England, France Deadlocked Over Security Treaty
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' ^ ■ v';^,'*. v'.';.- “ii ■■'A-i!^, 1 . , ^sii^v J '■ f >■.. '7 .■L . ■»...*^; A'iti...;-- ■ ■; ■- - ■> '4 THE WEATHEB n e t p b e s s b e n ; Foreeant by C. Sr Weattwr BveaUi AVEBAGE UAUUT GlBCUliATION Haitford. for the Month of February, 1930 Fair tonight: Tuesday increasing 5,503 cloudiness and warmer. M cjnbera of the Aadit Bnrean of V ^iis t e Cirenlatlona , PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,' MARCH 31, 1930. ^ PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 154. (Clashed Advertising on Page 10) HOUSE FAILS Chinese Tong to Help I LABOR LOSES Mother Kidnaped, Tied to Auto ENGLAND, FRANCE TO AGREE ON Garrett Case Witness i DiVOTEFOR DEADLOCKED OVER ADJOURNIRENF i m e i u . Boston, March 31.— (AP.)—Theft The Tong had learned of Sidlin- Orient and the Occident met today ’ ger’s misfortune and called a meet- 1 ^ j i.- r 4.U i tag' to consider the case. Yee Mon SECURITY TREATY I on terms of friendship of the urst I friends were convinced that Western Republicans Want I water. j Sidlinger had been “framed,” and Not Considered a Matter In j ■ Albert Sidlinger, aformer pro- , they voted to take_ up with nation- al headquarters of the Hip Sings I fessional bondsman, who is serving volving Political Conse MAN DROPS DEAD Americans Are Discouraged House to Accept Higher the proposition of furnishing funds I I two years in jail for conspiracy to for a new trial for Sidlinger. It was j extort, was at the State House in also voted to send a committee to quences to MacDonald Re Over Outlook— French Agricultural Rates Sug 1 connection with the investigation Governor Allen to protest Sidlin-j ON WAY TO WORK I into the pensioning of Oliver B. ger’s imprisonment. A collection! Also Seem Gloomy; Stim- Garrett, former head of the police was also taken up for Sidlinger’s 4 -1 gime; Not to R e sip . gested by the Senate. liquor squad. There Yee Mon found ; year-old motherless son ! him. and Sidlinger must have been | Yee Mon Imd attended the boys, son to Hold Conference . K 91 fAPi 'reminded of the Scripture parable i christening. Today he gravely a s-, London, March 31.— (AP)—The Frank Capella Stricken With Washington, March 31.— (A i )— i ^ the i sured the father that if anything: _ was rtpfpat- For the third time. House Republi-! ^ . ever happened to him the boy’s wel- MacDonald government was defeat Later in Day With Bruoid can leaders failed today to reach an j yee Mon, as New E n gird repre-1 fare would be^ saie^arded by the ed in the House of Commons today Heart Disease Waiting for ^ ___I tentative of the Hit) Sing Tong, had | friends he made in Chinatown. 183 to 178 on a question of pro- agreement upon a p^ uoi ^ come to offer Sidlinger its support.! Yesterday, some of those friends cedure. ' Employer’s Truck. and MacDonald. called at Charles street jail with The defeat was on a motion for roast duck and other Chinese deli suspension of the rule that the cacies for Sidlinger. House adjourn at 11:00 p. m. It was London, March 31.— (AP)—^Eht- -jo'Sef i £! East is East and West is West, not considered a vital matter in Frank Capella of 118 North Elm treme pessimism over the outcome S u o d t r la t e r T t t e day "wben lt | tenad with a aympathaUc eat. but the twain have met. volving political consequences. street, dropped dead while on his of the Anglo-French negotiations Neville Chamberlain, for . the op- ■was predicted an arrangement satis way to work this morning. Capella concerning a security pact was ex , position. Immediately moved ad- who was about 55 years old, suf- factory to all groups within Republi j joumment of the House. This mo pressed in American conference cit- can ranks would be formulated. tion was defeated 185 to 175. fei’ed a heart attack while standing cles this afternoon. It was generally While the leaders declined to say ! Today’s defeat was the second near the scales at the G. E. Willis what differences remained to be GRAND JURY CONTINUES Coal company office shortly after understood the British and French I that has been sustained by the have virtually reached an impasse. ironed out before the measure could 1 Laborite ministry since its creation 7:30. be taken up on the floor, it was in He had been working for Silver- Secretary of State'Stimson visit ! on June 7, 1929. ed Foreign •Minister Briand of dicated that the demands of western I The First Defeat Mrs. Elsie Mills of Detroit, who was adbucted by three men, strapped man and Kahn, on the old Radding Republicans that the House accept HARTFORD BOOZE PROBE farm in LydaUville for a week and France during the afternoon and ex The flrst was on March 11 when to the steering wheel of her auto and forced to drive 100 miles, is shown the higher Senate agricultural rates ______ <?:----------------------------------------------- ----- was about to board a company pected to see Prime Minister Mac an amendment to the coal mines bill here with her daughter, Eileen, 11, as the mother told police how she es Donald this evening. The nature of was creating some of the difficulty. was carried by the opposition by a caped from her captors. Letters received by Mrs. Mills which warned automobile truck when he was over Representative Tilson, of Con come with an attack which Medical his discussions with the French for vote of 282 to 274. This defeat was her not to appear in a pending law suit, were taken from her purse by eign minister was not divulged. necticut. the majority leader, said State's Attorney Alcorn and I BANDITS MENACE not looked upon as one involving a the abductors, she said. Note her bandaged hand, injured by the thongs. Examiner Dr. WiUiam R. Tinker af he did not believe the bill would terwards said imdoubtedly was heart French conference circles also major issue and the government im were <extremely gloomy late today. icach the floor before Thursday as mediately announced it had no in disease. John T. Tracy, gate, tender the rule Anally agreed upon must Detective Hickey Confer I CHINESE CAPITAL at the railroad crossing, saw Capella Foreign Minister Briand, however, lay over a day before it can be taken tention of resigning on it. t GRAIN NOAH TOOK thus far has declined to put himself Since then the Liberals, wbo. hold ALONG THOUGHT TO collapse. up. Unmarried. on record as being pessimistic. With Jurors and Subpoe the balance of power, have announc NATIONAL CENSUS HAVE BEEN BARLEY The difficulty was said to revolve Making Progress Capella had been living in Man “We are making progress,” was ed a policy of not forcing a major about interpretation of Article Six defeat on the government pending Washington, March 31— (AP) chester only six months. He came teen of the covenant of the League all the Republican leader would say nas for Witnesses Issued. Eight Thousand Men March here from Hartford and had been after the hour and a half session be conclusion of the five-power naval STARTS WEDNESDAY —Five experts of the depart of Nations v/hich the French \ i^ t conference. ment of agriculture have declar Ttinidng his home with his cousin, defined so as to give them concrete fore the House met. Charles Capella, at 118 North Elm Chairman Snell of the rules com ing on Nanchang; F o reip - When there were indications of a ed grain in three jars excavated guarantees of security on the event Hartford, March 31— (AP) —The government defeat on the first vote from the buried city of Kish to street. The deceased was unmar mittee predicted an agreement ried but leaves brothers and sisters of war. special Grand Jury will continue its involving suspension of the rules, The British and French thus far would be reached today, but de 120,000 Census Takers to be barley. in his' native home, Italy^ Capella Investigation of liquor conditions. ers Advised to Leave City there were loud opposition cheers Kish, ta Mesopotamia, “the have been imable to get a definition clined to say whether there would be and the waving of order papers In had not been working regularly. His any separate votes on such contro This was the decision made today at first city founded after the cousin was also out of work but the of the terra “aggressor” upon which the air accompanied by cries of “re flood,” was excavated in 1928. interpretation of Article Sixteen versial rates as those on cement, a meeting of the jury. State’s At sign!” Begin Big Task of Count lattef’s wife is working in Hartford. sugar and lumber. torney Hugh M. Alcorn and County Shanghai, March 31.— (AP.)— One building in which jars were must depend. When the figures were announced found was in a stratum just Not Feeling Well. While there was gloom over the' While they entertain little doubt Detective Edward J. Hickey were in j Foreign dispatches from Nanchang, there was a renewed uproar and re that the House conferees wotad ac ing U. S. Residents. above the level where traces of . According to relatives Capella had Anglo-French negotiations, the the Grand Jury room tor three quar- | capital of Kiangsi^ province, today peated. cries for resignation of the ' a flood were found. Archaeo not been feeling well for a few days American spokesman said there Was cept the higher Senate agriculture ters of an hour, following their ap-1 u ,., government, schedule, the western Republicans logical evidence places the date but had not stayed out of work.