
Bellarmine University

(For SGA and CRB Records)

Article 1: Our Name

College Republicans of Bellarmine - CRB

Article 2: Our Purpose

Section 1 To make known and promote the principles of both the Republican Party and conservative political thought among Bellarmine University students.

Section 2 To advocate for and aid in the election of Republican candidates seeking election to local, state, and national office, and to invite all Republican candidates to speak at CRB meetings.

Section 3 To develop political skills, foster civic engagement, and leadership abilities among Republican students at Bellarmine University for their future service to the party and their respective communities.

Article 3: Membership Section 1 Membership in CRB shall consist of all full-time or part-time graduate and undergraduate students for the current year and who are committed to Republican and conservative ideals.

Section 2 Membership shall last from September 1 until August 31 of the next calendar year. If a member graduates or takes time off from school after becoming a member, membership privileges will continue until August 31.

Article 4: Executive Board

Section 1 The Executive Board of CRB shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Director. CRB may have Co-Chairmen if voted upon by an absolute majority of officers. Chairman 1 and Chairman 2 both have equal power and duties.

Section 2 All Executive members shall be elected by the members of CRB at the penultimate meeting of the spring semester.

Section 3 All Executive members shall be elected by an absolute majority by those members present on the day of elections. In the event of a tie vote, the decision shall be made by a majority vote of current officers.

Section 4 The duties of the Executive members shall be as follows:

1. Chairman- To act as spokesman and figurehead of CRB. This individual overlooks all projects and events and is always available for organization members and officers. They may appoint members where needed to lead special events and activities. This person is in charge of setting up all general meetings as well as setting a schedule for volunteers needed for headquarters, candidates, and voter registration tables. The chairman is also the direct liaison with the College Republican National Committee (CRNC). 2. Vice-Chairman- To act in charge of all special projects. He or she is in charge of contacting the media outlet about CRB events. They may appoint members where needed to lead special events and activities. 3. Secretary- To act in charge of all recordings in the meetings. This individual maintains a list of all members and sends e-mails reminding members about meetings. This person works closely with the Chairman on developing the CRB schedule and will keep a list of all activities that happen throughout their term. 4. Treasurer- To act in charge of all finances. This person will handle the accounting and budget. This person will also be on the CRB checking account along with the Chairman. They will work closely with every project and activity to handle the finances, and are tasked with outlining all foreseen expenses and incomes in a monthly report for the Secretary and Chairman to oversee. 5. Executive Director- This person serves as the primary coordinator for all special projects assigned by the officers to other members of the organization.

Article 6: Finances

Section 1 The Executive Board shall have the power to vote on all Financial matters, with ties going to the side the Chairman voted for.

Section 2 All outstanding debt must be reconciled by the day prior to the election of new officers.

Article 7: Meetings

Section 1 CRB shall hold regular meetings no less than once each month while school is in session, with a quorum requiring at least five members.

Section 2 Regular meetings may be held at the call of the Chairman. Notice of regular meetings shall be given to all CRB members, in the most complete manner practical, no less than one week prior to the meeting.

Section 3 The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a month during the school year, with a quorum requiring at least three officers. Article 8: Amendments

Section 1 This constitution may be amended in the following manner: an officer shall submit the proposed amendment, in writing, at the next CRB officer meeting. Notice will be made to the CRB membership that the proposed amendment will be acted upon at the next CRB meeting. The amendment will be effective upon affirmative vote by all Executive members of CRB.

Article 9: Impeachment

Section 1 Should it be deemed necessary to remove an acting Chairman or officer from their position, impeachment proceedings may be performed in the following manner: an officer shall submit the proposal, in writing, at the next CRB officer meeting. If voted upon by a 4/5 majority, the officer being impeached is removed from his or her position. This decision is effective immediately.

Section 2 Upon removal of the impeached Chairman or officer, the duties and responsibilities of the vacated office shall be filled by the Vice-Chairman on an interim basis. During this time, members (including current officers) may submit a platform/application to be appointed to the open position until the next general election. Current officers will make recommendations to the Faculty/Staff advisor who will ultimately appoint a student to fill the vacated office.

Article 10: Republican Party Affiliation

Section 1 CRB shall consider itself part of the Kentucky Federation of College Republicans. CRB will abide by all rules and regulations set forth by Kentucky Federation of College Republican.

Section 2 CRB shall consider itself a chapter of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC), based on compliance with CRNC rules.

Section 3 CRB may withdraw or fail to comply with any non-CRB entity if voted upon by a 4/5 majority of the officers.

Section 4 This constitution overrides the constitution of the Kentucky Federation of College Republicans.

Article 11: Ratification

Section 1 Upon approval of at least 4/5 of officers as of 13 January 2012, this Constitution shall be become the effective governing document of the College Republicans of Bellarmine University, superseding all prior documents.