most important assumptions are

ales and production olumes stimated annual inflation of and its impact on prices sales and administration costs and other costs

Cash flo forecasts are rought to present alue using a discount rate that reflects the time alue of money and the risks specific to the asset The eighted erage Cost of Capital CC rate is used calculated on the asis of the folloing ariales The Company or industry eta the riskfree rate of return; the market rate of return; the cost of the Company’s financial debt; and the longterm target det equity ratio

This ealuation resulted in no indications of asset impairment

cept for the estimated iomass of the iological assets anagement eliees that these financial statements do not contain any assumptions aout the future or other uncertain estimates that risk causing significant adustments to this accounting period and the net


Moements in the noncollectable portfolio ere as follos

Cash and cash euialents are as follos. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$

ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance -111 -14

Cash balances 45 56 Reverse for payments received 112 14 Bank balances 13,098 790 Increases -451 -111 Total -450 -111 Total cash and cash equivalents 13,143 846

Trade and other receiables are as follos. elated parties include the folloing entities and indiiduals.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 a hareholders that can eercise control Doubtful Doubtful b ubsidiaries and their members Trade Trade debt Net trade debt Net trade c arties ith sufficient interest to gie them significant influence receivables receivables provision receivables provision receivables d arties ith oint control Customers 24,605 -450 24,155 23,395 -111 23,284 e ssociates Recoverable VAT 7,223 - 7,223 3,710 - 3,710 f nterests in oint entures Insurance claims 942 - 942 959 - 959 g enior management of the entity or of its parent company Sundry debtors 450 - 450 200 - 200 h Close relaties of indiiduals described in the preious points Staff receivables 11 - 11 23 - 23 i n entity that controls, or ointly controls, and is significantly influenced by any of the indiiduals Notes receivable - - - 20 - 20 described in the to preious points. Others ------Total 33,231 -450 32,781 28,307 -111 28,196 enerally transactions ith related companies are not subect to special conditions. These transactions are in accordance ith a 1,0 goerning Corporations and ith . almones Camanchaca .. does not hae any receiables that are guaranteed or renegotiated or any payments that hae been reected and hae entered a udicial collection process. t has not factored any Transferring current and noncurrent funds beteen related companies, hich do not relate to the of its receiables during 01 and 01. collection or payment of serices, are structured using commercial current accounts.

The Company has no financial assets at the reporting date that are in default and not impaired. a elated party receiables are as follos

Classification of receiables by due date. Current Chilean ID 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Number: Country Payment terms Currency Current Current Number of ThUS$ ThUS$ customers Gross non- Doubtful Number of Gross non- Doubtful Overdue Camanchaca Inc. Foreign USA Under 30 days US$ 20,425 16,956 non- renegotiated debt Net trade customers non- renegotiated debt Net trade ranges renegotiated portfolio provision receivables renegotiated portfolio provision receivables Kabushiki Kaisha Camanchaca Ltd. Foreign Japan Under 30 days US$ 4,753 7,933 portfolio ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ portfolio ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. 93,711,000-6 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 486 162 Not yet due 202 27,987 - 27,987 165 20,322 - 20,322 Camanchaca Cultivos Sur S.A. 96,633,150-K Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 243 193 1- 30 days 173 4,235 - 4,235 342 4,327 - 4,327 Camanchaca Pesca Sur S.A. 76,143,821-2 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 861 341 31- 60 days 13 467 - 467 29 2,318 - 2,318 61- 90 days 7 42 -37 5 3 457 - 457 Transportes Interpolar Ltda. 77,970,900-0 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 184 - 91- 120 days 2 182 -100 82 - - - - Total 26,952 25,585 121- 150 days 4 3 - 3 8 383 - 383 151-180 days - - - - 3 216 -114 102

181-210 days - - - - 2 200 1 201 211-250 days 6 5 -5 - 2 1 -1 - >250 days 42 310 -308 2 2 83 3 86 Total 449 33,231 -450 32,781 556 28,307 -111 28,196


Moements in the noncollectable portfolio ere as follos

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance -111 -14 Reverse for payments received 112 14 Increases -451 -111 Total -450 -111

elated parties include the folloing entities and indiiduals. a hareholders that can eercise control b ubsidiaries and their members c arties ith sufficient interest to gie them significant influence d arties ith oint control e ssociates f nterests in oint entures g enior management of the entity or of its parent company h Close relaties of indiiduals described in the preious points i n entity that controls, or ointly controls, and is significantly influenced by any of the indiiduals described in the to preious points.

enerally transactions ith related companies are not subect to special conditions. These transactions are in accordance ith a 1,0 goerning Corporations and ith .

Transferring current and noncurrent funds beteen related companies, hich do not relate to the collection or payment of serices, are structured using commercial current accounts. a elated party receiables are as follos

Current Chilean ID 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Number: Country Payment terms Currency Current Current ThUS$ ThUS$

Camanchaca Inc. Foreign USA Under 30 days US$ 20,425 16,956 Kabushiki Kaisha Camanchaca Ltd. Foreign Japan Under 30 days US$ 4,753 7,933 Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. 93,711,000-6 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 486 162 Camanchaca Cultivos Sur S.A. 96,633,150-K Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 243 193 Camanchaca Pesca Sur S.A. 76,143,821-2 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 861 341 Transportes Interpolar Ltda. 77,970,900-0 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 184 - Total 26,952 25,585


b elated party payables are as follos

Current Chilean ID 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Number: Country Payment terms Currency Current Current ThUS$ ThUS$

Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. 93,711,000-6 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 11,919 1,412 Transportes Interpolar Ltda. 77,970,900-0 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 388 1,528 Kabushiki Kaisha Camanchaca Ltd. Foreign Japan Under 30 days US$ 77 204 Inmobiliaria Camanchaca S.A. 96,786,700-4 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 1,546 510 Camanchaca Pesca Sur S.A. 76,143,821-2 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 1,245 267 Camanchaca Cultivos Sur S.A. 96,633,150-K Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 17 - Frigorífico Pacifico S.A. 77,858,550-2 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ - 188 Surproceso S.A. 76,346,370-2 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 97 86 Codepack S.A. 96,974,100-8 Chile Under 30 days Ch$ 7 3 Total 15,296 4,198


Chilean ID 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Number: Country Payment terms Currency Non-current Non-current ThUS$ ThUS$

Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. 93,711,000-6 Chile No time limit Ch$ 591 4,572 Total 591 4,572


- - - - - 29 95

388 150 158 188 (26) ,

(423) (503) (186) 4 21 , (2,826) (5,359) (1,159)

ThUS$ Effect on Effect net income net (Charge)/Credit

- - 12/31/2017 24 30 793 504 101 503 222 335 311 355

3,363 5,359 1,380 15,475 74,593 and 01 are as ThUS$ (10,640) Amount

- ) - - - ) 2 2 9 14 16

865 399 153 (54) ,

(307 (582) 3 5,529 22 , (4.582) ( (1,159)

ThUS$ Effect on Effect net income net (Charge)/Credit

12/31/2018 40 15 35 64 476 307 328 373 182 212 693


5,452 3,094 5,529 1,363 1,379 12 14,367 (4,916) 1 ThUS$ Amount

Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ Ch$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$


Th during 01 Th1 in 01.

Description Transaction

Product sales Product sales Commissions Administrative services Product sales Payments Product sales Services lease Plant Product sales Product purchases Sales property, of plant and equipment Transport services Sales property, of plant and equipment Rental services Salmon processing Leased refrigerators Packaging

it as it consolidated into almones Camanchaca effect from ith eptember .. of that Associate shareholder Relationship Related Director Parent company Parent company Parent company Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Common shareholder Director and subsidiary

USA Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Japan Japan Country

6 6 6 2 2 2 0 0 4 2 2 8 K K K ------

Foreign Foreign Foreign number Chilean ID Chilean 93,711,000 93,711,000 93,711,000 76,143,821 76,143,821 76,143,821 77,970,900 77,970,900 96,786,700 76,346,370 77,858,550 96,974,100 96,633,150 96,633,150 96,633,150


Company co Pacifico S.A.

emuneration and benefits receied by the oard and enior Management. follos. Transactions ith related companies for oer Th0 and their effects on net incomefor the periods ended ecember1, 01

Camanchaca Inc. KabushikiKaisha Ltd. Camanchaca KabushikiKaisha Ltd. Camanchaca Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca Cia. S.A. Pesquera Camanchaca Cia. S.A. Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Sur Pesca S.A. Camanchaca Sur Pesca S.A. Camanchaca Sur Pesca CamanchacaSur Cultivos S.A. CamanchacaSur Cultivos S.A. CamanchacaSur Cultivos S.A. Transportes Interpolar Ltda. Transportes Interpolar Ltda. Inmobiliaria Camanchaca S.A. Surproceso S.A. Frigorífi Codepack S.A. The remuneration of enior Management during 01 amounted to Th1,1 Th in 01. c iordo lanco transactions .. are only disclosed as for 01, year. The Company managedis by a oard of irectors, hose members receied fees totaling d


10. econciliation of finished products nentories as of each reporting date are as follos. Moements in finished products are as follos. Unit of 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Measure Quantity ThUS$ Quantity ThUS$ 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Finished products* Kilo 2,700,807 13,595 5,143,345 26,988 ThUS$ ThUS$ Fair value of biological assets harvested N/A - 4,298 - 6,629 Opening balance 32,830 17,321 but not sold* Production supplies N/A - 5,590 - 6,049 Increases for production costs 56.343 33.576 Net realizable value provision* N/A - -225 - -787 Increases for harvested biological assets 159.385 116.604 Decrease in provisions -299 -709 Cost of sales -228.335 -136.175 Total 22,959 38,170 Fair value of harvested biological assets 97.950 51.352 Fair value of harvested and sold biological assets -100.280 -49.061 Total inished roduct nentory to et ealizable alue plus air alue. Net realizable value provision -225 -787

uantities are for finished products and differences in processes, ualities or alue added are not Total 17,668 32,830 distinguished. Cost of sales is composed as follos. roup inentories are alued at the loer of cost or net realizable alue. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 10.1 nentory aluation policy ThUS$ ThUS$

The Company alues its inentories as follos. Cost of products sold 228,335 136,175 Cost of services 5,776 3,792 a The production cost of manufactured inentory includes all costs related to the units produced Cost of fallow periods 4,484 4,892 such as labor and fied and ariable costs reuired to transform ra materials into finished products. Mortality costs 969 - Total 239,564 144,859 The production cost of fresh and frozen salmon is based on the last fair alue of biological asset hen harested, plus direct and indirect production costs. b The acuisition cost of purchased inentory includes its purchase cost, customs fees, transport, storage and other costs attributable to its acuisition. Current and noncurrent biological assets are as follos.

10. nentory cost calculation formula 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Current Non-current Total Current Non-current Total nentories of finished products are alued using the eighted aerage cost method, hich is the cost of each product unit based on the eighted aerage cost at the beginning of the period and the Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ cost of articles bought or produced during the period. Salmon 113,237 18,607 131,844 97,522 14,472 111,994 Total 113,237 18,607 131,844 97,522 14,472 111,994 nentories of ra materials, packaging materials are alued at eighted aerage cost. Moements in biological assets are as follos. 10. nformation on finished products 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 The Company has not ritten off any finished products at the reporting dates. ThUS$ ThUS$

Opening balance as of January 1 111,994 78,176 The Company has not pledged inentories of finished products in guarantee as of ecember 1, 01 and ecember 1, 01. Increases from cultivating and production 182,699 147,412 Decreases from harvests (measured at cost) -159,385 -116,604 The Company has insurance coering its inentories of finished products tock Throughput, Fair value adjustment for the period 95,455 54,362 hich includes ra materials at agreed alue or cost, consumables cost alue and orkin Fair value of harvested biological assets, transferred to inventories -97,950 -51,352 process and finished products agreed alue. Mortality losses -969 - Closing biological assets 131,844 111,994


10. econciliation of finished products

Moements in finished products are as follos.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 32,830 17,321 Increases for production costs 56.343 33.576 Increases for harvested biological assets 159.385 116.604 Cost of sales -228.335 -136.175 Fair value of harvested biological assets 97.950 51.352 Fair value of harvested and sold biological assets -100.280 -49.061 Net realizable value provision -225 -787 Total 17,668 32,830

Cost of sales is composed as follos.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Cost of products sold 228,335 136,175 Cost of services 5,776 3,792 Cost of fallow periods 4,484 4,892 Mortality costs 969 - Total 239,564 144,859

Current and noncurrent biological assets are as follos.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Current Non-current Total Current Non-current Total Item ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Salmon 113,237 18,607 131,844 97,522 14,472 111,994 Total 113,237 18,607 131,844 97,522 14,472 111,994

Moements in biological assets are as follos.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance as of January 1 111,994 78,176 Increases from cultivating and production 182,699 147,412 Decreases from harvests (measured at cost) -159,385 -116,604 Fair value adjustment for the period 95,455 54,362 Fair value of harvested biological assets, transferred to inventories -97,950 -51,352 Mortality losses -969 - Closing biological assets 131,844 111,994


iological assets are as follos

nestments in associates as of ecember 1, 01 are as follos. Thousand Production Fair value Biomass as of 12/31/2018 Final biomass Total cost Chilean ID Investments in units costs adjustments Name Country Interest number associates Ton ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ % Fish in sea water 12,805 24,670 107,438 13,816 121,254 77,970,900-0 Surproceso S.A. Chile 4,681 33.33 Fish in fresh water 17,477 578 10,590 - 10,590 Foreign New World Currents Inc. Panama 1 25.00 Total 118,028 13,816 131,844 Total 4,682

nestments in associates as of ecember 1, 01 are as follos. Thousand Production Fair value Biomass as of 12-31-2017 Final biomass Total cost Chilean ID Investments in units costs adjustments Name Country Interest number associates Ton ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ % Fish in sea water 11,174 23,500 86,072 16,311 102,383 77,970,900-0 Surproceso S.A. Chile 5,564 33.33 Fish in fresh water 17,382 447 9,611 - 9,611 Foreign New World Currents Inc. Panama 1 25.00 Total 95,683 16,311 111,994 Total 5,565

A summary of these associate’s assets and liabilities are as follows. Moements in the fair alue adustment of biological assets are as follos. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017

Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Current 4,882 1,757 5,751 1,621 Opening fair value of biological assets 22,941 17,640 Non-current 10,917 14,042 12,561 16,691 Increase due to biological adjustments for the period 95,455 54,362 Total 15,799 15,799 18,312 18,312 Less: Fair value adjustment for sales of inventories -100,280 -49,061 Closing balance 18,116 22,941 eenue and net income for the year for these associates are as follos. As of 12/31/2018 As of 12/31/2017 ensitiity analysis on the effect on fair alue due to an increase or decrease in the unobserable aerage ThUS$ ThUS$ eight of biomass in the ater at the reporting date is as follos. Operating revenue 19,654 20,282

Net income for the year (1) 4,887 4,698 Variation in ThUS$

Species 1% increase 1% reduction 5% increase 5% reduction 1 almones Camanchaca .. acuired shares in urproceso .. under the corporate restructuring Atlantic salmon 508 -1,484 3,351 -4,579 on eptember 1, 01, and Compaa esuera Camanchaca .. acuired Transportes nterpolar imitada on eptember 11, 01. Therefore, the net income earned by these associates ere reflected in the financial statements of the oners of those shares until the reporting date.

ther current and noncurrent nonfinancial assets are as follos. Current ta assets are as follos. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Current Non-current Current Non-current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Insurance policies 3,296 - 4,929 - Provisional payment for absorbed profits 630 1,085 Prepaid expenditure at centers 1,590 - 377 - Training expenses, Sence 226 167 Prepaid rent 40 - 40 - Labor bonus tax 73 - Other prepaid expenditure 1,064 - 1,695 - Other recoverable taxes 207 332 Other non-financial assets - 112 - 260 Total 1,136 1,584

Total 5,990 112 7,041 260



nestments in associates as of ecember 1, 01 are as follos.

Chilean ID Investments in Name Country Interest number associates ThUS$ % 77,970,900-0 Surproceso S.A. Chile 4,681 33.33 Foreign New World Currents Inc. Panama 1 25.00 Total 4,682

nestments in associates as of ecember 1, 01 are as follos.

Chilean ID Investments in Name Country Interest number associates ThUS$ % 77,970,900-0 Surproceso S.A. Chile 5,564 33.33 Foreign New World Currents Inc. Panama 1 25.00 Total 5,565

A summary of these associate’s assets and liabilities are as follows. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Current 4,882 1,757 5,751 1,621 Non-current 10,917 14,042 12,561 16,691 Total 15,799 15,799 18,312 18,312

eenue and net income for the year for these associates are as follos. As of 12/31/2018 As of 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Operating revenue 19,654 20,282 Net income for the year (1) 4,887 4,698

1 almones Camanchaca .. acuired shares in urproceso .. under the corporate restructuring on eptember 1, 01, and Compaa esuera Camanchaca .. acuired Transportes nterpolar imitada on eptember 11, 01. Therefore, the net income earned by these associates ere reflected in the financial statements of the oners of those shares until the reporting date.

Current ta assets are as follos. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Provisional payment for absorbed profits 630 1,085 Training expenses, Sence 226 167 Labor bonus tax 73 - Other recoverable taxes 207 332 Total 1,136 1,584



oncurrent rihts receiable are as follows.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 DGA No Resolution Water source Location Owner Status ThUS$ ThUS$ No Tax incentive for investment (1) 1,349 5,520 1 494/1990 Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted Total 1,349 5,520 2 046/2011 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 3 200/1998 Superficial and Current Purranque Salmones Camanchaca Granted 4 154/2008 Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted he ta incentie is for inestments in the Aysen eion in accordance with aw ey 5 184/2001 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted Austral. he deadline to recoer this incentie is by discountin it from cororate income ta. 6 318/2003 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted

7 235/2009 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 8 931/2013 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 9 263/2008 Superficial and Detained Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted 10 356/1998 Superficial and Current Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted oninternally created intanible assets are as follows. 11 001/2010 Underground Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted 12 468/2004 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted Useful life 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 13 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted 14 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted ThUS$ ThUS$ 15 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted Aquaculture concessions and water rights Indefinite 6,948 7,083 16 468/2004 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted Total 6,948 7,083 17 134/2006 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted 18 N/A Superficial and Current Antuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted 19 N/A Superficial and Current Antuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted oements of intanible assets as of ecember and ecember are detailed as follows 20 390/2007 Underground Calbuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted 21 150/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 22 Denied Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Denied ThUS$ ThUS$ 23 109/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted 24 149/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted Opening balance as of January 1 7,083 4,216 25 In process Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Requested Movement during the year -135 2,867 26 In process Superficial and Current Purranque Salmones Camanchaca Requested Closing balance 6,948 7,083 27 012/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 28 183/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 29 126/1999 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted

30 360/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 31 1239/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 32 124/1999 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 33 429/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 34 269/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 35 692/2000 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 36 137/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 37 161/2001 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 38 356/1997 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 39 685/1997 Superficial and Current Purranque Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 40 246/2006 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 41 397/2004 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 42 496/2004 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 43 In process Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Fiordo Blanco S.A Requested


DGA No Resolution Water source Location Owner Status No 1 494/1990 Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 2 046/2011 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 3 200/1998 Superficial and Current Purranque Salmones Camanchaca Granted 4 154/2008 Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 5 184/2001 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 6 318/2003 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 7 235/2009 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 8 931/2013 Underground Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Granted 9 263/2008 Superficial and Detained Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted 10 356/1998 Superficial and Current Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted 11 001/2010 Underground Frutillar Salmones Camanchaca Granted 12 468/2004 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted 13 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted 14 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted 15 468/2004 Superficial and Current Puerto Montt Salmones Camanchaca Granted 16 468/2004 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted 17 134/2006 Superficial and Current Cochamo Salmones Camanchaca Granted 18 N/A Superficial and Current Antuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted 19 N/A Superficial and Current Antuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted 20 390/2007 Underground Calbuco Salmones Camanchaca Granted 21 150/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted 22 Denied Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Denied 23 109/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted 24 149/2015 Superficial and Current Chaitén Salmones Camanchaca Granted 25 In process Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Salmones Camanchaca Requested 26 In process Superficial and Current Purranque Salmones Camanchaca Requested 27 012/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 28 183/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 29 126/1999 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 30 360/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 31 1239/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 32 124/1999 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 33 429/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 34 269/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 35 692/2000 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 36 137/1998 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 37 161/2001 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 38 356/1997 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 39 685/1997 Superficial and Current Purranque Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 40 246/2006 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 41 397/2004 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 42 496/2004 Superficial and Current Chaitén Fiordo Blanco S.A Granted 43 In process Superficial and Current Puerto Varas Fiordo Blanco S.A Requested


Status Number of Sea water Macro Surface (Use, Name Region concessions Municipality or fresh Status zone area Fallow, Number of (District) water Macro Sea water or Surface (Use, Other) Name Region concessions Municipality zone fresh water area Fallow, (District) Other) East Lamalec XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow East Filomena XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Maqui Beach (Lake Center) X 6 1 Frutillar Fresh Water 7.5 Fallow Chonos XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Chaiquen X 1 1 Puerto Varas Sea Water 3.74 Fallow Licha XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Pucheguin X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 3 Fallow Garrao XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Pucheguin coast X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 9 Fallow Gallo Stream XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Farellones X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 21.06 Fallow Southwest Leucayec XI 6 18c Guaitecas Sea Water 11.08 Fallow Marimelli X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 24.98 Fallow Piure Channel XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Chilco River 1 X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 6 Fallow Northeast Francisco XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Chilco River 2 X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 6.75 Use East Jechica XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Cascajal X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 9 Fallow South Garrao XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Factoría X 1 1 Cochamo Sea Water 9 Fallow South Jechica XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Puelche X 1 2 Hualaihue Sea Water 7.54 Fallow West Filomena XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Manihueico X 1 2 Hualaihue Sea Water 15 Fallow Southwest Filomena XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Use Contao X 1 2 Hualaihue Sea Water 15 Fallow Carmencita XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 6.06 Fallow Chagual River X 1 2 Hualaihue Sea Water 7.2 Fallow Forsyth XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 8.45 Use Aulen X 1 2 Hualaihue Sea Water 3.25 Fallow Johnson 1 XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 10.6 Fallow San José X 1 3b Calbuco Sea Water 3.75 Fallow Johnson 2 XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 6.35 Fallow Penasmo X 1 3b Calbuco Sea Water 28.56 Use Pilpilehue X 3 10b Chonchi Sea Water 32 Use Midhurst XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water N/A Use Ahoni X 3 10b Queilen Sea Water 33.45 Use Tahuenahuec XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 5.52 Fallow Pumalín X 5 14 Chaitén Sea Water 5.58 Use Benjamin XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 50.88 Use Islets X 5 14 Chaitén Sea Water 36 Use King XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 29.38 Fallow Edwards X o 15 Chaitén Sea Water 9.04 Fallow Punta Alta XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 26.56 Use Yelcho X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 4.5 Use No Name XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 17.84 Fallow Chilco X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6.5 Use South Izaza XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 8.96 Use Fiordo Largo X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6 Use Martita XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 17.57 Fallow Cabudahue X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6 Fallow Paso Lautaro XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 9.8 Fallow Pillán X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 19.63 Fallow Southwest Tahuenahuec XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 14.64 Fallow Isla Nieves X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6.5 Fallow Southeast Izaza XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 6.62 Fallow Puerto Argentino X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6.5 Use Port Róbalo XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 14.07 Fallow Reñihue 3 X 5 16 Chaitén Sea Water 6.32 Fallow Williams 1 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water 11.95 Use Loncochalgua X 5 17a Hualaihue Sea Water 8 Use Williams 2 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water 10.28 Fallow Porcelana X 5 17a Chaitén Sea Water 18.54 Use Williams Sector 2 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water N/A Fallow Leptepu X 5 17a Chaitén Sea Water 24.5 Use Cahuelmó X 5 17a Hualaihue Sea Water 8 Fallow Piedra Blanca X 5 17a Hualaihue Sea Water 2 Fallow Marilmó X 5 17a Chaitén Sea Water 3 Use Arbolito XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Lamalec XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Northeast Garrao 1 XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Piure Stream XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Filomena 2 XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow


Status Number of Sea water Macro Surface (Use, Name Region concessions Municipality or fresh zone area Fallow, (District) water Other)

East Lamalec XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow East Filomena XI 6 18b Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Chonos XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Licha XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Garrao XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Gallo Stream XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Southwest Leucayec XI 6 18c Guaitecas Sea Water 11.08 Fallow Piure Channel XI 6 18c Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Northeast Francisco XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow East Jechica XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow South Garrao XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow South Jechica XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow West Filomena XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Fallow Southwest Filomena XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 12.5 Use Carmencita XI 6 18d Cisnes Sea Water 6.06 Fallow Forsyth XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 8.45 Use Johnson 1 XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 10.6 Fallow Johnson 2 XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water 6.35 Fallow Midhurst XI 6 19a Cisnes Sea Water N/A Use Tahuenahuec XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 5.52 Fallow Benjamin XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 50.88 Use King XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 29.38 Fallow Punta Alta XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 26.56 Use No Name XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 17.84 Fallow South Izaza XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 8.96 Use Martita XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 17.57 Fallow Paso Lautaro XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 9.8 Fallow Southwest Tahuenahuec XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 14.64 Fallow Southeast Izaza XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 6.62 Fallow Port Róbalo XI 6 20 Cisnes Sea Water 14.07 Fallow Williams 1 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water 11.95 Use Williams 2 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water 10.28 Fallow Williams Sector 2 XI 6 21d Cisnes Sea Water N/A Fallow


- -

roerty lant and euiment as of ecember is as follows.

835 598 . - 2,119 0 1,184 - 98,735 73,646 3 11.140 92,269 88,055 69,005 16,256 10,680 73,646 - - - -

172,381 157,060 Accumulated Total Total

ThUS$ ThUS$ Gross value depreciation Net value



18 28 22 41 - - 970 574 797 402 808

- - 2,113 1,711 3,338 2,519 1,225 1,631 1,225 Land 5,307 - 5,307 - - Buildings 41,490 -17,749 23,741 ThUS$ ThUS$ quipment

plant and plant and Plant and equipment 153,943 -92,661 61,282 e equipment

Other property, Other property, Vessels 2,777 -2,506 271


7 8

- - Motor vehicles 138 -101 37 94 11 86 55 37 63 55 - - - 149 149 Other property plant and equipment 4,258 -2,627 1,631 Total 207,913 -115,644 92,269 Motor Motor Motor ThUS$ ThUS$ Vehicles Vehicles

roerty lant and euiment as of ecember is as follows.

- - - - 7 8

52 38 34

- - 250 271 276 250

2,465 2,431 2,715 2,707 Accumulated - - Gross value depreciation Net value ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Vessels Vessels

Land 5,322 - 5,322

Buildings 39,397 -16,326 23,071 994 695 - and and 1.112 9.253 1,947 1,490 8,454

- - - - - 77,737 28.619 69,283 13,310

43,723 61,282 41,310 43,723 Plant and equipment 121,460 -77,737 43,723

- - 121,460 110,593

ThUS$ ThUS$ Vessels 2,715 -2,465 250 Plant Plant equipment equipment

Motor vehicles 149 -94 55


96 Other property plant and equipment 3,338 -2,113 1,225 - 957 150

- 1.268 1,782 1.077 2,141 1,449

- - Total 172,381 -98,735 73,646 39,397 16,326 35,950 14,544 23,071 23,74 1 21,406 23,071 - - ThUS$ ThUS$ Buildings Buildings

a aluation


- anaement has chosen the cost model as its accountin olicy and has alied this olicy to all items

180 5,322 5,142 5,322 5,307 5,142 5,322 in roerty lant and euiment.

Land Land ThUS$ ThUS$ b ereciation method

he dereciation method alied to all items of roerty lant and euiment ecludin land is the

straiht line method which roduces a constant eense oer their useful life.

1, 2018

c roerty lant and euiment subect to uarantees or restrictions

he omany has mortaed and leded roerty lant and euiment to uarantee the syndicated loan.

d nsurance

he omany has insurance olicies to coer the riss to items of roerty lant and euiment

includin in some cases loss of rofit or loss due to stries. he omany constantly analyes its

insurance coer to ensure that it is reasonable when comared to the riss inherent to its business.

Opening balance as of January Cost valuation or Accumulated depreciation Net balance as of January 20181, Additions Disposals Transfers Depreciation Closing balance ofas December 31, 2018 Opening balance as of January 20171, Cost valuation or Accumulated depreciation Net balance as of January 1, 2017 Additions Disposals Transfers Contributed assets Depreciation Closing balance ofas December 31, 2017 roerty lant and euiment and moements its are as follows.


roerty lant and euiment as of ecember is as follows.

Accumulated Gross value depreciation Net value ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Land 5,307 - 5,307 Buildings 41,490 -17,749 23,741 Plant and equipment 153,943 -92,661 61,282 Vessels 2,777 -2,506 271 Motor vehicles 138 -101 37 Other property plant and equipment 4,258 -2,627 1,631 Total 207,913 -115,644 92,269

roerty lant and euiment as of ecember is as follows.

Accumulated Gross value depreciation Net value ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Land 5,322 - 5,322 Buildings 39,397 -16,326 23,071 Plant and equipment 121,460 -77,737 43,723 Vessels 2,715 -2,465 250 Motor vehicles 149 -94 55 Other property plant and equipment 3,338 -2,113 1,225 Total 172,381 -98,735 73,646 a aluation

anaement has chosen the cost model as its accountin olicy and has alied this olicy to all items in roerty lant and euiment. b ereciation method

he dereciation method alied to all items of roerty lant and euiment ecludin land is the straiht line method which roduces a constant eense oer their useful life. c roerty lant and euiment subect to uarantees or restrictions

he omany has mortaed and leded roerty lant and euiment to uarantee the syndicated loan. d nsurance

he omany has insurance olicies to coer the riss to items of roerty lant and euiment includin in some cases loss of rofit or loss due to stries. he omany constantly analyes its insurance coer to ensure that it is reasonable when comared to the riss inherent to its business.


e he ross alue of roerties lant and euiment items that are fully dereciated and still in use ncome taes are as follows. are as follows. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Tax (expense) benefit Gross value Gross value 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Buildings 8,823 6,540 Current tax expense -16,335 -1,829 Plant and equipment 40,335 48,339 Tax expense adjustment (prior period) -1 88 Vessels 2,387 2,369 Deferred tax expense for the period 464 -9,478 Motor vehicles 86 86 Total -15,872 -11,219 Other property plant and equipment - 1,007 econciliation of ta eense usin statutory rate to ta eense usin effectie rate. Total 58,341 51,631

f here are no items of roerty lant and euiment that are no loner actiely used but not 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 classified as held for sale in accordance with . ThUS$ ThUS$ Income tax expense using the statutory rate -16,170 -11,007 anaement beliees that all items of roerty lant and euiment hae fair alues that are not Second category tax (on salaries and wages) -29 -34 sinificantly different from their boo alues. Tax effect of non-taxable revenue 440 195 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses -113 88 – Tax effect on changes in rates for deferred taxes - -461

he cororate income ta rate is . for and from onwards it is accordin to the law. Total -15,872 -11,219

eferred ta assets and liabilities are as follows. urrent ta liabilities are as follows

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Deferred tax Deferred tax Deferred tax Deferred tax ThUS$ ThUS$ assets liabilities assets liabilities ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Certain tax 16.306 4.451 Tax losses 1,066 - 1,178 - Austral Law Credit -6.871 -2.701 Inventory provisions - 14 - 388 Monthly Provisional Payments -2.956 - Staff vacation provisions - 285 - 275 Other taxes 30 79 Staff severance indemnity provision - 41 - 42 Doubtful debt provisions - 122 - 30 Total 6,509 1,829 Prepaid revenue - 1,437 - 1,017 Property, plant and equipment 69 -270 63 -180 Manufacturing expenses - -9,161 - -8,985 Concessions -762 -34 -785 20 Income from compensation claims - - - -55 ther financial liabilities are as follows. Biological assets - -4,891 - -6,194 Other provisions - 12 - 362 urrent Capitalized prepaid costs -288 - - Total 373 -12,733 456 -13,280 12/31/2018 12/31/2017

Net Total -12,360 -12,824 ThUS$ ThUS$

Interest-bearing loans 243 439 Total current 243 439


ncome taes are as follows.

Tax (expense) benefit 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Current tax expense -16,335 -1,829 Tax expense adjustment (prior period) -1 88 Deferred tax expense for the period 464 -9,478 Total -15,872 -11,219

econciliation of ta eense usin statutory rate to ta eense usin effectie rate.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Income tax expense using the statutory rate -16,170 -11,007 Second category tax (on salaries and wages) -29 -34 Tax effect of non-taxable revenue 440 195 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses -113 88 Tax effect on changes in rates for deferred taxes - -461 Total -15,872 -11,219

urrent ta liabilities are as follows

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Certain tax 16.306 4.451 Austral Law Credit -6.871 -2.701 Monthly Provisional Payments -2.956 - Other taxes 30 79 Total 6,509 1,829

ther financial liabilities are as follows.


12/31/2018 12/31/2017


Interest-bearing loans 243 439 Total current 243 439


oncurrent n arch almones amanchaca .A. oluntarily reaid million and on etember reaid another million. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 n oember almones amanchaca .A. oluntarily reaid million and on oember ThUS$ ThUS$ reaid another million.

Interest-bearing loans 50,000 100,000 Total non-current 50,000 100,000

n oember omaa esuera amanchaca and its subsidiary almones amanchaca .A. bliations that mature in under months sined a debt reschedulin financin commitment and oint and seeral uarantee contract with an AA ooeratie aboban .A. and anco antander hile .A. in order for these comanies to 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 reschedule their liabilities. he reschedulin coers three financin tranches. ThUS$ ThUS$

 ranche A conditions Interest payable 243 439 o ebtor omaa esuera amanchaca .A. o Amount million Total 243 439 o aturity oember fully reaid on ebruary o eayments four eual installments from ay to oember unless the bliations that mature in oer months for almones amanchaca .A. is aroed in which case the loan will be fully reaid from these funds. 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 o ate Alicable arin ibor for the defined eriod ThUS$ ThUS$  ranche conditions o ebtor omaa esuera amanchaca .A. DNB Bank ASA 17,000 34,000 o Amount million Rabobank Cooperate U.A. 23,000 46,000 o aturity oember . Banco Santander 10,000 20,000 o inimum simonthly reayments si eual installments from ay to oember . Total 50,000 100,000

o ate Alicable arin ibor for the defined eriod

 ranche conditions o ebtor almones amanchaca .A. o Amount million o aturity oember . o eayments two eual installments of of the debt on ay and on oember lus a final installment for the remainin of the debt on oember . o ate Alicable arin ibor for the defined eriod

almones amanchaca .A. has uaranteed the obliations of omaa esuera amanchaca .A. with resect to tranches A and whereas omaa esuera amanchaca has uaranteed the obliations of its subsidiary in resect of tranche . oweer the for almones amanchaca .A. was comleted on ebruary and accordin to the inancin Areement it then ceased to uarantee the obliations of its arent comany while the latter also ceased to uarantee the obliations of the subsidiary.

he costs of tranches A and are reresented by a marin oer which deends on the etent of borrowin measured eery si months as the ratio between the reious twele months A and et orrowin and this marin will fluctuate between . and ..

he most reresentatie and sinificant assets of the borrower are leded in uarantee. he loan has financial coenants a orrowin atio which shall not eceed defined as the ratio between et inancial orrowin and A for the reious months and b uity atio which should be at least defined as the ratio between otal uity and otal Assets. hese are measured on a uarterly basis.


n arch almones amanchaca .A. oluntarily reaid million and on etember reaid another million.

n oember almones amanchaca .A. oluntarily reaid million and on oember reaid another million.

bliations that mature in under months

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$

Interest payable 243 439 Total 243 439

bliations that mature in oer months

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$

DNB Bank ASA 17,000 34,000 Rabobank Cooperate U.A. 23,000 46,000 Banco Santander 10,000 20,000 Total 50,000 100,000


20.000 46.000 34.000 current 23.000 10.000 17.000


50.000 Total non- Total current

Total non- Total ------

years Over 5

years Over 5 3 to 5 years 8.000 90.000 18.000 42.600 29.400 Non-Current 3 to 5 years 40.000 18.400

13.600 Non-Current Maturity Maturity 2.000 3.400 4.600 4.600 2.000 3.400 1 to 3 10.000 years

1 to 3 10.000 years

88 49 82 439 202 149 112 243 Total Total

Total Total

current current - - - 88 439 202 149 -

90 days to 1 year

90 days Current to 1 year Current Maturity 49 82 - - - - Maturity 112 243

Under Under

Under Under 90 days

90 days Guarantees % de activos % de activos Guarantees % de activos % de activos % de activos % de activos 4,65 rate 4,65 4,65 5,49 5,49 5,49 rate Effective Effective 4,65 rate 4,65 4,65 5,49 5,49 5,49 rate Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Repayments Repayments

Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al Semestral y vencimiento Semestral al

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Currency Currency Chile Chile Holanda Country Country Holanda Noruega Noruega Creditor Creditor Rabobank Cooperate U.A. Cooperate Rabobank DNB Bank ASADNB Banco Santander Banco Santander DNB Bank ASADNB Rabobank Cooperative U.A. Rabobank 0-E 0-E 0-E 0-E

Number Number Creditor ID ID Creditor Creditor ID ID Creditor 97.036.000-k 97.036.000-k

Chile Chile Chile

Chile Chile Chile

Country Country Debitor Debitor Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Camanchaca Salmones As of ecember As of ecember Number

Number Debitor ID ID Debitor

Debitor ID ID Debitor 76.065.596-1 76-065.596-1 76-065.596-1 76.065.596-1 b The The Company’s loans are as follows. 76-065.596-1 76-065.596-1 a


439 439

100,000 100,000 100,439

ThUS$ 243 243 31, 2017

50,000 50,000 50,243 as of December Closing balance




83 83 83 83 - - Balance as of December 31,

- - - - -

ThUS$ Others

- -

ThUS$ Others

4,058 4,058 4,058

- -

ThUS$ Accrual 4,055 4,055 4,055

- - - ThUS$ - - Accrual

- - - - -

ThUS$ Acquisitions


- - Acquisitions

3,683 3,683 3,683

- - - - -

Cash Flows ThUS$ 4,251 4,251 4,251 Interest - - -

Cash Flows ThUS$ Interest

- -


- -

10,407 10,407 10,407 Payments - - - ThUS$ Capital

50,000 50,000 50,000 - - -

ThUS$ Capital

1, 0

10,554 10,554 99,917 99,917

439 439 110,471 1,


100,000 100,000 100,439 201 7 January ThUS$ 201 8 ThUS$ Closing balance

as of as January

Balance as of

current - current -

financial liabilities Other financial liabilities Other

other financial liabilities

current s of eemer s of eemer - current -

Current loansBank Total other financial liabilities,current Non loansBank Total other financial liabilities,non Total a

eonlaon of fnanal olaons for he saemen of ash flows Current loansBank Total other financial liabilities,current Non loansBank Total other financial liabilities,non Total other financial liabilities


– - ppliers ith payments oere

Amount by overdue range in days Trae an oher payales are as follows Under Total

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Supplier 30 days 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-180 Over 181 days ThUS$ Products 160 - - - - 131 291 ThUS$ ThUS$ Services 243 53 39 12 10 36 393

Trade payables 60,579 49,220 Grand Total 403 53 39 12 10 167 684 Notes payable 2,086 16,402 Withholdings 1,463 1,361 The Company has no conirmin transactions Dividends payable 4,279 3,354 Other 1,727 1,392 Total 70,134 71,729

Trae payales as of eemer y spplers are as follows. The crrent portion o these proisions coer sta acations as ollos

Current - pplers wh paymens no oere 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Amount by payment terms Average Total payment ThUS$ ThUS$ period Opening balance 1,020 681 Supplier Under 30 days 31-60 61- 90 91-120 121-365 ThUS$ (days) Products 16,073 9,850 7,830 7,698 - 41,451 62 Increase (decrease) 36 339 Services 14,780 3,875 16 - - 18,671 48 Grand Total 30,853 13,725 7,846 7,698 - 60,122 Total 1,056 1,020

- pplers wh paymens oere The noncrrent portion o these proisions coer sta seerance inemnities as ollos

Amount by overdue range in days Non-current Under 30 Total Supplier days 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-180 Over 181 days ThUS$ 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Products 150 18 - - - 52 220 ThUS$ ThUS$ Services 132 29 1 - 11 64 237 Opening balance 157 136 Grand Total 282 47 1 - 11 116 457 Payments -7 - Trae payales as of eemer y spplers are as follows. Increase (decrease) 2 21 Total 152 157 - pplers wh paymens no oere

Amount by payment terms Average –

Payment Total period a hare capital Supplier Under 30 days 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-365 Over 366 days ThUS$ (days) The Company’s share capital is as ollos Products 11,456 8,236 7,720 6,425 - - 33,837 59 Services 12,608 1,878 6 6 201 - 14,699 43 Grand Total 24,064 10,114 7,726 6,431 201 - 48,536 12/31/2018 12/31/2017

Share capital ThUS$ ThUS$ Capital subscribed but not paid 18,364 - Share capital paid 73,422 73,422 Total 91,786 73,422

Common Shares Total number of shares As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 66,000,000 56,818,008


- ppliers ith payments oere

Amount by overdue range in days

Under Total

Supplier 30 days 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-180 Over 181 days ThUS$ Products 160 - - - - 131 291 Services 243 53 39 12 10 36 393 Grand Total 403 53 39 12 10 167 684

The Company has no conirmin transactions

The crrent portion o these proisions coer sta acations as ollos


12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 1,020 681 Increase (decrease) 36 339 Total 1,056 1,020

The noncrrent portion o these proisions coer sta seerance inemnities as ollos

Non-current 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 157 136 Payments -7 - Increase (decrease) 2 21 Total 152 157

– a hare capital

The Company’s share capital is as ollos

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Share capital ThUS$ ThUS$ Capital subscribed but not paid 18,364 - Share capital paid 73,422 73,422 Total 91,786 73,422

Common Shares Total number of shares As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 66,000,000 56,818,008


hare premim e ther reserves

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ther reserves are as follows. ThUS$ ThUS$ Share premium 27,539 - 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Total 27,539 - ThUS$ ThUS$ Conversion in other companies reserves -345 90 hare premim is the ierence eteen the procees rom placin shares on erary Corporate reorganization reserves (*) 23,471 23,471 appro per share an the oo ale o those shares per share Total 23,126 23,561 c iien policy These reserves include the difference between the boo value and the proceeds from the capital The Company has eine the olloin iien policy in accorance ith its ylas increase in iordo lanco S.A. and Surproceso S.A. shares, as this transaction was carried out between companies under common control. inancial statements shall e prepare as o ecemer thirtyirst each year f etained earnings are as follows. et income or the year ill e istrite as ollos 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 i o less than thirty percent to e istrite as a iien in cash to shareholers in ThUS$ ThUS$ proportion to their shares Opening balance 11,695 -16,672 ii The balance to be used to form reserves, as agreed by an Annual General Shareholders’ Dividends -14,262 -3,354 eetin Retained income for the period 44,017 31,721

iien proision Total 41,450 11,695

The Company propose a inal iien o as o ecemer hich as approe at an Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 26, 2018 and was paid on May 25, 2018. The Company has proie or a iien o as o ecemer hich shall e sect to arnings per share are as follows. approal at an rinary hareholers eetin to e hel on pril This iien has een calclate as ollos 12/31/2018 12/31/2017

Detail ThUS$ ThUS$ As of 12/31/2018 As of 12/31/2017 Net income (loss) for the period (ThUS$) 44,017 31,721 Item ThUS$ ThUS$ Weighted average number of shares 66,000,000 56,818,008 Basic earnings per share (US$/share) 0.6669 0.5583 Retained losses - 16,672

Net income, according to statement of financial position 44,017 31,721 asic earnings per share taes the net income for the period and divides it by the number of single series Dividends equivalent to 30% 44,017 15,049 shares.

Reductions to distributable income The ompany has not issued convertible debt or other euity securities. onseuently, there are no

Fair value adjustment for 2018 4,825 -5,301 potentially diluting effects on earnings per share. Deferred tax (27%) -1,303 1,431

Net fair value adjustment 3,522 -3,870

Income distributable to shareholders 47,539 11,179

Dividends equivalent to 30% 14,262 3,354 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Distribution of Dividends ThUS$ ThUS$ Controller Camanchaca 9,983 2,348 Minority shareholders 4,279 1,006 Total Dividends 14,262 3,354



e ther reserves

ther reserves are as follows.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Conversion in other companies reserves -345 90 Corporate reorganization reserves (*) 23,471 23,471 Total 23,126 23,561

These reserves include the difference between the boo value and the proceeds from the capital increase in iordo lanco S.A. and Surproceso S.A. shares, as this transaction was carried out between companies under common control. f etained earnings are as follows.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 11,695 -16,672 Dividends -14,262 -3,354 Retained income for the period 44,017 31,721 Total 41,450 11,695

arnings per share are as follows.

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Detail ThUS$ ThUS$ Net income (loss) for the period (ThUS$) 44,017 31,721 Weighted average number of shares 66,000,000 56,818,008 Basic earnings per share (US$/share) 0.6669 0.5583

asic earnings per share taes the net income for the period and divides it by the number of single series shares.

The ompany has not issued convertible debt or other euity securities. onseuently, there are no potentially diluting effects on earnings per share.



b s of eember

perating revenue is as follows. Asia, LATAM, Europe + Product or Species USA except Japan except Chile Others TOTAL Eurasia Japan Chile For the years ended December 31, ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Atlantic salmon 70,189 31,847 16,390 14,356 49,004 4,988 2,169 2018 2017 188,943 ThUS$ ThUS$ Trout 926 12 - 4,850 - 103 224 6,115 Fresh salmon sales 125,104 80,681 Others - - - - - 8,012 - 8,012 Frozen salmon sales 193,486 110,648 Total 71,115 31,859 16,390 19,206 49,004 13,103 2,393 203,070 Services 7,456 5,072

Share of trout production 2,889 6,115 Other products 3,366 554 Total 332,301 203,070 ministrative epenses are as follows perating revenue by destination maret is as follows For the years ended DESTINATION 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 December 31, % % 2018 2017 Exports 93.98 93.55 ThUS$ ThUS$

Domestic 6.02 6.45 Corporate support services 4,492 4,515 Total 100.00 100.00 Remuneration 3,916 3,328 Communications 460 480 DESTINATION 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Leases 552 519 % % Depreciation 149 181 USA 29.17 35.02 Audit and consultancy 216 388 Europe + Eurasia 28.75 15.69 Travel and traveling allowances 171 197 Asia, except Japan 8.34 8.07 Legal expenses 229 100 Japan 4.99 9.46 LATAM, except Chile 21.86 24.13 Overhead expenses 839 413 Chile 6.02 6.45 Stock market expenses 335 - Others 0.87 1.18 Other administrative expenses 718 629 Total 100.00 100.00 Total 12,077 10,750

The ompany does not have final clients abroad that represent more than 10 of sales and do not have foreign assets.

Revenue in ThUS$ by the Company’s markets are as follows:

a As of ecember 1, 2018

Asia, LATAM, Europe + Product or Species USA except Japan except Chile Others TOTAL Eurasia Japan Chile ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Atlantic salmon 96,211 95,510 27,648 14,695 72,618 9,066 2,842 318,590 Trout 716 25 67 1,885 10 115 72 2,890 Others - - - - - 10,821 - 10,821 Total 96,927 95,535 27,715 16,580 72,628 20,002 2,914 332,301


b s of eember

Asia, LATAM, Europe + Product or Species USA except Japan except Chile Others TOTAL Eurasia Japan Chile ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Atlantic salmon 70,189 31,847 16,390 14,356 49,004 4,988 2,169 188,943 Trout 926 12 - 4,850 - 103 224 6,115 Others - - - - - 8,012 - 8,012 Total 71,115 31,859 16,390 19,206 49,004 13,103 2,393 203,070

ministrative epenses are as follows

For the years ended December 31, 2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$

Corporate support services 4,492 4,515 Remuneration 3,916 3,328 Communications 460 480 Leases 552 519 Depreciation 149 181 Audit and consultancy 216 388 Travel and traveling allowances 171 197 Legal expenses 229 100 Overhead expenses 839 413 Stock market expenses 335 - Other administrative expenses 718 629 Total 12,077 10,750


istribution osts are as follows hane ifferenes are as follows

For the years ended For the years ended December 31, December 31, 2018 2017 2018 2017 Item Currency ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Assets (charge) / credit Distribution services 936 662 Bank accounts Ch$ -624 -604 Remuneration 1,315 959 Bank accounts Euros -104 28 Storage expenses 1,094 840 Domestic customers Ch$ -170 77 Commissions 911 826 Foreign customers Yen - 52 Foreign customers Euros -79 44 Haulage costs 1,605 751 Foreign customers GBP 4 - Maritime freight 595 274 Other receivables Ch$ -697 56 Shipment costs 562 289 Miscellaneous receivables UF - 3 Commercial current accounts with related companies Ch$ -992 326 Travel and Traveling allowances 88 30 Commercial current accounts with related companies Euros 58 - Samples and analysis 107 56 Recoverable taxes Ch$ -326 551 Export certificates 395 81 Other financial assets Ch$ -138 - Prepaid expenses Ch$ -172 6 Other expenses 967 899 Total -3,240 539 Total 8,575 5,667 Liabilities (charge) / credit

Trade payables Ch$ 1131 -884

Payables Euros -5 - Payables NOK -2 -

Payables GBP 2 - inanial osts are as follows: Notes payable Ch$ 28 11 For the years ended Notes payable Euros 5 -27 December 31, Provisions and withholdings Ch$ 171 -94 2018 2017 Provisions and withholdings NOK -6 - ThUS$ ThUS$ Total 1,324 -994 Financial interest 4,051 3,489 Gain (loss) on foreign currency conversion -1,916 -455 Commercial current account interest 3 241 Financial commissions 472 308 Income from financial instruments 1,699 -

Other expenses 136 198 ther ains an losses for the year are as follows Total 6,361 4,236 For the years ended December 31,

2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Net gain on selling assets 42 16 Gain (loss) on insurance claims 21 -328 Costs of disposing of property, plant and equipment -835 -947 Others - 1,199 Total -772 -60


hane ifferenes are as follows For the years ended December 31, 2018 2017 Item Currency ThUS$ ThUS$ Assets (charge) / credit Bank accounts Ch$ -624 -604 Bank accounts Euros -104 28 Domestic customers Ch$ -170 77 Foreign customers Yen - 52 Foreign customers Euros -79 44 Foreign customers GBP 4 - Other receivables Ch$ -697 56 Miscellaneous receivables UF - 3 Commercial current accounts with related companies Ch$ -992 326 Commercial current accounts with related companies Euros 58 - Recoverable taxes Ch$ -326 551 Other financial assets Ch$ -138 - Prepaid expenses Ch$ -172 6 Total -3,240 539 Liabilities (charge) / credit Trade payables Ch$ 1131 -884 Payables Euros -5 - Payables NOK -2 - Payables GBP 2 - Notes payable Ch$ 28 11 Notes payable Euros 5 -27 Provisions and withholdings Ch$ 171 -94 Provisions and withholdings NOK -6 - Total 1,324 -994

Gain (loss) on foreign currency conversion -1,916 -455

ther ains an losses for the year are as follows

For the years ended December 31, 2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Net gain on selling assets 42 16 Gain (loss) on insurance claims 21 -328 Costs of disposing of property, plant and equipment -835 -947 Others - 1,199 Total -772 -60


Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ssets an liabilities in forein urrenies are as follows: ThUS$ ThUS$

Current liabilities Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Other financial liabilities, current US$ 243 439 ThUS$ ThUS$ Trade and other payables, current US$ 53,739 43,803 Current assets Currency 12/31/2018 3/31/2018 Trade and other payables, current Ch$ 13,128 28,250 Cash and cash equivalents US$ 5,738 531 Trade and other payables, current UF 446 412 Cash and cash equivalents Ch$ 5,540 -121 Trade and other payables, current Euro 2,799 -738 Cash and cash equivalents Euro 1,865 436 Trade and other payables, current NOK 10 - Other financial assets, current US$ 19 - Trade and other payables, current DKK - -10 Other financial assets, current Ch$ 31 31 Trade and other payables, current GBP 12 12 Other non-financial assets, current US$ 5,990 7,041 Related party payables, current US$ 15,296 2,393 Trade and other receivables, current US$ 23,904 21,297 Related party payables, current Ch$ - 1,805 Trade and other receivables, current Ch$ 7,974 4,259 Tax liabilities, current US$ 6,509 1,829 Trade and other receivables, current Euro 903 2,429 Employee benefit provisions, current Ch$ 1,056 1,020 Trade and other receivables, current GBP - 211 Total 93,238 79,215 Related company receivables US$ 25,620 25,076

Related company receivables Ch$ 1,332 509 Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Inventories US$ 22,959 38,170 ThUS$ ThUS$ Biological assets, current US$ 113,237 97,522 Non-current liabilities Tax assets, current Ch$ 1,136 1,584 Other financial liabilities, non-current US$ 50,000 100,000 Total 216,248 198,975 Trade and other payables, current Ch$ - 102

Related party payables, current US$ 591 9,703 Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Related party payables, current Ch$ - -6,213 Non-current assets Related party payables, current Euro - 1,082 Other financial assets, non-current US$ 27 27 Deferred tax liabilities US$ 12,733 13,280 Other non-financial assets US$ 112 260 Employee benefit provisions, non-current Ch$ 152 157 Rights receivable, non-current US$ 1,349 3,995 Total 63,476 118,111 Rights receivable, non-current Ch$ - 1,525 Equity method investments US$ 4,682 5,565 Intangible assets other than goodwill US$ 6,948 7,083 Property, plant and equipment US$ 92,269 73,646 Biological assets, non-current US$ 18,607 14,472 a ank loan onitions Deferred tax assets US$ 373 456 n ovember the arent Company an its subsiiary Salmones Camanhaa S sine a ebt Total 124,367 107,029 resheulin finanin ommitment an oint an several uarantee ontrat with ank S Cooperative Rabobank U an ano Santaner Chile S n nitial ubli fferin of shares in Salmones Camanhaa S took plae on ebruary an in aorane with the ebt sheulin areement the ross uarantees rante by the parent ompany an its other subsiiaries were lifte leavin only the assets of Salmones Camanhaa S an subsiiaries plee in uarantee as follows

i ortae on si plots inluin everythin built on them four in Tome one in uerto aras an one in Calbuo ii ne mortae on fishin vessels an four on naval rafts owne by Salmones Camanhaa iii lee a onpossessory plee over the salmon proessin plant in Tome Calbuo an the ish arm in etrohue b Salmones Camanhaa S an subsiiary mortae to the anks all the auaulture onessions that it owns for salmon an trout


Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current US$ 243 439 Trade and other payables, current US$ 53,739 43,803 Trade and other payables, current Ch$ 13,128 28,250 Trade and other payables, current UF 446 412 Trade and other payables, current Euro 2,799 -738 Trade and other payables, current NOK 10 - Trade and other payables, current DKK - -10 Trade and other payables, current GBP 12 12 Related party payables, current US$ 15,296 2,393 Related party payables, current Ch$ - 1,805 Tax liabilities, current US$ 6,509 1,829 Employee benefit provisions, current Ch$ 1,056 1,020 Total 93,238 79,215

Item Currency 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current US$ 50,000 100,000 Trade and other payables, current Ch$ - 102 Related party payables, current US$ 591 9,703 Related party payables, current Ch$ - -6,213 Related party payables, current Euro - 1,082 Deferred tax liabilities US$ 12,733 13,280 Employee benefit provisions, non-current Ch$ 152 157 Total 63,476 118,111

a ank loan onitions

n ovember the arent Company an its subsiiary Salmones Camanhaa S sine a ebt resheulin finanin ommitment an oint an several uarantee ontrat with ank S Cooperative Rabobank U an ano Santaner Chile S n nitial ubli fferin of shares in Salmones Camanhaa S took plae on ebruary an in aorane with the ebt sheulin areement the ross uarantees rante by the parent ompany an its other subsiiaries were lifte leavin only the assets of Salmones Camanhaa S an subsiiaries plee in uarantee as follows

i ortae on si plots inluin everythin built on them four in Tome one in uerto aras an one in Calbuo ii ne mortae on fishin vessels an four on naval rafts owne by Salmones Camanhaa iii lee a onpossessory plee over the salmon proessin plant in Tome Calbuo an the ish arm in etrohue b Salmones Camanhaa S an subsiiary mortae to the anks all the auaulture onessions that it owns for salmon an trout


he Company inested in the folloin proects drin the period anary to arch . b iret uarantees 12/31/2017 Debtor Book value Investment Name Relationship Guarantee Property ThUS$ Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Property mortgage Tome real estate 3,876 Project ThUS$ Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Property mortgage Puerto Varas real estate 2,215 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Property mortgage Calbuco real estate 214 Waste management 554 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Property mortgage Salmon vessels 1,665 Environmental services 133 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Pledge Machinery and equipment 10,737 Salmones Camanchaca S.A. Commercial Pledge Buildings and construction 13,511 Total 687

Continenies he Company is committed to complyin ith all enironmental relations. n particlar it ill contine to actiely participate in discssions reardin proects that inole amendments and The Company reularly evaluates the likelihoo of loss on its litiation an ontinenies in aorane improements to enironmental and health relations to ensre that these can e implemented from a with estimates provie by its leal avisers etaile information relatin to these proesses is technical financial social and enironmental perspectie. t is dedicated to spportin the est proposal available provie it oes not compromise the Company’s defense. Salmones Camanchaca S.A. has for the enironment and deelopin the indstry. litiation or aministrative proeeins before the Courts of ustie or aministrative boies at the reportin ate Therefore it ha reate the followin provisions as of eember Accounting provision Proceedings Number of cases ThUS$ eteen the reportin date and the date these financial statements ere issed anaement as not aare of any other sseent eents that cold sinificantly impact their interpretation. Civil 4 47

Administrative 3 16 Total 7 63

he nmer of employees y cateory at the reportin date is as follos.

Professionals and Total Laborers Senior Executives The Company its iretors an anaers have not been subet to santions of any kin by the C Technicians 12/31/2018 formerly the Superintenent of Seurities an nsurane or other aministrative authorities as of the ate these finanial statements were issue 1,045 277 13 1,335

Professionals and Total Laborers Senior Executives – Technicians 12/31/2017

Salmones Camanhaa S ontinuously renews its ommitment to the environment by implementin 1,299 275 14 1,588 new proesses an tehnoloies at its proution plants This has enable it to ahieve a sustainable business an to further ultivate speies in an effiient manner while minimiin its impat on the environment The Company investe in the followin environmental mitiation proets urin the perio anuary to eember he Company ean tradin secrities that represent the Companys shares on the slo Stoc chane drin . his sitation reired a stdy that compared the fair alation model for ioloical assets 12/31/2018 sed in Chile ith the indstry model sed in oray. he prpose ein to prepare and proide plic financial information in oray that is comparale ith the information proided y companies that Investment trade their shares on the slo Stoc chane. Project ThUS$ Waste management 615 he oreian inancial Sperisory Athority carried ot research to assess the comparaility of models sed to measre iomass fair ale for ioloical assets in the salmon indstry. Since it has Environmental services 335 encoraed the indstry to deelop a common alation model in order to increase the comparaility of Total 950 financial information prepared y companies in this indstry. he inancial Sperision Athority has encoraed the indstry to chane to a cash flo model net present ale model to calclate the fair ale of ioloical assets. herefore companies in the salmon indstry ealated this proposal in all and areed to mirate to the proposed model. y the end of they had areed the principal elements of the ne alation model.


he Company inested in the folloin proects drin the period anary to arch .

12/31/2017 Investment Project ThUS$ Waste management 554 Environmental services 133 Total 687

he Company is committed to complyin ith all enironmental relations. n particlar it ill contine to actiely participate in discssions reardin proects that inole amendments and improements to enironmental and health relations to ensre that these can e implemented from a technical financial social and enironmental perspectie. t is dedicated to spportin the est proposal for the enironment and deelopin the indstry.

eteen the reportin date and the date these financial statements ere issed anaement as not aare of any other sseent eents that cold sinificantly impact their interpretation.

he nmer of employees y cateory at the reportin date is as follos.

Professionals and Total Laborers Senior Executives Technicians 12/31/2018 1,045 277 13 1,335

Professionals and Total Laborers Senior Executives Technicians 12/31/2017 1,299 275 14 1,588

he Company ean tradin secrities that represent the Companys shares on the slo Stoc chane drin . his sitation reired a stdy that compared the fair alation model for ioloical assets sed in Chile ith the indstry model sed in oray. he prpose ein to prepare and proide plic financial information in oray that is comparale ith the information proided y companies that trade their shares on the slo Stoc chane.

he oreian inancial Sperisory Athority carried ot research to assess the comparaility of models sed to measre iomass fair ale for ioloical assets in the salmon indstry. Since it has encoraed the indstry to deelop a common alation model in order to increase the comparaility of financial information prepared y companies in this indstry. he inancial Sperision Athority has encoraed the indstry to chane to a cash flo model net present ale model to calclate the fair ale of ioloical assets. herefore companies in the salmon indstry ealated this proposal in all and areed to mirate to the proposed model. y the end of they had areed the principal elements of the ne alation model.


he Company has deeloped a alation model that incorporates the recommendations issed y the i ash flo receipts are generated by product sales. The analysis is simplified by assigning all the oreian inancial Sperisory Athority in order to comply ith its proposed idelines. remaining costs to the same period as reenue to leae only one cash flo by locality. ash receipts are assigned to the month hen the harest is expected to tae place. All cash flos at all the the he alation model contains the folloin points. Group’s marine fish farms will be distributed throughout the period it takes to grow fish at sea at the reporting date. stimated future cash flos are discounted on a monthly basis. a ioloical assets are oerned by IAS 41 “Agriculture”. The principal standard is that biological assets shold e measred at fair ale less sellin costs nless fair ale cannot e measred Salmon farming is not a maret ith free competition and no entry barriers. ue to limited access to relialy. air ale measrement is determined y S . air ale refers to the price that salmon farming concessions these licenses currently hae a ery high alue. If a hypothetical lie fish old hae een achieed y sellin the asset in an orderly transaction eteen maret participants buyer should ish to tae control and continue farming fish he ould need a license a site and other on the measrement date at preailin maret conditions. obligatory production permits. It must be assumed that this ould be possible ithin a hypothetical maret for buying and selling lie fish. Such a mortgage buyer ould claim a significant discount in or es fry and smolts historical cost is considered a reasonale approach to estimatin fair ale order to assign an appropriate proportion of profitability to coer the cost of the buyers on licenses or as there is little ioloical transformation at these staes AS .. As smolts are transferred to the rental cost of leased auaculture concessions. the sea hen their eiht is still relatiely lo. rthermore this rop represents a limited proportion of the Group’s biological assets y oth olme and ale. This model has the folloing effects on these financial statements for the year ended ecember 1 1.

c reedin stoc are also aled at cost a An increase in net income for the period of ThS1 ThS in 1 net of deferred tax effects. d he net present ale of cash flo model is sed. n a hypothetical maret ith perfect competition the maimm that a hypothetical lie fish yer old e illin to pay is the net present ale of b An increase in “Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets” within the statement of net income by estimated ftre enefits from sellin fish hen it is ready to e harested. he estimated ftre function of ThS411 ThS11 in 1. enefit is cash flo receipts after tain into accont all price adstments and harestin costs incrred at the end of the prodctie cycle. c An increase in biological assets ithin current assets of ThS411 ThS11 in 1. an increase in deferred tax liabilities of ThS111 ThS 4 in 1 and an increase in euity n accordance ith the principle of reater and etter se the Company eliees that fish hae an of ThS1 ThS in 1. optimal harestin eiht hen their lie eiht is eal to or reater than . air ale has een determined for all fish that hae a eiht eal to or reater than at the reportin date in accordance ith recommendations issed y the inancial Sperisory Athority to calclate the fair ale of ioloical assets ish that are nder this eiht are aled at historical cost. he same criteria is sed for reedin stoc. ish aled at historical cost are sect to arterly impairment testin.

stimated cash flo receipts are ased on the estimated iomass mltiplied y the estimated price. he costs reired to rin small fish to their harest eiht are estimated. Cash flo is disconted on a monthly asis sin an estimated discont rate of . per month.

e he estimated iomass olme is ased on the actal nmer of fish in the sea at the reportin date adsted to coer proected mortality throh to harest mltiplied y their estimated eiht at harest. he nit of measre is indiidal fish. he lie eiht of fish in the sea is conerted to tted eiht as this is the nit of measre sed for sales prices.

f he price is ased on ftre prices.

he costs associated ith anormal mortality are reconied immediately in the statement of net income and are classified under “Other expenses by function”. Normal mortality during the prodction process is treated as part of prodction costs. hether mortality is considered normal or anormal reires an ealation sin mortality criteria. he rop ses a common indicator and threshold for all cltiation nits. f local mortality drin one month de to a sinle eent eceeds of fish nmers at that locality this is an indication of anormal mortality. his is folloed y a detailed ealation to estalish hether this as anormal mortality. hese mortality ealations eamine the case and the sie of the fish.

h Chanes in the estimated fair ale of ioloical assets in accordance ith AS are reconied in the statement of net income nder ain loss on fair ale of ioloical assets. t may potentially comprise to components Chanes in the fair ale of inentories of fish in the sea stimated impairment of fish aled at cost at the end of the reportin period.


i ash flo receipts are generated by product sales. The analysis is simplified by assigning all the remaining costs to the same period as reenue to leae only one cash flo by locality. ash receipts are assigned to the month hen the harest is expected to tae place. All cash flos at all the the Group’s marine fish farms will be distributed throughout the period it takes to grow fish at sea at the reporting date. stimated future cash flos are discounted on a monthly basis.

Salmon farming is not a maret ith free competition and no entry barriers. ue to limited access to salmon farming concessions these licenses currently hae a ery high alue. If a hypothetical lie fish buyer should ish to tae control and continue farming fish he ould need a license a site and other obligatory production permits. It must be assumed that this ould be possible ithin a hypothetical maret for buying and selling lie fish. Such a mortgage buyer ould claim a significant discount in order to assign an appropriate proportion of profitability to coer the cost of the buyers on licenses or the rental cost of leased auaculture concessions.

This model has the folloing effects on these financial statements for the year ended ecember 1 1. a An increase in net income for the period of ThS1 ThS in 1 net of deferred tax effects. b An increase in “Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets” within the statement of net income by function of ThS411 ThS11 in 1. c An increase in biological assets ithin current assets of ThS411 ThS11 in 1. an increase in deferred tax liabilities of ThS111 ThS 4 in 1 and an increase in euity of ThS1 ThS in 1.


he consolidated statements of financial position and the consolidated statements of net income by SALMONES CAMANCHACA S.A. AND SUBSIDIARY function including these effects are as follow CONSOLIDATED CLASSIFIED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND 2017 SALMONES CAMANCHACA S.A. AND SUBSIDIARY CONSOLIDATED CLASSIFIED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of As of AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND 2017 December 31, December As of As of Liabilities Note 2018 31, 2017 December 31, December ThUS$ ThUS$ Assets Note 2018 31, 2017 Current liabilities ThUS$ ThUS$ Other financial liabilities, current 18 243 439 Current assets Trade and other payables, current 19 70,134 71,729 Cash and cash equivalents 7 13,143 846 Related party payables, current 9 15,296 4,198 Other financial assets, current 50 31 Tax liabilities, current 17 6,509 1,829 Other non-financial assets, current 12 5,990 7,041 Employee benefit provisions, current 20 1,056 1,020 Trade and other receivables, current 8 32,781 28,196 Related party receivables, current 9 26,952 25,585 Total current liabilities 93,238 79,215 Inventories 10 22,959 38,170 Non-current liabilities Biological assets, current 11-35 154,608 110,657 Other financial liabilities, non-current 18 50,000 100,000 Tax assets, current 14 1,136 1,584 Trade and other payables, non-current - 102 Total current assets 257,619 212,110 Related party payables, non-current 9 591 4,572 Non-current assets Deferred tax liabilities 17-35 23,903 16,826 Other financial assets, non-current 27 27 Employee benefit provisions, non-current 20 152 157 Other non-financial assets, non-current 12 112 260 Total non-current liabilities 74,646 121,657 Rights receivable, non-current 14 1,349 5,520 Equity method investments 13 4,682 5,565 Equity Intangible assets other than goodwill 15 6,948 7,083 Share capital 21 91,786 73,422 Property, plant and equipment 16 92,269 73,646 Share premium 21 27,539 - Biological assets, non-current 11-35 18,607 14,472 Retained earnings 21 71,651 21,284 Long-term deferred taxes 17 373 456 Other reserves 21 23,126 23,561 Total non-current assets 124,367 107,029 Total equity 214,102 118,267 Total assets 381,986 319,139 Total equity and liabilities 381,986 319,139



As of As of December 31, December Liabilities Note 2018 31, 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 18 243 439 Trade and other payables, current 19 70,134 71,729 Related party payables, current 9 15,296 4,198 Tax liabilities, current 17 6,509 1,829 Employee benefit provisions, current 20 1,056 1,020 Total current liabilities 93,238 79,215 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 18 50,000 100,000 Trade and other payables, non-current - 102 Related party payables, non-current 9 591 4,572 Deferred tax liabilities 17-35 23,903 16,826 Employee benefit provisions, non-current 20 152 157 Total non-current liabilities 74,646 121,657 Equity Share capital 21 91,786 73,422 Share premium 21 27,539 - Retained earnings 21 71,651 21,284 Other reserves 21 23,126 23,561 Total equity 214,102 118,267 Total equity and liabilities 381,986 319,139



For the years ended December 31, 2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ Operating revenue 23 332,301 203,070 Cost of sales 10 -239,564 -144,859 Gross profit before fair value adjustment 92,737 58,211 Gain (loss) on fair value of biological assets 11 136,826 67,497 Fair value adjustment to biological assets harvested and sold 11 -100,280 -49,061 Gross profit 129,283 76,647 Administrative expenses 24 -12,077 -10,750 Distribution costs 25 -8,575 -5,667 Financial costs 26 -6,361 -4,236 Share of net income (losses) of equity method associates 13 1,629 541 Exchange differences 27 -1,916 -455 Other gains (losses) 28 -772 -60 Financial income 49 55 Net income (loss) before tax 101,260 56,075 Income tax (expense) income 17 -27,042 -14,765 Net income (loss) from continuing operations 74,218 41,310 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations Net income (loss) for the period 74,218 41,310 Net Income (loss) attributable to: Net income (loss) attributable to owners of the parent company 74,218 41,310 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests - - Net income (loss) for the period 74,218 41,310 Earnings (loss) per share Basic earnings (loss) per share (US$/share) 22 1.1245 0.7271 Basic earnings (loss) per share 1.1245 0.7271




Earnings Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements

For the periods ended December 31, 2018

About Salmones Camanchaca Salmones Camanchaca S.A. is a vertically integrated salmon producer engaged in egg and breeder production, recirculating hatcheries for Atlantic salmon and pass-through hatcheries for other species, estuary and sea grow- out sites, primary and secondary processing, marketing and sale of Atlantic salmon. The Company farms trout at estuary grow-out sites through a joint venture (1/3 share of results) in effect for four more years with an estimated average annual harvest of 12,000 tons WFE. For its main business (Atlantic salmon), the Company has an annual estimated harvest of 55,000 tons WFE for 2019-2021, in addition to an estimated 4,000 tons WFE of Pacific salmon beginning in 2019. Overall production of all salmonoid species at its farm sites should total around 75,000 tons WFE. Salmones Camanchaca has an average annual workforce of approximately 1,200 employees, 55% of which work at its secondary and value-added processing plant. Markets for sales of Atlantic salmon in a variety of fresh and frozen formats are led by the U.S., Russia, Brazil, China, Mexico, Japan and Argentina, with over 50% of sales in emerging markets.



Highlights for 4th Quarter 2018

 Harvests in line with estimates. The harvests of Q4 2018 reached 13,944 tons WFE, totaling in 2018 48,496 tons WFE, which are in line with the estimates at the beginning of the year.

 Sales Up, Inventories Down. Revenues up 22% over Q4 2017 due to higher sales volumes (+17%), reaching 15,730 tons WFE. This is consistent with a reduction in inventories over Q3 2018.

 Prices stable, slightly up. Average sales price was US$ 5.90/Kg WFE, 3.8% up from US$ 5.68/Kg WFE in Q4 2017 (down 3.9% over Q3 2018).

 Sharp rise in unit margin. Atlantic salmon EBIT/Kg WFE at US$ 1.58, up 60% from Q4 2017, due to increased sales and reduced costs per Kg of production sold.

 Live weight ex cage cost below expectations. Live weight ex cage cost at US$ 2.83/Kg, down 3.7% from Q4 2017 and 5.7% below the Company's long-term target. For 2018, live weight ex cage cost was US$ 3.06/Kg, slightly above the long-term target.

 Significant reduction in processing costs. Total processing costs per Kg, which include primary and value- added processing, fell 5% this quarter compared to the same quarter in 2017, and were also down 5% with respect to the immediately preceding quarter. This reduction was due to increased production scale and greater efficiency following investments in 2017-2018. This is the second lowest processing cost recorded in the last 20 quarters.

 Substantial increase in profitability. EBITDA at US$ 27.5 million, or 74% higher than Q4 2017, explained by greater sales volumes and lower costs. EBIT before Fair Value was US$ 24.5 million for the quarter, reflecting growth of 86% over Q4 2017.

 Reduced debt. Net debt is reduced by 63% since year-end 2017 to US$ 37.1 million, giving an equity ratio of 54%, compared with 36% as of December 31, 2017.

 Future harvest estimates in line with projections. Atlantic salmon harvest estimates at 55,000 tons WFE for 2019. The Company also expects to harvest 4,000 tons WFE of Pacific salmon in 2019 which will generate revenues in Q1 2020, along with 6,000-7,000 tons WFE of trout from its trout farming joint venture (100%).

 Dividend. Subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 26, 2019, the Company will pay a dividend 30% of net profit, equivalent to US$ 0.22 per share.



Key Figures

ThUS$ Q4 2018 Q4 2017 Δ% 2018 2017 Δ% Operating revenues 95,698 78,250 22.3% 332,301 203,070 63.6% Gross profit before Fair Value 30,057 18,217 65.0% 92,737 58,211 59.3% EBITDA before Fair Value 27,480 15,795 74.0% 83,354 52,474 58.8% EBIT before Fair Value 24,508 13,196 85.7% 72,085 41,794 72.5% EBIT % 25.6% 16.9% 51.9% 21.7% 20.6% 5.4% Fair Value -6,690 -2,699 - -4,825 5,301 - Net profit (loss) 10,398 4,854 114.2% 44,017 31,721 38.8% EPS (US$)* 0.1575 - - 0.6669 - -

Harvests (ton WFE) 13,944 16,284 -14.4% 48,496 34,213 41.7% Harvests (ton GWE) 12,550 14,656 -14.4% 43,646 30,792 41.7% Sales (ton WFE Company-farmed) 15,730 13,469 16.8% 50,032 30,049 66.5% Sales (ton GWE Company-farmed) 14,157 12,122 16.8% 45,029 27,044 66.5% Ex-cage cost (US$/Kg live weight) 2.83 2.94 -3.6% 3.06 3.03 0.9% Ex-cage cost (US$/Kg WFE) 3.05 3.16 -3.6% 3.29 3.26 0.9% Ex-cage cost (US$/Kg GWE) 3.38 3.51 -3.6% 3.65 3.62 0.9% Processing cost (US$/Kg WFE) 0.80 0.84 -4.8% 0.89 1.02 -12.7% Processing cost (US$/Kg GWE) 0.89 0.93 -4.8% 0.99 1.13 -12.7% Price (US$/Kg WFE)** 5.90 5.68 3.8% 6.12 6.29 -2.7% Price (US$/Kg GWE)** 6.56 6.31 3.8% 6.80 6.99 -2.7% EBIT/Kg WFE (US$)*** 1.58 0.99 59.6% 1.38 1.19 16.3% EBIT/Kg GWE (US$)*** 1.75 1.10 59.6% 1.53 1.32 16.3%

Financial debt 50,243 100,439 -50.0% NIBD 37,100 99,593 -62.7% Equity ratio 54% 36% 52.0% *After Fair Value, distributed in 66,000,000 shares at the end of Q1 2018 (after IPO) **Billing in US$ divided by tons of product sold excluding operations with third-party raw materials ***Excludes net profit (loss) from the trout joint venture and operations with third-party raw materials

Revenues (MUS$) Harvests (Th ton WFE) EBIT (MUS$)

16.3 95.7 24.5 13.9 80.6 81.0 13.8 78.3 75.1 11.1 18.3 9.6 15.9 13.2 13.4

26% 23% 20% 17% 18%

Q4 17 Q1 18 Q2 18 Q3 18 Q4 18 Q4 17 Q1 18 Q2 18 Q3 18 Q4 18 Q4 17 Q1 18 Q2 18 Q3 18 Q4 18



Financial Matters

Q4 2018 Results

Salmones Camanchaca harvested 13,944 tons WFE of Atlantic salmon in Q4 2018, 14.4% less than the Q4 2017 harvest of 16,284 tons. The Company's average Atlantic salmon price remained fairly stable at US$ 5.90 per Kg WFE during Q4 2018, up 3.8% from Q4 2017, which reflects stable Chilean supply.

In Q4 2018, revenues rose 22.3% over the same period in 2017 to US$ 95.7 million, driven by a 16.8% rise in volumes of Atlantic salmon sold, a reduction of inventories over Q3 2018, and a 3.8% rise in prices.

The joint venture farming trout in sites owned by Salmones Camanchaca (in effect from 2016 to 2022), reported a loss for the Company of US$ 319 thousand for Q4 2018, compared with a loss of US$ 122 thousand for Q4 2017. This is mainly due to a price drop of more than one dollar per Kg WFE (-18.3%), mitigated by a reduction in unit cost by 50 cents per Kg WFE. Harvest volume for Q4 2018 was 4,828 tons WFE in comparison to 7,362 tons WFE for Q4 2017.

Gross profit before fair value was US$ 30.1 million, 65% higher than the US$ 18.2 million recorded for Q4 2017. Gross profit represented 31.4% of revenues in Q4 2018, up from 23.3% in Q4 2017 because of higher prices and reduced costs.

Administrative expenses as a percentage of operating revenues increased from 3.1% in Q4 2017 to 3.5% in Q4 2018, due to a one-time extraordinary expense for employee severance of US$ 0.8 million. Distribution and sales expenses fell from 3.3% to 2.3%. Consequently, the Company’s combined administrative and distribution & sales costs amounted to 5.8% of operating revenues during this quarter, down from 6.4% for the same quarter last year, explained by increased revenues and efficiencies.

EBIT before fair value was US$ 24.5 million for the quarter, 85.7% higher than the US$ 13.2 million recorded in Q4 2017, explained mainly by increased sales volumes and lower processing costs.

Company-farmed Atlantic salmon generated EBIT per Kg WFE of US$ 1.58, which compares favorably to US$ 0.99 per Kg WFE in Q4 2017 (+59.6%) and US$ 1.43 per Kg in Q3 2018 (+10.5%), in a context of stable prices compared to the prior quarter. Thus, the increase was due to the specific characteristics of the sites harvested and processed during Q4 2018, which had lower costs than Q3 2018 and Q4 2017.

The fair value of biological assets (biomass) was a positive US$ 24.7 million in Q4 2018, US$ 10.2 million more than Q4 2017. The fair value adjustment to harvest and sales was a negative US$ 31.4 million for Q4 2018, compared to a negative US$ 17.1 million for Q4 2017. As always, this adjustment considers the reversal of estimated and accounted margins for fish sold in the quarter that was recorded as biomass in grow-out sites in previous quarters. The resulting net fair value adjustment for Q4 2018 was negative at US$ 6.7 million, compared to a negative US$ 2.7 million in Q4 2017.

Net finance costs were US$ 2.1 million in comparison to US$ 1.5 million in Q4 2017. The increase in 2018 is explained by the rise in the LIBOR rate and the negative effect of currency hedges (US$ 1 million), which was offset by a 63% reduction in net financial debt over the last twelve months.



s a result, pretax profit rose from . million for 2 to million for 2. his increase of . million is explained mainly by a reater ross profit . million, offset by a loer fair value million. he resultin aftertax net profit in 2 as . million, up from . million in 2.

Cash los 2

Cash flos from operatin activities for 2 totaled a positive 2.3 million, marin an increase from . million in 2, explained mainly by increased sales and reater marins.

Cash flos used in investin activities totaled .2 million durin the period, up from . million in 2, explained by disbursements for the investment plan to support the Companys roth for the 222 period.

Cash flos from financin activities in 2 ere a neative 2. million, compared to a neative . million in 2. his as achieved by reduced use of available credit facilities secured in 2.

he resultin net cash flo for 2 as neative .2 million.

2 esults

urin the year 2, almones Camanchaca harvested , tons of tlantic salmon, an increase of .% from 3,23 tons in 2, and in line ith estimates from early in the year. he averae price for tlantic salmon durin 2 as .2 , don 2.% over 2.

evenues for 2 totaled 332.3 million, 3.% above the 23. million recorded in 2, explained by .% roth in the volume of Companyfarmed tlantic salmon sold.

urin 2, the trout oint venture enerated net profit of 2. million for almones Camanchaca accounted for as income ith no cost associated in comparison to . million for 2. his decrease is explained mainly by a price drop of over one dollar per .2%, bein offset by a reduction of cents per in unit cost. he harvest volume for this oint venture as , tons of trout, up from ,32 tons in 2, and in line ith estimates prepared by Caleta ay early in the year.

ross profit before fair value rose .3% to 2. million, or 3. million reater than 2.

urin 2, administrative expenses as a percentae of operatin revenues decreased to .3% from 3.%, hile distribution and sales costs fell from 2.% to 2.%. Consequently, the Company’s combined administrative and distribution and sales costs accounted for .2% of revenues durin this period, don from .% in 2. his reduction is explained by hiher revenues in 2, increased efficiency and nonrecurrin expenses to implement in 2. he Company also recorded onetime administrative expenses in 2 of approximately . million for employee severance pacaes.

hus, before fair value adustment as 2. million for 2, marin an increase of 2.% over . million in 2, explained mainly by increased sales volumes and loer production costs, despite loer averae prices. xcludin income from the trout oint venture, hich is not operated by the Company, in the tlantic salmon business as .2 million, or % reater than the 3. million recorded for 2.


rin te price o ompanyarmed tantic samon sod by amones amancaca e cents n tat contet rose to rom in epained by te act tat improvements in costs and scae o prodction more tan compensate te drop in price

e ompany eases some o its root sites to oter companies is year te ompany concded an areement to prcase tons o ra materias rom a armer easin a ompanyoned site ic as acired at te res spot price and enerated net proit o cents per is areement ave te ompany access to ra materia drin arters it o ompanyarmed arvests and aoed it to maintain a smot stocking base line, which will be used for Salmones Camanchaca’s smolt stocking plan for 2019, without needing to stoc additiona smot in te area e ompany as no pendin prcases o ra materias sceded or te tre

Company-Farmed Atlantic Salmon Total Other Farmers Company-Farmed 2017 aes vome ton

e air vae adstment o biooica assets biomass or as miion compared to miion or driven by arer biomass e air vae adstment or sod vome as neative miion or as compared to neative miion or ic aso reects increased saes vomes e atter adstment reverses te estimated and acconted marins or te is sod drin tis period or ic marins ere reconied in previos periods en tey ere considered biomass e restin net air vae adstment or as a neative miion compared to a positive miion in ivin an navorabe dierence o miion

et inance costs ere miion compared to miion in de to a rise in te interest rate beteen ecember and ecember ic as ony partiay oset by te redction in net debt dded to tis navorabe eect is te miion oss on crrency edes in edes non epenses in iean pesos or ic te ompany as revene in doars

reta proit totaed miion in p rom miion in terta net proit totaed miion in p rom miion in

et distribtabe income totaed miion bect to sareoder approva at te nna enera eetin sceded or pri te ompany i pay a dividend o miion o net proit eivaent to per sare

as os as o

or cas os rom operatin activities totaed miion p rom miion or epained mainy by increased saes revenes

as os sed in investin activities totaed miion or te period miion reater tan te prior year epained by investments to spport te ompanys rot pan or te period consistin primariy o ne arm sites and improvements and atomation at primary and secondary processin pants


et cash flow from financing actiities totaled a negatie S 90 million for the ear, in comparison to negatie S 210 million for 201, eplained b a S 0 million pament to the banks reducing the financial debt and S million to the arent Compan he paments were offset b S million raised from the capital increase

he resulting net cash flow for 201 was positie S 12 million

alance Sheet

ssets During 2018, the Company’s total assets increased 11.3% or S million to S 1 million his growth is eplained mainl b increases of S 1 million in propert, plant and euipment S 199 million in current and noncurrent biological assets and S 12 million in cash his was partiall offset b a reduction of S 12 million in inentories

Current assets totaled S 21 million, up from S 199 million as of earend 201, mainl attributed to the aforementioned increase of S 12 million in cash an increase of S 1 million in current biological assets, which is consistent with the estimated biomass for 2019 harest forecasts an increase of S million in accounts receiable because of greater sales, especiall in 201 and a decrease of S 12 million in inentories he Company’s finished product inventories valued at cost as of December 31, 2018, were US$ 17.9 million, euialent to 2,00 tons of finished product, or close to one month of harests, which the Compan considers to be within normal ranges

oncurrent assets increased b S 1 million 12 to S 12 million, mostl due to the increase of S 1 million in inestments in propert, plant and euipment, and an increase of S 1 million in noncurrent biological assets, related to the larger biomass to be harested after 2019

iabilities and uit Current liabilities increased b S 1 million 1, due to an increase of S 111 million in related part paables because of the 201 diidend proision to be paid b Salmones Camanchaca to its controlling shareholder Compaa esuera Camanchaca S, holds 0 of the shares of Salmones Camanchaca S and an increase of S million in current ta liabilities because of improed results in 201

oncurrent liabilities fell S million due to S 0 million in oluntar paments on its longterm reoling bank debt

he Compans euit increased b S 2 million to S 1 million during the ear, mainl eplained b net profit for the ear and the effects of the capital increase as part of the in 1 201


perating erformance

Salmones Camanchaca’s financial performance is closely related to three key drivers:

1. The price of Atlantic salmon, which is very sensitive to orwegian and Chilean supply conditions, and the echange rates of its main trading partners

2. Sanitary conditions for Atlantic salmon, which affect conversion factors, the use of pharmaceutical and mechanical means to improve fish welfare and the final biomass across which costs are allocated.

3. The cost of feed, which represents approimately half of the live fish unit cost at harvest.

. roduct rices

verage price of tlantic salmon sold by Salmones Camanchaca during 2018 was US$ .90 per g , up 3.8% from the same period in 2017. fter a fall in prices in 201, there has been an upward trend in tlantic salmon prices more consistent with longterm trends i.e. demand outgrowing supply. n contrast to 201, a stronger dollar in 2018 did not lead to a contraction in salmon demand in the Company’s markets. Price levels in 2018, and in general throughout the second half of 2018, showed great stability with minor variations, in line with stable global and Chilean supply.

n 2018, Salmones Camanchaca obtained an average raw material return for tlantic salmon of 37 cents more for volumes sold in relation to returns shown by the maret benchmar Salmone, which increased sharply in pril and ay of this year and then fell for the net two months. n particular, during ctober, November and December 2018, the Company’s RMR outperformed Salmonex by 36, 34 and 40 cents per g, respectively. his differential is consistent with the Company’s historical trends. n 2 2018, this differential was negative because of the strong increase in maret prices and the accounting lag for recording sales of froen product, shipped mainly to ussia and China, which tae up to 90 days between the sale being closed and being recorded in accounting. n addition, the Company settles many contracts an average of 090 days in advance, which generates a lag in recorded price versus Salmone. he Company considers its contract policy to be favorable as it allows it to build longterm relationships with valuable customers and maintain the needed fleibility to adust to changes in specific format andor maret conditions.

n this contet, the drop in price from 3 2018 to 2018 did not affect Salmones Camanchaca, which maintained the prices of its raw materials and enoyed a cumulative premium over Salmone of 19 cents for the year 2018.

n line with epectations, prices rose in 2018 3.8% but failed to reverse the drop seen during the first three uarters, finishing the year with a price reduction of 2.7%. verall, prices were stable in 2018 fluctuating only 30 cents during the period. his in contrast to the three preceding years, which drove development in salmon consuming marets.



Salmones Camanchaca Raw Material Return (US$ / Kg WFE) Atlantic Salmon Price (US$ / Kg WFE) Salmones Camanchaca vs Market Salmonex January 2016 = Base 100 . 7.18 7.06 Camanchaca Salmonex .0 6.83

200 6. 6.24 6.27 6.26 6.14 5.90 10 6.0 5.68 100 . 0 .0 4 161 12 13 14 11 182 183 184 18

he Ra Material Return is the final product price less distribution and specific secondary processing costs. t is a measurement of price before selecting the final destination for harvested fish and provides a homogeneous aggregate indicator for the Companys diverse products. he market index or Salmonex is based on the price of fresh fillet trim D exported by Chilean companies, net of processing and distribution costs for Salmones Camanchaca’s fresh trim D. t provides a comparable index to Salmones Camanchaca’s Ra Material Return.


Q4 2018 Q4 2017 Δ Δ % 2018 2017 Δ Δ %

arvest tons 13,44 16,284 2,340 14.4 48,46 34,213 14,283 41.

Production tons 13,2 16,216 2,264 14.0 48,333 34,118 14,21 41.

Sales Companyfarmed tons 1,30 13,46 2,261 16.8 0,032 30,04 1,83 66.

Sales Companyfarmed hS 2,813 6,3 16,26 21.3 306,016 188,43 11,03 62.0

Sg verage sales price .0 .68 0.22 3.8 6.12 6.2 0.1 2. Pricerelated change in revenues hS 2,813 8,383 3,430 3.8 306,016 314,0 8,4 2. ith constant volume 2018

arvests by Salmones Camanchaca in 2018 ere in line ith estimates from early 2018 i.e. 48,46 tons , up 41. over 201, and ith a decrease in 4 from the record level seen in 4 201. Sales of 0,032 tons in 2018 exceeded harvests, reflecting a reduction of nearly 1,00 tons in inventories. he scarce inventory levels seen at the end of 2016, and abundant stocks in late 201, explain the decreased sales in 201 ith respect to harvests, hile the opposite occurred in 2018. his situation of final inventories explains the 66. increase in volumes sold in 2018, 2 greater than the increase in harvests.



as a mn as cm

sa cn c cs asa aan cn Ch h aan Ch h h h h h h h h anc amn h TOTAL 96,927 95,535 27,715 16,580 72,628 20,002 2,914 332,301

as a mn as cm

sa cn c cs asa aan cn Ch h aan Ch h h h h h h h h anc amn h TOTAL 71,115 31,859 16,390 19,206 49,004 13,103 2,393 203,070

h Cmans man an sas sa s s cs an a mas an css n h ms aac mas s a maa as n mmm cnns an an sa csm ans

amns Camanchaca has a sha n Cns snc m a n n h h h Chan cs ma anc samn n Chna n hs man ma h has n a sncan ncas n a shmns sh cs

h Cman ns s aa cs as hs cnann sm scna cssn ncn n hch accn a sas n sh a n

h mann m s cms sas sh h han samn h mcan an Chns mas sh anc samn s a n h h mcan ma h as n anc samn s an ns n sa aan s n s an Chna h sh an n cs h s an mca as n s

The North American market’s share of total revenues decreased from 35.0% to 29.2% during 2018, while Europe an asa man ssa m sa cn aan man Chna s mana an aan m an mca cn Ch m n sh h Cman c cn aa cs n sh m c asa ssa cas ha ns aac cnns n

amns Camanchacas n s ansh accn acan h h as n h business is registered in the “Trout” line, and volumes sold during 2018 by this partnership are cnssn h smas ama hsan ns has n n as


ther income comes mostly from processing and services for third parties in our primary processing plant and farm site leases.

ther usinesses

almones amanchaca had nine leased farming concessions as of ecember 31, 2018, seven of which are in the eloncav Estuary os agos egion for trout farming. The ompany contributes its concessions to a partnership account participation and receives one third of net profit generated. n 2018 this partnership reported harvests of 1,05 tons E and sales of 15,22 tons E, which generated net profit for almones amanchaca of 2.9 million, or half the amount attained in 201. This decrease is eplained by a drop of more than 1 dollar per g E 19.2% in the sales price an increase in inventories with respect to yearend 201 3 thousand tons E and greater distribution costs. These items were offset by improved mortality, conversion factors and processes, which reduced the unit cost of finished product by 50 cents.

To date, the estimates used to develop this business have not varied and the operator aleta ay continues to estimate average annual harvests of 12 thousand tons until the year 2022 when the agreement ends.

n order to take better advantage of the estuary farm sites in the os agos egion and complement the partnership account participation oint enture in that area, almones amanchaca obtained acific, or coho, salmon smolt stocking licenses in 2018. ith these rights, the ompany stocked 1. million smolt of this species in 1 2019, which should translate into estimated harvests of thousand tons in late 2019 to be recorded as revenue in 1 2020. This new initiative will give the ompany specific eperience producing and selling acific salmon, which will benefit from certain conditions in hile that give it biological advantages over other species. The ompanys production should represent around 3% of hilean supply of this species during the first few years. ecause of smolt stocking density levels permitted by regulations, almones amanchaca estimates negative margins during the first two production cycles.

The Company’s other businesses, such as processing services for third parties, farm site leases and sales of byproducts, resulted in a favorable operating margin of 5 million in 2018, up 21.9% over 201.

. anitary and roduction onditions

ortality of the Atlantic salmon population in 2018 was 0.%, while mortality at the farm sites that closed their cycles in 2018 was 8.%. ood conversion and growth conditions enabled the ompany to move harvests up to the later months of 2018, thus reducing sanitary risks that often emerge during the summer months 1 2019.

ive weight ecage costs for fish harvested during 2018 were 2.83 per g, which is 11 cents less than 201, and only cents greater than 201 at the same farm sites andor geographic areas as the previous cycle. The uarterly variation in live weight ecage costs is coherent with sanitary and environmental conditions for wintersummer and the greater scale of production during the second half of the year.



Salmones Camanchaca Atlantic Salmon Mortality* (%) Salmones Camanchaca Live Weight Ex-Cage Cost (US$/kg)


2.1% 3.34 3.28 1.4% 3.21 3.15 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 1.0% 0.9% 2.94 2.90 2.83 0.6% 2.79 2.79

Tota uartery mortaity number of fish incuding both cosed and open sites The cosed sites affected by the are incuded

The fooing tabe shos the evoution over time of the most important production and sanitary variabes,

Yield Harvest average weight Antibiotic use Antiparasite use Year FCRb (LW) Kg WFE/smolt Kg WFE Gr/Ton Gr/Ton 2016 2017 2018

The Company has seen a reduction in bioogica feed conversion ratio over time, ith sites cosed in registering g feedg ive fish, as a resut of the use of a microrations strategy, a arger number of feed ines per farm site, remote feeding and the use of higher energy diets energy in feed up , g The conversion ratio for as

n terms of smot productivity gs of harvested biomassnumber of stoced smots, a threeyear high as aso attained in ith a vaue of g smot for cosed centers, epained by a greater average eight, hich reached g in , and oer mortaity

asty, there has been a decrease over time in the use of both antibiotics and antiparasitic treatments This is mainy due to improved oceanographic and sanitary conditions as e as protective and preventative strategies such as ive vaccines and the use of ufenuron at sea sites sea ice These pharmaceutica treatment efforts epain approimatey cents of ive eight cost of tota ive eight cost

espite having reduced the scae of production by in versus , the cost of secondary or vaueadded processing shoed a tocent reduction per g , a refection of greater efficiency fooing recent investments at pants and a better use of the ra materia


ith this, tota finished product cost per g as cents oer than , and cents oer than , hich shos consistency beteen farm sites and improvements in pant productivity, thus meeting the Company’s objectives.

Costs (US$/Kg WFE) Q4 16 Q4 17 Q4 18 cage arvest and primary processing aueadded processing Total finished product cost 3.92 4.00 3.85

cage arvest and primary processing aueadded processing

aes voumes of Companyfarmed products totaed , tons in , hich is in ine ith epectations and more stabe from one uarter to the net, in contrast to or , hen significanty more than haf of harvests occurred during the first haf of the year

eed Costs

eed costs have remained stabe in recent years, dropping sighty in the ast to uarters of , because the costs of the main inputs fishmea, fish oi and soy have aso hed steady The most representative caiber of feed is used for fish eighing over g, hich represents around of the Companys tota feed use, and its price deveopment is the fooing, Price of 2500 Caliber Feed (Salmones Camanchaca) US$/Kg


rice incudes pigment edicated feed, additives or feed suppements are not incuded


Price of Main Inputs US$/Ton ishmea ish oi egetabe oi iscea mea eathe mea

oy mea noe mea ain mea

bseent vents

No subsequent events occurred after December 31, 2018, that materially affect Salmones Camanchaca’s opeations o its inancia ests.

Company too

oba sppy o tantic samon ge aon in . ighty oe goth is epecte o hich is consistent ith the cent egatoy ameo in the ieent samon pocing conties. Chiean sppy ge neay in an is estimate to epan beteen an in . oth in is the est o an abnomay o base in ps epansion o Chies potentia capacity.

signiicant potion o the cash os poce by in as se o investments in popety pant an eipment an to go the biomass to sppot havest estimates o the net e yeas caing o aon thosan tons o tantic samon an thosan tons o aciic samon o . n oe to cacate tota havests at amones Camanchaca am sites one mst a the coesponing havest om the tot joint vente hich in an o yea is estimate at beteen an thosan tons .

he Company estimates tota havests o a species o o thosan tons . o the yea the Company epects thosan tons o tantic samon thosan o aciic samon an thosan o tot om the joint vente.

he Company estimates an incease in tantic samon havests o ith espect to thei eivaent at sites o aon thosan tons . this amont tons coespon to goth ne the ensity system ece an the emaining goth is ne the stocing ection pogam by its aconym in panish system ith no ensity estictions achieve by sing smot stocing ights om sites ease to thi paties an patneship accont paticipation. s a est somehat highe am costs can be epecte becase o these ensity eves an to a esse etent becase o the se o moe epensive nonphamacetica teatments antipaasitic an the se o ne technoogies to mitigate the iss o ham agae booms. egaing the ne


coho harvests, eected for the end of 201 and 2020, they have been stoced under the density system at a lo level, so hiher than normal costs are eected

ain iss and ncertainties

ternal variables miht materially imact the Comanys annual erformance he main variable affectin revenues is the rice of tlantic salmon, hile the main variable affectin costs is the sanitary status of the salmon biomass, includin the bioloical conversion of feed

ndividually and in areate, aquaculture businesses are eosed to various riss Consequently, Salmones Camanchaca oerates usin a ris matri that uides the Comany in order to i revie and udate the critical ris inventory and enerate a ma that hels manae riss ii assess these riss on the basis of imact and robability arameters that hels ith rioritiin iii imlement an audit and internal control lan based on the ris ma that focuses resources on the most vulnerable areas iv enerate a set of strateies to either reduce robability andor imact, includin insurance hereverhenever this is economically feasible and convenient hese ris mas uide manaement to continuously manae and mitiate each ris and establish the corresondin resonsibilities and accountability, as ell as revie the frequency and deth of internal controls to validate the effectiveness of mitiatin measures

he Comanys mission, vision and values short and lonterm strateic lannin critical business and nolede riss and the eerience of ey ersonnel are amon the factors used to detect critical riss a. Phytosanitary Risks he Comany is eosed to ris of disease or arasites that can affect the biomass, increase mortality or reduce roth of secific secies, and thereby, roduction and sales volumes Salmones Camanchaca has adoted strict control standards to minimie those riss, and comly ith reulatory requirements ith resect to coordinated fallo eriods for the concessions in each neihborhood, maimum fish density in caes, constant monitorin and reortin of the biomass and its bioloical status and health, the smolt roduction rocess in closed recirculatin sites fed by roundater, transort of breeders and fish for harvest in ellboats, coordinated antiarasitic ashin by neihborhood, frequent net cleanin, oyen lants to sulement shortfalls in the ater, vaccinations at the freshater stae, amon others b. Natural Risks he Comany is eosed to natural riss that may affect normal oerations, such as volcanic erutions, tidal aves and tsunamis, earthquaes, harmful alae blooms, natural redators, ater ollution and other factors that may threaten biomasses and roduction facilities he Comany is constantly monitorin these variables usin firstrate instruments ithin the salmon industry, in addition to havin aroriate insurance coverae for these riss, all of hich are monitored from a central, secialied unit his unit not only monitors the status of insurance coverae, but also manaes claims rearation hen these occur in order to mae claims that are in line ith contractual coverae c. Product Sale Price Risks he Comany eorts its roducts mainly at rices that are fied on international marets, for hich it has a ide commercial netor he Comany adusts the seed of its sales in accordance ith roduction and maret conditions, hich are constantly in flu oever, it does not accumulate inventory under seculation of a better sale rice in the future



rices are hihly deendent on the suly from Noray and Chile and on fluctuations in echane rates used by the Company’s major trading partners, which affects demand conditions in these marets Salmones Camanchaca has mitiated rice ris throuh its diversified maretin stratey and by roducin hiher valueadded roducts, hich have contracts that averae 0 to 0day eriods

he Comany has a olicy of diversifyin its sales beteen several buyers in each maret, and lare diversity of marets and territories his ensures that sales can be reallocated hen necessary or convenient d. Purchase Price Risks he Comany is eosed to chanes in the urchase rice of salmon feed, hich is based on elldiversified inredients and suliers Salmones Camanchaca defines its diets seein a balance beteen feed cost and nutritional quality at each fish develoment stae he Comany aims to roduce a final roduct that contains the same amount of mea 3 as ild salmon, as ell as a fish infish out ratio amount of marine inredients used to roduce one eiht equivalent of farmed fish of no more than 10 he Comany has feed contracts that are adusted quarterly, on a costlus basis e. Regulatory Risks quaculture is strictly reulated in Chile by las, standards and reulations issued by fishin authorities Significant changes in these regulations could have an impact on the Company’s performance. These regulations are mainly established by the eneral a on isheries and quaculture, and its associated reulations that assin concessions, manae the biomass and set sanitary reventive rules he Comany is constantly monitorin any otential chanes in reulations in order to anticiate and mitiate any otential imacts

Startin ith 2 201, chanes ere made to the reulations overnin salmon farmin densities, and a smolt stocin reduction roram as introduced S his ne reulation forces salmon farmers to reduce smolt stocin and farmin densities in caes hen lo sanitary erformance has been detected andor smolt roth is eected in the one he S mechanism ives roducers the choice beteen relacin a reduction in density, hen aroriate, ith a smolt stocin lan that contains a reduction ith resect to the rior cycle, maintainin densities at maimum ermitted levels

Since the Comany has a olicy to use its assets to rovide services to third artiesroducers, it has routinely leased out several farm sites eulations rants the stocin rihts of a concession to the oner, alloin the Comany to use the history of smolt stocin at farm sites leased to third arties in its on smolt stocin lans for subsequent cycles, ithout affectin the roth in the areas involved herefore, and as the lease areements eire after 2020, the Comany estimates it ill harvest aroimately 0,000 tons of tlantic salmon at its on farm sites reviously used by third arties, lus another 12,000 tons of trout, ithout introducin roth to the system, and therefore ithout havin to materially reduce densities at its farm sites

ost of the concessions held by Salmones Camanchaca for farmin fish are of indefinite duration oever, in order to retain the concession, current reulation requires a certain level of minimum use n a contet in hich reulators aim to limit smolt stocin roth to reserve favorable sanitary conditions, this enerates inconsistency and the ris of the concession eirin

Camanchacas financial osition and results could be affected by chanes in economic olicies, secific reulations and other standards established by authorities



f. Liquidity Risk iuidity ris is the ris of potential mismatches etween the funds needed for asset investments, operating epenses, finance costs, repayment of det as it matures and committed dividends, and funding sources lie product sales revenue, collections from customers, disposal of financial investments and access to financing.

Salmones Camanchaca conservatively and prudently manages this ris y maintaining sufficient liuidity and access to thirdparty credit facilities, while carefully ensuring that it complies with all financial covenants. g. Interest Rate Risk The Company is eposed to interest rate ris since its longterm financing includes a variale interest rate component, which is adjusted every si months. The Company evaluates hedging alternatives ased on maret conditions, ut has not used any over the past five years. h. Foreign Exchange Risk A substantial share of Salmones Camanchaca’s revenues arise from contracts and commercial agreements set in S dollars. owever, given the diversity and importance of marets other than the orth merican maret, which have historically represented more than of total eports, any devaluation of the S dollar against these markets’ currencies and/or the Chilean Peso, could have an impact on the financial performance of the Company.

Corporate policy is to agree income, cost and epenses in S dollars whenever possile. hen that is not possile, epenses in Chilean pesos are converted to S dollars, which generates a difference when the peso appreciates. The Company occasionally evaluates echange rate hedging instruments for its pesodenominated epenses, ased on maret conditions, which results in nonoperating income or loss, respectively, for any operational loss or income produced.

The Companys liailities with financial institutions are taen out in S dollars. i. Credit Risk . Surplus Cash nvestment iss The Company has a highly conservative policy for investing cash surpluses. This policy encompasses oth the uality of financial institutions and the type of financial products used.

. Sales perations iss The Company has insurance policies covering most of the sales of its products that are not sold with immediate payment. The remaining sales are aced y letters of credit, or advance payments, or are to customers with an ecellent credit performance.

perational stoppages at ports or y customs or other institutions, as well as protests, marches or road locages may affect and delay shipments of our products to the marets where they are sold. Therefore, the Company continuously monitors these variales in order to anticipate any issues and identify alternatives to minimie the impact.


inancial Statements

Statement of ncome hS

Q4 2018 Q4 2017 2018 2017

Operating revenue 95,698 78,250 332,301 203,070 Cost of sales , , , , Gross profit before fair value adjustments 30,057 18,217 92,737 58,211 Administrative epenses , , , , istribution sales costs , , , ,

EBIT before fair value 24,508 13,196 72,085 41,794 epreciation , , , , EBITDA before fair value 27,480 15,795 83,354 52,474 air value adustment to biological assets , , , , air value adustment to harvest and sales , , , , EBIT after fair value 17,818 10,497 67,260 47,095 EBITDA after fair value 20,790 13,096 78,529 57,775

inance costs , , , , Share of profit loss of associates , change differences , ther income losses inance income

Net profit (loss) before taxes 15,013 8,433 59,889 42,940 ncome taes , , , ,

Net profit (loss) from continuing operations 10,398 4,854 44,017 31,721 Profit loss from discontinued operations

Net profit (loss) for the period 10,398 4,854 44,017 31,721 oncontrolling interest

Net profit (loss) for the period attributable to owners of the parent 10,398 4,854 44,017 31,721


alance Sheet hS

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Cash and cash euivalents , ther financial assets, current ther nonfinancial assets, current , , rade and other receivables, current , , elated party receivables, current , , nventories , , iological assets, current , , Current ta assets , , Total current assets 216,248 198,975 ther financial assets, noncurrent ther nonfinancial assets, noncurrent ights receivable, noncurrent , , elated party receivables, noncurrent uity method investments , , ntangible assets other than goodill , , Property, plant and euipment , , iological assets, noncurrent , , ongterm deferred taes Total non-current assets 124,367 107,029

Total assets 340,615 306,004

ther financial liabilities, current rade and other payables, current , , elated party payables, current , , Current ta liabilities , , mployee benefit provisions, current , , Total current liabilities 93,238 79,215 ther financial liabilities, noncurrent , , rade and other payables, noncurrent elated party payables, noncurrent , eferred ta liabilities , , mployee benefit provisions, noncurrent Total non-current liabilities 63,476 118,111

Total liabilities 156,714 197,326

Share capital , , Share Premium , Accumulated losses , , nterim dividends ther reserves , , Total equity 183,901 108,678

Total equity and liabilities 340,615 306,004


Cash lo Statement hS

As of As of Q4 2018 Q4 2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES


Proceeds from sale of goods and provision of services , , , , Payments

Payments to suppliers for supply of goods and services , , , , Payments to and on behalf of employees , , , , ividends paid , ividends received , nterest paid , , , , nterest received ncome taes paid , , ther cash inflos outflos Net cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities 21,293 15,995 53,943 36,898


Proceeds from sales of property, plant and euipment Purchases of property, plant and euipment , , , , ther cash inflos outflos Net cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities -6,184 -5,694 -31,767 -16,076


Proceeds from share issuance , oan repayments , , , , Proceeds from/payments to related parties , , , Net cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities -19,964 -10,530 -9,013 -21,047

ffects of changes in echange rates on cash and cash euivalents



Statement of Changes in uity hS

Foreign Retained Equity Total Paid-in Share Currency Other Earnings Attributable to Other Total Equity Capital Premium Conversion Reserves (Accumulated Owners of the Reserves Reserve Losses) Parent alance as of anuary , , , , , Capital increase , , , , ,

Changes in equity

ividends accrued , , ,

Comprehensive income

et profit for the period , , ,

ther comprehensive income Closing balance as of 73,422 90 23,471 23,561 11,695 108,678 108,678 December 31, 2017

pening balance as of , , , , , , anuary , Capital increase , , , ,

Changes in equity

ividends accrued , , ,

Comprehensive income

et profit for the period , , ,

ther comprehensive income Closing balance as of 91,786 27,539 -345 23,471 23,126 41,450 183,901 183,901 December 31, 2018


Additional nformation

ey inancial ndicators Analysis

his section compares the Companys key financial indicators based on its consolidated financial statements as of ecember , , compared to ecember , .

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Liquidity Indicators Current iuidity . . Acid atio . . orking Capital S million . .

Debt Indicators et ebt atio . . Current iabilities / otal iabilities . . onCurrent iabilities / otal iabilities . .

Profitability Indicators months months eturn on uity . . eturn on Assets . .

he decrease of . in current liuidity is mainly caused by an increase of S . million in current assets and an increase of S million in current liabilities, as eplained in the balance sheet analysis. As a result of these movements, orking capital increased by S . million, here S . million is eplained by an increase in biological assets.

he increase of . in the acid ratio is mainly caused by an increase of S . million in cash and an increase of S million in current liabilities. hese variations have already been eplained in the balance sheet analysis.

he net debt ratio fell from . to . mainly due to total liabilities decreasing by S . million and euity increasing by S . million, as ell as the aforementioned increase in cash. hese variations have already been eplained in the balance sheet analysis. he decrease in the proportion of longterm liabilities from . to . is due to a decrease in noncurrent liabilities of S . million. hese variations have already been eplained in the financial position analysis.

eturn on euity and return on assets are mainly due to the Companys margins and performance for the respective periods, and the previously mentioned effects of the P that took place on ebruary , .


Cumulative ndicators

As of As of

12/31/2018 12/31/2017 a. Atlantic Salmon arvests tons / Site , , b. Atlantic Salmon arming ensity kg/m . . c. Atlantic Salmon roup Survival ate sea ater . . d. before air alue S million . . e. / kg before air alue . .


a. arvests for the period, epressed in ecage tons / number of sites used, epressed in ecage tons per site.

b. Average farming density, epressed in kg per cubic meter for sites harvested during the corresponding period.

c. Survival rate, epressed as groups of stocked smolt that are eventually harvested. A harvest group is fish of a similar origin and strain.

d. ross margin before fair value administrative epenses distribution costs salmon business

e. ross margin before fair value administrative epenses distribution costs – result from onethird interest in trout business / kg sold of companyfarmed salmon


Fair Value for the year ended December 31 (ThUS$)

Fair value adjustment to biological assets Fair value adjustment to harvest and sales 2018 2017 2018 2017

“Fair Value Adjustment to Biological Assets” records the estimated gain or loss as of the period end from

“Fair Value Adjustment to Harvest and Sales” records the re


ifferences eteen the aret and Boo Values of rincipal Assets

Biological assets include groups or families of reeders such as eggs smolts and fish eing fattened at sea he are valued at initial recognition and suseuentl at their fair value less estimated selling costs ecept here their fair value cannot e relial measured in accordance ith AS herefore an active maret for these assets is sought in the first instance

As there is no active maret for live fish at all their stages the are valued as freshater fish such as reeders eggs fr and smolts using their cumulative costs at the reporting date

he valuation criteria for farmed fish that are eing fattened is fair value his is understood to e their maret price less their estimated processing and selling costs here is a representative maret for fish eing fattened that are over a certain sie hich is g for Atlantic salmon he maret price is used in oth cases adjusted appropriatel for each group in the sea from hich the harvesting processing pacaging distriuting and selling costs are deducted he volume is adjusted for process astage

Smaller fish are valued at cost though are suject to net realiale value testing

hanges in the fair value of iological assets are recorded in the statement of income for the ear

Biological assets that ill e harvested in the net months are classified as current iological assets

he gain or loss on the sale of these assets ma var in comparison to their calculated fair value at the reporting date

he ompan uses the folloing method

Stage Asset Valuation Fresh ater ggs fr smolts and reeders irect and indirect cumulative costs at their various stages

Fair Value ased on a maret ith reference prices and companies that u and sell these assets Historicall e Sea ater Salmon have considered that this maret is for fish over g f no maret can e identified then cumulative cost is used


he ompan has developed a valuation model that incorporates the recommendations proposed the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority, which are detailed in Note 35 of the Company’s financial statements. his iomass valuation model taes the maret price for fish over g as Fair Value his model has the folloing effects on these financial statements for the period ended ecemer

An increase in net profit for the period of S million net of deferred ta effects An increase in “Fair Value” within the statement of income of US$ 41.4 million. An increase in iological assets ithin current assets of S million hich also generates an increase in deferred ta liailities of S million and in euit of S million his alternative approach to iomass valuation has no effects on BA B nor on the indicators per g efore Fair Value




2018 2017 ThUS$ ThUS$ STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSETS Current assets 34,071 32,016 Non-current assets 7,976 6,747 Total assets 42,047 38,763

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Current liabilities 3,018 169 Non-current liabilities 784 820 Equity 38,245 37,774 Total equity and liabilities 42,047 38,763

STATEMENT OF INCOME Gross profit 984 769 Net profit before tax 399 722 Income taxes -83 -195 Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 316 527 Net profit for the period 316 527

STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOW Cash flows provided by operating activities 417 26 Cash flows used by financing activities - -55 Cash flows used by investing activities -26 -31 Effects of changes in exchange rates -12 7 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 379 -53







The directors and the CEO of Salmones Camanchaca S.A., undersign this Annual Report and state under oath that the information contain in it is the faithful expres- sion of the truth and they confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that the financial statements for the period January 1 to December 31, 2018 have been prepared in accordance with current applicable accounting standards, and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the entity and the group taken as a whole. They also confirm that the Board of Directors’ Report includes a true and fair review of the development and performance of the busi- ness and the position of the entity and the group, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties the entity and the group face.

Santiago, March 27, 2019

Jorge Fernández García Ricardo García Holtz CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN 6.377.734-K 6.999.716-3

Francisco Cifuentes Correa Felipe Sandoval Precht DIRECTOR DIRECTOR 4.333.851-K 7.673.035-0

Tore Valderhaug Manuel Arriagada Ossa DIRECTOR CEO 26.622.508-3 12.149.818-9