[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

Sr. No. of Question Paper 7453 D Your Roll No ...... 3{fqCfiT 31:!c;tl+tiCfi ...... Unique Paper Code .. 244518

N arne of the Course B.A. (H) : Hindustani Music

N arne of the Paper Applied Musicology

Semester I Annual v

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ~:3w ~:75 "'

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any five questions. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

1. ~ ~- ~ cfi ~ lft "3i"lR ~ lTq ~ ~ 1R ~ 31'jiji .. jtfl ~ I

2. ~"tfkr~Cfif"3W~I ~m.. 1 ~t,

3. ~~cfi a{q)~tl

4. ~~-~Cfif"3W ~

1. Write a notation of a Drut or a Razakhani Gat in any of the prescribed in your syllabus.


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7453 2 OR

Write notation of a or a Gat in any tala other than teen tala in any of the prescribed ragas in your syllabus.

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2. Compare any two pairs of the following Ragas :-

(a) - Kamod

(b) Gaud Sarang -

(c) -

(d) Bhupali - Deshkar

(en) cf;zy ~

(~) ~~?{11(~1 £9P•H~<::

(ll) ~~ ~•Nctltft

("q) ~c-. ~

3. What do you understand by ''? Describe in detail Gwalior Gharana of Khyal with emphasis on its singing characteristics.

I'I 7453 3

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4. Which are the various singing styles of Dhrupad? Explain in detail Dagar style of Dhrupad singing.

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5. Describe Maihar Gharana of Instrumental music and its playing features.

6. Give a detailed description ofKhyal form of Hindustani Music.

,.·' 7. What is '' in Hindustani Music ? Explain Tarana singing style.

8. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Tappa

(b) Chaturang

(c) Sagar

(d) Sadra (15)

P. T.O.

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7453 4

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