University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-19-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-19-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-19-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1119 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. nilUTV-HIXT- II YlHAIl .'.(. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1914, Dully by Carrier or Mail 0 vol- - CYXXXIV. Xo. Month, single tuple, to. 1 1 n in !l 0 iil.a to fight vodka with ull my. Army Messenger new ivinn i . admit that a nu u i u . sircngin..... hum F G OH FLAG : ADMIT LITTLE CHANGE phase of the war has opened which Is VILLA FORCES r i iuii u I Loral Option Falls. BUSSO likely 'to have decisive Influence on iiuiiiui ''On I hp supposition that the gov the whole campulKii " 't inmciit was silling vodka fur the revenue, I calculated tho revenuu re- IU.MVMA MV Hi: ceived fry m lin consumption in Su- - TURKS HOT REVERSE REPORTED) FROM I VIllT.U TO AIT NOW MOVIIIG Oil flHULUIt inuru. I then Introduced u lilll In the Mil II I'lty council providing that Hit' city loiHloti, Xov. It (3:1)1 m, hi.) Tel- give this sum tu the trcusury. This egraphing from retrogruJ, the Morn- IN EMPIRE hill pusstd mid tho money wus ap- BELIEVED ACT Oil CEIJIER OF BATTLE FR0IJT5, ing lwl'j coircspondent says: MEXICO CITY IN propriated. It wus offered to the "Three Turkish torpedo bout de- II government bpt the government stroyers are renin led to have 11I1T1 il promptly refused It. lulina, on an arm of the 1'anube del- - "It then Unwind upon me that tho tu, whii h under public Ku-rop- RU5S1AS OF HOST ILITT BATTLE EAST OR the law of GGIL OFTHE Russian bureuuerucy did not want the ; LIIJES WEST Is protected by treaties. Thus STRONG UIN people 1o become sober, fur the reuson llumanla iiiuhI decldo wheilur she hut It was tuMier to rule uutocrutlculy sides with (icrmany and Turkey or ja drunk 'ii mob thun u sober people, whether she supports the rluhls of i .. .. r .ti.i ii in w ii m seven years ugo. Later ICuiopeaii law." ii tiI Population of More natijt was elected mayor of sanmru, capi United States Government Claim Progress in Being Made Germans Conlinue Furious As- Armies of Convention Are of tn Volga (Ib-tr- a dh-trl.- Huilmi, ltuinanla, Is tho moulll of IRfinnnnnn .Fnmwtvi,ul Makes Inquiry Regarding on Frontier of saults in Belgium and Within Two Hundred Miles juiuuvivuw, ui ii. i. j wh over a lmirl,,r f u mllllon ln. East Prussia tho south branch of the J)anut, about Given to Drink, Become to h..idinK Incident to American Navy Where Engagement Is France Without Breaking forty loll. a southeast of lunall. of National Capital and Are I wus""'tie, ted to tho duma ' tal AbStamCrSi j" "U ftnti-vodk- a platform. In the in Harbor of Smyrna, Now on, Lines of Allies, IMKINS ih:i:t Well Equipped, ' jdiinia I proposed a bill, pcrmititng Ait.Miis or m;uu. 1 I the inhabitants of uny town to close IQ illll lo,al vodka shops, and provldlnn Lolidon, Xov. 18 (8; 10 p. m.)The rirAWTIPI PWflWnC ADMINISTRATION NOT CARPATHIAN DESPERATE FIGHTING FIRST BIG FIGHT IS UlUAN lj OnHWUL 10 !UH0 t1Ht ,v,,ry ,,, of vouKli wnoulj PASSES following wireless dispatch was re- ,t ceived this evening from Lkrlin by WORK OF ONE MANjy-,u,,,- :",h 1,"0 urV,,olHO"-- ' TO BE DRAWN INTO WAR ARE IN CZAR'S HANDS IN RUSSIAN POLAND LIKELY AT QUERETARO bill paused went to the Marconi Wireless company: i l jthe Imperial council, where It was "In tho latest lighting against the Servians, U forty-- i amended und finally tabled. the Austrian captur, j Apology From of two thirty-on- e Mo Apostle of Sobriety Tells of Audl01, w,u, Constantinople Muscovites Attack and Cap- Engagements Most Desper- guns and machine Carranza Announces That Kroner.. guns. I ifplfin!? Fi&llt Mfldfi 1)V Him' "1 ll,,n b.ged nn audience of Km- - Is to YtohJ Rulers Expected Should ture Wire Entanglements in ate Character Are Continu- Uajs' lighting thcAus-trlaii- s Never Intended peror wltl, "After three Nicholas. Ho received mo def"ated tho Montenegrins near Against National Curse of Kreat kindness In his castle In the Moslem Officer Exceed His Front of Defenses ous, but No Decisive Action Government to General Along Krabowr. The Pervitins now eon- - Crimea, not fur from the scene of the hto Strong Drink, Authority, Mazurian Lakes, Has Taken Place, ccnirutlng three divisions In fortified recent Turkish bomburdment. He positions south of llelgrade. to me patiently. He wan Im- "It Is reported pressed with my recital that most of that Armentieres, ) France, has boe nbomliarded." 11 MOKNIN JOUl SrteiAl 11AI10 WlMl the revolutionary and socialist IT KOftNIN JOURNAL aMCIAL LKtIO ( MO.NIH JOU.HAl IMCUL 111 lr mosmih iuHt treik. uuu wil -- it 1 S. IS Pctrogrud, Nov. 18. There l pro-lilb- by WashiiiKton. .Nov. The United I'ctroijTttd, Xov. 18. following Umdon, Ko: (9:30 p. m.) The were committed drunkurdt Tho ' tun 111 Russia today, prohibition Kveuborg States government hus directed Am- official voiiMiiutiicutiun from latest official communication re- ioij;xt f.vxov.ii; CAIlltAXZA Mkl and that the Kronntadt Kenerul i;h which mean that not a drop of vodka, und Sebattlopol navy revolts and the bassador Henry Murgenthau at Con- hcMcliniai'tcrs wiin (Msued tonlKht: garding the operations on the western uxtixi t lltONT OKIZAIIA CAPITAL, stantinople to gov- whiskey, Lrandy, gin or other strong retroBTad and other mutinous mili- ask the Ottoman 'Between the VitUulu and the War- - battlefields aro much the same as ... Paris, Xov. 18 (10:38 p. m.) Tho Is ro- - one to ernment for an explanation of tho flrt i ta in enuune- - those of preceding days. There has Mexico City. Nov. II. It liquor is obtalnuble from end tary moves were all made by vodka our advance eiimkIs an , ing by I following official communication 'it ported the other In it territory populated by Having me out his majesty Turkish lund forces at a ment wltli tho Oermuns who took tho e,'ri ftMhtlnn virtually all along the here that (knerai Car. heard any Issued tonight: ranzu. tho 100, OUO.OOU people and covering one-sixt- h promised once to speak to his launch from the American cruiser offensive, foil hack hi tin. iiri.ti,.n front, hut without appreciable has declared Orizaba at "Thn day been by of tho habitable iflobe. concerning the iTenncssie proceeding from ourluh 0f Iizoure. The enemy succeeded i ehanna In the situation. hus marked a new capital of the republic. minister of finance Uls- - to the at Smyrnu, I j of to very violent and almost uninterrupt- Mexico City, despltM th Tho story of how strong drink has j prohibitiln of vodka American consulate gaining a footing In the region of From the coast Flanders the - Sltt Mlnor- - Pr ,np rranco-ucigia- n ed cunnonade on our front In the patch of troops to the north to been utterly banished from the Rus- Disappointed at not being able to i fcenti'liltwi (Lenccycg) und Orloff, r" ' " w w ap- - ? ; or north. meet the fprcbs of (leneral Vil't, slan emplr was related to the Asso-- Kt.t a government bill abolishing this-- Kcreiary imnieis. itn tne throwing out advance guurds In th novatr, mucn niclv has lieen v - y - "In the region of t. Mihlrl - the Is quiet Lut a feeling ot t"ne- - elated Press by Michael DemetrovUch evil. I had abandoned by seat In tho l,rovnl ur resiueni nsoii, simunun- .urct'tlon of I'lontck. jnooucsi tne aiiiea to hinder tier- n - Hermans huvc blow n up the west part nesa prevails. TehellMheff. the man directly respon-- 1 duma was evident bueau-- i toUHl' mbled the commanders of the "in Kast Prussia our troops con-- attucks, thero has been repetl- It that of Chttuvincourt, w hich they Ni to l'.ussia s to ' eiui, m u " vuruniin, , unuo to man progress nnu rigntlng '" on a somewnai manor seuie oi ' had train arrived here from sible for pulling nn end cracy had been able obstruct the .orui re- - ln 1,10 Medilerraneuli, no j (iiimbinnen-An-jth- o mined. Vera Crua lasi night, it vice, the vodku habit. measure. Minister of l'lnunce to tuko is fining on eur the bombardment which tho Invaders h j Is nothing to report ported that the rallroaj truffle In beginning It dangerous In- - '"ctlon which might cmburrass tho gerburg front, w hich the enemy Is do-- ! Invariably resort to In the hope of "There from It should be said the kovsoff regarded as a , i government the other parts of the front." v u ..j ,"-- . that tho word prohibition ln ltusslu novation, depriving the government Americun and to awaft fending. breaking down the allies' ruslstnce vivi'fl I ly but It is not Know n jspeclflo Instructions from Washington "In the trenches which we cuptur-- 1 before Infuntry attacks, and In the rtiison for should be tuken literally.
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