Daily survey has Carter winning

people read the papers, including my teacher. Campaign '76 special "I am voting for the communists because they seem to have a very tod outlook on racism, sexism, wel- poll, platforms, re and war," she added. issues Kevin Sindelar, 23, admini- stration of justice major, said "I'm By John C. Hayes Republican Ford received 32.8 per not overjoyed with the election. I The results of a special Spartan cent. The remaining votes went to think it's the lesser of two evils Daily election poll are in and the other candidates and no candidates. voting for Carter rather than Ford. winner is former Georgia governor In the senatorial race, Demo- "If! had my 'druthers I'd vote for by 8 per cent. cratic Senator John Tunney came McCarthy. Neither candidate in- Neither he nor incumbent Presi- out a clear victor over Republican terests me. I'm voting because! feel dent Gerald Ford emerges with a challenger S.I. Hayakawa, 47.4 per obligated," he said. clear majority, however, and a big cent to 36.5 per cent. "I don't feel great about eitner shift in the 11.2 per cent undecided Two selected ballot measures, candidates," said Ursula Hermle, a vote could tip the balance in favor of Propositions 13 and 14, also were 23-year-old advertising student. Ford. tabulated. Proposition 13 would . "Carter promises to rehash the Nearly 800 students and faculty legalize para mutual betting on world over. He generally favors the were sampled in a non-random Greyhound racing and boat 72.7 per 4 middle class working person. Ford survey which showed Democrat cent to 16.6 per cent. Others were un- just does too much for big business. JOHN KARI REGINA ESTRELLA Carter taking 40.7 per cent of the 656 decided or listed no response. CARL DARNELL That's why I'm going to vote for 'Apathy main problem' SJSU students planning to vote. Proposition 14, would aid union- 'Have no choice' 'Ford-he's experienced' Carter even though he's a sneaky ization of farmworkers. It passed added it would eliminate 90 per cent John Liversidge, a 23-year-old art with 65.2 per cent of the student vote. guy and he smiles too much," she sign student. voting for Roger McBride, bureaucracy in Washington. history major, said he will vote for In conducting the poll, members said. "I'm of the candidate, for presi- favored Ford over Carter Carter. He said Ford is "too pro- of the Spartan Daily staff requested "I think voter apathy is the main the Libertarian "I once the party is not made think there's a choice be- business." that students fill out special ques- problem with the election," said 30- dent." He said but I don't poiiticians" and anymore," he added. Continued on page 5 tionnaires which asked if they were year-old Carl Darnell, a graphics de- up of "professional twjen them registered, if they intended to vote and if so how they would vote. Some of the questionnaires were incomplete so the totals may add to less than 100 per cent. Registration turned out to be high, totaling 87 per cent of the sample. Of these, 60 per cent were registered as Democrats, 22.8 per artantier% San joi-ti State 1 I mumDaily uniR 4/3 I cent as Republicans and 14.7 per cent were registered with other parties or were non-partisan. Less than 2 per cent who were Volume 67, Number 42 Monday, November 1, 1976 Phone: 277-3181 registered said they would not vote in the Nov. 2 election. In the presidential race 10.8 per- LISA MEREDITH-COKER cent listed other candidates or checked the "other" blank and did Vietnamese student groups in conflict; 'Leaning toward Carter' not specify candidates. The questionnaires also con- tained a section listing major and 'Activities set sex. Women made up 55 per cent of chair-throwing brawl occurs in S.U. the 669 registered. tomorrow, Surprisingly, of the 366 women By Kevin Dwyer sustained head lacerations which "It was frightening, they were Larry James, administrative for sampled the same number will vote A movie sponsored by a Viet- required several stitches. picking up chairs and throwing them officer for the University Police, for Carter as will vote for Ford (35.5 namese student group Thursday at each other," he added. said Brown was "only slightly in- per cent). 11.7 per cent listed other University Police were called to Election Day night turned into a chair-throwing the scene and immediately Student charged volved in the demonstration." candidates, 5.9 per cent supported brawl, resulting in two injuries and Police charged Carlos Brown, 31, He said Brcwn was escorted from none of them and 11.2 per cent were dispersed the angry crowd, many of Though it seemed as if it would one arrest. whom had to be forced to leave. of 1175 Denis Aiie., Milpitas, for the Student Union by police on never arrive, tomorrow is Election undecided. The fracas started at 8 p.m. when public intoxication and failure to several occasions but kept "re-en- person was Day. Throughout the state, polling For 304 men the figures were a group calling itself the Democratic Police said another obey police orders. tering the building." places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 Carter, 45.4 per cent, Ford, 27.9 per Vietnamese began shouting slogans slightly injured but did not require p.m. cent; other candidates, 12.5 per outside the S.U. Umunhum Room, hospitalization. And for those who never got the cent; no candidates 3.2 per cent and where a discussion of the movie An eyewitness of the melee said word, a state law closing all bars undecided, 10.8 per cent. "Saigon-April 1976" was being held. organizers tried to cool the crowd Treasurer quits: and liquor stores during elections Majors listed on the question- According to University Police, down after the first clash but "a was repealed six years ago. naire came from nearly every de- the small, angry group left the scene minute or so later, 10 or 20 people "You can vote and have fun at the partment on campus although some after they were refused entrance were going at it." same time," said a spokeswoman of them, engineering and the into the discussion, but returned a The same eyewitness attributed 'lack of interest' for the Santa Clara County sciences, for example, were under- few minutes later with 50 people. the fight to a difference in political Registrar's Office. represented. Police said when the movie ideology between the two groups. By Tom Tait Wade told him she had time President John Bunzel will The questionnaires were cate- started, several members of the Conflict caused A.S. Treasurer Pamela Wade conflicts with her job and classes, provide an analysis of the ballot gorized by major but few sharp dif- group "snuck" into the room. He explained that the resigned from office effective today. Brown said. returns tomorrow night on ferences were found, although 36 At this point verbal exchanges Democratic Vietnamese "disap- Wade cited her lack of interest She is carrying a heavy load of educational television station political science majors favored occurred between the Democratic proved" of the current Communistic and enthusiasm as reasons for re- classes and has financial concerns, KQED, Channel 9. Carter by a 2 to 1 margin. Vietnamese and the Association of Vietnam regime. signing in a letter to A.S. President Brown said. In individual interviews con- James Ferguson dated Sept. 22. "She wasn't liking the job," he KSJS plans to begin campaign Vietnamese Patriots, organizers of He said the Association of ducted by Spartan Daily reporters, Wade's resignation letter was coverage of local, state and national the movie-discussion. Vietnamese Patriots wants the said. 16 SJSU students had the following given to Ferguson and other races at half-hour intervals A few minutes later a fight broke to recognize what they "I have found that my interests comments on tomorrow's election: Executive Officers Wednesday, beginning at 6 p.m. tomorrow. At 9 out but was immediately quelled by called "the unified Vietnam." He and innovations towards student English major Karen Estes although it was held for release until p.m., the station will switch to people inside the room, police said. said this conflict caused most of the government have dwindled to the thinks both presidential candidates Friday, according to Jeff Brown, continuous election coverage until 3 Two or three minutes later heated discussion. point of dissipation." Wade wrote. a.m. are "clowns." another outbreak occurred, this A.S. vice president. "I no longer can give the amount Another eyewitness, Peter reports are planned from "Jimmy Carter reminds me of erupting into a chair-throwing Wade, who served as A.S. person- of enthusiasm it takes to be effective Live time Decena, building supervisor of the one of the Osmonds with a smile," between the two Vietnamese nel officer last year under then A.S. in A.S. student government. My local campaign headquarters, brawl Student Union and an SJSU student, Sacramento and . Inter- she said. "I don't trust him. The only factions. President John Rico, is the second enthusiasm and interests rest within reason I'm voting for Ford is that I said "the problem was mostly a executive officer to resign from the my studies and because of this I am views with candidates are also Crowd dispersed difference in political opinions. scheduled. couldn't tolerate Carter in the White More than 200 persons were Ferguson administration. relinquishing my position to devote House." the to see the A.S. Attorney General Perry more time to a more meaningful For stories related to national, An unnamed 22-year-old liberal jammed into the room when "The group who wanted began. Craig Ferguson, an film supported the regime," he said. Litchfield announced his resignation cause," Wade stated. state and local races, see pages 4 studies major said she wanted to re- violence student in his late 20s, "The other groups said they did not Sept. 30. Other sources in A.S. said Wade's through 8. main anonymous, because "a lot of SJSU want to hear the speeches but were Brown said he had suspected resignation has been coming for a only there to see the film," Decena Wade would resign "for a couple of long time. added. weeks." Ferguson, however. said he had Dole visits San Jose, calls on no indication of Wade's resignation until Wednesday. Hostilities between Wade and Ferguson surfaced because of to put Ford across Wade's other commitments, the sources said. By Randy Brown reminding the crowd a strong Wade failed to devote as much Amidst shouts from Carter-Mon- military means no draft and, there- time to her office as Ferguson dale supporters. Republican presi- fore, a happier country. demanded, according to the sources. dential nominee Robert Dole Opposes control Friction resulted when Ferguson solicited the support of about 350 Ford's running mate talked about instructed Wade as to what he persons at a rally Friday afternoon the President's stand on gun control. required of her. at San Jose Republican Party head- He said Ford absolutely is opposed Ferguson emphatically denied quarters. to any law requiring gun control, there was any hostility or friction About a dozen Democrats and instead supports more criminal between Wade and himself, beyond mingled with the crowd and control. what he termed "procedural pro- displayed signs showing support for Dole said Mondale was one of 16 blems" which were resolved. the Democratic Party presidential U.S. Senators to p.opose a law tc Wades replacement will most ticket of Jimmy Carter and Senator tighten gun control standards. likely be a member of the A.S. Walter Mondale. He told the crowd that although executive staff, according to Brown. During Dole's 15-minute speech, A Carter has talked a great deal about Wade, in a separate letter. Democratic protesters yelled out the tax reform, Carter told Secretary of recommended Mary Ann Ryan, question, "Who was Republican State Henry Kissinger he would do Brown's assistant, as her replace- chairman during Watergate" Dole nothing about tax reform until at ment. did not respond until it was asked least one year into his first term. Sylvia Basurto, Wade's assistant, about six times. Dole played on Carter's profes- said she told Wade she did not want When he did respond, he ridiculed sion as a peanut farmer. to be recommended for the position. the "hecklers" instead of telling the "The peanut is the easiest nut to Basuto said she was not in- crowd he was chairman at the time. crack and we're going to crack that terested in the job because she did "I see a sign that says 'We need a peanut this Tuesday" Dole said. not have the time needed to do the leadership change.' But we don't Towards the end of his speech. job well. Dole again asked those at the rally to want to be shortchanged. Let's stick Robert Dole Ferguson said he would with Ford for the type of leadership convince the voters to vote for Ford, recommend a replacement at America needs," Dole said. proposed an amendment to allow for enabling Ford to win by a wide Wednesday's council meeting for Arriving about 40 minutes after a $9 billion deficit in the federal margin. ratification. the rally began, Dole asked those at budget. Endorses Hayakawli Wade's recommendation will the rally for support to guarantee a Dole also attacked Carter's Before he left, Dole endorsed "bear its weight in consideration," win in California tomorrow. suggestion to cut $5 to $7 billion from Republican candidate for the U.S. he said. This state holds 45 of the 438 the present $110 billion defense Senate, S.I. Hayakawa. saying "we He called Wade an asset to A.S. Electoral College votes. Political budget, saying such a cut would do need a man like him in Washing- f and said she provided valuable in- observers say Ford must win "nothing more than take people off a ton." sight in the transition of administra- California to win the presidency. payroll and put them on welfare." Prior to Dole's speech, music was tions as the only person to return to Blasts Carter He said the cut would cost provided by a Dixieland jazz band student government from last year "If you work for us for three Americans over 200,000 jobs and and later, three bagpipe players in "I'm sorry she had a time con more days, then we'll work for you reminded his listeners the prime traditional Scottish garb. flict," he said. for four more years," Dole told the defense contracts are in California. Between songs a few of the men Wade could not be reached for crowd. Dole addressed the young people who work for the Republican Party additional comment. The senator from Kansas then at the rally, telling them they could got up to the podium to arouse ex- When the treasurer position is proceeded to blast Carter and be proud of Ford because of his citement in the crowd, preparing filled, it will leave the Ferguson Mondale for their statements on the ability to keep America strong them for Dole's speech. administration with two non-elected economy. abroad and at home. He said the Following his speech, Dole left executive officers. United States is strong "militarily the platform he was speaking from 1 was named attorne Dole pointed out Carter and f vans WIndhan, Jonathan Fil Mondale support deficit spending only for the sake of peace." and shook hands for about 20 -ions the phone at the San Jose Republican general last week to replace Litch and that last year Mondale had He followed that statement by minutes. headquai oar atiernoon during a campaign visit. field. November 1, 1976, Page 2 Local races spotlighted by Daily Edwards vs. Smith Vasconcellos vs. Gisler 9th Congress race Analysis 23rd Assembly race By Burt Dekker pension funds, insurance policies By Burt Dekker He states, we must discover how The battle for the Ninth Congres- and savings accounts, inflates the Bill Gissler, Santa Clara's vice to become more intelligent in how sional District, which includes parts dollar and pays back less than it mayor, will attempt to unseat in- we deal with each other, ourselves of southern Alameda County, borrows. cumbent John Vasconcellos, Demo- and the earth. Milpitas and San Jose, is between A spokesman for Edwards said crat, from his position as 23rd Gissler wants property assess- incumbent Democrat Don Edwards he supports the Humphrey -Hawkins district assemblyman. ments to be frozen and reassessed and Republican Herb Smith. full employment bill which would Alquist vs. Turden Vasconcellos, who is seeking his only when sold or major improve- They are meeting for the second guarantee jobs and create compre- sixth term, focuses on education ments are made. time in the last three elections. hensive anti-inflation policies. because he feels that is where He wants each state agency to An Oct. 12 story by Jack An- Edwards is a long-time supporter government most affects the lives of justify its existence at budget time. derson in the Washington Post of secret ballot elections for farm llth Senate contest the people. People are not being trained to laborers and supports Proposition He chairs the Ways and Means fill existing jobs, Gissler feels, and Burt Dekker is a staff writer on 14. Smith, if elected, promises to Subcommittee on post-secondary this failure must be solved. the Spartan Daily. Feinman environment for private industry to present a bill similar to the com- By Myke State funding for education has State Senator Alfred Alquist, alleviate unemployment. He doesn't Burt Dekker is a staff writer on stated that Edward's principles promise agreement between too many strings attached and Democrat of San Jose, is running on think public service jobs are the the Spartan Daily. have begun to erode in the "heady California growers and farm labor Gissler plans to see that those his past record. answer to the employment problem. atmosphere of Washington" and unions to the House of Representa- education and is a member of strings are eliminated so that local Among his achievements, he co- Turden wants an alternative to charged him with a blatant conflict tives. several other education committees. taxpayers, parents and educators, authored the Warren-Alquist the automobile, but at the same of interest. Smith wants dollars "wasted" on Monthly town meetings are held who ;mow what their children need, Energy Conservation Act, which set time, he doesn't believe the state can The article charged that Ed- forced busing to be spent on better, by the 43-year-old bachelor so his can spend it accordingly. a commission that oversees all afford to leave unfinished freeways. wards has made deals and pulled equal education to all children. He up constituents can have a chance to He feels there is an overlap energy concerns of the state. He wants to shift the burden for strings to benefit a client of the thinks schools cost more and more, get to know him "as a person." between adult education and com- The proposals for energy re- property taxes away from the people Valley Title Company, which Ed- but children are learning less and If re-elected he would like to munity college programs. If elected vast who support people-orientated ser- search had to pass through focus his attention in three areas he would work for a clear wards founded and is a major stock- less. vices to people who want property set of a spokesman for is a staff writer post-secondary education, K-12 guidelines so that the holder. Mark Miller, Myke Feinman oriented services. cost of duplica- congressman is Daily. education and how human beings tion can be eliminated. Edwards has denied the charges Edwards, said the on the Spartan Abuses in food stamp use and and spokespersons in his offices in for forced busing as a last resort, grow and develop. A majority of crimes are commit- amounts of paper work before the welfare should be eliminated, he San Jose and Fremont said Smith when all other means of integration He would like to see regional ted by persons who have already commission was set up. believes. peddled the article to several Bay of schools have been exhausted. councils developed to generate been convicted, punished and The incumbent authored the He thinks it is wrong to support a Area newspapers and they felt the He said Edwards has always sup- Cooperation among the various paroled. He feels that the crime rate "Over-60's" bill which enabled program where food stamps are al- charges held little water. ported more funding for schools institutions and a more Life-centered will not be cut until there are senior citizens over 60 years of age ways misused and families still go The San Jose Mercury, News, from the federal government. He curriculum to prepare persons to positive changes made in the to attend SJSU and CSU Long Beach hungry. and the Chronicle, backed the Education Amendment live meaningfully in today's world. present parole system. without paying registration or tui- He is active in the Santa Clara which carried the article, have of 1976, which increased the tion fees. County Youth for Christ organiza- joined the Oakland Tribune, the maximum size of federal grant and He co-authored a bill to set up an tion and is a former director on the Examiner and the East San Jose Sun loan programs. earthquake safety commission in Drug Abuse Board in Santa Clara in support of Edwards. Edwards is presently a member Calvo vs. Sanger California which prevents builders County. Smith, who lives in San Jose, is of the House Judicial and Veterans from building on active fault lines. Thomas Reed is running for state calling for a balanced budget, committees. He has representatives He plans to write legislation to senator under the American In- stating that deficit spending is a in offices in Fremont and San Jose alleviate the property tax burden, dependent Party. The Spartan Daily means by which the government year round. Edwards has been in 21st Assembly race which he believes is quite excessive. was unable to find any information borrows money from the public's office for 14 years. He also plans on continuing with about this candidate. By Rial Cummings Assembly Transportation Commit- his work on energy. Alquist, Turden and Reed are Elected to the legislature for the tee and a member of both the Ways Lawrence Turden, Alquist's running for state senator in the 11th first time in 1974, Victor Calvo, D- and Means and the resource, land Republican challenger, is against district, which includes San Benito Mountain View, will battle Republi- use and energy committees. McCloskey vs. Harris gun control because he believes County, the northeastern parts of can Sanford F. "Sandy" Sanger He favors rewriting of the state criminals are the ones that break the Santa Clara County and the cities of tomorrow in the 21st Assembly Dis- tax structure as a top priority. law. Fremont and Newark in Alameda trict race. Other issues he considers vital He wants to create a healthy County. The district encompasses include property tax reform, 12th Congress race Mountain View, Palo Alto and much equalized educational funding, of Sunnyvale. implementation of the coastal plan By Diana Teasland citizens housing projects in the Despite his inexperience in and medical malpractice insurance. Campaigning for the 12th Con- district. Runyon vs. Collins Sacramento, Calvo has served as a "We must also recognize the gressional District seat, Rep. Paul Both politicians support the es- public official of some kind for 19 necessity for an energy policy, and (Pete) McCloskey Jr. is seeking his tablishment of a national health for alternate energy sources," he Rial Cummings is an Assistant 10th year in office while Democrat insurance plan that would benefit said, "and we must relate these Editor on the Spartan Daily. David Harris is campaigning for his the elderly. City Council contest matters to a slowly recovering first term in office. If fuel becomes more scarce in years. He was a Mountain View economy." have held four the future, both candidates support Sanger, 54, is making his first try Both candidates The two men are also at odds planning commissioner, city coun- formal debates during the year in the idea of rationing gas and are By Dean Cheatham cilman and mayor before moving on at elective office. er vying over campaign financing. opposed to raising consumer prices. Two SJSU graduates are to the Santa Clara County Board of He is an outspoken critic of the ra Diana Teasland is a staff writer Regarding governmental secrecy for the only open seat on the San Runyon has berated Collins' ac- county transit district, id points of the Supervisors. on the Spartan Daily. and invasion of privacy, Harris feels Jose City Council, slinging ceptance of contributions from out that Calvo was a memb : of the ra Collins His environmental credentials secrecy in government is only numerous accusations at each other home construction industry. board of supervisors when t e short- hi claimed he is not the tool of any are strong, including many years of order to expound their political justified when there is a strong case as the election nears. lived "dial-a -bus" scheme was di special interest group and added service as a leading director of the beliefs to the public. to support it. Bart Collins, 64, retired San Jose conceived. that Runyon's income (from his real Bay Area Air Pollution Control Since 40 per cent of the American He adds that some things must be chief of detectives, and David Sanger contends that recent ht estate office/ depends on the land District and chairman of the Urban tax dollar goes into the defense kept secret but "it should be the Runyon, 39-year-old realtor, are federal legislation makes it at- St development industry. Planning Committee of the National budget, which is 16 times higher exception rather than the rule." Dean Cheatham is a staff writer tractive financially for local transit Runyon has said he refuses to Association of Counties. than education and 40 per cent McCloskey wants to restrict the on the Spartan agencies to contract with private is Daily. accept contributions from the con- higher than health research, Harris activities of the CIA and favors Calvo has been critical of federal firms for transit service. if arguing about controlled growth, struction and building special in- seeks to rechannel federal spending abolishing the Defense Intelligence pollution policy as chairman of the He terms regional government taxes, police protection and the terests, and has loaned more than into more important areas. Agency. Assembly subcommittee on air an utter disgrace, claiming suburbs ever-present issue of campaign $18,000 to his own campaign in an Although McCloskey feels a cut He also feels the CIA annual quality. When the U.S. House Com- and smaller communities never get finances. effort to remain financially indepen- back in the defense budget is budget should be made public. merce Committee voted to freeze their fair share. Runyon has supported providing dent. Collins called these loans an necessary, he advocates maintain- Regarding the Mideast conflict, federal auto emissions requirements Like Calvo, Sanger is concerned services such as police, fire attempt to buy the election. ing a strong defense position in order Harris favors meeting 's needs for three years, Calvo wrote the 43- with lessening property tax burdens protection and parks to existing Collins has favored the retention that the U.S. remain a strong for arms but opposes U.S. selling of member California Congressional on homeowners. He proposes a 10 neighborhoods before they are of the city's five per cent utility tax, negotiating power in the world. weapons to Arab nations. delegation urging support of strin- per cent tax on across-the-counter provided to new growth areas. He but said he will help find ways to Both candidates strongly support McCloskey favors providing both gent nationwide limits to protect drinks to provide revenue. said the new developments should reduce costs and improve services. social benefits for the elderly. Israel and the Arab states with California's clean air efforts. Sanger has been active in Moun- bear the cost of their own services. Runyon has opposed the utility McCloskey negotiated with the weapons in order to keep a strong Calvo is vice chairman of the tain View civic affairs for 20 years. Runyon has accused Collins of tax and Department of Housing and Urban negotiating position throughout the has said he would vote to supporting Measure B, which put Development to fund two senior Middle East. repeal it. He said the city has enough restrictions on residential growth in revenue and voters should be asked parts of San Jose four years ago. if they approve of additional expen- Egeland vs. Fletcher Collins countered that, while he ditures and taxes. never opposed Measure B, he felt Runyon has advocated making Mineta vs. Konnyu then that no legislation could take city councilpersons representatives the place of good planning. He said of districts instead of being elected 24th Assembly race that San Jose should allow for at-large. He said this move would natural growth, and not place give neighborhoods better repre- party influence," he maintains. controls that limit industrial and sentation and keep the cost of By Val Tucker 13th Congress race One of the more interesting On specific issues, Fletcher sees commercial expansion. campaigning down. property taxes as one of the major Both candidates have advocated Collins favors the political conflicts has developed in system as it problems which must be solved. By Dennis Howe Mineta claims to support tax efforts to attract clean, job-produc- now the race for the 24th Assembly dis- stands, with each councilperson "This present legislature has not A political newcomer, efforts, which include proposals to ing industry to the city. elected by all city voters. trict seat now held by Democrat R.oublican Ernest Konnyu isn't close tax loopholes and means to Leona Egeland. been responsive to the peoples' de- letting the fact that Norman Mineta provide local governments with Egeland is being challenged in mands," he said. (D-San Jose) enjoys political favor assistance from the federal govern- her quest for a second term by Fletcher proposes that increases in the South Bay keep him from a ment to reduce the impact on Republican Claude Fletcher. can be stopped simply by requiring vigorous campaign for the 13th Con- property taxes. Fletcher, 38, is a business that any raise in taxes first be ap- gressional District seat. Konnyu claims Mineta is contri- management consultant for chur- proved by a vote of local elected of- Konnyu knows he is in a difficult buting to further taxation by sup- ches and other charitable organi- ficials, who are directly accountable fight against the former San Jose porting many spending programs. zations. He is running on a platform to the voters. be drawing congressional reform, Kon- Recently, Fletcher has criticized mayor, but seems to On Val Tucker is a staff writer on the Mineta's strict party Egeland's liberal stand on morality nyu attacks Spartan Daily. Dennis Howe is a staff writer on line voting and the work of the in his campaign. the Spartan Daily. Congress, tying Mineta as a part. stressing independence from special "She supported legislation which Mineta notes his part in helping interest groups, elimination of weakens the traditional values," he good support for the area which en- to bring down the archaic seniority bureaucracy in government and the said, citing as an example Egeland's compasses much of San Jose. the system in the House, opening the boosting of moral values. support of Senate Bill 395, which West Valley and the South County. doors of previously closed federal "More people are suspicious of allows the distribution of contra- Challenger Konnyu has stated agency meetings and forcing lobby- government and politicians than at ceptives to minors without their that he is "not trying to out-nice-guy ists to disclose their activities. any time in our history," Fletcher parents' consent. Mineta" and complains that Mineta Mineta also points to his efforts in said, "because government is too Egeland, also 38, is a former votes "the liberal, big spender line" environmental protection and the big, too powerful and too intrusive." teacher and is standing on her past in Washington and then poses as a push for employment on a large He emphasized that, once a can- voting record and knowledge of the fiscal conservative at home. scale by the government in the area didate is elected, he becomes a basic issues and district demands to "His campaign style is to rely on of public works. "politician," yielding to the de- win her campaign. personality and defang the issues," Konnyu attacks Mineta's voting mands of special interest groups in a Since her election in 1974, she had Konnyu says. record in regard to unions, saying constant effort to be re-elected. led a constant effort to gain funding The issues most referred to by the general membership is not "Assemblywoman Egeland, in for the Blood Alley By-pass, which the two candidates are government benefiting from his efforts. her first election, received approxi- may be confirmed soon. spending, taxes and congressional Mineta, born in San Jose, was VOTE mately $20,000 in campaign con- Egeland also believes in easy tributions from public employe access to public officials and has ex- reform. elected to the City Council in 1967, FOR VOTE Mineta points to his efforts in the became San Jose's second elected groups," according to Fletcher, panded her legislative staff to main- House to set a federal spending mayor in 1971 and won his present FOR "and her voting record shows it." tain a second office in San Benito ceiling and continue the present post on the heels of Republican FORD Fletcher cited Egeland's support county to assist constituents in the income tax cuts. Charles Gubser's resignation two CARTER of public employe strikes as one far end of the district. His fiscal offerings also include years ago. example. As vice chairwoman of the working to eliminate the oil and gas Konnyu, born in Hungary and On the other hand, Fletcher Assembly Health Committee, depletion allowance and terminating now a Saratoga resident, moved into claims to only have spent $15,000 on Egeland co-authored the only major wasteful government programs. the district three years ago from his current campaign after refusing malpractice bill to become law and Konnyu contends Mineta has Southern California. He is manager donations from numerous groups, wrote a proposal to eliminate helped contribute to deficit spending of corporate internal audit at -rair including the state Republican "bureaucratic paper shuffling" and strays too far from the balanced National Semiconductor in Santa Caucus. which was costing the taxpayers $2 budget. Clara. "1 will vote independently of million annually

A November 1, 1076, Page 3 Spartans buck Broncos, 50-1 5

By Dave Johnson more points than they had gathering of 17,500 onlook- "We were playing like Everybody needs an oc- in any other outing this sea- ers. we used to out there," of- casional ego boost, and the son at Spartan Stadium The script changed fensive tackle John Blain SJSU football team got its 15. somewhat this week. After said. "I'm glad we put it share Saturday afternoon two straight weeks in back together and showed against the University of No matter. The Spar- which the SJSU defense people what we're capable Santa Clara. tans also scored more created many of the team's of doing." In the final home game points against the Broncos scoring opportunities, the Offensive guard Tim of the 1976 season, a tuneup than they had against any- Spartan offensive attack Toews credited SCU with a for this Saturday's grudge one anywhere since 1971, in came alive to at least game performance. match against rolling to a 50-15 rout of match, and perhaps out- "They did some intelli- State, the Spartans gave up SCU before a near-capacity shine, the defensive effort. gent things and crossed us up a couple of times," Toews said, "but we just had them outmanned. "Actually, they've given us some very close games in the past this is only the second time we've beaten them badly." Fumble record After a slow offensive start, in which they fum- bled the ball away on their first two possessions (en- route to a team record of five fumbles lost), the Spartans awoke with a start and scored 30 points in the second quarter. Spotting the Broncos a 3-0 lead early in the first quarter, SJSU tied it early in the second on a Lou Rodriguez boot, and then blew the game open with a four-touchdown blitz in a span of slightly more than six minutes. It was all Gary Maddocks, one of 23 seniors playing his last home quarter. Later the game Maddocks caught a 35 yard gravy after that. game, makes a brilliant one -handed catch in the first touchdown pass from Ed Luther The Spartan offense rolled up 543 yards in total offense, only 61 yards short of setting a team record. That record probably Spartan aquamen fall prey would have fallen, had not a 75-yard touchdown run by fullback Pat Kohlman been called back because to Cardinal's offensive power of an illegal motion penal- ty. first two quarters, and I score goals that were he added. SJSU quarterbacks, By Ron Cover= was really pleased with the virtually uncontested due The results of the SJSU with the help of some out- 's relief job that our subs to the fact that SJSU was and Fresno State game will standing pass protection, No. 2 ranked water polo were doing," Belfanti outnumbered on the appear in tomorrow's passed for 300 yards and creN used its superior explained. breaks. edition of the Spartan Firoos four touchdowns, while the speed and overall offensive control "Because I was able to "Stanford is a poised Daily. Spartan wide receiver Gary Dudley yard touchdown pass from Steve DeBerg rushers netted 243 yards to defeat a young use some of the younger team that has played prances in the end zone after catching a 49 in the second quarter Saturday afternoon. and three scores on the and upset-minded SJSU players, it gave me an together for about four ground. team by a score of 184 Thursday afternoon at opportunity to rest some of years, and the fact that Quarterback Steve West Valley College Pool. my starters which means they have gained a lot of CAMAIIIRA ON Keohane blanks Cards DeBerg completed 12 of his Offensive Improvement that I can count on my experience from its tours to 294-11111111111 Europe has made them 19 attempts for 199 yards SJSU shut out by younger players." was even tougher," Belfanti and three touchdowns, be- the same Cardinal team by Fast swimmets Last Night period, said. fore giving way to Ed a 18-0 count a month ago In the final THE EXORCIST as booters roll, 3-0 overall ex- "Overall! think it was a Luther early in the third during the Nor-Cal Tour- Stanford Ken showed through good tune-up for quarter, and Jim Miller nament, but in this game perience THU DIVILS By Jamie R&M the back and not up front, ting in towards the goal. break tomorrow's (last Friday) early in the fourth. the Spartan aquamen as they began to fast Rated X Spartan goalie Sean but in the second half we Gaspar taking the pass against the Spartans and game with Fresno State," Keohane turned away sev- really opened the game from 15 yards out, drilled it Touchdown passes played much better of- thing that fensively, said coach Tom en Cardinal shots while up," Menendez added. past the only DeBerg's three TD him from the Beffanti. racking up his fifth shutout Swadley scores separated tosses, 17 yards to Larry Political net, Cardinal "It was good to Political Political of the season as the 12th- The Spartan's high scor- Stanford Johnson, 49 yards to Gary see our Easy goalie Lewis Butler. offense get going against a Advertisement Advertisement Advert, sement ranked SJSU soccer team ing sophomore, Dudley, and 13 yards to Vic for "They marked Easy," blanked Stanford, 3-0 Fri- Perez, held scoreless Rakhshani, all in the sec- good team like Stanford, Menendez continued, "but and I think the day. the first time this season, ond quarter, gave him 14 on fact that we Ryan and "He (Keohane) is the took the ball down the right they forgot about the season, the second- were able to score as many best in the western U.S.," side of the field with 16 min- Gaspar..." highest single-season total goals as we did against sec- their defense, did Stanford assistant coach utes having ticked off the Ryan, the Spartan's in SJSU history. a lot for Phil Wright said. "1 played clock in the final half. ond leading scorer with our morale," Belfanti said. with Sean during the sum- Perez, displaying daz- eight goals picked up his Luther picked up where "I was glad to see the mer and if you score on him zling ball control, dribbled fifth assist of the season on DeBerg left off, hooking up guys come back in the you know you've earned around three Cardinal de- that play and drew a con- with flanker Gary Mad- second half the way we did the goal." fenders and centered a siderable amount of praise docks on a 35-yard strike when it appeared we were Steve Swadley scored pass to Swadley who by the Cardinals assistant early in the fourth quarter going to lose our poise." his fifth and sixth goals of popped it by Stanford goal- coach. for his second touchdown Cardinals effective the season and Al Gaspar ie Lewis Butler to put the "I think the difference pass of the season. because the planet depends on it added a single tally in the first SJSU tally on the in this game has been The Spartans fell behind second half to boost the board. Ryan," Wright said, "he Fullback Lewis Nelson by seven goals before the paced the Spartan ball car- first half came to a close, Spaceship Earth. 1976 The oceans are dying. The air is contaminated. booters record to 10-2-0. "That pass from Easy is sneaks into holes and gets The water is polluted. Animal and marine species are riers with 78 yards on nine mainly as a result of a well disappearing. Our Stanford, coming off an what made it," Swadley wide open." forests are clear-cut. Our mountains are strip-mined. Our rivers and streams 11-0 win over San Francis- modestly explained. "Once Swadley again carries, and he scored his executed Cardinal offense are dammed, diverted and channelized. Our future is being ransomed to co State, Wednesday, bat- we got that first goal we Swadley capped off the first touchdown of the sea- which used an extremely the uncertainties and hazards of nuclear power. And on Tuesday. we will tled the Spartans to a really got going." Spartan's scoring at the 41- son on a 16-yard burst only quick and precise passing elect a President who must face it all. scoreless deadlock in the Swadley came into the minute mark in the final forty seconds into the sec- attack that frustrated the What difference does your vote make? ond half. Spartans for most of the opening half. game 19 minutes into the half when he took a loose Quite simply. it makes the difference between environmental hope and first 16 minutes. "They were up for us," opening half when Spartan ball one-on-one with the The drive the "Lewis environmental despair. It makes the difference between Jimmy Carterwho Spartan head coach Julie forward Randy Bolanos Stanford goalie and drove Nelson drive" consisted In the second half, the is the best environmental candidate in seventy yearsand Gerald Ford Menendez said, "they real- left the game after a colli- it into the lower right hand of only two plays: an 18- Spartans made some key who is probably the worst. On no other issue in this Presidential campaign ly played tough. sion with Stanford fullback corner of the net. are the differences between Carter and Ford more clearly defined. And yard run by Nelson and the defensive adjustments in every serious environmentalist in the country knows it. "In the first half we ac- Mike Knowles. "Their enthusiasm died 16-yarder for the score. It an effort to halt the Car- tually controled the ball in Bolanos came to the after the first goal," was set up by Jim LeJay's dinal ball control offense, Last April. the prestigious National League of Conservation sidelines, dazed, after the Menendez said, "and after return to Voters published an exhaustive, six-month study on the environ- 40-yard kickoff wearing down the Cardinal mental records of each major candidate. Jimmy Carter received mid-air mishap. the second goal they really midfield, and a facemask shooters to a point where Perez, the nation's lead- the League's highest rating: OUTSTANDING. Gerald Ford received Spartan Datil% quieted down." penalty against the SJSU was gaining control the lowest rating: HOPELESS. On every major environmental issue hg scorer with 21 goals, Broncos which gave SJSU of the ball more often. facing us, these ratings represent the choice we face. Senang the San Jose State had a difficult time getting It looked like Stanford unwerety field position at the Bronco "We had good defensive Communhe open at Maloney field. was going to score three What we face is the most important environmental election of our life Since 1934 minutes into the second 34. c'rom there, Nelson pressure in the second half, time. The choice is clear. The choice is in your hands. PLEASE ... make your "They had a man on me went to work. much more than that of the vote count on election day Join usVote for JIMMY CARTFR Second data postage paid at San all game," the 5-10 sopho- half when fullback Dave Jose, California Member of Cali mentalist. for President. more explained, "Other Cannon tapped a free kick fornra Newspaper Pubes/lets Ass to forward Bill Hoffenburg The environmental health of the planet depends ..,ii oration and the Associated Frees than UCLA they played me Pubkshed daily by San Jose State the tightest anyone has who in turn headed it over Ski //I ltrinerany. except Saturday and SJSU goalie Keohane. s..edia Sunary. dunng the college yew The played me. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTALISTS opinions maimed heren are not Ryan's assist The checkered sphere FOR CARTER reamer* those of the Associated "They covered me tight floated over the cross bar Students, Me College Arennetration This advertisement was paid k)r by CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL on the Department of Journalism and but it opened everybody missing the goal by inches. ISTS FOR CARTER. an affiliate of the California League of Conservation Advertieng Subacnpsons accepted else up," Perez added. Voters. We are Democrats. Republicans and Independents. We are veteran only on a remands of semester Only $229" With 18 minutes left to [c? LOVE FILMS Cr) All flights round trip) fighters of California's environmental wars. And we represent every mayor basis Fri academic year, $9 each conservation organization in the stale Sernillaffe $4 $40 Off canters PTca play SJSU forward Steve IN YOUR HOME 1976 Winter Flight Schedule per copy, 10 cents Phone 777-3181 Ryan drove down the left Sae Francisco-Di YerM-SufrilleJSCO II,,,, Charles Warren Allred Heller LAT, Mn, M fir all Adverbsing 2773111 Prrnted by side dodging Cardinal de- Pak SJSU Dieeourn 1Varren Reath ,,,,,than Hot Man: D Nichols Brent RushInrth Suburban Newspaper Publeatrons Fitt Depart Return a Days Booking Dale A `Wired HOMO Cinema Of S.J. 'hit tfetts Joseph C Houghteling John Nyhan IrK Copechno fenders and dropped a pass Deadline it,,,, Btadlev Joan Jackson W David Cl,,, It RIch Sestro MO Mandan. &I 796211713 Owings Ellen Sidenherg off to Al Gaspar while cut- Open Mon See t27 \lark Beals Hon Jennifer Jennings Margaret it,,, hells. Aral,: Ilkley Johnson Connw Parrish Hon Ala,, Swots 105 DEC 23 JAN 03 NOV 2 14111 Rn,b Hobert L Jones Nancy lArertniari Herman Sitlas Advernmerneent PoIrrert Advertnernent Polneal t WINS I /avid Bonner Bente Kappiloff DI Richard I. 74,rine Jean Sin LP 1181181114111111N11148 Inn Chatten 13nakti C foster Knight Ralph PPM Will Sin Re -Elect 101 DEC 17 JAN 03 17 NOV 15 114 Willie I. fin., It Iredenck A Lane. MD David fkisonen Hon Jem S. 102 DEC 17 JAN10 24 NOV 15 lame. IA; BMW?, .11' tv Lane John R Phillips Yoder, 5.1.. lean 103 DEC ;3 JAN 03 11 NOV 21 I tvlell Kirke Terry 12 Lash Carl Fbrw tr Manan Camelan Betsy Lanes Press Otto Teller 104 DEC 2 3 JAN 10 18 NOV 21 Mark Ihibrils Ira E Laufer Hon Omer Rains Thaddeus Twin ie Edmiston Esther Lewin Leslie V Reid Celia Van der Paul Ehrlich Allan Lobe, Sally M Reid George Wagner All flights are on American Air- C KV; Pt, Robert M Lowland MD Joan Reiss oser. kw I ontaine Martha McLean Sandra M Rennie Kent R Wd- - lines Boeing 707 Lux. Jetliners. I otiose l-tankel Mike McCloskey Hon Herb Rhodes r, Dwight IS Kent (rill Richard May Rob Roeterniller Nicholas ( N.Y. charter flights are operated lien (Ira Don L May Judy Rosener NonnAn /ot :11T4u1sT Donahv tireen (iladvs Meade Patricia Rosenfeld .lohn Ser- 11th DISTRICT by CIEE Student Travel Arlen ., Hon James Mills Murray Rosenthal Rotwn M /welly vices. FOR BOOKING INFOR Carlyle halt Darlene Mitchelnee Antonio Rossrnann (partial living; he listens...he acts! II,,,, Gam Hart Traute Wore MATION CONTACT: PO FIne 57304. 1 on Angeles. CA goos7 (2131 381 114142 Rochelle &SKr Treason, Roi B. Davis An Independent Volunteer Committer not authomrd ALOUIST CAMPAIGN COMMITTF1 by the Carter canotio.rn Suite 600, 777 N First St San Jose 9611,' Travel Center vonnn. r krnn nrirr, Barrack No. 8 (behind Morris Daily) Mon., Wed., Thurs. 1 p.m -4 p.m. . a positil Imre in Sacrament,' Int. ow .11//7/1\ Pahl for by Caldnerila Environmentalists for Carter OR CALL ANYTIME 259-8356 vo.aho te AkKear Corneae.. Comment November 1, 1976, Page 4

Wit estima registf accord Voters bases coun presid Hons. Re Tlu than t turno Secre Fong come! majo estim low Sacra

as. Jim Byous David Harris (1), Congressional District candidate, state Senator Jerry Smith, 0-Saratoga and Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, 0-San Jose.

Co sup presi 11 aPPeg DJVIII Pa, het o Candidates marked absent exist( bit skeptical, this spectator gives Walter Mondale a hand. Perh_ips a Ti By Myke Feinman Carter. b u m Neither of the major At the University of billb presidential candidates has California at Berkeley, Man spoken at SJSU or on any Sen. John Tunney, D- to vc other campus in the Bay California, Camejo and org a Area this semester. Church spoke. scien The only candidates As at SJSU, students set cam speaking on campus this up tables blanketed with year were Democrat David campaign literature for the Harris, running for major candidates at cam Congress against Pete Berkeley and Stanford. tie oil McCloskey, R-Menlo Park, "I think the reason the we h and Peter Camejo, running major candidates are not Ma for president as the coming to campuses is Cart Socialist Workers Party because the voter turnout candidate. among young people and Cc leanrt Politicans talk college students in general State Assemblyman is low," said A.S. Adviser John Vasconcellos D-San Louie Barozzi. corn Jose, and State Senator Barozzi said when sai Alfred Alquist D-San Jose, Humphrey spoke on orga( appeared before A.S. campus during the 1968 can Council to answer students' presidential campaign, the questions, but they were there was a packed crowd org; not campaigning. at the ROTC practice field. all Republican vice Professor explains can presidential candidate Robert Dole spoke in Palo "Maybe the reason Alto Friday, and major candidates haven't Democratic vice spoken at SJSU is because presidential candidate the student vote basal Walter Mondale spoke at coalesced around any the San Jose Civic candidate," said Dr. Terry Auditorium earlier last Christensen, SJSU month. associate professor ef According to Stanford political science. University officials, the "SJSU is not as good a only candidates appearing campus for campaign pr there have been Harris, speeches because basically fro McCloskey, and Sen. Frank it's a commuter campus," co Church, D -Idaho, who he continued. "There is no f r po Catalina Goeyata appeared in support of cohesive student vote." This "Yes on 14" supporter waves a flag to morning motorists from atop a house next to the intersection of Tenth Street and 1-280. th no ca


fo he



Jayne Evans Windham Catalina Guevat,, Cesar Chavez speech advertised under I-210 at Tenth Street, Friday. Walter Mondale. Democratic vice presidential candidate, meets the press outside San Jose City Hall. November 1, 1976, Page 5 Registration down locally, statewide 85 per cent county voter turnout estimated By Kathy Harmer high of 88 per cent in urban area which allows being sworn in by a deputy as post offices, he said. registered 6,000, using only verify the eligibility of secretary's office. Within the county an Orange County. better political registrar. The person Both major parties used the postcard system, said names submitted on The Republican estimated 85 per cent of the Voter registration in organization and lends merely signed the oath the new system to register Bob Walker, executive postcards, Mann said. But spokesman also charged registered voters will vote, Santa Clara County is down itself to a higher voter previously spoken before voters. The Yes on director of the Santa Clara names submitted through certain groups do not mail according to Registrar of nearly 7,000 from the 1972 turnout, Gerston said. the deputy. Proposition 14 organization County Republicans. deputy registrars aren't in the cards if the person Voters George Mann. He presidential election with Postcards help "It has been a big factor used them to register some Money wasted verified either. "So far, I registering does not agree bases his prediction on past 549,505 persons eligible to Postcard registration, in getting registration back 37,000 voters in the county, He said his party is have not been made aware with the group's position. county turnouts in cast ballots. instituted after the spring up to where it was before according to volunteer opposed to the deputy of any problem," he said. He said there is no legal presidential generl elec- Statewide, registration primary election, has the gubernatorial election coordinator Stephanie system because it is a Names checked responsibility to submit the tions. is also down to 9.9 million, contributed to an increase in 1974," Mann said. "After Connolly. waste of taxpayers' money. Because of rumors and card once it has been Registration down approximately 500,000 in voter registration from that election we cancelled But, he said, the party also allegations, though, that completed. County Democrats This figure is higher fewer than four years ago. two years ago, Mann said. 193,000 voters because they is opposed to the postcard non -citizens are Both the Yes on registered at least 15,000, than the 79 per cent state The high turnout in the Approximately 22,000 more didn't vote," he said. system because it may registering, the secretary Proposition 14 organization according to Marge turnout predicted by county can be attributed persons are eligible to vote Parties use allow for fraudulent of state authorized a and the Democratic Party Guinasso, volunteer Secretary of State March to better educated voters, a in this election, he said. Mann said between registration. He said his sample check of San Diego spokespersons denied any coodinator. They used Fong Eu. Her prediction fairly high average income The postcards, 300,000 and 4A30,000 post- party is investigating the County registration rolls kind of selective both postcards comes from reports of 13 and new growth patterns, available at many post cards have been taken and deputy possibility of illegal aliens against a list of legal registration. Both said they registrars, who are paid 25 major counties where according to Larry Ger- offices, libraries, shopping from his office and about and other non -citizens aliens. No fraudulent feel they are ethically cents per affidavit by the estimates ranged from a ston, SJSU political science centers and political 100,000 have been returned. registering. registrations have been bound to mail in a county. low of 70 per cent in lecturer. Santa Clara headquarters, enabled a Many of those still out were The Registrar of Voters' found, according to an registration card despite Sacramento County to a County has become an person to register without put in fixed locations such The Republican Party office makes no effort to information officer for the the stated party affiliation. Citizen participation in campaigns Daily straw vote results diminished by election finance laws Carter 40.7% Ford 32.7% By John C. Hayes Liz Simms, a member of according to Overhouse. There are no precinct Overhouse, of course, is Tunney 47.4% Hayakawa 36.5% California grassroots the Republican Central The rest of the support organizations and no also predicting a victory support for both Committee and a Ford must come from the strong local organizations. but admits it will be "very presidential campaigns representative, expressed national party operations close." Proposition 13 Yes: 16.6% No: 72.7% appears to be almost non- the same sentiments. and will be limited Overhouse said they Either way it appears existent this year. "Voters could at one primarily to providing have had trouble recruiting Ford and Carter's decision There are few posters, time become very involved literature and paying volunteers, especially to to rely on federal financing Proposition 14 Yes: 65.2% No: 32.6% bumper stickers, with their time and telephone expenses. walk precincts. has brought them a little billboards and buttons. money," she said. "They "It's easy to hand out less than they bargained Many have attributed this had a personal com- Bumper stickers are campaign literature" she for. to voter apathy but local mitment." free but are not widely said. "But it takes a dif- organizers and a political Contributions cut available. Posters are in ferent kind of person to scientist blame the new Now, she ' said, in- limited supply and cam- walk up to someone and campaign financing law. dividual contributions to paign buttons, once free, discuss issues." Students give nod to Carter, are now being sold by "No initiaive" presidential candidates not been as Democrats. There has "The new federal both "in kind" such as much literature available campaign reporting laws printing services and "You can buy ex- citement," said political this year, according to both tie our hands so completely billboards) and cash, are Overhouse and Simms, dissatisfaction science instructor Roy many express we have no initiative," said strictly prohibited. primarily because the Madge Overhouse, a Christman. She said Republican candidates together will Continued from page 1 representative Support diminished , Carter field interest in the campaign spend only one-third "For a long time I was a member of the Santa in this and still is high but she was Limited budgets (roughly $42 million) of going to vote for Ford but Clara County Democratic have critical of the financing law year's campaign what they spent in 1972. he's done so many crazy Central Committee. to put and said it was at least forced candidates GOP concentrates things. I thought we should "Everything is a carefully into partly responsible for voter funds "very County Republicans will give someone else a complete turn around," she said. apathy. media spots," he try to solve that problem by chance," said John Kari, said. Voters used to The problem is "par- concentrating on select 26, an art major. organize around individual The Republican Party ticularly acute in "swing" districts, ac- candidates and issues; now county office will operate California because the cording to Bob Walker, "Either way we don't they have one centralized with a budget of $22,000 this party organization is so executive director of the have a choice of who's a organizatrion supporting year, Simms said. The thin," Christman said. county Republican Party. better man," he said. all county Democratic Democratic Party office is Nothing exists below the His prediction Ford, "I'm stuck with Carter. candidates. budgeted for about $3,000, county level, he added. by a comfortable margin. There's very few other 1 IA alternatives," said Ruell Powell, a 30-year-old en- RUELL POWELL TERRY PATTERSON SALLY CLITHERO vironmental studies 'Stuck with Carter' 'Ford-right on' prefer Caner' Ford, Carter endorsements student. ahead of Carter," he said. vote for Communist can- "If Carter is elected, the "Carter offers at least a Sally Clithero, a 22- didate or write-in unemployment rate will turnover in the existing year-old English major, Eugene McCarthy. fall and consequently, so follow usual support pattern power structures. I'd said "I prefer Carter to will inflation," he added. rather have Carter, he'll do Ford, she said, does not Ford. I like what he's the By Nick Baptista He added that although John de Heras and Mark the Loma Prieta chapter of something different offer the leadership doing. But I dislike the country needs. Carter's Endorsements for the the Teamsters have not Guerra, co-chairmen of the the . whether it's good or bad." stands Carter has been presidential candidates endorsed a candidate, group, solutions to problems are cited Ford's ap- Carter endorsed Lisa Meredith-Coker, taking so far. He's not from organizations are leaders of the union are too similar to other pointment of over 80 But the California 22, journalism major, said explicit on anything," she coming, for the most part, supporting Carter. Democrats. "We need a Latinos to top-level League of Conservation "I'm sort of leaning toward said. from traditional sup- "There are not many positions different type of approach, in his ad- Voters can endorse can- Carter, but I'm still un- Renee DiMarco, a porters. other groups that make ministration as one reason didates. Carl Polk, not the old-style," decided." senior in radio/broad- Monahan explained. Labor unions, except for endorsements," he said. for the growing amount of executive director of the casting, will be voting Ford the Teamsters who have supported support for Ford. organization, said the "I don't care to vote strictly Democrat in David Oeberst, jour- Locally, Gerald Ford's not recommended any Many influential groups group supports Carter. because I don't think tomorrow's election. nalism freshman, said he is campaign has received candidate, have endorsed such as the Sierra Club and "Carter is the strongest there's a good choice for "I agree with Carter's voting for Carter because minority support usually Democratic nominee the U. S. Chamber of possible of any presidential president," said Don philosophies. He's not the "I feel he's the best man reserved for the Jimmy Carter. Commerce can't make candidate in the last 70 Serame, a 20-year-old perfect candidate but I for the job. When I get out Phil Keller, spokesman Democratic candidate. endorsements because years," Polk said. "And engineering student. generally agree with his of college, I want to be able for the local Democratic Members of the Santa they are non-profit Jerry Ford is the worst basic ideas. to support a family. headquarters, said the Clara County Hispanic organizations and would candidate in terms of Serame said he is not "I like the fact that Central Labor Committee community have an- lose their tax exempt conservation." registered to vote. He said Democrats in the past have and the Building Trade nounced the formation of a status if they did, ac- "Ford has given con- political parties other than been pro about jobs. The STOP HERE. Council also have sup- bi-partisan Hispanic cording to Ti Sills, con- servation his last priority," the Republicans and upper class seems to ported Carter. committee to support Ford. servation chairwoman of he added. Democrats should get a lot always favor loopholes of MweiE The Coalition for more exposure and one kind or another and Freedom of Choice, a pro- coverage. Carter seems to be more Field Poll shows state abortionist organization, is Regina Estrella, an for the middle class." not supporting any can- English major, said she is DiMarco said. didate. voting for Ford. "He's "Everybody should Neither favored experienced," she said. participate in the system favoring Ford by 6% "We are not endorsing and voting is the best way either of them because they "He (Ford) inherited a to express your views. I pretty crummy situation SAN FRANCISCO (AP) favored the write-in spend the final 11/2 days aren't supporting us," a vote for everything," ac- of and he's done what he can. President Ford has campaign of independent his two-year spokeswoman for the group cording to Pat Monahan. -long cam- Carter's willing to put stretched his lead in Eugene McCarthy, 3 per paign for said. early childhood education mak ' president in down the Ford ad- California to six per- cent favored other California. White collar unions, graduate student. ministration, but I don't centage points in the Field presidential candidates Democrats outnumber like the National American Monahan is undecided Recycle hear him offering any Books Poll, pointing to a possible and 8 per cent were un- Republicans by about 2.1 Federation of Teachers, on who she will vote for as Buy and better solutions." Sell upset over Democrat decided. million in California, or a 3- (NAFT) are making president, but definitely USED BOOKS Et RECORDS Jimmy Carter. political endorsements. will not vote for Ford or Field also reported 2 margin among 9.9 million "Carter's got the image 10-9 p.m. 98 NAFT has come out in Carter She will cast her E. San Fernando 286-6275 Pollster Mervin Field Friday that Democratic registered voters. But the from the TV debates and support of Carter. Another said Friday that many U.S. Sen. John Tunney had state has gone Republican Ford's blooper," said teachers' organization, the California Democrats have taken a narrow 45-43 lead in five of the last six Terry Patterson, a 25-year- * * * * * * * * * * * * National Educators resolved the conflict bet- over Republican presidential elections. old special studies student. Association, also supports ELECTION DAY BIG SAVINGS ween their desire to vote challenger S. I. Hayakawa. Carter's California "But Ford knows what Carter. SPECTACULAR Before Et for a Democrat and their He said two con- zampaign leaders disputed he's talking about. As far After The state-wide United uncertainty about Carter troversial ballot the Field poll results. as his analysis goes he's YOU VOTE Professors of California by voicing lukewarm propositions are trailing. Spokesman Tom Quinn right on. Probably a little also have thrown its caps support of Ford. Prop. 14, the farm labor said their private polls and tassels to Carter. ASPB Therefore, the Califor- initiative, trailed 47-3i, and ,how Carter still ahead by A Republican co - presents nia vote is still very Prop. 13, which would 'our per cent. volatile chairwoman in the area and betting Ford campaign leaders Nov. 3 subject to lastminute legalize parimutuel said they * said the Field poll con- have not made an FABRIC SALE * changes. Field said. on dog racing, trailed 66-18. effort to seek support but Jock Lemmonin his most The Republican California has 45 grmed their feelings that important dramatic a major instead concentrated on the President's 46-40 lead in a electoral votes, the biggest Ford would pull tole since 5Am to 7Am upset in California. campaign. Field telephone survey this bloc in the nation. Although "The Days of Roses week of 1,245 voters Carter campaign leaders Wine and *30%oFF compares with a 53-33 lead have said repeatedly that ON ALL FABRICS. * for Carter in the same poll the former Georgia The 'PERFECT' SALE FABRICS TOO! two months ago and a 44-43 governor can win the GREETING CARD Ford lead three weeks ago. presidency without liii TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2 * He said 3 per cent California, Carter plans to ONE MADE BY YOU! . . . * * * * * * * * * * 25% OFF frm "A to 11 BLANK CARD STOCK * 8 0 PM * Monday Cinema ,ARANK X INT PkitIRES CORR 'MTV and FL/MAYS INC prom ON ALL FABRICS presents MATCHING ENVELOPES JACK LEMON MAR111,1 RANNO111 *1 I...riot-am TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2 ASSORTED COLORS q each WE THE TIGER" Alfred Hitchcock's co storm 6111,1ftr, HOURS _IL Fr Mon. thru Fri 9:30 to 900 (i:Elleoted 39 STEPS Saturday-9:30 to 5:30 YARDAGE III "0111,1 PA. r Morris Dailey WAI I l'API it CO Sunday 1 2' :00 to 5-00 557 Valley Fair CI I San 249 8700 Morris Dailey 377 2230 50 7 Et 10 50' 365 San Antonio Rd MI View 941 3600 $12:30, 7, Et10$/ WPM CAMDEN AVE. (2 wellos hat of Ewy. 17) CAMDEN & ONION November 1, 1976, Page 6 Students gain political awareness while working in local campaigns mand post. In this case, the gets to me," he admitted, fects me as much as this By Rial Cummings one war was being waged by popping a small pill in his does." Local election work gro David Runyon against Bart mouth. "My stomach has rarely draws much at- Rick Enfantino Co tention. Collins. The prize was San given me trouble. I missed Freshman Rick Enfan- Ru It's also not the most Jose City Council seat No. three days earlier while my lino, 19, has served on the. gra popular task in the world, 4. doctor ran tests. I may San Jose Youth Commis- Ba despite the months of And Lee, at the ripe old soon have an ulcer." sion for four years, which sar "working in the system" age of 23, sat as com- The telephone buzzed led directly to his advocated in countless mander -in -chief and urgently. managing the campaign set civic classes. marshalled his forces. "That's the way the for ballot measure M. tir For instance, most "I've never had to set final week is," he said The effort, which in- Na sources agree that fewer my alarm," said the SJSU brightly. "You scream a volves financing youth SJSU students are partici- political science student. little and pray a little." centers in the city, has ne pating this fall than ever know someone will "I faced tough times but En- before. call around 7 every morn- Linda Brennan fantino finds the work re- 5,141 Woodh.ot, be "I'd say that's true," telling me a sign's been ing Linda Brennan, 23, warding. Roger Lee maps David Runyon's territory. pu said political science Prof. torn down or we've won an definitely had a stake in "There's a difference th Terry Christiansen, who or a schedule endorsement, Leona Egeland's between working for a gets a good feeling about Her contribution was brief 18 directs a field study class change has to be made Jose) bid for reelection in measure and working for a the work and is proud of the compared to others two in campaign work. something." the 24th Assembly District. candidate," he said. -Here things the commission has hours on the phone talking ti "And there might be The day has usually it's clean cut' you're not accomplished. to people about Republican vi some justification to it. Among other duties the ended 16 to 18 hours later. banking on promises. If ap- Yet he's maintained a senatorial candidate S.I. th There aren't that many graduate student kept It's been that way since proved, it's a sure thing, certain skepticism of the Hayakawa. hotly contested races; track of numerous stakes July 1, when Lee officially it's down on paper." political system. "Dealing with people el there's not the feeling of as lawn sign coordinator. became Runyon's cam- Enfantino's age has "Today I'd work for a that way was kind of fun," al excitement of past years. She also polled people by paign manager. sometimes been a han- candidate only if I knew the she said. "You know, I just More people were active phone, assisted in lining up dicap. person well," he said. "You might try it again some during the spring pri- "I had to forget about endorsements and often "Some older people, can only trust yourself time " a maries," he said. school this semester," he chauffered Egeland on pre- administrators for in- when politics are in- Still, if walking said. "But it's happened cinct walks. stance, are somewhat volved." precincts and stuffing en- before. Every election I COPIES "This year I decided to intimidated. They can't al- Summing up velopes have not caught seem to end up asking for really plunge in," she said. ways hack the fact that a Perhaps the general 2%4 students' fancy, some are drops or incompletes. I "I wanted to find out if this young person is playing an feeling of the student who no minimum Rt willing to give it a try. Jon evous think my teachers are used was the type of work I'd en- adult role in things." did work in the campaign is m, Many started back in Campaign manager David Sturrock searches for votes. to it by now." joy doing." The Willow Glen High best summed up by busi- KINKO'S wl February, flipping through That means Lee may 123 S. Having a few doors School graduate said he ness major Sharon Powell. 3rd St. 295-4336 ch phone books and voter lists. job, but I think I'd prefer As the interview con- take some time to cover the slammed in her face ce Tomorrow, the lucky ones more stable work." cluded, Sturrock offered a 20 units he needs for gradu- ap- parently hasn't altered tic will be popping champagne His family, split be- view of his political button ation. her collection, a hobby he intentions. She plans to corks. tween two Democrats and "I'm not sure just now I Republicans, has al- ordinarily pursues on a pursue a career as an SPEED READING two got started in this," he int ro tradition of non-partisan basis. administrative or legis- ways had a said. "My friends did some $4 David Sturrock table discus- In this case, there was lative assistant. lively dinner campaign work in the late r- ID COMPREHENSION ( The final week wasn't sions. This fall hasn't been one notable omission the Brennan was active in quite the same for 19-year- '60s and I just tagged ha any different. green and white disk of Democrat Morris Udall's old David Sturrock, cam- along. It mushroomed from WHY '11113" IS BETTER "They haven't given Victor Calvo. campaign, serving as a paign manager for there." much advice," he said with caucus leader and pound- Evaluated by U.S.C. as the most effective Speed Republican Sandy Sanger's me Roger Lee A staff worker poppped a smile. "They humor ing the pavement as a pre- Reading and Comprehension Training Program avail- ta bid in the 21st Assembly and let me make my own Roger Lee sat on the the proofs of a newspaper cinct walker. able for U.S.C. students. SO District. mistakes." ground floor of an office ad on his desk. Lee ques- "There's no substitute Incumbent Victor Calvo Sturrock is quick to building in San Jose, tioned its size and reached for practical experience," Only one-half the price of Evelyn Wood. ID-Mountain View) is ex- point out the irony of his punching phone buttons for the phone. pected to be tough to beat with one hand and writing a she said. "In class you situation. He got turned on Atter the call he picked Endorsed by many Universities including U.S.C., and most of the work for notation on his calendar learn about policy; how the to politics just as Water- thread of his story, U.C. Santa Cruz, U.S.F., Univ. of Sanger's low key effort was with the other. up the parties work. But out here Santa Clara and gate was turning a lot of the first cam- winding down. The calendar was full. recounting you learn the little things. Fairchild Semi-conductor. people off. paign he managed in 1972 Sturrock, a sophomore, Outside his cubicle, She paused. "For in- "Students remain high school class- Designed specifically to increase said his first stab at cam- maps of San Jose when stance, residents in mobile speed, comprehen- pretty apathetic unless Rusty Hammer suc- paign managing may have dominated the walls, key mate homes are tough to get to." sion, concentration and recall in college texts and there's an issue like Viet- won election to been his last. precincts marked in blue cessfully nam," he said. "It's tough City Council. "I invite friends to come reference material. 10 felt pen. Workers sat at the Saratoga "There are hired guns to generate interest when down to headquarters and by: four tables, addressing en- Lee was 18. Hammer 17. call or drop around," he said. "They they don't feel much stake see what's going on. Often a velopes or gathering bro- "You ask if I have the DEVELOPMENT find a job to help out during in the outcome. That comes they come back. I'm not The INSTITUTE OF READING chures. experience to run this," he the off-season, and seem to later, once they're paying special or anything; I've The scene somewhat said. "Well, I've been at it crawl out of the woodwork taxes, sending kids to never voted in an A.S. elec- .21777-1270 resembled a calmer ver- for a long time." "11.231 E. SANTA CLARA ST. at the appropriate time. school, worrying about a tion. I just don't think it af- I've learned a lot on this mortgage." sion of a battleground corn- "The tension sometimes Politicians Fight Personalities of Carter, Ford for $S Interests, We Must Fight For Our Own! cloud their stands on issues

The personalities of the and medium income and tightening up on the possibility of decreasing two prime contenders for families who wish to send way the Medicare and the defense budget from 97 president, Jimmy Carter their children to college. Medicaid programs are billion to $5 billion by work- and President Gerald Carter, on the other run. ing on management im- Ford, have clouded both hand, favors increased Defense provements. Carter op- men's stands on specific federal spending on edu- Ford's proposed budget poses production of the B-1 MUM cation. for the military last June bomber. Following are the Marijuana was larger than what Con- Environment-Conservation stands of both Ford and Carter supports na- gress actually approved. Carter wants to keep na- Carter on key issues. tionwide decriminalization The President believes de- tional parks and monu- Abortion of marijuana. fense spending is not en- ments in their natural Although a 1973 Ford does not favor tirely in our hands, saying state. He favors federal Supreme Court ruling regu- decriminalization of mari- the United States needs to land-use planning assis- lating abortions made juana but also does not keep a close eye on the tance to states that will im- them legal in all 50 states, believe that a marijuana Soviet Union. plement land-use plans to measures have been taken offense should be a felony. Ford also favors the B-1 protect critical environ- to make them harder to Health bomber. His reasoning for mental areas. get. Ford strictly opposes approving the bomber is Carter favors strict Neither candidate sup- the Kennedey health in- that the United States water pollution standards ports abortions, but both surance plan, saying that needs a defense that is ef- and supports a toxic sub- prefer to hand the issue to such a plan has a 9100 fective, yet can be called stance bill that requires other government bodies billion price tag on it. He is back if needed. He is dis- pre-market testing of all Ford would like to see in favor of health coverage satisfied with using only new chemicals. the whole matter of abor- for the elderly, using extra missiles because once Ford's basic stand on tion moved from the government money to launched, they cannot be open space is to double the federal level to the state supplement Medicare in brought back and the amount of land for National level while Carter is happy extreme cases. damage is done. Parks that the United to leave the U.S. Supreme Carter is promoting the Carter does see a States has today. Court with the matter. need for national health in- Education-Federal surance but does not see it Spending as the entire answer to Demonstrate Election Day Ford believes spending solving health problems. from Levi's! for education should be The former Georgia New Nov. 2 maximized at the local governor believes the key On" jeans. level. However, he does to the nation's health "Movin' favor tax credits for low problems lies in educating "TM. ,.not what ore want tor our future. Whatever ther icent tn our tim lay won ti.rouids OUT oan t,,., I le und '.171 or' tennis,. our ic torten. We built the tu.,ons. We won meoployeent noes enentt n. We bought for stall rights. We ,ay WEAR ARMBANDS SAYING: toms' concestons ut oh the rulre ant they Olit jujja . nathtnr Little crabs and little rood. "Politicians fight for $S interests, 70e1r pollttc tle politics al asplottatton and robuerr We must fight for our own!" lice are not exactly thrillin, Jilt roll tie. it the trum le asoonst thew tor our eon .uture.... the deck etacked and Lily hold the an- a, but . ill they A little A-200,palland leotard Chet we .it t t,.0 table and play. We say" It’ tiro to turn tie tables. you'll have made a killin: Thy say toaster nd lord s, present Jur Inters . Cr nay RALLY: 12:15 p.m. tty do not represent tut. *I ey attack ust that to shot c latestic is so Choice at ell; t III nitYre they reprerent Is sore if the oho* and aorae; act all they can offer us be 'las t's evils' S.U. Patio A-200. e..11 t and an . ra tired of t.Ir *elle ard are out to o I ill rike dent roltlical stets's., t on el., tt P 4.y - that (between cafeterias) at *ill mak our awn tutor., in our ara, luttr tit. r00f1 ur s1,4 ttey Forteent. A slimmer. European The alit, alma tl all cut With Levis' quality fres loesairm sork, Organitind Co. ''0' In lots of fabrics and for nt t south, deranstratl nn on elec. colors The Gaps got a ton of em Fall in today REVOLUTIONARY STUDENT BRIGADE


ALMADEN SQUARE Wonsan wont's, oppoernon of env .IS OPenon 1811 W. SAN CARLOS soduv owns-pant 0 Asarreuwearl %Aetna at Seri Jam Stsea Lin/NIVIOV MOM, Wale 0070 November 1, t76, Page 7 Charges heat council seat campaign

By Gilbert Chan money? I'm not saying he fire, police, roads and This would be valuable and San Jose bearing all the so- new industry should pro- having his own special in- and Forrest Miller has hidden contributions parks. helpful to the city as well as cial needs of the county. vide "at least one-half" of terest. "San Jose has taken its jobs for San Jose resi- San Jose's population is but his campaign figures "Then with whatever a valuable learning exper- However, Runyon said more than its share of half- dents. one-half million people and against his personal in- money is left over dis- ience for the professors and his loan has made him free alcoholic growing. San Jose City come just don't add up," tribute among the other students in certain fields." way houses, Any less than half, he of any special interest. and Council candidate David Collins said. services," he said. "Try to "Social communication treatment centers said, would require the city Money buys power and con- in- Runyon wants to limit Runyon said Collins ac- push for efficiency within should also be stepped up," other social problem to build more homes. San trol, he said, charging Col- growth while opponent cepted a 822,000 contri- each department." Collins said, adding he stitutions," said the 39- Jose should not be the lins with receiving more Bart Collins does not neces- Collins, a former San would favor frequent meet- year-old realtor. "bedroom community" of than $22,000 from de- avoid- sarily want to stop it. Jose chief of detectives, ings between the city and "Other cities are the county, he said. velopers during the past They are running for said he would push for a re- the university to discuss ing their responsibilities," Runyon's campaign two years. seat four, now held by re- vamping of the board and mutual problems. he said. Runyon said cities may cost up to $60,000, Collins has denied that tiring Vice Mayor Roy care homes, alcoholic Runyon charged the such as Los Gatos, Santa which includes about charge, but admitted he Naylor. recovery centers and men- problems of urban sprawl Clara and Mountain View $20,000 for his primary has received about 85,000 In the June election tal health homes in San were caused by "special in- have been doing a race. from the Builders and Con- neither candidate held a Jose. terest" politics of the 1950s "deplorable job" in dealing He said council districts tractors Committee David Runyon majority so a runoff is "The University has and 60s. City council candidate with the county's social would reduce campaign the being held. In June, Collins been a dumping ground for "I have no special in- programs. costs and also make re- pulled down 41.2 per cent of these places and I'd like to terest ties," the SJSU Morgan Hill. Light industry, such as councilmembers more 4 the vote while Runyon had see some of the other areas graduate said.The special He said any new electronic firms and auto- sponsive to the people. 18.7. of the city and county hous- interests, he said, are the development must have the mobile plants, should be at- Also, Runyon favors a full- Although growth con- ing some of these places," Builder's Association and appropriate urban ser- tracted into San Jose, ac- time council seat rather tinues to be the most ob- he said. its related contractors. vices, such as roads and cording to Runyon. than the current part-time MIDDLE EAST vious difference between Bart Collins Collins doesn't believe, Development opposed sewers. Runyon said the He said the city's position. criticized Grocery the candidates, a new issue City council candidate as Runyon does, that Runyon, however, does developers and future bureaucracy and red tape ' Collins has $40,000 personal HA WA MARKET has come up in the runoff council members should be not favor a building mora- homeowners should pay for are the reasons for the lack Runyon's Col- election: special interest bution from the Builder's in charge of a particular torium or the development these services. of industry in the city. loan to the campaign. with alliances. Association. district in the city. of the Coyote area near Runyon is opposed to But, Runyon said any lins charged Runyon 286 - 2394 The fall campaign has Both men have denied "Each councilman been laden with charges the other's accusations. would be respoinsible for and counter-charges of Collins has said he is for 90,000 people," he said. "If each candidne being controlled growth but fears districtization should "bought out" by so-called if growth restrictions are happen I think the people classifieds special interest groups. administered too heavily should decide who should Collins has charged San Jose will lose commer- represent them. A council- records Great! weddings, receptions, and en end components Over 140 Runyon with not having the cial and industrial pros- man shouldn't just be put in it* vete parties brand. Call Jack, 737-08213 eves money to run his campaign pects. charge of a certain dis- i* announcements SHREDDED FOAM Rubber, 50C lost S Th lbs. Any Quantity, 293-2954. TYPING, 50C page, overnight rush OK. Call Pat at 293-280B. while Runyon counter- "I'd like to see new trict." PIANO INSTRUCTION THEORY DURAFIBER 200cm skis, 'with and found charges Collins with ac- companies opening up in Full-time favored ty HARMONY CLASSICAL Salomon 555 bindings, Heed 180 SKIERS! Get your Skis tuned 1 up Hot cepting a large contribu- San Jose and existing com- Collins is in favor of full- TO JAZZ - 20 YEARS EXPER- cm freestyle skis with Salomon REWARD: Orange Backpack, lost wax, 82.50. Base travel IENCE, CALL 225-7013. 555 bindings. Nordica GT boots on Duncan Hall railing on Times repair 6 hot wax incl., edg tion from the building panies aided to prevent time council positions 9M, Lady Nordica boots 8M. Oct. 26. Call Nina at 264-3667 mg, $6.00 Call Terry or CHARTER FLIGHTS winter and BREAD AND ROSES BOOKSHOP George 297-8239 spring to London Iroom Oakland trade. them from moving out of carrying a 81,500 monthly 136 So. 1st St., 2942930 Salomon 505 and 555 bindings 358-1148 :: TYPING IBM SEL. 11, feet,ac Seats evadable fOr XMAS, $359, "He (Runyon) bor- the area. I think we can salary. The full-time job, New and used, Afro-American 3 or 4 weeks. Also Frankfurt from Latino, Chicano. Native Amen $25 and up. personals curate, exp. in Campbell/Tura- rowed $40,000 to get a utilize our labor force," Collins said, shouldn't be REFRIGERATORS bian . 267-3119 Nan. L.A. from $399 British European can, Marxist. women's labor. Phone 294-2118. Call after 12 Travel, 937 Saratoga Ave., San 842,000 house a year ago," Collins said. imposed until the present more. EXPERIENCE open friendly corn Bicycle Repair - Shaw's Light. children's books Et much noon munication w /your peers in a Jose, 95129. Phone 446-5252 Collins said. "He says he With regards to sup- members have left office, Selected posters ft records. werght Cycles, 131 E William personal service. quiet warm atmosphere MOO by near SJSU offers professional CHARTER INFORMATION TO has since invested $40,000 porting the fire and police including himself. Friendly the Peer Drop In Center, 3rd Browsers welcome. Ask about 1" help wanted repair, parts and accessories for NEW YORK . . CHICAGO . . into his own campaign. departments and at the On improving univer- 10 to 6, . floor, Student Union, Diablo Racing, Touring and Trans- EUROPE AT CHRISTMAS .. . our special events. Open Room It's a friendly Accusations denied same time keeping taxes sity relations, Collins said Mon through Sat. place to portation cycles. 296-9124 MANY OTHER DESIGNATIONS Admin. Mel: Typong, Phone, Gen'l relax and meet people, also . . YOUTH HOSTEL CARDS "His business (real es- low, Collins said, "without "we should utilize the AWAKEN Your fantasies while Office Sm. Commodity Trdg Co. workshops, groups, referrals and TYPING - My Mac& We know ... WORK ABROAD . . . STU- tate) doesn't do that well, increasing the original expertise at the university conditioning your body. Eufrasia Call 321 6660, 5-6pm. information. M. !hut Thurs., 10 how to type that Thesis, Report, DENT I.D. CARDS .. . EURAIL School of Ballet offers special air.- 7 Term Paper -- ACCURATELY so where is he getting the budget, assign money to to help solve city problems. ATTRAC- p.m., Friday 10-3 p.m. ft EIRITRAIL PASSES .. college age classes for beginners INTEHESTING, Drop by and SPEEDILY. Call 244-6887, INTER-EUROPEAN FLIGHTS through advanced. Small classes TIVE Et PERSONABLE ask for Susan. women are SIGMA Ks a Bro horn Upsilon . .. INFORMATION TO ALL individual attention Studios: Young men Er PARTS OF THE WORLD . . Santa Clara. needed at the Brewery, a res- Chapter is now on campus to San Jose Et renew a colony. If* CONTACT THE STUDENT City could levy tax 241-1300. taurant Et nightclub in San Call Bob stereos Jose. Duties include serving 966-9304. TRAVEL CENTER (BARRACK KUNG RU is now available at the In- /8, BEHIND MORRIS DAILEY) PsychoPhysical De- food Et alcoholic beverages. FLYING to San Diego fOrSJS vs SAVE THIS AD. Before you pur- stitute of necessary, SD football game, cost chase costly stereo equipment, MON. WED. Et THURS 1 pm .4 velopment (a non-profit educa- Experience is not approx p.m OR CALL ANYTIME First but you must be over 21. $40. Call Steve at 2991329. check with us for discounts on tional corporation) 325 S. the 200 major brands of Audio, TV, 259-8356. The Student Travel urged St., 4th Floor, San Jose. Classes Please apply in person at 0-Ti-I-Jen, Yesterday, Today, Center is sponsored by SJSU centers tape, car stereo, etc Advice on Rec N. San Pedro are on MON thru THUR at 7 p.m. Brewwery, 29 Tomorrow you shall be my be- Backpackers International Club. St., SJ. loved. ROAR. purchasing the Right gear the There will only be one Those in favor of the They also object to the and SAT at 10 a.m., spectators first time with no hassles. We GOING ABROAD?? Chances are welcome. Full-time students 112 OFFICE CLERK-WAREHOUSE- Walt, I miss you very much. you need appliances that operate city proposition on the amendment, mostly per- recreation centers being MAN 4 days/week. 3.4 hrs each manufacture a complete line of units or more) get a 15% dis Love, Bonnie. Hi Fi speakers and blank record- on 220 volt, 56 cycle. We carry a ballot tomorrow: Propo- sons involved in youth and used only by youths and not count. For more information drop day to fit school schedule. Must $3 00/hr. P-UNE-L, Thank You for "Coloring ing tape sold wholesale to the variety of 220 volt appliances sition M is designed to recreation commissions in by or call 293-6611. type 40-50 WPM. my World" and forever being the ARIS EXPORT CO 6419 Tele- for the general public. Steady work. 298-4900. public. Sounds Unique, 998- amend the city charter. It San Jose, contend "There PHOTOGRAPHS Hire a "Sunshine of my Life." Happy 2E93, Tues, Sat 12 6 graph Ave . Oak Ca. 94609 Tel photographer at a small hourly 21st (tomorrow)! I'll still love 654,4751. will add a section au- are no city youth recrea- Another objection to the you USED STEREO EQUIPMENT. We 415 fee for weddings, dinners, etc , "When youre 641" All my stereo equip EUROPE ISRAEL AFRiCA Student should Also will buy & sell used thorizing, but not re- tion facilities for young amendment is that and keep the negatives r housing PIGLET. ment. REBUT HI Fl, 5023 Ste- charter flights year round, ISCA quiring, the city council to people." the centers be built, ad- trade this service for others Call is. NEED AN ENTHRALLING Roman- vens Creek Blvd. Santa Clara, 1609 Westwood Blvd. No. 103, levy three cents per 8100 to They say it results in an ministrative and super- Ron 14151471-7727. DELIGHTFUL place to live. Ping tic Adventure with a high pitch of 935-0344, T F, 107 Sat IC) 5 L A. Calif 906024 1213/ 826-5669. Sum OVERSEAS JOBS pong, volleyball, dishwasher, excitement? Would the BIG DISCOUNTS on stereo-high 826-0955. support and build recrea- increase in idleness of vising personnel would met year round. Europe, S. radar oven. Extra clean, extra presences of Audrey Hepburn or tion centers for youths. youths. They also contend "create an on-going and America, Austr- Asia, etc. All quiet. 234 S. 11th St. 1 blk. from Sean Connery or Robert Shaw or The amendment calls the idleness is a major ever-increasing annual ex- fields, 5500-8120v monthly. Ex- campus. $85 and up. 998-0803, Richard Harris turn you on? If so, penses paid, sightseeing. Free in- for three to five recreation cause of juvenile delin- pense" to the city. 968-7410 level. Mgrs. wanted. please meet at Morris Dailey fo. Write: International Job EXCELLENT Rooms Across Cam- Auditorium Friday, Nov. 5, for centers to be built as well quency. Center, Dept. SB, Box 4490, pus, men. 99 S. 9th Sr. Kitchen the movie of ROBIN AND as converting existing Opponents to the pro- Berkeley, CA 94704. ply. Shared $70/mo. Private MARIAN. Two shows, 7 Et A Way I. Sarre Messe;\ lOpm, $1 buildings into such centers posal contend there isn't a The Christian Science Organization $105imo. Phone 2799816, if no 00. meets at 3.30 Wednesdays in the answer call 268 1750. Girls 278S with the levied taxes. "youth problem of such MARSAL'S SJSU Student Chapel. The 10th St. Across Bus. Build. The tax increase, if col- magnitude that we (San Nesse if Surplus SJSU campus community is Kitchen privil. 6 parking from U. services .ti lected, would be added to Jose) must build special fa- welcome $75:shared mo ft $115 private. Levi's Bells Er Cords Call 279-3035, if no answer on the STUDENT Dental Plan - Enroll the existing property taxes cilities" and that if the city FRIDAY FLICKS presents: ROBIN "now". Applications and in Backpacks Shoes AND MARIAN A sprawling, above numbers call 268-1750. but accounted for separate- council wants a youth pro- medieval adventure which turns formation at Associated Stir DELIGHTFUL place to live. Ping dents office or call 371-6811 ly. The amendment does gram they should "utilize and many other goods into a memorable, sensitive, love Pong, Volleyball, dishwasher, many vacant Smile Clan story, and has the strength and radar oven. Extra clean, extra TYPING IBM Selectric not prevent the imposing of some of the 124 E. sheer presences of Audrey Hep- quiet 234 S. 11th St. 1 blk from 253-3684 rent, fees or charges to use public properties already Ihnireese MA burn and Sean Connery. Two campus. $93 and up, 998-6803, Pick up and Delivery BE CREATIVE the recreation centers. available for public use." shows, 7$, 10prn, Friday. Nov. 5, 968-7410 lever Mgrs. wanted. YOGA and Meditation Classes of Morris Dailey Auditorium, by Very Large, airy. upstrs. Apt. 2 BR, feted day and night. Yoga is a at, Alpha Phi Omega. $1.03. has stove, retro', S blk from mental and physical disciplrne SJSU. Parking. No children or the meditation practice is simple RE MYSTERIOUS dogs. Responsible tenants. $225. and direct. The price is 20 dollars :! Call 379-3659 after 6 p.m. for 30 classes of 2 hours each automotive Call now 292-WAVE - San Jose. LARGE SPANISH 3 br home ill Willow Glen above a potential TYPING, Term Papers/ BE PERSONAL sungirAtil PONTIAC VENTURA 360, '73 Ali restaurant to open soon. Rooms resumes.' t heses senior proj- after Al PS, low Fni 268 6421 5 availble $50-$100/mo, or ex ects/letters. 75C page and up pm change for labor. Call 292.1652 Office near SJU. 287-8611, VW Service $12 50 parts. ADJ 287-8612 19 a.m. to 130 p.m.) or FEMALE ROOMMATE Et FRIEND 262-1923 fall other hours). Ask valves, brakes. carb, timing. NEEDED. POSSIBILITY OF _111111110 CLYDE SAVE Change plugs, points, oil. All for Kitty Carter, North Valley MATURING INTO A LASTING Secretarial Service. work guaranteed, call Paul, RELATIONSHIP. I have voice de- 227 8324 fect, live near campus. Brian at TYPING thesis, term papers, Send Your Personal Message '4" PLYMOUTH Barracuda '66, A/T. 298-2308, no rent required. etc., experienced and fast. new Phone 2695674. P/ S. A/C, good condition, FURNISHED 1 bdrm., CLEAN. tires $750 494-7906 after 6. QUIET, 2 blks from SJSU, 2nd AT LAST a fun way to exercise. A 10% DISCOUNT with this ad for floor, 1 car stall Avail. Nov. 1, Enroll now in ADULT dancing In Spartan Daily Classifieds an Electronic DYNAMOMETER $155 mo. $100 dep (fully refund- classes. Improves Coordination. tone up at TUNE 41, the auto- able). Inquire 295 7513 (556 S. Mental Stimulation, Great Way 99 motive tune up specialists. 1531 5th, No 201 to Meet People, Modern Jazz or W San Carlos, SJ Your cost will Tap Classes. Call Kamer Dance 10. 8 cyl 2-3 FEMALE ,mares wanted lover Studio. 243-4834. Orig. be 4 cyl $33, 6 cyl $35 211 to share apt in Dec. or can $3693 most cars) Parts Et labor S27.99 help me look for a place now. MEW WONENI JOBS ON 3 included Guaranteed 6 months. Eileen, 2779696 AM or aft 10 SHIPS' American Foreign. No Takes about 30 mon Phone p.m experience required Excellent 2853566 Discount good through pay Worldwide travel. Summer December 1, 1976 THE G000 UFE Spacious 5 job or career Send $3 for led bdrm, 4 baths, formal dit»ng, information SEAFAX. Dept. 89 SIZES '73 MAZDA RX2, sports coupe, separate study, p-aol, all in walk 2 lines 1 day is 75c --)ra nue est: condition, clean, lust tuned First Et Laurel Streets, Pon ing distance for you Mr Pro Angeles, Washington 9Et362 4-13 $1550 Call 268 6579 lessor Call 258-4118, $97,000 2 lines 2 days is $1 BUSINESS Opportunity! Stuff a vacancy y Ion YOU'RE LUCKY! We've envelopes $50 per 1(X) Send for two girls. Large dbl rm stamped 'addressed envelope to entertainment "1 w 'sun porch. $60 net each Full A Rodriguez, 1212 F William Come in to JC 208 between home priv 'i bl to SJSU 426 S. St San Jose, CA 95116 7th 258-1276. FRIDAY FLICKS presents: ROBIN KUNG FU New beginning class 9am and 3 pm BLAZER AND MARIAN A sprawling, HOUSE FOR 3 Grads or serious on campus starts 11/3 Price SAVE medieval adventure which turns upperclassmen. New decor, 3 $7 50 with money back after 1st non commenclareds only into a memorable, sensitive, love brIrm. den, 1 baths, central class if not satisfied Register at story. and has the strength and heat, air, fenced front, backyd. A.S Business Office in Student 14" sheer presences of Audrey Hop Help furnish 5 min drive, Union today to reserve a place burn and Sean Connery. Two 241 4744, before 8 a m after 10 shows, 7 Et 10pm, Friday, Nov. 5, pro or message 277 2578 PRE-LAW STUDENTS max inyze LSAT score by taking Bay Morris Darley Auditorium, by MALE NEEDED meddle share 8 Alpha Phi Omega $1.9). Area LSAT Review Course on house. Rent with upkeep of taught by Stanford Lawyers with house Near 101. 225-5345, Iam over 5 years teaching experience 99 or 430 per in other locations Starts Nov 1 Br. Fum. Apt. for Christian 17 Call 415 841 6500 for info, for sale woman $125 35 So 5th St Iranian Orig, After 12 Manager- 247-9044. $30.00 CASH for books and records I hear sou've Man in love . . for Phone 286.6275 Recycle Book- Shan Furn. Apt; with mother and special music, chosen by you for store, 98 E San Fernando. SJ daughter; own hedrms blk your weddong day. call 371 1877, S011101011 of used books Et SJSU 293 2898 Street pkg. Skip Garcia, Balladeer. Music for SIZES 7-13 Classified Rates Each Print Your Ad Here: Blue add. - (C,,UIII Appri,F 30 11,1terS &Ili Watt's fur each lone) Green Suarle One Two Three Four Five !tonal day days days days day lite Loather days 3 lines $1 50 2.00 2 25 240 250 35 Body Card 4 tones 2 00 2.50 2 75 7 90 3 00 35 1 0 % Discount with Student 5 lines 250 3.00 3 25 340 3.50 35 'WEN 7 CATS Mil=1 6 tones 3 00 3 50 3 75 3 90 4 00 35 MON. thru Fill Print name Phone INIWIll Each additional lone add 9.309 50 50 50 50 50 Address SAT. 9 30-6 Minimum Three Linos One Day 11 4 City_ Enclosers For De ye SUN. Sung 156 rAut Semester rate 1.11 issuesl $25 00 CAMPBELL SAN JOSE CUPERTINO Check a Classification SEND CHECK, P.SONEY ORDER Deadline, two days poor to pub Announcements ii Help INantert r 50, vices OR CASH TO locatoon wet oon dates on 374-7550 258-0353 996-1991 or 1992 Automotive ii Housing i Transpor tation SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIED 'Consocutove publ IUDS. KING RD. ii Entertaonment I ii ly E CAMPBELL AVE 0111 SARATOGA SUNNYVALE NIl I Lost and Found Travel SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY r',-Inrr of Story & King ii For Sale ii Personals SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 No r et IJ acts on cancelled ids Adm Adwortreernarra November 1. 1978, Page 8 Adveatmentent

Mlle, THOMAS' & !SCRUGGS 1.eue .02.41111110. um Jaen CAN.41080,8%

bard of Directors Senate race stirs charges spartan Shears, Inc. San Jose 8[8[111 UniVerS ty San Jose. California

We heve examined the condensed statement of financial condition of Spartan Shops. Inc., San Jose State University. a California corporation about issues, competency not for profit, as of June 30, 1976. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standard,. and accordingly included such tests of the was stopped by an amend- accounting records and such other auditing procedures es we considered necessary By Jim Jones in the circumstances. In California's close ment he authored to cut off U.S. Senate race, Republi- funds. He said America In our opinion, the condensed statement presents fairly the financial condition of Spartan Shops, Inc. at June 30, 1976 In conformity with can S.I. Hayakawa is chal- "cannot possibly be the generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consiatent with lenging Democratic incum- policeman of the world." that of the preceding year. bent John Tunney's Tunney supported the competency while Tunney Humphrey - Hawkins aims his attack at "workfare" bill, which he , Hayakawa's stands on the said would reduce inflation by taking them off welfare issues. SPARTAN SHOPS, INC. Kirk Willison, a cam- benefits and giving them SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY paign official in Haya- productive work. STATE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES AUXILIARY ORGANIZATION kawa's Los Angeles head- Laws restrict CALIFORNIA quarters, said Hayakawa Hayakawa asked for Condensed Statement of Financial Condition

has been comparing his relaxation of child labor June 30, 19/6 reputation of decisiveness John Tunney Hayakawa laws and a lowering of the

with Tunney's " wishy- Democramincumbent Repubhcanchallenger minimum wage. He said washy" voting record and those laws at present re- Current Asse,s, poor attendance in the had missed no important debates carried by public strict job opportunities for Cash $ 299,920 to Receivables: Senate. votes while in California. television stations. Haya- teenagers and lead Accounts receivable $ 58 814 Hayakawa, 70, became Charges countered kawa made most of the juvenile crime. He said Returns to publishers 125,191 well-knwon for quelling "Whenever it looked headlines in last Thurs- there would be more jobs 184.005 student demonstrations like his vote was crucial, he day's debate with his stand for juveniles in agriculture Less allowance for doubtful accounts 182.915 while president of San flew back to vote," Ward- on intervention in Africa. and related industry if Inventories - Policy Note 3 714,002 Francisco State Univer- man said. Intervention urged minimum wage and child Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 31,151 sity. In one instance, he He went on to say Haya- Hayakawa came out in labor laws were changed. Total current assets 1,234,588 silenced a sound truck by kawa named only six in- support of: Korcan-style Hayakawa advocated Deferred Finance Charges, nun-current portion climbing onto it and pulling stances to characterize United Nations interven- bringing in Mexican flip-flopping on laborers for agricultural Pb,,' Assets, At Cost out the speaker wires. Tunney as tion in Africa if necessary Building and improvements 169.487 Willison characterized issues. During his term in to prevent "bloodbaths." work in government-con- Equioment, furniture and fixtures Tunney as weak on defense office, Wardman said, He felt the United States trolled programs. He said 603,63; spending, supporting such Tunney took part in over should work through the they would not take jobs Less accumulated depreciation - Policy Note 4 Vilatild 195,907 bills only when they af- 10,000 floor and committee United Nations to establish from U.S. citizens because $ 1.472 17, fected California industry. votes. a peacekeeping force, but there are many jobs Balances He emphasized that "It's a sad day when a should act on its own if no Americans will not per- Liabilities and Fund Tunney often changes his senator, out of 10,000 votes, other efforts are made. form at any wage. Current Liabilities, mind on important issues. can't change his mind six Tunney asserted the Current maturities on equipment contracts $ 7,413 Tunney attacked the move would take jobs away Accounts payable, trade 78,026 Challenger's aims times," Wardman com- Accrued liabilities 16,116 Willison also criticized mented. proposal, saying it was from citizens. He said the Allocation payable to State of California - Note A 5 210 Tunney's attandance "Hayakawa realizes the similar to policies which in- "bracero" program, which equipment replacement trust funds records, claiming he had strength of his campaign volved the United States in imported Mexican labor Total current liabilities 108.765 Vietnam. He said the for field work, kept dowi, missed important votes. He rests on his image," he Equipment Contracts Payable - Note 6 $ 17.080 said Tunney had been said. He charged Haya- United States had come wages in agriculture for Less current maturities 7412 9,661 present for only S3 per cent kawa has minimized the near war in Angola, but years. Total liabilities 118 432 of the Senate roll calls importance of the issues Fund Balances: between July 19 and Sept. and speaks only to groups Appropriated - Note C 262.870 9. favorable to him. Unappropriated I. 051 070 Willison said Support differences Total fund balances .313,940 Hayakawa, through his Wardman said Tunney $ I 432 374 background as a seman- supports the Humphrey - spartaguide ticist, wants to make law Hawkins bill, which prom- more understandable to ises full employment The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. laymen. through federal funding, There will be a meeting Room Hayakawa never has while Hayakawa opposes Note A State Trust Funds at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Replacement funds totaling $151,278 are on deposit ie the State held public office. it. He went on to say Environmental Studies In- Dr. Herb Oestreich investment pool for the repair and replacement of State owned Ward Wardman, Tunney also supports na- formation Center for those chairman of the Human food equipment. During the year, the Boaid of D;,,tw's of Spartan Tunney's Northern Cali- Shops, Inc., with State approval, voted to close the unexpended tional health insurance and interested in starting and Resource Administration balance in the Residence Hall to unappropriated fund balance. fornia campaign manager, Proposition 14, the farm working at the First Step Dept. will be the guest During the year, Spartan Shops, Inc. made expendituies of $44,321 said Hayakawa's charges workers initiative, while which were to be reimbursed out of the State Trust Funds. Project recycling center at speaker at the Human Re- Reimbursements had been made in the amount of $44,269 up to of Tunney's poor per- Hayakawa opposes both. 7th and }JumboIt streets. source Administration June 30, 1976. Balance due at June 30, 1976 is as follows: formance as a senator are Willison said Hayakawa For more information con- Club meeting at 7:30 p.m. distorted. Proposition 14 be- Contribution due to State Tiust Funds opposes tact Jeff Norment, 277-2189 today at the Foghorn Res- at June 30. 1976 $ 6,0n4 He admitted that cause it made it mandatory or 249-2196. taurant. Tunney, 42, missed "a tre- for all workers to be union Less, Expenditures made by Spartan Shops. Inc. to mendous number of votes" members if collective bar- Community Work MARK'S be reimbursed from State Trust Funds while campaigning over gaining takes place. He Auxiliary of the San Jose Balance remaining in Residence Hall Trust the last six weeks," but Tunney only fol- will sponsor STEREO Fund after deducting for reimbursements to charged Peace Center be made to Spartan Shops, Inc. said Tunney's attendance lowed Gov. Brown's lead in a talk entitled, "Counter- Buy & Trade record in his first term was supporting the measure. force: Mr. Nixon's Secret 293 8990 Less amounts trans fered to Spartan Shops, inu. June 30, 1976 one of the highest in the The candidates voiced Legacy," at 11 a.m, today 74E San Fernando prior to Senate. He added Tunney their views in two recent in the S.U. Almaden A Block from Campus 884

Amount payable at June 30, 19/6 s _Lag

Eqvipment Replacement Fund Residence Student Union Cafeteria Hall Food Service Total Balance at June 30, 156,488 1976. required $ 134,877 21,611

Cash balance at 151 278 June 30, 1976 122-1±2.2 112

Amount payable at June 30. 1976 $ oz) 1.211


ASY ORGANIZATION Increase your readin s eed as much as 100%! CALIFOINIA STATE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES AUXILIARV Notes to Condensed Statement of Financial Condition

June 30. 1976

Chris Walsh, Note B: Contracts Payable Engineering Balances on contracts payable at June 30, 1976 are as follows: g to read the is Singer Credit Corporation ,tre taught This lc 1. Balance on lease/purchase contract for Model 5840 .11 ,1 page of pnnt yoU Billiae Accounting System, pasable in 60 monthly we the tkhole page (is great' Installments of $593 commenciag April, 1973. At the end of 60 months, the System can be purchased for $2.455 or the lease can be continued at an annual rental of $583.

Western Union Balance on purchase cuntract for a teletype, payable in 40 nonthly installments of approximately $25 each commencing July, 19/4

Note C Designated Fund Appropriations and Allocations Allocations to designated funds are approximated at year end based on percentages of sales in order to reach defined goals plus inflationary increases.

Note It: Income Tax Exemption No provision has been made for Federal income or State franchise taxes as Spartan Shops, Inc. qualifies for exemption under sections .0,11 Mat,,,,, John internal and 23701.d of the California Flitch, Jim Creighton, Richard St. Laurent, 501(0(3) of the Revenue Code %riolem SilIden1 Student Teacher Corporation Code II ao, t 1.1.11 I u..r. I re h. ,1 rearlieg a:rime! 2.14k' ...ads a The significant accounting policies followed by Spartan Shops. Inc. are no 1110 Puts you that much described below to enhance the usefulness of the financial statement to the 1.,1 .itieut of rvenwone ithe reader:

1. Accrual Basis The condensed statement of financial condition of Spartan Shops, Inc. ha, been prepared on the accrual basis.

2. Fund Accounting All it takes is one free lesson and you .0 zip through homework a lot In order to ensure observance of ilmitations and restrictions placed faster. In fact, on the use of the resources available to Spartan Shops, Inc., the you can cut your study time almost in lie.Ift Hard to believe? Put us to the test. Come accounts are maintained In accordance with the principles of "fund and discover the secrets to easy speed reading, hotter concentration, greater accounting... Sy th i procedure resources for operational comprehension These copyrighted activities are carried on In an "eoterprise fund.' titled Auxiliary techniques, taught in over 300 cities throughout the Activity Fund. The appropriated funds which ser. Shie amounts for U.S. No gimmicks No obligation It's eosy It's fun It works. contingencies, repairs and replacements are titled Designated Fund with the fund balance shown as appropriated.

The by-laws of Spartan Shops, Inc. state that proper reserves must be Provided and the Board of Directors may make transfers between funds or to distribute unappropriated fund balances to student activities.

3. Inventory Method Inventories are valued primarily by the retail method which approximates Get at (first -in, first -out) or market. it a valuation the lower while cost it's still free! of

4. Depies,at.th- 0811 depreciation is computed by the straight-line method. The estimated lives used and balances of accumulated depreciation are as follows. Accumulated I SUNDAY /MIA Depreciation SAN JOSE Building and Improvements 20 $ 164,010 THRU Equipment, furniture and fixtures, HOWARD Bookstore 5-10 193,316 JOHNSON'S Student Union found service 3-10 16,124 THURSDAY Residence Nall 5-10 4.962 On North 1st Street Spartan Shops administrative 5-10 23.376 Vendion and rentals 5-10 5 -gab 4 P.M. OR 8 P.M. 0 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS $