"If We Find Je Ry, Maybe Ie'll
CONTENTS Politics 1-4 Commentary 5 -8 FORUM Duly Noted 7 JUNE 1, 1974 Vol. X, No. 11 50 CENTS "IF WE FIND JE_RY, MAYBE IE'LL :~ '. .", ~ , ::' ~ " ',LA'ID'" LEAD .1',OTBE .... ,OS' PROMISED,.... ,:" :.j ....:...... ,., ." ":. ".,.; ~.. / .'. " .... '; .,! ,.-", . , ... .... ~ ___ ~ ~L. L _ _ ... ___~ _.<.._.~ ... "--- _ '.' __ • _ _ ___ _ __ ~_, ........ __ ~_~ ~ __ .... ~ ____ '~__ _ _. ~_ ••• __ _ ~ ._.-:.... .... " - '. _. ' ...'. -,' -...... __ ... ~., Pennsylvania has now) would shift a large block of independent profes POLITICS: REPORTS' sional and managerial voters into Democratic primaries. Such legislation RULE 29 would formalize the anti-Watergate two-party statewide registration and sentiments of independent voters and thus to lock into the Democratic Party be a disaster for the GOP. The Mis sissippi GOP has already successfully "For the first time in my life, I agree a long-tenn national majority. In ad blocked such legislation. with the Ripon Society," said Missis dition to this effect between the par ties, the effect within the Democratic One Auspitz statement drew an an sippi GOP State Chainnan darke Reed noyed response from Ray Bliss, the on April 27 before Subcommittee Four Party is to throw off balance the Wal lace forces which in the North are subcommittee chainnan. Auspitz's re (on delegate selection of the Repub ference to "fears of state party lead lican Party's Rule 29 Committee). heavily dependent on blue-collar inde pendents." ership that an increase in Republican Reed was commenting on testimony strength will upset control of party To counter this trend, said Auspia. presented by Josiah Lee Auspitz, for machinery" prompted Bliss to reply "The GOP should oppose provisions mer president of the Ripon Society.
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