Ian Lowth: 10/25/1-05: #1782715


That Council note the report received from the Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation for the period January to June 2008.


This report provides Council with a) details of a Financial Agreement between Council and The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation (The Foundation) and b) a copy of a periodic progress report as submitted by the Foundation under the terms of the Agreement.


The history of the Duyfken commenced in 1606 when the small ship of that name, owned by the and stationed in the East Indies, made a voyage of exploration looking for "east and south lands" which took it to 's . That voyage is the first historically recorded voyage to Australia.

As part of bringing Australian history to life, the Duyfken replica was built in and completed in 1999. A community foundation constructed the ship at a cost of $3.7 million, of which the Government contributed $0.5 million.

In 2000, the replica of the Duyfken left Fremantle Harbour and began her voyage of re- enactment, which culminated nine months later in Brisbane. Then in 2006 the ship completed an impressive journey to commemorate the 400th anniversary of that first voyage to Australia, visiting 25 ports around Australia.

The replica of the Duyfken is the property of and managed by the Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation.

At a Special Meeting of Cairns City Council on 14 June 2007 it was resolved that:

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1. Council delegate to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer the authority to negotiate and make on behalf of Council, with The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation, the State of Queensland and the Cairns Port Authority, a contract for funding costs of relocating the ship to Cairns, marketing, promoting and operating and ship as an educational and tourist attraction conditional upon the State and the Port Authority making and maintaining funding commitments and otherwise containing the provisions the Chief Executive Officer considers prudent to protect Council’s interests.

2. The budget for this activity be administered by Council’s Corporate Services Division with the proviso that the cost to Council not exceed $75,000 per six months.

3. the Community Relations Branch prepare a marketing and promotional strategy, once the vessel is accommodated in Cairns.

The Duyfken replica sailed into Cairns at the end of June 2007 to commence the "Duyfken in Queensland 2007-2010" Project. Grant Agreements between the Foundation and Council (and the Foundation and the State) currently specify that the vessel will sail from Cairns to Fremantle at the completion of the project in 2010.

At a subsequent Finance & Administration Meeting of Cairns City Council on 10 December 2007 it was resolved:

1. That Council note the establishment of the Cairns Duyfken Foundation.

2. That Council give the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer delegated authority to finalise the Deed of Agreement between Cairns City Council and the Cairns Duyfken Foundation and to authorise six monthly sponsorship payments of $75,000 for the period up to 30 June 2010.

3. That Council note that the Cairns Duyfken Foundation will be required under the Deed to provide six monthly status reports to Cairns City Council.

Most recently, Cairns City Council was presented with a status report on matters relating to the Duyfken at its Finance and Administration meeting of 18 February 2008.

The Duyfken replica is currently moored at the Marlin Marina in Trinity Inlet. COMMENT:

Progress Report January to June 2008

The Foundation has now submitted a progress report to Council along with an invoice for the third milestone payment (Attachment A refers). The main variation to the generic program for the Duyfken, as listed in the Funding Agreements with Council and the State, was the decision for the ship to remain in Cairns during the early months of 2008 rather than for it to sail to Brisbane for exhibition at the Queensland Maritime Museum. This occurred primarily due to delays in the transfer of the operations of the Foundation from Fremantle to Cairns. A cyclone contingency plan was developed to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew in the event of a cyclone during this period.

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Other than the variation mentioned above, the report indicates activity in line with the generic program for the ship.

Activities of The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation

The Foundation has relocated its operations from Fremantle to Cairns. This transition has seen a change in Board membership with a significant number of Cairns-based members being added to replace a number of Fremantle members. Mr Kevin Byrne is the Chair of the Foundation and Mr Bruce Peden, the Treasurer. The last page of the Report at Attachment A provides further details regarding Board membership. A Cairns-based Board meeting is yet to take place but the Chair has advised that it is expected to take place by the end of September 2008.

While a Board meeting is yet to have taken place in Cairns, a Management Committee Meeting occurred on 30 June 2008. A copy of the Minutes of the Meeting including copies of Financial Reports (unaudited) can be found at Attachment B. The minutes indicate intent to have an audit of the Financial Statements undertaken by the next meeting.

Proposed Schedule of Activities

A proposed schedule covering the period March 2008 to September 2009 is attached (refer Attachment C). Please note however that the Chair of the Foundation has advised that there is significant doubt over the proposed visit at the end of the year. Given sailing costs are approximately $2,500 per day and speed of the ship is slow, this trip will not go ahead unless major sponsorship can be secured.

Inspection of the Ship

Council officers inspected the ship at its berth in Marlin Marina on 1 August. While not a technical inspection, no issues were evident with the presentation of the ship.


Corporate and Operational Plans:

Responsibility for managing arrangements between Council and the Duyfken Foundation transferred from The Office of the Mayor and Administration Services Branch of Cairns City Council to Cultural Services and Facilities Branch of Cairns Regional Council post Council amalgamation on 15 March 2008.


There is no statutory obligation for Council to be involved in supporting this project.


Cairns City Council agreed to support the project in June 2007, in partnership with the State Government and the Cairns Port Authority, on the basis that it offered the potential to be a significant educational and tourist attraction for the City.

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Financial and Risk:

The Duyfken Foundation is supported financially as follows:

Support provided by : Period of Agreement Annual Grant (ex GST) Cairns Regional Council 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010 $150,000 x 3 years Department of Premier and 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010 $100,000 x 3 years Cabinet Cairns Port Authority $50,000 (in kind)

Under the Grant Agreement, Council is required to pay instalments of $75,000 ex GST, on the Foundation delivering six monthly milestone deliverables to the satisfaction of Council.

Milestone Deliverable/ Due Date Date Paid by Council Supply to be provided to Council 1. Arrival Cairns 01/07/07 01/08/07 2. Mid-term 07-08 generic 01/01/08 07/04/08 program 3. Completion of 07-08 generic 01/07/08 Invoice received program 4. Mid term 08-09 generic 01/01/09 - program 5. Completion of 08-09 generic 01/07/09 - program 6. Mid term 09-10 generic 01/01/10 - program

Council's third instalment is due now, conditional on its assessment of the progress report. Based on the Report submitted, payment will now be processed.

Council should also note that a signed copy of the Agreement between Council and the Foundation has not been located. While activity that has already occurred is sufficient to conclude a contract is in existence, arrangements will now be put in place to have another copy of the Agreement signed.


The support of the "Duyfken in Queensland" Project is intended to broaden the cultural and tourism base of the City.


Personal Assistant to the Mayor – previously secretary to the Foundation Board Manager Cultural Services and Facilities Manager Administration Services

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Options available to Council are to:

1. Note the report as provided; or 2. Note the report as provided and seek additional information from the Foundation as identified by Council; or 3. Reject the report and seek a replacement.


It is recommended that Council note the report as presented.


Attachment A: Progress report for the period January to June 2008 Attachment B: Minutes and Financial Statements (unaudited) arising out of the Foundation's Management Committee meeting of 30 June 2008 Attachment C: Proposed Schedule of Activity for the Duyfken March 2008 to Sept 2009

Ian Lowth General Manager Community and Cultural Services

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Attachment A

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Attachment B




PRESENT Messrs. Kevin Byrne, Cian Pereira, Bruce Peden, Kasper Kuiper, Dennis Crossley, Jon Smith & Mrs Yasmin Graffin.

AGENDA ITEMS New Board Members to be appointed at next board meeting Bruce Peden Dennis Quick Dennis Crossley Jon Smith John Powell

The following WA board members have expressed an interest to remain part of the Foundation as board members and will be invited to attend the first official board meeting for the Duyfken Replica Cairns Foundation. David Kerby Geoff Leach Graeme Cocks Michael Young

It has been suggested that Bruce Peden be Treasurer Kasper Kuiper will be nominated as Vice Chairman In the absence of a Secretary, Bruce Peden will be acting as Public Officer

Board Meetings It was discussed to reimburse expenses for Kasper Kuiper to attend board meetings but for no other board members, WA board members are welcome to teleconference. It was discussed that the new board should meet quarterly and that a sub committee of three should meet as required to make interim decisions. Any major decisions to be circulated via email to all board members. It was discussed that Friends of Duyfken be re-started, Dennis Quick was suggested to take on this role, unfortunately he was not present. To be discussed at a later date. It was discussed as per the constitution to have a minimum of 10 board members.

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Bank Accounts After a discussion about bank accounts, it was decided to amalgamate the Business Cheque Account and Voyage Account into one. Yasmin Graffin to arrange.

Financial Reports A profit and loss statement & reconciliation report were tabled for the period 1st July 2007 to 30th June 2008. Yasmin Graffin to circulate a balance sheet for period 1st July 2007 to 30th June 2008 as well as the financial position of the Foundation at handover via email.

Audit It was discussed that we need to get a qualified audit done for the 2007 & 2008 financial year to be done by the next meeting. Jon Smith will approach Mark Wedrat about being honorary auditor.

Funding Agreements Duyfken is currently sponsored by the Queensland State Government, Cairns City Council and the Cairns Port Authority.

$150,000 Cairns City Council, ($75,000 bi-annually) $100,000 Queensland State Government annually Currently no contract with Cairns Port Authority exists, mentioned in QLD govt contract that a free berth will be supplied by CPA. Kevin Byrne to follow up and get a contract organised

Constitution Yasmin Graffin to email a copy of The Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation Constitution to all board members and draft changes to be suggested at next meeting.

Crew Currently Duyfken has four paid positions, two aboard and two ashore. Shore Manager Cian Pereira Office Manager Yasmin Graffin Bosun Philip Rose-Taylor Constable Amiria Macbeth

Ideas for where Duyfken might find more ticketed crew for daysail program discussed. Suggested TAFE, Maritime Museum, Wooden Boat Association.

Cian to email Kasper with details of what we require and Kasper to write to Jenny Daetz (Commanding Officer HMAS Cairns) to ask about possible crew.

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Yasmin Graffin & Cian Pereira to write Job descriptions to add to Standing Orders and forward a copy to board members.

Itinerary A firm itinerary must be drawn up and approved and then advertised ASAP. Cian Pereira mentioned the importance of fundraising in order to take Duyfken south to avoid another wet season in Cairns. There was very little activity and fundraising possibilities ie. Museum visits and daysails due to the extreme weather. There was minimal damage from the wet season but would not recommend to do it each year.

It was agreed to start daysails with Wednesday twilights and Saturday morning daysails for the month of July. These were the best selling days during the daysail program last year.

Fitzroy island daysails – Cian Pereira recommended daysails to Fitzroy Island, which could be run once or maybe twice a week. Where passengers would go over on the ferry and come back on Duyfken. Dennis Crossley to talk to the owners of Fitzroy Island about Duyfken visiting and to strike up a relationship between Duyfken and Fitzroy Island. Cian Pereira to talk to Raging Thunder about ticket arrangements.

John Hugall & Dennis Ferguson to be approached about selling tickets commission free in their outlets in Cairns.

School & vacation care programs – still important to target schools and vacation care groups to visit the ship while alongside as museum during July, August and September. Yasmin already has 15 vacation care groups coming this school holidays and schools bookings are steady.

October – Refit for voyage south. Should take approximately two weeks.

It was agreed to go to Sydney to run a daysail program due to the opportunity of fundraising and keeping the ship active as opposed to being alongside in the wet season in Cairns.

Duyfken has been invited to go to the Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart but will not be able to go unless we can find a sponsor as the festival does not pay appearance fees.

Duyfken to head back North in March to be back in Cairns for May, June, July, August and September. We will slip the ship in May on arrival, before crew disperse and to get a new coat of antifoul to protect against toredo worm in the warmer waters.

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Cian Pereira to firm up itinerary with dates and suggested ports. Also to get an indication of cost to take the ship south. Around $1,500 per day with a full crew.

The board to look into the possibility of the Indonesian Tall Ships race in August 2009. Yasmin Graffin to email Australian Indonesian Institute grant guidelines and application forms to board. To look into the possibility of getting a film crew aboard to take footage of the trip with the possibility of split profits on a DVD or documentary. Richard Schapelle with FNQ Film was suggested as a possibility.

Vehicle Kevin Byrne to approach Trinity Petroleum about sponsoring fuel for the Duyfken support vehicle. Approx $500 per month. They may wish to have a logo placed somewhere on car.

Australian Taxation O ffice In addition to Bruce Peden, Yasmin Graffin was given authority to be placed on the Duyfken account with the ATO to be able to make enquiries.

Marketing - Website Cian was given the go ahead to have Aaron re-design the Duyfken website. Marjolien with Consultas will continue to do the hosting, and we will change our website service provider as we have been having problems with them. Management committee to resolve new host ASAP to try to get free hosting. New website is able to be updated here in the Duyfken office, so that daysails and other events can be added as required.

GENERAL BUSINESS Dennis Crossley may be able to arrange free bank accounts with the Bendigo bank. To follow up.

Yasmin Graffin to make a list of all board members contact details and forward to all members.

Management Committee It is suggested that a management committee will consist of Kevin Byrne, Bruce Peden, Jon Smith and Dennis Crossley

Next Meeting Next meeting has not yet been arranged. An invite shall be sent out to all present board members to discuss the present agenda items and to execute the appointment of the new Cairns board members.

Meeting closed at 1:12pm.

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Attachment C Duyfken and Queensland 2008 - 2009

Backing Department of the Premier Cairns Regional Council Support Cairns Port Authority Voyage Fees and Marina visitation

Ways the ship can assist Queensland Communities Schools, Youth and Charity groups, Trade and development publicity Community Events … and more!

Projected Schedule Month Ports Event March Cairns Exhibition/schools April Cairns Exhibition/schools May Cairns Exhibition/schools June Cairns – Cooktown Cooktown Re-enactment Festival Exhibition for festival/schools Cooktown - Cairns Exhibition/schools July Cairns Exhibition/schools Wed afternoon and Sat morning sails, possible trips to Fitzroy Island

August Dunk Island Filming with the BBC for one week. “Escape from Cairns Scorpion Island. Exhibition/schools September Cairns Cairns festival – exhibition/daysails/evening tours/ film evenings. Exhibition/schools/daysails October Cairns Slipping and refit Cairns - Whitsundays Voyage South for Whitsundays Reef Festival November Whitsundays- Voyage South Mooloolaba December Sydney Exhibition/ Daysails/ Christmas Functions/ Syd-Hob Boxing daysail /NYE January Sydney Daysails/Australia Day 2009 Sydney - Hobart Voyage South February Hobart and Launceston Wooden boat festivals (Tasmania)/ TOURISM Tasmania - Queensland OPP? Voyage North via Two NSW ports for stores/exhib March Queensland Ports April Queensland Ports May Queensland Ports June 150 Queensland Day July Queensland Ports - Cairns August Queensland Ports – Cairns September Queensland Ports - Cairns

Note - Items in red are not confirmed and are still in negotiation to raise interest and funding.

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Issues Ahead Permanent location that benefits locals and builds awareness Refit and possible survey Fundraising for Trip South.

Programme opportunities Support from Department of Education Arakuun Trade, arts and infrastructure project Q150 Celebrations Dutch Government Involvement Television and film programmes

Expressions of interest The BBC would like to charter the ship for a few days to start there shooting of a Kids survivor programme, Escape from Scorpian Island. (End of July)

Interest from a catering company in Sydney to charter the ship if it comes to Sydney over the Christmas period and to sail in company with another Square rigged ship called Svanen.

Possible berth at the Australian National Maritime Museum If the ship was to visit Sydney over the Christmas January period if required.

Possible berth available at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron during visit to Sydney during the wet season.

Invitation to Australian Wooden Boat festival in Hobart (February 2009)

Invitation to Wooden Boat festival in Launceston. (February 2009)

Invitation to Sail Bunaken (International Tall Ship Event) in Monado, Sulawesi. (August 2009). Expressions of interest have been raised by Dept of Industry & Resources for W.A. and

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