a> 1 1 6 8 TTie Weather Pat«7 elcudy « « Ifif wtodB tenigbt. U m V to Mi V 15,334 Or. oold. BMi « to -\! / A C U f 'o f Filloge Charm y - i» VOL. L X X X V m , NO. 88 (rOBTT PAGB8~TWD SBCTIONS) MAUOEESrel^ CONN., WlniNBSDAT. NOVEMBER 18, 1968 r a « » iv ) PRICK TEN CENTS

Assailants Wound tV o Othen a T l ® a 0 « B osi^ N ^ ro Leader, Pentagon Indicates Saigon Two Aides Shot Dead Will Drop Boycott of Talks . BOSTONrON (AP) — Five noks, il*SI, ware were wounded Inin the RoueRose toM polleepoBee «■aB tlMtbs Intnia?^iafniA m mi N«tro flUM mm bomtniiwe*- 4Intom4m the gunfire. mitflre. ITieyTtiev wwere om tak«ntaken t/ito r§HfCity diieen wen wvws hats Kaf* end«md Adark e i* , _elM*ii4e. J L v HoqUtal. The gunmen bman filing as OMd^nartera of a dvX WASHINGTON (AP) — group today, shot R ^ told poUoe the flve in- they entered. Rose aald. tniders burst into the ocganlsa* Rose told ollioera be enailad Pentagon officials any thagr the Ndgro founder and two tion’a nrat-floor storelront offlee under a desk after baing shot believe that Saigon, faced other men dead, then ea- before dawn, yelling, once and was find at a g ^ by with the prospect of having’ oiV^poUoe aald. "Where’s the moneyT Where'a one aaaailant who pointed a gim to settle its p^tioal differ­ 'WpON (AP)-«ve Itogro the moneyT” under the desk at him. ences with the Viet Cong men bi^vt Into the heedquuteni Reforrtng to Row’s daaerip- dna of the dead men was akHdft^frili drop its boycott o< < c»vU righto group today, tion of the abooUnga, U. Bd- found in a chair, and the othen •liot tho Nogro founder and two ward Sherry of the Boston po- were apcawlSd on the floor when of the broadened PariB men ded^ then eeoaped, koe department’s Homlotde police arrived. peace 'talks. prtloeaald. aquad told a mld-moniing news NBORO la one of several ♦ ’This prospect appeared Im- pkolt in Tuesdayta deolantfon 'Itoo otben wounded were ooniowuee, "We’d nay (the mo- black self-help groiqw which have sprung ifo tai Boaton In re­ by aeoretary of Defanse Ctaik AH the vfotlma and tive) waa robbery. "We’ea got to adok to the cent yaan. Thider St. Laurent’s M . CHflford that te e IM tod •S the aaeallanto were Negtfo, States intends to go ahead with offloeri eaid. facto and tot the evidence lead leadenhip, the groiq> coordinat­ negottatfons wlte Hanoi wheOier One vlietlm waa Identlflod aa the way,’’ Bhetsy aaM. Them ed a 9B0-man deouitty Patrol o f w en no atgna of struggle in (he Saigen Joina In ornot. QuMo 9 t Laurent, the bUnd (flea Page' Tweaty) oMoe, he said. CElfotd saM the UBMed Stotea touader and executive direetor and Hanoi could make b% o( the New nngland Oieas "We hope Rose can gtn us ftiides on tee most Immediate Noota Orrantoatton (1000(10). the infonnatlon we need. We iaaib-aillltary da eacatatton, at, Laurent waa characterised am fortunate to have two eye- including a t^ toward wkh- by a c tty otfiolal as "a req>onsi- witneases to three murdem.’’ drawal^oC troops. Pentagon offi­ ble mUttant." flbairy aald it was poatoMe C alifornia cials said euoh an airangemfut at Laurmt’s aaelng aya dog, that the intrudes wen knoara would leave Saigon to taoe ths a Mack Belgian ahepb^, re- to the mett inatde the ofBoe. He VMt Ooag alone in tea poHtical nuinad at the vlotlm’a aide aa aaU the ottloe baa aa atootrlo atruggle. poUoe cloaed otf the Uireewrto^ eye foouaed on the door outalda, V ote G old The view that South Vlot- bdck biiMIng on Bhie OH Ave- so Chat anyone atapping in front nameea Praaldmt Nguysn "Vm nue in the Rooebury aec- of (ha door would trip an elec­ Thleu would end his boyoott, tfon, a predominanUy Negro tric buner alertiag thorn ladde. F or N ixon was disputed in Fsxto and Sai­ area. Rose and HMoi both w en de- gon. The others kUled tentatively WASHmerroN (a p ) .- o u i - in Saigon, South VtatnaoMN aoribed b y hoqpMal nfTlotala aa tonia, the atatc that denied w e n IdentUled aa OoraeU Baton on the danger hat, but in fair Informatton Mtalater Tbn Tlwt of BoNon and Ronald Rlngr. ftfohard It. .Nixon Ito foveraor- Thien said if teem ara to to ' oondItioR. Rose bad woimda in ship In 1982, gave him the pmto- W ad Rose, 41, the blaek aeU- pease talki, teen all paittaa (he neck and rtiotdder. mcka denoy in 1MB by an avenga be^ organlaatlen’a pubitc rein* wan abot in the cheat and abdo­ m int agree to Ttateu’s fom iMla m argin o f Juat 10 votes per pre- ealliiig for hie govemnent to tfoas direotor, and Ronald men. M not bead the anU-OommuBlat nego­ The unofClolal margin that tiators wM e the Viet Cong’s 18a- m ade the Gkddan state Juto that tlonal Uberatlatt SVont is aUbor- fo r NbooQ w as 228,190 votea. dlnate to the North Vietnamaae New Appointee Announces WMbout OaUfomta’a 40 Meo- on the other aide of the taUe. total votes, Nbmn would havb Thleu also eaid unless his gov­ bad oMy 982—eight abort of the ernment paitlelpatoa in tee ne- 270 neceaaary to elect him proto- gottatlana, It won’t rCoogntae a dent and avoid throwing the out­ eaaaw tire or onyteiiig Mae Nixon Will Pare come of laat ■nieeday’e alaetion agreed on that affoota its vttM into iha Baectoral Ooilege or the lutareats. House. Churnlii# water whips a drifting oil barge off Re Pham Dang Lam, head of Sai­ AMfaougb oonabinaAona o f oth­ hoboth 'Beach, Del., yesterday. One crewman bobs gon’s obeervors in Paris, sold White House Staff er etatea where the race was Big Storm Leaves ha doea not think Ua govatn- dose oouU have denied Nixon in water at lower left as his fellow crewman hangs m«nt will Ohange hia mind and NBW YORK (AP) — Praat- White House staff. He will have the presidency, tt turned out on rail of batge at top right. The barge, carrying Join the talks under tee four- / dant-Maot Richard M. Nfamn eupervUlon over presidential Oakfomta waa the one state he party formula that would bring plana a thorough ovartuuii o f tha appointmento-ln other words, had to win after New Torh’a IB a million gaUons of oil, broke loose from its tug Area Dead tea Viet Oong tq the baifatailng White Bouas staff-and wiU abM- the daily adiedule—but the de­ electoral votoa went to Bfoert taUe bn Harm’s aide. iab such tbneNonorad poets aa tail work will be oarrted out,by H* Humphry. and of ijliptantiw-jBey. Although Pentagon auHvjrWas press ssutotaCy and ap|win^ a kubordtnate. Into M New Jemey’s 17 alec- Both criewmen were rescu e. (AIP Pbotofax) By TBB aMOClATBD P b 8 i8s of Mexico, roared up tee said CUfCord .spoke fo r M nfself, mento aecrstary, aides an- Haldsman predloted Nbeon’s toral votes o r NnM oivl’a 12, t, tram, tee Caxctlnaa Mtor tee defense aUat gananllF >»■' nomeed tbdfor. staff would be smaller than write eMher Ohloto to IlftW lgjiS. geoto the vfows of Piaftdiiit Wort eC the “ reatruehaing’’ tlioee of reoent pbeektoids and would have dropped Nihon be- battering the mid-Atlantic amaa with wind and rnto whitte Jotanoon. He long has bean one tow the 270 mark. of the TWiite Houaa ianar circle will certainly be one of the Many Areas jEvacu^ftted states' with heavy enow, rain turned to mow Airtber inland. of Johnson’s Moaeat advtaota on was dlaloaad by B. R. T3ob’ ’ youngest in point of age. Ninan carrtod Oslifomla'aml and near hurrioane force winds power Itaaa were downed, tea w ar. Ttiinoto by 8 p to o e n t each, Ohio Saktomaft, a iS-yoar-old Loa Nixon also has appoint^ in an ley foretaste of winter. commuter* delayed, br’dgto AngMaa advertising axecuttva Bryce N. ibzlow aa a prealden- by 2 par cent and lOaaourl and oloaeft atavetj flooded, edioaia (Sse PSga Tvrealy) N«w Jeraey by ahoift 1 per cent The blustering storm, New who waa named today aa one M tial assistant England’s third norteeaster in doaed, feRlea stranded, booto Flood Tides Lash swamped, trees feBed, windowa Nixon’s White Houae aaatotonts. Nixon amiounoed ’Tuasday Vice Preeident Hubert H. six days, roared toward Nova dfottared and tanbrellas brok­ Haktoman said the White that ho waa naming Harlow, B3, KknnpiBey, on the other hand, Scotia, lea-vlng in its wake a en. House hieraroby in the Nixion to be one of severta presidential won Texas’ 28 Ncctorai votes pate of death and destruction. Connecticut Coast Hundreds of famtt'.ea in coast­ admlnU^tion probably wiU in- assibtanta. Haifow, wv in-and- and Maryland^ 10 by oidy about Winds as high aa 81 mUes per 1 per cent. By THB ASSOCIATED PBE8S wbeh the water rose up to nine al homes in New Jersey, Long U .S . Guns chida no more than three or out gevernmant nian ainee hour were docked atop New ’The why o f CM ifom ia’s vote feet above normal levels. Tetand end O om ectlout were tour aaalltanto at the higheat W oild War n , wiU apeclallze The water came up from the Hampehlre’s 6,288-foot f Mt. remains clouded by Oeorge C. temporarily evacuated as the level. He aald these appotnteea sea aa well aa down from the Meanwhile, snow f ^ in nonth- Washington. “ management of TSg|toatlon and storm’s helgUt ’TUtoday hut would act ihora or leaa as dUefs W allace’s third peurty Candida-, sky in Tuesday’s storm, and ern seoticna of the state, At least eight storm-related H it D M Z Oongresaionel aftalra.’* most 'were able to return by of staff (0 tbs Presldant. cy ; the sea water accounted for amounttoo' to eight to ten deaths were reported in New SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Army In tbs adminlatnitloiia of the Waltace poked 482,163 votes, most of the daniage. indies in Norfolk -and Canaan n ight On the nety rung down the England and several more fatal- and Marine artillery fired into late John F. Kennedy and Presi­ in the state, 7 per cent of the to­ Low-lying shore areas had to in the northwest comer of Oon- In eastern.T enncaeee two 19- ladder, Uian will be a number dent JMmaon, the highest rank- tttes were attributed to tee the demii'itarlaed aone Tueaday tal and K la impossible to say be evacuated in Old Saybrook, necUcut. year-dd boys died of exposure for the second time in three o f apeeial aasistanto who wOl loB White House etaffers have weather further eoute. with certainty whom be toMi Groton, Bast Haven, Fairfield Schools in Winsted remained after being lost for 80 hours daya after North Vietnamese handle aooh matters aa press oanied the title of apeeial as- Southern New England was more CaMfomia votes away Stratford, Milford, Norwalk and doaed today aa the Job of snow while on a hunting trip near gunw ra -ware reported to have reiatfona and presidential ap­ alstanto along with the maxi­ drenched by wave after wave of from . othinr towns on Long Ifdaad removal continued. Great Smoky Mountain National fired on a South Vietnamese pointment. mum auihortoed salary of By comparison, Nixon won gale-driven rain and.as much as Park. A third youth in tee party A vice preaktont of J. Walter Sound and many an automobile Winds guated iq> to 70 mties a foot of new snow fell in the post from inside tee aone. Later lip ,000 a year. the state by only 86,628 votoa tat received a Salt-water soelcing. managed to walk to safety. tee tooatton of the gwis was Thompaoh Oo., Haktoman wiU - l^cauae Harlow, once a top per hour on the Sound ud north. his losliv 1980 presidential bat­ were strong enough Intend to OfOcials said the dead boys questioned. Involve himself jKtmarlly with aide to former President tle with the leto John F. Keme- Some ivdghbortioodB were im- Gale driven seas crashing general adminlstratlva matters. reaehalble except by boat dw- topple trees. Falling tbeandtea were a quarter mHe from help A U B. spokesman said 10 over a seawaU cahsed damage when they collapsed in' a mea­ mortar rounds hit an artillery Including management of the (Rae Page Twenty) (Bee Page Twenty) Ing high tide in the aftentoon, caused poww failure in many at Kennebunfc Beach, Maine- communities. dow. John Cutshaw, the survb base of tee South Vietnamaae B reekers' 20 to 80 feet Ugh vor, said rain and snow had * Stemtonl was grateful fbr Ita lat Infantry Division tour mSea toesed boulders and other debris made 'H elmost Impoaslble to new hfurrioane barrier,. which east of Con Thien, Inflicting ■ f-'S onto long's Highway and onto see. light oasualtlee. A U.S. commu­ pravented damage that oouid tee lawns of summer cottages. have totaled 9700,000, according Snow accumulation d ifo to a nique aald a ground obeerver re­ The winds also threatened the foot were reported in tee ported seeing the musale flaftiaa to tee Army Corps of Uvea of -thousands of sntall dov- BnghMem. Tenmessee Smoktea and up to 16 of enemy guns “between 800 ektos, a spedea of Auk, which Inches in West Virgiiria’s east­ and 1,000 m stera Inelde tee At the Nianao Bay Yiacht were btown ashore on Oape Cod. dub on the eastern ahoce, ern mountains. There were 17 southern edge of tee demilitar­ boats were tom looae from' their Naturalists said tee birds live in inches at State College, Ita. 14 ised aone.’’ salt water and chn't survive moorings and' battered by tee incitea in Flat Rock, N.C. and 18 "U.S. Army and Marine aitU- ashore. (See Page Six) The storm, spawned in tee (Sec Page Twenty) (See Page Twenty)

For Nixon Administration Outlook on Foreign Affairs

- Ed. Note: 'Ihta la Ifae fifth from new commitments and al­ able action in (he treaty last and final ertfolc in the Her­ liances, especially in Aslei, Afri­ September. His stand waa in­ ald’s current sextos on tea ou t­ ca and Latin America, teat fluential in getting the Senate to look for Rtobord Nlxon’a ad- might involve the Unfted States lay tee treaty aside. In prin­ V' mtalstsatlan). in minor wars. "Other nations ciple, however, he tavored it, must recognise that the role of and iMW that U.S. dioappmva} By BOBBBT J. DONOVAN tee United States as a world po­ has been registered, he will seek The Los Angeles Ttaoee liceman is likely to be limited Us ratUkoaUon. I Troubles around tee worid in the future,” Nixon says. Reflecting Dulles' Influence, pose a flxte challenge to Nixon’s —U.S. asstetance to nations as he has over tee years, Nixon conduct of foreign affairs. surii aa Japan, India, Thailand, is ready to foot tec bill — no Basically, he will continue South Vietnam, South Korea, smqU one either — for increas­ h>iB;-ataaii4tog Ameriocui poUcies Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia and ed strategic military power so of restota^e to Soviet and Chi­ New Zealand, which individual­ that he can, as he repeatedly nese expansl<»; of close ties ly and ccUecilvely could exert says, "negotiate from strength.’’ -with Westem E u r c ^ ; o f defense a restraining Influence against As Nixon sees H, the Soviet of West Berlin; of support to Chinese expanalon. Uhion and China have Inherert- the nosvOommuntet natlcns of —Sufficient U.S. aid to Israel, ly aggreosive tendenelea, whera- Asia, and of seeking reduced Including ‘ the sale of: Phantom aa tee United States is com­ tensions between the United F-4 Jets, if necessary, to enable pletely "defonsive’’ and witeout States end the Soviet UnlbiL ' the Israelis to maintain military ombittons of conquest Hn foreign poHcy, therefore, superiority over tee Arabs. This But this is adl tee m ore rea­ the outlook for the Nixon ad- la essentia], Nixon believes, lest son, he insists, why the United mlnisiraUan is this: Arab states be tempted to seek States must retain overall ' 'i'il —Within the first 100 days revenge for their defeat in the military supeeiority. Six-Day War in 1967 and thereby an announcement 'of prepara- Nixon ta ready to r hard tooi^ (AP.Photofcw) plunge tee Middle East into \ , tlcms for talks with the Western gaining with the KremUn. Mlin Two Tired alUea to pave tee way for a flames. who sent tesir armed toroas to series of summit meetings wlte —A recommendation by to Caechoslovakla wtU be rfo Nixon to tee new Senate that it Anisss (Buffy) Jones, 10, and her 8-yeajr-old part­ dent Johnson. The President-who was a trifle late Soviet leaders. elouitees to bargain with ettear. —Regardless of tee final ratify tee treaty bamxing tee U.S. military strength will not ner in a television series, Johnnie Whitaker, for the appointment to sle the junior visitors, re­ peace terms in Vietnam, a form­ spread of nuolear weapons. Aa acare. them alnoa it is inoon- idable U.S. military presence in a gekture of disapproval of the oeivable teat tela country wtw4d couldn't help yawning, aa they waited in the Fish ceived a rag doll from Buffy and the first sheet tee Westem Pacific. Soviet (invasion of Caeeho- Room of the White Ho.use for the arrival of Presi­ of the new Christmas Seals from Johnnie. , —A tiuming away, however. slovakla, Nlxqa opposed favor­ (See Page Eigtiliia)


f. AANCHetoBR wO laQ). .Ma n c h e s t e r , co n n ., wBPNiaaDAY. No v e m b e r le, i 9w PAGE THB8S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 19W P e n t o w O vieO rdie^a ■a; 'Speaks on Apollo 8 Directors Take Actions P o U ce L o g Sheinwold on Bridge Events in World OBltod Santa Workshop F on: Sealing "Patroiis we haw all KNown o m oor t o s t w n NORTH m e x p c k t t o d c b The nns drive for tha At Fire House On Budgetary Matters ------AOCaU EHTS - 4 743 .. . ,P*y**^”??* aal a«n#” was accussd of FAIRW; In rm ki$»m tAm $ud OMe Orehestra is sizes of fifASA Aide Confident A car tavolved In an aoeident B y AUPBED SHEINW OU) C? 63 posing '<11- grert The FItton Fire House on /?' r ■'i The lianoheeter-Board of Di- Taic credlto to date amou^ to m tts owh 0 A Q J 1 0 9 K A SU fisa, Pokirtaa (AP) M OMRinaii Mho Taafueg louter way, aoeotdlng *« Mia. Prospect St. wtU turn Into a The avwage man knoars when 4 183 Forortr FetiMb Mbdeter Z. A. fooq. Otto Toftyo pet eoBmaay hi rti Robert Franldla ftnd Mrs. appnndmatoly $ ».000, alarm notuyuignotUyliig pouoepblloe oo< Oie toJ ho hao a good thing gotag, wMeh said growing numboia' of J* Santa’s Workshop next week EAST Blnitto, wkft rtoitad Poklttan lakes sad ssas.v Goorga Dundbsrg Jr., ccMdiam (ite Added Risk *»«» »*.«» »>.«» cldeot. SrttVtaatltatloo WEST Udfa Blostp relations wRh Hsd ne#e are , breeding bnpaned when toe volunteer firemen lamp chimney^ current Ckneral Fund, all to be 4 10862 Ths French llhn . Ths Three ,, , 1#^ Robert Ucipated next June. Jr-. *>. o f Mark w , o o v e n ^ ^ cwirtahip. Very few men 4 K JS dojpi, deanand fo r dog food is financed by equivalent revenue, C> J 9 8 7 2 aunt wMls ho wrelMMd tto al- MusiMtssre” was a be/ start collecting and repairing mr TMMMY mr/kUA and took affh-mattare action on Adopted an ordtoance for '***«» «> atop, w hldi may <3 K Q f Bonoe wMh thm DUtod Stateo, gnnflng ift gMwral, and import­ R "loud* wnperon spd Danoisen Is ebalrman cf special MtecI for Axhig tlw old lamp, and ‘ ana tooa anirmwive acuon m a. um /rff tha nwii when 0 8 5 4 2 0 63 toys. - Althougti the risks will be twice as great as a regu­ oeveral other Hnandal tranaac- aoqulaMan of a paroei on Oak- account tor marriage. As UMial, was aiTCstod toAgr- ed dog foods are supeifor to and gine. VoknRseni are busy pre- A A Q 7 ♦ S* nhUtary ooimnaadera and laoka Repairing apd dUtributing toe chrotmaa lar Barth orbit, and there will be no means of rewue ttone. land e t , oppomte N. Sobooi « t drivbig on K. O w ter y . j ^ A gvrsrnmaat spoksoman obsoper than Japanese brands patM Invltatfons, organising SOUTH class ooctsBta.” Two o f the Oeneral Fund ap- The property wUl he purchased ^ aU of tWo. said nutto, loadtr at the Isft- aRhougb very soaroe. ths mailing list, stuffing en­ toys to ohildren at Christmas if ttie astronauts are unable to fire the rocket e i^ n « Amciw 49 Bovirt flhns on the Urns has bsan a'tavorite project proprlatianoitionB are to the Board at tar mfiOO from the laicea Opening lead Ung eg boarta. 4 A Q 9 wing PaU staa' PootHo’s Party, The company said that ae- velopes end doiiig aU of toe oth­ to get out of lunar ort>it, the 6-day Apollo 8 mission is <:7 A10 5 UR, "Tlie Oanas Are Flylrg” of toe firemen for several yean. MtxiethxK-..-...doa both for remedial Mtate, from Capital Improve- When Weet opened the Mag of was linksd with waok-long antl- oording to govonahont statlatioB er acUvitUs nooeseary tor toe set to blast off Dec. 21. ^ 0 K 7 ww bannad for its "bourgeois Last year toys w8re dlatrlbuted Ms n lflits tOI reading pregnuna and both to.ment funds already reoorved way ^ c e^^w onpourogod him geveniment studwR dsmonstia- about 9,000 fons of dog food pacifism,” and toe Soviet ver­ drive. ware made by iitf axMild be so difficult that Mn.nnae K » annal mtmtm, . -- .a ..* ,------/V.WI.a.S Ot. OUmmOnea to Uto SMOh*- ^|h IfM nhW, Mul WOOt lOlOW iM 4 K’ 10962 valued at $14 mlBloii Is being to m orj than 800 (difldran. " it would preclude any rescue.” be financed by equal state for the Parker-Oakland Sla. con- tlons toat odmlnolsd in an at- sion of "OtotlkY’ for auggerting The Manchester CSvle Dr. Ctaorge MUeHer, tiead of the West N orA Bs ooneumed in Japan ttds year Anyone having toys of any He said U the astrcoauts were granta. One U tor |1,0U for ^ t o r . Ih e paroei is at ihe Soutt tampt oa,Frertd«(R Mohammad that, "love is above everything orchestra is a symphony orches- RASa Spaoe Frogrun, hla very responsible auto away. Pus 2 NT Ps and 00 per cent is imported. sort, which can be made useable wiaUe to nre the rocket mo­ Bast Catholic ISgh SclUxrf, tor o^idend St. aooeas to the con- South refused the first trick, sad I NT Ayub Khan’a'Ufs Sunday. rtss." tra mads op of amateur^mu- at a preea oorftrence heJd e* 3 N T A ll Pats Bhutto was arrastod In the Sponsore c f ttu demohrtration by too flreutrin, is asked to tors to kick them out at lunar servicing M students; the other ji^otor. West contlnusd with the queen "Endleos Night,” a Ohlneae sloians from Moiutoestef 'Bad UiMed Aircraft Main Offices in A written warning for failure nortboastom city of Lataoro, leave ‘ them at toe ftra houee ortit, they would JuM "stay is for tS.lSl for St Jeaies . ^ «nr o f hearts. South refused this al­ said 180 breeds, from 8L Ber­ film, whMi pofirayed owls "as many surrounding towns. They Bast Hartford yesterday. School, for servicing 86 pupils. a to drive right was issued to Da­ so, and West showed that he - whore he told the lawyers asso­ nard to cfaihwihua, w ere repre­ either Mondays or Wednesdays The third Oeneral Fund ap­ vid A. Dewar, 28, of Brandy St., ciation ’Disaday night bs sympa- the friond and not toe enemy of piay together wtthoUt pay, from 7 to 9 p.m. while the fire­ HAC produces « ie fuel ceDe Mueller assured the reporfere foot Main St pared in the didn’t know when to atop—by sented. The smaU dogs were Engaged MAHRC Speaker propriation la tO.OOO to the Po­ Bolton, after an acddbnt on IKscussion Set tltond with too sludnite. ■ bird#,'’ was banned because almply tor the pleasure of per- men are working. ttuit provided the eJectrtcity however, that the rocket en­ Noitfa End Renewal Project. carried in a half-mile march to "beUnd the pretense of rehabW- forming symphorte murie udder nce Department, for special Highland St. yesteiday. Accord- '"I am all with them In their the mlnlatry from a park near The engagement at Mias Lor­ i«iaard iMlh. Apollo 7 and Apol­ gines had been fired success Frank Vogel, counselor for The parcel will be add to toe South took toe ace o f bearta, tatlng ovds, toe flfan demands profeesimial leaderrtiip. It pro­ Anyone vdw needs help in ing to police, Dewar was going For Ciirricultiiii stnigglo,*’ he declared. tbe ImpMisl palace, and oven raine OecUe Beasette M Man- /.CtovoL o' ‘^tUsj^AOrat lo a atueller said that the fuel fully several times on the Apol the Dtvtalorof Vocational______Re- f Leclerc Funeral Home for led the low dbunond to dum- ton rebahlUtatlon of dirty, right- vidw a unique opportunity for delivering toys or has any ques- 6 conetnictlon. It wlH be fl- v^n he hit his brakes. The gfavernment amwunoed one large dog got a ride on the qhester to Cawries Robert Stur- oeUe proved very reliable in the ^ .7 mission and that no prob- tiabilltation for the Manchester retuRied the irt opportunists.” young musicians to gain ox- _ _ Ueii House ers. In spite o f this, funds are nuree. at Manitoeater Memorial to do myortf.” moon, we can begto to ex- counseling. Be served three The tax credlto will apfdy to from witnesses ^ are stffl in- couldn't poaslMy regain toe lead Vlrglnto Cameron, Engbsh Bhotta 40, was forslfQ minis­ houses and wwore w o dhasedohasrf down j . , n - needed to pay for music, Hospital. Mk. Sturwold attend­ In School Vandalism the town’s cost share of the *10,000 from the w a^ veatlsathw. The rlrtt door td to cash his established hearts, nih Kuller desertoed the up o ^ pigff du yaat reeourcee that y a m wRh the U.S. Arm y as an ' partem Reserve Fund for toe vc«ti^ ^ - right d^r teacher, Ullng Junior High , ter ftom I t n to 1986 and Was a by men and women In nljjrt A tR c a d lllg K O O n i ortolrta aad professional dttec ed Purdue University, La­ project. Under toe cash P*y . . “ . ^ ___ Oardner’e oar was damaged. ’Ihe only dianee was that School and William Dowd, so- protege cf President AyUb ENFIELD (AP)—P«dloe have tog moon mlrntrsi as being mygi be there. He said that we educational oouneelor in Oer- dotoes brandiahlng bcopms. ^ tion. fayette, Ind. He served three referred two 10-year-old boys to ment procedure, the receipts well houee. East held the tan o f spiules. A f­ d a l studiea teacher, ManChes- j ffiian. A year after he rert(pied, The F in t Church o f Cforlst, ended” with aevsal ]quw from past Surveyor Mls- many. Firemen fought, the rat packs Cost of concert thSteta le yeare In toe U.S. Arm y and is JuvenUo Oburt authorities hi would have gone into the Oen- The $88,000 wfll be replaced A B B E S n ter winning the first two hearts ostanrtbly because of iwor of the flight. triarm that there are heavy He has ideo worked at Con­ etal Fund and then would be re- from reoeipto of right-of-way ter High School. with their tMses but could not SdenttaU w ill have an Open purposely kept low to enable presently statlcmed In Vietnam, conneetkm with vandalism and Ranald Girard, 17, » t West should swRoh to the king Baaptfona wfU ba given by < health, Ayub Mamed him for T l»e first ptatieau, or deoiaion metals thata. necticut Valley HoqiUal where turned to the project as the ealee to toe Mato tor Rfc 6 con- explain the siid^ invasion. House ^on Saturday frani 6:80 many to attend: In. order to en­ where he Is a j*arm acy apec- fires In two-thirds of the Pru­ he took part in tha expanded Woodbrldge S t was arrested of spades. South takes toe ace, oommRtM memben to tbs sex j the bad relatlono with toe Unit- to be "»■<*«. be said, would be to dortng the cosiferenoe town's coat contribution. atrudian. to 9 :10 p.m. and on Sunday item courage family attendance, lallat. He will return in Decem­ dence Crandall School (dass- once ttwaatrosieuta achieve Mudlar said that If tha mia- total rdiabllUatlan program by and charged with reckless driv- leads a diamond to dummy and aducation presentatfons made y ad State#. Chinese Red Guards 12:80 to B;s6 p.m. in the Read­ young people are admitted free. ber. rooms. the State Department of Edu­ Ing yesterday afternoon after an loees a dub to the queen. West in Manchester on Got 24 by The new conductor this sea­ The wedding la planned for orttt. to checilc the eyis- »ta> “ Doggie Demonstration Ran 4 0 0 M ovies ing Room, 749 Main SL mvertlgators sold as many as Unusual Savings Up fo if ihey’ie ready Dec. 21, R will be exacUy H 8 cation. off-duty policeman aDegediy ob- leads the Jack o f spades to Dr. and Mrs. Jobb WUlkie. son is Dr. Jsude Heller of toe Jon. U , 1960 at St. Bridget four bonUreo were set in eome to blast out of Earth oitit and yearn after the PUgrlma landed He currently baa ati effloe in Bolton served him driving at high rates South’s queen, and South can chair couple of tha Executlvu TOKYO (AP) —About 1,600 MOSCOW (A P ) — Ih e Bovlet WrltlngB o f M ary Baker Eddy Gaxe- are available, and toe Chriktian University o f Oonnecti outside the Ministry at interna­ active support of toe community school papers and choirs. The 1/3 fo 1/2 on Winter The second plateau w ill be Thieves Break into Schools, day Chinose Red Guaida have toe Christian Science Monitor, individuals in theF e S S p d lc e ,' it was raining heavily. West takes toe ace of chibs and spoke to toacbets at too after- ) tional Tkmde and Industry to- in thb part and la looking for­ Premier Bifingual vandals (Uao qdattered paliR the hma Journey Rsdt. On the bomsed 400 movieo, 800 of them may be read or purchased dally. tinefer area. Both he and his traffic was heavy, and there leads a spade to defeat toe con­ noon, seselon and to an aduR > day. ward to an Increasingiy im­ OTTAWA — New Canadian and ink. trip, ndd-ocuree correctlona Players list wife rertde in Manchester tract. Chinese and the rest Soviet, Books ohd racorde may be bor­ were several high school stu­ school audience a t night. More The dogs were brought to the portant role kt the cultural Hfe premier Pierre Trudeau was The two suspects, Whose Fashions During This wm be made and navigational where she is a te s A e r in tha Rifle Drawers, Take Money BrMoh isnd French. rowed ftom the Roadiiig Roenn. dents crossing toe street at toe irsilT gneslina tosn 600 attended the svsntiig t mlnistty by aotno 9,000 dog fan- at toe entire area. Anyone who elected to Cstmda’a House of names were wirtiheld beoause ayhens win be cbecked Addc^ Patrons local wheel syatom. The hit, which toe newapaper The Reading Room, «Moh Both Bolton schools were enta who paid by «disck (n u ^ time, eburt date la Nov. 26. Partner opens with one heart, presentation, according to • oieia c a rd in g such signs as has inadvertently been left oft Common* oniy three yean ago. of their age, were seen running The third deeirton will be “ Lookiag right and looking left, prepared by Maoirt was recently-renovated. Is opon ^ The Manchester OommunRy broken into over tbe holiday out to “caah” ) put a stop order ------and the next player paMee. Too George BknmerUng, adult svw- ' at toe mailing list and who ia Although French Cfonadtan, he from toe school Monday s^ r- I caiYt And any food” and “Fel­ Red Guards at toe Peking Insti- to toe tMblio, and membare at Special Eventi PMyers has announced addltloo- weekrtld and an undetermined on their checks through their WiUtom F. Perrotta, *7, of U 6 hold: Spades, 7-4-8; Hearts, 8- ntng sdiool director. i interested In supporting this has Scottish ttood, studied in noon, police aaid. Both wv cibft. Ten otbRs o f the moon Broofc St., Souto Wlndmr, was s, Dtanionds, A-4g-18-t; Onba, low donJos, let’s bits oft more tiite of. Obiesnatograplqr, in- toe resdlpg room staff wUl be al patrons for Rs produatlon at Public Records at money wss stolen, banks Inunedlataly. The Family Ufa progoun t » > mmi^ty projettt toouM/ call Paris and London and apeaka studenta toere. They were Us Your T.MV1 O’ FaaUon or CJB.T. Charge ore planned; they will take 20 done at rtiarged with failure to obey a J-s-8. .date will be reviewed and fU- ' allooatton."' s., chides Sir Laurence (»tvier*8 on hand -at toe Open HouM to turned over to JuvMiUe authori­ “ Everybody Loves Opal” to be The elementary school was hit Mere damage "Hamlet” because "tt stands acquaint visltora with toe fa- Mrs. Robert Franklin, 68 A^ndne French and English equally boars. LftMDeveloixnemObrp. of Sunday morti- to. high sclwol, but tbs amount »t5 ;^ y e*terto y ^ being ^ do yeu eayf tore plans mads. ' ' Boms o f too Oom ea rs rtgns, fluently. ties Tuesday. too. for poracmal revettge and serves oURles there. PI. The final dedsion will be preeented Nov. 22 and 23 at Hartford...... to L------ft M Homes,- —M ^ mthe g » high «■ adioal __ Mon- ^ ^ ^ allegedly observed going Answer; Bid 1-NT. The hand whoa to Ude oiR c f moon osbtt Bowers School audttartum. 88 m Redwood Farms, convey- tarmlned m«rti « rec- through a signal light at the in- la not quite atroag reough for a and begto the return trip. They are Mr. and Mrs.. J. ance tax of |8J0. ____ p , Joseph Caatagna, sm»er- ord check is mads. tersection o f Broad and Wood- response o f two dtam/mAi but When eaked about communl- Hugo Jenson. Mr. and Ifts . Da- L ft M Homre to James G. of acboola, announced Neither school was open yes- land Sta. Oourt date is Nov. 26. M is too strong to pa«. The asttan problems vriten the yid iC. Barry. Mr. and Mrs. and John M. Dolan of East breska at a meeting of the , ______^ aim n. ------notrenp responre is the only re- unmi ...... - ...... - ' teeday beoanas «of tos stonn.storm. Alejandro Garcia, 82, of Willi- mainlng possibUlty. Hi:! spacecraft was on tbe oppoette UAurice Oorrenti, John Devan- ttoitford. lot 88 in Redwood Board of Education last night. Dr. OSatagim sMd to s t this was mantle was charged -with fail­ Oopyrigfat 1888, Mde o f the moon. Dr. Mncfter ney. Lorry Flano Real Estate; Farms, cooveyanee tax State police are stiU tovesUgat- foitnnsits because Mftts poUoe /5 ure to obey a traffic oontnd sig- General Featorea Oorp. ★ ★ ★ 0/>e/i 6 Days For Your Shopping Convenience The Year Round—f^Thursday Nifes fill 9^ ^ Mid toot there would be no t>r. and Mrs. A. E. Friend, Mr. 880.80. ring and bad nothing to add to- vrould not allow anyone in the failure to carry regls- ptuUeBi beoanse there would be and Mrs. Dorn GeeRRcore, Mr. Jdm H. Scfauetx to Abreham day to tbe details given by Dr. oftloea flor about taro bouia M. and Cbaikitte F. EUdn, lot tratlon yesterday after being. Qo cnmmiinlcs tton. He aaid tlw t and Mrs. Fdbc Grammo. Caatagna last night while they condutded their in- stoiq>ed when he allegedly went d ract oammuafeatian wRh Also, Holiday Hartford and buil>Bng> on Laurel SL, oon- Tbs elementary school break vertigatifXM Aoconding to through a light at toe 'ntersec- Hlanrl^rBtn Bkrth would not be poadhle Auto MaA, Mrs. Mark Hotanes. veyaooe tax of $22. was disooverBd by Harold Borst esPool autbortOeo, tbe toleivaa uon of B. Center and Lenox Sts. S l i O P B ! wtaM the craft was on the dark lOsa Marrl Dr. and QMtflalm Deed wbrtt he (Peeked the were careful not to leave fin- court date la Nov. 28. £D2nitt9 N side of toe moon, bat anyttang Mrs. Gerard R. MUler, Mr. and Jamea M. and Linda A. Ortf- _____ school Sunday morning. There gerprinta that the aatronaiRa Ind to say Mrs. Frsnds Mott. Hr. and ifti lo to Stanleyaiamey BeBefieur,pcnrow, landlaau ^ ^ speculation on the means A woman at 46 Wells Bt call­ PoblMMd DaUr ■aiiiiil Soafor* wuold be fed into tape re- Mrs. Anthony PeRrantonio, Mr. on toe eart rtde of W. Vernon ^ entry, but R may have been Jamas VeRch, auperintendent •ed BaUdars et IS Bkeill Stresi. o f buUdtngs and grounds, made ed police and repented that Moaobesur. Oosn. (88M0) Enjoy the Romance and the Beauty oorder and played back* later, and Mrs. Geotga Pootoy Mr, and S t, no (xxiveyaiiee ta^ through a window. Dr. Cartag- there waa seuneone in her cel­ Gcmmentlng on the poesiUli- Mrs. Alfred Roeaetto, Mr. and ^Odlog Pmadta ___ a routine check of the high TelepbM* 81MTU na said. school eszly Monday afternoon lar this morning about S o'clock. 8«cwei CU« Posuca Feld at ties of rescue If the spacecraft Mrs. John F. Tierney. Mr. and L ft M Homes tor five new The tUeves broke down toe and found nothing wrong. Police arrived and allegedly te unable to return to Earth, Mra. C. Elmore Watkina, and houses in toe Itodwood Farms door of toe general office, ob­ 'When he arrtved Tueeddy mom- found David D. Barroe, 27, of Dr. Maeaer s ^ that the tim- Mr. and Mxa. Jerome L WUsh. adbdMsIaa at 819,000. $18 ,000, tained keys, entered the prin- 28 Oak St. hiding there arito a suascRiFttoM ftaia SALE! 818,000, flftOOm 820,000. every i in locked drawer in FaraMe la AdviBot S m A N Q U R dp ol’s office, unlocked the out­ bottle of brandy in his pocket. • f t to e ofCloes bad been pulled Uae Tear ...... Ill Dolly 7 - 8 er door of a safe containing an ^ **• *® headquarters, Six M

> 4 .... ^ ^ ^ ' f ^ ^ 711 -m ■ • '^ ■ '» ' r w - J t T i


ho-groin examples of dirty poli­ tary of tof Interior Stewart L. with ths olate of ths BDose of Ms ssfiteMe,, Umm p em lttog ‘ tondl IpfiM ObOMO aaM t o d ^ with the economlo beelih and BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, ISW •» U ^ id Itataa abouM pnraua the aeourtty o f JMa nation on the ces In our files from pest yean, Udall suprised Mre. Johnson by Rsprasentativss, more than two ^ A Q t FOUR him to be frssd Immsdtately. wssks lato. Ite r votaa ware neoeaeary for ta apnoe p n e n m mare vlgo- other hand.” but we got fewer such oom- revealing toe name at a cere­ the White Bouss, . oovering Events in Capital mony Tuesday. Mrs. Luetaa Baeklar and Mrs. Mm to wito a lupcem e Court dimIv, parfiaolariy by davalop- otblf^f we do not mnke pleinta tote year.”—Samuel J. M rs. JohnBon 100,000 m iles and UO 'etUas sa d C o v e n ^ Carol Hustua. FslU to WinHearing eenberg, who wai« euoultd. hearing, but only Jnetloea WO- .ng im i't— aoetgy for apaee ao- greater/u^of nuclear anaigy, Aroblbald, director, of the Fair Fred H. Harrington, president Surgleat Fem M tn towns. Tha trio war eonvleted of ten - Campaign PraoUcea Commit- of the NeUonel Aaaooiatlon of WAM 80HOW U P ) - M at- liam 0. Dooglaa, John M. Har­ ttvtUaa. we wU^ neglect our mteatan of NEW TORX —Abdominal Tha Thlland County Bxtenatan Sets Journey At tots trip’s first stop-Nsw big over U.fi. atamio' seoMto to tss. Lend Grant Colleges and State America Has a t o n M M I I mm taSedhy a single lan and WllUam J. Eesinian Jr. Dr. Edwaard C, Walah aald in a learning rapidly more and more auigsry toes hav* goM qp about Council wm hold Its annual Orlaans—Mrs. Johnson wtU at­ toe Soviet Union. UMveralttea, has challenged the Grade School Open House Around’ Nation tend ths opening of a rspsrtocy vote to win a Supreme Oomt voted fo r Um twarlng. apeaob prtj^aured fob an Intama- qbout the solar ayotom in white Capital Footnotes 60 por oont In 12 yu an; aooord- meeting after a 8:80 p.m. pot- SdbeU la due to be rrieaM d tlonal euirfaiteoe on poaoaful we live and ahout the planet flat Congress to provide higher tng to iiaaraneo otodlso. A gtei- luck supper Friday at the Tol­ theater and vtett Xavier Unlvsr- hearint Pf Ids |^isa to be freed Vrge$ GretOst V$e eduoetion with unrestricted tod­ WASHtNOTON (AP) —Lady sity of Loutsiana, a patfieipant Good Thing Going from prliMn, where ha Is eanrtog from Lewlabucg, Pa„ fafinnl m m of atemle 'aaaify ”thara la where we reside.”' Columbia Island in the Foto- Maddsr mnoval rooo from an To Mark Education Week land County Agricultural Cen­ prteou A t«. 84; 1888. Ha unntod Of Nudear Energy a dbONd oonralattoB between the inac River, has been named eral fundi. avsrags of f3M to IfK ISIS ter, RL 80, Rockville. Special Bird Joiaiaail a«etng win be to the music latest development in automa- Mayor Uccello o f a tomiture store In EaM of Don Colby's Orchestra. Re­ tion tecfanlaues. HospitaMzed s Ampla Vme i\ ptcaentert by a repreeentattve freshments will be served. in the related cutd general P a S d tet HARTFORD (AP) —Mayor G"S HaitfMd wMfa helpful faMs to Nursery Aides education area of the school, a "O h a m It” wMI the bommnakeT on the aidiject Volunteer mothers .assisting «— <-11 cte” ">rtioni, as weU as the Ann Uccello has been atonitted your OAT. oo of hoase decorating. with classes of the North Cov­ library, will be in aesslon. Visi­ to St. Francis Hospital tor treat­ SELF-SERVK OJLP. Cbarge The faitowii« will be totalled entry Cooperative Nursery in tors may feel free to vteR these ment of abdominal pains. OariU at toe meeting : Kta. (Htver the basement dassdoom c i the classrooms. A hospital spokesman said Chntflekl, lb s. Kerry Dralms. Second Congregational Chiurh Student guides will be avail­ Tuesday night doctors were still Ifra. Artonr England, Mrs. Jdm during the week are Mrs. Rose able to assist all vteHorB in the trying to find toe cause of the Mrs. Davtd IfcConneil, Mrs. Marie Fowler and Mrs. Charles parking area and also conduct pato. M iss U ccello, 48, was ad­ . % . mitted to the bos|dtal In the Jhttaa, Mrs. Ricbard Kbeck, Hsff. In charge of cleaning toe guided tours of the school build­ Everybody Saves at King's on Robert Paoheea, Mrs. Robert classroom Saturday wiU be ing. mondng. Famous Brand Cosmetics


Whichever It is . ; . it's a great shirt! N Just right to hang in or out with all the wonderful new ficirts and pants around. Long, pointed collar, craps shirt - 1 ' in whita, ecru, brown. 8-16 12.00. Cotton fhirt in white, ecru, brown. 8-16. 7.00. R. D. Mens Consul Vaporizer Downtown Manchester and Parkada. Hair Coloring by Kaz with Free Shampoo 48 3.00 1.66 Sixs 8 to -10 hour ac­ Covert grey hair, 6 oz tion. Holds one size with free tube of 'gallon. R. D. shampoo.

" a o e « .

it'* l


FARULOUS FURRY FAKES! . . . Cepdcol FAMILY SIZE 1 GO'S t ■■ SOFT, CUDDLY FAKE FUR ' Lozenges ■i- ■ . ■», fxcedrin GOES TO YOUR HEAD! 0 59- Q Q c ► C 1.59 Size O e F Size «"l It's fhe nicest thing that's happened 16.00 Excfdiiii/rr»/l STRfKGTH PAIS RtLUVfR .s'” 74 throat lozenges for fxtra strength pain .. Vv. • toothing reliOf. reliever. to hats this year! These "go-with- N 4 y- everything" hats are great with dressy TRANSEASONAL FAVORITES... or sporty coats. In all white, all black, THf VIST SWEATER . . . white tinged with red fox, and white HEW FROM LADY CAROL tinged with black assorted fall shades. l o n o . lea n an d belted Downtown Mancheste/ ai^ Parkade.

top: The beret is sectloned-off with These three winners will give you a great start on any season's The newest sweater look for winter. grosgrain ribbon and an adorable wardrobe. Notice the fashion-worthy-stylings, all with bonded Pull down below the hips and softly pom-pom on top. 5.00 lining to keep their trim shape, and all with a down the middle faolura: The "fur" trimmed hat with ^ f,yRSE-i,| belted. Done in orlon acrylic with natural fashion line. Top; Sculptured design on front, in green, gold, red. vinyl crpwn. 7.00 Acces$ori«f ‘ Im. wooden buttons. Red^ gold, gray, Bottom: With paisley scarf, in blue and green, featured; Double navy, acru. Sixes S, M, L. 9.00. bottom I The hood-wink cuddle cap with breasted A-llne, in gray, and brown, with white giant houndstooth. ' '■(’ J Downtown Manchester and Parkada. { ties and pom-poms. 6.00 . 4 8 ' i Sixes 10-18. Downtown Manchester and Parkada. •tfitotfwent o f 'J ^ AtsorNd purse necwif' -i . |< fa«KioA^te^' 'ties, oflrpcflvely deco-., : r 81^) ppundj«te, - D o w n to w fi H o io t i Dailj^U Tue^ aaidTlRiPS. ^ 9 (fewK.Ivsafe-;'- -iiwr''” : I iVi. • • Pfixliade H oan: Bion., Wed., T h vn ., EH . tlfi 9—Tam.and Sat till 6 JL______


C' t.- ^ ■f »%. Vi**^ *r c MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 PAGE SEVEN MAMCHBSneR EVKNIMO BE&ALD, MAMCHKnBi^ CONN^ WEDNESDAY, NOVBUBBB 18» 1968 Hdps SolvB 3 l ls y «4 1 Inbeiprriatian of tte aratd Bguld wmfid polhil* the enUrs aaU. "Onee « ‘posaon leavmi a Oroniided B^rge “abamlannont" may be tb* 4- Dilirsr* Bay soaa. boat. If a up lor open aalvag*. m : a to iir t wad norM O Souj^iPMbar Vernon FALSE TEETH G c M w i i l a Boirlatt«» Mato oC Opm aaHwrt .In Focus of tel asotor. tlM U.fi. Coast Guard station "AB I wasft to do is m B tt to ...... land «B m . M bm Mi «C Clwny Tin Hate "»-*«— Mmsd by tte on one of thoM tugs said Iri Item W o rri— — d Hate OU on. of WoelRirlttoa. »*• «»“»•* • 805-yard otaa arorry wbout ft." A UW* PAftTBC VoBoy M ., iBMl M n Roomiiik SvBQol Board Committees Sa!^rage CMiiiig your Oentun* deisalll to Hour and Tteaw** BoMn, SchoolP ^^l N.J.. was enroubs from titm i- “ ■> »roukl likely remain so. H# was iafesttog to tour or h^totetesthnotefti ______Fair Sbiied TV-, bn NJ-. to Tv-J.i- w 1 Tteu- * uuntemplated two methodi flv* tug* steading off shore dur- (I) Holds them aaota otettftlim ; <» Iris yon Mts ap *#J8W JSE S **!Stote«paS^*^SctsJMlCOftltjS Selected by Miss Casiiti REHO0OTH ’BBACR, Del. tewn a tow llte nnnMd. R 8l»u>ftii< ®*f <**• laab. One wa* tag tte esuly moratag houns without diseeaifort. PAifTnrH Nov. at Smith, odmfaiatntor for tba «•- <7 (AP) — A graudsd barga «« ^ kilte^tabu- *® oO out of waiting to satvag* th* beige PD«ttenaUwMM(Boa-r ------• I 23 Mfito.^MB Oaaatl, NosnOy qtieri to have tte school bus sourTiio sasBani toosy. tato o t NalHa Poitar, to Joal tb* toate of Brivag* olalm* to- wfttem and wound up «n a ** ^ etter-to oap tte ttemasiva*. Dmtura that ftf srs .< re-tleotea*^ otaalm an of Iter ptek up and daUvar obUdren in dby, te li-T-ng- fMm its eaigo Jetty aome IBO yasds from the damaged vesd ptp*. one of the tugs beiongad to health. Oee ywu dsetti and Bavariy Anthony. Mnaa Tomorrow oet PAftiiiMni at *n 1 St. Columha and on Thoappaon HUl and Boat ‘1 of Bduoatton, ossnsd bar the Merline Or. area, of eft ifttaned Bn bsaBbiw ot ttta boardwalk ot ttto suonner ntaF* Bmert and Ma partter, tte Hens OB Co. riaialiiig committees ait Mcsi- The board aloo approved an Dslanai* Bay ia«Mt oommunl- ground. DIek Herman, aradsd out to pot Tti* Coast Guard said tte dlW'ft tteiting of ifas board appropriation of |1,831 td send ty. Two crewman war* safety a Itae on the bosge and claim barge "oartataly waon’t ate*»- Albsit fimlth wa* nomad 2* ****. Ownaiahip of th* barge may rmeued prior to tte grounding, owaarsblp. Upon rriura, Hat^ doned as we’ve had our aye* on U w WM«d1i M . ami pmOviatniM Fair Nov. b h aim aa of (ha ounteulum CSrmrrlw Milric group to Warii- be aubj^ to tha final tatorpre- Ttey were Ray Roaldsan, iS, of man amearad wtth cri, said he ft ftom lb* time wa rooeued tte SEStsas^'srs: on as Irain; 11 a m . to 4 pan. Bond tor dood, Harroy CX>IUna worth Btamaidary Boteol oommltt*#, and thoaa to sirv* tftto" ot maritime Uw. BrooMyn, N.T., and TViby Brta- bud attueted a Mn* to tte vent orewmen.” Booth* hwhido tboM with to Haihort Bnglert Jr., land on gt. with Mm ar* Mra. Mari* Two purtnera in a looM motel eld of Itelta, N J. pi|p* and another to tte anchor ------Brdonl Rd. . ^ Amonc «*» **««• <“ •“ HertMti C hattai O’FWm. the oonlesanoe. and nntairent ttad a Mna to tb* T te .vaonri waa oasiytag One. At least 500,000 people coin- Ctirlstmi* doooration*, plant*, Notfca U a Pandona, OonneoU- » ti« r « IB ritandad barga Tuwday even- 1,080,000 gaHoeai of oB. and tor a "A* kmg t e Fve get a line on mute to New York City each eandy, apron*, adiito otophants, cut U *ht and Pnarar Oo., va. «a a tow « ™ ^ n.'Ta.r km and cbdmed ualvage rights. wMle, ofttelals toorad the Uaok tb* abora tf s a valid claim,’’ be day to work. bakad good*, poimy taU* and LiouIb and «vM U <3aik and Boiiool oon d u ctod ^ ^ __ Othap oommlttae idiairmen ed a leave of absence to flpanlab teacher Joseph ^latano a fUb pond. Bnaa Batanyar, ctvU actton for pal Orrffla Rowwy ana oonald- and ntamben; TransportnUon, tftle to land on n t. «. araUon of a changa In Iha Board tter^g) nnvm sn to full fin hi# m t i i t ^ Obllga- ■BUM WMSiimiw ....n ir— i— ^------Tb* Rev. Rush Ntorphy adk* Saaomenta, Sponear and Anita of ;Bdpoatl(na’ ndaa and rafctda- P tem ra^S d ^ to S il Mort; approved dates tor ouirlwi- that roaldent* rememlier the n^AAmA to Stata of OonnaeUeut, Uona concarntny amofcln^ In budgat, Mra. ktm oonferencea ' ta the Plays LTM Lead Thankiylviny clotfainy ooUeetlon aouth of a***** Rd.; Vln- adwnola and on adwca pnoparty. wUl be held dmrtly and dona* cant and Aim Sadjaakt to Btnhe y^tMMpnl Waauan han, ppdtoy and Menard, and ««>l»<>tato*nt ri m Jack Fogarty will roeraate tte tkm* are uryently need^ of Oonnaothnit, northBaat alda The BpUcopal Obundi WOmwj peiaon^T^ota, O’Flhm with tte raalgnatlowi of leading role of Alao fiquba. Ihar* 1* a contalnar on th* of Bdyarton Rd. of S t Petar’a BpUoopal Churoh »«*>•<> sot*®*! on tL n - . , _ . auditorium ataye in the cburoh P o ^ ^ , Doolay and (JaUaban. ^ ^ cenoaming «fftoelly playad on Broatoray Meathiy Pealpaaed will hold their monthly mdettoy At' Vk etart ot lari night’s haQ for diUdrenW Nwea tor th* Ih a Waot St. Burtal Aaaoela- tonight at 8:1S in the pariah haB. after school detention and ap- and on the seraen by IneBa Revitallaatloo Corps. Ihere la ______modtiiig Misa Oaaatl was tion haa poatponad Ita qiaoial MTs. Cbaifotta gtmpKM^ as- premnted wltti a c a v ri a ^ P«>veH: _ Tomorrow night Donald War- t h e F irs t Gongragaflonal transpoitetton. It wa* pointed Police sold tte caohe of y A N M l mflntouRni; land on Yeomans Rd., and Rob- Church, South Wlndaor.- far to Koad Brook, Horitord : iLyfl Patrofanan Riehard Rand s p e A B to the Handred Club of Hart* er Leo Mokahy, at Rand's left The photo below shows Randi out il they do not use tte trans­ bogus Mils, most of them fivae, and Bridgeport. He graduated ort and Edna Stegner to Leo rington, new general aecretary MTb. Nancy Natton ia dwir- ford about events in last Thursday's bank houlup in Manches^. as he spoke later last night to the town's Board of D i^tors and Rose DaRo* of Windham, of the Greater Harttord YMCA, portation reoonunended by the tens and twenties in uncut from the American Academy of nmn of the event wHh Iba. board they hooome responsible riwets, was the biggest ever Among dignitaries at the head taMe .were, extreme left, How­ in the hearing room of the Municipal Building. Each director land wiib btddinga on Fine St. will speak Individually with the Nancy Case and Mta.Arifc» Dramatic Aits and has acted praised Rand for his courage and calm at the holdup scene. Also, Wilbur and Joaoph&ie tor getting their own . children found in the New Hav«i area. protosstonally In New Ycck, ard Hausman, Republican state chairman, and next to him Jdhn Junior Hi-T Olrta, LltUe Bldwdl, oo-daOrmea. The counterfeit money was m Smith to Wilbur Smith Jr., and to sebool and will not be com­ HoUywood, and for five yaera in Bailey, Dmnocratic state chairman, and State Pdice Commission- (Herald photos by Pinto). salsed in a raid on Ahern’s resi­ Oori* Smith, Olaatonhury, houae Squawe, and the lOiutle-Haha Memben of the oommlttae pensated. \ eummer riock. and kt on Rose Lane; Phil^ graups a t Orchard HiU School, are Mrs. Buimy Shepard^, Mrs. The hoard guk trid by siqier- dence Tuesday. Tlckete are available toom and Roaenuuy Baatman, to R. TUa Saturday at ll;M a.m. Bdlth Vibart, M ra SaHy Woods, tat«6detit Raymond Romsdell Police said they tracked down membera of the Wi^>l>lng TMCA Mrs. Bdle Stair, Mha. Rttoy the source of tte money after any member of I/m and wM L. and Sue Harkneas, Windham, that the State Board of Educa­ be eoM at tte door. Patron sub­ ___ ^ planning . to attend the Macdonald, Mta. Andrigr OInae, tion has scheduled a hearing on an inveriigatton launobed with houae and land on (Bd WiUl- scribers are reminded to make a mantle O onM eU ^ 'De^ footbaU game and are Miw. Betty WUfiams. Mrs. Iva Nov. 15 oit Ms office. the help of federal agents. The Non Stick Coated London The ’tearing will be on a probe vra* touched off by a their reservations tor tills pro­ vdopment m o , to HartToy and **“ Wapplng Com- Bianham, Mrs. RaOhd Andean duction wMh Mrs. Walter Miller Jennie Mae Downs of munity Hall. Bach group U to son, Mbs. ObriathM Ridmtta, transpoittetton appeal filed by large influx of counterfeit cosh of at Mill St. if they have not lot on Pine Hm, and DeUa J o t e ** reaponalble tor tta own MW.Bari Santonl . M n. tour parents, on a ruling of tte noted to New Haven a month Automatic Crill already done so. General Electric Stereo Records aoo to John and Mary Naumec •»> “ •??* Bneanor Bouebaidl Mrs. Comm Vamon Bosud. It ooncenw a re- ago. bouM and land on^L « ' ber la to bring 35 cents tor hia KariMwaU, Mrs. Janet Prior, ^ Winlfrad ^ ^ ^ HWe WoUam, Mta. P at Deluxe Blender & Waffle Baker All Mantovani Kaim;iid to fiimpwm and CeMa ** ^ arrango- P i ^ , Mbs. Faggy MaodonaM, Fruditman of Summit, N.J., and Mrii. Betta Aoston in YORK TIMES MA(MZINE bouae and acreage on Rt. 87 Bow*>. and Woodland Ter.; Theodore under Flrri Congiaga- Plew to lector and Eva Otano, Church acttvltlea, the The b g o T tW s spEciAlI LEAThER'fAshioNAbli. 1 18.88 1 19.77 Newington, land and buildinga 'WWlar meaUng of the Church C riith et ice cubes, liquefles veutibles, It's 3 appliai^s in one! it grills, fries and ” 2.49 i s i Doubleday and Cberiiro Bridge 9**^ 9*?.“*’ taaohor aaSI Board of LEAThER'Rich. lEAThCR'SUpplE. WiTk tIi E bREAlh' nukes' drinks, has 32 oz. glass decanter. bakes. Has double non-stick coating. 8G-44T Rd.; Louise Sounder* to Ivema Chrlrilan Education haa been «BL2 Featuring: Tango, Mantovani HoUywood, Kiuger of SVUrilold. N J., aora- " ” ****’! l J ? ^ poatponed from tonight until Abiliiy fo u N d onIv I n q sN u iN E I e a t I i e r . W e a r It #G>44 Same as above withbut Mr. Music Mantovani, The Incomparable aga.wMh- buildings ^ on Old ’ WUU- la now serving fai^ the armed ,noxt Tuioday night at 8:U. G.E. 8 Speed Deluxe Blender Mantovani, and many, many more. aorvlcoa. Non-Stick coating. manUc Rd.; Lutber and Rachel Tomorrow____ the Hl-T • First Congregational - — I n r a I n , SNOW/ s I e e e t o r slu sh r-^ siAy dRy! Solid State Our Reg. 39.99 #BL-3 31.97 17.97 B ueU ^to William and Joan to vM t the C h««* Oouplo# Club wffl meet lot on BueUHelghU, at the Soutt Wbatoor Skating JoycE WoNdER B o o t In brown or black $30. « • m « n b « >»v* « wcnlng of loo alud- wSdfvj^^d “*«*• Thankagtring tmy favera *ng ^ •» • P«- >&• tor the larien to And plan to “ « >*"• ><«*• D*""* win boat Jusl in Time for the Holidays. Our Lowest Price Ever! ar of CromweU to William and » mt i.-ti,rimiii r the at tii^ rimroh efttr ram Hunter, Und on Eidonl So HZZZLZH Alan Rieh ntnuiL-. ___ Tbs m em ben ara to meet *t Ladlea tinOS Arid, eUuwT land on i..* . m tapping Community Hall St Margaret Mary Ladles toPetm^^^»^ P-*“- •»<* r> ^ *»•<* monthly Ro«n- uwi Ban tho bomo fai s gTOup. After the meeting next Mtmday at 8 p.m. *Sr^ vlalt they win go to the Wap- in tha church hall. A cocktaU K elleh.r^*J?^...,^!!p^ P*«W tor • baricotball taat^ p ^ wtU bo given by gLiS Pin* St, Thomaa SUUlvan t~to HeubleinUic. Robert and FhylllaFfayUI* DDotadi o ^ of,» Mancheeter Bventag Herald Mancheater Evening Herald Decry, N.H., lot on Cooper HOU Rd.; Harvey Oollins to Thomaa BwAfa norratipeitdeiit South Wlndaor oerreopendent and EUaabeth CoUns, land on Carol MooHsii, tcL M4-8714. Carol Moulton te t M4-8714.

“KK Hi::: ( fiRST Patrolman Rand TeUs His Story and Wins Praise fSli The kTn Mandimter Fatxctanan Rich- gM Mend wa* into eua- m describing the sequence of other occiqnnt of the front eeedt Rand which you come tq> arlth.’’ i i Peter’s Furniture City anttRandy) Rand, berg in last tody and charged wMh being events, be said, " I recall it a* He refrained tor safety reason*, Reardon replied, ‘"When the liHi: Solid Black Walnut Kodak Instamatic Tbuiaday** bank nbbery case, an acceaaory. Appraadmately if it wee* three or tour boura, he said. wantad men qre caught and TRuly KNAPP ■#- MONARCH received the individual taatoe 180,000, believed to be pert of taq?penlng In leaa than a min- Rand explained that he when the case is properly docu- Hi:l: last nicM of earii of the town’s the robbery haul, was found a# «»te." wasn’t certain whether the driv- menfed, we will take tortlw a^ iilH iiiii Fin H eater Carving Board 124 O u tfit nine dlrectom a result of queatiankw by po- **• •■H "To thU day, I can’t er was a hostage or part of the tton in Rand’s case. He (Rand) I WATER ^ a n ^ ^ nine commended Hoe. explain ^ Im y gun out gm.g^Ito ei^W toced, i l Our, and thanked Rand on behalf of Warrant, have been taeued tor *» ^ ^ ^ ^ ahpot at , the oth« which ^ robbed otter Rag. Low The directors expressed pride bery, both wanted aleo Price ^ Rand said that storiea that Mayor Nathan AgooUnelli "When they are caught, and in Rand’s courageous aettons in neetton wMh a ■ PROof 39.95 10.97 1 12.87 -w ^ .ui. ______k *•* ahatUTed * windihteld said, "Thank God you’re~atUl when the case is documented, Early American Autumn ,B -1 -Xj 7.87 to m «n carwtthcneofvrithua, andwtthWtom-ttewonlwUlgooutto ^ Extra Urge heat radiation Surface, heats en­ Huge wells lo catch juices. Deluxe dirume Latest version of most popular camera. “■ *• *"*• "* •*“ “y" of that Und to riay out of liiSn- tire room 8’xl2’xl5’, temperature control adjustable and removable dam p. Handles ^ He then said to Ptdlce Chief cheater," Reardon aaid. igATllFI? adjusts from 30 to 90. Hi fan lo fan - hi - fold for easy storage. Si/.c 14” x 20". Bank and IVuat Co., eacapinc Ho<^ Ameri^ iii Hanfora « ^ James Reanlon. who had ac- Hartford Kattooal Bank offl- Maple or Old World ^ Piece Set heat - lo heal. #KM-16-521 Case for above ^ 2.m Sale 1.99 ^ *“"■ oomponled Rand to Hartford ctals will honor'Rand tomorrow Jn the idiooClne: fray, one of related hla acoounc of the dose and then txu;k to iMEoncheeter, with ceremonlea at their West the robbers was wounded. Jjat- bery, recelvtag a lari:e ovation enough to have «hot the driver “The board is ready to abide by Middle Tdce. bank branch, the IS? er that night, a man araa ad- at the end of hia talk. Follow- fji ti„ get-away car and the any deciaton tor a reward tor scene of the robbery Dark Pine Finish $ 1 5 9 «> b o o r! mHted to Hartford Hoepltal tag Ihe Hartford dinner, be ap------:______i;______with wounds. He was served a peered before the Mancheeter - VfTAMIN SALE! EXERCISE AID warrant, charging hhn wMh par- Board of Directors and a|;ain A tw-kviS- I gyainm ticipatton in the robbery. And, exjrtalned hla pert in la r i’Ihurw- X .W T X * Early Retirement Clause SAVE *10 stiU later that night, the manTs day's events. Omar Shrine Club will elect One A Day officers and dlrectoia at its In Pension Plan Changed Vitamins meeting Friday night at Willie's ■tsHMiMM— tnm... Steak House. They will take of­ Vernon fice at^ the January meeting. ^ **“®****'tor pen- Schendel warned “If you want V- Afto"diiMr "a^ tte buetow “ton plan wa* amended lari pen^n Improvement#, make 1 .3 9 .. fx^avac O axaearasaoti i^X ¥l1T1g*l1 ™®®*hig, tte speaker wUl be the night to permit early reUrement « 2.94 Bottle of 100 ^ l u O l L i J o i n s Services i x i l i n c i l r *v. Ricna«l B Rm.goon of ** «** 55, w«h prnporuonateiy Tof*V Evaluate T' 1 a. YTHealtn I j .1, Needs 1 Horace^rte’-^vtaVsI^JSSJlT Buahnell Congregational decreased, benefits. The change mendtwo year*, as hetwnga haa the for t*xpa?^ Uie oast One A Day WUl M Tne vine Bt. commu- jo. Retlremen* «'“»i hiM bene- Carr’Scaiyt navpay ter"for." Dan Lurie th e board ot directors ot the ship?’! "Wai tt be benefl- nlty Project." fits remains at age 8S. Plus Iron BarbeU Sets Commerce yesterday approved ^ will American and “ S 1 .6 7 .. . 90 Pc. Figure 8 a recommendation of tte execu- ^oid...... a public tearing _ Nov. 2X Ladlea Auxiliary will sponsor a^pemUng •‘pending study ofpSbIe f ““ 3.29 Bottle of 100 tive committee to Join the at 7:80 at the Administration bingo tomorrow at 7 p.m. at increase*. union, not from the manager. , .... '"Th* town has its 50 lb. Starter Set Hockanum Valley Coromieilty Building on appUcattona for two Rocky HIU Veterans Hospital. This pn^xMKl la tor pension responslblMty to Ms emrioye*, Services CouncU. plena of development and a pro- vesting rights after live years ^ as it has to ita Revell John Mirablto ex][Uained the poeed amendment to tte zoning ** employment and with no age re- taxpayers Mam of the tax Chocks purpose of the oouncU wUl be lews, Souta Methodist Church will oyArommt. Tte axlrilng^P«)- 7r* ^kin* ti« Chewable Vitamins to evaluate tte needs of tte Tte amendments concern ^ v i s i c n granUgrants vesting lighUlights af-ai- benefits where they are em.em- Laguna Race Sel 8.88 community in health, wrifare changing minimum floor areaa Ut® church, ter 10 year* employment and ployed.;’ Group Includsf •— and recreation and to aid ta tak- required in C-1 and C-2 com­ at age 40. Prior to lari year’s ing care of these needs. mercial districU. The minimum Buckley School PTA will spon- adoption of the 10-year pro- «aln*t CHOCKS 1.54 Dr. Raymond RamsdeU point- area would be eet at 1,000 sor a Family Night and Book vlaton, vesting rights were ^-**'^**'**to* •*/ t*** Penstoners TabI* 42" X 66" Round, 2 12" Laavas, 2 Captain's Chairs, and 110 lb. Dumbell Barbell Sel .1.29 Bottle of 100 Our Reg. ed out tte need for such serv- square feet. Fair tonight from 6 to 7:iS at the granted after 80 yean employ- m-USu toe* ta tilts area, citing the One) appUcation for plan of de- school, “Two can piay the gpme," 4 M ata's C h airs... Low Price many referrals made to the velopment has been submitted ^ >to •**<*• "We have proposed and Chocks Chewable 34.88 24.88 Manchester Child Guidance by Thomas Benoit and Ntoholaa Both ch^es, the ote adopt- jaitltuted benefits for them. N ed and tte one tabled, were they fight tu, w# can cut them Makes oxciting 4 \ K layout. Includes: 13.88 <3toic and the long waiting list Zaccaro tor property on Ham- VIVI^ Koommended by Local #91, out of future propoeed benefits." Vitamins Pus Iron there. nvond St. in Rockville. The sec- x IC rC /C f-'-A l U e S Chicane and lane chungc truck. 2 ready tu Build a strong, healthy btrdy the prove'ii State. Chunty and Municipal Director Wayne ManU sug- run curs, and 2 deluxe control handles. Also at yesterday's meeting, ond U from Werner O. Kunzli ^ way. Regular exercise with barbells isljiu aid Empioyes Union. And both pro- gested that, In th* future, pro- ^ Furniture to everyone.' froin 6 lo 60. Lustrou xcts arc Ttesnss Wour, on behalf of tte Jr. for property on Vernon Ave.- f-f if- f s f poaals were oppoeed by tte posed peneion plan changes be- Rockville Rotary Oub. present- and South St. ft ft 8 8. 1.69 rusl-prool'. mar-proof. Inlerloekiug plates. Manchester’s Penatonac* Group, come part of unlon-contiaot 3.69 Bottle of 100 ed ptacard* on which Rotary’s Jolii# Hoepltal ^ ^ 'Former Pritoe Chief Herman nsgoUations, rather than board fourway test is printed. Dr. Hatold Shaperio, present- U4S TOLLAND TPKE. MANOHBBTBR PARKAOB / SALE: WED. thru SAT. printed on them ihe following N.Y., will be Joning tte staff and Tweed-New Haven kept »v»iv‘rton plan waa to reward brought before tte board be- 8 i 0 Main Straat in Downtown Manehastar MA.NOHEST1QR questions one atiouki ask one- r i RmkvUle General Hoepltal in alrplanea on tte grounsl d tftiv falUbful employes. Oo'ng to cause many of tho town’s em- PINE SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY | sslf before naUng a deciaton: the spri^. tbc storm, but planes ware five-year vesting changes a ployes are not union members. Wc reserve the right to limit quantities. BxMi M. Wilbur Orass Pkwy. OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT "Is H tte truth?” "Is it fair Dr. Shapari will .have hi* taking off on schedule from oenslon plan info an anmilty He promised to incorporate pro­ ★ OPEN DAILY till 9 - r SATURDAY till 5:30 ★ MANCHESTER PARKADE — NEW SECTION to all ooncerned?" "Will It build (toe in t t e meihoal building next B ia d i^ Internattoaal Airport in plan. If that’s what is wanted, posed changes in contract n e ^ good will and better Mend- to the boopUal. Windsor Lock*. let’s say so." tlatiom whenever possible.

.0 H b n c ^ B tfr the kiwr bartc a i^ Reject Wage Proposal aoheduled tor Crapefmlt in Dism wme charged with kOautoBtoB a t the camp, which t e “ S S 355 w a a nm by~Um ltow England vraa U m p ^ Tuesday w h m ja w nrnER h a v e n , wm. — faftUim l|«ndil Sentences Alwait Mimitemeil ______WATBRBURT (AP) —Ameri- ^ in,* union haa authorisad a Oranges and grapeMto auy oUier two Mtalitamm raoetvrd can Newiipa|Mr Guild employea strike, but has not set a data ona day ba sarvad tabtol f -V ' i of Um Watoihury RepubUoan pending further negottaUone. to mlt a felony and posaearton of Tha atata poUca form. Fedaral isaiaiot r a On Voluntown Raid Charges Mrs. Trask was fait to tha t and Amartcan have rejected the ■ here have succeeded in waking anno in the jdghL had phurnad to In tero p ^ Mrs. Ttask was hit in tha NEW UOifboM, Oorm, (AP) An tarty momlag gun bottls Fowter-pleaded guUty to the raldere,befota t l ^ fw ld mtor . » nniiee totest contract propdaal from Gardiai Meet Omceled such tsHets or diaea. MgM —•lx TiniillftlliiU ara fraa en between five masked raids>rs Mune ctetgeo phu a ebarge of any buUdlnga al tha fra. Hoi^ teA matMgeowbt. equal mm orange or about half iKMieeali* buzglar tooto. ever, a laat-mhmte change, cf Meutenan* waa hit In tte toot a grapefruit, and they ara bond today^'iiwlting eMntenokqg carrying bayesMtod riflaa and The vote at a memberahip NEW YORK (AP)—The new altar bewiqg a variety of otato poUoe otaked out at the Rpgera also plsadad guilty to pteas waa ^ p p a r ^ y weight, ptoasant-tasUng a n d Inexpsiislvs. They are mada rtiacgew ralited to an ormad paoiflot camp In' Votuntowu pm- the assault fuid aiacn diarges an FBI ogaitt, who h u tafn- Goyemment Rejects raU Ml a paoiflati’ camp two fkoed the arreata on Aug. M. and admitted being an aeoea- tratad the group of r a ld « and pact. Another bargain- from cryatala oMatoed by dry­ montha ago. FOur of tha tahtofo were aory to' b j n i ^ and gsggtag. Upifod off the stele poHoe of Piirate Pueblo Talks iMtweMk union *nd n«xt your. ing ooncantratad citrus jotoas. Five of the men, aU in their wounded hi the fight, akmg wltti Lytue, a rort- W A S m ^ N (AP) - 1 ^ 30a, pleadad fteittylTSMday hr a otate trooper a^woman Baiher except aggravated aa- dent of ttie camp, related ef- State DeparUnent baa n(lad ■uportor Oom. a l ^ iteaegM iof »6ld«»t of tte camp, — ^ ter the raid Urnt two men wear- against private efforts to nago- aowult wHIidiMt'te kin ware Guilty pleas wars entered by rsduoad UTd^igilEvaMd aasatet. *nwnMw J. Hart, M, of Milford; Phwler was the only one not ing masks and Army feUguea tj,, relaaao of Um a aim U m oixth, an ao-yeartoid. man Frank BartMr, 36, of Itorwlch; origlhally Muagsd with assault entered ithe mate hoiwe at about vlving crewmen of tte Navy to- otwrfsd with o6iMi|draoy to oom- Thoums J. Fowler, 31, of Oa> wtto Intent to kill. •:*) a.m. Two others foDowed, teUigeooe ship Pueblo from mlt araon, pteadsd "Ub oon- tertiury. LouU Rogara, 34, of Tha sixth man was not ar- *he said, and began searrtiing ifortb Korea, tevoring Inotaad test,” wtdiib maaaa automatic Ltsbon ahd Aljphonse Macha, 39, rooted with the othara. George house. Scene of the raiders govaxnment-to-govemment talks. oonvtoUon. o f WUUnMnUc. With one excep- J. Rood, 80, who wew arrested Imd cons of gaaoUne, she noted, a spokeeman said Tuesday at his home in Windham, plead- *md one began to tap# her and Um dtreot government nagoUar All the men, who were labeled tkm. all are from eastern Oo^ ad no to Uie conqilracy Robert Traak, with wtihm uons at Paemunjom bad tte ’snjon.ssse is-,^ members of Rm panunflltary oeotlcut; Hart Uvea weat of charge. , she had been sltdag on a ooudi. beat chance of aucceaa. Tightwing KkadanMn by poBCs, ***w Haven, (phe Voluntown farm waa one Then Um state moved in with The qitertkm of private- na- offered to ohonce thete pleas Hart is state ehedrman of the ot the targets of a series of ahotguns kiaded wlto hlrdsbot gottations arose when a lawyer ao Judge pouglaoe B. Wright Patriotie Party, whhdi caBs It- raids in three states After a three-nAiute gun hatUe associated with the rely e of wga about to begin Um jury self the poUtieia arm of tte by aa extremist group two years iUuminatsd by 'poMce flaras, the U-3 pilot Francis Gary Powsm aeleetkwi. Mleutemen. Barber wao In the ago. The FBI moved In to stop raiders were taken — Maw Tak. CM- The six ramatai free on bonds news loot summer as ooohalr- those plots In tteir eat9y stages. Rogers waa wounded In the ed to obtain State D ep arU i^ faaglng from 9600 to 960,000 un- man of the Neirwich Wollace- f a o e ^ krtt hto, eyesight. Mach mithorimtlon for private talk.. AVDTT WaWMAO OT COKDU- and chUiaad to hnpoae o tU the Deo. 10 oenteuelng. tor-Prealdent Oommlttae. Both for tbafr oam food? Or win wa 1 I ** a, to piiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii •. t. ; - ,, ...... to oar "bmtotor’

■ad Maadar piMleatloa. Hich flfhwl Sparta Aui Graics WadBddday, WdaatnfcT U Your Gift Galle That Good White Howe MoetiaK Ida lin t aeteal aaHoa «( te * IT SEEMS ONUY YESTERDAY and Noel Shop AT WATKINS - 935 MAIN STREET - 643-5171 paraftra hlfh achool nebtoaaaMaf of afh- H e ra ld tatoo and non alhlataa, by torn IMvar- Inside Report Yesterdays ' otto of Orafow aucloioftota, pataa tha -T 51 to by 25 Yean Ago Rowbmd E t u is Jr. a n d Robert D. Novak Tbto partietdor otndy towd Original h3rmna by Erik W. ‘OEaaler to Prstaol Than Watk” pottera brought tteir candidate Brings the whole world to you tul meUim, fU am iO y, or fradaa of hlfh acfa>ol athlataa arwaf ad what we observed eleearhere on Mbdean, termer sports editor To the Editor, to the peopia bgr meana yet tm- It opaoB tbd CHSCAOO — As Um 40th of The Herald, aiid O. Albert bd aavad ia VtataaoL n out oonotdaraUy hlfbor toon the fiadaa Prieinct of the 2«Ui Ward fauide the West Side Tuesday. More­ Racantly, I had on opportunity famiUar to you —work and ooc- over, they echoed repotto of Ir- Pearson, musical director of the to peruoe a copy of the diet riflea. I wonder also, In refer- a u a ty bMaaw It tandf to of the nowathtotar la tha aama aehooL CUcaao'e West Slda N^iro ghet­ local public school system, are Beyood that flndlaf, wtafab waa ohn- reguiarlUee from hundreds of edition of “A Snirtl Thin Voice once to your plea tor complrta nncaitdinty aad toow dock to opened tte polling piaoe at precincts which poured into the premiered at a hymn-oing at of Truth,” a Mancherter high abolition of tba already libonU for the 6th Christmas! ply that atototiia are not an dnmb fandoo, the Emanuel Lutheran church. School atudent publication dedi­ drsoa coda, it you have forgot- to# aama otady went Into tha qwaation Um Jamee JotSMon School dco- heodquaiten of Operation aeto, and trom tlia way otbafa ttcti day, the vuUng waa clearly Eagle Eye, - the voter-oecurity cated to "nonr" ideas and “teU- fdw^ tile impoftBiK* c t pbyilosl iWl fiMpscI fali ^f****!^- of wfaetoar or not atolattoa to itooif hno to Year* Ago gotog to be dominated and di* operaflon run by the county Re­ ing It hka it is.” Aa a U87 MH8 appaoranoa In MoQorthy'a oom- aa aftoot on acholaalto portootnanoa. publican organisation. The NaUonal Board of Fire graduate, I would like to ad­ polgn. Ramsmbar “Get daoa TUa waa, aa IftaBon When tba otndy poirod aditotaa and rectad by one man; the Demo­ OpersUon Eagle Eye compen- Undenrrltere recommends fur­ dress a few remarks to tboaa tor Oana?” You reveal only aald, a aUp b«y«nd t o f no»«toIataa who had tha aama !.<)., tt cratic precinct captain. aatae for the fact that ovetiright ther Improvemanta in the comMctod with this argon, of your Ignonnca by oompaiing you visit Your Gift Gallery for Christmas aocinal faund tha athlaton dotaf abBOOy bottor Alihoogb the legal atatus of a la not exercised by the mocl- town’s arater distribution, fire “tpuUi": Senator McCortby’a humanistic precinct captain la merely the bimd RepuUican potty In Oiioa- fighting, and fire alarm aetupa. Our generaUan la often severe­ ideals to your own selfish mo­ gifts youMI find brimming over with good things So then to ebanonfa, ad laaat, to two paaaive ooe of poD.watalaet onca oaid ha naadad 30 ample, voter registration wna cratic anyway, tte oppressive ity, it la your search that is citixens 18 hours per day over mood in polling places such as ToJay Is Wedneaday, Nov. damned to failure. Should you the months. We have a truly par amt of tbaua rotaa to lao^ toe coon-, meanlngleas. A tiod from the Uth, the 818th day ot 19M. here. Our friendly, helpful gih counselors w— like to assist children as Praatdnt Mmaon, toot Mandi, try, ha raeatrad but a fraalion of that Democratic precinct captain al- the James Johnson School mlli- attain your goal of unbridled great statte. tutnad trom too routtoaa at too bowk to taCad against their even apUtUng There are 48 days left in the lowed on unragiatered voter to .year. ■ freedom, you will find life mean- We can be proud that Um Tnai ‘ f®^ collectors such as an aqtoilmantattoo wtto ton omtaglao ' In taany waya, It la imforbmata that Vote by merely signing on affi their ticketo. This system has Ingleoe. I know you will laugh difference waa 64 per cent to 46 well as grownups. You'll see of too dova, a munbar of otoar onatUna Nixon will not hava a batter opportoatty davit. TdMtlMr be might vote permitted Mayor Daley to ig­ Today's Hlglillglit In History as you read Uiia, for your poetry per cent and that our total was howka taaro Mkawtoa tanad, otton mam- to try to axacuta his own prognun. But In anoUier prectoot aa weU nore Negro demands and still On this date 1778, Montreal claims life can never have Olds 4,000 votes behind Freeh miniature animals, fancy tea cups, ^ ^ Copenhagen Christmas to tha ekwtof days of tUa aiaetlon. ba would be Impoeatble to deter­ collect their vote over the years, was surrendered to a Colonial meaning. I cannot tell which U Idem-elect Richard Nixon's total ly tor pracmatie raaaona, aaatof a war and it worked again on Tues­ army under Oen, Richard Mont­ not bkaly to ba won by aagrbof^r. toward dipped from a eommandhif load to balr- mine. oadder, your IrreeponsiMe para- In Connecticut. In fact, we were day. , gomery. phraalng of existentialist Ideas oontldfnt of victory in oonjimc- There's no end to the selection of gifts an aoeaptaaea of too idaa of traea wad twoadHi victory. Ha appaan to have won Even more remarkable was plates, presidental decanters, Um alaetton. and UtOa alaa. Ten Years Ago or your unwillingness to per­ Uon with Mr. Nixon carrying noo-victoitoua paaca. Wa ttatok toat la what happened inolde the voting dearly, three dad oiona daptfvad him booth. WMhout asking whether On lU a Date The UA. Supreme Court re­ ceive beau^. Connecticut up until the very brass, pewter and stainless steel. And wttara tha Praaldant btoioalf now ofanda. of fraator aupport by tha American the voter wunted help, the elec­ In 17M, President Oeorge jected a petition by Arkansae You are a menace, tor your end when tte dramatic switch in wood, ceramics, glass, iron, Wa doubt toot ■acrataiy Ruah boa yat paopla. Hia fliut mlotoka waa to chooe Washington oent an army Into Oov. Orval E. Faubus to re­ carMees phlloeophy, not unlike to Mr. Humphrey took place. No tion judge — an attracUve yoicig view an oi*der against use o' Gift Gallery is first quality denloped any paroMol toatoiatton to Spiro T. A ipm r aa Ida runidnf mate. lady In a bright ted dreae — .Peimsylvanla to euppraea the thoee which deetroyed great clv- poll In OoroMcUcut foresaw tUa O'Ofything at Your otaad with htoa tbara. But it to quKa AUboufh the poMtlcal olratafy haa bam entered the booUr with every Whiskey Rebellion. FronUers troope to bar Negroes from Uixatlons of the past. Is- at­ change, although all noted tha poaotbla that toa IVaaidant atoo* boa d ^ vindicatad. tha chotes of tha todhriduola voter and Instructed him to pull haa put up armed resistance to white schoola. tracUve. You have been lured race getting very cloee. guarantee of satisfaction, cidad, tor a wbola oonUnotiaa of waa Utadvfiied, and tha manner In which the Democratic otraight-peuly (e d e ^ taxation of liquor they Five Years Ago to It and ore seeking to ensnare I publicly congratulated-Sena­ . . . backed hy our raaaona, toat paooa, ratoar than mora it waa dona fj^va the tmpraadon that lever, breaking (he state low. distUled. The United States demanded othero because it is ter easier to tor RlMcoff. Now I wlah to !!l;i Strom'Thurmond bad too larga a cay Once the curtain had cloaed In 1840, California adopted a th« re Vase of FrederiMc C. "protest” than to work. thank the May for Senate work­ be gift wrapped for any iiilll war, to tha thtay bt wanto to fat to toad to tha oalactton. Agnaw blmaalf otartad Barghom, a Yale Unlveratty In particular, you have shown Your selections will lliiii off hto VMW admlntotratton. and the voter waa alone toelde state constitution. ers and RepubUoan leaders who out to maka hlmoaU a houoehdd word, the booth the judge would hover In 1M8, the Republic of Aus­ pol.Lcal scientist held In the your lack of underatatiding (or (ought so voUantly. I know an |l i Soviet Union on spy charges. W4^' deliver within a radius of tt waa, tharatora, a food momant at and ha auecaadad, but Um raauK waa just outside, eo that Rm vote waa tria was proclaimed. shrewd busineee sense) by dedi- join me in wishing our new occasion, if you wish, and iiiiii b. tha Whita Houae Monday, not only for not what ha or Nixon might hava wlto- anything blit aecret. If the vot­ In IMl, the British aircraft One Year Ago eating your first Issue to Senator President our very beet wishes iP ad. oarrier Ark Royal waa torpedo­ A peace group in Japeut said Eugene McCai^y. Oon you hori- Um Mfh csonduct of tha ptindpala maat. er tarried more than 80 seconds h» his new adminUtratlon, and anywhere Sacondy, Nbion pototad affacUvaly ib ed and sunk. four U.S. Navy men haid defect­ eetly beUeve McCarthy’s views 30 miles. Gifts will also be packed and shipped for you Inf thara, but for tha hopa that tha poa* and thus appeared to be s e t ­ know all Connecticut ottlsena, the difflcuKlaa and errors made under ting hie ticket, the judge would In IMS, a U.S. naval fleet ed from the aircraft carrier In­ received any (avorahle attention regardless of party, wUl imHi. albUtty of paaca, and ooolnf Uvaa, to the JotaMon admlnlatratton, but ha came .Masted the Oerman city of Bre- trepid to protest the American pi!H! reac)j Inside to tap him on the becauoe of the ohouting Ylpplee behind him for the good of our Your Gift Gallery's unique Noel ' Shop :::i Vlatnam nead not find itaaU paralysad up Short in daoerlbing hlo particular pro- ahoiuder or even re-enter the men. role in Vietnam. in Orant Park? McCarthy sup- Nation. gjd -umy in the world, In tha alaction'inaufwal totailm, but gnm a to do Um Job bottar. Mora than booth with him. decorations, may indaed hava baan mada f r aatar. that Nixon aaamad to jdaca price atablll- Nobody waa permitted oloee featuring Christmas merchandise and ty on a higher plana than joba, straaaad to th four-minute maximum order above JuaUca, dlsouaMd aymptoms Urns in the booth. When one Watkins Main Street Window on D ec I. WEATHERBEE toataod of cauooa, and aomohow gave voter had spent more than a By Whitaker will open in Danoeracy And Empire the impraoolon that ha was holding back minute Inalde, the preofaict Ida real views, baeauaa so often talked captain shouted acroae the room to cash purchases, you can charge your ‘T want to thank tha Amarlcaa paopla In aloganUad, pat paragraphs. Njila Udrd In addition pile lined tttorm for taachhtf ui democracy, and I ba- to the judge; "Oome on, getl her error ww oonnactad with the aacond — out of Um n .” Hava Utay will ba deeply Impraaaad by hla dadoton to avoid dabato. It asams Watkins 30 - day charge account, or tha raauHa of tha election.” When we qiMstioned the pre­ selections. on vary dear that if Nixon had daddad to cinct captain about these taregu- coats ... conquer any Thla waa one Otobyo Tara, victor in dobata Humphrey four waaks ago, whan larltles, he was enraged; ‘''You use ybor Connecticut or Hartford National Bank tha ftrat free direct aiaetlon ot a chief Um Damoeraiic candidate waa dUpIrltad white folks iiunv up here on exacutlva United States hoa permitted and whan the tide of offoin. waa not degree ot weather! nmniiig for Mm, Nixon could wall hava election day and try to run with Christmas the noUvas of OMnwwa since our post­ dlapooad of this Unua, and parhapa Ms things. AH tte people here Is of Charge Cards., Why not get acquainted / war control of that Island. opponent. Ha might wan have- won the the same color and they all want Wall, tha American paopla may tndaad dobata, at laaat he Should hava bebn able to vote DemocraUc — noUdng We're open a. Weatherbee** pile lined wide else. The judges just show them at Your Gift Gallery tomorrow. If - ’ appreciate Mr. Tora’i complhnont to our to scoompUah a standKiff. (vorduroy is zipped tig-ht-torthe-neM Tha miraculous comeback of Hubert how to vote straigd>t Democra­ fenarootty in taoohlnf him democracy, tic. Now, you sit down and shut Closed AAondays and clasped with gleaming iMright hard­ but the American military establUfiment Humphrey prevented the sweep that Thursdays and Fridays to 9 P. M. ware for real fashkml- Rum, Nixon might otherwise have had. The up.” will not ba Ukaly to Jain In. For Mr. DamocraUc party waa never able to fully Such ocUvlty by judgas is no green, 6-14. >• ; Tara campaifned (or office m a plat­ recover from Chicago, from IMJ's tarn­ loss Ulegol tten the conduct of until December 9. form of fattlnf Okinawa iwtumad to ished image, or from the residual raoent- the assistant DemocraUc pre* b. Scotehgardad "^ngainat etalns w ith Japan, and its return to Japan would mants of the war. And so that undtrilog clnct captain, who roamed about / the polling place wearing Hum­ double-breasted soft-shoulder stylmg, Inhibit some or tha freedom we bays effort, however exciUng, foiled. The West this Weatherbee* storm ooet of poaaaaaad, all thaoa poot-war yaani, for gave Nixon his nuugln of victory. phrey buttons -R^stUI oiioUier tumlnf Okinawa Into our moat important Because of the march of events, the violation. Looking for famous brands? Fortrel, 60% cott S S 9 usher certain voters Into the the forward ptachif of our atomic armo- ing.' At least It may to said that the school, then reUre outside while Accessories . . . Woodcroftery.. . DBI. Owto... «01 tl*a atona manta. candkiacy of Oeayge Wallace proved to S«e the*# and many more at Your be no more than a regional one, with far UMy voted. When each left, the G ift G ala^ : New England Clocks Constant Comment Teas . . . Three .L • What foea on with our rule to Oklnaw^ fewer people voting for the Alabaman aselstojit^ captain would hand is thus a baouUftiHy tanflad fnd aelf- than was expected. In short, there has him what looked like a white . . . Royal Copenljagan . . . Hansen Mountaineen—r-r-^^Holmagaard oontradlotory axom^a of tha tortured not been a moadve diouge in the atti­ chit. WlUuxit variation, Uie vot­ and Frazier Stainless Steel . . . Stemware . . .■ Stieff, Rpyal Hol­ AU DBI. atona tude of the American people, but there ers carrying chits wc^d walk We*Me4ay. Ib o m isy , VkMar ml# of a fraat damooratlo power to lha Beatrix Potter's Nursery Charac­ land and Woodbury Pewter . . wotU. la a diaagreement. However much one halfway down the block Into an ter* In Baswick Pottery . . . Hum^ p.in„ Teeikkiy m i might wUh to be more hopeful, the new alley. Waterford Crystal . . . Yorkcraft p.m. Dmmtowa Now mmtmm Wa ballava In democracy, ao much oo Presidoni will have only daye of diffl- The outrages of the 46th Pre- mal Figurine* . . . Colonial Cani^ iaU y M MM. lU StM BM.| that wa teach and pannIt It to paopla cidty ahead. — MIDDL£}TOWN PRESS. olnct did not vary greatly from dies . . . Irish Balleek . . . Syroco, Woodenware . . . Museum Pieces. 5 5 D aaya iiH SiU pA ' siom oi> wuhio* * - ^ iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiip PAGE BLBVBN

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.,' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMEMfe 18, I>68 and spent toe evetong playhig tabim, oabiBttB, droaaors and N ow Prych ology Profe$8or PAGE radto Tha aoouto enjoyed nwoh ner riuuly when 'toe grmw **" of WnHam turned to Cemp Ted. bedwtban, bawtoig. •»> Attand- other heme-fliitohed “antlquee” tar, tha group prooadad to Ounp leg South Korean aailora who by hitting them with ehort V - I brndred. MobBity to a factor rrortc torea bah a JOHam rate of hare fouM townuelvee with lit- oriar ttat ntiarly haa ceadted Atmitey morning at Camp Tod tog toe bese movie theetar. SCOUT Tod, WtotoaGi. Maaa., too Ciito were training at the ham. Tte 'engthc of ohain. Do the whaok- gjjOOO PoB itioitt F ound for nwU^ idle rrorken are I9.f par eeat, or noozly dght Ue to adl a potential employer firani IWTLAKID I (■■totiil of hreakfad, ohuito They bunked on oota tn tha bam LSD ‘Tripper’ Quite Drug, toat la, of BM^diipalr i b rite Boy Sow| IXtorlot pamp- atoo todi tone for a tour Ing batoie you «p(^y your m - to vpiuot toelr faml- tlmee that of manlM men, Anil noi linowledge of how to go aMM toeli wuA oamptog Atod- ■ervloaa, cam p otodioy . And gym that night Sunday mauls t'qna finleht^ to the dented eur^ ihHa iiT il turel com- rrhoee rate to l.f par cant about changing the dtuatkxi. of Iqjudloe fniiU' TheFhrM of to* UW Oonamutlan, “Old hoioli. Tha grwgi W t for Man- were ugaltt provided by the b ea Thto to toe gap into wltld* tha ongitB.'^ flUAiiara for tha weekead. .•oee. Many furniture menufao- Warns It’s ‘No Answer’ ^Biwnessmen^s Alliance II Among adUMa, m eager fUIla •Ttoweru tor Brery Oouadonl" Treep n Ironaidas.*’ oboator about 19:» p.m. mem, and the group left tor tuiere use the seme tetomfque alltanoo stepped aa a ciatalyd. Leo O. Boebe, doe idmlnnm After 'gaturday bmakfaat, Tha Stour Boouta of Tlroop *7, /ito elel and age dlacrimlnntlan toat once permitted a worker to Oeotm lly InnM wl At 00 -Boy Soouta and U they went by ohartered bua to Tha Soouto spud the red of Mencheeter at noon. to ahhleve the antique look. Tou By ALTON BLAKBBUEB Then, MbrnpUy, he quit tsktog Imre played obvious rolee, too, bold tonuoiwly to a Job bare be- Pormed thto year, wKh Henry of toe alUaiioe, aeld “Nnmben under the laadaKfatp of Dutola tos (oM-lntoiaciiif drug thit Success with Jobless Pord Tf aa chairman, Ma do nd td l toe whole atocy,,Tbe 94 Btnto St. ei8MM44 • 6 4 S ^ T ■r « o ^ .4T of South the Boutb Boata Annsx of the Saturday toUrlng the Boalon e a fd suitable lengths of ehain AP Sdenoe Writer hqt lack of tmlnbg; and a toll- come uoeleae In ma age of in­ ' Iftowum of Belmoe'and attaad- Wood 8r. and Raymond a to e a launch hstoidwitoty voy- immediate reaulto now indtoate reel potential dor auQum ... to 0pm 8:80-0:80 ____ lairuoipated Boston Navy Tard -wtuii'e they St' mod hardware end lumber D im io r r (a p ) — some so ure to underdand the median- creasing tednologleal complex- h« A Plaobtarlnm ahow. ■pat tha weekend at Haewoom storea. It’s beat to urn a new sgss Into raslnui o t teigitoM, WNDI W im iFT H « fro « » m . and m orad^ttia lea of Job teekliv hare always ity and automation, nevmtor th at a ^ of 500,000 JObo by rldblo more impoftoatly In the qtOMiyA tlil 8:C0 P.M. hi a trip to Bonin lad Friday, toured the aUbulaiine UM Oup. ABB, Bodfoid, Maas. They tour­ times, the young man went on a f Bmlmtm AmMjwt pajnstaalogteally iWa^pid and poeMtre and ocnatruetlre teee- gatuiday, And ftniiday.' Their next atop we* the Cfaarlee- Oiartoe Burton and Robert Vonr NEW YORK (AP)—You can chain. OU rusty chains could pSesant or terrifying. been near toe top of the list operatom, you have noUoad, are ndd-ian wBl be addered. PatiUng Aomu Tte B tnd ed the bnae SAturday aftomoon, “trips” wito USD. Ha atudtod, earned a doctor- MIW TOM (AP) — M «t naarty aaJwWte anlad^. The importance of mito tlon to toe expertmoe by Laaving ManehesMr Friday town Navy Tard where they ' Deck aaototed by membere of put your own dtotreos marks on dlseolor wood. TOn-agerB entering the work a dtoappaaring breed. 100 O w iJ the camping committee had. din­ had dtoner at tha bam maaa. I site, and now le an assM aid pto- AmM^eaBa, lagaidM a of poUU* ftujibr. ■aiiniiallT fOtoe have been inadequately Without retralntog to a new adderammta diould be meec ptoyera and toe hard-oore eftdBoon under the laadartolp a t the BVexier Bar- eal TT—— no doubt wal- *•" “ * ww, J auted in tenm of the aodal dto- aUks.” feesor of jpaydiolagy. SnS^IrM w a fn»n tha Har « «»««>»*«* aWH U alao prepared, and ao the teen-age bUH, mod of them wutketa m penwnal experiae^ tiaoal AOtaiwa of Dudiwiaw iaii I from Interviews with toudwSs (hat M.OOO joba teaa baau found TBL. S4S41T1 • OPBN S A JL TO BtoO I who aro preoat or llonner w en for ttai« « ai* VMmplogrBd. am MAIN 9 t- IN DOWNTOWN PRL V tn S L t PJL • MUnC BTOM: I of peyotaoaettvo drugo. Dr. Alton p V . CIXMBD MONDAT- 0(P T. Oobm oNerod today some ob- ^ m t t r n ^ naarty SS.OOO of IT O A k BT., MANCHBBTME • '------AM AiTLUM BT., HARTBYMD . t m m Joba latar uwa lo^ flia • WATK1N8-WB8T PUNBRAL ri4S BABT CBNTIIH IT. - TVU SSS-TISS eervatloa about bow to todnoo ■at gain of tl.OOO indloafaa ttu t pooplo to stop wing snob dragk tha alBanea la fobif to reacb fb I or to prevent their starting oat goal of 100,000 by next J u m Vk I on um mtnd-drug road In too H m faetin* among md^poo* first pbtoe. gle la that beta la a pcogram for I Dr. Gabon, » , now at John F. t«>iai good uboae deaakvmant iKennady Uotvorstty In Mirtl- baa gone b^rood tha data of I nos, Otolf., addrooMd a soaton hope and oaipathnont to tta t of OF MANCHESTER lof tbs Amarloa FubUo Bbslto praetloal laOblta. ] Aaaelation. Tha hay to the aUtanoa’a m x > - OF A^ANCHESTER He had, he said In an inters c t m , aa It la, aaema to be view, b ea untU a few yean ago tiahdito. But e ra wlOi trabdag, adiaelple of Dr. TUnoOiy Lory, uertear and Job aun might bare l a champion of LSD, but toraad lamaiaad apait mlaaa alHanra Mway bacawe be M t drags ■■M,niMaa had atoppod to and wero not the answer, wen “s tonad the hey, f o r Jobe and «m- I wMts of tbn#.” emptoymeBt hare a enrloua ra- Dr. Oohen. a troquent epesber lationab4>. a college oampusM, said “oo- It haa baa a contlnulag mya If y o u rD i m IS Irloolty, aooial pressure, rebto- amy to many peopia, for exam, Mon agslnst autoorUy, eaeape pla, arby neariy . • mlMwrt I from social and emtolcnal prob­ I are Joblaaa abila the lems, desire tor ’kicks’—sB advaitiatoc pagea of ] thsM are noore or low nioveto are- mied artth ap' In many oasa (of drag wo), fOr baatoeaa for halp. but add Ume to our ciMpaclty to K""to altar month dnrtog the hot beconiring to you nndentand tbe reoenoy and Igaaitaat aeonomle boom to mogtotude of contemporary ABMatan blatoiy tfaia ooidUh drug abuM.’’ hM axlatod, one of the raaaoi A “UstOlag ear” finds aim a Whig tta t tha Job raqtoranaanU “theme of dlooiw'hsntment and a d toe abllla poaaaaaad by toe I sUoatlon,’’ ha sold. Job aaahem abnopiy do a you should becoming to us. BHamente In this disanoliaito I meiA include some ejqperlenoe Otoar major toetoca are Im of futility, a “obaige ^ molal rohrod: Many of too bed Job% ■nd poUtioal hypoorlsy refleet- tor biatanrT. are to faetorlaa I tng gcvernmontsl and social Oat bare ihiaurtad the etttoa, I policy which oaemo hooded to­ atoam mod of too oamploy ^ ward more war, hatq hljito- Especially in tiraefor Thanksgiving! I ttee,” orttidsm of -parente a I graundi of “baste lack ot wdw- B urm ese Lism idb 1 standing and dteorlmlnatten to­ ward what la roally Inqmttant,’’ Flan to Combat and tbe aaarah to laarn, “Who I am IT” L eprosy, SlSgina ■a Induoe dnig-uasra to five up, Dr.sOoba aiiggwSed By MAima MADiro V toANQOOM, Burm a (AP) - A^^npatbettc attttoda—more lha Bormeae goreramont baa I imqihsale on pubUo health rath­ lannchad a Are year leomuey er than leial approacben- eradication adieme to combat ■tresa on reaaons behind tha uaa n d only the diaaaae but the pre- of druga tteiuselv a latber tta Jndioe and aodal «Hgm^ gt- I on the drag themaolvea more tadied to tt This Esperanto Dining Room originality only Drexel acquirea. avaUablUty of objeettra Intoc^ Burma haa 900,000 toto Set by Drexd has been nniqudy Included is a 88 x 78-inch Tres­ matkm about drugo—more um N oaaaa of l^amay to a popidatton . tle TaUe that extends to a laige of tormar drag uoara w oommu- of 3S mllUon. (Hdy a «"■» Irae- inspirad by tbe rustic, aristo­ 669» 114 inelMB, 8889., m e Arm, $86., tdcaters-glvtog greater tom of toaaa are lecd rliig mod- cratic flavor of “OW Spain.” Table with and 8 Side Chairs, $66. ea., and in Buffet and Hutch TPop standa 76 ettlUty to young peopto In poim- am acIoBtUle treatm ent a t a Elach piece is handaomely hand a 66-inch Credenza with China Solid Cherry l^ y American Dbihg eal and aodal poUcy planning m half-doaa laproaarto t m by . inchee. 8 ^ - Tu« 18 x 89-inch Server, ( that they don’t teal lUw oaSsId- crafted to give it a look of 4 chairs top, 8788. Room eet indudes a 42 x 60-ineh Table 318 Obrldton miadonaztoa. 81697e ^ piece is a traditional replica 1 era. Thana are thouaanda of other extends to 80 inches, 8149.50, one Table with ^o( Early American furniture, and is de­ Toung people need to ba gtv a Idddg oaaaa, mneported Duxbory Arm, 849JK), and three Dnx- signed to add WBriuth and traditional I aHeniattm ohdea Oat oo^ todraatad. Lapaae to Burma 165 buiy Side Chairs, 8^-85 ea. The 56- -. 4 chaifs beauty to your dining area! . nedw e m desire tor drugs, Dr. fiuafad uoteo to a crtmtoala, 85 - inch sofa Left: Early American Pine Ooba ssld. , ^ dantod Cually aooial Ufa, otrle Cuihv all the ills of soefety so d nrndlMU tsctU tiss §ot Trestle Desk 67 x 34 might do It, but mors pracfteal- trsatm ant of other maladiaaL 289. iochee. Above: Queen AnBe 84 - inch sola ly,- “the fad la that young peo­ Many Hurmaai, who arc Of Ladles’ Desk, Solid Cherry ple wiU oeaae wing drugs If . or Msqde. tbey sre provided arltb some m y a dirtoo onrae. Ooneagneiit- 149 259. r noncbemlcsl teobniqw’' ly lapatu try to Mde thatr aynp- In thetr “search for meantngtol b o a uuta tbeidheeae diowu op interpersonal relathswblpa, on- to adranead form, wtaia toant- q^iHny v slw a, and inner expert- m o t la hhaiy to be pedonged. “K alternativM are inltiatod V oomaa a nanonal problom. tiie In the earlier grade levela, we Mlalatiy of Health haa budgetad »»i«u have g ew *■ ^ ooaddanble tooda tor tta lire- the prevontla of drug ebwe. n—iiiti axperlmentatteo pro­ la fird two yearn empiia- voked by curlodty may ^ ale w n t be a organlring and Rhythm by Lane . . . 869.96, and three Side ^) — inches. China Top haa crown Tha Internatlooal fadilon oacar .Jritot. Queen Ann Table that 666. glass. Buffet end China Top, wlU be awarded to French coo- XBW TOM (AP) — Tha iM (tends to it targe 96 inches, 8668. 18 X 86 X 66-inch Serv­ turler Andre Oourrogea ttla etty*a 100 truant ofOeon harm t T -^e with ing Cart, 8199. Corner Cabi­ year, It was announced here. had too much to do during toe (;iljB29., one Arm, 899-60, and vii tree Side Chain, 879.60. ea. n et Mso w ith crown glaaa, Oourreges will receive tha 4 chairs 8829. prise Nov. 88. ■Hf he 66-inch Buffet and China The industrial gnxv “Fattp by toe United PederaUao of tew from K refdd’’ said OooF- Tbachere. But the ones remain­ roges will be awarded the p M ing on duty bare bam eonduet- B. for bla "extraordinary craattv* tag totarriawa with dropouts or adrievemate In tha faahksi aoouragtog children to attend toe few achoole wUdi remain fldd." Among these the isfiil- opon, toe Board of Bdueatton sHit waa e^ieclally menttonad. nte prise Indudes a goUw 299. spinning wheel and 8^600. f Att winger of the prise, two yeua ogotwsB another Frenoh fariiion 49 desli w r, Pterre Oardtn. c. 4 9 -9 5 NtwFitolBBW l^’ OM Hartford M A. Pine Deacon’s Bench, available in D. either 48 or 60 inches. 60-inch Deacon’s Bench, 879. This famous Dining Boom by measures 42 x 62 inches and can B. Solid Cherry Grandfather’s Clock with Westminister chimee that strike every 16 G. Beals is accompanied with a S. . extend to a large 98 inches, 315 minutee. nality an4 .warmth of Early America and it in­ Bent Miles P


kjr town aM ap- speeehee agatoat what ha oon- Sunday, to which a group o f 61 aMan a dangaroua and unguid­ Oslholtc priesta, Pratestant

COLONIAL Omk/MjO.. famous make collared or turtleneck 4* POOL TAMJE C.0.0.____ ♦ATMemiten ei WUk Balls and cues DOLL HOUSE styles, sdect from solids, stripes, novel­ Use our personal charge or C.B.T. or C.A.P. BANK CH ARiafi > ties. ?'• •25.00 M A N C H E S T E R main, facing oak ■■ --m 815 Main Street .zir COOL. W. T. GRANT Mancheeter

. ■ '

-TryWr' 'rr^r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHBME? »^rRTi’‘TE>SDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1968 IIAltdfflttieR EVEHIliO ), MANCHESraR, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE FlFtBEN '■t * «m havw to go aU tot way to got B. JototoOn Hto nkjaota rangt Urn, 4^ dta&Hi M. Mtb* tour auarara Iha trip to wotto tn m too Kotatonky Dwtay to uim»t i t Wattt, to a town mooting in KMr to n o Idaaaaa Now BaagiMr.. Ho aayt: Introduction Offer! m tar Mt ------"AatM eaaa who haira not TALK ABOUT AMBBIOA. By boon to Suropo land to imagtn. 1 ABatoIr Oaafco, Knayf, fM A what to taaat about har. Euro- 1 :tottoi '• lis B i i ini!! Ill i '■ 1 to raanhail too Moot AmarleaM know AUatalr paana who hata not boan to 11fonth Free Piek-ip of Waite through ODOka aa too tnaA who praUdad Amortoa tood to tmagin. what boor to m u Ilaadlag a Magtr atocy to aiu* (No Sirhfs AttoelMd) fo NWW C i CENTIR $T. •mitloo aarto waWMagantrttotoi tauOd P” * thaftoavaa gina yaara owor tolotteiott's to w on t." III! _ tov-ni«r" ntaio^B t iM of t a i ^ a wall: Baoli word, Uk. Moh tatm toatnad. Qmnibua. ItM don In lUgtamd Oook't Uiaptar <« "Ttaa Invtol- ✓ ^ ------* • pMpto— to vattooi of faunaa natuK*. tartA, to taum for a afwotdo por> aw.* of than, atorlta, whldi know him at Ttat Ouardian'a Mt Itadtm," daallng with tha Derm EQUiPMOiT—«enei sH m ci originally'apptortd to a aarloly ctaiaf Amarlcan ourrakpondant. aaniorlty-rlddm chairmon of ____ Amattoof______On ttaia Tliuo or. too otamton Omt iMWSrON IIEIKON OIIBAO to*— "" pormto toouMot b. oMiout nLmm ua « wild. ramhUiu magfaUnat faagtog from xh# BBUt radio Uatonaaa H an eongraaUonal oommlttoaa, to iiliillllliliPi T ^ iS ftoiyboy to HMpor*o. opont with onjoyod hto worda tor many tapaoiaUy apeopoa In hU anUon iiiii-iiiiiiiili towto4 » etaoB«ctai( oxaniim^ Om on ‘ m w oIiIUn ii” ■ » « « « « . C A a 537-2984 OR WR911 TO iiiiiiiiliiiiiii non of to t tmrie totaiu of u . ttaiit not too mu>r d«>odu ^ to • to * tooadoaat aario. on Amuli^ ha. a JO "•••** toy puouU of ottn moduoto MV — It atorim. toroaa too raadar to toM and called "liUtor from AmoHoa.” koon oya for Oalifoniia and Ha aiw MMWtort tohu o look nuoni work aU. to Mr. Mr- teUoaa to mnvrao> **»an, o f ooin a . road on.'^ ; ih i. book to a ooaaoUoo of hto growing pains. Pinally ho deals There’s loads'^ ir!i!!ii . g.ki wtMtt too woadt atop ‘ *nia Lawtura" bogina: " I wat broadoaUa, and Ita ohaptara with Vlatnam, and tracaa ita backward from aomowhor. Taata to n to t tfa. Ittd. ?«««• KTKtNSON WASTE REWTOVAL ifflii» ••• arauBd tot Itoto An Amatteaa atari, wMli a mtalmum of parto Important hat baan on my way to Wmtreal to daUr* praswit a highly dlacaming p(o- bog to too "oarty ’ toUtog praafdtnf taaa gottoo otoetod on tal i iaitauf titl tot aky dlto*! jL iteoenttoalr olmpto ttslo or a tootura." Who, toa raator tur. of aom. of to. totnga that of U.8. power after World Wu 38 PBopwood Drlvo, Amsfon, Com . iiS H H i a •laiw andortor'' piattom and faa to. Tta. odHr, “TMutogy,” -to t rtrttofamaator writer. aaka, M l; why Montml; what madt Amutea to to. I art u n, and baaleally to "Wt UiaU BMily pluoctd too mdkm into to a ntoaly ntaty ucamtawUan of . . n - •• fM. « « n w ktod o f V laotortT yeara.^and in torn, oaau rtffl pay any prto. ... to aaaore to. war. to . octotnat IwtoaKi to . oM Bio b t o S T ^ r t n U i Mrtr fttogar anawut aU quertlana do. H tdoato with such personal- t » w ^ and toa •o til. yoiavtr ctaeratlon ro- toya, wMto toUdrto wart aaaf SSuld^itoool^K otom - buT ^ immtototoly. h TTS ma^ lto^ rn rt^ ^ to*tt and atlatt tot govananwit. out to work at a tandar acai and ir labbt." miwer usm tola aim- good a storytallor for that MarahaU, H. L. Xenekan, Rob- Kannodyt toaugnr^«n- toidar tot guiat of “prataetinw" to. prataoMtoy praotto. of ood- pit Mftt^****^ Jto who rMUy w»«G to know ert R. XiOxmlok and lomdon Bao Baaaan giair aldtoa, tliay aat up lulaa— toing tot klda Into ttator 90t. ooupUtoty rrttramsnt at M, te no toelologtet 3-ROOM HOME o f P a r k in g than txfla—«ran from toalr ohd- but he tot. glTM the aateteioglUt drtn and gnmdohildran—to apa- a pointer by nobqg that tot to- IP YOU HIED liiiiiiiiB i fltol "oommunttlaa." At no later oaBad oanauM^ntten of woumb FURNITURE AND gian ee.(ortdUw> if ttapy dotal- baa dsatroyad toa parantw au- IFYOU CAN AFFORD ii optd Mrtooi aUn tbay thortty owar ttaUr obOdraii, ware giaan iba oHotea of onJolda lit aay that Paibtoaon te to g r e a t *2 8 8 foam aa aa Intertatatog wft. A N O T H E R B U Y IN EASY MONTHLY Tlite rtory to about a Uttlo’ S PAYMENTS group o f ouflso wtao taaat taaan TImn TMo It For Yew gtaan apaetat ptnwIaUen to lira 1.16-18 3 R o o m to an old bouat on the nortotart 0 RMI 1N O C A R O S for ■lacinnlla * a c e f o r abort of Ameifoa. The oxUaa to- TOM AUi OOOAftnm . H o u s e fu l Sp olodt one aonnor pointer, two . - 8 .25-14 8 .55-14 muUolana (tortout tad popo- 7 .35-14 7 75-14 Or buy ony -Y O U GET - bur), a weanan writer (wtao rt- jurmiiRBRii 7 .35-15 7 .75-15 8 .15-15 8 .45-15 room outfit LIVING ROOM oordt ttartr atory) and an e a ^ 2 ^ f o r 2 f o r 2 f o r 2 f o r soporalely BEDROOM i ill! lliiiiif motoar typa. DINETTE T I t tlia lttilt group trtao to fIguM • 2 6 * ® • 2 7 * ^ • 2 8 *« • 2 9 *» P lu s 1 * ;H out what rtally happontd to I >• HH toalr eormar wortd; trlaai to W HITEW ALLS ADD *1.25 PER TIRE Roconditionad rraluato tiio alma of tho youno All pricaa PLUS 37« to 62« par tira Fad. axclaa tM, aalat lax Refr. or Range aniiiir- I ” ! “baitaartana;" and arguat about and 2 racappabla trade-in thoa olf tama Y O U in too artiotea of fUto toat Hwy HARD TO. BEUEVE would liko to loavt taUtoid. So, by maand of tote under- Prkwi « »hown rt FirMtai^ Storw.iCeiapalWwily pticto rt FboUoM Daoian and rt o i mvlea itaMent dbpteykig Ibo PIreslene sign. N b e ir at ■round dooumont oonirtoutod Iqr tot dootntd agad, wa have a ram ftntaay Cor to t totelteciutl ndud. Tho nowal te a sharp, L&M EQUIPMENT Routs 83, Vernon prtiatrrtlng vtow — toroiKh a •f- . m att o f mirrors — of oontem- Open Mon., Tneft., Wed., Tlnm ., 8 A A L to 5 ,PJI.r—R fi. 8 A A L to 9 PAIi Sot. 8 A A L to 4 P A L potagy aootoly. -Tea! We Do Sdl and InstaR Ttreo D o w n to w n MUaa A iBillb at MT-i 4S-4S A L L T N ST. ::::::::::::::::: ; w : i f 11 i 11 ■ i, 111 inniHinii' v n B O ew r m a n . By Otarga

CteotTO PHmpton for yaara hat baan bating a lot of ftm ftoytag wMh to t profaartMtete to a tar-x tefy of aiwrto and than dateilb MANCHESTER tog ft ‘TItat ft bf* babtod toe Ttw fnumanafc of Ute prawnt boofttetalaoapaclgpea ana otei' terttaft to Itaaita pro amafour jiiiiiiiill temamaate of the POA tour. Ha bad a of 18 mvi t o ^ S. 6. M. is N ited out (dtetfa goH alanK) o f oft Tliere^s parking space f>>>• ii pna (Otoybm Itenbiar, for sk- wear. Grpceiy stores, restaurants and drugs. Jewelers, gift a), I not, odd sh<^ps, stadoners. S p o rtin g goods, music, furniture,hard­ taiBtdenteoaiafbtvtagranga and D o n t miss th e ' Grarid Opening of what ft te Hka to play to a oaWb- ware. Automcd>iles and automotive needs. Baiiier shops and rtly tomamant (flandy KOuflax baa a haiuftoap o f IS too). Savings Bank af Manchester’s newest office beauty salons, insurance -offices, lawyers, doctors, dentists, Pftaqftoo ateo gata' Into auich banks .. yon name it. Downtown has more of it. ttnt oatttea 'to a geUerto witot Route 44-A at BOLTON NOTCH and tanria, t o . canny hnowtedg. FREE GIFTS! of too tourftig caddM. and nomo of tha fraaldab wtanto that b a r. Tomorrow, Thursday at 8:30 a.m. lakan pteoWongolf oouraao. CIn x^ one of ihese gifts when you open o New Which afi makes day4>y-day as well as Christmas shopping Hto tohnna may not tom out \ to bo aa popular aa toe aulhor’a easier. There are no me%»B anywhere. Park on any street or 'Ttepw tioa"-flte toronlote of . Savings Account of *25 or more rW bte bumbftng rtCorta to loam any paildng lot fear two hours.. absolutely fiee. Make Down­ •iiP quMteebaokteg wMh tho Detroit at our Bolton Notch Office Ilona but It ahoUM antortata a town .. ‘‘Quality Street” .. your shopping center lioi lot of madna Mltea A. liaHh A Mdftftnm MAN. By Beaja- New Concept in Banking... with n to BoM rtt BaMomC, Braoe. n-ii : ;iiii ' Tbfo mantod man, not guft* 00 young ooy more, taaa aa af­ hours designed for Shopper and Sponsored by these Downtown fair wMh a Otagte woman. It to a I'i! woll-waan toama, but to tote oaaa toa aiittnr te uoiiwwtratliig on Iba payobologlpal aapaeto of Commuter Convenience...another Merchants and the Manchester too riao and fall of a tore afteJr, The proteponirt te Dr. Gtordon Bftnt, wtaooa oooupabon te tlw mabtag of famalrtpo about od- S. B. M FIRST! Parking Authority moa atid otosr aubjoeta. Work- M^n. i impoitad Ikftiish Staiidass Stad tog on a whn project to Oalifor- 1,000 Him :' GiftM Stamps piiii-Hjiiii; ■___ ’ nte, be moats Joan HoBte. vegetable or chip dish with Adams Jewelers Oordon and Joan fall to Jaw. so you many selWet a gift Janet’s Hat Shop quloMy, and an oomplatoly aa MONDAY Wmi THURSDAY... of your ehoiea. Walnut handies. i(‘ ! .anna poaUbla under dm ^ Arthur Drug •i'iii i curartanoeai. Of courao, Gordon ' Keith Furniture . te burdanod by a oanaa of guilt IHilii*! ow r hte wile and toahr two 10 ^m. to 12 Noon Ray BeDer’s Music Shop Leonard’s Shoes amnll ante. By toe tbno too Cal- FREE Uomtei project tau ondad, he 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Joan aa* rsduoad to ftntiva Blish Hardware Manchester Hardware MUNICIPAL maattags to New Tork. And how doaa an affair dte- F R ID A Y ... 10 g.m. to 12 Noon Burton’s PARKING IntegnitoT DoMott'a daptetton of Manchester Pet Center thto o m makaa It a painful proo- 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. aan to wMoh toa prtneipate grad­ Casual Village Manchester Public Market ual^ ftod thsmaUyoa unaUo to OKI Offar raglptar with aaoh ofhar. SATURDAYS...9 am. to 12 Neon Ixplrai Nov. >30 Tbo autoor te an aooom- A iita Rm c o ii Clifford’s Inc. Marlow’s witfi Fknhar pMabad witter and in t o t e toort Coret Casuals 'U naval damorntratea Ma nasra- complete with Michaels STREET towabUl. batteries. Fairway ^ Nassiff Arms PARKING 649-3921 ' MBft. BAIXINgON'S LAW By Glenney’s Men’s Wear B a l i * O. Mertheato Partdnaon. Hough- Regal Men’s Shop Oaw ou t par Aeeouat Btofttaann now'turns bte at-- W.T. Grant Co.— Maid St. Shoor Jewelers ^ teoSteo to tba domartto ooaew. I H l i i Hte wft to of tba typo deaortbad Harrison Stationers by Km word but ft Watkins <0^ aim oarrtea wUb It aomo human House & Hale Wilton’s Gift Shop o Partdnaon te commaaUng on Savings Bank^ of M anc h ester tba baaarda of tba marital afate, undar auoh ttaamca ae roniaaoo, ZiiiiSSi maRtaga, child raUbig, aortal Member F.D.I.C. ifl There’s more of everything Downtown laaiiai oentaoto, atatuo and oaoapo Ha haa a vary funny chapter Six ConvMhMit Offiem Sftrving on toa toopt amngamonte of m ...L. toa URial homa—badly ptonnod DOLTON NOTCH and atutfad 'wftb amvoaadly MANOHESTEfi • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR mabdatocy appftanoaa. Tho cbaDter "Heate and Guaate" oontolM a dateUad analyafi rt S \ t -U

* 9 , A t ' * ’ ■S': PAGE BDCrEBN MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER* CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18> 1»68 PAGE SEVENTEEN ' ■ I Oil.. ■ ■ I MAI^CHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER* (X)NN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1968 H ebron nrhity ars hivttsd. Nurse I'efls ,McUout FubUe Expondituro Maatbsm o f S t Peter’ s Bpia- Managf^’s Pay OounoU. O U f VWfrT/VOU*^ HECK ND/JUST In Dthor poBitlona, Hartford io oopal Church wtD hoM a supper, O f TV-Radio Tonight ITEMS SO lY un SPREADING TH' War H a itfo rd ttofM in nine ootegbriof: Town School Panel Wse of ohaigs, Saturday at 8:80 S * woRpAnour A p jn . FoUowing the aupper, the At Boys’ Home and oily eteiX with « imngo of NUMBEm- o o o o cA u en .nTops in State $M,800 to lUAU); ooUockir, MMO STATION membership will discuss the BOSTON (AP) — The head T elevision Sets Meeting nseds of the local ctatroh for the WE SHCXJLO ALL 111.703 to $M,UI0; treosuror, 8:00 I) Bnew WMte and Roee Red HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — to |17,T08; bulldliig ,ln- NOTBYNANE oomtaig year. BabyaitUng will nurse at tiM stats histitute for ( 8-10) P a n SiaaoB EftTOWN JOIM tt4 ON THIS// W m F 1 2 » ( MS) u S * Oriffln After Dinner Movie D m IM ron Bo«rd of B OHe Mm (30i Disoovarlna Amatloa ( SdO) Tiutfi or CMmequenoes|i 215V3 SA.VGE LA N I. EAST HAMTPOM) • P IJN TY O f PAMUNOl| tlHi Win moot tomorrow at 8 In Shade Bid ter told a court hsarlng ’Tusoday (IB) Miks Dowlas ^ city managor iapm aU aalartaa aenmr, |18,M to $17,708: o «* RADIO ON YOUR DIAL lid |slee — S yea (Cl W^MIaterogars NeliiHbor- 7:80 Doktarl I ■MMcik Ow BolMon Blemontory School. The GHlead Hm School Build­ that rats run euxcaa the food In bood 3) Sense of Wonder (O paid tQ''m.3fom «jnanaj^ D m boaltl mwnbers wlU review ing Committee has awarded the the institute Utchen and the K) Muasters 1—, ^ Cmne._^ • , "Where Qualify Always Exceeds Pricel" In CtonnwsUcut, amsordta* to. a g u yg* t o » . 8 0 l ; plaimlng dl- PAY FOR AND bid fer ton room-darkening bedrooms are cold enough to 40) oinigaa’a Idsad (84)S SportnnanUke Drlrlns Mlary adiedule infomintlon of 40) Wea&iar OMOXIto) ’The Vlrglnlnn (C) ototo report rolaaaad TUewlay. rector, (18,(ns to tl«>B30 and rfiades for the OOead RUl audi­ freoK water. - i ; s Sn Ladles Oar , 8:0 New* in PromeoUve (CT) t*M Diatrid 8 achooU anl review torium to Milford Audio Visuals > SubecrlpUmSubecrlpUon I^ STORE HOURS: 1UES.-WED. 9-6; lHURS.-nH. 9-9 The top executive eaiary for heeMt director, 919,178 to REDEEM nflMS Mrs. Nathaniel Jones said aha Hie Good Cluya the boom policy oomseminK for 8380.80. Inoe (( the atate however, goea to the 934,988. , WCDNESDAY, when the cuetodian ahaU be on never ate at the InsUtuUcn be­ 40) ’TruUi or Oaasequence* SATURDAY 9 to A — (CLOSED AU DAY MONDAY) Two other bids were received cause “ I oouhto’t stand U.” I 9:00 ( 8-80) Wednesday Ny pnenriaee. 80) F Troop Ntor. 14* U . !• e9 from Glastonbury Paint and IS) Aftemoon. Report (C) Beveriy RUIblUles (C) 0 O ( Msl, Women of the town are invlt- She testified that "on many (M) What’s NbwT N O V m E R 13 Floor Oovaring, 8388 and Veni- oocastons” she has seen rats (18) Movie oi lbs Week ad to attend a pap demonstra­ Klean, 83M. 8:00 (U) (Herr Oritnn ..OUDdOto) Moiio Hail (O redevelopment director, 931,000. nmning across food being l,»«(U)d8d0) Sporu, News, (M) N.E.T. Peetlvnl municipal Job. Hbv. 18, tion protram FViday at the The need for the curtains was Weallier 9:80 ( S) Oreen Acres (O Our toff MffTCft OUT thawed for cooking and found (84) Population Problem 10:00 (10-000880) ’Ibe Outsider New ^ven clalma Qm top Hatch Wlnt of the Windham discovered tidten the school staff g^M uetc Maaeni of the BtuS Oommuntty hCemorial Hospital, "bugs, insects and warms In the (80) MaRaie s Navy mayoral 8alary with 937,600. T O f M H T 8:30 to 11K)0 attempted to ^diow Him in the flow .” (80) Marrlsge Navajo Lands Sprawl accordlnt to the local public audltoiium during the daylight ( » ) HlghuSta ( 3) JonaltaBn Wlntere Show In the flmt-eeleetman cate­ The room* are so cold In the 8:05 (40) Combat 1D:80 (18) SubeciWlon TV gory, Westport leadg with a f l a g s t a f f , Atfg. — Indian health m inint agency. TTie pro­ hours. 'Winter, Mrs. Jones sa Ward a Oo...... »-®® cine dated 1964.” 6:00 Dick Heatherton 6 :S Aftemoon BMIUor 8.86 Feilowahlp Meeting Porter, teL 838-8118. 9:00 Steve Morgan 7:10 Accent '68 Tlieaday. He was 80. Leboedta Moncheoter Cycle Shop ...... ’ ’ ’ ’ ' *4*. Upholstery Work, PaM Uphohtory Shop# ...... lO.Or She said there was no doctor 1:00 Gary Girard Deaths in The C ’ ead Congregational at the institution last winter 7:15 Now wag from Queans, N-T. 248. 1 Ante and Road Survival K it Ohorohoo M oton 7J)01 •8 PCT. CAN BE DETECTED wnnr— 1188 7:80 David Brlnkl^ *44. 1 Two Pound Box Mlnlatnro Chooointas, Rnaoell Church n jmen’s Fellowship will when half the population was 5:00 News 7:80 News of the Worid 5.88 CHICAGO — Cancer of the 5:15 SpeiJc Up 7:45 Joe Gareglola ^ The______Nation Mt. MKEMEL DVDA ISS. am certmento. First NaOonal S tore.....^.... Stover, Qnkm’s Pharmacy ...... 4.751 meet tonight at 8 in the Sunday sick with coids and Su and she 8:00 News 7:56 KSmphaals 181. 1 Church seat (M. Green), Mancbeeter Pipe 945. 1 View Master Steieo Viewer, Country Drag, Ine. 8JX | Sdiool room. This will be the colon and rectum, the common­ was the only nurse. 6:15 SpMc ^ Hartford 8:00 Newa E wftv 8 fXMW PrraBUROH (AP) - Dr. 'o.88 945A. 1 Pair of AntomobUe Headieots, Seyntour Auto est intemsl cancer, takes 46,000 6:45 Lowell ’ntomaa 8:10 Job Line B MUX « . WWW Michael Duds, pteaident of Call- annual business meeting. The “It was ' a nightmare,” ahe 6:55 FhU Rlouto 6:80 Pod Ooncert I 186. i?^e,^o-Nox'oalwiinei 'l^iiM Service Stores ...... C86| program will feature a book ex- lives yearly In the tMtsd tesUBed. 7:00 The World ’Tanlght 9:00 Greater Hastfotid Chamber E SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) — Roy lofnta, P «., Stats OoUege for 13 Station ...... 7:80 Frank OWorO Banquet—OUtop addresa j r . Oook, exacuttve e(Xtor of the o n e W h H ^ acbool i. (tJnk im at niant) 811 KOO- MUt to suggest possible Chrlst- States. Ninety per cent o f such 7:80&>eak Up Sports 9:30 Nlghtbeat IISBA fti^ toV iot'of h«dier‘ (iiick np at plant) SIS Kee­ GROUP 23 parasota HeteJd-Trtbune Her^-WtoUBa ^ baaebai coach of Stan Mludal, 8.88 nms gifts. Refreshments wilt be cancers can be' detected by rou­ The New York harbor con- 8:00 N »s 11:00 News, Weather ney St., Dari-MUd Milk Co. *48. 1 Eleotrio Clock tor 1N7 BUck Special Skylark served. All women of the com- tine annuid easminatten. taina about 780 mUeo of plen. 8:10 Speak Up Sports 11:20 Spons Final ' Saraadta Journal who bad died Tuesday'at age 80. 8:80 Speak Up H ^ o m U:8i>G)ther Side of the Day a newaman for more than GROUP 16 or Grand Prlx, Bourne BUck, Inc...... 18Jn| *47. 1 8’ to IF Norway Maple, C. R. Rorr a Co., I yeote, died Tueeday. Ha an* 188. 1 out Certificate, Foinituro toper 1 1^ ...... IJ-JJ 1187, 1 bag 8t# organic fertlUacr. U tic A McKinney.... L88 Nurseries...... 28.881 , yaara oM. BO atarted his oa- Luke Aren Lofty *48. 1 GUt Oertlfloato, Ptnelnirat Grocery, Inc...... tLSlI en tha WUmiagton, HtXS. !« . S5^ dog food “Shnoh Pop,” A gw ^ tac...... 3.S8 SANTTAaO, caifle — The lake 188. 1 bog 81# organic fertUiier, Uttie a **°*^*”y^^ *48. 1 set Seat Covers, enetom made, Tmnpike Auto ITS. out ccrtUloato — flower arrangement, KraoSS Seat Covers ...... 95.881 of Chile about BOO miles *88. 1 Permanent Wave, Maglo Mirror Beauty Studio.. UkOS I EARLY SANTA south 'Of BantBago, ia Inown La *51. 1 Savlnge Account Savings Bank of BKancheotcr.. .Uk88| OEN. OHAWJS BOWEjN tha ‘‘Switaertand o f South. m . 8 tote bags. Pino-RcxaU Pharma^ Inc...... ITS. 1 waU mnral, Shorwln-WUHyMa Oo. *5*. 1 o u t Oorttlloato toward the porchaso of etooka or K A N C H B ^ , H.B. {API- Amnrica” and has som« of the Mark Sfscurities, Inc. fnnde, Bobert Hravlsldoa of Shearoon HammUl a Army MaJ. Gon 178. 1 Van Housen Vanopreea eUrt, Olonney a Men s finest trout fishing and most has 'Uto noost flexiblle Co...... I Bowen, former etato ad- epeotaoular eemery on the oon- Seif-Bn^lojnad Bethement Phai 174. 18h^ gUt certUlcato, Btoiket ...... J*-*# 255. 1 Complete Table Tennis Set which Inclndea pad­ general who enllstod in thMUt. in the cuunttyi 178. 1 automobile Jack,k, humohester Ante Parts...... 18.85 dles, hall* and n e t NaaaUf Arraa Co...... 10.001 Am y during the Mextean " mohair and wool —■ *54. 1 Gal. Pickled Mnshreoms, Garden Grove Caterers 8.80 Yon ean seleot aay eomblnalton 178. 1 pink goU sweater "im ja ...... UA8 G m n tA Far, died Monday. He was 78. MORE FACT THAN FICTION of Mutaal Fnads! womMi’t. HNjrROOd Cswals ...... • ^ *55. 1 Floral Centerpiece, MeConvUte’ e Oreebonaee...... O F) I SAVE 40e A LA.! l7gA 1 8-yd. piece black velvet drees length, Cheney *58. 1 Pteaa tor 5, Dlne’e ...... 4.75 SAt,one ttme ha was a reportar NEW YORK — It pidiUshen’ Spilt Ptand vrtUi tosonnoe! .85.8 Broe., Inc...... | *57. 1 Food Certificate, Memlag Glory Umch...... 6,831 KNOWN FOR VALUES groi* the Manohestor Union. Hsta are aa accurate gauge, PMk Your Own todivtoonl Seemtty! *57A. 6 Coupons good for % gallon loo Cream each, I Americans prefer teict to fie- Ohsnne Your tovestmeatoi w i w w r • # Shady (Men IBOty ...... 8-l*| 6 8IDNSY UCBOWrrZ 9 l t O W 17 'tlimito, Ft m Ii, A I Rm I, Extra I tlcn 0 to 1. O f the 28,000'book IuuuMm lufHsE I Chi sr writ* Lstof I. ■anjueWn m , 1 out OerOfleate, Janet’s Millinery A AAoc...... 10.80 S Oraat Co. 19.87 HOUBTCHf, Tax. (AP) -4Md- tfUee-publirtMd in the Untted MARK SKCtMtfTIKS. Inc. 178. Weetrte can opmer and ebarpener, W.T. O GROUP 24 Lebowi^ a New York es- Statee last year, only 8,000 were v t^ o m w Ava. wnrr Hgnfggft flUnir-TM iil-HS ...... I'lB. Faberge woman’___ s— Mt------(dnaUng------powoer. - „ 258, 1 Pair Cowhov Boots, ebUdrSta’s also, Manebeoter lyman wbo received a flotton. soap, bath ,rtume, Lenox P ham acy...... Green Sluie (inttet ...... • v *■** I Nothing like it at this price! 180. Yoga exorctoo board. Stylo Craft, V eri^ • " v *58. 1 Church Boat (Basso White), Manchester Pipe * 181. 1 goUoh Latex wall paint, beige U Coune m *84. 1 4’ - 6’ Magnolia Tree, O. B. Itorr a Co., Nuraeriee' 18.801 3-speed phono with AM radio Supply Co. — ...... 5 M *85. 1 Electric Clock for 1987 Bolck Special, Skylark or Grand Sport, Bourne Buick, Inc...... CHUCK 7 *68. 1 Hand Lettered Lawn Sign, BM’a Sign ...... * 8 .6 8 1 Manchester ' e e o u r i* *87, 1 Case (*4) Outboard Motor ,OU, Bllaworth * L 188. Bavtngs Account, Hartford Nattonnl Baade ....1 0 .0 0 Lnooow ...... (...... DiOca Saleo and 268. 1 AM/FM Portable Radio, Badlo Shack Corp..... 18.951 189. i Ontelde Boar Vtew BUrrora, i...,...... 19.00 ■N». i Ladlee’ SAn Olheaee. Optical Stylo B ar .... . ^ .1 Sorvloe ...... 18.40 *60A. 1 5-pound Canned Dam (pick np at store), Crie- 'Country Styin" Porit 100. 100 Oil. Morlarty Bmo. . . . . 8A8 lOL Dent O Jet, Dental Tooth Spray, F ot boantUttl pino’o Supreme Foods ...... teeth — healthy gums, Westown Phanuaoy^.. . 14.95 199. iS ioheen CerSflcnto, Mnaoliester Country Chib , GROUP 25 MagoUa Tree, C. B. Burr * Co.. Nnaories. .18 .8 8 1 & L O A X BMtaarant ...... 4’ - 6’ (jr^ ...... 198. 1 GoU Putter, Conn, GoK lan d , Ino. . . • v— • • 271. 1 Clock Radio, 'fnrnptke T 191. 4 Dlimer, at 91.80 each, Bonanaa Steak Honao . . 7,60 17*. 1 AM/FM Portabletable Radio, Radio, Ra^'shaisk 6 ^ ...... 195. 1 o u t Oerttfloato, Davte Bakery ...... W-W *78. Maranite, Plywood Shorts, Dta|riaycraft, Ino...... *5 881 SPARE- 196. 10 Iba. Fmnkfnrta, Maachester Pniddng Co...... 7.50 77*. 1 Braided Bug. Mamdieeter Carpet Center...... *1.951 107. 1 Shampoo Sot, Adrian’s ...... *75. Two 8’ Upright^ Yews, 9H.0O eatdi, Orantlond . . .**.0’'l 198. 1 gnL Vhwgtoas F low FUioh. Langer’s ...... UW *7f. 1 RoIled^Ham, Treat Shoppe ...... IS.80| *77. 1 Needlewovea 188% Acryllo Blanket, Montgomery um:iii V G R O U P 1 9 Ward a Co...... ®*1 199 1 'V -T Mobil Oil Speolnl, Bllaworthjtod laaoow 16.80 *78, Sheet Mnsio for Plano, Ward Mneio Co...... lO.MI idilj *00,'1 Cnae (84) Outboard Motor OU, Elleworth and^^^ *7». 1 Gut Orttficate,’ Popular Market ...... lOOJI mil* 2JW. 1 FamUy Plraa, Poppa Joe’s ...... “ ••“ I *01. i*So3t B ai^ Tuinplko TV ...... ••••• 7*1. S no«7les “ V08” Shampoo, Mancheeter Drug...... 7.tol Grant exclusive. True component Ploys on I *0*. Two 8 Ft Spreading Yews, OrantUnd N nr^^^^ *81A Four Record Albania, Badlo StaOon WINF...... 18.08| styling. Solid walnut frame, «lim at­ *08. f*S lw r*l^ yH itoclB et,’” Btonj^ > S ^ GROUP 26 tache case size, w ei^t just 5 lbs. batteries, *04. 1 Sweater Indian Brand Sportawenr, NnaaUf Norway Maple, CA. Burr a Co., Oo • *v»uu *8*. 1 8’ to IF ------— ,— ------««ml Brilliant performance. Plays any I Our Owni Fresh Mode, Poch *05. 1 Box (500) iiroelopoo, Commnnlty Proa# 9.M *88. 1 8.50x1* White WdewaU Tire, four p ^ (M cC reary), monaural or monaural-adapted house current 206. 1 o u t OorttficBte^ Vltiiior’e Oardm Crater ■.. • - Mancheeter Plymouth, Inc...... ; stem record. Lightweight tone arm. *07. 1 Pair Hip Boots For Fishing, Mnnoheotor Surplus 284. 1 one year aub*crintlon to WaU St. Journal, John SgIm ...... BeOO Bnrke Jr., O. H. Walker 4 Co...... M.00I *08. 1 Chni^ Seat (BAim WUte), Maneater Pipe 288. 1 Hand Lettered Lawn Slim, Ed’s Sign Co. ^ .....*# .8 0 1 NO MONEY DOWN... Low Monthly Terms mm\A topply C o...... 288. 1 458x1* White SIdewaU Tiro, four ply (McCreary) I SAUSAGE *09. 6 DnpUoato K ^ a For Hoooe w Car, (M ott Variety Hardware Store ...... -’f'-'...... *-*® an. 1 l*-v»lt Ddeo BaFcrv, Paul I^ jto 209A. 1 Verde Antique Aah Tray, Mnnoheoter tM. 1 ERriy AmDiicRii Sluidow Box* Wilton g Gtft Siyp. ,99.991 f; MeoMrU:^ Co...... *89. 1 one year subscrintton to Wall St. Joarnal, J(dn I Burice Jr.. G. H. Walker 4 C o ...... G R O U P 2 0 *90. 1 Ladtee’ Coat, Manchester Modes, Inc...... 46.881 *10. Two 8 F t Upright Yewa, Orantlrad ...... • ” v-**’®® 291. 1 Satetooh Safety Helmet (used to be caUed crash *11. 1 IM Coffee, 1 Doa. Dotmto, Trioulator, Beao Eaton helmets), Honda Sales 4 Scrvlco ...... *0-F»| 4.75 *9*. 1 M cGregor Suburban Coat, warm orion pUe I ^ g , MEAT Doctor] lawyer, merchant, *1*. ?*AmioMnatlo ‘iM InatMit LiM i^ Camera Outfit detaiJutole fur collar, camel color, Regal Men e ^ ^ im.iiMiin|r batteries, floahcabe, carrying etrapand 1 ii?!! film cartridge, Salem NaoeUf Camera and Photo 293. f'^rt '^t "MraV^^ ^ ^^aeal Shop ...... 15.96 ■ Merit, CUfford’e. Inc...... 9445 293A 1 Bed Coat, plaid lined, slae 14, Man(:heBtor Modes *1*. 90- Kettle Outdoor Grill, W,. O. Glraney .45.881 Armdur's Star 914. Bnmswkdc Bowling Bag, Bnmswlok Faricade Ine...... chief . . everyone makes ...... '...1 4 4 0 -!!!!!: 915. Yoga ExerclM Beard, Style Craft 15.00 i i 916. Lady Vanity Electrio Knife, Goodyear Serylco POi^tUS ITEMS FOR WEDNESDAY Store* VeniOEi ...... * • *...... 9.99 *17. 1 Perninnent Floral Arrangemrat, Pratlond F lo^ t 7-50 * Fercate Sheets (1 contour, 1 toprinsot 90 x j 90)«.» Pillow Casco, 1 Double Bed Dnnl Oontiel Elcetrte Bologna or !^) at Savings <& Loan *18. 5 Chicken Dhmera, De(d’e Drive I n ------■ . ■ . 7.76 80481 : *10. 1 Oompaoa For Buick, (any model 1981-1988), Blanbet, Keith Furnlturo Co...... iiii!! 100 GaUone of Oil, Bolond OU Co. • • • • - wt - ■ • • • ...1 8 4 0 1 Bourne Buick, Inc...... 6.95 ...1 8 4 0 1 *20. Dry Cleaning OertUtcate, Mancbeeter Dry Ckoncra 6.00 Struoto Moteritod Hooded OrUI, W. O. oSaneT _____ *21. “ Spray AnttquF’ Bet, PawPe Paint and WaUp^|>er 6.00 1 Large Olooo lawn Bottle end Wicker Contohier, **1A. Om© 6 Yard Scarlet Velvet Drees Length to be Robert M. Reid and S ou ...... i’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’": ’' ’ Everyone who saves at Manchester Savings & Loan earns pteked up by highest bidder at Cheney Broft, 81 S Bubbemald Rubbish Bairele, $748 enrii, Fklrway^ Liverwurst Cooper HiU St. See Mr. JForrance, Cheney Bros., Dept. Stores ...... 4|/j per cent. Everyone! For Savings & Loan savings accounts lb. te o T ;...... *0-00 have no strings attached , . . no fine print* ( l y the,Piece) GROUP 21 SPECIAL I1EMS i l l 22*. 1 Eleotrie Blanket, Hartford Eleotrio U | h t Co. . .19.00 You can daposit tomorrow and as often as you with and for 998. 1 Ckoe Mobil OU Special, Bllaworth and laosow 16.80 One SDanleh Bedroom Sot: Finish, Warm browa, wood- *94. 4 Sbeota Pretinlahed Mahogany Plywood, Mon- pecan. D ^gn: Blook fronta, brara pradrat hardwuj^ M New pocket siie ' any amount. Your savings begin earning 4'/2 pbr cant right - dMotor Luniber,'Inc...... 90.00 motifi, country Spaaleh Davor. laeludca: 78 , Western. Sliced 996. 1 (one) 8 mm. Kodak Movio Camera, Wridon nine-drawer triple dreoocr w/largo tendegye from tho day you deposit . . . compounded quarterly. And, Drag ...... 95.00 4F* cheot on cheot, fnU sine bed. Wntldns Broo. VahMt No bigger value in n should you need money for an emergency, it's here at Savings 996. 80 Uneo of BowUng, Montibestor Bowling Green 18.50 cordless tape recorder 2*7. 1 Book Cor Wash Tickets, Mr. Auto Waoh, Inc. 10.00 S^PteM 4’ X 7’ X 1/4” Fro-flnlshod Blond Biroh F in elhTg, & Loan waiting for you . . . no waiting to got it. 228. 1 WoU Mural, Sberwtn Willtenis C o ...... 0-85 W, O. Olennoy C o...... New York Weekend for Two. 8 days, 9 nights Hotel • *29. 2 Sport tolrto, Dalfidooa 4 LevrathaTo ...... 10.00 portable radio *80. o u t OMrtUIoatea for 2 Hip Steak Dtonera, WUlle’B Americana, Broadway or night club ehow, city tour Compiues with fine table models in tone and volume, yet ‘Swing- Popular at parties.'Also great for taking school or business So why not save like so many doctors, lawyers, merchants gli0iil£ HfliiRo ...... 7*50 end United Nattons Tour. Gan be credited toward an­ notes. Quicker than writing. More accurate too. Sturdy. With *81. 1 Gallon Latex Wall Faint, beige color. Green other deoUnatlan. Mercury Travel Agency, In & ...... 91 Along* design is specially easy to carry. Big 4" full fidelity BEEF and chiefs . . . A t Manchester Savings & Loan where, your 1 Man’s Aocutron Watch, Shoor Jew elcn ...... 119 A J microphone, batteries, earphone. Faint a Wallpaper Company ...... '... 8.95 speaker, pin-point slide-rule tuning. Rugged high impact case. money is always available? Start tomorrow. *8*. Rabbit Eara .or Indoor V Antenna for TV, Barlow’s 1 GoU Bag, Ooloulal Board Co...... Tdovlsloa ...... 4.06 1 Litter Vaouom Unit Mpdel No. 101, aot DO YOU HAVE A GRANTS tREDIT ACCOUNT? It only toko* a mlnwio to *88. One "Bra,” Olasler’a Corset Shop ...... 5.00 SAG AUto Service ...... NIGHT! •PPly- A«k any MloiporMn. 2S8A. M ar Record Albunoe at 84.00 earii. Radio Sta- 1 Four Foot Natnral Blreh Vanity, formlra top w/Cto- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ tten WINF ...... 18.00 lonlnl oopper hardware, Style Craft ..V ...... i|y| LIVER ...... r-iniriiinT-i! KNOWN FOR VALUES...C0AST TO COAST MANCHESTER'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IteuH wn Go D r Nranhu G/io m Ia Ye*. You T«to The DUhtoncel TO PLACE A BID DltRtNO THIS AUCTION (Net B|r Ntoaea) SPEOIALS for THUR&. FM- a"ii lOOT MAIN STREET, NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL 649-4588 (1) GIVEfrEMNUMIIi^] TRI-CITY PLAZA COVENTRY OFFICE - ROUTE 31 - TEL 742-7321 (2) GIVE MO fIRCt MANCHESTER WE BEgEBVB THE E^jgn^^^U • VHINON PARKADE DIAL 647-1461 43) GIVE NAME me ADDRESS uiiiini illiiiiiliip ii'l ,(i!l!

I . V Vi N Ji-i BIAMCHtteSTBR RViBNINO HfOULD, MANOHBSrnSR, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IB, 1968 PAGB NINBTBBIf MANCHESTER EVENmO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,* WEDNESDAY,'KOI^Ettfei^ -rrtt* ' . . f ^ • -j* \ neubol in Mdtoto of nHgtaa|i vla«n reeanUjr *ava thl» l^poit- ToBa^ S t ; 96. A1 R m 1«, 74 Wo«dl«nd Nixon O ^oo^: theory, doctrine ond proctloo.” M S t.; 96. KtSA DtUbf, 46 Farm ar hla owrt opinion ab^ut Sw Current -JUatleo Abe Portoo, In Su­ IQ w a n is E y e s R e c o rd Dp .; 97. D. Bafllwen, BoKdA: Foreign, A^air^ kind of oonccttalopB Nixon mlglit w ill &•; preme Court docteioB that Ar- 96. Jim Hamilton, 91 Date Rd ; ottor In rotuin for Soviet 'ao- konooP tew ogolnat tooehliig of oommodatlon. NBWSOiiMMSlUt.. n m 99. Kra. O. T. LnBonne. GHaa- L ’ C V > . ■ r ^ S frf • avohitioa in tBMOtwUtiKlonol. ¥tl tlAflin AllPtlOTI toiibwtonbury. ' ‘ ^ ,,,,,,,aonln» the TtO.•ra. AWTAvnr O(S ^y r - “ Nothing oanaeotod with Wen­ I L J t - o f , I t t e t X**- xX It-U X U Opei^pi9O m v 19 «ttMk the Sovlot tinlon unleae Cterman reunification, 76 niltee iif mite •‘avi^^iA By THB ikSSOOUTBD PKBSB dell Corey could No sad, oven “After oU that vm have done Mstechestv Hwsnis dub into tiie second night ioo. ^.m-^Se^TO^^ atumi^ ^ ^ ^ ^"*li j S S , uate ta hte death. Ha woidd hate to 1970 In that ooitairy, I beltevw .the thlidi he caused any sodneew In tonlfllt of its ninth snnukl R ^O Aucticm * ***^ Bolton- ' Ricbam Patten, SS return to Intiteianah^” Nix- ^„un» to eoma^of the noat-mr ’ Prosident. was ohoolntoly right OMT CHRONOMBTan 108 m Toitendi’o prsdsnl dump oea be Oomor snd Morrow Rd. flre- the world. So smite wltSi me bidding end profit from citi*er«. in t^ Gr^r ^ on -a,.. *“eiiSL m In not gtving Solgon o veto.”— IK irS. Tiy W lib used tor on addtUonsl two houoss. when wa think of him today.”— Maachcster sres. The suction, over radio station W INF, Harrlaon, 66 M there la to be bargalatnc, amme mid offerliir new National Fimd, Ta’aoov Taur. Seemtory of Oofiaoo Otaric M. Actor Kl)tk Douglas, at Corny's ■ Y R O L . B X ym tt, Miwfte b o dNNH^ yuam, oooonUng to a report te- Ateo to bo ohsUod Is the is from 8:80 to 11 o'clo ck. ------jean Rd.; 106. Carol Lenlhan. Nixon nwet ^ ^ to ^ve .^amat fivlnr mi- OBfitaMk ooytng tho United Amaral. •ued by the State Deportment of BUldem tett_i^ ,om ^ TO 21 C a m l^3 : ». acambridfe^: 106.a.Oook. « ,,*apona to Watt ^ing * * * Zoos’ ^ * ^ 74^r^ ^ nagoUata TBI.L.B TIM B IN B TIM B ZONE per cent of retail value for 148 icre. Thomaa KeQey, 96 Well- venwn; 107. Beth Ramey, 80 *** *** . patented an^ Oermany. Berman In the occupied Odail on Rt. 74 HMT tlM alone aIn - Pails 0#If •Soudi Vietnam Health. The mport wos mod by Post Oftloe. Items, with HJSOJS bid on a man Rd.; ». Jamoe JloVelsh, gt,; loa. LeBee, 181 Oak Oominunlom to malu of .lutf „ Belflita v.. and , a highway le beln" oi. rafusas to Join tbs paaoa talks. openbd up along the Jordan Rlv-, innt Selectman Bmeat Vlk dur- Rood Poet Stffi Open DeeBnee Job Offn* aiMULTANBOUBUY retan value of »1,969.88. Th a fa s i Oxford S t ; 81. Francee B a l- g t.. jo#. ifudred Denntoon, 10 ^ oonoeealona palatable at ^ ^ ^ “Ths war in Vietnam Is going one pereentage point better than iwe, t 9 Lakewood Ctede; 88. im110 u«»itiiol home. Ntxon is “ thlnWrwnuniong in ternm of w „ between between Belt Belt Sheen, Sheen, In In the the m ____ inf teat nlght’e nseettng of the The soteotmen have not beard With 84,500 Raise very w d Indeed ... from a mB- Originally daaignad for airllno teat year, according to Klwonla Kevin McCarthy, U1 Branford j>nihan, 21 Cambridge St A highly reoponalble and « t - ooncessloiie of thU magnitude. Bateau Valley, and the Dead ■ — — Board of Solootmen. reply tram Bugene Wanat, parteneed person among fate ad- •von (hough not of theae par- g,*. regamhgr hte accoptanco of ttia ‘ttury vtawpoliit, we have tho rit- NEW HAVEN, Oaon. (AP)— pilots, now a rwcasaity for all man ■ offlolals. S t Oroop 11 SFEdlALSr "Tboy don’t approve of our poet of Road Superintondent of- « * « * more toan in hand. We John P. Oavaitero Jr., director who travel or talaphono through 2 Oroop 4 And that bidding does not fat- 111. OU Btephensi, S Stsphan dump, hut are not condomming fared to Um after a special have the kUttattva In all arms.” of Now Havanra DopoiinMnt of or mors time zones. Can also bo 84. Andy SEoidler, 18 O rlttln THURS9AY, FRIDAY, DATIfflBAY us4k1 asslapasd tima Indicator. 30- dude special itama, for which It,” ho expUInod. Some of the meeting last Thumdsy night. —^Adm. John S. MeOaln Jr., Tm flie snd Parking, has turned Depaitmant’a euggeetlona wlU Jawal, aalf-winding, waterproof, Ud. .« Mto, MMptod boOi ie'lUdS^’H” S w ^ l T The Board of Selectmen U-8- Padflo mOltary oommaita- down an offer-to baoomo traf­ and with data dial. Stainlasa steal MAM smer store omly be ca rried out euoh ao fon cln f agreed to aoUdt names tor or fic dtrentor of Baltimore, Md., with bracatot, $245. In tho dump. tlwthtoyaar. r™«cte BuUer, 21 Glonwood CUDAHY ISAH—HtCKORY SMOMD mambem of a salary study “Tbs military batence lno, 187 MEirB CORDUROY “far less cost than neighboring Oo. reports the value mw at 46. Henry Heter, 88 Essex St.; campfield Rd.; 124. Phil Preod- to another year's term as sanl- ready to take thte next ktop for­ $28JiOO. Downtown Maadiaeter alt 968 Main Strett J Stamk towna such as Stafford and Cov­ tary Inspector. ward In the nation’s space pro- OavaBero said Tuesday night |S4 for 7 places Instead of 8 46. M Reale, 74 Woodland St; Grant Rd.; 126. Jameo GENUINE StfEARLIHe OPERA STYLC aiFFERS entry,” be said. origlnaHy ottered. One Is dam- 47. WUbrod Messier. 71 Grand- jccVdgh, 81 Oxfoid S t; 126. In aocepttng the ’Tolland gram.”—Or. Thomas O. Palm, ha had igioken with D’Atesadnro' PtMiioii IVdland County AgriouMural Cemetery Aoeoctatlan’a tetter acting NASA administrator, an- late last week and deritnsd tiie aged, but will be included.) view St; 48. Katherine fltavens, -nieodore Slaiby 251 Sprliiig S t; Deep Pile Shaggy Slipper T e rry lining, moectudn vamp. lb Agent John Elliott In a tetter 8. New Tortc Weekend for 28 Cornell St.; 49. Jeonie Gour- ^ jjj„ Blair, Lakewood Clr- asking disbendment of the as- nouneing pisns for Otristmas offer, aaytaig: ‘T Just tttutad to Vlk prcqxMod a plan to oiling- Two: $70. ley, 848 Summit St.; 60. Loute jochael Stephens, 422 Size 6-12. soclation, and the tunning of the shro orblto around tho moon. . (hole) In March, arid I couldn’t Blue m green. Sizes 5-10. note nuuiy of the Junk cam 4. Accutron watch: $70. Hennequln, 52 Cottage S t; 51. j._ (tenter S t; 129. Nicholas cemetery matotolnance duties “Government in our domoora- tfaliric of leaving wtthout dattv around town. Read Herald Advertisements 6. Golf beg: $20. Jay Tyler, 21 O on^k Rd.^2. ghuman, 72 ttoad St; 180. Karl S A L E Reg. 4.99 SALE over to the town, the selectmen cy, state and national, miwt bo a Job for the Tnayor." 2 00 59c BlUott Miggestod that a''com­ A UtUe Vaewun Unit: no bid. Helen Bauer. 21 Oonstence Dr.; gg pa^m Dr.; 181. Mm. BUTT PORTION Lh. agreed to consult with Town , mission such as the Conser­ 7. Birch Vanity; no bid. 68. Helen Partridge, 211 Moun- viotoc Dagenals, 59 Tiebbe D r.; Counsel-Robert King and the ------—————— vation Commission or an «yi hoc (Note: This Is a bathroom vaal- 54. Mamime; jjj mibrod Mearier, 71 Gihnd- Board of Fnwmce. ty.) 56. BUI Tondow, Wethersfield. ’ ■ group of womoh oanvaia the The Soteotmen ewkod all LADH»’ oomsnunlty to tell petqde rixmt Profits sre umd by Kiwanls Group 6 Oroep 18 MBPS omUMElUl FRESH MEATY townspeople to oo-op»mte In (he program, and suggest how keeping the roads clegr of for its youth projocte, such as 86. lOchael Stephens. 422 E. ^ Rjehart Klngert, 100 F ^ - LOm FUNML DOWNS they could get rid of their old seholamhips, camping for un-Center St; 67. Mrs. Andarro ^ Ridiatd Patten, FLANNEL SPORT SHIRT parked cam during wtoter snow cars. storm*. Thte would Include car* derprtvOeged, Instructors of the Zeldler, 18 Griffin MMounbato Rd.; 186. W U iS Pretty prints and assorted styles. Lightweight with the look of wooL Tho sotectmen road the pro- parked along the side of the ^ndicappad, and Luts Junior | ^ n Atkins, 86 Dartmouth Rd.; 186. CHICKEN pooal, hut did not act on It dur­ road. Sr,, J.'*". Muaeum. 69. Americo Buodm, 168Char- Klukas, Lake St, Ver- Size 34-40. Size S, M, L, XL. ing test night’s msoUng. Winnlng Uddam can pay for tar Oak St; 60. Mrs. Charles » p ^ Lvdall Newly appointed Democratic u and redeem their items at Wat Burr, 102 Adelaide Rd.; 61. J. S A L E Reg. 3.99 BSte Auto Porta oa Rt 74 Sriectmon Wedter Rau attended I N S A L E ^^ 0^22 accepts Junk asm whlob am hte fimt Board of Selectmen’s klne Broa. the rest of thte week Hariett, 8 Tuck Rd.; 62. Harry 211 LEGS and brought t o r end left in hte Junk meeting test night, during regular store bourn. Be- FUh. Wmt Hartford; 68. Ander- » • lin rir t glmiliig Tuesday, redemptions son ZeiWer, 18 Griffin Rd.; 64. yard. The cam as* aUbaequent- BoDetto Board ly stoChpllod there until a siff- The Board of Eduoatton wlH r n o ^ - i 190% NYLON ’CBIOOT SSi MEirS SROAOaOTH Hotent number ane available for meet to n ^ at S to Its office 'Xappm* TolUod BREASTS onufatag. at the Hloka Bdxwl to dteouoe Hem am file aucceaaful Md- 66 Eseex S t ; 66. Beth Ramey, M t D r., V oRk»; 148. Henry PADDED ORA DOWN Hsrtfoid dem for teat night: 81 Lewis St DOZER STYIf SHORTS Conoeottcut Moblte Auto Smr alternative plans to hous- Heter Sr., 88 Eseex St CnsSters tlun moves to its tog next year's snUelpated tTi Oresv 1 Group 7 FUmy nyloa overlay ROUIlfliVIRNON CONN t R V l 1. Mm. O. T. IsiBnnna. Gtes- 67. Virginia FuDer, 68 Ade- Sanforized, fall eat. equ^snsat, orusbss the osm, eohool enrollment Increase of 428 PtMJTIOB AS wiUi stretch straps. loads them on a ftetbod tnndc to 609 pupils, tenbury; 2. Mm. Henry Heter. toide Rd.; 68. Grace Belfiom, 88 PROFESSION r 86 Eseex St; 8. Herbert SuUi- Porter S t; 66. Lee Pottertim, Sifie 32-38. ^ Size 30-42. for trsunpofthig to a metal pros- The £Qgh School Building van, 86 Essex S t; A John Part- 171 Avery S t; 70. Both Blair, LIX3CNOW, IndTa (AP) — lb oeoitog plant in Mkmechueotts. COmmitteo wlH moot tomorrow p i a z s d L ridge, m Mountain Rd.; 6. Ca- Lakewood Clrcte; 71. Imwrence ^ ^ S A L E ^ ^ S A L E 3 1 g y TralBo Survey night at 8 at the high school. 21 Tfio State Traffic Commludon The Udted Congregational rol Lomhan. 21 Cambridge S t; Santamore, 69 Autumn S t; 72. XVVX a will oonduot a traffic oount our- Onircb Board of Deacons will Ai A Arthur Ward, 28 Packard St; John Sylvettor, 2W Bbmham hrfor^ttov KZrErnM-I-I-i 7. Robert Pico, 87 CasUe Rd. 8. S t; 78. Pat FarreU, 96 Dart- vey at various locatloos in town, moot tomorrow ikgfat at 8 at m t ■H- A. Roberts, iteidover; 9. Theo- mouth Rd.; 74. Aloe Bolflom. am allowed to e ^ the field, Soteotmen Charles Liioe said, the church. ^ -I- 815 Main SL, Ifonehester ITAIJIAN STYUE-JmiN VOMEUSS dot* Slafty t a i tering St; IQ. 88 Rorter S t; 76. R. W. Morri- “H training could be Imparted Tho study wSI dotormliio the The Men’s Volleyball Leagoe PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK ROTH'S CLOTHIERS EM S BAKERY PRAGUE SHOES A. Roberts,'Andover; 11. Bruce * * . » Dv-: 76. Charles to teojdiers, doctors, englnem W.T. G R A N T C O . Hoorn: 9:30-5:30— Thors., Fri. till 9 need for either trafOo kgbts, ad- win meet tomorrow night bo- Belflare, 88 Porter St; llA. Lathrop, Coventry; 77. IHr- and Joumaltets, why not poUti- dttlonal tn fflo' eigne or double gtonlng at 7 in the high school FIRST NATIONAL STORE SAGE-ALLEN ALBERT & LARRY S SALON CAROUSEL GIFTS oiane?” asks Masani. painted Sites In tbesa opots. gjm. Robart Allen. 106 New BoUon «tal» Fuller 68 Adriaide Rd. TAYLOR CLEANING JANE ALOEN RESTAURANT Rd. Oieup 6 Tha aurrey wifi ba made at —=— VERNON DRUG MAM SELLc APPAREL the Junetton of Rt. 190 otyd Manchester Evenlag Herald N Qrewp 2 7A EDen Gordon, 87 Seaman VEAL CUTLETS W. T. GRANT COMPANY U. A. VMdi, 96 Porter S t; 19. Gteele; 79. Ronald Custer, 280 Goose Lnno at the Rliodea Rd. ToUand oorreapoodent Bette RoHOd Jacobs, 06 Blgfawood Fbrker St; 80. Jhn Hamilton, toteiaeotlon; at Tbitend St. and GoMrale, teL 878-8848. Dr.; lA MadOUne McAwley, 14 n Date Rd.; 81. Judy Mboeek. NowkeeFoyr gre a t Old Post Rd. by the IBolte Me- —------Edgerton S t; 16. Loute Hernia- 17 Gerard S t; 82. Irene Oonov- $ •* Mcnual for Judges quln. 82 Oettige S t; 16. Harry er, BoHon Center Rd., BoMon; 1.19 fiaher plant on R t 80 whan It Is UTTUD ROCK, A m . — A Reinhome, 200 Spring S t; 17. 8A-H. Haatett, 8 Tuck Rd.-, 84. oompteted. member of the Arkaneas Osiherine DdLusao, 149 Oakland Ken Gourley, 848 Summit St.; lb Tnfflo signs wlU be tostaSed Supreme Court has wtttten a S t; lA John Rtvem, 10 C3nirch 86. Msdeilne McAwley, 14 Edg- Cookie m ixes from Nesfld..* S t ^ d Cattioto Rd. end R t 74 manual of Judicial style for new S t; 19 S. Thornton, 148 Lake- erton St.; 86. Ken Gourley, 848 SciW ot iM ct 70e e . at mo Ugh soboU entraaoe. Judges. B r^ ty and clarity am wood Circle; 29. Mrs. Paul HU- Summit S t; 87. Irene Conover, Trip liglito to be aettvetod by Its watchwords, as Is clear tfo m lory, 188 PitUn St; .21. Frank Boltoa Center Rd., Boltoa; $8. the Vtaw Depaitmant will be in- tta atee — it’s a 16-poge Tfl-CITY PUr* VERNON CIRCLE B^nW o, 88 St John St; 22. Mtw. Geotge T.- LaBcmne, Mln- ttaUsd at both tha Leonard’s pamphtet. Davld^price, 88 Deerfield Dr. neefaeug Dr.. GBaaConbuty. try them and save! ------^ Qrewp 8 Oreup 8 Sure, Toll Houtab Cookies (which wo creotod) 2A A1 Jones, 88 StricMsnd S t; 89. Louis Hennequin, 82 Ctet- ANTZEN 24. C. DeLuaso, 149 Oakteud tage S t; 90. Maigsret Giltetto, ore practically evgrybody’s fovorltg. But how S t; 28. Madeline MOAwIey, 14 104 Pitkin S t; 91. Barton, 278 obout some of^Qur Sugar C o o U m for o chongO? D E L M O N i C O Edgerton S t; 29. M ichael Boulder Rd.; 92. Jim Blair, Stephens 422 B. Center S t; 37. Lakewood Cirete; 21. John De- O r try our new Chocoloto Mint anil Lemon Cookie } HAS THE KNACK Herbert SoUivan, 88 WleeeT S t; hicoo, 162 m ilaid St; 9A Mixes. All Nestis, so the/re all good. Bake up o 2A Kbikiii, Veenan; 28. Carol Theme Santamote, 69 Autumn botch (or four) and surprise the fomity. Save 10c STEAKS WITH KNITS with the coupon below. And who knows? You may end up with four fovoriteA f g iu n i $ 1 .69 Over 130 Clocks JL HANDCRAFfEp S«rv« ot ieost 40c A .! 4C—Mandarin jacket with COIMTV back center vent. Double­ To Choose Fnmi knit worsted wool in poppy \ MRS. HOOSeWIPEI HAVE YOU TRIED OUR red or greengold. Sizes 34 to 40.... 35.00 TOP-QUALfTY OtOUND MEATS? AT GROUND GROUND [orkaU CENTURY CHUCK ROUND L S U t ll TELEVISION, ixcJ

4D—Window-pane pattern lb. 65c lb. 75c ^ e m r H "SELLS BEST. double-knit worsted wool In 6 Lb. Lot* In 6 Lb^ Lots BECAUSE ITS V pull on pants. Charcoal/ BUILT BEST!" white, navy/white. YOU M UST PAY AT LEAST 20c L 8. M O R I Sizes 8 to 16....23.00 VBLMIUJON, ELSEWHERE I FASHION DESIGNED NO-COED __ RAAAABA WALL CLOCK FlU YOUR FREEZER - AU MEATS Scutpisrad vm lM iiflihh wbh This alsgaody slyted no-cerd NO USf g e n ^ velvel beckground. won deck boasts such feo> CUT„WRAFFED AND QUIOK FROZEM VERNON arotitar bnutted geld-celer lures osi Solid wood cos# DOWN lound dial wM bio^ ReoMii TO YOUR 8FE0IFI0ATHHIS AT NO TERMS mimenil* eod hondt. Dec- with goM Mood fOlgree de- PAYMBIT eraHva comer tacks and lop sigo 00 e leothereHe bisat. EXTRA OHAROE. emaeiesf. Mounts flush to Oeld Ronon numtrols oad wall. Folly tronslslorliod opea scroll hands. 14)^* HINDOUAinaiS sw ss Aonricon omdls oMvoowni. high . 13* wide. Choice of HtleWlOfb''. Mock, while or woloul fnidi, #4*101 WsdovtlMsb, OtooeVaival $M o e c li #4*109 Woliwi lloish, $ 2 4 9 S K H •sdVolMf w4 S t tt It MOSiSHtd, Ip m 4, Cookie M ix BEE Iw U k M . w 4 Uctnw it ftptktS/ 528-lSM CtUMttf ntU pt. My Hitt Ui. Cats itNiiplitn tU M k l/2Sc. MAtN»IESTER Fm nStMplita a tn ttl It tw 603 Burnside Ave. EastHaiNord u H m M tf aiM It ISt NttUt. tiptty. Ik ., P.O. SOX MO. Nt. V t ^ , N.V. ISHf. OOtr sto4 HlWmVilK & SUPPLY, Id a tMyJaUJA.I.A. UUaiHtMCMrmK Mt CMtM 81 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER | rftisSr. OHMtipifn taps ttfy M NttUf CttSH O liM . Opw Tjwrt. & Fri. ’til 9 p.m. /tell M, INS. Mjr POtf SM tMilHtlM FnM. 1< Open Vnoo., W e d ., ttat. tU I* -«te iw ./ »W . Mil* 877 MAIN SHEET MANCHESTBt «4t«-n li ALL ROADS LEAD TO TRI-CITY PLAZA FOR AUTUMN ^HOPPING VALUES!

Y*' MANCHESTER EVEIHNO HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NQVEHOBHR 18, 1968 F M S TWENTY SeeHoh Two WEDNESDAY, NQVmfBBB 18, 1968 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 OMMantatgr, fownorty Much Buimcii Undone ehwitir, araa M d th is mowday Sooth Windsor •am Om M m T. noraor »i- California C a lls M n l Homo, 210 W. Cantor 8 t , ed pordii For Oak Grove St. a Haaa of laoqalem at St A CM 1a lm » W, Vote Gold ^^ ^^ n n DuHy to R e^ h e a t th e hotfke o i n a id t W i , 16 BrookCMd____ ID ,_____ e * U :nIT aum. thU Dr. Closed M tcjeH * Dowtf tiM Rav. Haiald M. «t !• tM tar a t. «Mi of L m Outstanding Teacher Award moaniaf OMMsd morsme diseam* a* $ pgM» pad start, te the oalOtoa iit Mko. Bu0«na Btoek- Cart ihaAMaamgs.AM tohscs. A Isrge vasloM anlw; a$i Pedtetrloi, S Board Delays. Vote r. maU waa on aidat and aoMat nMimav M For Nixon A South Wlndoor »%>> matlM- smaunt |C smoka poiired Adjourns for Week To ^ki Slope Traffic Pbte.1 eelf aorvloe iwtt, 19 ajn .{ BUVIM W9M in at. d IKIBWC tJElTit (Oaottanad tram Pace One) maUoa taaohar, lUoa Ann O.. OtwiM Bouse, 6 pjn. week- liol Hoe|i*ti. tary, Tlw Rar. Mm 3. Dahmay Becaoas Its msetiiv last night Yhs Lakewood Circle area wOl remain dosed at Her- days, S pan., weekeads aad heU> lln . Wriir WM.lNni Jan. t, rood tlM o o m m l^ aarvloa. Dutty, will receive an Outatand* anticipated, the Board of'Dlpectow adjoarnsd colea Dr. and will not be opened for tm tU c to the On Sewer Extension i m in IfoTiiihMtwr and had «*y. dajwi prteeto roene, 19 a.m.| P aarari araca DanM DeOaxfo, W‘th the exception of nUmta. taf Teacher Award tcnicht at town's new ski slope. That waa the unanimous decision se^-prtvate roonas, $ p.m.; tt««d In n oB of Imt Ufa. flba age MB aon^bUater^paint. ooinpletinf ite lengti^ sgmdA, Includhig the. sp^oint- Action on a proposed sanitary-sewer extension in nmanaa Vonaalano, W altar which he loot In 1960 and won In the loth annual Oeptbol 'X rsa vM tteg te $1A $14, and $$$ Is ofM a luonfbor of flio Wamon'o FMraeA did not know how the ments of % memben to t o ^ Agenciea and conmdssumi. of the ManchestOT Board of Directors last night, mid- Oak Grove St. was tabled last night by the Manches­ ^ . . ■ . - _ Palmar, BWbort SulUran, Btoii<- IMS a>id Texas, which he wen Educator's Dtnnar at Ttintty fire That and other isiflnlahed w^ in its meeting. '------r——----- ' any time tor Immediate family ArndH^ KanehaaterMamo. and Hanry Lain- etglit yeora ago end M t this a real attguillon and, from the ter Board of Directors, pending more detailed cost in­ College. •------bushiees win be tadded and, Ttaa’temounaenMOt, flie t mads only, wHh a flve-mlrale llmlto- rial Boto*W- t«. year, the Nixon victory pattern An nverheeted motor on a fur- hopafdly, ooncluded nest Tuee to v ^ s poM of ■vlaw,.a good to- by Dirsotor Haidd A. Turklng- tioau Aftornoon visMIng hours la formation. ------— ------" Suratoora, - in the Hov. 6 election foUosred Iflee D ufff, who hae taught Striking Vehicle It waa the conMnsus of the *♦*• ♦♦*• town. *Peri»ape a naoe a t 88 Bidrldge at brought day at tui adjonmed ttoU ii. "It veethMOt.” ica end Hwn IsgaUaed by a obstotrlos ai« S to 4 pjn. thea band, tadude four aMiaia, Mra. cioeely ttiat of 1960 when be oap* roathemaflcs for 19 yean, has Oarmlne FOlocdmo^ vloe pfto- A mulH-huad ca r, owned begin agate at 7 p.m. Visitors board that the Town of Man- sriiori wUl h e huHt Hiere egsne bean a ptonear In the a n a of fbeman oat at 6:40 a.m. this wfU ba at 8 p.m. in the Mbnlc- Comal vote of tha board, drew cheater should pay its pro- bav., to Mrs. Beatrice DoChampUln, fanmdeiately. were Uoyd Lumbra and Harry reqcdem at S t Jom ea’ Church Review Set da win be ooiudderatlon of town ^ aS the eastern end of Hercules wbtte and black. at 9. Burial w tt he in S t Jam ea’ inotaea In Frootburc. Md. which the Demoorato won in Mtl.T., Wealeyan, Union and After tospecUng the oar, Ashford; Daniel DeGruttrio, 108 Town Manager Robert Weiss Gray. They and Jarvis are the 1960. ComdL puticipatlan In an expandkw of ^ Dr. rsmaln, to help safeguard EdgettoR S t; Frank Gochae, 17. Oematary. AOanto, Oa., aJid Waahlncton the ^ chhtesa in the nrighbbr- the patrolman lasusd Go- was Instructed to produce "the three prapeify owners who (a. riro iu . _ __ — ______« — ______Adding lOaoouri and nilnoiS' t« e t summer she was a con- towmM a^e MonoheMer In- V Oakland S t ; Theodora Good- true coat figures,” assuming vor the proposal. They, too, Friends may can at the fu- iwceived a duatlrc of white. On Of School oft Colonial Rd. nave to get with It hood. mots a summons, charging nerai home tamoitow from T to WaSops Uand off the Virginia to his base, Nixon ry eat^ to siiltant to the Computer and Mias Aim Duffy him with operating a motor child. Kaamy Or., Briton; that the town would pay Its preoaed for fa ir aeassamwnls andPnrtoerSt. ^ Vomor Town Dlrootor Fran- Jam es Ju tras, 300 Charter Oak , coast one wind gust was clocked Tedmokigy Program at Tiin- ois DeMsFeni, a Lakowhod vehicle with uhsafo Hres and proportionate share. And, Town against tha town^iwned prop­ mountain states and hie Ppcf«.c jty. h u m aterial on "Eilemon- ial Auditorium at 3:80 pun. on Curriculum P aiticiitelian would be under *” ” *7 ^ ” * _ ■ at.;. Jamse Kendall, Brandy St., _____ at 100 miles sn hour end ttie " ‘ ‘ InduMriel Guide- . Welee mqilalned Otnlo propor^ ownof, thenkod ho gave him a written warn­ Counsel John Shea was asked erty. BIrs. Beae M. Jeelhi wind Mew steedily a t 80 m.ph ^ ??”.**?****: ^ Slide Rule Operation" is Saturday, Deo. 38. Tha Board of Eduoatioa hoa fP* towna to^ToonSto^ ing for having a dofeotivo Bolton; M r*. JudlUi K ratt. 109 tor a legal opinion concerning Aotlon on the aaidtaiy sswer lost Washington,, _o.,^which V- he had oonsklerafon as a text- Transportation wlH be pro­ oet up a program of ourrlculum Iteoa. with a 60410 cost opUt for ^ Hw board for Its aotkxi and for EUaaboth Dr.; Mrs. Alloc deferred aeseasihenta against Mrs. Roee M. Joelin, 84, form- for houn. meetlagii tolM beld at the of- road and utility improvementa. y*«r'a (19l9d0), town Ite spood te aoHioiWng oon- muffler. proposal may be taken ef the carried In I960.' hoDk by a national publishing vided by members of the South budget Apparently unlmpreesed Lnary, Old ' Lyme; Cheryl the other nine property owners, direoton’ Deoemher meeting. eriy of eo Bigelow S t , died I t o At sea the winds whipped up In the Blast, Nixon traded a stm oaon of Hw ekl albpo. morning at R ockrlle General SS foot waives causing several house. Windsor YWOA, and the TWOA flee of the siqierlntendent of Tlier town’s esUmeted share, with Gomets’s pop-auto, Legora, East Hartford; Mrs. six of whom are on record victory in New Jersey for a looe sebocto on P ark St. about 160.000, would be re- An^»g other agmda tteriw to "1 tao^ you now find a way small ywsHa In distress. She Is chairman of the ma'^he- would appreciate more volun­ he (Secusesd next Tuieday are: tho patrolmsn also issued a FTaixw* Lord, Ooventry; Mts. against the extension, and three Hospital. in Maine, reveraing the 1900 The flrat of the series wiB be oorqied in one of two ways, (1) to Iwndle the ttettc," ho said. Jane McDonald, 676 Oraham Mia. Joelin waa bom May 3, A floUng boat off Morehead matica department at South teers to Join the T as drivera 1. Tha appoitement of a five- Osoor Kurts; a Kooney BL few- summons for failuro to no­ of whom favor It. TM and County Windsor High Sohooi, advisor to td cbapeibnes. Anyone wisb- held Npy. 25 when the Mienoe m seven years or leas etther tify authoriUes of a chango Rd., Wapping. A puUic hearing last night on 1884 in New York and had Sv- CMy, N.C. was swamped leaving His banner state woe Nebras­ curriculum for kindergarten from increased tax revenue In member Hiatoiloal SMm Study tdent, did not approve of the ed in the ICancbeater-RockviHe one man drowned, another the Computer Club, a member Iqg transportation wlU moat in Oommtttee. In appearonoo. Also, Marc Mathlau, 496 Tol­ the {uxipoeed extension was at Albert Gray Gels ka, where he received 00 per throuiih Grade 1 will be review- the induotrial development over boatd’s aotton. Ah ttefflo to the land Tpke.; Mrs. Irma ICBor, the request of Alexander Jar- 'f - area moat of her Ufa. She waa mhsing. Two ottiers swai. of the school aettviUea commit- 'te parking lot of the Wapplng 2. The allooatlon of 18,800 for ski slope now wn outer from Court date Is Nov. 38. cent of the vote. Idaho and ed by Mlee Lucille Kidady and -the seven-yev period, or , (2) 97 R ld ^ St;. John OteaewsU, vte, who plans to construct 22 4-11 A c y n t A w arC l employad at Cheney Brotheia tee, secretary of the Easlt Wind- Congregational Church at 1:80 refunds in oonneotlon wim 1169 Keeney S t Utah, whkh re-elected a Demo­ -or Devetopme^ Oommlastor, pjn. Themoa KMly. At this same from a bond, poated ^ Grewi WUlimonUc; CUtford Pleroo, BI- dwelling* on the former Cal- “ for many years before she re- a barge wUh more than a m'l- cratic governor, gave him 67 aeseoamento for West Slda oew* Kuite warned, "I can see the "about 30 (fanes a year." president of the South yTlndsor Anyone , offering transporta- meeting the new pcogram of Manor. era and a pump etaiUott. Ungton; Lyimo Pop, Q uury Rd., houn Farm. Albert Gray of Columbia tlred. Aon gaUana of oil wee driven per cent. rtudiea proposed for the Mgh piopoeal was dlsouased time te the future when aU rss- He said that, on those 30 days, Vemon; Percy Raymond, 38A Survtvora inohide two sons, aground by the atorm a t Reho- E d u catlo n AssoMaitloaaad tlon or iteairing tickets ahculd 8. 'ihe poealhlllty of Irtertoa^ Weiae and PubUc Works Di- Lake, Tolland County 4-H Chib school wtS be reviewed by i«1n- ^ Q,e directors last month and idential davetopmenta will be only 90 cars per day, 60 from Geuden Dr.; Edwin Riley, Daley rector WUham O'NeUl had pro- agent, wlU receive the Dtetlng- Bugene JoMin of Rockvilla and ixyUi Beach, Del., and tbreat- chairman of the South Windsor call Mrs. W./ P. Braender Jr., ed use of town sohocis tor leo- surrofonded by bartwd w ire." Lakewood Circle, wMild be ex­ SchMarehlp Oigenisatlan. EUubeth St cMd Martin Fagan and FVanolr reactibnal purpoess. Rd., Ooventry; Andrea Seadw, posed an aaseaament formula ulahed 9ervjce Award of the Na. Albert Doucette of SotShiiigtisi; etwd to break iq> and poHute the Shorten, guidance director. it wOI be on next Tuesday’s He said, "All town streets pactod at the aU olope. 114 Richmond D r.; Mrs. Laura which would excuse the town tlonal AssociMtlcn of Extandon two daughters, Mra. Dora Boyle beaches sad water. The U.S. Steshen R. Davenpost Jr., an LHQe Theater Week 4. The amending of the Man­ ahould be toeoted equally by all "That nroounta to one oar Stanley, Glarioobury. from paying for frontage which 4.H agents at a prasentatton to of Coventry and Mrs. BMe C. Chest Guard said later leaking EkigUeh teaMier a t lOngswood Mayor Howard E. Fitts has '”** agmda for action at the to- chester Country w—, Chib ...... laem, «. to U.S. Guns town reaklente, and all ahould every six mtaiutes, not nirii a would hri benefit from the sew- be made tonight at Michigan Lioney of St. Petersburg, Fla.; oil was conSned to a 600-yard Sohooi In West Hartford, wlU proclaimed this week "South ejueete of Town Director WflHam permit the lengthening, of tba be used tor whatever purpose horrlUe tradfle haaard and not BIRTH YESTERDAY: A son two aietera, lb s . BesMa area and would HhMy remain also be receiving the Outstand­ Windsor Little Theater Week" Ftta^rald, TV^ Manager Rob- 14th hols in ejoebonge for a fa­ streets nre noeded." such a way-out oonoapt,” he to Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Stef- er ixtenslon. gtate university. r r ert WWos ’and Graan Manor, foncl, Stom ; a son to Mr. end Atfy. John LaBelle, rapro- Qray graduated from the Uni- Beauagard and MTa. Eva Fkl- so. Hit DMZ ing Teacher Award at the an­ in recognition of the acttvlUes p erln ten d ^ , wIB lead Ote dis- ^ night *^*^'^ *^ *• I PubUo Works. Director aald. gon,/both of Keene, N.H.; five Off Ooraooke, NX3., a trawl- nual dhiner: M The S ^ Wlndaor O ou n ^ ^ ^ Mrs. Bmeet JeUlnek, Ooventry. senHng Jarvto, and Atfy. Vln- versUy of Connecticut and te a (ConUnned from Page One) favorable litem O’NelH aald that a plan gr aiwchOdren, and six great- er’s cargo of fh ti shifted oaus- About 300 school siqiettntcn- Playera. The mayor urges the ______immediate aotlon, B. The aUooation of M.600 for of entry (ram Koonay 8 t will e h s c h a r g e d y e s t e r . oenf Diana, representing Mr. member of the UConn council grandchOdren. itg her ^ Bet ■««» take on wa- lery flree were directed into the dents, principals, beadmaMcre cltli«» of South Wlndmr-topa.^ ^ the Md Pine 6 L fM - bo provided. Omega to Be Exact DAY: Mrs. E ster Moitoonl, $74 and Mrs. Albert Dkxi, requeeted and Epsilon Sigma Phi. an hon- Fimerai services wfll be held ter. Coast^ Guard sM Marine enemy posiUonts —i.i~ _ with .M-irMMvnuidmown Ansand onitsannAguidanoe jviAAnfMwdiieobota am are* av ax-- ttcipats Slid siQiport ths thingthing foT for MonMisMcr, MonObseter, wdth wUh the bouse. , Then______he ex{)telned_____ why______he hadFARNBOROUGH. Bngtend, ______Vemon St.; Edward McVelgIt an aaseaament formula wherein oarary tratemlty of extenrion reaults,” H said. pected in Mather HaU tor the of the local theater groiw. 10. thesocul Studle. than tha out, 0. The autborisatton tor ad- • proposed entry from the Lake- A navlgattonal system mpeble „ penway Rd.; Carl Brilcham- the town "would pay ite fair worttera. Friday at a time to be announc- heUcopteie airhftod 18 men to dlUoml legal aarietancs to oOn- ad at the Hobnes Funeral safety but ttte mkator and three Later a- U.S. Command 7:46 dinner. A reception will Highlighting the week wiB be [wood Otrcle area, "Juat to show of giving a poritlpn anywhw in gSummit------— S t ; pVankUn share.” He has been In 4-H Club work spokeeman aald a rqioit had preoade the dinner at 7:16 p.m. the leth productioB for the Play­ ^ that 0«m Manor ha. junetton with righte-of-way mo- iHiat the siwgesaon was not the world to an accura^ ri one Barlow, Btafford Springs; Mrs. Martin Pina, representing for 19 years and Is a former Home, 400 V ftin at. Burial will crewman electod to stey qulaitioiiB tor . tbe Nui'tltaasf be in East Cemetery. aboard. been received that the enemy In Hamlin Hall, er’s "Enter Laughing’’ by Cart T T l ^ n Andemon, Walter isu rii a horrandout one." mUe te expected to Jte in ^ r a - gg^oi^ jja s t Hartford; Mmorif and several of tha president of the New England firing posittnns may have been Main Speaker for the evening Reiner to be presented tomor- toff and Mr*. Katherine, IBHe. to De<»mUr tesd Sewer Imterceptor. • He explained that hte pro- don in six year*. The sy *^ , T<>H®g> 8ton»: Timothy otiier property owners, aaU, 4-H Agents’ Assoctatton. Pree- Friends nmy call at the tuner- 18/hen sees moderated later 7. Tjhe oonrideiation of riiotg- al home tomorrow from 2 to 4 the men were able to bring the i|*^*“f** win be Trinity OoUega president row through Saturday at the nv-An and SborteB will enloitt ** know the board’s deoi- iposel was to open Horoules Dr. ealled Omega, reUes <« ultra- Hoff, 106 MriCee S t.; Donna "Thero is no precedent for ex- entiy, he is presldmt of the Con- asid 7 to 9 p-m. ' ship oMely to port. oWent is being further inveril- ThaodorO D. Lockwood. South Windsor High School. The ,i^^epart oertM and marking *>«*«»• then. Jng a fee for uee of the townh 'a t the seat only on riding days, kmg-wave radio signals. Rowlett, 08 Ashworth S t; Mrs. custng the town from paying Ifa nectlcut Association of Bhdten- _____ The cruise ship Oceanic en- gated,” be said. YWCA Trip {day Is directed by Fred Ragan new sU elope. (HeraM »m f Pinto) fair assessm ent.’’ slon 4-H Agents. syrtom at the high sebooL . g The acceptance of ttie wid­ CecUo TTtompeon, Clark R d .,. i s m AbamIa Ariimn oaimtod toiMh Mosi 01x1 Mgh Soith ‘Vtotnameee headquar-. The South Windsor YWCA will si of tl^iidSor. FMlowlng the The social etudiee curriculum tmx to M aadw ety. with He said that the existence of Gray is president of the local ened portion of HUlard St., RockvlUe; John ' Wrich, 87 Lori Cardile, 7,'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ftank Cardile of 79 Wells St., raises opening night peitonnance, for aU grades wiU be wndewed a iwed tor toduatrial p in to of Sjaruce S t.; Donald OuoUrite, her hand at the buzz given her ear by Ken St. Louis, hearing specialist. . Oak Grove Preserve cannot ex- Historical Society. on March 34 by James Nor- ®»®®® to 10,000 aquete tost fkem IM to 8 t. to the New Hav­ Ortppo, M r*. Daniel P . Cavanaugh, hon­ en Railroad tracks. 40 Olcott 'B t: Edward Sawyer, orary patron riialnnan, wlD be wood. Mre. G race o ratty mid parilolprikm.’’ 9. The aSocallon of $3,000 tor East Hartford; Martin Ruff, ter, died MoodOiy at Mt Sinai Bahamas-bound vessel back. AB I'-*® P-®^-. c^ e from Sutte* at the BudmeU Memoir host at a social par^. Janet Morrfll. Olaatonbury; lira. Maureen be eald. "The prrqMoed 60,000 ventllattog the besament oCtioee N O T IC i O F .Part of Natioiial Survey HnwOiAi Hartford. She M s the 1,040 paseengera were safe. soiBh of the DMZ. A govw®- wSl report on the Undergaiten of the MUnlelpal Building. Vosco and son, 117 Prospect S t ; wife cf Angelo arippo. Tktee mmiing 7% feet shove entraruse age study. \ square toot buildiiig ahould be Mrs, Linda Scott and son, 188 Survivoi* also include 3 sons, normal broke through a retain- gunners a triW M 80 mw- The language arie prograan LEAF PICKUP Cooper HUl S t; Mrs. Harriet Speech^ Hearing Tests 4 other danghtere, 2 brother*, hg wall In Monmoolh County, *«• rounds into the base toom Bolton and an evahiation of the nonr Oetbwaka and son, 462 Wood-' 30 grandddldren; and 6 great- N J., farring 800 peewons to graded ayetem, a pHot program Building Committee Mulls bridge St.; Mrs. Jean MUler and giutetoUkken. evacuate their homea. Most re- *» **1? daughter I 17® Terrace Dr., tbe other about 8,(KW yards to •taried to iwo ecbools «Ms year, To Be Given 348 Pupils The funeral will be brid to- turned by night School Board Rules Pupils wm be the sUbJeot of the ApiB DUB TO WEATHER CONDITIONS, LEAF RockvlUe; Mra. Bonita Cratty a t 8:16 eum. from the ------the south. Effect of School Defeat and dau^ter, WeUwood Circle. The speech and hearing of 884 Oling Junior High School and Before PieaideBt Johnson 38 meeting. D’Esopo Fhnetal Cfaapd, 286 The language aria wlH be np- ROUTES SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 12 RockvUle. Manchester students from all Hien the high schori. V halted the bombing of North Must Ride Assigned Buses In the woke of the defeat NOv. Knehl also proposed the The purposes of the survey Wtfheivfleld Ave., ^aitforil, BofiAon Negro poried by Bletoe Girard, Mrs. 12 grade levris will be tested in with a aoiemn Ugh Mesa of re­ 'Vietnam on Nov. 1, he warned 6 of the $1,086,000 bond issue Building Committee be given AND 13 WILL BE ADVERTISED AND PICK­ DOG-OONE EASY being conduoted by otx mobile that productive ipeace talks After considerable diacuaaloa others, for Individuals, but not Constaiioe Kelly, Norman Young for the proposed Center firings more autbortty in tbe. select- j the nexf few weeks,by a team quiem at S t JusUn’a Church, and Mrs. Caroline Fonrter. Jo­ NEW DELHI (AP) —A new unlfs across the country is to Hartford, at 9. Burial will be Leadier Killed could not be conduoted "to an at Its meeting last tdglit the tor groups. X’arh Sd^^on, Nov., 6 ,, P*”..* * ED UP AT A LATER DATE. ROUTE SCHED- of ^peciahets as part of a na­ find out Just whaf epeech and seph BsUle and Andrew Maneg- more explicit directions in edolt \ profewdrii is . making its bow in in M t S t Benedict CemBtery, Ftem Page Oae) rimoephere where Board of Education vOted to _ ..*^°?***r** ” fT ___ _ BiiUdtog ‘ OMnmittee |,at lesi tional speech and hearing sur­ hearing probleme American being shelled and the demUitar- ^ ^ „ In other business, the board gia, prtocipola of the two night’s meeting devoted much a selection. While expreestog ULED.FOR NOVEMBER 14 AND 15 WILL BE India—dog-walking- - Btoomlleld. lied aone is being abused." riiange the school bus policy so oj)aned bids on audio-visual non- An old retired Janitor has be* vey. chtidnn have and bote boot to I Frienda may call at the fu­ young Negro men v/bo' armed adiociO/ tavolved to Hie of its ifaree-lunir dlaciieslon to disapproval wiifa some features . Mns day* after tha bqpibipg that studente cannot ride buses equipment, a mimeograph ma- wHl report on PICKBb UP ON sdNBDtJLil/ * gtin doing it here to earn extra The testing hegan yesterday handle them. Tfie Uri. Office of neral home tonight from 7 to 9. with walUs-talldes anil arm- graded program, cooijqcturtog about the^ reasoo#. at Hie Nathan Hale Elementary Education funding the survey haK, o n Sunday , North 'v.et- other than those to which they chine, and a lens bid on athat- muri- •cnootf ftt tiiE Munft iiino tii€ ” revenue. “I wonder why I didn't bonds, petrolled tbe area acting foe the voters’ negative re- think of It before," ke says. School. Nexf It wiU go to tee WlU use tbe date to Judge (heir as a ‘hutfer" between prilce MAitiAAA gmier* in the DMZ are assigned except to an cal instrument The flnsl meeting to be held ggtlon. oommittea oontceded it had abelled U.S. Marine positions emergency. probably been gidlty of yielding funding of training speech and COVENTRY —Peter flbertia, and the community. The superintendent waa anth- May 98 wHV be a complete re- Donald K. IQietfl said that In h eai^ specialista. The pcUrola were active in at­ Just south of the buffer aooe. The change in poUcy orised to accept Hie bid from port from the Health and Fom- ^ coinplaint* have been ^ ibcommcndaiiaai rath 70, of Wtadsor Looks, toiber of ------. _ . .. ------' - -- - er than be ocnaidered "ob- Colorado State Uirtveistty’s M r*. Brian Ftourilo of Coven­ tempting to keep tbe area calm killed tour Leatfaeraecke and made because one bus i* at the H. B. EdUMticnal Systems Hy Life Study Committee.made that the Banding Oommit- foUowing the assassination in wounded 41. copecBy now. and other* are jg Haven booed on the fact ------tee’s communications wlHi the .itrucUonists.’’ Department of Hearing and try, died Monday at Haittord ^>eeoh Science is running the Hoepkal. April of Dr. Martin Luther King U.S. Defense Secretary Clark approaching it A request to that the company bid ths Board of Directors havs been Two (MRunlttee members op­ Police called the Animal Res­ Cliftoril raid Tuesday the shell- ride a dUfesient bus has had to gg specifled and has given good Nixon PRrinp ineffective, in pa|t babause aQ posed portions of Kuriille pro­ survey wi^ch wlU teat close to flnrvtvoia, tocinde a son, an­ posal. Eugene Montany ^Id be 10,000 students by nexf June. other daughter, four grapdehil- cue League to take 8 t. Lsunent's togs Simday were ocnaidered “a be on a space-availaUe baris, or service In the past, and that the minutee of the Bulldtog Oommitv m atter o f serloumess’’ by the tamiranoe would not be in ef- schools ara already iiAtng Aimi. frit the group was not la a drsn and two gxesogmddiS- dog, “RuaB,” away from the ______, ___ „ ___ Personal Staff tee’s, meetings not being sent to The mobile lah untt coat $45,- scene. As the snimsi was led U.S. government but that so far feet This tovotves favesUgatlon i^r equipment The bid was for (Oeottmied From Page One) posltioc to assume muoh of,the 000 aixl te 27 feet long. If waa dten. from tbe building, the victim’s they dM not constitute a pat- on the part of the aefaori prin- fi.m bm mny be reduced to tha dlrectoca. reepenstoiUty implied Jn ths Funeral serrioos wfli be held designed by the univeraify and son, David St Laurent IdenU- tern. ^ effeoUvettes. in tbe new ed. Tho hearing tost wlU thwi perhaps «he troop would like to ^ _ Mad maximum of 4 special as- sdiool program.’ ’ be given to each child In the F im e n b fneiHtifs for their siqiertatendent was auth- at $S10J)00 a year. In William D. O NelB, did not WiU Drop Boycott of Talks achool FollowlnR a dieousrion of the hearing test chamber. meetings. orixed u to tovesHgate ___ tbe -pur- . ah- , —k. , ______*o___ ^ha" ^ some BosjrA of Directors Building Committee’s rris in de- from Page One) The problem at Hie high ** * P<***“ ® <*g“ J * tUles while^ ^ so dMng. unUl shortly before the Nov. 0 Children will come to the unit signtog the Center Springs Park Just outside the school in groups The military funeral of they believe K wUl not come to school, where notes are not re- „ elementary school. Invtts/- 'nieae/aouneea said that, to the * vote. sohooi, TnansM A. Ckandall, Chariea F. Ttebbe Br. of Port­ CUffOrd’s words, delivered surii a pass end (hat South Viet­ (Quoting from the Bulldtog of tour, but wUl be tested alone. wMh considerable emotion, arere quired to ride a different bus, compa- njxon admtaiktratlon, assdrtant* _t a chairman, with Hm permlaBlon land, totmeriy of Manriieater, nam will give up ite objections. has been bus-hopptog, which ^ No one Md to tbe President wiB have t h V - ’■ ^ The average time away from calcitfated to impreee on the of the oomraiHiteer' said at Hie class wiP be about 20 r o u te s . was brid this morning from the Clifford charged, to effect, puU a burden drivers, ® highest rank, and that they wlU » -----meeting,- KueM “*“*said ‘’''* this Dec. $ meeting of the oomtoR- ryuigtiHT, Funeral Home, 491 Saigon government that tbe that South Vietnam ran out at About 60 chUdren will be seen icemtog ac- *^**1!?* . froseiL" number far fewer than 14. group approved the sum of $1,. teb he would Invite the flnt of Ogh a t , Middtetown, wtOi a Itoi'ted Stetee does not totend to each day. let its Objectione stend in the ^ ® When Wn'takes'^ce on "everri ^rchlt^'to Mass of requiem at tbe Cfaurdi ** ***^ *” • (The drivers were new Hils ™®®thig Nw. 26 to make jgg. jo, they said, special as- '* ^ ’®** '**“ presentaHone. A field coordinator of the of flt Mary, Portland. way. previoudy agreed. a dedston on a mimeograph ms- aistanU wlU rank below ossls. ‘**® **"** *"*•• *>»“■•• tWun came to Manchester last The Rev. John J. Sullivan was Tbe effect of any UJS.-N01H1 In other action last idght Hie The defense secretary riiowed the board voted to stos all ^ **“ ■chool. tant# and, on a sHll lower leve’, foUowed iqi these 60m o-mm'ittee dlsoussed mek to help School officials - . mavp j. tinmaai ----eenwi ilei .... A . . . make the selection of schools and students. Then the mobile unit with the three testers ar­ rived. The full results o t the whole Burial was to SL Jam es’ Oem- gUng over apoUtloal sotUemeni, DOLE, Franco (AP) — A survey will be put together by the U.S. hand. ® »*^ *^ *«*»“ clto tor various make.. maiming and also request a the end of next year. etery. Father CoMon read the inctudtog the status of the \^et court sentenced the engineer of tong-range plan tor achool Con- ^ lenoliig oommitlal service. Member* of cong in any government of re- aiZirSSrtaT:^ ^ •«« was Wii- ^ a French express train to five Action to Manchester. The an excavaHoo tbeLoe HAtiSqiiArtAm— r—1—. — - v~.,Co., let-A. —Bn., , ------conciliation,------would--- be ------shunted "Keep ivEw uiin luuAimind uuAthis puuu..pototi ■A’A.Our ^------«W he thoughtA~ , A 1. _• moTiths lo pilson.today. R found latter. It was felt, riiould bd 109tfa Infantry of the Connect- totb the background tor the time atlort ... is to try to find the *he achool board could cut off P*“ * **" . hand over a j^gj jjuiuy of being drunk when lone at leabt every five year*. Ceramics Topic icut National Guard in Ifatudite- being, pending" eny Saigon ^ brlnglr* this war to those buses that had reached l^biem on a tww^wi^ re- smashed into a tunnel Several members Were of the Oommlttoe felt » ter aoewrded ndUtary honors a* change of heart. an end, so that we are amdous hijt could continue “ * ’*” * * *® ^ *®'*^ wall, kiUtog two persons and in- that many voters who the expend!- Of Art Meeting graveside under Hw oommand Clifford eaid there are ‘ e to get on with the talks.” provide limited service on the Juring more than 80 hurt Jon . 34. voted against the Center '*'*• not within its Juriodto- of CWO Rlriiaid Persbfcen. Leon great many subjects" that can The educattonal speclflcatlons -ni* engineer wa# Georges Springs Park sohooi issue may Hon 'beoauss:...... one,— the .land is Peter Sturrock, art teacher at FREE Salad Set FREE Salad Set FREE Salad Sat Bradley, the Mon- be covered between tbs Untied tor tr» conwerrton of tbe pres- Henry, 46, who was operatliqf have done so because they felt Water Dept, property; and the Capt. Nathan Hale ScKbol in With Every Ring With Ev#^ With Every Watch cheater Post of the American States and the North Vlet- ent elementary school into a the Paris-Biigue express when a larger achool is not needed ♦wo. It would set a precedent Coventry, will be guest demon* Over $24.95 Diaihond Rinq (Dver $24.95 Leglon, presented the flag to namese of a military nature r-irt*' -ch-o’ w'M be gone over, it detailed-at Mesnay-Arbols. fo r encloelng bodies of water Safe Recovered. Youth Held "•t tWi time '" —T-i.Ah the strator at a meeting of the Man­ Mrs. Trebbe. We could work out stops that for the benefit of new board Th* court was told that the train aiancbester school population iioar other eobools, such as Bearers were Edwin C. Mg- could lead to a dtaninuitlon in members, Nov. 26. traveling at 84 m iles an has remano* s -nbli:, LiWofi Pond «( lio,/jidso:i chester Fine Art Association gins, Jam es M. IBggtoa, Rich' the level of the ownbat, which After Theft from Market TTiar boud ocoepted with hour at the time and Its au’hor- they polnt«| over the post School, and the pond near the Friday at 8 p.m. at Whiten Me­ aid C. Higgins, J . L to Higglm, we oU desire very much," Olf- morial Library. He wUl show the Brian McOartan, 21, of 299 or a plank was used to lower regret the ree'gnatlon of Mrs. laed spaed was 02 mllss on hour, teveral yeakw. Highland Pask Sohori. Jobn F. Shea Jr. and WUUam E foid said. Douglas Tlieutier, bom ri desk. making of ceramloa. " I would tike to see our oas- Mato St. Is being t)rid to Heu the safe into the trunk of a car The guest demonstrator re­ O . M Kelley. _____ of $1,600 bond and will oiqiear from the rear of the store. Lt. Sbioe her husband, the Rev. kbr. ualttes go down. I believe we Theuner, has taken a church ceived hla BA degree In 1960 Oerald F. StgUvaa can work oirt anargements In to Manchester Otoeuit Court 12 Joseph Sartor, head of the MAn- from Trinity CfoUegS, Hartford. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK ♦hAt regard. e® Monday to answer charges Chester DetecUve Bureau, feels In WlH'mar.tte, the family will The funeral of Oerald F. be movliig. Her resignation Is He haa done graduate work at Uvan of 2016 Monebaster "I believe that we can ait brought against him ^ con- that It would have been tmpos- effecHve Nov, $0. Tyler School of Art, and Is work­ dpwn with Hanoi and begin to nectlon adth the theft of a safe rible tor MoCartan to handle The boat'd passed a raaohiHon ing toward, his master's degree work out progiasns that would from the Hancheeter Public this task alone, and suspects at the University of Hartford, 10% m Uiat at least two others helped ^ m e n d Hm stmeer and caU for U withdrawal botti of Mai0wt Monday night. * SaAMAAts ^ — -a- —imB ■*- - J'aaaa majoring in art. Before going to Peroonal Notice* North Vietaameae forces and of kCeOarian is charged wlHi him. track coaches and teams for U their success durtog the post the Capt. Nathan Hale School, Savings on American forces." breaking and entering Statem eite given to pollee SALE and SOCIAL he taught art tor three years 'tVsHHa.x' i * Other oMcials contended that cijmlnal intent, larceny '• i f f - In BbflSiMriam from witnesses on Mato St, gave at Ooventry High Sohooi. In loving memory at BoojWA- such arrangemente could be de- $K0, and treepossing. Education Display 5/«. jUsAri 5w Q tn tralioM A il MiteoanTertw tammt away Novem­ ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH '■ ‘1 ' ■ vrioped between the Untted Held over Monday night on a ! An expoettion on education, ber U. 1« 0, , ^ States and Notih Vietnam with­ with dirplaye to every subject, COOPER AND mCHB B flR E B lR E Iftitoon and tseoheiw to ask quesUora of, Thais BuddhiiU Diamonds i f i And fUnriy. out requiring the aoMiit of the Saigon government or the NLF, where hie bond wee lowered and ^ ^M *^of*^*l^ wdl be held tonight at the high Friday, November ISfh of 6:00 PM. ' laMriint SO,000 etrateten to (uU-teabloned riy ^ h ^ BANGKOK—Buddhism of the In MMDorlflm poHtloel arm of the Viet Cong. Ms case continued tor plea. **** Lookout school fritoi 7 to 10. The dlq^lay btflid-knUa, turtleneoks, Shaker-knits, KOOSBVELf MILLS of ROCKViLLE Now Till > 11 SpotMond by THE LANES AH). LWML iniW gMia, puUovat*; riisUs. Bwenfera for men,, Theiuvada school is the religion * '' B In lovins memory of our tepteer. Tile effect of speh a U.S.- The safe was reported miss- Mountain. ocyen Mndeigarten Uuxxigh of more than 9fl|' per c6nt ef W S. O. M. B. Daniel T/Moddfo who »•» ______The car was stopped and Mo- O iaae 12. n rm M'icHon ol mllfimu orHcftw, fancy worii, bohod 9 0odt. boys, glrte, infanta and Amarioan-made by New SATisFAaiON Or Money iACic notina, Noymnner 0$. 4940, while ijuSwiMiii en ftsm en in our own CkMneotiqut mill . . . a t Braneh Btoieei Thailand’s people. But the Thai Christm as i re rtt stnrnS Oboanl Ufli Uunenu. these offtolats aaM, would he to Monday night. Shortly thereof- Cortan was identlflsd os the Meanwhile, at Hm elementary paicol post, klddios' V ob bof, docoroHons and wlilfo nlnplMiit. government guarantees rellg- leave the South Vietnamsiw and ter, McOwtan was taken Into driver. Sartor said tbe snow school, Hw book fair Is open low direct mUI i^ o o s impoestble to moitch for conrparable Old Saybrook, Boeten Peat Bd., R t 1 Tte dmtta of sorrow wpoanaot tM. quaH^. OoRU in and browse. Every awcetor. guaienfeed touB freedom, and a grrat MANCH^TER PARKADC O f jt e t a «C one we teMt m the Viet Oong to Oght It o«^ be- custody and the safe was found made It easy to follow Ure for Ixtmrring end buying during number of other,.religions are " I f ' . £ t t nMte heMmoe a pMceful tween them. unopsj^ vritere it had been tracks up Lookout Mountain to (he same hours. Cake and Coffee Will Be Served to your swUefacUon. Every eweatar rof utnabte and cash Avon. Conn., ilC W. Meta S t, B t 44 m repreeented Uiroujdiout the 'l9 Bm ^eSSiory are teoU always keep. However, these offlctale made cono^^ on Lookout Mountain, where the safe was found cover- Refrerhmenta will, be served Open Monday thru S a t tU OiSO—Wed., Thurs., Fri. tiU 0 PJH. country. , Mstoia sad BnXbw* It plain that, in the last snslyeta, According to police, a board ed over, - . at the high achool. MANCHESTER, CONN., W EDNESDAY. NOVBSMBER^IB, 1988 TWENTY-THBEB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, PAQB TWENTY-TWO I ■

A n T^T »• Ibr th* oooBty to atoWInn ,lt« w«a rorwd Into a patrol car aid groups can dovslep a U.S. High G>urt Strikes 4/ lO lllI lB faijarally appeorod intmrotloa lator ehargad with raalathir u> Vemon tmags” of fhsmstlvao, A rrested for ^rSo”^.!Kr2Si: ^----- Arkansas ^Monkey Law^ P o lice attve image ta w l^ out. taa Find No Drug Use r*,S^,S.5raiS: ______ha ra- Lm LB ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Forrest ToansB, •xaotttlvd seo> Bfoclmig Traffic M„.Glu».ai antire aohool can bvnettt The woman who chsHanged Ar- retary of the Arkansas Educa­ Hifa in An active program for Oia t ^ w«KQO«OTR. H.e (AP) Shooted Down « « g w . kaneas' "monkey law” says tion Aasootetkxi soM w long m At RHS-Programs Planned ^ aohool “wll have to evbive — Napo te«t-«cara who haTO ^.p^tea grade one through U. NKW DEUa, fndia of Tolland aUidwda wta An effort to provoke maaa ar- been foe black echoola,- Top- A»«* » ^fo^Omr^mhen, EASY PAYMENTS d( oootal adjuataient, ta tlM rea- anA nauiloal progiema, aB being attend BockvlUe High told of been asked to discuss topics“>P‘« «> on Tuesday resulted In the ping said. *•* P*o-Pek!ng Oommunets, Education,I Mahqaiy said be plaoad randomly in vatkiaB tra­ ta Arkansas pubUo schools waa . quln that teaching and teaming aon hliy I rboidd Uka to go Into worked on nenr. use at the narootica in the Home and Fam ­ AVAILABLE finds the statt of the eehool ”ax- roota "lies iieome axtrwaely veling groops. Ths statt wfil an establishment of religion by must he tailored to the prtad- imddents of drug use st the *” booking of 47 teen-egor. oh About 800 of the county. 880 IMS.” Ftaally, Mahoney aald, "Wa ily Living course, and Joseph tmmtiy profsadmisl end very popular. Its usage Is InoresjSng foe state and unoonsUtuUonal. plee or prohlbttlans of any rell- high school during a panel dU- charges of obstructing traffic. school age Negro chUdrea Start- tbm sot up a|x ota-srsek units ta He oMsd Ihe example of aov- hava elected student leprMsnta- Giorgio, audlo-vlsukl director, thoutlng slogans for more than eaopeiyU fjt,” g a l added that d s lly .” Mrs. Busan Bpptrson, a na­ gloua sect or dogme.” cuaalan at a Tolland ^ urch. Later, other demonstrators ^ ^ boycott of classes in Sep- aaoh aesa. fhpr waoks era! otudante whq have been ttvea, and I wtU be meeting with has been asked to order film s an hour. thay hjive helped him “tremend* Reporting on the curriculum. tive of aarksville, Ark., fSed Fortes said Mra. Epperson The inveatigaiion st the regrouped at the county «ourt- tember to protest the deaegre- o f IM8 Ifana Iht fhBdiun ta moved Into Mthar aMttty grmqw them on a regular baala kbont on drugs. These film s w ill be They said they would not aL .MHHMi ilUil in MIn CNm IHI^ o u ^ ’ ifi getttag tba eehool year Mahoney sadH that In the fifth suit against foe law when she faced “a literal dltemma” whan school was condu(4ed by Sgt. houae at dusk to ehout, “We’ll gatioa plan. The conntya total hsteroganaous grouptag will all ttla year for varMus teaaone. , any problema concamlng our Herman K riU of the police de­ previewed ^ school officiala tow Mr*. Oandhi to apeak unless under way. The school, houses grade, the chUdren have been was a biology teacher ta Little die was confronted by a mw be batdt tomorrow!” sdMol-age populatioo is about IM gtvan ttia aaoM tefojaqt tnat- etdtool.” partment, and he reported and those acceptable will be aiie amwunosd tbs wUtadrawal Ghades 8 through 8. i giMp^ In reading and matiK Theaa atudante have amaaed Rock Central High School In biotegy textbook, contatalng a 1,400. itor. foekr (aacbaie by doing very Total enroUment at tha aohool / there was no evidence of stu­ shown In high school classes. The North Carolina highway of dismissal notloae given 11,000 Ths only equipment In the homogenaovkly (aocoidtag to 1988. chapter on Darwin, ta Septam- "After tetatag at (he mri of weU, end ta aome oaaes, aaktag is trs. At War CoUege dents Involved in drugs. Oonferences have been held patrol boasted its foree from 10 The arreate ware carried out government employae who went new buildl^ that is oauatagany ««^ty). In other subjects, they "All biology teachers of foe ber 1968” because dm was sup- to 90 atter a demonstratkm the faurwaak psttod, chSdran ISA School principal Mar­ with the achool social workers without difficulty except for one on strike Sept 19. Mm. Oandhl . are grouped heterogeneously for extra work to maho up for A m y Ool. lU ym o n d A . Whe- state, even If they did not break poeed to use foe new 'teoctbodi dUfloulty ia the Intercom sys­ wU ba wgwnipad for two More than 80 buUdtags ta New tin Fagan and aaaistant prin­ In regard to drug abuse and 200 Monday during which police demonstrator Mfused. tem, which, aCehoney said, "is (everyons togsther). what thay have mtaaad. ten, acn oCMr. and M n. Charim foe lew, always had a doud fo r cteasroom Instruetton and copies of the booklet, “Symp­ used tear gas to disperse Negro Read Herald Advertisements weeks aeootdhig to how waB of Thte tadfoatae, Mahoney York are at laaat 80 atorlea taU. cipal John Murphy recenUy at­ bstag remedied.” Than there’s ' Sixth grausrs are grouped S . Whatatt of 0«h a t , to attend- over their heads,” said Mra. Bp- presumably to teach the statuto­ toms and Signs of Drug Abuse,’ teen-agers from the achool su­ tended a meeting In Maitcneater ta« ttaa U.S. A m y War Ooltagc, person, who now lives at Oxen rily condomnetf chaptar; hut to wSl be distributed to the fa<^- perintendent’s office ta the along with police and court of­ Ckurlteto Barracka^ Pa., vdwrv HiU, Md. do so would ba a criminal of­ ty Oonferences have also been courthouee. ficials and representatives from be wUl completo fiM nador ar­ Arkansas school offiolala said fense and subject her to die- set up with the sdiool nurse on A 17-year-old girt who fan the Manchester and Giast Hart- m y aohoal’a lO-monfii cur­ teachers had been Ignoring the tord acbod syatems. the recognition of symptoms of from a eecond-story office of the law and operating for years as At Shreveport, La., Seopos, (Snif users. riculum in June. The topics discussed at the courthouee during Mondaya The ■ Wer OoBeg* pteparM thought tt did not exist. now 68, said foe decision oame On Saturday Fagan and ­ demonstration remained hospl- Manchester meeting were drug Mtdcr ofBoen of xB Ihe xerv^ The 1928 law provided a fine "48 years too late.” phy wfll attend a meeting at S t He was M when CUrence Dar- shuse by teen-agers; recogni­ telised with a pelvic injury. toee, as weB aa top offlcM le ta of up to 8800 and lots of job on tion of various drugs and ap­ Joseph’s College, Hartford, ^te No smoke bombs or tear gas conviction; U was inspired by row defended bhn and William main U^c win be “Marijuana, govemnent agenolee, for Matt proach to teaching about drugs. was used by officers during and command poeittaM ta the the landm ark ’Tennessee “ mon­ Jennings Bryan proeecuted foe Roosld Koauch, principal of The Quest for Knowledge.’’ ’Tnesdeys demonstratioa. The caee at Dayton, Tenn., In a fiehL key trial” in 1928 at which 47 arreated Were made on W ERE a m 1200 OoL Wbeiaa recielved his B.S. teadier John Thomas Scopes clash of religion vs. setenee. ’Hio conviction of Soopoa. even­ charges of obstructing trafOo as degree in m lBtary ectence from was convicted of teaching evolu­ tually was upset on a teohnleall- Vemon a groig> of about 80 msrdies foe Univeratty cf Marjdand in tion. around the courthouse. ty. The Tenneeeee law was sus­ 1988, and k B.8. degree in ctvll State Education Oommission- tained by the U.S. Supreme Of those arrested, 10 glrla Mgtaweriqg from the Untveitaty er Arch W. Ford said he expect­ Oourt in 1907 dad was not re­ Girl, 17, Gives TesUntony ivere released on their oogni- h to fill one com of Mtemuri. OotumMa, ta 1980. ed foe dedston and added it peated until 19«^ sence tor court appearancea IBs last assignment was with "might have some psydidogi- Ifg Chrisliniis Shopping om hnokemior! “There are stlU strong preju­ Dec. 11. The 87 others, taolndlng foe Faroe Plaafoig Aindyato Dl- cal meaning on teachers, but I dices against foe teaching of ev­ In Beating-Robbery Cases boys and girla, were held under rectotate, Ofttoe of the Asslid- don’t think tt has too much $29 practical meaning. I think it’s olution,” Scopes said. "But they BstlMr Ava.. BnUngton; and a ant Vice Chief of Statt, DHwrt- The same 17-yeaiM)ld gW , ____ “We’re going to filMhat Jen," g ^ foe law has been strick­ van be solved by education— 88 line for being found iah»l- uMnt of the Am y, Wafotagton, which the Supreme Ocuit fur­ Mtes Maty D««ln^of ^ ft; fM d DXX He livwe w lfo Ma w«te, en.” The commissioner said text- thered.” Lake, testified ta two unrelated ^ ^ prospect St. ftockvnie. worker — for the Soutbam Chris­ Feari, id foe coOege. tian Leadership Oonfwence, ta booke used ta foe stefe contain ”1 guess you eoM t say I’m beattags ta Rockville drwnt ^ c * * * !* ^ * '^ * '^ ^ ------pUn. to provoke the CBories Darwin’s theory of evo­ very happy about foe deeidon,” eburt yesterday. A man was aelled alter Wallace exp ls ^ lution. "Not too mudi attentkm Scopes added. ”I thought aU beaten and robbed tabodi of the «»>** . "They cant arraat everybody, wee being peld te foe law to along— ever since 1908—that the operaUott in Hyde County.” Tanks^ Guns start off with,” he said. / tow was unconstltutlMial." Crimea that aUegedty toMc to drtuk. Topping was mmong leaden of plSCSe the demonstratiana but he waa ta the first hsartng wMcta Advertisement— Battle Along not among theaa who blockad liMd to fbcw probable Wanted: Newsboy or ^100 raadwaya. Negroea would oon- two Rodnrffle men face girt for the Route SO area ta ‘Subtle Smear’ Said «im» the proteeto “just as long Jordan River a charge of robbery with DobaenviBe. Route available as it takes to gat vdist we vicience. They are Raymond immediate. Can Mr. Oordera, TBL AVIV (AP) —An artil­ w an t” » tt of 99 Brooklyn St. end R(d>- Herald CIrculatian Department, New Campaign Tactic What they want Ttqptag said. 4 ' '' lery and tank duri raged acrosi art Lefoteox, 9B, of 89 Snlpaie 878^186. i m;isl the Jordan River near the Ab- WASHINOTON (AP) — The ttaMU to get aB the tasws an­ S t Bridge today, foree miles swered. But we never make The alleged ineldent took director of the Fair Campaign north of foe Dead Sea. One Jor­ judpnenta.” ptaoe cn Sept. 1 ia an apart­ danian scddler was reported Practlosa Committee says old- In 1986, he eadd, M par cent c f ment on Brooklyn S t Paul Mb- kiMed. style dirty poUtlcs U giving way the “candMates involved ta Gradb n . of Ooveatiy eomplata- It was foe A nt heavy flghttag to more stibUe smears “in foe dirty poUfles lost Ibair steo- ed to poiloa that he had bean ta foe arid Dead Sea area ataoe form of Madison Avenue tac­ taon.” He hasn’t compiled a and robbed of 880. Mo- GOING OUT OF last August, when fighting broke tics." wta-kMB record for thte y te r. teetllleil that he had bean out ta tha wake of an leraeli air ■mexe S M the tecUos, Sam ud Only one sot cf candidates with a group at the raid on Arab guerrilla bases in J. Archibald said Tuesday, that took advantegs of a n arfattratton later determtaed to foe Jordan Valley. were “formerly used to sell un­ panel provided for the first time be BMt'a apartment An Israeli am y sptateahan fote year through a Ford Foun- N der arm deodorant” He aald that be had “waved BUSINESS SALE claimed a Jordanian tank and datton grant He said the problem ta future the mesny ittim they artlHery gunnere opened up on dectloas wlU be to see tHrough Tha csss tavoived an aocusa- : of going somewhere else, \ r eUVERBAU M ^ C Israeli poeltionB after several the new tactics sa S let the pub­ tlon in Saorsmento, Calif., bjr he went tafo a room ITALIAN bursts of light arma fire from lic )mow what ta bappentag. Rspublloaa EUners J. Duffy of the mea they TOP SIRLOiH Lamps, Milk Class, Colored Glass, Pine ( B A C O N ih BONELESS ROAST BEEF SALE! foe Jordanian side of foe river. DeaiAte the emergenoe of that Democrat Rsp. John E. feg htan ta the face, kicked him 64 The bAttte was stlU going on 80 more eopMdlcated smears, Ar- ISoxB wwB poBtlocfty dUbeneot and took Ma money. Be aald he Fhnst Vae Fae OaeVt SAUSAGE or RUMP ROAMS minutes later, he said. oMbald tdd reportera foe 1968 Duffy had made the charge ta ; oantaet the poUce for two Accessories, Pictures, Wrought Iron, A Jordanian ^wkesmsan dectiot) waa the cleanest ta rs A o a dveitasemsgta. of fear of re­ B A C O N # lb PUNE PORK MMEUn TDPirBnTOlHRPJfflD ctaUtaed U ra e li soldiers started ye u e . Atter a day’s bssitag tas arbt- Brass, Copper, Paperweights and Mis­ 6 HOT OK SW^ USMCmlK the shooting with machtaq-gun "W e have dooene o f knee-ta- tratom nited ths cuds hod bssn Dauehunk aaid that the BMf Um MW 39; CfflvnlJnir«M99; fire. He aald one Jordanian sol­ ihogroln exanqtex of dirty poli­ vtoiatod because Duttjr was un- apartment wee m t’s and that dier was killed in foe clash and tics ta our files from past years abte to support foe charge. Okil Oaiaw, Bttt aad Lemieux cellaneous Gift Items. foe Israeli Axces were believed )>ut we got fewer- such com- MOM woo rs-eteotkm. wete ta the room with Meftaafii CHICKEN parts to have suffered casualties. But platate foie year,” Archibald The most beat was gnwrated whefa be was eBagedly beaten. foe l^ elis did not report aqy by a RepuUioan tetevialan com' Ittaa SMdra Fletcbar of Ora • BREASTS l i n e O pM Mowloy - Friday 10 A J A 1 0 8 P .M . Tender. Delicious, Mouth­ casualties. This year, them were 83 com- mecMal portraying a cheerful Dr.. Vemon, also tesUflad and • THIGHS l i l l;. ’The Jordanian spokesmun state of code vlototions com- Hubert H. Humphrey agakot a said that she had found Mo­ watering Treat-All USDA Sahodoy aad S— day 10 A.M . to SP.M . ilillh also said two Jordanian soldiersi jjared to 68 ta j986 and 98 in foe backdrop of war; poverty and ca the floor wlih Ms • LIVERS laaCprestdentiat;^ectioa year of getieral mtaery. j Choice Beef. ’ were ' klBed during the night WINGS 39; S vfoen a band of Israeli poldleni 1064. Tha ed was withdrawn after V '"taiaken up" tried to invade foe eoet bank of A ro M b ^ sakX nina com- one showing, after Archibald crying, and e tawwed her U s HAUBUT STEAKS foe Jordan River ta foe Adasla plainte oonoemed the presiden­ ashed for exfdanations and HnridfSilniiiClinls 7 nucMici , _ . . mwcMilt J Koockmost 83*e area. He claimed foe laradi tial race; compared to SB la many individuate complained to The only other wItaeaB called or GOD FILLETS California Roast Top Chuck Stealc tno Dotwonc. Family Leaf owwiiww B o iip i an Uti8 CNOIOt force was smashed ta a S6-inta- 196$* the landtord of the ipait- FURNITURE M t Water S f lt 8 3St Utt8 CHOICE ute battle but aald nothing about Archibald said he felt his One GOP complatat was Skinless Franks ssan P t f Lm f 9 89*s John Stoparwsnkl of 28 Flieadif FMats WU6MMI TIL California Steak Beef For Stew Israeli casualties. committee’s actions—recehring against George BaB’s crtaclsiu Brooktya S t wlio said he opcc*- Skinliss Franks Plain loaf F M CakM su ssm m 4||^ Nsea CHOICE oomptotate, gotag to ths oppos­ of Richard Nixon and Spiro T. ed the door and that £Dtt in Chicken Steak MSttaksri'1.0 0 ^ 1 USUALLY ON SUNDAY ite party for comment and when Agnew in a news oonforenca stt- Intoxicated state ”tIN( .. HARDWARE & SUPPLY, Inc. l«a lyr MINIalews.««n. W.HsitterAiesA •rsteACoM. Portugusas agrieuBute M l O '' day ta ccuK included a 818 fine Bfw ■rNalSi •eas. WesKicIfi Man. long besa plagued by "y Pricee effective FInt National Stoiei ffm le t, Novenhet 16< IMS P. O . Box 62, Coll M3-61S9 RMraeamOMfliMleHaritcMHtltfai leer, eliaiettee, aN tthaeee hwnit free Stwep OSer OR and . lack .of «d«qpni»! Prtoas eflecttve Rret Hetionei 8to.« ttm Sat, ^tovairiw 1$ lUM W9 letam the te v m m t TdIcottville, Conn. Out Of Town CaU Call |tef.8HMaite.8Mleh8ltal p-"-;' n; ■ 1 . ■ ■■ ^......

W EDNiSDAY, NOVE»»BER 18, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-FIVB ItAHCHiafm BVnnNG HBBAU), HANCi9VCtt.'t|6^. iOEI»ftt^Y. NOYEUan . ■ m\\. I ■ ' *" ■'*■ ' J > ■ ...... j)-

■ >.■■■ .■. .. - -- ■■- .L-i. T. .'f

' VPj -V. , ■ ■>' ■ r- : :v. 11.1^ a a r t n i m Slk» after of tender, ^ Cut from V.S, gai^t inspected lean, young porkers! pinh^mea^d ^olotiitd Master gottdnessl am i of •kJ>. T te k u r PC9M to Coupoff'effective thru Nov. 1& Limit 1 bottle per cuftomer. m MBlMit M A IroodL Th* 7 fmem to 1 * pmtat FuNy Cooked Is rk Loins •m M to u t toeottotow, «M cb O H to t f u eJ to a auapmaOed Full Rib HoK tawl, maw to the Brtdto 1 7 ^eaner, younger pork- Itonma. Tto 2 tom ta« • pmee > ers mean that you get aad S vtoee >ralnea fltastxBto Ite less fat, more meat wtogod OK, ajrmbol at BL Late Mazola Corn Oil . you can eat. Then it's tto Kraacaitot, tooed oa a ■ given the Jyst Rite to toe Ooapti Book of Hams TrimW, eliminating ex­ lictrfhto b fictinelil CatoetoaL Mai^arine cess fat and waste. I t e eagla agnalMl at 8L. J warm ortctaaOjr set 19 to toe Kraft Cheasa Slices 2 rolls Lady Scott hnarNal tor paralytica at Hote This fresh eastern ham for roasting will add MMaVvme to BHtaia to UM . White or Print Bothroom' 5 < iv a on Colonial M tuter Colonial Master variety and interest to your menu. Why not fWiirhltin to yeaea arito toe la- include it on your shopping list? t e r s a t l o a a l Ofysiipha, toe Stunk 6 9 Yellow Tissues Fm h Ham, Fact HaK L h i i f ilMBtolMtoBi Frtsh Spart Ribs 68L MS toad lies Miey I Daisy Rolls Shoulders lb id ahwgtode toe with this coopon nrith this coupon V Boneless Pork Butt to year, toe Mwciraa (ov- $5 I r II $5 Wonderful sliced and fried, Smoked E rmMS act and pwclmse and porchcBO beautiful boiled with vege­ After a tasty “one pot” dinner, OlyiaiSea. Coupon effective thru Nov. 16. Umit 1 pkg per customer. Coupon effective thru Nov. 16l Limit 1 pkg per customer. tables, lusciom faiKied up there’ll be plenty left for sand­ All our pork is V, S, Government Inspected! w'191 a hot fruit sauce and wiches, salad and split pea )lb 'tw in baked like ham. 'T lb soup. BHBHI m E i«555Hee5»»3SeeeT^eee»eeeaeeeeeeee leeeeeaeeee***' Fresh Pork Butts 551 A peitMpete. OrmipiiflHuu tor r Chtoteeto to liaatet- Choose your family^s favorite Stop & Shop Shoestring Birds Eye Mrs T’s Orange Juice PERRI or Onr own Stop ft Shop Fresh Shoulders CARRANDO’S French Fries Peas, Cut Com Pierogies Lean Short Shank ITALIAN SAUSAGES 'lb Fish Sticks All prepared, ready to toss in oven. Potato and 100% Pirn Meaty roast for a family dinner that is Cheese or/ rich in nutrition, high in flavor and low Rath Skinlau Sauaago ^g 39*"ib Swift Premium skinless sausage ft^ib Cabbage. 100% pure in price. Who couldjld ask for anything Cut or Leaf $ Play the tastes as fresh Mb more? This is truiy a deiicious value . Rath Sausage Meat 4rib Swift Premium Sauiage Meat 49*^,lb Spinach. Mix Warsaw Con­ and good as 1-Qt $ * nice mini-price. or matoh your certo — pre­ fresh squeezed 1b 7 8 c Tear. favorite vege-, tend you're drange juica Countryfine Pure Pork Snuttage^ tables. in Europe. can taste. a pra- 3 * 8 S Chefs Choice -brand Yfu sova whh niiEi-pricfaig*l V.


K tSB TOOK OWE romoBo HBUr T O R K - U P ) flOoto icmg iS'iti"' for super shoppifig Oiaailfan poactes ora on toe , ...... S*' rage aasong toe teen oat. Here’s bow to m ate year own. toetaat- ly aud tnexpenahrelyr B a r a Mogto at aaototta) mnsl to toe widto at toe aaote- G-W Frozen Pizza Teenies JU* 8/69* rito, ttois making a aqnare. Ajax Scouring Pads ISC15c oH labellobei 0 Dimkm 5/*l Uglitweigbt wool or tweed la S T O P & 4 1 o r Hendries Crunch or Juice Bars poS. 69* perfect tor fell and winter. Pink Liquid Detergent ” SSp‘ ok»'"5! 49* Told matatlal to haK Pram Dairy Spread Cheese Spread 4T 59* toe eewter of toe nieteitol cot a Bold Laundry Detergent o a c k o g e 7 9 Delicious, juidy ‘^zipper-skin” fruit! etnigtat Maab aeven tacliee to Use our Lay-away Flan! length. American Cheese Slices 'Ut 69* stop & Shop Bleach • r 38* As little as $1 deposit holds your selection. fU d a Mitp on Bondex to half - I g y Merit Bacon 01 lengtowiae and bind all edges Make small weekly payments. Guarantee Oofino Cheese ' ptw wltb a dry bran aet at wool tem- Axion E n zym e 77* having this gift in time for Christmas! paratare and prtocated., Kraft Whipped Cream Cheese Ut 39* Vacuum T tet’a aH there is to it. And Stop & Shop Fabric Softener 59* TINGBOS packed . . . toe poncho can be turned toto a "Vrother” Full-Keyboard Perfect fruit bowl qualityl Tangelos ere a eroM sugar lb Hudson Family Napkins obe 35* Stop & Shbp Mild Cheese tSSt >b79* between the sweet and tangy tangerine end cured ' eoffo, a robe or a top with the refreshingly tsrt grapefruit. Great for lunch Sliced. flaeka. G ouda Cheese Slices inwerttO . oka 65* box treats! ‘ ^ Sun Glory Asst. Cookies ’bo9 "• 3 / ’l To complete your KING OF HAW AII Pineapple Sl^ed or Chunh 3/89* TYPEWRITER Iced Cinnamon Rolls Pllhburv J(V 2/49* G Orange COMPLETE WITH STEEL CARRYING CASE! presidential heritage series! WELDONS Green Giant Peas “ 2/33* Sun Glory Margarine kailm Oku’ "■ 6 / »l MULTIPLE Full size carriage, built- FAMOUS in niler. 2 cokw ribbon. M argarine Mrs. Filbtrt*b «c oft lobei ilO * VITIMINS r Standard keyboard, 84 Soft Com Oil I (b pko H O it COLONIAL PRESIDENT-ELECT characters. >/i, 1 and 2 Miniature Cold Cuts ONE-A-DAY line spacing. Freeze D ried Coffee ‘io?‘ 89* orange tree 12 59 with bright, $199 Y o u r ch oice! colorful foil- RICHARD M. NIXON Stop & Shop Coffee •1.29 a g e a n d BOLOGNA 2.98 biinch . . , i _ 3 g California Broccoli fruit. A real PLAIN Figure Now Available! V.: Chase & Sanborn Coffee jon .conversa­ OLIVE WELDON DRUG CO tion piece. S T O P ft > 01. MAC PICKLE and Whipped Crenm Ring SHOP pks *l'7 FROM CALIFORNIA Pascal Celery bunch STMIffi FRUIT ~ 9 8 - PIMENTO Our 36th President is al­ ready to take his place on Choc. Walnut Brownies. sho'’p * Ut 44* the reviewing stand. If you We reserve the right to limit quantiVes haven’t started your collec­ FUEL OIL tion of our 35 United States if Presidents, or wish to add to it— there is still tiipe. Each • s Mrs. Filbert's r 14.8e Romiiar figure is a small 19^ Presi­ SM OoL MBo. C.OJD. Rushed from our own ovens to your local Stop & Shop! Healthy mini-price savings on health and beauty aids! for Children Stft Cfldin Mariirlni D elicious! IStftritious FRESH dential Reviewing Stand Owe B a r Matte# tar ,DoBrary CatexeOs u 6 l(\tdvss. 4 (.« handsomely designed in sty­ Crackeil Wheat, Swedish Rye Let our maxi-men do your cooking for you. Your family Bramat It e Gleefc or Caraway. A& 79 43*^ rofoam with 4 tiers promi­ Boraer Bee vice Italian Bread 4 I..L *1 Bradlees Cotton Swabs Zp-H won't know it's store bought and we won't tell a soul. nently displaying each Presi­ Haddock Fillet dent ... price 99®. VIce-Pres. Attar Hi ora Tmirgsaey Two typos with mayonnaise or ait & vinegar OB Deilvartoe Made of Humphrey figpre also avail­ UAe fa r OoL Stop & Shop Apple Pie Menneh’s Baby Powder 39* Beechnut Baby ^ood able! We don't want to dis­ Fresh Potato Salad 35* appoint anyone. If Hubert H> Aatooiattfi or OoB Dettraqr Leman 12 iz. Raspberry, IZ'/z az 0 Mixed Cereal LM9* Humphrlumphrey was your choice, i < t, Slap t Shop *■ Fkfs 25 meatballs all cooked and ready to pile in subs awt Oof f-D oy Individual Danish UltFR Brito ToothpastOiJ^kiirmSSri^KMBD* Strained Baby Juice 6/69* lb we also have this figure as ; PoynsMt Floa a memento of a very dose I Doli-Hut Meat Bolls » 1” fight! m o . MIDDU TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHI Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons ; i l ! ■ l i l M l fo STOi^ & SHQP ST 0 f - ; f : ! TURNPKE WEST. MANCHESTER, CONNk

a r r I t

‘ ■'•f A." m ■--'■- -t-' • • L - v*^ rv-PL MAl«5HSiBWa:BfF»l!liO MANtHESTto; ”*!T^'TE^AY “ NOVra.IBBR 18, 1968 PAGE tWfiNtir-SBVEN .., ■ i ; .v;*; :.vv5v • '■ ■V"„;.’r' . ■'■' -

; I' I **ftipor^>lliGfcl’’ EN M ilily OF MMMrtlV ATMen .lUlADY-^horl Cut V Cit Ff m First 4 flito . . . EOEE FRICEB.HISEERI


JANI ovn 1/8 PARKIR BROILING & FRYING CHICKEHS ^ * > * U C A FRUIT CAKES FRUITS A NUTS “SiVnfwRiflit" FRESH WHOLE 791 3 *- ^291 5 ' SVatoSfcs. NONE PRICED HIGHER *** CHOPS 1 I pl>9 - ' 4 # I 1*9 ovo* HS, i£!f* CHOPS •EADY g l 9 t p U g J V. k 6 9 « FRANCO-AMERICAN CHICKEN PARTS LEG QUARTERS Yoor ISV2 Cboiea a^rnsSMiim •sa< SPAGH Eni 2 BREAST QUARTERS^ .39* EARLY MORN BOLOGNA OR s ____ r Whole Picnics UVQIWIIIIST CHUCK STEAKS « i« ;'S SUGAR 44 at. ly Tht SMOKED PICNICS GROUND BEEF AWf. Wt. Pitct i b * » SReed FrtsMy aOBMPCHDCK MIDDLE CUT 55 "Seper^lfht" Qiidity "Snpet^Rlohr . 59« iiflia Peril Shoddew 4 4 Ibh S *k Gecdity leef Greoad w w im i 3 CHICKEN PARTS CHDCEQUET 49* UMESadsaos CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE , M ^ u u i H m x 4 9 * . 5 S * Garden-Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! S A U M — » 2 x 5 9 * n jp iB A C O M BREAST - - 59 ' IHIeot Ball Stew-‘ 69* y ------V. ^ cnSTcun^ Z x99* PAITTFACK 8 FLORIDA SEEDLESS U.S. No. 1 GRADE.A.SIZE G O LD EN RIPE SAVE UP TO 109b ON lAIGE

T^ muI u Qi/^TijckA WHE«£ GRAPEFRUIT iiw . O* MOIf POTATOES BANAHAS ^VAiuBie _____SPREAD ■ ^ WHITE OR PINK EASTERN YELLOW Sugj _ 55IRC0CWMI.3*” ®’ r m c H O P S 1 59*

ISofSist Ms> 4 9 * S S B u — Kraft Vel vetta “99* S ' ”^ ' 2 0 6 9 * 4 9 jf' « r Ij^SGAUAM - w I a u n i ijEs^LnuGS c 4S* iife&s*'-'


f CORN fle x G i ““ GELATINS KELLOGG'S FLAKES Pk9- JE LL-0 4 ^ 3 7 '

SPDUCH.. 9'<^4^ BoemEtcAw ab 3 ^ *1®® iow ilni^^ UUNDRY ru M iiM — •»• - - iwm DETERGENT GUIK tin NEATPIES BUCKBERUES 49* HoRSD'onvns Sf X 89* £!icr TIDE NESTLE^S CMU roLARwmp 2

C T O W M E m a * ’!t 8 9 * ' . ' . f , ■ . FRE8 HBAKE GRAND UNION G opI det ss~ ^89* CREAM CHEESE H ELLM AN 'S ®2 ^ P E F R | | I T ANGEL FOOD G.% nNooDus 2 x 5 3 * ORANGE >" f K W G f^ u c E X 21* MAYONNAISE 3 9 9 9 ^ CAKE JUICE R n T « u 6E s r ^2 x 47* COFFEE Rim X 3 9 * M C T ^ O W 3 x H<” pk«- lA KU IBi ■BAfTlNMmniO -i'i - ^ 49* iSn^mTOEs "£r * SWISS SLICES U M T U E i 57 atAMD UWIOW 1 7 0 1 . AKnFOODCUE s 5 9 * vSg-a u 'x < DEL MONTE PEACHES 2 39 t J L H i MONTE CORN a u c n «r H A iA m r n n n i ^mEDBirHUI ^'X 89* [ «nnJ1 «r WHKMUB UENII. 3 Mir* 79c PUUnTBOTRI NumWHITE >67* FRICIS IF F K n V I THROUGH NOV. 14, 19M, IN MANCHISTBI STORES ONLY ■ATTBOn-COeM SuuD utsnc ir'^X 39* ■"^<1 A A pa. 5*1.00 FLOOR NAT BeefChohu 4't^ 9S* KRAFT PHILADELPHIA DEL MONTE CATSUP iN P E R U L 2 x 8 9 * PRUNE SILVERBROOK SAVE MORE ON TOMATO SAUCB JUICE bLi. CHASE & SANBORN SOUD PRINT 1 IM B LlIO N n SUNSWEET BUTTER 5 \ i r 89c f i r s t I o u a l i t y Wm M. B'tau& ^uis CREAM u fin n m u r . a V i 0 ! i : : 89t Ponty Hose] RIGHT 6UARD X 5 9 * WftnhS^ BLEACH DEL MONTE DRINKS ®«y one boirl GoM Medal>^57‘ COFFEE CHEESE CLOROX lit 5 2 ' of ifoxnuSMTi isL x89* Orand '• WESSON OH. l ORMRffU l Wnion Vjfawins 5 ^ * 1A 0 fogulor PEANUT Pkiiii or Chive SOPER ANAHBT ^20 09^ pplee. Rof UQUID O—|IB . ' McRjr Cherry ^onoi boffle for in ly BUHER ; - TraflMl 1 1


v - ^ - i q y/f ' ' ' .' ■' ''

. ; ; ; ^ ^ ^ ■

• -I.' *'-r, Jl'* ■' I • "'■ ■■ ■ vtvS i-'y- ' M M TCH tiim ^VlftllNG HfiRALDi UANGBE&rTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-NINE 111 ijCliE tliii a.i.i NTi f !'■ I ' ’ ...... ^ m frmtk^nOMvmfnrn-i P e o p le in Sno T h e N ew s A /Vew immgm? LOB XNdBLKS (ikP) -3 than e v e r! aengar Jemo Bm b afiortad • i A o ft balreut Tiieadmy aa naw opiiiaaii o( GGaniBa dai •traUoes. Ttaasr «■* aeny*’ «aa "imlawBaL’* iO> f im aie umlt tM u iio f»B*, •aUL «p MfH w m i » 0LteP MUn Bmo, 27. who faek gatt a$TMp o m A nw ro. I R W r a H from ttma to tfnw In tba Unttror- PftfOCKCl frasb attjr of CUlfornte «t ITSHwIay j ■tudent rabeBion in M#4 «L tbough opt b otudant tbac*. toM Mushrooms Flour - o MWm coofaranoe that Okwo 49 L “ mlgM bG « ttnM or « m m d for oampum domonatnUkaBii bat Biioks Added WHY I havaiYt M«n It y « t .AO* "If you'ra going to do mnr- Wesson^ thing rem^ rmrotutk—gy. T o I J b r a i y youYe gatng to have to law** PAY the cempoa.’* Asked If potUiig bar abouMNr Oil length heir impUed a new Im­ age, aneshe reptreplied: “ No, tt'w fia MORE? ctoae-CTOpped hair." H H H G oesSaiU ng I — A I CANBEX. BAT, 8 t JolMW V J. - rk f O rs H ^ e s (AP) — Vice Preaident Bbbect - ftm ie fn iit TOMATOES H. Humphrey went aaUlng Tuea .: day aboud the 8>-foot aehoonar Panda, whidi la vMtlng bee* from her bome port of BrltWk AnUg'twL » fo r Tlie *tce prealdeiit antrad Sor 5 > 3 9 « .6 ^ *1 a 10-day *acaUon Friday aboavd < an Air Form Ooovalr aoeoanga- ■i nled by hla lummlng maSa In / >1 laat waek’a alaotlon, San. Kd- mnad S. Mlwkle o< Malna, and their famUlea. ” ifp if«fLK SPROUTS .29c MILK To ForetuM HijoekiHg SAN -TUAN, PJL (AP) —Vloa . IVealdanLeleet Spii* T. Sgnew OewtoPuertoRloolnaU-S. Air , Ftoroa plana to lonatall aaqr M- Jaidc attempt to Odia, tt *mi dlaMoaed Tnaaday. XUiteen Amerloaa ootnmer- otal alrlinaia have baen fordbky , Shop-Rite diverted to Havana thia year-ttoe moat raceot on No*. 4. - n e i So Agnew, taka famny and aX- Tom ato ^Chotk full O’Nuti Ppdnd Cuhu ur fruH * Hut Undanta were aaatgned a twln^*' J Shop-Rito lorgo/Srooll Curd eaWw Air Foroa Oan«*ir HO - Cottage Cheese Cake for the flight c< nearly AOOO Juice SwoatM Chicktii/Turliuy/luH tttUea Oom BalUmora *la Pa- > Soft RolKhmonn’i trick Air Force Baae, Via., to Margariae " X w c Meal Plat 4;:;^89c aan JUan Monday. 11 ^ .14^ ; Bird! iyu fuoA Com Uof or ChoppMl Shep4(Ito SUcod, Natural In *Good S ta m lin f* Swiss Gheose F ^ .69c Spinadi 6 X M e BAN n m o o , OaUt. (AP) — Hl-C DRINKS ■Irdi iyu NEW T O M Shop-Rlto Xba wccommunl cation At 3dm ALLtflAT—ALLm V Orange Juice % Vt 59c Laaby, 4M>,‘ a former peteat wbo , G 'a p - 0 'Q-'q<- J m ^ I j Awake 3 ^ 7 9 6 married a widow with fiv* dSL SH0 P4HI1 Shop-Rito Rogulor or Soft Shop-aitu—“Flarldo'i lutt" N dreo-fMa been lifted by the Vati- TURKEY Margarine cao, Ilia San Diego Roman Oatb- FRANKS H ■ I Orange JbIco OtTr.’liOOc oUc archdiooaae aaSd Tuesday. Shep-Rlle Rogtilor Floowder/Hwlibiit/Sole/Haddock A dkyceaan apokemnan aald SALAMI Margarine 8 pV2;;M L«ahy waa returned to good Shop Rite Peaches bhop-RltO All Fruit Flovert Diallers X .79e standing In the Oiaroh. Yogurts 6:^ r * i Lieahy now U a oounaelor In m 8 9 c the San Diego adiool syatem. Ba Shop-Kfto R k a k i r t - " . ' $1. M l. TA>SiaB-««C PAC Shop-mto formeriy waa « pried in Mbnr- Yellow Cling ^ i-lb l3o> ^ ^ Sour Cream ^ con^. 88e ban Chula, T^ata and hdore Shat Sliced or Halves l i a H Sn.p-Niio Twin Podi SeleFiileti 2 ; v e 9c superintendent ot Osibonc Shop-RHe OATflOL FAmiS 29 oR« Bird! Eyo Rowlor jor ‘Crinkit Cut Pizza pkg, iW ‘R-ex- QQa acbools In .^Uanta, Oa. French Fries ^ 8"bkgt. M W Leal)y and Maria Dolarca Vd- COLD CUTS Ing, W, were married in Angod KIELBASA NmBloMh SMt Soit Corn Margarine 89c Eggo Waffles 8 X *1 198T in a dvU oeremony. Choc . t c a n t e Sweet Fees l-a>. lr«B. cm I Shop-Rite BACON oat Ofeew BeMW can Red Rooster ”pkg. 59c Quick Thow Slrawberrl.i/iaipbirrlui/MlKed fmll HMdical reoeaindk. C^urcirinA ^^^1.31 All Grindi .M SALAD MnS Mb. caa | Martinson Coffee c'o^; c Florida Birds- ■ Eye“ —Fruits “ 3 a It"."pkgi. 89c & SUMJHM AMD MM1 tateM FH it^Sf Spaghetti 79 Queen Honor* Chile Fretz* Dfitd Coffee. Citrus Salad ®'jar 79c iMcrfh. r '-ss SANTIAaO, CWia (AP) — FLOUNDER Compb«li'B ^or c gordon Chot-Manh/Choe.Fudgo/Chtrry V o n ./C o ^ Macaroni & Cheese 6Jl^g°" 99c ..3 3 c <-»>- 1 6 c Taster’s Choiee 87 Queen EUxalbeth n Tueaday ps«- CottH, All Grinds »» l-dG Pork con ■ G r«n Olonf or Lu Su.ur Puai In Butt« n’ Bm hs NllkSkakM 9 '° » r *1 sented a wTeaidi at Dm mcou- FUST Comsiock ChBrrf Shop-Rite Coffee I t M .17 Broccoli Spears :t".‘ M m L t m i i : : t i a^M At 4£$l S-ox. lb., 7.01. a g e 3' ftigt.' ment to Beraado COggins, Ibe Freszs Drisd Coffss *«■ 1*49 Pie Filling e«m Instant Coffta Shop-Rito Chickun Of Thu Sua . father of Chile's independence. WIHHAA*. ' . . a > c toi)f on toV ♦ l .W COggins died hi 1842. His CANADIAN LiitldR T m Bags 99c l.pi.4 oi.. AQ|> Nescafe Orange Juice cont. 32c Breadea Shrimp S,'i ‘ 3.19 Sm I IM Spray Siarch can ^ ir w Irish bom father Amhrosio 0^ PAM n C O T S M M T n a FteMiakuThim* ' r i < O’Higglns, had been governor ot ^ 1 BACON PEPPBIONI BeafarUvaa^Wrar 3 9 Chile under the Spanish crown. ISH-oa. Bird! Eyu Puoi & Potoloui n' Cruam Soucu, Tiny M THinNG Pm >, or Doluxu Vyholo ^ t .n Boon. ■ Thouaands lined downtown ■ m FM SI Shop-Kho Peas n’ Cream Sauce 3 pV,‘ 79c , streets to get a glhnpae ct iba ( M . i t a . 6 9 c b.*1A9 2 S«M«a Moclntoih l.p!.7.ox. $1 Britlab queen and her hudiana > » c SbiHtiN Twn t S I 3 cons * AppiiMUce 5 M spray Starch Prince H iIUr aa U» royal oou- S«n«a^Moehrtoih Oiiogon Liquid OiiionRingsSp^h^! 99c 3 X"M ple proceeded in a huaaaflnwB 2.|b. 3-01. s r: c IAM<» TM ^M |b«t‘°V'Sli AppioMUce 69c Dish Detergent 54 eaniage. Mb. . 1 4hop-«l« liquid CALAMAR] Z m X$a DUmimed I M w M x Shop-Rtte Applesauce 6 cons ■ Dish Detergent GHJCULOO (AP) — Aetreaa SQUID OcMMSproy Jtllr/Whol. bhop-Rile/CoruH liquid AM VaMattae Crainerry Sauce 4 ! t 85c Dish Detergent bl-r 49c Zaa Zea Oabor waa dlamlaawil z h n c Oerl-Aim ..j, ^ Tuesday as a defendant in n gl ''» c N.w Gain Eniymc >%;“ • c milUcn damage suit stemming O iktIliliB I S ^ L S I F r% e » c k ta H cons M89 w w Active Detergent 79 White Breed 6 loaves ” from her reference to Leo Dnro- M outhw ash Cher, Chicago CiA b tMaabaO Shop-Wl« . _ 69c A/Vhy Pay More? • team nuuiager, in a TV oom- Jewish Hard Rolls 25c Scope mereial. HERBOX riiwlliaM 0H^14S Huad G Sheuldura LoHen Miua Oabor used Durodiat.* BEECHNUT aune in commercials dm mada At flee CALGON HECKER'S INSTANT BROTH Sllccd/Hblvci Yellow Cling Shampoo ‘Iom ® bii. 49c !q^. c Fruit Ponch/OfopG/Orong* V for Aamco *n*namlMlnna, hm., ■ BATH OIL BEADS . Beef/Chicken aa~aa-- AM-Pnpaaa Mb. 4 CA Steely PNChCS 4 59 Shop-Rile Drinks .^'„n. c SHOP-RITE DONUTS Sucrot Spray allegedly in violathm At Daro- FLOUR STRAINED 41 89 XOc Off 7-o<. IWnOD afU cab laBD SlotioTy M^rry Ch#fry/frull Punch/Orape/Orong* 79c cher’s contract with the oompar la b u l HOOD 5 lbs. 2 53c M *S?p" o-n-i 45c o^?6 35c Deodorant lb. 53c ‘ Fruit Cocktail 4 dV i Monte Drinks 4 :.^'J’ 89c 34c BABY Super 16 Hsr lawyer’s moUao for dSa- RED ROSE T E A BAGS Yollow Cling/Slleod or Holyiii Chocolot* oM6 46c Bnfferin Tublfti" 89e miasal stated that d » was oom- i qt. u -0 1. g g | . Stpkely Peaches ox. cons eripw89e Shop-ailt — 12 HOUa — 10c on lobil pletely idemntflad by Aaaaoo 2 ’/a lb s. VETS 15c Off—lOOet. 99c 3 Pmeapple Juice 4 cons OMOw ICE CREAM 71c 10c Off Lobsl— 48 et. 49 c FCKDDS Cold Capsules Tnaofia 49c and its wboUy owned aubsMb BOUQUET DOG fOOD TogWr RONZONI ■ BROADCAST BROADCAST ^ M i l v e s 3 : ; t 89c Trfmale Juice 3 ' -.’onV '’" 89c Doublo Edge Stolnlote Stool aiy, BeU Advertising, Ine., tA^ ALL VARIETIES Shop'Rlte fka. 7 g A an claims, damages and MaMV- . SW EET POTATOES Prlnco Spogholll or At tub*. Chiefcen/ Q I 5) io z .$1 PoHed 12-01. 43c W ILKINSO N BUD°S of 10 Vi gal. 89c tka SPAGHETTI & bS" h^ I5V4 ox. 4 7 c Potato Chips "'O''’’-' UtA lb. 55c B*«f y for ' •8 & «9 20% Protein Meats 2 ‘JL 41c Prunes t'on 63c Elbow Macaroni B boxqs^® 12c Off lo>.l _ . . . Shop-RIt* 2 ®Cx29c Vlenno JlSffiuniu. Beef Stew 1 lb. 1 ox. 6 3 C Shdp-Rite Raisins 'bt c Alba ivi-ibi. 79c Pacquin Dry^ Lolion bolllu ••OO Shop-Ritw pbg* 72’a 55c lb. 7 01. 6 T r 6 5 c 2 ‘C 37c Sausage 29 Potato Chips '‘T . ' homa POTAOBB 1 pt. 7 5c 1 31c 2’?.„?49c Instant Milk !iS: 82c Shop-Rilo ) ag» Two Face ^pifny Disinfectant '\ll' c Shop-Rite " Multi-Vitamins 135 ICECREAM CQ|i MABAODOA. Hffo. (AP) - 99 Pretzel Twists Mb., 79c Tobluli 0 0 0 In *Gaii|^kiiid!l Slaying N. All St«l Toy 27" BARS whtru $9 OQ [>'T Trailer Truck ovolloblu OiWO PROyibSNCE!, R..L (AP) — t a t Two^men faced amlgmnsat tk day In District Court for lb*. c 4c O il Uboll Hoovy Duly Aluminuni SAYINGS c o u p o n SAVINGS COUPON SAVINGS L i f t o M 39 RoyRoldi Wi4p 2311. 490 gangUmd-stjdo shotgun d sa lb .et Jc Ofi latMl Anthony A. Rotondo. dsaottaO Shop-Rlle Ajax jMnier ’tnf..“*' 37c roll of I 9 0 Ritz by police aa a amaU-tfana feao% OFF 20c OFF 20eOFF cif Aluminuni Wrap *> 20011. I .A ® tW . ■' Oerald w THUnghaat, 28, ift Shop'Riif U7 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, EAST, MANCHESTER TOWARD ANY HEALTH P»—’ —, and Ronald OaiaaL TOWARD ANY TOW ARD A N Y Lunch Bags ■’'i'oo“' 36c Crackers 311 West Main St.. du, for whom no addrsaa waa Bitowy Blteeh' '’oT* 659 Protpocf Avo. If given, are -idwrged with kUHag and BEAUTY PURCHASE DELI PURCHASE Carnival Straws 2 tf» 25c Woi Moridon Rotondo, 84, Tueaday. a* b* MEAT PURCHASE S l ^ r Cleaner 1.19 Suptr Supptr/Tuno A Egg 12-oz. 4M Siolor Kood, 1269 AUKMiy Avo. slept on a table in a nightoWb 8* Oeoaan OeaAjliJIaBcbMaaaAkaaJUtMiMjr 29c > ■ ■ ---.wO----i the Federal Hfil aeotton. ' ' V ------— Mba. U> t m ^ 8-Lives Cat Food 6 89c Now iritcrio Y nwTTora My FovorllB Meot/Uver/Chlcken PoUca said they have Mb. ared a weapon bellavsd and da . Dog Food 12 cons *1 lICKETY SPLITS ShopuRito BOB mMmaAuaaauB VanlHa-ChocpIolo 280 Windsor Avo., the staying. Shop*Rite Monsinollo/Queon Thrown 11-01. Wilson of MMUttawo R oto^ had Ik •a ItaSb fistta. FOR illegal gambliag __, Plicae aMecthra Ibra latafAay Ni«M, Nev. U , IM t. Na» lesaaecWc far far tyaearaaliical arren. W# marva Hm rlflw ta Haib aaiattttii Stuffed Olives 59c lomon'Tunch, I0.oi^ 3 $*1 Opnn Men. - Sat. 835 Washington St., Choc. Chip, Uoe aalA and had beaaniip^' V I ?' 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Middktown, C inni. ad of aanUtt, robbny aaO bMMk^ “ y. . ..V. ' Pending agalnM iM n a o ^ V. the ttana At Bla d n m

i f

I ■

•I'C'V'a KANCHESTKB e v e n in g h e r a l d . ICANdiBSTBR. CONV WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968

IRlfHAY LOW PRICES! WHB Plus Top Value Stamps

Tnv pi«G«*ID.

Turkey Breast p«wnd Capitol Skinless Frunkfurts Form* Sliced Bacon '‘H? papula r ' >■* ;* '** p Popular Lorgob WhHo FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS EGOS ^ Roman Pizza i°P°ck27... Tri Nut Margarine pound > 3 8 < Swiss. Kiiight Gruyore 6 ox. 4 3 < Sw«iM*s Beef, Chicken er Turkey Kraft d...„ Choose Slices 53< HTGRADE’S WEST VIRGINIA BRAND SWEEPSTAKES ENTRY BLANK Moat Pies A drawing will bo held lor a prize box ol Hygrade's 4 for J Products The box will contain (\) a 3-lb W Va Brand LM)IES 6ocxlhu«*s B r « a d D o u g h 20ounc*- Canned Ham. (2) threa 1-lb pkgs W Va Slicad Bacon. (3) a 3-lb W Va Brand Boneless SmoKed Picnic, (4) 2 ®**d V5 W Va Brand Smoked Pork Loin, and (5) '/t W. Va CcHnpb«ir$ Soups croam of thrimp-oyptor'stow Brand Semi-Bonelass Ham Fill oul this entry blank and deposit il. in coupon box in the store A drawing will be N held at a later date Vou need not be present to W.n. - Jiffy 8 ez. Muffin Mixes 100 ft. reiis ef ADOMSt Hun^i Wrap H y g r a d e CITY STAT8 My-tFihe West Virginia ^PudOings 4 F'^O*. 3 0 ( Duncan Hines Smoked Perk Chops 9 9 0 coupon Brewnie Mix 9 9 ‘ Popular •tfowhifry o i:' Boneless Picnics 9 9 0 T 7 ’4f > ¥ T W Preserves ' . ' Hl-C-Fruit Q eff REG. PRICE By Tbe Piece , Drinks w ea leu Kesber Beet SALAMI PASTROM I 794 lb. Sliced 8 9 4 t b . Pianters 18 ez. Peanut Butter Pem Dutch Egg This coupon fh woitli Moodies Glorietta Elberta Peaches -I fo^ordc tho purchoxo of ir hqlvos Freestone 1 TWO FOUND CAN OF 28 ounce con\ 3 9 * 16SS*' C O B H Waldarf white or colors Cain’s Potate Chips 12 OUNCE BAG o \ n Softwoava white or colors Eusy;eff evbn cleaner ■ OZ. AEROSOL CAN Coupons A ft C ire worth 300 stamps on purchase of $20 through $24 99 69< ^ p o n s B ft C are worth 3S0 stamps on purchase of $25 through $29.99. i.gs Bothroom Tissue 2 £ 4 9 * Coupons A. S ft C are worth 450 stamps on purchase of $ ^ or more. 100 150 . r* thldcGn; or Sponlsh TOP VALUE STAMPS TOP VAL.UE STAMPS TOP VALUE STAMPS o n y o u r M pwtInsM MaliV U t( p j| M porehtstt totaUtv $11 to |I4 Jf M pereluMt totoUif ft S to $ie.» IMS csupsi. mor sis* ks wssO In csmOlnstlnn wHti This coupon moy sIm bo usod in cemblnstlon with This coupon may also bo used In caoibu..ilan with h o lid a y •M w * t hsOi M Om nOwr Tripto MstOsr Caupons •llhor er both of tho othor T r i ^ Hoodor Coupono •Ml Isiosf pwrclissss. aHhar at both « the olliar Trlpla Haodar Cauparw 8 ez. with loffor purchssot. wHh largsr purehasaa; SAVE T u r k e y Cowpen feed through Sot. Nov. 16. 196S pt ell Popular Morhpts Coupon good through Sot. Nov« 16p 1968 Coupon goad through Sot. Nev. 16, 1961 bexee ot oil Popular Morkots at all Papular Marliots See our Green Giant display for details ; ! Corn Niblets vacuukx cans

Kitchen Sliced Green Beans 4 ^ a^n^ 8 5 < Mexicorn izoz. can4 ^ FOR 91^4 Green Giant White Com '^ qzv 4c^;;^s 95< Viva Spaghetti Green Gibnt Pei^s & Onions 4^^rfs 95* Green Giant Sweet Peas 4iA-N's 95< Regular, Tlin er j j C | l lib. ibi i u ( D ^ MADE IN U S A SKILLED | 100 EXTRA 100 EXTRA 100 EXTRA ElMwMaeareni bixm AMERtCAN CNAMSMEN TOP VALUE STAMPS TOP VALUE.STAMPS TOP VALUE RTAMPS WITH A CeNTuWV'OLO with purchase of 3 lb. con ef Popular with purchase of (our boxes of Popular( purchaxe of an 2 >41b. to imib. aura PULL W FLAVOR TRADITION OF PINE ,V' OUALITV CWTltRx SHOBTENING FACIAL TISSUi WAYBEST CHICKENi Vivu S pa0 hetti Sauce Coupon good through Sot. Ndv, 16, 196B Coupon good through Sot. Nev. 16, 1968 YOUR DOLLAR'S WORTH MORE WHEN Ceapen good through $M. Nev. 16, 1968 R iit, meaf leea er muihreom 3 c D y Ji pt ollPepular Morkat at oil Popular Markets YOU SHOP A T THE STORE THAT GIVES lb This weeks TOP VALUE STAMPS I Hot House Tomatoes speciHi CXIXO CALIF. BROCCOLI lar. bdu. 50 EXTRA 25 EXTRA 50 EXTRA Vgseliae CAR R pTS 1 lb. pkg. 1 0 c TOP VALUE STAMPS TOP VALUE STAMPS TOP VALUE STAMPS pitrii^ lidiiy ** Jv pwrehoso ef 1 lb. of outre mild skinlop with purchase of Nopco 8 ounce with purchase of any 3 lb. bog o( M dNTOSH [Guarantee Solid stainless steel stays gleaming bright lEPCO FlUUIKFURT! SLICED COLD CUTSi APPLES t^ IT U C E lb. 19c APPLES forever! High silyersheen finish never needs Coupon good through Set. Nov. 16, 1968 Coupon good through Sot. Nov. 16, 1968 Coupon good through Sot. Nov, 16, 1968 popular polishing, (juaranteed not to peel, tarnish, ' | ot ^1 PMulot Markets at oil Popular Morkots ot oil Populor Morhots r r y w ' rust or discolor, and to give perfect and satisfactory service. You will be prejud to Hilr Stiuing - 8\4 n . Tube, SO EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS wifh purdicBU of 10 lbs. of U.S. set your table with-this deluxe tabtewgre. No 1 POTATOES or o 46 oi. cor CHERRY APPU aOER let up to 8 7 5 Extra Top Value Stamps with this week’s coupons I

T’ I

Double Top Value Stamps every Wednesday b: 1 1 " i i t /• Tie*- PAGE UnBTY.tEERBE MANGHBSTSR. EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 18, ltf68

IIN lUeepy Tains MTS t a r 4u>itoifbAd BIANCHESTKR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNERDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1W8 ■ByOLATILPOIXAN- PAiQB THIIgrY.'W yii 24 INCHES Shop K Year Dotty ArHWIrOMa w ■ Accordieg to the Starr. HUGOS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE wtth MAJOR HOOPLB s»-L- To develop msuogs for Thuradoy,' Along $(344975 mod words correeponding to numbani ^ vre HAP A. > rW IS IS FROM PORKVl' SHE'S STILL S b W .A N ' i t •fHS SUTZ of your Zodioc birth stgrv QUARRELl ITS A HE WANTS r KNOW NSKTTtM8Se4D ' ¥ 'i Hirer 6 a.LV, ocr.-M PEACE OFFEWNSi VOUlLFOfifflVH i K s o i t ^ u r r / • It hwitw-egtit;; With AFitai I Your 31 dlThe * MM/PETUNIA (AV WO«a U t)S, I’M AMAifiO Xtwl LEAND6K 20uHoak 32 Stay 62 Love NQV.ai I >OU HAVEN'T HCASO HOW We .//VWV OON’T w e s t 6 )0 E Indian Lift 3 Nm 33ChllM ^ too you’tt Kad jULvae 76Wonrltame JAt/ ao 14 Snwllldta 5 SMlal unit cfnimA P a A ila a tKW KLKt. meantqgful aelactlon tor you. 16For 44Moto 7 Head covert hmw la the »»i and dts* _____ //J p.m. TWo yadr send THMBM- SPOBTHWHAR, SW8A1KR* I7Whot 47 Someone 77Coute 113.257541^ 15 Rag 4SPoalUva IQ , 2- M2-UJ II Confuting 48 Low 78 Fill 5 Devotee 23 Narcotic Ilia CUIMBO Pendant- Warm aWl Wetoemlag ' ' i GIVlNa GARM; ttw selso and a iahdoua array of $/404^7>50| 79 Intimate I6447745A5 ISPrlM tlr 24SpAewlth 19 Your 49 May w-i» it-iy dUCOUTM* 9 Piece out Hattit martto your attantton aa LA vmADA RIMTAURANT, la more ■ L R T . 110 20 B« SOOMerhil BO Intemft (MU 10 Distent affected 45JCedltete , 51 Conditifnt io f iiAN.ai ISSaadeate doaa 14 K paid Jaeratry atuddad 559 Main K r e «L ta the delIgM. ruLvae 21 Own i BY V. T. HAMLIN 12 Draw taut nicety 45 Employer . 22IH 52 More I fOf rta! 19 A L L E Y O O P 21 Faitenar 47 Broad sm ile' with thqr. Ctnulne DIAMONDS, ful answer to your ‘‘eaitiif out” MSrinata IPs O el^ to Ba a OaU Wlnfav! .Audar SOpflmWIe SaPragreit 83 The 22 0 ^ 7 13 Coral Island 25 Watering Oellgbtfu] aa 840lhenr 17 Squandered p liot 45 Uncooked J ^ or aat wtth authentic GABNar, reqidremente. A quleL oerpeted oookad snap ha In Fktoiah BACND-ALUDN, TH Otty dbop- .3MS4349 24 You 54Hop(iy IM921.2 . jCANVOUEEARS . hutband 41 Age 2Slnttifira SSNewi 85 And 127742 *oo»5io ua A cmct' o r 0 3 /v«eLv,Bt, 25 Mimict lOEIapeed 25 urge (S cot) OPAL, PBABL. Velvet-covered tamwllty la teamed wtUi dreaaingi arrange on n plng Plaaa, haa anug OAR '65-77A1-yC <%aA rrapam--1 56Bie 86 Acting ^ A ba SO Suitable . THAT, I*VH , 27 Small Island 19 Not 51 Pointed toot D ine AOCWMORIllg (memo atreamhaed aarvlee at counter, graetw and gamtoh wtth dm OOATK to wrap you to glamor- 27Doy 571 87PraM«mi MO ANOTHER transparent 2 i Out (S cot) 82 Greek letter AUS.34 28 Entortolnlng 58 Do 88 Air FO. ao1 29 Rooffinlal 82 Decompose, pada, addraaa bOoka, alM twllNESE.: Chesapeake Use whale ohyve ie one of the i r II T iq u ii. Ib a menu to unw and varied, to OWDN A CHAffbCMD AC- Bay moot v eceaHlle q ic e e on the , gamtty, oome wtth OCRJirr dor oonventont, ttme- 37/Europe (ab.) nr J Utohen abelf. Bveryone known Oome aa 38 Sly glance Nyhm Mbrioa ahaoih hardly your ” , but do endoy Ihe awetog dtopplng For yen not Bucausu of thig bad waathar and for tha many OUT OUR W AY BY J. a wnxiAM s M t anytUag in a water aoluUon, ao bow much whole d o v e adds to BBA HOOD, « u flAIADg, ttte only at Oiridmas tott year 40 Smmt place 11 baked ham.'lt aleo makea fbod (S and down In the dlahea. Whole dovaa give a dldi gPBXaAlflMtt. than niead whlppad delightful pilr pair of Sleepy Twin l^»» Dolls for Spell of Beauty of Manchester vrm exxj name an intriguing look and an ovatHE/te IT ■teroblor gelatin aohiUon and urn a ptoJTnet to reto- ^ T a ^ v t ^ T ^ y o u W An ideel gift for birthdey BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS 44 Masculine aroma that atimulatea tha ai>. or Chrlstmae. D A V Y J O N E S m t YtXJK nickname iumI buig « iq> datppliigr w «t. AvoM force large hotoa when damhig. batty or apple will extend its WIG SAl£ nwatrm IT petite. B^Mctally handy la gar- Pettam No. 5373 has pattern pieces SORRY. PEHNY... 45 HaU-wUd •4r*p wringing, wMcta oan remove TtUa roakee tha Job eaatar, pro- make It, add a daih of o te ^ 60T TO STOP THIS~. I LETS CLOSE UP SUM^BKJ v r nhUng la Ihelr naUUke ah^w. end full directions. I WILL LOSE HIM/ THE CABIN RIGHT NOT UNTIL I horse some o f ttM atUtenlng. nvideo ose a good gumi hart, and prevente mon, nutmeg, and otovea----- to-- ao- ^ «u finheiiu 45 Decline to do When pudMd Into food they | Today, Nov. 13th — Tues., Nov. 19th P . ■ NOW, DADDY, AND atay put TUa keeps tha dlah puckering, making your ttnieh- dttton to the sugar and vanlDa toliSto » HEAD HOME WITH 81 Bullfighter 55 Oats up IT II _____ Tmte looking as good on the teMe WOODY.., 55 Newspaper so avaryona can taka advantaga of this salo. CHBB-JIBU, right next to the aa it did in the kltoben. Whole executive r H dovea are also wonderful for 57Uquld Itato Ibaatar, wUl omato for __ ^ PrM mew, aeertu wnu iip ceoi eee II Sfortti driM ifiif T tm m Mtyh meMer. 55 Related on V II mother's side nMOt o f FS A TH IB l FXOWB8U1 . . Tav Attraetlve m M DeBotooB YoiTJI find the aiw ’58 Fall A WMtr fNewipepfr inHifiu Am.} antem d ^ A l ^ filled with dozens of lovely de­ r - ■ T7 ■ am, and atlH is strong and 1426 An JOB CXUDAIM GARB ao signs from which to choose patterns in toaib when the dteh toiU ed . 35-50 Pton to ooma to IIAMO'S toocy and fetttve, ao creamy ell types of needleworh. Fret directions '■erd beautiful wall oemmeata, can- RBBTAURANT tor ThaotoMtv- and deUdoua; from R O T ^ K » for ritemsl Met-MK a capy. ■nmi terplaoaa alao bouqpieto urndt Freahea Buga for the BoUdaya „om*i will get much use inar -wn—w gge year. On Routa dlB AM GO., Warren Street, to BIANDMOTHtrS PATCHWORK. The .-•c'C your lelectlon hare. Burttiiig Week after weric but aapeotol- out of a dress end iachH combination, 6 e»«4S 64A you’ll eay tt was a fitting elknax to a holiday pretty Dresden Plate, Friendship and ____' i*rw wtth ,.dr«matlo oolone and de- vour idntixt Thaitoagtvtiv *>»y *"*•*• * aamtp b i^ treat, Log Cabin art In this collection of 12 BY DICK TURNipt ly around the bolldaya when the gg. 1426 with PH0T07UIDE Is in lovely heirloom designs that ere so CARNIVAL ttgna, you’ll want an Impreattva slMs M to’ sd; bust 42 to54. Size 40. ^ er. Oather your tonfiy round when friaxto are tnvUM for m nrnineeiiiV^trw. Of Utiaby fOT tempo o f entertaining kscreaeee, popultf todayl Pattern pieces, direi all 'Of ua want the houae to your Mm homa or for a diann- 44 bust, 5th yetdsof 45-inch. you, round a table at FXAMO’B m S S r ^ B L I C B S ^ns. QUIZ - Mriy NC 8 espy. BY KEN MUSE viriaaHy gttaten. J(»1NB0N SUM to« 9)“ RUNTAURANT and Jutt ertfoy, WAYOUT lag gift Tcu owe It to youruelf PA IN T GO. 728 Main Street, Bill tee tHiial kteeuei isf teM Nttere. ..-ii...... mgaL ODUim centering a turkey motif to a to aidp into OHUZTIIRI. haa OLAMORBNI! LIQUID _aue. M T - t m oontmattng flavor give family SHAMPOO FOR RUGS to make STfhSS^^ ____ friend, that It’S easy to make ooorful long- WWAT tor an axhikmatlng ool' 1 »im 6 R F L Y « WIFE, 1TH1N6 ABOUT, OF FLOWERS. FLIES ’EM EAST. 1 WOUtOHT| 'fore------aervltag.- off excess g© to work for you. cauae the hatedlea twoome loote WHO IW5REP0RTEP HIM? ^ .6 0 N05IN6 MOUND THERE IF X WAS YOU. laotkto of gtfta tor every rmaa pj.^, tray on y ^ IteL AppcRCikUve- «ua- ___ _ or slipped entirely off. Tou can HIM MISSINe. , ----- '•M5l|MtAlH.TM5iDBAMi«a £’Ni^U Leek Tour-Beat for the BoUdaya tomeirs have already rem e^ thhe by keeping a small to having d ir,is Bojoy Persoaallaed FttMieg Oome to SCHULTZ BHIAUTT bon of creek fHler bandy, so thioMiiv TOUR anrr g a l - OLAZIBR'CI, 591 Main Street, LJOtT on the main floor of Wot- SALON, oamaa^ Oak and Cot- that when the handles woaic o ff you can fill the hole with the I S L * - cad wbeala of beaitty TA crack filler and replace tt. Set tlatry, «> much band-oiafted FOUNDATK>NS. What a con- tatent that vary few exchangea (or you. Before you know I t , aside___ and let dry fOr 24 hours. 9 venlence R la to enjoy profes- jooUng ladianUy lovBIy „,d toe,han«sihB.eii. a The Toptoa. upttick ia Here Come to LENOX PHARMA- o O "Tha next time Draam Boat tails off with a cargo of my figure H.IS StoS2r1iTJS^.SlS*to “ *• to^^AltPAGNB CURL”"thrt o r , 999 Boat Center Strewt, olgare ho’a going to wind up in dry dock for rapairt!^’ ^ flatware and mugs scaled to oome news that someone oeuea PERM ' ANENT, 5U.60, ttm for ytnmgtters. FOr thk enough here at OLA2SBR’ S to . where wvurythfng new ia avail­ makes It ao much c « i- M H a a O L F I N N BY LANK LEONARD MAN OF THB HOUSE there eeVe the time to advise you able promptly. FToin “Ooty” keep your coiffure ' aUuring. eoihea the TOI*LBS8 LIP­ are Ung-ttM Aah T k «y* from regarding a proper-for-you pur- SCHUL/IZ BBAUTT SALON U THANK HOU, PHIL— STICK; no cap, you Jutt twtut. But m NOT q u ir e around the worM plua Pipe chaae. Do see the quality Ittie oi a riiarmlng and dnunatio uet- STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF What gtorious, gleamy ttndea than just M w xi Raolai, Bumldora; Book Bnda, ROBES, LJNGEKtIB, SLEEP- Hng tor plantlag' beauty seed­ that reBUy laat. Chooae “ PirSc Tlaa, ..Dattt tbarmomatora and WEAR tor youruelf end tor lings and watching them flower One” or "Coral Two’’ .or "Rose muoh more. Bxacutivaa have ohriatmau giving. into flattery tor you. A talent­ found TOUR GUT GALLERY ------ed MmFf (male and female) Five.” On you th eyll be hiaclcue aa ideal canter tor Ghriatma* Jt you want that ovenfried ooneenbrated al­ and tantaUring. With your ■hopping. Gome.' Taka in all tha ohloken to be on the crhqp aide, Christma. t t i o p ^ due to be- counting eoccdtoig beauty for yourattf at try baldag it in a hot—(46 de- tort that rmutta in total neamy ^ ^ eameat. remember that (or you. 5497961. ^ TOUR COFT OALLBRT. . gieea)—ovaa LENOX PHARMACY has a worid o f tm uuggeatlonB that TV> nutoe a washolotti doU to are ■ura-to-pteose. From "Ooty” give to a junall baby aa a comes glaknorous packaging ot- c a l o r i e s ^ Ohriotmaa g ift or to use aa a fer'tej enUctag "Imprevu” !-■*- b gift at a baby riiower, purchase 1- «(>' fragrance. The SPRAT inST too good 'W hite washclotha. and BATH POWDER In one con­ Crachet a tiny edge with pattei tainer 1a 18 oomplete. Or chooae ooloted thread around each. Roll the "IN” FORMALS from MB. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY up. Fold ono roll to the very "Ooty” wtikdi la a dapper pen- oenter to form dolls’ bead and quta Im>M1i« “ L ’Atanant” or lega. Fold tha other roU over "JOmeraudo” PERFUME, $2.60. the top of the first roll with “RUSSELL STOVER” 0H(X30- Envy; Twin Pand back ooti- the oenter beeondng ttw oenter LATBS are at LENOX PHAR- ■trofe yet gives motion free­ WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU of the doll's head. Tie a ribbon MAOT. Serire them around your dom, can’t ride up. .ComfUy bow around tta ' neck that Thankxgtvtog table or delight flared top. Extra long zipper. NOT YEP/ NOW IF YDU'LL LIE WOULD SOU IF HE CAN DO IT matohea the color of the crochet your holiday iwwtese wtth bcoced PO’>OU KNCW REALLY/ DOWN l U ETOMP ON THEA\, REALLY HAVE 'TO &ERMS,1 CAN trim. Paste a baby faoe atloker choeolatea. Airy spaxMlex. MDUVEGOT JUST UKE VOU DO— DONE IT, on the (ace part of doll. * GERAA5 ON VOU, NASTY? ‘ Something to Weari .t SPOTLESS? Mako a OkrUtmoa Wreath Is a Bure4o-please gift for B&PBL FAIRWATS have WIRB mother, aunt, slater, daughter WREIATH F O R IU in a ll ateee and all the feminine namee on -y ■• ^ •ft, S‘'b from 10 Inches and up that your Chrlatmaa list. At THE VCMUIS $. i’ serve as the baaki (o r (aahion- LIT TLB SHOP, 800 East Onter tog eymbola of TriWMde. Street are SKmTB, BLOUSES, DRBSSEiS J tM K p im rW B A R PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Open for Holiday tospeotlan famous fo r amaxtribas and good A MINISTER'; TENDINS 'WHAT YOU NEED, Keeping open house” during fashion. T o u 'U ' find festive LIFE IS FAR F IjOCK ....HERDIN cS REVEREND WEEMS, IS A the boUdaya puts a greotor- ROBBS, U N O E R IE , OOWNS, FROM EASY, TW E S T R A Y S GOOD SHEEP. DO<&^ than-ever strain on you, mother, JEWELRY and HOUDAT AP­ MRS. NUTCHELL. IN T O T H E • nu t, NU, be m vs. M OH. PA R E L to put you in tune with POLO..-, the chlef-to-chazge of every­ *Helen of Glaadei^i Says: thing. Remember that MAR^ the gala aeaaon. THE U T T L E SHOP haa a Mg aelectkm. CAPTAIN B ^Y BY LESLIE TURNER TINIZINO" the ONB HOUR Dieting and daUy exet^Ue i$n*t ail there is to having a better figure. To complete DRY CLEANmO planta at cor^ i))) When rotting liereals, crack- J?. ner Main and Birch Straete the picture^ moot of ua wear a girdle to firm tip, alim down, and amooth out our figure alao 296 Went Middle Tpke. era, or dry bread, keep crumbs stand ready to help you (reeh- from acattering by placing tiwm line. Theae adUimportant finiahing touchea can only be achieved when your gir e en up the elipopyers, the aoatter toatde a paper bag, twitting the t<^ tightly and hoWng it dosed rugs on short notice, to wWsk i, a **profeaaionaUy perfect fU. If you want a better figure for Ufe— apend 5 minutea Vil? with a rubber band, Thm roll away the telltale evidence of the bag on the outside mntil in our fitting rooma. You*II aee for youraelf the remarkable difference a profea- -> h 'i ' holiday merrymaking. During crumbe are aa fine as you want them acUvlty-paoked weeks, them. aional fit makea. All fittinga and aiterationa are free of charge. ^ U-13 why not earn the burden at homemaklng tasks (or a while ; !t 8 How Happy You’U Re i'. f ; ^ 3 / and take advantage o f the bobdoialqne BY BOB LUBBERS Jutt when you’re aeareWng MARTINIZING” TWO-HOUR for interesting ways to dress up SHIRT 8BRVICB at 299 West THg aatgp w m o f maloue eMTEgpRises.,. /CAN'you FLy CCWM your home, PILGRIM MILLS, ' RlEHr AWAY FOR A Middle TjA e. Wtth ao many 177 Hartford Rood, offers by- WHOMecAzesis'S SHeRosnep a room wito dry to MARTINIZINO.’’ impressive Interest. If you love ecnmiBNOt y/eoam n-TO l it t l b sports BY BOUSON '' HAve LEFfA iiW ri the fe d o f fabric and If you POABD/HeEriWyfJ Tou can give body to thoae reqxmd to the artistry of color delloate (ahrios that will not and pattern, oome to PIL- hold Btaro|i by dlaoolvtog a Ut- CHUM MULS, now OPEN tie granulftod sugar U) boiling EVERY DAY, 10 a.m. to 9 water and luldtog it to tha rtoae p.m. on Monday thru Friday, B31 MAIN S T . / MANCHESTER. CONN water used fo r the garmenta. Shop on Saturday to 8 p.m. mm ’l l 1/

41' ?r't. t m r :

■ -S ■;>: i, . y -■’f , HAN!CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 ItoH Cm iM Tift K V E m O HBBAL6, MANC3HESTER. 06NN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PACE THUrtY-PIVE ' 3 - S N i P erfect B lend of V e t s , I I T flle €K ^ei*lY h elm illff C h o ice I Coaches’ Comer Herald Aiigle ^ By urn o n

I** 1 r

Ij f .

■ I', K ^M '4'ta' ^ '•(;^»<«1^ I> s^ o •; •;'' '.f I . ■• ; w'.. '■•• .-*•••-*• ', >•', ■', ■•'- n:\4 ■•■'*■ .••/•'• • v •': *' '•" "*•!■•• ■’• ^' •-'' •' ■" ■/.' 1CANCHB81TO BVENINQ H][^AIJ>, ‘c o m , W E D lte)A Y , N ; -T ItAlfCHXSTEK ffV£9QNO HBBAlit, MANGHEffTBR, CONN., PAGE THnmr-j

t h k r r *>u g b t a b e a l a w BY SHORTEN g m i W H IP P L E H d p i s ' ...... 4 Bob Cibsott^^^ts Rose for ^MOsTC'ffiS! AND P lA C K t J SHOP ^ 35 MAINTENANCE 1616 qaitfdtaUT 8B m , g- OOntOtPiUMl M O ?! tA lO M a A ■m ad' tMBemItelOB, mtat oob- letEWettfSPENOAHI m H IC S rK I, MARVELOUS AMTIOUE6 - DENTAL Aaatotant — part-tlma High aehool graduate wMb 61'' -W d S t e . Otfaar aeotras. Call after T E lP f YCXi WTMMAN0Wru.mi lERGOOOfifCAH to r local offloa, axpertanoad or parloaca la maMeudeal 6, IH R Mt, ______louMouruoTas, >iiOU COME OVER will train right paieon. 642- buildtag tradoa, to Cardinals^ UConns on TV m n i K n o e t p e w o 1WUQ90VW 8678. verted duttaa ^ 15 IJCorin Grinders 1966 TgMPIlSr 2-door hardtop, spur UatvarsHy of Oaiinw» WANT t ) ONE SSSW: MKJHT* matatananca at law padglartf ttetS hom e baakaOMll ga ieea 6 cyUtotar, metof angfaM • » ! 'fOUARURv ■team h^en. ExoMlant bene' . A<^ Sweeps opUom, vteon upbotataty and win be played before televl- C L A atoU D ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS DOWN OH REGISTERED NURSES fit* at ainall private aohool ta aloa oameras. It was a» Set for Home Finale top. Thraa 'epqed 00 floor with Hartford. Box “C ," ManMiaeter \ 8 AJL to 4i80 PJL poMtrabtton and giiagae. THE AREA*** NL A w ards aouneed by AthlaMe IN feelar WANTED HoraM. Jim Hlokey, > Fifteen seniors, eleven of them starters, wUl jbs play­ Origtael owiNr. EwMltont oon- COPT CUjSPre JTOR CLAflgIPIBD ADVT. dltlon. 6422617 after 6 pm . FOR NIGHT SHIFT EXPERIENCED dootilefabta, NEW YORK (AiP) — FISH INC In addition, lha Oosmaotl- ing footiball on the turf of Meinorial Stadium for tdie exit at Long Island Ualver- last time when Connecticut and Rhod|d Irtsnd play a 626 PJt. OAT BBFtnUD FDBUOATnnt CSDBVROLET 1968 Bal A ir 4- heh>er. Paid vaeationa and ho6' Bdb Gibson, the St. Loais Dnedltaa for latadey aod Motatoy to 426 {hea Friday. U6MML FULL OR PART-TIME Idaya, benefits. OaU 64229BB( OHALUarOE TO BOU> sHy oositast w ill be shown by Yankee Conference finale at Btorrs Saturday. TBI-TOWN — Sherwood HUI door, automatio, 6 oyUnttor, Cardinals’ brilliant rii^t- the BOAO Game of tha Weak 247, Bd Ouohaino 201, BIH U n - 6860. 646-2087 attar 6 p.m . HCKTEM Six of the startan are from ------^------REOIgTERED NURBEB ARE SHOP HELP needed on first and natarork, on the afternoon at non 200, Andy Sabula 202-860, '.-nUSCUTE WMTRE99. AHP> *ANOtUENTH£RE% hander, was named the Na­ UpUnd Mrd huBtara, Ilka tha defensive unit while ftVa oonferanea standings, naads to ^PLEASE READ TOUR AD URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR aeoond aliltta. ExoaUant bono> F a b .n . Tom Atasnian Sr. 804, Bon Shn- X9Al0/kXISPlKH-A0A rATATIOOEOBARTEHOER. tional League’s Modt Valu­ akaat riMOUra, « t » ap t' to ba- Home gamea, ta ba ahowa more play offanna. ^ , victory to aaaura Itaalf AbNi THE 11 TO 7 SHIFT AT MAN­ tlto and production b x maaa. Due to graduate from tha da- ^ ^ least a tla for Tankaa bon- mom 246«68, A1 Martin 20M81, advartiaw ikould read Ua od flw E IB S I ENOLEE^Hr **AHP ME «AI0,, ONITHA WALRUS ISHTACHE ■hltt iHwmlum paid on aaooiMI able Player today, capping ooma borad wltb tliatr afioct bv Ohailnol 8, New Haven, Bob Arendt OSOiRT. So vou'Re “ HOT PERFECT* fM CHESTER MEMORIAL HOS­ u|>an attahilin parfboUati wtth fanslva alavan are cutstandiag ora lids daason. New Bamp- RBPOBT EBBOBS ta tboa lar tka T i n s AHP ONE GOLD PITAL. NEW SALARY RATES ■hltt. Apply in paraon. KhMk are as toDowa: ALL EARS'** raOMBROOHLVH."' an unprecedented pitchers’ tha U gmuga. In both oaiea, tba linebaokara Hank Ptiasek and ahira, playing at Maaaaohuaatts ^ Hwald to raapana^ for only OWE taoar- EARRING! WHAT ARE IN EFFBCTT. CJONTACT Oo., 1$66 ToBand Tpka., Maah Dec. IT-Maaaaehnsatta. reot or om KM maertioi for any adverttoement and only TWO SNOW tiro* — atM 6MKU tHENlUEY sweep of baseball’s most cbaUanga bacomaa laaa u tha D ec. t l —Holy Cress. Nick T\iroo and defensive and ♦*«> same Uma, is ix'esentiy . Ch u b o h — Sam Uitia m - white walla. Good condition. $26. > CHARACTER.^ THE PERSONNEL DEPART­ ohaatar. Qaorga KoOer as vrsB as see- ttad with Connecticut fw be 410, Tom Turnor 140.271, M ** .*?*■ .* f t o d " teta rU M h 'E n m w S l e ^ S o m T A U i coveted prizes, fimiiar Inoraaaaa bU aacuracy. Jaa. II- ■■Rhode Islaad. OaR 648-1416 MENT, MANCHESTER ME­ Onoa ba raaobaa tba point ondary man Stave Price, John- i^^d. Ralph 127-874, Ban O n y b 140- ^ "m S k ? j5 id ” b21efSaS” advartlaamata wffl eat he oorroted ATOMCE.AHP MORIAL HOSPITAL, 64S'>U41, Otbaon, a 2Z-gama n t o nnr Feb. 26 Biitg ara. wbara mlaaaa baooma a rarity, nickev alao aimonnoed ny Krot and Vie O a n a a n l .______2TI,-Bm OMptnan Ml, Howie TWO BMOW tiTMi — 6:96-14 four HOW MUCH EXT. 24$. SHEET METAL whone 1.12 earned run average ha*# apt to loaa tataraat Facad am t H n 'lo Statlen WTICs Iba starting offanntve epara- H dm as t u , Frank SoaUsa 14f- ply, $28. CaU 742-7970 attar 6:80 REALDOPE Uvaa who w ill wind up ibalr Baltimore Leads 084, Jim Sirlannl 1704U, Paid p.m . WORKEKS waa tha hraeat ta laagun hitio- with such a dilemma, tha ikeat Hartford, will broadeaat f>ll 643-2711 POVOUGCr# « ry, beat out batting dtamp Pate ahootar turna to tha now chal- baaVetban aamaa, home and Memorial Stadium oareara are Aeato 882, Pete Aoato 120496. 875^3136 CLERK — Typist with automo­ (BaakvOta, TaS Froe) R o m of Onctanatt taa retative- lanfa at rapeating bla f aat with awav, for the I*th wwreealve atahvart tackles Oaorga Kup- League Defense tive bookkeeping background. Top wages tor exparianead frian smd Stan RalcsawaU, 1669 CHBSVT n m otor and Vtody ly cloaa oonteet for XVP honon a amaUar gaaiga gun. nnu, he seaxon. OeeTfra Fh*Weh as«^ NEW YORK (AP) — In tlw SNOW WHRB—Frances Wy­ Write Box B, Manchester Her­ layout men. Interesting dl- standout canter Ban Dadanova, part* tar oola. 646-2984. - y >1-13 m aJber oaptuitag Um MI, Cy malnbalnp bin intaraat by aboot- Floyd Bleduuda will aamia aBimportaat vital siatistlca of man 126, Mary Bonhan 127. ald. versified Inblde bench work. and backs Pate PatriUo and OaU Jim M elo at 649-6119. Touiv Award an the unanimoua ing all four gaugaa, Utcludlng team no at tha mlkea as tha touobdcwna aoofad by the ana- i ' I f IB III III III nil Mill...... cboioaof iba voting mam bm of Jimmy DaWItt BOOKKEEPER — part-time, 4- tiw 410. aim oanean. my and potato agataat, Dm Bel- Treiklt ReacliiNs Our Advaiilier? JUnraSUSSSUSSUBSSShSm^ 6 hours, 5 days. Apply in per­ tba Baneball W rltan Aanoota* Otbera waarihg Uw Tha skeet tiwotar, hoaravar, " “■•‘y iSmora OaMa dsfeoae leads tha SForcigB son, Mr. Press, 478 Center St. ion of America. Bhias tor tiia laat Urns w ill ba ^ Natiorad FoetbaU i 10 THE WARD MACHINE is aomaarhat o< a de­ Floor Finisliiiig 24 Holp W on Defrolt aea Dabay McLain voting much of Ida time and G te Weisaoosky backs Mike Boryosavnkl and League. OLK. Folks! M-Hour Ausworing Sonrico' COMMERCIAL apace availaMe. ■uiMIfig— A NUMBSIR of dinner and cock­ CO. took tba Amarlcan Laegua MVP money to tbia particular tp ott. w IT W7 1 iMTasc, oKansiva guard jg, w ranga ywtiaga aUfflatlcn CentraL Two areas, 1,000 CoatracHiig 14 FLOOR SANDING and retlniah- 35 tail waltreoaaa wanted. Car­ JL m eU U in O I W e e k Bvank Penalero and U na^er the Los Angtaas Rams’ dafande Slow to 13m time to ba au- square teat each., One with riage Ifouaa Raeturant, 10 East 289 Adams St, MOncheator and O f r , .\i anrarda Ha doean't aaem to have any tloua, have your tank ehaokad Fr«a to Harald Rtaiton CARPENTRY — conorate ateps, Ing (apaolaUsing. in older Don Mlnskl. ba, jonp 0» bast Job, permit- 10x10 overtiead door. Call 6i$- Center Street ta Miik -.Anma, Japan, where trouble acquiring near guna. Tha dnd olaatad b adore th a w to . Want Inforraatien on one of our claoMflod odvertisementaT floors, hatchways, remodeling, floon). Inalde painting. Paper- BAKERY saleaglri, experienced NEW TORk * *>*■ P*»y MUml’a hrMt. but tba Mg flgwa to oMy 12 64841500 875-2519 NEWTON H. SMITH A SON— SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ INTERESTED IN whole team btiped m e haiva a BiMhiBfs S«rvleM work at Parkade CSeanars. Ap­ haa tba aissirnr and it won’t victory over Buffalo Sun- Connaotleut, a halfgama touchdowns against them and RamodaUng, repairing, oddi- limited funda available for aac- CHRISTMAS MONEY? TEL 742-9770 and toava yoe You’ll hear bam oer advartlaer hi ply in parson at Parkade J O V IA L M A N good year." ygy Qw pKcs of s, iMw ahsad of Btaody in Uia Yankee 106 potato to ntea gamea. OffMwd 13 tiona, rac rooms, garagaa, ond mortgagaa, paymenta to |g time wfthaet 1 an avenhig at tha tdapiiaaa. A MarahaU Field famUy caeanera, Manohaatar Shopptag dbaon, who pitcbed 12 tinit- porchea and roofing. No Job suit your bu(lgat. Bhcpadlant abotgun. If yours to a break- BULLDOZER, badeboa work, Parkade. outa ta leading the Oardtaala to • • ♦ ♦ I too amaU. CaU 6492144. sarvloe. J. D. Realty, 648-8129. owned organisation is con­ 'Fo play Santa Claus. Houra action, atngla or douUa barrel land clearing/ aaptic tanks ta- ducting a nationwide ex- to suit plus attractive aal­ their aeoond oonMcutlve pei»' gun in either 12, 16 or 20 IQ AiitomobHM For Solo 4 atallad, drainage fialda. Paul WOMEN for new wig depart­ nant, euooeeda tanmimatia Orlan­ HOMES, GARAGES, porches, NEED MONEY? Accepting pansicn program. Interest­ ary. Apply to Mr. Cohen gauge, you can convert it to a Schendal. 640-0466. • ment, no exparianoa neCeaaary, do Oepeda as tba NL, MVP. rec rooms, room actions, mortgages on real estate. CaU ed in emjdoylng 20 area la­ during store houra. D ft L 410 for (asa than |10 a barrel. 1962 FORD Foloofi, mint con­ for confidential home inter­ aalary phw oonuntoslon. CaU HERALD YOU a r e ' A-1, truck to A-1. kltriienB,. roofing, aiding' gcn* dles to do outsida cus­ Department Store, Man­ Oepeda, tba oniy unaabnous Tba Savage ’’Fooi.-TMmer’’ Mr. R oper 648-1077. dition. Dealer, taka over, low Cellars, atUoa, yards, drive­ e ^ rej^r wovfc. Flnaitolng view, days or evenings. Fast tomer intervlewtag. Monday chester Parkade. aelectfon tor MVP in National will put tba cbaBange back Into week^ payments. Mr. Alexan­ ways sealed and small truck- available. No down payment. service, telephone Mr. HoU, tbrouf^ Thitfsday, 9:00-2:00 League htatacyi did not reoetva your upland bird ahooUng. It’a DOX LETTERS der, 647-9967. teg dona A-1 right Call Tra- Economy BuUders, Ino., 648- 249-8468. P.M . tor 6 weeks. WUl pay a atn ^ vote thia year. a Uglitwelgfat, proof-teat ad alu­ Hftip W o n fd Malft 36 P e r Y o n r mono Trucking Service toll- 6189. $800. For Interview see Mr. CMbaon. 22, a Mrepping S-foot-S minum tube complete wtth ex- MUSTANG —1966, 2-door hard­ ______\ Moeer promptly—10:00 A.M. MAN — part-time tor ‘various top, automatic, $46 down, low free, 742-0487. TELEVISION Taohnloiana — veteran of nine seeaoni with tba tractor. Merely tnaert It In tha Informetioa ADDITIONS, remodeling, gfi- Busliwss Opportunity 28 Join us for Breakfast! No­ Imm ediate openings, 40 hour outside Jobs, mornings or af­ Oardtaota, la the idnUi pitchy breach of your gun, Una up the weakly payments, arranged. TREE EiXPERT — Trees put, rage, rets rooms, bathrooms vem ber 14, Thursday at the ternoons. Cldl after 6. 649-9644. THE HERALD wlU not Call 288-8716, Mr. Alexander. BEAUTY SALON, weU estab­ weak, paid hoUdays, paid hos­ MVP since the Inception of the eactraotora, and you have a 410. building lota.cleared, trees top­ tiled, kltriiens remodeled, ce­ Mountain Laurel Restaurant pitalisation, free training on dtoeloaa tha idanUty of ment work, cellar floon, pa- lished, ' air-conditioned, aU ELECTTRICIAN or helper, paid awar d in ISSI. Until tMa year. Try n m «g your lim it in quaU ■ey adverttoer uatng box 1964 CHEVROLET $00, 6 oylind- ped. G ^. a tree problemT WeU Route 6, o ff 91, Thompeon- transtotors and solid state, earn tloa, roofing. CtoU Leon Cles- equipment. Owner retiring. $2,- hoUdays, vacation, time and a only Don Newcombe, n 1966, or woodcock with tUa combiaa- lettera. Raadara aaawar- ar, standard. Priced to aell at worth phone caU, 742-8282. vlUe, Oonn. up to pL60 par weak. CaU synaU, BuUder. 6492291. 000. M eyer Agency Realtora, haM for overtime, insurance Mad Sandy Koufox, ta 1M>. tion. You’U find you’U gat yout leg blind box ada who $400. 04266S0, attar 11 a.m . RCA Service Oo. 2462601. An won both tba Cy Toung—tor birds, you’ll be rising to a now daair* to protect their isTEPS, SIDEWAIKsi stone 648-0600. PART AND FUlLrtlme fabric benefits. CaU 644-0608, attar 6 equal opportunity employer. p.m . ANYB(H>T 'THEHBT—Top Knight, leading two- p ite h e re otdy—end MVP diallenga, and there wlU ba last Idaotity can follow thto 1962 OLDSMOBILE F-86, sta- walls, flreplaoee, flagstone ter­ salesgirls wanted. Apply Miss races, ralUnga. AU concrete re­ Sp*dal S*rvicM 15 IN LARGE NEARBY year-old colt cf year, preps for rich Garden StatM awerda. damage to tba game. procadun; tion wagon. Dealer, take over Cobum, Pilgrim Mills, Hart­ CUSTODIAN —Varied Janitorial Saturday. Exercise boy Johnny Weir bends kxw in low weakly paymanto. Mr. pairs. Reasonably priced. 64S- CITY ford Rd., Mandieater, between In the Cy Toung voting, Olb------H&wlosa your reply to tha AAMDO Transmissions of Man­ AAMCO Transmlaalon shop ACCOUNTS duties. Small private school in Alexander, 647-9997. 0661. saddle as horse splashes down track in workout. eon reertved ad 20 Srat places Patrick Martin who coached box in an tnvuma — chester, nationwide, guaran­ tor sale. Good potential re­ three and six p.m. only. Hartford. Write Box ’’D ", Man­ ~ from tbe BBWA paoti—two the United States Olympic bob- addraaa to tha Cteaal- TREES cut and removed, land teed service. Bud$;et terms. RECEIVABLE chester Herald. (eld M anuar, Manohaatar CORVETTE 1967 Sting Ray turn on Investment. Must writera from each city. He got sled team ia a patnSman in cleared, raaaonable. Free esti­ Loaner can. Free towing. CaU aril for personal rCaaoiui. BvanlMg Herald, togathar coupe, 4-apeed, power steer­ Comptometer Operator SUPERVISOR JOURNEYMAN electrician and 14 IMta ta tba MVP balloting, Masrana, N.T. with a memo Ustiag tha ing. ^ down, low weekly pay­ mate, insured, 289-8720. 648-2467; Manchester - Vernon Terms available. Openings tor experienced halper, paid vacation and bene- Esquestrian Team Rone picking up the other six, ' ------oompaUae you do MOT ments arranged. CaU 299-8716, town Une, Rt. 88, TaloottvlUe. lA O n r trucking, odd Joba, also B ox “ Z ” comptometer operators to flte. Wilson Electrical Oo., 849- M d outpointed tbe huatUng Cta- want to as# your latter. Mr. Bake. Progressive manufeusturer chnratt owtSelder 242-206. Your latter win ba do- moving large appliances. Bunt­ Manchester Herald work 8:80 through 4:80, five of electrical appliances 4817. ing barrels deUverect $4. 644- RooBng...SMIitq 16 The wrttera voted for io stroyad U tha advartlaer 1982 FORD Oalaxie 600. Deal- THREE operator beauty parlor dayr> a week. Must be seeks an Accounts Receiv­ to ana you’ve mentioned. 1776 or 289-8624. skUled in all phases of ASSISTANT ottlca manager-in­ Minus Top Riders ___places, wtth a flnt worth 14 er, take over low 'Heekly pay­ ROOFINO, aluminum a4ding, for lease in VernoiK also four able supervisor. Manufac­ ventory control. Salary and aeoosid, t potato, a If not It wffl ba taendlad ments. Mr. Alexander, 647-0997. comptometer work. Excel- turing accounting and Data NEW YORK (AP) — Tba U.S. captured the Grand Prix of New * Sears In tha usual monnor. BHARFBINING Service — Saws, gutters, carpenter work, 80 room optional apartment in fringe benefits. CaU 646-0174 itaird, 8, asxl on down to 1 point ^leat bendflta, free parking, Processing beudeground help­ iqiwalitoii team headed lor the Yock. 19(f$ CHEVROLET, atandard. knivea, aces, riieais, skates, years’ experience. ComwcUcut rear. CaU 648-0077 tor particu­ for appointment. fo r lOOi. VaUey Constiuctl., 88 7180. Free estimate. genial co-woricers c«d . ex- PAAT-TIMB three eveninga and ta Taranto today mtans two cf vreR at the Royal mntor Fair,’’ „ _ __ 4.4. payturtits. Mr. Alexander, 647- ceUent working conditions. Performance . Mate . aj., 2|anchester. Hours, Saturday, $60. per week. OaU ba Sour top ridera but atbl oonfl- aafai UB. Ooach Bait da Name- Matty A ^ t e U>a batit^ tala, t . Loit opd FoBHd 1 9997. , • • - ■ : ■ Privertu Imtracrions 32 Apply 628-2214. dent of staying ta the race for thy. "We did beUpr ta tba Na- •*** ®y getog 74oM6 to dally 7;$02, Thursday, 7:80-9, IONA_MPG. CO. LOBT - - Men’* wallet in Oxford CHRYSLER Newport 1967. 2- Saturday 7:202. 648-7068. RbofffRg and tbe team tttie. thxnl wo tbo««tat we wouU “ ■ toM ihraa games,_ay no FIRST NATIONAL Regent St., Mandtester MAN PART-TIME, preaently BUI Htetairrans of Nontaa. do and wbh real irata bocaas on >»wer than fourth on an 20 bai- B le n d e d Package Store, Friday, Oct 26. door hardtop, automatic, pow­ Chfaniwys 16«A employed to work in local re- $100 reward. Plaara oaU 649- er steering, beautiful condi­ RBPAIR8 Lawnmowerir BULLDOZER S'TORES, Inc. Ooan., tbe gold medal winner in iimmI, i thtofc w ell be right ig> lUXJFING — Speotaliaing re­ taU atore. CaU 64S28$8. 8718. tion. $89.^ down, low weakly ■now blowers and garden trao- Iba Olyngle gamea dria year, tfacm In Toronto.’’ WBXe MeOevey, San Fnncto- pairing roofs of all kinds, new PARK * OAKLAND AVBS. HOUSE FATEUBR — to supers payments arranged: Call' 2$2- tors. Ftoe pick iq;> and deUvery OPERATORS TRAINEES MEIN wanted to work In lum­ was forced to bjipara tbe abow TiMted Statoa went 1-22 atagltag find baseman. So- in Manchester and South Wted- roofa gutter work, tdilmneya visa smaU group of odoloscant LOBT — pure white eat Taylor 8715, Mr. Alexander. EAST HARTFORD, CONN. beryard and mUl. Davis ft baoamaofibapAa^tototaraa. . T «»ad thim wbh 126 potato. Cttrt Gasoline Road vloinlty Vamop. Anawan ______aor area. CaU 644-0421. claaasd and rapeirad. 80 yeara’ • N E E D E D boys during non-school hours. Bradford Lum ber Co., 200 Tol­ He to an edbnr -wbh a New York Demad OaidkadF dandy oao- to Snowflake. Cell 640-7M8. experience. Free estimatea. P refer to Uve in at private raa- book r-e— ra,, ntm . » r a C b^w t wan Stetadoraua, on u M e r , was fourth wtth 116 1 ^ TTH^ERBIRD Uv^u. CARPENTER - experienced land St., East Hartford. Dealer, take over low weekly ^ CaU Howlay 6482861. 644- Heavy equipment operators IdenUal school in HartfMd. Ebc- Katiqr Wina- of Aritagten. Bold Mtartrrt, and Mtaa Hof- ^ Matacbal, tbe Giants’ aU types of work. Reasonable. HIGH SCHOOL GIRI£ LOBT WHITE and gray cat with payments. Mr. Alexander, 047- 8888. earn $6.60 per hour and caUent benefits and Ubaral pay SPARE dldiwaaher wanted. Va., -atoo wiR ba on the shle- nMUta <» Salaan. pbebtogr star, was fifth Wtii 92. OaU anytime, 646-1787. baU around neck. Anawm to 9907. more. Train now tor the Immediate openings, for scale. Box "BB," Manchaster Must be over 18. Apply Ca- Uaaa aw— Kuanm suffared a BSg Una, balniiging to Mr. Gibson, Row, McOouey and Ma- name of Bonita. 6422718. part-time wal trees work IXJUO’ S Welding — A rc and gaa biggest construction boom Herald. vey’s, 46 E . Ctonter Street W kiii leg ta a aptt tost Smiday Said Mra. H. H. Manta Jr., of rictaal ware tbe only ptayera 1962 PONTIAC Grand Prix. after school and some Sat­ FOUND —«aok famato mon- w eldhv, 8 2 daUy. 244 Broad St. Mifliiwry, in history. Complete train­ and wfS be out of action for New Osaram. Oocm., and pboted among 26 reeetvtag votes wtao Dealer. Take over low weekly ing program Includes equip­ urdays. Good houriy rate, gcal wllb white qiot on oiiaat tiehind IHiry Queen, Manches­ about three months. by Ooenad Homfeld of Houston, were named on every ballot. payments. Mr. Alexander, 647- Diwstnidtiiig 19 ment operations, highway and good gratuities. We wlU OaU D og W etdm , 6462161. ter. train. Apply in peraon. Tha U.8. team wSl ba made w<® BOe. ORoon won 16 straight gamee 9997. DRE8SMAKINO and altera­ construction, grade and tm of Skank of WaU- KataHne PtMec*# VaBnlla, from duitag tba 196S reason^ oom- FOUND —Oranga angora oat TREE removal-Trlmming. Rea­ tions, tippers replaced etc. grade stakee, excavating, ACCOUNTING DEPT. pack, N J., who was the Ugh VataaBa, N.Y., was fiia regular dieted 28 of Ms 24 nfearto and fin- FORD Country Squire wagon 19- sonable rates. Covered tor maintenance and safety. B R A S S K E Y wearing floe collar on Main ais, automatic, power steering, CaU 6492811. ■oner for bta aqrad at the Na- woakiiig hwvter victor. Mwd wbh a 22-9 record. Hto gbaat near LandG-BhMilon. property damage. Got a tree No cmrespondence. Learn RESTAURANT I Aaslstaat fo Accountant needed by small tedustrial plant tkanl Horae Show wtdeb ended Tbe oonfermatien famtar 1.12 ERA broke tbe maik of 1.22 power brakes. $48. down, low pioblemT CaU Dana’s Tree DRE8SMAKINO mid altera- ^on the equipment in fuU or tor general record keeping and pnyroIL Accounting training 642-2601. 829 Main St. Tbantoy night in Marttann champioaobip went to No Ltm t, set to 1915 by Grover CSevetand weekly payments arranged. Service, 822-6429. tions, evening wear, suits part-time classes. For more or equivalent Good ndvnnoamant potentlnl. Attraottva OaU 2SS-87i8, Mr. Bake. |srorUng coadlttou and fringe baneatn. Square Garden; Ms wife, Mary; owned by Itas. Cbaxles P. Bta- Alexander cf tbe PUladtipMa made to order, 16 years experi­ details oaU aniytime. WOMEN WANTED — Jobs in Ckrol Hnfniaiin of Nocth Branch, vetnon at Buffalo, N.T. PhSlies. T h e H igh RAKE LEAVES —Have pick­ ence. C!aU 648-7042: your area, your hours. Secre­ F o n o n a b I m 6 VC^LKSWAOEN, sunroof, up truck, wlU do odd Jobs, two Call MB. MnXiBB fw.iqqiolntment ta N.J., and Neel Stapiro of Old excellent condition, aU new 1-226-8894 taries, tyi^ts, clerks. No fee, BracfcvlUe, N .T; men. 6462917. ALTRRATIONB done ta my exceUent pay. Staff BuUilers, 11 tires plus 2 snow tires, radio, home, 140 Oak St., Manohaster, Miw Hofmann performed tu- Performance plowing, Asylum St., Hartford, 278-7610. Synthetic Turf^ New Shoe heater. 64^-6126. COMMERCIAL 648-2824. ALOON SnMffiMt M ills OORr. pertly am Mbs Kumar's ra- RIDE NEEDED 'TO guaranteed c service. ptocemeat at tbe Natiixad. Sba- 1064 CHEVY Nova station CREDIT department assistant, TALCNyiTVlILE. CONN. — 6tt-t778 CaU 648-6811. cauistmas period mainly, year piro^ a regular U.S. aqueabtan Make Big Hit on Gridiron F u el w ith PRATT AND WHITNEY wagon, Dealer. Take over low Moving—Trucking— Help W o n te d - team rider, did act oanq>ete to weekly paymenta. Mr. Alex­ Female 35 ’round ‘ possibly. Office ex­ tbe IMlonaL By FRANK ECK sertoua tog tajurtes. On tbe roed ander, 647-9997. SNOW PLOWENG 24 hour Storogn -20 perience necessary. $2. per The Unlteel States wpn the Wrat ahlft, 7 to 8:80 from service. 742-7049, DOCnOR’S office, fiiU or part- hour. Hours 1-9 p.m. preferred AP NeweCeabnes Bperto Etftor in tbeee two yeara tbe team hod VOUTAJSE... M A N C H E ST ^ DeUvery-Ugfat team title to tbe Natioml Horee Bycamora Lane off Charter PONTIAC Firebird 1987, auto- time, LPN or miratag ex­ or part-time 1 2 o r 8-9, Mon­ Alt tba rettew aren’t fci yet 12 knee tojurtes necaaeltatltig trucking and package deUvery. flbow for the fourth straight Oak Street. OoU home, 647- matic, power steering, very SNOW PLOWING, lota , drive­ perience but not required. day through Friday. CaU 648- but eocna of tbe eofCst, tasteot eurgery. » Refirigeraton, waahers and Experienced... year. Mrs. Chapet scored her 1887 or/P W A . Ext. 2808. sporty. $47. down, low weekly ways, apartmente stores, etc. Write Box “F,” Manchester 2128 tor appointment,«9;30 a.m. and Ugbeet scoctog oMtage foot- The new aboea not only have also sidewalks. Reasonable stove moving, specialty. Fold­ first vtctorv o f ’'•;»=• payments arranged, CaU 233- Herald. to 1 p.m. ask tor Mrs. Greene . . ■ . . . t i l l gamea are taking place on htipad to reduce injurtoe but A 6p«ciAl compotuid of 8718, Mr. Alexander. rates. OaU 6482886. ing dtalrs for ren t 649-0762. ■ day night wtaen wUte Ughtning twf. A now taoa to ae seem to help Coach BIB, Yao- or Mrs. Franklin, Casual VU- additive! to help you NATIONAL concern haa open­ much ihla man's attack. Ria Oougare are 1962 CHEVROLET Ifopola con­ toge Shops, Manchester. ■tart faster w m in tfw ings tor todies for part-time LINOTYPE The new shoes worn oa syn- seeking their third straight sea- AiitOlilFbllt For vertible. Automatic, V-8. HouMhoM SurvicM telephone aaleswork in down-' SALESWOMAN, experienced Carlson Lists thetic Adds 21 cleats son as the nation’s total offenw oddest weadisrl Dealer. Take over low weekly Pednting— Paporing 21 NBBD CART Credit vary bad? Offurtfl 13-A town Mancheitter, morning or women’s apparel. Wednesday, and aie diorter than Sm normal leaders. After five games this paymenta. Mr. Alexander, 647- JOSEPH P .' LEWIS* cust(»n evening hours available, con­ Saturday — Hiursday evening. Bankrupt, rapoaaaaalonT Hon- REWEAVINO cf' burns, moth- Varsity Squad grass Shoe of seven claato five fall they ware No. 1. 9997. painting and paperhanging. In­ venient parkl.tg, $2., per hour. ExceUent salary, benefits. CaU OPERATOR aat Douglas aooapts loweat holea, tippers repaired. Win­ on the aole and two on tba heal. They got o« to a good start terior end exterior. Dry waU 646-0726 fo r appointment. Mr. Aitahuler, 6432112. With UConus The new cteata ora %1b of an ttito year, beating Tulaha 64-7 down, smaUaat payments, any­ l'966 COMET, convertible, auto­ dow shades made to. measure, where. Not amaU loan finance matic, bucket seats, console, 4 work. FuUy insured. BYee esti- inch In length. Teams playing and Cinctanatl 71-88 in the As- aU sisC Venetian blinds. Keys PSYCHOLOGIST. — CUnldal, company plan. Douglas Mo­ Uke new tires, one owner, A-1 mates. 649-0668. In np answer immediate Opening Head Coach Burr Cartoon has on natural graas uaa claata ^4 or trodome. Pdisibilify of icing is min­ made whUe you wait. Tape re- 6482862. MA and experience in diagno- tors, 840 Mate. condition, moving our of state. announced the name# of thoae 1-inch to _____ laigih-_____ The____ ahoctar Tenneaaae to pieaaed wUh its im ize VOUTANE rs- cordera tor rent. Marlow’a 867 sla and therapy ’with chUdren. NURSES AIDES APPLY IN PERSON AT THE 648-2081. EDWARD R. KUCE—Painting, who wlU make up tha 16-man ^ItortTmuch better toot- TarUm surfaot'af Naytand Bta ■M ' fonnation a i water 1967 CORVHJTTB convertible, 4- Mata St. 6492221. Private school for handicap vanity basketball aquad the qmt rughke surfaces, (hum to KnnxvUe, having exterior and IntMlor. Paper- vi >or in caibureton. ■pecd, 466 poiitraction, 827, 818 1968 IMPALA 88 Convertible 827 LIGHT TRUCfONO, hulk dellv- children in Hartford. Write Box Experienced preferred, 7-3 Univanby of Connecticut. ^t the Houston Astrodome, played a loushig 17-17 tie witti 4 'hangiaig. CtoUlngs, eitc. tesw ed, iianri^pBtpr lEupnitt^ IfFratb AM 88tltth88 h.p., marina blue, mag wheels. cubic inch, 4*speed. $1,860. CaU ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ ‘‘A,’’ Manchester Herald. shift, for expanding 120 bed Tbe list inchides only three ■.here the ura of a aynthetic Geoigia and then beating Mem- NO MONEY DOWN 649-1008. SAPfTY GET UP TO 648-7148. 646-2204. ed and removed. Also odd Joba, convalescent home. Paid IS BISSELL STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. latterman, nine ser removal, fiffly tar’ Local manufacturing con­ tions, pleasant atmosphere. Hackensack, N. J., and Fred a canvas top and hard rubber with Astroturf at Seattle, piayad CsRvsrt your «sw IMi low mUeage,/ exceptlonaUy Quick sale, $1,280. Call 649-_ now 1988 OM^yssr wiRtsr tirss surance estimates made. Man­ Bured. 648-9043, and 649-8826. cern requires alert, depend­ Maton of Waterford, along with T he fuel Una i6 protected 6788. moUed ades. The shoes are a 96-U tie wKh Rica but had to Q oodyoer BITE 0I\I ROW 10 lisri Mtini tsfstjr olaan. OaU 6442168. ______chester Refinlahiing Co:, 49 Win-, able, full-time girl to handle Tony Budshisky o f WUUmantlc, in Norway. rasort to a last second 61-yard bom fteeze-up. <3aa flowa f plht slu4 tiros tor mort ter Street, 649-6048. NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ THE MEADOWS w M or fo iR tes sRd 1 now. APPROVED CREDIT 1964 VOLKSWAGEN convert- ______bookkeeping, payroll, and are tha tetterinen; while for­ The irasl footbaU aboea with fldd goal by Ron Votoracht. freely to the engine where ^^ toff— t in t SLICK ICE! 1 ible. Very good.condition. With ggnyiNQ machines expertly re- ing, paperhanging, paper re­ general office typing. Small Immediate Opening ward Tony Analeuskaa of Bom- 1067 PONTIAC Teropeat, 826, 4- moval. Free estimates and dec­ 648-1174 hard nylon claato and a stiff Than, a weak later ptoylng on it^a quiddy ignited for extras, CaU 6492072, after 6 congenial office atmos­ ervlUa, and center Gerry leather aola aimply wUl not give Tartan turf at -FREE MOUNTING! ■peed, man^ extra*. 646-1487. paired. AU makes domestic or orating service. Quality work­ fist sub-zero itarte. p.m. Imports. ABC AppUanroe R e­ phere, and exceUent start­ FOR Bilodeau o f CornMh, N. Y ., are proper traction on the artiflctol the HusWaa humblad hapii PONTIAC BotmevUle, 1967, ra- manship, neat, com{)etent serv­ ing salary. CaU Mr. Melo at the only other holdovera from rugs. Thaw ware deaigned to Wlsoonsln, 21-17. But In their pair, 41 Oak Street, 649-8879. ice. CaU 647-0664. dlo, heater, power ■teerl^, RockvUle, 878-2198. 649-5110. ACCOUNTS .Receivable — Girl last yaar’a teem. Anelauakas is give traction through surface fhta Pacific 6 game at home, brakM, air conffltlonlng, $2,200. 1960 FORD WAGON, V-8, auto­ to handle claims related to ac­ a Junior arid Bilodeau a senior. penetration. Woshhigton bowad to Oregon matic. $100. OaU 649-0872. INSIDE—outside pointing. Spe­ Eveninga, 649-6690. ____ TWO HANDYMEN want a va­ cial rates f<» people over 68. THE WARD MACHINE counts receivable, bookkeep­ The only oiber Junior on the ‘‘The Immobliity of tba tower 62. CHABGKir riety at Joba by the hour or CaU my com petitors, then call CO. ing background desirable, squad ta 6 2 Steve KoaU at Wor- lag causes numy knee and leg Borton UUvMirtty would be o a geoM BsvsM ng 1962 CADILLAC sedan DevlUe, 1964 OLDSHtbBILB, good run- day. Reasonable rates. Call for ma. Btotimates given. 649-7868, diversified duties. Apply Iona EXPERIENCED Cbatge. Bsjas tba \ning condition, $80. CaU 848- oaator, Maas., a Junior college injuries,’’ says Dr. James happier if their Tarrlara could good ooodltlon. Take over low information, 643-8806, 648-8292. 289 Adams St„ Manchester Mfg. Co., Regent St., MancMs- Cobvsetobaa a f Ckadto Mr. Alex- 2888. 876-8401. gradoate who to aligtUa to {day WUtehuit, Houston team physl- PPhone 876-6292 or 646-0101—'Vernon, Conn. automatic, power ateerjng. $86. 649-2971. estimates. ' CaU Richard Sirloin Pit, 278 W. Middle AND SAVE Taka ovIbt low weekly pay­ salary and advancemmt op- COMPOSITOR 6-0 Lou Glaser of Hewlett, N.Y.; possible to fjx the foot in the Alabama bos a synttastte our- Martin, 646-9286, 640-4411. ments. Mr. Alexander, 647- down, low weekly payments ar­ Tpke., Manchester. portunitiaa. Four girl office. ground in a stable manner. face on Ms practice field and Setiafaedee Cwarentead 62 Paul Hoagland of Brain- ranged. Call 238-8718, Mr. Building— Alr-oonditlcned downtown of­ .tree, Maae.; 62 Ron HrUbala of "As a result, there has been a Coach Bear Bryant is thhifctog er Ysnv Msnay Beak 9697, ______GEORGE' N.'oxiverse. Painting SALESWOMEN, CJhristmaa GOOOYf AR TIRhS Al COMPFTIIIVI I'HKK S Al SO AVAR AHl I Al IMI I 0 1 1 OWINIi IIMOl PI NOl Nl OIAIIHS Bake. ______and decorating, paper hanging, fice. 87Mi hour week. Free You'll find your co-workers most conger Dost i Hartford; 6-2 Tom Mc- remsTkaUe lowering of faict- of the same type of installation Contracting 14 period mainly, year ’round pos­ 1982 OORVAlh Monsa 900, 4- fuUy insured. Call evenings, sibly. $1.76 per hour plus. ()ua- parking, phone Mr. Rloharda. Check the fringe benefits. f e '- '' Oroeklin of Stamfovd; ,62 Al dence of turf-related tafuries of the pmo ‘ WonM fiehto’ ’ used 1961 HXLUCAN. good oomJUlon. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ spaed, new engine and trana- 6U-2804. llflcatlona: Mature, respons­ 648-1810. ’ Srabnick of BrooWjm, N. Y.; 6- the lower extremities.’’ by his Orlmson Tide, Sears OaU 649-2871. modeling speoiaUst. AihUtlona, In other words, tha new Bums Some teams, may think twice mission, 4 now tires, $400. 848- ible., understanding. Hours; 8-9 2 Bobby Staak o f D aitoo; 6-4 Manchniter reo rooms, dormers, porches, PAINTING, workmanship QUALIFIED teacher —South * . Apply in person at the E'i - won’t dig in on ruga. Thus, few- about booking future opponents NICHOLS - MANCHESTER THt& Inc. 1968 PONTIAO Grand Prix. ■ 4978. ^ ______■ evenings or 1-9; Personal dto-- Windaor Nursery School. Con­ Steve Townaend of Ksumora, Aaio Center oabtaets, ,form ica, buUt • ins, guorantaOd. Interior and ex­ Dealer, taka over low weekly oounte, pleasant envlronraent. N.Y.; and 62 Davs Yager of er injured anklea. with synthetic ifM ds. Where the bathroonu, kitchens. 649-8448. terior. Alao papering. Fully in­ tact 644-0284. 390 Broad Htrert paymenta. Mr. Alexander, 947-‘ QuaHty apparel know-how. ChU Ebnont, N; T. The Houston Coigmv played home team funitohes tbe shoes 295 Bmad StTM t-Opp. The Poat Offtos— Phoog 648-1161, Hspshastita ; PONTIAO BomjevUle 1969, ra­ sured. CaU Ken Ouellette, 648- . 648-I3HI GARAGES, breeaeways and 848-2128 for appointment, 9:80 SBC3RHJTARY — stenographer. iKunrlywtpr lEnpttltqj iftrilUlk; OOnneoticut opens Us ■■■sen 18 games in the Dome ta the wMh 21 Meats aomakogy- hm ia 9697. . dio,-nruns well. 649-1416. 9048 or 649-6826. Open Mnn. thru Hat. game rooma, remodeling, all a.m.. 1 p.m ., ask for Mrs'. SmaU private school In. Hart­ at Tals on Nov. M. tost two yeara and iujira bad no check on foot aUia. ' » A.M, to 9 I’.M. 1962 BODGE Lancer, radio, types of carpentry work. No Greene or U re. Franklin. Ca­ ford. Excellent benefits in­ 13 BISSELL ^EET-|IANCBE8frER,,C0| heater, whHawaUs, snow ttras, OEULINGS painted, $7.60 pw 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, $660. Call job too. snuUl. R ft R Bros,, room ; waUpaper removed $7.80 sual Village ^hops, ‘Man­ clude S7Mi hour week. Ptmie eacoallant oonflltion. J****** chester. 242-2274. g i ^ Christmas gift. 6492186. 649-6820 evontag*. 648-0286. per room . 649-9166.

- 6*-*, \

te? _e*_^» jO ^ ^ ^ ,

'T -.’ f ' I'..:---- , V Z' • ■ f* •' ♦ , V* 'O’ • -4


F A O I 1B 1BTY.EIOHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEI^R, CONN., n WUaon to an aartlar ptodgs of no' 72 O o l o ff To m b Oot of Towe Reports Denied IndepandHMO baton majority b i m t i m i i f MAwcKiiri'm ~ e t x r o ^ F 5 r M 75 t o S A 75 nda tor Rhoderiaie 4 mlRkm Af> 41 ______a s r U T UtVRJu, modem kttoh- Tliat Rhodesia ITmiK BULL. ’JS 52P. 43-A SB, d U » $ 85001, IhrlBg room Oppe, eantraUy looated, oor- VERNON-ManriMotor Uue. 4-8, W owtai tool Is lo la 77 H AN OH Sm nt uar lot. Rnoenent oondttton. DfiFnrod in LOOKlNa for good homes, one FURNISHED three ndm a wHb 8 fo o m i embt flat. EEflijra^^ b w CRthsfiral oaUIng, $ gtBW- two famUy, tmo Imnaoee. SEUJtNa YOUR BOMET Ih r DSspate Ending black and srhlta ktttan and I MANORBETBR — R oonlnt Quran Realty, aM4780i Equipped with lendianitU’interiar, carpeting and one ear toiklag. mant h a a indm duil - V ^ r o ' 005 iliM bodnonu, Iniga ptn- ladgua egportuflfty tor eoenom- prompt souttoous aarvioe that Gesiler Japaa's First windshield wnriiar, 2 ipsed r k e m e CLASSIFIED tiger caU. ChU M04480. after BERRY’ S WORLD ' bouse, good location belwatn riafi MmRy room, garage, $87,- No uUUtleB, no pata. Dto. 616- hsatiiig' ajdtam In ;6fcew eit’ MANCHESTER - thla 7 room loal U v^ or iiflrashnent On­ gets rtsulte. OaU Louts Dlmoek LONDON (AP) - Repots wipers, beater, dsfroster, tkasr 8:50 anyttma wi i ksnda. radavalopmMr and prapoaed 690. m iM M i Agency Raattota, ly $81400. Hayea Agenoy. 040- TOKYO — A 666-hed, $2J»6,- 0087. Ahnatnum eomWiie- Cape offen $ bedrooma, formal Raalty, $4640$. that a oattlemant in tite Um a- 666 esntor tor treating persons safetyfety flasbets, hsek-up ■bopping oantar. Potential ^ w ln d o w a and deOro; Mtoa 0181. frin t and ADORABLE black male toy grass, $6,116 per yilar; j Amids dining room, and a heated rao a l l yaar- old Rhnrteato dlRMto la with handtoaps, both phyaioal •ran o f towK oonvantofl - CASH for your property ette headreotah stoariag wheel look ADVERTISING miniature poodles. AKC regis­ lusiiiMd LocatloM parking, raflnlahad inalda and MANOHRtTBR - ThU older room. Bowen School area. BOLTON — 4% room Ranch. within 34 hours. Avoid red immtnsnt w an auAorWativriy and mantel, has been (^tened in tered. Ready in three weeks. es, Empping, aAooia E w d Prlead to seU at $U JOO. CaU and rear window dsfrarter. For Root 44 out, BxoalltBt inveatmsnt prop­ Gape has been remodeled with Beautiful treed lot. Quiet lo- tope. Instant servloe. Hayea denied ben today. Furini, in Tokyo’a western euh- OLASSinm) ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ITB. can 743-7353. erty. Can Th# ILF. DUnoek churoh. Immertlata- odeupan- Paul W. Dougan, RaaNor, 646- urbs. It is stafled by 21 doctors cy. Altos OUmpet, ‘ RaalUw,. a now Mtohen, new bathroom 4S80. cation. New furaaee. OaU now. Agency. 84641S1 ”R is not tnM that wa an TED TRUDON 8 A JL to 4:80 PJL ENGLISH Setter pups, orai«e TWO ROOM offlca, 100 pareent do. 645S348. and now furnace. OaU today to Only $18,000. Bayes Agenoy, mar a oettlemeot,” said a and 186 minaa. Only serious Main St. location. Inquire Man 64M5tt. ______' see thto • or 4 bedroom home 04641S1. WANTED in ManriMOter — 4 cases an traatod, mortly ohlV beKons, whelped Sept. It, OHOlOE looattona. Drtva by MANCHESTER or 6-bedraom Crionlal, mini- source eloae to the negtritortlona low's, 867 Main St. - b r a n d n e w Ranoh undar prloed at $16,600. Paul W. Dou­ dren, in the center, the first of VOLKSWAGEN COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLAf ADVT. champion tird and dam. Five the laage com er at Baat Cen- But coneera pendated in Par- ooiwtoaotiai, 6% rooma, ^ gan Rsalton, 046-4816. GARRISON COLONIAL mum of i bathrooms, S-oar ga­ lU Mnd in Japan. Tokyo has P J L DAT BEPOKB PCBUGATIOM show prospects, $180, one pet 474 MAIN ST. offloe to r rent, tar and Goodwin or look ov« rage preferred. Must have ma­ Uament diat Prime Mtariater male, $78. e4ft-59Tl after 8. baths, guaga. Nlca Seven rooma, 8 twin aised Harold WOaon had autitoriasd about . ,46,606 . earlouily hendW Dm B m lar Batartey mmt Mamimy la 4sM pjB . M da^. canter of town, plenty of park­ at the property at the oomer bedrooms. 1% baths, com­ 2 DESIRABLE HOMES ture trees. Buyer pnpared tor ing, 646-S4M. 5-6. of Center and GriawOld St TJT. now for dstallsi It M. Frooh- oonoeeston that omdd epUk hto esPP*« psiaons Read Herald Advertisements DACHSHUND — AKC puppies stte Raalton, 647-66M. plete built-in Idtohen, n- quick punriMM. Please send Crockett Realtora, 648-1877. fuU intonnatton to Box R, Maa- Labor potty. reda, blacks and chocolate. $80 FOR RENT or aala-461 Main venient toraticn. 'Immacu­ Sooth TiHiidsor d ia l up. Also Pekingese and Wel- im m a c u l a t e BH room Ranoh CAPE late condition. Aaaumable chester Herald. Newapapen aaM cone and ona 643-2711 Street Building and lot naxt on both aides had been prepared maraners, 1-838-4875. to Poat Offloe. Excellent loca- Bullt-lns, atone flraplaoe. 0%5$ mortgage. Truly a 6H room Ranch, 8 bed­ Land For Scfl> 71 Trees. Only $15,500. Hurry. prudent buy. CeU Mr. rooms, Uvlng room and tor the Tasumptton of talke in AIROALS Terrier puppies. Uon tor any use. 646-34M tram 743- 8 ROOM S' SaHSbury by Thundey. Precise CoatiMwd From fracadinf. Pogt 0 to 8 p.m.. Puaek Realtora 385-7478, Lewie, 0464806. kitchen with dinette area, fresh new beauty [ Wonderful famUy cornpamons, ' ■ ■ ■ . BOLTON —88 adrea of heauU- 7063. .Fun shed dormer, newly tiled bath, waU to wall car­ Simple Walk^ details w en not dtselnaeil. excellent bloodline. Call 648- STORE or offlcea for rent 460 ful high wooded rolling land------^ finished knoAty pine rec peting, unique paneled rec Some poRtloal souroes ocn- 34 H«lp Wantod Mato 34 8718. Main St. Acrosa from Friendly near new highway, long road >1HRBB badroom o*dar OoloiSitt room, paneled lormal d h ^ B &. W itxnn with oeparate bar tsnded ttiat (xriy one major is- Ice Cream. 646-3438, 5d. frontage. Priced to eell. Ctofl Large trerf tot Central too^ room. Only $3i;000. ' b a r r o w s and WALLACE Co. area, alao ponUed study, S u b u rb a n ^ sue blooka a sstthsnsrf wMi BXPANd Dio W K panXIair baa JANITORS — Part-time RARE Peruvian Guinea Pigs earty. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. tion. Low 80’e, owner anxl^. Wonderful pett, also make Mamriiaator Parkade one oar atteohed garage, Rbodeola’s wMto minority gov- (‘C alifornia u iS hbn Ofwnliiga for aUllad lo m (mild- nings. CaH 64S-44SS, M p.m. 800 ^SQUARE FEET of offloe H.M. Frechette RealtonK 547- Manchester 0404806 convenient lodatton, good good 4 « projecto. 645-4aB8. WAPPEWO — Avery St. Beau­ emment, aatoguarda in a mw an. An apimattM pngnxn la only. , sitAce In profeeelonal com­ 0 0 0 6 .______, condition, $33400. A n d Seren e oomtttutton to guarantee ad* 100% Arcylie Latdx Availabla for man willing ti pound, 387 E. Center St, Ex­ tiful, high, flat, eome treee, ap­ $18,000 BUYS this 6 room parUcipata. IM on aitop will: FULL, and part-time martianlca $14,000 -3-BBDROOM Rand^ . PHILBRICK Banc*, nice condition, beauti­ vanoeoMnt of ilw Afrtoan ma­ cellent parking. Call 648-0837. proximately 16 acres plus 5- B y SOL R. COHEN jority toward aelf-rule. INTERIOR EGGSHELL ENAMEM paar ’ round woifc. Equal op* for light mechanical work, good Artietos For Solo 45 family house, and two tobacco porch with wrought Iron r ^ ful view. $14,800. buys thla 0- Vernon OFFICES tor rent —368 Main The other mght, right After Wfimn Mmsalt aaUi Tuesday portuDtty aaaplajrer, Allied pay, benefits. Apply Mlnit f r e e — New wheels with snow bame', seconds from 1-84. Ksltb Ing, full cellar, garage, 100x300 AGENCY nwm ejqmndatrie CaUtomU ihiiiHiTiy Syatanm, Inc., ICaa* Auto Care, 580 Middle T)ike., tires. Discount price on studs. St. Large roome, $76. month­ Agency, 6464136, 647-5646. lot, trees. - Hutchins Agency, Ranoh, one acre land, $2S,eoo. Choc (o MaiKriiester. 0 room supper and for no' obvious that “dewp (tiftonnees” remain cheater, Conn. #46-0124. West, Manchester. Order your winter tires now. ly, all utlllUea furnished, e x ­ Realtors. 645-6834. ) 6M-6847 Realtors tor this 4-bedroom, Dutch Co­ Ramrii that o a e n 8 bed­ reason, my wife euggeatod that on fundalnental Issues. Cole's Discount. Station, tele­ cellent location, available Im­ 83 ACRES. Individuany soned. lonial. 2 bathe, 2 fireplaces, rooms. Uvlng room wtth unconfirmed rsporta aay Afri- MALE Production Workera APPLICATIONS now being tak- mediately. Ask for Mr. Fre­ fireiriaoe and huge bow we go for a walk around the phone 648-8883. Ctoae to raSroad and major oncloeed breeseway and ga­ oan leaden under detentten to Openings on all three ahifta. an fbr three aupariatendents chette, 647-96M. trucking route. Bast Hartford, ARDMORE RD. THREE Mg bedrooms upstairs rage, over one acre land. window, family risad ldt(rii- block. Rhodesia are ready to accept Rataa: t>.M per hour and up. and taro day maintenance men. South Windsor lino. Peter F. aoosntuates this 7-room home en, -cuetom paneled rec As aU you married men know, SAVE BIG! Do your own rug ® INI hr NIA. $100 A MONTH will lease Mitten Realty Oo. Realton, propeoals worked out by WUson AppUcatlona accepted daUp. Full time. Garden type apart­ and ulholstery cleaning with Grady Real Estate, 648-3664. New Hating. Three bedroom with nlee deep lot in center of 0484980. room wtth buttt-ln bar, 1% when tome’s no obvious raaoon and Rhodesian Pitas Mtariater CaU ICn. Marge Ham peon, 643- ment Manchester. Must be re­ billet, (Sheerie, modem of­ Cape situated on nice wood- Monebeetor. OaU Keith Agen­ hatha, attached garage, Blue Lustre. Rent electric fice. Sixc^ent Main Street lo­ for something, there has to be ton Smith in their talks at Gi­ ues. Apply to Rogera Gorp., liable, some knowledge requir­ shtoipooer $1. Olcott Variety "Let's not forgot to send a post card to Mayor Daley!" ed lot r ^ / ^ r TV Uvliig cy tor further dstaUe 6464136, CAPE —8 rooms, formal din­ open porch. Oork In healthy outdoor MACHINE PRODUCTS 8-7 only. available now. Call Paul ATTRACTIVE office space Im­ and roof, walk to bus line, 648-2694 tween 0:80 to 1:10 and after “ Every other husband practices George R Grifflng. 743-7886. 4:80 p.m. at $10,900. Hurry! Paul W. mgotiattons, was due back in type wmk. No experience re­ 103 COLONIAL RD. W. Dougan, Realtor, 6464888. mediately avallaWe. Call 646- schools and shopping, $31,600. togetoomess. He walks with his quired. Tear ‘round work with FOUR YEAR old refrigerator— CaU now, Wolverton Agency Dougan, Realtor, 6464688. BAST HARTFORD, 0% room SaUabury today or Thuroday to AilShtfifi Inttrlor Eggshell Ensmel creates a natural beauty wtth a SPOTS before your oyea—on 6891. ______■ xrlto- Me takes her to a movie reaume talks with Smith. overtime. Top pay rata. Many Has immediate Openings For: freeier, excellent condition, 14 FOUR ROOM iqwrtmcMt, mid­ Realtors, 646-3618. RANCH —• Seven rooms, tw o"- SCANOHBSim ^ Beautiful bouse, garage, fuU cellar, amooth, rich finish. But don’t let tha soft touch fool you. 100% your new carpet—remove them cubic feet, call 648-0441, 648- NOW LBASDfG, new office fbur badroom Capa phie roe MANCHESTER and vlehilty. once in a 'xdiile. He asks her baneflta. Union aiiop. An equal INSPEXJFORS—Bbc^rienced in dle aged couple preferred. tiiU baths, formal dtnlng room, fenced yard. Near schcxri and One o f the terms in the pro­ Aoryilo Latex AllSheen la incredibly tough, truly washable and with Blue Lustre. Rrot electric 0018. Heat, hot water, garage, mod­ building in Manriieater, avail- EXECUTIVE 7 rooms, Split- room, aluminum elding, etoimi Ovar 78 bomea from $7,600 up. on Sunday if she wants to go posed settlement, souroes said, Oppcatun l^ employer. Apply In Aircraft Parts ■hsmpooer $1. Plneatood modem kltrtien with AU bullt- alioiqring. S7B-7708. for a ride, or out to eat. HoAr totally baautifull Yes, add the colorful, unique finish of AllSheen peraoo to Allied Casting Oiwp., em kitchen, stmporch. 649-7138. abte March laL Prime Main Level, famUy room, fireplace, lns, famUy room with firsplace, and aoraena, from dormen, cun Mitten Raalty Company, is that BritWi will pump $24 Furniture Shop. --- i ReaKon, 648-0000. come not you? You never sug­ MO Tolland Tpke., Manchester. An Beneftts—^Bqual Opportunity Street location. Parking. On diabwiMher, and dlsi>osal, waU three bedroonu, 3-oar garage. larga S4ar garage. City utUl- SOUTH WINDSOR, Birth HUL nttHton a year into Rhodeola’a your home, nowl Ehnployer AntiqiMS 55 AVAILABLE soon, four room bus line. All electric heat and to wall, 3 fuU baths, 3-car ga­ tlaa. Wooded lot. Many extras. Large, Jumbo alM 4-bedroom gest. You wait for me to aay education system to prepare ttse DARK rich stone-free loam, ____ PhUbrick Agency Realtora, 646- CUSTOM thpee bedroom Ranch, something, and then you’re too BROIUai man wanted, $18. Pool arid patio sand, stone, WANTED TO BUY — antiques, duidex, three years old, cen­ alr-condfUonlng. Two floor% 800 rage, spotless. Price high 3o*s. ■^lU pries $83,000. can Mitten Ookmlal, family room, formal .^fltloan majority tor tbs vote. Use Dial-A-Lift Every Day 648-2751 trally located. Adults, no pets. 8847. almost cna acre treed lot tired to go, or you’ve got a meet- to Wetkieaday through Saturday fill gravel, sand and manure, steins, furniture, pewter, lead- or 1JOO aquare feet each floor. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, Realty Oo., Rsalton, dining room, large Uvl^ room. Labor party aourcez aatd Every Hour Day or Nig^it MECHANIC, wanted tuU-time, $138. 648-3^. F. A D. Annulll Realty, 646- 648-3818. COLONIAL, eight rooms, large Breeseway and 2- our atnet, pasring .. eliminate rapid reselling. ilan. (Prtoed righ t Exiriusive low down payrnem. $18,1100. buUt-lns, etc. Act fast at huelneaa, 48 houra. Apply in FOUR ROOM flat, automatic walk-out basement, recreation Inmea whera the huriiaxids person. Beas Baton Donuts, 180 Rent electric ehampooer $1. HOUS^OUJ Iota — Antiques, heat and hot water. 42H'Maple Oof of Town room, beautifully large wood­ SIX ROOM C50LONIAL with Wolverton Agency, Realtors, $27,000. J. SlederiQT, 649- Paul’s Paint A WaUpaper Sup- could be sem reading their Minit Auto Tire Centers Center SL, Manchester. bric^a-hrac, clocka^ frames, Street AdiSts only. CaU 646- For Rant 55 ed lot Immediate occupancy. 040-281$. 6800. p»y-______' glaasware. We buy estates, mi­ 0766 or 648-7028. SmaU down payment. Owner C e n t r ^ locetod older home toi PETER F. GRADY Htfirsisipiira and wotriring TV, TOW N OF BU8BOT8 wanted. Carriage lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 ROCKVILLE — five rooms, excellent condlUofi. REAL ESTATE F(Hl SALE — Your house couM my wife Hdd. “ Now, admit i t BROWSE around for Cfariat- 1-87S-88S1 evenings. B & W I t e t tote InvlgaratincT So qulat. HoueS Restaurant, 10 East g t, Bolton. 646-8347. THREE room apartment stove, stove, and refrigerator, 648-2694. be Ueted here tor efficient ab- maa gifts. Open every after­ heat, decorated. Single person tion. Morrison Agenoy, 04S-1O1B, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. it gives (xw a d m oce to think.” ELLINGTON Center Stroet. Four rooms, stove end refrig­ GARRISON pokmlal In one of ONLY $19,200 noon, Sunday through Friday, WANTED — Raataurant eqiUp- or coiqile. First floor. L o^ HUl erator, beat and hot water, ■ Manchester’s most desirable 648-0644. Manclieater Parkade I certainly was thinking. Firat BUS BOYS wanted part-time af- also Thuraday evening. Laurel ment store, tavern and bank­ Rd., Andover, Ootm. CaU 742- nelghboihoods. Modem Kitch­ Osll tor an Inspection. < Manefaeoter 6494806. o< aH, I was thlnkkig of the Wm hire man tor work in 4:80-9'J0. inquire Antiques, 284 Center Street. $130. CaU 873-4783. NEW LISTING — 6% room ruptcy equipment. CaU Fon­ 8848, between 7 and 6 p.m. en. formal dining, room, famUy cape, an nloe siaed rooms. warm Mvlng room, riie newa- Mglnray department. Must Sirloin Ptt, 378 W. VERNON — Mount Vernon $20,000 —1% acres. Old Colon- k e e p your carpets beautiful taine Restaurant Equipment, ------;------— room, large Uvlng room with Qulot location yet walking poper, the TV. Then alao, 1 be over 21 and able to drive Middle Tpke., Maaeheetor. 478 Windsor StreeL Oomer FOUR ROOM «kq)lex, ceramic LoH For Sola 73 ial, oom i^tely modernlaed, was ♦Waking of all the potholea despite constam fpotstepa of a Apartments now -available, fireplace, three large bed­ NORMAN HOHENTHAL dtotance to bus, sotwols, ahop- a trudu Retirement and Canton Street Hartford, 827- bath with colored flxturea, new 8% rooms, at $160; bright and clean, three ga­ other benefita. Apply at busy fandly. Get Blue Lurtre. rooms, two oar garage. PhU­ REALTOR ping. Prtoafi in the teens. MiWOHBSTER — Multiple 1 ^ we were dodging, and of the 8171. esMnetod kitchen, garage. 4% at $170; heat, hot wa­ for sale, B zone, aultable for rages, nloe view, trees, euhur- rain puddles we ware aUiting. Sdectman’s office. Baiing- Holp Rent electric riiampooer $1. W. Quiet dead-end street. $180 brick ~ Agency, Realtors, 646- 646-UOer Wolverton Agenoy Realtora, ban. Hutriilns Agency, Real- ton Topwn Hall, weekday* H. Bigland Hardware, Bolton, ter, refrigerator, oven- range, 8847. 645-3818. I 2-famUy bouses. Prtaiclptea So, aU I did was to grunt M o w 37 WANTED used snow blower In with beat Available December dliqxwal, dishwasher, waU' to only. 6484700. tom, 0464S34. somatUng that passed tor betareen 6 axn. and 1 p-jn. Oonn. good coodltion. ReaaonaUe. lot.- Owner, 646-U66. waU carpeting, alr-ocndlUan- SEV^N ROOM Ueas six rotlcs at $160. Available Dec. 1, 8% 800. OaU Don Siaoo, 646- MEN wanted evenings for floor automatic zig-zag, excellent Main St. 648-4074.'^ waU, recant heattog syatem, $37,800. Rowe A Rowe Realty, addict reportedly told detectives r e l ia b l e baby sitter sdth condition. Makes buttonholes, rooms at $188.; 4% rooms at MORIARTY BROTHERS, bic. full basement, detmhed ga­ 876-8167. 6806. waxing and Janitorial work. references, wlU care for pre- ROOM In private home ^or wo­ Diaz was slipping aluminum toll hems, embroiders, etc. Orlg- $186. Hekt, hot water, oven- WANTED 861-618 CENTER ST. n g s , enoicsed porch. Don’t •' packages of the drug toto cer­ OaU General Cleaning Service, ■rtMxU rtilld. 648-8807. man only. Near Lake Street range, refrigerator, parking 'MANCHESTER, OONN. — #04088 delay. CaU Wolverton Agency ELONGTON — SpeotaciUm 646-8884. InaUy over $800., 6 monthly B (Sl W tain "eandwl(dies” . payments of $8.80 each or pay- School. CaU 0467867. and storage, 627-9288, between Vacattoo—lnaunuio»-4*ettSlon ReaNors, 646-3818. value! Three year (rid Garri­ son Oolonial huUt by Leger BARROWS and WALLACE Co. PoHce sold under the system COMPLETE REVERSE FLUSHING IRONING done In my home- $81 cash. 822-0681 dealer. ATTRACnVB furnished front 68 p.m. After 8 p.m. 647-1871. and Many More Fringe BeneBts! SERVICE ' TU8TOM built five room home. Starr, 7 rooms featuring 4 bed­ Man'oheater Parkade used by Dias a narcotics afldiot w i N m OF Y0U|t COOLING SYSTEM BY p r e s t o Ne call 646-3786. A SINGER ZIO Zag — Cabinet bedroom, near center. Gentle­ BRAND NEUV six room duplex. Large Living room wtth fire- rooms, formal dlniiig room 1% Itonchester 646-8806 would order a certain “sand­ PRESTONE AUTOMATIC MACHINE! EARN WHILE YOU model, used 44 months. This men. CaU 648-8847. Two fuU ceramic tile baths, WRITER , place, formal dining room, haths, all rieotric ktUflMi, at- wich” such aa “plain rye” or on Choose from 10 imeute CHEMICALS aU appllanced kitchen, full BOLTON LAKE, bargain year "onion roll” and ha given his or­ LEARN. WILL BABYSIT days tor pre­ wlU monogram, over- [modem kitchen, Jalousled teriied garage, plaster con- CHANGiOViR radiator flush, sealer blind hem dresses, make basement, garage. Gas heat ! porch, two bedrooms, qiace for struoUoo, beomlful % acre lot end close out at $7,800. 0 der with tha, heroin Inolde. school child. CaU 648-9286. AportmonH Tloft For general auto repairs. room Rmoh summer home S stop leak, or anti SPECIAL THREE WEEK tton holes. Make 10 pay- and hot water Included. Cen­ Urird, 1% baths, 3-car garage.. Only $34,000. R. J. Flagg Oh., Prices varied from $20 to $60 rust and wator pump mU of $6. per month or pay Tonomonts 53 trally located. $280. monthly. Flat rote, 8 hours, 5-dey iLot 120x140, beautifully lond- 048-8883. near water. Hayee Agenoy 646- depending; on the type of "aand- NOW RENTING om . SNCIAl lubricant. TRAINING COURSE Situotions $60. cash. OoU Capitol Sewing FOUR ROOMS on first floor, 30 For appoimment to zee call. week. Paid holidays, va­ 'acaped. Marion B. Robertson wlch” ordered and police esti­ 39 Credit Manager till 9 p.m. If 6461624. cation. Apply In person to Realtor, 048-8008. TOLLAND —minutes to Man­ mated Dlam did $2,000 worth of Locust St., heat, hot water, no chester from this weU kept, 7 OOVENTOY —8 room Cape. FOR ORDERLIES tmi, caU collect, 346-2140. appliances, adults. $136. Call Bari Lewie. Fireplace, garage, 2 full baths, business a day. Moot of his cus­ f RELIABLE married man wUl Sunru^ Bjw pksL HUNTER STREET — Yae tlria room Raised Ranch, luxurious tomers were reported to be 'J SINGER automatic zig-zag sew­ 646-2426, between 65. Fumishfid U In Manohsater but oloae to waU to waU carpeting, 1% only $18,600. Pasek Realtora, and Labor D u p o n t mow lawns, rake leaves, pahrt, 289-7476, 742-6831. young people. MANCHBSTEIR MEMORIAL any odd Jobs. Reasonable rates. ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ LOOKING for anything in real ApartiMnts 53.A P A U i D O M E East Hartford tor oommuting hatha paneled reo room with Police found h e r ^ valued at R EFILL with PRESTONfierHRCX Anti Freeze HOSPITAL IS SETTING UP AN 646-9678. cellent eoncUtlon, hems, button­ estate rentals — apartments, aast. Thla oholoa home la a fireplaoe, dtshwariier, alumin­ Windshield DE’ICER TWO ROOM fumUhed apoit- VERNON — 3 family modeh) $8,000 hidden behind a telse ceil­ i t ProlecH rodiolpr lo 20 below INTENSIVE 8 WEEK TRAIN­ holes, sews on buttons, em­ homes, multiple dwelUngs, no PONTIAC, INC. 'Sustom buUt Ranch by Shan­ um stor:^ ate. Young neigh­ REG.lJe ^ Y WILL do lawn work and ment, stove, refrigerator, hot In immaculate, 64 flat, built ing In the restaurant. Dias oper­ Hr Initall new thermostat b i ING PROGRAM FOR MALE broiders, Monograms. etc. fees. CaU J. D. Real Estate non. R faaturaa tha borhood. High 20’B, assumable 1667, 3 furnaces, convenient lo­ ated without the knowledge of Nch toimoU MiQMl ipiiy di-ictr ORDERLIES. A STIPEND odd Jobs. CaU 6463761 after water, heat, semi-private bath. S7S MAIN ST. OULaqJL end wockmanriity. VA mortgage. SMiuga Realty, 'A’ Install rodialor sealant Originally over $800., now only Associates, Inc., 648-6126. material lives wide coviieii petliin, inells Apply Marlow's, 867 Main. cation near Circle. Bel Air the restaurant ovmer, poHce A Inspect radiator hose, fan bell, WILL BE PAID DURING THIB 6 p.m. $86. or $10. monthly. City Sew­ iThere oro five rooms, two 743-8880, 742-0384. HOxy Benrit Real Estate, 648-6883. said. . Ki lest. Sciipt ewiy loosened ice PROGRAM. COLLEGE STU­ WE HAVE customers waiting 743-8474. rodiotor pressure cap and heater controls with temoveble uiaptt cap. Ccd- ing Center, 622-0479. ______two oar garage ^ * ------nomicil, hiimless lo car ^piL DENTS AS WELL AS SENIOR MAN FRIDAY — One man of­ tor the rental of your apart­ iMofssslonaUy 'Isndsoapsd lot. fice background, typing, LEFT o v e r ” —1568 zig zag ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ i P r t o e d t o ^ Wgh tw rtis. this HORSE BARN — 4% io re ir WANT TO GET AWAY CITIZENS WILL BE ELIG­ UUIng, statements, also potot WantRd— Rfid Estaf* 77 IBLE. FOR ADDITIONAL IN­ sewing machines, BuUt-in con­ tate Assofriotes, Inc., 6434126. ■Is a horns to bs seen If you are training and riding rlnga, 0- DEER IXMXffl!, Mont (AP) FORMATION CONTACT THE store management, $88. 846 trols to raaks button holes, sew Experienced Polishers |^l^^ri'^ng for quaUty iNwring. room brlok Ranch, fam ily L ^ G E FAMILY wants to buy — The state prison In peer PERSONNEL DEPT., MAN- 6186. buttons on, blind hem dreises, -^AVAll.-ABLE Dec, 1st. Modem loZuUto Jarvis Realty Qo., room, garage, trees, Hutchins tnree or four bedroom home. Lodge racently beceune the fliat 4% room, 2-bedroom apart- R ofifoifiy i^enoy. Realtors 6464834. OHESTEft MEMCHUAL HOS­ make fancy stitches, ReducecI " ‘ For a finished work on turbine blades and vanes. Roolter RaaltoMkMLB, 6U -im . In Saint Jamea' Parish. Cun (nstitutloa in atate history to PITAL, 648-1141, EXT. 248. to only $38.60 or you can nient, range, refrigerator, dis­ PAUL W. DOUGAN. pay up to $35,000.. Call Paul have on orgaalaed lilitary. Degi— llrds— Pen 41 1MMBDIATE OOOOPANOY — COVENTRY - Pilgrim HUli, s V r VICE CENTERS pay 6 payments of $8.80' per posal. 60 Huds(m St. Phone af- Above gverage hourly rates, fringe benefits and 5494535 HOTPOINT W. Dougan, Realtor, 648-4888. Mora tiian 3,000 hooka were Minit Auto Seven room RalsM Ranch, two GROOMING all breeds. Har­ month. For frss delivery call ’.er 6 p.m. 6494797. profit sharing plan. Apply at ^Ssaroom OokxXel Papa, AA sent to the prison by the state li­ Capitol Servica Manager till pons, dead and atraat. T w o ^ yean old. Two-car garage, QUALIFIED younger couple brary in Hrieno. rVIArUCHESTER BERLIN WETHERSFIELD^MERIDENM WATERBURY M SPRINGFIF mony HUl. H.C. Chose, Hebron LUXURIOUS duplex, 4% roome, famUy room, buUt-lni, wood­ CMOCBRT cltrfc—experienced Rd., Bolton, 6484427. 9 p,m. If txril, call collact, 246- Inregs, Ftunlly tooln, two flrs- needs S bedroom home 1 r, LeiM Cooper, an employe of Store WII SMrt 4% bathe, colored range and ptooaa. ProfaMonrily appnla- ed lot. Only M.400 down. Pasek Store n t S Store Store SI3 Store n i4 fitf-tins. Plsasent work-; 2140. Red*Lee Metal Finishing Co., Ino. Comor of Now Sfota toad A’ HtUkM Stioot Monoheeter. Can pay up to the Hriem. office, aald the moot 948 8Uee Deane Htshwar Centennial Plan Walarbury Sheppinfl Pleas Speli^l^] refrigerator, heat, ftot water. Sr^lminadlateaa]s.BaiaoN Realtors, 386-7478, Gay Blmlr, U l Wet) MiiWif Turnpike Webtler Square Meie Welarbutr, Qtnn. lag nowMHons, good wages, sU MUST sacrifice nude Siamese ,830,000. Paul W. Dougan Real­ frequent -requeota from hunates RAeiwheiler, Cenn.- ’ - nerlin. Conn. WetliarilieM, Cenn. Meriden, Conn. benefits. Apply In person, eat, 3 years old. Asking $18. KITCHEN table and four chairs Bus Une. Rent $160. Available Agenoy, 047-1418. 7434931. tor, 640-4010. are 6or travel hooka. November 20th. OaU 649-2862, 69 WOOPLAND ST,—MANCHESTER Modab O ^ n Aom 2:00 p.m. tM dorii Popular Markets, U86 ToUswl or beat offer, OsU between 4 ;30 in good condition. Portable ra­ OPEN rVIONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 to 9 n SATURDAY 9 to 6 ■ Tpfcs., Euckisnd. — t, 645-I160. dio. OaU 646-8$78. 646-8866- - m 1 f { . t PAOB fo ie n r W ED N ^AY, NOVBMBBE 18» 196d Until 9 O d o c k iianrt)[]pBt?r ^Evening ... -■

M n. SVraooe Woods, prlnoi- About Town pal U Bantlay Sdioal; Mrs. PM lrNgt Pfaag Rna Bthal Haarklns, rataurea room STAMP Annjr Ptb. Rloliard J. B u Um , toadiar; and Mrs. Bata Ford, ■■■ €( Mr. and MM. Marta B. TTie Weather reading teacher, attended the Otaor, COM toidgiit Low ta B n tlw o ttn m . Mldfie Tpk*., third annual New England in- IMM raw f l y baaa aaatgwed to a b i y - . s terprofeealonal Fonrni on Vision mid-9iki. Ttauoriow partly taa Sad Ba., Btad A n y. In Vlat- Out and Reading last Saturday at ^ ,S 3 4 eloudy, aBdwr. High ta SOo. the Sheraton • Boston Hotel, Maas. of Vatogo Chmrm Mtai BialaMi daughtar Keeps fhe Doctor away... of Mr. and Mra. Rkymond T. tlTER Oiila Friendly Sodaty of St. VOL. NO. 89 (TWENTY.FOUR PACttB-YWD SBdTONS) CONN., THURSDAY, NOVraiBKR 14, 1968 « Advarttatag oa flag* XI) PRICE TEN CENTS of > Aahworth S t, waa co- Qniah Mary’s Eptaoopal Church win diairmaa o( the daooratians The old sajrincr is repeated to remind you that here at Pinehont we have oommJttse tor the Junior Ring have a' potluck on Friday at 8:80 p.m . ta Nem HaU. Oueat BUGS r _ Dance held recently at The speaker wfll be WaHy Fortin, Top Grade a sale, this weekend on CRISP, FRESH, RIPE, RED MeINTOSH APPLES OoUege of New RocheUe, Weat- dtrector of the Senior dtlaen’e efaeater County, N.T. CHENEY FARMS FROM CHENEY FARMS (the same kind you have been paying 69c a bag Center and acting town recre­ ^XwUBMKBltf . ational director. Hosteaaea wfll Albert Krauae of 44 Ridge for). Also from Cheney Farms, Fresh Sweet Cider made fran first class North St wfll give an Hluatrated talk be Mrs. Everett Kelsey, Mrs. MetNTBSH WATCfeClB. O*. (A P)- LBJ to Consult Nixon WInalow M anchester, and Mrs. The ■aaboard Coast Uno on “ Wild Ftowem o f TWa apples . . . Cheney Delicious and Cortland Apples are finest quality, too. Stanley Sbolik. railroad has drawn a eompU- Area," at a meeting of the Man- oheater Junior Women’a C3ub APPLES mont from taro of (to raoent All Oirl Scouts are reminded garden group tonight at 8:30 at paaoengaro. that they may bring candy bars ises the home of Mra. Bmoe Stauf­ 3 lb. cello bag “ Wa alwaya uaa tha 9 C L ," tor the Shrtaer’s Hospital, fer, B8 Virginia Rd. If your family likes rich Choco Cookiee, buy these fresh from the oven tha taro hObosi wars quoted Springtlald, Mass., to Mrs. Fred NABISCO. PINWHEEL COOKIES at tte featured 45c price. You save 8A C (^ (AO) -r- WUl8 UB. and haHooptan diroltag over* boor, two thrueti had breached by poUoemak T. O. Banterd On Foreign Relations Levitt, 80 Oxford St. before A Manehcatar vrteran’a fam­ plUMsi and h«])8a|d«n roiiiad head. the oampto barbed wire defanN after they wore booked on Saturday night. 8c on each pkg. Buy one or more, no lim it. . . vagianey diaigae. ily le In need o f a 80-inch elec­ down Hotm , bultato and bomb*, Vour South VMnomaae waN perim eter. tric atove and a folding cot or raportod Idllad and 28 wounded. The attMpga made tour oo- Sanford oald thay told him Hockanum Dog C2ub Ihc. will ttta than 880 Soutti Vl«teamtaa NEW YORK (AP) — bed. Thoae wlahlng to donate No Amariean oaaualtlaa wart HUdto tfarum h the eight, hoUhgr they fMd boaided a firaight either Item may contact Henry meat tonight at 7:80 at MOU’s tangoni and Ameftcan artUhny- raportod. on far aavan houni before (he train at Montgomary, Ala., President-elect Rivard M. Wierablcld of 88 Lockwood St., Supermarket, E. Middle Tpke. tasn fought oft idMut 1,000 North Vim North Vlatnamaaa Mg Amectaon guna Brad point- pra toed the -roodaroya they NixtHi said TTnirsday he Two tUma, “ Crufta, 1988“ and Anti-litter poster by Mark Clavette and American Leglan service of- VtotpamoM troopa naar the ertisiil tha Oambcdtao border Uaafe, heXoopler gunshlpe end travaroed and daoerlbed the has President Jfrtinsoa’a as­ “Managing A Whelping*’ will be Michael Merisotis, Orade 6, Bentley School The only Mem in (hla block requiring a coupon la tha Beer. to etorm gia Jungle camp, diva bembape btasted them bac^ ■CL as “tast and dapand- surance — and insistence— shown. The event la open to the BCaxwaU Houae OoCfee. Maxwell ta paying for poit of Oambodlan hordar UircNBh th* night and oouatOd 887 ooMny named Tamdlng Zone Dot, ti an aorooe tha border, abla." that the incoming presi­ public. aiaa whtra aUtod iocoaa ora It was. 7:28 a jn. whan the The' pair waa boadad tor The education cabinet of The travel film, "Greece and Adtilt Study Group 2 of North the feature and they iiiatat on Ihe coupon. N o ooupoitar bodtoa altar dawn broka today. dent be consulted in ad­ naaeptag for an aetimated oetiq) radioed that the enemy Florida to wartf ta tha eltrua North United Methodist Church Its Islands ’’ will be shown at United Methodist Church will ’Hia North Vlotaameaa attack vance of any major foreign The Golden Age Club wfll needed on ttw ether Mama 18,OM to 20,000 North Vlat- hod hroke otf the oatton and groves “whtra the araother will meet tomocrow at 7 p.m. DAL Community Room, Man­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the on the amoll rangar camp 80 policy decisions prior to the meat tomorrow at 1 p.m. at nameoa troopa baOevod meeeed puUad bonk. fits our elothaa,’’ ■ahfoid at the crureh and the commla- chester Parkade, tonunrow at church. y mflaa north of Saigon prodnetd inauguration. toon on education will meat at 8. the Senior Clttaen’s Center. With thla coupon and a gS.OO purohaae tha Viataam warta baavlaat along tiw border. Dot woe held Tha langeBi eaptor- I Bald they told him. Mambera are requeatad to bring 7:18 p jn . Nixon sold that te eaeential so Members of the Catholic flgtattag In waaka, with 180 o f by « beittallDa o f Booth Viet­ tag e large quaritlty of enemy Mertbe Circle of Emanuel a gift for the kitchen social, namese rangers and a U.8. bow- waapone left on the batUefleld, that any action token by the North united M ethodist Mothers’ Circle* are reminded the anamy daad found liMlda the current administration “wlU be iiUtlieean CbUTch Will m eet to­ and a gmb bag gift & a bag. itaer battery. inrtudtag 68 OUneoe aamiiB rl- Church Fair wfll be held on to contact their leaders for ree- oamp’n barbed wtao. a decision that I 'would have ap­ morrow at 10 ajn. for a work MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Tha 4thar bodlas ware rtrewn The North VtotnamoM jnsde flee; 12 rocket iounubere; 2 The executive board of the Thumday and Friday at 7:80 ervatlona for the Evening of Czechs Meet proved of and not one that I trnirttm at the church. At 2 p.m. at the church. All inter­ ReoMlection, Wednesday, Nov. over tha- ontorod approartM* their Ont efaorga • tx U t m id­ mortar tubes eeid 7 antlalroraft would have njeotad.” p.m., the group will have a Mancheetar Junior Women’s which had baen blaatod Iqr tha night, under oorvar o f a heavy machine guna Chib will meat tomorrow at ested women of the church are 20 af 8 p.m. at Our Lady of He taid that te the cose be­ bualneas meeting and Bible with coupon eav* 18c. With Amarioane’ IBBnun guna mortar honage to pta down the SlerUer, U B. beedquarteia re­ 8:18 p.m. at the home of Mra. Invited to come and h ^ . Calvary Retreat House In Farm­ A m id G loom cause such declakms wotad be study. Hoateeaes are Mrs. John tha comp and the U.$. planea defendan. Wfthta about an ported that troops of IIm U.S. lot David Carmel, 22 Bowen St ington. Leaden are reminded Ukely to cony ovwr from the Grandahl, Mrs. Tver Carlson coOpoa and $5.00 purdawe A » Cavalry OMstan killed 80 Mrs. William Calhoun Is co- The executive opmmittoe of to contact Mrs. Raymond Rage- current administration to the and Mrs. John Korech. Mrs. Norfii Vtotaomese sokUere to hosteas. dnistmaa fruit cakes th e Manchester Scholarship dom, 110 Glenwood St., by Sat­ oave 880. Flaaoe cUp eiNqKNi next. Bigrld Modean wiU lead davo- two flghto Wednaadey in the Over Reform to be sent to aarvioemen in Foundation will meet tonight urday. "If tbe United Statas te unaWe now . . . some gemral en a near the bor­ Vietnam are still being coUoct- at 8 at the home of Mrs. Philip Pinehurst KUOUB (AP) —The Cen­ to speak 'with one 'voloe tt can der. Tao Amarioein ware re­ ed and aiiould be given to a Bayer, 81 Gerard St. tral Committoe of caeoboelova- not speak at aft’’ in foreign af­ The board of aduesMon of ported klBed end five womded. board member before this meet­ Talk Scheduled kta’s OMnmunlet party m et to­ fairs, Nixon sold. Center Congregational Church Talk hyBahhidge Ntxon personally announced ing. The executive committee of TIm U.S. end South Vlet- day for a crucial aeseion amid will meat tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. hte understanding wtth Jotanson the WSCS of South Methodist On Decoration nameae onmenanda olao an­ widespread fear that M woidd In the Robbins Room of tha in naming career dlplonsat Rob­ church. A Sunday School Class for re­ Church will meet tomorrow at r SAVE 1«c n nounced that o o n b o t oaeuaWlee wipe out tbe final traces of the 8-30 pjn. at Susannah Wesley Of White House in the war edged ignrard loat ert M ur^ to -be Me personal tarded children has been start­ with thla coupon when you buy a 1 Ib. year's liberal retorms. Uateon man with the Johnson SL Mary's Episcopal Otdld ed at the Emanuel Lutheran Hall. Fresh Pork can o f Cools O ff UConn week; tha firat fuB wee): etece Tbe oommlttoe aeasioa ta Mrs. Rauel Warrlner of South administration. Church. The claaa. meets ivery I the bomfatag of North Vlatnam win meat tomocrow at 11 a.m. Windsor, a former member of Prague CkuMle hosed another in Brusaeta, Belgtum, The Sunday at 9 a.m. For informa­ The meeting of the Guild of Our meat men suggest Pork Roast and Shoulder MAXWELL HOUSE ' OTOOBS, Otaa. (AP) —The from an audience which grew was halted. throat ,to party dktof Aleibuidar In the upper hall of the church. the White House staff, will give United States aaoured its aUies Our Lady of St Bartholomew president of Om Uhtvaretty of from about 900 to 800 students The UB. Commend iaid 106 Dubcek, wito has been sgbH«g Members are reminded to bring tion, contact M n. Clifford Sulli­ an, illustrated speech about "The Clod Beef Roasts as the best buys of the week. or ELECTRA PERK COFFEE ta the North Atlantic Treaty Or- sandwlclies. Deaeert and bever­ van, 78 Horton Rd., or Mn. scheduled for laOt night -was Oonneetlcut cooled off a group during the midnight to I a.m. -Amertoan troops were klXed In for poUtioal survival every day Changing White House,” .Th^ A whole strip of pork featured at 66c lb., will AT F1NEHURST of more than 100 demonetratora ganteation that the Nkcon ad- ages wni be served by Mra. Ihiunaa Bhmie, 228 Charter Oak poetponed and will be held ’Tues­ dlaousalon session In a email action, oem parod wilU 180 the since the Soviet invaalan Aug. day, Nov. . 19, at 8 p.m . at St. day at 8 p.m. in Woodruff Hall give you many chops, or cut out 10 to 12 center durtng a three-hour question university audltorhim, von der week before. South Vtetnameeo ■0, mlntetmtion ta WasMngton wlU Wyvine Peabody, Mrs. Marie S t o f Center Congregational not alter the U.S. commitment Baiiholomew’a School. 1 Lb. O n Only and anawor searton early today. casualties oHmbed ftom 129 There was speculation that McCann, and Miia IsabeBe chops and use the balance for roast. 59c , to defend Western Europe Mountain Laurd Chapter of Church. The event is open to all A march on unfvorelty admln- Babbldga UU the students to killed two wetaui ago to 200 last old guard' CommunUto who DmuL women of the church. I Offer Bxpiiaa Nov. M ogolnot unprovoked attack. Sweet Adeline* Inc. will re­ Theocratic Mltastiy Scboifl iatrgUan buUdinga Wadneoday aroM tor dedelomi from student week; and 1,481 enem y deatl wont to dleorodH Duboek’a re­ For two years during the Ken­ J hearse tomorrow at 8 pjn. at Jetxyvah’s Wltneases wiU be con­ RR> Va strip It a good buy a t 68c. Roost It or evening by the pratoeton, seek­ conduct and fecUUy oommittoea wt/re roportod* gime and reverse its tatorms , But et the aam» time, Secre­ Frank J. Mansfield Marine tary o f Defeiwe Otartc M . C!Uf- the Ruaslan American National ducted Friday at 7:80 p.m. at nedy and Johnson addiinistra- ing changae In univentty ptaioy, on whether 12 atiidimU and 8e«- Xkmny coauaMtos o f 1,858 hod might open the battle by chal­ Oociw League win meet tonight hove it cut into fomUy chops. Loin Va Strip tord end Secretary of State Center 211 Wetherafldd Ave., Kingdom Hall. There will be tiona, Mn. Warrlner served on WlthaSOAOpoKtaMe oulminatad In their to ro ^ . their uHy member. wtU be dleclpllned been reported tor file week pra- lenging the right of new com- at 8 p-m. ak tha efaibbouse, the White House staff. She waa at 79c ib. wiH make o fine roost or giva you Dean Rusk let th e 14 other Hartford. a aervloe meeting at 8:88 pjn. w ay Into one buUiUng. No ee- tor on Oct SO protest on the vioui, hut this was Increased to­ mittoe memben to take their Parker St, assistant to the curator In NATO nattone know that Ameri- onough loon loin chops for a largo family. rioue damage woe reported. campus. A major demand by day to 2,188, a UHial oecu m a ce, seats. The comm ittee 'on -Aug. 81 (AP.nBtotax) char^ of its restoration, and STATE or LAND O' Another unlveraity building the protoetors la that toe tour aud. tbe 1,481 total presumably increased Ms memberabip by 87 oons feta they ore ahoublertag a later was in charge of the Lib­ where PreeWent Homer D. Bab- West German Foreign Minister Willy Brandt, left, dtepropoitlariately heavy taore Meaty Lean Country Pork Ribs faculty members and eight stu­ wfll be. tacreased- next week aft­ to give M a liberal majority, and rary of American Culture and tadge Jr. hoe hie office hod been dents be granted omneaty tor er more reports cmne ta. amne that the Soviets may try to beat dent Johnson speaks tor the the fUgbt WlU end 'with a return rich, Pltkfci Rd.; Doran Soucle, era and etudento could gather in vtve.” V i"' the U.8. manned shot around next administration ta mattera to earth and an ocean sploah- the moon scheduled fo r C9ulat- East Hartford; Katherine W 9 K M E L E A N plants. Prague Radio said stu­ He aald, “Some , of the of foreign affairs. SALE seoonMlne people In Ihe gov- down, as was the case wtth mas. The Europeans were reported Scheuy, Fax HiU Dr., and Rita dents and workera would meet ( 9 . 101b.) U.S. Choice at several other plants on the enanent ore beginntag to go Zond 8. Barrett, Liberty 8t. The Jodroll Bank Observatory (See Page Fourteen) (See^Poge Twelve) Discharged Mondaf^: Ruth A ll I (See Iffmgt Twelve) (See Page' TWo) in Etaglond said that after circl- eSarroU, Hyde Ave.; Ann Oarmo- Before You Were Born ii^ the moon, Zond 6 apparently dy, Tolland; Jtxiith GUI, Hill­ BEEF SHLD. CLOD was beading to earth. side Ave.; Brenda Eaiis, Legkn (If you are under 00) Rlehardaon A Robbtaa we(« tanwiw Tees sold 'the spaceship flew Dr.; Leighton Lawes, ElUngtoa; Tiny tender bite sized cubes of stewing beef end May Scar San Francisco Weather John Stenlger, Hartford; Karen for fine chicken producta It’a too bad people oifly vwnh ot Seek Party Unity around tho moon at a minimum Sieber, PVanklin Park; Karen deluxe lean round steak ground dtetosice from its surfeco of thla clear chicken broth when aomeone (a Ul . . . for it’a 1,102 miles. Sottlage, Quarry Dr.; Leisa will^be featured at Lb. dellcloua before any m«ai “StudiM of the physical char­ Satryb, Nye St; Anna Prucha, acteristics of the near-lunar area Coats! West WlUlngton, and Mrs. 3 in 1 blend of lean TO a» Fund Lack Perils ground chuck Lb. / Senate Conservatives were conducted during the sta­ Norine Edwards and son, Pros­ NEW RICHER FLAVOR pect S t tion’s flight ta the 'Viclirity of the PROPORHONiED RAINCOAT Our own blend of fresh RAR CHICKEN BROTH Cans * 1.00 m oon,’ ’ T oss sUlded. Bay Transit Plan THAT HAS EVERYTHING SAUSAGE MEAT 69c CSear o r rice. (Sava SOo). Boost GOP Liberal .i’A roUable radio oontact is maintained wtth the station and SAN FRANCiaCO (AP) — D i­ L-A. Kimball, BART assistant WASH AND WEAR the soientiftc Information te WASHINGTON (AP) — Oon- poign Committee. This wlU atrip rectors of the Bay Area Rapid general manager. Police lead one of eight demonstrators arrested on being received from tbe on­ DACRON* AND COTTON servative leaders of tbe Benaito tbe leaderahlp of any Far West Transit district are striving to Kimball _ said directors an NYC Schools board memorizing units. The counting oii a meeting with Gov. the Ban !FYancisco State College campus to the GOP bloc ere oonsldertag giving representation, Z m .* TREATCD Pinehurst... Shurfine Sale... onhosrd equipment te fimctton- prevent tbe blllion-doUar project Ronald Reagan Nov< 19 to get aW TO SHAKE OFF paddy wagon. The school is emtiroijed in the sec­ a tq> poet to a/liberal Republi­ RepubUoona Uke to parcel out tag normally.” from becoming the world’s fan­ bill into the legislative hopper to Sir Bernard LoveU, director of m i RAIN AND STAINS SHURFINE * SH U R FIN E ond week of a strike called by the Black Students Hold dasjses can ctaleague,-hoping for party their Jobe on a geographical ba­ ciest hole ta the ground. ball out the project. Reagan fa­ *ir lailty at. the outset of the Nixon ste where poealtae and there BART, colled the largest vors a hike ta the 5 per cent ' . . . ZIP^ OMON* Union to enforce demands wldch include reinstate­ have been some suggeetione state sales tax. FRUIT 18 OZ. |C STEWED 16 OZ. odmlnlatratlon. locally-ftaanced public works PILE LINING ment of part-time instructor George Mason Mur­ In New Mood that Barry Goldwator of Ariso- TTie BAAT scars of coi CANS CANS Likely benettolary of ouch a na bo tastoUed ta the campaign project in U.S. history, needs at tion are obvious in AIi ASTOUNDING AT ONLY COCKTAIL TOMATOES ray, a Blsck Panther. (AP Photofdx) NEW YORK (AP) -«At eev- move wouM be Peaneylvauta’a poet. He filled It tor tour years Nix€^n N am es least 8146 million more to com­ Oontra Costa and Ban era! pubUo high schools wfaloh Hugh Soott who could take over previously. plete a 78-mile system some ex­ counties. In San BYanctec' are open and operating despite perts say is the moot advanced Oakland, major streets—dug up, ctMdrmanshlp of the Senate R e- But indication* ore that Gold- SHURFINE the continuliig toachen* strike, water, who left the Senate to rapid transit project ever filled 'With cranes, planking and ShuHino 303 Can publloan Policy Committee. His Counsel planned. ^ *19.99 Shoestring staffs manage to n u toi preside.'tt in 1964, wlU assorted traftlc-blocktag m a-! SLICED BEETS College Halts Classes teaoh courses ranging from Soott, who supported the un- have to start at the bottom NEW YORK (AP) — Presi­ BART was designed to link chlnery—look as if they’d been V coaiparabla vohia 29.95 three crowded counties ta an au­ Mandarin to chemistry, biology auooeoefta bid of New York Gov. again in oommlttoe assign­ dent-elect Richard M. Nixon to­ hit by bombs. ' tomated system of subway, B A R T im CREAMEO CORN to buslnesB law. Nelson A. RookefeUer for the ments. day named JOhn D. BhrUch- Kimball pointed out thet Bvery wonoan to the world wotdd love sub-Bay, aerial and grade-sep- present contracts require raat»-‘ The negotiations deadlook GOP presidential nomination, With hta background as an Air man, 48, a Seattle attorney and to own this raincoat. An outstanding WHOLE KERNEL OORH In San Francisco which has kept most of the would succefd retiring Sen. eight-year poUtloal aide, to be arat^ surface lines with air ration of torn-up streeta. vahia youB- ba axcltad about Force reserve major genera!, co.iuitioned cars programmed “ However, with a biUtan SAN FRANOUKX) (AP) — them charged with MoiSous as- oity’e 1.1 million pupUe out of Bourke B. IBckenlooper of Iowa, Gokkvater te a Ukoly candidate cotmsel to the president. _ young couples. Mix 'h' Moteh sOhool fo r six weeks drags on A oonservatlve. Nixon’s laost appointment to for top speeds of 80 miles on lars of physical structure C9aa$ee have beim suapmaed eauft on an officer and one with tor reinstatement on the Armed hour. or on top of the ground, w| aW M ar repaflent 86% dacron pots from staining. Prosident Robert R. Smith or­ between people and this hoe Hruska would fix the leader­ Ehrlichmon, active in Nixon’s Watery, greasy spills, blot or wipe right Mixed Nuts for 79c. emphasis Is on student seX-dto- conservaitlve team iln control of pendent on BART getting the Without makeup of the defel-V Uee Your "CBT Charge The new giant size Proctor & Gamble. GAIN 83c. dered the euipenaion Wednes­ demonetrated that a minority olpltae. "Now that we couU ship Vacancy loft by tho pri- 1900 presidential campaign and o ff. Brandied Mince Meat and a full Um of- fiMidicti the minority. his 1983 effort to become gover­ 8146 million. However, that fig­ cit 80 the remaining oontmotki Osid" and Our Ready to uoe Lucky Leof PUMPKIN WE fliUii day night “ unUl We can open oon close a campus and that we goof off It we wanted to, nobody m ary defeat o f TTvoma* H. Ku- Lay-Away Plan . . . Fruits from S&W. and <^)8iaite In a more lattonol The poHcy oommlttee' never nor of California, waa tour di­ ure is growing at a rate of $1.8 can be let, BART is unable tot, can't keep tt open with the as- seems to be doing It," noted one chel of OaMtornla, a liberal. m’lilon a month, owing to infla­ order the futurletic oars • Wear tha coat year round, thanks to 37c can. Lucky Leaf MINCE PIE filling 49c and niijfnner.” He sdvtoed atudenta. RqpUbUoon LeaderEverett attempts to make policy deol- rector of this year’s Republican Buy your glass jugs of Seoltest Milk hem for 89c otstoriM of poUoe.” student at Seward Parte High trains intended to ease a orttiinll^-, th e so ft warm orlon acrylic pUa zipHMlt to stay in their itomee and work presidential campaign. tion, officials say. a new IVt sizd can of LIBBY’S PUMPKIN to seU mUon and pick up a few 1 size cana of the Dole A email, group of footaty School.' M. Dliksen favora adding a Ub- slons. But its chairman controln The inflationary ' factor has transportation prokiam. Wad. thm Moo., Nav. 13 • 18 Uniiig. Expert Watch and on their studies. Ehriictanon expressed Ms at 45c. memhers eupportlng the atrtka "Even though we have no ad­ erol to prevent a perty-epUttlng » staff that makes weekly ro- been aggravated by delays, Six yean ago, votera tft ^ * Jewelry Bepairtag Pineapple Chunks which am a good buy at SSe Smith aotad after about 80 ports and-he oaii make himself appreciation for the appotat- h iitteroeded between police and ministrative, staff, we’ve hod no tight at the start of Ridiard M. caused variously by court fights three counties Ap$eoYed -Pia-HcHdoy $-A 4 C-! adaiafc balmacaan model with raglaa at BeosonaMe Prices. can, membera of tho poUoe Tactical a qxdtesman for a minority mmtA and ssdd his duties wW be the demonstrators Wednesday dlsolpUne problomi,” sold Mro Mxoa’e admtatatsatloa. a-d sfowness in letting oon- etruction bonds tor g _ fly fraitt Squad were eummoned to tha Dtakssn's oommandtag post- within tbe minority If he somevriiat different ttuun those OUtJtaqpBFmflarior to Nston ralottve oolm. Dorothy Gordon, a toaoher help­ of some post White House coun­ tracts, with rising real estate vertlsed to be "the eaVO!^ campuB twtoe wltbln half on smith arranged to meet with ing run George Washington Uon oq leadar o f the m inority (dMMsee. nation.’ ' hour. They were mat with rooks sel. He sold Nlxoa is making a values oompUcattag the whole a Handsoene plaid knlng ta rayon and Me odmlnlstratttm and faculty, lOgh School. "The give and take toroee was etrengtbensd by hte However, ta recent years picture. Bvery day eome 8p0,i BRAY'S and cans and surrounded by epnsoious effort to restructuro aoatata. portioularly Negro members, to between toaoher and pupil thtae re-election to a fourth tom . Dlrkaen hesi served as spol^es- Unless the funds are forth­ trucks and tourtete Ivtagi JEWELBY 8TOBE groupa of .ohouttag demonitra- tbe 'IVhite House sta ff. “define the iieues and attempt By the minority’s rtaae, Cali­ mon tor the whole minority—In- and out San 787 Biota Sb, Btaachester tore, both Negro and white. days ta so much more straight­ Ehrlichmon said he wlH, In coming work will grind to a halt t eir- a Beige, Mack, navy, cranberry. Slsea 8 to provide aolutlona to them.” forward.’’ . fornia’s Gpoige Muridty must tauding the policy group. And next spring. 200,000 oom m utorf ta far year frse aopy PtMoe 848-8817 Pinehurst Grocery, in& Ih the restating nMlee, sight addition to hte duties aa legal t o 18, regular 8 to 18^ patMa 18M to give up his oholnnaansfatp o f the nobody thinks he w ill reUnqulah “ That Is when contracts undsr transportation to OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY till 9 P.M. peraone were arrested arron df (See Page Two) 24M- CORNER MAIN and ’TURNPIKE (Bee Pago Two) Republican Senatorial -Cam- that role voluntarily,\ (Bee Pago Twolve) ^ way will be completed,” said work.

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