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Jewish Law and Academic Discipline

Citation for published version: Wilkes, G & Anscelovits, E (eds) 2016, 'Jewish Law and Academic Discipline: Contributions from Europe', Jewish Law Association Studies, vol. XXVI.

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Published In: Jewish Law Association Studies

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Download date: 29. Sep. 2021 Jewish Law and Academic Discipline Contributions from Europe

Edited by Elisha Anscelovits and George R. Wilkes

The Jewish Law Association 2016


Jewish Law and Academic Discipline, Contributions from Europe: Editors’ ?? Introduction

Section One: Jewish Law as the Law of a Minority

1. Hendrik PEKÁREK-HINZ, The Law on in Germany ??

2. Stephan WENDEHORST, In and Out of Ecclesiastical Law: On the Emergence ?? and Disappearance of the Ius Ecclesiasticum Iudaicum in late 18th and early 19th Century Germany

3. David J. FINE, Towards a Positive-Historical Approach to Contemporary Issues ?? in Jewish Law

4. Amos ISRAEL-VLEESCHHOUWER, Introducing ’ Laws through the Study of ?? Genocide and Rape

Section Two: Jewish Law as Humanistic Law

5. George R. WILKES, Teaching about ‘War in Jewish Law’ to Non-Lawyers in a ?? European University Context

6. Federico DAL BO, Legal and Transgressive Sex, Heresy, and Hermeneutics in ?? the : The Cases of , Meir, Elisha ben Abuyah and the Prostitute

7. Elisha ANSCELOVITS, Second Temple Phronetic Jewish Law ??

8. Nechama HADARI, On the Halakhic Status of Coercive Treatment in the Case ?? of Patients Suffering from Anorexia Nervosa