A Guide to Republican Insurgency

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A Guide to Republican Insurgency RIPON JULY, 1971 VOL. VII, No. 7 ONE DOLLAR A Guide to Republican Insurgency • Nixon's Swing Districts George F. Gilder r The Dumping of the President 1912-68 Howard L Reiter • New Hampshire Primary Preview John C Topping r·~~~l''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~~~''''''·''''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''''·'''''''''''''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''·''''''''''''''''''''''''~~~''''''''~·~~~·''''''''~''''''''''-'''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''l ~ PLUS: ~ t l t ~ On the R&D Gap Dr. Jeremy Stone ~ ~ OIC Success Story Senator J Caleb Boggs ~ ~ Fun City Blues Glenn S. Gerstell ~ L~ .. ~......... ~~~ ........... ~.-.. ........ ~.......................... ~........................... ~ ......... ~.~ ......... ~~~ ___ ............... ~.................. _....... ......... ~.................................... ....-.i SUMMARY OF CONTENTS THE RIPON SOCIETY INC. Is a Republican research and , policy organization whose members are young lousiness, academic and professional men and women. It has national headquarters In Cambridge, MassaClhusetts, chapters in thirteen cities, National Associate members throughout EDITORIAL the fifty states, and several affiliated groups of subchapter status. The Society is supported by chapter dues, individual contribu­ tions and revenues fr&m its publications and contract work. The "Thf' Lightweight Brigade" - a look at the Dem­ Society off",rs the following- options for annual ccmtributlon: Con­ ocrats. tributor $25 or more; Sustaine! $109 or more; Founcler $1009 or mere. Inquiries about membershilO and chapter organization should be addressed to the National Executive Director. NATIONAL GOVEBNlNG BOAJlJ) POLITICAL NOTES --4 Officers "Howard F. Gillette, Jr., President "Josiah Lee Auspitz, Chairman of the Executive Committee "Howard L. Reiter, Vice President "Robert L. Beal. Treasurer STATE SPOTLIGHT "R. Quincy White, Jr., Secretary Boston Philadelphia Glenn S. GersteD turns the harsh glare on New York "Martha Reardon "Richard R. Block Martin A. Linsky Robert J. Moss budgeting theatrics, Lindsay, Rockefeller and the entire Michael W. Christian Herbert Hutton state legislature limped to new heights of hyperbole, Cambridge Pittsburgh threat and vicious insult throughout the negotiations. The "Joel P. Greene "Leah Thayer Will Moffat James Groninger result? A bigger budget and higher taxes. Everyone who Craig Stewart Stan Sienkiewicz does not . live in Fun City will be that much happier next Chicago Seattle April 15th. -9 "R. Quincy White, Jr. 'Martin H. Sours Paul F. Anderson Dick Dykeman Harold S. Russel! Tom Alberg Dallas "Neil D. Anderson Washington Howard L. Abramson ·Stephen E. Herbits WASHINGTON VIEWPOINT Robert A. Wilson Albert C. Ely Detroft Patricia A. Goldman "Ralph J. Heikkinen Pentagon-stimulated headlines have been crying Stephen Selander At Large about a new "technology gap" between the U.S. and the Stephen Stockmeyer "·Christopher T. Bayley Soviet Union. Dr. Jeremy Stone, Director of the Federa­ Hartford Mark Bloomfield tion of American Scientists, discusses a Federation study 'Nlcholas Norton Ralph Caprio Stewart H. McConaughy Richard M. Conley that refutes DOD's conclusions and calls into question its WilUam J. McKinney, Jr. Christopher DeMuth rather cavalier use of certain facts and figures. _11 Los Angeles Bruce D. Fraser 'Michael Halliwell Emil H. Frankel Thomas A. Brown Paul Leach Edward McAnUf ""Lee W. Huebner Phll!p C. Johnston New Haven William J. Ialberg GUEST EDITORIAL "Hayward L. Draper ••J. Eugene Marans Deke Karzon Martha McCahill United States Senator J. Caleb Boggs, Republican of Peter Baugher Thomas E. Petri New York "John R. Price, Jr. Delaware, writes about orc. orc is Opportunities In­ 'Werner lCuhn Clair W. Rodgers, Jr. dustrialization Centers, a more than modestly successful, Richard Rahn " "John S. Saloma III privately generated, job training program. Senator Boggs' Richard Zimmer Frank E .Samuel, Jr. Opportunities Industrialization Assistance Act, which Ex-Officio At Large provides funds for expanding orc, could bolster the less .. ·Robert D. Behn. National Executive Director th'ln fruitful Federal efforts in manpower training. -12 Evelyn F. Ellis, Editor of the Bipon FORUM George Gilder, Editor of the Bipon FORUM Daniel J. Swillinger, National Political Director Christopher W. Beal, Policy Chairman ··Peter J. Wallison, Finance Chairman 'National Executive Committee Member A GUIDE TO REPUBLICAN INSURGENCY ··Past President, Chairman of the Board, or Chairman of the Executive Committee In three parts: 1) "The Dumping of the President, 1912-68" traces presidential fortunes beyond the first term THE RIPON FORUM is published semi-monthJy by the Ripon Society, Inc., 140 Eliot Street, throughout American history. You will be surprised to Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Second class postage rates paid at see that very few Presidents have coasted comfortably Boston, Massachusetts. Contents are copyrighted (ill 1971 by the into a second term. Howard L. Belter admits that out­ Ripon Society, Inc. Correspondence addressed to the Editor Is right dumps are scarce, but serious "dump" movements welcomed. In publishing this magazine the Ripon Society seeks to provide are a good indication of which way the wind is blowing. a forum for fresh irieas, well-researched proPOsars and for a spirit II) "New Hampshire Primary Preview" by John Topping of criticism, Innovation, and independent thinking within the Re­ is just that: the GOP outlook in the Granite State, terri­ publican Party. Articles do not n ..cessar!ly represent the opinion tory with a history of extraordinary pro-Nixon leanings. of the National Governing Board or the Editorial Bocm:I of the ill) "Nixon's Swing Districts" by George F. GUder tells Ripon Society, unless they are explicitly so labelled. the President how he can make the McCloskey challenge SUBSCRIPTION RATES are $10 a year, $5 for students, service­ unnecessary. Two highly significant Congressional Dis­ men, and for Peace Corps, Vista and other volunteers. Overseas tricts point to the possibility of a more promising political air mail, $10 extra. Advertising rates on request. approach than the GOP's current binge of ideological pur­ Editors: Evelyn F. Ell!s, George GUder. ification and morbid introversion. -14 TeclmleaI Editorl John Woodman. Contributorsl Christopher W. Beal, Duncan K. Foley, Douglas Mat­ thews, William D. Phelan, Jr., David Omar White. Circulation Dept.: Judith H. Behn. Correspondents Glenn S. Gerstel!, New York 14A ELIOT STREET -19 Stephanie McConaughy, Conn. Deryl Howard, North CCII'OHncz Mrs. Barbara: M09n~y, Conn. Henri Pell Junod, Ohio Mike Ha11Iwell, CtrIIfornfa WUUam K. Woods, Ohio CALIFORNIA CORNER James F. McCollum, Jr., FIorldcz Stephen Jones, OklClhoma Michael McCrexy, tdcrho Eric R. Blackledge, Oregon How lobbyists get what they want in the California Ben Violette, Dlinols Richard Ober, Jr., Pemusylvcmicr state legislature - and how they could be stymied. Spe­ J. Kenneth Doka, Indiana Donato Andre D'Andrea, JL I. cial interests operate through a mix of closed committee C.R. Connell, Iowa Bruce M. Selya, Bhode Island hearings, large campaign contributions and sympathetic Eric Karnes, Xentucky Harris Beach, Jr., So. Ccuolincl WUlIam A. Merrill, Mass. Stanford M. Adelstein, S. D. committee chairmen. Old Guard Democrats have been James Harrington, Mcrine Dru Sinlth, 'fenneaGe particularly fiagrant in offering sympathy for emolument. Cratg W. Ellison, Michigan Patrick W. Dunn, Vermont Michael HallIwell hypothesizes a coalition of middle­ Arthur F. McClure, n, MIssouri Robert R. Murdoch, Vlrgbda William Harding, Nebrcmka: Fred O'Brien, West Virglnlcr income taxpayers and the disadvantaged that could help Charles O. Ingraham, New York W. Stuart Parsons, WiSConsIn defeat the 014 Guard stranglehold and restore a little open democracy to the legislature. -20 EDITORIAL THE LIGHTWEIGHT BRIGADE favor, however, that Carswell's unfitness was not H. 1. Mencken once described Presidential clear enough to be immediately evident to Senator politics as the quest of "boobs" for "boobissimus" Muskie, the leading Democrat. - the superlative boob. As the host of 1972 Dem­ What is clear to Senator Muskie is that what ocratic candidates approach, in a multi-million dol­ Washingron needs today to meet the crisis of the lar charge of the light-weight brigade, flickering times is creation of more commissions and study down the tube into the living rooms of the land, groups. Like Senator Hughes, both Bayh and Mus­ it occurs to us that an equally good idiom would kie make up for their deficiencies in vision and be "tubissimus." Slick TV cosmetics have become conviction with a grandiloquent forensic style and as serious a threat to an edifying democratic process with what is considered a good image: tubissimus. as the mindless demagoguery attacked by Mencken. Senator McGovern is a more opinionated figure In any case it seems timely now to appraise than any of the others and is thus considered a the field of contenders in both categories of political sure loser. He should not be excluded so easily flimflam. Readers are warned, however, that the from the tubestakes, however; for he displays a competition is more intense than usual this year "can you top this" leftism so mechanically predict­ and that in a contest of profiles and postures pub­ able that people may stop listening to what he lic fancies will shift rapidly - from the boyish says and begin responding to his profile, voice, and charm to the resonant baritone, or from the law other assets on the
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