Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) 2013-2014 Focus Area “Role of Autonomous Systems in Gaining Operational Access” _____________________________ Proceedings Report Autonomous Systems Focus Area 1 This document was developed and written by the contributing nations and international organisations of the Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) 2013-14. It does not necessarily reflect the official views or opinions of any single nation or organisation, but is intended as a recommendation for national/international organisational consideration. Reproduction of this document and unlimited distribution of copies is authorised for personal and non-commercial use only, provided that all copies retain the author attribution as specified below. The use of this work for commercial purposes is prohibited; its translation into other languages and adaptation/modification requires prior written permission. Questions concerning distribution and use can be referred to
[email protected] PARTICIPANTS & ROLES: Focus Area Project Lead: NATO Allied Command Transformation Contributing Nations/Organizations: Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States Observers: Germany, European Union, The Netherlands, Sweden The Netherlands formally joined this project as an observer but also made a substantial contribution. 2 Contents Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 4