Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Management Area Herring Sac Roe and Food and Bait Fisheries Annual Management Report, 2002
ALASKA PENINSULA AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS MANAGEMENT AREA HERRING SAC ROE AND FOOD AND BAIT FISHERIES ANNUAL MANAGEMENT REPORT, 2002 By Matthew T. Ford Charles Burkey Jr. and Robert L. Murphy Regional Information Report1 No. 4K03-11 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Commercial Fisheries 211 Mission Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 March 2003 1 The Regional Information Report Series was established in 1987 to provide an information access system for all unpublished division reports. These reports frequently serve diverse ad hoc informational purposes or archive basic uninterpreted data. To accommodate timely reporting of recently collected information, reports in this series undergo only limited internal review and may contain preliminary data; this information may be subsequently finalized and published in the formal literature. Consequently, these reports should not be cited without prior approval of the author or the Division of Commercial Fisheries. AUTHORS Matthew T. Ford is the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Management Area Assistant Herring Biologist and Alaska Peninsula-Southeastern District Salmon Assistant Management Biologist for Region IV, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 211 Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska, 99615. Charles Burkey Jr. is the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Management Areas Herring Biologist and Alaska Peninsula-Southeastern District Salmon Management Biologist for Region IV, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 211 Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska, 99615. Robert L. Murphy is the North Alaska Peninsula Area Herring Biologist and North Alaska Peninsula Salmon Management Biologist for Region IV, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 211 Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska, 99615.
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