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11-19-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-19-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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1 1 n in !l 0 iil.a to fight vodka with ull my. Army Messenger new ivinn i . admit that a nu u i u . sircngin..... hum F G OH FLAG : ADMIT LITTLE CHANGE phase of the war has opened which Is VILLA FORCES r i iuii u I Loral Option Falls. BUSSO likely 'to have decisive Influence on iiuiiiui ''On I hp supposition that the gov the whole campulKii " 't inmciit was silling vodka fur the revenue, I calculated tho revenuu re- IU.MVMA MV Hi: ceived fry m lin consumption in Su- - TURKS HOT REVERSE REPORTED) FROM I VIllT.U TO AIT NOW MOVIIIG Oil flHULUIt inuru. I then Introduced u lilll In the Mil II I'lty council providing that Hit' city loiHloti, Xov. It (3:1)1 m, hi.) Tel- give this sum tu the trcusury. This egraphing from retrogruJ, the Morn- IN EMPIRE hill pusstd mid tho money wus ap- BELIEVED ACT Oil CEIJIER OF BATTLE FR0IJT5, ing lwl'j coircspondent says: MEXICO CITY IN propriated. It wus offered to the "Three Turkish torpedo bout de- II government bpt the government stroyers are renin led to have 11I1T1 il promptly refused It. lulina, on an arm of the 1'anube del- - "It then Unwind upon me that tho tu, whii h under public Ku-rop- RU5S1AS OF HOST ILITT BATTLE EAST OR the law of GGIL OFTHE Russian bureuuerucy did not want the ; LIIJES WEST Is protected by treaties. Thus STRONG UIN people 1o become sober, fur the reuson llumanla iiiuhI decldo wheilur she hut It was tuMier to rule uutocrutlculy sides with (icrmany and Turkey or ja drunk 'ii mob thun u sober people, whether she supports the rluhls of i ...... r .ti.i ii in w ii m seven years ugo. Later ICuiopeaii law." ii tiI Population of More natijt was elected mayor of sanmru, capi United States Government Claim Progress in Being Made Germans Conlinue Furious As- Armies of Convention Are of tn Volga (Ib-tr- a dh-trl.- Huilmi, ltuinanla, Is tho moulll of IRfinnnnnn .Fnmwtvi,ul Makes Inquiry Regarding on Frontier of saults in Belgium and Within Two Hundred Miles juiuuvivuw, ui ii. i. j wh over a lmirl,,r f u mllllon ln. East Prussia tho south branch of the J)anut, about Given to Drink, Become to h..idinK Incident to American Navy Where Engagement Is France Without Breaking forty loll. a southeast of lunall. of National Capital and Are I wus""'tie, ted to tho duma ' tal AbStamCrSi j" "U ftnti-vodk- a platform. In the in Harbor of Smyrna, Now on, Lines of Allies, IMKINS ih:i:t Well Equipped, ' jdiinia I proposed a bill, pcrmititng Ait.Miis or m;uu. 1 I the inhabitants of uny town to close IQ illll lo,al vodka shops, and provldlnn Lolidon, Xov. 18 (8; 10 p. m.)The rirAWTIPI PWflWnC ADMINISTRATION NOT CARPATHIAN DESPERATE FIGHTING FIRST BIG FIGHT IS UlUAN lj OnHWUL 10 !UH0 t1Ht ,v,,ry ,,, of vouKli wnoulj PASSES following wireless dispatch was re- ,t ceived this evening from Lkrlin by WORK OF ONE MANjy-,u,,,- :",h 1,"0 urV,,olHO"-- ' TO BE DRAWN INTO WAR ARE IN CZAR'S HANDS IN RUSSIAN POLAND LIKELY AT QUERETARO bill paused went to the Marconi Wireless company: i l jthe Imperial council, where It was "In tho latest lighting against the Servians, U forty-- i amended und finally tabled. the Austrian captur, j Apology From of two thirty-on- e Mo Apostle of Sobriety Tells of Audl01, w,u, Constantinople Muscovites Attack and Cap- Engagements Most Desper- guns and machine Carranza Announces That Kroner.. guns. I ifplfin!? Fi&llt Mfldfi 1)V Him' "1 ll,,n b.ged nn audience of Km- - Is to YtohJ Rulers Expected Should ture Wire Entanglements in ate Character Are Continu- Uajs' lighting thcAus-trlaii- s Never Intended peror wltl, "After three Nicholas. Ho received mo def"ated tho Montenegrins near Against National Curse of Kreat kindness In his castle In the Moslem Officer Exceed His Front of Defenses ous, but No Decisive Action Government to General Along Krabowr. The Pervitins now eon- - Crimea, not fur from the scene of the hto Strong Drink, Authority, Mazurian Lakes, Has Taken Place, ccnirutlng three divisions In fortified recent Turkish bomburdment. He positions south of llelgrade. to me patiently. He wan Im- "It Is reported pressed with my recital that most of that Armentieres, ) France, has boe nbomliarded." 11 MOKNIN JOUl SrteiAl 11AI10 WlMl the revolutionary and socialist IT KOftNIN JOURNAL aMCIAL LKtIO ( MO.NIH JOU.HAl IMCUL 111 lr mosmih iuHt treik. uuu wil -- it 1 S. IS Pctrogrud, Nov. 18. There l pro-lilb- by WashiiiKton. .Nov. The United I'ctroijTttd, Xov. 18. following Umdon, Ko: (9:30 p. m.) The were committed drunkurdt Tho ' tun 111 Russia today, prohibition Kveuborg States government hus directed Am- official voiiMiiutiicutiun from latest official communication re- ioij;xt f.vxov.ii; CAIlltAXZA Mkl and that the Kronntadt Kenerul i;h which mean that not a drop of vodka, und Sebattlopol navy revolts and the bassador Henry Murgenthau at Con- hcMcliniai'tcrs wiin (Msued tonlKht: garding the operations on the western uxtixi t lltONT OKIZAIIA CAPITAL, stantinople to gov- whiskey, Lrandy, gin or other strong retroBTad and other mutinous mili- ask the Ottoman 'Between the VitUulu and the War- - battlefields aro much the same as ... Paris, Xov. 18 (10:38 p. m.) Tho Is ro- - one to ernment for an explanation of tho flrt i ta in enuune- - those of preceding days. There has Mexico City. Nov. II. It liquor is obtalnuble from end tary moves were all made by vodka our advance eiimkIs an , ing by I following official communication 'it ported the other In it territory populated by Having me out his majesty Turkish lund forces at a ment wltli tho Oermuns who took tho e,'ri ftMhtlnn virtually all along the here that (knerai Car. heard any Issued tonight: ranzu. tho 100, OUO.OOU people and covering one-sixt- h promised once to speak to his launch from the American cruiser offensive, foil hack hi tin. iiri.ti,.n front, hut without appreciable has declared Orizaba at "Thn day been by of tho habitable iflobe. concerning the iTenncssie proceeding from ourluh 0f Iizoure. The enemy succeeded i ehanna In the situation. hus marked a new capital of the republic. minister of finance Uls- - to the at Smyrnu, I j of to very violent and almost uninterrupt- Mexico City, despltM th Tho story of how strong drink has j prohibitiln of vodka American consulate gaining a footing In the region of From the coast Flanders the - Sltt Mlnor- - Pr ,np rranco-ucigia- n ed cunnonade on our front In the patch of troops to the north to been utterly banished from the Rus- Disappointed at not being able to i fcenti'liltwi (Lenccycg) und Orloff, r" ' " w w ap- - ? ; or north. meet the fprcbs of (leneral Vil't, slan emplr was related to the Asso-- Kt.t a government bill abolishing this-- Kcreiary imnieis. itn tne throwing out advance guurds In th novatr, mucn niclv has lieen v - y - "In the region of t. Mihlrl - the Is quiet Lut a feeling ot t"ne- - elated Press by Michael DemetrovUch evil. I had abandoned by seat In tho l,rovnl ur resiueni nsoii, simunun- .urct'tlon of I'lontck. jnooucsi tne aiiiea to hinder tier- n - Hermans huvc blow n up the west part nesa prevails. TehellMheff. the man directly respon-- 1 duma was evident bueau-- i toUHl' mbled the commanders of the "in Kast Prussia our troops con-- attucks, thero has been repetl- It that of Chttuvincourt, w hich they Ni to l'.ussia s to ' eiui, m u " vuruniin, , unuo to man progress nnu rigntlng '" on a somewnai manor seuie oi ' had train arrived here from sible for pulling nn end cracy had been able obstruct the .orui re- - ln 1,10 Medilerraneuli, no j (iiimbinnen-An-jth- o mined. Vera Crua lasi night, it vice, the vodku habit. measure. Minister of l'lnunce to tuko is fining on eur the bombardment which tho Invaders h j Is nothing to report ported that the rallroaj truffle In beginning It dangerous In- - '"ctlon which might cmburrass tho gerburg front, w hich the enemy Is do-- ! Invariably resort to In the hope of "There from It should be said the kovsoff regarded as a , i government the other parts of the front." v u ..j ,"-- . that tho word prohibition ln ltusslu novation, depriving the government Americun and to awaft fending. breaking down the allies' ruslstnce vivi'fl I ly but It is not Know n jspeclflo Instructions from Washington "In the trenches which we cuptur-- 1 before Infuntry attacks, and In the rtiison for should be tuken literally. It means of 1,000,000 rubles ($500,000.0001 here. population who consumed without any method' of re- - i eoneernlng the general situation. ed near Varschlughen the enemy Mated spots attacks In force, but Re- that a vast I ! 11,000,000,000 worth of vodka a year, placing this revenue. .Those steps followed the rectlpt of;abundoned more tha.i 800 dead. cord ing to tho French and HiilHi Summary of War tnessuge from Capt. Uenton C. Among tho officers whom wo took! ports, ull these have been repulsed. whom; ordiuury condition has been Takrtt Action. IS MOINIHS JUMAl tMCIW tUStS ' Del'kt'r, commander of tho Tennessee, prisoners here was an artillery offt-- j Strong Attacks Itcpubed, News Yesterday )) y Kussians themselves as "While I lobbied In I'etrogiad the of WaNhliigton, Xov. 18. Gen, Fran iwllltl paraphrased In this state-- cer sent to the Infantry because of; Tho Anglo-Flenc- h forces, which runging from a slight degree of stim- einoeror visited the country around v Cisco Villa, In command of the troops t from tho navy department: j a Inck of oldler for that branch, 'have been holding the territory ulation upward, has been lifted al- and saw the havoc of vodka He then While ulong the lighting Hues in con- - 'appointed! Message "On the front along the Muturlun around Ypres, have again been sub- - under the control of the Mwxlcan most in one duy from u. drunken In- dismissed Kokovsoff and , lVomC.talii. France und lielgium and In F.ast ventlon at Aguas Calicntes, Is march- ertness to sobriety. thn ni.Bnnl m n ulpr 1 ItnrK. Prussia, Russian Poland and Ualicia ing on Mexico City. army took ' Dan- -' entungiemeiits of tlie enemy's having to Ills precipitated Bntl- -' lne Tennessee, wired Secretary troops attempted tierce lighting continues und engage Xot Difficult to jriiforc "Mobilization the - Leon, the tlrst Important rallroud ' lels while proceed- tion and foreed them, on the front j out of trenches, v)dka measure the grand duke re- - thl morning that forca the allius their ments have been won und lost ut vu- - Aguas sale of , centcr south of Cftllentes with Since tho manufacture and 'due : big from Vourlah to Smyrna, to make between Czcnstochowa and Cracow. ia task which the Prussian guards a pluues, In disorganization rlous nowhere has a decisive, pUt e not. vodka Is a government monopoly rtnrln,; - lofflclul calls, bout was fired at. Con- - we have attacked Important forces of ifnw days previous failed to accom- - flrB to j,rtl... th mnhlliza- result been achieved either by the al- Tho forces of Gen. Pablo Commies, liussia. it Is not a difficult thing xiil nnxlnua for mifetv- of conauluto. the enemy, detachments of which pllsh tlon of 1904, ordered the uruiiiuiiiun . . . - lies or the Germans and Avistriuua. loyal to Carrsmta, urs gathered n,.rtt...... iiriihlhitiitn I l . at . ... .1 WIIU was ding-don- W .l..l. f rat IV tt'HAf? UlUWUtU IV As the case. with the Prussian In the west the same g Quorataro f day step was taken, i vt . " we occupied sue-- and lrupuuto, where tho From tho this . ... !vm.rlh ni reouist of nmlwissador and! In Oalicla have I imurfl ihi (.iirmnns who miiile the lighting been proceeding I that ha for first Important In host lilt In Russia. . i,-- cesslvely passes over (' arpa clash the its dru iikeniiees vanished Thoj .-,i v,a Is now anchored In tho harbor of Kclo the the latest effort appear to have taken the - - - weeks along tho eiitrenehnd Hue between Citjrranw tin geen once in tne peas- ... (JreeJee. Co -- General and res Ulu ara ,h ,..,. . MChiosl from which plain " " first line of trenches, but like the . .t which extends virtually from the convention probably will oxv-ur- a ntm already they are beginning to .I V; Decker's telegram was sent, rlecre-- 1 "1" the lilack sea our fleet h irimrda. found themselves attacked on ' North sea to the tfwlss frontier Is be These foots were In- - of- look race. The marks , .., . ...., . in burracks and radio compelled to reported like a different i...,.y i... -- Inrv Dnnlcls wired: for fuller forma lho Hanks nnd were waged un Ill- press on causvu " . ing here urtlllory idutl ficial messages received today fropi ot suffwlng, the pinched look of . I telegraph station at Treblzond give back tho ground gained after ;'thore raiysis oi uusnivm, tne vn.r,.., n lnfuIltrJ. uUuck. with lines Cloorgo C Carol hers. American con- ness und. improper nourishment have !,.-- . .. .v.. I AMhOllL'll WlthoUt ueiuob holding It a short time. ,Hn nf mil. : ucuiuie for . mm mo .. however remaining but slightly gone, clothes laciunra. .... Il:l- IMI s sular agent accompanying General from their faces. Their people felt no prl-jn- s to just wnat occurred, nign ouiciaisi"- iv I'MIT Both sldos, as shown by the eus changed. men road traffic, the ...JV KIOAPORT Villa. mated that Genera! are cleaner, und both, the Tand Havings showed an in- - oi me Hasningion goverunieni. nu lUXSIAX unity n8ts of the officers, are losing una ration. banks In the east the buttling is more in Villa wut well equipped for tho women appear more neatly "" creaBod ln ueposits over the preced-jn- o doubt that the Incident, no heuvlly In the lighting, but the Ger- j the nature of Held operations. Here dressed. The character - iter responsibility lay. would.; Potrograd, Xov. 18. The following so march. ter ng month aa over tne eorrespond- where the mans on the offensive and often to by e was evening by j there are eluims victories both 1m of tho homes of the poor has been re year. prompuy uhiiu-th- statement Issued this success was nearly ln Serious Condition Capital. ing month of the preceding at;o aojuwieu uhouku enfiladed after tho Teuton allies und the ltumslans placed with something like order and was a boom In matlc chunnels. President Wilson Is the general staff of the Kusslan navy: their hands, are said to have suffered From American Consul tJIIHinuit same time there j by ot clrcum-.ii-i- "On the morning of November 1 ?, and an admission the Russians thrift, "in Potrograd and Moscow tho the sale of meats, groceries, clothing, 'determined that under no r enormously. came a dispatch saying conditions i at least one defeat near Uzoure, Po effect Of these Improved conditions is nn,i house furnishings. stances shall the United .States be a German squadron of t'o cruisers, Frwii'li Zouaves Charge. were far mora serious In Mexico City L, mrpeuo unu land. Ptilrogrud says that here the fairly sturtllng. Things are so differ- For NecPSfities of Life. luvolved in war with Turkey. If the ooais several oilier) The French zouaves who have fie- - than they hud been since tho parleys women ' rs appeareu ueroro Germans forced back the Muscovite ent" today that unattended "The thirty million rubles a day Turkish officers acted without the 'leam ine u tor peace begun. Ho regards actual por XZ,Z bombarded the city until troops und gained a foothold near may now' pass at night through hnd been Dald for vodka were aUUIUI:,: Ut III" wtvwillHli Bui....i,.v.,,v.rmM!German charges, been utilized hostilities as inevitable, though iuIiid - AAAAtAA.UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dashing have Lenczyca and Orloff. tions of these cities where It was for- now D,.ing spent for the neeeHSillea of und the firing was not Justified by na il'untinueU on l'nge Thrc.) again to dlsiodgo the Germans from of the generals are still trying to patch Mi- - In-n- All along the F.usl Prussian fron- up iniirly dangerous even for men. fCi Tno average working days val procedure In a closed port, it U 'a position near lllxchoote, over which tho differences thut have arisen. have al. to tier, however, Petrogrud declares the Carraunu, according crimes and misdemeanors crt.u!)C(i fr0m threo and four days j lighting, und General to thero hus been much suecesslvo ad- nios; vanished. six, numerous holidays of the ;the Ottoman government will render! Hussluus huvc made messuges from Mr, Kllllman and Leon the OF to tho French communication In Gullclu i j PROPOSITION vances und claims that Cali- Worker of tlu MJiwU'. drinker were eliminated. Tho work lupology. 'they have aguin been successful. Cunova, speelul agent at Agues longer the .Mosuges Slow. they liuve captured the passes ot the cntes, declared ho had boon iiilruflo been Virtually ac-- 1 ing duy also became and Cable Theso Incidents aro merely exam- has thut This hus ; Carpathian mountains, through which In- i Ml-- efficiency of the On account of tho slow comimnilca-- been occurring In misunderstood; that he never complied by 0..0 man. Ho ples of what has the Austrian would bo forced to - by doubled. Women tlon from- CoiiHianilnoplo through! tended to deliver the executive pow. chael D. Tehelisheff, peasant wor8J" 'northern France, along the, Aisne way In n- route ISulgarlu, j wend their buck Into Austria or except to General Publu originally house painter by seiuom were wi - the oujy availablo PACIFIC valley, around Ithelms, in tin, GotiaH.s birth, a .husband Italy mes-- j UNIi euhi! of a decisive defeat. According wonm man of own selec- , ..,..1.. . cllv of the physical violence of the Itumuiiln. Anstrlii and nJ 011 banks uf tho or olhr his forest and tho to llerlin lho Russians were forcud to Phy- nnd fruher,.siid(Jei)ly'folind themselves jwt(f(. t.0nceinln the incident came; Muuso. tion, und In whom hu had entire Honiara, und now a millionaire. river ret runt near Polduu. - ' over sis ln un undreamed-o- f pHradise. There frol Ambassiidor Moigeutliau, his, one side and then the other sically he Ik a giant, standing i First no blows, no Insults, and nolUHl dHpatehes dated November 14, Is From Petrogrud by wuy of Purls, (iutliTrc Orders) Alia'- -. feet four Inches und of powerful were ROAD gains an advalnuge, but when ull rough treatment. 'only today. Tluy wore of a REJECTED however, comes t lit; statement that a defi- build. Although is 55 years old, he arriving told, tho general sltuutlon remains Although there has been tio he was bread on the table, milk j , butt In of unexampled vio- younger. His movements There oUtliio character, about us It was. "terrlflcu nite udvlees, it Wits believed by offi- looks much tho bubies and a fire ' in I'.w navy's message us the only ' lence has been piocepllnH for four display the energy of youth, his eyes for with the Try to llrcuk Through. cials tonight that General Gutlcrreit, kitchen, , for Judgment, President Wilson days ui'oiintl Holur.ti, the Russians en- provisional by' Is not basis ' chosen president tho uro unimulcd and his black hair - Keporls come from France thai tho to stiix- this occasioii j JOURNAL deavoring avenge ro "I decided and adininiMtratlon officials were; (f MUNSINfl SFCCIAI. lEAIKO WIHI tiiHko to their former convention Bt Aguas CnllenH's, hud tinged by gray. j iGerinuns uro preparing to an for a press campaign, so far as this considerably puzzled over tho affair., Denver, Xov. 18. J. A. Stewart, verso at this place, throwing them- a gunoral Attack oil 'Carranza speaking of what lie nuu other attempt to get through to the ordered " possible tl,ing in I ; 1 . upon Inde- ls ft Kusia. "'"ITho president telephoned Secretary general puSHenger agent of the C'hlcu-- - , a T!uu.,(. hut like selves tho Germans with garrisons. Outlerres controls practic- piisnvu cuuou ui ouu,. petl- - j tor tne mized delegations to present I)unR.,s c(,vfral t,mwl um.ntr the uuy jgo, Island railroad. f."' scribable fury and carrying position Mex- l'.ussia, Mr. TcheliKheff said: Hck and Pacific h u ally all of the northern half of proper for , o-- tions to the authorities fl ois(.Uiim.a the situation with testifying this afternoon in tho '" nS lrnia! after position by assault, despite the ico, Villa's udvuneo ' T small Ilusslun th,ir con nnd l!eU'ro' was roared In a prolonging ot this new sobriety 0gd-- lf"r " or th.0 Ac .Se,retary Unsllg. Iculk.a n gateway hearing before Jnt Infernal lire of tho Germans." guard Is within 200 miles of thn village. were no schools tlon. There or tho duration of the war. This lloi-tilll- , M. Is- - ' Improvements Doubt Intended A. I'attlson, special examiner of v.. ,t. I .mil Allu In tho latest official statements Mexican eapilal. hospitals or any of the majesty and , tm sttD found favor with his Tu-.- Mitirin.Kf Inns were Vouchsafed 'th IoIcI'hIiiIii t 'ommopna Tunmluutittt ...... l I... I.S..,,.,ih '.. .iffli.M ... 1.4 i . . . . ' ' .... One column of convention forces we to in civilized off,.t r triu "nu havn turned as tne r retreat are accustomed ' - I. " Po-to- an oraer wus msueu to au- " sl educa- - b h, h offl(.ala although they tleclured that .the closing of tho Utah race the Russlunl announced ,that In the region of Ft.' moving eastward frum Sun Luis communities. I picked up an BlirMlnr. enmua gn to remove , ...... ,.. , !from the Vistula to Annthnr - LI 111 L v i j ijirix. lUIIIUL-LllI- stray HULK? I LIIUll WKVin " l.u...j UKIU mi lllll'H IIUII, Ur. !. in Tolnnrl and before Mlhlel, the Germans have blown tip to Tampico. Another is endea tion from, old newspapers and CD ' tne licenses .rura imnnBiu " Bneciiliitlvi The firing, they thought, Colorado and eastern uorts. if uernilt prob- tho western part of Chauvoneourt, voring to cut oft the forces of Gn. chanced upon a UUU , . Cracow. Each of theso regions books. One day I rants ana ClUbS Wag SUCCCSSIUl .. frlnnillv net irivlllLT the vennlrl lie fnil.ii. ..,1 hr nlmlhir nc Mexico mojik which ably will provide a big bottle, but the which they hud mined. Jesus Currniii ut Puerto book ln the hands of a strong liquor is no longer available j i,y tt single shot alcohol. customitry wul.nin(r tlon with respect to Dc nver. Important will be that In Po- An earlier official announcement from communication with Mexico treated ot the harmfulness of anywhere in RupsIo most ' ' 'signifying to the Tennessee's launch The witness stated that In if) 13 his send- mulitloned the fact that tho French City or Pueblu. , H among 'other things that Gone land, where the Germain ure stated Votlka Forever. port of Smyrna wus mined road sold U'Jl tickets to points on the In possession tho west- Villa Commander Killed. 1 so im-- 1 that tho ing Htrongest and best armies retained their vodka was a poison." Was "The second month of' abstinence boat was Line, by their every- so and colsed, or else the Oregon Short operated tho hope of'smashing the Russian ern part of Chauvoneourt. It would An cngagomcnt near Puerto' Mex- pressed with this, knowing that made the manifold advantages to 4 in the turned back because it attempted Union Pacific, and 24 to tho National s seem probuble th French Vodka,' I asked the everybody when we call- center. This would compel thus thut ico at Julio, was reported today by body drank that clear to that arrangements pos-slbl- y enter without previous park. All but two, ho said, were to tho Vis- had met a reverse at this point, Consul Canada Vera first physician I; met if the statement ed his majesty to thank him for to fall back again American at having been made with tho Turkish routed over the Denver and Rio Im- with considerable losses. Cruz. Gen. Joso Carbajul, a Villa were true. He said yes. Men drank his recent orders, he promised that govern tula and relieve Silesia from tho authorities. Officials of tho Grande railroad. nn Invasion. Regarding this position the Ger commander, was killed. II. he explained, because momentarily the vodka business of the government mediate danger of ment declined to believe that the fir. On Mr. Wtewart HhI-ka- man official statement says: un- gave sense of would be given up forever. This Concerning the lighting in the Whether the forces it them a pleasant Mng was unfriendly or hostile act. j testified tho line at- - Mouse, every In a tele- an that Roeu Island and the Near East, only scraps "On the west bunk of the der Generals Htgcnlo Agulltir und I decided to take promise was promulgated given by the porte nave tuchetl a car to Denver and Rio by vodka. duke, Constantino Assuranees of information are reaching tho out- near St. Mlhlel, un attack tho which threaten Pueblu, learn more about gram to tho grand pledged protection and the Grando through section, was successful, only now to find repeatedly trains that side world. In South Africa General French which ut ilrst Uro working In harmony, with Gen Ail linking 'Men. "Thore remains friendship for American citi- Hurt it was imperative Were revenue which up to closest but added not Louis Uothii, commander-ln-chln- f of later broke down completely," ernl Villa ls not known, but renewed elsewhere thd pacsengers .. - "In tho end of the eighties there zens. However, when tho American that with Rock Island forces, reports tne orcus-- As a result of tho firing by Turk- uttueks on tho Carranza lines by tlm by the present time has been contributed to pro- ithe defense came famine in Russia, followed Introduced warships first went Turkey to tickets use those cars. n ,.f iwl.lllliitiiil rebel cominan- - Inn lund forces on a launch from tho Znpatu troops who aro loyal to tho by vodka. There has been - crowds of Interests and deliver was also brought In cross- - Tennessee, j agrarian troubles. I saw bill offering a solution tect Americun It out d tho luro of gun9, fttnmu- United Stutes cruiser convention are now expected local land- in the duma gold relief of mlselonarlef!, examination that action similar to , was peasants demand from a this bill for the ,.. ... which proceeding from vourian of this question. The aim of : .1...J. ,... " - in was peace. Since then tho LIIUl LUIVtMl lUyI... 11117 (.'JllOll Jl... 11U IB iimun lord all the grain and foodstuffs creation of new taxes or Turkey at ill Tho Karl of Crewo tlisciosea in uiu to Smyrna, Asia Minor, the United MAYTOUl'JNA'H IU'M,KTS HIT me: I is not the has taken over tho dip- practiced by tho lines his granary. This puzled in the present taxes but United fltutes Rock Island house, of lonls today that lU Kast States government hus directed the ON AMKIUCAN SIDK men an Increase of Great Rrltaln and with respect to Colorado Springs. ut Constanti- could not understand why honest to render the government lomatic inti'rests A f ilea, tho Indian troops are beliitf American ambassador ; to an effort po-rt- is at wei-- indulging In what seemed possessions more France, with whom tho Several other rouds. It was stated itguitist Germans. Thut nople to ask tho Ottoman government Nnco, Aris,, Nov. 18. One Mux loan domains and Is fraught employed the le highway robbery. But I noted at wnr a circumstance which closed different portals to exclusive ,i. huii liecll heavy lighting, In for en explanation and the command- woman Mas killed, thron other tho time that every man who wus with delicate responsibilities. local territory In order to secure ,y thut the Drltisli ers of the Tennesset! and North "Caro- wounded und three' men hurt on thn is all0WM tho fact was a Regardless of whether Smyrna a long haul. j U0. lina have been instructed to tuko no Americun sldo today us the rosult of taking part in this Incident LAND LEGISLATION , y t0 auUl ,ola drinking man, while their fellow vil closed port, under the regulations of Representatives of protesting rail-- action likely to cuuse the American tho attack on Nuco, Syiiora. made to- - navy naa sui- j AAAMTCn RY finVFRNORSlthe United States Captain Deck roads, various commercial and hotel IV government embarrassment. day by Muytorena's Taqul lagers who were abstemious , h.wi i.K l"OIAM Governor fleient provisions in their own homes. HninLwi.MiivMv wud be Jurtmcd seeking to enter men's associations were on the wit-- j iti:o.iuin as crmicai. Tho Tennessee Is now at Chios, Indian troops. effects j to ascertain the facts with ness stand duiin the duy. AU testified; Greece, having left Vourlah, to which of men were Americans- - Thus I observed the industrial P(CIAL MAMS WISH thn harbor T'o the ' ,iV MO1HIN0 JOUNL - A ! rparsrcl to American consulate and closing of Ogden gate- London. Nov. 19 (2:05 a. !") incident, ut 11. cus- of drinking. 18 A rep- the that the tho she returned after the H, Reynolds, United, States Denver, Nov. committee regu-jn-a- y - more thun Its citizens. Article 1646 of the was a discrimination against I'ctrogrud dispatch to the Dally Tele- request of the ambustador. toms Inspector, w hoso leg bone wus At Samara t decided to the Western Governors' th" At resenting rcaas: roaus ana injurea tne ; says: The Washington officials express trooper passively dlsaDorove of vodka. will be granted a hear- lations lotner tourist graph shuttered, and a of the Tenth conference, On where injury to tne i business of Utah, now being lougnt in tn the mutter will be by this time I was- - an alderman and public lands commit occasions Colorado and The liattle confidence that United States cavalry, hit a spent my ing before the States or to a citUen thereof A proposition to divide all of the comer of Poland may bo throuish diplomatic, chan- was many living in j United northwest adjusted bullet. The third u Mexican of the tenants tee of United States on December - ' night the committed or threatened in vlola- long haul business with Denver and regarded us possibly tho most critical nels, ftgotit Hill, whose ta houses were worklngmen. One according to a letter received from for General my 16. Hon of the principle lnternatIona, Rio Grande, made by Oerrlt Fort, yet fought ln the Russian campaign, Winston Spencer Churchill, lirst troops-are- . defending a drunken father in one of houses or tne tho made the secretary sen. law or treaty rights, tho commander- - general passenger agent of tho Union and although little.. Information ls ob- lord of the British admiralty, an- Mexican town. killed his wife. This Incident uy - r,M inuuv. vv,....". should communicate with the Pacific, at the night hearing, if the It looks us though the. vic- nounces thut the British naval losses wounded were kill- such a terrible impression on me that secretary or me tainable Three of Hill's mons, coionc.. ,,...,,,, representatives or consul nrotests aitalnst the closing of the torious Russian advance. has suffered now amount to more than 8,000 men. ed In their beds by shrapnel tired at of governors "HI' I Tho committee l .. .il. u la lltu riiiriTllin Hrlt-Is- h nt the United Staes and take such Ogden gateway were withdrawn, was j H A, cm iv to v..iLlnnlt Valparaiso reports the tempurury hospitul, senate committee, It is vili". luru nit mv.iii..." that their ivhlch flew lay before the case A. gen- counter-itttnc- k ex- steps as the gravity of the rejected by Frank Wadleigh, has compelled me transport, Crown of Gallcla. lias tins Red Cross flag. Hill's casualties said, the attitude of the western the FOBECAST. k reporting Immediately to eral passenger agent of the Denver tussians to concentrate, a considera- been us the probable result of day were eighteen killed WEATHER upon public lands questions sunk for the ami yrr- ,,y ecutives secretary of the navy all tho facts." und Rio Grande. ble distance to the rear of the line un attack by German, cruisers. The fifty wouudud. Muytorena's louses aro at the recent conference ' 18 New Mex-tu- b: as outlined . This regulation would practically The hearing will be resumed to- reached by their right flank. crew has been saved ,und - will bo. unkjiown. .. ,. . . Wafchington, Nov. particular references to the - and Friday. with (Coatlnuetl on Pag Tno.) morrow morning. '. , . "One. of the 'ablest- critics la " the landed at Vulpantlso. A pusslug Rock Island train, thij Fair. Thursday present federal leasing system. , I


JBffl IBM PROPERTY in europe fillfJUTE LOIR 11 :: Personal Attention ;.:, American Federation of Labor Progressive American Cities White Flag Raised Only When ri:Hs)v.u.-.rTi:.Mi- hiir.S Get Inside. Works in Tin: caukitk to Wants President to Have Go Right Along With Their Japs HAS XH K IM)IV1IrIi AITAIHS OF KAC'II CISTOMFU I if Noth- Overwhelming Numbers, IXSTlU-MtTA- I OK Oitly Few More Pays Government Operate the Activities Just as JtF.KN LAKOELY IX OAIX1XG a - OC- Mines, ing Had Happened, Says Press Correspondent, THIS HANK Till: l.XVIAItLK I'OMTIOX WHICH. IT cfi'iEH i thh coxni)i:Nci: or thk rinuc. i:vi:n WXCK ITS KKTAMJSHMKXT THK 1XTKHESTS OF ITS MOKMIH JOMUNAt. I'tCIH WIMI Every Article Must Be manrniM iOUAL teaeiai liaeis wiaei rar mobnin jown.l tsicLL lia.cb wist; , tT tl iu:i:x i'LAceu heiouk axv N'othin Reserved, Philadelphia, Nov. IS. The Amcrl-- . l.'altlinnre, ov. 18. The Kuropean I'ekln, Nov. 18, TBlng-tn- u was no crsTouKits iiavk COXSIDKKATIOX. an Federation of In unnuiil war la having no aerloim effect on lontfcr defensible vhen the Cermuna OTIIEH of Cost today, unanimously adopl-- ! municipal activities in the I'nlted It to the Japuneno, ac w-- ciiixiiivd ACtoiXTS IX ANY Sold Regardless k convention surrendered lwrri: u res.ilutlon calling upon the pre-jl.ln- it Suites, according to a survey made by cording to a correspondent of the AMOtXT AXI THANSACT A UEXI-JIA- HAXKl.VO 151S- - c.f to Insist fllnton Itoirers Woodruff, secretary of Preaa, who wan In Talng-ta- n the United 1XKSS. (but Colorado coal operators Inline the National Municipal who throughout the alc-g- and who orrlved Idiutely comply wild the federal plan Heiivereu nis annual nnuresa oeioiv here tonight. .'lis delay in reaching j.f h ttlement of lh strike. In that the organization here tonight. Peking was due to the Japaneao hold- Hoiking From Business ktuli- - urn! "In the event hey rcuse, With Imiulry among timny of the ing him In Talng-tu- u pntll after ltt Mint he take nii'h steps u are ncres-sur- y rcpi'Hentatlve cities of the country, fall aa a method of centtorahlp. municipal- Ml lo have tt receiver appulntud for Mr. Woodruff Uarned that At the time of the rapltulution the mine affected and operate tin in ities were going ahead without the Japanese artillery had ahelled the line Italy J in ihv Interest of the people, under slightest abridgement In their plans trenches until their Infantry were on Chester during the wur between High Grade Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Ici'nl supervision' until such time for aurh Improvements u had already the brink of them. When the ehclllng and Turkey. some 'a the civil mid political right of the i,w.n authorized, nd although .rrum'll llie itri lliuim looni-- oui. uon "turing this war pecker spent at less thin Fifty Cents on difficulty In Etc., Etc., going people iii established." clticn were experiencing buyuneta and the muzzlus of machine (onslderable time In Tripolttati waters .l....t..j 1' Illlt.lltalV. ..i i... ,1... u ..ut.i.l fliun.l Xmas Presents joiiciiiK iiiitiin ini.iiinn iii Kunn. looking out for" the interests of the Dollar. Select Your wan reported lo tie-- nets, munlelpal credit (lid not seem Where the Japaneae broke the line The resolution These duties were well ...... i. on- llio to lie Jeopardized.- they croKKcd over dead and Amerlcuns. ( Oil ' .i....M'll i...' II. I' lid - , - tho Now. Any Article Will Be Sold at Less ll ' opinion Cuptuin Pecker, who . ., uiieo coonell'a reoort and wan Indeed," ho said, "the wounded. Of the three big fortresses performed by (adopted without ili The com-jmittc- e prevails among financial authorities onlv LliKDiarck Wusiable to continue had similar duties while in command Half Price Without Being Ottered at ft wa- ATLANTA. 2H la. bit Than txpreawd aiopathy for the that the Kuropean situation will In iiiriiiK. us Kuns were ui niiiiiiiru un of the Chcsfrr in San Dominican , WHITBY, IH in. iteKiired anpport un-- short time imike muiilcipal wcuriiu-- Japanese si uled the fortiflcatlona. during a revolution several years la ibtilkeia and them . tP ters Desired. .I..ut-.1.!.- I Auction, When .1...... I.i A I'll'll." city was promoted til the trlk( l willed, lllli llinrfc U' oiiii'mv i.i The Jnjianese runhed Into the ago. Captain Docker adopted by a Ho reported no recension of Inter. pickaxes and shovels in captain July 1. 1913. mul was or. AR-R-O- The convention alxo - ,tm.t. to rah-in- or conmilaslon- al W Vote of K,0 to S3 a resolution est In the commission ianlji touting "banzai, almost sim dercd to duty on the stuff of the aalary of the prcHldent of the mumiKer forms of government. ultaneously with the hoisting of the war college, from which duty jlhu 'vanlsldn federation from $.1.u0 tu 7,.'iW0 n What Is untlv tailed the white flag. he was detached 10 command the COLLARS of city 2 fnr 2ft emit Clwll. Pftorff A Te.. If .' l.frpfs & DENHOF year and that of the ae.retary from system' the blcumeral form The- Germans had destroyed all Tennessee In Augaist last, wh.n that government," he said, "Is to be found vessels, including three mer- Europe for the re- mm M.tiOU to j,0. rrcHldetil tiomperfi, their vessel was sent to largest fifty THIRD & CENTRAL befoi.) thu matter wum put to a vote, now In only nino of the chantmen In dry dock, and oil their lief of distressed Americans in the rinltimore, Kan- out, on ac- nuked th not to Vote the cities Philadelphia, cannon and military stores. war lone.'' threut should be carried l.oulHVllle, At gen- speech Increaae. sas City, Providence, The German losses were 170 men One effect of the incident, it is count of their similarity of und .....a. Xlii.llllllll. lanta. Worcester,... Klchmond, a., and killed nnd between 00 and 600 erally believed in diplomatic circles appearance, they knight be In danger...... i.i.i.. Camhrii ite. Man. wounded. here, will be to emphasize to the It Is feared In some quarters, too, thnt Clianglng ltaphlly. urKtr-.- System The Japanese and British actually porte the anxiety of the I'nlted states the Turks may not appreciate the j ' ,n thc of ,,,L" 'vt'n,s of engaged in land numbered, of its subjects In Tur-PuVr- a- diplortiatle responsibilities resting lo lane hcen n. tide during the laet In Montana, the convention ruetcd vht the attack tor the safety five years," he continued, i 17,000 upon consuls In caring for Idiii' years of revolutionary activity cooumll of the P'tHt "t respectively, approximately key. Conditions have lcen uncertain American the executive ! to predict bring ubotit would not hi hastardotis lnd i5(uu0. The Germain In their for niany months, even before Turkey British and French subjects and that CLEAN COAL In Mexico. tlon to um ita tfforta to I solidarity thut five years hence not one of the luMl llne )f trenches had 8.S00 men the wur. Ambassador Mor-nanth- complications may come In this con- The Villa troops were reported industrial amity and union - l..entered larger cities will he risking Its bus- Tne Japanese was reports voicing nection. an pl eNNlug noil 1) aKaliiHt the In that state. conduct of the had consular IlldUU H Ml I Us fin ure to the evils of a admitted by the Germans to have early lust summer und Administration officials are ab- force after the taking aev-cr- i The committee on the executive apprehension IS OUR CarninH abundant tnes-sa- c . form which affords such been conspicuously considerate warship. Inasmuch as sorbed in the sltuution. Their (liiya Mijo of I'loin that j council's report took up most of tin asked for a opportunities for Inefficiency, and siege. to SPECIALTY troopa moved agnlnat session In presenting it's throughout Hie the Tennessee had been ordered to the Tennessee and North town the Villa afternoon mismanagement." Washington by every gar-rlao- n ev- waste and Europe to carry gold, the Carolina were sent available (jiieri liiro, tw here the alroimcat 'report, whluh virtually upproved by illand in hand with this advance rieiyrA KIT Al ! government took advantage of the co- route, to make certain of their prompt of ('iirran.ii forecu Ik located erything done during the past year IVI IN I Tfi IFFP notes the progress of municipal home CM IU fNtXr ALL sent the two relief ulilps delivery. utiil the fit xt derlKive fight of the new ho executive council of the incidence and AZTEC FUEL rule 'which in the course of the COMPETITORS UNHAPPY to linger In the Levant for emergency. revolution prohahly will ienir. to be- COMPANY - o coming generation is destined IV fore Turkey entered the war, SulTruue lladly IJcalcn. Fnioi (ifflclala (Hine re- In connection with the approval regard come the settled policy with England and France signified their Wo- i porta of raphl preparation to meet he IllillllltlCO on till executive 1ST MOMNINC JOUSNAk SPICIAL LSAltD WISH Jefferson City, Mo., Nov, 18. Phone 251 to tiie relation of the slates to'thu clt- - i'nlted Htates would iiorlhern-cm- . Minium! - llllllllk'l'l! Chit-ago- , hope that the nih'lince of the ii.. , In inu tile . . 18. suffrage was by 140,210 the, hostile i. ... I.. ""i'i " " ... Nov. The policy of thc pro- man defeated G cxpresn-K- d in. containing send wurxhlps to Turkey for The l'iirraii.n iiilherenta lion bill before congress company votes Missouri election on cr linder the Corn Products ltefinlng tection of Christians, as they did not at the tin niKclvc.n us feeling confident of j Oolden Wiite limited, hud an iiliplcus-- n con"n" fo. ... of govt rnment Wllg to klM.p competitors unhappy, vessels 3, according to off it ial re- in view of the loy. t.,,!M!,,w!n, ,ri'lw cort.nlsalon ., its want to send their (inn for lit experience- when n stray bullet la atrolig realHlnnee M u K turns given out by the secretary of laity of Clrtiertil 1'uli- - Chamberlain. fear of aggravating the already tense a to the flrat chief tlon In 1913. 111., from tho Mexican side shattered dlvl-jtilon- come for the first time. A:f Dcutur, a chemist, formerly triple entente ata'.e today. lo Ooi.xalea, the northeastern liniuigraloii Hill. situutlon between the window of it Pullman, showering hias also showed that out j employed by corporation, w ho coinmnnder, und Ocncrnl to call federal cciisub the and thc porte. n passenger. "Voiir comniltteo desires sixty-nin- e cities, sixty-on- e were of MtU a thA of of tesuiieu touay in me government's fclnt-- the outbreak of hostilities Governor Die. (ihreKon, chief of division to und impress upon you cap-ih- There was heavy flalillng all morn- thu attention found to be running. at less per i anti-tru- suit. some Turkish official have threat- Ignition, Xov. 19 !: P. in.) the northwest. tho almost assured certainty that the ex ' ing, but the cannonading wan only declar-jed- , than the averuise head of Discussing price fixing he quoted to English General Von Wlnterfelt, the governor prenent argument, they , ,,f ut war In i!.u- - . , ened execute three tr The ..mUii..m the nriHi r ,1,r,.0iiiun centers E. T. now president of the every Weliibaden n war-fin- e 1 lledford, French subjects for Mussulman of Metz, died at after merely hail evoluted Into rooc w ill bo followed by a flood of ml-- , ...... ,,,..rj - nil lviioki' compuny, as saying: "We must sell bombardments by the fleet short Illness, according to an Amster- of rnriatltu- mllitary-domlnate- u .ifii i tuata killed in hv all fuctloim the graioi, from those ... T'e-gra- HuHlness 3U thMls. sufficiently low so to Ketitcr'g .i.m:iii. oititiox is nrmy 'aealni't the of never wit i,.lur at a. price that of the allies on unfortified towns. dam dispatch the ItF.AMY I VII. - jtlmmllHf i.ntiirieM such us the world Improvement TO KillT Vil- There was a notable our competitors will not be happy in have feared that if such a company. an tiemteil hy General i.a.tjkeil 111 oT a people from Americans 'the tiorth the eliaiiKe lii municipal housekeeping accounts, his business. la and repreaeiited by t Agmia CuU war Itself lias Mexico City, Nov, 1 S. Triiinlouds lone home to another. The he found. The "happy go lucky way"! Conrad' Mattheson, then an official sophistries ttial scl-l- vt artillery from ticrtcnil obrrgon's lenlea done away with the was being superseded generally by tne eompany( aiB0 helped to fix repottH from I.eon to- years to support the forces have left for thu north as a Telegnighlc were used for entific budgets which inude both ends prices. Chamberlain sulu. night mid that the Villa forces had military establishments of the great munici- jHrlinilnury step In Hie campaign iltuinajaln, meet. Both the demand for William F. Piel, of Indianapolis, Bgitlnst occupied lrnpuutn nnd nations" of Europe and the people and for effective tlen, Framisco Villa. In a thoii-ann- pal ownership that who sold the National Starch corn' without firing a alngl ahot. Hlx d no longer be deceived by platcincnl today lieneial (ibiegoti thereof can enoti-.i- i of orivately owned municipal pany to the Corn Products company, men of 111" t'arrnn.ft giirrlaon 'the arguments that have Wyo-- - aid: fallacious i utilities' continued unabated. could not recall a simple Irapuato Hiirietiilered uncomiition hieen thoroughly exploded. said ho "The northern folic have t tola ted' at now so inlng and irtuh, he said, were the only starch or glucose fuetory In the ally, It wa declared. ! well understood that fvery armistice und promise made to "it may be 111 the union which had no not been tak- - will exert states (fnlted States that had lis. I thai made jthe governments of Europe or to regunue, in some consider all effort ; form control 0J, (n Ill I I ( I MI.XK WH j the utmost to the end to hetlle the present trouble without tllt themselves lo way of another, tho public utilities. j,e rt,fU!tej t BKn an agreement k suv-ivl- witch C.MtltANZA w com-liiun- d WHO IHMBT are fit and ho resort to urm a useless. My that those who There was still much discussion m)t ,Q ctlgi1Ke the manufacture of of the present of the division of the northwest the destruction throughout the country as to whether L,ttri,h he said, and since hnd been Nov. 1 R. The Mexicans w to leave In ready to fight attain In defence of Vera t'ltm. conflict, III not be permitted should bo by state or In Indianapolis, se- such control ,)(,e,.atjng; a factory employed by thu countries, but will be develop- - Pro-men- the principle for whlih we have who have been their native local commissions, with the Ljptng the prices of the Corn ts w promises are nee lieen fighting for tile pant three A moil' nil army forces here have been duced by hatever of the past year seemingly more u,.ts company. to remain and aid In the ...... e.t uif.i,. In mat- - . , 'ea ra. officially notified that while the essaiy 111i.. PMH, vv.v..,'linn ... thesn to lost lilVUI "1 have all my arttllciy on tialim Washington Kovernmeiit reitards th of those countries their ters. linwltloii Industry, FIRING ON FLAG BY lid rny troopa ure ready to entrain of Gen. Vetiustiano t'arraiizu In commerce and Ho concluded with a reference to at a momeiit'ji notice. We will leave Tor safety as sufficient, a limited ut the some time offering whatever problems. The fear that Inter- their they muy social TURKS .NOT BELIEVED for the north altortly." nmnlier of tlmsu who doubt Gciierul Inducements or assistance In along these lines would to the est work Carnin'a'H word could he taken to to the migration of the unfit k, on llO0OUnt 0f tno great ACT OF HOSTILITY or any ., other AMEItlt AX the fnit-- d Hlntes on Amerlciin army I'nlted States, Camilla war. he believed to be unwarranted.I may them in or j AT .H AIII Z transports' when Vera Crug it evacu- coiuitry that receive The very greatness of the European fOXTItAM " land be relieved . ... mMiil ated. der that their native CIUUCI Hill ...inWill ...... l.nul.n tha - - support of those who tllliira.-- l"'"'------18. All Anui-- b The same notification points out i.r iho burden of foe creuter social and civic effort," he bliiro Captain Decker to communl EI Paso, Tex., Nov. incapacitated or rendered nri newspapers Were prohibited from that the high price of clothing, the ibuve been said. An Increased migration from,.ato with the American consul at! ny reason oi um wu,. by from reit-Kvit- of paying for heal ami tne Inefficient Europe to America was to be expected Smyrna after lie had learned that the you find coffee is yo u! tmrr Into Mexico an order duty of the work- if hurting General Villa, put Into effect today mntill demand for labor In the I nited Therefore, It is the us a result of the war und this itself ,.Ui1Hulate was in danger, using his to see to It that they iilnng the border. Even permim Htatis me tblnas that should be taken ers of America would require-n- little attention. launch if necessary regardless of; "of III every possible way, Coffee, on account its drug, caffeine, (Joes hurt (Tossing the International Holder at lulu consideration by those persons be protected Address hy Foulke. whether the port was closed by the tiny will not he forced . ... J...... i.i i ii,n tills port were relieved of newspapers .On. ilihli'ti In H'nvo the country. It to tho end that There...nave ueeu such wi iu-- " Turkish.officlals lots of people causes headache, heart flutter, nervous- competition with those bits of they carrb-ii- . by the Vllhi Inspectors. iulso slates that the families of into evolution of city charter making since Under article 1611, giving tho du - or i ness, sleeplessness and oilier ills. - or- will not be taken on the trans- wreckage tossed to our shores Municipal league drew In such u Nil explanation was given for the of tho National ties of a naval commander pot Is. stranded In Europe when the wave city fifteen years stalenrVnt is nuido that der which was the llrst of lis kind up Its model charter situation, tho Thousands coffee war recedes." ago that a new program and model whllo it is iilcKut to use force against of users, discovering the cause of charier will bo considered ut tho a foreign and friendly state, "thc righl j their discomfort, have switched to km itu WARNFn NOT present meeting of the National Mil- - of is a right which I ! Wll-- IViy Aro Ton Tons of Quinine iU-lm- l league, said Ita president, ! lieloiiUM lo tho state as well us the in TO DEPLNu UN lU!IUlNiUum ,nKih,y Foulke of Richmond, dividuals and Includes the protection . . i . . . .1 ...... - Ucod Every Year? i j itu., in ins...annual auuirna ...nlllw""B" i oi lire Slate, US nuuuio nnu no iiuiwco- municipal ia mornin jouhs.l seaciAi naio wiaal The tendencies toward Kis, and the lives and property of enormous quantity of Quinine alone (representing Washington, Nov, 18. Warning home rule, and the commission and H, citizens againsts arbitrary-violenc- This fiiniiiiHsioii-niaiuiKe- of all thc Quinine produced in thc world) was given by official of the federal r forms of city actual or impending whereby the reset vc board und the treasury de- government were cited by Mr. Foulke stale or its cillKens may suffer irrep- is required for the preparation of Laxative Bromo Quinine, tonight that the south must of prog- P.0S partment "remarkable Instances injury." TUM as arable Seven Million (7,000,000) Boxes of which arc used learn diversification 'of crops and ress." Captain Did Not Persist. acreage urged and found relief. of merit. make a reduction of cotton Among other things, he the Thnt Cuptuin Decker aid not persist every year because its extraordinary year it Is to get the full bene- by cities of the of next if adoption American in his attempt to enter Smyrna was After reading the accorupauyiug label from the box fits from the 13!".,IpOO,0(0 loan fund Herman way of traiuing experts for indicated by the fact that his mes-- a material just completed, and insure municipal work. sage was left at the request of the j juaxaiive isroino I "There's a Reason" in price of raw cotton remedy tor Cousht and Col't" Hflitvei the Increase the ambassador, who, it Is presumed here, AclWit telling I Cmif h tiK) ud Headache, Quinine, for next year's crop. DREAM OF KILLING witiiuraw mo toj the tevttUh condltiuat thought it advisable to food-drin- Seci-eiiir- j Posttim a k whkh ait iinuallr a4wi.u-- n.ih enlUa The ircond or what it does and how McAdoo in a formal ship until a better understanding pure contains no caffeine or wltl press- - SHATTERED ihixddoM vol ttlit-- the Cu(B and . tleadac he aail statement culled this the other , REDSKINS could bo reached on such poluts as mort th bowele well to hour,, he the told it docs it, you can other drug or harmful substance. It does contain the nithin ut Imr anil unporiuiu prouicm, win. had arisen. is believed also that if ill be rel!?el. la treaimt cold. It it very important that It understand why this which the south must deal, lie urged i, omiiH jmiM.t u were In grave danger nutriment of prime wheat and the bowtla ahould dove writ every day Thin preparation ,ncii wi- the consulate wholesome molasses' from . raising of other food products, Chicago, Nov. 18 Three New- lor!, .. wou)d move, the bowel, ftally without gripm-- and (route the remedy is used so the TnntwlK.e .ver have left which it is made. liver tad alt the ttereliona to action. DiretioBt. Adulla which lie predicted will find a ready youths. Harold Montague, wi'lani;. two tabltta itifl. QMTfeS'ote aut nhould 1 taken Inimed. effectively by so market, particularly If the Kuropean Fox ,nd Carl Kspe, who started for to both the commanders . v. order lately to some per .. i ... - afterch (iryV;Vgoin ted many millions of vur persisls. v auiui um - 0j the Tennessee anu tne .orin tar-- i oo. who aufficient t.t....n i...v lmi...... detected here ,. . ,. ... - i Delicious f . nw 10 IlOHl any Bicim 10 iuat keeFuierlicyyypeyyftetwwfla Jpea lietly until the Couch asd Whenever ' going Olllia ICirUHl IIIMUS j people. MH i IPiAMAH F HFNf F SaturJuy and arrested, are ...... -- . , ...... ,h r. t'jld Is relieved Ihea take one halt the done lui lew l.'niVIlVII KVJ UHUUIIUI. -- . .m.i.,1 t wi,i. .New 1 orK h,,,..Ml,r""""j ..... - dart. DHlilrei whaare holotdenacih towllow pill, the you feel a cold coin- home to warn oojs ....vernment until sui-clfi- i.l.struc- Nourishing west, they today alter they tablet can be broken or cut in half ami giea in proportion ing on think of thc AUAINbl HtNilT DILULL Kolng said l. gWcn ol(JW.d 4,ul.(.fu, to ate To be awallowed not chewe . rot headache, take nan Deen uiscnargeu t.o... consideration lure of the wide latl- - tableta try I or J hour, until -- boys who i name Laxative Moanisa jouasai eacit ll.lto wiaal Here stand three ttuij hl(.h ttrtu,,e8 nAS an(1 Economical l, Prid-ila- great ideas or, nil r i . . ienieo, N. V., Nov. Jose away from home with regulations give to naval (l MMlfflll0fUbclMBckatUutlV(nromeQulninkail w ll l li l ll c a.- - imt Intornittt'fl 111 Toslunt comes in '' a former bookkeeper nnd later I III; rt vmi. uhnnuw Wt't;A. two forms: court wag very officers. manager of ll Slcgel eompajiy store Chicago, where the Uoth the president and Secretary remember there is Only Oni prose- good Issued a discharge and told " 111 lloston, today gave what the and Daniels have absolute confidence lr. rOSTUM must he boiled. Lx and 25c testl-i,..m- sign- ' cution regurded as damaging us to go home," said a statement Captain Decker. The following state- ' v 9f - boys given to Judgo packages. . Henry Siegel, the for- ed by the and was today by , Quinine ' ment about him Issued "Dromo mer merchant banker, charged with Hopkins In the boys' court navy department: This has been a reat lesson to US the IXSf.W'T l'OSTL'M To TSa CEKUIXZ, Call Tho Full Nam grand larceny. , "CaoL Benton C Decker, now com- - needs no' boiling. A teaspyon-,- ' Czt for Siegel, la boys of old New York and should we Mr. I'ridday that j mamling United ship Ten ful the soluble ever et back home we will stav the States of jiowder stirred in a cup with hot. water hi nsn tisndn lithiE. had entered oui-ee- r - nessee la TurKisn waters, is an Bromo Quinine I fourteen Items In the books of Slmp- there." makes a delightful beverage 50c1' Landfco the with an excellent record during 1XSTAXTLY. 30c and in- railroad' attorney said store, wnnn pieieuj The -- ' '' tcrxto omt to cvkc a colo w okc oat h! service of twentv seven wars. : rrrr n.T of the boys would be given work to let them tins...... creased the tt4iparent value lnCM L'l'udualion from the naval acad - twenty dollars. raise motley to return east. . Iwan- tar thim aJjrr, - stock thousand emy, to which he was appointed from h'iegel siRiied the credit state- Cost per cup of both mm ttm aVwx. Priem SSe. Mr. in He nas . consid- kinds b about the same:';-.- f National Bank Const lia.t Ion. Illinois ikso. had ment presented to the constipation erable exnerienee In dutv similar to l alleged wa Winn troubled with of Commerce which it take Chamberlain' Tablets. They are which h is now performing in mil rii Hiful to (lib amount of t! U.- - that "There's a ,..- T.r Reason" for POSTUM easy to no griping - j- In take and produce T...l.'l.li1UI u,'...... j . wiw' .j ... vui.iiit.,u , 000, In to the twenty thou For- - addition or hir unpleasant .effect. sale nf the I'nlted State scout cruiser sand, air. rriaday aa, by all dealers. MBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1914. TKr.Ic NUMBER OF AUTOS IN RUSSIANS ADMIT SEVERE RHEUMATISM GOES g NEW MEXICO CLOSE TO REVERSE Wmm MewT ON CENTER- IF HOOD'S IS USED - New THOSE OWNED IN IDAHO i m j Mexico Uf- T),e Kenulne old reliablo Hood's tJATTLt LINES Sarsaparllla eot rects tho acid aondl-,(oi- t llsnliawd Pram I'sae hw.) of the blood and bulldn tip the IVAn SIIOltLO HOT ewnia re. lx. ,w t CITIZENS xv. m hole system. rheiima-it!s- IRCE S.I 00 It drlveo our IOSIIITIFE' with automobile licenses (wiled . FOf Hurlior setting fire to sfveral bull'auiM It cleanse the blood this year, runs a close second to Ida- lugs. ho with I.40O uiomoblles. I.i thoroughly. H baa been successfully in. "The same day, very early, the Hui. i I 111 census. used for forly years. l Y Ti BHY III ! IMII I IUMP Idaho n thousand "lait Hlack a fleet which had been HH HI hhYAM ITTnIPT - n lea population Xew n For rlieuiiiiitlfm, stomach and Md- ilt l Irrnn than Mexico. cruising off Trehixond steamed rlos-- ! ' has the least auto-mobile- s I v uLuiiLiniu umnu II lllltUIHL III WILLIfllVId number of to the town and bombarded the har-!n- debility and all among ' Kud states in the union. l"r and barracks and Set oa fire ''""'"K from Impure blood. Unci's l.S'S; i.ii-i- i ion. MiHHiK.ippi with bulld'naa along the roast. I'." eipial. (let It from your near- - 1. 650; Wyoming Ti file !,S9; Tiulsiana "N'o Turkih ships wre sluhted 'off t drugvlit today, mat suit mm current issue bieeeb Ieanre, .P2 and then Xi w the coast," Mexico. Strange to say, Arixona, with sin only two-thliil- s of the poptibitlon of Hvrni: rvriiti: New Mexico has almost two-thir- d Development of New IIJONT IV I'OI An Old, Mexbo Chamber of Commerce Asks Well more mitomohilt, or to be exact, Family Cough f ' Known Writers Contri Interesting Figures Independent Shown as coming next Idaho which comes loihlou. vv. II l:l a, Remedy, Home-Mad- e of Internation- That Government next to New Mexico. official i.)v Combat bute Articles of Unusual In- Work of Canvassing Board statement issu.-- at Vienna al Conflict;' Plenty of Work Principle That There are 1.25S,n:s cum mid trio ksl and transmuted to Hie Iteut. r Tele, I asllr Prepare Cusis rrr Copper Is In in nse In (.'tilted gram company by ;, terest Magazine Edited Progresses; Owen Has Im- the States, more Ihnn ..f Aiiisbr-ilnu- i, I. UlltS km la I'raaapr. Mare to Be Done. one-eicht- h of whi h are In New savs: Contraband of War. by R, m4 rffertlve Col. E. Twitchell. pressive Lead Over Tittmann York. 10,4"J; Illinois is second with In Hie noi'tl'i astern war theater I t : rv vw Pennsylvania third w ith U?,-"- i: several battles have resulted In the i fnrnTfTwiTTl to ,ta-- c.i Ohio; California destruction of J P.y tteit cmmimiiwici aotNiNa jouknili nuiln,Hllt, fo MnaiM ,,.. the I,r ,e,saK.s, tnaklng this pint of obi time cough 1 ll,l Kanl Fe, Nov. 18. wesciat to and Iowa Xo livi- but our i vrnn litiuw While the war Silver City, X. M., .Nov. 18.- -A via--. wtrM obni joummu other state forces bad alieady cr.isse.1 at not only save bImmiI . fcan'a Fe, Nov. 18. ' resilv-miub- In-- Klirope tin played havoc with orou apptal was Old Santa To. Santa F.s, Nov. H The Williams ng more than TJ.anfl, that number ti the nnnoftlin h..tL tf As coaiuareil tvith the i wired last nich. t... Ralph plurality k,n'1, k"' tne stock ninrm-- i in tht east the Chamber of Fmerson Twitchell editor. Is is still climbing as the being credited to Texas. Southern dated Monday, states that I iirl- - v,l'u ''J'" ,,""', ,"or'" and Commerce nf mi,. ,,,.., t0 'prompt anl In v. paralysed the copper Industry City to from press for the' Issue, progresses, fao( CHm California has the roost aiitomoi.lles and m,,h war ), Nlnr eerv of the He.retnry of State V. J. p.ry-a- n current ami wthin materia!.'. a the usual tlirout and west-an- SI of being a per c.lplU. taken. the cotton market of the and Secretary of Commerce U wothy of more than pawing no mnloritv over all i hot cdils in I In. ilt relieves eten Now Imm - W. the candidates. With only pre-cine- ts "The opera eoiidM ipueklv i south. Mfxlro miBht look nlioul c. Jtedfi.ld. untlng- tice. Rev. Lansing-- Albc-o.uerf- ii nine lions of the d troop and exeellerit. these two llloom. of missing, and take work In th matter-o- f her official to In the totals were as fol- MEXICO j In ItiiMinn Poland have e.t the "" oniiM iiu is, uroia iiiMi aniiuna. combat the principle that the leading contrihutioi,, lows: NEW NORMAL fn nosrM'oews aim spaMmisiie croup. own development. To be sure, the crppcr ia contraband reaches what la Ilernundex, :3.::': Fergusw.n, of war and en- perhaps the climax iS.JaT; Wilson, " "tlrnma,,vdruttMore2iouneesof war In Mexico htm decreased deavor to have of hie history M,.t.alf, l,ng5; SCHOOL HAS BIGGEST !hlch has dev.l..t.Hl along the whole fjnex .; cent- - pour railroad fireat Hritain to re- of New Mexico under Williams, J.;; w.ethl, it into a earnings and curtailed trade with our wind Iih declaration In Mexican 22.T4; Mill. ;o,is6 r. front under favorable conditions o,. pint ttle and till t lie bot tie with plain this regard administration. There lathi 1.5S0; ENROLLMENT sister country enauged in civil mar that copper may story cf the Kanta Fe Welsh, l.24. For consti- OF HISTORY of our division captured 4 prison. granulated mifar svrup. nil direction continue to be ex- trail and th tutional I'tiiex. Kee. perfectly and tattea on- - the south, but with prospect of ported In neutral chip to commerce it carried In years; amendment Xo. I, lJ,4i;; er. iitli neutral those 1 1,TT2: good. - against, f"r Xo, ; 7 9 r 2 ; swsaiMS 01 , - , . , . . 'a more speedy settlement of her po- port. there Is the story of Governor ArmlJ- tavccisL casssseoMoswra jausssu aovance me ltuastans x ,, . ... , ,., 1 li V. . .,. ,, V l n .. ,,,, against, 13,002; Hilrse CIlV. Vne T!,. ,,, litical troubles than could be hoped The chamber and nig administration: is for o, 3, ITSSS; ...... ,...,,in.. h. fc, o,ni- - or in a nv ,rmean businiiw, of Commerce adopted there the 1 ,.v., Clin that It pant, against 1.84 7. jiemio .Mirmai scnnoi na Importance. Near ti In for In the Meleo to resolution, aetiinp forth the wide- history of Texan aggression, and the .e tneiary Crvhow. lowti the drv. hoarse or no The vote In the largest enrollment year In (tussian 'ill eoiili and heals lite intlnmed - be n field for trude promotion that spread utaKnatlon In the copper of constitutional Joint districts was this Itslslrona cavaliy fori. ,is ,). nieni- and tabulated today. Legislative. Twenty history, both the boys' and girls' pcrsed by our artillery." biane. It ha remaikalile effect In tillurinsr, and perhaps ia the very coal Industrie in New Mexico if con. government at Kanta Fe. the li acventh house district, Illo dormitory on the Normal rumpus: in ov renmiri tlie nritein .wwe eouiflt near future. per la made a contraband metal an Of much interest is a contribution Arriba and !bv stopping the formation of phlegm ill Sandoval counties, being tilled. U I, s Crops are generally Rood through-ou- t a result of the war in Kiirope. by Hew W. H. H. Allison, giving the Mariano C. M,.n. jt.lltMVV ltMIIPS Mil t e thi.wt and broiw hi he toy.x, republican, Knloe ' TI-- a ri,K tho whole state and the - Mate-- Industry reminiscences of the late Col. Fran- received 1.1 uS as President this week rented ItCSM W IMIIT CITY t of Pine on the membranes U rinfe U Crippl.d. ; against 1.175 for Mondragon, demo-- ! Ibe handsome resilience of A Ivan X. known br sliiHWt everv one. Pinex is a, wan never better. Price by a comoi. The, resolutions set forth that to cisco Terea In the years 183? and ' 1838, the years of crat, and Martinet, progressive, S65, White, state superintendent of tmb- - j londoit, Xov. It S:IJ a. m.) most vshisNe rone. ntraU'd eniK.und of nation of circumstances are all that Prevent the exportation of copper the Chimayo rebel- ' .N.trwav will thus having a for use a j torpedo boat de- - Benuine pv rMract combined could bo hoped for and uot cause a .complete lion, the axsassination of Governor clear majority over lie Institctlon. an auxillarv ltnan cruls.ts and ihe stale, cessation of the. j I'erca, l(f re- both. Hlo Arriba give Montoya 1.6T3, boys' dormitory, to care for the extra Mroyer. bombarded the naval harbor Xv'Xtl Kenentlly reenrded so promising for production of copper In southwestern and the ex. cut inn the bel!. The Mondragon 972, Martinet 4 IS: Sun. indents. here Tuesday for over four hours.', are manv worthies Imitation ("peculation or investment, wiilhc .ew Mexico, thereby throwing of article describes Santa Fe out oovai gave Montoya f.X5, j i. nil . ":l' i"" I'hUv Mail s I.ihau. iiussin. of famous avoid dis. re-- "a It Appeared In those years and Mondragon Itoth the collece training this nuxlure. Io one or tne nrst in tho union to 1 'JPlynient' practically all of the ' your tMla Intimately of the of 2J and M.irtinex nod Mnntova, ju hool aections of the Normal huv" ' orrespondent. Several factories appoinlnieiit, ak druggist lor "'i'j spond to those conditions of prosper-1l"'ri'h,,- s encased in the industry, cuomft , 4;, of any-thin- g with th.rfor-- i large which damaged and a ) Iroleum ounce Pinex," ami do not aceeirt liy that usually follow war. ,' t resonant distress to and' some of the old families still promi- earrie. counties. classes are taxing the!' else, them their i ""voir by I Xew ap- - lUg Majority rapacity of the fmiilty and school wits helled and d.strm.d Qulct development I foina: on in dependents. nent in Mexico affuirs; the for Ihivii. the A guarantee of absolute sat Ufact inn, hoiu-e- s Twcnrx'-eigh- th way lire. i station ami some various sections of 'n addition, pearance of chapels, hotels, house district, con- - '"ar now under iill estsiblisli a or money promptly r. fonde.1, go with th Kate that will the resolutions declare sisting new houses In the poor, r parts of th' preoarstion. Hie Pinex Co., Ft, In o and describe the customs of those of iliiailahitie. Sunta Vo nn.l record both for attendance and ti'i time attract more noiio.e than If j"1"' "int all the coal used in copper town ak--o U vne, In.). daya orrani-- counties, K. p. re-- work accomplished. suffered. undertaken when speculation ' In New Mexico, with an inimitable touch of liavies, 1 w.ismm'n Arizona and nleasing. However, f ubllcan, growth Is "The nerman sank seveial smili ! Trx.--i natvette that la carried the di.strlet hv iho! The of the Normal due generally rife. est is mined In New Mexico. ,'"'n-r- s the regretfully says: "Ther ' Phenomenal majority of 1,273 nveribirgcly to the energetic efforts ofl,'arK" at the entrance t ltcn.-liO- mlnlnir - wrltr Itailroad Madera. I,nf of tills mineral likcwk- 1 ' r were great many more dance hall." 'nnlel 'jvV Cutler, progressive-demo- - Fresldent I'nb.e, who Is Serving bis j 'I lie layiinr j would be irrof.tly cnrtalle4 to dm-- 'Fii-- person were of the sled to the pi,,,. the i ni mat time innn rnnrrncs. ii ni;.f. Cnitrr mrnfvinf (first year a the executive head of k' by shell., - i 11 1 , , ! ber town of Madera, in northern "r and transports- n i I 4V..4 .,1 a..,,- - - I ak it I. . . . Incluiling n woman, and over th ru i""'"' ''n' 1 i i tx7 f,i.irv nun If .IIH.I r pilVr him iine state Institution In this city. New Mexico '"" of Xew Mexico. inr lion person were last week. Is an t Vein "trloj I in houeji a Hantn IV. lutt the writer': $73. 'fH;i1alui T 7 nnil wounded." calls for more no-- I ! that than passing j remark: "Whether any of the w'n-!- " "gainst 5.3;'4 for Dnvle. of which Santa Fe Personals tlce. For !0ft years gettlers have i - :K UMIK M.I. OV cul STATE OFFICIALS MUST dowa in the palace were glaxed at that ;' mta Fe- fprnlshcd. 1.796 vot,. Tirr- - Kl'lklX irVid IV 111! tivated the river valleys lived in tlmo 1 cannot nay." trance S.1C ami Ciooioionn o- iitti.i-- peace and plenty WAIT FOR THEIR MONEY unmindful that "..-- r ,..... oiairu-- - t! .main consist- some day a overcome Santa Fe, Nov. lx r. H. D. Jled- - London. Nov. 9 (2 :.o a m ) The railroad would Clement Ilightower take up the Ing of Ouada upe and Sun Vlcuel u. ., r. . ' . - " correspondent savs the obstacles and bring them In com- ;stciL coastsseNotHci to cudgel on behalf of those who Insl.t counties. d cted go L ? , M"1"1,"lnnir ,,',,f'- '? mosnihs jousnsl) Oalo renubl W.lliam petition with the outside world. Xow ftinta Fe, Nov. IS. tate that Alvar N'unex Cabe de Vaca by 1,274! I ; i. ...kln hi.... official mjortvtia ' - it nan come. The resident are al- will be paid less than SO ner , nt traversed New Mexico. Identifying 3.445. of wht.-- x... ! . 1 .! "i- - " coian.t. Me J. " 1 '"'""" i Rio!--- ;. ,, ,. '" " i "T n" Corn- - has brought his finest troop, from ready finding a greater demand for their sauries on , 1 7. man v W.f the sites. Intiudln, th. iipe 691;.1 " against mlssioner and Mrs. M. T. Dunb-avy- . borrowed iho . their products hut the real develop- the end of the quarter and something " ment ia not yet Taos like ll'u.OOO is out a very plausible case, that, how- - , ,H. , V-T?",.- ' " '"""""' ' ' there. Xorthern needed to rover the last house. from ILI e "".T' Ins garrisons by moving , It io countiea are payroll, while only 10,000 ever lacks finalitv i V V their guns and Arriba already about will ' ' - W-r- lvt Attorney H. II. Hamilton j wherever possible, and now prosperous. This was the last place be on hand. Other month only about ChaHea v . Hackett review he uThom .V CM- s.rtkes Resinol wiB i fro'n " "' " in Xew Mesk'0, perhaps, give up JS.OQO is needed, but at the end of Beginning of Spanish fettlement in i ,hf ThiI.;.;h rnnm,lKm ,!rrtvd. crr',in " f?.r .vl,',."r' ox i he El Paso District bv Miss Anne Ur i . " ,r' ''?' tlrney an ni nope on crushing Fram e h the old clumsy cart, evidence.rof each quarter the salaries of supreme '""" - lv" 1 I i . . .. ,. . general. similarly which an occasional wheel may yet court judge and a iinhau fa f'nnl ll'llll'ini f a.. " 'now is tornina- on Russia.! number of other ii j Sam-len- stop Former Teriitorlal d that itch seen In .Now good paid Drannana "Thirty-on- e Year on thej vote Treasurer this battle must decide the fate be the district. official are and they must take and Chuvex, democrat :,057 i a uel Kldortt arrived today from Cha-- j of Hernumy' whole ndven'ure." The draft horse hitched to strong wagons their pot luck with the clerk. The is reprtniea grapnic ouni ttXtft'tlnir Viit i moment that Reiinol Oint- count unique three-da- y end carriaaes, will compare with levy for state purposes, which of a battmlhlm Hn f,,r'cLJ 't., , ment touthea itching akin, the I.oii v i u-- 1 ; ii W. Clancy! j those of many easdern communities. Includes salaries; only filled 78 per uriwrr i lilt? i its tt.iu v umitin urn A ;..!.. .. i .i u'l ri irnri fihi.h itriti.iN ii:couti:i itm i trhing turpa and healing begins. which he had witnessed with Kit Car. "' ",ra. "lnM ..ft today for Kl Paso for the re KTdllV IV ! III.: The crming of the railroad will bring cent of the appropriations. nuveff, ' That ia why doctors have pre-acrib-ed ;..,".". ana Mexico-Te- x son. ef the New t during u ... , : northern Xew Mexico In competition However, December, ample ,.,r ! it auccessfully fornineteen "Erly School Day In New Mex nae. boundary hearing. : Nov. (3:.1t a. m.) -I- ter- with settler from other sections, no fund will come in. The anomaly of an .Majority. ; . j ycari in even aovere end ico," I by of lin was decorated yesterday in honor atubbom the lecture Secretary ;. I doubt, yet will develop- the situation is that there la an ample ! Judge A. hasten the Hlchardson carried the HO. I Iml. IImImI .'of e,.r, "', cancsof eczema, tetter, ringworm, in State Antonio Lucero before the Fifth ill.l.. t,.l u.. - ...... '....!. I ment of a rich portion of the state surplus the hands of the state " J ,rl!J r,anlH ' The depart-- , in (o a C'.penhaK". raphes and ether tormenting, summer achool of the Palace of the ,TJ . , ! te' "ov' " rond. ..wMtni heretofore deprived of adequate treasurer and that most of the funds j j Governor. There are interesting ed- - ,L"'''L, ,rJ ' :,A' averner. ment of education will recommend diepatch to the Times. skin eruptiona. Aided by transportation. are overflowing, but the consti- " i that itorlal note, and communication ' ,Va" ' "date. Judge! to lhe ifpislature the raising of thej .Tlv Husaian loss, s, the t warm baths with Keninol Soap, The strip completed fe an tutional limitation keeps the salary ' carried hi betw-i-- n of road which closp the number There are p home county, j compulsory school age from 14 to U ay, are estimated at 4 lU slnoI Ointment restore the skin extension of tho Denver c Rio fund on the ragned edge so that every j 3 " against 319 S.imoi ! several half-ton- e illustrations on , T,',;v' year, so that It will cover all chil-- j an, men. or acalp to perfect T.a fine .7, health tnd trrandn Caliente awitch to once In a while, salaries can be paid i car- - ; from t'nted paper. . . V." "l " """ison aren between the age of 8 and 1. comfort, quickly, ""-"'- eaaily and at Madera, west. A only in part. The levie for other ' u i I'n-i-ii- t. fifteen miles station The next number, to b out the , neainsr it is argued that In many Instance,! Son . Is Rkli little cost, has been erected' Caliente and a purpose than general state purposes " i j . ' at middle of Januerv, will be especially , V. . the critical age at which the ''ant.i Fe, Nov. ;.ti.(oiO'ram h u " lUtlnol Soap and Seiinal new wagon road built, yielded 98 to more than 100 per cent Illustrat- j.oos. w u. nun one majority of leave schools In I.una county is the present Ointment alaa notable because of a richly children the John tlru wr p.mplei and blarkands. and La will be extend- of the appropriation. precinct missing, by r.41 as I H..1-- Madera the road ed article by Sylvan u O. Morley on nealnsl before comnletlng the uranini ir Holland hi, given his son. Clav i form a mnat val uabls kMiaehald tnaunant to na- ed fifteen miles "further the the carved corbel to be found In the grade. I'ndor New Mexico Industrial bind. The ram h is thirty-fiv- e miles t for wounds, boils, vilaa, ate, Sskt UK art, tional forest reserve where a Denver ADVERTISING MAN TO ancient chnrche nnd resiib-nc- of in judicial district, wilh con.lltlons but few find nay woi k . nn b. at of Demmg and I known as, by all drufgitt. rra , ' firm ha contracted for enough tim- Santa Fe and surroundinz. ,,n,n!' "liH missing, Harry I. ,i jf ttH.y i,.,. Hthool at so carlv the Hall and I'rid.- - ranch. ber to furnish the road with freight BE GIVEN CHANCE TO m . owen. republican, for district attor- - !:,n ...ire ..a 14 if n,... ,i.. ney, '-- for a period of twenty years. At La SvMcnt Being UcvisciL ! i v"'p ocorri , t h. ir may by ' SOMETHING GOOD enllie future be marred Madera mill have been erected to SEE '"'' l,,,ul or 2,9;'., ; OOOOOOOO Santa Fe. JSov. IS. The system of j Lj. Jl lr, the lack of the training that two II A 000 0000000 00000000 product to sev- l jiff IT Af furnish the finished certification of teachers ia being re-- j ,,'","" "e ",or, Tar" in ,Kh',"l v""t'' h,tve siv' I II lin To jauaNAtl "".,.:.,', Willi Hill eral western states, the distribution taeieiM. eoaaaaroNetNCt hosnis cast by the department of education mo.m vot them. Iiaiaaa illVl Buy Your being made from the Denver offices Sanla Fe. Nov. IS. Genera.! Adver . Valencia, a to . and mav hP rmhodied- in a statute bv i 1 " . , , 1 "r'ui.... v. t. , a of company. tising Agent Simpson of the! Rynia Fe !"....if of ff, rw in. u ti pn nuw inning ' .iiiiiiH'r i...... iiihi iiitiiiitao irj'tiiir the ! ' wa to vtf srtiyed i hl,h lumber,Glass,Painls Opening H Jlito Valley. system who ha en...-- . .h KnanUh.Amerlenn mJ"rl,'' th Vote from Santa Fe, Nov. IS. To the many i FOR THIS tih-t- !" il l - VUN A regular freight end mnil service day from Topeka, will not' arrive' teacher ia to be a provinion that I l"u" will not materially r accidents, wveral of which were fa- Friday, when will be rnet by d uce. reported In and Cement will be inaugurated about January 1. he graduate from a certain course in the j jtal, Xew Mexico this fall,' - j bringing Kl Ho Ashley Pond who will take ;hjm to apaniBh-America- n ha been added shoot- i Ojo Caliente and It Normal si hool at j (I the accidental The Price She Paid for Lydia g yr n fifteen-year-ol- Cliff Cities' park, to show riorV An-UL- D rt ing of d within speaking distance with the the Pajarito Kl Hito are to be given third grade 'I t I CHILD Clnnnco Hale,' At the e a-- big Fe. Is Com- - Mifside world.-Th- f;.mou apilnga him what a bet the Panta teachers' certificate without, further son of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Hale of EJ'inkham'tVegetable io PLATING j O Ojo which have been patronized f'.r missing by not featuring the Cliff examination: land those, who complete WITH MATCHES Klva, Chave county. Young Hale , pound Which Brought :o SUPERIOR LUMBER i t. hundred years nnd long known for Dwellings, rather than the C.rand a higher course, second grade certif- - J wtih hia father nnd school teacher, j IS ; FATALLY io now Canyon. i ' BURNED!! isw Mamie Head, and E. L, Fhil-- ! t'.r curative tuinlit'es, will re icates. ' Good Health. ! o & MILL CO. 1 accessible to many, an automobile Mrs. D. L. Musselman and Miss ' . lip, went out quail hunting in a two j !o 111., who were tae(cii eoeoNatMca ts jou.nau surrey. iine connecting the hotel with La Musselman of Quincy, 'seated In some uncxnllcable " I only )UOO0 0000000000000000000000 C DsnvNK Vs. have ipnttn away. Kl Rlto, visitors of the Museum of New Mex- Oliver r.u, vov. IS. Wh i ittniinirr iiih HiiftiKnin ii nwi nnii inn t ...... - Madera, four miles Playing cm dollttrt on your medicine and 1 leel 80 today, will leave tomorrow for AN OLD RECIPE the back porch of the! shot oiemert hi- - heart, death too, U preparing to take advantage ico - j Frljoles to be guests falnitl- h..oi.. .f ...t ...... much better than I of contemplate the Rito de lo , "okoiiou, iieien ing inwiintly.... Jieslile the parent who her opportunity ,and Khamberi.-iiid- did when the doctor of Judge and Mrs. A. J. Abbott at the daush- - ore frantic with grief, a younger sister building a wagon road over the j in i tcr of .Mr. und Mr. II. A. Chamber- - was treating me. I mountain connect with the rail- the House of the Ten Aider thej ri n til n to ntrii land, set lire to ' Hudson for Signs Cliff Dwelling section. ; t her clothe with a .Mexico twelve year ago. don't auffer nyj road about seven mile distant. The heart of the IU match and wa .fatally before j . bearing down pain3 In one Prof, and Mrs. Arthur wrigm oi UnlLNtlHIfl burned valley of the El Rlto perhaps ! Cleveland, O., who were guests in the the mother. aroused by the child' Stiwkmi n 4r2iinie fur rrrrtii-tlon- . at all now and I sleep ; of iho best undeveloped fruit districts M re-ir- n of agony, could come to Fe, .Nov. I cannot ay ; in the state, being practically free Rito tlie past few day, leave tomor- her aiiU In. The stockmen well. Wall Paper Puye. at rescue and extinguish the flames. (holding gracing- permit on (iila enough Lydia E. j; from Injurious fronts. Likewise, the row for Santa Clara and the the for The child lingered for twelve Vegeta- - Spanish-America- end of the Cliff Cities' hour. national forest met yesterday at Pinkham'a n Normal school, lo- the northern Sage Tea and Sulphur Turns registered Ing the distressing accident, be- - ver City and organized a protective CompoorKi cated will be benefitted park. Others who at the ble and if HUDSON at El Rlto, Bethune, 'fore death relieved her agonies. The ! aswx iation. for Picture. by reaching already located Museum today were II. A. Gray, Faded Hair Dark Certain detail of forest Uver run as uiey etudenta Mac-Arth- jbody wa brought of New York, and Mrs. W. O. here for burial, adminiatration were discussed and have done wa much Frames on railroads. Even its own territory being i or and Glossy. jinteiment made in Catholic to i with and Mis Jenny Linn, the recommendation sent Washington I am enjoy- - this year has furnished it the - forme. largest history. Carlsbad. ( I oiji.o..., Kt,.iig I .'KI'lUltollR Hiing good health now and owe it all to Fourth St. and Copper Ave. in Its ' enrollment ' I Mr- - Chamberland I chief clerk and the total of for, number cattle that in wil- Sage! 'be Krnestine Mining company tie your remedie, I take pleasure Conway Inspects S ncfglnn Certainly Mils He Hungry. Almost evervone knows that at fhoUbl permitted to graze on the lud. properly compound- - ! Mogollon. ing my friends and neii'hbors about County Super- 18. To the ship- Tea and Sulphur, forest range. Panta Fe, Sow 19. Santa Fe, Xov. ed, bring back the natural color and) them."-M- ra. Mattie Haley, 501 Col-- I intendent V, Conway,, accom- ment Mexican beana from New w I John of lustre to the hair hen faded, streaked Uig Sale of lYiilt Trees. Apix-a- l IWmitt quhone Street, Danville, Va, shipment of, - hiibmlttcd. panied by Carl Bishop thia afternoon Mexico are to be added erav- also ends dandruff itching! .s t n I u J.".. Voir Ifl r.Mn ! and of the 8ana Fe, Nov. K. n. No woman utTering; from any form BALDRIDGE inspected the rural schools in froxea cottontails ana jacraoon on record j Wright ..Mia; submitted the" LUMBER Rish-op'- s comes tne Zl to fed or female trouolcs should k) hope un- COMPANY about Agua Frla, goius; in Mr. the proposition which from ' was reported today.""from La a Crucea, i aflopteo. "LrFJin rnnke it m home, which Is erul court the two appeal bonds plains country . automobile. ,S eastern onrl whcn X. Medcliiit' and Arsenlo Ou which if approved by Judge W. 11. ROOFING with 15- - , suggest rabbit m.issv troublesome. The jsetiuirs there rex, l Nowadays we simply ask at any j tier Mexican refugees, who have Pope at Alburiuero,ue tomorrow, will Ivte New Mexico of drive Vhich will rid drug store for "Wyeth'a Page and Kul- - purchased the Guadalupe Am arete This famous remedy, the medicinal! JfCflr QUZTHmtt. aame time give liberate from the penitentiary Loo pe and at the phur Compound." You a large j of which are derived the will g"t ranch, purchased a.OSS apple and Moy and Ham lice, convicted of con-pe- ar ingredients trie Netglana nbblt meat to eat. Half bottle for about 50 cents. Everybody from and herbs, ha tree for planting. j spiracy to muggic Chinese into the native root fort of wire mesh are to be use famous reelpe, Lecause . i . . i circle barrier this old. l iorxy years proven t most vaiua- - j dark-ene- 1'nited State. Titn liiinifcmon lin tutiei mounted' hunter are to no one can possibly tell that you d lit placed and . e i,tip uiKiiraiice t o. Admitted. Wyoming. tie tonic and inviporator of tlie fe-- j your hail, as It dooji it so natural- DUKE CITY up the country for mnes arounu He, - cSk beat . aritii KaJ The state cor- . male organism. Women everywhere ly evenly. You dampen a sponge 1. ; and porati. for rabbits. br soft brush-Wit- it and draw ti:i oiDm!siori today admitted Cattle for Xew Meibo iCangcs. bear willing; testimony to the wonderful Cleaners-Hatte- rs . through your hair, taking one small the' Central. States! Life Inauratu-- Hanta Fe, Nov. 18. Thousand of Lydia E. Vegeta- Conine Marrh-d- virtue of Pinkham'i PKmiinent jistrand at a time; by morning the gray company of t. Louis, Mo., to do busi- - cattle are being imported thi week ble fjompound. 28 W. Gold PUone mem N. M., Nov, U.-rJ-oJa - 4f Silver City. aifappeara. anu ap- nes )n ?Mexieo. Mex- - - nair iiih aiioiner ..ew ,at Columbus, Luna county, from A COl'511 a member ot eJonra- plicatien or two, your hair become . ' fortv-iw- yon t mird. .mfl - ' w A total of o ...r ram.. If have the doubt ID'S McKem Mercantile compans jrj xy oeautiiuiry aar. mica ana glossy ana t nnmeo, thnt Lydia Vefret-bl- e inr a Ji miner, is Ahno-ver- from a far south and bron- M-- s a WM. w the entering wedge for a and Ida May noerfoa. jou woman who ha rais- lo be distributed on New Mexico Com pound will help yon.wrltf The FARR COMPANY ..v.,.., Of Pioneer f ami ,Sn, ed a family will remember instance chitis, pleurisy, pneumonia or one the ' range. Twenty Terraxa t at- to Lydia IM'inklutmMeilicineCo. Wholesale and Itetaii Deolara In Rolled ftaHey ts one of the i- -t where, she haar prevented neriotiK car of mis-tak- no, Frisco valley. wete'raarU g FRESH AND - But is a e of the grairm j tle arrived on Tuesday. Last week (coniidential) Lynn, for ad- &LV MEATS consumption. it 1 for feed Out ran ho sickness right eterdy. Key. t 1 Isaiah!. the medi Sausage a Specialty to take alcoholic mixtures ried here Methodjrt We liave Jn unlonleit two, rwr of cme at: hartd ready for instant uae ,00 bead of cattle were entered at vice. .Your letter will 1h oikiici, of the Firi j Hogs pills thejr leave land, pastor the iicarKxt. white Itol led Ilariev when needed. 'A common cold can be Columbus for Ariuona read and omrwered by n. wurnnfl, For Cattle and the Bluest or drugged performed the ceremony. to ' u.-- k prop- - church, that ever fane thi market. For runii in moo .)iii iy wnen J and held in atrlct confitlence. Market Fricee Are Paltf. the system weaker than before. They will live at Alma, following a several year the ric ha been too erly treated n goon a the cold has l. - e contra-te- ' SCOTTS EMULSION Is taken wedding trip to the Pacific coasL Liich for but can make I Ik- prii-- been Instead of waiting! by becaaae - '" of !. IT k Hntil it has become nettled in the v. j thonsanda of aiiiwrc it Ttmi nnmeof and aee how yonr tt-- Yon will find DRUMMER N Claos to Ijpiht, thk ChamVrIain's ALLEYS eold aod bttilda np Santa Ct Hik-ke- n Cough Hemedy rrlieret the l Nor, IS. The ew. borne reiMi it and epec1alty erTicacion; Santa Fe, - j FOR EXERCISE. Cement-Plaste- traiftnbyhelpuictheHootL V : r"ff"t Improre. t grain ir. ca if col.i tird eronn In chil- .LUMBER notified postmaster-tha- Tis alo the het for r department ha rablMts, anil Hie prict only I..V dren. When given a child . Deal Risk Sabatitata. Vllf lettcre ad- r ioi the they may deliver - v Try raxae of ten pine, perack. become hoarse, which t the first i Albuquerque Company Claim to local char- F- SOS Lumber Dtla8cU'EMlrioi dressed to Panta - W. FTF. symptom of croup, it will prevent the . Went Gold. 42.1 Ji II2-:il-2- - ity organization. W- Atp. attack. For sale by all dealer. North First Strcrt ;

i NOVEMBER FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, 9, 1914. " STILL HO DECISIOH 0 G !MRS. UtneARET AT ASCOT MURPHY aiEfWOSrilJ LLrBYTU ARRIf jTOII ,v . Kirru: UV i Inlutli-r- s ... .,'itii T. t..ilHiMO jni.Ml Ulllooii .pinnliK, SmiIvf , i ITi'l""'"I vla i.ori- - Iijili.iin I'ny, J,t., Xkv; Knf.l.Mnl. JSv. I M ii.iii, lliirinl'iil Irtit9. siiiol.. ':tt,. Ihi-- J mni-ki'i- i'i- -I in-- 1 7; p, ) invi'roil with I HAS SANITARIUM SITE If AUTO TRUCK MOT LOjttl MARRIED l I.iiimIiI who riih Ibr . don, I'l in Irilrlrliv. MICE booM. of NorihiviHlriii hl.M'k linlii'A'n. I'nWiil Jm lt fuiil. wllh his iimlj 132, bi'lHfrn Itrii'lu.ilo iiml Itiilliilnl, jwTvIrn hut '! l,H' HI'.M S l W AMI Mt.'IIT Mnr- - nt 4 nVloi-- thin moriiiiiK. hlmt iinil.lm roni.iininu tho IhmIv nf I'iihl ' Im bv f..,.il., ...... (..,!,,, I,, r I!.. i iw.liU mI. ..I I or1 ItolirrlH of K :i lulu Im r, now, ii new Wiiy. It HuHietl4ii(; 111 CUR AFFAIRS UNTIL PJEXT YEAR YET AT PERALTA TO DURAPJD ItllMllllll ly ,M.i 0. J...... I. ii . I... . ., lu.l,.., Vi...u I.. .1... II r,i In IliM llloili ut dilfert'iit. lutimm, I i wlrkly KUiellinit . ... j ... j ...... i.j..ii ih.k i'riiii ripniyn or milves or or vi'ii ironi i ir in. . iv" j i. "ni".i ui"i m. ii. .No cranny nppur-itti- f i'iht i' fumllN iron inn. iilnmlz.r, uliorily iiftrrwiiril from Ihr woiiniW snlilirr '.m w ont b riuulurl of any kind, Xotlilnt: '.o Kiiuike h Is iin.l the hi nlsi fi In? H'hrn i.r.iyiTn.'jiDil in hi' ihcro v:' q Inhale. No gteiirtiiiiB or ruhljlnff ! ; or .injertii.nn.., r;.i eijp.'O''ity or 'Cliuhby Chai lie's' Weight Ap - Dit octor General of Loyal Or - j Eugene Kempenich, Chairman Friends V' ourpiibtu , Bonnie f in end rinif the ciiIioohp the tiumlilij ;'fcV ii.fllii nrrivi il from rii;ivll. or iiiiiKKu'ei powder; no Vi.n-ii- i Hum' ni n. Th. plnHterx; keeplns: In the bonus paiont in Rcteiilion of der of Moose Mnkr-- This1 of Valencia County Com by Announcement 'of Nup ordereil the imssenKi'iK In hold tin l,v ir.iin nlli no t'on-(lliei- simpli their hunilH nnd b r.ih to i!nnt. (. r. niony wlileh follow, d ':m N'oililiiK of Ihnt kind ut all. Koine in WHM I, n. Grounds; Baseball War Statement; Only Tkrecj missioners Will Meet Crew tials El Paso Last Friday: lii'Miolil.s niinle n dive for the In tlje (Xili'loe. The o. lflll ni ' ' ' 4 a . . 3 . ' (' ' II. Ii' ' 'jnl'mlii nri 'l hi ibe lU'lit Jfiutii y from I.V lil.l(i)ew'.' of (In liHe lily Stages Considniod Now. ; Thi'ie. to Hoiod :i(V . win ri on. f: Mm; i iriiint' ' nrtdutt'ibt sl.It Is Ul Mx llolf!.!', t,; I.mly lire xi iir.' for I lidit, hlli f lolMl i:.ii. ,! ln,fii whA il iniliriAjed.. - uhi.1 :i r.i e''.'ii ( jniin who eiH.niulrUrr a.. urliU- f 1.1 i Ki tli-- r ScWh .1 b tr WbMiM JAUDNH HirUL lllirt !' ilnlv llir. i ii m ri'iuiiln In llii t'nl II K. I!. biirniil yi of the murri:i.'e of tine?ir J. proiiMiM bin iniini enre, hut refuse!! to privilt'Ked I'ricndH MIfllU'll ( lil' Nov. ) n - I Miiiiiirhim, iifti'iiiooii Oiirnnd, Mm. ii'i, H'vl'f'itinl ninnliiR for ihf M'lour tinliiy from Knitrnc of thin rily, to Murun bin inline, wax Hted Imp today th.- - f Awnt. Chicago league slvi iiiri ruior ti cling the National Junii'i J. Iiiivk. rtiri'ftnr niinrnl i'. pinlih. (hnlrmiin of th bour.l of ret l.nhmnn, of fiber City, three miles mirth of ('llnior" City. t hi h ii ml thri.ualv It the stale of the l,ijii! Mmmc, told l'til-ib'li- t f oniliilff ioniTN of Viilriirln rminlv, Irt Kl I;iw FVtt VrMliOT, n ill.j-tln- it ti lirilir of cnuie ul INDICATIONS OF ! bic.rl.nll war existing between the il. Ciichiniin of lh'" t'onuiirr-ria- l lint ih moior trm k hml nrprlHe o Aibiiiiieriue (.m-let- SEE? . M . , t Mi' I fili-ni- i league fii'l the i in the i yi'NirVilny ut not ! rpiirltfil 1'iirnltk. Mr. Kcm-riPiut- , A TEN PERSONS. .BURNED prtl lnh rnninliiK yemrdpy., r, . . j , BKicxiiiem'-MMrt- u fuel lol- Thcy'sr1 W'firl w It National Fi rnllwny niatinn.' wim t'i ii oril hrn rtnl'' Thi nmrrliiey aolcmnired ni IN REFORM "SCHOOL" ..p. ls;-. , Mmii'O, ('hIumiIii dint Arliniiii. t'olom l Krllrrn rtl'l r.ot hnir from li'ir. Id o'l liM'k in the mornlnn nt tlie, ' . i WISH s ; ' USV ri.nt.tIO I'int ; t Iti revelation that Mr. I'mvih w,m hT for hrlf? nn miin. , ;,' hiil.of Mranil Mm. II. A. f'nrpn-- 1 ,m ' hnv-tn- it - : V MORMIha JOUMNAL tPKCIAt. annii. 19 (1:13 l hnil.a W. Murphy, despite his hour. th- of th hoiin'l Th trnrk, nrhfilnloil In rrlic ter. In I'iiwi, Mr. Knter, rer- - LtAStO limilim.'Niu. " n..)Tb. i'l hrc i:i Hev. per- In W x' btvn 'ousted'' last winter, still has (.'nllfortiin llinllfil Uluy. Hm'.ilrn Mr. y Hlrrdiiy, hh. hiillrd by broken tor of t. 'iniint'ii Kniaropul rhuirh. Miirf.innu, Mil., Nov. IK. Ten rotri-sponde- of the Times - j . were to today Indi.ationi, h l.irgp Influence among thosp direct- t'lmhriiiiii, '.( 'pliirv Tom l'.un. It. V, hrhlKo near I.os l4unn Ai offlrUitinsS; If na tjniet "nfTnlr, only sons burneif demh here Plunders relates further a ilrmroyrd tnajn hulldlnR retreat fmii irtif lh i lnh'd affairs; linn came Wiley of the rliib'n publicity bureau, iiuU'jnolilln purty from Albii(iirrii' a few Inilmnto, fHendu heiim pre:enl. ' when fire the .f an Iripenciliigiermnn dlw-- u of Kloridii reform xPhrton Neiirly they hip holding. The! hing new nnd hurled P of n former Atnior Hcllfru and mimy mem. the triick rrrw'ii plight nl 1 it nnnAt mutin i r the the' line difrtrent,' sometblinr Tat's nrir ir r 1. j it 'aIM.-'- by cllmbinh-ouernu- ' has be' ii move' Iightful unit- healthful, . hing In Wppghmairs Iii'rn Mr. Dnvln. hroilKht thn liiforiiuition Imi k. The " bos JKUiped transport. he soinei brink Charles of thr ordfr HiPidrd i.nd .Mrs. J'uri..,d retoini'd In sa, do4 ho-i- nidex pn'iit nsiantly suecessfitl. Vnu not hfM' nf Tuft In- - Mr. lit .MufiBi. would noi In n IIih 3 , n through n xhyllKht Knd down the bark sevprnl miles at different luitlor for ibe purchase Iin'.ln mi tin biiiltrn bi'lnn repaired and nr how nt home nt .o wait, pay Niifoly, xtory biiibllngM on fire ex- - ,an. mininar 'f roads has hrei and linger mid riuf a f j tn the club, mill thud was the! link n lioinm or gift of any kind. ttm k. vii rfXk" Ni.itii Ktfthy iHjjf , of the three the. money. Vt'M i past iot of tan stop tt over ! upon . W liir- -. en pea. xuo-- ipd oiil ' exienxively in the first definite announepinrtit Hint j to t.r uiHile colrlv ill Mark Tup I The bride, a lull Ive of Vlrclni i, hni .light and I w'ill slailly t'?l you Itresnnhan would be manager of th" niflllH of the pllirei H illlnlltli' Mr. Ki'llipenllll Hellel.i Acrordinir to a xlatemcnt few days. I I). I ii not a (rer told I'ololiel lived III New Mexlrn for u number of correspondent th. iimv Itl in doctor nnd 1 91 5. j mill iidvMiitiiura. to C.overnor Triimnipll .iroiditig to the is not a pre. lh.. Oihi. In , othrr Hint lie, would nlvo u lilniu'r for the rurs 11 nd .tins on 11 prominent so- - j .his doctor's fw ft'll-lla- gunx lati - j I Ml - by Aeting Siperinle.Liit of lu aji y P.r'.ilxh of HTlptinn but am cured my Murphy's Influence became sppur- iw Vol bl ni; llrnirr. Ht J'ernllii. He will lic- I posllll.p. "I'h. Is arrival nnd trnrk Ttri rlu HI'Ooiii oliv of bp surcps t Xlle Will be llei Ided Upon lit tile . Tell, all flip rum pp. d.ii'K fli thr has done niiu h towards deiiioralizlni rieiuls are riired, and yogr..v ent in the nf hi fight krep The ,.,,nnij :v tli"m III thlx rllv mid attend , l.tHinexs m n, ' ' len.liiifr gunx arp becom- ure.l. Yopr sulf'Jlng Will , xrr ornn'i'cd Were (leimaux, whose stop! at t ho Cut on their west side playing niitlonnl .miveiitlon to be held next in(l dinm r te J.e tlven by Ibe New brlna; New tlon where dealhx. the ' Retiirnl uncut for MexieOj worst heavy wpiii mm like' magic. ' ' 111 w It half-owne- ; In Hmi The m rluiu M snnl I lorked when Ibe fire whs dixeovcred. ing much the for mind, of he Is a yer l)le. n!ti "nico Automijlille hxmo. intlnn and of Kuiiwim City Life i i Arltnna the ; am iti:i vtn' t ax im: nti:i j ) Bn lecklexs use. Mh holding site rommltlee of five will report tut n II Ix I0111I. I . - 11 flnvetnnr Ti'iiinmell hnx axked for froiv I.) It Mr. Taft the oilier half, gjur'M in Ijo'wl iiui ni li.. (.(unhntil- fl ml huH U'lfl.'l Ml' mi in h n flllliy "s, ti (iip. It - ( tn. n. coipmlttee mny de. ld. ', CAp.iii.l Isel'lern' w J . my , iQtiul. i in roaming- from 'iiiriimmt Mutphy j The bile on n hunting rlrele ofMfrltMs '''who' UI PMend ii'vrstlsation nude mr II IiiH'i! j soma limp In ndvunipuf the meet Inn, j p Th fire ix . tlfouclil t.j fVe been ni Ii. anil all. wrni mv lcliir4 h" bance , for ''vek met the, new. ill" J on't;inllntj.iii;n him., TOOK WITH. HIM; GOOD tlr' '" xl;;'i'-P- Alll TV fij.v), Ire ittl(ilt;i ir.n.lo Wefgmtin' but Hh derlB mi will not be iib.lute. ltd tliat Intend'to " ennpeh by thPfjfpbifidrf rVn'oiM.. nip bill ing lino lbs .National ,.:irn lliey me Pen. w,iih. I. nn, Hlt.1 ill mil IniMh j 11 la nun flr-t.- . battue rluh. Mini thin wiiii ronfll Hied iioweier, iiiiiuiy prnusnia ', the tiifi lin". to divert .traffic Com tlje floor. , RECOMMENDATIONS nut, il.Ktfitit.uK liiiiiiin mstlv: rn my lev...) -t ' ! ; J i u UJL flea; Sl'sd m .1 1 , Mi I'fl I III In lit.. (i.oit utt- by Mr. TBfl'n aiitiouni j him renveniiou win r''. me Ilia 'Miirol iron, 'f " ff tl ITT fl iWnji I mlltf-p'- repoil. This InforniHtlon Ml. ( ' n. li:. fiinl n.i .imp iiiit. ihnt negotiations were ended. j i,fvH ,l GOOD lIUDDY 11 PART sle.Al.lLIAata W.SCl ; I'll-- li) .1111 iicnl '1 h''W; J i kii.i t l inrl It '4 tirjni re in J Tlavlx CoinmPn liii Huh offi-- I tt'W i th ' CityU .:A4v. I.-- - Murphy a Herald, i gnf J M.rta.aia' Ali. is si4!iu:v'- ti.viw,iii. .? nvnini Is thp IHego GEhMAlf w'fe'.-(loat- rers. lie on wtiy to Hun The ratibanille-l'arl- l "r mid IHxIe flv (juAKtERS Dr, J. W. C.. Martin, whose f lh.- .li an. nlBiii li whs .'I it'v ypi Finally Murphy stated poxiilvey j eon-- j mrHy s'lpeing my liullty. to miike ariiiiiKiMiients for the erlHnd routes will be tapped here. III Pianelxeo is the subject that llrrstiahnn would succeed Hunk Sun Mm I I. .mt a . tin, nn.l .ni i e.i iv trillion, - - invextiuHtlon, wax :i O'llny aa west nidi- - pilot partial The follow ing- I i, eun-lo- lecail faV MOSN.NS JOUSNAl ISIC.AL D WIKI of a coroner's till yil sl.'.ut It 1'riKi: Write n.r j He Kiivp, Msxiirnni'p thut Albinpur-- I . ' wns'lx-jaup- d "A pruetliHiig phyxlPlun In Oklahoma .. of thin runic lim-- when IfiMrliwiiy iixNorlHiion bulletin Ignition, Nov. 'I Cl:22 lfa. in.) ipie b id not IohI any prestige with the absences, i: i:. r liy jpxtprdny by Col. i. K. H, ago," suyif the )iaily Mali's City except for periodical ihsk .ii sr President Thomas was ropicslod j ! wriUi y. ui" i rommlitpe l.y not sending h rpre-- llei-maji- It avti.l ii. i iii'iii.'j, .Iii"i .'l h. ..i.l telephone, lluiikilk eorresponilent. "thp for four years, leaving here .arly Tn ft, over long distance to aenliitlvp tn lienver laxt week. i.l, Iris en S.v: "I) or Keiii 14. lren-io-OerH- n from tile HH4. . I. you eiu-.-r- vnur l.rlnit Prrsnnhan to I'lm Inniitl, there Hut. lihiMoli, Kim., Nov. iiotlrd that the fire y Oitv.: I'lvasa letl m tin- - hoiiH- Martin I ft iiklahom-Cit- ' 1 mine," Thnt's to tomorrow n special meeting highway acroxx the dme In Kngll.'ii worships apariM When Dr. miirili mm h.nv niii 'i ine attend .1 1'. s:iv, J W ill UlldclMliind. nn. I , Mlddt'lkerku, hp with him recommenda- ill y.'.l lie. juplendid on the xea front nt took ' lilfor-nali.'- nf the Cub directors and discuss term rondltlon. .Slurb travel. t will t.i V'MI 'wllh .emplrls Among the Bowlers BACK BY STATE up ipiarleis in from congrexxmen. Judge of the write nii'li'r nhirll hi- - wnuht liikf nvi-- r tht lood weather. H. H. Taylor. whereupon they took tions Ki:i;i: mi ..nrr. tin not rtclny. 1 of the state "I- a t"- - I 13. good This fart beeame known district court, member Spurt .unl wtlls mr Istlfr HIM ii.ik ' lll n Itaton, X. M., Nov. Itoada them. - i..lsl HOW TIIKV STAM). i I'.ritish, who suddenly bonihard.'d pinpoint ion. commission Hnd metn- l y think .f lurnins thla pints from Trlnliluil to Las Vpriix. H. C the - wnnn Wizards 22 prison board of unlit y hi bH ufUfit f.r this 'rial II ) thp houses from five ships at nnee. her of the state )"U man li i iiki.i;h u:i;.m w iti:;iti th Sprrry. aiipli- Hilt .an "I" Hub!, IS 12 used, In an - .ais N. L, Nov. 14. The C.erninn raxualtles wpip trol to be he slated. in s .l,,.- f,,r- - me. U ll MI ST (OMIM i; Santa Fe, r.oad - TIIT C. C IR 12 for Signatures Hip pslimiitpd a prison physicians poxi- from I fix eiruH to Albifiiero.up In mous. dead alone beiiiK ration for sM K AT.. Suite Alton. A, A A 20 1.1 HOC In t hltflgn. III. j at 1,700. Hon California. P!2: Sllcliluii Ave.. Chl.ago. Nov . I N, lex Wergh-I'egri- 't fine rondilion for travel. Weather Colts 17 1 .515 man expressed lit the sudden bright and clear.- -- J. A. Fien. n, stale I N. M 14 l .424 j mm In vrntx. engineer. ' IHiinta ! 12 1 .4(10 County Clerk Walker yesterday A ' N'ov. 17. i)cean-lo-i)ie,- "Mr. Mirriiuinn nnd I worked bind - lbiutieriup, Co 12 1 .400 a It. i rrr.n; ."rrrr'rr;- of to end the war between the leagues, Llbt highway from AlbiUHieifinp by Hoys Is IJ :0 .391 Hlate Antonio l.ucei'o, saying; that he mid I will ready In Hie event some Pecker to Socorro and MaK.lnlena In le tlroerrs 1 3 20 ..194 was returning the poll books hernuxe other plan prexipl Itself Hint will splendid condition, with the exception j Judges of election and clerks had to fight to an 1" 'Hint dmr iir five! mile are u little tend brimr the end," vy, Amis' 41.IMH I 1114 KM. j failed to sign the rertifirates. rullv b iween llcrker nnd Socorro. Will A. . A. WIN Til It MO ..Klertloil officials In- other enmities Mr, j i Ideal hurt much travel in Wregliman denied an assertion - ! committed the same error. large Weather The 1. K. It. libellers b Murphy thai he hud never held tin The Albright Anderson team pf number thut failed to sign the il.oth directions .j j l.nuiiiado, N. M., Nov. 14. The option on the Cubs. Handicap How ling leimuo proved ilfKatex undoubtedly was duo to the at ii good nnd ilry from Mag.lalena Mr, Jan will Hear out trim nis ,.,11H t(1 lm, ,,IHK rrraiini the fart thi.t no blank spaces were desiff-- , road is I to SprinKervllle. .Muny ouloa have thai bave an option." be sold. , wirards' ruili toWHtd Hist mone; by nn led for s'gnntures as has been cus- - j Tiei'p " r passed through, and thpy have ! wimilmf nil thrie uninrs of tb.-l- tomary. The poll books, which eon- - no trouble-.- AnasluHo lluca. : II PI i;il. HM.MIIS IIMIH ImalHi nt the lii'iimmer alle.NS l .sd lain the i erllflcale.n, were printed by had "Band Ex-- the Outer A 12. I Save l I I I A Springerville, Xrn., Nov. nl Ml sil ls l l, M. ululil. the slfttp. i i cetii loiinl rains during Inst few days The scoie: Mr. Walker said he did not recall i i very .Mow Cb vi land, Nov. ler Inspect- A, & A. 1 2 3 Tut. that the officials In any precinct In have made roads slippery. ever, r I ll.i'liirook drying out ing ibe proposed slip for a Federal Iry .,..221 IKS 201 I'.OI lieriiallillo enmity, with the exeppt'on to Pleasure and Profit Combined! iengup j fast and should be in fair condition bascliiill park In Cli vcliind, CoKgesliell . . ,.I7 aor. im f.29 pf Chlllll, had signed. 2 j I a days, ii. 'Pecker. I'n ftiib nl Juniis A. tillinoie of the Itobi rls Mill I.-.- I HI! r.3( The hooks life to be returned by ex-,- In lew IS, - I While lliver, Ariz,, Nov. 12. Rtill bag lie, It. Ward and W. ):, Uobln- lie Lorlnicr . ..ISO ISO H2 IS j press. Mr. Walker will get them j bad, Top moun- -' son of the Itrooklyii and lluffalo Fed- - Weldiivter .ISI 11 177 ,",PJ probably today. Owing to the fact raining, ponds of era I league Hubs, respertlvi ly, slaletl that more than 0(1 officials will have tain soft. W. M. Peterson, Supcrln- -' (bis (ion 27.17 proh-- 1 trnib'iit Fort Apache agency. Inle afternoon that no decision I Totals . .... sr.7 tiiiii to be seen the commissioners: would be announced tinAl Ibe rrgiilnr Wizards ably wll employ a messenger ft.r the Flagstaff, Arlx., Nov. II. Ponds in ' Bond condition, throughout Coconino Hireling: of the leaKlie In In ceinbrr. ffa Vties . . !r. u.i nr. 4."." purpose. f,17t I county, .cloudy and threat-(enln- M.llanlels , 177 Weather ..i:i i7. - JOHNSON AGREES TO (lot!.. ., ...171 14S !.-- BILLS OF LADING MUST No tain so far, Northern Ar- J. Wilson ir.7 its Motor Co., by J. W. Francis, j I S3 I r. 3 nv. n.-- FIGHT SAM M'VEY IN 1', Wilson . I...1B2 fix BEAR REVENUE STAMPS! A,riz". I) II J l It t( l 1.1 fine In every direc Handicap . - en Ponds condition HAVANA IN tion ii. 'his region. No storms or APRIL! Notlc- - was rec.vved thp nt Santa hnd weatbT so fur this month; Pres- Totals 832 S3 S32 2432 Fe railway offices yesterday to here ent IndU-alb-n- are good for genuine lay ioussai. asieiAi, iiAa wiaat require special stampN on all bills nt New Vurk. .Nov, I .lohnsnn, Arizona v taithtr balance, nf month. RECORDS CONTINUE lading beginning Pcremhcr 1. The j W. W. Pass, ihe heavyweight ihmnplon, has uc. rhlpppr must buy stamps. ... the One ( leenn-tn-Ocea- u niM fight j Highway Associa- ei pied ter for a with Sam TO CRUMBLE BEFORE cent is the rate for each bill. Thlx 's .11 tion. . AlrVey, Haiaiia. it was announced re.iuiied by the federal act crestim lioxlng promo- - SIX-DA- Y unlay by I'illy tillmon, RACERS special revenue on uccount of the war ver. tlibson. who Is ailing as repir-- ! AMERICAN RED CROSS of fporting men, wntallve ll.ivaiin lav Moasisa jousNAt. asccub LiAtaa wish ITALIAN I FINE STATUE RECEIVES "I i a Id be his reielvid a lublearnni from New York, No. IS. Sprints lor $850,000 Johnron agreeing to an offer of $"0,. money prizes caused the miles to be IS ON DISPLAY TODAY ti 0 for the mat. h, win, lose or draw, j reeled off rapidly in the six-da- y lav soasiN joushal asiciAk wiaai or r.0 p.-- cent of tlu- inoil'ig pb turpi tacp tonight and records kept New York, Nov. IS. loContribu- - Hrgitiiiing this" - j lights. Jnbrfi n sliHllalr.t Hi falling while linileis In Ibe inc.. wen-- morninu: nnd con- tains of more than Ssr.O.oOil have been j I tinning (mitt rnnsl Itikcn plHcc in Apt II b.'lng repi atedly lapped. At I for three, there will be j rerelved by the AmerKaii Ited Croxs j ! I,-- on ill.iplay at the Maiirlnu City Mar- - ; o'l lo. the let) leaders bad made j for. relief work In Rurope, nccordingr i; I ble works a - j to- - 4 4'. miles and si laps. Inning d'.'nw'i marble statue represent- to a report issued by the society WIN i p Mug Simla Fe. The ha.-- st'il Im ih. r awav from the r mi.iiti'n'-fiv- the monument was day. Of th's amount IHO.I.OOO ; Each package . V a' Imported Is! A X . IN RAGGED EXHIBITION tennis In the furio'is sprlntl'tg. limn Cnrrarn, Italy,, and been expended. The report describe Tboiiias and llanb y re the mod lone of the finest works of art ever what has been done Willi the money of this new Double Strength fortunate of trailers, losing iclv brought Into the state. A general In- -' and supplies donated. Among Ihe Peppermint av Maasma iouassi ssicial itiaio wtsii the one lap, laps l.e-- ; , ltiitloii ) Issni-- by Mr. Maui Inn to! suppll were Siicr.tmenlo, Calif., Nov. Is. n a pulting them two 's sent abroad - the public to view the stntue. ' flavored chewing gum is tagged nnd teuHireless exhibition the hliiil the lenders. Mitten and Amb'i'- pounds of absorhenr nnd wrapped in a wen- lap- - " Ainc-Ichi- son and the lledell brothers 7 ,',"1 bent cotton, gau?.e and bandages, difcaied the All- - i - twenty baseball tourists here led iy, ped and were thr e 'apx to tin MUNICIPAL LEAGUE pounds of chloroform, Plercy piiulpments of the W l.i 4. rear. nnd Pupitv nnd Lorsl surgical J"nlted l WILL URGE hc.i-.-p- and Hansen were losers of ips PASSAGE States army standard, 5,000 typhoid , i: ii. i: tb'ei were toward n mile baci: of vnceine treatments; other mate- - A met leans 1 12 ti and mil OF SOME NEW LAWS and United Coupon t ; thp ling ten. rialx. sharg Nationals S II 2 Id : wax 1,4 11 The American Patt.-rbs- Mit.hcl ami Henry; The (or the hour of the I t League j j James and Killif.r inll.'S i.nd one uia.le l.y Waltho. That the of Municipalities In Paris and its' maintenance good for valuable presents. i nnd Collins la- -t ear. will be active again when the legis- - est about $300,000. lat Is re- - I ivd M.'i klc Mairleil. tire meets shown In a letter SHEPPARD'S RECORD eclved l.y Colonel Sellers from Slaver DEBUTANTES PLAN TO j lirinil ttapldw. .Mich.. Nov. IS . BIG, j J. 3. Shtiler, of liaton, president. " It's a nickel's worth Ple.l C. Mcrkle. fltsl of 'b.-Xe- without the FOR YARDS CUT Mayor Shulcr snyx he Is preparing a AVOID EXTRAVAGANCE Yolk Nullonul league busebrtll 500 list of laws needed by cities of the coupon, for Hub. was in.'iiiied last night to M BY MEREDITH that tasty, cooling, soothing P.I JED state. iar Moasma jousnav asactAi. vkaid wtaa litbel i.w iisiui, 01 Te.Miuiseli, MU'i, ' Cohuief Sell rv, when mayor, was IJaltlmore, Aid.. Nov. 1 Thirty- - j i.o.n.g-i.a.s.M.n.- g. The iinnounci nn et of th,. wedding' , navor is ar joumnai. artciAL laAaao ansal j vice president of the leugtie and rop-- w w It has lots of Mr. Mer-kl- e four of the debutantes ho ill make was made to.lni. and Mix. New Yolk, Nov. K. resented the orsani.atlon two years with- - , Will reside In Toledo, ball tvJamrs Ibrlr bows to Hallimore ocIety - the -, ; "Pep!" : Meredith, wearing the colors jtigo .it he legislature. He was in- lii the next few weekx. have- signed player's home Hip 111 - of Meadow brook Athletic associa- stninifiitnl iMferling tin- passage of w ah- - :.:rr?'. an .agreement hich insures im tion of Philadelphia, .m r,mt- - I bills iff iin porta 111 p to c!tles.' the sctue of rivalr' In elegance ill their j I ui.l iHMi.iiloii run 11 ml . J I e ii u y respective social 'functions..' mid J You get double value thefcoupon-S'-pleasur- e l I ecllng. sh iticr.-- qhi'i inileor n yord al tho irl ltlil of That pIcilKes their families" wig; Tun limy bsirii sontethliiK from ihe the signers and athletic carnival h' Id at tlrr Kiysi' to refrain from extravagance' in eh- - i expcrleneo of Mrs. William Troute, regiment in Newark, tonight, " ' " and profit for Pils nrnioiy tertalnmciits. i the whole rmlyjt ... , . ... '...... llion, N. Y.. who was sick for a long ' ' today' j . . Him from u. badly disordered Annotinccmont was made a seeonn 01. iiiai, lowering iy ine 1. h "I felt all of the "in view (if the widespread misery mark which was set by Mi Ivin Shep-- j lime," she w rites. "I w ax tired and caused by the war tho debutantes Double wrapped, to Remedy J d, A bottle pai had no appetllp. friend advised me have agreed that the entertainment up its Peppy to take 1 did Chamberlain's Tablets. to. be given by wilt he free from ; so and my appetite Improved and 1 them taste and keep JACK TORRES WILL extravagance, in that larger j it always fresh - Foee gained rapidly in' health." For suit' by order and clean.- ull contribution may be made for the , Rsmpl of Pynmild Pil Ttemid, BEGIN TRAINING AT dealer. surTeiing home and j mailed lre for trail nul.-- lellef of both nt slo.a ItrtainC. bleeiilug or proiriullna TOO TO abroad. " . GYMNASIUM TO DA Yi LATE CLASSIFY ' United Coupons ,n.. .1 v 111 or r na.1 nil r. hope those now ccme irouliles, in tlis prjvawy of your own The Is expressed that with both 1 "co- Pome. Ute a box nfnll ilrusginj. frm F SAI.K Cheap. Tw o delivery entertaining the debutantes will s'i llKUl, U ; begin training - aaanata for trial Willi' Us.kl.l Jack Torres will at hor-s- llawkln's grocery store. operate in this effort toward slnipll- .'''".' plstn wrapper. y fr.n iu the New Mexico A. C. ayninasiuni ,. SAI.K Second-han- d toui--12- city." Vu.SLEYSk for 'lis fight wlth:Marry Schuefer, FOli Ford ' ' tng car, West nrnGiiivSi FREE SASPLE COUPON to t.ikp place in Fp Thaakxglv-- i Santa Lead. , I'imhI Arrives. In I'YItAMIP J.Kl'O COMPANY". ing pvp, Nox-.- and Mli h. London. (S:2 a. iu. ;,U l'lalol.l UIUm Marshall. j I SAI.K. pour - KLAVOR Tort iv U work out aC'3 o'clock Folt horses, boggy am' f to 'the mmM Kre simple at diipstch from Amsterdam of fresh mint V - Kindly send nie a ! barness, farm wagon, two saddles. wagon PtPPY PEPPERMlNT rVaaaal PUa fm4f. In Wln IHM t. thm' aftt rnooii. will hayp the Standard statea that forty nnd again Satur- - SI I North Arno. arrived jKymnasium Prlda" loads of American ern have Good - duv-in- s, fou-sul- giim and the dav atternoon. WAXTKii Home for excellent at IJcr-- in charge nf American greatest value for your, nickel I Hreet ...... J'hillips ts training with horse. Wil! exchange use of officials. ThJ Ifi f"nr d.iys' sup- H Hp Thonip-so- n pro- . hacfer wltl fight lloh horse for keep. Address ply City. . .,',.'.; , . Pint p. winter far for th. population in that at Magdalenu. P O. Pox 5k. vince. ' ' . ALBUQUERQUE jQUr.NAL, 9. MORNING THURSDAY. NOVEMBER-1- 1914. FIVE

VP i? 7 o IT nTci) To1 J II A 2i C HEA 11 ii J 'ii Yo-- M Today 65THE OPENED SHUTTERS55 SpecialPour Reel (Gold Seal) Drama. Is classic in optimism. First photoplay of Mrs. Clara Louise Burnham, featuring Herbert Rawlinson, Anna Little, Worthington, Betty Wm. Schade, Frank Lloyd and Cora Drew; an all star cast. Remember you are not giving anything extra, as you get your moneys worth in this great four reel feature. We advise all that can to attend the matinees at 2, 3 and 4 p. m., and avoid the night crowds. ADMISSION 10 Cfemtej) 21



i I fl i - nun1 lllll.ftfllllrt PTTf i unnnnnn nr i iiii i i ii li iiiiiiiiiiiii- in iiihii UNITED STATES' ii i WAITED FOR i to LL nu nuns nr Ladies! Men! Here's the quick shrink, lio,irn and die then tho WHEN ii lduii lr mn lulr lulls out fast, a littlo Oaiderlno est, surest dandruff cure tnniiii iuuv anjt mc will urely ae our hair. known, (let n 21 cent bottle nf Knowllon's Re-'JI- iat Hnnricrlne from any drug or Most. Pathetic Appeal for Great Britain Has Placed Most Important Fixing! Nearly Sole Topic of Conver-an- d People iilore for. pf Stricken City Move toilet counter, mid nflcr the first ap- Tliin, brittle, iiml scraggy plication nur hair will take on thut nei ui ouuvmg minc5 in ; Deter- -' in Money Circles Is Aboufj colorless dciiuiis is; iiuun oeu Aireaay rreignt naies sation Streets asf in a Da2e Hie, i Ih lustre ntiil luxuriance which A kw ilinlr mute evidence of a neglected so beautiful. wavy Mini in morion ne Pur Known to Washington Au- -i Govern-- by It nlil hcome and mining Question of - Statement' President to' and Seem Unable to Com- - scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf, fluffy mid have the appearance of ' i O- L.' I i 1 I( there in uollnng so destructive to abundance; dinal Mercicr, j thorilies, i n - t H.i '' en Incomparable glos ami . ru'lii i j.. mum uwnciMiip, ouuuuuy iviumkmj, .; pituicna oiuiauon, (the hair on dandruff. It rnbs the hu'i luit what w II please you jof Its lustre. Its strength and Its rrS most will be nfier e few m ' lut week' ' ilifc; eventually producing a fevcrl"h- - use, when you will ncliiiilly s.e n lot f.y -- o.n.m. - ,"ul '"'hitig of s nip, which if ilowny -- jo.nv ,ncn mmtl lit ihniii jogami incut intig wm lit aoniiia mimmi wbiii unn nni I..uvuln. Iiclglnm, Nov. J4 l,n,,,',, the fine, hair ne hair Rrow 18 p. Card!-Mi- Wahlncton, t,. Wi!- - In,,, no, r,.,rilVll,1(, riu,n0n Ull, ,,,, ov. London, Nov. (7 m.) l Xov. Premier WashlnKlnn, Nov. 18. - New S'ork, Nov, IS. - dig al r the scalp. Final solu- l'icsident iiii- runway j.oii-vai- n A.squltn'H i. - iimii "i siaiiuns hi Francois Jorcph Moroior, primate stiitement to the Itritlsh itlen ct froJulit r.ito Problems, as wcll!'inn' rcasftir"jK talement to the sv-- la.u hit of ornamental garden, parllajnent r of Itolglum, who has Just returned to yesterday roKardln-- the as the nuestion of Kovernment own-- 1 rrtnry of the treasury in connection by a. surrounded low fence of stone do such work, and on the mound n Eng-liin- d, closure fed- - ai to whether those arc S2 nr itu hid own country after n visit to of the North sea has not heetiershlp, must wait for completion of wlth n" InauKiiratinn of the new and Iron, Tho length of the gnrden made the subject small ficrmnn flag ha been planted centimeter gun. where ho received nn enthusi- of n formal com valuation of railroads In rral nanmni; ysiem was almost tno I porhap 200 feci, 15 ft. the width, Fllileering beneath the mon- - np-pe- iiatrlof of I'nibiw. astic reception, rend a stirring sl munlcalion to the American the opinion of Charles "Plc of discussion in .financial On the side It which commands n of the ument, 'vthls token of th Invadci . today, Tak'-- In Dnwn the long, pn oil corridor of through the American commis- rector of valuation of the Interstate appalling stretch of desolation ex- reems n meager It Is with'" completion of tho cotton th'ng; yet It lias a 1'rcin h public school which ha sion, for relief In Holglum, for as- ttiulcrrHood here to have been Commerce . commitfslon. the tending from the station straight to pool, changed the couise of the h 'story he bren turned into a military hospital sistance for his starving parishioners nothing more than a repetition to Na- it was hailed as (in augury ol exquisite Judge rrouty addressed the ' the Hotel do Vllle rNc helped to make. parliament hetteiment In dlrectlnns. , come the wall of ii man er.vlng, of Malinos and the surrounding of the facts that were tional Association of Hallway com- other Charles tieefs' proud hroiue of Syl-van- n One more Mep restora- C.orniHii irne I'naivounicd. "Mutter! .Mutter! .Mutter!" neighborhood. communicated to tho state depart- missioner here today, telling tho toward the van de Weyer. Jlulter! fortnight tion of normal financial condition Helilnd (ho movement n,. over and over again, A sergeant then In the city of Malines alone. Hie ment about a iiko by the members that the Ireatment of rail- Tint patriot and statesman was n omhasj-ndo-r was recorded 'during the day mane graves passe. cardinal says, yl.OOft mouths have to niltl.h In WnshinKton In roads, prohably wns the most Import- vhen native of I.otivHln and on of the roughly shaped committee, banker and bond mounds, unsodded, "Ho I coming nut of rth.-r,- " be fed dally. In his telegram to Copt. rejrard to 'jtb,e dauKcr of navigation ant .practical Question before the of, In the revoliiiin of is SO, unseemly, but the the soop nf-t- given say sergeant. I in the North sea,- no-li- dealer which was organized n piteous tenderness by tho That all. There ( I'. t.uoey, of tho American commis- and a further country and declaring the mies-tio- n which established tin. Independence the bur that t) war to xupcr-vls- e effort to Is tin mother there. You are vaguely sion, Tlolginn says: Is deemed Improbable. government the outbreak the of llelgluni. He died full of year tied decorate them. Titos. the prelate of ownerhslp must dealings In, bondn and are not single gruves, sorry. For tho moment you Notice that the HriilKh povernment , unlisted and honor In 1 874. but trenches In cannot sol-- , soon bo1 met. I 11 ul,if.L-- i "Children come to tho Herman ,4 tintltalnit uti rft ' nnnrhiirtp summon hud In ' which He ninny, Already ex- - inure. placcd'mines' the. North eu The Jnlnl inKt.nt neeptalnlnfr thn . . Today iu effigy he nrveyH one nt mm.' the dlirs.and tearbrrnd .from their' 1 ho wc I estan-- ; ct numher him been forgotten. The mind roAi!.M (o upon this to .defend. h RdKilHh channel nty , " proper! the saddest sights In Christendom. rend hands; Oho soldiers divide their ,, valuer, ' for Home Impressions, the - - hml - ' mnrkn prevailing, IFW, Herman soldier of I.ou- - multitude nf miseries after (lemons - m,..' i'ki li ii ii I Hninri. l.V"null; a.iiiiiiiii-1. - 'l"i !W " Ill, V..n... lr the broad with them) they bolniT renlly iii.t these (.(.curities and the absence of ' valn garrison say ,. 200 anxieties, pains, deliriums. Often nnd In northern waters and along 1,1 "". that of their ' the OOfl. of 'which the, railroad would 1 h" 'lo Is hor- - famished. all danger to the loan sltuallou en- - , .nnff n" station He often you think and of com- Irish const, probably will be accepted MX) ny m comrades here; im officer stand- talk the "Every stranger who comes to the spend about $1.1,000, In preparing abled committee, this ac- tooreii or or nouses Wh en say mon of as sulTiclent answer to ln the toak? '. ing near no, not so many per- affalra life of letters front city goes Is sur- tho recent maps and other data. stand open to the sky. Hero and or Into the country tion. . '. haps K.o. Another home, of whirl newspaper ore say- iuiry by the state department as tot a shattered door lie on the remark. "I think rounded by a Brent number of women .''This. Is national, but Is lndufitrlnl conditions are of greater flat about KG." ing, of u celebrity who was In tho V ' ground, nnd bogging for some- -' In a 'mnAti i.l.ikir ullA llnnfl' onM promise, nccordlng giving evidence of violent children, hlM w to authoritative Over each mound have been town the night before, of something department ill onto nt Itself ith ) entry before, house thint! to cnt. There Is hardly a' slnglo j(),(r ..Whon ttado advices, Cbppcr metal score 1 the fired. good to cat, or of good place passing itlong the notice bf the state In another house strewn branches broken from the a to laborer who can llnd any work to undoubted!? will, supercede nlj state another fractional advance and pur- the destruction sleep in prospect. You even of affairs l 'nthe North sea fo Ameri- has heen onlv liartlal The palm In the huge vases. On smaller laugh pMn his dally bread. ' j valuations that have been made. It chases of pig iron have Increased ma- mrnnire. over story. Is can miners. mnnl of ono floor nrn m.itn mounns, wmcn give some evidence ol a There salvation In "F.vorythinff Is lacking we nre In' vrtll bo the (basis fur the making not terially. Hiiylng of finished stocl and that, and you are not ashamed The Isrltish embassy .here Is still and on a nhclf In a luxl room vim MOO Vnumuuaiio, are crosses fashioned to want of potatoes, peas, grain, flour, untr nf tnlnt'ul.itn but of state iron thus far this, month was con from laths. laugh. siderably In excess correspond an array of children' toys some- - meat, and hacon. Xo petroleum Is I of the On Kuddenly, In an unguarded Ausiralian wool Into the United States un" use a icuuy the upright piece of cacn rnw moment coal can be obtained In the J(hn M p.HhIomnn, of ralifornla, ing period of Mho preceding month """" ""'" "'micai. hang a the meaning und the tragedy embargo recent-- . ,,'"r- - Herman helmet, its varnish- of it notlw.thstanl,ng the h,m j.M)nraln report to the and leading their av- - "n' llul" a"way cars of gaudy iliHtrict of Chnrlerol, hut the railroads deelarct). nnlnln1 I ii ThnuB ..t 1. ,. ed outside and Its metal ornaments nil grip a man. He see a pale nurse ly. Another communication, .w,,,,,, ,,..,, h crape of production. Incidentally..... ' .,..,., ,,T cannot carry coal because the III bending over the regard to i aery are si fresh and bright a soldier who is trying has. been sent to London in p,nnH fo- mr(,HiinlnK vl,lllntion omo systems unscathed. eommiinerilon(4 are Interrupted. The tnW of the larger railway On the arms (he erosa for shame's sake and for the woman's IIIV H u iiii n tiiril mi - Further on are tho gaunt ruins of of have cattle been sold to the Foldicf. ."I .Hiinniii of railroad property.' came into the market for new equip- not to moan as have Im- - been scrawled the words; "Hler sakiv iho strips tho manufacturers for permission to 1' an ancient edince. Only broken walls rnht but receipts, the Ilelplatis .Tlie; foHowin officers were elected ment...... In blackened bandages away with tho port wool . .individ- remain. flott," nnd then the name of the from hla .'Australian under ensuing i Tho more ('.ptalled of the Hook of vellum, bronxes. cannot obtain- food until, after the by the commissioners for tho slalement soldier thus briefly commemorated, shattered arm. Or ho comes upon ual guarantee that the firodurt will flls-- 1 " an navo vanisnej ' year:- ., country's export for October o lit-ti- war. together with com- new-mad- graves Willi tho e- not reach Germany, of'cloKod tiio I" a night. . tho number of his lhoo ., - fact, shipments of; "Cardinal Morclcr and all the rrcsldent Clifford Tborno, that pany, regiment nnd army corps. crosses that the winds of winter nl- -l 'rh, Inheritance come down from a Jielprian clergy here- breadstuff:, for that month wore will blow members of the j For some of the grave, tired 'soon down. PARAdT ; -- r'""'" antiquity Is no more; the " NAVAL THROUGH V Vieo, Hnhort It. most three tinjes as largo u In tha the ' by make a.''strong appeal to the First President tnv band of nurses or the awkward one The man turn sway from you. A 1913. j f a rnl1'' '! unharmed on nelKh-liorhoo- Virginia. isamn month of American people so that the d panama; lrentiw, rf ;i of soldier woven pathetic sob clutches his throat. In a rush of sure ax tno sneit in tho misery. Some day .have : canal Hceond Vice rresldent--M- The-- i s of Malines, tc, ; traj-- It come home to him Turnhout I Wty-sI- x CanadlaiiHi Hejiy'tcd. tho child will come home and will be wreathe from the verbena thai once all may be relieved a soon as possible." lan, of .California. pleascd. made the plaeo so fragrant and so Vivid, ruthless, terrible. Ho cannot IIV UOKNIH JOURNAL irtCIAL WISH 1 1. Connolly, T'kliitmirgli, Nov. in (via. IxnuUm, nddl-lio- n IIA0 Secretary "William of , see Captain Ltieey says. that in Iff. 3:25 a. m.) Forty-si- x soldiers who IVoplct Slove ns in bright. To other' the geranium the graves huddled around tho AVashiiigton, Nov. Vlans for WaHh lngton, H. C. . Jhm: to thosei ln the City, there are Sad-eye- d people move along Iho that bordered tho garden have been Patriot's statue In the station garden the International naval parade A4Ktant Secretary James i. had been rejected from the Canadian 2r,,ann people tn surrounding' i A Gun wide street, some listlessly, per- transplanted. They are blooming of l.ouvaln. Ho has crossed frontier .'the 1 t,,..,..h.n Ant,l continent as Ineligible, presumably like country for, and Walker, of Xew York. Is standing In sequestered who must be ared whrh , (0 mnrlt, form;l, on account of Herman or Austrian na- sons who still walk In a dream, soma wanly ln tho freshly turned sod. and he so VillnKOK weeping women ne says ne is orwarmnK "e ,.nn,n nf tha ,.annL.: ftre going I tionality, nrrived In Glasgow Wednes with a furtive VagerneM, as if they It is not much tho numher of with and COUB'TMARTIAL - lit- - provisions. ahead, dspito the fact that! of day under an armed escort of Cnnn- were wishful to reach a destination the dead who lie sleeping in this with fatherless children who do not The Canadian delegation which rjj of' m0!jt f the MAWIfATiniM ACTITO t"n troops. They were embarked on in' a town that seems to have no tlo space that makes tho heart ache; nndeistnnd why mother cries. I lhwnr I Ik "away rived at ltotterdam yesterday ,.,..,, -- ...,, hnve. VI lULIC. Donalson liner for Canada. more rhare In the normal activities It the pitifully extempore atempts lie brushes tho vision and ' ,v to ' iinniuniiun the iMIef steamer'' Tremorvah, is " " ""V""" , .. of life a town without .meeting to memonilUe and consecrate their again his eye test on the flog that inmi ." TftV MOSNIN JOURNAL IPBCIAL LBAKO WIMI) In- making nn appeal to the people nf!recau FOR places, without hours, without aim graves the crosses of lath, the flutterii from the little mound and to panicipaie. London, Nov. 18 (10:50 p. m.) JUDGE YOURSELF or in a, sleep In Onnd(i, for grain. department has just business th world; town scriptions in lend pencil and chalk, on the graves of them that The state The courtmartint of Lould David groping way ger- nf governments havo ac- Its through ruins out of tho withered palms, the wisp nf the desolated city an alien land. asked the that Hlnlr, navigation of tho for- Wlilch Ik Try an Txperlmcnt sol- ROB to vessels officer Ilettef a dreadful nightmare; a town not aniums, the shining helmets that once H wns only a month ago that MASKED BANDITS. cepted for Information as mer White Star: Oceanic, who or JVofit by an Albuiueruo asleej) designated to the llnr nnd yet not awake; a dumb, covered devoted heads. dier planted the palm and gerani- that Join Ut ., - . CUtUcn'N Kiperlcwo,. - charged with having caused the wondering town, fearful to talce ac- Sensibilities by ums" there. V AUTOMOBILE STAE fldbi it assembles in Hampton ' Homethlng new is an experlmant. Hardened Horrors. wheiV lor: of. the .Vessel by negligence, was count' of it own sensation. now In new year, Must be praved to be ns iTpresentcd. The observer whoso sensibilities are 'Anil the autumn has withered Hoads eatly the begun Joday nt Pevonpnrt. . ,.A woman dressed In black passe. WIMI The Btatoment of a manufacturer is even morn i ln''m "" IK MOSNIN JOUHNAL trtOIAL It'HO Naval officers say that the Vnitod. ThoOccanlc, Which had been con- A than ordinarily active will not convincing proof of merit. ? littlo boy, runs by her wo. Sho Spokane, Wash., Nov. 18. Three navy, with those of South by find himself passing without conscious i States verted Into 'an armed cruiser the is. looks up with nn expectant eye, like - up and robbed iiut tho endorsement of friends' emotion, through many heavy days Urate .f otilo, nty of Tidwlo, Ln- County, n. masked bandits shot countries and the neutral . .government nshore on tho wel- r American British rah , Now svpposing you had a had back,' a person In a daze who would I rm i, bi'tii-- Uiikei miib Hint be la MDIor an stage two iuics from for the 8 yV of tho woeful scene which war ('bene do- automobile Kuronean powers will furnish north C0!1K, nf gontland. Keptomber lame, wenk, or aching one, , come a renssuring word. has .rlnr of Hi' arm ef r'. J. I'"., wound-la- g ing In tli City at Tulrthi, CutiDfy mt here tonight,, probably fatally most formidable j you ' laid upon Ilelgium and France. liulni occasion one of the an,i'hoeame a total loss. All the crsw Would experiment on it' Women Calm In of Tragedy. Stito ifurintld And that aid arm will par SohneUKy and I'o . Through railway the driver, Albert pageants In history. j and officers were saved. You will, read of many One addresses to her a greeting In crowded stations th nun ef ONK IIPNIIRKU IKIXAK) for father-in-la- Henrv , M'-l- ami every raae of Catarrb eaunot b wounding his cures. volubly. Kite tho weary trains of wounded crawl, that Kndorsed by strangers far- French. She responds cnrril ,j tiir uiie of lllll'l Caturrb Cure, RESTS from la a widow. wns killed and the sight Inflicts no pang any PROSECUTION DR. WlLEY away plnces. v . , . .... Jler husband IBANK J. CHENEY. In uprising against more. The iinxlon eye of disheveled ' If different when the endorsement the the German. SWnr-- i tn before me, and (uhaerlheit In nf hut not Injured. IN M'DONALD CASE; boy by prisoners peer out from the doorway e till 'lib uf December, a. P., Ideal. dol- HONORARY PRESIDENT come from home. .' This her side and thla neat trrim JiJ Thrrobbers got about twelve prove of freight cars, and your only thought Sial, ' a. W. fiUCASON, Kasy to local testimony black dress sho wear are all she ha Notary ' lars ' may be, "Are any Kngllsh I'oblle. and escaped; y CIAt WIMI ltead this Albuquerquo case: left in the world. there HDSNINS JOUSSAL LAlO 'V MONIM JOUSKAL f ICIAI. ul AtlO WII Htll' faturrli Cur In taken Internally and J. K Riley, Norman 18.-T- lie Vlckrey, 1004 N. among them, I a waiter. Houlder. Mont., Nov. pros, Washington, Noy,, 18. The Asso- J. M. plumber, She does not seem resentful. There wonder?" 'la Olret'ik,r upon lbo blood and muiwia sur F. A. today Eleventh St.. Albuquerque, nay: "I Slrotehers are borne sofily by. You farea ut tha afateni. Send for toatluonlala, a faTm hand and; ecutlon concluded its case Into ciation Agricultural Chemists con- is not a tear, not a word of lamen- 19, hand, were ar- Joseph nt don't hesitate to recommend Doan's lift your Is flM, Smith.lalso ranch, McDonald, st tation. Sho is speuklng In curiously hat. That all. The rumble CHE.NET CO., against "Muckie" cluded Its thirty-fir- annual conven- Kidney Pills. sure they are a F. J. 4 Toledo a rested here tonight charged with Shannon, Kutte Iam that you Is of an artillery duel comes to you from Hold by late i ii..v iind .insenh tion here todfiy by electing .officers. a good medicine for backache and kid equable tone that realize cu all Iruglita, V. highway kidnap-- j rj you cross a valley nnd you only speculate Takt Hall' l aodlr I'lIU fur eoutlpatloa. robbery. 'mine workers, oharged with Dr. Harvey Wiley was Itun-ra- ney trouble. In my cao they brought rious only when make yourself W. A, Clark - the extent tho traglo facts ing. District Judge president. ... . immediate relief from backache. I nieasure of court until tomorrow morr-- l rcconsldorel Its ib . know of another case where Doan's sho la Imparting husband, house, be. n Tit .association m?-Itio- Kfdney were pain longings, gone. boy by taking under . advisement a c'Kkr.'to hold the no ;t 'convention In 1'ills used for In the all Only, this tnf by dismiss the '.Vaah-IrEto- bock, caused weak kidneys, fluch her side Help It" by the defense to Sfn Francisco and agreed on n and the black frock remain REGULATE A WHEW the Stomach' evidence. positive henefit was had that it prove Ing. CHILD'S BOWELS cases bccaua? of insufficient as-th- next. place. maintained that the their worth beyond question." You begin to marvel at her tone, O Digest Your Food Th defense Mr. Vlckrey Is only one of many Al- -.- ADAnnt nn nan adduced nothing tn Lovel is, it conveys Incredible digest Women Itocosnltlon. buquerque people who have grntefully When the atomach falls to nnv ehafL'e more serlotlB 'Pittsburgh, l'a., Nov. 18. Women endorsed Donn's Kidney PIIIk. If your sangfroid. You find the desolated w eaten, good-b- y CROSS, OLD and distribute that hich la 'than false imprisonment. first time In tho Mutory of baijlc aches If your kidney bother w'dow almost chic. You bid her BILIOUS 0 FULLOF the bowels become clogged with a for tho the Episcopal church, were to- you, don't simply mk for a kidney rem- and wander back through ruin, rnasn of umIp mwt refuse that for Protestant edy Utlnclly the1 gar- that TOLL OF ,.. day recognized on one, of the most a.'ik for linnn's Kidney domestic and public, to littlo rnent8 and generates poisons HEAVY DEATH Pills, tho same that Mr, Vickrey had In rnllwoy Into the important boards of that denomina- den front of the station. gradually forced the remedy backed by home testimony. V OFFICERS Desolation Itchlml Invaders. Any child will gladly "Cub-care- ts up d, causing distresif and often BRITISH, ting when .the synod of th third 50c stores. Foster-Mllhur- n Co., take a bad cold quickly. all Candy ' aftua illness . . province decided tho provincial Props., Buffalo, N, Y. Your Here orderly beds of geraniums and Cathartic," which set Full directions for children and. . , ia that "When M'0St peopis naiurauy oujeti..t.iA' of social service nhall hereafter Uack is Lame Remember the Name." verbenas once madn tho place plea- gently never gripe or produce tho grown-up- s in each package. . , . . . . , .1 nnpiro. board ordlng slightest r drnf Nov7l$ tr.ZO p. bo composed of ono bishop, four pres- sant These have been almost oblit- unonslness though cleanses "Mothers can rest easy after giv- the system. tendon. ents that shock lists dated Novem- byters, four laymen and two women. 'Alfalfa nnd Prnn ore high In pro-tic- n erated by the tramp of many feet and the iittlo one's Constipated Dowels, ing this Bentle, harmless laxative to . arentle laxative, positive in to casualty , twenty-fiv- e Hrlt-Is- h content and are too nrar slll.o to thorn sputa whero nil the green- sweetens the stomach breaks . ., . rc-t-e 12 and 13. rre and children. effect and that will quickly ber 11. nmko a KKd (ow tetMi. you ndil ground Into constipation te Dr. Cald well a been killed and fthauilKTtaliiV Cougii ltoniiy. If sward has been dust. officer have , our ilKwl hc"t Is druggists at off. cor-- are re- Mrs. Levi Franklin, of lioonevllle, pulp, the ration Tall', palm springing from vasei jt-i- Pepsin, sold by wounded. Fourteen balanced. bottle. ' ' V.. am pleased tn sny properly It ha a larae !n the .earth used to stand sen- cents and, one dollar a ported missing. Nt fays, "I that jieifciitage nf rhohylrute, sunk i7 cramp, but ChambcrbnV Cough . Hemedy was make tinel around tho garden. Great adoe8 not gripe or uiiica is .... - Thfc fronds easily pleasantly and is Among iiw, f,aTnn, ror- - jufed by my son about two year ofto iiioro milk and richer. Iwrt pulp have l.een' broken off to serve more and Parnell, fifth pTOVOd ,,n In from the sugar btvl tno most Fortescue tn vrry 1(fnofl(.,al ln front wliicli sfimber purposes of .decoration. Th? Tiore saiisiai"' gloton, a lieutenant in the hoarseness curing a your trrHiiolKlod Hti&ar is niado. .', ely children, women and ir,.iieving and garden la grave,,. , . for wounded j U mln vaJuahin your riow a irly persons a free trial guards.. On tho list o( COlrt. It has also been used by other It for clih ' T For - base pa- CENTsI i r i w impmno ih.v uu J'cjr liniidrcd, St the of the statue of the PRICE 10 W. 11. Caldwell, nf itriir. it'll hi tiiinny uavi' l.0.' Vie write tn Dr. sale ' ' r-- w. triot do Weyer, a mound hai rl X Monticello, HI. W,a;. -- the Ninth Pinion of For ii:f: "', Vn H Washington St, commanding .:fnn1frV shaped, .ASCARET3 WORK WHILE YOU W. Id Are. . ' been hastily as children might SLEEP. r

UORKlKCf-JOUnrjAi- ALCUQUERQUE ; THURSDAY, NOVEIER 19r1914. six elan, the knowledge of the world, the NKWSPA'M prohhly wouM llow th eertniplloh publication Ovscs to AW INDKPKNDKNT The Mystic With cr.d familiarity with tha way of the rul- What a ; - T"-- - rit of loiu dream of m- - tetzzsn Pats 4 n.i ItuU' ing rlaN in which he wa born, that : try of ConrtantinoplD And t li open Ouesde, Allcmane Who nckwrd aInar. often I dhvern the pnrw. tha older ociallwts, i the People Read It line of the Mardanellci to her Pluck medley of whlfh, valley and Valllant, n ronwpl4lnulJ, Licked. Tha occlon There' an echo whake the controversy, ffion;I;:3 jonrnsl te eommerc. combined, rhythm deep and wlov. Through year of hot o'er the of Marxism, (By Dr. Frank Crane.) riiiaula fin longed for A port free Mak up the wpnee called Ufa f Of drum, first with tha pedant the drum, of the nentlmentnllft of from lc anil ha cat covetmi eye The year that burn Tia the gun, gun 6n and then With the To tell the truth. Thnt I the first control the policy of a paper or Hmji the contrived to retain PUBLISHING CO. on t'ofitnnilnople im- th day of And flame with sold nnd purple... the bridge down below, syndicalism, hn and prrhnpw the only debt a publica- its free expression, they nro practical JOURNAL but tho offeetlon I'eler the The rmprA Cnlh- - and were, blind. There they com, here they eom. not only the trust, tion owes Its render. blncknialle rs. i A pnrty of tho extreme prMlttent grind And lumber of hi party. A It I simpler, easier and A newspaper owes to Its n. A. HHi'PHWIWM erln took a in rue llc of Turkey Hark tha felloe rebel a rule rendett W. T. Ilu!n Mnnnof In yonder urn lie heaped their ashe: gray and left w necewwnrlly a party of to lie. thnt no advertisement should he wince lunlnir of the treaty of through the shadow cheaper lo tell the truth thnn token A, I. II. M.'AI.UHTKR Nw K.IIM.r nnd the aye. nnd critlew. In any country a dull man thnt does not leave It free to . K.rtltf.r Kuchiik-Kulnjnr- umber, No publication departs from the truth public A. N. M'lllOAM ..ll l, durlnK her relsn, nil Rhowtly Klnwlnu, mny lead Tories. Hut A great aoeliliwt U. U K.llL.r For their And the triple wpnn ng up tho without reason. Thewo reasons aro such news and mnke such comment fox the doom of the Turklnh emplr hi thuwt combine All tho graces feathered nh aiopa the winnew encumoer 41 lender as old as humnn nature; they are as Its conscience dictate. H'eatena Rfreaelllni l.een freely predicted. Nnd would tbotiwh mny nk them all He iiiUwt he able And tha rain With tha rhythm, dimnnt rnymmw, with the talent. ss nnd welfishness, Should lie Expose!. wophlBt tn debate, nnd Mrlt ItHllilln, I hlrafa, III, have tieen hroiiKht n hoi it hud It net dny by dny, of the drum. 10 crush a NrWHjmper (and I whnll confine my- If condition In a department store thn of powerful And the sun warm them, nnd th "'Tig tfhnpew Fear that then to win the beaten tnitn In the warp are unjust or unsanitary, Kasleea Hrpreaffltattre, hern for number tha long of self principally-t- newspapers) if the put. lightning flash. council room. Juare wn followed In- Ilu I'll R. Ml I I KiAN, rlulmanl lo the poll. AIho the rn the moonlight wilver here the truth for the same reason that salo of cerlalri' drugs is Inimical lo Rl Mow. he waa loved, and the first M I'ark Nw kark. iml und rilifloim condition of the "And the Jolting Umber' weighted because dividuals, warp the truth. Uut when the public health, if tho mpen stile of To waka wome sleeping wpnrk, yet cannoneer word or grief which hi devoted porslals alcoholic liquors Is 'prejudicial mnrt-,- l noil (or at K with tho allcnt a newspaper or nn Individual to th Kntar4 M ihl Halknn Hiiit. were fuctor. nevermore men spoke around hlw murder- f A it.iifim rijga, M. M, uniir Ac t '"Tl the ripe of I'ence nro pnwwlnc young In untruthfulness,' it or ho obtain n community. If food nnd drink am fcf I. From time, to time, thn llnxinn Ihey nriwe, eKcept they live !n tt aobblng, elmple cry, f OinxreM atrrh I7l. Cnn O ye people, give an ear" ed body were - only fictitious, and found In bo Impure,, the, newspaper nltl-nilil- n ' wiieo- which Is hfive ottneked tho Turk, Imt me; wa our . ' TH M'HINI't J'll'IINAI. TMK flays tho rhythm, iron rhythm, of "lie father." .' '', Invariably loses Influence, ought to expose such condition or go 1 III P'AN nCNKW coiMiicht ha hei n life veined And well dilh my woul know how the ' 11 man- ', ' IKAI'IVO I'AI'Pft the drum. N0110 of a can predict what , newspaper cnn go out of business. , HI Only nn endowed MKXIf'll, PMOIII INll TIII3 I'HIN" ... biood-stnlncd- through the Inleiventlon of !rent chained door ", ',.,... world, ,) Impoveri- r TIIM KKl'I MI IOAN I'AriTV Al.l. ner of nn lying. All endowid institution are Afler u while, tho fuir, simnre, An- - Of Hint weird chamber rifed nor news-pnp- er TH TIMB ASK TIIM M K I 111 l orTIIH; Itrltaln, tlermnny, Franie nn4 'I'They are rhylhm, thunder rhythm, shed nnd brutallaed, will ptngger tp As rtile, manly position Is ony pet! . . under suspicion. a the the one K.l-- l' bolt nor key , H m,J, AN I'AHIY WIIKM TUbf AIE trlu, aclinic Indi pendently or three of ... and they do not need jmo.a i"' out of the present war, It wlU be . to motth, mnnently by. KIOIIT. ' lives from hand tenable a Jjiewspuper them nciinir in concert. In the em, poorer by tho low of the which Is tho way everybody ami which hopes 10 retain Its hold upon J.arcar than nv papr It being wcorched alontr with thh, "Thnt can overtone my choir like th to Which It uwed tot Jlwten lmiiaii. hr war, the lninrierof the voice rv'eryihlnff ought to live, If ho nr It is the public. Naw Mli-- T pnprr III Naw old year. nl la tilr ... , ' bourdon from the wplrel .. ha a leader and lntornn-ilon- In !! iilmoft to Franco lost to be kept whosome.: For Instance, I knew a mnn who lasieo itar rar. (liar wim eairled the walli No mora for mo thn perfumed ron? "Avant-gard- e of lol am I to these Irfirda wociallsm It most commnni'ng nn Article of C'onetnni Inople, nnd prune wa at dawn, " v lnlmliwl In Tmtli. prepnred for his 'paper upon TRUM Hi SrtisiltlPTION. dreadful revelrlew, figure. Uut when this world hn wet- - evils op matl, ana titf.ftth. . rryatnlizcii (ij on- - Inimical to the of the automobile, trade. This fiallf, eafflaf hroiiKht nhout IhroiiKh thn treaty of Tho glamored m'ni'ry "Jron Cyclop with nn eyo to agnln, It may well What nre the conditions tied down to think . trade is infested with ns large n com-pan- y NOTICS) TO l( 'It I PKHM. San Ktevano. Hut, at tho InKintence of tear; wky. , tench-In- g truth In ft newspaper? found the earth and ho that it will recognlae In hi of grafters and hold-u- p men 1.1 ilia lwn re- No more for me the henrt In wllllnir political partisanship. I be- ns Ah.ll.ara J.irnal, wrtllcf Hie power that treaty lyid lo he "Love und Fenr, Lovo. and Fear, the lowson which would hnv First, in Ih' ir pswr cliari. lii a nar ail- - pawn. revere, lieve the political party system to be any business In tho country; The drasaliamuM ha aura In Rlva lha nlil (tilraa, written nl Iterlln, after lrent llriialn ' neither one but both saved It from ruin. "' ' ' It pnsning. I believe a pure straight and honest automobile cini. had Kent her fleet to the hwdHtnnce "And whatever grace yo deal Jet that in, Ilia M"mln( J.iurnal haa a h.h.p rlreq-ltl- a The brush of human and the ' '1 ers owe It to themselves that these linitcr. ba from court of uvi; 8WECT-A- N V. demoeraey partisanship is a mistake. rutin th la are.irl4 In anf oiher of the Turk. Jt left matter much a dream robhers should "be exposed. Yet this pa Mr in No Mhiioo." 'I ha "Set emplacement then to you No man can surrender himself to a Amaricwi they were before. Hlnce that date the Of enthralling no tha Kn' O mUtroBs 'mine, where are artlclo was rejected by the newspa. Kwapapr lilraelnry. their touch: exDound the Law to men, roaming? party or a sect without undergoing hn In per because It might offend nutomo-bil- e fnte of Turkey been hunitinic more for me Bayg rhythm, of the lesion. No man pan hand . his the rhythm, iron J", tay and hear) your true love's moral iiiritHnAV.,.Novr:Mr!E(i the liiilaure. Th pulsing panslon of a . lover' partisanship over to an organization dealer. i, ' drum. coming, iu . . r, A newspaper owe to theme, aentence-Jolne- In a ethically its readers The rliio of the Younf Turk In "0 ye coiner, That cnn aing both high and low; and remain sincere. , H ' The worship of love'a word on lnnn. thnt spotted the thnt It should he printed in type that A lltng win hailed hy the clvlllxed fatted, tradesman Trip no further, pretty aweetlng; partisanship has, vu.t ni.i: c.tMPir, bended knee. evangel thnt all great men of. America. It defeated an ordinary human being can rend, world ii nn evidence of regeneration. "Here'a PentecotaI Journeys end In lover meeting, who wn a mighty lovable nnd nnd on pnper that Is not rotten. Hut tho Younft Turk proved to nation understand. Every wise man's on dovh know. Taft, newspaper The campaign In Alhmiucrque for has Nay; rather hath my oul owsumed "When they penk before the battle fair sdrt of mnn. It is the one thing A owes to' Its readers he only old tt Y. M. V. A. wan tho Turk with a new place dumb!" 'Wood-ro- w that It be well edited and' thnt the the worth' while In fool and theorle aro ! not herearter; that thrrtrtens the career of name. Tho lialkan war Wn one of the In the eternal dny; nor grief nor What love? 'tis news be rot thrown In with, a scoop more way than mny be Illumined nl Ood ho with 'em and the rhythm, rrewent mirth hath present Inughter; Wilson, And it hasn't done a llrat rcnult of tha chnmplon-rlil- p Inln rhythm, shovel.- neadlines ought to' tell some- - fimt iIiohkIiI. t.ntpeiy n ft of active And the rhylhm, Iron 1 still unsure; thing to Theodore rtoosevelt. remit Can wully tha (fod-llj- pure Whnt'S to come thing hy that parly of tho of that And rolling thunder rhythm A' newspaper la the knowm About what the article under II we Ikivp n nernlly hiirmo-liluii- n extenlon wpnee, the In delny there lies no plenty; When every stnte-me- nt them . contains, New should he filmo-Inlil- of the Modlem fnlHi. They had Of the drum! me, orgnn of A.polltlcnl party, nl Iim 'llmi lime, y Nor any It radlnncy Then r ome W grouped o iccp of restrain.' prum." n wtlrrlng poem it makes is tnken nt &0 per cent and arrange! that the united mill to lis ihilif 'Ahdiil Humid "Ahdul the From "The Youth a wtuff will not endure. nllvr by E. In Herlhner. nrr: ,.,1 . habltn.1l render knows Ip'here to turn . damned" hut they etlll Mon Futton, Willinm fihnkewpeare. IIN M- - wire I hnve enchnnped an of worthies ; Mill llIOllllili-M- it in pitllitlR urn I cnn femetnher tho llm when al - whnt h? wants. golian Turk, ilrUm hy nn ImpoHNlhle nwh ''" fci'thor. It uHv.-i- pulls imjethcr win n A MTTI.R IIOIUCNZOIJ.ritV. newspapers political r-- I A" newspaper owes 10 it renders tho white light wind THE DEATH OF WEIlSTnn. most all Were co- IcIIkIoii f.mnlli leni. For that tha Iienler.) th maintenance of high Ideals. It u. iMrhi'iM rlnf deiiiuiullnit bridegroom ' (Cleveland Plain (niiodew History of tho fnlted Btates) pans1.' It was considered a disgrace A a reeult of the present war, If round fiermnny Is grent newspa- - line on.y roaaing muurr 01 millions operation, From henij to foot; ah, what to me Fmperor William of Flonuent In ' ub- - not to be. Most of the flerinnny U defeated, the Jcnlntmle , people Any mnn exerting suoh Jlnl more people In the not tho only reigning llnheiwollern, l o, 1,,, of the Fnited States today have there lire the crash no in den e of (Irent I'.rilnln and Krnnca of ltu- - Chnrles I, king of Itumnoin, was, be tlk L to gotten ddt of this wallow. - I """" '"'""'" uii-- leem m pulling li'iitn tlinn fvtr lii'lnrc In llii And discord of an earthly love, household one by one, addressing to ulii will have (llH.'ippearcd belng enlled to the ltnmnnlnn ' We use 1 to loyalty to par- - responsibility humnnlty and his own hlHlnry i( till rlty, Tn he nr tlw io nnd Austria dust -- crowned? fore each fittim? words of consolation. II think that merely Karl Anton . 'gm.VM ty was; was a conscience and to Ood. cannot achieve li- and rierniany will not he In position throne in 186. thp steps to vas fine. It it about Hjili' tt lui try I'l pull Imrli. Wit wnntnA to knmv , tnnt rrfll success of which I spoke, nf Enough, von j loncnzoiifi h, dis- fine ns. I.ivvnliy to Emperor Wllllft-m- Hlmp-- y in iiiake proleat effective nitnlnNt the for mo thnt o'er my woul may ward dissolut'on; nnd calmly mit iin nliiiiil It, such diirn iiib (, t ' M lhnt People do not go tn arum of the wweep poor nnd distant relntlve of th" Prus- cussed them with his physician. ' At or tho cuar. or tho kins: of England oitls iiimI tnrticil in fcirk I Ik been any more. That I will not t'l'f liin The burwl of glory from celestial sian reigning house. has one time, awakening from a partial nre fine. There is somelhing that Jsi'iirch tlii-- IIIsp. y I I'l.'iitily, therefore, the fule of Tur- king, nnd, Is no discuss, but certainly people are As oil Tlif die iml nllowcil Mrlngw; an excellent there stupor preceded ."denlh, '' he finer, nnd that Is loyalty tn humanity n which M key nnd i"oiinlanlliiopi in likely Ilobetisol-ler- anxlotm to maintain thowe. things for In Inlrrfrri' Willi the ilTii'li y i.f to F.iioiiirh for run Hinf evermorm I keep reason lo doubt that the heard rencatcd the words of th" find lo the truth. That never leads he I firmly in which religious nro sup- lll fllllli'I'K III IlilllirfM. well led hy Illo prcclit war. Kliould Tho inalcbliiSM rhythm of wernphl" dynasty established psalm which has smoothed tho rteatn on to murner encn otner ny me mu institutions posed ns they ever Were in ItiiHKlu whe Itumnnln. : to stand Worliljirfli million Im n mi.iii i'v lii I win, will control Constan- wing. tiillow of mnnv a Christian: "Yea, liens, well known the personal Party System, lne n'siory or me worm. And th word Invi r.lid In Klond In tinople, prohahly with a' neutrality It is that ,hotieh I walk tbrouth the vaster of Fruit of ' ri'cont dis- - newspaper that will provide Interest-rrlnclp- agreement with her present The winds may toss my ashe what sympathies of King Chnrles nre ,h( hndow of death, I will fear no And we have discovered thnt the lo nllic. 1 n he ... j '"w nd wholesome moral pnbtilum Should Germany win, tho wullnn enre I? ' tlnctly Inasmuch f th fo fl.uh mo; ,hy ro(1 fruit of the pnrty system In It cxprrww. the iiltlludc of tho who will po- - renders, will find It Is There l within me that which fire I of unmixed Herman mono, nis 1(l thy Ktnffi tney comf0rt me." The America Is the prostitution of city thnt In a pr Ity Rood world he to the kalwer what the khedive of 1 prccinted. I'ofl ihiit thin nor flume sltlon is explicable. Put the Rumsn-- dylllK Ht8tesm'nn exclaimed: "Yes, thy by the polltl- - j Kypt I to the Ilrltlwli government. , newspaper givs nftrr nil mid Hint those who live in Nor acid touch can hurt; nor car) jt inn people, who govern themselves y ptaff hut the fact, the fact col. grafting machine such as exists in hat a should Hhoiild Durdnnelle (ler-mn- l,Felf ony It i Mltli'd (n find ilrnmirf In life. the herome die; under a liberal constitutional mon I want" for he was not certain Chlcngn, It is Tammany Hall in New "P to the propaganda of It would mean ct or religious or organl-Penros- e It I thi unllthinl of the h.tMIo entiles trouble Nor can I wish my tongue give It archy, have other notions. Heeaua? whether the words that had been re- York, and men like Cannon, Aldrlch, cult, other Austrln-llungnr- In Itnlkiin (he ' of y - Put there are some things Idimn of til? lislilillo uv-i- whrn niotiUn the slates, for kaiser name! the Humanlans pented to htm were Intended a an In and Quay. Jsntlon. Rumanian at In U constitute the greatest common nnd anihorlti'H lH- - In never would he satisfied until nil of t.llla Weston in The Living Church. nre dissatisfied the timation that he was already th A owe reader anthnt fnt thrlr - rells-opinio- thowo home are unfriendly toward Austria- valley. Waking up again past absolutely independent expression of denominator of all moral and n (li nr In lonely i lln, uwuy turbulent stale were under dark' from JIungary. ' nn wflft iUB since began, control of Hie ipjvcrnment In mMn(.ht MnunUin that hn and freedom to criticize any 'ffrt civilization tiuiii.m aorlity, In order to purge Iterlln. I It now stated with an appearand living, he nttered the well known public nvin, ,", '' Buch thing ar that it is better to IhemfcelvpM propnr theni-n'lvi- of uln nnd The Storytellers of official authority thnt rtumnnla words; "I wtill live." Later he said A newspaper should not only bejbe honest thnn to be dishonest; het, lil t MH IUNfi Italy for henvi n. They thnnRht Ihey ltnN.A. will .follow tho lend of Italy. If something about poetry, and TiU'aon fair itself, hut should educate Its read- - tcr to be loyal than to bo disloyal; herit neutral Itumnnia ,will remain - Oray's to be. a man be a vre dolni! the for tliemKelvrft Two Apliw, remains ! repented one of the verses of ers in fnlrrress of mind. hotter than to cad; demon-lrate- In in lookitiii nut for their Inclh Idtuil Analn Mr. I'liniinra hn d They nro telling a story In Switzer- neutral;" If Italy declares behalf "Blegy." lie heard It nnd smiled. In It should not be consistent; it should better to be clean than to be filthy; will simi- i.nlviitlnn. They r nnnneed Ihe hi lack of wisdom. Afler land about what would happen if the of the hlies Itumnnln' tnke the early morning Webster' oul not sny n thing today because It snid better to be kind than to be crufi; I ' world. mnkinir weveral lenliitive propoiiltlon kaiser violated Hwls. ns he hns al- lar action. went out with the tide. it yesterd.iy. It should hot expect al-- ! better to be Industrious than to be Alt wlileh InHlcnle hn smnll is ' ' ' ready violated Belgium nf way to'- - I u n rr Inn! feel-l- n In yield hi powhlnn to the order of neutrality. to be agreed with. It should tell tho fifty veiir the 1 ' personnl authority of the Utile "May kls on your lips?' ' ' . Die The kaiser, ss the wtor'v runs, wn the I print a thp truth. w'ill accrue to the benefit of any liit Riown Unit there I Home-thin- it convention of general, held nt com- nmnsed nt n Kwlws drill, by the shoot- Hohensollern of Huninnla as asked. Secondly, a newspaper owes to Its litnewspaper to persistently and dally wrotin with the Iden of world Akuiih f'nllentew, finally he ha de- pared with that of the grent Ilohen-soller- n Tho maid permis- ing of the Swltiers, who all acorcd sweef nodded readers thnt it should not he the vehl- - i champion these things with all the i In porno If cided thnt he will remain on the job ' etiiinelatliiii, thnt wy bulls' eyes. of rrussla. sion. cle of its owners' personal animosities "kill it can, by Us highest priced writ-sn- d the liunk. IiiMlend t.f until lie la forced to Ret out, We went to press, and I rather ers antl In the most form. "Wonderful shots!" said the knlser 1 amhilions. Thn American neoole attractive NOTHING 11VT HIOfilNO. guess, ' . thiii In which ( live, choiild Meanwhile Vllln, with hi usual to a Swls genernl. "Wonderful i nre ratljer nnicky. They do not want I' The newspaper also owes to It That all Is no't glory and excllemenl Wo printed o large w tiol iiffirm It iiid m;Ue It energy, I movlnit hi force shots!" edition. ;to ho dominnicd by anybody. When- - 'readers not to cater to prirrienftnst. nilher toward nt of a battle line is graph- "And we have, your majesty, 100,-00- 0 the front Exchange. over owner uses newspaper The publication of most divorce pre more ilni.iint for tin nnd for other? Mexico City. There may he wome ically illustrated by the correspondent nn his" to such shot In tho Swiss army," vent his spite against mnn or (ceilings and rnmily scandals 1 Tiissilily the point wherii the but the probabilities are of the Scientific American, nn officer AS TO KIKKIXO. this the genernl j "eve to be ns deeply injurious to the C'nr-nmt- answered. the ambitions of that man, chtii'i'hen fulled for the lonxi ct time Hint the noltller of most of the ii the French nrmy, who draw the hfgh Eu- ' Tho kaiser laughed, nnd In his Jo- of The kings nnd officials of be becomes' at once justly suspected. newspapers themselves as to. most of wiik in their opposition to u command will revolt from following pen' In the spcclnl rope, meet, em- imniher vial and swaggering, his bullying and Picture when they always His Influence is crippled. their readers. I loathe the 'whole of Innoceiil They war Issue Of November 7: no iimiinemeiilH. their officer und Join lha rank of dangerous way, he snld: brace and kiss each other, mnttc A newspnper owes to its readers business. There is plenty of news thntiKht the world Mionld lie for- - the peon (teneral. They know wome- - suppose I In you with Atl Along the roads and the fields whnt their relations have been In the "Hut vailed that It should be independent of class, j without sniping into private nffnirs. can be seen the vestiges of numerous past or mny bo Immedintp fu- Roilen, nnd thnt ldiml nhonld thing of hi ability to eninsh resist- 200,000 soldiers?" in the sex-an- d the Indh ar- Any class. If should be for all men And there is penalty enough for , trenche. We have fought here ture. Thiw Is a kiss of respect. It leep ft in mind on hem-en- to come ance,, lie Iw tho wupi'cmo hero of the "In thnt ca.le, your majesty," snld nil womtn. It be one j wt wrongdoers without the injudicial dently for a month, and slowly, step may he given on the lips, the cheek, should the InMeiid tryitiK peons, who compose most of con- the other, "we should each of us fire arena of democracy. j punishment of publicity Inflicted by lirmfier of to nniko the by step, we hnvo forced the enemy lo tho or beard is nicely absolute It twice." brow the and not be, unqualified .newspaper reporters, imipethiiiit of n hfnven on rnrlh. stitutionalist In the ranks. He wee to retire. adjusted, nccording to the nge should for the literary nnd tho 'ana To up, newspa-slum- s. ; highbrow. It should not be tho sum the duty of a The Kieutest spirit iiiil tencher that it that hlw men me paid nnd thnt In the north they have filled up the giver thts'-clos- for (Insn Quarters, rank of tho .From should to is to truth, the World him known, did iinnoimep Ihey lire properly fed. iln look out dltchog where the corpses lay. deep, personnl contact It passes through It not be for the rich, Prr its renders tell tho An Alaska pioneer was how It should not be for the poor. to observe the ordinary human de-h- e' Hint hid klnindiiin wan ' not of thU for their comfort a no oilier Mexi- and It now might bo' considered ns many forms; kissing the hand, parts It should crowded a certain whip was during grave. for all men everywhere. cencies, to encourage independence of world," Imt h did not renounce the can army ever ha been looked out ono continuous, one endless of the clothing And even the ground tho gold rush. One day a mnn enmo The Newspaper Mcssago, 'opinion and maintain those hish w Every now and then an lnsnffernhlo trodden upon, according to the idea World. It hh the world Into which for by any commander even by up to tho enptatn nnd snidi: WM ' ,np ... odor chojteg you. A soldier, a horse of respect or fear Inspiring the one Every new'spaper has n gospel laid " K. " mrnon opinion he prayed Hint hi kliiRdorn Kliould I'oiflrlo Mia. "You will hnve to give me aoms ' nrr- - hnn fallen there, nnd slowly decom- who performs the act. ' down for it to prench. The twentieth mankind has demonstraltd to be i place to Bb'ep." essary oiue, The opinion thnt put nuiteriil Afler wome bloodshed, Cnrrnnza posing. It hns been ' Impossible tJ The of tho west have not century says to ye for any right kind of life. "Where have you been Bleeping?" nations it: "Go into nil thiiiKH nhove fplrlttinl, thnt put will flee to Cuba xr to the I'nlted gather all the bodies 'In the vast ndopted thin ancient icUstom as a the world nnd prench my gospel to "Well, tho passenger replied, "I Experiences fires nn Wfiillh, cloiiie. hoime nnd purely State nnd Villa will be tho dictator trenches. form of salutation, but have reserved eery creature." In proportion as it is i with forest have been sleeping on ti sick man, but char-i.clc- r, thi" ypar phytilcnl coitiforl ahovo love, of Mexico, In fact, ho may , Tho roar of the cannon is henrd in it for the mors tender relationship faithful o this command, It succeeds e,natlonal ,forvs, whatever getting now, und ho won't IM he's better life.4-Th- o thut automobiles, where they cnn Jiihtico thin opinion ho net out ho In name. Iln the one man with it." tho north, however; It Is hardly pos- of Chrlstjan Herald. in the highest sense of the word sue stand cess. used, furnish the quickest nnd cheap4 to revrrxo. It Wild ulllloKt iliipoBhle the ability to rule In that .country sible to define exactly where the shell Thnt gospel Is democracy. fell. This morning my regiment met JO I4 .STEAJW BOAT. The newspaper owes to Its readers esb transportation for crew of f:r to ninke rich men. undcminml nnd where only force recoKiilicd. Contents. fighters. tnaii on the road another regiment: "Well! (Old Steamboat, the worst outlaw that it he independent of Its advertis- Motor rates are higher he upoke with an emphnnlH thnt hnn Sunday those time JTnvlns taken the whole of What are you doing?" we ask. "nig- horse In tho west, was shot the other ers. Vnder the exiting economic for teams for the actual ulni-- heen widely jnlsundemtood. to out, we beg re- employed, cost per Till'. MUOItlTY Will, DI'tlUF, clean our desk to ging! And you?" "The ame nothing dny to end his sufferings from blood system, It is the advertisers ivho pub- but the total The effort mtido to secure Y. port that wo found: wages paid tc the but digging." poinoninfr, caused by an Injury re- lish the paper. They pay for it. I traveled and In things 873 n- M. (. A, the BenerotiM nutmerlptlon One of the esteemed editors of a Perfectly useless .... can ceived in a railroad wreck. Old n ii,,i ..i., "lr" io ures i mum - N'ecessnry papers 9' At the actual hour the armies ln. nr.nn niude In response to those efforts iicliihhnrtng city Is complaining be categories one-ha- lf Steamboat had thrown 1st merely on its subscriptions. that Mislaid 0,105 classed in two the most days were nolely In line with newer Alhiuiiierijiio thins recovered ... to fight busters, no rid- W are for instance ,m iVVT """rT . the will hruIii attempt to Pipes J is digging trenches In order skilled broncho and ' ,t.. thought of nnd la fighting to dig er hnd ever conquered him fairly, lie in a peculiar The t"1 It "how" the convention of the educa-- t Ktuhft of pencil nnd pen nib 64 tho other half situation. fJZXT1' - ' ; down! j hours: n I trenches. was dallant to the Inst. Dispatch made the subscription list go nit ruiH ii buikJ und cotnfottulile build-- inn n Hhsncliitliiii, Albutiuernue did Miscellaneous (Including nn- -, from fVyoining.) -- . t0 KymiiitMiiim for the develop- nothing hist car except to extend nn paid hills, court piaster, un- sohTreSmorer ut , TKinrTE TO JEAN JF.VKES. b,r8 a ncwHnnbipr , . . , . ment of the physiinl powers; li.illm invitation to the teachers to meet answered letters nnd a photo ..... i Jonn Jiiares, by his very integrity Outlaw they cnlled you all because In which It liceonieH heitlthful plea-Mir- e year. A big majority of pf ourselves) 98 h here this Idealism, escaped the vulgnr They never broke you to their will; to iiml Mny and telegraph telephone cs. kh chiin; hookmind them voted to accept, Nothing will measures of political success. He Outlaw they called you, and their and' nlnht n hoolsi ZZ&ttFlTite for the Improvement of be done thin year except to extend never stood among crow d of clev laws . published in newspaper of the which tells The town forest of Bnden-Pade- ilea-vr- Bits Humor tlm mind even-thin- mude, a e the same sort of invitation. a ma- At laid you cold and the truth, It If er' men who elbow each other for lust have still: whethet steps on his toes Germany, yields an nnniinr profit of for thoce who tower-t-- d wcrC your sides roweled or not. The make iwe of the jority of the teachers wish to come Maybe 80, the leadership of cabinets; he Scarred from moment mi advertiser, f. 3. 2 5 per acre, or a totnJ Hot profit ' or any class ' oppmUinltien offered. here next Vetir, they will so say. It above them. It was hi fate to heel, of advertisers attempt to of nearly $87 &00 Pome folk I know will stretch the your There wjm no little renunciation In i majority of them wish to try some spenk the warning nnd the aspiration And senrred flank from cruel truth; . ' ninely-nln- o to us branded as the voice quirt, tho FlvitiR. It "hurl" mil older city, they will so vote, A ma- But, then, perhaps thay've found that came of-- a minority. Yet It Is safe to sny thnt Put spite of whnt the flesh might feel. of every hundred of the River. Hut jority of the member of the nssocl-atio- n little of It In world, There's the decado no Individual French- Your dauntless spirit wns unhurt. each of them Will he the happier as will rule. We want here And they want to go round. for a them that man's views when they hnd fulled to well it (he Judge. hetier for the Kiicriflce. Just as lung ns Ihey want to come te(lect country's policy, hnd mat- Outlaw they called you- - in the dust V, his A Bank for The M. t, a. Ik general In It here. tered so much to France and the Hns many a braggart rider whirl- J it u.!'(t rum. t -- ' fccope. take in evcihnily mid does Cnrlyle Iluskln, in ed; '. Silas I your tha world. nnd their it bear son left English-speak-To- Was by the l.ikt inn lor them, e own day, mado to fed wrath most others If Colonel Itnosevelt has sent smnll town and went to tho city the All the Peopl 1 iih. The V. M. t. A. incllld.H. to bis Nick larger ifig world something of the same Just, a field for his efforts. ' a was flag im, jiwt iimiNtini; We con-du- d jiryiphetic appeal. Rut this was Your cotlrage as .ne'er that nhall LoiiKworlh, who was elected to con-Kr- lllram Yes; nntl that's what gets two-aer- Prophet who his organised furled: ouischfii decently. Kdwln on tho reputdienn ticket, it hns me. When Hank 'was home, a o had Everybody i i: chVirch, who fitted his teaching to" the You heard the whimper of the cur Included .Markham esprensr the thoni:ht in not appeared In dispatches from the potato patch was too big a field Judge. dnflv needs of the hour, and carried As 'heath your hoofs the coward the folloning hit of verse: front. for him. . One of an unflinching idealism rolled; of the chief and most Important man-fetne- nt Ho drew circle the Mnner Ambition of the tlmt shul tue mil throftgh the scandals and compro- Outlaw they called you hot thoughts of Uila bank rel.i-1- , Might Have llontitcil Price. ilnee Us rtabllHhment baa been to Jleictin, a thinu lo flout. dwnrfs . It Is now estimated that about two suppose is annoying a mises of a parliament which stir ke It, tint, of Alt bAnk Ilut love and J had "I it when At wrffit men proud FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. For the wit to win: thousand visitors will he In Albtiquer-on- e goes the sttiture of lesser men nnd dulls term the and tbJ. reason, mnn out because S'ou haven't ; , the State National Bank endear-'- 1 Wr drew a circle took him In. glorlods faiths. bold. ." of Albaquerque that during the convention of the something cheaper." the ookrs of less W to HXt&tA TeT7 possible many felftsj which courtesy And Accommolatlon New Mexico Fdiicalionnl association. "Yes." said the smnQ nterchanf. Juares had won commanding Outlaw they cnlled you did one !,rton,' wbnher Urge or aiiiaII depositor! i the iik. People like to come to Albuquerque. ''P.ut what gives you heart disease la would have him a ti place among French socialists even hand when n fellow goes out because you LET CS ttAtK TOCTl.DlSITS-FACILm- not beyond all com- In kindness ever stretch toward itS rXStmPASSi I'u-ro- haven't something more expensive." if he had been NiVt to how the great war in people - ' The of Cheat Urltnin hav'e Courier-Joiirnn- grcntcst French' ora- thee? Hill Oetinany, Louisville l. parison the tf result for people not been allowed to hear of the Joss He brought to party w hich Pid aught save despot's harsh com- tors. .the . today are most speculating as to how of the superdrcndiiauoht Audacious, When the? Ken. Orovc Itmigh. he approached by a gradual evolution mand will leave Turk, ac- ' on your the War the lias the but the loss Is none the less real to "What tho matter wilh ITiut big of opinion the trained mind of an Fall ears, black horse now lomr ( doom for Hie Tnrktdt cm. the KorIWi fleet. guy over there by the mil? He eeiema ademic thinker. His early career had free? STATE NATIONAL Interpret lariat, BAN pirn in Rtirope, perhaps In Asia, to he mad about something?" i been devoted to the effort to The the branding hlaxe, "Thafg metaphywiea wtth French Th.e cruelties 'neath which you Albuquerque, N. M. lilrtir-- ? Oreftt Ih llaln hnt d to see Very few sons-in-ln- get a nicely Curve, the great plttiher. German , lucidity humanity. He chafed. the Ottomans enter the war as al- phrased and laudatory letters from He ha reason to be sore." and modern Owner Second Street "What Is It?" stood from tho first among the rohks Outlaw t es made you all your days. and Central Avenue lies of the Oermans; but there was their pas-in-la- as thnt of the presi- "This ship in thn only thing he. evtrr of an unformed and undisciplined With t'cath tho one kind act vouch-sn- f ; Petrograd when ! treat rejoicing; in a dent to Secretary of the Treasury saw that cnn outpiieh him." FKrldr party as lt thinker and Constructor. il. SanU Fe,Railway I)eposl itale of ar was announced whiih MvAdoo. Tttm.-Unlo- He had the pUabllltr of a born tacti- - Arthur Chapman. Sttor;' -- v,,.,... f 'f SEVEN

Copyright 111. Tnternstional lNswa Herri, George McManus

vei.L--vo- u -- r.r. i mi I MAVh TO lU;.--' , 4f MAm-'iI- r irirKirrtfffnf:fJ H HID mOri on: tmah iT WAbA Juyr um: t h5 cokk- - ocKtvy - OUHA,ND IT i ct or it vilu I ! -- - I -i A. , I I II ' - 1 I . I .1 HEW 1KO0LMX. i ... itt.jis. . i i . i i . V ' . i 0 s w :. .. i ni- w. t . ' - m vr i I iiiII I L'Af.'f I ypw" V ! 1 y - W . ll P'tUMi! it "To CiCT i i know it Will. nr. VONTM IT. x k rt.Rir,x quiet ..'LSrrr1' i ii rjv I -- " v jfl) a v

I I mm steers, ".oo 9.75; oaivw, e.5o 1 innTiirnU L U I MM 10.50. I tnt .... nc-T- N rv hi r?T?SA TP'iXS? rv llllll - m n n T?STT?7rRv Kh,,-nc,.,- n xiO UN 1 1 III II I1HIN .ip..s. 000. jut soi uisTe wams 1 w k A " A b h 3S7 Y1 NN nLWMD strong. Uinilm, 8. 251j 11.15; ytu i j lings, $G.5O!(7.50. i Tell It Tlkwil like QM.VyytfMUy iiHit 1 IP L 1 1 1 U L II III Hows llecilpts, 21.000. Market I VVWiN ' lower. Tsutk of buIch. $7.25 if 7.80; VlkJii ; ll lllllnrll lJ heavy, $7,365(7.50; pigs; $ 6.00& 7.50. I t I'.fr mna i. m.iiiear.ina,..iii(Sib.inmn HH K 1FOE SALE Thri' Ituum-- ullh M.tli'X, VVANTF.I-IM- n.. houwhnld Iiwte ll.. Chicago UvctK'k. v Five-roo- rttva, pebble bunga- modern frnmu - inltagu fiv block fr.m t'ruliul nvrnu, Tliu Xnrnl Mfely ml ronalil I'hnoe Chicago, Nov. 18. Cattle Hecciptf $:j,000r dash auw Tho Beeurltr V rthim A Impro-mr- nl new; with stone foundation and nlio shade IIiiib rrni t 't Hi T ili'illlll. 4. 11,000. Uceves, $if.0C low, modern, lira ylacc, t'.'.ouo thi- - iiirw. fii, Hprlnr 1 rsmftr Co., umxv Murket weak. 60-fo- tr if desired. on lot nl most within the 8!l .if iirupcrtir T'Ut f n t. turn tig 0ld ivmui ii 10.60; steers, $5.600 9.20; calvei, terms City Hall, $2,760 5. room brick, modern, largo shadow of tho new for $8.0011.5O. only $1,500. Terms of $100 cash and F. F. TEOTOK baseinent, corner lot, good loca- Five-roo- modern house; one Moot to iKiin. Sheep Receipts, 18,00(1. Mark tit 6 dis- ruori'.ssioNAL cards easy 1 $20 per month, or per cent 10c lower. Hheep, $5.50 tion In Highlands; terms. block from ear Una. No. loeatlon; PhoB Itl nornt rhont III4W Re-Sup- weak to $500 and as- rou.Mcia ply modern, well count for payment of ai Exporters Said to Have 6.25; lambs, $6.50 f? 8.90. $3,600 brick, corner lot, 60x142, Eusy terms. floors, llreplace, sume mortgage. i Hogs Receipts, 82,000. Market built, hardwood KIIIM W. WIMON duced Available to cemented cellar, corner lot, fine MONEY TO LOAN. Allora7Hlt-I'w- . slow, mostly 20c under yesterdays loeatlon In Highlands. : Rnxml Crnniw.ll BIJf. Within About One average. Hulk, $7.20 7.40; heavy, $2,700 13 acres of good Und near Do you carry llro Insurance? We Roa rtinn IIW. Offl rbno lit! 6.25. ' Against In ' $6,954( 7.50; pigs, $4.000 Lumber Mill, near car line. write Insurance tire this model n apiirtuietit 19 find Hich- - nr.NTisis Bushels of Last Year, frame, modern: world. limine ( rurnished. ) A leal bar- Denver Uvcwtofk. lands, close In; easy terms. III W. OoM. UK. i. K. MHAIT gain fur sotno one. ntiU nrcMB. Denver, Nov. 18. Cattlo ItecelpU l,u irame, mnotrn; lf T4 near shops; $400 cash, bal- IX)H ItFNT Rmiinn. J. II, rF.AK Rooms Plioas JOUXNAL 3,100. steady. Steers, $6.25 Api'"lnlm.nn Mad b Mall. IIY MomalN tnciol LIl0 IMI Market ance, 8 per cent 'SortlC,' rin.n. III. 611 W. Cinlrl. Chicago, Nov. IS. Assertions W7.G0; rows, $3.40J6.60; feeders, thut $1,900 frame, oath, fine 'Co. I'HVMH IAN AMU M KfiKONS. Imil ulrcudy reduced the 7.40. lo- Porterfieltt KUU KEN T Mwli-r- htftt, eliortorH $6.000 shade, good outbuildings, tine nx.iuii. nun IX HI SAM In United .Sheep Receipts, 3,600. Markot ESTATE no nn VpI rvntmt. ltnt(. HOLUMO.N I.. HI KTO V, M. II. .avuilablc wheat supply the cation; N. 11th XL , REAL FIRB INtJUIlANCE rp-- -- $7.-6- 0 i;kni Twu fui iiiiiiii-i- furliKiii rou MA1.U .or,. lm,,r.ed land' ruimrmm to within about one million slow. Ewes, $4.5005.25; lambs, LOANS. mm Abut 1T Blilt. States tin a niuiilh. 4ul North adjoining Lorkhart ranch, at a bargalB, IMrimll of total of u year uso' ha.l W8.25. bushels the ... A. MSSCBE1 ; w. Ratify l.uikliart. I'liun tnj n, u. hMOKII.K, M. U. much ti do today with giving prlcos Hogs Receipts, 600 head. Mar-k- cas Loans . lire Insurance; in l' i;i liooiis cuiiiiui luviition, Full H.M.Ii on j ii hi.; Forty niw of I'tactUa l.lmllrd to Tubarcni'iala. a decided lift. The market closed lower. Top, $7.00. Bulk, $7,400) - Mcam lwat, tath. WerUly ralt's, li.utf, land In Um nil v. Knoaii .for Allm- - Houil la lo II rua lilt laBt lit South Fourth Street :iiift. Mini Contriil'l, tiii.iiliio loia or rualdoiica, AdiireM Jl.. 1.1.1 W. Oalral firm at tic to lo above uv,h 7.60. I'nonaA. 141. Kult KENT t.ant, eonl, nlm-l- furni.li1 rum Joiiniiil. Alhuniirniiia Hanltarlum. Cum gained Uffec to c net, anl W.VNTKD. 1IIXP ruuin In good local n and iirlvata fam- I' I 'II SA 1, lll' i', HI u.i. h I. ti l Iniol. jOHS. Ti l l, m llAKI-- oats, f( ',ic to ',4c. provisions ' iIIi-c- In SANTA FE TEACHERS GRANT COUNTY TEACHERS ily; bath, llahl., Iliad. 124 Woat haw ttti'cii mlt' a raKt of A llimiiii'miin, iIchi l l.linilcd to Ky, Ear, Mosw asal 1 rmuta. . the outcome was 7!4c to 35c decline. York. m N. K of N. W. 14. T HI Throat. One of the best known authorities COMING IN FORCE TO BEGIN' TO' LEAVE FOR w.x.N I .uih mil fur all or nan of Soalk N, It. a Kt. Ileal canll offer aeln It. Ii A. Htst Nstlonsl Hsnlr Wlr1. , das'. 4U1 South Mnventh irert. Norton, livelier, KKi lllnck lilllllllriK. I.e. In the wheat trade pointed out that HUNT Two room, AllR"li'P. I'llllf. il s. l ll'KB WANTRt)-ll- rl or womari acnTTiTi Full lor llshl J(si;i NEXT WEEK ALBUQUERQUE TOMORROW fir T07 Ftrt'.-l- . A1111IJ0 Dulldlng. tlie wheat now at the seaboard, at CONVENTION I South Third F'AI.K OH on New houai.'Kurk; Kiiiid was.f. 009 South High Flill TAhK a. m. I'hona 1111. Buffalo and on the lakes Is virtually jtruft. Full ItKNT Two firrtlialivd lor H.illioa Isluml on Nraport buy. one Offlea Hours: no nick, 011 Clpcs rJanatoiliim f r Tuberculosis. TO UOSHO honarkrirptnir: 6ri wst Htlvr. hour's run from l.os Anaelcs eheiiic all reported bought for export and IMCIAL COMMPONBCHCf TO MORNIH JOURNALI ntlL COKRMraMOINCS JOU(U !WANTICI Liiilv clerk' luunt .ocuk NiiiiniKh l'hons if. fluenily. Foil I NT Nicely furnished room.; all curs. Only beach resorl neur l.os AhkiIis. thut the amount at western points Santa Fe, Nov. 18. As an carnost Silver City, Nj. M Nov. 18. The Wcillcr Unujamln, ill! Writ arrordliiit still water bittlilna. flshlna and Central. i i llliprovr.rrrnni.. 414 Went llo!d avenue. MIHIIINV ANATORIIM where the figures for the most part on at educational ndvnnre guard of Grant county's boilllna Lots from llilll) to 1 1, soil, tiecord-ilis- ; rilK the attendance the F1.1II Furnlnfied aentle-me- Tuberiulsla of the Throat and Lungs, WA.TKh c'oiniielelit 'kil'l tor hoUHu work. lltiNT rooms for to location. Total valuation Will mean actual available supplies has convention, county superintendent who will attend the annual - l'l!l. Clly Of rice, II 3 Si West Central Areaw. teachers Throe In family. help II per month, IVe.t Gold ave- or trade, oim or all. 15 J. KltmiK. tllc uood wunlvii. lit sell to 11 e. m i I to 4 . m. dwindled to 52.154,000 bushels, as ha. tho nlpitcreit f.f the fcllowlliK rural mnpflnir nf th New Mexico Educa Apply 101 Hoiull KouMeoiilll ntie. N. M. Office Hours! . Hhona 3S Hanatorium Pheae HI .51,081,000. , eounty to at- - meets 1 a' NT Two houuokeeplng ' ' ataiiist bushels twelve teachers from Santa Fe jiionai association Which at in- Full deairable l uli f.M.K lilt tTiTiTu rvTiiTT f Iff acres W. T. Mttrphey. M. JJ., Medical Director. months back, notwithstanding Albuquerque meeting: Lo- - I next week, will leave Frl- - rooint, reasonable; no alck. 411 Wast lirWiited land, tltreft miles northwest of that tend the buquerque Oold. farm deliveries since July 1 show an renzita Romero and Santiago J. .Mar ', dav for that city. Saturday the main Veaas; eight room adobe house that "lOTSHERIDAN, M. D. WANTED Experienced ladle, Full II KNT Housekeeping rooms and fur- orlalnally co.i Ijiihiii); seventeen acres Increase of 79,547,000 bushels. Pojoaquo; Jorb Ortiz y Haca. delegation Will leave. Mica at tha In tinez, Economist. ' nished cottages, aleaping porches. Ill fruit, the rest ran be put alfalfa Will Praotlo Limited Wet weather spollinjr the Argentina Josie Lujan, Kustacla Tapla, Luclnda President E. L. Enloe, of tho State West Coal. trade for AHui'im-nn- cirr or ranch prop. a nmt am and harvest tended today to make the Ortiz, Frances Annya, Iiello M. Anayu, Normal school, will attend the ses- Full HUNT Furnished room Willi alseplng erty. Wits boiwtht at bsraain Genito Urinary Diseases pnrc?h, niodain, aleam heat, 109 West willing lu mekn a liberal Irfi.lo. Mimt see Wills start, Wisdom, Mabel A. Huffman, entire Nor- 111 VV. 1413 wheat confident from the Bessie sions, accompanying the flold avenue. me tho in xt few days. J. I'ettus, Diseases of the Skin, and so also did conditions In Kffio R. NIccum, Cerrlllosc Manuel faculty, the glee club and Earl Went Home. adverse mal Mlwollimeoo Thli-- tal-vars- Gallsteo; B. W'ANTiai Flllt UliNT rooms Willi sleeping Tne Waasermann and Noguchl Teslsi western Kansas, where the latest Cha'cz, Jose Vlllanucva, Rrownlee nnd Georce Gardner, the porch, furnlnhed for light housekeeping; Administered, lady's . t)H KALE lloiisca. "IU" 15, I Lawson, San coun- watch lo tradu fur aooii blcvele. no sick, (to rhllill-ell- :l Coal. 5'leld was of record size. L, Ijiwson, Mrs. latter two representing Grant 1011 West Bank Bldg. South Heeond " riousc, . t'ltlisns Ilthrfoiiso; Ella Short, Stanley; Dota ty In contest. " F'tiH HI'i.NT r rout loom, steam heut, c iioU lata. Albunuerque eJ Corn rallied when tho bulge In the the state oratorical WAN'i'F:r.) wrbiy ol(igold and illvar. glassed-i- n sleeping porch, furnace, every niemntitii Rubv Roibal. Golden; Mary headed by water, hot and cold; no sink. Cloao lt wheut market became pronounced. The county teachers. Mennelt's, Fourth pud iiold. to e;oud private bourding Iiouno, Tltoac enuvenlenco; west end near park. Address ! S!monita Oon- - X. M., care KMIINKKIIM. Oats showed from the outset sym- A. Anderson, Lamy; Miss Isabel Ei'kles, will altend the CAUPliT Cl.K..,M,ii,i. fursiture and atuvs I Ml". Journsl. repairing, w. . - house, Con- uales, Olorlcta; Elvira Uonzaies, tlnn. toirether with a number A. tloff, phona ItFNT Two-roo- Puiifiitlow with Full ri.M.10 FlM looiu model J. ii. WOKTII pathy with the wheat strength. Full Will be sold ut Isabel Chaves, V, ANTIOD buy. Bill's bicycle In gou.I IlirKO Klusrted-l- sleeplllir purrh. flirllisiled corner lot. very close In. Mining Fnglneer. signment meager. de Aguerro; of of the rtftal school Jo once, invm-- notices were the directors bo cheap. toiiiplelo, and water. IO.;.0 pur a buimiln If sold t buvlnt p. Box Duran, NamUo; Fred Alurid, W; condition; muit Address P. O. lighn A., u Unexpectedly generous receipts of Lucy districts, while Superintendent R box 4",:.. molilh. I'.lil Wen! Colli. clly. For iiurtlculais adilrcss J. turn Phone 1l.:n.T, Albuouemua. N. M, Roslo Alarid, fan Pedi'n; JoiM'iinl. hogs throughout the west mado pro Pojoaque; McFarland will take the entire WANT'l'iU 'l'o buy for cash, a second hand Lo- Illghlnods. HAI.j. eoilMge, flvo large I'EHSUNAI- - stop-los- s Mrs. Perry Ferguson, Joseflna of city public automobile. be lu good condition, Full Ilrlck visions heavy. Many orders teaching staff the Mut ball, tinsels, painty, pez, J. Lopez, Luisa Alurid, Address W. O., this nfflr. Foil KENT Furnished ruorua 111 truulb ro.lms. three elotlirs ullolled, were uncovered on the ensuing break Juan schools. Waller. Phone log. china closet, lmlh, two porches, 1ml water DUTKi'Tlvlil work of all kinds Santa Cruz; juna u AKuei ru, county largest WANTHIJ A good mining prospect. Will heutlliB: lot kUklllli feel, lutatlon III s,oistils salsa " t. flty Closing prices: i"'j t Grant will have the buy, or money to develop an Full l; lloUMfkcipilig looms, - Mm tuml1rnn DomillEUeZ Clumoyo, ,...... , furnish lor i:'T clly. 7113 FI'iHt Cenlful avenue. Wheat Dec, $1.15:4; May, $1.- ..,.0, .....r.. . (it'ioo!. lull Hirr ij UILITIIU CI llltoi"?ii.i Interest. P. O. Iiox 4:17. Albuqiirrnue. Soiilh Waller street. Hycr; Mrs. Helen SAI.F. Oil HUNT Modern fiie-rooi- n VVHiiam J. Morgan, Uio association and iwmVI' r uriilslied close In 60 Fult 22'. of cduratlon8i Mill ruini, house," or unfurnished, screened aeoond-ban- Gauze, Otto: Frances Martinez, form- - hlsrh sehool and library 817 Hoiith Arna. tutiilshed ALU KINDS, both new and . Corn Dec, 67'2c; May, 71 '4 c L f McFarland will be a porches, cellar, fruit trees, repairea. rooms bought, eold. rented and Oats May, uiorieia; " presidency WANThlO I Mail I. n ua stiinogi'aplujr liy Foil itkSNT t nicely furnished front chicken fucllllles. limit for a homo. Terms. Exchange. Phone 144. Dec, 60c; 53Tc. .ir. V. Llduble candidate, for the . Typewriter Garcia, L'11 with or without board. 8tS S T4rnsdissy, HH-.I- Sfc Pork Jan.. $18.57; May, f 19.00. Kennedy; Jose 0. Silva. Sixto of the association next year,, Voting man yearH of at;.,, Uood refer- f,14 Houlh High. Phone i ws riots n.-t- i Prltch- - ences. Phono K0. TVpewrlliiir netitly done. Couple- of sleeplnit rooms, Lard rn, Mrs. Katlierlne Full Itti.sT Jan., J10.12; May, 10.22. P.. suitable for shopmen, 017 South lll .sil- - IHIIt HAjjiMj'wyijliiitwajfc ett, Susy Gillespie, Madrid; Ramon 1 IHhoovci-ciI- . TIME t'AHDS. Ribs Jan., 110.00; May, J10.22. Valuable Metal WAXTi:i To Trade. wnv. ir,4'.'W. - Archuleta, . anta Full "lAI.K Ceriniaer. Phone , Quintana, Enrique- F'(ll HUNT Three nicely furnished rooms rtni-rox- Tru-Jlll- o, City. N. M., Nov. . 18. Wo- lo- to ciba, Gonzales, Pedro Silver TO TIIADB 40 acres level timber land, no 315 UlC'l' the habit and take your dinner at vi. NEW VOnK MARKET. Cruz; Ramon Now prop- for llk'Mt housekeeping; sick. Kouth MAIL HOI lb), lframite, from which tungsten metal is cated In Arkansas, for Mexico Whllcomb Springs. Frl- - 'San lldcfonso; Mrs. Mildred erty. T. n. Onwford. iterrirs okla. Rillih street. laavea Mondays, Wednesdays and obtained, tho existence of which sln- - Fl It S A riiln li I'KHa. W. IllolB. m. PiisoenKcr New - Coleman, Moriarty; Adit and IFull IttiN'i' Two lame modern rooms, dnta from llornnllllo, I a.' York, Nov. 18. Tin dull and King,- Ida A hi III I'liollo H:tW. r. Rodriguez, has been known near (luge, N. M., WANTED ul". en suite or lor housekeeping. H3 4l:l ll livelllie. I,, Colo, It; round trln. 110. Ad wy, fi five-to- il Venus; Ambrositn Hoarders. Mi M. $32.00 32.62 ',i for Rassett, Dragoon In Ari- jSouih itroHdwiiy. Foil HAI. ;ndenvood typew rllef, good dress S. Htl.K.MAN, liKlllhi. N. Mae Hill, and In tho mountains ' iTi.l 141, lols and $31.75fl'32.25 for twenty-fiv- e Nambe: Ethel Oaddis. Mrs. UOAItDl'.KH ut Whllcoiil KprttiKS. Inquire tTT.o i i 'I'O .. u ..II 1. I, or. order, I J2I West fluid. Phone Chi-may- o; In tilt) : zona, recently litis been found '.'IS Necolid tun lots. .' AVtlllo Day, Venus: Tcofilo Vigil. Hill's Niton. Soutll street nlslnd for hoii.iekiipliiit. I4 per luoiitli. F t ill HA I.I:; SIiikI" i iliinler inoloi cycli I Carpenter mining district In tho rioillh Ariio. riiouo ftlir,. 11. Tony Miclieibiuh, Albuquer- lihctrolylie firm, $12,00 0 Nora Black, Otto; Esther takes old passenger leaving lloswell Comier rntige. of here. The ex- que, N. M. Dally service 12.25; .castlims, $11,750)11.87. Elvira Williams," Glorleta: MimbrcM north nd at l:0d a. in. Quintana, possibil- RKNT IHvclllngs. HA 1,K -- Single bed. baby bid, sanitary Carrlsoxo Cortcz, Ruth istence of the ore, with the FOR 8AI.B Best paying rentaiirant In city, ltm Foil Through fare, one Way 5? Lead, 3.6iiii3.7".."' Carlota Armijo, Tilllo and u l'ox tjpo-nrile- urly development, may re- Tontrally located. F'lim business proposi- North. couch, Wilson healer Interniedlaie polnla, pol tulle Spelter, ' ; ity of lis $6.155.25. Mi'ltulxirgcr, Venus. tion. Address "Hest." Journal. Phono nt.s. Ilia, baggske free Hxceas carried, of In opening up of mines and cur' n ill Iron following clerks sult tho HAI.lij-l'inl- Foil RliNT model flat. North SAI.I'J-I'liea- p, coinphln Sodii foiiullilil quiet and unchanged. In addition, the F'Ult ini of pint of to.;k of t'OH IIOSU KLL AlilO tO., ore found Fifth street. 1 .10. 1) per linuillii water chiiiis, glitsw:ire. boards have registered mills In this district. The Honda uf it "vi'ilely nt a sacrifice. Witn fixtures; tables, Owners and Operators. Phone 131 rural school paid. First Havings Hank ft Trust Co. Cull Houlh First M:w convention: VHorho In the Mlmbres range is an Iron Gooda eoitKlKt of tnerchundiso carried by lit aucrlflca prion. ut alii York nam and spkltei: to attend the any country "Kenorul store" nnd nra new FOll P. IS NT Foiir-rool- brick, nioderli gas street, -i manganese tuugstate, coirfmoiily dark Martin Acunn, Beatrlz bo by range and shades; strictly sanitary. Price illtAKK-liiilcpeiii- Quintana, heavy. Tho ore and lu auod condliion. Must sold Jan BnilAN' of droulh. Ji'tw York, Nov, 18. Lead, $3.65 Toninvn Felix Romero, brown In color and uary 1st, as owner hns oilier Inlorests to I'il) per month, tnntilre 4lr, (Irsulte avenue. 11I ul im grown seed, our seed Is No. 1 N't- llel HTAQH mull-gane- o DAILY AtlTOMOnil.ffl $.73, ' , Sagarla. Jose N. ranges hubncrlte, a pure look nflcr nnd Is willing to sell on easy Foil-iTii- house, siablo nnd and grown by ourselves, order now, AmarlJ-l- radilla, Bubato from I.'., Passenger Bcrvioe. Jose terms lo responsible party. Address H. B. 0110 aero, street, next Heed Co., Amnrlllo. Tunis. rllxilloiir Spelter, Royuai, tungstnte, through various about on t'ourtli City 1:10 p, m. $5.150 5.35. Gonzales, Marcellno r.ein cure .Totirmil, City. beyond ce- Leave Hllver n, door to school and Just Mountain KAI.IJ Wood working machinery, Davis, J. A. Acker-ma- mixtures of, manganeso and Iron Inquire Foil I.eBve Mogollon I:I0 a. m. Hughes, Frank rosd. llltltier's feed slore: ment block molds and tools, roofing In, and beat MONEY MARKET. Romero, tungstate ferberite. v.ngons, furniture, Cara meet all tralin. Largest Juan G. Roybal, Simon toward South. span of horses, office livery In gouthweiU -- TJ. Ten- - tuulppod aulo the uvui-iul- i..,a rto, J. U. Uood, office phohe t.'l; residence r.enigno Romero, BAT,1S suerlflce, on account of niCN'I'Foiii-room- , BKNNKTT AUTO X)., New 18. Mcrcanll'.a FOrt At ft Foil complelely 2f.O. York, Nov. Raca, Jose Ygnaclo Mrs. Illness, Dllls- - 411 Woat Bllver City. N. M. ' iillo Alexandro Ulnsdiile's tho house; modern, yvpply bills for room accommo- PPer, 5!i per cent. .wwi'All.y-1-J':'Sr.n.i-i-n.i- rtalo Hotel, corner Fourth and Central, ' ' FOR BALK I'ue 05 Madrid. Fatncio uurcm, ! f.end. dations at the Ofttel hotel, Log Angeles, Ear IS full of roomers and rooms nil In silver, 49 c A. Brown, H. Pickett, MJTH OF BUT. liotiso FOR RKNT F'our-roo- brick, modern, gae The Oaleg hotel la one of tcga. Albert flrsl-clns- condition, A good chnncn for Cal No. Wl. range; close In, new furnishing) eorner best In Log Angeles, and II. Bell, Benito Sailer, Frann of llornallllo, right to secure a good paying the hewest and LIVESTOCK Archie In the District Court, County tho. parly house. Inquire to! Houlh Woventh. located corner of Hlxtli and Flgueroa JLRKETS. Armijo, Manuel Jimenez, L. J. Htatis of New Mexico. business. Call at once. ,, O Five-roo- brick, house, mod- etreete Address Morning .'ournal. I.. Thompson. Plaintiff, v., Maggie FOR I'tKNT Lloyd, Matins Montoya, J. Amador David ern and steel rmitte, well and com- KansHS City livestock. XI. - M. Thompson, Defendant. aiis T,m Toen. fi Mar- 31 West Lend. Inqulro KALrLIvwlti4i4 "'l!-J''"y- Tie-lp- !.. rovfr Tnu are pletely furnished. IIHt - wr A X . To tho Ahovo Named Defenilnnt: " ,.-, - WB I -f-- Kansas- City Nov. 18. Cattle Vaklez, Sim'.'. West CeStl'lll. t'ooni Phone t f, sivuioim, 1 nowsif.a tin, John D. Martin, Valentin hereby notified that suit" has been filed FOIl BALM Two gentle saddle borses. In WAV t'O. fl.OOO. Prime . 'Market steady.' you In tho court nnd county ahovo KENT Room With Hoard. FOR RIANT OH North Mnih quire f Wsst field. fciJ W A. Williams. Josepn b. IYlt WAIUaie Westbound. i .. i.n...i ...1.1 t.ibiiitirf- . -- - for an moddrn brick, sleeping ' steers, $10.000' 11.00; western Lo'nglno L. Williams, Luis IIHIIH o wo.-i.-- ntt... stroot, HAI.isHliT high grade Jersey heifers, No. Claee. Arrives Departs Vigil. E. ii. grotuid of abandon North. heut; In first-clas- s FUR on tho porch, hot wuter all Ca-nii- to abnolut divorce nil 13MM. F'red W liukcs, I Kxpresa ,. Tmiiih. 7.3op Antoitlo 8. ;Grifgo. iUiioJT cottage board Mia, Tlltou Bogh, 111 HoutU bred. Phone California A Martinet!; ment. You nre runner notuieu in" Foil iioonis or with In'iulrn Clly. Kxprese . , tO:ldp 11 lOiip Eugenlo be entered yonr cnnvales- - street. ' f California Ortiz, Charles Munford;' you enter or causa to at Mrs. Reed's sanitarium for Third . 13:4r,a court at Albuquerque, N. cream, eggs, (runs and FOR 8..I.K -- Two aell-lil'e- polnler pups, t Col. Fast Mull .Il;f.i'p : In said sen is. Home milk, ; . ? Highlands. Htreet, California Limited .. U:lua Probst. i 51., on or before Decemoer mm, n.. u. flowsrs.; Ttanch Phone lOSI; r heap. 1S14 South Waller Phono f ..U:i0a Wild pay the .ockhsrt rSolltll Kusl bound, The school boards 1914, default will be taken againm you auu FOll UKNT Five loom collllgu. WtJ. - sbntlkj rea- 10 Express 7:Sr.a l:0S but the at'Pb- c,ourl- - ,or iiroadwuy. Very comfortable; rent KAI.IO lionie, work Overland ...... railroad fare of tho teachers plaintiff will "' FOll due Kxpress 3 l:4np , In tne compiaini. nicely fur- sonable. single iiouhie, geiillu for limy nnve I Kaslorn lr.i WANTED: A i..,.u,,ivoo must meot- tlioir relief prayed for EXVISl'LK.NT table board and or i" l J- J California Limited ,:4(ip 7:0p teacnern incniuv... for plaintiff - Newell, and cold In KKNT , moiloru Iiouho, or siidille. Phot,. :.iiW. or ideal hnny...... J. H. Attonicv nished rooms with hot water Full C, Fix 7:Hp expenses. Superntcndcnt and office la Alhuquerriua, 3 ejoio. Call 4111 I II. Ii Chi. lllip other re- - whose poatofflcc every room. Cnsn tie ".. si west-- furnished, sleeping porch. ot bt:FF Ol'.l'INO'l'uNH, Roso I'oiiib lleiln; . . .u- - n ...hnniu today- A. ii.,' - Houlliboiiud W UEIl'T Ol uiu New Mexico. r South 1llh street. willllel-- lit Albuquerque, lloswell, Ainu- aiij - Highland. 4113 Kl I'll." a Mox. I'.XP H:5lla Young high (Scol) -- up: fe Bright . 'J'no-looi- Hood ones. Males, I Jerved .rooms for the sehojd llepmy,.'u"t- Full ItKN T furnished coltuaes. rlllo. '; Pecos Valley liili 7:IOp llv TMOS. K n. MAPPISIIN. TABI.K IIOAilh I...-- 0 per week. Jtooms aud piild. Apply Hfi 11.00 UP. Johll Hi. John, RoBWe.ll. lit CklablnlicJ and olub. Every one of $s nionih euch. water male. liil 1'a.o 1'assciiger ...... ff(TM'' A long KU.P I.' HC HI IT. sleenlna norcbes. ol South Kdlih. Oold avenue. N. M. llli I:lla . in. Tho Indian schools West NorlhlHiund IwACllI house 40 of Bernalillo, rooms, with Three-roo- pay. won Rouble "educationV. institutions will State of New Mexico. County Foil KKNT Well ventilated FOR RUN'I furnished house, THET LAI, they win, thoy 111) From Meg. A llil Paso.. ,.T:"1a vean in business ha ro he In the District court. board, 17 SO per w eek. 1:4 South L'dltn with steeping porch, llil, with water four first, one aecond. at elate fair. Mil; 111 From F.I Paso I:3(ip at . , contingents so that NO. et1.. street. ' ' paid. Ii!:a Koulh Waller slieet six first, two seconds, ltih! five firsla, four M ia 'ttiia Kfident Ho send their 111 From Peooa Val. A opening city tof -- .T I'Ulniltf, va. Adele cup, O. 1 - Charles Aidrews. trlVii ui,'. Kiintiv front room .and aiceD R I'. N T T ll ree - roo in furillBhed ilolise, seconds and Oov. McDonald 113. " fully Biuntt vt FOR B. o. tepreientctiTe. Hi will be largely Zl convention. If Andtevs hefenoani. Ins- - porch; board; convalescents. 711 mnderti! also housekeeniiig rooms. 1301 It. I. Rede, Mol lied Atieonas, wniie buquerque during tne Named Defendant: M, Orpltigtona. Buff Orpingtons and I. II I N oy?n; tKt work pleatant nd do onb To the Above (u(t South IvIMh Roiilh Walter. Phone twtnty-fiv- e other counties Ducks. Btook eggs and ehlcke for aale. U than the , . a.rti. In t tilfiiVf nUltlPti FOR RKNT Tiii N'oith ilixli. inodnrn - AUTO LIVERY ablii; hit profit averago more ,,rt1rjrlPJ- Willi t..... in General. ft ID. P. O. Bog 111. Baxt Hexei- lf WOl, tne been 1. I...I heilt. -roOIOS Thumaa, lit one-ha- as Vhe above named HOUR,,,....lul....l ...... - Ys on tlve buiineu done, and muik your ek-c- d the Whlloomb porch; two rooms dlne. Va Call. We Will Treat certainly pass the two thousand the said plaintiff praya SPEND at downstairs, with sleeping Give a eentia!. Plaintiff, wherein Rprlnrrs Under new mansaement upstairs. Roomy back yard with barn and Yon ltlghi, !ioui exptrience ii not an annoiuio umv.v - trees. Owner ILUJ." for BOARD.-with-slce- porch or coil ise; chicken pen. lawn and shade U ii an ideal opportunity for a young FROM STOMACH once, leaving city M ACHING Al'TO & CONSTHUC HEIJUr Jersey milk, fresh eggs, butler, veget- will give possession at ,'f AUU .l..a.,nu l,i of on and .b.ndonm.nturtf If desired ..i.u.o TION CO. Ji of good wide circle clSe1 .ncimt conveyance. PfaCf's ranch. for ranch home. Rent reasonable. guaranteed, 401 Bouth appearance, or cause to be entered your ables. Free ootv until first of year. able, satisfaction to enter Second Phone l.".oW. ...oi High. Phone Mrs. I'sroslla Magdalcna, If. M. luaint.nce and a genuine desire the di.trict court of the to sub-re- a room or imf. - - in the county of giving tenant time purlors. la J - - wnrlr .' ful Stomach Kn , re- - district in and for Phone W an'TEO ili is at di esninuklng " m a imjiruiurc ie;i w. 'lv' of New Mexico In the .V- ?!, L (,o isaaw. all scriptlon OI rrtai." V nolsoil-lie- f and state - - . - H. 1 n e, Wo do accordion and .lire earliett teply will teceive fcst body all "cause the 17th day of De-i'- N. Phone 1241. and free the said on or before 111H1 Autoinooilo r.eud light. Leava al width.. Miss Crane, 2ti 7th. 51 ri and iderattoo, a default will be entered MoCloskey a, 401 West Copper re- ou. matter? r? hr.frJ. after and wsshwiwt;KNT riitich.l!ssswith BfUBCRIIlBRS T plaintiff will apply to the court for the " Full II alfnlla ' TO ... spells, sicic the ceive reward. , houses, near city. J. O, Al lteiil estate problems -- .purchase, sales or you get your Morning t. "a'ound the In complaint, two adobe full to mmkuj prayed for the j Bxiwtslor bicycle. mud easily olved by want If eating, pressure "bottle to- - iif for plaintiff are Miller ft CrSlf. LOST Block Irudo are Journal Journiil. cull constipation, gel . Attorney, guards, scat marked. Howard. Return to Read them! use lliem. L'o It toUuy. OSTER GILItOY heart or and poatoffice at Albutiuorque, Nuw Wliii)Tli.RN UNION TKLKtillAPll CO. trtTlce Western t.'nlon. l'hone 301 Lolayctlc Street , ' uoiu'Hfw-l- A. R Tf 1.KKTt. i.I'l&T-- Ilill'T, 11 .'.oi.'l fo li d lob, W0nl0il--Clv4u- . 6..II .11 1st; Iba Jour- , i, Apply at Mn.vr's von 'r (,lirl( cf (he Court ting.' cut tlown to lady's stzo. Itaaard. nil iteNT office. thos.'.nds. .mo, D,ct pberaon, Jouraat onica. nal office. Remejy is now 0y.IU03, K. V. MADDlbOW, Ueputy. ttetuto to Y. W, C. A. aeh J' EIGHT L., . ----J -- - - - . T t y r , ' .' Creccc-n-t Hardware Co. i mo's vm Mm in c th e ivca ves fMrtea, lunge, none rtrnUtUnc flood, Cnllcry, TisJ. Iron I'll, Talrea Exam nd lifting, liuniMng, Heating, Ha wJ Con work. TRIAL TO BEGIIJ TO BE TAG DAY in w. central Avi-- TELcrnoxs sit. vj Juvenile Books in these loose, full skirted overcoat's. THE PERFECT "The yuri I'miii'io FOR ALL lug lbs." S. COURT III ALBUQUERQUE SN011RIFT SHORTENING "TIio Adtriiturc if a Hap- . COOKING py Wirfly." Hart Schatfner & Marx lUrllidajr GUARANTEED "Tim linn ir EVERY CAN I Ml." John B of City Organize to for " ChrUiiua Party for .Enjeldi. Officer ofjLadies have chosen these models Sunlit Clnus." ; State National Bank of Ar- - Raise Fund for Relief of lie most distinctive, livelier I iiTTifjfJ tcsia, Is the Defendant, Belgian i'liffeicrs, cloths yuu ever saw. HAVE JUST RCCfIVED nili You men know , TUffdny will be Tu diiy. young Shipment of riio (rial of John li. Knlii-ld- taah-o- f Another boul -- you've i th.. Htuin .itioiml buti i,f a, lon't link hard llinc that often the lahric puts FILE ID T win today d pot to lonif a'Toi. '. t Wisconsin CUES bi!in lu Hit mt. , a t you - iiioiH-y- in ffili-- dlKtrl.t court. Knll.ld la uf ouriu need tin- but the snap the coat. ipui-- of i.irKia; wlih violating thu tMtiouu, think Jiow moro thu proplc 1 - f'i,. Hi'IkIiiui, who, any of PureBuckwheatflour STILL Aniline in um Hi.x.iru Aiii- . without limit " .PEOPLE "",lp n ar ery patterns AGAINST OlVEfJ fl'ment al...a th,.t mi.d.-- a fulav r,ll"'J Such 5 Lb Sacks 40c Witry of bl prrxoiiMl tiibaolut? dt'Mtltutlon. m- -d It. Jua: such clever fashions lll.iiv. ywur n and "The rd.,e a a.'--t 'for" trlulfe! i--f "'Ki" tlmt iou had be . your broth, r. father, or ALSO JUST RECEIVED Joy. but alH wd of It noti lrml, boh make strikitij srarniiiits. K'1M- - COMIfJG ACROSS of until y.M.rdav aftcr-- i l11"""1 ""d ,hu' 'ou huJ brouyhl W of poverty Red Seal Brand Potato District Attorney Is Not En noon, Xunia, poip..i,cmont until to-- , tn juy, over lil(,ht IkiW do you think you '. $18 ta $.'5 Chips, tirely Satisfied, but Is Will ' The FrrinW k'....i,n .,..... i.l.. u m. ) would feel? Kn-u- i . tudnv. Inn III I no neuri oi me Aim ruiin fur ulii'llier lln. ii. nil - 15c; two Pkgs., 25c. ing to Abide by Choice of F0RT..H..C.1 I people Iiiik by tlio Huf- r. :.i h it .1,. - ,..... ii,.,.. ,...n. ben touvlied Simon Stern, Inc. uined In . i i ft ui u riit.r naiH.!!. t i Fresh Blue Kill Cheese Voters of District. the trial of the Kiilleld generous response ease. Is charged with there lias, been a "white relieve The home or Hart Kchaffner & Chili, shivery." He Induced his cousin to the appeal for funds to that with to - Out-of-to- suffering. Itoswell and Hunta Fe Murx clothes Belated From wn go to hia m ur Silver City In bio-gra- Returns runch from TIio Jiiiiriiul Iii ri Ipl of u . came across with liberal donutlons, Package,. 15 Cents. I Washington, and not long after her I fnuii Attorney K. D. land now It is up to Albuquerque, the lleliict Contributors Swell arrival, committed the Uet which Tlttrn.inn, of Jlillnboro( denying pub- biggest city In New Mexico, to show CnIitrUrlScUnii IMwa brought the case to the attention of lished reports Hint he will Mr n cim-- t' Fuild; Campaign' Workers I that she Is ttot tlx' le:ut or tho last In the authorities, according lo t.' against Il.irry 1'. liwi ii, who ""i the humanity. ft .. . answering the call of till- - fiiri' of tlm rrlurnn Ui f'Mlid Worn. Out but Happy, , . LuOiiJa WARD'S STORE Jr. JiiiIuiim-ii- I ... .i iIpiIhIvp for Jouriuib J L'l. Tliiiiinnn by n plurullty In I,. Tho women of Albuquerque 'huve - Judge W, 11. I'ope yesterday an- H5MarWoAe, 1'Uoine 9 tin- r nt IcrtloiiM, In a to nounced Judgment In eO"t-- of taken tho leud raising fund TIiitp wm ppraixli'iit rumor to tlio ' They are. alill "coming acroaa" for the the "Tug day" UO.MER II. WARII, Mgr. ' aid tho llelgian sufferers. fi-- t Santa Ke railway against the Journal IMPORTED ron-tt'- (.'. j f llmt Mr. . Tlitinun would tho Y. M. A. Is rosy morn to I Publishing company. Tho railway ul- - tho result. From ATTENTION the rlei'llon on th ground Hint The druguM out by the dewy eve Tuesday group of thrown lttgt p balance wus duo on a freight next a Mr. i hmiBo of roMldcnco from ! owfn'i committee In charge of the. solid-tutloi- i Albuquerque's fairest women will MACARONI B Ihuqui'rtju to Imh l.uima wu not bill for paper delivered .several years at prominent corner NAPI-K.S- , M f of funds wna so ago. Judge I'ope found In favor of stand the mst carload of L( AIIOVI from ITALY, burnt fid" but inrn-l- for thi purpose and at places where the most people Jujt received, oiut thx offk-- that It was lmpuxxlblo to haul In at! the Journal company und dismissed Ih of neciirlnif un il'itlon to congregate will '"tug" all comers eon.,!-- I r th) very iiiulliv. Wo llce thN Strong Brothers tho ruilway company' complulnt with and' ! ns of l.ano cascM and hot of dbdrlct atlnrmv. Thin rumor the flMi In the time that hud been In the the movement. If tho The case was Interests Umj until war conditions In lCuroM are Undertaken t at rrt by Mr. Tittnionn'a ttlt rom scheduled, and they arn atlll cuin'ig defendant's oots. you n tighrwud you will leave to Ih! last hhilimciil uailabl on are all wliii'li la un fulluwa: In. ltutween two mid three hundred submitted Tuesday the complulnt your home now get mr stock iH fore tbej 1 loose change ut and hand Profit liy this opportuirfl' and PROMPT IKItVlCK. PHONE aubH'-rlptlon- and answer. lurk hart & Coora rep- "ilomlnn Jnuriml, AlbuUcrguo, X, M dollars In waa recorded over a plugged nickel In exchange for: it. dtrono mm, oorrca la resented the' defendant. . gone. 1 t eJCD "Whllt. it truo that lltiin'r yesl.Tdoy, and returns that ure still you are a real sport you will arc all I i t aKOOND. " Trujillo, 'rharged'-'-with- ) clianifc of rfHldwe from Albuquer- to bo received will probably swell the rutrlchv ttngv.'lf along with you and band que to I.unua mora grand total Albuquerque's V. M. "bootlegging," wus ucqultted shortly' Liquor Company Iin a aubtcr for t over with u smile whin you see ona ; Montezuma Grocery and roiitejt-liia- o o ; fui, I hav no Intention of ; C. A. by a thousand dollars or inoru. auer ciocu yesieruuy artcmoon f ,hcm (,onlnf w . ... - r, COPI'FK AVICM i: iuid TIIIHI ST. hi )!'tiiin. Thorcforr, pltaao Th campaign workera ho fov it j t. J.'iJ. u... u riii'i,uvi7u Miss Virginia Curr has been made dt-n- ytiir yoNtorday'a Mory. iilno duya had given up their luln"aa Tuesday afternoon and tho taking of II, ' chairman, and Mls Gladys Aland' LOCAL ITEMS "KIWAfil 1, TITTMANN." to tabor In the Interest of the move- evidence begun yesterday morning secretary of the committee In charge ment wore un expreimlon He Whs defended by L. K. Ie. of tho Tug day enterprise, Hciulquar. or , mingled, fu He ii hupplnrsS. Trujillo put u of wino In nn ittruest A. H. S. COMMITTEE GOT uf tic nd bottle ters will bo established at GrlmMhaw'ai Heboth, pulotlLg, papering. TlnTc was the amlle tbut refused to Indian's wngon on Kouth First street, corner, nt the Combs hotel end at Gallap lump PU,,e Mi. wrcs MAHrJCOALCOGB"UP come off worn by all of thcin. It according to tcHljmony. He said he j Dr. Bchweutker, jtuoputh. I'b. 117. $1,596 FOR Y. M. C. A. Williams' drug store.. The following CcrrUhs, 1-n- .p StT duy congrululiillolia telling bought It own use , cutidy prompt a of of for his and Intend ladies will do the tugging: Mrs. The-- rhOSE9U Fee'i store glis how It waa done and how glad every- ed to get the bottle later. to mull orders. (Ily the odoru S. Woolsey, Jr., Mrs. H. Ii. A 6IZICS, 6TE-.- COAL Journal' IHkIi School body It had been dono. ANTIIUAC1TI2, IX ' was that TruJIIIu's wlf. and four small chil Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Thomas N ill f Los Lunaa, Ik In Kcportcra.) Jamison, John Wood, Kindling, Llmt t (it't I'rab'. drcn stood 111 ho corridor outside Btern, Coke. Mill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Native thu illy on business. Tho hluli aihuol rummittfc lolpod L J. Alger, Mrs. Albert Mr. Thero wus unstinted praise for tho the court room awaiting the verdict. II. O. Coor.v Jr., Mrs. Krnest Kpltx. j Knutly In ttic T. M. C. A. men cam- J. 1'. Romero, u prominent sheep who bore the brunt of tho At the Judge's statement thut he was Wurren Mrs. I fund, liuYinit collcctod 1 1.CV0.G0. 1'hla Mrs. Pileher, ruJser of Vulvmlii county, U In tin? paignfor ltobert K. Putney, who discharged, Trujillo walked outside Lee, Mrs. M. O. Mrj. W amount in griutrr tliun any Chudbourne, g city visiting frlciida. olhw riot only was the most liberal contri- and began gathering bundles together Kosenwald, Agnes Chil- - youiiK nivn't coinnilttrc obtained and Sidney Miss butor but pc.rhups the most tlrcbus in a. buslness-Itlt- e manner, getting ders, MIsd Edith Chlldrs, Miss Kath-- j , There will bo story Ii'IIIiik In the inore.thun nrvcral bUHlnvxs men' George and Indefatigable worker; for rtadylpta,t( h .family home. Chaves, Miss Aline Stern, Miss i children's library thin afternoon aftr couiinltttH'a In. erlne turnd A. Kasemun, who has Come to be Jury I'sn.--I Complice, Angelica ltowden. Miss Alma Iluld- - school. , Tim boya of tlm IiIkIi ailiool were Chiropractic known by the almost affectionate at" Miguel Chave withdrew his pre- ridge, Miss Elizabeth Si mills, MiSJl I". hot tlm only Htiidi'iita Who aided In by J. Kurnan left jesterduy fur Pollution of "Of Muu Knsemiin'' vious pleai of not guilty and yester- Uollie Dorothy Mc-- ! Twenty-riv- e McCiellan. Miss Crysta tho projwt. glrla Hunt a Fu mnl Thus un forest aervleu did the men who worked with him Hi the day pleaded guilty to Introducing li- Milieu, Asselln, Miss clorlcbl work Miss Laurecn buslui'M. at tlm bfadiiuartwi campaign: for M. K. Illekey. who was Hcssel-de- n, quor on the Isleta' Indian reservation, Julia Kelcher, Miss ISernlce you throuiihuut tho cuinUHlgn. The do lu tho thick of thliuss' from, .th be- morning. "Listen," do know whut J, 3. Torres, editor of LI lleruldo, lie Is to le sentenced this Miss Eleanor Vaughncy, Miss Chiropractic Is'.' If you ore 221 South Second Street tfieattc iclsnca clnan aided In acrvlng of fight y, llio Hpanlsh weekly published nt ginning to the end the and Matt Fowler admitted to prac Gertrude' Walker. Miss Adele. Pun-kerl- iinv luiKhcona In- sick and have tried everything to the w'orkora. whose warm, genial sin lie was nn ls on mo- Myrl In III city. In the I'nlted Stutes court Miss Lora Lovelace, Miss tfoewru, tho 1 1st- - tice else, try Chiropratlc Adjust- lTuclli'ally 'iiy boy in auliool spiration nil times, nnd for all the rn r. !.- A l .. .. n at lll.ll OI .Ullllll. Hope, Miss Sophia Vrlsarrl, Miss Eu- LAST DAY OF There will bo b regulur meeting of "fiuno arrox until It hurt." part 4. ments and get well. other who carried the biggest tspeclul venire, Tues- genia Keleher, Miss Margaret Keie-he- r. Alexander L'umas' MuMerpicce uf ItullMuy Employe thin Tlio drawn We udjust the cause of tho lliu Order The of the biuli avhool Of the burden. day, wus returned' yesterday morning Miss Hazel Maloy, Miss Peuli evening (it o'clock In Woodman hull. eomiiilttuiv wcro HuKh Wlloy Uuynoldn, presi- disease without recourse to I Cooimr. The gift of Joshua by United States Marshal A. H. Hud-Kpet- Corson, Miss Heatrlce Armljo, Miss HKImiir, I(olbt;rt llkkty, ficurgp iJoo-Ic- y, medicine, drugs, or surgery. Grutislcld liroH. made it shipment dent of the National bank of The speciul veniremen are: Teresa Arm! Jo, Miss Jean Arnot, Mlsa "The Three l.yinun rutney Ar-no- t. tho- - Fir.-i-t There must be u cause if there of goods weighing 1,(100 pounds liv and iluorifo Albuqucrquu. uud also of Fcdro Clilego y Apodaeu, Old Albu- Elele Kempenlch, Mls Virginia Carr I'". I Is a disease; to get rid of the parcel post lust night fur Hun Juuli National bank of T'aao, enmo in querque; Fd KreiniKT, Albuquer- and Miss Gladys Mandell. for ' explanation yesterday by the m disease the cause must be d; rounty. que; J. 11. Jool. Albuquerque; Tho lueiiibera of the doineatk! o campaign. Mr, Ituy-nol- that is our business. There Mill be a regular meeting of leaders of the Plnney, Albuquerque; E. W, Musketeers" rlana prepared their own cava an equity In certain valu- Come and see us, It will do Tcmplu No. 6, A. I''. & A. M-- , Fee, t Albuqoorquot Wilson C. Kclm, ' lunuhea and ato yeaterduy at noon able real estate located In Albuquoi-qu- e, you good. A Paramount Special leu lure tlilit t- iiitnif ut 7:20. Visiting broth-tr- i Albuquerque; Good, Fee and Keim In up at tho Behool. , and Immediately after tho dona- six reels. Cat nutdc Welcome. wcro txcuHed. " AEOLIAN tion wus announced a number of Al- MR. and MRS, from the leading actors of . Who Arc. , Tim Congregational MlHNiunury IteportH of eoiiiniltteea at meet- buquerque business inuit gave their Jurors , IVaiice. Costumed correctly MeU-t;a- r. panel now Is made up will meet with Mrs. I''rel ing' uf tlm fcl i' Ik, held yustc rduy In the guaranty one yeur Tho rrgulur for tlm iMiriod. written that within Iden, Las Vegas; of 114 Nurlli Ldlth street, this Ntudy hull, allowed tlmt pructleully date they would pay th" trus- of Clarence Last M, U, PltOIFCTtON PERI from .Cordova, Chacon; W. A. Craig,' BATTENDORF i:T nfturuoon ut 3 o'clock. elioUKh furnlKhliiKH to equip the rvsl tees of Y. M. C. A. 5,000 for the Pctlx PLAYER the IX Knunons, Albu- PIANO ... T. C. McOcriiioit. proprietor of tin.' room luul been obtuined. It be Carlsbad; John equity unless could sold for that Vargas, Office' Hours: J'uywood Hot KprliiKH recorl. In or a greater amount In the mean- querque; Cerllo C. Tierra LOOK OUT! Gallegos, Vlllunu-cva- ; U to 12, 1 to S, 1 to 8 The Is In town. Miuthwin New Mejli;o. la here uh ii A fluir alnlT la to be put up at tho time. There Is every probability thut Amarlllu; l'orfirlo Camera l'ioud Ill-ear- SALE CIIEAP. i:iO. I I'd fe"""h vent eorner Cyril J. Collycr, Frultland:. IOII Phono W. Gold. You dodge, liini and he juror in tho l ulled Mute dlnlrl. t tf the bulldliiB Mr. ItuyiioblH' gift will umoiint to This Is as good as new. Cawt can't court, I'b1' Phi will be net In a eolierelo much more than tj.OHO by thu time 'GallegoH, Stin'Jose; A. W. FltuN will liave your picture on the I Albilquer-qtie- r Will v ll for - r da, Clovls: nui V. Krhver, ; screen ut The Crystal, tomor- wlil r.o'pHon II..1"""'- "w tli'! funds are needud, ; ' ' ' .' There be a f.,r that 1 , cash. '. .' , . Iiiimc, Hurre.v--Hai- r, HwswelK leey--U- row' Ma linen mnl Nblil.- - lor-am- exciiviitloii for the Hecrcturv left night i'. T. I'm) i fmuily ut .llie nilhelmer last 617 SOITII 1CIHTH STREET H. Tucson, he will u Hunter, Itoswell; Lcocurdlo Murtinei. Klrnt Itiiptltit rhurrlt IIiIm eM-nin- nl for where attend LET US A MAN right It gi'iide held on Taos; Harry T. Joliit;on, Albuquer- SEND 9 o'i bieh. All member- ot the thiii'eh The election meeting of Y. M. i A. suereturles Wi que; Harry 8. llond, Itoswell; Lee To bu Tueaduy, The follou lug ciffloera re for Arizona und New Mexico. Secre- Replace that Broken Window MATINEES are urged to preiiinl. C. MeTer-mol- t, clucted; Veru Itlake, irealdenl; Ma- tary licnolr left yesterday for Lus Hamilton. Tucumearl; T. ' t.lnss Ad- , Mr. Hurry M.eAo ir-ll- alo GIVE PICTFItES FOR ' at 2:30 and 3;45; and Mr. bel llluda, vice proaldent; iHirotby Vegas. lloth these gentlemen won Foywood; ltobert W. Nlckle, ALUUQUEKQIE LUMISEB IuhI tiiilii No. 1 CHRISTMAS COMPANY iii;lilon HnaHi'tt, aeeretury, Cliirenee golden opinions for while Itaton; W. C. Ijiwrenee, Lake Ar- Chi- route ' ChleiiKo to th Cirtind .and themselves I'hone 421 423 IV. mission 10 Cents: from Johiihon, treiiHiirer. In Albuquerque and made many closo thur; 'J. It. lJntightry, Itosw'ell: Speciul prices on photos for the First cunyon. Mr. M.'Avoy la a fiileaiiiuii in Orlo-g- o personal Mr. will Walker, Kirtlniid: l'edro ldren 5 Cents (Ut. llarvcy di pitrtinenl friends, Itilheimer Frank holidays at Mb Plersoii's Hudlo, i red bo In Albuquerque In te.i y Apoduea, Old Albuquerque; wu In NEARLY EVERY COUNTY buck about 11C Second street. thero. He formerly Albu.uer days, up Finney, ' Albuquerque; Ed South que. and will then take with '.he NIGHTS trustees the mutter of the practical Kreumer, Albuquerque. Clerk Wulker yeaterduy TO BE REPRESENTED Count' worli of getting tho new building un- at 7:30 and 9;00 o'Ciock lleeiiNia to iimrry to the follow- IN SCHOOL EXHIBITS der way. 1 ing eollples: Hulph K CleavetiKer, ' ltatter than the adtertJard brands Admission: Adults 15 and murh H uud Iiololea I.una, Allnl-iiier.U- ' rlieuuer .tbitl IH LHtll t "TELMO" l Mex- NOMINATING tOMMITTF.K IX Is better for a OWN tllOt'OLATt.S. Avehln H. Kloeli, Albuiier-iiie- , Nearly every county Now Nothlns Cents; Children, 10 Cents . Ill: AFFOIXTU UV l'L'TNEV - and Kthel 1. I'Vederkka. Albu-uurqu- ico has applied for- - apuee at th" GRIMSHAW'S BUT THIS BRAND of CAXNED held In ' " GOODS AND Joho Alderele, Atrtaru, mid Mchuol rxpotiltlon to be the TTie campaign committee, rttet ni Serunil anil t'rirtrat. TOC HAVE THJC Atrlaeo. 1 l.ubertu 8iiniheit. Library building while tho teach era 1 o'clock yesterday inoruiug In Cfirtsimas "Nanltatlun Uur Delight." BFT Henry's Delivery and Me- li. J, HuliiiB, formerly, of this city, aaaoelatlun la In convention lu:re, ac- F. Hlokcy's office and authorized It. but for the laat llfteell yeura U resi- cording to J. K. (Joodell, ehalrmun 13. Putney to appoint n nominating ssengers. Phone 939. Trlulduil, ho la Photograph made WALLACE dent of Colo., where of the exhibits committee. oommlttee of five members which gift than a HESSELDEN In th( wool buying buatneaa, baa been will select the first board of direc- The exhibits, as 1 Indicated by the WALTON. General Contractors. here for aeverul duya, lntervlewliiK tum of the T. M. C. A. The nominat- by Figure and workmanship count. W local nhccp Year" Mr. application, will be representative ing ' committee will fifteen your money raincra. iiko select The very latest at moderate guarantee more for than 111. bug wua with oilier." and 4nchitle every auction of the state. nuin s subject to the approval of tho any contracting firm Albu- astoeiuteii prices. 513 & West Central. other la 'in thu wool and hblo buxincKS In thlx Mr. (loodell heard from the su- general committee. querque, ortlce. at L'pstairs. Phono 928. PLAK1NQ jvity. perintendent of Tuoa county that he Five mvmlra of tlm bourd direc- SCPKKIOR MILL 4 The Woiimna Home und IVrelg-- would bring fifty teachers. Curry tors wil 'servo ono year, five .two Phoue IT7. Mianloimry aoclety of tlm First n county, Alamogordo, Hllver City and years' and five three years. Theron?-te- f thunh will lodd l nmiual Vegas will be well represented ttve members will be elected ev- k havt-- prae nenb-- e in the imiii.ra of the and thq lAgrlcuituil ollei will ery year. a soon ns the Iwnrd Is tiian before, thiM nfti riioon ut 3 o'clock. larger debcalloii over organise' a charter will be appliod NOTICE r. according: ma gimeral Mr. Iluxh A. Cooper will M" iw b to iBfor.iiiatiim.- for tho entnmitteo will deliver active Members ul'e reijuexled to come Mr. (ioodcll ia also taking un tu It tho subscription pledgee for col- AUCTION In , with u part; the, prcyaraibe'ia for ( the lection. The board will buy a site $3,000 prepared to unitwcr roll call Tbunkhglvlne text. meeting of cotifinrrtit, teaohe'rh,: This anJ erect tHH,ul!dlnff. section wllb L iintiUet Vcfiaea-da- y night The Urn. K. I'. Hchueler murrl.'d tind Seerctury Hllheimer lert last bight at rrt Ai W 'lOAtut 111 d jhtel..lov. for Tueson. lln will return In of Mihm 1. Furniture In IT. Sale Party Archie Kl'Hk and ? ernor Mi'a. MePonald, riuperln-- - soliqiting agencies erb'Kn liM night nt the homo of the and ten'dayj.; , Bf ginning 2 p. m.. Sitardij, Not. 21st, it 114 West Gold Aieitue t. rtdeiit liild Mi.fWfid.J ana Mr. and it tiride'a mother, U Wouth Arno utreet. t ' C. C. been ' Mrs. Hill have Invited as hi' MM ICR tJ.IU)KN. I x AUCTION", without reserve, The ceremony waa witnessed by J ill sell at PUBLIC gueals of honor. Best of drinks kerved, with appo-tUln- g for the McCall kiumIk. A wedding fcuppcr lunches, special attention to all the entire stock of THE NEW STATE FURXITURK Pattern was Thu bride. 'a brother, oustomers. JAMES TAVAtSCI, line uf second- lAula, and her alxter, l.llliuii, were 'THE OPENED SHUTTERS' Proprietor. CO., consisting of a complete new and reapettlvely beat mun and brlde'a Company is a FRAUD. Y. M. C. A. BENEFIT hand furniture. maid. The cuuple. will leave today for Picture Frames. RANGES, HEATERS. DRESSERS duy' fttt" ut KstttiiiSa. w here Mra STOVES.' tea We a Klock formerly taught aehool. Today, at tho Lyric theuter, both have beautiful Una of picture CHIFFONIERS. BEDS. SPRINGS. MATTRESSES. We are the sole agents afternoon and evening, a benefit will frames In all sires to offer at a price that will surplse you. Come and see CHAIRS, ROCKERS, LIBRARY TABLE, CENTER For Christmas. be given, and the feature will be "The them, TABLES, Opened Shutters." a four-re- c Gold TABLE, DINING KITCHEN TABLES, for ' A line of alliuma fur amateur gTVrIO, the McCall full Seal drama. This Is the first photo- ri'KSLLL II J W. Central. carried in furniture will Patterns. pretty thloga to In- and in fact everything a store, I plioioa and other play of Mra, Clara Louise llurnham. U the kodaUer, B, M. WIlXIAJil ; sold at this sale, to the highest bidder for terval featuring an ull-i-t- cast, and among positively 1 W. Centrnt. Ixuntlst MJltSliLUISTl'DIO. Hn In the-pla- cash. ; those ar? Herbert ReoDia 1 and 3, Whiting Building, i j , , . i Hawllns, Anna LittHv William, Worth Corner Second and Gold. Tliis U your opportunity tofu1;nis1i your home at .vour ington, Hetty Vchade, Prank .Lloyd ' potl No-- ord Cirn, lrew. Ad(q(don will be' iOwii,pirce--thr- s stock niustjlclufed ou.Tr )frc proJvedH tJ. EL COXNLTt, .M. O. ten iiW, and th" will go , l. : A. - ostoofuMMn Kpnclallt .... 1 towurd awelllug the' T: M. C. fund. .ww,, diseases, office Stem -- ,.j; y TRANSFER treat all curable (jjOBElii There will be three matinees tn thv Building. Phonea Sti and SSi. j. ictionccr y t. per- ...... 3Ur315, and Reasonable afternoon, with the usual night li 1283 Competent formances. - Saddle boraa, Trimble' Bad BaTB. vXtgtr