75 the Duyfken
The Great Circle Alfons van der Kraan Vol. 35, No. 1. to return to the Netherland. This request was granted and in November 1654 he left Batavia as Vice-Admiral of the homeward bound fleet. F.W. Stapel, Hubert Hugo, een Zeerover in dienst van de Oost-Indische Compagnie, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie (BKI), Vol. 86, Parts III and IV. 86 Stapel, “Hubert Hugo, een Zeerover, op. cit., pp 618. 87 Ibid, pp. 618-19. 88 Stokram, Korte Beschrijvinge, pp. 33-35. 89 No information is available regarding the identities of these five black men. It is THE DUYFKEN: AN EXPLORATION OF THE ROLES OF A not certain, therefore, whether these men were disgruntled members of Captain Hugo’s crew or runaway slaves. The latter assumption is not unreasonable REPLICA SHIP because the L’Aigle Noir was heading for the West Indies where, largely on account of the rapidly expanding sugar industry, there was a big market for African slaves. On 11 January 2012, in a press release headed ‘“Little Dove’” to 90 J. A. van der Chijs (ed.), Daghregister gehouden in ‘t Casteel Batavia, 1661 return home to WA’, Western Australia’s Deputy Premier and Minister and 1663, M. Nijhoff, Den Haag, 1891, pp. 422-24. for Tourism, Kim Hames, announced that the Duyfken1606 Replica 91 Cort Verhael door de Opperhoofden van ‘t Schip Aernhem wegens haer wedervaren en verongelucken van voormelte schip, 24-6-1662, Nationaal Foundation would receive government support to bring the Duyfken Archief, Company 1239, fol. 1230. replica back to the state.
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