United States Patent (19) 11) 4,283,565 Bernhardt Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,283,565 Bernhardt et al. 45) Aug. 11, 1981 54). PROCESS FOR PREPARING 3,931,290 1/1976 Bourgau et al. ..................... 560/236 BENZYLALCOHOLS 3,993,699 11/1976 Maeda et al...... ... 568/715 4,117,251 9/1978 Kaufhold et al. ... 560/236 75 Inventors: Ginther Bernhardt, St. Augustin; 4,134,925 l/1979 Petersen et al. ................. 568/638 X Gerhard Daum, Cologne, both of Fed. Rep. of Germany FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 2024948 1/1971 Fed. Rep. of Germany ........... 560/230 73) Assignee: Dynamit Nobel AG, Troisdorf, Fed. 2534209 2/1977 Fed. Rep. of Germany . Rep. of Germany 51-48626 4/1976 Japan ....................................... 560/236 21 Appl. No.: 974,468 51-65725 6/1976 Japan .................... ... 560/236 875999 8/1961 United Kingdom ..................... 56O/236 22 Filed: Dec. 29, 1978 Primary Examiner-Bernard Helfin (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sprung, Felfe, Horn, Lynch Dec. 31, 1977 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 2759168 & Kramer Jun. 9, 1978 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 2825.364 57 ABSTRACT 51) Int. Cl. ............................................ CO7C 29/128 There is described an essentially two step process for 52 U.S. C. .................................... 568/648; 568/584; the preparation of benzylalcohols including those ben 568/587; 568/588; 568/637; 568/638; 568/649; zylalcohols having substituents on the benzyene ring by 568/650, 568/651; 568/652; 568/705; 568/706; reaction of a substituted or unsubstituted benzyl halide 568/709;568/710; 568/711; 568/713; 568/715; with a formate typically an alkali or alkaline earth metal 568/764; 568/811; 568/812; 560/234; 560/236; formate to form the corresponding substituted or unsub 260/465 F; 260/465 H; 260/465 G stituted benzyl formate.
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